History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Fordhouses

1969 - 1973


In January 1969 St. Anthony’s News was produced. Full copy of this publication is available on Appendix 47

In the January 1969 edition of St Anthony’s News the Births were published. Baptisms Mark William Burrows Margaret Mary Smith

January 1st. New Years Day This day is no longer a Holyday of Obligation but surely we should begin the New Year with a manifestation of our love for God and beg His blessing and guidance on the year.

January 6th. Feast of the Epiphany This day is a Holyday of Obligation.

Masses on both of these days - 8 & 9 am. 6.30 & 8 pm. We would welcome suggestions for times of Masses on Holydays - if these times are not most suitable.

In the January 1969 edition of St Anthony’s News the following articles appeared:-

From Our Parish Priest My Dear Parishioners, Another year has ended and for some it will have been a happy one - for others perhaps not so happy. All of us must be careful how we compare one year with another as for most of us every year though having sad memories nevertheless has also may happy memories. We must always be grateful to God for while it is true we could always be happier - it is equally true we could always be more sad - more disappointed. Do not forget then in your prayers to thank God for the past year - whatever our faults don't let it be said of any of us - that we are ungrateful. I am taking this opportunity of saying to all of you - the parishioners of St.Anthony's - how grateful I am for all you have done for the parish during 1968 There are many people giving of their time and energy every week in order that the many activities and services of the parish may be kept going. We are heavily indebted to them and we thank them for their loyalty to God through their work for the parish. most grateful. Though this has been somewhat erratic during the year - do realize how much we appreciate the efforts you are making to keep us your weekly contributions. A year ends - another begins. Remember that much depends on ourselves as to how happy – how successful it will be.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 1 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) How happy? This will depend on how we accept what comes our way each day of the year. How successful? This will depend on how conscientiously we are prepared to do our daily work and the verious tasks we undertake or which are entrusted to us. It will depend on our consideration of others as well as ourselves - for so often other people's success or failure depends on us. God grant us all to serve Him well during 1969 and to serve others well for His sake - then this New Year can only be a satisfying and successful one. God bless you all, P.J.Taylor.

In the January 1969 edition of St Anthony’s News the following articles appeared:- EDITORIAL Our New Year edition seems to be full of "thank you's" and we feel that this is as it should be. So often in a Parish the good old "willing horses" work steadily away with hardly any recognition. If there should be anyone who has been forgotten let us say "thanks" to you too. From an Editorial point of view we must single out those who give so much time to producing and distributing the "News". Finally a little plea. The Tote Organisers are desperately in need of more typists. If there is anyone willing to give half an hour on a Sunday morning to cut a stencil, please let the organisers know.

NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS This is the traditional time of the year when we make all those good resolutions which we seem to break with monotonous regularity during the following few months. For all that we would like to suggest that one very good resolution, which is very easy to keep incidentally, would be to take out a Covenant in favour of the Parish. No doubt it is one of those things which we have had good intentions about for some time - let now be the time to act. So many people seem to think that this is a difficult and complicated procedure, but as explained by Mr.Tom Martin with his usual tact and discretion, it is simplicity itself. A Hapy and Prosperous New Year to all our readers.

THE ANNUAL BAZAAR Once again hard work and the enthusiasm of some parishioners helped to make this event more successful than it appeared it might be. A sum of -£212.13.7d. was realized and to those who contributed in any way - our very grateful thanks.

We have heard that Trevor and Gillian Reynaert, the Scouting newlyweds, have already resumed their interest by helping to run two Service Packs for the Vicar of St.Pauls (C of E) Parish

Church in Alnwick, North-umberland. Good luck to you both, it proves that the spirit of the brotherhood of Scouting is not lost in this day and age.

In the January 1969 edition of St Anthony’s News the following articles appeared:- OVER SIXTIES PARTY The Over Sixties party was held on Saturday 14th December. Turkey, Mincepies and the usual seasonal fare were enjoyed by thirty of our senior parishioners. Music was provided by John Summers and his band. Singing and dancing was enjoyed by all, except the one gentleman who's wife unintentionally pushed him over! Thanks to the S.V.P. and C.M.S. who provided transport.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 2 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) THE MOTHER'S UNION The Mother's Union would like to thank all those ladies who have helped throughout the past year,with Church cleaning. More ladies are always needed, and of course new members are always welcome to the Mother's Union meetings, "Thursday Evenings" in the School.

FROM THE SCHOOL Like Scrooge with his ghosts, one tends at this time of year to look back on times past with a mixture of nostalgia and some regret, and forward with a mixture of anticipation and aprehension. So it is within the small world of the school.

Looking back we remember mostly the good things, the day little Mary finally began to read, the day when Johnny at last understood subtraction, the amusing innocent remarks of the little ones - we could fill a whole 'News' with these. We remember too the willing co-operation of so many of the parents, the interest they showed in their children on Open Night, the way they cheered them on on Sports Day. We remember too the great help and untiring efforts of the P.T.A. Committee in providing so many good things for the children.

Looking ahead, although we may feel jaded now after a long term with oversize classes, we know that we shall welcome the new term hoping for more room, more staff but most of all more successes for the children, of Saint Anthony's.

S.V.P: 1968 During the past year the Brothers of the Society of St.Vincent.de Paul have received from collections at Mass and the box in Church a total of £116 of which £92 has been used for needy cases in the parish. In addition the Brothers organised a very successful outing for the over 60's and ran a regular bus service to Mass for our Senior citizens. Our grateful thanks to all our Benefactors, they are remembered in our prayers at our weekly meetings. J.C.

DANCING DISPLAY IN AIDE OF THE NEW CHURCH On November 22nd, Miss Theresa Kilroy and her School of Dancing came to St. Anthony's to present a display of dancing in aid of our New Church Fund. It was a truly wonderful display and consisted of nearly fifty different dances. The costumes were most colourful and beautiful and a great tribute must be paid to those who provided them. The parish thank Theresa and her dancers for a Most successful night in every way. The total proceeds from the evening £41.10.6. have been donated to the New Church Fund, and to Theresa who also sold all the tickets we say a very big THANK YOU.

A SCOUTING "THANK YOU" The Scout Group Committee wish to thank most sincerely, all those who assisted at their jumble sale on December 7th. It was gratifying to find such a warm-hearted response to our last minute S.O.S. for helpers, especially with so many other commitments at this time of the year. J.A.Reynaert.

SCOOL NEWS On Thursday the children at school had their Christmas party. There was a competition for the best hat and a boy and girl from each class in the Juniors won. I want to thank the P.T.A. for giving us this party. Richard.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 3 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) ADVERTISEMENTS

FRANK MARTIN TAXIS. Going Cheap - an electric cooker 25, Harrowby Road. in very good condition. Fordhouses 7555. 862 Stafford Rd. Tel: 3136

In February 1969 St. Anthony’s News was produced. Full copy of this publication is available on Appendix 49

In the February 1969 edition of St Anthony’s News the Births and Deaths were published. Baptisms Vincent O'Connell Walters Angela Frances Moore Brendan Paul McEntee Sean Desmond Lawson Simon John Wilde Sean Anthony Cullen

Deaths John Thomas Jones. Henry Peter Pilington

In the February 1969 edition of St Anthony’s News the following articles appeared:- From Our Parish Priest Dear Parishioners, Wednesday - the 19th February is Ash Wednesday - a day of Fasting and Abstinence - a reminder that the season of Lent and the time for making our Easter duty begins. Have you ever been told to mind your own business? If so it meant you were. interfering with or enquiring into someones affairs that was no concern of yours. Lent is a time when we are expected to really mind our own business - the business of our day to day life in relationship to God. It is all too easy to busy ourselves with many things - with other peoples affairs that are of no concern to ourselves - that we lose sight of what is really important in our own life - our friendship with God. Does any friendship exist? If not- what has led me to give up this friendship? Has my friendship cooled? Am I so busy these days that I don't have time to spare for prayer and all the things I have to do on a Sunday leaves no time for my Mass? How good are we at minding our own business? We often hear of Local Authorities and big firms bringing in consultants to help them see their problems and offer a solution. Lent is a time for us to bring in a consultant - Our Lord. He is able to offer a solution to all our problems. He can renew the friendship that has been severed - make more affectionate the friendship that has cooled. Remember, however, Our Lord minds His own business too - He does not interfere. We must make the approach and Our Lord will not reject our willingness to be His friend and the faithfull children of God our Father. God bless you all, P.J.Taylor.

WHO WANTS TO BE SOCIABLE? Take for example the social with Bingo organized for Friday 24th January. After hours of preparation a mere 20 or so turned up with about an equal number of children. Those who came had a good time and some took home, good prizes. The kiddies enjoyed the film show better than playing Bingo. The question asked afterwards was "was it worth it?" Balancing effort against results ………..(fill in your own answer).

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 4 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) ALL CONTRIBUTIONS GRATEFULLY RECEIVEID! In order to take the pressure off the typist,the compositor, the printer and the maker-ups, in future we shall publish each month the last date for receiving copy for the following month; eg: the last date for the March edition is THURSDAY, 20th FEBRUARY.

We don't like doing a rushed job at the last minute and there is quite a bit of work entailed in getting each month's edition out in time. We'll have to give an account of how the 'News' is produced in one of our isses. So contributors (and that means anyone and everyone in the parish)please watch out for the latest date for copy.

TIMES OF MASSES It seems likely that we shall be asked our opinion sometime soon about whether we think that the times of Masses are the best they could be or whether there should be some changes made. It has been suggested by some that during the winter months say from All Saints to Easter, that 8 o'clock Mass should be done away with, or alternatively, 8.30 am Mass to replace 8 am and 9 am Masses. Obviously there are at least two sides to this question and all points of view need to be heard. But more of this later.

IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Last month we printed an advert for an electric cooker for sale. We hear that it was sold within a very short time after the 'News' was distributed. If you have something to sell or something you wish to buy a small ad in the 'News' costs only 5/- per insertion and we have an assured circulation of 700.

COUPONS & TRADING STAMPS Just over eight months ago the box appeared at the end of the Church to receive our spare cigarette coupons and trading stamps. It has yielded the following totals:-

Stamps Green Shield 8,370 H & S 1,200 Regal 347 Thrift 367 Thompson Regent Gold Bond 3 books 6,430

Cigarette Coupons Embassy 3,159 Players No.6 1,625 Senior 1,280 Guards 30 Rothman 5 Stirling 114 Kensitas 124

Tea Coupons Barringtons Tea. 8½ Brooke Bond Tea 423 Nornimans Tea 2

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 5 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) Some units have been exchanged for cash which has been used to buy 4-£l Premium Bonds - let us hope 'Ernie' lands us a big one. Other units were exchanged for goods which were sold at the Christmas Bazaar. The money realised on these went direct to the New Church Fund. Many thanks to those who pop their coupons in the box. Slowly but surely our total is growing - all grist to the mill. B.Gibney.

ST. ANTHONY' S PRIMARY SCHOOL P. T. A, Have you any children attending St. Anthony's school? If so we appeal to you to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Parents-Teachers Association which will be held in the School Hall on Friday 21st February, at 7.30 p.m.

We can assure you that by attending this Meeting you will benefit your children. The ideas you may have about the Social life of your children at School can be brought to light, we are always pleased to hear any suggestions for things that can be provided through the P.T.A. which the Education Authority do not provide.

To become a member of the P.T.A. is a .yearly subscription of 2/6d per family so please come along , you will be most welcome. If you are unable for any reason not to be present at the meeting you can send your 2/6d along with your child to be handed to their teacher. A receipt will be returned within a day or so.

May we take this opportunity to thank the Committee for all the good work they have done during the past year and a very special thank you to all the wives of the male committee members who have always been willing to help and work hard at all functions, also thank you to any husband of female committee members who has also helped. THE OFFICERS.

A TRIP TO WEMBLEY 20 boys out of Junior IV and 20 boys out of another school went to Wembley to see the match between Oxford and Cambridge. We set out at 9 o'clock in the morning and arrived there at about 2 o'clock. The match was over at 4 o'clock. The final score was 3 - 1 to Cambridge. One boy from the other school won £1.17.6 on a slot machine. Jimmy O'Leary and Evhen Babinski.

OUR VISIT TO THE WATERWORKS Our class Junior IV were doing a topic on water and Mrs.Morgan arranged an outing for us to go to see how water gets to our houses. First of all we went to see a film at the Wolverhampton College of Art. Then we went to Cosford Water Works, when we arrived a gentleman took us in. First of all we were taken downstairs to see a big well which was very deep, later we saw the river Worfe. Then we sampled glasses of water to see which water we liked best. The 3 processes for purification were: 1 - Sedimentation 2 - Filtration 3 - Purification. We also had a very nice day out. Jayne Dawson.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 6 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) NETBALL St.Anthony's netball team have won every match this season. So far they have played 5 games and scored 40 goals and conceeded 6 goals. Susanna Maziarz.

WELCOME RETURN The Social Committee are pleased to announce a return visit of the Wolverhampton Male Orpheus Choir on the 23rd March in the School Hall at 8 p.m.

MEN WANTED There are one or two vacancies for Parish Representatives to take the place of those who have found it necessary to drop out. Anyone willing to serve should make his offer to Father Taylor. The next meeting of Parish Representatives will be on Sunday 9th February at 7.30 p.m. sharp.

