38._PORTLAND,-■ 1 ■ 1900._ISgSLtVSSSI_PRICE ir (isneral Botha's form and tea Mil nawa POLICY GAMBLERS. of lighting will probably torn from NOT CONFIRMED. Natal. Few of Them Indicted Hnt No New Tba landrna of tba Afrikander band are York Police Officer*. clronlatlng a petition In Cape Colony asking tba Imperial government not to TEN New Marsh 19.—The grand THOUSAND. Fork, jury take away tbe Independence of the Boers. tiled Into Recorder Ucfl'a coort today Thirty-two thoosnad additional troops and Foreman Putnam haadad to the re- for Booth Afrioa are now sMU at sea. corder 14 IndletmenliL against policy gamblers for tho most part. It wra un- No Positive News of Relief derstood In oourt that none wrrs against CAN’T LAST. polloe ofhoera Kesorder Uoff told the of grand Jury that be bad given orders to Jlafekiog. Inmense of Porto Ricans Join the olerk of the oourt to dlreot the elty Gathering magistrate to send all oomplatols triable In the oourt of genvral essilons dlreot to the elark of that court, lnsttad of to the Kruger Said To Admit De- in Petition to United States. dlatriot attorney's offlor at has bsen the praotloa. Is bat fair to said tba recor- Sec. Thinks "It say, Wyndham feat. der, "that this systsra has not grown up undsv tbs present district attorney. It It “All Right.” Is of long standing, but It must ha stopped. I have, therefore, directed the olerk to send notice to the polloe an 1 London, Ms rob S —A Dally Telegraph Tariff Be to the magUtartae dlreotlng them that special from Bloemfontein sn»»: Ask that the Question all complaints mutt be sent to the olerk of tbla oourt and not to the district at- "la n speech made her. n tew days be- torney. Free Staters Have Jot Yet Quite fors the British sntared the town, Presi- Settled in Some Way. dent Kroger admitted that hie men woold anil Women mother*, are most competent to Only, especially Collapsed. be unable to keep la tbe Held for another the sweetness, and dellency of Cuticbra Soap and WOMENappreciate parity, month." to discover now uses for It dally. Its remarkable emollient, cleansing, PORTCOCKSE BEND T OOPS »OK- and purifying properties, derived from Cuticbra, the great skin cure and and WAHD. purest of emollients, warrant Its use In preserving, purifying, beautifying London, March it).—Tbe Lourenoo Mar- the skin, scalp, hands, and hair, and in the form of baths and solutions for of tbe lime, tele- irrltatlous, ltchings, inflammations, and chafing*, too free or offen- quez correspondent Island Cannot Hold Much annoying Buller to Force Monday, March in, says: Longer and also in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, Beggars- graphing sive perspiration, “Last night tbe Portuguese authorities as well as antiseptic purposes, which will readily suggest many sanative, berg Range. hurriedly despatched by special train n Under Present Conditions. of Cuticura Soap also be said of them; ves. All that lias been said may ft,roe of Infantry to relnforoe the rarrlaon should be used after the In the severer Cuticwra Ointment which Soap, on tbe Tran*veal border." Quality made cases, to hasten the cure. CANADIAN ltIFLEB AT CAPE them the leading Cigar in External * Internal Treatment for Every Humor, BI.2B, COLONY. Complete and scale, and soften consisting of CPTICURA Soap (S5C.1, to cleanse the skin of crusts the NEW ENOLAND. thickened cuticle, CUTictJna ointment (50c.), to Instantly allay lh h»g, InflammaUon, and Cernarovn, Cape Colony, Mtroh 19.— Irritation, and soothe and heal, and CCTtcrRA Resorvknt (50c.), to cool and cleanse the Tho Canadian mounted rifle* under Col. A favorite in every home, club, cure the most and humll. Next News of Fighting Will Wood A Swore Set is often sufficient to torturing, disfiguring, Heroblaer and tbe Canadian artillery, than Re- or office. of choice and blood humors, with loss of hair, wheu all else falls. 1‘OTTLll Daoo Public Undertaking* Rather Every judge laUng skin, scalp, i onie irom natal. commanded by Col. Drury bare arrived has and Cuem. Cobp.. Sole Props Boston. cigars here with a contingent of Yeomanry. are lief Supplier Needed. PERFECT CONFIDENCE In The preaanoe of this force here has had an excellent effect In tbe district. Waitt & Bond AFTER 1 OUTLIN'D BUSINESS Blackstones It !■ reported that a large fore# of In- No. 5i HO AGREEMENT I< SIGHT. t Blackstonc St.. Boston. surgents It In the vloinlty of Van Wyk- lllval Llnra Threaten to Make Cat elel. a Rates. London, March 30.—4 a. m.—The war GEM. WHITE ILL. ADAMS & offioa has had no news up to tble hoar ANDERSON, CO, Town, March 19.—Uenoral Sir report* of the relief of Mafek- Capa March Trafflo oonttrmlng — Fire Insurance Montreal, 19.—General George Stewart White, the defender of Ban Juan, P. H., March 10, A gather- fcaooo crops, wblcb ooold pass under tbe Agency Senators as Far Apart tng, but Mr. Ueurge Wyndham, parlia- Manager Reeve, of the Grand Trunk, Ladysmith, baa arrived bare out li too ing of 10.0CU persons, healed by the Ban control of speculators If no conclusion 31 Street. mentary secretary for wsr, replying to a Exchange said today that if the Vanderbilt lines 111 to permit of a pnbllo reception being Juan Chamber of Commerce, gathered should Bion be received; this belog tbs as Ever. private Inquiry in the lobby of the House First Class American and Foreign Companies make a tourist rate to Portland, Me., In his honor. at the palace of the governor-general to- time for planting new orops and a failure Horace of about given Ahubkw. Giai. C. Adams. Commons, midnight, smilingly calculated to decis Thom. J. Little, through Albany and Boston, as it is said day to submit a petition with reference to act promptly being also ipeodtf ssld: t “I think It Is all, all right." inton I the Grand Trunk will CASE OF THE MASHONA. to the needs of the Island. The deputa- have most prejudicial resalts. they doing, The Free Bisters seemingly have not wes distress nod alarm that make a rate to Boston Portland tion selsoted to present It received “Fouth—The through oollapsed. They are Id considerable quite In the absence cf (Jen. Davis, who was are dally oomlng mor.i harrasstog In all as well as by way of St, Albans and foroe around Hmltbtleld, although ranch Admits Mo Claims I'or Mon- Torio Rican Committee lias Xot England Lieut. Col. brauehee of trade to tbe virtual White Kiver Junction. Indisposed, by Uall, adjutant owing dispirited. Delivery of Cargo. REPAINTING general on behalf of Gen. Davl% Lieut. look of a fixed and definite standard Held Meet ill". A British spy from Honxvllle reports THE TEXAS TRUST LAW. Col. Uall expressed pleasure at seeing for transactions, and tbs grave appre- that Commandant Ollvlsr and a oom- House of London, Maroh 19.—In tbe so . March 19.—In the United so many people who were Interested In hensions as to tbe future now general- mando are golag to Kroonstad. Tbs In answer to a VARNISHING Commons today question suoh and as- entertained all merchants. States Supreme oourt an opinion was a question of importance ly by —T11K— agents he left behind are using desperate on the subject of tbe selsure of the banded down today In the oate cf the sured them that Porto Bloo would re- "Fifth—The abeenoe of buyers for pro- means to raise reornUs. 'They are com- British steamer laden with Waters 1‘leroe Oil Involving lte srrsyona, ceive justice. ducts which, with the lcsr of their form- company, British *oers under the CARRIAGES Not mandeering renalty A inert can flour for the Transvaal, by new F*ee Trade Senators right to do bnslneas In the State of Texas, An aooouut ot today’s proceedings will er msrkets as a consequence of the of death. Kroonstad, where the Boers are and whether should bo attended to now. British gunboat Partridge are now at a standstill. contrary to tbe provisions of tbe state be transmitted to Washington. regime practical Only a few wt^ks to dry concentrating Is a hundred and thirty- the government, through the United Likely to Yield. anti-trust laws of and 1895. It was Ilia crowd was orderly and dispersed “Sixth—The enormous depreciation roads, and it will bo tedious 1889, seven miles from Bloemfontein. It Is ear- States ambassador, Mr. Joseph H. the among other things that the without confusion amid "Vivas" for tba of property, mors especially on plan- your turn attho nbarged a hills and later/waiting rounded by country of Choate, had undertaken to mset any We have the best Waters Pieroj company, was a member of United States and the governor-general. tations and tha ruin staring a majority | painter. jungles. claims for loss or dnmsge sustained by Carriage Paints and Varnish- the Standard OH Trust as organized Id Following 1s the text of the petition: of planted in tbe faoe, ns tbe result of General Gataore Is now resting at American cltlzene Interested In es, also Wagon Paints for 18S8 and various other wets theoargo, "The of Porto Bloo of all classes, tbe natural uneasiness whloh has mads allegations people common work. iff Bill Not Yet Sprlngfontelo, preliminary to jololng In coaaequeoe* of the delay of the de- Tin and Gov’t made hut the oourt did not enter upon a represented hy the mayor of this city Itself felt amoog capitalist* r.nd loan In- Lord Hoberts. livery of their goods, and whether tbe general discussion of trusts, contenting and by the Chamber of Commerce, in stitutions leading them to ourtall cr to General Butler's hill work before Lady- olalms of British subjeot* wonld be Separated. Itielf with a dl cusston of the Texas trust assembly convened, ea1l upon •hut oil entirely the eiedlt neoesiary In an wbloh peaoeful smith has given him experience treated on tbe same footing, Mr. Brod- H. H. HAY & law as applicable to this case. The Governor General Davis respsctfnlly to moving crops SON, is about to be nted In forcing the Beg- rlck continued tbe announcement that opinion sustained the decisions elite direct his attention and tbroogh him "Seventh—The lack of power, as well MNMte si. garsberg range. It is believed tbat 30,COJ the eonrt had released tbe Msshona state oourts to tne extent of affirming prise the attention of Washington, to tne fol- as tbe absence of credit, to contract a of his 40.1.03 men are atout to engage and addedi crl'l- relief of most of the Match 19.— Owing to the them and was thus oppesad tv the con- lowing salient points of the present loan for tbe present Washington, dnea not "Her Majesty'e government : necessities and the of re- absencs of Senator the Ports tent’oas of the oil company, but tils up- oal condition of tbe lslacd development Spooner, admit In to tUlms of on that the ititv liability respect Into whloh sources. Rican steering oommlttee hat) not jet the ground lews Imposed "First—The consternation the oil bod the nature Indicated. Clslmewltb respnot In has need cf held a formal mot t and none will he a oondlt'on which company the business oommunulty general “Klgbth—The undertaking, ing, of to be to the non-delivery oargo appear a Instead of relief held until his return. Members of the uooepted and henoe was without ground been thrown on account of reoent oabled of public nature sup- CARPETS CLEANED a matter for settlement between the tend to oommlttee, however, have been making a of complaint news from tbs United States setting plies wblob, although neoeesary, without injury nt small cost, olalraants and the ship undertaking to tbe classes. see If there cad forth tbe attitude cf the Sen- make paupers of working canvass of the Senate to WITHOUT RESULT. negative deliver the gooda. British subjects own- "These EXP.RIENCEO MEN TOTAKE UP A RELAVTHEM, be found a basis of agreement whloh will ate as regards the tariff question. statements, respectfully made, Fall Klvsr, Mass. March 19,—Tee ooa- ing goods on a British ship have no right the the We «•»*• only the Improved be Ho far no great progress WET "Second—-The utter Inability of your petitioners respectfully request Klrctrlml satisfactory. AIuclilurry. ferenoe of tbe ouaiinlUeee from the Tex- to trade with tbe enemy and they are not to tbe knowl- has been made. 'lbe Senators who an- island to bold oat muob longer under governor general to bring tile coonoil to the Manufacturers' associ- In the came position ns foreign owners. Wall l’aprr Cleaned. nouoed themselves In caucus against the existing conditions as the Senate’! dslsy edge of the government at Washington, ation to deolde upon a was Carpets Clrnned without Ink- no sliding soole, to a decision on the tariff trusting that a favorable solution may tariff portions of the bill, have shown ATT WITH RAZOR. In oomlng 11 desired. with jut definite result. ACKElT absoluts be ing up inclination to yield. The Introduction of simply aggravates the almost speedily foona. the Island. RENOVATING OF ALL KINDS a free trade amendment by Senator * N state of penury throughout (Signed) THE WEATHER. \N A Nrw York Widow Draprratcly Cut would indicate that that Sena- "Third—Tbe urgent necessity of a '‘Crosss, President of Chamber of Com- hr steam and naphtha processes Beveridge Man. By Knragrd >u as a San Juan. satisfaction tor intends to vote for free trade. It Is When you \ dual settlement of the qnsstl merce, Perfect guaranteed. “M. of the of Kan certain that a number of other Republi- have been > means of saving to their owners, mostly lescue, Mayor City 4 New Fork, Marob 111.—Miss Alloa Lsn- and to- Joan." cans are det rmlned not t vote for the caught in a men of small means, the sugar HOOPER’S nler, a widow, waa desperately oat with OREN SONS. tariff; though the friends of the measure rain and feel mari3«itl a razor In tbe hande of Jay Blishop last say only five or six will ttAnd out whin that have ► lion of the Republican party on tbe Porto you night and an Invalid woman who wit- the final test comes. At the earn a time Kloo tariff bill, deolarea agitlnet trusts taken cold, , nessed the deed die of BRIM’S PLATFORM. t__ l__ inay shook.lilsshop AVOID they do net desire to prses a veto on the anil Imperialism and favors tbs lnoome MINISTERS SHOULD was a boarder In the home of John J. at do not want tax anil tbe oholoe of United States Sena- advertising of any kind into subject present. They a bringing ■ foot-bath, Carew. Other mem bers of the honsebold the if should up the party divided, and wish to have as \ tors by popular vote. The platform Is pulpit,hut they get early bowl of hot < were Mrs. Carew, a bed-ridden to see the comfort Benson's measure ae Invalid, tbs creation of Mr. He enough lew ipetcnes against me pos- praotioally Bryan. in the a dose and her sister, Mrs. Lannler. Last Fri- Always lleady Charcoal gives sible. A statement was made by a fecit- MH drink, did not write It personally, but be was them for Mrs. Lannler lal ocoaslun to rebuke kitchen, no ouo would blame cast: Rain- , day Gets One for It ter today to the effect that if those who Boston, March 19.—For of Ayer’s Up consulted concerning It, and beiore lelling all the sisters how much better lilsshop for some Improper language In the tariff could not be won over followed clearing Tuesday afternoon, Pec- was read to tbs oonventlou It had tern :t is than wood for kindling. Big Bag, opposed by JMr Cherry the of the children. It made would presence Nebraska Democrats. of The 10c at all to tbe majority tbs majority go fair Wednesday; colder Tuesday night toral, and go , approved throughout. platform grocers. |H him ugly and he swore he would revenge over to them. bo far, however, there Is winds. rw < adopted by tbe Popullet convention war and Wednesday; westerly ▼ to bed. The hlmrolf. as that net tbe least disposition Indloated of for are will be substantially tbe tame adopted by No. Washington, March, 19.—Forecast chances you \ Mrs. Lannler was In her bedroom last (TALK 143.) abandoning tbe tariff feature of tbs bill tbe Demooiuts. It dlllers somewhat In Tuesday and Wednesday for New Eng- 1 all right in the morning. ► evening before a mirror adjusting her by its friends. Tbe prospects are that form, but oontllots In no essential point. HO.V IT’S DONE. land: Rain colder Tuesday 4 Continue the bonnet preparatory to going out, when as as Tuesday; Cherry His Both conventions today were entbnsi- any action will be delayed long pos- It Is Idea of What National man came cilice in eastern un- < rushed In wltn a razor In his | One day a Into my Wednesday colder por- J Pectoral a few days, lilsshop for to tbe last degree am. sible. The tariff feature of tbe bill will night; astlo Mr. Bryan naver to band, lie seized tbe woman the hair and aald that he had been brisk to southerly winds, til all has by of ble name was not be separated from the government tion; high cough disap- \ Should every mention greeted before. He had J and threw hvr upon the bed. Be slashed Democracy Adopt. see an optlotun always Senator to northwesterly. ► with oheers of and approval, features at present, although shifting ^ peared. delight his own and her left Jaw, making a long gash and .elected glasses thought tbe bill lu obarge will J There is so bad instructions were given to bo:b delega Foraker, having nothing / the he coniil do It as well as anyone. He REPORT. narrowly escaping oarotld artery. 2 In tbe Kan- take that action as roon as It Is apparent LOCAL WEATHER for a as tlons to stand for Mr. Bryan j cough coughing- < Mrs. Lannler and screamed lmd been reading my talks, however, be struggled sas and Sioux Valla oonveutlon. that the government bill oan passed Portland, Mar. 19, lt'O'J—Ths local City came oat of He and threw up her arms to catch the and up curiosity. and that thers Is no of au early weather bureau reoords tbe II to One a Promi- prrspeet following: Sixteen wanted to see bow It was done. I razor. In this way both foreams and SKNAXOHIAL COMMISSION’ IN eguemeut upon tbe tariff provision. 8 a. m.—Barometer. 29.917; thermome- made a careful examination of hla bands were terribly ont. HAVANA. ter, 31: dew 29; rel. humidity, nent Feature. was six- point her eyas. The vision of one BIG 1NSUKANCK POLICY. 89; direction of wind. SW: wind veloc- 1*4* Aroused by sitter’s toreams, Mrs. Havana, March 19.—The arrival of tbe tenths and the ether slx-e'ghtbs. Providence, H. Maroh 10.—What Is ity, 4; slate of weather, cloudy. Carew, the Invalid, ran to help her. She I., commlsdon who will a fitted befero the razor and drew It senatorial Inquire With correctly glass beloved to be the largest stogie life ln- 8 p. m. Barometer, 29.793: thermome caught Blssbop rel. 88: her ollncbed her Into tbe needs of Cuba, has cansed but each eye the vision of both was nor- eurunoe ever wr ltten at one time tor, 42; dew point, 38; humidity, cherry through bands, outtlag policy afternoon course one took a strong- direction of wind, S; wind velooity, 13; four to tbe bone. Mrs. Lannler little local oomment.the papers mal. Of eye on tbe life of one mart was planed last lingers l'heu Come to tbelr ei than the other. He ‘ordered state of weather. It. rain. of hie attack on Mm Trusts, Imperialism, Inlay barely alluding prescaoe. glass week Belmont on the life of took advantage by August He I cauie Max. temp.. 48; min. 24: mean into street and Senators Platt, Aldrloh and Teller the glasses at once. arid, Jobu McDonald, contractor for tbe Mew tomp., Pectoral Carew to run the shriek Income Etc. temp., 38: max. wind velocity, 15 S, Tux, landed this morning from tbe U. S. de- here fully prejudiced against buylrg Ycrk Transit tunnel, Tbe ’t cures of all kinds. for the polloe. Kapid policy hours .00. coughs and had a In- of an I am precipitation—24 Mr. who had been la spatch boat Dolphin long glasses optician. going le for $3,0.10,COO for the term of live years. For an ► Carew, sleeping ►< ordinary every- I terview with Gov. Gen. Wood. Subse- away a convert to scientific work. I WEATHER OBSERVATIONS. the rear of the flat, was aroussd by the miserable cold a 25 met members of tbe cab- •ball never again open my TO HKBU1LD THKATKK I KANCAIS. ► day , an 1 ran Into the room. Ue quently they tbe depend weather 4 < scuffling Ths agricultural department cent is if with Gen. Wood own In seisctlng March 19.—Tbe Chamber of bottle enough; | over hie Unroll effect inet. After lunching judgment glasses. Paris, bureau for Mar. taken at 8 found Blssbop standing wife, Idnooln, Nebreaka, 10.—Iq yesterday, 19, it’s been I drove around tbe olty. Tomorrow Header If you also feel that prejudice, Deputies today adopted a credit of 8,400,- Hinging on, you \ about to ont her threat. After a hard William J. Brian announced tonight to they m., meridian the observation for be- p. time, ► a cent will visit the Provlooe of Plnar del let me show you the difference 000 traces for the construction of tbe will need 50 size; > die Democratic petty and to the nation they this section being given in this order: * 4 Bio. tween ploklng out glasses and having Theatre Frsnoals, rcoently destroyed by for bronchitis and con- it large the platform whioh he consider* direction of state of have declined numerous soolal fitted aolentlllo princi- and for tbe of a Temperature, wind, < for the arrival of Patrolman and They your ayes by lire, provision temporary < gumption the size It net bean lest for the DemooraUo party praotf- weather. dpllgr invitation on ths ground that their ples. home for tbe comedle Franoshe at the most economical. Donovan, who plaood lilsshop under tally upon whioh be desires to stand if is \ on* for Odeon. Boston. 50, SW. rain; Now York. 41, ^ shock kill Mre. Carew. oonren- journey Is net pleasure. has no arrest. The may ■omlaated at the Ranaaa City A. M. WENTWORTH, S, rain; Philadelphia, 48, 9, rain; , “Ayer s Cherry Pectoral , equal as a curs foroougbs And colds < don. scboonkk bunk. Washington, 48, S, rain; Albany. 44, AUdall lung trouble#. It has always BOSTON BUILDKR FAILS. BCHOONEH GIVEN OP. whioh wat hy the N, p Buffalo, 86, W, rain; given me instant relief. I always The platform adopted Practical Optician, Kill worth, March 19.—Schooner Olive cldy; < A. a 30. E, Seep it Id tbs bouse, buymg it by N. March lv.—The eobeon. Demoetaoy with the greeted Bo*tun, March 19.—Henry Slaktn, of Detroit, 36, SW, p. cldy; Chicago. ► O.O. ► Halifax, B., Sebrauia 1-t St. Avery, Ospt. Cousins, Surrsy, owner, thedoren.*’ Caywood, builder of Mile haa Hied a petition 540 Congress clear; St. Paul, 16, NW. N. Y, < Harold Borden la now cat 66 tha Chtoego plat- city, sank at winter at Kast cloudy; < Ueo.14,1888. Weedsport, er daye intbuelaem, r*-hfli»ts anchorage Surrey Dak.,16, Bismarck, a In with llabilitle* of II8U,- Huron, NW, cloudy; * N. for and hae orm. dedarea for "U to l," oppoeee Utnkrnptoy caused los ^ e v » » » » from Dlgby, &, Havana, to«p. u* today. Damage by Hosting 20, N, cloudy; Jacksonville, 50, < densunoee the ao- OiM. 91 and a***t* Sf 118,067.17. Office Hours,- — — * * ♦ * ^ •boat boon ap tor toet. arga Maiding aimy, Waa the oguse, She can be raised. NW, rain. given ranker related to tbe oMaeeebtp of tbe TROUBLE FOK (HINA. lababltaate of Petto Kloo. Ae reported COMMIIOVS 1.1 CIIIM. muse FOR 68,1. OTIS. A State Convention OF MTIO.UL MPOItmCE. TH« Asll-r*rrl|a Forty draw Republican tbo toll pravidee that tbo lahaMtoote ol Porto Kloo eball te "eltlcaae of tbe Rlron|ti. —WILL BE IIELD IN— United Btetea,” tbi amendment offered Pekin, March 1(> — The ascendenoy of bp Mr. Foraher Inoertod aonto werde eftei the enilforalgn party la baeomlag Bara tbo term the para- Tba Km Received Two Bills Passed by “ettlaen," making Not So Bad as Have pronounced dally. Dowager Hasn't Recog- City Hall, Lewiston, graph read! press appear, nneole fo sufficiently in- “Shall to dteatod and bald to to eltl- ward Ike oiDolals wko exhibit Barked Deserved. Senate Monday. Been Represented. nition aena ol Porto Hloo and as aoeb, entitled boetllUy to erery thing not Chinese Han Wed., April 11th, 1000 to tbe protootlon at tbe United Staton." Tnog, probably the Boat bitterly aatl- Tbe amend meal waa to Mr. offlolel of baan objected lip forelga tba aspire, baa At II O'clock, A. M. liaeon of (Margin, and went over. deeorxUd with tba three-eyed paaaoah Another amendment eliminated eattra- feather, which baa not been conferred for (I. S. Will Send Small So Potter Tells Xowspaptr for the purpose of selecting six candi- Commission to Ip eeotloa 6 of tbe original Senate bill Probably three yean, tbe notorious LI Blag, Bishop Adjudicate Spanish Peag dates for electors of President and Vice- and Inserted la lien the follow- who was meet thereof, Gnn Boat. dlamltestd from tbe govern Reporters. President of the United States, and four War Claims Created. ing! of 8ban Tna on German demand, baa delegates at large and four alternates to “The eommtmtooer of navigation been adranoed to tbe lint rank and the attend the National Republican Conven- eball make each regulation* eabjeet former governor Bah 8!en,of Shan Tang, tion to be held at Philadelphia, Pennsyl- vania, on Juno aud to toe approval ef the eeeretarp of the has been appointed governor af tbe Bhan Tuesday, 19, 1900, for transacting any other business that may Ireaanrp ae to eball deem expedient 81 Idlatrlet, a snub to tbe powen Inter- Not for of Do- Not Fit for properly come before it. the nationalization of oil vmeeli Purpose feted aad to Urttleb la- Filipinos Legislative Appropria- likely prejudloa The basis of representation will be as lababltaate of Porto Hico on te- owned bp teteete In tbe prorlnee, as the powers Self-Gov’t. follows: Each City, Town and planta- tion Bill Adopted. April 11, HIM, and wbloh continued to ing Any Fighting. ller# hlx mal-admlalitratlon, lx tbe tion will lie entitled to one delegate, and na- for each votes cast for be to owned up to the dam of enob oauB of tbe preoent state of attain In seventy-five the Republican candidate for Governor tlonallaatloo, and for the admit! Ion t Heputllcan door axerclgv and aetlve mode* of living. ance and slgnlfloanoo. Thla Is raid to be March 81. Substantial quarters au en- Senator Beveridge. natlona, are gladly eatabllehlng tory for year*. • by true aa to thla last demoaatratlon tha been oonetruoted at Forte Gib- The Uncki cl old were ae aeelduouc la by Kgbert, tente oordlele with the Japan. **. Is a score! of bon and aad tbe at St. their devotion to their sports and gamee “lioxera." Thla society Gape Nome, poet to the WAR LOAN BUBBOK1RTION. Mr. Bevrrldge ot Indiana, gave notloe “Referring Philippine attuatton, Presidential Electors Must All Jlo and la the euo- Michael will be built tbe ■ll-t.~- *»-«■--k... tha lalamla tbe Kngliehman of today la to bit anti-fonlgn tendencies, during coming London, March 19.—In tna Mouae of at the of today's session of tbe pi Chosen in State Convention. opening a of such oooletleo summer. national of crlokvt and raclog, oeaaor to long line jaet of Ha de- Commons the obanoellor of the ex Senate In connection with an amend- paatlmea In an attitude antagonism. today, IIkauqi AKTEIIS 1 II. these so- An onloer to Alazka need rear or tbe Uerman to ala fencing. The that have preceded Usually ooming wnethsr tala bad Blr Mlonnel Ulsks Heaab an Rkpiblican State > to the Porto Kioo bill wlileb be ollned to aay opinions obeqnec, Committee, xuent no hard for or fami- Teuton ol the nineteenth oentury in cieties are more annoying than dangerons greater snips himself tbe tba total number of Avgusta, Maine, Jan. 4, 1900. ) that he would address the Sen- altered, but eald be reoognlsed noanoed that appli- offered, to but sometimes thao tboM wbloh follow a retnrn to To the of Maine:—Prior development surpasses all other foreign interests, they ly as a eoademlo one. cations for the war loan waa 19 and Republicans ate oa next Thor slay on the amendment pbyaloal question purely 800, to two In as Is said to be the oasa the Isolation of a one or two company 1892 Presidential electors at large, raeee and rales the world. He Is what dabble politics we beve be that the total amount of was and treasure. The amendment ‘•VWislsver might done," anlsarlptlon to the two United States pending thus threaten In- frontier A well stocked subsistence*- corresponding some one has dubbed a masculine raoe. with the “Dozers" and post. or men there is hot The is said, "a year book, 836,80),(.00 pounds. largest applica- senators, were nominated in Stato con- Is follows: with department furnlsbes all tbs neqpzarlsa He Is on the who's a long Heed raoe. He terference large foreign polltloe. and that is he waa 'for tsn million and the cor- “All articles coming into the United ot and moat of the 1 axurlea. Fresh one thing for ns to do now, tion, added, vention, remaining electors, Minister to tha life, hls bands, with hls body, Conger's cablegram meat has thus far been In abund- to hoU on to tbe Islands and assume tbe for ten thousand responding to the members of tho United States from l'orto Kioo or going into workiwlth bonght pounda. Applicant* state about a week ago, while ance In tbe form of moose sod oarlbou. States House of were shall with hls legs and with bis brain; In fact department responsibility for their future. pounds and upwards would gst six per Representatives Porto HIco from the United Slates, Potatoes and oulons freeze solid In No- nominated the several be works altogether. He le not apt to referring to the''Dozers'’ aad suggesting "Xne administration of the cent of their Below tea by congressional be admitted free of bat this action It ale military application. district conventions. doty, a to vember, and. properly prepared, stunt one of bis physloul makeup the advisability of vending warship lien. Otis baa thonsand tne would shall not be oonstrued aa extending the portion as good as fresh vesetablss until they Island la beyond praise, pounds assignments The passage of the Australian IJallot ensure Amsrloan missionaries (torn to aid In another In the thaw In the All the early veget- to wbleh from six oent to an allotment in Cot sMtutlon cf the United State® or any developing portion. spring. not reoeived tbe recognition vary per law entirely changed tlio procedure. Un- he Is a uttaok, did not refer to any Imminent ables like radishes, lettuce, onions, pars- Is bla Dermal condition oountry be Is entitled. Mew are arising full. der the law, all Conventions are a por- thereof over Porto Kioo, and It oome to In questions part nor did the mlnlater have ley, etc,, perfection August. tion our dweller and despises tbe town. outbreak, any- be bae handled them all with the Mr. of election system, and this herety declared that the Constitution of It Is dry, and ordinarily still, though a dally and During budget dleccaalon, to about our door ballot act that candidates to he In contradistinction to the Teuton let thing say “open negotl- hard wind at 40 below Is not unheard of. discretion. John Kadmond, the Irish leader said the requires the United States Is not extended over voted for bv the Voters throughout the us oonalder the Jew, and we speak now of atlone being jeop&rdlred. Toe snow falls gradually—an Inch rr so evident and that !t that Irish members abstained from the discos- Porto Kioo. "One thing Is whole State must be placed in nomina- la de- “The state department rather Interred at a time—and Derer melts until the the mitse<-9. Physically he poorly tbe are In no condition for self- sloe but they did not It ns a hum- tion a no The Senate to the considera- sun and rain wear tt In Filipinos regard by convention representing less proceeded that the was April away. Centuries of oppression have from thle cablegram chip was arum aa It Ireland a than tlio whole Stato. tion of the executive and veloped. May tbs ground Is free from snow, ruins government. If a olvll government budget tmpoaed upon constituency legislative, ju- moral out hls If not wanted for ita effect, rather than be and an war cf a a Hence, all tho candidates of a for dicial Mr. Cullom of stamped pbytioal vigor, oontlnue, gardens may prepared, Imposed It would need a large military additional tax orsr million party appropriation bill, It be the Ice in the river breaks Presidential electois must be nominated bis Tbe European Jew Is un- for any expectation that would about the 16th at which tba oonacleuoa of Illinois being in cf the measure. vitality. Force to maintain It.'' y>ar Ireland, charge to motive etrvloe. In- up and lloata off to tbs sea. Near tbe end in State Convention, and I have there- dersized, aud markedly to. Hls mental enlled upon render con- ha revolted. The bill its As to the Senate the bill car- of ateuniers that havs wintered la "Several friends of Agnlnaldo," addad, peered fore included in the call six electors. reported If had been the the de- May however. Is unimpaired, and deed, that oaae, some oome tbe "oalled me In recond a vote of 189 to 33. ries $24,155,500. The reading of the bill vigor, tributary of tbe Yukon up tinued the Ulsbop, upon reading by J. II. MANLEY. Chairman. would never have felt war- Steamers oa the whole !