Aliens Set up: Caution tape on prohibited or dangerous areas. Block driveway, direct parents to park at rectory and text us for their child, so no one gets run over. Sweep outside areas for any dangerous stuff-holes, sticks, random cement blocks… Make a list of all players, read off after each round to ensure no student is stuck in the woods with a broken leg…or worse---off making out!! Have an adult go with the Aliens and stay in the nest as a King or Queen , to keep the nest under control. Have an adult with a first aid kit at the DH. This person will field calls from parents, as well. The Background Humans have made a base on a “deserted” in another galaxy. We lost contact with this base several months ago. The last transmission received was several months ago when there was talk of a weird form of Alien that is 9 feet tall and has blood made of acid. Besides this, all that is known about these Aliens is that their touch can paralyze humans so they can put them in a nest to eat them later. We believe that these Aliens have destroyed the base. Your Mission As specially trained space marines, your mission is to fly to the base, look for survivors and kill any Aliens that you find. The Game ends when either the Aliens have captured all the space marines and placed them into their nest or the space marines have successfully killed all the Aliens. The Problem It’s very dark and the space marines have no weapons at first. The People There are 3 types of people in this game: 1) Aliens (signified by Green Glow Sticks) How many varies usually 3-4 per 20 space marines. If the Aliens never have a chance, then increase the number of Aliens. 2) Space Marines 3) Weapons (signified by Pink Glow Sticks) How many varies usually 2-3 per 20 space marines. Again if the Aliens never get close to winning then decrease the number of weapons.

Example: 40 players 6 Aliens, 4 weapons, 30 Marines.

The Rules

General Rules 1) We are here to have fun. Not to win, lose or be bad sports. 2) Respect the adults and each other. (Introduce the adults)

3) All adults are referees. What they say goes in all disputes. 4) No running on any stairs. - Stairs are safety zones. You can’t catch anyone on stairs and must stay the same distance apart while on them. - You cannot stand on stairs as a base.

5) Explain the boundaries. The first 3 floors of the church and inside any area cautioned taped outside. - not the basement, not the Country Day School, not behind the curtain, not in the sanctuary or balcony

If you break any of these rules you will be out of that round and possibly all other rounds.

Rules for Aliens 1) What you do first is: - take the weapons and hide them - determine where your nest is to be located - it can be anywhere and can be guarded by one Alien. - lie in wait for the space marines to come for you Rules on weapon hiding - weapons must not be hidden in the nest - they can be guarded - glow sticks must not be moved from around their neck 2) When the space marines come after you, you try to catch them and take them to the nest. - you may only “hold” one space marine at a time (This rule can be changed to “holding” more than one, if the Aliens need a better advantage.) 3) If you are touched by a space marine holding a weapon, you must immediately go to the DH. - you are out for that round

Rules for Weapons

1) You cannot speak or move on your own 2) when hidden, you must not talk to tell the space marines where you are. Space marines have to find you on their own. If you do, then you are “broken” and out of the game for that round. 3) If you are touched by a space marine, you walk/run with them as they try to kill Aliens. 4) Only one space marine can hold you at a time. 5) If the space marine holding you is captured then you just stand there until another space marine grabs you.

Rules for Space Marines 1) At first, you are sitting ducks. If an Alien touches you, you must walk/run with them without protest to the nest. 2) You must try to find two things - a weapon to kill the Aliens. - the nest 3) If you find a weapon, then you try to touch an Alien. If you do then they go back to the Parish Hall. - only one space marine may hold a weapon at a time 4) If an Aliens touches you, EVEN IF you have a weapon, then you are caught, leave your weapon where you were touched, and walk with the Alien to the nest. 5) While in the nest, you are paralyzed and in a coma. That means you can’t talk, or make any noise that reveals where you are. A “King” or “Queen” alien (adult) will be in the nest to enforce this. 6) If you find the nest, then you can tag people to free them. Unless you touch them, you can’t free them.