ST.ANTHONY'S BROWNIE PACK Brown Owl would like to thank all the parents and friends for their support during 1968 and hope they will continue to support us in 1969. We had many outings, one in the Mini Bus to Drayton Manor Park, although it rained to begin with the sun shone after -wards. Another very interesting visit was to Moseley Old Hall with a picnic tea on the grass. We had a lovely party at Christmas too which included a visit from Father Christmas himself Two Brownies took part in a Nativity play put on by the Cubs. We are now busy knitting squares for a blanket to send away to the under-privileged children in hospital. We would be grateful for any odd ounces of wool to help us with this project. The wool can be brought to school or given to one of the Brownies.

C.A.F.O.D. Collection boxes for the Catholic Fund for Overseas Development were distributed after Mass recently. Father Taylor has sent for a further supply of these boxes and these will be distributed as soon as they arrive. The contents of these boxes will be collected periodically or alternatively you may be asked to bring the contents of your box to Mass where a collector will receive it. T.Stockton.

ADVERTISEMENTS: TAXIS FLORAL ARTIST FRANK MARTIN, LEONARD CAIN, 25 Harrowby Road 134 Marsh Lane, Fordhouses. Tel :7555 Fordhouses. Tel: 2653 Taxis for all occasion. Wreaths, crosses, bouquets etc. Floral Gifts for all occasions.

In March 1969 St. Anthony’s News was produced. Full copy of this publication is available on Appendix 51

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 7 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) In the March 1969 edition of St Anthony’s News the Holy Week services were published. ST. ANTHONY' S - HOLY WEEK 1969

Monday MARCH 31st. Mass 3 pm. followed by Exposition of Blessed Sacrament until 10 pm. Tuesday APRIL 1st. Mass 12 o'clock & 6.30 pm. followed by Exposition of Blessed Sacrament until 10 pm. Wednesday APRIL 2nd. Mass 9 am & 6.30 pin.. followed by Exposition of Blessed Sacrament until 10 pm Thursday APRIL 3rd. Mass 10 am & 8 pm. Friday APRIL 4th. 3 pm Liturgy of Good Friday. 8 pm Stations of the Cross. Saturday APRIL5th. 11.30 pm. Vigil Ceremony. 12- Midnight Mass.

Confessions: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 7 - 8 pm. Thursday : 10.30 - 11 am. 7 - 8 pm Friday: 11 - 12. 4.15 - 5.15 pm. - 7 - 8 pm. Saturday: 12 - 1. 3 - 4 pm. 6 - 8 pm.

In the March 1969 edition of St Anthony’s News the following articles appeared:- From Our Parish Priest Dear Parishioners, Are you trying to mind your own business? I hope so. Lent has commenced and as was suggested in my letter to you last month this should be a time for all of us to mind our own business - our relationship with Almighty God, Don't waste time - it is too precious. Work well, pray well, play well, use any time for leisure well. All these should go to make up our lives and due attention given to each can make our lives happy and successful. It is necessary to have a balance in life - to give proper consideration to each aspect of life - otherwise we get things out of proportion. To live without thought for God our Father, without giving some little time to Him each day - some part of each Sunday (our Mass), means that we have got things out of proportion. Lent is the time for us to consider whether in our lives we have the balance right - our proportions correct. It is the time to consider the business of living - living as God would have us live, as Christ taught us to live. Don't waste time - don't just drift along. Live your life to the full - see God in all things and in all people and serve Him well. God bless you, P.J.Taylor.

OUR COVER DESIGN this month was drawn by Timothy Cuthbert who also drew the picture of Moseley Old Hall

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 8 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973)


By Mr.Close - Curator of Moseley Old Hall

I wonder how many of you,residents of Fordhouses and , know the whereabouts of Moseley Old Hall, or what happened there in the year 1651? For this was the year when the young Charles II, previously crowned King in Scotland, marched into to regain the throne lost by his father Charles I,who was executed by order of Oliver Cromwell and the Regicides (so named because they signed the death warrent). The young Charles was defeated first at Dunbar and finally and conclusively at Worcester on September 3rd. Full transcript available see Appendix 53

LATEST DATE The latest date for copy for the April edition is MARCH 20th.

CATHOLIC CEMETARY Mention was made of a Catholic cemetary recently in a report of the latest extension of the Ring Road in the "Express & Star". No one we have spoken to seems to remember such a cemetary at S.S.Peter and Paul's. We wonder if any of our older Parishioners have a memory of it. The last interment was in 1911.

CATHOLIC PAST The inclusion in this issue of an interesting article on Moseley Old Hall reminds us that there are many places of great Catholic interest within easy reach of St.Anthony's. We wonder, are there sufficient numbers of Parishioners interested, to form a coach party to visit some of these during the summer months?

MEN TO SING AT ST ANTHONY'S The Wolverhampton Male Orpheus Choir will visit us on Sunday 23rd March at 8 pm. Those of us who had the pleasure of hearing them last time they came will know what a find choir this is. We can confidently forecast a most enjoyable evening's entertainment to suit all tastes. Admission by programme 2/6 - obtainable at the door. Full program details see Appendix 54

ENGAGED COUPLES If you are engaged to be married and would welcome come some good advice then the Engaged Couples Course run by the C.M.A.C, at their Centre over Lloyd's Bank in High Streets Wednesfield is for you. The Course (Wednesdays at 8pm) has started but runs until the end of March and couples are welcome at any of the talks which include - "Where to live", "Running a Home", "Understanding each other"; "Physiology of Sex", "Marriage a Sacrament".

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 9 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) THOUGHT FOR LENT

I asked God for strength that I may achieve, I was made weak that I might learn to obey.

I asked Him for health that I might do greater things, I was given infirmity that I might do better things.

I asked Him for riches that I might be happy, I was given poverty that I may be wise.

I asked for power that I might have the praise of men, I was given weakness that I may feel the need of God.

I asked for all things that I might enjoy life, I was given life that I may enjoy all things.

I got nothing that I asked for; but everything I hoped for,

Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered,

I am among all men the most richly honoured. ANON.

LENTEN ALMS Part of our Lenten efforts should surely include doing something extra, over and above our usual daily round. There can be few causes more worthy of our help than Fr.Hudson's Homes for children. Our effort as a parish last year raised only £6. Can we not make a better showing this year if only for the good of our own souls?

ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE Two-tone grey Pedigree pram with mattress and toning sun canopy -£5. Good clean condition. Addis carpet shampooer - little used 30/-. Apply: Mrs.Collins, 7 Aintree Road, Fordhouses.

TAXIS FRANK MARTIN: 25, Harrowby Road, Fordhouses. Tel: 7555. Taxis for all occasions.

YOUR SLIGHTEST WISH Perhaps you are not one of those gifted with the ability to put pen to paper easily and fluently. Nevertheless you may still enjoy reading other people's efforts - the editors of this journal hope so anyway. What would you like to read about that we don't already include herein? Please let us know, we'll find the writers.

In April 1969 St. Anthony’s News was produced. Full copy of this publication is available on Appendix 55

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 10 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) In the April 1969 edition of St Anthony’s News the Births, Marriages and Deaths were published. Baptisms John Anthony Fogarty

Marriages Patrick Carroll and Jean May Harley

Deaths Joseph Burns Mary Winifred Simpson

IMPORTANT NEWS Commencing Sunday - May 4th, 1969 the time of Sunday Masses will be - 8.30, 10, 11 am & 6.30pm. In future the times of Masses on Holydays of Obligation will be at: 10am, 6.30 & 8pm.

In the April 1969 edition of St Anthony’s News the following articles appeared:- From Our Parish Priest Dear Parishioners, As you read this letter, the days of Lent will be almost ended - if not ended - for another year. We shall turn our thoughts to the Risen Lord and the saddness we experienced as we thought of Him suffering and dying on the Cross for us will turn to thoughts of joy - as we realize the depth of His love for us. "Christ, our passover, has been sacrificed; let us celebrate the feast, then, by getting rid of all the old yeast of evil and wickedness, having only the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth" Here is a message for all of us - that we be sincere and true - sincere in our thoughts, words and actions - true, truthful, accurate, honest in all we say and do. It is a great tribute paid to anyone when it is said of them that they are a sincere and truthful person. Let us so live our lives that this might be truthfully said of us. God bless you all, P.J.Taylor.

IMPORTANT DAYS AND DATES Saturday May 10th - l0am Childrens First Holy Communion.

Tuesday June 17th - 7pm. His Lordship Bishop Cleary will celebrate Mass and administer the Sacrament of Confirmation.

MOSELEY OLD HALL Apart from the evident interest aroused by the article on Moseley Old Hall in last month's issue at least one item of note has come from it. That is that one member of our Parish is related on his mother's side to the Yeoman Farmer Yates who guided Charles II from Boscobel to Moseley on the night of September 8th, 1651.

Dear Sir, I would like to say how much I enjoyed the item concerning Moseley Old Hall which was most interesting and informative. I have visited the Hall on several occasions and read something of its history but not sufficient to satisfy my curiosity.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 11 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) For the people who were born in Bushbury this provides a background against which they may identify themselves. Those who are not English by birth or who consider themselves to be Citizens of the world as a whole and not just a small part of it would still find that this illustrates in some small measure the history of human endeavour which is riot solely confined to, the great movements off the past, but is evident even in the deeds of the ordinary person in his continual search for perfection. The person who wrote the article obviously went to some trouble to gather the facts etc and I would like to express my appreciation for his efforts.

With regard to the item signed "ANON" this I also found very interesting and a step forward for the Parish Magazine. It was, I thought appropriate, inspiring and as some of my friends said an encouragement. Perhaps the above will also serve to answer the last paragraph of the Magazine. More of this please. Much more of the stuff that informs, inspires and gives food for thought. D.Redmond.

Parish Representatives Committee Meeting Sunday March 8th. At the last meeting of the Parish Representatives it was suggested that a report on their monthly meetings might be of general interest to Parishioners. The Editors of St .Anthony's News have very kindly agreed to grant us space in the magazine and we hope our report will be a regular feature from now on. Perhaps many Parishioners might wonder what Parish Representatives are, and this first report from their Committee might be a good time to explain how they originated and their function in the Parish. J.Knox (Secretary) Full transcript available see Appendix 57

PARISH MEETING TUESDAY 11th MARCH 1969 After Stations of the Cross and Benediction on Tuesday evening those interested in parish matters (27 in all) went into the School Hall for the Parish Meeting called by Fr.Taylor. Full transcript available see Appendix 58

FOR MEN ONLY The men of the Parish are reminded of the Annual Easter Monday Mass for the Men of Wolverhampton to be held at 9.30 am in SS. Mary's & John's.

SCHOOL QUOTES: St.Patrick is the pagan saint of Ireland. A Veteran Car is a car for taking cats and dogs to the vet.

ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED A cycle to suit a 12 year old girl. Phone - Fordhouses 3645

FOUND -- on Stafford Road between the church and the Vine a pair of ladies glasses. Owner may recover them from 1,Bentley Road. "I can’t understand it I’ve been retired a month now, and they still keep going."

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 12 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) FOR HIRE FRANK MARTIN TAXIS: 25, Harrowby Road. Fordhouses – 7555 Taxis for all occasions.

FOR SALE FLORLAL ARTIST 14" ATCO motor mower. Wreaths, Crosses, Bouquets Needs some attention. £5 for all occasions. or nearest offer. Estimates with pleasure. Apply : 862 Stafford -Road. LEONARD CAIN 134 Marsh Lane Fordhouses 3136. Fordhouses 2653.

COVER DESIGN - this month is by Davina Higginson.

The latest date for copy for the May edition is 24th April.

PAPAL AWARD Those Parishioners who take part in the Covenant Scheme will be interested to know that Mr.Brian Waddell who is a leading light in the Diocesan organisation has received well deserved recognition for his services to the Scheme. He has been awarded the 'Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice' Medal from the Pope. It was presented to him by Bishop Cleary at the Annual General Meeting of the Covenant Scheme on 10th March. This award only goes to show the importance placed upon the Scheme by the Church and those of us not in the Parish Scheme would do well to consider joining. Mr.Tom Martin is our Parish organiser.

With reference to the Catholic cemetery mentioned in last month's "News letter" I remember it very well. It was not very large. we used to be able to look at it through a wrought iron gate in the wall of the playground of the school. There was a narrow lane between the school playground and the "Blue Coat School" leading to it. By the by "Dr.Hopwood" was P.P. at that time. Mrs. King.

MEA CULPA Our Editorial board would do well to use a dictionary before the next issue of the magazine. Cemetary is spelt Cemetery, and also there was never a Cemetery at SS.Peter & Paul's church, a churchyard, yes. The dictionary defines a burial ground, attached to, a church, a sacred plot, for the use of parishioners of that parish, as a Church yard. R.F. (Hooray! someone reads the "News". Ed.)

In May 1969 St. Anthony’s News was produced. Full copy of this publication is available on Appendix 59

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 13 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) In the May 1969 edition of St Anthony’s News the Births and Marriages were published. Baptisms Loretta Anne Molloy Simon Edward Latore Gillian Yvonne Fletcher Nicola Jane Denson Denis Patrick O'Rourke Kevin Patrick Broome

Marriages John David Hankey and Carolyn Deidre Kearney

NB. NB. NB. As from Sunday 4th May Sunday Mass times are - 8.30, 10, 11 am and 6.30 pm.

