Lightweight Lemmas in λProlog

Andrew W. Appel Amy P. Felty Bell Laboratories and Princeton University Bell Laboratories May 14, 1999

Abstract Def'n λProlog is known to be well-suited for expressing and Lemma implementing logics and inference systems. We show Lemma that lemmas and definitions in such logics can be imple- mented with a great economy of expression. The terms of the meta-language (λProlog) can be used to express the Proof Theorem statement of a lemma, and the type checking of the meta- language can directly implement the type checking of the lemma. The ML-style prenex polymorphism of λProlog

EM allows easy expression of polymorphic inference rules, L M A




C Logic

but a more general polymorphism would be necessary to O A express polymorphic lemmas directly. We discuss both the Terzo and Teyjus implementations of λProlog as well as related systems such as Elf. Trusted code base Figure 1: Lemma machinery is inside the TCB. 1 Introduction

It has long been the goal of mathematicians to minimize Definitions and lemmas are essential in constructing the set of assumptions and axioms in their systems. Im- proofs of reasonable size and clarity. A proof system plementers of theorem provers use this principle: they use should have machinery for checking lemmas, and apply- a logic with as few inference rules as possible, and prove ing lemmas and definitions, in the checking of proofs. lemmas outside the core logic in preference to adding new This machinery also is within the TCB; see Figure 1. inference rules. In applications of logic to computer secu- Many theorem-provers support definitions and lemmas rity Ð such as proof-carrying code [Nec97] and distributed and provide a variety of advanced features designed to authentication frameworks [AF99] Ð the implementation help with tasks such as organizing definitions and lem- of the core logic is inside the trusted code base (TCB), mas into libraries, keeping track of dependencies, and while proofs need not be in the TCB because they can be providing modularization etc.; in our work we are particu- checked. larly concerned with separating that part of the machinery Two aspects of the core logic are in the TCB: a set of necessary for proof checking (i.e., in the TCB) from the logical connectives and inference rules, and a program in programming-environment support that is used in proof some underlying that implements development. In this paper we will demonstrate a defini- proof-checking Ð that is, interpreting the inference rules tion/lemma implementation that is about two dozen lines and matching them against a theorem and its proof. of code.

1 kind form type. 2 A core logic kind proof type. The clauses we present use the syntax of the Terzo im- type eq A→A→form. plementation of λProlog [Wic99]. λProlog is a higher- type and form→form→form. type imp form→form→form. order language which extends type forall (A→form)→form. in essentially two ways. First, it replaces first-order terms with the more expressive simply-typed λ-terms. Both type proves proof→form→o. Terzo and Teyjus [NM99] (which we discuss later) extend simple types to include ML-style prenex polymorphism infixl and 7. [DM82], which we make use of in our implementation. infixr imp 8. Second, it permits implication and universal quantifica- infix proves 5. tion over objects of any type. We introduce new types and new constants using kind → type assume form o. and type declarations, respectively. For example, a new primitive type t and a new constant f of type t → t → t type initial proof. type and_l form→form→proof are declared as follows: → proof. kind t type. → → type and_r proof proof proof. type f t -> t -> t. type imp_r proof→proof. type imp_l form→form→proof→proof Capital letters in type declarations denote type variables →proof. and are used in representing polymorphic types. In pro- type forall_r (A→proof)→proof. gram goals and clauses, tokens with initial capital letters → → → type forall_l (A form) A proof will denote either bound or free variables. All other to- →proof. kens will denote constants. λ-abstraction is written us- type cut proof→proof→form \ →proof. ing backslash as an infix operator. Universal quantifica- type congr proof→proof tion is written using the constant pi in conjunction with →(A→form)→A→A→proof. a λ-abstraction, eg., pi X\ represents universal quantifi- type refl proof. cation over variable X. The symbols , and => represent conjunction and implication, respectively. The symbol :- denotes the converse of => and is used to write the top- Program 2: Type declarations for core logic. level implication in clauses. The type o is the type of clauses and goals of λProlog. We usually omit universal quantifiers at the top level in definite clauses, and assume implicit quantification over all free variables. The λProlog language [NM88] also has several fea- We will use a running example based on a tiny core tures that allow concise and clean implementation of log- logic of a sequent calculus for a higher-order logic, il- ics, proof checkers, and theorem provers [Fel93]. We use lustrated in Program 2 and 3. We call this the object λProlog [NM88], but the ideas should also be applicable logic to distinguish it from the metalogic implemented by to logical frameworks such as Elf/Twelf [Pfe91, PS99]. λProlog. An important purpose of this paper is to show which To implement assumptions (that is, formulas to the left language features allow a small TCB and efficient rep- of the sequent arrow) we use implication. The goal A => resentation of proofs. We will discuss higher-order ab- B adds clause A to the Prolog clause database, evaluates stract syntax, dynamically constructed clauses, dynam- B, and then (upon either the success or failure of B) re- ically constructed goals, metalevel formulas as terms, moves A from the clause database. It is a dynamically prenex and non-prenex polymorphism, nonparametricity, scoped version of Prolog’s assert and retract.For and type abbreviations. example, suppose we use imp_r(initial) to prove