Order of Play 1) Choose who will be the Aliens and Weapons. 2) Give Aliens a black shirt and a green glow stick; weapons get a pink glow stick. 3) Send the Aliens out 5-10 minutes early, to hide the weapons and decide on their nest. 4) While Aliens are setting up, space marines can watch a clip of the movie Aliens. - start showing the beginning, each time show a little longer so what they see is a bit different each time

Bad things to Microwave: Just what you think it is. Blow stuff up in a microwave. We used an old one just in case, but it still works now. Clean it up immediately and it is pretty easy.

• Peeps/marshmallows • Snack bag of cookies/chips • Water balloon • Bar of soap • Eggs • A fileted grape with a glass over it.

Balloon Foosball Materials 2 Balloons, chairs How To Play Arrange chairs in multiple pairs of rows with each pair having the seats back-to-back, but about a foot apart so kids don't bump heads. Each row should be roughly 6 chairs long. Have players sit in the chair.

The chairs represent two teams - the direction the chair is facing signifies what team that student is on.

The facilitator drops two balloons in. Players may not stand but must try and hit the balloon over the opposing team to the next row. If a team hits the balloon over the last line of defenders, it counts as a goal.

Typically the game has multiple goals and tends to work well if gameplay does not stop between goals.

Balloon Stick A person wrapped in tape (sticky side out) has balloons stuck to them. Materials Tape, balloons How To Play Team wraps a member in tape, sticky side out. All the other members then must blow up balloons and get them to stick on the player. This whole process may take five minutes. After five minutes, no more balloons may be placed on the person and the person running the game counts up the number of balloons stuck to the player.

Blindfold Sheepdog Materials: • Blindfolds • obstacles A shepherd gets chosen from the group and must direct all the sheep into the pen as quickly as possible using only noises. They cannot talk to the sheep nor touch them. The sheep need to be blinfolded and placed at a start point. Between the start point and the pen (where the sheep need to be guided) will be a number of obstacles. Everytime a sheep touches an obstacle they will be removed from the exercise and the achievement rate will be decreased. Great exercises for developing trust, communication and creative thinking skills.

Chaos game or scavenger hunt Two teams line up next to each other. The person at the front of the team line must always bring the object which is simply called out. The player who comes back with the object within 2 minutes wins 2 points for his team. Then all of the players move a place forward in the line, the player who has just taken part, goes to the back of the queue. The type of game plan works well in a group room or on a campsite if the objects are daily objects and if the tasks are kept simple. The game is very hectic, very loud and for this reason, is often called the game. The team with the most points at the end has won. It is recommended that you set a time limit for some exercises otherwise the kids which search for some items for hours. An example list: a brown left shoe, a coin dated earlier than 1970 a flower a stamp a piece of paper and pen, the sum of the numbers 1-10 (=55) a pitcher of water a burst balloon the largest stone the longest piece of grass a pine cone the smallest book the smallest shoe themselves, dressed as a ghost the town mayor’s telephone number the number of windows in the church


Prepare game cards with words that are common in songs, like, "rain," "stay" and "hand." (Or you can just buy the official board game version here.) Break the party into two team. Flip over a card, and each team takes turns singing songs that have that word somewhere in the lyrics. When one of the teams can't come up with a song after 30 seconds, they lose the round and the other team is awarded a point. The first team to get to 10 points wins.

Frozen T's Materials: • Frozen tshirts This game is literally an icebreaker! It requires a bit of preparation however... For each team, you need a frozen t-shirt. Submerge the shirts in a tray or container full of water overnight. Tell the group they'll be playing an icebreaker game, then bring out the t-shirts. Give one to each team, and it's the first team to have a team member put on the t-shirt. Depending on how frozen the shirts are, it can take a while for them to bash out the ice. Let them be creative in the way they thaw it out (pouring water over it works well!)

The team to come back with someone wearing the t-shirt is the winner.