In the May 1969 edition of St Anthony’s News the following articles appeared:-

From Our Parish Priest Dear Parishioners, On May 10th about seventy children will receive their First Communion and on June 17th another large number will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. I am writing this letter especially to you the parents of these children. Almighty God has entrusted them to your care and has given you the responsibility of preparing them to live in present day society. To help you in this task you have sent your children to our parish school and the school staff assist you in fulfilling this responsibility. But the children are yours and it is vital you realize the partnership that exists between you the parents and the school. Neither can succeed independently. The real success of your child's life will depend on the example you the parents give in your homes in your attitude to Almighty God - to each other - to your children - to work - to your neighbours. If you love God and are faithful in your duties to Him your children will grow up with a love of God and be faithful in their duties to Him. If you love and respect each other – and really love your children - then you will have a happy family. If you are conscientious in your work - your children will grow up with a right attitude to work. I beg of you do not fall God who has put His trust in you. The example you give your children will determine your eternal reward or condemnation, God bless you and support you in your task. P.J.Taylor.

The Parish Tote The Parish Tote will be one year old on May 19th. On behalf of the Parish I congratulate the Committee and its faithful helpers for their great loyalty and to all agents and customers, I offer our sincere gratitude. May the efforts of all continue and be even more rewarding during the second year.

LAST DATE FOR COPY - for June edition 20th May.

GOOD SHEPHERD SUNDAY On Sunday April 20th eleven children from Junior IV took St.Anthony's Good Shepherd collection to St. Chad's Cathedral in Birmingham. The Cathedral is 129 years old and looked very old from the ouside but had recently been redecorated inside. We went to our places and waited. A procession with Archbishop Dwyer at the front came in.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 14 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) The Archbishop was wearing a gold and red robe with a mitre and carried a staff called a crozier. When the Archbishop sat down on a special chair prepared for him at the front of the altar Canon Flint started to talk about Father Hudson's Homes. After that the Archbishop gave a sermon. Then Lesley Humpherson and Michael Ryan took the £50 we had collected up to the Archbishop. We all received a holy picture of the Good Shepherd. We sang a hymn while the Archbishop was giving Benediction. Later on we had refreshments in St.Chad's Junior School and returned home. Jane Lockley & Suzanna Marziarz

LEAGUE CHAMPIONS St.Anthony's girl's netball team have won all their games in the last season. Therefore we are the league champions. We have scored 60 goals for and only had 15 goals scored against. Davina Higginson (Captain)

OH! IT WAS WONDERFUL Just too late to be reported in last month's issue was the Concert given by the Wolverhampton Orpheus Male Voice Choir. After a slight hiatus at the beginning the Choir gave us a highly enjoyable selection of choral and solo music which was enthusiastically received by an appreciative audience. This was the second visit of the Choir to St.Anthony's and most welcome they were. We look forward to another visit at some future date. For detailed program see Appendix 54

Planned Giving Committee Meeting Sunday 13th April, 1969 At the April meeting members discussed a variety of subjects ranging from the retirement of our Secretary to the Parish support for social gatherings organised by the Social Committee.

The 13th was far from unlucky for us as we welcomed not one but TWO new representatives into our midst. Messrs.Trevor Stockton and Robert Brandon, were made welcome by our Chairman - Mr.Tom Martin. Mr.J.Knox, secretary since the inception of this Committee, has retired. Unfortunately for us he is leaving the parish. From us all may we say to him "well done thou good and faithful servant". Our Covenant scheme is doing well and as soon as we have all signed and returned our forms to the Inland Revenue the Parish should benefit by approximately £900. Parochial functions. Support for these, with the exception of the Bazaars and Garden Fete, is suprisingly poor for a Parish this size - so much so that the organizers felt it would not be right to attempt anything else. So much hard background work had been put into these functions that they had not the heart to provoke further failure.Through this column we would welcome any helpful suggestions you may have and would be prepared to support. Our next meeting will be Sunday 11th May, so if you would like to volunteer to become a member please leave your name and address with Fr. Taylor at the Presbytery or myself at 73, Cottage Lane. Fordhouses 2586. M.D.Love. Hon-Sec.

EASTER MONDAY MASS It has been estimated that about twenty-four men from St.Anthony's attended the Mass for the men of Wolverhampton at SS.Mary & John on Easter Monday. This number included a bus-load in the Parish Bus. Quite a creditable turnout when set against the total number present which was rather fewer than of recent years.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 15 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) HOLYDAY May we remind you that the Feast of the Ascension, on Thursday 15th May, is a Holyday of Obligation. Masses at the new times of 10am, 6.30 pm. 8.0 pm.

CUB SCOUT EVENTS FOR 'MAY' May 17th Scout Show at Beaudesert, our boys will be taking part in the Cub circus arena display, we are providing stilt walkers, also comic sausage machine. We are also sending a team of boys to Birmingham on Saturday 3rd May to take part in the Archdiocese of Birmingham Annual Cub Competition. The West Midland-Catholic Scout Guild Parade will be held in Wolverhampton on Sunday May 11th. Parading from St.Patrick's Church to SS.Mary & John's for the service. Whitsun holiday weekend will see a party of boys off to Camp at "Yorks Wood" Castle Bromwich.

We would like to congratulate the following boys on gaining the swimmer proficiency badge:- 1st Stage 2nd Stage Anthony Emms 3rd Stage Michael Ryan Stephen Howard Laslo Pokrovenszki Allan Hilleard

HAPPY BIRTHDAY - ST. ANTHONY'S TOTE On May 18th our tote completes a successful first year, in which an average of £40 per week has been given to Father for the New Church Fund. An equal amount has been paid out in prize money. Over 150 people have won prizes to date, several of whom have won over £40. We could so easily double these figures, if only we had more agents. Can you sell a 6d ticket? or even buy a 6d chance yourself, from an existing agent or from Mr. Gibney who is outside Church on Sundays, whatever the weather. We also have an open tote book in the school from 8.30 am onwards. We also need helpers, so if you can spare half an hour or so between 11.0am and 12 noon any Sunday please come and see us - it's quite easy - you don't have to 'Join' anything, or even promise to come every week! We would especially welcome typists in order to relieve our present overworked ones. Come and see the draw made at 11.0 am it only takes one minute. Lastly, the committee would sincerely like to thank it's sixty-odd active agents and their customers (in lots of cases, non-catholic friends) who support us, and without whose financial contributions we should not be able to produce these facts. We also thank the 'Faithful Few' who come each week to help and see that you get your results by 12 noon Matt.Flynn.

(52 x £40 = £2,080 -- Congratulations, Ed).

REMINDER Confirmation will be administered by His Lordship Bishop Cleary on June 17th at 7 pm. Parishioners who have not yet been confirmed should contact Father Taylor.

THE GARDEN IN MAY This is the month when one's thoughts turn to summer bedding plants. When the spring flowers have finished flowering, the ground should be prepared by incorporating a good general fertiliser or compost into the soil, as this will pay dividends later on and give the plants a good start.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 16 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) Hardy annuals can be sown now. Sow them in drills not too deep and cover with fine soil, they will make better plants if thinned out when they are large enough to handle.

In the vegetable garden sowings can be made of - peas, broad beans, lettuce, summer cabbage, parsley and root crops later on in the month, all root crops like a deeply dug soil.

The lawn will benefit from a spring dressing, and don't make the first cutting too short. Seed may be sown on any bare patches but make sure there is at least a ¼" of fine tilth to enable it to germinate properly. Leonard Cain.

ADVERTISEMENTS FOR HIRE FLORAL ARTIST FRANK MARTIN TAXIS LEONARD CAIN 25, Harrowby Road, 134, Marsh Lane, Fordhouses: 7555 Wreaths,crosses,bauquets Taxis for all occasions. for all occasions. Estimates With pleasure. Fordhouses: 2653 PHOTOGRAPHS By - DR.L.BANKUTI. 52, Green Drive ,Oxley. In your home or in my Studio. Very reasonable price. Phone: Wolverhampton 27004.

On Friday 11th June St. Anthony's School presented a "School Concert" For detailed program see Appendix 61

In June 1969 St. Anthony’s News was produced. Full copy of this publication is available on Appendix 62

In the June 1969 edition of St Anthony’s News the Births and Marriages were published. Baptisms David Michael Carroll Giuliano Lombardi

Marriages Anthony William Kelly and Elizabeth Margaret Susan Collins

In the June 1969 edition of St Anthony’s News the following articles appeared:-

From Our Parish Priest Dear Parishioners, Last month, those of us who use envelopes for our weekly contributions to the Church received an official "thank you" for our offerings given from December 8th 1968 up to and including Sunday 2nd, March, 1969. The acknowledgment did not include any money given after 2nd March.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 17 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) I would like to say "thank you" to all who contribute to the support of the parish and .I beg you to accept your responsibility in this regard and so help lighten the burden of parish commitments. It means everyone making sacrifices and I would like to think that what each of us gives to the Church at present represented a real sacrifice made for God. If it is not a sacrifice then we could do much better and I am sure we could.

"Kindness in words creates confidence, Kindness in thinking creates profoundness, Kindness in giving creates LOVE". LAO-TSE God bless you, P.J.Taylor.

FINAL REMINDER Anyone who wishes to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Tuesday June 17th at 7pm, and has not yet contacted Fr.Taylor should do so as soon as possible.

COVER DESIGN Suzanna Maziarz designed our cover this month.

WOLVERHAMPTON SCHOOLS MUSIC FESTIVAL For the first time St.Anthony' s School played a full part in the Music Festival held in the Civic and Wulfrun Halls during the week 12-16th May. The criticisms given by the adjudicators for our Junior and Infant Choirs, Infant Percussion and Junior Recorders were most encouraging. Both the children and their music teachers are to be congratulated on their efforts,and we must not forget the parents who attended and gave support. An added bonus were the very favourable comments on the children's turnout - they looked very smart in their school uniforms.

DISCUSSION GROUP NEWS No more than seven parishioners came along to hear Mr.Bill Morgan speak on the place of the Laity in the modern Church. Volumes have been written about this subject since the Vatican Council and Mr.Morgan contented himself with a general outline of the possibilities open to the Laity.

In the discussion which followed the value of the Catholic Societies in present day times was queried but everyone agreed that the outstanding need in this area was to set up organisations to retain and attract youth to the Church.

Here is fruitful subject for future discussions. Has anyone any ideas on approaching youth? The forum is always open to anyone with views to air. As Mr.Morgan said the subject of the place of the Laity in the Church today is a very vast canvas to cover. There is room again for anyone with ideas to come and present them.

The next discussion group will be on 2nd June, at 7.30 pm. The subject will be "New Attitudes in the Church".

SUMMER FETE The Fete will this year be on Saturday 19th July at 2.30pm. It will be opened by the Willenhall Girl Pipe Band. At the recent Parish meeting all Societies and a number of parishioners agreed to help in the running of this event.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 18 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) A special meeting will be held on Monday 9th June at 8.0pm and anyone who is willing to lend a hand or can introduce new ideas for sideshows we hope will be present. Let us all work together to make this year's Fete the best we have ever held.


June 5th - Feast of CORPUS CHRISTI - Holy Day of Obligation. June 6th - "Learning to Read" talk by - Mr.A.Nicholls of the Wolverhampton Remedial Teaching Service. 7.30pm. June 9th - Garden Fete Meeting.. June 17th - CONFIRMATION administered by - Bishop Cleary at 7pm. June 25th - St.Anthony's School Sports at 2pm. June 27th - Talk on Children and Drugs 7.30pm.

TALKING OF WALKING By now it is fairly widespread around the Parish that a Sponsored Walk is to be held on Sunday June 15th starting at 12 noon.

Just in case you haven't heard or are not sure of the details here is what prospective walkers need to know - l. Obtain and complete an entry form. 2. On return of the above walkers are issued with the route, rules and instructions and a Sponsor sheet, 3. From then until 15th June walkers should endeavour to get as many sponsors as possible for as much as possible (there is a prize for the most collected). 4. On the day, walkers assemble in the school, collect their route cards most important), final instructions and good wishes for a pleasant walk - then up, up and away!

Already a good number of people have entered and it is gratifying to see the number of young folk among those willing. One young lady has already filled one Sponsor sheet and has started on her second! We "more mature" parishioners mustn't let the teenagers show us up. Remember, even if you can't complete the full course you can still make a useful contribution. Those among us unable to walk at all can still become Sponsors.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION May 10th saw a departure from the usual procedure for First Communions. Due to the large number of communicants (68 children received) the Mass had to be held in the School Hall, However, the unusual situation did not seem to upset the children who, looking as attractive as ever, took it in their stride. Whilst thanking the teachers for preparing the children so well, Father Taylor stressed that the children's religious life was the responsibility of the parents. He also took the opportunity to announce the impending retirement from teaching of Miss Spelman who has been mainly responsible for First Communion instruction for the last nine years Thanks are also due to those members of the PTA who helped with the breakfast.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 19 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) FROM OUR HEADMASTER After many years of faithful service to the Catholic children of Wolverhampton - the last nine years at St.Anthony's - Miss W.Spelman our top infants teacher has decided to retire at the end of this term. I would like to place on public record my appreciation of Miss Spelman's devotion to the children of St.Anthony's (nearly 400 of them) who have passed through her hands. They are the better for it. Miss Spelman's going will leave a gap at the school which will be hard to fill. It is an old saying that "no one is indispensable" but some there are who come close. Though she will be sorely missed we all wish Miss Spelman a long and happy retirement. J.Cuthbert.

SAVE OUR SCOUTS CAN YOU HELP ????????? We urgently need a willing volunteer to be an adult scout leader to help save our scout troop from extinction after over thirty years of scouting at St-Anthony's.