2 ((eq x y) imp (eq x y)); then λProlog will ex- A,Γ  A ecute the (instantiated) body of the imp_r clause: initial proves A :- assume A. assume (eq x y) => Γ  A Γ  B initial proves (eq x y) Γ  A ∧ B (and_r Q1 Q2) proves (A and B) :- This adds assume (eq x y) to the database; then the Q1 proves A, Q2 proves B. subgoal A,Γ  B initial proves (eq x y) Γ  A → B (imp_r Q) proves (A imp B) :- generates a subgoal assume (eq x y) which assume A => Q proves B. matches our dynamically added clause. A,B,Γ  C In our forall_r, forall_l, and congr rules for (A ∧ B),Γ  C universal quantification and congruence we take advan- (and_l A B Q) proves C :- tage of λProlog’s higher-order data structures. That is, in assume (A and B), the formula forall A, the term A is a lambda expres- assume A => assume B => Q proves C. sion taking a bound variable and returning a formula; in Γ  AB,Γ  C this case the bound variable is intended to be the quanti- (A → B),Γ  C fied variable. An example of its use is (imp_l A B Q1 Q2) proves C :- forall (X\ forall (Y\ assume (A imp B), Q1 proves A, (eq X Y) imp (eq Y X))) assume B => Q2 proves C. Γ  A(Y) for any Y not in the conclusion The parser uses the usual rule for the syntactic extent of a lambda, so this expression is equivalent to Γ ∀x. A(x) (forall_r Q) proves (forall A) :- forall X\ forall Y\ eq X Y imp eq Y X pi Y\ ((Q Y) proves (A Y)). This use of higher-order data structures is called higher- A(T),Γ  C order abstract syntax [PE88]; it is very valuable as a (∀x. A(x)), Γ  C mechanism for avoiding the need to describe the mechan- (forall_l A T Q) proves C :- ics of substitution explicitly in the object logic [Fel93]. assume (forall A), λ assume (A T) => Q proves C. We have used Prolog’s ML-style prenex polymor- phism to reduce the number of inference rules in the TCB. Γ  AA,Γ  C Instead of a different forall constructor at each type Ð C and a corresponding pair of inference rules Ð we have a (cut Q1 Q2 A) proves C :- single polymorphic forall constructor. Our full core Q1 proves A, logic (not shown in this paper) uses a base type exp of assume A => Q2 proves C. machine integers, and a type exp→exp of functions, Γ  X = Z Γ  H(Z) so if we desire quantification both at expressions and at Γ  H(X) predicates we have already saved one constructor and two (congr Q P H X Z) proves H X :- inference rules! But the user of our logic may wish to Q proves (eq X Z), P proves (H Z). construct a proof that uses universal quantification at an arbitrary higher-order type, so we cannot possibly antic- Γ  X = X ipate all the types at which monomorphic forall con- refl proves (eq X X). structors would be needed. Therefore, polymorphism is not just a syntactic convenience Ð it makes the logic more expressive. Program 3: Inference rules of core logic.

3 We have also used polymorphism to define a general type lemma (A→o)→A→(A→proof)→proof. congruence rule on the eq operator, from which many (lemma Inference Proof Rest) proves C :- other desirable facts (transitivity and symmetry of equal- pi Name\ ity, congruence at specific functions) may be proved as (valid_clause (Inference Name), lemmas. Inference Proof, Theorem 1 shows the use of our core logic to check a Inference Name => (Rest Name) proves C). simple proof. Program 4: The lemma proof constructor. (forall_r I\ forall_r J\ forall_r K\ (cut (imp_r 3 Lemmas (imp_r (congr In mathematics the use of lemmas can make a proof more (congr initial refl (eq K) J K) readable by structuring the proof, especially when the (congr initial refl (eq I) J I) lemma corresponds to some intuitive property. For au- (eq I) tomated proof checking (in contrast to automated or tra- K ditional theorem proving) this use of lemmas is not essen- J))) (imp_r tial, because the computer doesn’t need to understand the (and_l (eq J I) (eq J K) proof in order to check it. (imp_l (eq J I) (eq J K imp eq I K) But lemmas can also reduce the size of a proof (and initial therefore the time required for proof checking): when a (imp_l (eq J K) (eq I K) lemma is used multiple times it acts as a kind of “subrou- initial tine.” This is particularly important in applications like initial)))) proof-carrying code where proofs are transmitted over (eq J I imp eq J K imp eq I K))) networks to clients who check them. proves The heart of our lemma mechanism is the logic rule forall I\ forall J\ forall K\ lemma (eq J I and eq J K) imp (eq I K). shown in Program 4. The proof-constructor takes three arguments: Theorem 1. ∀I∀J∀K(J = I ∧ J = K) → I = K. 1. an inference rule Inference (of type A→o, where o is the type of Prolog goals and A is any type) parameterized by a proof-constructor (of type A);

2. a higher-order Proof (of type A) built from core- Adequacy. It is important to show that our encoding logic proof constructors (or using other lemmas); of higher-order logic in λProlog is adequate.Todo so, we must show that there is a one-to-on mapping be- 3. and a proof of the main theorem C that is tween proof trees in higher-order logic using the infer- parametrized by a proof-constructor (of type A). ence rules of Figure 3 and our encoded proof terms of type proof. Showing the existence of such a mapping For example, we can prove a lemma about the symme- should be straightforward. In particular, since we have try of equality: encoded our logic using prenex polymorphism, it requires expanding out instantiated copies of all of the polymor- B = A Lemma symmx: . phic expressions in terms of type proof; the expanded A = B proof terms will then map directly to sequent proof trees. The proof uses congruence and reflexivity of equality:

