SENATE—Monday, October 29, 2007
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28510 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 20 October 29, 2007 SENATE—Monday, October 29, 2007 The Senate met at 3 p.m. and was SCHEDULE In Las Vegas, even though it still called to order by the Honorable MARIA Mr. REID. Madam President, the reaches the high 80s during the day CANTWELL, a Senator from the State of Senate will be in a period of morning this time of year, even now you can Washington. business for 90 minutes, with the first feel an overnight chill in the air. There hour under the control of Senator are parts of Nevada that are really PRAYER BOXER and the remaining 30 minutes cold. We have had freezing weather in The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- under the control of the Republicans. Ely and Elko already this year. fered the following prayer. Following morning business, the Sen- As the temperature falls all over the Let us pray. ate will resume consideration of the country, we begin to think about the O God, our Father, we wait to serve Amtrak legislation. While no rollcall cost of heating our homes for the win- You as You desire. Make us alert to the votes will occur today, Members should ter. That cost has risen steadily during needs of those lives You seek to touch. be here to offer amendments, if they the 7 years of the Bush administration, Lead us to opportunities to transform have any, to this legislation. and we have become even more depend- hurting people, bringing relief to cap- As a reminder, a bipartisan cloture ent on fossil fuel. tives and comfort to the oppressed. motion was filed on the Amtrak legis- This morning, as our thoughts turned Empower Your Senators in this en- lation. Members should file all ger- toward the cold months ahead, the deavor. Use them as ambassadors of mane amendments by 3:30 today. price of oil rose to an all-time record of $93 a barrel. If we don’t turn the tide by reconciliation. Give them such win- f some dispositions that they will bless reducing our dependence on oil and for- even those who are hard of heart and MEASURE PLACED ON eign energy sources, every American withered in spirit. May they comfort CALENDAR—S. 2247 will be forced to pay more and more to those who are brought low by sorrow, Mr. REID. Madam President, I under- heat our homes and fill our gas tanks. and lift those who are bowed by life’s stand that S. 2247 is at the desk and is I went over to my office in the Hart burden. Use them to inspire those who due for a second reading. building today. I don’t get over there walk through the valley of shadows. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- as much as I would like, but I went We pray in Your precious Name. pore. The clerk will read the title of around and talked to everybody. I have Amen. the bill for the second time. a wonderful employee who has been The legislative clerk read as follows: with me for many years. Her name is f A bill (S. 2247) to amend the Internal Rev- Carrie. She lives in Mechanicsville, MD. When the rain hit, it took her 3 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE enue Code of 1986 to make permanent the de- preciation classification of motorsports en- hours to get to work and 21⁄2 hours to The Honorable MARIA CANTWELL led tertainment complexes. get home. On a normal day, it takes an the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: Mr. REID. Madam President, I object hour and a half. She sold her vehicle I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the to any further proceedings with respect she loved so much, which was a Chev- United States of America, and to the Repub- to this legislation. rolet Tahoe. It would cost her $40 every lic for which it stands, one nation under God, 2 days for gasoline. She bought a small- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pore. Objection is heard. The bill will er car, and her cost for fuel has dropped f be placed on the calendar. significantly. Not just Carrie, but ev- f erybody in the country is more aware APPOINTMENT OF ACTING of the cost of energy. Whether it is for PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE ORDER OF PROCEDURE their vehicles or whether it is for their The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask homes, the cost of oil is significant. clerk will please read a communication unanimous consent that my remarks We are addicted to oil. That is not to the Senate from the President pro not count against the time of Senator just me saying that. Even President tempore (Mr. BYRD). BOXER or the Republicans. Bush said it—even though I think he The legislative clerk read the fol- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- hasn’t done anything about it. He ac- lowing letter: pore. Without objection, it is so or- knowledged we are addicted to oil. I U.S. SENATE, dered. have said on the floor time and again, PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, f and I will say it again today: Today in Washington, DC, October 29, 2007. America, we will burn 21 million bar- To the Senate: PASSING THE ENERGY BILL rels of oil. Tomorrow, we will use the Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, Mr. REID. Madam President, last same; the day after, the same. It is not of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby night, temperatures fell in many parts going down, it is going up. We use 21 appoint the Honorable MARIA CANTWELL, a of the east coast and, frankly, even the million barrels of oil a day. That is al- Senator from the State of Washington, to west coast has been getting cold. It was most 3 gallons for every man, woman, perform the duties of the Chair. ROBERT C. BYRD, cold in Searchlight. I talked to my and child in our country every day. President pro tempore. brother this morning and he had to That is enough oil, every day, to fill a start his fire. Searchlight is much cold- Ms. CANTWELL thereupon assumed swimming pool, or an oil pool, 10 feet er than Las Vegas. In parts of northern the chair as Acting President pro tem- deep, the length and width of 200 foot- Nevada, it has been very cold. pore. ball fields—every day. How does the All over America, and this morning Earth have that much oil? But it does. f in the DC area, for the first time this Day after day, we consume oil at year, people had to reach into their twice the rate of any other industri- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY closets for scarves, heavier suits, and alized nation. Our consumption only LEADER even coats for the first time this sea- continues to go up. This oil addiction The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- son. In other parts of the country, has become a three-pronged crisis: It pore. The majority leader is recog- there have been colder days earlier. In does threaten our economy, no ques- nized. DC, this is the first 1 we have gotten. tion about that. Look what it has done ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 13:48 Aug 05, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\S29OC7.000 S29OC7 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD October 29, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 20 28511 to our environment. It is threatening solar panels today, with today’s tech- Today’s record oil prices alone should our national security. nology, and supply enough electricity be enough to convince us we must act A 10-percent increase in oil prices for the whole country. It can be done. quickly to complete the Energy bill costs an estimated 150,000 Americans It is not being done because we have and pass it into law. the utilities which, in most every place jobs and more than $100 billion of f American dollars. in the country, are regulated monopo- Since 2001, oil prices have risen by lies. They don’t want to do it because RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME more than 230 percent. So clearly these it is easier to use fossil fuel. Natural The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- impacts are real and harmful to work- gas is expensive, so now we have a mad pore. Under the previous order, the ing families. rush to coal. leadership time is reserved. Those hard-working, hard-earned I so appreciate that Kansas and Okla- American dollars are coming out of the homa, in the last couple of weeks, said: f pockets of families, and where is it No coal. This is the area we all need to MORNING BUSINESS going? Overseas. Last year, Americans look to, the States of Kansas and Okla- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- sent almost $300 billion to foreign homa. We should look to them as role pore. Under the previous order, the countries to pay for imported oil. I am models because they have done the Senate will proceed to a period for the not stretching the truth to say that right thing. transaction of morning business for 90 many of those dollars went to govern- We also need more cooperation from minutes, with Senators permitted to ments that don’t have our foreign pol- energy companies.