• superior to hls partment river on their way to Dawson. and told me that was completed at 1.40 p. m., the com- probably Hong Kong, they they ranted la a to from St. Mlodael bringing passengers TO Ctl HE A (OLD IK UKK OAT neighbor's. He Is a oily dweller, and lending single gunboat were that there could be no mittee amendments having been agreed do nut oome tbe river satlslled la oertain that one from tbe States, up betrays an Inherent dislike for hard China. It quite only for ble lbs better to t s the reading proceeded. The bill until aloot July 1 to 15. ■uooess undertakings, Take Laxative Ilroino Quinine Tablets. All A First destined for thle and the Republican Congres- manual labor or for pbyaloal exerolee or veaesl le service, From June to October people require class of ure satisfied that Ame- tlruggivt. refund tbc money ■( it (alls to cure. as amended was passed without division. Filipinos exertion In any form. He le aver as to presence of other United b tales warships about the same olothlug they would wear E. W. Urovr’s signature is on each box. 2ic — rtosn occupation means Increased pros- At 2 o’olock the undv'stied buelners out door He to live In and marhjTh&Sd'Ot sport. prefers on the Aelatlo eoast Is et In the States. Mosquitoes abound, easily explained and are not the Porto Ki:an bill—was laid aside tem- bis brain rather than by hls mutole. Hls wlDdow torrent and mosquito bars are perity raising any objec- ohrst le aad be the navy department. Admlrel Watson twloe and the Senate tcok up a meas- oapaclty limited, pueeoeaea a necessity. Mall la reoelved per tions." PORTLAND POSTOFFICE. porarily Dor authorized the sional District Convention many other features of physical vug was some time ago by month throughout tbe year, except In told of a visit be made ure to carry Into ffeot the stipulations btsbop Potter aoy. In mot, ble pbyaloal makeup Is nt to tend vessels of his fall and whin .Ice Is forming on navy deparlme spring, to a In Manila where ebont toO of article 7 cf the treaty between the what oue would expeol to 11 Dd In a abort the or up tefore navi- faotory tha oooler more streams, breaking fleet to and Invigorating end were —WILL BE HELD IN— United Slates and The bill pro- lived man. And here Is a surprising gation opens. Unless new .arrangements Filipino boys girls spinning iOKRKCTKD TO JAX. 1, 1UOO. Spain. when- feature. airs of northern China and Japan are seoond-elais mall Is not vides for the appointment by the Presi- perfected, cotton doth. The overseer told blm they so few of tbe elements to ever a was to after via St. Mlohael Possessing change necessary preserve delivered navigation bad learned to work tbe looms In about dent of three commissioners to receive, oonsldered to made RECEPTION CITY BUILDING. long necessary loDgevlty, crews. Admiral doers Arrangements must be HALL, the health of the The whereas Irish and Sootob chil- examine and adjudicate all claims of the Jew Is probaby tbe longest lived of with friends to forward envelopes of dip- six weeks, OFFICE HOUR9. now Id availed h Its self of this permission in tha cf the United States uny raoe of people existence. Hls If ooe desires to k'np up with the dren took as many months before they citizens against pings Postmaster's Office, (Sundays excepted* 9.0) tenacity of life la remarkable. In spite csss of ths and ths New Orleans. wst A telegraph line oouseote Skag- Spain which the United Stabs agreed to were of any servloe. a. in. to 5 p. m. PORTLAND, of the aooia 1 conditions wh'ch surround The former le now at Y okohama and the uuy with Dawson, out I received one Asked sbout tbe future of tbe ashler's (Sundays excepted.) 8.00 a. adjudicate and settle. the mass of the Hebrew population tbe from that was Anglloan Office. latter at telegram Washington just m. to 6.00 p. in.: order 9.00 17, Is world and In the Nagasaki. oburoh In tbe islands, Potior Money department, Tuesday, April 1900, The sum of $£0,000 annually appro- over, especially large a month on tbs way. liisbop a. m. to 0.00 p. in.: lle^lstry department, 9.00a. cities of where they forma The New Orleans arrived at Nagasaki underwear Is In At 4 for the expenses of the com mis* America, As to olotblng, heavy said be taw no reason why It should not m. to 6.00 p. in. O’clock P. M., priated of the tbe the reaohed to these large percentage population, February 25, aad Oregon dispensable In addition gar- be Introduced to tbe natives. ticncrai Itelivery. (Sundays excepted.) 7.30 s on, the life of thd commission being the Jewish Inhabitants successfully of two death rate among Yokohama almost three ments, heavy short oostz or wraps must a. in. to 7.00 p. iu. Sundays 9.00 to lO.uo a. m., for the purpose electing delegates February 21, had he no evidence of iixed et two years U hut little over half of that of the aver- be provided to put on whenever It Is neo- He found, said, 1.00 to 2.00 p. in. and two alternates to attend the National Prof. William weeks before Minister Conger had made An amendment proposed by Mr. licar age American population. essary to go out of doors. Tbs (lovern- any pagan religion. Xne Homan Catbo- Carriers' Deliveries, (Sundays excented.)—In Republican Convention, to be hold at in hls on tbe racial to the state on the business section of the between 11 ami Klpley papers geog- any report department ment famishes caps and mittens, and was ob- city igh on was agreed to extending the time for llo rellg'oa pretty generally India streets at 7.00, 9.00 and il.ooa. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Tuesday, raphy of Europe In''The Popular Science Tha dispatch of the Newark to most excellent footgear la the form of m.. l.ao and Juno aud the commission from suojeot. served and as eduoatlon spread, the tsaets b p. m.; In other sections at 8.00 a. m., 1.30 m. 19, 1900, transacting any other tiling old ms with Monthly” discusses this question very felt shoes, l.adlee will dad a fur parkl p. Dong Kong reported today by Admiral receive Sunday delivery at Office window, 9.00 to 10.00 business that may cotne beforo one after the and yery He states that if Une of the ohurob would properly elx mouths to year orga- ably fully. the best all arround outer garment Anglican а. m., 1.00 to 2.00 p. m. Collections from street it one wae merely for the purpose of two groups of liO Infant) each, Jewish Watson, can be In ban Franolsvo for acceptance. boxes at 7.00 and 11.00 a. m.. 4.00 and 8.00 p. m. nize! ion cf the commission. purchased general The basis of will bo as and oca of average American parentage, to Manila the monitor Monad- The felt sbee oannot be Improved Sundays. 6.00 p. m. only. representation Mr. the conveying gl3. At the suggestion of Ccokrel), tbe same one-half of MU SHIPS. follows: Each and town will be en- be born upon day, wae rent upon. It Is not usoesaary to remain wltb AMKK10A StCMUINU Alt It V A L AND DKPARTUHK OF MAILS. city nook. The monitor to Uong to of afforded by the bill to tbe Americans will die within In doors the ooldeat weather un- Boston, Southern and Western, intermediate titled one delegate, ami for each sov- right appeal forty- during asked a Kcng to be docked and It le not regarded London, March Ik.—Bdog offices and connections via. liostou & .Maine votes cast for both the United States and the olzlmants snen years, while the first half of ths lees the wind Is blowing, lbe ordinary enty-five tho Republican In House of Commons to- railroad (Eastern Division.! Arrive at 12.15, Jews will not succumb to disease before as safe to allow that type of warehlp to routine of a goes on without regard question the candidate for Governor in 1896 an addi- to the supiaai3 court ot the United post б. 00an«l 10.45 p. in.: close 8.00 aul 11.45 a. in., tbe of Ac- oan exerolse of tional aud a explrstlon serenty-one y*urs. omlse alone In tne open sea. It Is expected to temperature, and all take day, regarding the reports trouble ft no and 9.00 n. riL Sundays. arrive 1 43 and delegate, for fraction of forty Stabs was stricken out. The bill thus to of Jews in cording Eomtroso, l,0UO boro, iur close 11.45 a. 3.30 and 9.00 in. votes excess oi an addi- Of the navy aeparvmeni m»L aumirai LnrMieBlDg BO occur 1U vuiun, punwt- 11.00 p. in., in., p. ftcveniy-nve for but one viz: itrotu 217 die bsfore the age of seven years. of books anti for the provides appeal, Bring plenty games of the Boston, Southern and Western, and interme- tional delegate. oi 400 mure tunu mice Watson will select a email gunboat to mentary seoretary foreign oflioe, the findings of the oommitslon to the wnue cdiuuuu*, long, winter evenings. As tbe qoerter- diate offices and connections, via Huston ind The District Committee will be in ses- as are to die within the Mine con- William bt. John eald Her many likely meet Mr. Conger'* request. ■nnatea's tli'partment will iloQbtleas blr Uroderlok, Maine railroad. (Western division)—Arrive at sion at Hall at one o’clock UoittfU &cact>« court oi aproiia. 10.45 a. 0.30 and 8.20 close 6.00 and Reception p. period. to the first this strue this as sertloe urross tbe seas, bring had taken aad m.. p. in.; 8.00 Contrary Impression, Maj aaty’s government and 2.30 iil m., on the day of the convention to re- As amended the meesurc was passed The Immunity of tbe Jewish all furniture. Nothing can be ob- and 11.30 a. ul, p. popula- vessel Is going to China, not to operate yonr oontlnned to take all neoessary stops to ceive the credentials of the delegates and without division. tion from accident on aooount of their tained In the country except at prohibi- Kmetern, via Maine Central Kail road—Arrive but to as Urltish Interests In this connec- 2.00 and 4.30 a. »».. 12.45 and 6.15 p. m.; close to attend to such other business as Indoor occupation will account for some In Shan Tung prnvlnoe, got tory proteot may The Senate agreed to the request of the prloee. 6.00. 9.45 and 11.45 a.m.. and 9.00 p.m. Sundays, he of the but on tola very ac- as 1 would that Alaska Is He also dented the story necessary. discrepancy, near to tbe United States legation To aunt np say tion. published arrive 12.45 ul close 11.45 a. and 9.00 House for a conference on the bill p. ; in., Per Order District Com- ap- count they should bs more liable to epl- no worse tban Keogh or raealnoiboloe, Republican Pekin es possible, to give weight to tbe In the United States that tbs Amerloau p. 111. ft.095,000 for the benefit of dernla and other disease. This is not and tbe trial will bs tbe lack mittee. propriating greatest to Augusta. Intermediate offices and connec- true however. show an ab- minister's ntteranoes. A deep draft vessel government wat sending warships VVILFORD (L CHAPMAN, Chairman. the people of Porto Hie o, and Senators wholly They of a dally paper. tion via Malue Central lailroad—Arrive at 2.08 small of death from cannot the Pel Ho river, and China. and 9.00 a. 111., 12.45 and 6.15 m.; close at SAMUEL W. .1U N K1 NS, Sec and Cookrell were normally proportion pass up p. 6.00, rotary. Allis in. Hale appoint- and which are 9.45 and 11.45 a. in.. 4.15 and 9.00 111. consumption pneumonia, even dralt most at BIDDING I'OK XUK BIU FIUHT. p. Portland, Me., March 8. UHX). conferees. light gunboats stop ed as the Senate responsible for the largest proportion of STOFFEU TO SAVE CONNOLLY. Farmington. Intermediate offices and connec- Then If tbe State) vn*s Porto deaths the American TTen Isle. United New York, Marob 19.—An eflort tions. via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at Mr. Foraker tnen oalled up the among population. New Maroh 1#.— Matty Matthews Prof. ascnoes their Immunity Is in ce:d of protection, marines made here to ngree upon a York, 12.45 and 6.15 p. in. ;close at 7.45 a. ul and 12.15 Kican and tariff bill for the Ripley legation tonight plekr government from this, as well as from other diseases, of New York, met Eddie Connolly of St. p. mQ the can be sent overland from TTen Tain to for tbe coming tight between si bar key purpose, as he explained,of perfecting to the excellent system of meat inspection N. U., at the Heronlea Athletic Hock land. Intermediate offices and conneo. as was done last year under jnst and Fit/, si turnons. Two bids were re- John, tious via Knox and Lincoln railroad—Arrive bill S3 far aa from the stand- by the Mosaic law. iioilman Pekin, possible prescribed In Brooklyn tonight and Connolly 12.45 and 6.00 p. m.; close at 6.00 and 11.45 a. m. that in London as much as one-third snob conditions as now exist. ceived. The Stuslde Sporting oiub rep- club, of the oommlttee In order that a says Skou-hegan, Intermediate offices an.I connec- point for s»le are was so tadly need up In the fourteenth of the meats offered rejected resented by Xora O'Rourke, a via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at might be had of the measure. deposited tions, reprint as unfit for consumption by the Jews. round that Heferee Charley White Inter- 12.45 p. m.; close at 12.15 p. m WALL PAPER Mr. check fort-SbO and agreed to give tbe The first amendment suggested by Probably tte temperate halite for the boat to Islaml Pond. VL, Intermediate offices and to oant of tbe re- feried and stopped prevent which :be Jews as a race are noted will principals per gtoie connections, via Grand Trunk Kail wav-Ar- Season of 1900. bring knocked out. aocount to some extent for the longevity. ceipts and uO per oent of tbe plotnre pro- Connolly rive at 8.30, 11.45 a m.. 6.00 p. m.; Sundays k.jo a. in.; close at 7.30 a. ul. 1.00 and 5.00 The Jew is temperate in almost all that OF that It was his inten- p.UL zzzBEWARE OF IMITATIONS tits. He explained OLDTOWN bl'HONGLY UEPUUL1- 6.00 p. m. he In all that he rats, and in all Sundays does, tbe on de- Gorham, S. II., lutenne.Hate offices and con- tie is seldom addicted tion to allow (UoOO already CAN. that ho drinks, nections, via Grand Trunk railroad—Arrive at for the match to Styles-New. to the Intemperate UBe of acohollo liquors, posit Jeffrlei-CorbeU Oldtown, Maroh 19.—The city rlsotlon 8.10 and 11.45 a. m., and 6.00 p. m.: Sundays 8.:i0 tie abstains from oertoin varieties of oontlnns after that on 11, a. ui. ; clo.se at 7.30 a. in.. l.Ou, 6.00 p. ul Sun- op tight Hay today was a victory for the ttepul Loans, and those of me richer and more days at 7.00 a. m. and 5.00 p. in. moat, In as Xbe making IdUOO all required. U. Weeks re-rlmteo Montreal—Arrive at 8.3*) and 1L45 a m. and heating klnJ; so that bis frugal diet, his Edgar being mayor West Cheater A. Mar- 6.00 p. in., close at l.Oo Aid 5.00 p. in. Designs—Novel. uss of his abstinence U, represented Oy for the fourth time a of 9?L Sunday temperate liquors, by majority close 5.00 in. d G7 p. from o-rtain foods which are unwhole- tin Julian and U. J. Cook, offers per bwanton. Ft., Intermediate offices and con- tome, aooount for his remarkable free- LIEBIG of and 67 oent nections. via Mountain Division M. C. 1L K.— rent the grots receipts per Brave Men Fall. fades, breaks off, or falls out before it should. dom from Bright's disease and diseases Arrive at 8.40 p. m.; close at 8.00 a. m. of tbe plotnre profits. It made a deposit to stomaoh, liver and N, II.. Intermediate offices and con- The matron of forty sees the frost of the liver, whloh are largely diseases of Victims kidney Barttett. Prices-Right young well as and nections via Mountain Division If. C. li. 1L— into her hair, or else it 19 its To sum up, the In of a ItOOU check. troubles as women, all feel stealing losing intempjrnnoe. Jew, COMPANY'S EXTRACT Arrive at 8.50 a. m. and 8.40 p. m.; close at 8 a. thin or and his the results In loss of appetite, pelsonlng fresh look—or worse, Is growing spite of his physical condition Toe parties will meet again tomorrow m. and 12.00 m. is of and reason of his the blood, backache, nervousness, head- breaking off—and she snowing sign9 social surroundings, by and make a decision. Tbe senti- Rochester. N. H.. in termed late offices and con- probably ache and tired, run-down feel- before her time. This should not be. temperance and ronrlety, his frugality The him listless, neetions, via Portland Si Koc lies ter railroad— ageing OF BEEF. genuine ment waa favorable to tbe no need to and bis freedom from aooldent, oontHves tonight very lug. Uut then’s feel like Arrive at 1.45 and 6.00 p. m.; close at 6.30 a. in. Listen to J. W. and 12.00 iil on the average, to live nearly twioe as been known ’round tbe world eooeptanoe of tbe West Cheater oiler. that. Gardner, ldavllle, save: are Cumberland Mills, Gorham and Westbrook as his more careless and Ind. lie “Electric Litters long Imprudent Arrive at 8.45 a. m. 1.45 and 6.90 SHORT & HARMON, Hair-Health lor over as the the thing for u man when he la all (.Saecarafrpa) LORING. neighbors. thirty years TRUST ROUST'S SUGAR. just ni.; close 6.30 and 12.00 a in. and 5.30 m. 24 eodtl and don’t oars whether he p. p. leb is a hair food, feeding and nourishing the for It is run down, South Portland. Willard and Cape Cottage—- fresh- standard quality. pure New Merck 19.—All of lives or dies. It did more to give me new roots, forcing new growth, restoring CH1CAUO BASEBALL CONTRO- York, grades Arrive at 7.30, 11.00 a. in. 8.00 p. ui.; close .630 the and appetite than 1.30 and 6 JO m. ness and beauty, and positively turning beef, free from all adulterations, refined augare were advanced 6 cents per trength good anything Am.. p. VERSY. I oan now eat Pleasantdals and ('ash Comer—Arrive 7.30 gray hair back to Its color. It Is 1 eould Cake. anything youthful has bandrtd pounds by tbe A meric an Sugar life.’* and 11.13 a. m. aud 4.30 p. ul; close 7.30 a ul THU SPANISH CLAIMS. not a It will not soil or dis- without fat or It and have a new lease on Only 50 dye. positively Cbloago, March 19.— Concerning the gelatine. aud 1.30 aud ul oomrany Tbsre woo cents at 11. P. S. GooliEe drug etore, 677 6.301»- color the scalp, hands or clothing ; it is not the RtUnlng today. Washington, Marob lit.—The till pro- conference whloh was held today by recently been selected by and hr G. Starr, Cum- ISLAND MAILS. greasy or sticky, nor does it rub off. alto an advanoa In tbe pound prloe of Congress bqnars. tbe 1‘reel- President Uart of tbe Cbloago National Mills. bottle riding far tbe appointment oy Ob the contrary, Halr-Naaltll is a refreshing:, dainty, for uso in raw augers Tbe advanoe Is said to have berland Every guaranteed. Peaks Island—Arrive at 10.00 a ra.; close at English government Jent of three oommlesionera to reoelre, delicately perfumed, necessary adjunct to the careful league baseball elnb and President Ban retailed from the Increased demand for uo p. ra. and its use cannot be detected by your friends the field of the Brit- Working and Day. and Chebeague Islands—Ar- all olalua or olU- toilet Johnson of tbe American association, hospitals the produet daring the peel week. Night Uarpsutll, Long rxamlne and adjudicate Equally rood for men and women. rive at 10.00 a m.; close at l.3o p- m. to and all the ish in South Africa lbs busiest end mightiest little thing tens of the United btatee against wbloh HARFINA SOAP is unexcelled for washing the hair. President Halt refuses talk Army Corps FAST MAIL WHKOKKD. disease In that ever was nsade la Lr. New the United btatee, to Artlola Makes it soft and silken. Destroys germs Information that has been secured has endorse- King’s MAI LA anoordlng —a remarkable official Life Pills. la e STAG* hair glands of the scalp and body. Cures freckles and Montgomery, Ala., Marob 19.—The faat Every pill sugar-ooated I of the between the United btatan oonae from the Amerloan association side. of that weekneaa Beach—Arrive at 5.30 close at treaty sunburn, age. cakes at leading drug stores. globule health, changes Bou'try p.m.; ment. mall on tbe Plant system, wbloh left m. tnd to oate and Hair-Health is sold by leading druggists every- It is Mid thnt an agreement was drawn Into strength, llstteasnees Into energy, B.00 p. bpaln, agreed ndjadl here lest was wrecked near Ozark, Elisabeth and Knight rills— Arrive at where Price. 50c. for Urge bottle, or tent by express night, brain-fag Into mental power. They1™ Caps settle an then taken up. A number of np between the representatives of the 7.80 a m. aud 5.30 p. m.; close at 6.00 a ul aud on of 60c. by A-> slurs ol the health. prepaid, in plain sealed package, receipt SJ This It lbs sign molting In the Injury of a number wonderful lb building up UL iiuendmeuta were and tba bill two organisations. If It la satisfactory, iar 2.00 p. adapted 1 /—— os sverr gomiiao paasengrm. William Kellar, a oommerolal Only Shots. par box. bold by H. P. b. Duck Pride's Windham, No, ■* Pond, Corner, wae These olalmn ajgragata it is said tbe agreement will bo signed by and »r|ssor. travelltr from Savannah, Is a* a Goold, 677 Congress Square, aad H. G. Windham. and South Casee—Arrive panned. et turs thsllt IS thsrs. dying Raymond both Hare and Johneon. y result ol Us Injuria*. Start, Cumberland Mills. at 11.M A m.; erase at 2.00 p. m. ■boot fgQ,000,000. wsw advkrtiiembrti. TAKES FIRST PLACE. amenta he Made the am of a rubber ApvuTiyKMjprrs- _»«» tpvmTUimw._mw PRIVATE CLAIRS. ■temp, watoh bit eeoretary ou «ee on the haadteda of paekageo of garden eeede Pinkham Sir. LlltUStM'lllilMlan Weadar aad and on the thoneande of campaign apeeob- Admlrattea of the lianas te whloh a properly iadaatrtooa member STATE OF MAINE-CITY OF PORTLAND: aenda into bio dietrlet. Tbooo etampe am ■ado la fao-almlla of tbo elgnatare, bat Hasn’t Much TO tu rant) Congress ESPhCUL a a anally la tbo bool forte. If member Facts Them. Wash lag ton, Maroh 19— Tba law give* bao a John Hanooek elgnatare bo alwoya The Is a correct list of all the candidates, duly nomin- Time for tbo following to every Congressman tho privilege of baa It In the gran teat aaplltado on mem- Mr*. Pinkham residence anil or of each ■ending letters relating to ofBolal mat- roprodnotion. Bat ao far tbo now person- ated, the party political appellation candidate, Little- ter* nod package* of pa bile document* ber from Maine, Mr. Cbarlea B. ally attends to her tre- to be voted for at the Special election in Ward Four of this City, through the mall* free. The Congress- field, baa a frank, whloh, like hla epeeoh- In the Intereet in the form of the ballot to be man writes his name on the upper right eo, bao taken Drat place March 22,1900, substantially general In Sessions whh women. This Ihe Case or and admiration of the Uonoo. Tbo olg- suffering I'xually band oorner of the envelope pnokaga, so used therein. free. Letters natore start* ont in tbo aonal atald. Now and nnder the law U goes Her trained aaalatanta L. Clerk. Before Elections. ounce* In Unglaad atylo; bat before It procoede far EDWIY DYER, City ar* restricted to two weight. are all women. For hi* letters the member sen well geta Into a wild, rollloktng bnmor, and but rnda with a real larlat-Uko ■pare the time to write bts name; oow-boy, The letters from women at followai when It oome* to sending out publlo doc- twlet, are opened by women WARD FOUR. Not So Many Now as only. ■ — — --—--—- ■ Formerly. They are read by wo- men only. They are answered hy , women and only women. to Rebate on Al- Bill Relating The oerreapondenoe la cohol. aaoredly confidential. ■ ~ •• ■' \ Write for a hook Mrs. -.-- Pinkham has Just pub- which contains let- 1WCIAL TO TT* nlMl SHIPPING COMMISSIONER. MU. LITTLEFIELD XO SPEAK ON lished XHUSXfci. ters from the of «H.»|ton, March 19.—On Friday Mat mayor the House devoted the first day of the A Washington despatch to tbe Lewiston the postmaster of Col. John I>. Prlndoblc Given a tin da- Lynn, session to the consideration of private Journal says: Xbe appointment of Repre- and others of her tive Government Poeltlon. Lynn olalms. Ihe session Immediately preotd sentative Littlefield oaane of the Republi- own olty who have made can sub-commit- log an election Is never very favorable members of tba special [SrKCIAl, TO THE PRESS.] oareful Investigation. for the passage of olalra tills, and this tee to Investigate tbe trust question gives 1). Maroh 10.—Col. tbe Seoond aesslon Is so far no axoeptlon. The House Washington. C., this promising statesman of Mrs. Pinkham has John D. Prlndat la baa been appointed Maine Dletrlot still anothsr 1-aders are anxious for two things: to opportunity helped a million women ss low as shipping commissioner at Portland, to distinguish himself before the present keep the expenditures possible, who suffered with female and to get the session adjourned at an Tice Telman, removed. Congress. Ala member of tbe oommlttee She can cure early dote. Ho appropriation bllla are on judlolary, Mr. Littlefield has already troubles. preseed Into the time usually devoted to The above dispatch cam a not as a sur- been looking into tbs trust question, YOU. Her address la olalms: aad the latter class of legislation prise In view of the stories which have whleb li really agitrtlng the Republi- Lynn, Maas. DEMOCRAT, suffer*. Iu this Congress a new rule has cans considerably at this time. He has REPUBLICAN, the of each month bad a part la tho consideration of numer- given two of Fridays THE INAUGURALS. FOR to pension hills. This leaves two Fridays ous trust bills of various character before FOR ALDERMAN, ALDERMAN, for olalms eaoh month, or three Fridays the oommlttee and Is well qualified to go 1uou1.11. oum- Into the at this time. Uu selec- in an occasional long subject Several Maine City Governments Frank I. Moore, l'orllanil, llulne. Joseph Connolly,10 apfe^r,?ti,^dFoor- on tion was a becaus* he if inlttee on Claims and the Committee qolla compliment, Seated. War Claims divide tbla time between Is tbe only new Republlotn member of the House who was an them. There la not to moch treasure for given assignment lie It* st, March 10.—The new olty gov- For Common Councilman. tba consideration of olalm bills tbla Con- on tbe sprc'al committee. ernment organized today after the to* For Common Councilman. as because so large a Representative Littlefield Is not at all unonral nrl rutu nf Mitnr Ennp Thai 12 Brown Strict. Ward Four, gress formerly, 05 Free Street, Wont Four, Une+lttxr iJ.T (1umn In eccird viCOldonrrro v.C, Trwn isaiciey V^Uiran, Portland, Maine. number were cleared away In the Flfty- with the Denucratlo position officers ohcssn were: City treasurer, rlOSOj Portland, Maine. flftb Congress. Among otber kills passed on trusts and he has bad In mind for James Potter; olty marsb»l; W. H. San- some time the a when than was a grant omnlbns bill paying In making of speech born; city el-rk, L. H. Mnrcb olty sollol- tbs about three millions of dol- came on tbe trust question. aggregate opportunity tor, George E. Johnson; olty pbyslolsa, For Warden. For Warden. lcrs. This removed from tbe oalendar While It Is not by any means cirtaln that is W. K. Ur. E. Stevens; olty engineer, ~ bills tbat had keen appearing there he will make tbe speech during this Con- many Ford. Michael R rjar- MiehacTF. McDonough,~l7cuti.r,?ru;r,1M»^.Fo"r’ for years; and removed from tbe corri- gress, the probability Is that he will | Mayor Poor reoornmonded tbe building C^rc7,l3 ^gMS? le dors of the oapltol many patient walteis, •peak whenever the eubjeci taken up of a new bridge to Fast Belfast. dlsoour- ■ome of whom had pursued tbelr In the House. AUGUSTA’S INAUGURAL., aging guests for a lifetime. While sever- For Ward Clerk. M'KINLEY HAS LOWERED Augusta, March 19 —Mayor S. W. Lane For Ward Clerk. al days will probably be devoted to claim METHODISM. waa Inaugurated mayor today. Iba F°'lr’ bills this session, tbs number passed will U1 John II Maroh 19.— At the municipal oQloers nominated Saturday Mon-i^n, probably not be large, and tbe total Boston, weekly Rd7e7TA."^^ *lftaM?r.l>rou,‘ Ministers conference hern to- by the Republicans were eleoted. amount to pay them will be Methodist required MAYOR HYDE INAUGURATED. small. day, Rev. Samuel Dlcke spoke on Methodism and the liquor trafflo. He de- Rath, kiaroh 19.—Mayor-elect Charles For Constables. For Constables. of nounced the aotlon of President McKin- E. Hyde, was Inaugurated bare today Congressman Russell, Connecticut, 10 Cedar street, Ward not taken n bolder stand tbe nsnal eeremonlea. Sath X. Brown Ward Four, 7777...... 1 IT* TF..11 Four, and Renstor of tbe same bale ley for having with AIi., vill Street, llOW 81(1 l1 Maine. Patt, state, P'wnnlrrank iYlei 1 ll Portland, Maine. llilll, Portland, tbs saloon Dr. Illoks was ohosin of tbe board 1, Introduced simultaneously, In House and Col. John D. I'rludable, against expressed Snipe president that a man s position of of Aldermen, and S. H. Du noun of tba Renat), a bill providing: regret ccenpylng aneb as tbs did common oouooll. W. ”lbat tbe failure of tbe Reoretary of Portlind mighty power President, Cyras Dong ley n I foil 10 Cedar Street, Ward Four, bran putl’shtd In the papers A AT 31 *ree 8lreet> Ward Four, JJ. not declare himself n total abstalnsr. was named as clerk of tba oommon coun- Artnili 31. Maine. Hall, Portland, Maine. the 'Treasury to presorlke regulations fer within the last few dnja. Kvrryone knew Oftwycr^ Portland, Stephen Continuing, hs said that Methodism had cil for bis 31st' year. John H. Raymond tbe use of alnobol In tbs arts and lo med- that Cd. Prindat le was slated for this been lowered by MoKlnley more tbnn any was eleoted olty elerk. icinal and other like compounds, as re- position and hit friends were very | I'd ^mmmmmmm other man wbo evsr trod tbls oountry. quired by Rection til of the Revenue Act that Be had second it. Col. BIDDEFORD AND SACO. • to bezr -—_ of shall uot operate as on the staff August 88, !t'.u, Prlrdalle Is an aide de eamp A PAN AMERICAN CONGRESS. Ulddeford, Marsh 19.—The nsw olty a defense on the of tba United part of tha t/OTcrnor of Maine. Daring the of Ulddeford and Saoo were New Marob 19.—Tbs state government suit of a manufacturer un- York, depart- Rtates to any (Spar iah war Col. Frindaclt volunteered tbls and ment was more thau the formally Inaugurated forenoon, der said aot In court of the gratified by brought any for aertlae at the front, bnt bis services In both tbe slate for subordi- and cordial rec« I red Instances, United Mates.” hlms-lf prompt responses were not required. He made nate offices as was from all the nearer Amerloan previously arranged Tbe section of tbe statutes referred to to the republlos us'ful in thie olty attending without a hitch. very foimal mads oarrlad tbrongh a rebate of tbo tax on to the suggestions recently Is that allowing neetla of tbealok men from CMokntnanga, In Btddstcrd N. B. Walker tbe L’nltad Stub s to the as- Mayor alcohol nttd In tbe arts manufactur- to by looking by and wben tbe hospital t-r.ln oame rtoornmended In his message, semblage of a general congress of all the Inaugural ers. Portland from th: t camp. Cd Prindat]- that the policy of retrenchment In bill tbat the Independent govirnments on this conti- Those fevering the say went on to Bcstbs to meet It and did wbteh had bean similar to the Pan-Amerloan con mnnfolpal expenditures have never been able to nent, manufacturers what he could to make the poor fellows the citizen administrations which In followed by kecausa tbe ot teranoe met Washington In 1869, get the rebate Reoretary eomfortatls. the lest four be continued. the of during years, bes never made sajs Washington correspondent the the Treasury any regula- Be has elways teen a ftaunoh Republi- He that wltb two more of Tribune. predicted years the manner of ascer- tbe A- tions prescribing can and one of th aotlre workers of careful management the olty debt would San Diego. Cal.U.S I and the rebate. There- taining refunding party. borne years ago he was deputy NEW BONDS POR OLD. Z be redrusd to tbe cobatltntlonal limit fore It Is urged that tbe manufacturers that ofHoa until commissioner and held Washington, March 19.—The total and It would be possible to refund at a W©E©EBa„ I should uot suffer to tbs tune of several adminis- removed under a Democratic amount of old bonds turned Into the lower rate of Interest beosuee cf tbla omlrslon due to DISCOVERY AT LAST A REALITY. millions tration. Mayor W.J. In taco, d Roosted A STARTLING treasury today In exobange for the new Maylury claim it is the l ric Acid in our tba negleot of tba government. Two-third* of our Rheumatism in one form or another. Physicians two oent was n the Gnanolal condition of tbe olty at some people|nroUifflicted|with per $o7,i uo.uuo, making tills wonderful Water no known has ever been dlscoveied that would destroy On tba otber hand It appears that to blood, but up to the discovery of remedy on LrjoIt PRESIDENT INVITED TO BOSTON. total to date cf $77,(61) bOO Of the entire length. or cure Rheumatism. This water is to cure it. An abundance of testimonials furnished application. as be Acid, guaranteed carry out suob regulations would were a V\ 11 H-AI-* but was on behalf ‘These subordinate officers elcc'.el: has the most wonderful solvent of the Cures till and STOJIACII TKOI I»L1., It*.—A of amount>U $7,80-0,(00 proven age. Washington,March delegation a case of two twelve a bottle lasts ono of national banka wblon already have tbe City clerk, William Li.Gerrlsh; treasurer, COLD CURE. Remember it is guaranteed to euro. Price $12, quart bottles, bate, nn of two million citizens from New England, principally at all and Grocers. appropriation bonds on to sionre circulation Charles L>. Becheldar; colli etor, Weston week. For sale Druggists Fancy House dspcstt or dollars or mere (or dtputlrs clerical from Boston, called at the White Herbert publlo deposits or both. H Prentiss; street commissioner, NO. 489 CONCRESS STREET, -No soon and Invited the President to attend HEADQUARTERS for or, etc., would be required. today H. Dame; aollcltor, John P. Peering; BLMEiR. Gen’l Agent. baa ever been made. the to be siren to the members SENATOR LOOSE’S BILL. WOODBURY, appropriation bunquet auditor, Fred U. Ross; chief engineer of Id tbe oase of Rob- of the National Manufacturers’ associ- 'lbe manufacturers. Washington, March 19.