4 pi P\ pi A\ pi B\ (lemma P proves (eq B A) => (Proof\ pi P\ pi A\ pi B\ (congr P refl (eq A) B A) (Proof P A B) proves (eq A B) :- proves (eq A B). P proves (eq B A)) (P\A\B\(congr P refl (eq A) B A)) This theorem can be checked as a successful λProlog symmx\ query in the logic of Programs 2 and 3: for an arbitrary P, add (P proves (eq B A)) to the logic; checking forall_r I\ forall_r J\ imp_r (symmx initial J I) the proof of congruence will need to use this fact. ) => :- The syntax F G means exactly the same as G F, proves so we could just as well write this query as forall I\ forall J\ eq I J imp eq J I. pi P\ pi A\ pi B\ Theorem 2. ∀I∀J∀K.I = J → J = I. (congr P refl (eq A) B A) proves (eq A B) :- P proves (eq B A). To “make a new Prolog atom” we simply pi-bind it. This leads to the recipe for lemmas shown in Program 4 Now, suppose we abstract the proof (roughly, above: first execute Inference Proof as a query, to congr P refl (eq A) B A) from this query: check the proof of the lemma itself; then pi-bind Name, Rest (Inference = and run (which is parameterized on the lemma (Proof\ pi P\ pi A\ pi B\ proof constructor) applied to Name. Theorem 2 illustrates (Proof P A B) proves (eq A B) :- the use of the symmx lemma. P proves (eq B A)), The symmx lemma is a bit unwieldy, since it requires A Proof = and B as arguments. We can imagine writing a primitive (P\A\B\ congr P refl (eq A) B A), inference rule Query = Inference(Proof), Query) pi P\ pi A\ pi B\ (symm P) proves (eq A B) :- The solution of this query proceeds in four steps: the vari- P proves (eq B A) Inference Proof able is unified with a lambda-term; using the principle that the proof checker doesn’t need to is unified with a lambda-term; Query is unified with the be told A and B, since they can be found in the formula to Inference Proof application of to (which is a term be proved. β -equivalent to the query of the previous paragraph), and Therefore we add three new proof constructors Ð elam, Query finally is solved as a goal (checking the proof of extract, and extractGoal Ð to the logic, as shown the lemma). in Program 5. Once we know that the lemma is valid, we make a These can be used in the following stereotyped way to symmx new Prolog atom to stand for its proof, and we extract components of the formula to be proved. First bind prove some other theorem in a context where the clause variables with elam, then match the target formula with Inference symmx is in the clause database; remem- extract. For example, see Theorem 3. Inference symmx β ber that is -equivalent to The extractGoal asks the checker to run Prolog pi P\ pi A\ pi B\ code to help construct the proof. Of course, if we want (symmx P A B) proves (eq A B) :- proof-checking to be finite we must restrict what kinds P proves (eq B A). of Prolog code can be run, and this is accomplished by valid_clause. The proof of lemma def_l in Sec- This looks remarkably like an inference rule! With this tion 4 is an example of extractGoal. clause in the database, we can use the new proof construc- Of course, we can use one lemma in the proof of an- tor symmx just as if it were primitive. other.

5 → → type elam (A proof) proof. is just a data structure (parameterized by Proof); type extract form→proof→proof. it does not “execute” anything, in spite of the fact type extractGoal o→proof→proof. that it contains the Prolog connectors :- and pi (elam Q) proves B :- (Q A) proves B. (and similar data structures containing comma and semicolon can also be built). The type of the term (extract B P) proves B :- (P proves B). Inference(Proof) is just o, the type of Pro- extractGoal Goal P proves B :- log goals; but even so no execution is implied. It is valid_clause Goal, Goal, P proves B. only when Inference(Proof) appears in “goal position” that it becomes the current subgoal on the execution stack. This gives us the freedom to write Program 5: Proof constructors for implicit arguments of lemmas using the same syntax as we use for writing lemmas. primitive inference rules. (lemma (Proof\ pi P\ pi A\ pi B\ Dynamically constructed goals. When the lemma (Proof P) proves (eq A B) :- proof-constructor checks the validity of a lemma P proves (eq B A)) by executing the goal Inference(Proof),we (P\ elam A\ elam B\ extract(eq A B) are executing a goal that is built from a run-time- (congr P refl (eq A) B A)) constructed data structure. This is an important fea- symm\ ture of λProlog for our lemma system.