We have Cubs in plenty, but nothing to offer the keen boys who wish to be Scouts ….it is a voluntary position….and one that is really worthwhile. Any ex-Scouts from the parish who would like to offer some "SPARE" time would be welcomed wholeheartedly. We do need you - and anyone interested could contact Mr. Ron Smallwood, Akela at Cubs any Tuesday evening between 6.30 pm and 8m pm or Mr.Reynaert on Sunday mornings "At the Tote" until 12 noon or leave your name and address with Father Taylor, together with a convenient time for someone to call and discuss the job with you. Let's keep "36th" alive!!! Do Your Best.

THE GARDEN IN JUNE, In the flower garden, the planting of summer bedding plants should be completed this month, dahlia tubers should also be planted now. Some staking maybe required among the taller hardy border plants, a job that should not be overlooked Sowings can be made of Wallflowers, Forget- me-nots Sweet William and Pansies, for flowering next Spring. In the vegetable garden - Runner beans can be sown this month also dwarf bearns, carrots, spinach and parsley. Sprouts, Brocoli, Cabbage and Leeks may be planted now. Grass cuttings can serve a dual purpose, if spread around plants on the borders, they will help to keep down the weeds, and also stop the soil drying out, not that there is much fear of this happening with the weather we are having at the moment

PLANNED GIVING COMMITTEE MEETING SUNDAY 11.5. This month the committee concerned itself with the apparent lack of contact between itself and new parishioners joining the parish. It was felt that some way should be found to find out who is a new parishioner and when they arrive in the parish welcome them and introduce them to our Planned Giving Campaign and all that we are trying to do.

Once within the St.Anthony's Family Circle as it were a new parishioner would automatically receive a copy of St.Anthony's News every month because they would be entered on to the appropriate delivery agents list.

We have decided to check the distribution lists for St.Anthony's News so if you have changed your address within the last six months and have not been receiving your copy please hand your name and new address to a Church warden at Mass on Sundays or Fr,Taylor at the presbytery.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 20 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) That seems to be about all for this month, not much I'll admit but enough to show we are still there. Incidentally although I appealed for more Volunteers to become representatives no one has so far come forward. M.D.LOVE. Hon. Sec.

ADVERTISMENT FOR HIRE FLORAL ARTIST FRANK MARTIN TAXIS. Wreaths,Crosses,Bouquets 25, Harrowby Road, for all occasions. Fordhouses. 7555 Estimates with pleasure. Taxis for all occasions. LEONARD CAIN, 134 Marsh Lane. Fordhouses 2653

In July 1969 St. Anthony’s News was produced. Full copy of this publication is available on Appendix 64

In the July 1969 edition of St Anthony’s News the Births and Marriages were published. Baptisms Michaela Ferretti Mark David O'Neill Lisa Michelle Turner Ann Marie Reynolds Robert John Lavill Peter Michael Gleve Teresa Elizabeth Higginson

Marriages Gerald Maurice Moore and Carol Ann Whitehouse

In the July 1969 edition of St Anthony’s News the following articles appeared:-

FUTURE EVENTS July 19th Parish Garden Fete. Men and Youths required to help with stall erection. For program of events see Appendix 66

September 6th Father Hudson's Homes Street Collection. Collectors required.

ACADEMIC SUCCESS Whilst it would be wrong to place too much emphasis on the number of Grammar places gained by a school, we cannot let if pass without mentioning that this year the children who will leave St. Anthony’s in July have been very successful. Four boys to St. Chad's, six girls to the Convent of Our Lady ofMercy, three to the Municipal Grammar and one to the Girls High as well as six to the Grammar stream in the local Comprehensives. Well done boys and girls!

This month’s Cover Design borrowed from an Apostleship of prayer leaflet.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 21 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) "Lord that I may seek to console rather than to be consoled; to understand, rather than to be understood; to love rather than to be loved. For it, is in giving that we receive; in self-forgetfulness that we find our true selves, in forgiving that we are forgiven, in dying that we are riased up to life everlasting. (St.Francis of Assisi)

"Even if you had failings I should be forbearing. It is not love when, one simply draws a beautiful picture in one's soul and endows it with every perfection, rather this is love; to love people as we find them, and if they have weaknesses, to accept them with a heart filled with LOVE". (Charlotte to Schilla)

"Real love begins where nothing is expected in return". (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

WHAT A PERFORMANCE ! When we said to this fellow who gave us the benefit of his experience that 93 out of 96 starters completed the 15 miles he wouldn't believe us. You can't blame him really, it was a very impressive result by any standard. Of those 96 who started on the Sponsored Walk on Sunday 15th June, a large number were teenagers and as one spectator said at the halfway mark, "There's not much wrong with the youngsters of today".Others included housewives, two of whom were wheeling pushchairs (one pushchair broke down - but not the walker!) and even one or two who were well over 30 years of age. It turned out to be as much a social event as a fund raising effort. Blessed with good weather and helpful and encouraging Marshalls the walkers had great fun as they trudged through the countryside. It has been said that it was a good thing that the pubs closed at 2 o'clock or one or two may never have completed the course but this is fiercely denied by those at whom this calumny was directed. And so with grateful sighs the galant walkers collapsed into charis in the school hall and were plied with tea and sandwiches by ladies who must have seemed like ministering angels. There was even a cry of "Anyone for a lap of honour?" but no takers! Our grateful thanks to all who took part, the organisers, the marshalls, the first-aiders, the refreshment ladies, the baby minders, the Sponsors but most of all - the Walkers. At the time of going to press we hear that a Social Evening has been arranged for Friday 4th July when prizes will be awarded, certificates distributed and we will know just how much the whole venture was worth (financially). JAYSEE

1st FORDHOUSES BROWNIE PACK The Annual Brownie Competition this year was held at the Abbey, Erdington, a team of six brownies from St.Anthony's entered and out of the 11 packs which took part ours came 3rd in the Brownie Section and 2nd in the Kiro Section. We were all very pleased at this result - it is the best so far. We have two certificates which will be put in a place of honour. Well done Brownies. Willing Shilling Week this year realized the sum of £20.0.0. - this money will be used for Brownie badges and outings, this is the most we have ever collected.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 22 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) The Brownies have challenged the Cubs to a rounders match which will take place after the Brownie or Cub meeting. Last time the Cubs won but there was a lot of cheating! We hope this match will be played according to the rules and may the best team win. BROWN OWL

LAST DATE for copy for the August Edition is July 20th.

SCHOOL NEWS SIX-A-SIDE FOOTBALL St.Anthony`s School sent a team to play in a Six a-side Football tournament at St.Michael's Garden Fete on 21st June. Although the boys had not had very great success in the Primary Schools League during the season they were inspired that day and won the competition and the trophy presented by one of St.Michael's parents. The boys are hoping to repeat their success at a similar competition at St Anthony's Garden Fete on July 19th.

Those in the team were, John Gunning (Captain), Billy Shannon, Michael Ryan, Mark Duffy, Kevin Bleakley, Andrew Wilcynski; reserves Jimmy O'Leary Kevin O’Riordan and Anthony Rouse.

FROM THE EDITOR'S POSTBAG Through the magazine I would like to thank Mr. Ron Smallwood and his willing assistants for once again taking the Cubs to camp at Whitsun and giving them an enjoyable weekend. Also I wish the Scout committee every success in obtaining a Scout Master. D. Emms.

Sir, On leaving the district I wish to thank Father Taylor, the brothers of St .Vincent de Paul and other parishioners for their kindness to me during my stay in the parish. C.A.Ward.

"SCOUTERAMA" '69 The event was held on 14th June, at Wingfoot Park, Goodyears by Wolverhampton North District Scouts, of which our own group forms-part. The weather was kind and our group committee Ladies. ( together with husbands) were much in evidence with helping hands. St.Anthony's ran a wheel of fortune which made over £5 profit, assisted with car parking, and joined forces with 1st Bilbrook on refreshments after they had found themselves to be last minute caterers. Our cubs gave displays in a gigantic "Circus" parade which the Mayor and other Scouting Personalities of the county greatly enjoyed. The District Commissioner asked me to give his thanks to all our committee members, social committee for loan of equipment, and all who purchased programmes and attended the fete. To this I also add my thanks to the ladies and their husbands of 36th Group Committee. - Well done. J.A.Reynaert. Vice Chairman, North Division Executiv

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 23 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) BAPTISM AND THE CHRISTIAN VOCATION We are called to be Christians, followers of Christ our Leader, as members of a great industrial society. Our relationship with Christ is much some than that of soldiers with the Leader of their army, for we live with the very same life as Christ, being by Baptism, members of His Body which is the Church.

He has said "I am the Vine, you are the branches. Abide in Me and I in you". At Baptism we were grafted on to that Vine and at once began to partake of the same life as Christ, living the life of Christ in the world of today. Full transcript available see Appendix 67 (This article by a Parishioner will be continued in our next issue).

PLANNED GIVING COMMITTEE MEETING, SUNDAY 8th JUNE. This time we again concerned ourselves with the problem of keeping contact with the parishioners, especially new ones. So far we have received three changes of address and about ten new names and addresses. Here once again we would ask that any of you who know of any new arrivals in your own particular roads to notify someone. We are all here to help our parish priest(father Taylor), some little while ago all parishioners had a small visiting card put through their door advising them who their parish representative was and possibly his address,our ranks have been sadly depleted since then and the Committee enrolled a band of willing helpers. These people live in your area and are known to you, I am sure, if only because they deliver the magazine. Approach these good people if you need help and you can be sure that something will be done. Of course it need not be help that you require, you may have some news for the magazine or some ideas for parochial welfare, make them known to as so that we may help to foster a truly strong co-operative spirit.

Our Parish priest needs help , you parishioners at some time or other will need the help of a priest. We the parish representatives are the middle men of St.Anthony's, here to help both sides so help us to help you, please. M.D.Love. Hon. Sec.

ADVERTISEMENTS FOR HIRE FLORAL ARTIST LEONARD CAIN FRANK MARTIN TAXIS. 134, Marsh Lane, 25, Harrowby Road, Wreaths, Crosses, Bouquets Fordhouses. 7555. for all occasions. Taxis for all occasions. Estimates with pleasure. Fordhouses: 2653 In December 1969 St. Anthony’s News was produced. Full copy of this publication is available on Appendix 68

In the December 1969 edition of St Anthony’s News the Births, Marriages and Deaths were published. Baptisms Ian Stewart Wesley Daniela Maria Gargiulo Simon Paul Edgington Michael John Donnelly Paul Andrew Morgan Calder Paul Corrigan Liam Sean Wash Brian Thomas Eagle Stewart Kevin Munroe Marie Morrison Fortunata Alida Carlesimo

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 24 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973)

Marriages Gerald Maurice Moore and Carol Ann Whitehouse Arthur Frederick Potts and Margaret Louise McEnery Arthur Aloysius White and Martha Helena Alcock Michael John Humpherson andChristine Denise Dobson Ailbe Daly and Irene Joan Brookes Maurice Leslie Knott and Eileen Mary Bett Jean Jacques Rousseau and Wendy Elaine Bowyer Michael Taylor and Teresa Edna Lewis David John. Brindly and Sally Humpherson Trevor Graham, Smith and Margaret Susan Gleve Cyril Benjamin Johnson and Kathryn Josephine Kennedy Derek Brian Barratt and Irene Margaret McAtamney Philip Dean and Josephine Annette McManus

Deaths John Robert Owen Agnes Parker Ludwig Bishop Ellen MarieTucker Richard O’Toole William Hewins

In the December 1969 edition of St Anthony’s News the following articles appeared:-

From Our Parish Priest My Dear Parishioners, "Thank You" cards have been sent to those who use envelopes for their weekly offerings to the Church. May I say "thank you" to all who support the parish and beg of everyone to continue their support with even greater generosity. There will be a Parish Meeting on Wednesday 21st January, 1970 at 8 pm. Many things concerning the parish need to be explained and also discussed. I ask each family to send at least one representative to this meeting. It is important that you attend. Remember the day and date - Wednesday - 21st January, 1970 at 8 pm. Best wishes to you all, P.J.Taylor.

EDITORIAL Sorry, no cover picture this month - the machine which produces our picture is out of action. For the time being, the 'News' is being produced under the direction of the Planned Giving Committee due to the resignation of the previous editorial committee. At the earliest opportunity the Parish will be asked to elect a new editorial committee On behalf of the Parish I would like to thank the previous committee for their efforts over the last two and a half years. The 'News' is an important means of communication for our parish but the communication should be a two-way process. Parishioners will want to know about activities etc in the Parish but we want to know your views and hear your comments. Many Catholics have complained in the past that Lay Catholics are not consulted about matters concerning ourselves in relation to the Church and its future development. Many channels for the expression of lay opinion are now open and it is up to us to use them - or perhaps our previous complaints were just so much 'hot air' - I don't know. On this note, may I refer you to Fr.Taylor's article and his mention of the next Parish meeting to be held on Wednesday 21st January, 1970 at 8pm.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 25 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973)

Any articles for January's Edition to be handed in by 28th December.

School Holidays St.Anthony's School closes on Friday 19th December for the Christmas Holidays. School re- opens on Wednesday 7th January, 1970.

