RAIGIRDAS BORUTA RAIGIRDAS BORUTA graduated from the University of Central Lan- cashire with a BA degree (First Class) in Asia Pacific Studies with Since 1994, ’s authoritarian rule and Chinese. Boruta also holds an MA his regime’s grip on power has strengthened continuously, degree in International Relations at the great cost of diminishing Belarusian civil liberties. (full Chinese Program) from the Si- Throughout these years, Lukashenko’s foreign policy un- chuan University, PRC. derwent several recalculations that focused on attempts to maintain societal stability, improve the country’s economic situation and, more importantly, to balance Belarusian ties with the EU and . Over time, society’s calls for libe- ralization of the country became a huge challenge for the government. As a result, Lukashenko’s regime became in- creasingly oppressive and based on ruling with an iron fist. Every Belarusian presidential election was increasingly ab- surd and questionable, with evidence of various restrictions placed on movement, internet access, the use of fake bal- lots, etc. Society’s growing anger boiled over after the 2020 presidential elections.

These events and the regime’s violent crackdown on protes- ters attracted the international community’s attention. While the main actors in this ongoing crisis are Russia and the EU, as a result of the regime’s diversification of its forei- gn policy over the last decade, China has undoubtedly beco- RAIGIRDAS BORUTA | THE CRUMBLING EASTERN EUROPEAN “PEARL” WITHIN THE BRI STRATEGY: CHINESE DOMESTIC MEDIA’S COVERAGE OF THE 2020 BELARUSIAN PROTESTS AND BILATERAL TIES 2

me yet another significant actor in the mestically and internationally. Instead, country. Belarus is of strategic impor- in the event the Belarusian people are tance to China, mainly economical but unable to solve the crisis on their own, to some extent also political. The joint China would leave this crisis for Russia Sino-Belarusian Great Stone Industrial to solve. Given Belarus’ important geo- Park megaproject, once referred to by Xi political position and economic poten- Jinping as the “pearl” within the BRI pro- tial within the BRI strategy, how worried ject, reflects the great importance that is China about losing its “pearl”? China attaches to potential economic gains by strengthening its economic presence in the country. Since the 2020 Comprehensive Belarusian protests started, China has Strategic Partnership been closely monitoring the situation in Belarus and redrawing its foreign policy between China and objectives in Eastern as well as Belarus considering potential scenarios regar- Both countries established formal re- ding negative consequences to the BRI. lations in 1992, but it is only over the last decade that Sino-Belarusian ties Interestingly, a few weeks before the have been greatly strengthened by eruption of the Belarusian protests, in broadening and intensifying bilateral Russia’s Far East region, the Khaba- cooperation in various spheres. The si- rovsk Krai protests broke out and share gning of the Comprehensive Strategic a very similar pattern and catalyst: dis- Partnership agreement between Bela- satisfaction with the regime and its grip rus and China in 2013 reflects Belarus’ on power. Recent successes of a non-ru- potential to play an important role in ling Russian party in the region resul- Chinese economic and (to some extent) ted in the arrest of anti-establishment political strategies in the region, particu- governor Sergei Furgal. Despite the larly in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). distance between these two hotspots, China’s choice of strategic partners is a both protests share very similar charac- complicated process involving numero- teristics that led to both groups voicing us variables. In the case of Belarus, es- their support for each other. This trend tablishment, and maintenance of close of popular protests in authoritarian co- ties with the Belarusian regime is based untries is a worrisome reality to China, on these core considerations: which also borders Khabarovsk Krai; therefore, Beijing is undoubtedly closely Ideological closeness: both countries monitoring both situations. share similar authoritarian methods of governance as well as comparable vie- However, judging from the relative flexi- ws on human rights and civil liberties bility on reporting the Belarusian pro- that profoundly differ from the Western tests in China, the overall atmosphere viewpoint. of the domestic media indicates that there is little reason to believe that Bei- Economic considerations: Belarus is in jing would be willing to step up their grave need of economic and technical efforts to support Lukashenko both do- assistance, and China’s so-called “no RAIGIRDAS BORUTA | THE CRUMBLING EASTERN EUROPEAN “PEARL” WITHIN THE BRI STRATEGY: CHINESE DOMESTIC MEDIA’S COVERAGE OF THE 2020 BELARUSIAN PROTESTS AND BILATERAL TIES 3