forall_r I\ forall_r J\ Dynamically constructed clauses. When, having suc- imp_r (symm initial) cessfully checked the proof of a lemma, the lemma ) clause executes proves forall I\ forall J\ eq I J imp eq J I. Inference Name => (Rest Name) proves C it is adding a dynamically constructed clause to the Theorem 3. ∀I∀J∀K.I = J → J = I. Prolog database. This feature Ð distinct from dynam- ically constructed goals and perhaps especially hard 3.1 Dynamic clauses and goals to implement in a compiled λProlog system Ð is also important for our lemma machinery. Our technique allows lemmas (and, as we will show in the next section, definitions) to be contained within the proof. Section 5 will show how we can relax the requirements We do not need to install new “global” lemmas and defini- on dynamically constructed clauses and goals, respec- tions into the proof checker. If, for example, symm were a tively. global atom instead of a locally bound variable, it would presumably need a global type declaration; how would 3.2 Valid clauses. this be installed and removed? The dynamic scoping also means that the lemmas of one proof cannot interfere with Since the type of Inference(Proof) is o, the the lemmas of another, even if they have the same names. lemma Inference might conceivably contain any Pro- Our lemma machinery uses several interesting features log clause at all, including those that do input/output. of λProlog: Such Prolog code cannot lead to unsoundness Ð if the re- sulting proof checks, it is still valid. But there are some Metalevel formulas as terms. The expression contexts where we wish to restrict the kind of program Inference , which equals that can be run inside a proof. For example, in a proof- (Proof\ pi P\ pi A\ pi B\ carrying code system, the code consumer might not want (Proof P A B) proves (eq A B) :- the proof to execute Prolog code that accesses private lo- P proves (eq B A)) cal resources.

6 type valid_clause o→o. lemma valid_clause (pi C) :- (Define\ pi F\ pi P\ pi B\ pi X \ valid_clause (C X). Define F P proves B :- valid_clause (A,B) :- pi D\ assume (eq D F) => P D proves B) valid_clause A, valid_clause B. (F\P\ cut refl (P F) (eq F F)) valid_clause (A :- B) :- define\ valid_clause A, valid_clause B. valid_clause (A => B) :- lemma valid_clause A, valid_clause B. (Def_l\ pi Name\ pi B\ pi Q\ valid_clause (P proves F). pi D\ pi F\ pi A\ valid_clause (assume _). Def_l Name B Q proves D :- assume (B Name), assume (eq Name F), Program 6: Valid clauses. assume (B F) => Q proves D) (Name\B\Q\ elam F\ extractGoal (assume (eq Name F)) To limit the kind and amount of execution possible in (cut the executable part of a lemma, we introduce the notion (congr (symm initial) of valid clauses (Program 6). initial B F Name) A clause is valid if contains pi, comma, proves, Q assume, :-, =>, and nothing else. Of course, a proves (B F))) def_l\ clause contains subexpressions of type proof and form, and an assume clause has a subexpression of type form, lemma so all the connectives in proofs and formulas are also (Def_r\ pi Name\ pi B\ pi P\ pi F\ permitted. Absent from this list are Prolog input/output Def_r Name B P proves B Name :- (such as print) and the Prolog semicolon (backtracking assume (eq Name F), P proves B F) search). (Name\B\P\ elam F\ extract (B Name) (extractGoal (assume (eq Name F)) (congr initial P B Name F))) 3.3 Doing without lemmas def_r\ In principle, we do not need lemmas at all. The lemma pi P\ pi A\ pi B\ Program 7: Machinery for definitions. (symm P) proves (eq A B) :- P proves (eq B A) 4 Definitions can be expressed as a single formula, forall A\ forall B\ eq B A imp eq A B Definitions are another important mechanism for struc- turing proofs to increase clarity and reduce size. If some This formula can be proved, then cut into the proof of property (of a base-type object, or of a higher-order ob- a theorem using the ordinary cut of sequent calculus. ject such as a predicate) can be expressed as a logical for- To make use of the fact requires two forall_l’s and mula, then we can make an abbreviation to stand for that an imp_l. This approach adds a significant amount of formula. complexity to proofs, which we wish to avoid. For example, we can express the fact that f is an asso- ciative function by the formula Soundness and adequacy. One way to extend sound- ness and adequacy to the system with lemmas is to show ∀X∀Y ∀Z. fX( fYZ)= f ( fXY)Z that it is possible to replace any lemma with a cut-in for- mula in the way we have discussed or in λProlog notation,

7 forall X\ forall Y\ forall Z\ assume (eq associative Body) eq (f X (f Y Z)) (f (f X Y) Z) is in the assumptions, for some formula, predicate, or We can abstract this formula over f to make a predi- function Body. Then it applies (A\ A f) to Body, ob- cate: taining the subgoal Body(f), of which P is required to be a proof. F\ forall X\ forall Y\ forall Z\ To check that eq (F X (F Y Z)) (F (F X Y) Z) def_l associative (A\ A f) P A definition is just an association of some name with this predicate: proves some formula D, the checker first cal- culates (A\ A f)(associative), that is, eq associative associative f, and checks that (F\ (forall X\ forall Y\ forall Z\ eq (F X (F Y Z)) (F (F X Y) Z))) assume(associative f)