—Senator Lodge Ure department, Edwin H. Milllken; as- Boston on -7. Tha delega- ert Dunlap, oarrled the matter to the ation at April In the Senate and Representative Moody sistant engineers, Warren L>. Sererarcr, — a decision was rendered tion oonslsted of Secretary Long, Repre- oourte, where In the Honse today Introduced a Joint Charles Wagner; assessors, Edmund Gar- rebate tbe sentatives Lawrence, Roberts and bprague, that tbe right to granted by resolution making lbs eenlor major land, Jesse P. Smith, William W Mc- statute wae for uee of alcohol and the citizens’ committee oonslsted of tbe granted general army, while oommaadlng overseers of poor, M. W. Foliar s- 1 Louis Intyre; IK T EARLY a half of under regulations to be prescribed by tbe of John Hopewell, ohalrman; Col. the a lieutenant end the ad- century army general bae, Eugene RoLlnson, Augustus Bowe; *Fsf'iDTV I ■ of and as and Dr. b, H. Dnrgln. Tne l^y daily handling the loom Secretary the Treasury, regula- B Stack pole jutant general of the army a major gen- member of board of health. Dr. J D. fswift’sl never been a condi- took the lovltutlon under ad- A of and tions bad prescribed President eraL Haley; member of school board (three YP pc’ products England to tbe rebate was ■ tion praoedent looking, eaasa \ H* <1 UrgHhnrv c'tT cIhi; America, the hand-weav- GORED TO OEATH A BULL. I of for tbls lit and the question responsibility Charles L. Mllllken; lospsclor of build- ii'Washing C A DDPT ings of the Orient. Long enough to look was not The Danville. Marob 19.—'l’he mutilated * pertinent. Supreme JOB FOB THE PHK61DENT. ings, John A. Herring. become INTEMATELY acquainted court affirmed tbe Judgment of tba lower boJlee of K C. Stjut and bit wife, wbo 1 Ml 11 Title, N. J., March 19.—Bishop DEADLOCK IN GARDINER. I with Carpet and Rug fabrics, to know oonrt. lived on a farm near Columbia cp| | \T/~| of Nrsocpee, Powder ^C L< L< 11 v VJ• sermon at the to Hunt lo bu opening new j their were bnrled under tbe inow Gardiner, March ID —The olty gov- |l peculiarities, judge rightly It Is tbe found urged against proposed legis- of hew Metho- county today’s session the Jersey this aud I true worth. We think so, and our of success de- lation that tbe manufacturers bave not In tbelr barn yard today. In the same ernment organised morning ! saves and their years dist In of the Ame- time, money, strength J conferenoe, speaking the earne otllolala for ths minor j of our share this reduced tbetr on account of tbe wbare tbe bodlee were dleoovervd a elected monstrate that a portion towns-people prloes at that yard good rican Unlvenlty Washington,said oflloeis that tilled them last A stub- I patience. It takes the dirt ofF ! ! sed rebate. savage boll U kept with a numtur of year. belief. prop President would at tho con- McKinley born was tba frt/nds of ii '• of a Claims amounting to about four mil- other oattle, and It le tbe supposition that light put up by in no time, and keeps the pots Each year the stock shows the result higher art stand- clusion of his service as a publlo offioer for lion dollars bave been and If the while at work In the Ur. Stout wai Alderman Haley and Churoh presi- of colors tiled, the of of Inter- yard p and and clean. Your ard among carpet makers, designs greater beauty, accept position professor of the board of aldermen. After pans bright ; j Hassell-Platt bill should pass there would attaoked by the brute. Hie wlfr, It la dent closer to nature’s wonderful national law at the richer, and cBlor blending painting. nntveislty. ■even teen ballota It waa deolded to poet- will sell a 16-ounce probably be many more. presumed, cnrae to his assistance and ; grocer you j | Our selections of EXCLUSIVE Patterns this season in tbe eleotlon to the next both were gored to death. pone tble meeting DEATH OF EX-CONUKKSSMAN ; package for Five Cents ; and Smith’s American and John Tbe Is very prevalent lu Washing- and proceed with ths other business Lowell’s, Bigelow’s, Carpets, grip ii 11 the BINGHAM. WILL BK NO BOOL. < & Sons’ Famous Weaves, are, ton at the present lime, and many mem- ANDROSCOGGIN CITY OFFICIALS. f Swift and Company, Makers, Chicago I Croasley English perhaps, shown in Portland. bers of UoDgr.gr have been sufferers from Steubenville, Ohio, March 19.—John New York, March 19.—Officials of tbe most noteworthy of any yet Lewiston, March 19.—The Inauguration l 'irW'PWWWWWWWIlSkWWWWWWWWsPWW* It. A. U'ngham, ej-mlnliter to Japan, and Trunk Lina association, dapreoata all In W'ltoos, Brussels, and the In- of the olty governments ot Lewiston and every grade,—Axminsters, ex-congressman from this district, died talk of a "pool” teoanae of the associa- there’s a to choose from. Auburn was aecompllibed today with the grains, great variety st Cadi.-, Mr. Bingham wae an tion's harmonlocs with ADDE & CO. -oA0.^ is a revelation of richness and today. arrangements usual formalities. The Oriental Rug display attorney for the prcs)cn;lon In the trial the Western Pniaeuger association In the From India and George W. Furbosh, Republican, Is the Machinists and Metal Workers beauty rarely excelled in any city. Persia, of President Lincoln's atsvaslne. management of tbs Immigrant passenger luxuries for the new mayor of Lewiston and J. S. P. H. Turkey come these much-coveted home,—the Baldness buslnecs. 'they deny that the agreement I ths new mayor of Au- Anatolians, Wilson, Democrat, Ferrabans, Kirmans, Shirvans.Daghestans, other than the 59 Kennebec St, Portland, Maine. Royal | has 1 MAINE PENSIONS. any object regulation nbrn. Mousgouls and in all their wealth of time-mellowed of methods In the of such traffio. Next to Stove Bokharas, Can be March 15.—The following handling C. Webber wes Foundry. | Weshlngto.., In Auburn, George coloring and graoe of design. Here, also, you may see the from the Is- C. marlWlmo pension changes resulting elected city slerk, Taecus Atwood, best of the season’s offering in American Rugs. 1 sue of Maroh 8, are annonnoed for solicitor, S. K. Dal lard a member of the Cured Established 1848. city litMonr,Edwin tax oollsr- For Window we have Fashion's newest creations in {ft just so long as there is a particle ® Maine: water commission, Frank G. Vlekery, bprague; Draping A of left in the hair roots. A ter, T. E. Simon ton; uanoi, A. N. and besides the standard tints in in- vitality onioixAh. commissioner. The election of Lace Curtains Portieres, $¥? The fact that the head is smooth ^ street city Uooksr Clough; is no N.wkert; elty marshal,J dow Shades. wr- and shining positive proof Charles Lincoln, Jr., Farmington, fti. treasurer, oolleotor and oversea* of ths that the roots beneath are dead Lotion ohlsf sngtnier, John A. Karl; road com- Palmer’s poor was deferred. down beneath the skin, hair ; 5 DCCBEASS. Deep Tite BEAUT1FIER and mlialoner, Samusl Darby | olty (olloltor, roots may yet exist, filled with great Morrison was -•- i| | to Orrln | In Lewiston, Bmjsinln D». Wll- j latent vitality, and all that is re- j g Sylvester Gray, Wells, 5ti 18: C. |M. Wslkfi) oltT nhr.lolas, ji elected street commissioner, George 8. I quired to develop them into a P. Chaffin, Westbrook, $8 to 58. luusi ibembsrs of the soh ml board, kits. beautiful head of nair is the faith- 3 < llals, city elerk, X. F. Callahan, olty V. M. Spumous »nd Mr*. Tboirss ful of the : W. ( application proper agents, L C. Hawken; (Niters of pnblle library. j THE FOBTIFICATION BILL. Skin Curer tr< usurer, J. Heads, oily solicitor, : T. Cobb, J. fr»d Msrrlll and C E.Weaks; KILBORN Seven- — For Tetter, Eczema, and all A. Littlshel'1, auditor. Dr. Provost. olty W. T. COMPANY, Marab 19.—The fortifica- Pimples, o rerster of Iks poor, Hlshaid C.Mall. Washington, ot the Skin and Mucous Mem- Sutherland Sisters’ $ Diseases pbyslolan and G. G. Wagg, asaesso*. _a-. • tion bill was to- appropriation oomplsted an outward preparations furnish the easiest, A branes that can be reached by ROCKLAND CITY OFFICIALS. AN AUHKKMKNT PKOBABUE. surest and to aacer- by the Hons-i oowiulttae on r Proo Street. day appro) ~ S24, quickest way j±» _1M|1 tain if there is or is not latent life application. — March 18.—Tha oar per, ter*' A atlons and repoitad to toe House by 6 Hookland, March 19 Ihe new q)lj gov- Both, skip beneath a heed bare of hair. Why £g is still urssttlsd, bat It Itoks ss not try them? Chairman Cannon. It appropriates 57, Lotion 8oap ernment met and organised tonight, the strike assists In all racb an wlU bs early this 80LD BY PRUGG1ST8. 0)3,488 for carrying forward the plan of Prevents and caring cboloe of the olty official* numbering If agraaaaal slgnsd L-—-——— i »:e:«e»:efteaeeette»:e«e»a&fa | bear oast defenses. afflictions. At Druggists only. 'the following i City clerk, Enooh Dnvlooi w«sk. tha rnvAwciAi* W1M—W. tHVMKRm father* leased. Iaetaad of aboltthlai [ It la a klatarr of George Washington. T hla THE PRESS. Vast Day aa a warn oot aad Malaas eas- First American, of bis btoaataf — FOR- tern, I weald sail our people to a rawswo I hooaabolds. Mr. Hoary Uabot Ledge PORTLAND THEATRE. TUESDAY, ■ AllCII M. 1*00. observance aad a batter appreciation of aaya, “tbo book doaarraa a porroaneut Tneiday. Wednesday and Tharaday, March 80. 81, 88. tbs rial slgnlOaaac* af the day." *b flaw In tha Washington IttMtua" When You Feel ■atlneci Tneaday, Wadneaday and I hurt day. deeorlb- FEBRUARY TKRMfe dlffleulty Ilea la getting the people to re The aoataato oonslst of obaptecs 1 oh lid hood aad DAILY PRESS— •pood to tbs UoTsmor'i oall; thong Ing tbo Brat President's Out of Sorts— ol Is not so In a Ilf* at Mount Ma Ilf* la Mew the |C In advance or |7 at the end probably It great epareel] Varaoa, Graham By year, INVESTMENTS Genuine Southern Go. •ettlrd stale Ilk* Mew when York City, tbo tha* aaa* of tbo National Specialty the year. Hampshire, Cannot BE ORGANIZED AND AUGMENTED FOR THIS SEASON. there ere no aa In h ***** life > government) tba removal to Philadelphia, Sleep, By the month. BO cents. large cilia* WE OFFER Colored Store of America. Mnaeaeboeett* fall of popalona towns. where Wasbngton ref seed to aaanpy tbo A1 4 Mam la Andmon, tbe Coon and the Cberuh; the Three UriNdri, America's take • wlneglaaaful of Famone Pearl 4 rater tha Johann Daneinc Trio; Woods, Phenomenal Contortionist; Halley, a Tip DAILY TRESS la delivered at thoee the became aa loaapera mansion built for him by the Cooper The Indeed, dlffleulty preeldautlal Hoff'a Malt Extract with your oil looatown Bare*; Kmplre ((nartriio, Singers, Dancers, Comedian*. 30 ( horns of to subscriber* In all parte ol aooooot Creole Baantlee. ;m every morning hla lo tbs latter atate com* yenia ago Legislature of Panatylvanla, on meals. It will put new vigor into Champloa Cuke Walkers. 30 Prise llnck and Wins Ihuctri. brook and south Port- Bonds, Famous Goon Musical Comedy, •nierkeills " Portland, and In Weet that Fast wit* abollthed aad there of lla aad tha Baal day* at and build Municipal *<»rie«y Day great also, your system, you right HOUVKNIR—Wo will present to every holding a for a Fifty Cent land. lady patron coupon was eubs:llnted In It* piece n genalat Monnt Vernon. up. Inaiat upon Reserved neat a complete piano solo copy of the famous *l»lacksrllle foel.ly Cake Walk.'* STATE PRESS (Wtoklv)- Tbts m the moat remarkable MAINE wltbunl of Mlae Herbtrt’a of wrtttng It Water Works rafftlmo oornpoetUnu ever written, pure Ktlitonlau Melody. Con- holiday aoy prsteaoe fasting vtyle Bonds, tains the right for a Two at By the year, *l in advance, or $1.S* at tbe swing htep. Played by the famous bandmaster. John Philip Sousa, and prayer about it. Where there It a sprightly, and bar kasa sans* of hamaa alt his eoneerta. end of the year. 15, 23. MX*. A af the ob adds to tba obarm of wbat aba baa to aay, Prices—Kvenlng. 35, Matinee, 13. For six mombs, 50 cents; for tnree mouths, reaaonable pro*pact ssearlag whloh was wall worth saying. Railroad Bonds, >6 cents_ servant* of Fast Day wtloh lie porpow tborooghly Johann CAIIIV A <*HA.\T, tbi bound are not delivered sail* for. It Is well enough to retain Tbs volume la very handsomely Subscribers whoso papers I | ol then oeebea to retell and the and pilnt are THE p p p p ^ ^ prompilyare requested to notify the office day, bot It Is worse illustrated, papar Bank Stock. of the bean- the DAILY PRESS, No. »7 Exchange street, 11 where It* pnrpoee le entliely Ignored. of the best, and tbs portrait Hoff’s Portland Mo. tlfol girl, of whom Mrs. Mollle Elliot __ CONCERNING BOOKS. Heawrll writes so touoblugly and tym ps- Malt Extract Patron* of the PRESS who are leaving town tbstloally In tbs prafaos, all g* to mak* company. have the addresses of their 1 **** WBBBC temporarily may It an Inlersstlag memsato of oaa who Do not waato your money on any J5SR5L as often as they may desire by mnilnec. * * papers changed All lorers of Robert Louie Steven tor died In bar thlrllitb ysar, "Young, girt- of the worthless substitutes which H. M. Payson & Co. °JiL»”vJH. tbe have notifying office_ will welcome with pleasure Mr. L, Oopc ed, and greatly beloved." There Is aa nothing but their cheapness to recommend 32 EXCHANGE 8T. SSKTJEtfr*"*.’.. Com ford'• and lotereatloi ! of Miss Herbert an them. febedtf has appreciative Interesting portrait Tbe Capital's experiment Hoff a never \* lL¥iJItJt',Cl' Topeka of tbs maa aad bis books. Ai to her work. Johann disappoints. c?g,lttD‘“*L°*vun FOLl.Y Its ntook- study frontispiece A B,^K III HY .FridaySaturday ni” J1,.!,,,T brought a lively row among of eager and enthnilaetle student Steven 15 Mlnnlri 0r w.1., «, wniob *111 be profitable to the holders, aa well as of his ■on’a work* personality Miss blagrnder’s novel, A Manlfeet eating and valuable articles In th* reevnl lawyers. Me. Gornfard waa re- bondsT and temperament, Destiny, 1* light, plansnnt reading, and, number* nf th* Atlantlo Monthly, th* de- .. fitted for the task wbloh Tbe strong* st demand for free trade markably well while the plot la slight, It la rather ai- Ugbtful autobiography of W. J. Still- aoblevernen 1 a comes from too W»a5, he bad set himself, aad bit A beautiful Amerloan girl c DETS. with Porto Kloo trnordlnsry. man would, alone, mak* th* magaalne """ J*P.1PQV of the farmers is In "adores bar little mother," .JK where a great majority proportion. wbo exquisite moet desirable. No on* appnolatee mom County of Washington, Me., 4’s, 1923 8 the The volume with a snoolnet am mother's Tax are. That would seem to negative opens nod is quite sbearbed In tbls folly than be the old N*w England tradi- Exempt are anxious to olear sketch of Stevenson's heritage am loved n notion that tbe farmers falling health, la madly by tions, and bta Ufa baa been a varied and 1912 MARCH 21 <& shut out. his aneeatry, outlines his Ilf* ami treats and after Milne Central Railroad Tt 22, have the island's products oharralog yonbg Englishman, remarkable one, while hi* personality la of him as the moralist, the artlet. thi 1 be; mother's death aaoepts from him a most attractive. In the llaroh number has abolished Maine Central Railroad. 5’s. 1912 Governor Leary slavery romantic and the llmrer of landscape to proposal of marriage. He returrs of th* Atlantlo he relate* hla early ex- *UO UrA L im a ID Vjflmnj. with a keen and nonte orltlolim to follow, the gingerbread fete closing England, and sha promises In art nndsr dlWoul- The perience# studying Bangor & Aroostook Railroad. 5's, 1943 In the Sulu aroolp logo. Philippine of ble and an which 1 1 heir Mr. style, epllogne Meantime Lord Hardly, whoee tlaa, and dsaerlbaa hla a* a be a of the Unlled visit, youth, Islands may not part both and billllant eloquent. Horace Spots wood H, Informs the young to wtare he meet* 1 enter, & Dlt. 1943 SECOND PARISH. ur d »r Its London, Bangor Piscataquis 5's, States, but they are oertalnly volume Is In nonltea “life” o The man that hs will out hlnf off with a Millais and other famous men. and the constitution for- Kuaklo, -„r juris llotlon, its bnt a ilild and talllm 1 West Cklcaro Tunnel. 5's. 1909 I Hettlaa. subject, very shilling If ha manias tba lovely Of tlla experience he aaya: “I was In bids slavery not only In tbe United moel literary monograph, critical, yet So oor heroine, being very ambitions and knowledge of worldly life aoaroely tear a UNDERWOOD SPRINC. KOTZSCHMAR : but In all under its juris- Co.. 5't. 1918 HALL, States, territory kind and and from a print o: to Quincy Rai'roid March 26th. admiring, not at all in love with bar lover, goes child than I had been whan, at tbe age Spacious Dining Mall always open. Music Monday Evening, diction as wall. the and Booms, all with fires The famous London view refreshingly new, keynote bln; England and proceeds at ouoe to Lord of ten, I determined to oat Into tbe Card Smoking open Monologue Entertainer, go Portland & Ysrnouth Railroad 4’s. 1919 brilliantly lighted bv electricity and heated by Ms. Okorok re- the cf Stevenson by hie friend Intercede with The Rev. Mr. Hall of Cambridge portrait Hurdly's London bouse to world and make ay own career, free from steam, decorated with palms and evergreen. William Krneet whlob An menu from which to order. to tbe Rev. Mr. Sheldon's experi- Ueuley, portrayi him for herself end bis nephew. It may tbe obstacles 1 to be Oakland Me.. Water Co.. 1908-18 excellent j ferring iineglaed preventing 5's, and fish a him In tble wise: Game dlnrers specialty. ment In a stye that seem a little premature, bnt before tbls we from following I Heals, ihe svrr made for Ihnner, or GROSSMITH. running n^Atapaper my Arrangements Dancing Humorous and Musical Itrclfnl. are not Lera 4’s. 1929 Card with or without cars at •'If the newspapeis otToday Apparition. entranclngly beautiful girl leafse feeling In ms tbe Newport Me Water Co, parties special Heats and on sale at prrsmt developed by office of Portland A Yarmoutn Electric Ratl- $l.fO 9i.oo, htorkbrldge’s thin chested, slight un- that sbe Plano Rooms Monday, March 10th. Half faro what we ought to have, tbe responsibil- “Thin-legged, Hurdly’s preaeae* be propones religiose training of my mother, tbnt nn w Co., office 440 Congress street. Telephone And Other Choice lavestments- \y on M. C. R. R. to all holders of Hrossmttli the but speakably; blm Instead of hla nephew—and I Providence bed life In 916-8. noT2Sdtl ity nsts not upon editors, upon Neat-footed, and weak fingered; la bit marry over-rallng my tickets. ■srlMtd There of the Circular sent on you and me who buy the papera." face— •ball not tell another word Itcry, keeping, made me qntte oblivions of or Special Descriptive applica- tion. If tbe curved of Deak and Hs THIRD CRAND Is a good deal of troth In that. ‘Lean, large-boned, beoause It will spoil It for many Indifferent to tbe ohanoes of disaster, for touohed wltb rice, did not buy "yellow” journals readers. tbe ssinranco of protection ami leading SPA RRI \ G EX UIRITION people Bold-IIpped, tloh-ilnted, mutable as th< ADAMS & Rut as GO., AT THB ROOMS Or THE oeaae to exist. no ANDERSON, would soon to tbe best and lift for they see. plsoe appre- MERCANTILE TRUST CO., matter of foot they buy them oftentimes The brown eyes rallsnt with vlvaotty— Nothing oould be more perfect of tbrlr hension. It was a mental phenomena Casso Athletic C ub, 160 Middle Tbe'r shines a brilliant and romantic Portland, Me. Street, In preference to others. Tbe more sensa- kind than Mr. Spearman's Tbo Nerve of wb'oh I now look book on with a wonder 31 Exchange Street, crane, )an27dtf-fo MAR. 21. as a the Its ib moat eane will WEDNESDAY. tional tbe paper, rule, larger trace or Coley, and Other Railroad Stories. On wfcl I think people A epl-lt Intense and rare, wltb 6 ROUNDS—A1 Parks of Boston and John Ross to at tbe when most ....AGENTS OF.... sales. trace needs good nerve, Indeed, read them, share, that, age boys of Ht, John’s. Of passion and lmpudenon and energy, for there le tba olang of the engines, the bate beoome men, for I graduated at « ROUNDS—Jimmy Connors of Bangor and has offered an HOME BONDS Senator Beveridge Valiant In velvet, light In rugged lack. of Mike Donovan of Hld.lefora. rnsb end roar of trains, grim death twenty, I should have btoa capable —FOR— L'MTED STATES BRANCH OF Maurice amendment to the Porto Rico tariff bill Most vrin, most generous, sternly orltl 12 ROUNDS— Rosenborg of Boston a like the • \ and Fraser of cal, standing on the track, and berolem and going ont into strange world Billy Charlestown. whloh grants free trade with the United Admission 50c. 75c, 95.00. Choice beats $1.50. Buffoon and post, lover and sensualist; sheer on avery vivid paaa. It la ohlldren of the Children's Crnstde, with that this notion Is pluok March Investments. marl4dlw* Stales, and ^declares A deal of a streak of Puck, Ariel, jest thrilling beyond words, and superbly an un'alterlng faith that 1 should be lad Assnr- not to be construed as an admission that Much Antony, of lietnlat most of nil. County of Cumberland, 4’s. The Employer’s Liability clone, ana an ten taiea ueai witu ice pio- end oared for by Provldsnoe as I bad AUCTION sALCi Porto Kioo Is under the constitution. And something of the Sborter-Cateoblst,' been 1 bad no Portland, Maine, 4’s. Mr. volume Is tnreaqoe and exoltlug aide of railroad by my parents. apprehen- That aught to be acceptable to the people Cornfurd'e published bj Maine Central R. 7’s. aoce Lim’d. life. They appeal to readers of all ages, sion, from tbs moment that oneof tbo R., Corporalion, F. O. BAILEY & who have free trade with toe Messrs. Dodd. Meed Co., (Portland: CO. opposed oaonot who whs In business relations Portland Street R. 1-2’s. & and Is a dis- and too muoh pra'se be given shipowners R.,4 Island, for fsar that It would ba an ad- Lorlng. Short Harmon, & United States Branch Mana- elder brother offered me a free Portland Water 4’s. Appleton Dana, and Merchants to Btereosm- them. with my Co., 71 street, Auctioneer* Csmuimiou mission that It was a part of the United tinctly valuable addition gers and Attorneys, Kilby on one of bis to Mass. Inn passage sailing-ships Standish Water Com- Boston, Siilexrooa 40 Kinbauge Strset. States. Of oouisa It will not be aooeptable literature. Messrs. Howard and thst I should not find a simi- bo- From Fords, Liverpool, pany, (Guaranteed), 4’s. r. o. bulk. c. w. ALLS'. to thoss who voted aglnst free trade ASSETS DEC. 1899. Ualbnt Hhort & Har- lar bridge back again, and with my 31, man ♦ tf Rico's From the publishing house of Messri (Portland: Lorlng, Portland and Rum- os ate they want Porto preduots Hoods.$979,720.00 mon) we havs three new volumes: Na- thirty dollars changed loto six sovereigns ford Falls 4’s. Stocks ar.d excluded. It won't suit the Farmers U. P. Putnam’s Hons (Portland: Lorlng, Railway, Cash In office and Hank. 6.78L89 a of ture’s Mlaoles, by EUsba Gray, Ph. 1)., and a little vallss with only obange Cash with with which Mr. Herbert Myrlok Short & Harmon), w* have aa excellent Portland and Og- Deposited Trustees, league, I went on board of tbs Uarrlok, Kidder Peabody A Co.. 53,554.64 Mr. Koab hie LL. U.; The Fata of Madame let Tour, clothes R. 5’s. for, but It will salt, we believe, wore by Brooks, sul-jed densburg R.r Interest due and accrued on Hoods 7.140.42 speaks a of tbe lilaok Dali line, sailing being Henry Knox, A Soldier cf tbe by Mrs. A. G. Paddook, and Hunday Af- paokst L’ucollecteu Premiums, net,. 189,093.84 MONEY TO LOAN. the great majority of the Amerioan peo- ternoons tor the by Mrs. K. In the lest days of Deojmbor. Also Portland Bank Hevolutioo, Msjrr-Ueneral In the Conti- Children, ross Assets.$1,236,290.09 ple. M. L. U W. G nental Army, Chief of Ar- Francis Soule. and other Washington’s Stocks Any amount, large or small, to suit the bor- As the rainy mason approuches the Prof-ssor valuable work Is all Admitted Assets.$1,230,290.09 tillery, “rat Hujr.-tary of War under tbi Gay's POKIO HICO’ES EXPERIENCE AS rower. on Household Furniture, Pianos, Or- more first class Bonds Luson Insurgents are showing and founder of the Boolety about tbs earth, the air and the water, gans. Stock and Fixtures, also FarmingBlock, Constitution, AN AMERICAN COLONV. LIABILITIES DEC. 31. 1899. Horses, Carriages, &t\. the same to remain like an army various and from a solan- suitable for Trust activity. Though anything of the tiuolnnatl. The time whloh this In their forms, with the owner. We will pay oil furniture March 19 tier- Net losses. $327,115.00 does net eilst, there are apparently seat- of and this Is the hrsi Washington, —Adjutant unpaid leases and advance money at rates as low as history covers Is from 1750 to 1800 Inclus- tills point view, Funds and Conser- Unearned Premiums 561,319.23 ral Corbin rcoelved a cable message today can be had In the State. All loans may be tered the Islands small bauds of a which will oon- All other liabilities, unpaid Commis- paid through ive, and in reading Mr. Brooks's meal of series tf volume', by Installments, each pavment reducing Doth from Ueneral Davis tha de- vative Investors. sion on Premiums 7,224.47 wfcioh take advantage of every on Th* au- commending paid. aud Interest. Real estate guerrillas, interesting Volume, w* ere led to won- tain familiar talks sotenoe. principal mortgages to make attaoks small partment of Porto Kloa, saying that the negotiated. Business strictly confidential. opportunity upon der, with him, “why It le that a llgnre thor alma to make his books readable to Total. $885,658,70 detaehmente of American condition of tbe Inhabitants of Porto Capital. Derodted. 2O0.0QO.00 and Isolated so and a obaraoter ao axalt- all by nalng tbs language of common commanding eo Surplus over all liabilities. 150,631.99 and lines of communica- Kloo Is distressing and tbe suffering troops destroy ed a* the and character of Ueneral life and avoiding teohnloal terms as far bgure over the Island and tion. In tbe rainy season the dlllloulty to reach thous- general and widespread Total liabilities surplus. $1,236,290.69 Henry Knox should have been so Inoon- os possible, fer be wishes Portland Trust Co. SHAWMUT LOAN C0„ that be will at least flee hundred of rnovlDg our troops from place to place ands of readers to whom he oan val- repairs feb27 <1U splouous In tbe written history of the give W. a. OH Market SI., Portland, .Hr. tends uuusual tons of foud supplies weekly, until R. IlOOTHBY, will give these roving op- Hspubllo." Bays bis tlegraphcr: “liven uable knowledge, and who, not having General Agent, JSUIJ uu further notloe In of four- Maine. portunities fer mischief. It was suoh bad the advantages of a solsntlflo educa- pioprrtlone feb24aeod3w Waterville. found most SHTrHIUB IIW, ■ L-ojfomue w bands that the Spaniards tbe times In whloh Knox lived and tion will be glad to get at least a rudimen- and oodUah. Ar- difficult to In Cuba, anil It one-fourtb>aoli of bacon suppnss wrought will d'siloee hie energetlo per- tary Idea of some of the natural laws $100 Reward. are made In subsistence CascoNationalBank If we had a simi- rangements being would not be strange sonality. his pre-eminent abilities, hit with which they are constantly oolning In and ('apartment .OF. Portland Electrio Light will lar experlenoe lo tne Philippines. oontaot. Tbeie little volumes will also quartermneter general's Company lofty patriotism, and his winning man- PARIS 1900. THE $loo to any one who will furnish evi- to meet thla requisition as promptly and pay ners. Above all, one wbo won and held aid young students. PORTLAND. MAINE. dence that will couvlct any person of tamper- as possible. Tbe transport Secure your tickets to Purls Expo* ng with their lines, lamps or machinery. Reports concerning the present temper tbe affection and esteem of Tbs llrst section of the book dtsousses regularly Washington, Is scheduled to leave •iltou without of PORTLAND ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY Boers are On Ibe Burnside, which delay of the very oonfllotlng. as Knox did, ooold have teen no oomnoi wnrld-buldllng and life; limestone, ooal, 1824. Geo. W. Brown. President. for Ban Juan on the 21st in- Incorporated hand are as detsr- New York T. one thsy represented man,” slate, shale and salt. C APITAL AND 6PUPLU8 P. McCOWAN, lake tbe Urst to titter to die lo stant probably will consign- for All rnlnsd to light the end, The uatbor of thle le a Tbs second, the atmosphere, tempera- Agent Lines, NOTICE. volume,—whloh and similar the if need while on the ment of relief supplies ship- 4BO OONGHESS ST. last ditch, be, very handsome one, with many and val- ture, oloud formations, winds and dews, be rnadeeaob week marlOdeodlmo are desorlbed as bitter ments will anooeedlng other they against naole Illustrations,— has drawn hie ma meteors, the sky and Its oolor, liquid air, is hereby given forbidding all per- linrnslds ar- because waut to by other transports. The NOTICEsons my Addle A. h. Kroger olid Joubeit they terlals from divers hot eto. ONE MILLION trusting wife. Brown, sooross, prlnol- rived at New York yesterday from tbe on my account, as 1 shall 'pay no bills con- oontinue the war. Protably we shall And and pally for the Knox Manuscripts, now Id The third treats of rivers lloods West Indite with a nilroellaneous cargo ti acted by ner after this date. whloh account Is oorreot when Lord remains or twelve soldiers Steamboat Col H. HERMANN BROWN. out tbe possession of tbe New Kngland His- and tides, theories and svldenoss of an Including tbe Portland & Boothbay wbo lost their lives In Cuba elnoe tbe Portland, March 19,19,oo. mrt9d3t* Roberta begins to move his troops Into toric Usnealogloal Soolety, of Beaton. Ioe Age, glaolal and preglaolal lakes and and not till then. Amcrloan military occupation. fiTfCAHKR KNTERPRISK leave* Kaat Transvaal tsrrttory were for a time rivers, and various other things of equal Many valuable papers DOLLARS. at 7 a. m. Monday, Wednesday and Bootlibay Is no that tbe Free Staters There question la tbe bands of Mr. Charier ti. Uavrlr ol Interest and Importance. NEW YOKE'S ELEVATED KAIL- Friday lor Fottland, touching at So. Bristol, on Harbor. are tick of the war and glad to quit, but The Fate of Madame La Tour Is a new Interest Paid Boothbay Portland, who began a memoir of Knox, ROADS. Keturnln*. leave Franklin Wharf. I ortland. GEORGE A. war was not their LIBBY, then tbe primarily but was nnablt to edition of Mrs. Paddoek's book, which at 7 a. tn. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday lor from falling health New March 18.— The World says no York, TIME DEPOSITS. Bast Bootlibay, touching at Bo nhbay Harbor affair. They bad grlevanoe against Snlsb It. ths reoent protest In regard to the ad- -TEACHER OF- today that, In addition to the plan of tbe and Ho. Bristol. tbe English and no hatred for them, mission to the House of Land at Five islands on signal. We are grateful to Mr. Brookr for tbe Representatives t to had of Metropolitan htre. Hallway oompuny octlldtf ALFKKD HACK. Manager. while the Traitsvaalers plemty ■ervloe he has rendered to lovers of Colo- Drafts drawn on National Provincial absorb the Third Arsons road It Is plan- of In or of Bunk England, Loudon, large nial In and timely. The Literary World gay* this for sale History general, especially ning to get oontrol of most of the street small amounts, at current rates. of remarkable novel that “It la not C urrent Accounts received on favor- to the people Maine, Uenetal Knox's only In New de- CISCO BAY STEAMBOAT CO. 'IV mm has sent an ambassador to railway business York. It Is able terms. toy a PIANO at bat of home, "Montpelier'' being Xbomastlon literature, statesmanship high tbe Third Avenue com- solicited from Indi- London to ooosuU Mr. Uroker |in regard olsrsd that after Correspondence In where is also hie and It does the viduals, Corporations, Banks and that state, grave, order," certainly deplot taken In tbs Custom House Tlie Best Method* at a Mod- to the raid now made upon the pany Is Biooklyn Rapid others desiring to open account# as well Wharf, being be was born In Boston. and methods of although origin. Ideas, principles be and as from those to transact Bank* He. Tlolous retorts in Mew York. That Transit system will looked after, wishing Portland, erate Price. shows, no Mormon llfewlth alnful business of I fancy there will be memoir ot Gen p accuracy. will te lug any description through Sot. 1st, 1S99. at that the raid le troubling Tam- when the conditions warrant, II this BauK Commencing Monday, least, era! Knox whloh will be mors Of her own work Mrs. Paddock sayei published and then the Address, Caro of WILL LIB3Y, with many The decent ot the olty absorbed; only opposition people valuable or reada- "Louise La Tour la not a creation of Jones & thorough, eminently the Manhattan eleveted WEEK DAY TIME TAISI.E. Cressey, Allen., bare only to lay aelde their ludlfferenoe will consist of g STEPHEN R. SMALL. PrwidwL ble than Mr. Brooks’s Instructive and at- fancy. Her stcry Is true; hsr sufferings For Forest City UmlliiR.Pmk* Island, mar3deodlmo*_ and an energetlo eampalgo against ays MARSHALL R. 60DtN& Cathie. a. nr.. 4.00. 6.1ft m. begin tractive and It would be an orna- wets real; but I hare only tem._ 5.30, 6.4ft, 8.20, S.I5, p. work, tebTdtf a. A00 m. Tammany to drive it Into retirement, WHEELER AT CAPITOL. For Cuahlng* Island, 6.46, m., p. ment to tbe shelves library. Hint, with delleete half words UKN. For Little and Great Diamond Islands, aad Mr. Uroker along with It. All such Aid Trefrtlieu's Peaks Island, 5.30k o^any sorupulous reserves, Washington, Maroh 18. —flenaral Wheel- Lauding, coirupl organisations llourlsb simply Wbal no one sampled sbs should feal in 6.15, 8.20, a. m.. 2.15. 