strings attached” investment strategy aims to attract foreign technology com- is more favorable to Belarus as oppo- panies and, with the established rail, hi- sed to Russia’s pre-conditional (poli- ghway, and air links, acts as a major hub tically-oriented) economic support as for the BRI towards the EU and EEU mar- well as access to the EU’s investments kets. The ongoing Belarusian protests based on real progress in terms of libe- resulted in a high degree of instability ralization in the country. and unfavorable conditions for inves- tors; therefore, the future development Strategically useful location for China’s of this project in Belarus is becoming greater economic and political aspirati- increasingly unclear. Even given the po- ons in Eastern Europe: due to Belarus’ tential effects on Chinese investments important geographic and geostrategic in the country and the probable loss of location as well as its access to both the favorable conditions for establishing EU and the Eurasian Economic Union an important hub for the BRI, China re- (EEU), China views Belarus as a potenti- mains passive and unwilling to allocate al location for an important hub needed more resources in support of Lukashen- to fulfill its BRI project in the region. ko’s regime. As seen from China’s pas- Ease of dealing with Lukashenko’s regi- sive response and very limited support me: for the past decade, Lukashenko has for Lukashenko, it is obvious that Bela- been extremely pro-active and enthu- rus needs China more than China needs siastic about strengthening Sino-Be- Belarus. China values Belarus’ (limited) larusian ties. China has been provided diplomatic support and treats it as an with a favorable political environment ideological partner within the larger and relative freedom for investments. democracy vs. autocracy struggle. It For the Chinese government, Belarus is would prefer to continue dealing with seen as a politically and societally sta- Lukashenko’s regime; however, China ble country (as opposed to post-2014 is not willing to get actively involved in , which was originally viewed by what is clearly within Russia’s sphere of China as the most viable location for a interests or even influence. Pragmatism core regional hub of the BRI). and economic calculations are guiding China’s foreign policy with Belarus (and Chinese interests in Belarus are, above recently, these calculations are turning all, economy-centered. Given Belarus’ against Belarus due to slow progress favorable geographic location and ac- on joint projects in the country as well cess to both the EU and EEU markets, as due to the fact that numerous Bela- the focal point of China’s ties with Be- rusian investments using Chinese loans larus is based on development of the fail to bring any profit). But , on BRI project in the region. The major the other hand, sees its ties with Beijing recipient of Chinese investments is as a means for the regime’s survival and the Great Stone Industrial Park, a joint a stabilizing factor that helps the Bela- Sino-Belarusian project which is seen rusian government to balance its ties as one of the symbols of China’s BRI with its immediate neighbors and, most mega project’s global aspirations. This crucially, lower its dependence on Rus- special economic zone, created in 2012, sia and the EU. RAIGIRDAS BORUTA | THE CRUMBLING EASTERN EUROPEAN “PEARL” WITHIN THE BRI STRATEGY: CHINESE DOMESTIC MEDIA’S COVERAGE OF THE 2020 BELARUSIAN PROTESTS AND BILATERAL TIES 4