Fruit cooperative Game Materials: • Apples • Oranges • Bananas • green apples • eggplant • Etc. • T-shirts to match the fruit-or signs they can hang around their neck with a pic of the fruit

Sit in a circle. Each person is given a t-shirt or sign that says what fruit or veg they are. Then, randomly distribute the actual fruit /veg. There are two pieces of fruit/veg in each category, except for one person, who only has one piece. The goal of this game is to get each player holding their category of fruit/veg. The rule is that you can only pass one person over, though from either hand. You cannot pass across, or two people over. You can only pass to an empty hand. Remember you may have to give up your own fruit to help the team. Pass the fruit until you have it sorted properly.

Head, shoulders knees and CUP! Shoulders, knees, CUP! Students try to be the first one to grab the cup after listening to a series of commands. Have them break in to pairs facing a cup, then shout Head, Toes, Elbows, Toes, Ears, Hair (really anything will work) and then CUP! The first person to grab the cup moves on, finds a new partner, and the losers sit down. Last person standing wins!

Head to Head

• Ice cream • Bowls, spoons, • Tarp or plastic garbage bags to lie on. Students lie head to head. One person has a bowl of ice cream, feeds the other. They cannot move position.

Human Battle Ship

Need a volley ball net with sheets thrown over it. Two teams on either side of sheet. They lay down, like battle ships, over the play area. A beach ball is the bomb. Each player may only move their arms. The ball is thrown over the sheet, back and forth, in an attempt to sink all the ships. A ship is sunk when the beach ball hits it. You may not move from your position as a ship.

Human Hungry Hungry Hippos


• Scooter boards (only use INDOORS) ( I borrowed from our school) or skateboards. • Large bowls or small laundry baskets • Small plastic balls (can get ball pit balls at Walmart) • Tape to mark the goal lines • 8-12 willing participants.

Game play: 1. Mark 4 goal lines, well spread out, in a squarish type configuration in the parish hall. 2. Form two teams of two people each. (8 people total) 3. One person rides the scooter board, on their belly, with their feet up in the air behind them, bent at the knee. The other team member grabs hold of those feet, and uses them to push the scooter board team member into the circle to “eat”, and back to score points. The scooter board member holds a large bowl/basket. 4. The small plastic balls are dumped into the middle of the game area, and the teams push forward, “eating” the plastic balls with their bowls-they put the bowl down on top of a bunch of balls, then their teammate drags them back past the goal line, where they release the balls, and then the team pushed forward again to “eat” more balls….you know…just like Hungry Hungry hippos, only with people. 5. The other four people should wait by the goal lines, and count the balls. Counted balls can be chucked back into the middle of the circle. 6. The game should continue for three minutes, then blow the whistle and stop. Team with the most balls eaten wins.

Human Rock Paper Scissors

If you don't know the game "Rock Paper Scissors", it involves two players selecting then simultaneously revealing their choice of Paper, Rock or Scissors. Paper beats Rock, Rock beats Scissors, Scissors beats Paper.

This is a human-size version of Rock Paper Scissors, suitable for playing in teams. The game involves having two clearly defined end zones.

To begin, each team huddles and decides on which play to run- (rock, paper or scissors). The two teams then meet in the playing area. If your team’s symbol wins, you chase the other team back into its end zone, trying to tag the team members before they get there. If your team’s symbol loses, you must dash back to your own end zone before you’re caught.

Those people who get caught change to the other team. The game ends when everyone is on the same team.

Marshmallow Baseball


• Bases • Whiffle bat • Marshmallows

Baseball played with marshmallow as a ball. Whenever someone gets to second base, they have the option of eating with the “ball” we've been playing with to get home and score. No stealing, and can hit someone with the “ball” to tag them out, other wise same rules as baseball. Minute to win it games:

Ping Pong Stack Using a stack of paper cups and ping pong balls. Teams of two- One bounces the ball, the other tries to catch it in the cup. Once caught, the next cup in the stack is placed on top of the cup with the ball in it. Continue bouncing balls and catching in cup, each time bringing the cup from the bottom onto the top. The stack will get more and more unstable as more balls are in each cup. Play til stack falls over, the team with the most balls wins.