BAPTISM AND CHRISTIAN VOCATION (2) We are all by Baptism sharers in the Priesthood of Christ. This is intensified when the Sacrament of Confirmation is received. The Priesthood of the Laity consists of these two degrees. A still higher degree is conferred on those who receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders. This is called the Ministerial Priesthood which has its special charisma. Those whom God sets aside for the Ministerial Priesthood bring the Eucharist to men and act as mediators between God and people. The reality of the Priesthood of the Laity seems to have lain dormant for centuries but is gradually being re-awakened in our hearts as a result of Vatican II. So all things which we do, as Christians, have an infinite value. A.Parishioner. Full transcript available see Appendix 70

Beware that you do not lose the substance by grasping at the shadow. Aesop. 550 B.C. PLANNED GIVING. COMMITTEE - LATEST REPORT Since the last report on the Parish representatives meeting appeared in the July issue of St. Anthony's News we have had what maybe termed as the Summer recess. We convened again in October and one of the more topical subjects discussed was the advent of decimal coinage. Now you may ask what this has got to do with planned giving. Well as you have read in the papers the new 50 pence piece has produced National concern over its being mistaken for a 10 pence piece. As far as we are concerned may we not wonder at the coins we put in our envelopes. The half-crown will be discontinued shortly and no replacement issued, therefore,we will have to replace one coin with two for the same amount and believe me half- crowns arepopular coins as anyone who has counted charity or subscription monies will tell you. It was however, felt by the representatives that when we go completely deciminal in 1971 St. Anthony's would be more than likely to 'round up' their planned giving amounts and raise the weekly collections than devalue them through lack of suitable coins. M.D.Love. Hon.Sec. Full transcript available see Appendix 71

BROWNIE NEWS During the last few weeks all the Brownies have been engaged in their Christmas Good Turn. This year they chose to make soft toys to give to children in hospital. This, I think you will agree is quite a task for children of their age but the work that has gone into all these toys has been tremendous. It has also attracted the parents, and I would like to thank all those who have helped in any way and especially those who gave up their Monday nights come along and help. There will be an open night for all Brownie Parents and friends on December 8th and all the toys will be on display. Some of the Brownies hope to gain their Hostess Badge on that night. The toys will then be donated to the New Cross hospital - Childrens Ward and six of the Brownies will be going along to represent the Pack as it is impossible for the whole Pack to go. It was nice to see such a good turn out for Rememberance Sunday from the Scouts, Guides, Cubs and Brownies. It was unfortunate that the Church did not seat such large numbers but perhaps it will help us all work harder for the realisation of our new Church. Brown Owl.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 26 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) THE LEGION OF MARY AND YOU IN THE PARISH The Legion of Mary is a Body of Laymen and Women which, by dedication to Our Lady aims at the sanctification of its Members through prayer and active work. Its weekly meeting consists of a fine ba1ance of prayer, discussion, Spiritual guidance the commission to a charitable works. Remember, here on your doorstep, are lonely, sick and homeless people, many of whom have lost the faith. Don't let them down! You are privileged with the gift; of faith. Don't deprive others of it. God is now giving you an opportunity of spreading His Love to your fellow men. The Second Vatican Council states "Lay people should work hand in hand with the Parish Priest". We have an opportunity of doing just that here in our Parish by joining the Legion of Mary.

The meetings are held each Wednesday evening at 8pm in the School Hall. Christ is asking you now. Don't say No. President - D.A.Merritt. 495, Stafford Road, Oxley.

ADVERTISEMENT PRINTING - West Midland Printing Co. for all forms of Private and Business Stationery 81-83 Shaw Road, Bushbury. Tel. W'ton. 23720

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 27 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) 1970

On 3rd May 1970 St. Anthony’s News resumed following the appointment of a new editorial committee. The new committee members were J. Cuthbert, W. Gibney, T. Proudman and T. Stockton. Publication dates were published.

th On 25 May 1970 St. Anthony’s Garden Fete took Place. Admission charges were:- Adults 1/- Children 6d Family 2/6d. It was later reported that the final total for the event was £344. 8. 0. For program of events see Appendix 72

In June1970 St. Anthony’s News was produced. Full copy of this publication is available on Appendix 73

In the June1970 edition of St Anthony’s News the following articles appeared:-

The Covenant Scheme Covenantors have probably received Form 185 which should be signed and returned to the Covenant Office immediately. If you have not already done this you are asked to do it now. Mr. Byatt's recent visit to the Parish and his explanation of the Covenant Scheme has resulted in 33 new Covenants being made, with a total value of £260 per annum. Fr. Taylor's thanks go to Mr. Byatt and to all those who have taken out covenants. Anyone who may have missed Mr. Byatt's visit and would like to have the Scheme explained to them are asked to fill in the slip below and hand it to Fr. Taylor or one of the Church Wardens.

Sponsored Walk - 28th June. After the great success of the Garden Fete we have great hops for the success of our Sponsored Walk. At the time of going to Press 95 people have taken Sponsor Forms. 50% of the proceeds are for St. Anthony's Cheshire Homes at Penn. For information about St. Anthony's Cheshire Homes

St. Anthony's Cheshire Home, Stourbridge Rd., Penn. St. Anthony's Cheshire Home, as with other- Cheshire Homes, was founded by Group Captain Leonard Cheshire, V.C., D.S.O., T.F.C., after the War. This began his vocation for bringing a new idea for relief of suffering for the incurably sick and physically handicapped young people. For details about St. Anthony’s Cheshire Homes see Appendix 75

(St. Anthony's Cheshire Home is one of the two beneficiaries from this years parish sponsored walk. The above article was written by the Matron of the home. - Editor)

From Fordhouses & Oxley Community Association. The Midland Region needs 7,000 pints of blood weekly - 1,500 donors are wanted URGENTLY. A session will be held locally if enough volunteers come forward. Enrolment forms are available now. It is painless and harmless – age limits 18-65. REMEMBER one day it may be you or a member of your family in need.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 28 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) Retired Person Wanted If you are retired and time hangs on your hands, F.O.C.A. offer you all sorts of opportunities for service to a community of which you are still an important member, Write to the Secretary., F.O.C.A., Community. Centre, Marsh Lane. Tell him what you can, do and he will send you a list of things that they want doing.

Rubbish Bulky domestic rubbish can be dumped at the Corporations Depots at Crown St., and Horden Rd. Meanwhile 14 small litter bins have been placed along Stafford Rd., through the endeavours of F.O.C.A. Keep your Parish tidy. If your child has to cross the notorious Bee Lane - Stafford Rd. Junction - F.O.C.A. are now meeting with the borough Engineer to improve the crossing. (The Parish is affiliated to the F.O.C.A. and the above items are extracts from a recent F.O.C.A. Bulletin- Editor).

School Music. St. Anthony's School took part in the recent Wolverhampton schools music Festival which was part of the celebration for the Centenary of Education. Beside, supplying singers for the massed choirs of Infants and Juniors we also entered for adjudication an Infant Choir (Infant B1) and a percussion band (Infant C), and a Junior Choir (Junior 4) and a Recorder Ensemble (Juniors 3 & 4). The adjudicators remarks were very pleasing. Such remarks as "Well done!" and "Good" reflected the excellent work put in by the children, by Miss T. Mitchell (Infants), and Mrs. A. Nicholls and Mrs. G. Beswick (Juniors), Congratulations to pupils and teachers. Parents who were not able to hear the performances will have another chance on Friday 10th July in the school hall when the school will be giving a musical concert.

GARDEN FETE 1970 STYLE. Around about 1.30pm on "the day", one is inclined to step back and look at all that has been done and all that still remains to be done to get the Garden Fete under way by 2.30pm and wonder, "Is it all worth it?". By 7.30pm on Monday 25th May we knew that it was. There is no doubt that all the work put in, the good weather and the large attendance resulted in our best ever total for a Garden Fete. No final figure is available yet but we are promised that soon. If you went away for the Spring Bank Holiday we hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as we did here at the Fete.

What makes a successful Fete? Well, besides the ingredients mentioned above I think the important thing is atmosphere. The breathless hush at the bingo table; the emerald green of the dancers; the excitement and cheering at the 6-a-side football tournament and the childrens voices; the cheery voices of the announcers on the P.A.; the dog collared hot dog seller and that ubiquitous jockey-cap which seemed to bob up everywhere - all this and more. There were plenty of cries of "Ooo, my poor feet!" and "Oh, my aching back!" that night, but no one minded very much because it was worth it.

Over 60's Outing The S.V.P. are arranging a trip for the over 60's for Sunday 12th July, leaving from Church at 2.0pm. Senior Parishioners who are interested should watch out for the list outside church to book a place.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 29 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) EDITORIAL. The publication of St. Anthony's News resumed on May 3rd following the appointment of a new editorial committee. The new committee members are Messrs. J. Cuthbert, W. Gibney, T. Proudman and T. Stockton. Letters, notices, articles of comments should be handed to committee members or the Church Warden.

PUBLICATION DATES FOR 1970. Date ready for distribution Last date for acceptance of copy

June 7th 24th May July 5th 21st June August 2nd 19th July no September issue.

4th October 20th September 1st November 18th October 6th December 22nd November

A permanent cover for the 'News' is being designed and we hope that it will be ready in time for the July edition.

PARISH REPRESENTATIVES COMMITTEE Summary of discussions at recent committee Meetings. Since our last article in S.A.N. we, and you, I am sure, have been concerned about the low state of Parish Income. Parish meetings have been arranged, to which all too few parishioners attended. The New Church Project has been discussed and we have been brought up to date on developments but still we seem to lose sight of the fact that no matter what happens, the day to day running of the parish has to be paid for before any other commitments can be met. We of the Committee are ever aware of this, and continually in our meetings try to find acceptable ways of improving our income. Recently Mr. Byatt came to explain Covenants to the parish. Following his visit we stand to benefit, quite a bit from the new covenants taken out.

It is the intention of the Committee to produce in the near future a Parish Leaflet setting out details of the amenities available within the parish from time of Masses to the Sodaleties and youth groups. These would be distributed firstly to every parishioner and then to each NEW parishioner as they come in.

SCHOOLS AND EDUCATION. You may have heard that a new Education Bill is about to be proposed quite shortly. Don't be caught napping. It is known that there is an active group of so called Humanists who are advocating the abolition of all denominational schools. If such a Bill were to become law, it could well be the end of all Church schools and the teaching of religion in all other schools. Deprived of such religious teaching, this country would be making a further step towards the de- Christianization of our Society. Quite clearly all who believe in the basic importance of instruction in the Christian way of life for all our young people, will not allow such a Bill to be proposed without very strong opposition, We shall have to indicate in no small way both to the Minister of Education and to our local member of parliament that millions of people in this country are violently opposed to this blatant infringement of their rights to have their children educated in the Christian manner. Be prepared to defend your Christian and Catholic heritage. T Proudman

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 30 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) (It should perhaps be mentioned that this Bill is a Private Members Bill and not the policy of the present Government - Editor)

The C.M.S. Ecumenical Explains. The C.M.S. What's that? Catholic Men's Society Course Never heard of it? Remember the C.Y.M.S.? Well it's the same society with the 'young' knocked out of its title, that all, and a more up to date outlook. Ever wondered why some fellows always seem to be helping on everything or why some chaps will always have a go when something controversial about the faith crops up at a meeting? See Appendix 76

BARGAINS BARGAINS BARGAINS………………………… Nearly New Sale – School Hall Friday 12th June, 7.p.m.

SUFFER LITTLE CHILDREN I wish to register my strongest objection to the new change which has taken place in our Parish. I refer to the Abolition, of the traditional First Holy Communion. Sad to say, is it not, that we will no longer witness that beautiful sight of our little girls in them white frocks and veils, also our 'Big' boys dressed in their white shirts and those sashes, so proudly worn. What a soul stirring sight they made, assembled together in the House of God, ready to received Him for the first time. M. T. Flynn, 79, Chetton Green., Fordhouses. (Many parishioners, parents or otherwise are likely to have strong views either for or against in this matter - please let us have your comments. Perhaps someone could state the points in favour of the present policy - Editor) Full text of the article see Appendix 77

Advertisement West Midland Printing Co., for all forms of Private and Business Stationery. 81-83 Shaw Road, Bushbury, Wolverhampton. Tel. Wolverhampton 23720

In July 1970 St. Anthony’s News was produced. Full copy of this publication is available on Appendix 78

In the July 1970 edition of St Anthony’s News the Births, Marriages and Deaths were reported. Baptisms David Michael Jackson Karen Dawn Hodgkiss Sharon Marie Broome Emmeline Katherine Murphy Veronica Everet Walters

Marriages Stephen Paul Hendy Ibbs and Shelagh May Redmond

Deaths Norah Hammond Paul Marsh James Morris Jane Hannah Taylor

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 31 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) In the July 1970 edition of St Anthony’s News, most of the content was taken up with letters relating to the article “Suffer Little Children”. Copies of the letters available see Appendix 81

In the July 1970 edition of St Anthony’s News, the following articles appeared. Garden Fete - 25 May 1970 You will be pleased to hear that the final total for this event was £344. 8. 0. The organisers thank those who helped at or supported the fete. (We understand that the 1970 Christmas Bazaar organisers are aiming to raise £500 from the event)

Editorial Most of this issue is taken up with letters re the change in First Communion procedure. It is good to see such a response. We hope that there will be a similar show of enthusiasm on many other topics for future issues of the "news". Closing date for the August edition articles is 19th July, Please hand then to committee members, the church warden ,or post to 35 Mill Green, Fordhouses. Although the "News" is back in print we are experiencing some problems in distribution. It is a few years now since the original distribution lists were compiled, many of these are now out of date. Some distributors may have changed their address or left the Parish. We propose to hold a meeting in September (date to be fixed) in order to re-organize the list. We invite all those people at present involved in distribution of the "News" plus, if possible, a representative from each street in the parish willing to distribute the "New" to catholics in their street. This would spread the load evenly and ensure that people receive, the "News" at the earliest opportunity

Parish Meeting held 2.6.70 Summary of some of the items discussed. There was a suggestion that there should be a great gap between the 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. masses on Sundays in order to relieve traffic congestion and "parishioner" congestion, particularly during bad weather (think of those mornings before 11 a.m. mass in the pouring rain whilst waiting for the people to come out of church). There was complete approval for the idea of an 11.15 mass to resolve the difficulties. There is growing support for the idea of a Parish Council in this Parish. Fr. Taylor has a number of booklets called "Catholic Parish Council Handbook" by Bernard Bligh, which he is willing to loan - or they can be purchased for 3/-. This booklet is well worth reading. Negotiations regarding the exchange of land for the new Church and Presbytery are in the final stages.