China is Considering vernment protesters. For China, given the fact that Russia supports the BRI, Potential Outcomes of further Belarusian dependence on Rus- the 2020 Belarusian sia is acceptable. Both countries have Protests avoided interest clashes in Belarus; both China and Russia maintain diffe- Undoubtedly, Beijing is closely moni- rent economic and political interests in toring the situation in Belarus and is the country (for example, both countries cautious of potential outcomes of the refrain from stepping on one another’s Belarusian crisis. The repetition of its toes in terms of their economic inte- carefully worded official statements rests, as China focuses more on smaller and relatively passive behavior do not plants, infrastructure and the techno- mean that it is not preparing itself for logical sector, whereas Russia invests possible outcomes. With the help of considerably in heavy industries and is recent Chinese and foreign media re- actively involved in privatization of large ports as well as analytical articles (See Belarusian enterprises). In terms of the references: , , , , , ), three different future political environment, China would pre- scenarios for Belarus can be identified fer this scenario due to the relative ease in relation to Chinese interests in the of dealing with Lukashenko’s regime. region (ranked in terms of preference): After all, it was Lukashenko who first showed the initiative and willingness to expand the scope of cooperation with Scenario 1: Lukashenko China in order to counter Russia’s incre- manages to secure his grip on asing grip on Belarus. With the support power (most preferred) of Lukashenko’s regime, China bene- This particular scenario is the most fited from a favorable environment for preferred by China because it, to some investment and the incorporation of Be- extent, maintains the status quo. For larus into its BRI plans. However, there the last decade until the 2020 Protests, are several major drawbacks under this Lukashenko’s regime maintained a very scenario that are not favorable to Chi- favorable political and economic envi- na. In the event Lukashenko remains in ronment for Chinese investments and power, it will inevitably result in a signifi- BRI infrastructure projects. Both coun- cant breakdown of EU-Belarus relations tries benefited from the deepening coo- which, in turn, would negatively affect peration and trade relations. In this sce- the already frail Belarusian economy. nario, Lukashenko succeeds in securing Furthermore, plans to establish Belarus his control of the country. This type of as China’s gateway to Europe within situation would probably be achieved the BRI framework will become almost with the help of Russia and result in unattainable. Ultimately, Lukashenko’s diminished political independence in astounding efforts to remain in power return for Russia’s continuation of eco- might succeed in the short term, but nomic and political support as well as this particular scenario will likely merely its support of Belarusian special police prolong the inevitable outcome. units to gain traction against anti-go- RAIGIRDAS BORUTA | THE CRUMBLING EASTERN EUROPEAN “PEARL” WITHIN THE BRI STRATEGY: CHINESE DOMESTIC MEDIA’S COVERAGE OF THE 2020 BELARUSIAN PROTESTS AND BILATERAL TIES 5

Scenario 2: Russia actively gime and hold fair and independent becomes involved in the crisis elections. The 3rd potential scenario is and establishes a much more by far the least preferred by the Chinese dependent and pro-Russian government due to a high level of unpre- government in Belarus (with dictability and uncertainty with regards to future Sino-Belarusian bilateral re- or without Lukashenko) (less lations and Chinese investments. For preferred) China, many variables come into con- In the 2nd scenario, Russia intervenes sideration: would the new government and either ousts Lukashenko from offi- lean towards the East or the West? ce by establishing a more pro-Russian Would it reshape its relationship with government or pushes for progress to- Russia? What would be the view of a wards integration. It is unlikely that the new government towards continuation public will completely cease the pro- of existing plans involving the Chinese tests, and so public dissatisfaction wo- BRI? What further fuels China’s anxiety uld remain. However, in the event Russia vis-à-vis Belarus is the lack of the go- succeeds in establishing relative stabi- vernment opposition’s public expressi- lity and order, China could accept such on of how it sees the future with China a scenario if its investments in Belarus and its economic cooperation. Even remain secure. Given increasing Chine- though this scenario would fix Belarus’ se investments and trade with Belarus, it relations with the EU, stabilize the co- is very likely that Belarus would naturally untry and prevent economic decline, continue to maintain a close relationship which would benefit China’s BRI strate- with China, mainly due to the economic gy, it involves a lack of clarity as to the benefits. For Russia, it is also beneficial opposition’s view regarding Belarus’ fu- because it would share some of Russia’s ture relationship with China. burden of providing economic support to Belarus. However, EU-Belarusian ties would be substantially severed; therefo- Flexibility of Chinese re, Minsk would not be able to effectively act as China’s hub and a gateway to Eu- Media Reporting Based ropean markets. From China’s perspecti- on the Development of ve, this scenario is more unpredictable, the Situation in Belarus and the risks involved are greater, but it Chinese president Xi Jinping was one of is still acceptable. the first foreign leaders to congratulate Alexander Lukashenko on his disputed Scenario 3: Belarusian anti- re-election. However, judging from the government protesters relative flexibility on reporting the Bela- successfully oust Lukashenko’s rusian protests, the overall atmosphere regime and establish a new of the domestic media indicates that there is little reason to believe that China government after fair elections would be willing to step up their efforts (least preferred) and show their support for Lukashenko In this scenario, Belarusian anti-govern- both domestically and international- ment protesters oust Lukashenko’s re- ly. While the world media extensively RAIGIRDAS BORUTA | THE CRUMBLING EASTERN EUROPEAN “PEARL” WITHIN THE BRI STRATEGY: CHINESE DOMESTIC MEDIA’S COVERAGE OF THE 2020 BELARUSIAN PROTESTS AND BILATERAL TIES 6

