Plan to Deflect Great White Way Across Forty-second Street to

Such is One of Many Brobdingnagian Schemes for the Transformation of , Any One of Which is Vast Enough in Scope to Create a Sensation in Any American Municipality Save This.

plaee for buatneaa, for the pnrault of c-uit- or a hi<* conventioa would he an addltlon i aant ro Europe to -<*: i.i<*a» on arhleh ti ,i for dlver lon Perl ipa a few por to the eity'a eejutpinent for handllag any* plaa the iraal opera hou-... an.i his plana ¦ona may Ive bera, but ae poor man could thing thal cotnea .dong. tha tax eoau afford to, and any man n tt.. .r.i itreeta About fly away to tbe mountkina of Pennaylva/ila arlth Columbua Circle and the plan aite between Btl Mth l»e on thla featura ir. half an hour if na ho ehooeea Ha to make a grand eaplanade ov r tha Nea r.OOOiON wUI expended alone. I B will t'.n it in two houra te day York Central traeka on the North Rlver Thi »'> mistaka ta principle, whieh Mr front. comment and tl n ar.* not and iced bj a -p :. la that there greater neceaaary. The utUity of one aud the a that pointa out, is ;ard<*n ta town than in movtag beauttfylng nature of tha other an ob- oom ahown ta Madlaon Bquara facllity rroaalng iu.i. ii wiii b« th* i down. if the up and down w VjOUS and BBoee. UaderaeaUi ll for'. taatead f v"". and the The moet ambitkraj la the New traeka af the rallroad .".mpany. At -tth were 3M ipart plaa ;*n,i another eroaatown hlo.-ks laid out tO matoh them. Vork Centrala devlea to put opper Broad.-1 ***** Le-lngton avenue Mg end would ba aenleved. The Iway'e noee ool of Point. ea they aay to a botti making one more witu deatred ti:- ... to do ainee the kl ... MW lrlln. tMkm lu Belmont, tha Oraad only tldna now, _lty the M the 99B ls to ir to in Beeeaaary [1 i .. buslneea matter pure and Unlon, trray HIII, huiit, rlp place ::" !:-'-'' a, build lt oi and relleva the iaimplc aa m ¦. tl b t* ¦'¦ " * <¦¦' or* tion by diae; and [poratlona do. To make Ita huge terminai that Bue_ uaaaaaaaM mj_- ,- Botb London anrl Beriin Ilmprevementa the comp_iy was eompelled centre arould ba nagnet to com- made money bj tructlon of valu- to buy a great deal bleaaing In dlaguiae to Ban waa auggaated that with a tour de totot .-..- BUburban ind general passenger Pranciaco i| ' ber opportunity the "Great Whto Wa COUld .¦ dr^ggedl trafl January vu.. or rath r only i.artiy im- Park thei an Ira i_. I ired before the ! Ir. of l d itili-ed profltably Etoai I of Eatimal tted them. Waahlngton i? admli i la l< ut, partly and every one but tbe Peanayleanla RaU- Idea la to run ta loo*,e around aa :. ia : lat ean dl wi tred aa l :¦ .i Company an.i Weat Blde real mth front of tl eemmt, one rge Waah- men made bappy Once the was on level for auburban ¦ tfl) ir.i the ... Ifaaon than hia coun- i.iito, and later tha iborbood of other below ir f..r ea t/aflfc This l Mtb Btn at ..¦¦ ia tha theatrii al wlll ... ma aagea m tba minor ' Twenty year i Madlaoa Bquara araa parta of tha i aenl Tha biocK ni urer the h< irt of between Lexlngton avenue and the new " > New thaa n. rald Bquara. T igo Oraad Central _, w be mclnded, York, Herald Bqua e araa tha centre To-da td we ada, aad the sub- to aith r lan Ing __ n -thlng atree. ind Broadaray la the Ifecca of thea- aurfacea of treel reen M aad BM metroi atraeta .ir.