Visiting Priest "Mirror, mirror on the wall" -"I'm the King of the Castle", and "hands" are just a few of the openings to Sermons which he has given. Who is he?

Father Andrew Freeney, a Sacred Heart Father from Woodcote Hall, Newport, Salop. He was born at Dunlaoghaire, County Dublin, Eire. He was ordained on 11th March 1967 Since he was ordained he has spent two years at Christ College of Education (teacher training) following which he took a teaching post at St. Chad's College, Wolverhampton his present post. Next year he will become Assistant Youth Director at Woodcote Hall.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 32 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) Fr. Freeney's main interest is social work and he is at present reading for a B.Sc. Sociology degree. (It had been our intention to produce an article on each visiting priest, but since re- organization is taking place at Woodcote Hall, our main source of supply priests, and the number of priests there reduced to two, we shall unfortunately not receive any more visiting priests from Woodcote Hall. Editor)

Advertisements Printing West Midland Printing Co. For all forms of Private and Business Stationery. 81 Shaw Road, Bushbury, Wolverhampton. Tel. W’ton 23720

For Sale Dining Room Suite £7, One Portable typewriter in case £10. Apply:- 17 Bentley Road Bushbury

Watch and Clock - Repairs done quickly at reasonable prices. Please hand in to Hodsons. Gents Hair Dresser's. Three Tuns Parade. Oxley.

In the July 1970 edition of St Anthony’s News, the following articles appeared. Election 1970 - Moral Issues Congratulations to the parishioners of St. Thomas of Canterbury, Tettenhall who approached the election candidates for the Wolverhampton area re their views on abortion and euthanasia. The congratulations, by the way, were for the idea, but what was the point of it all, presumably to help Catholics to see more clearly the views of the candidates from which we had to choose our M,P.'s.

Important though there issues (abortion and euthanasia) may be, I am sure that Christians, when selecting the candidate for whom they will cast their, vote, should consider many more issues than these e.g. attitude towards immigrants and race; how do they propose to help the socially deprived; what is their attitude towards religious education is schools etc.

Leaving party politics aside for a moment, if a candidate had the "right" attitudes on abortion and euthanasia, tey expresses what amounts to intolerance perhaps even hated against immigrants, does this still make the candidate "suitable" as far as christians are concerned My point is that when undertaking this kind of exercise, survey of candidates views to help Catholics choose their candidate, there are many other aspects which should be covered, otherwise the whole project becomes not only pointless but also misleading. T. Stockton

Union of Catholic Mothers. The U.C.M, the National Organisation for all Catholic Married Women was founded in 1913. The aim of the members is to unite and uphold the sanctity of marriage, to bring up our children by precept and example to be good catholics by securing for them Catholic Education and guarding them from immoral companions, amusements and literature as far as is in our power. We have two special communion days, the Feast of Preservation of the Faith and the Feast of the Maternity of our Lady, when we pray for vocations to the priesthood and world peace.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 33 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) Activities include work in the parish, visiting of the sick and helping financially as far as possible the parish priest. Sadly we are curtailed in our efforts by too few members, as we lost to God 4 members in 12 months the work now rests on the 7 or 8 mothers we have. Though our work is never made public we are hard pressed for ladies to help us by rota system to clean our church. Lastly any lady wishing to join the U.C.M, and non-catholic wives of catholic husbands may do so. Our meetings are held every Thursday after evening mass. W. Markland. Pres.

DO YOU PAY INCOME TAX ? Yes? Then you could help your parish to benefit financially without there necessarily being any cost involved to yourself. Please see Mr. F. Martin - 15 Ribbesford Avenue or Fr. Taylor for further information.

On 10th July 1970 the children who took part in the “Festival of Music” repeated their performances in the school hall for the benefit of their parents. "There's no business like show business", as the song goes, and St. Anthony’s school children set out to prove that there is still some meaning in the words. Apprehensive, excited children prepared for their turn to appear as the School Hall became .packed to capacity with anxious, waiting parent s (Who were no doubt more nervous than the performers). Finally the curtain went up and the show began. Full transcript of the report see Appendix 84

On 12th July 1970 the S.V.P. arranged a trip for the over 60’s. Tom and Steve took 38 of St. Anthony’s older pensioners to Trentham Gardens. After two hours sunning themselves in the gardens they had tea then on to a Catholic Club in Newcastle for a drink arriving back at St. Anthony’s at 9.30pm Full transcript of the report see Appendix 85

In July 1970 a Parish information leaflet was produced and circulated to all known Catholics in the Parish. Copy of this information leaflet is available see Appendix 86

“School closed 24th July. On that morning the children had the pleasure of Mass celebrated in the School Hall. The whole school was present and the service was enhanced by the children marking a general Communion. At the end of Mass two children (the oldest and the youngest in the school) presented a Spiritual Bouquet to Father Taylor to celebrate his Silber Jubilee as a priest. The Bouquet, which was written and illuminated by one of the teachers, contained Masses and prayers offered for Father's intentions by the children of the school.” This article appeared in the August 1970 edition of St Anthony’s News

In the summer of 1970 the Quarterly Bulletin of the Fordhouses & Oxley Community Association (FOCA) was published. Full text available see Appendix 87

In August 1970 St. Anthony’s News was produced. Full copy of this publication is available on Appendix 88

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 34 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) In the August 1970 edition of St Anthony’s News the following Births and Marriages were published. Baptisms Stephen Newton Scott Anne Maria Mascall

Marriages Joan Newman Scott Smith and Angela Proudman Leonard John Ashfield and Mary Elain Swift

In the August 1970 edition of St Anthony’s News the following articles appeared.

Spiritual Bouquet School closed 24th July. On that morning the children had the pleasure of Mass celebrated in the School Hall. The whole school was present and the service was enhanced by the children marking a general Communion. At the end of Mass two children (the oldest and the youngest in the school) presented a Spiritual Bouquet to Father Taylor to celebrate his Silber Jubilee as a priest. The Bouquet, which was written and illuminated by one of the teachers, contained masses and prayers offered for Father's intentions by the children of the school.

School Concert Friday 10th July saw the school hall packed with both parents and children. This was the night of the school concert and judging from the audience response and enjoyment, the children experienced in entertaining us, it is to be hoped that this will be an annual event.

Over 60's Trip It's not often that three men take out a bus load of ladies. Well, almost a bus load. - there were some men as well. Tom and Tom and Steve took 38 of our older parishioners to Trentham Gardens the other Sunday afternoon. Having spent an hour or two sunning themselves in the gardens, they had tea and then went on to a Catholic Club in Newcastle for a drink. Arriving back home 9.30p.m. all, were agreed that this had been a successful and enjoyable trip.

ADVERTISEMENTS For Sale: Triests Travelmaster Caravan WATCHES & CLOCK REPAIRS Furnished, - nearly new. done quickly and at reasonable prices. offers -nearest £750. Please hand in to, Hodsons Gents Hairdressing, Apply: 5 Heath Site,- Ball Lane, Three Tuns Parade. Oxley Coven Heath.

PRINTING - West Midland Printing Co., for all forms of private and business stationery 81-83 Shaw Road, Bushbury. Tel. Wolverhampton 23720

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 35 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) Father Taylor’s Silver Jubilee Presentation First of all, if you are surprised to find this occasion mentioned in the magazine, you ought to know that Father has been informed of what is going on. The presentation committee acted on the advice of Fr. Woodward, the rural Dean and decided to put Fr. Taylor in the picture. Bearing in mind the difficulties of supply of priests, and summer holidays, we considered that to be fair to Father, he ought to be given as much notice as possible. Full text available see Appendix 90

Change in First Communion Procedure It is easy enough to be a parent, but very difficult to be a good parent. There are joys and compensations in parenthood but heartbreaks and sorrows to balance them. Against the privileges must be weighted the duties. Full text available see Appendix 91

The Sponsored Walk and Social “All walkers set out at 12 noon. The first check: point was ideal for those who can get into pubs! A lot of the walkers (especially teachers) disappeared into the “Rainbow Inn” for a quick pint. We understood why they had been walking double quick” Full text available see Appendix 92

Do you Day income tax? Yes? Then you could help your parish to benefit financially without there necessarily being any cost involved to yourself. Please see Mr. F. Martin - 15 Ribbesford Avenue or Fr. Taylor for further information.

In October 1970 St. Anthony’s News was produced. Full copy of this publication is available on Appendix 93

In the October 1970 edition of St Anthony’s News, the following articles appeared.

ADVERTISEMENTS PRINTING For all forms 'of business and private stationery, including, WEDDING INVITATIONS etc:- THE WEST MIDLAND PRINTING COMPANY, 81/83 SHAW ROAD, BUSHBURY. Phone: Wolverhampton 23720.

Watch and Clock Watch and Clock repairs done quickly at reasonable prices, please hand in to Hodsons:, Gents Hair Dressers, Three Tuns Parade, Oxley.

NOVEMBER ISSUE All items for publication to be handed in by 18th October.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 36 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) CHRISTMAS BAZAAR 1970 How many more shopping days to Christmas? Forget that and concentrate on the date of the Christmas Bazaar, Friday and Saturday October 30th and 31st. The Social Committee has been busy organising for some time and the keynote this year is bargain. We hope to present a Bumper Bazaar, where you can' buy your presents at a real saving. A start has been made with the sale of Christmas Cards outside the Church on Sundays. In quality and price they can stand comparison with any shops. If this Bazaar is to be a success we shall need, as always, as much help as possible. To this end a meeting will be held in October to detail our plans and the help needed. Your ideas and critisms will be welcomed and acted on. Future magazine issues and posters will advertise some of the bargains that will be available. The success of the Garden Fete was a tonic to us all. Let us carry the same spirit into the organisation of the Bazaar: and remember the catchword All Bargains, All Quality, No Schmutter. W. GIBNEY .

PARISH COUNCILS In the July Edition an account of the June Parish Meeting referred to Parish Council. There have been many discussions, so far, mostly informal, concerning the formation of a St Anthony's Parish Council. The idea of this article is not necessarily to campaign for a St.Anthony's Parish Council, nor is it to persuade you against such a Council, but merely to introduce the idea in print and ask for your ideas. Perhaps we could devote most of the next issue to letters and articles on this subject. We ought to ask ourselves:- Does St.Anthony's need a Parish Council to run it's affairs, and if so, why? :-

1. That we wish to make the Parish 'machinery' ie. its committees and sodalities more effective by providing a council which would delegate and co-ordinate on work and other matters requiring considerations and action.

2. We wish to follow the trends of the Church since Vatican II, by increasing the amount of participation and, by implication, democracy in parish matters.

Many other reasons are outlined in the booklet 'Catholic Parish Council Handbook' by Bernard Bligh (copies may be obtained from Fr.Taylor).

Officials of existing committees and sodalities may wish to contribute an article stating how the formation of a Parish Council might affect favourably or otherwise, the work which they do, or if in fact they feel that with an effective 'machinery' for conducting Parish affairs, sodalities and confraternities may cease to be necessary. EDITOR.

ANNUAL CAMP 1970 On behalf of all the Scouts, may, I through the magazine, thank Mr.G.J.Aston, Assistant Scout Master, for a most enjoyable week at camp, after taking it, on at short notice, also for giving us so much of his time during his vacation from College.

Our most grateful thanks also go to the Nuns at St. Joseph's Convent, Hilton Hall for the use of their ground, Mr.Cuthbert, Mr. O'Reardion, Mr. Smallwood (Akela) for welcome assistance. Camping is not all play, although we have time for recreation, we also learn to cook out in the open and make gadgets out of wood eg. dish drainer, tripod to rest a bowl on and rack to hang up cooking utensils.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 37 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) A typical day at camp, rise at 7.00 am, we all have our own jobs to do, after which we say prayers' together, then breakfast. 8.00am when our jobs are done, we play in the woods. Lunch 1.00 pm then washing up done, we sit for a quiet hour, then organized games or we may go on a ramble, tea 6.30 pm afterwards we sit round the camp fire singing songs. We are in bed by 10.00 pm.

On the Friday evening we invited the Nuns and parents to come to our camp fire and would like to take this opportunity of thanking them all for the surprise barbeque they supplied. ANTHONY EMMS.


SCHOOL CONCERT "There's no business like show business", as the song goes, and on Friday 10th July St. Anthony’s school children set out to prove that there is still some meaning in the words. Apprehensive, excited children prepared for their turn to appear as the School Hall became .packed to capacity with anxious, waiting parents (Who were no doubt more nervous than the performers). Finally the curtain went up and the show began.