reported and followed the situation of the 2020 Belarusian protests from the very beginning, Chinese reporting was inconsistent and adaptive to the situati- on. The nature of the reporting can be divided into two categories: media re- porting in the early stages of the crisis and in the latter stages (since around September). In the early stages of the protests, the reporting was relatively va- gue and brief with a clear pro-Russian and pro-Lukashenko bent. In addition to this, there were instances in which Chinese media (intentionally?) mis-re- ported the situation to depict overwhel- ming support for Lukashenko. Fig. 1: The headline reads: “Belarus: 70.000 people gathered in the capital to support the government and defend the country’s In the early development of the Belaru- peace”; however, judging from the symbolism and the following sian crisis, most of the largest Chinese video footage of demonstrators with clearly anti-government government-controlled media outlets posters, this particular demonstration was clearly anti-Lukashen- only briefly reported on the Belarus si- ko, contrary to the way it was reported by this media outlet (Pho- enix News).13 tuation, without providing more details, which is partly due to the sensitive na- ture of the crisis (i.e. large-scale anti-go- an inability to predict which side would vernment societal demonstrations). succeed, China carefully guided domes- The largest media outlets, such as Xin- tic media to maintain some flexibility. hua News and CCTV News, published China has no adequate tools of influen- pro-Lukashenko reports that were in ce to change the course of the protests; accordance with the official position therefore, it needs to adapt to the actual of the Chinese government14. Only a situation. few smaller media outlets and blogging platforms were not overly one-sided or In contrast, around September, there pro-Russian15 and attempted to go into was a moderate shift in the focus, sco- more detail (and were not censored) re- pe and nature of reporting on the Bela- garding the Belarusian protests. This, rusian protests by the Chinese media, along with Chinese government offici- which was especially reflected in incre- als’ carefully worded statements, is ba- ased reporting on social media sites sed on the fact that China clearly calcu- and blogging platforms. Chinese go- lates its position and adapts according vernment and major media outlets con- to the development of the protests, i.e. tinued to maintain their relatively un- in the early outbreak of protests, it was changed position since the beginning not clear whether the protests would of the protests by repeating statements increase in size and intensity, there- that “China respects the Belarusian pe- fore supporting Lukashenko’s regime oples’ freedom to make their own choi- was seen as a risk-free choice. Due to ce” and “resolutely opposes any foreign RAIGIRDAS BORUTA | THE CRUMBLING EASTERN EUROPEAN “PEARL” WITHIN THE BRI STRATEGY: CHINESE DOMESTIC MEDIA’S COVERAGE OF THE 2020 BELARUSIAN PROTESTS AND BILATERAL TIES 7

actors that would instigate division and regime, stating that “China believes chaos within Belarusian society”. In ad- that with President Lukashenko’s lea- dition to this, major media outlets open- dership, Belarus can restore political ly but carefully sided with Lukashenko’s and societal stability”16.