To use definitions in proofs we need three new proof is among the assumptions in the Prolog database. Then it rules: verifies that define to bind a (higher-order) formula to a name, assume(eq associative Body) def l expand a definition (or, in sequent logic terms, to is in the assumption database for some Body. Finally the replace a use of the defined name on the left of the checker introduces sequent arrow with the formula it stands for), and assume(Body f) def r turn a proof of a formula into a proof of the defi- into the assumptions and verifies that, under that assump- nition that stands for it. tion, Q proves D. All three of these proof-constructors are just lemmas provable in our system using congruence of equality, as Program 7 shows. 5 Dynamically constructed clauses To check a proof and goals define Formula (Name\ RestProof(Name)) Teyjus λProlog [NM99] restricts the form of clauses dy- the system interprets the pi D within the define namically introduced using => and :-, of goals with vari- lemma to create a new Prolog atom D to stand able head, and of syntactic terms of type o. In this section for the name of the definition. It then adds we show how these restrictions, and other similar restric- assume(eq D Formula) to the Prolog clause tions not necessarily imposed by Teyjus, can be evaded. database. Finally it substitutes D for Name within RestProof and checks the resulting proof. If there 5.1 Dynamically constructed clauses are occurrences of def_r D or def_l D within RestProof(D) then they will match the newly added Teyjus doesn’t allow programs to construct arbitrary clause. clauses and add them dynamically—because it would re- To check that quire invocation of the compiler at runtime—but does allow at least the dynamic construction and addition of (def_r associative (A\ A f) P) clauses with a constant at the head. It is still possible proves (associative f) to implement lemmas fairly directly as in Section 3 by the prover first checks that implementing a meta-interpreter. The code for the meta- (A\ A f)(associative) matches interpreter and the modified clause for checking lemmas (associative f) and that is in Program 8.

8 (lemma Inference Proof Rest) the head of the clause also appears as a goal in the body proves Seq :- of the clause. Teyjus prohibits this kind of goal forma- pi Name\ (valid_clause (Inference Name), tion. To run our lemma system under Teyjus, we have Inference Proof, implemented an interpreter that handles solving of goals cl (Inference Name) => as well as backchaining over clauses. (Rest Name) proves Seq). We implement a predicate solvegoal of type o→o and invoke (solvegoal G’) instead of simply G’ in backchain G G. the last clause of backchain in Program 8. We omit the backchain G (pi D) :- backchain G (D X). details here. backchain G (A,B) :- backchain G A; backchain G B. backchain G (H :- G’) :- 5.3 Metalevel formulas as terms backchain G H, G’. backchain G (G’ => H) :- Our system takes advantage of the ability to use metalevel backchain G H, G’. formulas as terms. For example the symm lemma

P proves F :- (Proof\ pi P\ pi A\ pi B\ cl Cl, backchain (P proves F) Cl, !. (Proof P) proves (eq A B) :- P proves (eq B A))

Program 8: A meta-interpreter for dynamic clauses. uses the data constructors :- and pi which are normally used to construct λProlog programs. Teyjus prohibits the :- => As before, the clauses representing lemmas that occur operators and as data constructors. This forces us inside proofs are used in two ways. Lemmas are checked to write lemmas using some other operator, which is easy backchain by presenting them as goals and they are also used dur- enough for the predicate to interpret, but is ing the checking of the rest of the proof. The difference an inconvenience for the user, who must use different syn- now is that in the latter operation they are not used di- tax in lemmas than in inference rules. rectly as clauses by λProlog. Instead, we view them as o terms of type with no special meaning and write code Uninterpretable cut. Although we have shown that it is to manipulate them ourselves. First, we add a new pred- possible to interpret dynamically constructed metasyntax cl o→o icate of type used for adding our new clauses even though it cannot be executed, the special Prolog cut λ as atomic clauses of Prolog. Note that this predicate is ! operator cannot be implemented this way. We could lemma used in the last line of the modified clause. The certainly have the following clause in the interpreter, remaining code implements their use in checking proofs that use the lemmas. The last clause in the figure is a new solvegoal ! :- !. clause for the proves predicate which is required for nodes representing lemma applications. The (cl Cl) but the behavior would not be as desired. The backtrack- subgoal looks up the lemmas that have been added one at ing behavior of the goal (G1, !, G2) is different from a time and tries them out via the backchain predicate. that of the goal This predicate processes the clauses in a manner similar to the λProlog language itself. solvegoal G1, solvegoal !, solvegoal G2.

5.2 Dynamically constructed goals The lack of Prolog cut does not affect proofs themselves Ð which don’t need it Ð but it will certainly affect the im- Note that in the last two clauses for backchain in Pro- plementation of theorem provers, which may rely on it gram 8, the goal G’ which appears as an argument inside heavily.

9 6 Meta-level types type lemma ΠA. (A→o)→A→(A→proof) →proof.