6.15 p. m. Among the Harpers' new books (Port- full." er was al tbs onpltol today and was For Ponce’s Landing, Long Island, 8.20, because ot the xnplneneas of the respecta- a. in.. 2.15 d. m. sad; Boring, abort & Harmon) arc Tbo warmly greeted by many old friends. He ble people. They would not have the least C. W. T. UODINU. General Manager. Switches, Half First American, by Bella Herbert; A Mrs. Houle's little volume will make no effort to taka his seat until dU Wigs, ohaare of dominating the government of delightful Bonds n0V2 Manifest Julia Root returns and his Destiny, by Magroder; Is ealled “A Mother Book,” end the au- aftor Secretary and Front of the laud If It were not for Municipal Wigs Pieces any olty Nerve of Frank H. status la deter mined. and Tbe Foley, by one of the slat! too rare military tale euplneneae. Kxperlenoe has shown, thor la mothers, of all Btyles inado to order and kept in Sprarman. In tbsss days of thoughtless Irreverence, stock. however, that It Is a pretty safe rallanax Red Hot from the Cun One tekee up Mias Herbert’s volume who thinks that shlldrsn should still and other Fine work, low price. the moat ot the time. Onoe In n while n life sent mail on with a sense of sadness, that yonng “remember tbe Habbath to It Wes tbe ball that hit U. B. Steadman Goods by approval. so bad as to Induoe a llsy heap things get spasm of flash and should have of Newark. Mlob.. In the Civil War. It Bead for free illustrated beauty promise and In ths very best, happiest catalogue. of reform, but It la soon oter, and the holy,” eaneed horrible Ulcere that no treatment been so sadly out short by death; and and for the Utttle ones. And public relapses Into Its old lndlffer swastrst^way helped for 80 years. Then Buoklen's Ar- HIGH GRADE again this an onuaual Interest to The Knack foaling gives In her attractive volume she suggests nloa Salve cured him. Curee outs, enoe. If someone onn devise some mtaos Lovering's Paris Hair Store, the work to whloh this yonng girl gave and methods of Bruises, Burns, Bolls, lfelons, Corn a of the atlrred nil the practical pleasant do.-g 1999 Washington SI., Boston. keeping public np to mnoh tlma and and reaearoh. Skin Erupt Iona Beet Pile cure on earth. thought tola, whlob should appeal to every parent febl5 eodtf time he will solve the problem ef munici- Soots, a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Of Good Printing is who has the good of the shlldrsn at P. S. 677 street and pal government. B. Uoold, Congress into the heart. H. U. Starr, Cumberland Mills Druggist. the artistic insight MISS A. L. SAWYER’S Securities “ Governor Hollins of Mtw Hampstre Tbs elet Yhs hook has for Its foundation lectures art of all arts.” and sorest ours tto Millions Given Away. preservative does not believe in Fast Day. various of of Shorthand and abolishing VO known for Biitoosmkss given by the author In parts With us is not School Typewriting hick -to It Is osrtalnly to the pnblio printing Hs thinks a Fast la needed now Jp end HkADAcn, and for gratifying Day New England, which warn, at the time one oonoern In the land wbo jp Constipation, all Liver and Bowel AS to know of treat it as an Centennial Block, 93 Kxchaugr;St., more ever. BY mechanical—we then "Whoa the nouotry was jp Oomplalou, Is ^a meat acceptable, and enthusiastically re- are net afraid to be generous to tbe FOR 8ALE Portland, Maine, la Its Infancy," ha says In his Fast Day ceived. needy and suffering. The proprietors of art should be treated. Dr. King’s Now Dwoovery tor Consump- Thorough Instruction given in shorthand proclamation, "and dangers surrounded At ths and of the book will bo fouod o typewriting, correspondence, &e. tion, Coughs and Colds, have given away Wouldn’t it be wise for you to U on every oar ancestors tell the I lfiaugeodtf hand, oollsotloo of hymns and poems for ths over ten million trial oottlae of thla great a trial order with us ? seed of a aad fgrs°nifills tbs of place (roteotlog gul Hag power, ONE PILL IS A DOSE \3 children, which on foil ot o gentle and mddlclne; and have satlsfaollon knowing tt hue absolutely oared tboee DINNER, and sought II prayerfully, leaving os tble |aFt Ther make new. rich blood, prevent 9 simple piety, and hors tot me say that GENTLEMEN’S sands of oases. Asthma, Bron- SWAN & BARRETT Tv cure Skin end Hlein- 9 hopeless annual fits as a snared lnheiltanue. Mow end Eruptions or Tv tehee. Enclosed In vlela. 9 there Is nothing either seotarian dog- Hoarseness and all diseases of tbe fleas chitis, The men to the Rl Lawrence Con- that we have atteloed a and THE THURSTON PRINT belonging itrong lnety fwt»el41 (Hti ■ kettle s9 matic la o work whleh should do much Throat, Chest and Lungs are eureiy cured gregational'Parish will preDare and serve a we are a 91.00 Ike tlx. It. Call on P. S. 677 Con- Bankers, 131N N K It in the Parish manhood, now that vigorous, Af good and ba gratefully nod by ths moth- by H. Uoold, 97 1-2 EXCHANGE STREET ( Ol’KMK Dining t.JOHNSON A COMPANY. grese street and U. Q. Starr, Cumberland Room, at the corner of Congress and Beckett wealthy people, having eefely peeved ers of March 2lst, at rjF today. Mills drngclat, and a free trial bottle. streets on Wednesday evening, Boston. Matt. get 'PMONC SO PORTLAND, MAINE the pertla ef our youth, we nr* apt to fog- sloe 60a and *1. Every bottle •41 Regular MAINE. Tickets M oeaU each. nsriikUt* pet the etrong aim upon whluh our fore- Not to mention ths many at bar Inter- guaranteed, or price islanded. PORJLAND, MW IN AnrmMTwmmmHTn._w«w «ovwht.ibwkwt..__ TKMl’KKiNCK INSTHt’CTtON WESTBROOK. SOUTH PORTLAND. MAIL MX. THK PUUI-IC HCUOUl.b. To Che Editor of the Preoo: A jtodd) ladles’ nnctrt, vocal ud la 1 that have seen the best assortment I ban read with Intsfest T-aehUg -tru mental, will be fives far Ua beoaflt AREn you Tunpacarw” H 11 appeared In yeater of lb* Uni vs realist oboreb In tba Union of Dress Goods? Have you decided day'* PMK5«. It way be well to quote First New City Opera bouee, April 7. A feature of the law Mr. CrrthaU bread* aa ab- Meeting entertainment will be a drill by Suit? Have Case Discovered on the wblob patrlotto YOU fully about the Spring you surd, and at lb* aeme time to remind the Council. tbe ladlaa of tbe Soelel olub. similar Portland Orohoatro will seen the new line of Goods now Steamship Vancouver. readers of the PKKSH that law* Tbo Ladlin’ qH||£ Spring to tbla hire been enacted and remain up- vl It ua asst Thursday evening and ap- oUKt on sale at on the statute books of all the t bate* el pear In emerri at the Union Optra tb* Union aspect Utah and Ueorgla and houea They will be aeeleaed by Mr*. V. tha United Statue Congress baa passed a II. Uunton, A'ua Bertha Thompson, lilm of Minor Offirers L. Hanson Child Had the Dreaded like law for the terrlti rlei and tho l)le- Appointmfnt Theresa LaProhcn. Mrs. 9. k Sin 11 trlot of Colombia, tae oaral academies, and Miss Mary O'Neill. and the Indian arhoole. Announced. Mr. Harry Harford, who hae been Disease. of T le Temperaaoj Infraction Lew In working la Blddrford alnoe the oloatng Maine as emended ly ohepter 107, Publlo tbs bleyele factory, le v's’ltog at bia Laws cf 1185, Is as follow*: home bare. ‘’Provision shall be made by the proper The T need ay Evening Whlvt oluO will These are near: These are fashionable: 'oual school authorities tor Instructing Committee Appoint- go to Klverton this evening Icr a topper The Is in Quaran. money or Ship a eohools supported by publlo nod social gathering. Black Cheviot—fine French fabric, In ewd ments Made. and at North ^ under rtf* oon Ire), phyelology CKael Thomas wife, Cam- Acts gently on the White Mohair—38 inches wide, 75c tine with referonoe to the are guests of H. M, Cole. 48 in., good black, light weight, *1.50 hygiene, special bridge, and for shirt waists. drink*, stlmnlabt* and M. L Barbie, woe has been 89c, effects f aloobollo Mrs. Black French Cheviot for suits, 56 narcotics upon the humen system." rp-ndlug the winter with her brother, K. Kidneys, Liver 1 cannot ask spao* enough to notloe In M. Cole, has returned to Bearing. Pastel Shades—for shirt waists and In., $175. (Great value.) detail all of the statements made by Mr. Assessor!* Elected and Municipal A. V. Skinner Ik working on the LlUa- in the and Bowels gowns, 38 in., $1.00. Black Cheviot Serge—firm and And the Little Patient Is but I would like to refer to a btth during the lllneca of Ur. Pet- evening Cortball, Officers City few of the most Important. Mr. Cortball Organize. tengUl. the durable, 52 in., $1.50. Isolation Hospital. System of 44 suitable aatumes notion Ik clck at her home Full line Mixtures, nays the law tb* false Mini Ltkkle Skinner -..janses in., Camel’s Hair Cheviot—with the that knowledge of the result of certain on Pine street. for street costumes. 68c and 75c. • ^EFFECTUALLY new 52 in., $2.00. courses will binder humans from entering Albert J. Bcaghty hoc retnrned from “pebbly” effect, theee oouree*." Allowing that the lew three weeke' trip through the South, The Urst monthly meeting of tbs West- Lansdownes in evening tints, soft (Stylish.) waa dlic ivi-red dose assume this Is It an absurdity! Doe* where be hae been on business. A cane of sin*)] pox yes- brook oily government elnoe Ite orgaEiu- ^/COgj£A0AtH vepS Genuine French Camel’s Hair— the Ore borne Portland Loan and Build- on thn ateaicsblp Van- not the knowledge that Imt Tbe South ^ 1 and silky, $1.10- terday morning ion fer tbo yeer lDOO-lMIl. wen held OVERCOMES soft 48 in., arrived hero at six hinder “humans," even qnlte small ohll- ing Association ret id at a masting Satur- %/rf0 good black, very finish, couver. Ibis ablp evening at tbe Connell ohamter Pns'- N with two hundred from handling ooals of Ore or from day evanlng to recall the eleventh series o‘c ick Sunday night dren, dent liallry presided. Mayor ilorr nu In Lansdownes for shirt $2.00. the hands them Ul- of Its stook. I UAL CONSTAT Changeable and three ngers, all ol warming by plaolng wen peerage jats e tendanoe. Ail of tbe aJdtr n< n H4B.TUAL PERMANENTLY Black Camel’s Hair Cheviot, 50 in. hot stceef of Summit waists and dresses, 40 in., $1.25. whom were bound for wee tern point*. reotly upon the Mrs. Prudence Pnrvlngton ore set when City Clerk Hmlth eJ d at *1.25 and 150. wore ex he says, referring to the lawi It street Is slok with the grip. The moat of tbts3 paacengera Ageio 11* r .11. ,TS aass to believe words read In a Mr. Charles A. Studley oontemplates blue and notice.) nmlned by tha Inspector of immigration pupils Mayor Herr anaounoed the fallowing Suitings—brown, grey, (Take teacher In ssvaral mads on his resi- Eff£CTS and the health clHcjr Sunday night and book or told by the opposition baring changes B£HEriciAL Black Cheviots in additional appointments: Buy the genuine mant o oy drab mixtures, 54 in., regular $1.25 Plain variety, ise* of to fao s seen and known by the pupils, dence. Last High .treat. allowed to leave the ehip, nor 9?c’*- Jamas U. Xhomes while Constables, Hanks, for the 75c. from 50c to $1.50. on tbe that tobaooo li poisonous, Chari- s V. Cole, who It working at present, (Posi- bpes being reported board by shlp'i naylng Uavls, Horsse KElfbt, Uouald X. Wight, quality, after the the see: te oc-tenth* of the men be was at home ovsr Sunday. Cheviots. doctor. Yeiterday morning pupil Napoleon V. Pomerleau. Freeport, (AURRNIA ffc S|YRVP(S tively a great bargain.) Grey wm knows tobaooo, nod his answer to Ldwlo South Portland, V most of then* pa*s»rgsrs had gone it using of wood and lumbar, Fowler, s.r:£ Surveyors ooal, fCB »AU BY All OHU^STS »8*U Ml N8 CCTUL. Grey Homespuns. was one wbr the tosoher's Instruction la Mr. U. I horn as 9. O’Neil, Kolghtville, and fennd that there pavat-nger U. C. llootb.Frnnlf Adsms, ¥. H. Urant, 50 and he la the riobest and smartest M. bare Venetians—blue, brown, green, Venetians. tad not been f cciunt d for. 1'hls ort smoke* A I) Wnruihurv. JnmM A. Milltken. William Burgess, Plearaatdale, Grey to a of obout live man In town, and I am going smoko UWU (rw.ivw. $1.00. Camel’s Hair. was found to te child U. F. Unas, bradbury, Kuell in, Grey that Woodman, was e?ck and had been when I get big enough. Toe saying yoara old, who W. Woodman, C. H. Klwell, U. U. Kay- Vigoreux. uloohol la poisonous, while the pupil says* HAIUIOK NOTKS. Grey mood, A. Ik Hawkts, U U. Towle. Plaid Back Suitings for rainy day Black and Black and White Challies pianilDod this child and found that It "All onr great men, congressmen, gov- Surveyors ot atone, U. K. Urlggs, K. at our Black Goods The child lawyer*, merchant* and Items of Interest Picket! Up Along the skirts, $1.25 to ).00. Departme.it. was suffering from email pox ernors, judges, H. Ntwcomb. of t drink and I mean tJ Water Krotll. w s of I}an)6h birth and was one lumbermen, llqoor President then announoed the la llalley none drink when I am big enough." There leinlly of live of whom, excepting following oommltteea to serve for tbe thW 009 was sick. abundant testimony to prove that tobaooo, Tb" eobooner Jobs Ilraoewell, Denson, child, ensuing year: case of final or the nicotine whioh is found in all to- Dorrr from New York It wa-* too late when this Flnanoe—bailey, Wairen, Young. muter, of and for Laoco is and that taken In pox was dike >vered to quarantine all o poisonous Aooounta— b.-tird. Waterhouse; Speirs with ooal, and tbe eobooner Alfred W. EASTMAN BROS. & BANCROFT. at one time It dear and the pafsengers, so tne ship wae plec:d Ir large doses enough Highways,sidewalks bridges—Wood- h'lak of Dennla, Kell/, muter, from New Kates. quaiuntlno and the health offoxw togetb kill; and the teacher oould easily reply to man, Frank, York for Heston with ooal, arrived In Putllo grounds and buildings— Fetes, helc euoh for no one so far Doth ves- «r with the Marine koepltal surgeon any questioning*, Clark, Frank. Portland jaeterdav morning. 1 am has as undertaken a c nsultatlcn and decided to dj the Ixei as Informed yet File Department— Waterhouse, Haggett, tals wera blown otf abore in tbe heavy that the ose of toLuooo ever I Ley c uld under the crcimstace*8 Tin to prove Quint'/. northwester of Kilduy night and came in OPENING OF Kulea and ordeta—Clerk, Young, Quin- SPRING was allowed to come to tbt made any one ricter or smarter. for harbor to await a fair wind to daat l- Vancouver up by. I hate before me as 1 write the testi- end cf the dock, bat none of her crew oi Street lights- Qulnby. Kates, Urlard. natlon. No damage to rltber vtsiel, those who remained on boaid were al mony given by scores or the leading edu- Drains and bswets—Warren, Spslrs, Tbe tohooner Hamburg of Machlat, on the wharf. The sled cators of the country regarding the per- Waterhouse WhlUt from riand Klver, N. S., liats to lowed to step Woodman. muter, We’ve enough make one them Health—Spe’ts, briard, SUITINGS. were to nlcoue t fleets of tohaooo, of also ar- LADIES’ taken the with child and the family Polloe— Fortin, Woodman, Warren. for New York apruce piling varied of liowdoln you dizzy—and styles Isolation hospital cn the city farm when from Dr. Hyde, president out new streets—Frank, Fortin, rived. Tbe latter schooner has bean slnoe Laying success in Lndir*’ was our incentive to con without to confuse the best bal- Last season's Tailoring iluy will be strictly quarantined am college, who "writes: I ray Warien, Waterhouse. Daggett. tbe middle of December on tbla voyage. enough Clark. in tills lor the of 1U00. Tlin the least that the tobacco I lrensis—baggttt, Frank, Into elaborate preparations department Spring where the oh lid will be treated. The sb l| qualification Fortin. Tbe mutter was Injured and went anced head—and prices low CLltrs—Young, Qulnby, and Domestic Fabrics are here for your will then be fumigated un< habit is lojni ions to health, to scholar- Maohtaa for aid where sbe lay very Latest Foreign thoroughly Voted that all eommnnloatlons re Tarred surgical to suit the thinnest the enough pock- and we are ill a to reveal Fashion's inmost when this la done the cargo, which \ ship and to charactsr. It weakens until the master recovered. inspection, position tbo new be taken op to olty govsrnment not one — touch with whim and all hound for western am diminishes the power cf application et. We’re hat hatters as to styles. With tailors in every nearly will, to tbe commit- thoughts and retried respective THKY AIK CLAMS. Downs Canadian points, will be allowed to lx and lowers the tone of thought and feel- we have all the Spring models. wrinkle of the trade, wo feel contident that Tuilo.-made tees. the more landed, '/he has not, of oours?, There la no olub In ooqntry ordered of us will bo in every particular. Our Opening cargo ing." easeisora of taxes wss a satisfactory Tbs elect ion for It Get style that suits your faro come with the disease In anj I believe no honest teacher In Maine fond of olama tban tta Portland olub. our and methods to I’ortland In contact aod resulted la tbs oboloe of is merely a means of introducing goods tben held, met olub wblob —not are the The wl>l then be allowed tc would be at all pnszled to suitably reply It almost lnaredlbit thla your hatter, you to take order at moment. way. ship the Ward A. ladies, li e are ready your any followingi 1, Stephen to tbe backbone should take on board unotber cargo If it is de to the pupil who thinks all the great la Hepubllcan one that has to wear tho hat. Cord well; Wurd 3, Sr.; got Joseph Hsrelton, a of olama wblob at shed, but none of her crew will be al men drink," for be oould point to many taka so well to diet Ward 3, V. D. Ward; Ward 4, Timothy We’re solo for lowed to come ashore. good nud great men whom Maine has tbe whole world knows are dug and agents Pomerleau, Ward B, C. W. Lawrenoe. It is understood that the Vancouver U sent to Congress who never drank.Among marketed by tbe dyed In tbe wool Demo- New York Nats and The election of aaci-iaors was unani- Young’s Lound for where she Is to taki them Nelscn Dlngley, dr., honored and crats wbo live along the Soarboro llata. lia.ifax, In eaoh case Wards have a of their in mous excepting 3, dlth display goods L. CARD. hesitated to that but olama la tbe of W. cn board a regiment of lirltish troops for beloved and he never say staple banquet 4 and B. In Ward 3 the vote wae V. D. our east window. mrsoeodlw routh Africa. Last clliceri when a small hoy be was taught the the Portlaad club, and It la a noticeable night police U. U b. Ward Ward, 7; Hawes, B; 4, bod rather eat clams were ttvtloned at the Grand Trunk docks nature aud eileota of aloahol and always faot that their gueata timothy Pomerleau 8; Peter Turgeon, 6; “Wise heads wear them.” to enforce thj regulations, m shunned it as an evil thing; and the at this olub tbau dine on qnall and quad quarantine Ward 5, C. W. Lawrence, 8; N. L. Wood- lbs beard of health has supreme power Ir uarue Is true of the clear trained, elcquenl imported tiz at other oluba. Perhaps It la Mr. Ueorge hnowlton was elect- are bury,6. when la eon- such oases. man who is his snoorsor, and these by not to ba wondered at It id at city auditor. One of the meraers of the board o: □o menus exceptional oases. sldefed that the Portland olub olama are Voted to hold tbe regnlar meetings of health said that there was m Again Mr. Corthell says the school always good and tbe member* of the olub FRANK M. LOW & yesterday the board the tlrat Monday evening of GO., or the dlsoass being spread lr board will not give the tlm e the law de- are among the moit substantial and tbe » (lunger eaoh mooth at 7.30 o’clock. Portland. He said that he could no mantis. 1 fall to s*:e wherein the law de- strongest HeDUblloanaJIn tbe s’.ote. Men’s Outfitters, No further business, It was voteJ to understand how the sickness of the cbllc mand uny given time. Again, he refer* Last night the Portland olub bad u adjourn. had escaped the attention of the surgeoi to "prescribed text bcoks," and I fall tc olarn supper and os guests they had tbe MOVIMEST MltVKi:. MUNICIPAL OFFICERS. mm SOd it of the ship unless her condition bad btei llnd that in the law there are prescribed oily government of Portland. This In- concealed from him in hopes that tin text books. Moreover I know that there A meeting of Us municipal othoers cluded tbe Democrats too, and though close of the oounril seemed family would be allowed to land oi are some superintendents and tsacher* was called at tbe there were but live of them they MARRIAGES. wblob wai rt ashing Portland. who have faithfully compiled with the meeting, Mayor llcrr presiding. to appreciate tbe hospitality in Gorham. March 17, by Rev. G. F. Cobb. The on these is obliged t requirements of the law and there b»fi The records of the previous inretlng shown them by eating tbii: share of tbt surgeon ships Oscar IL. i.ibby and Miu Maiiain Gllpatriek at no that of the other were lead the clerk bmltb and bivalve. No were visit the passengers in tbo steerage been complaint any by olty suoculent speeches lrt>!h of Gorham. No woman is to In West Waidoboro. Alonzo E. and going least once and the doctor of the branches suffered thereby. approved by tbe muni.lpal offioera. made, muoh to the regret of some of th< Boggs every day Nellie Creamer. be tormented with pain and to his in We havo no fear that the advlcs to re- Mr. H. K. waa eleoted a mem orators ol the city and tbe tellel Vancouver had attended duty Urlggs oonnoll, In Norway. March 10. Walter II. Stevens auc weakness and nervousness this but he hzid not known of tbt MAiil this Inw will hm followed. It Is hard ter of the board of health and Mr. U. M. of tbs olub members. It was a good lime, Miss Bertha lictchics. respect, Ill Vlnalhaven. March 10, George Newberl and distressing womanly ail- fox to how mush tbe statement made Stevens as tire which seemed to be disease until yesterday morning. As tell l>; Inspector. however, enjoyed. and Miss Kditli Arey. ments of aH if she offi- In Saco. March (iussio I* Smart and MU! sorts, tbe who were exposed In same Prof. Atwater regarding ;th« It wss votad that all bonds of elty 11, passengers MH. UfcOKUK UKOSSMITU. Mary Me Kenney. knows a way to cure it. disease are tbit nutritive of aloohol, by cers be referred to the olty tollcitor for degrtc to this they by quality In Belfast, March 11, Oiln E. Smith and Miss That’s the reason we are I 4. time widely scattered and alii on theli his experiment of shutting a approval. JUli y Uroaeiultb ol lu Morrill, Marcli 10, Herbert Smith of Mor- telling you about TANGIN. man In a and him on aloohol No further business adjournment was In presenting Mr. Urorge wsy west. As far as possible they wll; cage feeding rill and Mrs. Delora F. Mansfield of t’tmdeu. It is in Mr. absolutely, unfailingly exnmlna a oertain number of days has Influenced taken. London to Amerlc audlecces. be looked after and snbjeoted to and a cure for Instruction Uarrtman of this la be- Urossmltb was famous In London as an positively any tlon. Everything that oan be done tc tbe attack upon tomperanos Mr. Fred oltjr DEATHS. diseases and muelcliui, be of those dreadful will be done. lu the sohoole whloh has been recently ing instrnoted In the dutlee of a conduc- entertainer, delineator, prevent contagion known as womanly ailments. Isolation ward made. tor Conductor Allen on tbe Weatbrook fore be waa pereuadid by bulllvan U In lids 19, James M If tbe olty only bad that by city.Illarch JSsflord. age< we hie at thi 57 1 1 mouth* 20 days. To prove it to you, will board of health has been Prof. Atwater may bare proven to bit division of tbe Portland Hall road compa- create tbe parts In operettas year* now whloh the ot funeral hereafter*! a free of Bis fame as Jehu [Notice send you sample an for th< •atlsfaotlon that aloohol la eoiuetlmea a ny. Savoy. Wellington In this March 10. Fred E. trying to eecure appropriation city. Orerby. aged a Sir the Uen 35 years 7 mom In. TANGIN and valuable case of small ooold Le cured for In but the vast majority of expert Wells, Joseph Porter, Major pox food, [Funeral on |Wednesday afternoon at 2 oVlk, medical treatise on the dis- that It la not a food Aid of Wade Hons eral, Bunthoroe, the Lord Uhanosllor. j) much better manner than It can be now teetlmony proves X be Hadiss' Camp, at his late residence, No; 77 Chestnut street. if Jsck lu this city, Ma cli 19, Martha Ellen, widow o eases of women, free, you Ihe In whloh the present case o and there is still another side to tbe ques of Veterans, are to entertain tbe members King Game, Ko-Ko, Oakapple, building the bite Henry M. Turner. will send a asking for such men as Dr. Helief at their meet- Point, parts created by him, quloklj postal small pox Is Isolated Is not adequate tc lion represented by of Cloudman oorpe Notice of funeral hereafter. That what 0'O9sed the Atlas and when he lire! In this city. Mai cli 19. Jane Morrison, age< it. surely proves the needs of a olty Ilka l’oitlant Cyras Edson who most emphatically gays ing to be held Tnursday evening, March tic, big 89 years. we think of TANGIN. It thst “If was oil tbe faoi o'clook. appeared In this oountry as an entertain where something of this kind Is liable U every drop wiped Id at eight [Funeral on Wednesday atternoou at 2 o'clk wonderful curative er he waa welcomed as an old friend, from Greeley has such at time. The board o of tbe earth the people of the world Mr. Charles Hlnkley Is to give a talk Hospital. develop any In West Buxton, March 18, Miss Alineda C that we With each scccsislve appearance In ■ powers are not health is doing all that can be done, bow would be a thousand times better off." on “Old Cathedrals of Kngland," for the Blake. bis success was and It service afraid to send a und Hoblnson assured We oonlldently believe that there are benetlt of the school room decoration town even greater, [Funeral Wednesday afternoon.) you ever, Mayor In Fast Wludaui, Mai eh 18, Miss Euieliue M true the ttati February at Boston, where be gave font free f*. PRESS reporter yesterday that he felt enough of the guardians of fund of the /nmonoonfln and Caneot Field. sample. hundreds were turned Int'armei. March P. oonlldent that these oibclals would taki and the moat Intelligent and belpfu L vents olubo, Tuseday, Marob d7. entertainments, 13, Benjamin Hopkins, A. M. BININGER & CO.'S Successors, aged 74 vears. who away. Ur. Uroaemltn will give hla re- New York. avery precaution to protect the health o friends of the ohlld In our midst, Hev. H. F. Moulton of Uiddeford ad In Baugor, March 14. Ellabethli A., wife a will maintain the and reasonable law Crossed tbe Urrt In tbe cital at KoUeobmar ball Uonday evening, Th iroton Webber, aged 82 years 2 months. the city. just meeting special March Flossie B. Nash March 20. In Nobleboro, 13, which provides for Ihe fore-warning and Lenten am lea being held this week at tba aged 4 years. VUNEHAH OX JOSEPH HARO fore-arming of tbe ohlldren of the lie church. The la to There was a grant sale of eeate at Stock- In Biddeford, Match 12, Edward Rogers UulTereelist meeting 17 Plano Booms tbit aged years. CHEHHE. public. be addressed this evening by Kev. John bridge'* morning lu Brooklyn. N. V.. March 18, Mrs. Mary la at onoe U desire seats. hill, of Portland. The funeral of the late Haro Respectfully yours, Atwood of Portland. Call you good formerly Joeepb Murray [Funeral this Tuesday morning at 0 o'clock oca la. M. N. STEVENS. ohelle, the well-known Preble street Miss Jennie P. Whitney of (iorham has MB. BUBNHAU OFF FOB SCRAN from the residence of liar sou-iu-law, John Uar riitaii, 179 12 Soring stree’. dealer, took from the Cathedral o been engaged as a soprano aingar at tbe plaoe TON, PICNN. (Requiem high mass at St. Dominic's churct the Immaculate Conception yealerdo; RIVERTON PARTY. Unlvetsallst ohnrob. at 9.30 o’clock. Ur. Walter W. Burnham, the well A POPULAIt SONG morning, tbe Rev. C. W. Collins olliol East evening the second an. Arrangements are being made for tba Saturday known bainball manager, left last eve- [The funeral of the late George Sleeves wll funeral the 1 p g The was attends' • treat M. of an ha star coneert by Sun- take this ufternoon, at utlng. largely nual party from the Congress bolding In ti plate Tuesday 84M 25 has its day. ning for Scranton.'Penn, response o’clock, irom i»arents’ residence, No. 101 Fores ouly 2^ and tbo muslo tloaly rendered t>y tbe Ca E. Church, conduoted by Mrs. J. W day school at tha Warren Congregational What retaius right a request of President Fogel cf the At H5 popularity tbedral with Miss Annie Shan went to Riverton. Ihe ohnroh. and will do so for years quartette, Davis, company lantlo Aseoolatlou of base ball olubs. ll ^ along to come is an aban at tbe organ. The deceased leavei numbered 70. After enjoying one ol Tba Jnaior Christian (Endeavor eoolety 25 Is probable that Seranton will be repre- a widow, six sons and two danghers. Hi landlord Sui tth'a Una ad of tbe Warren Congregational ohurob era 3--— suppers they sented In the olroult of that orgaulzatlot jp has been engeged In the cool bueloee to the hall above where the oom to hold a social in tha old vaatry of War- journed and If tbe proper Interest la aroused bj an Atlantic .’or the past 25 years. He was honest were entertained ren ohnroh on Wednesday evening. 3 Cooking Range. £ peny delightfully bj ths people of that olty Ur. Burnham a hnd members of Calantha 4 upright oltlaen, conscientious, pract* Miss Ethel Davis, pianist; Prof. Den The West will ab the manager nf the team. Uana It has all the elements to com- sol, Christian, faithful to every truet and the Ceolllan assembly will meet with Mrs. W. J. ger Burnham says that be has not jel 5 ; nett, reader, quartette, 35 mend it to praiae. ;. lamented no to ar- corresponded with anJ player. public tie wUl be very greatly The party returned tothseltyatll.lt health, Tuesday evening, oomplete A picture of the Propiiylac only by his Immediate family, but by nl 1 after a most eve rangements for an entertainment Satur- having passed enjoyable CASCO ATHLETIC CLUB. S who his Note thest ATLANTIC RANGES enjoyed filendshlp. nlng. day nlgut. tic Tooth Brush, «251 | Tomorrow evening at the elub's rooms, t i make frieuds and retain them. THREE LIBBY BUYERS IN NEW No. 100 Utddla ocour ths third tuft! street,will points: Irregular pointed s Sold to the Portland trade di- Shall Have for f YORK. exhibition of the season. Than g? What We Dessert sparring of bristles to clean betweer rect at the Foundry Sample Don’t fall In try Sg This 'luestioo arises in tlie family ever] Mr. Hayward, partner-buyer of the J { has tssu n large advanos sals and Indi- 25 rooms, foot of Chestnut St. 1a y. Let us answer it today. Try Jell-O K. Libby Co., with Mr. Sargent, cloak cations are that there w ill be a large at the teeth. Curved handle tt a delicious and healthful dessert. Pre i tuyer, and Mr. Rogers, domestics, lined BEECHAM’S PILLS J tendanoo. Messrs. Bcsinberg and Frasei th< 5 PORTLAND STOVE FOUNDRY pared in two minutes. No boiling n< + fit the mouth. Hole in CO.Sj and men’s furnishings buyer, left lasl whan muffarlny front any bad 4 will arrive tomorrow,and tbe contestants baking ! simply add boiliug water ant condition Of Mis Stomach 4 for New York to put the Uulsh J 4 In the preliminaries have at sored the handle and hook to hold it. mmmmmmfMfffmfwmfmtmKtfm set to cool. Flavors:—Lemon, Orange evening T or Uror. will be on ha no. and Oct a lonohss to the Easter displays of tbli OB reals, al stores, club they T'Uketa are V Raspberry Strawberry. pack lng 7 lO rents snS Ores j Always sold in a yellow box. At all dealers |jj age at your grocers today. 10 cts. bouse. ou salt Smith's hotel. Adult size. 35c. Children's (two sizes), 25e.