Fig. 2: The headline: “The FM of Belarus: Fig. 3: The headline: “Member of the Rus- foreign forces are creating chaos” (Source: sian Duma: the US attempts to exploit the CCTV News17 Belarusian situation to damage Russia’s stability” (Source: CCTV News)18

Fig. 4: The headline: “A change of tune? Pompeo states that the US supports Belarusian so- vereignty”. This particular article takes an interesting point of view by interpreting Pompeo’s speech with Alexander Lukashenko as a sign of changing attitudes towards non-recognition of the 2020 Belarusian presidential elections. The article also states that this phone conver- sation might also indicate that the US does not fully support ’s and Poland’s active diplomatic campaign to get rid of Lukashenko. (Source: Xinhua News) RAIGIRDAS BORUTA | THE CRUMBLING EASTERN EUROPEAN “PEARL” WITHIN THE BRI STRATEGY: CHINESE DOMESTIC MEDIA’S COVERAGE OF THE 2020 BELARUSIAN PROTESTS AND BILATERAL TIES 8

Fig. 5: The headline: “Russia’s Minister of Defense condemns Western intervention in Bela- rusian internal affairs” (Source: Xinhua News20)

However, on the other hand, less influ- ential media outlets and especially personal blogs much more extensively reported on the Belarusian regime’s vio- lent crackdowns and excessive use of force against protesters as compared to reporting during the early stages of the protests. Their coverage of the Be- larusian protests is more down-to-ear- th: publications cover the struggle of the protesters, tragic Belarusian history during the Soviet era, etc. The fact that such reports and personal blogs are not censored indicates that the Chinese Fig. 6: The headline: “A Belarusian woman’s path to running for government is carefully observing the the presidency”. The article is a detailed biography of Belarus’ le- situation and leaving some flexibility to ading opposition figure Svetlana Tikhanovskaya.21 recalculate its position if fundamental change in Belarus occurs. RAIGIRDAS BORUTA | THE CRUMBLING EASTERN EUROPEAN “PEARL” WITHIN THE BRI STRATEGY: CHINESE DOMESTIC MEDIA’S COVERAGE OF THE 2020 BELARUSIAN PROTESTS AND BILATERAL TIES 9

Fig. 7: The headline: “Large-scale protests continue over 6 weeks, Belarusian President Lukashenko “secre- tly” takes an oath of office”22.

Fig. 8: The headline: “President, please step down! Large crowds More in-depth Chinese analytical re- of protesters demonstrate in Belarus’ capital, 100,000 involved in ports and academic commentaries on huge clash”23 the Belarusian situation in China can be divided into two categories:

1. Articles that are mostly focused on the economic side, the fate of Chinese investments and potential effects on the BRI strategy in Eastern Europe (as reflected in articles 4 and 7),

2. Geopolitical and anti-Western rheto- ric that identifies the West/NATO as the main trigger for the crisis (reflected in articles 6 and 24).

While being predominantly optimistic regarding Sino-Belarusian economic ties, the BRI’s future in the country and overwhelming benefits for Belarus to seek continuation of relations with Chi- Fig. 8: The post: “Protesters went to Kurapaty forest today to visit na, these reports also share the view the site of a mass execution during the era of Stalin, which is now that Western forces are actively inter- a memorial site for victims of political oppression. In these past few months, Belarus constantly is having a feeling of intertwined vening in Belarusian domestic affairs history”25 and further inflaming the crisis. These geopolitically oriented analyses can be further divided into harsh/biased anti-Western analyses and less biased and constructive analyses. The domi- RAIGIRDAS BORUTA | THE CRUMBLING EASTERN EUROPEAN “PEARL” WITHIN THE BRI STRATEGY: CHINESE DOMESTIC MEDIA’S COVERAGE OF THE 2020 BELARUSIAN PROTESTS AND BILATERAL TIES 10