As the 'beginners' filed into the hall to open the evenings entertainment, there were sighs of "Oh don't they look smart in their white e shirts and nice dresses". I wonder how many mums had lumps in their throats as their little prodigee took the stage? I don't think I was the only one. Pauline Haycox (Mrs) Article featured in the October 1970 edition of St Anthony’s News Full text available see Appendix 84

OVER SIXTIES OUTING FROM ST.ANTHONY'S On Sunday afternoon July 12th we went to Trentham Gardens which I think we all enjoyed. We had 1½ hour coach ride with a very nice driver. The weather was kind to us. When we got there we were paid for to go in, 4/- each, then the coach took us into the grounds and parked so that we could get back to it easily. We had 2½ hours to go round and see the lovely gardens and as much else as we could, Mrs. Pearson came along with me, she was just getting over a very bad illness and I am sure she did enjoy it because it was flat to walk about. There were plenty of seats to sit down if you wanted to. Then we went into the Cafe for our tea which could have been a bit better. It was sausage, chips and baked beans, cakes, tea and bread and butter. I don't eat beans, like a few more who were there, but I was hungry so I ate them. The bread was new, tea was terribly - I think they had put bi-carbonate of soda in it. Some thought it was powdered milk.

After tea we went to the coach and they took us to a Catholic Club at Newcastle-under-Lyme which was very nice and we were made welcome. We were bought the first drink. Some of the Catholic Mothers came talking to us and said welcome then they said they were pleased to see us. They told us all about their over 55 years old club and said they had been this year to Eastbourne, Bridlington and were going to Llandudno for another week in September.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 38 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) After an enjoyable outing we all went to the coach and back to St. Anthony’s. The coach took some people home and Mr.O'Leary took some while Mrs.Pearson, Mr.Turner and myself waited then he came back and took us which was very kind. So I thank everyone who provided for this lovely outing and hope to go again next year. May God bless you all. MRS. ROSETTA EATON. Article featured in the October 1970 edition of St Anthony’s News

In 1970 Fr. Pat Taylor celebrated 25 years’ service in the priesthood.

On 12th September 1970 Fr. Taylor’s Silver Jubilee Presentation took place in “The Marist Centre”, St. Chad’s College.

Parishioners at Fr. Taylor's 25 years presentation at St. Chads. (The Photograph was taken by Dr. L Bankuti)

On 30th / 31st October 1970 St. Anthony’s Christmas Bazaar took place.

On 5th November 1970 St. Anthony’s celebrated Bonfire Night, with Soup, Hot Dogs, and Fireworks. Cost was 1/- for Adults, 6d for children

In 1970 St. Anthony’s Girl Guides was formed.

Spanish Holiday 38 members of St. Anthony's Parish and friends.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 39 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973)

Steve Turner as Father Christmas. Karen Harley, Ann Whalley, Peter Hammond, S. Killeen, Gaynor Dean, J Hartley

On 15th December 1970 St. Anthony’s Social Committee arranged “A Concert of Music” by “The Marston Singers”. For detailed program see Appendix 95


On 11th January 1972 St. Anthony’s Social Club arranged “A Concert of Music” by “The Marston Singers”. For detailed program see Appendix 96


Fr. Pat Taylor Baptises Robert James Clemson on 18th March 1973 in the Old Church.

Happy parents, Margaret and Anthony Clemson after the Baptism of Robert James Clemson. Pictured here outside St. Anthony’s School.

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 40 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973)

This was the last Baptism Fr. Pat Taylor performed, he was transferred in April 1973.

           

Fr. Laurence Kelly succeeded Fr. Pat Taylor in April 1973 and served till 1991

Fr. Laurence Kelly performed his first Baptism in April 1973

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 41 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973)

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 42 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973)

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 43 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973)

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 44 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Fordhouses Wolverhampton



Title Page No.

St. Anthony’s News January 1969. 47 St. Anthony’s News February 1969. 49 St. Anthony’s News March 1969. 51 The True Story of a Priest and a King March 1969 53 Concert by the W’ton Orpheus Male Voice Choir. March 1969 54 St. Anthony’s News April 1969. 55 Parish Representatives Committee April 1969 57 Parish Meeting April 1969 58 St. Anthony’s News May 1969. 59 St. Anthony's School presented a "School Concert" June 1969 61 St. Anthony’s News June 1969. 62 St. Anthony’s News July 1969. 64 St. Anthony’s Garden Fete July 1969 66 Baptism and Christian Vocation July 1969 67 St. Anthony’s News December 1969. 68 Baptism and Christian Vocation (2) December 1969 70 Planned Giving. Committee - Latest Report December 1969 71 St. Anthony’s Garden Fete May 1970 72 St. Anthony’s News June 1970. 73 St. Anthony’s Cheshire Homes June 1970 75 The C. M. S. What's that? Ecumenical Explains June 1970 76 “Suffer Little Children” June 1970 77 St. Anthony’s News July 1970. 78 Appendixes

History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 45 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) Letters relating to the article “Suffer Little Children”. July 1970 81 "There's no business like show business", 10th July 1970 84 Over sixties outing to Trentham Gardens 12th July 1970 85 Parish information leaflet July 1970 86 Quarterly Bulletin of the F. & O. Com. Assoc. 87 St. Anthony’s News August 1970. 88 Father Taylor’s Silver Jubilee Presentation August 1970 90 First Communion Procedure August 1970 91 The Sponsored Walk and Social August 1970 92 St. Anthony’s News October 1970. 93 A Concert of Music by “The Marston Singers”. December 1970 95 A Concert of Music by “The Marston Singers”. January 1972 96


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 46 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News January 1969


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 47 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News January 1969


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 48 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News February 1969


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 49 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News February 1969


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 50 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News March 1969


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 51 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News March 1969


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 52 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973)


By Mr.Close - Curator of Moseley Old Hall

I wonder how many of you,residents of Fordhouses and Bushbury, know the whereabouts of Moseley Old Hall, or what happened there in the year 1651? For this was the year when the young Charles II, previously crowned King in Scotland, marched into England to regain the throne lost by his father Charles I,who was executed by order of Oliver Cromwell and the Regicides (so named because they signed the death warrent). The young Charles was defeated first at Dunbar and finally and conclusively at Worcester on September 3rd. After the battle - as every schoolboy knows - he hid in an oak tree at Boscobel. Thereafter with the help of the Pendrells, sons of the caretaker there, and at the instigation of Father Huddleston, ostensibly tutor at Moseley to the three boys, nephews of the owner Mr. Whitgreave, he was guided to the safety of the Hall late at night on Sept.8th There on the second day came a troop of Cromwell's men to crossexamine Mr. Whitgreave, and all that time the. King and Father Huddleston were battened down in the Priest's Hide adjoining a bedroom. Very calmly Mr. Whitgreave went out to meet them, saying that he had been indisposed during the late battle and when neighbours corroborated this the soldiers left. Thus the King escaped and eventually reached France.

Charles II, whose mother, Henrietta Maria, was a staunch Catholic, undoubtedly had all her children baptised into the Faith. Charles, unlike his younger brother James, kept this a secret, but on his death bed some twenty five years later, called for this same Father Huddleston to render the last Sacraments; for this priest had been rewarded for his services in time of need, by being appointed chaplain to Catherine of Braganza, Charles's Portuguese wife, also of course a Catholic. The Whitgreaves left Moseley Hall in 1820 and moved to Moseley Court, a larger residence in Bushbury, but they still used the chapel at the old hall, and at the turn of the century the congregation still numbered between thirty and forty. In this same chapel Charles promised Father Huddleston that if ever he regained his throne there would be no need of a "Priest's Hide" because people would be allowed to worship as they pleased. This promise he was unable to carry. out because of the machinations of Titus Oates and others. Both of Father Huddleston's missals have come to light; one only in recent times when a Mr.Joseph Proctor walked into a Liverpool bookshop to find a missal among the 6d. bargains. He purchased it solely because it seemed to him unseemly that it should be there amongst the lurid fiction. He had no idea of it's historical. Interest and in fact, it's identity was only discovered much later by Father Julian Stoner, O.S.B. As a matter of interest the crucifix, once kept in a hiding place above the boy's schoolroom is still at the Hall. It was presented to The National Trust by the late Mr.Whitgreave in 1963 when The Old Hall was opened to the public. This crucifix is over three hundred years old and of Spanish origin.


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 53 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) Concert by the W’ton Orpheus Male Voice Choir. March 1969


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 54 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News April 1969


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 55 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News April 1969


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 56 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) Parish Representatives Committee Meeting Sunday March 8th. At the last meeting of the Parish Representatives it was suggested that a report on their monthly meetings might be of general interest to Parishioners. The Editors of St .Anthony's News have very kindly agreed to grant us space in the magazine and we hope our report will be a regular feature from now on. Perhaps many Parishioners might wonder what Parish Representatives are, and this first report from their Committee might be a good time to explain how they originated and their function in the Parish. You may remember that some three years ago it was decided to have a Planned Giving Campaign, the prime motive being of course to increase Parish Income, and thus hasten the advent of a New Church. The primary duties of the Representative were to visit Parishioners with the Promise Cards and subsequently to distribute supplies of Offertory Envelope s. They also undertook the continuing responsibility of trying to keep the "Planned Giving" running at the highest possible level. They also undertook to count the weekly Mass Offering, and they help to deliver the monthly issue of St.Anthony's News. One of the items of this month's meeting was a report from their Chairman, Mr.T.Martin, on the stage negotiations had reached with the Council. These negotiations concern the exchange of land. By the way I should add perhaps that the Parish Representatives Committee is in no sense exclusive. They would welcome new members. If you feel like becoming one just contact any of the present Representatives, or if you don's know one, Fr. Taylor, would I'm sure be delighted to put you in touch with them. J.Knox (Secretary)


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 57 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) PARISH MEETING TUESDAY 11th MARCH 1969 After Stations of the Cross and Benediction on Tuesday evening those interested in parish matters (27 in all) went into the School Hall for the Parish Meeting called by Fr.Taylor. 1. Devotions of some kind on a weekday evening, other than Thursday evening Mass, had been missed by many parishioners. A vote was passed to confirm support for this and it was unaminously passed that we should have some form of service on a Tuesday evening throughout the year.

2. Mass times for Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. Due to a shortage of priests in the Diocese all parishes had been asked to try and curtail demands for borrowing priests from other parishes. A short discussion took place and again we voted. It was passed that masses on Holy Days of Obligation would in future be 10am, 6.30 & 8pm. Masses on Sundays would be 8.30, 10 and 11am and 6.30pm.

3. A little more light was next thrown on our special project -"The New Church" - Fr.Taylor said that only this very day it had been passed at an Education Committee Meeting that negotiations should be opened with the Diocese regarding the exchange of land required for our Church. The Committee had advised him that they were not interested in the plot fronting Stafford Road. Fr.Taylor asked that we should not press him further at this crucial time and promised to keep us informed as progress was made.

4. Discussion Evenings. It was decided to hold the first discussion on Tuesday 1st April at 7.30pm in the School. Our subject would be "Authority in the Church". We were assured of the continuity of these meetings by one member present who seemed to have abundant enthusiasm for this project and for making us all better informed Catholics.


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 58 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News May 1969


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 59 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News May 1969


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 60 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony's School Concert June 1969


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 61 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News June 1969


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 62 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News June 1969


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 63 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News July 1969


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 64 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News July 1969


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 65 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s Garden Fete July 1969


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 66 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) BAPTISM AND THE CHRISTIAN VOCATION

We are called to be Christians, followers of Christ our Leader, as members of a great industrial society. Our relationship with Christ is much some than that of soldiers with the Leader of their army, for we live with the very same life as Christ, being by Baptism, members of His Body which is the Church.

He has said "I am the Vine, you are the branches. Abide in Me and I in you". At Baptism we were grafted on to that Vine and at once began to partake of the same life as Christ, living the life of Christ in the world of today.

St.Paul tells us to "Walk worthy of your vocation" which means that we should always act in a manner befitting persons called to live the life of Christ. This vocation imposes obligations and responsibilities, for we do not belong to ourselves or to the world but to Christ. We are His representatives at every moment and wherever we may be. We share in His Priesthood, and are called to make of our lives "A sacrifice pleasing to God", perhaps in the midst of all the worst kinds of evil devised by satan, in the heart of modern civilisation.

St.Paul says "Put off your old nature which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupted according to the desire of error, and be renewed the spirit of your minds, and put on the new man created after the likeness of God". "This PUTTING ON THE NEW MAN" means a radical transformation based on the Commandments of God and the study of the Gospel. It means nothing less than the turning inside out of our entire nature.


(This article by a Parishioner will be continued in our next issue).


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 67 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News December 1969


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 68 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News December 1969


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 69 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) BAPTISM AND CHRISTIAN VOCATION (2)

We are all by Baptism sharers in the Priesthood of Christ. This is intensified when the Sacrament of Confirmation is received. The Priesthood of the Laity consists of these two degrees. A still higher degree is conferred on those who receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders, This is called the Ministerial Priesthood which has its special charisma. Those whom God sets aside for the Ministerial Priesthood bring the Eucharist to men and act as mediators between God and people. The reality of the Priesthood of the Laity seems to have lain dormant for centuries but is gradually being re-awakened in our hearts as a result of Vatican II. So all things which we do, as Christians, have an infinite value.