/ MAINE TOWNS. WINDHAM. go *■ work la gam abops and aa tank MIWftLL INEOl'I. #_ hat will aot lato famlllu I Wild ham Can Ire, March lit—Al (to ASSOCIATED CHARITIES they go ■upper had entertainment given by th« work and laara how to tors for thorn llfmi of lufrrrM Otthfrrd by Oor Local UrMim lo their hall at the Cook Pood aoleoo ood bow < was muob over his inlittko. very grlered Fields, nfttr a oonllrroed Invalid, week of August ti, loot). Mr. A. A. Hamilton of 14 idnnorer being At a meeting of the Aaeoolntod Chari was brought to her ohlldhood's home to '1 he special oomrulUee ae appointed al Is slok at tbs home waa en un street, Portland, quite be cared for ber mother tlee yeeterday afternoon there i I ---1 bis wife’s listen Uamll lovingly by aged tbe laet muting, made a favorable re- f of father, Capt. sad sisters. attendance and an Interoit- Ur. Hale Is In attendance. oeoelly large tbe made ten. at port of Investigations they had 'CTMmm CASTORIA I A Memorial concert was given flret wai Mbs JoMe Hess Is slowly Ing dlHouisloD. Xhe apraker Infants and Children. l reooreiiog Friends' oharob Sunday afternoon. daring the past week and tbe matter For from typhoid fsrar. Key. Ur. Smith Baker. Be said. In parti Mist Edith Pawkeg Is spending an In- was and freely dleoueaed by Hiss Jennie Thompson Is home from own quite fully terval of time at Mr. L. F. Small's, al “Nearly eyery one hae amontc hie Yarmouth. tbe esioolatlon, but aa no definite ruulu West Falmouth. aooualnlivnoee those who need help, but Ur. Herbert Hamilton met with quite had bun arrived at, as to financial ess'i- lem heart li The Kind You Have id aooldsut one day noently. While in SCABOKO. the older I grow the my tanoe, It was not deemed wlu or praotl tbe act of ool'Jng a limb from a tree th* touched the pretended need of tbe I West March ID.—The school by aal for tbe association to take definite axe bl* foot, making a Soarboro, any :E Form a to insure I£ glanosd, entering safe committee of Soarboro, met last Saturday general poor. There ere hmest pereont agreement mvere out. One artery wa* severed. Mr. action until eoiaethlog more tangible > each other's life. of and and BUtoInted tbe following teacher* for reduced through misfortune or s'oknsea £ Hamilton, from lots bicod other wee shown as financial asrlt- Always Bought the following which will com- rtgarde AVegelablePreparaiionforAs- 1 onus'*, la now suffering from slow fever. sobcolf, or who are out of employment for a time mence tbe second Monday of April: tanoe. Ihe Idea turned to be prevalent Ur. French Is la attendance. of tbe other! similatinglhCToodandRegula f B'eok Point Mice Theresa M. who need help, but tbe moet aohoo), iubv kuv rnipr^riHO was ui iuu the Stomachs andDowels of HAKPSWELL. I do not think Christ would help If He ling Libby. for lbs association to assume Mias Kuth K. proportion West March 15.—The fare®, Libby rchool, Libby. were herb now. There should be but tfcrae Harpswrll, lilae Point sobool, Mias Helena F. tba responsibility of without tlrst having "Teat Rascal Pat" was presented at of the poor. feTist, by the Snow. waye helping Canvassed tbs to aeoertaln If tbe Centennial hall last with the oily evening, Uunstan Miss Nellie olty; s»ond, by tbs ohnrohee, and third, cast of characters: Corner, Fogg. merchants and bualnssa Interests were following Pine Point Alias Carrie P. like the Aseoolated Alvah R. Jackson school, by organised effort Promotes I Pat McNovuerty, Snow. willing to mutually assist the* In ths Digestion,'Cheerful- Dr. Geo. 8. Littlefield Char Kin, The ohorcbta are willing to neither Major Puff.acket, Broad Tarn Mlea Mabel Ullman. necessary as it would be for ness and Rest Contains |» Charles Chester L Stover tobool, expanse, Livingstone, Oak H1U Mlea Lida K. help all their own wortny poor. They nor Mineral. ■ Clara D. Dibit1? s-hool, Libby. tbe mutual benetlt for all tbe induttries And that is what constitutes the Laura, Ncrtb Bearboro school, Alisa Carrie K have their unworthy onee who come m Nancy, livssie H.Merrlman of tbe olty of Portland, 'l'ble being tbelr ot Narcotic. basis of of a Life Insurance 1ibby. around In lime cf nesd and olalas mem- Siium,Morphine safety £ Also an origlnaal border drama In II'.oh Bill sobool. Mist Bartba O. minds,they concluded that tbo only feasi- Company, supported by the regular 3- the Pet of poor, lssy, shiftless and Intem- three note, "Tatters, Squatters' Llbty. bership, ble thing to do was to leave the matter contribution of an adequate amount £ with tbe characters: In Instances. We pay taxes I following and Hill siboola many 3 Gulch," Beach Bldgs Boottow perate In tbe bande of tbe commiltre wblcb was MKv_afaun-s;wvn.HTCtta s; of money by each individual. 3: Titinla Timber lake Clara B. Bibber teaohera for j they have not ytt appolrted for tbe support of these end others who Smti“ The UNION MUTUAL is an £ Major Tim bar lake, Alvah 1*. Jackson and tbe free eohool will >be settled appointed by tbe president of tbe e»so- J\rnnplut | High do net belong to any ohnrcb. 1 do not Mx Jmwut 3 organization of this targe number £ Robert Ferris, Chester Stover later. As Mr. Alexander Higgins bus elation, and authorized as an executive lUJUUSJ*- In a crust ot > of people, banded for the £ John Marshton, Alvah 8. Joonson served notice on the ecbvol committee, believe giving tramps Am*t JW * together committee with [oil power to carry out 3 mutual the 3- Phil Dolan, Dr. Geo. S. Littlefield •eleotmeD and treunrcr, forbidding their bread," protection of welfare Abe Clement tbe enterprise^ or drop It, ts In tnelr 3 each and of all. The ac- Wltbersuoon, Dunning drawing any ordera or paying out any Ur. Baker said tbat he did not believe toSEL'sa.. of many £ Moses Miller hirm .Utd !■ 3 Lily Blossom, Cyrus money for a frse High school this year, judgment tbe/ might, after thorough complish tfhat is impossible for the there were many honeet tramps. £ Jacob Kent, C. L. Stover they will be obi lied to osll a special Investigation, deem best, > few. £ Sheriff Gorgas, Perley Haokett ireetlng before tbey start tie tcboo). Hev. Mr. Shepherd made a very Inter 1 The Union Mutual's of £ Mrs. Umber Tbe oommlttee will organize Thuudar forms Timothy lake, Tee sdeotmen have hired Charles Kd- address. Ue said after giving a > contract are eating olllceis end BiEsle H. Merrlman warus of New Clouceshr to take evening and sleet appoint AperfectRemedy forConstipa- £ obarge brief aooount of tbe Jewish laws and ]I Clementine Fair lac*, Sophie M. Stover of tbe town faim for tbe ensuing year. ■ub-oommltte* s who will at onoe oenvass lion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Cibcral in Features Music was furnished by a onstoms in regard to the treatment ot | quartette tbe olty for Unanolal support. It within Worms .Convulsions,f everish- Reasonable in Details £ consisting of John S. Kandall, Soot* the poor, that one of tbe troubles with j | Mis* Bessie Kandall and Miss tbs next two weeks there la a disposition ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Desirable in Allen, GOltliAH. tbs worthy le that so many of them J Results Bessie H. Merrlman, with Mrr. L. M. poor shown the oltlzsne of Portland to as- few them oan by Merrill as Arter tbe can do anything, but of Tac Simile ot 3 They are called ‘Policies of Life £ aooonipaofs*. plays •1st this enterprise, tbe executive oomm it- Signature ^ were over refresh men te were served, con- do anything well. He believed that al 3 Insurance, and are as good as bonds. £ exercises were tbs tee will at onoe enter Into contracts with of cake, loe after Pleasing given by Won't one sisting oream, eto., children should be taught to do some C(L&rfZja&. J you have ? Figures £ which the ycung people enjoyed a vcelal pupils of the Uorham High sobool last susb parties as may be neoessary to Years 3 quoted. kind of work, given aome kind of trade NEW YORK._I cheerfully dance. There was an appreciative audi- afternoon, under tbe out the under Thirty Saturday auspices carry objeot contempla- ence present, and all ^united In prounc- with wblob to earn tbelr living. This of tbe sub-junior olars. T'.ie programme tion. log it a general good time. The play should be done even by tbe rloh for they will be on Orr's Island consisted of reel otic ns, readings, sing- Tbe following oommlttee was ap- Union mutual flfe probably repeated know nut wbat may happen to their | j at no late date. ing, dialogues and rausto. Several of the pointed: P. C. Wesley U. Smith; P. C. Walter Webber from Portland Is visit- rlohee In oourre of time. Mr. Shepherd readings were excellent and tbe dialogue Edward C. Lltlle, P. C. L. A. Uoold, i Insurance Company, ing friends In town. ssld that he regarded the bask door | taken from the Merchant of Venice” P. C. Charles A. i-trout, P. C. Augustes EXACT COPYOF WRAPPEB. « HARRISON. method of relieving the poor ae a most I Portland, ttlainc. £ was especially line. T oe piano solos by K. Moulton. P. C. S. C. Hlplsy, P. C. CASTORIAtm* ctwnuw coMMiwr. new voww cmr. vtolons one. He approved of the Cam- WW * ■ Harriton, March 17.— Wednesday, Alessrs. Doyle and Wblttler were nsuoh Ueorgs|T. Spear. WWW about Good Samaritans bridge Idea of organized church work W*WWWrj March 14, tblity enjoyed and tbs seleotlon by the mixed from Brldgton, South Bridgton and and tbe dlctrlotlng of the olty among tbe UEKCUAM A lJENEh'ACTOK. chorus was rendered In an excellent man- were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Naples various charges. Mr. btbephered said has been DID YOU EVER S. 11. Dawes. A dinner was furnished ner. Following was the order of exer- Tbe following paragraph ap- I that he had grown hard-haaried In rela- lead- by Mr. and Mrs. Dawes, and a very pleas- olses: Song by school; recitation, Harry pearing of late In nearly all of tbe ant time was tbe verdict of all. .Mr. tion to the men wbo earns to his book Libby recitation, ing English papeis, and us a result thou- Dawe?, tbe has one of the finest Hanson; piano aolo, He to the by way, door for fcol or a night’s lodging. sands of boxes of Heeoburo’s Pills have compare present farms in town. Miss Boyls; reading. Miss Johnson; read- double benefit liberal accident told of several Instances where he had the line In As it appear* now Harrison will proba- leg, Kalpb Files; reading, Kastman; found their way to lighting of with tho teen deoelved by men who were appar- policies today, bly have the six weeks' sltigblug In music by sohoo); dialogue. "Merchant of South Africa, and a great benaut to I ho old-time limited benefit Marob. ently In great used. Ue estimated that has resulted. ?stop before the soldiers technical forms Business most be good In Maine as It Is VeDlce," Bub-Juniors; recitation, Harry over ICO,030 a year Is expended In Port- of llssoham’s Pills de- J’HEFEKKKD almott Impossible to find a man opt of Howe; recitation. Miss Knight; piano The proprietor ■ land for oharlty, and In one way he re- s’rvs ts to state that be will be pleased to work In these parti Kits Whittier; school paper, Miss solo, but a box cf b's well known’ pro- Ray lamb came near having an eye garded this ae a ore lit to tbe olty, s-ndfgrats entered the Blanche L. Libby; violin and harmonica pals, to any lndlvldnal field,. spoiled by tbe careless handling of an In he It as a dls- riuctlocs, prstage another way regarded in active sTrice In South air gun In the hands of another boy. trio, Harlow, Kdwarde and Untbrls; soldier now graoe. He said he thoroughly be'Uved If readeis will s,nd to St. The only real exclteu ;ent that Harrison school paper, T'/ng Bruokett; muato; reci- Africa, any IHiniotlrijiowjiiH WE DID IT. In tbe establishment of a wood yard or Helen's n uddnss wblon will Hod their village has experienced this winter was Urace school Miss tation, Harlow; paper, a) s nt (rlend at tne seat of war. Ue bar on Wednesday of this week, when Fred some euoh plsoe where respeotable peo- all the other companies have iiadlook; ninslo by schcol; recitation, ndopted this oourse In consequence of \’nxv Nearly Lamb's dog broke through the ios In the a He ^3 hceu forced by the I'iim mtF.n com- can and earn few dollars. ple go to letters com mill pond, He called loudly for help, Mis* Meserve; recitation, Miss Bmlth; having received many petition to followltbo leader—The FKEFI1 KKI£L» tbe 40 odd churches of tbe city that this medlolne cannot at in hun t lo hut how to r jaoh the poor fellow seemed school. thought plaining —but it stands tho insuring public song by bo at the front.” the iUc I'liEE EUUE h— to be a conundrum. One man that bad should vote to patronize such an Institu- prssiDt obtained patronize cempauy— Toe Normal sobool will dose that made the other cotnpauh s yin the one*' lived on tbe Western wes seen Friday, this Mr. B’eobaura Is con- plains tion and semi tbelr applicants to _ publlo [solrlt double a id liberal contracts, March 113, fur a week's vacation, public buujita with a long rope wito a loop in cne end. llsalf. It was only tba L» .. L’..ll... 1 V —« _ _ _• ulaoe to work. He tald tbat he would stantly asserting H. H. Caswell and P. F. Bailey made a elected to tbe other we read of his bidding for tbe tbe most move of any. Pro- like to see minister day practical the « Congregational church, Sunday I _J_X X.__ A I_.L_S A_ .1_A of the now famous “Absent car lug b nearly boat they rescued poor LVUVJU. WWW —I'— manuscript morning...... 11 _• « .. |,nnnH -hl.l. Spot, who had become quite chilled. ment taken out of politics. Ue said tbat Harry Clement*, U. M. Parker, Jr., as suAnttunu. some of tbe towns and Til- his town had bestowed upon him and Kldlon uI Bowdoln neighboring F. Jrsepb college, Helen's. Small wonder that C. DUNLAP, March 14.—A lages had learned bow geneious Portland mayor of St Soarboro, Fight Corners, spent Sunday In liorbam. little t>pringllke weather. It give* one Is with Its poor and tbat the poor ol tbousinds who have benelltted by bis Slate Mr. S. P. Halley, who has been spend- Agent, hope that brighter days will soon be here. these places wets cowing here fcr uld. medicine regain him as a pereonal bene Mr* John Conra 1 entertained her ing the winter In iiumford Kails, spent Mr. Charles tbs secretary of tbe faotor rather than a missy personality isothtr, Mrs. Abigail Jackson of South with his here. Baker, $6 EXCHANGE STREET Sunday family known by rerson of the world-wide Portland, one da? the past week. Al- board of overseers of tbe poor, reported only Mlse Clement, daughter of Mr. Kdwtn bli Poillaml, Me. though Mr*. Jackson Is nearing the In rogaid to tbe advisability of establlsb- popularity of the aitlole whloh bears School attended the dec2l eodtf nighties, she Is as intelligent and up to Clement, etreet, name lng a wood yard. Ue did not thlok tbe date ue the younger ladles. She bas the funeral of the late A. it. of Port- Wright Li rare plen a feasible one. In the ret plnos gift of growing old gr.xoefally. land. THE COURTS. Mrs. Cummings does not gain tbe city manufactures over 30C NOTICE. Henry Main Is already is as her friends oould Mrs. James S. Thomas, street, rapidly many cords of wood a year at tbe ulrashouse wi«b. a few days with friends In Port- passing bn be- ■ t coim- lo our notice Mrs. Frank Is for Its outside poor. Secondly, U. 8. DISTRICT COURT. having McKenney stopping land. lire a deal of this lluil we rrporlcd n«. having alth her mother, Mrs. Clarence Hall, lieved tnat great poverty In have been Mod Ur. Morse the popular reader of Nor- Petitions bankruptcy given »|> Ilie agency of the llanl Icy a Ebert time. and dlettesi la caused by a lock of edu- way, will he heard at the Methodist by: man riiine. we ilrein It our duly cation. Xhs do not understand how WISCASSKT. church Wednesday etanlng. poor Aimon K. Hill, Portland. lo llie puhltc. ami ourselves lo to economic e or to munage. In the third state iliut we slill conirol Ilie March 16.—The bleak In the James A. Wright, Lew la ton. Wlcea-et, NKUKO COX A WAV. be tbe Industrial oondl sale of the lliuilmiiii Piano, anil Wlscasset toll bridge has been repaired, place thought Joaeph H. Souvluey, Poit'and. trusts and shall continue ns heretofore lo »nd teams are crossing today all Maroh ID.—A mob of near- lions, tbe great tbe policy ol right. Joplin, Mo., Anton Clmbcllek, Bangor. a full line of Tne crew will be k at work until carry in stock pt the two thousand citizens sur'-ounded the survival of tbe tltt>st, bas brougbt about is class ly Smith and Taylor, Caribou. those renowned instrumeu;*.. irldga In first condition. muob of tbe distress. city jail at eleven o'clock last night de- ; Samuel C. Leslie, Jr., Canine. Mr. said that be was 71. STEIXEKT A SO\S CO., manding a negro, who had been arrested Hhspbetd totally D. E. WlIL-r.r and Son, Brockton, Moss. to a honest 317 C Street for assaulting a seven-year-cU white girl. oppowd rending worthy, (Everett E. Wilbur, Saco.) ongress When the ollio-ra refused to surrender man to tbs poor bouse. Ue thought that T. C. McCOl kPKIC, 71 gr If tbe churches should make a syetemnti; DR. HYDE CRITICIZES M'KINLKY. him, the mob broke the jell cilice win- febSdtf DtBull’s dows and crowded into the olllee. During effort to establish and maintain tome Brunawlok, Merch 19.—President such Institution as a woou It wonld In the this afternoon Don’t injure i'li IBHl COUGH SYRUP the excitement the lights were turned out yurd Hyde's talk obapel yonrelf | JWi j |0t;; and the negro was from the be of great help. differed iron bis uanal abort Sun I but t ike I IS TRIED HND TRUE. smuggled widely griping medicines, nfl»[ Mr. Baker replied that as long as tbi afternoon and has caueed j IjBKl A true mother values her children building and started for Carthage, ten day aermous, churches tbe wood It miles distant. When the mob managed yard muon comment among the ttudents. * above everything. To mothers, then, learned \\ ill do a lot of \ but It would not be mall- I They you good. /mK^ |g| we do not with that had teen tolled started af- might work, | The Sorlptnie lesion read was the story say, experiment some they they them at J eable tor tbe to undertake or and the I Yuti can get your f \ unknown cough mixture—use a tried terward for Carthage bent on lynohlng city anything Balaam, tilk whloh followed IgM} j&SSgPlI J|e or we will I and reliable physician’s prescription. the culprit. of tbe sort. had “Inconsistency” as Its text, tut oon- IS druggist's,’5 cents, iB i.* IBjl /JBRSSU j Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup harmless, Ur. Blnnchnrd movsd that a commit- slated almost entirely of a orltloism ol I mail them to STEPHEN BERRY, It you. ( sure and quick. never fails. It will BRITISH STEAMER SUNK. tee on a vrcod yatd, consisting of minis Dot. Roosevelt for bis removal of Dr. Bisljsi / \B cure any cough a child may have. London, Maroh 19.—The British steam- ters, bn appelated. Baoknr, and of President MoKInley foi Boot, Jot ani Carl Primer, Tbe Uev. Mr. Pbetan said tbat tbere SO. 91 Lnll STKElCT. er Verona of Ulaegow, Captaln|Hutohin- hie action regarding Porto Rloo. was a time some sj) when a aon, from Buenos Ayres, February llith, years ago '‘Roosevelt.” eald President Hyde, “has was made one winter that all for Hamburg, was sunk on Maroh Cth In provision had suoh a good previous record that this oollialon with the British hark Dnnstaff- wbo applied tor aseUtanoe and were mistake of hla may be forgotten, bat Mo- For Women. Dr. Tolman's Monthly Regulator has brought able to should ns given a chance has shown his fatal nago, Captain Forbes, Philadelphia, Feb- work, KInley characteristic; happiness to hundreds of anxious women. to snovtil for the Out of the and JOHN W. PERKINS & Wholesale Therein no other remedy known ruary 19 for Ulogo, and two of the gravel alty. ls|becoming distrusted by the people, CO., Agent. positively to medical science, that will so quickly and number who were sent to tbe In his Verona’s orew were drowned. The Dun- large If cot strongly ealrenohed party safely do the work. Have never had a Singh* and most obstinate easc3 had bar stem broken below the gravel pit to cam thetr food and lodging oould rot be re-eleoted next November.” failure. The longest etullnago are relieved in :i days without fail. No other tlx availed themselves of the ohance. be to water line and sustained other eerlous In- only Continuing, compared McKinley The seat of Verrotia Diseases Is at base of brahc remedy w ill do this. No pain, no danger, no When the nerve cells at ibis a ternbl# with The most uiAicult Her filled with water but Mr. Pbelnn did not believe that a wood Gladstone, saying: Gladstone uhanged •TiaAT/Jap* point waste, interference work. jury. forepeek decline of the system occur* Nervous Debility, ramie successfully treated through corres- wonld bn a beot use It ths bulxhaad kept the holds tight and ehe yard good thing, bis mind; MoKInley has allowed his Atrophy, \ aricoccle,Failing Memory. Pain in Hack pondence,and the most complete satisfaction In instance. 1 reltevebuu- to Barhadoes for would Interfere with the but loess men. mini to be ohanged for hltu.” Dyspepsia, Insomnia. Ktc., are symptoms cf thU guaranteed every proceeded repairs. condition. Neglected, it results in Paresis, r j ureds of ladies whom I never see. Write for U» tbat tbe of men In President ftn thought majority concluding, Hyde said, Pal mo Tablets | further particulars. All letters truthfully DKWEV NOT Insanity, orConsump*ion. ny^ confidential advice in all UOINU TO EUROPE. who wanted work oaald work. Peo- man who eo acts can command the cure these ills the starve*! answered. Tree gst ‘‘no by renewing Hear CURE all drains and weakness matters of a private or delicate nature. March 1U.—Lieut. Craw- won’t a man wbo gets drunk and conlldence of the Ame loin wells, cheesing replacing is safe under Washington, ple employ respect wi h and ambition, 50c. a box; a boxes In mind this remedy absolutely MCDUAIIO nCRII ITY strength condition ami will ford, Admiral Dewey'i secretary, today and nlns-tenths of tbe poor miserable Remember the relapse of Rco o- ntnVUUO UcDILIIYs (witltimncUd gmrantrr) Ij-SO. Send f>y Fw# every possible positively people. -- no after ill effects the health. By —~ Hook. MALSID DRUO CO., CLEVELAND, O. leave upon denied the report that Admiral Dewey s’.ieks who apply for help have never valt, remember The downfall of McKin- mail securely sealed, 9*J.(X>. lir. K. M. TOL- Miss. will make a trip to Europe this summer. learned to do anything well. Ulrls will ley." C.H. GUPPY & CO.. AGENTS, PORTLAND, ME. TT4S aiAN CO., 170 ITeuumt tit., Boston, ■MW ADVKRTIISNnm Hal TO**" the appropriation waa mad* MR. CHAPMAN CONDUCTED. amoag tba ashaswhogad champion Yarmouth" bank and wlag dauoasa a< the world. Article 19 of tb* warrmnl brought m* Of ooaroa tba oafco walk woo a Baalo Portland, March 20.1X0. | Wavh at Portland Peetiral Chores oonddorabt* llmidu, reletlT* to oro- a ad li waa wall done aad worth tba prlee Plraate Rim Ira Up. Tldlng bottm oooommodnttoks for tbo of r*n‘- ‘m oobool obtMraa, oltow Iff bolldlng an aft. Tfc# cow pony will te koro for tkroo Mr. oondootod Uw Frtelrnl dltlon to tba grammar and blgh rsbaol Chapman ■ton days, at torn on aad avNlng. oboros late area Tha el- Annual Town Meeting a now It rahaawal log. bonding or moot lag bolldlng. Omega Oil taadanoa vaa remarkably large, tha teaga WARD FOUR was flnnltr **t*d to mot a now blgb THE TlOHT. > to all la tha Monday. mhool bonding at a root of 98,000. I be being foil, aad many haring Mr. la b# orooad oa tbs laad audience chain. Okapataa aapraaaad tnlldina to Mr. Coat Bally tat Mr. Noon or# Trot- blmmlf aa with the tb* town for o town boll. perfectly delighted porohooad by t Second Meat. work or the ohorni aad tha la ting A oommlttm la to bo appointed to toon •lagan tora wan pleated with what ha plana, eto., and report at a tpaalal tow* greatly He the dramatic, Ia tba slmhlng of (ho aaanlolpol plant bo bold 7th. had to ahow than. gate Voted To Build a lew #W0 High mooting to April ha to almost lost tide of tha obarwam whloh waa trot the politicians sight It waa rotod to build a nil*walk ;oa apan •r tha fact that there It to be a special Mala to the ranch enjoyed, and prorad parHonlarly School House. hummer, boa street, Paper ward foar oo Bat Thom latenatad la tha forma- election la Tbaredoy. Mill hoot*. The matter of balMlog o raloable. oicheetra Mr. Joseph E. F. Connolly, the father off Ur water sear tion of tha Maine Symphony drain to eorry surplus if the free bath aad the la- will mate at tha had mouth hotel hi 10 30 ordinance, tb* High eohool building la Brlok Yard the member* etigator ot many long needed reforme bee referred loth* selectmen tbit morning. I tte atoning hollow, was beta He la oa tha oborat ea heart bed ter three not afleep. ;tho oontrary To wtU Instruction to report at the rpeolal of Fire Alarm System tha erohaatn otnoert ▼ary wide awake and disposed to wla out The warrant to ooaatroet hundred tlckete for town meeting. eleetion If work oaa do to ha la In order la maintain la the coining a sewer on Kim street, for tbe four cor- glran May. Be Installed. them It Mr. Oeaaolly, It lr oeedlors to ray. and extending to the oraheatra oaa thonaand of nets on Main street Democratic oandldata tlokala moat be add. The caaostt will he Is the whs, togeth- the riser waa defeated. er with Mr. J. has al- a kind of tertlral oaaoort, Bartley Curran, Voted lo open o rood on Coatin'* isl- preliminary one beat aad war all bat Mr. ban for the eoon- ready trotted near the school house, to the bridge Chapman bringing and, heater la the home etreteb. These two alon the ebornme from Angnste, Bath, Elect a of ooooeoUng that Island with Littlejohn's Republicans Majority Lewie eta. caadldatee hare now obtained their the IMa ad Uruntwlok, ton, selecting second wild aad they feel oonDdeat of Town Officers. The proposition to extend tb* town stock of DRAMA. enoeeea Mr. Connolly's opponent It ez- IN Spring water system along tbe so -oalltd Hllgo MUSIC IND Alderman Frank I. Moore, who Is fortu- road, to the realdenoe of Hollla Mltobell, Drapery stuffs, nate tnongb to here many strong friend* waa defea.sd. It was rotsd to lake the and fabrics WHAT MADAME SEMBKICH DID la the make who will prob- lace curtains for tb* Kepnblleao sum of K5‘J from tbo water fund MISS BKIDEWELU tne town FOK ably torn oat and gira him a helping ' our The annual town meeting of of lowering tbe water pipe* I I \ v>v* for upholstery, buy- porpom ooatralto la the band oa next. Mr. Cnrran has of Yarmouth «u bald Monday at the Mias Carrie Bridewell, Thursday from Capt. John C lea res'* bourn to the more than of tbe ohotrof Doctor Parkhnrit’t ohareb la aa hie Mr. George C. Joes who ers have been town baa The meeting wae one hotel. opponent Uem of the Ilay and and It waa New York, le not oaly baaatlfnl li another strong Hepablloan. Xhl« little to beet attended for many years Artlole 117 of the warrant, relaHrs to Chest Pains usually careful avoid bnt the baa made a reputation eaoonnter la ward fonr should not ba for- ■early 4 o’elook before on adjournment tbe appropriation of I860 for tba purchase yonng, In tbe with marrelooa rapidity. Mlm Bride- gotten by the Hepablloan voters of that the the war made. Xbere were 86 article! of aotomatlo raise whistle blower and all sort* of names did before. The sudden of "commonplace," Southern of The doctor* have change* and aa a remit well la oaa of a number of ward. They same within a few rotas warrant for tbe meeting tlx Ore alarm boxes, brought out consid- for throat and chest but weather are so dangerous that sorts women who hare won fame la their eandldets for aldermen at troubles, they Omega ordinary every day the debate on some of tbe arttolss waa recently electing erable of a dlMusalon. It was llnally are much the same in charac- Oil hasscome to be looked upon as a New York. She belongs to an old Or sole tbs general municipal election and with pretty that can find in the qolte extended. YUMIU O UWIVR UlUjViit/ tv MV|;i «• no one can you VJ her ter after all. Bronchitis, Tonsilitis, remedy that ignore. L. Bneknam wae tbe family In New Orleans, bhe spent proper tflort ooald land aim there with Mr. Clarenoe lire Alarm system. The town It to choose and similar troubles first store come to, for ohlldbood and early womanhood la Birm- earn oo Thursday. Pleurisy, Asthma you nnantmous oholoe of tbe meeting between the UameweU and Stereos sys- I hare had the roost astonishing result* from the Alabama, bhe went to New are more or less related, and whatever use of Omega Oil. A abort time ago I had a baa a col- moderator bdu ne ii hum ruuii»iiuwm*« seemed to ingham, and have tems, It preference, however, itt.vk of pleurisy, and the Oil cured me. I vra* gathered tor> ■ Buuii nun n THE CALIFORNIAN. for one is for the others. on the ana bnslnrse ilk# man- is good good the I rubbed It on Impartial be (or the former system. Xhe warrant mffrring awfully night my cheat, lection of odd, exclusive the affairs •nd her ■ treat, rloh volos aoon attracted Oil wonderful md tho nett morning ail the wan gone. I ner In whlob be presided over to build a sidewalk from N, I). Buok- Omega accomplishes pleurisy WOWid not think of being without < lioega Oil m tho ofll- attention In ohnrob drops. Her plaee In of the of the meeting. The eleotlon of town to the Foreslde wae defeated. things in troubles breathing bouse for atnonnt <>f 1 could novelties that will nam's Sill! Think Can any mouey. really delight Dootor Parkhnrst'g oholr la reported to The Wreckers They of it is that not get along without it. % oars reeolted la the eleotlon of Kepubli- Xbe town treasurer was given authori- organs. The beauty you lU/\ mm o im! anna'll f flirt In New MKLVII.LE STOLTZ. *,,v w —- of one of be one of the best paid position* Float Her. the and run ~J ri- •an olllolala with the exception to plaoe tbs town money In any na- can rub it in from outside, Business New York Theatre. ty __ Manager town elerk York. one the board of selectmen, the tional or private banking Institution he no risk of swallowing or inhaling drugs artistic taste of every Mlee Bridewell owes her rapid nee la The wo-k of removing the oargo from bottle of Oil bear* tho and oblef engineer of the fire department, deemed wise. Xhe remaining artloles that may cause internal troubles or in- Kerry genuine Omega to the ebe took In the tha disabled steamer Calllornlan has for that name who sees it. on a citizen'* ticket. raneloal circle* part liguuture of Uigialo Espinosa. Look who were elected were not of rauoh importance and were the The Oil softens, Maine Moaloal Festival held In Portland not yet been Qnlshed, bat will be within jure digestion.' an tho before you buy, and ucver take any- The election recalled as follows: qolokly disposed of. The matter of the and wrapper The under the di- a this Is loosens, heals, allays inflammation, else. increasing liking Selectmen—F. B J. F. Brown, and Bangor last eammer, few days. Until aooompllshed thing Merrill, choice of minor town offiolale, except- about relief as else ever 635 X. S. BUke oltlzen, 118; M. N. Buok- rection of Mr. Chapman. Madams Sam- It Is not probable that tbs aeoond at- brings nothing for Oriental effects, ing truant offiosrs, was left to the selec- nam, Republican, 6(1. brteh, whose genius and generosity an trmnt of float I no the steamer will be 'Town Clerk—L. H. Cook, Citizen, 81; tion of tha selectman. OF THE CONDITION colors in bold con- aa the star singer of STATEMENT bright Frank W. 79. to meet 7. eynoaymone terms, begun. Buoknam,.Republican, Adjourned April TUB- Tresenrer—Wra. H. Mareton. tbe Festival, and after the opening oon- "We can Dot tell yet when we shell -OF trast, and the very rea. School Committee—Dr. J. M. Bates. The winter term at North Yarmouth oert she became the warm friend and try to take her oB the roogs," said Capt Collector of Xaxea—John A. Sen bury. sonable at which academy olosed last Friday, the ueual patron of tbe yonng New York vooallst. Humphreys of the Boston Towboat oom- prices Road Commissioner—Wallace H. Soule. written examinations the lost She advised her as to her method and her pany last evening. I have not the slight- Arabi- Auditor—Edward H. Wilson. occupying Portland these Indian and of for her fotnn est aa to when the will be Bank, hall the week. teaohor. She laid plans Idea attempt Savings for Xbe sum of <16,241 was appropriated an be Graduation appointments are as fol- and interested herself In her present made. No pootooas will be brought for things may bought town expense* during the eneulng year, Sadie Lnrrabee of It all Is that Miss the reason that there are nun# to be a of about lows: Salutatory. Dresser, mode. The neuU has us to this amount being decrease As It existed on the 28th of February, 1900. tempted bring West olaee Nelraa a oholr and oonoert day <1600 from tbe amount raised by taxation Pownal; prophecy, Bridewell, although brought ■ Treasurer. Kldora N. Kng- of ts hard nnder Do that FRANKLIN It. OAKHKTT, President. KOWARO A. NOYES, out an one There however, an Stillings, Lancaster, H.; singer renown, studying yon think. Capt Humphreys, uncommonly large year ago. was. Assistant Treasurer. address to balls and to be found In New will be a'la to her oB ell ALFRED A. MONTGOMERY, lnorrase In the bonded debt of tbe town lleb oration, oempus, the beet musters you Unally get assortment of them which Lena C. olaee and next rail ebe will abroad ne it was voted to build a new high Furbueh, Meoblas; oration, York, go right!" B. her studies and step into a "I think the who have homes to sobool building at an expense of <6,00.0. Leroy Badger, Bingham; valedlotary, to oompiste s)," replied oaptaln. LIABILITIES. you Mary Kleanor Waltcn, South Portland. already waiting for her on the lyrlo Capt Burgess, also of the Boston Tow To meet this expense the sum of <1,000 place decorate are cordially in- Junlcr parte are assigned to Charles D. Saturday Evening host who had been with ReierveFund. JSJSX was raised by dlreot taxetlon while the stage.—Philadelphia company, Capt. and Julia Frnnoee ell A balance cf la to be raised on Crane, Jr., Yarmouth Post. Humphreys at the toeae of the wreck vited to come <6.000 $9,931,871.90 and^see. Winslow, West Falmouth. WEEK day yesterday, said: "When yon are bond* of the town. UOHSE PAYTON'S FAREWELL RESOURCES. den or corner a visit cosy may The were Prtnolpal Snow makej vaoatlon with a wrecking crew yon oan never tall Estimated and Charged following npproprlatlons The last weak of Corse Payton's engage- Par Y'alue.on Rooks. to Boston. Preceptress Kll-n F. Snow Is from oce hour to the next wbnt will he Y’aluc._Market be with these bar- made: ment* at the Jefferson opened yesterday hung at Alfred on the Invitation of her oollege done." United Statea Bonds ... *l7o:i.<«io Support of Common Schools, <2,046 two tbs matinee be- Public Funds In Maine 43,000 44.07.»00 with crowded houses, ™ baric and sonool build- alumnate, Miss Dora Jordan. "Wbnt are the tor things brightening Supplies oleanlag | another reoord breaker and every prc speots removing!" Publlo Funds out of Maine 2,0-ju.ooo 2.2xi,f*»o.oo 2’2‘*,“*-^ 265 March £7. ing lugs, Xhe next term opens Tuesday, la "the prospects are very good." 00 the whole house and of 1,660 asst on the lower floor being filled spite Railroad Bonds out of Maine. 2,0ie,500 2.8IC.r90.00 2JM8.475 Support High school, No additional has arrived for Text books, 400 BOOTHBAY. of rain. was the matinee bill apparatus Corporation Ronds In Maine.. 734,000 742,308.« 72SM2 Diplomacy Honda out of 66.000 5M26.00 an of sobool Son the wrecking crew since lset wiek. Capt. Corporation Maine. transforming ugly Repairs buildings, Boothbay, March 10.—At the annual and Arietooreoy was given In the evening Railroad Stock In Maine. 