ML-style prenex polymorphism has been important in the lemma A Inference Proof Rest proves C :- encoding of our object logic, in particular, in the imple- pi Name:A\ mentation of the forall_r and congr rules in Pro- (valid_clause (Inference Name), gram 3 and in implementing lemmas as shown in Pro- Inference Proof, gram 4. In this section we discuss the limitations of Inference Name => (Rest Name) proves C). prenex polymorphism for implementing lemmas which (lemma are themselves polymorphic; and we discuss ways to T overcome these limitations. (Proof: ΠT. proof→proof \ ← here! ΠT. pi P:proof\ pi A:T\ pi B:T\ 6.1 Non-prenex polymorphism and lemmas (Proof T P) proves (eq T AB):- P proves (eq T B A)) We can generalize prenex polymorphism by removing the (ΛT. P:proof\ elam A:T\ elam B:T\ restriction that all type variables are bound at the outer- extract(eq T AB) most level and allow such binding to occur anywhere in a (congr T P refl (eq T A) B A)) type to obtain the second-order lambda calculus. We start symm\ by making the bindings clear in our current version by annotating terms with fully explicit bindings and quan- forall_r I:int\ forall_r J:int\ imp_r (symm int initial) tification. The result will not be λProlog code, as type ) quantification and type binding are not supported in that proves λ language. So we will use the standard Prolog pi and forall I\ forall J\ \ to quantify and abstract term variables; but we’ll use (eq int I J) imp (eq int J I). Π and Λ to quantify and abstract type variables, and use italics for type arguments and other nonstandard con- structs. Figure 9: Explicitly typed version of Theorem 3. type congr ΠA. proof→proof→(A→form)→ A→A→proof. expression, λProof.body, in which the type of Proof is type forall_r ΠA. (A→proof)→proof. ΠT. proof→proof. Requiring a function argument to be polymorphic is an example of non-prenex polymor- Π A. pi Q: proof\ pi P: proof\ phism, which is permitted in second-order lambda calcu- pi H: A→form\ pi Z: A\ pi X: A\ lus but not in an ML-style type system. (congr A Q P H X Z) proves (H X) :- Q proves (eq A X Z), P proves (H Z). Since type inference for such non-prenex polymor- phism is undecidable, any fully polymorphic language ΠT.piQ:T→proof\ pi A: T→form\ must have explicit type bindings and explicit type quan- (forall_r T Q) proves (forall T A) :- tification Ð although it may be possible to do partial type pi Y:T\ ((Q Y) proves (A Y)). inference to avoid the need for all type arguments to be Every type quantifier is at the outermost level of its clause; written explicitly [Pfe88]. the ML-style prenex polymorphism of λProlog can type- Why did Theorem 3 work at all, if it uses a polymor- check this program. However, we run into trouble when phic lemma symm? The answer is that symm isn’t really we try to write a polymorphic lemma. The lemma itself is behaving polymorphically, as we can see from Theorem 6 prenex polymorphic, but the lemma definer is not. which attempts to use it at two different types. Figure 9 is pseudo-λProlog in which all type quanti- This proof fails to check in our implementation, be- fiers and type bindings are shown explicitly. The cru- cause the first use of symm unifies its polymorphic type cial point is that the line marked here contains a lambda- variable with the type T of x, and then the use of symm at

10 (lemma polymorphic inference rules but not polymorphic lemmas (Proof\ pi P\ pi A\ pi B\ and definitions. Perhaps the problem lies in using a stat- (Proof P) proves (eq A B) :- P proves (eq B A)) ically typed metalanguage. Lamport and Paulson [LP99] (P\ elam A\ elam B\ extract (eq A B) have argued that types are not necessary to a logical met- (congr P refl (eq A) B A)) alanguage; the errors that would be caught by a static type symm\ system will always be caught eventually because invalid theorems simply won’t prove, and sometimes the types forall_r f\ forall_r g\ forall_r x\ just get in the way. imp_r (imp_r If we had a completely dynamically typed (or “un- λ (and_r typed”) version of Prolog, we could represent fully poly- (symm initial) morphic functions, and our proofs using polymorphic (symm initial))) lemmas would work immediately. Unfortunately, just ) as untyped set theory is unsound (with paradoxes about proves sets that contain themselves), the untyped version of our forall f\ forall g\ forall x\ higher-order logic is also unsound. The proof is simple: in (eq f g) imp untyped λProlog we could represent the fixed-point func- (eq (f x) x) imp tion Y = (F\ (X\ F(X X))(X\ F(X X))) with ((eq g f) and (eq x (f x))). the theorem ∀ f .Yf = f (Yf). By applying Y to (X\ X imp false) we can prove ∃x.x =(x → false) Theorem 6. ∀ f ,g,x. f = g → f (x)=x → (g = f ∧ x = f (x)). from which anything can be proved. Therefore, if we built our system in an untyped log- type T→T fails to match in the proof checker. ical framework then our checker would have to include Polymorphic definitions (using define) run into the an implementation of static polymorphic typechecking of same problems and also require non-prenex polymor- object-logic terms. The machinery for typechecking the phism. Thus prenex polymorphism is sufficient for poly- object logic Ð written out as λProlog inference rules Ð morphic inference rules; non-prenex polymorphism is would be about as large as the proof-checking machin- necessary to directly extend the encoding of our logic to ery shown in Figure 3; it is this machinery that we avoid allow polymorphic lemmas, although one can get around by using a statically typed metalanguage. requiring such an extension to the meta-logic by always duplicating each lemma at several different types within the same proof. 6.3 Alternate encodings

Adequacy. Proofs in a nonprenex polymorphic calcu- There are also several ways to encode our polymorphic lus cannot, in general, be expanded out to monomorphic logic and allow for polymorphic lemmas without going to proofs. Therefore we cannot prove adequacy with respect the extreme of eliminating types from the meta-language. to Church’s higher-order logic. Instead, we can view the One possiblity is to encode object-level types as meta- congr (nonprenex polymorphic) object logic as a sublogic of the level terms. The following encoding of the rule calculus of constructions [CH88], and prove the sound- illustrates this approach. ness and adequacy of our system with respect to that logic (although we have not done such a proof). kind tp type. kind tm type. type arrow tp→tp→tp. 6.2 Should your metalanguage be typed? type exp,form tp. type eq tp→tm→tm→tm. The prenex-polymorphic λProlog language can represent type congr tp→proof→proof only a restricted set of lambda-expressions, sufficient for →(A→tm)→A→A→proof.