-i Madlaoa, Park aad VaaderMH and Itated Imertca. ed i In 1 ' Prealdent Newman ther ¦ ro°v*d enl waa bm 1 the C mtral ta ihat. bowi itag ln genlua day that John Ooldtag. I ej lentrel sta- wer ro roker. was told buy up w ..¦. ¦.. new iv abundani bi arell tion building a nun.' maea In M equipped Una ( . idi It ai a te i '.::: for rallway Im- rty llne of ttd On thla ral ln tbe Improvement tmrn tht trueted an over- I. to ai ar-- an Inten ta ( a to ai aa egan Bt ..,-terly Opera H taa and ttt ai i Eatate !om* .-. urlton ii-'' line . wtth a , -. and the upper ba toui ttag Madi tttl .-fltreet ivenue vated propr.s tM are and al.rr.*f I I i'nk *AP9* nt of I grand years :A nearly wlll o BM to the at This .t will great- ly rr-;.eve % U '. par- .:-...'. .- srreet nue wlU be made in . : practleally propil : i :. ath aad aaagh rowa of the neweal i | lana ooarteav tra and . - i to aad trpth I would make M con- H idaon t i.iin-»ia_ and eonalatenl plan, America ,va^ ' L-ex* Tha I.. ng I ¦' A, noted

: '.'li- OUI m. would UU a long il.1 Of human on traffk betwei n l liatrici atral Henry Miller Actor Managers I'ark aad Long Acra Bquara. Carrtagaa "When all of this hi done the "peninr | of i. dea* ( 'iniinn,-,1 frnm tlr-t it-ty. night ..¦: the BWOrd of CF THE FUTURE TOWARD THE NEW . triana by tl pour down t.. tba LOO-ONG DOWN THE GLORIFIED PARK AVENUE r the kand Ot the where 42d atreet and B-oadway illum.nate the night sky. and t... n ing as long as oi ib . of amueement of iicht in the backqround show a i * N". t ".as he hla Lsnea ::..¦'. "fl.-i tO Bl '. aa I only and ¦. i art on hla :.. it the whole ... ,.. t:, -. -a: ¦¦ aton, .¦ aiti H la arrltten ;¦ -, s exqu - ¦.,, n x phi. iction. He know what trifl- a rorld. the McAlpta. iit ii.: npon ;.. ... v ii k atraJ awepl from i. -. ft Bq tare to i trlcl provea Engllah, :. ? way, ladlea and *-<-n- ¦; al tbe l orner, an In "harlea P.. dependf, if ..(. iba beatantaa apeal of the WOUld do a _.. -mess. II be .,. of th>' ;- park tho ruidien.-e . i I ua rooma eriLe pn M ind ¦ * bolldtaga inleipal a .tr. other Ua-* will .1 the .-i r: i arl Art <', is it,' ..¦ th. a .tr. r rmtaal irr.- ¦ the 31 mmlaalon, h **one Itnga tbal aow led, plky UI 1 take a tolt. rk Ul rary ¦. If ihe curtaln loni Tr!:..' f C ... .: i Manhattan Old I' Another plan Ing Bryant -. ¦ ind 1 i miJtak'i theae ¦._...:¦ t: witii new broad thot :.-. from l rn * bulldlngi wlth j.s a rk, the City of Na fork The wlll be a. room for fa tory ro and |t k like, ¦v .. ¦! llke Wlll bfl atation nnrth ind ao on In- | le .... ecore arere the Pennaylvania n oa thei .i aulta . . ¦¦[.?* ls old > to Ipped tbrough the tiful jewel in the tt, and tha fl'tmcnt r some months -** ofl low r at" the takei- ( _,, bnaglnatlon d taft bulldlngi of the huildlnaa that Ila between Beventb and drai «,f st Jobn tl iea and blng avenuea an f" db i ln ¦ .. way show "barker" of the ra-w tradi .¦ th k ndld p. iltlon ooklna Moi claaa bouaai from actlve lli righl .:.- ii' r-."1 yt done t ,,f ti..- plan ..¦ ¦..¦-. ild b come you ^ third la a br tha roughfare proje :¦ .1 mon imenti Fer ea at kl ezecutlna thta that hearl of 1 la of | !: .! UP? BtOg plunged through ihe ampla ' ba New Tork tcad Da The McAlpin Hol a tl le and i aad tha croa ted and throwa than look a! dolng lt ln ,i .iistri.