Oreo slide Put an oreo on your forehead, and without using your hands, get it into your mouth.

Orange you glad this isn't the banana game? Panty hose on your forehead, with an orange in it, and try to knock over water bottles, no hands.

Bag man Pick up paper bags with your teeth. No hands, and you cannot put your knees or hands on the ground. The paper grocery bags are cut down to smaller and smaller sizes. So the first one is easy, the last impossible.

Ball cap tea cozy Each person has a ball cap with two tea bags taped on either side of the brim. Have to get both teabags on top of the brim, no hands.

Balloon blast Blow up a balloon, and use the air in it to knock all the cups off the table. Timed game, one minute. Red solo cups set up all over the table, on the edge. Looks like about 25 cups.

Ping Pong wiggle Empty tissue boxes tied onto people’s backs. Fill with ping pong balls. People wiggle and jump to get them out. No using hands. (this is pretty quick game).

Murder Mystery How to Play: This game is usually done for overnighters because you need the sanctuary and classrooms or a large indoor space, and it needs to be dark and empty.

You have everyone start in a central location. You have playing cards (one for each person playing) or use another way to choose the Murderer - You need one ace (take out the rest) - You need two jokers (take out the rest) - Take out all the kings and queens so nobody gets confused.

Hand each student a card. They look at it secretly and give it back to you at the end. Then they all run around the church. - If you are the ace- you are the murderer - If you are the joker you are one of the detectives - Everyone else is village people

The murderer can go around and kill people by putting an X on their back or slicing their neck. The person dies right there. The murder can choose to have them move a few feet from where they were killed to better hide them (but they can’t move them into full rooms). The murderer can tell the person to walk to a closet or corner of the room to die. The dead person can't scream when killed and must remain silent after.

When someone sees someone lying down they confirm they are dead and not just hiding. If they are they shout “dead body” three times. Everyone who hears it echoes it to spread the word. That is the sign that everyone (including those who died) needs to come to the central location.

All the dead people (whether they were found or not) come back to the central location too at that time and sit together. They can't talk or make gestures. They must look away from the group.

The detectives are then asked to stand and reveal themselves. They are allowed to ask 3 yes or no questions (to the same person or different people). Everyone has to tell the truth but the murderer. The murderer is allowed to lie. I usually give a time limit of one minute in how long they have to ask questions, otherwise they stand there thinking for 10 min.

After their questions they have to accuse someone of being the murderer. > If their guess was wrong- the accused is now dead. The game starts again where everyone disperses until someone finds a dead body. All those who are already dead just hang out in the welcome center. > If their guess was right- the detectives and the village people when the game. You then start the game again and hand out new cards to everybody

§ You can play that If the murder manages to kill both of the detectives or if the murderer has to kill everyone, the murderer wins the game and can reveal themselves. You then start a new came handing out new cards.

* I usually have a leader or a student who has played before always be the first murderer to get the game going and set the example.

** Sometimes you get a murderer who wont murder. So I sometimes give a time limit, before I call it and redo the cards.

*** Though I usually check. Sometimes you have a good murderer who hides everybody in a room no one else can get to unless they die. So the murder also wins if he manages to kill everybody first

Extra rules- Bathrooms off limits (so students can actually use them). - They cannot go outside - They cannot go into the sound booth, or the band section with all the instruments. - They cannot use any flashlight or cell phone lights Noodle Thief:


• Pool noodles

One person stands in the middle of a large circle, with a noodle in hand, and noodle between their feet. They must protect the noodle from all the people around them trying to steal it. The theives try and sneak up and get it, if they are smacked by the noodle wielded by the protector, they must go back to the edge of the circle before trying again. Noodle run: Materials: • 10 pool noodles (can be cut in half) 5 for each team.