11 congr T Q P H X Z proves H X :- to be defined. The theorems we prove in our application typecheck X T, typecheck Z T, are from the domain of proof-carrying code, where we are Q proves (eq T X Z), P proves (H Z). using the same kinds of higher-order types that show up This encoding also requires the addition of explicit app in traditional denotational semantics. Thus, we may have and abs constructors, primitive rules for β- and η- the type exp of machine integers; machine memory is a → reduction, and typechecking clauses for terms of types function exp exp. In our formulation, an object type exp and form, but not proof. To illustrate, the new ty is a three-argument predicate taking an allocated → constructors and corresponding type checking clauses are predicate (exp form), a memory, and an exp. given below. Therefore, the predicate hastype, which takes an allocated predicate, a memory, and an exp, has the → → → → type app tp tp tm tm tm. following type: type lam tp → tp → (tm → tm) → tm. typecheck (app T1 T2 F X) T2. kind exp type. typecheck (lam T1 T2 F) (arrow T1 T2). → This encoding loses some economy of expression because type store = exp exp. type allocated = exp→form. of the extra constructors needed for the encoding, and re- type ty = allocated→store→exp→form. quires a limited amount of type-checking, though not as much as would be required in an untyped framework. For type hastype instance, in addition to typechecking subgoals such as the allocated→store→exp→ty→form. ones in the congr rule, it must also be verified that all the terms in a particular sequent to be proved have type However, λProlog does not have type abbreviations of form. the form type regs = exp→exp, so our program is Another alternative is to use a similar encoding in a full of declarations like this one: metalanguage such as Elf/Twelf [Pfe91, PS99]. The ex- tra expressiveness of dependent types allows object-level type hastype types to be expressed more directly as meta-level types, (exp→form)→ eliminating the need for any typechecking clauses. This (exp→exp)→ → encoding still requires explict constructors for app and exp → → → → → abs as well as primitive rules for βη-reduction. The fol- ((exp form) (exp exp) exp form) →form. lowing Twelf clauses, corresponding to λProlog clauses above, illustrate the use of dependent types for this kind of encoding. This is rather an inconvenience. ML-style (nongenera- tive) type abbreviations would be very helpful in a logical tp : type. framework. tm : tp -> type. form : tp. pf : tm form -> type. arrow : tp→tp→tp. 7 Other issues eq : {T:tp}tm T→tm T→tm form. congr : {T:tp}{X:tm T}{Z:tm T} Although we are focusing on the interaction of the meta- {H:tm T→tm form} level type system with the object logic lemma system, pf (eq T X Z)→pf (H Z)→pf (H X). there are other aspects of meta-language implementation that are relevant to our needs for proof generation and proof checking. 6.4 Type abbreviations Regardless of whether prenex or full polymorphism is Arithmetic. For our application, proof-carrying code, used, a logical framework should allow type abbreviations we wish to prove theorems about machine instructions

12 that add, subtract, and multiply; and about load/store in- simple example: a function that tells the arity (number of structions that add offsets to registers. Therefore we re- function arguments) of an arbitrary value. quire some rudimentary integer arithmetic in our logic. → → Some logical frameworks have powerful arithmetic type arity A int o. primitives, such as the ability to solve linear pro- arity F N :- arity (F X) N1, N is N1 + 1. arity X 0. grams [Nec98] or to handle general arithmetic constraints [JL87]; some have no arithmetic at all, forcing us to define The first clause matches only when F is a function; the integers as sequences of booleans. On the one hand, linear second clause matches any value. An ML program of type programming is a powerful and general proof technique, α → int would never be able to dispatch on the representa- but we fear that it might increase the complexity of the tion of its argument like this, because ML polymorphism trusted computing base. On the other hand, synthesizing is based on the principle of parametricity: the behavior of arithmetic from scratch is no picnic. The standard Pro- a polymorphic ML function is independent of the partic- log is operator seems a good compromise and has been ular type at which it is used. This property is essential in adequate for our needs. providing data abstraction [Rey83]. Without parametric- ity, logic programming languages such as λProlog lose the Representing proof terms. Parametrizable data struc- ability to do data abstraction, but nonparametricity is very tures with higher-order unification modulo β-equivalence useful to us in manipulating polymorphic proof terms. provide an expressive way of representing formulas, pred- icates, and proofs. We make heavy use of higher- order data structures with both direct sharing and shar- 8 Comparison of existing logical ing modulo β-reduction. The implementation of the meta- framework systems language must preserve this sharing; otherwise our proof terms will blow up in size. We have used the Terzo λProlog system to build and Any Prolog system implements sharing of terms ob- check proofs in a prototype system. There are other im- tained by copying multiple pointers to the same subterm. plementations of λProlog as well as implementations of In λProlog, this can be seen as the implementation of other logical frameworks in which this work can be done. a reduction algorithm described by Wadsworth [Wad71]. But we require even more sharing. The similar terms ob- Terzo [Wic99] is an intepreter for λProlog implemented λ tained by applying a -term to different arguments should in Standard ML. Terzo permits metalevel formulas as retain as much sharing as possible. Therefore some terms, dynamically constructed goals and clauses, non- intelligent implementation of higher-order terms within parametricity, and prenex polymorphism. Terzo uses the meta-language—such as Nadathur’s use of explicit Wadsworth-style representation of lambda expressions, substitutions [Nad97]—seems essential. Perhaps even a rather than the potentially more efficient explicit substi- more sophisticated representation like optimal reductions tutions, so proof checking tends to use a lot of memory. [Lam90, AG98] will be useful. Terzo’s interpreter uses linear search to find a clause that matches the current subgoal; this is another source of inef- Programming the prover. In this paper, we have con- ficiency. The current implementation of Terzo is adequate centrated on an encoding of the logic used for proof for prototyping, but might not support large-scale work in checking. But of course, we will need to construct proofs, proof-carrying code. too, which is sufficently difficult [G¬od31] that the full power of an imperative programming language (such as Teyjus [Nad99] is a new system under development at λProlog with the cut (!) operator) seems necessary. the University of Chicago that compiles to bytecodes for Our proof manipulation algorithms often need to walk a higher-order variant of the Warren Abstract Machine over arbitrary proof terms, an operation which is compli- using explicit substitutions for representation of lambda cated by our use of polymorphism. We illustrate by a very terms [Nad97]. It restricts the syntax of terms and the

