PANEL: EuroStone™ / 095113 Technical Data

EuroStone™ Sustainable Ceiling Panels Cleaning and Maintaining

Dirt, dust, and most stains can be Stains Oil and Grease cleaned from EuroStone ceiling Ensure that the staining material is These types of stains should be panels. However, extra care must be completely dry before attempting to considered difficult to clean and taken when removing and cleaning clean it. Using a white nylon bristle therefore use the steps outlined above these panels to avoid accidental brush, scrub the stain lightly to loosen for removing them. breakage or excessive scrubbing that and then vacuum the dry material. will abrade or discolor the surface of Note: A small amount of material may be the panel. removed when scrubbing Eurostone panels; therefore, care should be taken to avoid excessive abrasion. We recommend Dust and Surface Dirt using a discarded panel to sample your Use a handle vacuum cleaner with a cleaning methods and before brush attachment to remove dust and cleaning the actual stained panel. dirt from the surface of the panels. White Blotching White blotching, or efflorescence, may If the stain is difficult to remove, mix a occur if the panel is exposed for a long mild , e.g. liquid, period of time to a very slow water leak. with a small amount of water, and then This white dust or powder is the using the white nylon bristle brush, consequence of atmospheric carbon scrub until the stain has been dioxide reacting with the sodium removed. Remove excess water from alkalinity of a wet EuroStone panel. the surface of the panel and then allow Chemically, it is sodium carbonate, Ensure that the tile is completely dry it to dry before replacing it. Do not commonly known as washing soda. before attempting to clean. saturate the panel with water as this This can usually be removed will cause white blotching. adequately by brushing the area with a white nylon bristle brush. If a whitish colored stain is still apparent, the panel can be taken down and washed thoroughly with clean water using a motion from clean area to stained area.

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