Introduction of Parking Charges at Lodge Park

Summary Frimley Lodge is Heath Borough Council’s premiere park and acts as an important leisure and sports hub for the borough and surrounding areas. In recent years the parks popularity has seen a significant increase in visitor numbers which is the result of improvements such as the installation of 3G football pitches, re-furbished café facilities and a full programme of events. This autumn will see the installation of brand new play equipment which will undoubtedly attract additional visitors. Increasing use of the facility is putting pressure on, in particular, parking areas and running surfaces which are deteriorating and will need significant investment. As such, it is now deemed appropriate to consider the introduction of parking charges within the park to help offset running costs and allow for further investment to improve and expand the current parking facilities.

Portfolio – Places & Strategy Date Signed Off: 3 July 2018 (by the Leader) Wards Affected: All


The Executive is advised to RESOLVE that

(i) the car parking tariff for Frimley Lodge Park as set out in Annex 1 be agreed, to come into effect following any necessary legal procedures; and

(ii) a portion of future parking charge income be re-invested into Frimley Lodge Park infrastructure to improve visitor facilities.

1. Resource Implications

1.1 It is estimated that parking tariffs could generate additional income of up to circa £90,000 pa based on current customer visitor levels.

2. Key Issues

2.1 Frimley Lodge Park is a popular leisure destination for thousands of residents of but also many visitors from outside of the borough.

2.2 The park offers numerous permanent sporting and leisure activities including 3G football pitches, Pitch & Putt, Miniature Railway, Café, access to , Park Run and numerous annual events all of which put excessive demand on the current parking facilities.

2.3 Conservative estimates based on recent studies show that approximately 100,000 cars park in Frimley Lodge Park car park per year. 2.4 The current parking facilities are of a poor standard and often do not provide adequate capacity which leads to dangerous parking at peak times.

2.5 The cost to resurface and re-line the current car park and install pay and display machines would be circa £200,000.

2.6 Research shows that a number of local authorities have introduced parking charges in comparable country parks and recreation grounds (see Annex 2). This includes the recent introduction of parking charges by Surrey County Council for some of their country parks such as Common.

2.7 The Council has been advised that the Canal Centre are to be implementing car parking charges and in doing so is likely to attract a further parking pressures at Frimley Lodge Park.

2.8 The need to future fund maintenance works and infrastructure improvements is essential to retain and improve standards, and a proportion of any extra income generated should be ring-fenced for future investment. In effect this process ensures that park users rather than Surrey Heath council tax payers will pay for the additional cost of on-going maintenance.

2.9 Discounted season tickets would be made available to regular park users as well as free permits for regular hirers of the facilities.

2.10 Car park enforcement would be carried out by existing on street CEOs as part of their regular beat at no additional cost.

3. Options

3.1 The Executive has the options to:

i) agree the proposed introduction of parking charges at Frimley Lodge Park ii) reject the proposed introduction of parking charges at Frimley Lodge Park iii) suggest an amended charging regime iv) agree that additional income over budget be invested in future park maintenance/improvements

4. Proposals

4.1 It is proposed that the Executive:

i) agree the suggested introduction of parking charges at Frimley Lodge Park ii) allow income extra income received to be retained as a ring- fenced fund for future park maintenance/improvements iii) delegate the implementation of the above to the Executive Head of Business in consultation with the Places & Strategy Portfolio Holder. 5. Supporting Information

5.1 Predicted income increase is based on 100% customer retention. It is possible that the new tariffs may reduce customer numbers slightly.

6. Corporate Objectives and Key Priorities

6.1 Place: To provide quality leisure facilities

6.2 Prosperity: Strengthen the Council’s financial independence by increasing our own income.

6.3 People: Use our parks to enhance sporting and leisure opportunities.

7. Legal Issues

7.1 Introduction of parking charges will require a variation to the Traffic Regulatory Order (TRO). This could take up to 2 months depending on objections.

8. Sustainability

8.1 The ability to create a ring-fenced maintenance budget for the car parks will allow for a programme of planned future maintenance, so as to allow standards to be enhanced.

9. Risk Management

9.1 There is a risk of adverse reaction from public users to an introduction of parking charges. However a rise with the purpose of re-investing in the future of Frimley Lodge Park is justifiable.

9.2 There is a risk of loss of revenue in the park if we cannot increase the standard and amount of the parking at this site.

9.3 With charges imminent at the Canal Centre site is likely to put increased pressure on the parking at Frimley Lodge Park.

10. Community Safety

10.1 Re-investment in to the park will provide a higher standard of provision which will have a positive effect on both behaviour and safety.

11. Consultation

11.1 The introduction of new parking charges will be subject to statutory consultation and notification periods.

12. PR and Marketing

12.1 This is a good opportunity to emphasise that the Council will be re- investing in its parks to ensure high standards. Annexes Annex 1 Proposed Charges Annex 2 Parking charges in comparable country parks and recreation grounds

Author/ Contact Details Sue McCubbin – Recreation and Business Manager [email protected] Executive Head Daniel Harrison – Executive Head of Business ANNEX 1 Proposed Charges Annex 2: Parking charges in comparable country parks and recreation grounds Park Local Facilities Current Parking Tariffs Free Authority Egham Pooley Runnymede Play Area, 1 hr free Recreation Ground playing fields 2-3 hr £1.50 3-4 hr £2.50 4-5 hr £3.00 All Day £5 Lammas Recreation Spelthorne Play Area, Summer Winter Ground Skate Park, 1 hr 50p 1hr 50p Tennis Courts, 2 - 3 hrs £2 2 - 3 hrs Playing fields 3 - 4 hrs £3 £1.60 3G All day £7 3 - 4 hrs £3 All day £5 California Country Wokingham Play Area Summer Winter Park Wildlife Walks Up to 4 Up to 4 Café hours: £1.50 hours: £1.20 Paddling Pool per hour per hour 4 hours 4 hours plus: plus: £6.00 £6.00 flat rate flat rate Dinton Pastures Wokingham Play Area Weekdays (from 1 October Country Park Café to 1 March) Boat Hire Up to 4 hours: £1.20 per Frisbee Golf hour 4 hours plus: £6.00 flat rate Weekdays (from 2 March to 30 September) Up to 4 hours: £1.50 per hour 4 hours plus: £6.00 flat rate Weekends: all year (including Bank Holidays) Up to 4 hours: £1.50 per hour 4 hours plus: £6.00 flat rate The Lookout Bracknell Woodland £2 for 4 hours Play £4 all day Equipment Discovery Centre Go Ape Chobham Countryside £1.30 per hour £5.00 all day Frensham Ponds Farnham Nature Walks £4 flat fee Wildlife Reserve

Frimley Lodge Park SHBC Play Area Sports Pitches Free parking 3G pitch Café Nature Walks Canal Side walk Pitch & Putt