13 use of dynamic clauses and goals, so we must implement implementation of specialized theorem provers. an interpreter as described in Section 5. Twelf allows definitions, which may help with imple- Both Terzo and Teyjus λProlog have prenex polymor- menting lemmas and definitions for our logic. For exam- phism but not full (nonprenex) polymorphism; neither ple, we can use the definitions of Twelf to name the proof permits type abbreviations. Both support the Prolog is of the symmetry lemma and add it to the signature of our for integer arithmetic. Both implementations support ba- core logic and then use it directly in subsequent proofs. sic Prolog imperative constructs such as the cut ! and in- put/output, which we have found useful in building a tac- symmx: {X,Z:T} provable (eq Z X) →provable (eq X Z) tical theorem prover. = [X,Z:T][P:provable (eq Z X)] The fact that Terzo is an interpreter, not a compiler, is (eq_congr Z X (eq X) P (refl X)). what allows it to so easily handle dynamically constructed goals and formulas. Teyjus is implemented with many Twelf will soon provide a complete theory of the ratio- techniques that should drastically improve its efficiency; nals, implemented using linear programming [Pfe99]. these include better data structures for finding clauses that match (as manifested in the Warren Abstract Ma- chine), better representations for higher-order data struc- 9 Conclusion tures (i.e., explicit substitutions), and compilation to an interpreted byte code (instead of interpreting abstract syn- The logical frameworks discussed in this paper are tax trees). For our application, since we will so frequently promising vehicles for proof-carrying code, or in general introduce new clauses, an interpretation of AST’s might where it is desired to keep the proof checker as small and be preferable to byte-code compilation. But many of the simple as possible. We have proposed a representation techniques used in Teyjus (for efficient clause matching for lemmas and definitions that should help keep proofs and for substitution) would be useful even in an inter- small and well structured, and it appears that each of these preter. frameworks has features that are useful in implementing, or implementing efficiently, our machinery. But none of Elf [Pfe91] is an implementation of LF [HHP93], the these systems has all the features we need; it would be Edinburgh logical framework. interesting to design and construct a system with the best Elf 1.5 has full (nonprenex) statically checked poly- features of all of them, or to modify one of the existing morphism with explicit type quantification and explicit frameworks. type binding. Explicit quantification and binding is neces- sary because type inference for full polymorphism is un- Acknowledgements. We thank Robert Harper, Frank decidable. However, Elf contains a partial type inference Pfenning, Carsten Sch¬urmann for advice about encod- algorithm that often permits the programmer to avoid pro- ing polymorphic logics in a monomorphic dependent-type viding all type arguments of polymorphic functions. metalanguage; Doug Howe, David MacQueen, and Jon Elf has the nonparametricity we need to implement Riecke for advice about recursive and nonrecursive defi- meta-operations in the prover. nitions; Robert Harper and Daniel Wang for discussions Elf has no built-in arithmetic at all, which is a severe about untyped systems; Ed Felten, Neophytos Michael, handicap. Kedar Swadi, and Daniel Wang for providing user feed- back. Twelf is the successor to Elf. Like Elf, it has higher- order data structures with a static type system, but Twelf References is monomorphic. The lack of even prenex polymorphism forces us to use the object-types-as-terms representation [AF99] Andrew W. Appel and Edward W. Felten. Proof- described in Section 6.3. Twelf has no imperative con- carrying authentication. Technical report, Princeton structs (such as the Prolog cut) which would allow the University Dept. of Computer Science, April 1999.

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