nating argument is that the West/NATO tion, encompassing different sectors, is the main force behind the ousting of judging from China’s response to on- Lukashenko’s regime and that they are going Belarusian protests, it is clear also actively involved via social media that Belarus needs China much more in the organization of protest activities. than China needs Belarus. Less biased analyses still assume that foreign (Western) forces play an impor- Benefits for China Benefits for Belarus tant role, but other factors are also iden- tified, such as the poor economic per- Diplomatic support on the Considering Belarus’ struggling international stage (very and shrinking economy, close ties formance of Lukashenko’s government limited) with China have huge potential to and the Belarusian public’s long-stan- improve the country’s economic ding dissatisfaction with the country’s situation development. Under normal circums- A country with cheap Amidst continuous pressure tances, Lithuania is very rarely mentio- labor and low competition from Russia to take further steps that has the potential to towards integration and calls from ned in the Chinese media. Interestingly, become a springboard to the EU for political reforms, China is its “diplomatic weight”, leadership and EU and EEU markets an alternative that helps Lukashen- activeness in support of the Belarusian ko maintain independence people’s protests were overwhelmin- Ease of doing business Chinese financial investments and gly disproportionate given Lithuania’s with Lukashenko and loans, which are sorely needed for relative stability of his the Belarusian economy, are much small size and very limited diplomatic government (pre-2020 more desirable due to their “no and economic power. This is clearly re- protests) (political) strings attached” nature, flected in Chinese analytical articles in as opposed to various pre-requi- sites needed to be fulfilled for in- which Lithuania, either solely or along vestments from Russia and the EU with Poland and other immediate nei- Ideologically similar A strategic partnership with the ghbors, was frequently mentioned in a values supported (autho- UNSC permanent member gives negative light, but even more frequently ritarian style of govern- Belarus much-needed diplomatic in a positive light. ment, lack of liberal and support at the international level democratic tools, similar attitude to human rights, which differs from Wes- Conclusions: The Future tern views, etc.) of the BRI’s “Pearl” The Chinese government’s official posi- Remains Unknown, tion remains unchanged – it reiterates but China is Not Too its support for the Belarusian people; however, at the same time, it carefully Worried shows sympathy for Lukashenko, who One of the characteristics of Chinese according to their statements, is capa- foreign policy is its hierarchical struc- ble of restoring stability within Belaru- ture: China deals with foreign countries sian society. Chinese re- differently based on numerous factors, affirms the government’s position and including economic potential, political seldomly publishes reports regarding environment, the society’s attitude to- the protests, and when it does, they are wards China, etc. Even though in the often relatively brief and vague. The last decade Sino-Belarusian relations nature of the reporting is clearly pro-Lu- have experienced a boost in coopera- kashenko and pro-Russian26, and relian- RAIGIRDAS BORUTA | THE CRUMBLING EASTERN EUROPEAN “PEARL” WITHIN THE BRI STRATEGY: CHINESE DOMESTIC MEDIA’S COVERAGE OF THE 2020 BELARUSIAN PROTESTS AND BILATERAL TIES 11

ce on governmental sources from these two countries makes the reports biased. However, since around September, there seems to have been a surge in the domes- tic media’s reporting of the actual situation in Belarus, especially seen on private blogging sites that cover excess use of force by the Belarusian regime against pro- testers. Smaller media outlets provide readers with on-the-ground footage, photo- graphs of the protesters’ struggle and use of force by police units against civilians. The fact that there is relative flexibility in coverage of the protests and that these blogging websites are not censored indicates that the Chinese government is main- taining room to maneuver because it would not be in its interests to side with one of the actors in the crisis, given the uncertainty in Belarus.