81.300 92.tt7.50 Outside poor, 4C0 the of the Allan 30,9«*.50 town the oftloers bath tbs marked ap- Barclay, port oaptaln Corporation Stock iu Maine. 31,600 24,432^0 room into an Motes and Interest, 3,000 meeting following productions gaining 115.195 00 inviting line, went to the wreck yes'erday. National Bank Stock In Maine. 104.014 Town Farm aoconnt 800 wets elected; Moderator, John U. Mo- deserved. At tbe matinee tbls af- Loans on Collateral. 650.041.C9 proval ^ a cold and select- be Loans to Corporations. 577,250.00 nook, changing Roads, bridges sidewalks, 8,000 Dougal); town clerk, Byron Olios; ternoon Drifted Apart will presented 8. -.56-.18 Snow bills, 260 A HORSE OVERBOARD. Loans on Morttatjcs of Ileal Estate. 832,562.18 men, assessors and oveis ere of the poor, In whloh Mr. Payton Impersonates an Peal Estate. 215.W7.72 MM*™* north corner into a warm Contingent expenses, 800 5,84o.82 James K. Charles John aotor. That hs Is goes without say- Expense...... Street lights, 1,206 Death, Chapman, funny 203,7*3-83 202,1T83 33 Iloav Mr. Cooglns Lost a Valuable Ani- Cash on Deposit attractive place Fire oompany, 360 P. Kelley; treasurer and collector, John lug. A Child of State Is the tonight’s Cash on Hand 8.064.72 8,ool.*2 cheery Memorial Day, 76 school A. F. needs no commenda- mal. Unpaid Accrued Interest. 118.624.5x K. Kelley; committee, offering and special _ and at cost. accounts, SOO very trifling Octitandlng auditor, The this time. the evening Mew High sohool bonding, 1,010 Sldellnger; Alpheue Dodge. tion at Preceding $11.01'.’,762.07 $9,931,871.96 The steamer Buenos of the Due dividend and accrued SUto tax. 9,597.837.44 The new lines of Brus- Roads on Consen’s Island, 60 releotmnn ore road commissioners, minor performance and following the excellent Ayreaa depositors, earned Estimated market value of resources above liability for deposits, Fire alarm system, 860 officers same as last Leavitt and Novello, and Allan line, utlled late yesterday after- year. specialties by earned dividend aud State tax. $1,414,924.63 sels, Irish Point, Not- The sums were raised: Rleffert Slaters who will noon for Ltvorpool direst She took a F. E. TIMBKRLAKK, Bank Examiner. <16.241 following tbe popular marl9d3t and oat tie 1 -- Swiss and Ma- Support of poor, g 800 again make their appearance with Mr. oargo cf 8,600 tone SIB and IB tingham, It was voted to pay the oolleotor of Support of Common tohoolt, 2,010 the Portland High aohool horses. The Salacla of the Thomson taxes one and one-half oent on his Payton, drass for par Free High schools, this more Curtains, par- Cadets will give an exhibition drill, the Ilia la sxpseted to sail lug for ns The nrtiole on hx Town officers, 000 oollectlona talary. London. She would have and Contingent expenses, I SCO stage being cleared of all scenery for tbe gone yester- lor, dining lng the aalarlea of the Are department library A batement and discounts, 400 occasion. day, bnt waa obliged to wall over until was daring the forenoon session reduced room is verv laree even Uepatrs of highways, 1,760 this morning for the arrival of n oar of Three DONT’S and a DO. SOUTHERN SPECIALTY from <300 to <260. In the afternoon the liepalrs of bridges and sidewalks, 860 GRAHAM'S horses. The Brasilian of the Allan for our stock, and and a substan- Free text books, £60 COMPANY. great vote was reconsidered by from Kepalra on school buildings; 126 line, le expected to arrive Thnnday own It Is refreshing now and then to see Don’t economize at your expense. the ot Mus- Apparatus and Appllanoes, 125 Liverpool, while the handsome new variety spot of snow 1UU something that Us reslly genuine alcng Pavmert bills, steamship Tunisian of this llae, recently It’s bad lawn and Interest on bonds, SC even If It be policy. bobinet, tbe line of entertainments, sail for lins, Bonds due January 1, 1101, 20U built, will from Liverpool this not tbe highest art. Mr. Graham offers for bedroom Memorial Day, 46 olty on her maiden voyage, April Sth. Don’t without Insurance. organdies IN c a_a ~!~_a. uk/vale ocn go MAN THE a who In THE ns revel to company Darkey- She will leave this port for her retorn is much the best New bow, 80 town as a duok does In water. He has That’s also bad. curtains * 150 trip April 22d. Drinking fountain, a company of entertainers with A1 and New rood on Harter’s Island, 76 The Utbermen are getting ready for the we’ve shown. from Mamie Anderson at thslr head, quite as Don’t wait until Tomorrow. MOON C. I). Association's damage spring season, putting In (rodlnssi the makes tnglne, 9 good aa the aggregation of "coon talent' This small boats wbloh do not of oourse go That be too late. department 'To pay loan, 300 whloh was patronized so well list year, may out aa fsr as the large ones that are en- Window Shades to ord er 'the whole performance la elsan, whcls- Total, *8,816 gaged la the rough winter trade. One of ■nme. and tvnes 'of character, are to be Do Insure at once with best materials The same method of collecting taxes tho largest dealers said yesterday that (of only.) ms redclmt of the magnolias of toe as last year and dlsooonts allowed of he would send out a Ueet of 40 boats this Estimates of the cost of booth. There Is mtlodr Id the songs 6.3 and 2 per cent. season. The other dealers will send out and tho true tilhloplan touoh to the no or lots fur- about the same number. small NOBLEBORO. 13 Exchange SI. large tlon. Next to the A1 and Mamie stars, wear nv«r & 7 Sm rat rnrlnuflH nf ntkf.flu grrlvuH E. C. JONES CO., mrfleodtf nished free. TO TUX Anderson, "Hannah from Savannah," [SPECIAL PBESS.] the Grand Trunk yesterday and while personated by Ida Vlgal, will attraot sell Damarlsootta Mills, Match IS.—Noble- they ware being taken out of the oar a and Today we’ll fifty attention, and deeervedly so, for she la boro town meeting was held today, the placed aboard the Salsola during the Cashmere Table the bvst specimen of "ebony" we have ° voters were out In large n am hers, and afternoon, quite a crowd of elghteeara wife la a barrel oahe walk whleh waa with the you can get your of to offioe of first wleotman over given of the in a va- ed the On account loss of the ateamer > “Henkel's Seal of flour. wool cloths lateet society frills, Jspsneas fans, etc. Purity" j | pure J. W. Haggett. This will be Mr. Mulli- Planet Heronry, wbloh would have been '> If she doesn't already kuow it, ebe’U Sees strange sights and grows used Among the specialties deserving of special of sizes at about gan’s ninth oooeeoutlv* year a* chair- the next ateamer of tha klder Dempster soon liutl out that uo other flour niakea ■ . riety to them in time, no doubt. mention an Pearl Woods, who la like aucb cookery. man of the board of wleetmeo. bcoond Hue to sail from Portland, It Is probable ,! absolutely, reliably perfect one the Even our hansom automo- India robber In bar contortionist feats; i> If abe doeau't like it too grocer will quarter original ugly Selectman O. D. Hall, third selectman, that there will be no sailing of this line 1 j[ A1 and Mamie Anderson In the "Coon give your money baok. to biles will soon cease to surprise him; O. M. Jones; treasurer, B. A. White; until the return of the Hemnon whleb cost import. and Uhsrob;'’ James P.Heed, the colored '' but he never can understand why so bool oommlttee, Mm*. B. K. Halmer, left Portland on Saturday. I I basso of Amerloa; the three Uruodya, people are willing to drink poor, thro* year*. The selectman wen ohotan A body of a white horse floating In the CommercialMillintrCo., ;; Cooper and Halley, Lulu C atea, the DKTROIT, MICH. coffee when the as fish oommlttee. Huparvtsor of school, dock between Handall and HoA Ulster’s , , health-menacing rag-time ecuhntte, and 8 lil*y, who Is best the world produces is easily L. S. Blanchard; tax collector, F. W. and Custom House wharves, yesterday I! -1-■ I '< hOTK—Other Commercial > obtained. bprool, at rate of 8 cents; auditor, J. P. morning, attraoted many persons. He Mill, products & ar.: “Henkel's Kovel star Pastry Klour," > OWEN, MOORE CO. Ridley. Appropriations: Municipal was prevented from floating out into the < > When we speak of the best coffee, (highest grade); “Henkel's Fancy Straight officers, *300; poor, (600; highways and harbor with the tide by a rope made fast Flour": “Henkel's Whole Wheat Klour.' < we of course refer to the kind sold Rach brand tbe best hi Its class on the bridges, #8o0: sobools, *1,200. to the ooal wharf. Hr. Googlna of Pine Ask < > Chase & Sanborn. Their Seal I market. your grocer about them. by Point, drove to town Saturday for 600 and Mocha OGONQOIT. i Brand Java is famous of ooal. During the afternoon Ogunqult, March lft—The annual town pounds for its excellence, and their while at one of Handall and high election for tha town of WeUs was holdan loading up coffees which come packed in HoAIIlater’s pockets, a blast from a raw- grade today and the full Republloan tloket was Insure your prop- lined colored Coffee ing tng startled the animal, which parchment richly bags elooted, which was as follows: Town injures growing are in demand. made a plunge over the wharf and Into great clerk. Geo. G. Batch; seleotmea, L. A. children, even when it is the dock dragging nearly SCO pounds of erly with our The greatest care in selection and btevens, Wm. 8. Wells, George H. Llt- weakened. Grain-O eoal with him. The aoeldent draw tha packing is exercised. tleUel; superintendent of schools, Abble gives nearby workman of the soena who With coffee pure like this, more D. Mlldram; agent, B. A. Pops; treasur- them firmer COMPANY local agents. brighter eyes, the efforts of the INSURANCE Freeman K. auditor watched desperate ani- enjoyment is experienced. No dan- er, Rankin; Joseph and Tertiary Blood Polsoa mal to reach the aurfaoe. The load • Primary, Secondary to .health need be feared. D. Eaton; oolleotcr, Calvin 8.'.True. ; flesh, quicker intelligence Of London and Edinburgh, Great Britain. Permanently Onrea. You can be treated at ger proved toe mooh for him and la a very borne under came guarantee. If you liare taken These coffees that CAMDEN. and and stilt bare acbea produce deep happier dispositions. brief time hs gave up the struggle. The RALPH S. mercury. Iodide potash, NORTON, and pains. Mucus Patches in Mouth, Sore wine color before cream, and Camden, March 1ft,—The fight In the warn port They can drink all they wagon and harness secured through The largest Insurance Company Throat, Ptmplee, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcere golden after cream, so much desired town meeting teday was on the question the efforts of theloaptaln of one of the 8TATE AGENT on any part ot the body, Hair or Eyebrow* of Independent water supply and It was of Grain-O—the In the world doing a fire business. (ailing out, write coffee lovers. want scows In the doek. The animal waa val- by decided to rats) HO,00', the necessary AND ~ ADJUSTER. REMEDY CO. amount to meet the expons s of prepar- more the better—and it ued at about $160. COOK 828 Masonic Temple, Cbloago, III., lot proofs lngg to .Introduce a pl.nt worth (60.000. We solicit the Final action will be taken this evening St. of ourea. Capital gtee.WO moej In the elv?tlra the offiwre chosen were: tastes like coffee. Total Assets, $70,325,675 17 Exchange obstinate caeae. We base cured the won* new book tree. K. H. W'lbir, Jcslah Hoi bs. Event! on the by-laws by Xvanboe lodge. BUrUM.W&Ftt eases la IS to 3* daya loo-page Coffees. s i) K. of P. Chase & Sanborn’s Lully, tnea; Charles Wood, clerk. All posers ; Me. sad Me No. £8, 'I Mihcm.i.Airgorg. TOUT. I FOB IALB. Is'aad *rery dollar kmlolon oslkotod OBITUABY. SAUi.__ _you _ words tb* law aad mi; dollar | VOK BALB—Choicest house lets In most Portyr Inoertosl andtr thli head BOUSE won CONCUR andar Dlnatoy flH) lower root, * LET—i J12.B0 per month;! select Ideation! In Portland ; owe week for U IlftMW 1 lower rent, $20- Oo pef one ^oppf»rtnolty eeati, cash la advanca. h*«eirt*r ollrc art unttor tb* p*r M. SAFFOKD. month; uprer JAMES rent. f?o.oo per month. Apply to GKO. T. oat rata. KDWA til>9 at the Williams Manufactory James M. for years the FOR HALF-One of the best double donees tbe debate. Salford, many Co., Kennebec street, Portland, Me. 2 -1 a Mr. Cannon cocclndtd in Portland ; an excellent opportunity ior of a restaurant on were Action wet proprietor Temple •on»e one to own a house and receive a food Word*, be Mid, cheap. rv O LET—Furnished six rooms for honsekeep- n r»A LF- -Book Forest and Shore. Old Jo© Income Irom one of the rents, at tne same HU motion wet de- etreet,dledjlaet evening from henrtdleeaee ■ lux. between and the material thing. Spring ongrese street, Wjrer, the soout, Charles limey. In- time. Apply to GKO. T. EDWARDS, at Wil- With Senate Porto near Public modern conveniences, by tb* P*rt* Rtoaas at 30 free street He had been sick three Library, dIsn atones of Portland. Falmouth, Wlnoham, liams Manufacturing Co., Kennebec stfeet, tuned to tnrn o?«r to first class. Address C. Press everything D., Gorham a d Yarmouth, flow our grand- I Portland, Me. 20-1 dollar btntolor* and hereafter *al- days, bnt for many months bae been in office. 26-1 Rican Bill. •very fathers lived over a hundred year* ago. Price I tooted. Tb* motion of Mr. MoHa* we* 111 health. Mr. Salford was a member of SO oei.t*. COLEg WORTHY’S BOOK 8TOI K, SALK -New summer cottage. Loreitt's TO LET-Cottages on Great Diamond Is- 92 Exchange street. 20 1 I^ORHill, Willard, (near Cape Casino*; eighteen to limit tb* appropriation to th the Q. A. H. and wse a soldier In 1 land. of II. If. Box designed gallant Inquire MERRILL, j rooms; built for lodging house; comp etely fur- 1477, Portland. Ms., or on the island. Me ha go water, money ooltoctad prior to Janaary 1, IRA the civil war. He was nearly 58 years bALE—Two family house. 7 rooms for nished, open plumbing, lot mar?0t«>Jel* FOR and 0o x IoO feet, bounded on tnree streets. Mr. Cannon rldlontod tb* ltomoerato each, bath ample heat lor both leri- This old. Ho retired from the restaurant ant*. suit parlors, dining room and kitchen and contains a comer building lot. Knnulro 22 word* tb* VERY pleasant rooms, steam beat and bedroom ou first hot and W1LMOT STREET, Portland, Me. 20 for tbelr btnb oonoernlng business some three Ho has sunny floor, cold water. In t years ago. v gas, with heard, suitable lor gentlemeu located between Treble sod Dfmocrats Favor to treatment accorded Porto HI** In oon- perfect repair, Concurring a friends In Portland and and Vital use off bath. 99 PLEASANT HT., Green street*, lot. w. II. FOR SALE—Sloop vacht In perfect condition, great many good stable, large * traat wltb tbe treatment accorded It by City._ 70 1 Waldron A CO., i»j Middle street. 20*1 etchteeo leet six inches on wafer line, Avoid this part of the state. center board, nine hundred pounds lead out- Delay. bad, he rol l, changed tb*lr rro LET—For season 18N. Maitland Cottage, iMe ballast, fa 1 a bargain at Spain. They VOI salp-a 2 No. 12 Bt. suit.light sails; A Teaks Island. For price and terms, apply , iterylNM one hundred and dollars, which her ton* In two abort year*. Now, to bear * Lawrence of 14 room*, ftfry buys DIHIGO TELEPHONE CO to GKO. T. EDWARDS, at Williams Manufac- street, consisting If taken at once. to .14 Ni l OK of Port- fitted for two families, lot J9im>, sold to close Apply them one would belter* Spain bad tb* turing Co., Kennebec street, Portland, Me. I nd Yacht Club, Merrill's Wharf. 19»l an estate, price reasonable. For further par- klndllrot on earth. ; At a meeting of tho Dirlgo Telephone 201 government ticulars Inquire of A. C. LIBBY ACO.. 42'* SALE—Two first class National • oomoony of Maine the following officers HMCELLAIIBOm_ street. 20-1 UantUmen," he oonolud«d, “talk [I* LF.T—Choice Queen Ann eottage M Exchange JjtORregisters; one large ( haae cold blast bui- ter Stand bill Were elected : Forty words Inserted nndcr title heed Brackett street, 11 rooms, bath, furnace, refrigerator; set tea aud coffee cans; one by cheap i bare 1* action. Tb* Uona* TO rOH house situated on electric Republicans Lewis In odvance. extra closets, thorough repair, very sunny. HALE--Boarding cyclone coffee mill; second hand show President end General Manager— one week for 39 cents, cesh * of 12 furnished wii right. Let na atlok to It.” Also nice rent 11 Cushman street. 0 Brown street, constating cases; counters, shelving; one Lowell ten A. upper of for a Measure. M to Goody. rooms. GEO. F. JUNKINb, 270 Middle sr., room, oue th© finest locations boarding barrel oil tank. etc. F. O. BAILEY St CO.. 4« House Tbe motion to oononr wee, loot and Treasurer—Herbert house Portland. 'Price reasonable. vice President near Monument Square. 17*1 In Apply Exchange street. 1*1 116, • itrlct party rote, except that H. Mies. 1, A MB’S ESFOMA cores KryslMla*. to A. C. LIBBY A CO., 42V* Krcharge street. Scrofula, Rczema, Salt ltheum aud all 20-1 FOR SA LK First class residence of 14 rooms tb* Re- O. Eaton. DR. house, located, Thayer, Democrat, voted with secretary—William diseases of the skl'i. Dr. Lamb WM a graduate LET—Lodging oentrally A and bath for two boat and 14 rooms, 2 combination heater, families, ample mo- Mr. Nlleo snoteads Mr. Eaton as treas- of Harvard Mrs. Iamb under- TO baths, in 13 acres of publicans against tb* motion. Tb* University. convenient and excellent chance for » furnace; also rent RealPORTLAND—There never was a time eoua as looal service la by ST._ street, 7 rooms, hot watsr heat, and upper leltDDDDI nnu pruviutua that as given BALE—Medium sized SAfe. made when such trades could be bought In South company NEGOTIATED—We hAve 7 Quincy street, 8 rooms. GEO. F. JlTNklNS by be no T||ORTGAG«S n~n tll.i/IU ..... » B.n... ,T FORHall Bale A Lock in roruun real eiuw u at wm sen of annum for business bourns and their company, there will qneotloo a’I In desirable Co., perfect condition'; present. $48 par funds of client* to Invest bouses with good lots :n good neighborhoods of a dis- first clast on real estate security at *38 lor mHlenoes, waa »h«n debated al about tbs establishment long Mortgages drawers; case of drawers twenty feet long, with most modern Improvements at far Boom to- from 4 1-2 to fl We make a specialty LET—Small lower rent 29 street. & iprlces Washington, Maroh 1».—Tha per cent. Boyd twelve large drawers; wax thread sewiug below anything ever offered before. House.High Ibe preeent rate* In the Dlstrlet tance eervloe. of Loaus on and suburban prop- also lower rent In tha Henate length. placing City TO rdoms, $10.90: pleasant mactrne, machine, machine street, flSOOi house, Shawm ut street $1000 day refused to oonoor Real Estate 78 Pine street, 6 rooms. end lower rent creasing splitting of Columbia for eervloe are $186 erty. For particular* apply to $15.00. for leather twork. LEIGHTON MFO. bouse. Front street. hou«e. Parker I.ano Porto Hlcan relief telephone First FRKD- 94 Smith street GKO. F. JlNKlNH <30.. $1000; amendments to the Office, Notional bang Building, $10.00. No. 183 street. 20-1 $'00; lot of land, . $IU0; lot at Cash’s for bnslaeee booses and $1 fa* mal- TUB G1MUBHBHKAD FKTK. F.RIck 8. l»t 370 Middle street, near Monument Square. 17-1 Spring bill. The Dsmocr.ti rupported a motion VAlLL._ Corner, looiiao ft., fifth. I also have some of A on an bill the nv st desirable lots at South Port- that It would itenoea rider apnr aprlatlon Float rahearaal took ’act evening VOTICE-Wheo In need of coal and wood ot SALE—Three brick house, with building to coo oar oo tbs groood place TO LET—Are you looking for a place etory l.ind. Qm from to ail in restricted tbs kind call Tel. M6-J or send FOEview of Longfellow Square, sunny expo- prices tanging $lo0 $noo. to passed by the last Congrese and went off like clock work. any just up to make in grocery and pro best of where avoid further delay In extending relief everything all order* attended to. all STORK money sure, combination heatlug apparatus, first time part village property is lmt>rov> to but tba postal, promptly vision business? I have store with good tene- tu value ea.Mi to of the but tbs He- obargs $50 par annum, supreme the veitry la reoelviag the deoo- uo/hl L.H.f timUr U’A nnkfl A. HfWflultV offered on the market. BENJAMIN SHAW lug year. Any person wishing the Inhabitants Island, Today ment If wanted, nice location, near Boston, a building lot ran one dollar week oourt of tbe dlatrlot held tbe to of Hock e and Veliow Birch fur Si CO., 51 1-2 Rxch -nge buy pay per behind Chairman provision ratlonn and tomorrow will he In the handling Map rent omv $i&and $10. Write for particulars. street._1M If desired. This Is a rare for one prblloant etood drraly grates; also O. E. JORDAN, opportunity be unconstitutional. The bill wan open kindlings* F. A. SM1TII. 96i Tremont Building, Boston. SALK—Good clean stock of groceries wishing to secure a lot that will Increase In In hla demand that the House passed. bead* of the oarpentera. Owing ta the TV Parris 8t, city.19-1 Cannon 18-1 FOEand of fixtures In store corner value each year. The will, if de- Tha bill to the Frederick part High undesigned insist Its provision laoorporate number of attreotloaa It baa bean found and Pine Sts. South Portland. Maine. Tne sired, give the names of parties who have with- should upon original JET K have opened a shop at 21 Preble 81, LET- Large also large memorial and historical aaeoola- house pleasant parlor, store with balance ot fixtures to let to reliable in the last dozen rears made from one to two not the oolleeted Douglass naoaaaary to oommance each night where we are ready to do fresco, front room, furnished or uufurnlshed. to appropriate only money 170 on terms. ou hundred dollars In one on lots that cost but and sign at short notice and with 18-1 party reasonable Apply premises year tloc was also passed. 7.4A o'olook. The Philatelist painting Inquire at 34 PINE St. one on Porto Hlcan goods up to January 1, promptly at satisfaction. LKEMuN A or at 8U COMMERCIAL 8T.. Portland, Maine. little above hundred dollars. The public some minor Dlstrlet fllON._ must remember th^t In lots at houth oollsntsd or to After passing orchestra of twelve pleoes, assisted by buying but all subaequmt moneys account of removal I shall offer _tjFl_ Portland It is not like going out of town where bills, the House adjourned. will be oolleeted. The remainder of tSs day Mias Bvrngellne Bullard, bspresant. NOTICE—Ona sweeping reduction on musical merchan- WANTED SI 000.00 IN SOLD. LM)K SALE—Property 124 Pleasant street. some speculator has bought up a farm ami and several dise Including autoharn, harps, regent * between High and Park street, compris- divided the same Into building lots at a point waa devoted to District of Columbia busi- tlokete are (ailing rapidly appollo CHltlSTIAN SCIENCE FAILED. zither. mandolins, guitars and lots of other If the readers of the PRESS will get ont theti ing house, stable, carriage house, etc., 12.<*.jo removed from stores, post office, church, neigh- # have been formtd fur both or bring or send It to fruit trees. Will sewers ness. partlea nlgbta. good things. If you want any thing musical old gold stiver jewelry us, feet land, large garden with bora, sidewalk, and many other privi- of 71 C. wall or we will remit imme- •«eil loss than valuation. to M 11. that are a resident at South Lynn, Maroh It.—Frank Jeffery Tlokete oan bs eeoored at door or of any now is the lime to buy and save money. C. l>y express. Apply leges enjoyed by diately money or cheek for full value, as we FOSTER,HM Portland. For plans, etc., call on F. If. FI Alt Orobard street, whose wife died HAWES Jr., 431 Congress St.1»1 Washington, Msrob 19.—At the opening Lynn, member of the Guild. See ad. use It In our factory. Mo KENNEY, Manufac- FOLD, 31 Mi Exchange street. marU tf after Christian Solenoe had Is the best teacher and my turing Jeweler, Monument Square, maredtf TJtOB SALE—A choice Investment In a block of the socslon of tbs Houee today bills recently, F of houses containing seven tenements, 20 years’ experience with W. F. Todd Is SALE—Farm of 35 acres in New GIous- failed to oore her aliment, baa dis- r^XPERlRNcK each per month, well built and wen to authorize C. K. Marr and AT RIVKKTON. the best guarantee of first class work. My RKNT—Houses on the following streets: paying fu.uo 1'ORcester on the road from Portland to Lewis- passed WHIST CLUB In good location for permanent mantled hie home. He feele strongly specialty is watch and clock cleaning and re- FORNo. 89 Eastern Promenade, ft rooms, stable; good repair, ton. Ten acres of timber; never falllnewel 1; a K. H. Fee roe to silver watohes must bo sold to close an estate, will aocept Tha W. W. W. whlat olub of Woodfords I also do all kinds of Jewelry repair- No. 6 I leering St.. 12 rooms; 12 rooms; occupancy, good chance for poultry and small fruits; price the onlt. For over (even years pairing High. vleld 10 cent net. ff. 11. WALDRON A awarded to them Canada for servloes against My price* are reasonable. GKOkGr. W. No. 65 Slate. 12 rooms; No. 8ft State. 10 rooms: per reasonable. of H. WARD JOHNSON by bald a at Riverton oeelnu yesterday ing. 180 Middle street. 17-1 Enquire the of party 3t*8 street, opposite City No. 217 lu rooms; No. 13 Henry. 11 CO.. New Me. 15-1 In British sailors and to autbor- Mrs. Jeffery aooepted teachings BARBOUR, Congress Brackett, Gloucester, tesoolng afternoon In honor of Mra J. K. Sawyer No. 46 * rooms; No. 164 Christian and when recently HalL rooms; Ellsworth, les C. If. Dobbins to aocept a watch Solenoe, _1M Brackett. rboms; Pine. 10 rooms: Spruce, 10 houso gold of Maes., a former member of 13 WANTED. SALE—An attractive at O.ikdalo stricken with double she re- Melrose, 8. contractor * and rooms; 11 rooms: 11 rooms, FOR i) rooms, fioui the Dominion for similar servloes. pneumonia DeLoog. North, Congress. containing bath, -uubuiary tubs, Its tha alub. Wblat waa enjoyed after whloh builderi Jobbing promptly attended to; suitable for physician; Cumberland, 11 rooms; cemented cellar, 3 bay wiudows, nicely healed. was sent tained bar faith In tbe effloaoy of NOTICE-C. The bill houses for sale and to let; It rooms, and others. For par- Forty word* Inserted under this head 607 > fe*-t of land. Price low. Particulars of pension appropriation a Innoh waa aarved. In the eve- estimates given; Carieton, many at and dainty also care of ticulars to FREDERICK 8. VAILL, real FREDERICK 8. VA1LL. real lost to Messrs. of Wiscon- methods until, th*>epeated urgent mortgages negotiated, property, apply one week for 2.1 cents, cash lu advance. ertale, Na- conference, Barney a whist of 3d members was or ho EX- Bank solicitations of bar aba ning party renting and collecting. Call write estate agent. First National building. tional bank or 11. H. Jeuseu, 31 Pitt St. i.vi of Minnesota and Bell of hnsbaod, finally a. and from lft-1 sin, McLauroy entertained Mrs. H. U. Fogg. CHANGE ST. Office hours 9-11 m. to a doctor's eervloes. by ANTED— Second-hand breech loading shot were oonferses. consented aooept l-0p.ro. Telephone 434-2, marUJdtilw* \Lr TCOU SALK— House and lot in Gorham on Colorado a| pointed Tble the Tuesday whist suite "v gun. also rifle. Give description, price was too and In evening Might rro LKT—At 62 Spring Sf., a handsome JL height hear Normal HChool, in Mulshed oalled tbe Forto Bloc But It late, thlrty-elx and where It can be and address 8. 1)., Mr. Cannon up olnb of South Portland will enjoy the LET—A tenement of six rooms aud bath a of rooms, up one flight, steam, gas. hot and seen, rooms, two rents, well and Scbago water. En- tba visit aba rea- Box 24. Buxtou, Me. 20-1 bill and moved that tbe bonra following phyelolan'i TO on Danfortb street, fio.OO; another on cold water: board If desired; terms very quire of MRS. G. G. MAKSTON, Gorham. Me. appropriation with lonoh and wh 1st. C. 8. itlon also other rooms. had evening Buniner court, 8 rooms and bath $10.00. sonable ; loc central; machinists to away 16 1 House non-oonoor In tbe Benate amend- passed away. 434-2. 15-1 keep DeLONG, 86 Exchange street. Telephone UrANTKD*-Allfrom Biddeford. strike l« on. Per order moved lot of masons’ ments. Mr. MoHae of Arkansas, AKHAIONED. furnished room for a SECRETARY FEDERAL 1. A Bull UNION. SALE—Fancy jobbers GOEBEL SUSPECTS so rune lnt eU the rrOI-Bi-A , $30 an 1 G. L. HAILEY, Agent, lelt tbe of proseoutlon men and women cooks, E1 street Call at house 12 to 1.30 $23. $33. provlelon having expenditures when it ia based on tlia use and private families; Muujoy rHE JEWELER, Monui ent 8q. feb24dtf 2G3 Middle St. 1.VI cause some of tbera to avoid sum- gible thing and ami Wednesdays. 13-2 of the Presi- being table, chamber, kitchen laundry girls, gen- o’clock, Saturdays > the mousy to the discretion of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov- ’dan for f WANTED—A f horse, must be moned. eral and second work girl*, tf*n rro LET—Whole house No. 53 Thomas at., L'OKSALK—A thoroughbred bull terrier dog. tbe essential a because office. AIKS. N. «• sound and kind, a good roadster and per- dent. Mr. Me Has sail ery. Sucli is reasonable can aiway be found at iny ■ containing 12 rooms partly furnished- For at 291 Brackett St. 13-1 hop* street. ld-1 safe for any woman to drive and not Apply of man and PALMER, 399Vfc Congress of A. C. LIBBY & fectly dllferecc] between tbe two bllle was thut B1DDEFUKD AND SACO ELECTRICS thousands women emaciated further particulars Inquire afraid of anything, weight 930 to louo. Call at CO., 42 1-2 Kxchange StP- afforded the of tbe and weakened disease have been made 107 Newbury St., between 12 and 1 or after ft. SALE At Gorham village, farm of 23 the House bill right March stockholders by In aud Blddeford, 19.—Tbe or five rooms furnished for 1N0Racres, equally divided Ullage past- the rates sound and wall by tile use of Golden LET—Four __19-1 United States to Impose Dlngley rail- : REPAIRING also furnished house ure: orchard, choice fruit, t»ears, plums, cur- of the Dlddeford and riser electric JEWELRY TO light housekeeping; a home 11'A NT ED—Will make very pleasant rents. and house y Fcrto HI wbervae the Benuts Medical Discovery.” for table board of two persons. Congress St f v raspberries gooseberries, against c?, met uud the for some middled aged widow that enjoys barn aud house, to road Monday scripted resig- Aiok are invited to consult Dr. In Our Factory Ou 111* Premises. one furnished or unfurnished. House. rooms; poultry handy this was Indefi- people cottage, a home on a farm. Only two cows, work light, and Price provision upon subject a new next Normal school, depot all privileges. nation of toe offlc -re and eketed R.V. Pierce, letter. All Washington avenue, Tukey’s bridge. wafer In sink, buildings connected. Intelligent Buffalo, N.Y,. by make tills a In our business. to 8. L. $2000. W. LI. WALDRON & CO., ISO Middle nite. Members on both sides, bs said, We principal House. Sou ill Portland. Kents $4 $15. and conversationalist; a child not objec- board, tbe change being the result of the letters are carefully aua considerately take the utmost to execute your 8t. Lawrence. good on We pains CAltLKTON, Congress and am fond Of mnslo. Address Box 86. street._H-l wars agresd tbat tbs dutiss collected order whether that be for a Diamond mar5-4 tionable; r cant purchase of a cantrolllag Interest read and answered. Each letter is held properly, Webster. Me. 16-1 Forto Hlcui should bs returned, or the cheapest repair Job. AlcKKN- goods men. as a confidence tuid auswer betting street In the road by Portland railroad Sacred every the Monument Square. k» TORE TO LET—A 1*207 Congress Ap- 117 a NT ED—Burnham's Beef, Wine and lion, the that NEY. Jeweler, 3 277 Con- tbs Demrc-atr taking position ia mailed in a without ply to JAMES CUNNINGHAM, v v lor a none better. Fur sale The new others are: Dlrn tors, Charles plain envelope Jan23dtf_____ spring tonic, KNIGHTS OF bs absolute free trade be- gress by druggists, grocers and general stores PYTHIAS, there should H Pretcott and Carlos Heard of Bldde- any upon it. Write without ITWILL CLEAN OR REPAIR your Hew- street._dec23dtf printing rents in Deerlng. lo throughout Maine. Burnham's Jullycon has no Odd'Fellows. of Columbus, tween Island aod the United Btates. and without fee. ing Machine at your home, and guaran- r|H)LET-Four elegant Masonic, Knight* tbe of William fear 1 best residential section, steam heat, lights, as a dessert. Buruhaiu's Beet Extract. of Golden Golden Cross end ford, Harry P. Garland Sacy, tee It to work as as when new. We equal Knights Eagle,• perfectly architects between two car lines, Liebig's process Is good, also Clam Boullhon, all other Secret Order Fins aud Charms. We Denote ratio applause. Davis anil William K. of Port- two weeks'trial of our work, and If not bells, plans, G. Wood give date and houses are new, flue. 14*1 and also nothing. Semi postal or everything u„ to make a specialty of these goods always Mr. Bell of Colorado, advcCited satisfactory charge rent low if taken at land; president, Cbarlos H. Preicrtt; AI. 114 Pearl 8u never occupied. Will a* ANTED-1 am now ready to buy ail kinds h vc a slock on hand. M'KENNEY THE call. J. 1). & II. BRONSON, before settle ooncurrercj In the Benate amendments, F. once. Look at them you any- of cast oil ladies’, gents’ and children’s JEWELER, Monumeut .Square. mail 3d tf e'erk, Eugene Lord, Sac}; general _12-3__ where. Dalton, fi3 Exchange at. 25-tf more than In btciuse be said, the of those clothing. ! pay any purchaser language E. A. Newman. The directors the Send letters to MR. or MRS. Db- msnagtr, Pine street Posses- city. amendments assumed the in- RENT—Houbo 14$ 76 Middle 1 w distinctly authorized Manager Newman to boy at PORT- GROOT, St_tuarl4d FORsion given Immediately. Enquire I30R SALE—One piano, hut little used stallation of a civil government In Forto CLOCK WON’T GO. b3 street. TITAN l wanted by carload lots, upright rails, etc for tbe general LAND SAYINGS RANK. Exchange ED—Hay r In Smiares $tuo. $7 $c5, cars, engine, vv state price wanted. Address W. E. $i73. Bargains Hlci In the near future. or It to us. We do only the for sale 11A 414 St.. 2 and extension of tbe road. Send postal bring BARNES, JR.. $60. $35 by WES, Congicts equipment and have made a specialty od trade established, orher business cause Lewiston, Maroh 19.