Goal of this game is to get to the other side of the room first. Rules: You have to walk on the noodles. Your feet cannot touch the floor. Your teammates move the noodles as you walk on them, to get you to the other side. This is a race.

Paper Maze Players try to guess the route by stepping on a square in the maze. Materials: Colored Paper for squares Graph paper with maze written out on it.

How To Play The leader gathers a bunch of paper and lays them out in a grid on the floor (5 x 5, 8 x 8, etc - the larger the more difficult).

The leader then takes another piece of paper which the players never see and draws a representation of the grid on the paper. The leader then draws a route that is the correct way through the paper maze.

The leader then asks all the players to circle up around the grid on the floor. After explaining the object of the game, the leader says that there are two rules. First, that no one may talk. Second, that the only word the leader may say is no.

A player the leader selects starts and begins by stepping onto one of the papers on the perimeter of the grid. If the player stepped on the same piece of paper that the leader marked as the start, the leader remains silent and the player has a chance to take another step. If the player steps on one of the papers that is not the starting page, the leader says no and the player returns, and the next player in the circle gets up.

Players slowly, with guessing, make their way through the maze, having to remember the path that the previous players took. Players continue going one after another from around the circle until the maze has been solved.

Pillow Basketball

Materials: • Several (sturdy) pillows • a basketball Split your group into teams A and B. With each team having an equal amount of b-ball players and non players. The players from team A take the court first. All they have to do is make as many points as possible, (lay-ups, jumpers, three-pointers are all allowed) The non players from team B are to take the court armed with pillows. Their job is to do their best to make the players miss, by beating the snot out of them with the pillows. They can hit the ball away, or just haul off and hit the players as they are shooting. After 2-3 minutes have the teams switch, team B's players go on the court to shoot while team A's nonplayers get the pillows.

Potty Chair Ask several people to be actors. Have them act out the following scenes while seated in a chair: Fighter pilot, woman giving birth, riding a roller coaster, Riding a bucking bronco. After you give them each an assignment, (quietly so no one else hears) you have them leave the room. Then tell the group, quietly, so the actors do not hear, that they actors do not know that the chair they are being asked to sit on is actually a potty. Have actors come in one at a time and do their bits. Hilarious.

Purses, Pockets, Luggage game

Summary: Quickly search your purses, pockets, and wallets for the called item. Great team game.

Goal: Be the first to bring up the items called and get the most points.

Prep: Have a list of items ready, or have teams get an item for each letter of alphabet

How to Play 1. Break everyone into groups of five.

2. Explain the game. You will call out a common object. The first team to bring you the called object wins a point for their team. Each team can only bring up items that they have in their purses, pockets, wallets, and whatever is on them. The first team that earns 10 points wins the game.

Variations: - Instead of having a list of items to call out, you can ask each team to find an item for every letter of the alphabet (for example-Hairbrush for H, Quarter for Q, etc.)- One item per letter. The team to bring up as many items as they can that fits within the alphabet within 10 minutes, wins the game.

- Instead of having one point per item, you can assign different point values based on the difficulty of the item. For example, the shoelace item can be worth 3 points while the quarter can be worth 1 point. The team to reach 20 (or so) points wins the game.

Q-Tip War

• Q-tips • straws Divide room in two. Timed game. Two teams, everyone has a straw. Helpers continually pass out Q-tips. Try to shoot your Q-tip, using your straw, to the other team’s side. You may pick up Q-tips and shoot them back over to the other side. May not just throw Q-tips. Team with fewest Q-tips on their side wins.

Relay Games:

1. Balloon relay Line up front to back. Pass a balloon over head from front to back. Then through your legs, from back to front. Once balloon reaches the front, the front person must run with balloon between their legs, around a chair and back. Hand off balloon to first person. Then they get in back of the line and begin again. 2. Butt Scoot Scoot, while sitting on a small mat, across floor. No using hands. Team trades off when they reach a line. First team done wins. 3. Bowl of cotton Blindfold people. Give a bowl of cotton balls, and an empty bowl they hold on their head. They use a spoon to spoon cotton into bowl on head. 4. Huff Puff and Pop Set up: balloons, chairs, starting line. (Use metal folding chairs and decent balloons)

This is a relay game. Two equal teams lined up behind line. Contestants run up to the chair, blow up the balloon, tie it, and then sit on it, on the chair, to pop it. Once they are done, they run back and slap team members hand, who goes up and does the same. First team done wins.