Predominantly pro-Lukashenko stan- Despite the government’s unchanged ce as well as pro-Russian rhetoric in rhetoric, some minor media outlets terms of possible solutions to the Be- and especially personal blogs more larusian crisis, very few personal blogs extensively report on the real situati- discussing the Belarusian crisis. on of the protests, comparable to the reporting in the West (reporting of the Belarusian regime’s use of excessive force against protesters, violent crac- kdowns, etc.).

Over-reliance and extensive use of The earlier trend remains; however, Russian and Belarusian officials’ sta- some media outlets and blogging sites tements and their official media re- report the actual situation (e.g. citing ports. the BBC, among other Western sour- ces).

Some footage from the Belarusian Much more accurate reporting inclu- street protests is falsified (e.g. using ding actual on-the-ground footage, footage of anti-government protes- photos of Belarusian police violence ters’ demonstrations but reporting against civilians, etc. them as pro-Lukashenko rallies).

Official reports mainly involve menti- This particular trend remains; howe- on of Western powers’ intervention in ver, it is not as dominant, particularly the domestic affairs of Belarus. among personal blogging websites. RAIGIRDAS BORUTA | THE CRUMBLING EASTERN EUROPEAN “PEARL” WITHIN THE BRI STRATEGY: CHINESE DOMESTIC MEDIA’S COVERAGE OF THE 2020 BELARUSIAN PROTESTS AND BILATERAL TIES 12

China is not willing to allocate more mic cooperation: mainly, fulfillment of diplomatic and political resources to its BRI plans in the region. Beijing is solely support Lukashenko because it undoubtedly closely monitoring and involves greater risk of damaging future analyzing both the Belarusian and Kha- Sino-Belarusian relations. Furthermo- barovsk protests. Even though China’s re, there is no clear indication from the political and societal system is much anti-government movement regarding more solid and stable compared to tho- its willingness/unwillingness to break se of Russia and Belarus, a drop in Chi- existing ties with China that might shift nese economic growth below what Bei- Beijing’s stance on this issue. In the last jing has promised its population could few years, Sino-Western relations have result in the occurrence of a very simi- deteriorated, whereas Sino-Russian ties lar scenario. Even though the Chinese have strengthened. Belarus is undoub- BRI’s “pearl” is crumbling, China is not tedly within Russia’s sphere of interest; too worried: existing Sino-Belarusian therefore, China would likely support a cooperation in various fields makes Russian solution to the crisis. China’s China an important partner for Belarus, main interest in Belarus lies in econo- with or without Lukashenko’s regime. RAIGIRDAS BORUTA | THE CRUMBLING EASTERN EUROPEAN “PEARL” WITHIN THE BRI STRATEGY: CHINESE DOMESTIC MEDIA’S COVERAGE OF THE 2020 BELARUSIAN PROTESTS AND BILATERAL TIES 13

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2 Dyner, A.M. (2018), “The Importance of Cooperation with China for Belarus”, The Polish Ins- titute of International Affairs Bulletin, Available at: rature-detail?id=851759 (Accessed 2020/10/12)

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6 Global Times, (2020), “Belarus unrest ‘won’t shake BRI cooperation’ with China”, Available at: (Accessed 2020/10/11)

7 Umarov, T. (2020), “In Belarus, China Is Neither at Odds with Russia nor Wedded to Lu- kashenko”, Available at: (Accessed 2020/10/19)

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12 Bandurski, D. (2020), “Reading between the crowds: Chinese state media’s one-sided re- porting on the Belarus protests”, Hong Kong Free Press Available at: https://hongkongfp. com/2020/08/23/reading-between-the-crowds-chinese-state-medias-one-sided-repor- ting-on-the-belarus-protests/ (Accessed 2020/10/21)