—Tbe olty of Lewis- gages personal ClotbinR Co. Possession Riven April 1, v f house In Portland or its suburbs to see us bonds or any collateral securities. f;or wanting to sell. Address W. LI. STRAW, before tbe Hcuae Mr. Cannon bad stocks, good to at once; we have several new houses which we nally ton bas begun suit against ez-Tax Col- LIBBY & 42 1 2 Exchange 1900. For terms apply New held, Inquire of A. c. CO., will sell low on easy terms, or will exchange Me._5-2 aled for "storm swept,starving Forto to recover s mat- St. mar9-4 IK EMERY. IK., app lector E. C. Woodalde F. for good collateral; no fair offer refused; this Is Avenue, Fessenden 01 SALE—Deerlng Hlco." tin* nf IA lliifl vhlnh th« ntt.v nlntnie la ring Eir.l Nall Bunk IIiiII.Huk. your chance. DALTON & CO. 69 Exchange J?ORPark, new nine room house, wltu in Maine (9> every Nineteen years successful practise tv. SI. INN Middle Nt. street. JuneOdtf modern convenience; location unsurpassed, Concurrent! would send to the Island ll Id abatements allowed Bradley, corporations ■ a nud FUtuU CUHEIH marSdtf electric cars and lights, baths, etc Price only roller. Mon-cjccurrerca would Immediate and individual! while Mr. Wjodslde was ■ a | ^ No knife; easy; safe; $3,6oo. Easy terms. DALTON & CO., 5.5 Ex- detention TV ILL BTJY household or store cause delay. Mr. Bell then paid bis re- I ■ ff—A painless; no VlrE goods change street. fehy-tf collector. Illegally. The attachment was I | from business. Difficult y ▼ fixtures of any descrii-tlon, or will re- WE TEST EYES cabinet olBcsr” our room* foi scue B to the "anonymous made and the writ Is returnable cases solicited. Carr t-uarauteed! Consul- ceive the same at auction OR SALK—Deerlng Highlands, five (5) ele- today 0088 & ^ 11 .SON, We have the stock of had as tation FltKK! Call at my Lewiston or Port- sale on commission. Free of charge. largest Is new houses on car line. who some days ago attacked crafty at the term of the Ju- uSds’verv, which l Mlleve has done Blivet solid gant directly April Supreme sincerely land office, or consult me by Mall. Auctioneers, 154 Middle street, corner Eye Glasses and Spectacles in the city, Every modern convenience; prices range from who had refused to me wore then sll the other medicines I Aluminum and Nickle politicians tboae sup- dicial court for Androeooggla county. good Send for Pwik- ll street._ Gold, Gold Filled. to $4,500 and terms are right aud easy, have ever taken." O T IT I Q Kran.es. We a fit Our the Porto Klein tariff bill. He said Pamphlet. Ula Wa I ■ I IOl\ guarantee perfect f2,8oofeering f roperty Is booming remember. port 332 Main are the lowest, our glasses the best, St. iel»tf The use of Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pelleta Specialist 11 ctal JHseases, St., DALTON & CO., 63 Exchange be could hardly believe that one who as- WIT AND WISDOM. LEWISTON. At V. S. Hotel, Portland} BricesIcKENNEY T11E OPTICIAN. Monumeut does not the habit. WATCH REPAIRING. Jan2fldtf sail* d others lu so underhanded a beget pill Saturdays only. Square. rOR SALE—No. 867 Forest Avenue. Wood- way make a of Watcn Repairing. We specialty a fords, house has 8 rooms and 10,000 feet of be a member of the cabinet. We do work iu the best possible manner oould your SITUATIONS. land and will l>e sold at once for 81GOO; only A l’retty Strom Sign. every We are prompt aud WANTED of Massachusetts and guarantee Job. balance $15 per month pays for it. Mr. Moody supported have a dons when |3oo down, “What makes you think there is no always Job promised. Remember it’s on Forest Avenue. DALTON on the that THE JEWELER. Monument Mr. Cannon's motion ground McKENNEY 'll'A N an American woman, a i*osl- 63 luck in tins rabbit foot?” janaedtf TED—By & CO., Exchange St,fehy-tf it would the House proposition Square._ vv tion as working housekeeper, the best of support “The fact that you have it and the Address DR. SALE—The only available lot of land Klca references give#and required. I^OR to turn to the account of Porto rabbit hasn’t.”—Chicago Times-IIciaid. To Lease for a Term of Tears. GARDINER, Deerlug, r on the Western Promenade, located be- Me._19-1 tween the raaldoucea of Messers. Cartland and every cent of duties collrc'ed under the UI 1VMI a Danish 18 1 Will UUI1U linrc oiuij SITUATION WANTED—bv girl. Conley. Also a first-class furnished cottage, law. The conflict of the two ^ work In a Uiugley to suit the wants of tenant am years old, to do geueral house stable and laud at Willard Beach. Apply building Fore street. Uuusta had nothing to do with Chronic Nasal Catarrh poisons every LETTER BOOKS, facilities includ small raimiy. Auaress iiaxss to TRUE BROS., No. m 31-tl absolutely euuip It with all modern Scarboro Beach, Me. the of free trade between the breath that Is drawn Into the lung9. There is pro- etc., I can _12-1 cottage lots and question ing power, elevator, provided f<»r station- SALE—Magnificent from the for the ANTED—Situation as fireman FORnew cottages at Ottawa Park, (Cliff Cot- and Porto Kloos curable any druggist remedy leaso the whole or a for a term o: \KJ Ad- United mates part tv ary engine; three years experience. tage Property ) on Cape electric line, near cure of that trouble. A small quantity of Ely’s number 5 to 13 Plum fron 1 No. Yarmouth. 17-1 "Will non-concurreeci not delay the re- years; lot St., dress W* K. SMITH. tape r.tsmo. home o: ine advantages are gooa Halm Into the nostrils a Cream placed spreads LETTERS tago on Plum St, 85 feet, with deptl middle aged man with a streets, excellent car service, Sebago water, lief!1" Inquired Mr. Hell. \\7ANTED—By to date restaurant over an Inflamed and augry surface, relieving of 50 feet, light on three sides anil : Tv practical buslne*s education, a position electric lights, fine beach, up "It may delay It an hoar or a day," re- In tdditioi in this section; able and willing to work for a out the grounds, only desirable parties. no Immediately the painful inflammation,cleanses, drive-way on the south side thing first class. little money if there la auy show for au ad- cheap cottages, every strictly Mr. Moody, "but there will be no and cures. A cold In the head vanishes DALTON & plied heals to Plum 'street frontage. vancement. A references. Address W. S. B., Brices and plans at our office. BO., appric'able delay. The essential thing le immediately. Sold by druggists or will be COPIED 1C4 Pearl street, city. _16-1 53 Exchange street.Janitidtt we on tbla side believe that the mailed for 50 ceuts to Warren that by Ely Brothers, A ST ED—Situatlon by an American ?ro- f^OJi SALE—The only drug store In thriving ELIAS THOMAS, r Unit'd Scutes should not profit one do! Street, flew York. testant woman a> working housekeeper manufactories village with large surround- in family of adults, with young people pre- ing country to draw from, good fixtures, small, lor from duties collected on Porto K can 184 1-2 Middle Street. ferred, In Portland; cannot go out or town. clean stock, low prlct Address DRUG STORE, WHILE lu full to G. M., Box goods." The Golden Hale In Texas, febl7dtf Address with requirements Box 1557._B0V2T-tf 831, i Mr. of In advocat- When men lenrn to do' unto others at lly._6-3 double house, (every- McClaary Minnesota, 15 SALE—Magnificent 1ST Eli ED druggist, years experience. E'OKthing entirely separate,) ou Brown street- Mr. Cannon’s declared that they would have others do unto FEMALE HELP W ASTED. would like ing motion, them, KEGllrst class reference, permanent (now Norwood street,) tire- WRITING. it MAC Box 1557. t Peering, open Porto Rlcsn tariff bill to horse trading will have become one of the position. Address PH A 1ST, steam heat, very suouv. the proposed nov23-tf places, piazzas, hays, lost near lines of n modern house In of the Ulaod better than arts.—Galveston News. KEEP A COPY OF ALE LETTERS. words inserted antler thia heat two electrics, treat the people Forty architects plans aud built by the coib In advance every respect, the of 6f the United one week for ‘45 rrnti, day; you can live in one rent and let the other people any territory 1YAXTKD-MILK HELP. for *300 per year; look It over; call afiernouns, States were ever treated. COMMITTEES TO BE ANNOUNCED. 25-tf NO PRESS, ***»•€«** WANTED—A working housekeeper. Ad DALTON, 53 Exchange street. of denounced tv or da under this head Mr. Swanson Virginia, At the meeting of the city counell to- *» dress F. 0. Box 102, Gorhiun, Me. 20-1 Forty Inserted SALE—New houses In Peering, on street tariff billae "Infamous" one week for 25 cash lu advance* the Porto Klein night the com ml ttef 0 for the ensuing year cents, *2400 and §2800; NO NO for hous< Ivorcar line, for #1000. #2000. and said that the bill to WATER, BRUSH, WANTED—Capable girl general ail modern conveniences, heat. ba*h room, fire- pending give will be annoanoed by the mayor and ** work. Must be a cook. AT man to travel good Appl; ONCE-Young etc. Terms of same as beck the duties collided under the MK8. T. H. M (»S HE 40 street and manage places, payment rent] Dtng- President Wilson of the common ocuncll. I;, Highland WANTEDin Maine to ^appoint agents houses are new aud 20-1 week and ex remember our entirely »*»*•*««« NO WORK. liter mg District. for well known house. $10 per see them. ly law, was an attempt to eugaiooat the The usie up of these committees la al- have never been occupied. Call anu peases active party with chance for pro- 25-tf In must O' paid: DALTON, 53 Exchange street. ontrage. The power to fix the duties on ways an Interesting matter for the mem- WANTED—Lady assistant office; motion. Address A. It, CATO PftM. 20-1 Letter* written in ink wltii our uinnifold pen* leave *f in office work. UN'lYLKSAl und from ber* of the city oouncll gml the eltleens experienced East goode aiming Into going this corner am to work on farm and drive OK SALE—House lots at Woodford*, as well. It is expected that there Will he pcrfeci copies. 8TKAM LAUNDRY, Congress WANTED—Man and 5n TT to milk. Is Peering and Peering Center, lor 4o oonntry was ths power exercise! by Kng- order* for Pearl milk wagon In Portland and help the ueual flood of tonight those 8ts._191 per land is rapidly advancing and now Is wl ineumberance ti Adress M. M., this oflioo.15-1 foot; land prior to tbs revolution, and was one who desire appropriations made for TENANTED—Lady boat the time to secure a lot at old Pneee. Easy ff travel Id Maine for well known house; k IIOV WANT KD— About sixteen years of age, Call afternoons* DALTON, 5* Ex- of the mein reasons the colonies specific purposes. payments. why salary with chance for promotion to ac D with one or mote years schooling in High change street. throw off the yoke Mr. Ueineo way of In- Soodve party, experience not essential but refer School. Address lu own baud writing. __ F. E. BACON MANIFOLD eiees required. Address A. Z., care of Press. LOSING, SHORT HARMON. 14 I oTTBALE-Bargains In our •‘made strong said the trouble with the Herno- CO., 2.0e diana. 1» 1 F~ Housers," wo sell for #1.00, 1.25. 1.50, __ /lASil for accei i State if one patented. and 2.80 pair. Best value for the money O’nto was they talked way and voted to Introduce quid : t RECORD. Balu- per Book Binders and Rulers, VET a NT ED—Young lady Address THE PATENT sold If not satisfactory on examin- Printers, Paper Tv her iriemls. N- > feb28dtt anywhere. another. Tbt Republicans proposed to selling goods among more, Md. ation mouey will be refunded by returning to tapltal required. Address D, Box 1067. 16-1 beeu worn. HAbKELL Si deal with the situation In a Manufacturer* of Manifold floods of Every Description. WANTED AT ONCE. us before having practical Lancaster Monument Square, to do 1 JUNES, Building, way. did not propose to give the ANTED^A competent girl genera MON-UNION Iron molders for crane and side » They at 64 Clark streei Portland, Maine._8l 184 MIDDLE ME. housework. Apply 11 floors. Write, stating age. experience and Porto Kleans free trade and In- ST., PORTLAND, M-l impose right hand hell. expected t» CHAPMAN VALVE MEG. TETOTICK—Goss Si Wilson, auctioneers, re. wages corner ol ternal revenue taxes upon them. They wonum cook. Apply to 8. C COMPANY, Indian Orchard, Mass. I lxl moved to 184 to 160 Middle SL, auuTCdeodtw bb ptoposed to give to the people of the FIRST-CLASHWHITMORE, Brunswick, Me, 1*1 •liver -■ -~--—.

Pwk. Meet Lard and PMHrr. Din.....eoai OS BTBANBHI.

Perk—Heavy.14.1M14M * HlMcittiSDCOMEIUM Pork-Medlam.. _j|13 60 :: 3' Beef—Pea* *.~ ....10 60£l l 00 w5v.v.v4v.*.v.v.v.*.v.”: DOMINION LINE. Beef—ttghl. 9 76*10 00 Boneless, half bb'.t.*. m • 60 Gloee.0%«7% Lard—«e* and naif bbl.nure.... 7 i47 V4 to Tsbares. 1C LTD. Portland via. Lard—tee and hall bbi.com.... :» York Stork, Hour oad Uralo Beans. Pea... 2 38 43 40 Missouri. The report In detail will be sent tc Sat. 34, ambromao. Wed. 14 m., *12Aft, l.M, 5.10 and *11.00 p. m. For Bath Saturday's quotation*. on double shift. 10.1 tone * Beaus, Pea. 2 4093 60 Output any address on application to either of the fl-t. Mar. S, Roman, Wed. 21 an Lrwlstoa via Brunswick 7.00 and 10.9ft Market Review W If BAT et §30. §31.10 Thnr. Beans Yellow 00.48 ‘">0 per week, offices of tho company's fiscal agents, Joshua a. Vancouver, HaL 34 a m.,*12.35,15.io and *11.00 m. For lloeklantt hye*.0 ODentna (Ml of 1900 '* p. Beans. Bed Kidney.3 6<‘«,2|60 Kspense running, per week, Brr an * Oo.v as given below. Thur. 29. Dominion, Frl. ApL 13 7.00 a. m„ 12.8ft an ft 10 p in. For ukaw be- t>7% 67% ** v %r Onions, bbl.1 60 a I 76 May. flat. 31, anihroman, Tuea. 17 gan 7.00 s. m.. 1.10 and tl.oo p m. For Fos- < Juiy. 68% 68% Net §19.10 flat A Wed. 25 Havana nlons.. ..S3 25 profit per week, 300,000 SHARES pi. 7, Roman. eroft and'tireeu vllle 1.20 and 11.00 p.m. For Potatoes 4* bus. 60.465 CORN llO«acre trart south of Webb Free 8. 8. “Roman” carries 7.00 a. m.. 12.36 and ll.oo m. For City; Of this Slock srs now ofT.rod at par. no passenger*. Hncksport p. Sweet Potatoes. Norfolk. .«.! 60 ...37% 87% Coinage Mine. An enormous deposit of ore liar Harkor 12-W and 11 00 p. m. For Teen- May...— s'll!* (Uy direct private wire to Louie 8. Col- Sweets, VInland... <44 26 July.36 38 over the entire tract at the 115-toot level. $1.00 PER SHARE.' RATFfl OF PABflAGB. and llonllon via OUltown and B. Km, Kastern fresh.... « 19 & A. K. K. 12.86 a»d 11.00 p.m. For Wash- MoCormlok & OAT*. Output 90 ton* per Week at §30, §9700 First Celotw- $ff».oo and R»«ara well, manager of Price, Kicks. Western (resn. <4 19 Fully paid and notvaases sable. upward*. ington Co. ft. H. 12 3ft and *11.00 m. For per week. 1900 —3100.00 and to steamer p. No. SI# Middle neld.. ii 14 May. 23% ?4% Kipense upward*, according Mattawamkeag 7.00 a. m 1.90 and 11.00 D. m Company’s branch offloe, Puss, The company pays regular monthly and accomodation. Butter, tanev creamer. «• 3« July. 22% 28 Fof Vssrfhors. Nt. Stephen, Howl ton Net week, §1300 dli Idcnda oi one and all sharshold- Kecnnd t ahls To or London. street, Portland. Me.) 24 26 profit per per cent, Liverpool $33 Woodstock and Mt. John 7.00 &. in. and Butter, Vermont..... w FORK. era of record March Mill will receive the regular London- Ver’rat. ... 14 The amount of ore on this tract will keep Wteerajie—To Liverpool, London, 11.00 F'or Ashland, l*res«iue New York, Maroh lfl.-The opening of Cheese, N. York and 13**4 1182 dividend p.m. Isle, May. 100-to mills running easily. mnnthy payable April 1st. derry. Glasgow, Queenstown. $33M to $23.80. Fort Fairfield and Caribou via B. St A. R. eemewbat the Cranberries.$1191200 1127 No Investor can afford to Ignore the above aeror.ilng to steamer. the market waa Irregular, July. 1-9 acre K. 11.00 p.m. For l^ew'lston and Meehan la Frail 9% tract at Carlervllle; Blue Wing nor the lilt In- 430 LAR1R figures, arrurlty guaranteed to Anply to T. F. McOOWAK. Congress Falls 8.30 a. m 1.10 and 0.1ft m. For Mum International and railroad etooke were Messina...... 3 60 44 00 Mine. At ittt-fooi level, appears to be one solid p. lemons, 6 vestment by the company's peculiar feature ol street, J. B. KKATINf4. room 4, Flrat Natlon- ford and 3 60 May. 16 mass of xlne load ore. Falls, Farmington Phillips S.S0 the traction »looks ttranres, California. 00*3 and having all Ita accounts audited and certified I al Hank LTIAULF8 AflIITON. 947A strong whilst local 78.««3oo 6 22 Building. a. m., 1.10 p.m. For Hernia and Kasgelvy Seedlings .2 July. or Metro- Oranges, Output— quarterly. A well-known firm of Chartered emigres* street, I)AV11> TOKKANOR A I. 10 p.m. For Lewlatou, Wluthrop and were under considerable pressure. Baldwins.8 50*4 00 BIBS. Accountants of are foot of India street. Apples. 79 ton* of alnc per week, at §30, §91 AO International reputation CO., general agents, Watervllls 899 * L10 p. m. was f I weak for throe Oil* Turpentine ant Coni. 6 16 auditors of the and have been In- nov24dtl politans spools ly May. 30 tone ot lead, at §33, 1090 company, _ _ Trslus leaving Portland 1100 p in., Haw Linseed ol»... .. 694*14 structed to audit all quarterly accounts of earn- doe* not connect to Dover reasons; Hist af Mrs commissioners Monday** quotations. Saturday, Belfast, all, Linseed 011. 61460 ings and net profits before the same are Issued and Fox croft or bevotid to KHa- Boiled WHEAT. Total. §1140 Bangor, except on tbs f ord franchise bill are expected to iurnenune. 07472 to shareholders. worth and to. K H., ami leaving Kxpease per week, I9C0 Washington and Centennial oil.. bbU 160 1st 12 Vi Ooenlnc. Cleatae. Bend for and directors’ report. II. 00 p. m. uoe* not connect to bkow* meet before flrat and to aeelde upon l.iKnnia Net proAt per week, 9910 prospectus BOSTON and PHILADELPHIA. Sunday April 120 .... 12Vi Mch. 66% Aiipllraiion for Block, bv Kcflneobtt Petroleum, Total net week from the accompanied began. be 66% profit per will bo received the Fiscal tha amount of the tax to Imposed up- Pratt's Astral.. 14Vi May.67% three <1390 remittance, by TRI-WEEKLY SAILINGS. Half bbls lo extra. July. 68% 67% properties, Ageuth WHITK MOUNTAIN DIVISION. on state Secondly, tbe corporations. Cumberland, coal.— 6 Allowing four weeks shut down during Ooa CORN. From Boston For Bartlett 8.50 a. m., 1.00 and 5.50 p. m. street Is not with the and iurnace retail.. 6 50 the year. Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday. favorably Impressed Store coal, For and Harrison 8 50 a. m and 660 May.. 87% 87% Total net profit per annum -• 49 JOSHUA BROWN & Brldgtow (ha* Franklin. CO/Vr:"' ft.60 m. For Island announcement made some tlms ago 600 July. 37% 38 weeks— §300,790 Fto* PkilidMpkii Monday, Wedassday p. Berlin, Urovetou, Pea coal, retail. 45 and 41 Wall Bt., New York. Poud, Lasraster, No. Stratford and a nsw Isms of of stocks Is to OATS. S10.0C0.000 These are conservative estimates of 4*41 Chestnut Bt., ood Heeehcr Falls 8.50 a. m. and l .00 m. For u. Philadelphia. Friday. p. be made for tbe of for Cordage—Dnc May. 24 24% the actual returns from the international 4011 The Rookery, Chicago. Montreal, St. purpose providing Cordage From Central Wharf, Ik* to a. 1p.m. From Lssenbnrg, Chicago, July. 13 23 Paul, 1,1 inc Kldge and Quebec 9 90 a. IQ. certain Improvements; and lastly It Is American $ lb.10911 IImWhi Wharf. l*hilad.lpiiu. U1 p, m. la- Manilla. .16 417 FOBS. iurcac. .tfuctml at offloe. 9VNDAT9. rumored that the recent heavy baying of REPRESENTATIVES, GEO. F. Manilla bolt rope. (*18| May. 1142% ALEXANDER & CO., Freights (or the Wmi by th, Penn. A A and For l^wlstos via Brunswick, Watervllls forwarded ttoM. Third avenue had been for th« Metropoli- Sisal. felOvi July. 11*7% mar 20-2t-24 Bo. ill by eonneotlng anti Bangor 7.20 a. m. and 12.35 p. m. For al I rack— _ UM Sound LARD. raui* Trtp Ills east, via Augusta, except bkow began tan acooant and many of the stockholders ud points No &.32 May... 6 12% ■M room Inelud^ 11.00 d. m arc said to be No ..2» Flour—Winter pm 8 <56*8 ter Sch Sadie & -J II For bratgbt opuatt tor P. Wilt Ok In the strong- ... 6 20 90;win Llllla, Wallaoc, Mlllbridge apply Metropolitan Juty. straight* Outrel Bo. ARRIVAL*. Third NolO.#0,^ 3 45 60: MlnnatiiUt patents 3 76(4)4 00;wln- Blake. Agent, wharf. toa. ly opposed to tbe acquisition of tha 17 Vi RIBS. a K. B. HAMfsoN, Ttmiutw aad Aoneral 10 ter extras 2 60« 2 96; Minnesota bakers p Sch Bell Bartlett, Miller. Bar Harbor—Pari* 8.23 a. m. from Bartlett, No. t on war anri was sold 8 ox. 11 May. 10 16 MMatatU. pwa. Donna avenue oompany. Brooklyn 8 or*; do grades 2 643 40. Flouring Oo, Managrr, Building, C ora tala; 8.35 a. in. Lewiston anil Me- end Dyes. Is now esti- Drugs Wheat—receipts 88.6000 bushs exports 144,- Sch Clara A Mabel, JLeeman, New Harbor— chanic 8.43 A. in. W'atervllle, An down Ksene brokers. It Press Stock Falls; by Add Carbolic.so 555 Portland Dally ^notations 10" bush: sales 2,300,000 bush futures. 1 H4.ooo J 11 Blake. snata anal Roeklanri; 11.53 a. m. Heeeher mated that the com par y will not earn Acid Oxalic.12 Corrected by Swan * Barrett, Banker a 166 bus exports. spot irregular; No 2 Bed 77c eler; Sch Haul# luring. Rice. 8tueben—H Blake. Falls, Lancaster. Fabyans, No. Conway Acid tart.30948 Du- Its stock daring Middle street. No t Bed at 80c fob afloat: No 1 Northern Sch Kmlly K Staples, Talnter, Wlmerport— and Harrison; 12.15p.m. Ilnngor, An oyer two per oeot upon Ammonia...... 16 J II 0,20 STOCKS. luth 79%c f o hafloat prompt. Blake. ALLAN LINE nnd Rockland; 12.20 p. m. King. London be* Ashes, not.0 16,100 tbe present year. bought Corn—receipt* loi.400bush: export* SAILED—Steamer Buenos Snstaeld, Phillips, far in I uk ton, Hemic, Buctra leaves.664)70 Canal National Bank...10u 100 102 sales 40.000 bush futures; SSo.oqO bush Ayrean. ford 5.20 tween 20.000 and 25,000 shares of stoct, bush; Halifax & liai in Falls, Lewiston; p. m. Hats copabla.6.> art/ Cmoo National Bank.loo 107 ] to exports! spot steady ;No 3 at 44V40 f o bafloat; Liverpool, Hkorhegan, Watervllle, Angn«ta, In Hesse wax.37 441 FROM Ol'E CoKKKBPOVnF.NTA. their pnrohaees being notably heavy Cumberland National Rank. 100 100 102 No 2 at 44%eeler. Rockland. Hath; 5.35 p. in. Ml. John, Har Borax...JO<£ll National Bank.100 100 101 bush: exports OOO bus; KOCKPORT. March 18—Ar. sch Antrim Portland Service. Moose head Atoblsm and Union Paolllr Chapman i*oais—receipta 67,6oO Lady Harbor, Aroostook County, preferred Brimstone. 2v» 6 Fit st National Bank.loo 100 102 sales 00.000 bush exports, spot Arm; No 2 at Boston; Miantonomah, Small. no. Lake and llangor; 5.15 n. m. Kangeley, tbe Cocaine, Muriate, ner oz.6 00<6 30 common. Although the weakness In Merchant*' National Bank 75 101 102 28%c;No 3 at 28%c; No 2 white 32%c: Nog mKlTHBAY March schs Farmington, Romford Falls. I«ewlstuu ; uocmnrai. HARBOR, 10-Ar, From From From National Trader*'Bank ....100 98 100 while at 31%c; track mixed Western at 399 J R Uodwell. Rock laud for 8.10 p. n*. ( lilrago, Montreal, Quebec, and looal traction stocks Induced a little re- Vk 2 New; Frank (i Rich KB. Halifax. ® ... 100 110 eo for Liverpool. STEAM Portland. a. m. Copperas.1 Portland National Bank 109 30%c: track white Western 32«3b%c. Boston; Sarah Hill. Lubeo for -. all WhOf .Mountain points; 1.25 dally from action In the railroad stocks re- ( ream tartar.27Mi aSoVi Portland Trust Co.100 1 46 1*0 at 11 mess 810 liar Hath and Lewis- qulok Beef Arm. family 0U§*l3i 4 Sailed, sch Abble S Walker. New York via ____ lUrbor, Bangor, Kx Logwood.11’ a, 16 Portland Gas Company. 60 85 90 10 60; beef hams $21&21 6o; city extra India Boston for BaUi. 22 Feb. ‘Parisian. 8 Mar. y Mar Ion ; awd 1.50 a. in. dally except Monday, from ooveriea look place ana toe closing prices 1 22 " Gumarablc.70® Portland Water Co.100 103 106 mess 1194122. 1 Mar. Buenos Ayrcan, 17 direct Halifax. N«. .Volin, liar Harbor, Water* 76 M *• " averaged well above those of Glycerine.2o« Portland Hr. Railroad Co.100 WO 16t> Cut meats bellies —; shoul- iiobanoi! 10 NuinUllmi, 28 vllleand Augusta. generally Aloe*cai>e .15 0,26 steady; picked maPATrna*. Maine Central K'y .. 100 160 170 ders —: do hams —. Aral 22 •Parisian. 7 Apr. 8 Apr. •Dally. Baturday. Camplior.5 8 108 clear ; iamllv —. Glasgow for Portland. 114 Butter Arm; western at 20*25c; Steamer-* sail from Portland after arrival of was scored the last half hour, Licorice, rt.16 a, 20 Bangor 6s. 1906.1 Water...112 creamery during June Grand Trunk Hallway train leaving Toronto M orpmne.2 36 x J * 0 Bath 4%s. 1907. Muaicioal.101 103 d.ifactorv 17420c: creamery. I3*28%c; when there wae every appearance cf a state 14a24;do crin 11 a. ir.., or Moulreal 8.46 p. m., Oil bergamot.2 75 u3 20 bath 4*. 1921. Refunding.101 103 un erni >8%tf22%c; dairy Notice to Mariner* Friday. In the shorts. or three cod 60 a j uo Belfast 4s. 106 20 a 26c. squeeze Two Nor. liver.1 Municipal.102 Office of the cod liter.1 Oo«il 25 Calais 4a 1901—1911 102 Lighthouse Inspector, with American Refunding....loO Eggs barely steady-.State and Penn 16gl6H. RATES OF PASSAGE. brokers were tent ia apparently Leu.on.1 2 20 1901. Munteluai.103 106 First Distrct. 00® iAwlstonOs,* ftugar—raw strong ;t»ir reAnlnit 3 13-loc;Cen- Cabin- $60.00 u> $80.oo. a reduction of 10 orders and this resulted In Olive.1 OOu 2 50 Lewiston 4t. 1913, Municipal.105 107 Portland. Me.. March 10. 1900. large buying trifugal 96 test 4 7-16.Molasses sugar —c;reAn- cent Is allowed ou return Uckeu. TRAINS LEAVE PORTLAND ..1 75jl‘J 00 Saco 4s. 1901. Municipal.100 102 [Little Harbor. N. II per except a scramble that soared. It l'eppt ed strong. ] on the lowest rate*. buoh priors 6t>»3 00 Maine Central R 136 137 *8.00 WIntergreen.2 U7s.19l2.cons.mtg .lerrys lanlge Buoy. No. 2, a red has Second Cabin—To London or For Lewiston, 8.10 a. m* 1.30, 4.00. p. m. 4 108 CHICAGO—Cash qoutatlcn*. spar, Liverpool. was no news In regard to the property Potass br’inde.6rt«d’>0 Va S 110 gotta adrift. 0 Island " • Flour steady. Londonderry—135.< single} $65.50 return. Fur Pond, 8.10 a. n>., 1.30. *6.00 p. m. (’morale.18«2o cons. intg... .106 106 It will be as soon as In the loan market there was somethin? " * neat—No 2 do at 02%366; replaced practicable. Stic kraok—Liverpool. London, Glasgow. € 8.10 a. Iodide....3 75403 o$ fds.l9oo.exUn,sh.l02 103 spring —c;No3 order of the For Montreal, Quebec., lilcngo, in., No 2 Bed at 68c. C orn—No 2 at 3H%c; No 2 By Llghthouseboard, Belfast, Londonderry or (Jucenslown, $23.60. of a oil In the demand ft r stock-. Uuieksllver.734178 Portland ft Ogtl'g g«s,19O0. 1st lutglo'J 103 •coo Montreal at 7.00 a. m, falling •> No 2 J. K. COUBW KLi,, certificates $24. p. m„ reaching «4J Portlaud Water i?s 4s. 1927.105 107 yellow 37c. Oats—No 2 at 23% 24%c; Prepaid Quinine.-»4 Commander. U. 8. Children r.nder 12 half fare. Kates to aud T.co d. m. Third avenue and Metropolitan, however, Klieuharb, 50 white at 96% « 27c; No 3 white 20*27c: No 2 N., year*, rt.75<$1 Inspector 1st. L. or from other point* on to lit suako.3o.o 40 Bye at 66c: No 2 Barley 38 a 42c; No 1 Flax- 11. Diet application were In considerable request T. P. 410 TRAINS ARRIVE PORTLAND Uo 12 Boston Stock SPirket. seed and W Flaxseed 163%: Tlmothv MH.OWAX, tougreu St., I hailpetre. prime Me. The were of seed 2 42% ; Mess Fork f 10 46 ; Lard at Memorand* Portland, Senna.25®30 following thecloslug quotation* 80^11 Korrluu Koom From Lewiston, *8.10, llJOa. in., 5.45 aud 6.45 NKW TORK* Mch- ,9- 5 stocks at Boston 5 O.'xttB iO; snort riba at 6 06 • 6 80; salted New York. March 19-Sch H Chamber- Mrninihlp Agrnry, 1, I Canary seed.4S #u Vi dry Henry First National liauk Port* p. in. on rail was actual transac- ; Cardamons .1 25 a 60 shoulder* j short clear ride* at 6 26a, lain. Fossett. from Havanna-la-Mar. 2(5 Huildtug, Money Arm, A u-bison. loo. a.nanus re. K. new. 23% 6%ltjfl% leports land, Maine From Island Poud, *8.10, 11.30 a. m., 6.45 .soda, by carb.3*4® 6% fl 45. days passage. On the Ivth Inst, off Mat- tions ranuing from 4«5 percent; last loan Uostou a*Maine.195 Cape If. A A. ALLAN, I India St. ddClOdlf p. m. Sal.2 ‘,4 m 3 Butter easy—ermery 19924c; aairle* at ic.i ter**. took a heavy gale uom NE. In which 4: do sc. split at closed Prime mercantile paper 3.® tt 22c. sails and carried away of gear From ( hlcitgo, Montreal, Quebec, *8.10 Sulpucr. <;en Maas. Dfa ... yoke steering at rent. Exchange is Cheese Arm—12ff 13c. and sustained some other Will a. 111.. 6.45 p. 111. 5sLb1/* per Sterling Sugar lead.2o«$92 ao common.... 11% light damage, White wax.6<»u55 Arm—fresh 1 •'<*-. be towed to steady, with actual business In bankers bills Maine euir»«. 161 Egg* Flushing. Vilrol, blue. Soil ;;7.<»00 hbl*: wheat 27.000; .FZS? ^BOSTON •Dally. Otbei trains week tlaya. 4 for demand and 4 for Union Pacinc.... 60% Flour—receipts at 8i>Vb 82 sixty days. Yanila. bean.$13.®$ IS corn oats bush; Domestic Porta. Union Pacino Dia... 76? s bush; 318,000 bush; 820.000 Sunday *xaln leaves Portland every Sunday rates at 4 and 4 87- > ommerclal bush: 49.nOO bush. .mU at a. in. posted 83Vii Gunpowder—Snot. Mexican Central as.... rye 8.000 barley NEW YORK—Ar lftth. schs Jeremiah Smith for l New 4s.;re*.115 li6 Weohawken. Heavy.28«.2w modern steamship service in safety, speed, Bulls and u New 4s. coup.116 117 NEW YORK—The Cotton market to-day was Ar Hull, sells R Vl<>la Btaes.....GVfcJ Good d’mg.20 27 Bowers, Savannah; .ml o( tram-ling. Denver a it. U. 9%c, do gnll 101 «*-, Chas A comfort luxury Skins—No 1 quality .lOo Union backs.80®40 1st.103% 104% Qtllet: middling uplands Keppard, Brunswick; Campbell. Nor- tickets tor Providence, Lowell, Ill Effect Dec. A. 1899. sales 7400 bales. fo'k; Katherine I> and Geo A Through No 2 .8 e Am call.OO&l 00 Krie gen. 4s. 72% 72 Perry, McFadden New York. etc., etc. Kan. ft Tex. 2ds.. 66 Bulimia o; Gold Greens Lil Worcester, DEPARTURES No 3 .C 357' Lu in ber. Mo. 67*% CHARLES TON—The Cottou market to-day Hunter, Landing; J. F. LltUXlMH. (ien. Manager ft Pacific Hun. So-West M. 1.10 P. M. From Union station Culls.26.ee ftt Whitewood— Kansas cousois.. • closed firm; middlings 9Vic. Harbor, M BARTLETT, Age.it. 8.30 A. and Also ar loth, THOMAS No 1&2, 1 In.$40 a 145 Oregon Nav.lat...108 108 tug Concord, with barge Sun- deciodtf lor Poland. Mechanic Falls. Buckfleld. Gaik GAIA ESTON—The Cottou market closed from S*|»e. 1 in. 36 ® 40 Texas Pacific. L. G. lsts... .J14% 114% bury, Portland for Philadelphia; Valley ton. Dlxheld and Kumloid Fails. Retail Grocers* Market. steady; middlings 9%c. Forge, with Indian Sngar Common, In. 28® 32 do reg. 2ds. 55 65 barge ltldge. ;for Portland, NEW VOItU DIRECT I.INE, A50&. Bk MO and 5.15 n. m. From Union Portland market—cut loaf 7c: eoufeetioner* 1 in No 1&2.$40a 945 Union Pacific lsta. 106?* MEMPHIS—The Cotton market to-day closed and proceeded. bUtiion for Mechanic Falla and intermediate Nortn Carolina Pine— steady ; middlings 9 7-lGc. Sid 18th, sen Sea Bird, eastern port. 8c; powdered at Cc: granulated at 5 V*o; coffee Quotations of stocks— Co. stations. 1 No l ORLEANS—Tue Cottou market closed Passed Highland Light 18th. schs Annie L Maine Steamship inch, .$25®$35 Mcli. 19. Mcb. 17. NEW 1.10 ?». in. train connects at Kuinford Falls for crusneu Gc ; yellow 4Vfec. So. 2 .$22®$S2 9 7-l6c. Lockwood. Agues Manning. Ruth Robinson, ong Island Hnnnd lly Usy.'^bt. Atchison. 23% 23% nominal; middlings Ka'harlne D Beni Is aud Kangeley I.akes. 1V4, IV2 and 2 Inch. No. 1.$30a$4o 69 Perry, Viol* Keppard Snow Flake, A ten won Did. 68 MOBILE—Cotton market nominal; middling and Messer. 3 T'dIPS PER WEEK. Kxporte. No 2.$28®$38 Central Pacino. Harry 9 Vic. BALTIMORE—Ar Thomas l ines One Cyprus— Che*, a: Ohio. 28 Va 28% 18th,sell Spartan. Itcducr-tl $3.00 Way. K. C. BRADFORD, Tiaiflc Mananr. GLASGOW. FNG. Steamship llVrmian— Saps. 1 In. 35a 40 8AVANNAH-The Cotton market closed Philadelphia. bush 8510 ao 8330 do Chicago, bur. ft uuiocv.127 V* 127V* The steamships ll<»rati<> Hall aud hot. Portland. Maine. 27.135 bariey rye jwas Common. I In. 28® 33 middlings 9Vie. Hid 18th, sch Wm II Clifford. Galveston. 4S2o sacks flour 214 ooxes mowers 12U cts fur- Dei. ft liuo. Canal CO.415 114 quiet: i>iuutry alternatively leave Franklin Wharf. S. L. LOVEJOT, Biperin ten dent, Soulhern pine.$3o« 40 BOO! 11 BAY—Sid sch £ 1601 Del. Lack, ft West.178 18th, Mary Olys, for and )eib dtf Kuinford Falla. Maine niture stock 61 pcs birch pk oilcake 75 Clear pine— 177% Atlantic Cltv. Portland, Tuesdays, Thursdays Saturdays sacks flour 0 08 European Markets. at ra. lor New York direct. Returning, leave leather 125 ri<-e organs boxes 70 Denver ft R. G. 19% 19% Ar sen 6p. Uppers.$60® 1st, Catawamteak, from New York for Pier 38. K. aud Satur- sundries 1727 bales lui 352 box*s meats 2.3 Select. Bo® 00 Kite. new... 13 13 (By Telegraph.) Rockland. IL, Tuesdays, Thursdays at 5 p. m. BOSTON & MAINER. K. pcs lumber 220 cattlo 200 bbls pork. Fine common. 45® 55 Brie 1st .. 38% 37% LONDON. Mch. 19. 