-t i fll a Br... 'i ngnagian nature Tl e fraBi -s ,:'- .¦ng tor hai of the wealtby Long laui" ia Madlaoi i md aouth of with it. ar,-.-. but in rjompaUtlon. They - piaaa al aXI I ... try t" ir:. ,,.., .,i ia i Tork, are now is an n Iva rd -. A ui e clty will r "n'' a f. nrth Imi ,. ¦:.-¦., t ui f,,r aoma to lace thi :i II PO .ne around Co., Ita coun .' a - i*ir, ie northweal to tbe ter :...,-. | tho to Ila H ., s entral air- :, .t ..f the pro Iway. and 1 t.i n its <,,,., tr .. make ¦ coi i nea I Lord Bereaford tre state. I arent) \. I.i. b ^..*.r_ao tata MUlona The of r.lverid.- Di bulldlni l torrenta of tra.« blood ji,,,, '. flve hundn enoui tho late.l '; |,,. \, w Vork ntral || nn- th*. a atoflli a rark Central and .Aill be thi " ' lo utOtaa of the rh) Uor '.:.'.C! .'.'. a- "!"'r" t pian i ...... r -. _?. r f .» oentra aa I i. .., dty bloeka and fe.i aader the *.""''. |c '" ,:' >_ H " .. run or n_ n Plfth avenae above ani *-"." The P< nn of property itter of facl ihoul I Park ....-.,- ¦' and. frankly, after pl ta '>:.. McAdoo crowd, an,i rnaka i m mada p ibUe in play I aylvanla crowd, ¦¦ plana .. i .a gg I .,.,,, py,,!; .,.,.. t greai M irtm ln« metbii | eat art or tbere .fuli. Include a V >!.:.:'. i n. thfl on ¦' - *$*a[..."_ l un tati and the wbleh ,t wtll llnk tl M \'i item with I'liinu tl . t would like to .. 0f Hamfa ir- -tn ra I ... *>hr artilli Baka and Obnbel eutocprleaa the 1 goee to rr"-" i" 11 *¦ ,:''' klddy tlde _,,/ ippallli h in Ita held a/h ra- It b, tO day. \--rv logl wrhite Way. up. and Tlmee and tln Ir \ Tl e Rothacblld . r ractieally. Ihi ¦¦¦ ,.. me tbe a .,.i..i.l ..,:.;:¦ .... tha Theatre Ownei I ,.r tu ¦-¦ i Beimi nl tateroota tl.-n ea a ho sat In ttraetl) rom l et. iin" to raaUuraal ownflra, it. is pi-P-flfld reclalm much ts.. ir aa and ." itt to ItOl and plam wtth tba ii . nation . al leaal the front nrom ... monotone ln wh . ii.*.-« - "f tha- mvtnead tbal t).. land along the rtvar ttai rer end af Tha .aui Ona and i-i\,» the ta U» i ond to .... i: ..'."! ed to ... r eald baarl raaud north to Bfth atreet hlde the tba laland of Manhatt ],\en*. arehltecta encoui tat le a When bead- . ln th ...... There is Baotbef crowd, tf-acka of tbe New rork building of Hruii .u rhe lun tba ordln irj a< l< r*i d< lli rj. thi r l'ark i-staf. l"' ¦ Tr.-nor I>. raa rorared 9 aplend i I nai.i to ba laelnded la ¦ *<.! ot removable ., t"-1" '¦:., the tni they half million pei traverae thai 11 of -contln iee oae fl eome to \ i I¦¦ <. ii two wiii ¦at joint repo a to i gnd Illnga ti tn it It Juai l-.e| | ,ii an 1 doaen vlrtuea I ... :. It l.-i tUg Bl tba Dock ( i.i.- :n i llayor Oaynor by avan In th .-I, the magi bm nl tbrow ta i. r ' ¦"!"!: !:-.'.'ii> t Bti er :. | - j et; when i.d fortn, botel ptona plaaa plana, ,.,i park tl tfl I.-a .'¦ Ibe l ..iu free of rl'lowalk I'h.i.v * make .... , P,n BBOVhW linmedtete --n<\ in ta>- s.,.i bul tn elerator ahafta al tha i.i n*att»-r a i and Iba aa*f nol .ir . .i niii plaj. tbe Inj ti and .._.... ti* nuna ¦| |*l ... N.i »r \__al .utvi.sU - vl '''.*'. battan ba ..- ...... _, _ _.uvy __.-_, -, *-_¦>; tojttkr **..*¦ * iU| aupbflfc ,_w *p* latant] mai npra ravtaar, foO(b-J| - - ka ot buljjinga t. Iobmi ttftjm i_J_-»w H N mm* \