13 Pheonix News Report (2020), “白俄罗斯:首都约7万人集会支持政府维护国家安宁“[Bela- rus: Nearly 70,000 people gather in the capital to show support for the government’s efforts to safeguard the country’s peace and stability”, Available at: n6pi8dco.html (Accessed 2020/10/26) RAIGIRDAS BORUTA | THE CRUMBLING EASTERN EUROPEAN “PEARL” WITHIN THE BRI STRATEGY: CHINESE DOMESTIC MEDIA’S COVERAGE OF THE 2020 BELARUSIAN PROTESTS AND BILATERAL TIES 14

14 Xinhua News (2020), “白俄罗斯总统重新任命戈洛夫琴科为总理”[“Belarusian President re-appoints Golovchenko as Prime Minister”, Available at: com/s?id=1675512224225168487&wfr=spider&for=pc (Accessed 2020/10/29)

15 Baidu Personal Blog 俄罗斯的观察者(2020), “白俄罗斯总统大选充满争议,抗议民众与 警方在明斯克街头发生冲突” [“Belarusian presidential elections are filled with controver- sy, protesting populace clash with police in the streets of Minsk”], Available at: https:// (Accessed 2020/11/02)

16 Pengpai Xinwen (2020), “外交部:相信在卢卡申科总统领导下,白俄罗斯将恢复政局稳 定” [“The Foreign Ministry: We believe that with the guidance of President Lukashenko, Belarus will restore political stability”], Available at: d=1678702038259970713&wfr=spider&for=pc (Accessed 2020/10/10)

17 Zhao, H.Q. (2020), “白俄罗斯外长:外部势力在制造混乱” [“The Foreign Minister of Be- larus: foreign forces are creating chaos”], CCTV News, Available at: https://baijiahao. (Accessed 2020/11/01)

18 Wang, H. X. (2020), “俄议员:美国企图利用白俄罗斯局势破坏俄罗斯稳定” [“Mem- ber of Russian Duma: the US is trying to exploit the Belarusian situation to harm Russia‘s stability”], CCTV News, Available at: d=1677453373329241902&wfr=spider&for=pc (Accessed 2020/10/29)

19 Liu, Y. P. (2020), “改口?蓬佩奥称美国支持白俄罗斯主权” [“A change of tune? Pompeo states that the US supports Belarusian sovereignty”], Global News, Available at: https:// (Accessed 2020/10/27)

20 Baidu Personal Blog宪深说车(2020), “一个白俄罗斯女人的总统竞选之路” [“A Belarusian woman’s road to running in the presidential elections”], Available at: https://baijiahao. (Accessed 2020/10/30)

21 Baidu Personal Blog 界面新闻(2020), “大规模抗议持续六周后,白俄罗斯总统卢卡申科‘ 秘密’宣誓就职” [“While large scale protests continue for six weeks, Belarusian Presi- dent Lukashenko is sworn into office”], Available at: d=1678652722598126291&wfr=spider&for=pc (Accessed 2020/10/28)

22 Tencent News (2020), “总统请下台!大批示威者在白俄罗斯首都抗议,10万人爆发大冲 突” [“President, please resign! A huge crowd of protesters demonstrate in the Belaru- sian capital, 100,000 people involved in clashes”], Available at: n/20201014/20201014A0EP6Y00.html (Accessed 2020/10/28)

23 Weibo Personal Blog (2020), “#白俄罗斯”, Available at: https://s.wei- D%2597%25E6%2596%25AF?topnav=1&wvr=6&b=1#_loginLayer_1604400841534 (Ac- cessed 2020/11/03)

24 China National Radio Military Channel (2020), “白俄罗斯成欧美俄博弈风暴眼?锐评:不 会成为“乌克兰危机2.0版” [“Is Belarus becoming the eye of storm of the contest betwe- en Europe, the US and Russia? Sharp Commentary: It will not become ‘Ukraine Crisis V2’”], Available at: (Accessed 2020/10/26)