1899—Consols closed At CHARLESTON—Ar days l8th,sch Harold B Cous- these steamers are superbly fitted and tur- St Jt»hn, NB. Sc hr Southern Cross—Cl,612 Spruce... H*. a, 10 Illinois Central.113 113 lol 9-16 for money and 101 11-16 for account ens, Davis, Boston. nlshed for passenger trace' and afford tlie most ill Llfect Oct. *2(1, 1HJJ oak car stock. Hemlock. 14 Lake Rne ft. West. 20% — ft 12® 2o% LIVERPOOL. Mch. 10. 1000.—The Cotton CHATHAM Pas sea 18lb. schs Marla O Teel, convenient and comfortable route between Clapboards— ake snore.194 194 market steady; at G lC-32d sales Oliver II Brown, Katherine 1) A X. 35 barely spot ; Perry. George FortUud aud New York. Import*. Spruce 32® Louis s Nasn. 82V* 81% bales. McFadden. Augustus WESTERN DIVISION. Clear. 28 30 8,000 Welt. Agnes Manning, J. F. LISCO.UIMieuer.il Agent ® Manhattan Llevalea. 9ft 93% Viola and Harry Messer. LIVERPOOL, ENG. Hctainship Vancouver— 2d clear. 26 a 27 Keppard. THOS- M BARTLETT. Trains leave Portland, Union Station, to Mexican Central. 14% 13% DARIEN— Ar sch D Art._oecadtf 1 bale lrills 700easks china to Bros ) 20 luth, Howard Spear, fni SfttrlHiro Crossinc. 16.00 a. in. 6*5 clay Baring No 1. 6® Michigan central. Bath. & Go« e ware to Burbank & :7 25 SAILING DAYS OF OCEAN STEAMER* U-'U. p.in.; Hearboro Bunch. Fine Paint, 7.44 pk Douglass pk Pine. ® 50 Minn, ft 8L Louis. 61% DUTCH Gan Ex Co. 61% ISLAND HARBOR-Ar 17th. schs 1LUXJ a. ni* 3JO. 62a. 6.34 p. iu.. Old Or Shingles— Minn, ft nc. Louis uid. 96 93 fROM roa Northern Co. X cedar .3 -ox 3 60 Light, Providence for Greeaport,Ct; loteruational chard, Eaoo, Klddefonl, Kcimobtinlc. 7.04 Missouri Pacific. 45% 45V* York. Torto Rico.. George Fall Steamship 60x3 7.» San Juan.New Mch 19 Nevtuger. River for New York. ■■ — — M&, 16.04 a. m.. 12.30. 3.30. 6.26, «.20 Portland Wholesale Market. Clear cedar.2 New Jersev Central.116% FOR v xi.., .....i-ir .1 2Art 1 7i» lift1* ljthn.New York. .Bremen.. .Mali 20 DUTCH ISLAND HARBOU-Sld 17lh. schs p. in. K**ii«ba*k*i>ri 7.00. 8.45. I0.no PORTLAND, Mch. 19. 73 Coleridge .New York P’rnambucoMch 20 Flyaway. Portland for New York; F R Baird, a. ni.. 12.30. 3.30. 6.25, p. m. Well* Spruce...1 50*1 Northern Pacinc corn. 63V* 6H Eastn*" Lfibec Ciiaii St iohii H.B. •».$. While the volume of business is .2 00 Roman..Portland .. Liverpool.. Mcli 21 11 acketts Cove for Port Jefferson; Laurel, from Beach, North Berwick, Dover, compartively Laths, spce.... 76*3 Nortnem Pacific ofd. 74% Llnic-iriut-iit. 74% (.tceamc.New York. Liverpool .. Mch 21 Bucksnort for New York; Maggie F.llen. New and all parts of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, 7.00, 8.46, a. in,. 3.30,5.25 p.m. Hamer*worth, light.there is some improvement over last week. North weetarr..181 160 Edward Island and Breton. The Lime p cask.85 s oo Kensington.. ..New York. Antwerp .. Mch 21 Bedford for do; Lizzie Lane.Fall River fur New Prince Cai*e hoc he* ter. 7.00, 8.45 a. in., 12.30, 8.30 P. m. Flour Is but are asked for Out. A West.|23% 23 route to aud bt- Andrews, D'lvU- rather, higher prices 36 «o 00 ... .New York. .Havre.Mch22 York; Carrie C Miles. Providence for N favorite Campobello Alton Bay, Lake port, aud Northern Cement.1 17 Gascogue. YorJJ Winter wheat brands, notwithstanding the Reading. 17% l'Her.New York. Demarara.. Mch 22 Jennie Greenbank. do for Wilmington, Del. N. B. Ion, 8.45 a. m* 12 30 p m. Worcester (via Mutches. Hock Isiana. I09*i 108*4 New Somers worth 7.00 a. in. Manchester, Concord decline in which closed about lc l’hladelphia. York. Laguuyra. Mch 22 EA8TPORT—Bid 18ih, *eh E M Sawyer, for Spring Arrangrnirut. Wheat, to-day Bl. Paul.i 23s* 123% and 7.00 a. 3.3n p. m. Dovar. Kie. Star p gross .00 a ,vi origen.New York. .Jamaica ....Mch 23 New York. North, m., under Saturday’s figures. Pork was the feature BL Paul ofd-. 173% 173% Vancouver.....Portland Liverpool...Mch 24 FKKNANDINA—Ar I7lh,sch Robert McFar- On and after Monday, Mar. 5, Steamer will ter, Haverhill. I.awrenca, Lowell, 7.00. 8.46 Dlrigo.ooii St.Pam A Z-Z7\ leave Railroad Wharf. on 7.00 of the Chlcag > market, aud closed 10c higiier. Forest _•w?s.ue...... lit Cyprian Print!* New York. PTn’mbuco Meh 24 land, Montgomery, New York. Portland, Monday a. m., 12.30. 3.30 p. ra. Boston. A4.06. City.00ft50 at 6 90 in. leave York .. and Thursday p. Return'ug. 8.46 a.m.. 12.30, 3.30 p. m. Arrive Boston Corn and Oats fairly steady at unchanged St. Pam sToinaua mu. Astoria.New .Glasgow Hch 24 ('Id 171h. seb Blanche H King. Bennett. Perth Metals. Texas Pacinc. 16% 16% Patricia.New York. .Hamburg ..Mch 24 bL Jobu East port and Luheo -.auie days. 7 26. 10.15 a. ra.. 12.46. 4.10. 7.16 p. ni. I eave Amboy. tickets Sugar strong and prices have been .. Through Issued nud baggage checked for Portland 8.30 a. m. 1.20, prices. Copper— Union Pacific uta.| 75% 7411* Campania .... New York. Liverpool Mch 24 GALVESTON—Ar 18th, sch Grade 1) Bu- Boston 6.63, 7.30, 14 a 48 common.00 a 2 Vi to destination. Freight received up to 4.00 4 76 Arrive in Portland a. ill* advanced 5c points. Potatoes quoted today at Wabash. 6% 6% Marquette.New York. .Glasgow .... Mch 24 chanan, Harrington, Baltimore. fy p.m. lO.lO-Jll.fto Polished Ui. 6.00. ra. copper.00*22 W.tbasb .. 20% 20V* Werkeudam .. New York. .Amsterdam Mch 24 Sid luth. sell Warreul B Potter, Boston. p. 12.10. 7.60 p. 6oa65c. l*'ggs firm here at the advance, with Bolts. For tickets and staterooms at the Pine .00*2-Vi Boston A Maine ...193% 193 Trave.New York Bremen — Mch 24 II VANN IS— Ar 18th, sch Maud Sherwood, apply TRAINS the New York market 5c at Y M *$ Tree Ticket Office. Monument or for SUNDAY higher 16.£10V6c. sheath.Oo*l New York and New Euc. of.. York. Para.Mch 27 Boston for New York. square, Y V Polycarp.New other Information at s Railroad Scar boro Bench, Flue l’olnr. Old Or- Lemons firmer and 50i better. Fresh beef firm; bolts.00*18 Old 206% |205xd Numldtan ....Portland.. ..Liverpool. .Mch 28 Sid 17th. schs John Francis, for Company Office, Bottoms.25 Colouy. 8ton!ngton, foot of State street chard. Saco, Bid deford, Kcnnebunk, North *31 Ex ores*...116 114 Teutonic.New York. .Liverpool...Meh 28 Me, to load for New York; Mary F Pike, New Wharf, we quote sides 6x.a oBV'a. backs CV%4tf7 Vi ;ltlnds 1G«17 Adams J. F. I LSCOMB, Supt Berwlok, Dover, Exeter, Haverhill, Law- Ingot. American Express.146 160 Teutomo.New York* Liverpool...Meh 28 York for hAslport; S J do for Portland 8a fores 5V*j rounds and Hanks 7 Vi Lindsay, novAdtf H. F, 0. HERSEY. Agent rence, Lowell, Boston, 12.66, 4.30, p. Ill, lit ». express. 46 46 Nellie do lor Calais; 8 Walker, do Straits.28*30 U. I Faton, Abby Arrive iu Boston 6.18, 8.22 p. in. rumps and loins 8a. 12c; loins at Pa, 13c; People uaa. 98% 97% Noordlaod.New York. Antwerp ... Mch 28 bound east. (4^8c; Antimony. .12 a 14 86 Tourauie.New York. Havre.Mch 23 ech 8 C from DIVISION. rattles.5.a,5Vic. Lambs quoted at 9c; mutton Coke.4 76a5 00 Pacific Mail. 36s* Passed 18th. Try on, Rockland KAILHOADS EASTERN Pullman Palace. 182 18» Orcadian.New YorK. .Glasgowi— Mch 23 I for New York. lioitua and stations 9.00 am Bidde- 8c. Lobers at 26c for boiled and 20c for live. spelter. vaG 75 way common...104 102V* Maracaibo.New Y'ork .San Juan. Mch 23 MOBILE—Cld 17tli, sch S Far- ford, Portsmouth, Newbury SolUe rxKa.Vi. *22 8inrar, Magge Hart, PurlUml A \armouth Klectrlc Ily. Co. Klttery, The tollowing quotaUonsreproieu; uie Whole*, Western Union.83 83% Roman Prince. New York. Buenos Ay’s Mch 31 row, Portland. [ port, Salem, Lynn, Boston, 2.04, 9.60 a. in* sale prices for the market; Nuvn 1 Ktom. Southern By pfd. Mesaba.New Y'ork. London.... Mch 31 rsr.yy l*u.1 uuioiu, »cn» iit'icna, irom d »AKS leave head of Him street for Underwood 12.46, 6.00 p. ra. Arrive Boston, 6.57 a. m., Tartar New York. &c. Mch 31 (or New York: New a. bprlug and Yarmouth at 0.45 a. in., m. Leave Flour Brookivn IlapH Transit. 64% 66% Prince. Naples. Rockland Madagascar, hourly 12.40, A66. 9.06 p. Huston, 7.36, Tar p bbl.3 60*3 Aller.New York. .Bremen —Mch81 Bedford for do. until 5.45 1). ill., then 6.15, 7.45, u.15. ami 10.45*. 9.00a. 7.66. 7.41, m. Arrive Putt- and low grades.2 46u2 «> Federal Bteei common. 60 60% ra.. 12.36. p. Superfine Coal tar.6 00*5 25 Waldersee... .New York. Hamburg Mch 31 PORT TAMPA—Ar 18th, sell Wm C Tanner Extra lor Yarmouth week days at 3.15 p. in. land. 11.46 a. m* U.03. 4.30 10.16, 10 46 IU Wheat Bakers.8 45 d 3 55 rdo ptd. 73% 73% p. Spring Rooting Pitch, p gallon..11a; 12 York Rotterdam.. Mch 31 Johntou. Leave Yarmouth for Portland at 5.40 a. m„ Wheat patents.4 25a4 45 American lonacco.•••.106 1 6% Sparndain.New Tampico. I N DAY. (spring Wil Pitch.3 25*3 50 Saa!e.New York. 3 PHILADELPHIA—Ar 18th,scb 8G Haskell, hourly until 4.40 p. in.. Uieu 5.10, 6.40, 8.10 aud Mien, ami St. Louis st. toiler.3 00 do P'fd.135 136 Bremen.Apl 1 90.u,4 York.. Liverpool 4 Marshall. Kern ndlna; Msble Jordan, Helano. 9.40. ! Bhldt ford, Klttery, Porteiiiontil. New Mich, and 8L 65,a8 90 MetroPolltanJStreet 1(|R.160 160% Germanlo.New Apl Louisgcicar.3 Janeiro; B K Morse. Savannah. Leave Uuderwood for Portland at 6.10 liur) port, Saleiit, L> uu, Boston, 2.00a. m* ft alls—Iran—Lead. a iron. Mt Paul.New York So’ampton.. Apl 4 Rio Pettigrew. Spring Winter Wheat patents.4 10i*4 26 Tenu.uoai 94% 96s* a. m„ aud until 5.10 in., then 7.10. 111. Arrive Boston, 6.57 a. ill* 4.06 Nalls— Friesland .... New York. .Antwerp .. 4 Ar «t Delaware Breakwater 19th, ach hourly p. 5.40. 12.45 p. U. 8. nun her. 32% 28% Apl Lorlug lots aud Feed. Cm.3 < r, *3 25 .New York. 6 Hi from Rock for Haltiinore. 8.40 and 10.10. p. iu. Leave Boston, 9.00 a. in.. 7.66. p. in. Continental To pace o.30 V* 29% F der Grosso Bremen.Apl c Hard, port Corn, car lots.i. i%47 Wire.3 75*3 95 Auk Victoria...New York. Hamburg'... Apl 6 PERTH ASIHOY—Ar 18th, sch Rose limes. SUNDAYS. Arrive Portland, 12.10, 10.30p. ill.. lots. Iron- Corn, bag ?^48 Bretaxne.New York.. Havre ...... Apl 5 Colcord. Fernandlna. U-ave head of I hn street for Uuderwood A—Daily except Mcaday. * la.4 5 Rotton Stock Market* I Meal, bag lots. Common. * 2*4 PROVIDENCE—Ar 17th, ach DD Haskell, Spring and Yarmouth at 8.45 a. m.. hourly uutil car Oats, lots. S3 ® 34 helmed.23* * 3 Mch. 19. 1E00—Tbs following are Brunswick. 7.45 u. m., then 9.15. BOSTON, DIVISION. Oats, bag lots.36 & 37 Norway ...».a4 * 4Vi to-day’s >iuoIj*Uou. th n 8.10. For Clinton. Length of days.. 12 08i Moon rises .10 34 Meade, Wilson. hourly 40. Worcester, Aver, Naaliua, Backed Bran, bag. lots.OO 00k 1» 00 H C.4 Vi * 5 winter naietns. 3 80 *4 25 Sai.EM Ar 18th. sch llattle A Marsh, from Leave Underwood Spring fbr Portland, at \\ ludiiaui and Upping at 7 JO a. m. raid 12.30 car lots.18 Gen 4 Middling, 00 o,20 oo Russia.l3Vi*14 Clear and straight, 3 25 00. Perth Amboy. 8.io :u in., hourly until 1.10 p. in., tli-u 1.50, 2.10 p. in. Middling, bag, lots.1P oo a 2o 50 American Russia.11 412 Corn—steamer yellow 46c. Mid 17 th, schs Ella F Crocker, H C Chester, 3.00. 3.10. 4.10, 4.30, 5.10, 6.40, 0.10, 6.60, 710 Fi*r Manchester, Concord raid points North at 7 Mixed teeu. (42000 Galvanized. 6Vk* VI A KINE NEWS Clara Jane, Albert Pharo. 8.40 and 10.10. 7.30 a. ui. aud 12.30 p. m. Lead- Lika Stock M»rkai. sch II F New York: car close of theares. Rochester. Allred, Waterboro Socar, Coffee. Tea. Molasses, Italsln*. Chicago 8Id 18th Kimball, Mary •10.45 leaves city at For SpriDgvale, Sheet @7% Steele, Boston. and Saco River at 7.10 a. m* 12 3* and 5.30 a 10 By Telegrapu.* _mar3dtf Sugar—Standard granulated. 6 34 Zinc.93* • our or POUTL4M3 VINEYARD-HtVRN—Ar 18th. sch Jas A p. nu 19. Extra fine granulated.... 6 34 Pipe. * G^i CHICAGO. Mch. 1906. —Cattle—receipts Parsons. Amboy lor Halh. For Gorham at 7.30 raid 9.46 a. m 12.30, 3.03 4 85 a Bugar—Extra C. 7 oo 14.400; natives, good to prime steers at Sid 18th. schs Sarah A Reed, M II Reed. Hat- 6.30 and 6.20 p. in. Oils—Paints. to medium at ♦ 1044 MONDAY. March 10. IBugar—Coffee—Rio. roasted. 12 al5 6 86; poor 66; selected tie E King, aud 8 E Lee. For Westbrook, Cumberland Mills, Westbrook 4 mixed 3 30*4 Coffee—.lava aud Mocha. 27 ^28 Sperm. 70*80 feeders 26^4 85; Stockers 00; Arrived. Passed 18th, schs Ella L Davenport. Jackson- Junction aud Woodford* at 7.36, 9.16 a. ui* Teas—tiuoys. 22^3u whale.50* G 5 cows at 3 OO/44 30; heifers 3 25 44 70; bulls at (in 12 3.00, 5.30 and 6.20 i>. ni. Steemer St Croix, Pike, Boston for Eastport ville for Hath; John Jose, Philadelphia for JO, Leas—Congous.. 27u60 Bank.40 a 45 3 oo®4 20; calves 4 6o$7 00; fed Texas steers Newt York for Rockland: Trains arrive at Cortland from Worcester at and 81 John, NB. Hath; Silver Heels, Teas—Japan. H.s«,38 Shore.3 a 42 St 3 76.4:5 00. for Baltimore. 1.26 p. in.; from Rochester at 8.30 a. in* 1.26. steamer Merryconeag. Archibald, Rockland. Edwin R Hunt. Kockport Teas—Formosa... 35&65 Porgie.33 a 3 s flogs—receipts 25.000: mixed and butchers Gov New York for aud 5.46 p. ra.; from Gorham at 6.40, 8.30 and steamer Enterprise, Race. East Boothbar. Ar 19th, steamer Dlnaley, Molasses—Porto Rico..... 88|86 l4trd.f> rai«6; st 4 90 a 6 16 good to choice heavy at 6 05® sch Clsra Jane, Calais; llerrr.on F 10.60 a. m.. 1.25. 4.15. 5.48 p. ni. Tug Piedmont, w ith barges A and C from Bal- Portland; P ft T. A. Bostom Molasses—Barbadoes.. 32 <35 Castor.I lo«l 20 6 15; rough heavy at 4 90®6 00; light 4f>.% Kimball, Rock pert tor New York; Elia F Crow- 0. J. FLANDKKa, G. New Raisins, 2 crown. 2 00 26 6 07%. timore. jeas dtf <2 Neatsfoot...—recetMs 18.000; lambs 1 ofi 16c lower; Aug Welt, Sprout, Me Cent BR. WASHINGTON—Ar 10th. schs Allen Jreen, do 4 crown. 2 50&2 75 Pure ground.. .. 6 oo good to choice wethers at 6 66®a 90: fair to Geo A MoFadden, Wallace, Baltimore— Booth bay; Mottle Rhodes. Red Beach. Raisins. Loose Muscat*. 7Vfc£*J Red.G 60*7 00 choice mixed 6 20®6 70* Western sheep 6 36 * 8ch Veil lied.2 2o 5 coal to B& M RR. Dry Fish and Mackerel. English 00*^ 5 90; native lambs 50®7 15;West 6 00.4 7 Iff. Foreign Forts. HARPSWELL STEAMBOAT GO. American zine.6 00®7 00 Sch Ruth II Robinson, Theall, Perth Amboy— Cod. large Shore. 4 75<3 oo coal to O T Co. Sid fiu lflth. steamer A Her, New York Bealnntni Oct. 2. 1899. steamer Aueoclsco bomNlle Markets. Ry Naples Medium snore fish. 3 60 £4 00 Hire—Salt—Spices—Starcli. Sch S J Lindsap. MeFaddsu, Barren Island Mid fm Antwerp 10tb. steamer Ahneriai, for will leave Portland Pier, Portland, daily. Sun- f Pollock. 2 80A S 75 Domestic rice.5 Vi 8 7 (By Telegraph.) Sch Sarah Hill, Hunt. Boston for Belfast. Portland. days excepted, at 2.00 p. in. for Long Island, BlddOOt.. 2 f oa 2 75 Turks Island salt, is lb hd.2 60*2 80 Mch. 19.1900. Boh Albert Pharo, Boston. Bid fm Cherbourg 18th. steamer New York, Little and Great CheUeacue. CUfI Island, So. ... 2 -5< 2 60 Liverpool..12 25*2 60 NRW YORK—The Flour market—reeeiuu Boh Nettle Champion, liaggetts Cove for New from Southampton for New Yora. Harpswell Baliey’s and Orr’s Islauds. Herring, per box, scaled. 11 & id Diamond bbL. 60 80,139 bills; exports 14,400 Obis, sales 7200 Ski fm Halifax 17th, steamer Moutery, for Return for Portland, leave Orr’s lslandand Crystal 02 York._ Portiaad Mackerel, Shore Is.26 Oo jr30 00 Balermfos.5*5 Vi packages; nominally flrin.hut very quiet ; trade* BMj—I Cleared. Cape Town. above landings 7.00 a. m. Arrive Mackerel, Shere 2s... Spices pure— pending on Saturday were shut out by break In Buenos Ar at St John, NB, 19th, sob M R Casa, from 93.0 a. m. Large 3s. 16 "Steamship “Ayrean (Br)~McDougaL lb A1A H DANIELS. Gen Mgr* | 00fl$l8 Cassia. 21021 Wheat, closing unsettled. Liverpool—A & A Allah. Portland. sepuodf THE PRESS. JUNK DEALERS H ELD. FORT WlLLiARS. NKW ADVKHTIKKMKXTI TODAY Jadge Mill'. Bear Da; lulh, M.ald- J. R. Llbb? CO. pal (’.art. C)w«n. Moore A Co. Orvn Hooper’s Sous* Fran* M. Low A Co. _ The MUloo of the moo lot pal oonrt yes- Be a Si. 'So., Fas man Bros. A H«n;rofL Destined To Great Foster’s Dve waa an bo ay one. Many SAbbii House, terday neoally §. W. L. Card. » were fined for lnlexlontlen. Omci.il Ballot. people Military Post. 0 Flynn and Kelley, who borrowed a Row Wants. To l*t For Halo, Lost. Found team Saturday evening, received 80 day* and simitar advertisements will be found under Ic the county jail. h*lr appropriate heads on pan# 6. Skirts. John Morphy for attempt log to get Suits, Shirtwaists, Spring m •way with geode In the etore of Maurice Best Informed Artillerists Urge Ao BltlEF JOTTINGS. Hoi I neon, a Vote street pawnbroker, got 86 end oae-belf ooats. "A Celebrated Cara" waa settled cot Nancy MeDooald waa fined 88 and Appropriation. »f oourt yesterday. Lawyers and others ooets for getting Intoxicated Saturday. interested will tlad particulars In Fos- Wiliim Bleak got four moo the for ter's Dys Honse ad..on the last page. ilee lng Fred Lombard's coat. A Urge and Una clectrio dock waa yes- John Maloney, arrested Saturday night terday plaoed in the rooms of the Board Portland Citizens Inter- on the oharge of eteallog 814 > from Dan lei Df Trade. It Is wound for three years P. Fleming at the Us ion Stalina, was and during this time will need no atten- ested in Matter. held for the Super ior oonrt under 81000 tion. bell Mr. and Mri. M. C. Lovejoy of Oxford Upon 1 the oomplilnt of Jull* Morey, ■treat, a large birthday party to gave ••Willis" MnGowen got 30 deye for rais- their relatives and friends at tha banquet ing a <11 tturbanoe at ths borne of the hall of Mr. and Mrs. Lang's, Falmouth, A Detailed Statement of Plans (complainant, Friday nlrht. Saturday evening.The evening was spent ALreham Hodmen, Abram Stria and In danelng, muslo being fnrnlthed by Proposed. Mooes Brown, junk dealer* charged with Uamllton'a orehestra. A dainty lnneb reoelrlng etolen goods, knowing them to was isrved at intermission. be stolen, wrrs on Mill about all day. Tha rsguUr monthly meeting of the Hodman was pit on ttlsl In the morn- Portland Wheel olnb will be held at the ing end his oast ooouflsd all of the fore- Over against tbs stranded Californian ■lub rooms on Wednesday evening at 8 noon. fie was defended by Mr. Haresy wklob seemed to tie rooting easily yester- o'clock. of the firm of Foster & Uertay. 'l'he day aftsrnoon stood the grim guns of The Board of Registration wera In aes- ooonty attorney apprurad for the state. Volt Williams and behind them was an itoa yesterday and will continue In ees- The boys recently before the eouit for of buildings lost snob as to allow of oorreotlone and ad- aggregation ilon today lte stealing the gooes wbiah thsse junk deal- see at every military poe» daring lltlons to the Ward 4 check Hat for the yon ers are obargnd with buying, were the formative period—so to speak. ipeelal election on Thursday. principal wi'.nesaos against Hodman. lint bow long Is Vert Williams to ba Tonight, at Chestnut street ohnrofa. They test 13rd to stealing the goods and on Its swaddling olotfcer. It cocnpies Rev. Luthsr Freeman will read the re- kept the whale stole It has been visited by ...A H A dJ...s. a.# tha TUshnnc tn Alim iln. deflgtrated places they a strategic point. them- They sail that they took goods the ablest offio.'is of the nrmy, Including Easter comes later than usual this season but the wise woman never delays ibodist Kplaoopnl Chnrcbes of the World." which they stoled on different occasions General Miles, General Merrltt.Uol. John and Atkinson of are Col. Colons Major xne and stocks to Hodman, and ne Dougne mem. I. Hogers, Major John I’. Story her Easter and Costumes until Easter is at the door and Boston, of tbe Salvation Army, will be I selecting Spring Drat lime be naked no quest Iona, but on others of note, all of whom agree here this evening. At the Free Baptist and other oooa'ijus he naked If tbetblnge that It It a opot of military Important: culled over. Our Easter Goods are and on exhibition. There’s a crisp dainty iburoh on Congress street, the Colonel in, were etoleu and they admitted that they Portland hao more sans tban Heston, nut a aervloe la oonneo- will oonduot apeolal hli we look at were. Onetime they took things to an Insufficient fores, numerically air to them that to women of taste and Will you llon with the 30th anniversary oslebra- and is'agreeable judgment. boose and he bonght them. He told mean, tn man them. One hundred llon, and will be assisted by the olljoers them when they oame again to oome sixty will oover our strength and It re- them? is free. if the Maine and Mew Hampshire dla- Looking aaay and to look out that the polloemen mains with lbs war department,and suoh irlota. as can be did not eee them. rassure, lccil of oourse, The Fraternity olnb was entertained ) Hodman denied that he bought the brought to bear upon It, to bring our by Kev. Ur. J. L. Jenkins. Paper by goods whlsh they testified that they sold strength up to an equitable response to fudge Perolval Bonney. Subjeot, “Jury him. our needs. System.” The argument* ware made by Mr. Her- Keck Island, forlDstano?, Helena, Mod Aa a man by the name of Elbby waa that' tey for Hodman and Mr. Libby for the tana, end oilier plaos urge upon walking on the railroad traok near loe- state. the desirability of large boro etation at about 7.30 o’oloek Satur- representatives In the afternoon Abram SUloaDd military posts !o their vicinity—for goed day night, be was airuok by a special Mores llrnwn were ttlsd together for the reasons perhaps—and they seem to get freight train, going aast. The train was same oltenoe. They were defended by tbsm. Why net Portland, where her stopped and It waa found that the man James A. Connellan, Kaq. strategic position from the view point cf had been knooked onto the lee. He was Against all cf these men probable the iclsntlflo artillerist Is considered cf taken to tbe etatlou at Ice boro and made was found and they were Dound over to paramount importance. aa comfortable as possible. A number the grand jury In the sum of <1000 each. The reservation at Fort Wil- ware and be waa present of bones broken badly It liams covers about foify-ilve acres, but cut and bruised. When the Pullman PERSONAL. la proposed to enlarge this so as to take went down be was plaoed on board and in what is known as the G. C. Thompson taken to tbe hospital at Portland. He and the old Goddard mansion, was to be as well as oonld property repoit.*d doing the area Thu BDpAKOvceot li announced In Ban- with lts surruon3Inge bringing be expected last.night, sores—the ker of Mlis Lottie A. Kimball to Free- of land up to say sixty-eight The hearing In the Woodbury and man L. Bail. Mlsa Kimball 1b the only land we understand Is assured. Moulton cue did not oocur yesterday at- of U. S. Kimball of At Fort Williams today are three tem- ternoon ai It was tbat daughter Joeepli expected. thought mess and is oue of favorite porary barracks, one temporal y Mr. Edward A. Moyes would again be on iiangcr, Bangor’s musicians. Mr. Ball will he remem- cn=» temporary hospital, one tempo- waa oalled. The hall, the stand, but be not oil’cere bered In Portland as oonneoted bouse, one temporary hearing.was postponed indefinitely. Lelng rary, guard with the Co.. nUo the quarters, ono double set permanent Kev. Asa Bradley of Wlntbrop le to Chenerj Mfg. he one •»..lrda, Pequawket tribe, M, of have had their and are and la held In esteem his the purposes to which this aggregation ness and rustle day gone. the adoption degree t might* Business of highest by Is to b9 trarsaoted. many friends. buildings put. importance the us tell about a few of the chic and “Reado-to-wear-things” On Monday morning Bee. Edwin P. liut what a different appearance Let you charming take FATHOMS OF THE MAIMS SYM- Wilson and his daughter, Mlsa Marlon F. fuoe of the earth in this vicinity will the bes‘, PHONY ORCHESTRA. Wilson, left Portland for n brief visit to to lUelf if the plane approved by in this group. D. C. Mrs. C. C. Farns- Informed and most thoughtful army offi- There will be a meeting of the Patrons Washington. her home c*rs are carried into practical effecl. of the Maine Orchestra in the worth, who Is sow making back. Bilk stitched seams, HSJan.l sleeves, pretty bow tie attached A full Bet of attachments go with every Symphony of Port- HOMESPUN. percaliue with W will with them as if the citizens “Maine Hoorn'* of the Falmouth Hotel Mr. ilsen, go They propose, lined, velvet Black to high collar, black, white and machine. most at stake binding. only, far as New and Miss Wilson will land whose interests are at 1C.30 a. March at York, $5.00 Tho machino is noiseless. m., Tuesday, 20;b, to A SuH of All Wool $21.00 colors, practically visit her consln lu New York for one will only push a good thing along, put very stylish which Mr. will he The above are three caught at random. There shuttle. Chapman present, old God- has double breasted Has self-threading on her on the extending from tbo Homespun, fly* are more here. a oonloslon week way home. ridge many the Idea being to arrive at stitched Seif-setting needle. Wulter Burnham left last evening for dard mansion, now owned by Judge tij- front Jacket, velvet collar, TAFFETA. ns to whether concerts of the Maine Sym- Automatic bobbin winder. on the store road towards the sea, with latest ad- Soranton, Pa., where he la to manage the monds silk, style box-plait skirt, phony Orchestra in Maine would be SKIRTS. Price of Box $17.50 team of In the Atlan- live barracks-one of these, however, linod, velvet binding, col- Extra heavy Taffeta Silk Waist, top machino, in order to that base ball that otty pcrcaliue visable keep organization accommodate Price of head 19.00 tic would be all sufficient to ors are blue and brown- clustors of tine tucking on front and Drop machine, in trim for the fall Musical Festival. league. black, gray, of the On BROADCLOTH. Lieut. Carmichael of the Artillery, has the present strength garrison. Trice, SI2.00 sleeves, also white front with the southwest THE SI UDEMIS* UPK1SING. been assigned to duty at tort W iUitnis ridge running parallel to the New effect Box-plait back with clusters of tacking, white cuffs, high towards the sea it and will on construction of the side of the reservation with white to New Crop of Baby Coaches Luther D. Wlshfird of Mew York the post. CHEVIOT. Applique or cut work inlaid, very collar, trimmed match, a is to erect permanent officers' speak in Wllliston church thle evening Alderman Johnson leaves Filday for proposed dressy, black, $10.98 blue, $6.98 Co-Carts. "Students’ Christian to New York, Baltimore quarters. upon the Uprising fortnight’s trip black or blue will aooommodate eleven This Suit is in navy in the World." Mr. declared It to and Weshlngton. This ridge Mcody Wool Cheviot. sets of officers and any beyond All SERCE. PETTICOATS. be the greatest movement of tin century. quarters All new from rubber-tire to Eton satin lined, turndown top-rail- Mr. Wlshard has spent ten years in this THE DESTROYER OF RHEUMATISM this number wbiob the future exigencies Jacket, Five gore Skirt of All Wool Serge and in in this and trimmed with line of them. of-ptish-handle. oountry Europe work, of the osse require will be ereoted collar, elaborately on Xow and handsome At last a Urlo add la the evil might in black oniy, Silk Applique visited the most of the leading universi- reality. Not ono left over from last season. the where the Goddard mansion white or black Bilk newest Mercerized and more Silky than ties of the Ail are muob talked of Isham's on ridge applique, back, world. young people enemy. This front, box-plait percaliue left-over Flies must roost the line extending from the skirt with silk stitched most $1.00 to $5.&0 We suppose Invited. California Waters of Life Is the only is located, box-plait lined, velvet binding, $5.98 Silks, road. a me where, and dust must find some and mansion to the shore seams, percaline lined, velvet bind- other Skirts in price from known discovery that will destroy It, Many ranging but The nospiisj win w,uwu J2.50 to *U-50 lodging place through the winter, oure rheumatism In all forms. The urlo permanent ing, S 18.00 Machine. of near the Ship Cove, on the vide opposite "The Challenge” Sewing not on Go-Carta or Baby Coaches ours, add problem bae be died physicians for Constipation to the Goddard mansion, with hospital for we hadn’t ono left. These are spio years and at last a discovery has been PEBBLE CHEVIOT. Headache, biliousness, heartburn, indi- stewards' quartets near by. SHIRT WAISTS. and uow. made. Nature baa provided a solvent. Made by the Davis Sewing Machine span gestion, and all liver ills are cured by read has been laid ont for Sale has who have the water The system Already the begun. Professors analsyed A smart Suit of All Wool Tobblc Company. the poet, extending Irom the northwest say It Is the most wonderful solvent of taffeta SILK. It has every best point of every best Prices range from $9.49 to $99.00 eatranoe to reservation near MoCnllom’s Cheviot, lly-front Jacket, and has that no other Hood's Pills the age, properties front is Machine we know of. near Goddard man- turndown and Heavy Taffeta Silk, entire Sewing antl-frlction wheel world theatre via a point lined, collar, edge We lia»e the Whitney Sold all druggists. 25 cents. waters of the oontalu. in We warrant it for all kinds of house- wimuey patent foot brake ai.it every by the Ship Cove, thenoe to a seams finished with numerous rows beautifully corded up-and-down fastener, sion, skirting newest and best appliance. of on back hold work. point near tlag staff, and then to south- of silk stitching, Skirt has box-plait effect, clusters cording MAINE'S GREATEST STORE. west eatranoe to reservation. Short con- nections will be made to different build- road. CO. I ings from the main J. R. LIBBY GO. J. R. LIBBY CO. J. R. LIBBY CO. J. R. LIBBY The question of water has been oareful- ly eonsld.wi. A six lnoh main from the Standlsh Water and Construction Co. Adjustable. enters main at southwest entrance gate and extends to flag staff with four lnoh This season’s is a de- "A CELEBRATED CASE" go-cart oouneotlons to pcinta where most needed. Have YOur i from those heretofore shown. a sea In front of It SPEAKING OF !: | parture On high ground with FIRES, SETTLED. It combines the and dainti- Fort Williams sewerage system Is easily grace | ever notice how < > arranged at most convenlsnt points. X Did you unexpectedly ness of the and tho comfort Williams of the ♦ occur possibly in a few WATCH VERY DUSTY CARPZT go-cart Snob will be the Fort they (except ] I j i where the assured are not of the baby carriage. The movable near future If we but urge the neoessary cases particu- J J which all oompetsnt artil- ♦ larly reliable)? The only safeguard is • We do (lie ♦ back and the foot rest work au- appropriations Repaired ri^ht. OUR BEATING MACHINE. lerists most heartily approve. X insurance. Buy the best and keep well ! so that best of work. 25 ex- The carpet was thoroughly beaten at all tomatically together, any The civil who Is engaged In T If want expert advice on years’ J engineer protected. you \ [ auit was glad to settle by paying costs. the lines and drawing the plans points desired may be instantly running « Fire, t position Is a Portland Harry Taylor Hannon. j perienee.'Personal inspection llonwsu4 boy, ♦ Casualty or > Insurance I MOTCD'O P«»Mt City Oy« com of the I secured from setting bolt uprig lit to Lieut. Hairstte Is Id nand f lUoiLltO m*«ni Carpet Cleans u« In X Liability ) , ; of all work. • post and tbe work of construction is | Works, lying flat. Tho adjustable lace the bands of Lieut. Cannlobael who has Sce X J[ IS Preble SC, opp. Preble House. is another feature that will been specially assigned to. tbls duty. parasol I tLK I'llO.V K 401. be appreciated. MEETING OF PRIMARY AND JUN- & Y SCHOOL TEACHERS. DOW I : Some of these carts are IOR SUNOA McKenney, beautifully -.--. ; at In the Y. M. C, j This afternoon 4.16, upholstered, some are plain reed A. there will be held a meeting of all the WATCH MAKER, work. Each has rubber PINKHAM.il ElA/.ttbelli Town l'arin. tires, patent Primary and Jnnlor Teachers of the rape | Poor of Elizabeth Overseers of the Cape and handles Sohools of the city and vicinity. safety brake, graceful Sunday 1'UEwill receive sealed applications lor Keeper Monument « tor Things of Interest to them will be die- Square. and Matrou on Cape Elizabeth town farm are lower than a marl3U 6Uior8thptl • at a convenient The muoh you imagine. 1 the year succeeding April 1st next- Said height. prices aad the reorganization of th< ensssd, proposals stating salary expected. Ch Idrert own and the atop daughter to Primary Teschers' Union will ba consid- COMPLICATED UELATIONEUIP. aon, hls>lle will lie objectionable. ProjMJsals directed le a oase of the Poor of l hllzabetu, ered. Miss Clementine S. Lucas, Stale to her (later. In Hilo there to the Overseers aj*« | to bar own and will be received till 2 o’clock p. m. on as mans and berarae elater-ln-law daugh- j will be present A a New York date baa whleh admits of juat fully March 24th Instant. Primary Superintendent, 1(017 bearing waa In this lnetanoe ter, and the daughter', hu.bund C. E. Overseers It Is dsslrad that all who oan been In a loeal paper as tunny oomplloallons. STAPLES.) J aad speak. reoently printed brother-in-law to bla moibtr-ln-law. P. W. JORDAN. of the Poor of L a married his brother’s wife’s [ should he present at the meeting. Prim- telling of a man by the name of Creed man| The daughter waa atepdaughter to har A. E. POLAND, ) Cape Elizabeth, | mother. Hs thus bsoame as will M seen, brother-in-law and the mother waa the ■HMK ary day sonool teachers are also Invited who had married hie eon’s wife’s sister, She mothsr alatar-ln-law ot har aon-ln-law. to be present. making him the brother-in-law to bis his brothsr’s step father.