5. Ridiculous requests relay People have a bendy straw in their mouth, they have to first pass a rubber band from one person to another, then they have to pass a potato with their feet. It goes around the circle. First team to complete wins. 6. Spit relay Materials: • Buckets • Water bottles This game can get kind of gross, if people are squeamish about saliva. Set up two buckets on chairs on one end of the room and several squirt bottles filled with water on the other end of the room. Form two teams and have them line up behind the two chairs. This is a relay race. The players run to the water bottles, squirt as much water in their mouths as they can, then run back to the bucket and spit in it. At the moment the player spits into the bucket, the next player can run for the water bottle. Give a time limit, depending on the size of your group. The team with the most water/saliva in the bucket at the time limit wins. It's actually pretty hard to run with your mouth full of water and people making you laugh. Eventually, one kid is bound to spray their team. When we played, the floor got wet and one kid skidded and crashed into the chair holding the bucket. It was nasty.

Ring around the Glowsie: played in the dark

• Large (rave stick) glowsticks like you get from a parade. • Glowstick necklaces for all participants • 2 teams • Catcher for each team-they hold the Rave Stick Catchers are on opposite sides of the room. There is some sort of barrier between then and their team. They stay in one spot, but may move their arms. Set a timer (5 minutes?) When timer starts going, teams crack their glowsticks, and make them into rings. Try to throw onto the Rave stick held by their catcher. Have a few helpers by the catchers, to throw rings back to team when they miss. Team with most rings on the rave stick wins.

Screaming – Blaring - Screeching Time: approx. 10 min. Material: lists of words that will be read to the teams.

Team A stands in two groups about 20 Meters apart. Team B stands in the middle of the two groups. Group A is told a word and all must call out this word to Group B. Team B tries to prevent Group B from hearing the words by screaming, shouting and screeching. How many words can get through in a defined time? Teams then switch positions.

The number of words passed along within a certain amount of time is recorded-the most words repeated correctly wins.

Skittles: get to know you:

Materials: • Large bowl of skittles

You send around a bowl of skittles without telling them that it is part of your game. You do tell them not to eat their skittles yet though. So, after everyone has a bunch of skittles you explain that for every skittle they have, they need to tell something about themselves.

For every red skittle, you tell embarrassing moments or memorable moments in your life. For every orange skittle, you tell a goal that you have. For every purple skittle, you tell an achievement. For every yellow skittle, you tell about a hobby or interest that you have. For every green skittle, you tell about your "favorites." This could be your favorite food, your favorite vacation, your favorite brand of lip gloss..etc.

Spider Fighters Materials:

• Balloons

Gather your students in groups of three or four. Students will place their arms over each other’s shoulders to form a tight huddle with their heads touching in the middle. A Each team of three gets a balloon. The balloon is placed in the middle of the huddle on the floor. When the game begins the huddle of three to four must use their feet and work together to protect their balloon and pop the other team’s balloons with their feet. They may not let go of each other. Their huddle moves in unison kicking their balloon with their feet while popping other group’s balloons. Last group with their balloon wins.

Throne Room

• Rolling chair • ball • large room with hard floor. Ruler sits in throne. People circle ruler, and try to hit the Throne with the ball. Ruler knocks ball away with any body part, can move and spin chair. If someone hits the Throne, they become ruler.

Water bottle flip race. Set up some cones, about 2 feet apart. Kids each have half full water bottle. Line up on either sides of the cones. Caller says, “ready, flip” If they flip and land the bottle upright, they hop up to the next cone. If not, they stay where they are. First one to the end wins.