"Whatever you do in word or in work, do all in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ". We are to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice pleasing to God, and this is something which should involve our entire activity, our entire personality,always. For all we do is priestly as long as we remain in a state of grace. St. Peter says "You are a royal race, a kingly priesthood, a holy nation:"

St.Paul reminds us of our brotherhood in Christ when he says "Therefore putting away falsehood, let everyone speak the truth with his neighbour, for we are members one of another". Members of God's family by adoption. At Baptism God gives us all the virtues, which must be nourished by the sap of Sanctifying Grace in order to bear fruit. All the branches are fed with this sap from the parent Vine, so we are truly members one of another.

This brotherhood in Christ was practised by early Christians to a rare degree and expressed itself in their great charity. It has been said that the pagans would exclaim "See how those Christians love one another".

In the early Church, Baptism was by immersion. This descending into the baptismal waters is figurative of Christ's death and entombment. Saint Paul writes, "You who are Baptised are Baptised in Christ's death, so that you may rise and walk with Him in newness of life" and again "If you be risen with Christ seek the things which are above, where Christ is seated at the right Hand of God. Mind the things that are above, not the things that are upon the earth.

Some Christians too, are called to make Profession of the Evangelical Councils. This sacramental is an act so pleasing to God that it is regarded as a "second Baptism".

So Baptism is the point of departure for the Christian life, until we all reach our fullness of age in Christ.


Beware that you do not lose the substance by grasping at the shadow. Aesop. 550 B.C.


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 70 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) PLANNED GIVING. COMMITTEE - LATEST REPORT

Since the last report on the Parish representatives meeting appeared in the July issue of St. Anthony's News we have had what maybe termed as the Summer recess. We convened again in October and one of the more topical subjects discussed was the advent of decimal coinage. Now you may ask what this has got to do with planned giving. Well as you have read in the papers the new 50 pence piece has produced National concern over its being mistaken for a 10 pence piece. As far as we are concerned may we not wonder at the coins we put in our envelopes. The half-crown will be discontinued shortly and no replacement issued, therefore,we will have to replace one coin with two for the same amount and believe me half- crowns arepopular coins as anyone who has counted charity or subscription monies will tell you. It was however, felt by the representatives that when we go completely deciminal in 1971 St. Anthony's would be more than likely to 'round up' their planned giving amounts and raise the weekly collections than devalue them through lack of suitable coins. We met again in November and the main point of discussion was the amount collected each week as given out in the notices on Sunday morning. How many of us realise, I wonder, that the promised amount in December 1968 fell to £91 for the envelopes. Over many months now we have been told that the amount collected has been in many cases more than £91 but this includes the loose amount of money put on by our parishioners, children and visitors. If we were to split this total amount we would find that in almost every week of the year we have fallen below the £91 envelope amount, thus showing a substantial difference over twelve months between the amount we should put in our bank and the amount we did put in the bank.

As for instance in October the weeks were divided as follows:-

Sunday Envelopes Loose Total 5.10.69 £82.16.10. + £16. 2.11. £98.19. 9. 12.10.69 74. 4. 8. + l4. 0. 5. 88. 5. 1. 19.10.69 83. 5. 5. + 17. 0. 3. 100. 5. 8. 26.10-69 84. 2. 9. + 16.17.11. 101. 0. 8.

Total: 324. 9. 8 + 64. l. 6. £388.11. 2

4- x 91 = £364. Total Env. = £324.9.8. Diff=£39.10.4

The other item discussed was this very St. Anthony's News. As you will have read in a previous article it is now temporarily under a new board of management awaiting an opportunity to elect a new Editorial Board to keep our 'news' alive. May I ask you all, on behalf of the parish representatives, to give it your full and active support and send in those articles.



History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 71 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s Garden Fete May 1970


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 72 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News (June 1970)


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 73 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News (June1970)


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 74 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s Cheshire Homes

St. Anthony's Cheshire Home, as with other- Cheshire Homes, was founded by Group Captain Leonard Cheshire, V.C., D.S.O., T.F.C., after the War. This began his vocation for bringing a new idea for relief of suffering for the incurably sick and physically handicapped young people.

Our Homes are run as 'homes' and not as institutions; homes where all are free to live and contribute the maximum of thought and effort to the well running of the home, and where we aim to help the Residents to achieve the highest level of living of which they are capable at any time.

St. Anthony's has 42 Residents, including three married couples - which is a new venture for us. The Residents, always appreciative of what many friends do for them, in their turn, on their own efforts, annually raise help for the disabled children in Marakesh Children's Home, and for relief in Nigeria and India.

Cheshire Homes are undenominational, and Residents are invited to stay according to their need.

If you want to help further, you can join a Group of Friends in your own area. Details may be obtained from the Secretary of the Home, and voluntary workers and drivers are always welcome. (St. Anthony's Cheshire Home is one of the two beneficiaries from this years parish sponsored walk. The above article was written by the Matron of the home. - Editor)


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 75 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) The C. M. S.

THE C. M. S.

CMS. ? What's that?

Catholic Men's Society Course

Never heard of it?

Remember the C. Y. M. S.?

Well it's the same society with the 'young' knocked out of its title, that all, and a more up to date outlook. Ever wondered why some fellows always seem to be helping on everything or why some chaps will always have a go when something controversial about the faith crops up at a meeting? Ten to one they ale or have been members of the C.M.S. The main purposes of the Society are to help met to help one another to strengthen their faith by discussion amongst themselves, to provide the framework for a group of men to work together to help others in any way they can and finally, by concentrating on extra attendance's at Mass, to improve the spiritual well-being of all men from the age of 17 upwards.

We usually meet on the first Sunday of every month after the last Mass and also one a fortnight on Mondays at 8.15 p.m., both meetings in the school.

Why not drop in to a meeting and see what it’s like? No obligation. Bros. Gibney, Fincher, Proudman or Lowe will be only too pleased to give you any further information on the Monday Meetings,.

The Sunday meetings are always announced.

Cost - 2/0d, a month if you join. No meeting lasts longer than an hour or an hour and. a quarter at the longest. Why not, give it a try?

Article featured in the June 1970 edition of St Anthony’s News


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 76 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) “Suffer Little Children”


I wish to register my strongest objection to the new change which has taken place in our Parish.

I refer to the Abolition, of the traditional First Holy Communion. Sad to say, is it not, that we will no longer witness that beautiful sight of our little girls in them white frocks and veils, also our 'Big' boys dressed in their white shirts and those sashes, so proudly worn. What a soul stirring sight they made, assembled together in the House of God, ready to received Him for the first time.

It has now been decided, that too much emphasis has been put on the material side. I, for one, cannot find it in my heart to say, that Almighty God frowns on the pride and pleasure that these First Holy Communicants get from all the pomp and ceremony.

What ceremony in our Church is not full of pomp?

So why should our Little Children Suffer, by being deprived of the thrill of this, the first milestone in their lives.

Who amongst us cannot remember the photographer, the fuss and admiration of our parents and relations, not forgetting the tea and cakes etc., A fitting part of a glorious day. I have always thought, that Almighty God must look down with pleasure on such a pure and Holy gathering and give them a special Blessing.

Some will disagree with the context of this letter, but judging by the comments of fellow parishioners and the discussions I have had over the past few weeks, a far greater number of people are of a similar opinion.

As one person said to me 'This is the Beginning of the End'

M. T. Flynn, 79, Chetton Green., Fordhouses.

(Many parishioners, parents or otherwise are likely to have strong views either for or against in this matter - please let us have your comments. Perhaps someone could state the points in favour of the present policy - Editor)

Article featured in the June 1970 edition of St Anthony’s News


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 77 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News (July 1970)


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 78 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News (July 1970)


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 79 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News (July 1970)


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 80 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) Letters relating to the article “Suffer Little Children”.

Parish Comment Sir ……………. On reading the letter by Mr. Flynn in the last edition of the Parish Magazine, regarding the withdrawal of the First Holy Communions I felt I must write in support of his request to re- instate this day. Although I am not a Catholic myself my wife and two daughters are of the faith, and one of my most treasured memories is of my eldest daughter along with all the other girls and boys coming in procession to receive the First Holy Communion, it was both moving and inspiring to see them come that much closer to God. I therefore looked forward with much pleasure to the day my other daughter came in the same way to receive hers. It goes without saying that she will receive Holy Communion whatever the outcome, but I do feel most sincerely that coming altogether as they have in the past, is an ocassion none of us ever forget. Yours sincerely, Leonard F.Ball. 5 Harrowby Road. ------In his letter "Suffer little Children", published in your June edition, M. T.Flynn uses a sanctimonious and emotive argument which really does him no credit. I believe that he sadly over simplifies the issue and adopts an outraged attitude, when a more humble enquiry might bring to his notice points he has never considered. The following points may be of some help in reaching objective conclusion on the natter;

1. Serious issues can rarely be presented in black and white terms.

2. Surely the"professionals" involved, Priest and teachers have a duty to do what they consider to be the best for 1st communicants, and that they are 100% correct in placing spiritual objectives above white dresses, red sashes and cakes !

3. A majority of opinion, real or imagined, has no relevance to the question. The parish priest has and will always have the responsibility for the spiritual well-being of all his children. W.P. Morgan. 16, Bee Lane.

Re the abolition of traditional First Holy Communion. I agree with Mr.Flynn, and do not see that this change can serve any useful purpose, indeed it could mean that some children may even be deprived altogether, of receiving our Lord in Holy Communion. I am thinking particularly of children of parents may be lapsed or for some other reason are unable to accompany their child to the alta. Every child deserves a chance, and it is the duty of us all to see that he or she gets this chance. I would urge those responsible for making the change, to think again. Mrs.N.Summers, St. Anthony's School House,

I was dismayed by the thoughtless sentimentality and gross exaggeration of the letter concerning First Holy Communion in June's edition of Saint Anthony's News. Mr.Flynn states " a far greater number of people are of a similar opinion" thus implying that the decision was a highhanded one. Is he aware that a meeting of parents was called and, and when opinion was asked not one person voiced dissent I thin there are three reasons why the decision to abolish the traditional ceremony is a good one.


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 81 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) 1. Contrary to Mr.Flynn's optimistic statement, all boys and girls do not feel pride and joy on this day; some feel only humiliation. These are the children whose parents are unable to afford suitable clothes for them. Schools do lend the appropriate dress, veil or a shirt but these will not be new and will not fit well. To dress a seven year old in clothes not her own and to divest her of them immediately after the ceremony is to cause her quite unnecessary hurt, and her parents embarrassment If anyone is sceptical may I add that it is not uncommon for children to be prevented from receiving First Holy Communion solely for this reason. In some cases such children are taken away from the Catholic School.

2. Whether Mr.Flynn likes it or not First Communion is primarily a spiritual occasion; therefore, though, the state of the soul matters, the quality, colour and style of the clothes worn are of no consequence whatever. Let us put the emphasis where it belongs. Recent popes have urged us to consider Holy Communion as part of everyday life. Right from the start, then, reception of the Sacrament should ideally be associated with normal daily life, not with the dressing up and looking pretty.

3. There is no question of any child suffering deprivation of any kind, The onus is now where it should be, on parents, to bring their children to the Sacraments and to make the occasion as memorable and joyful as they wish, and in the way they wish, including the wearing of white dresses if that is what they want.

Let us waste no time regretting the passing of a practice which, albeit unwillingly, was certainly the cause of some unfortunate children being deprived of their Faith, E.M.Ballard.

Being an "Old fashioned " catholic I disapprove of all the changes in the church, bar one, that of the ceremony of First Holy Communion. One might say "Ah but your children have had their day" true, but not being rich there was the little matter of a white dress and headdress, the latter having no use afterwards, then trying-to impress on my daughter that dressing up as a "bride" was not the most important factor. Having got the point home she then enjoyed the admiration of all the females at mass. As for the boys, my son was disgusted at having to dress up, and would have escaped had he not had a mother. Having seen mother, father, brother and sister receiving Holy Communion and not being old enough to go with them, the little one would feel it was a very important occasion to, at last be able to go to the altar with the rest of his family M, Winfield,

In reference to the letter in the Magazine concerning the First Holy Communion of our Children, is it only this Parish that is to be deprived of the thrill of seeing our children "dressed up". We were a family of six, Mother wasn't of our Faith, but she was as thrilled to dress us all in white as were her neighbours. Money was short in the 30's but as the turn of each one came she did her best, and I think if it wasn't for that day in my life I should never have bothered to keep my faith up. It's the beginning of life in every child a "memorable day", also for the parents. So please let us have our pride and pleasure of seeing the children dressed up again. Please don't let the children be denied this thrill. Mrs.C.Dowling 32, Brinsford Road.

Why should the system of First Holy Communion have been changed ? Perhaps this is the question we should first ask ourselves. Although the children did look nice congregating for their first holy communion under the previous system, did the emotion surrounding surrounding the


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 82 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) spectacle detract from the real substance of the occasion. I have heard of many children who have been so overwhelmed overwhelmed by the pomp and ceremony that it has meant little to them other than reducing, them to tears and anxiety. First Holy Communion is a special occasion and one-in which parents should be involved to a greater extent than before. Instead of sitting on the sideline, parents Trill in future be more actively involved. I will certainly be happy to go along with my children in their first communion. With the present system we have the pleasure of seeing children making their first communion's the whole year round as the children individually become ready for the occasion. I am already happier with the new system having seen many children receive their first communion at a normal Sunday Mass. The "frills", photographer, new clothes etc., can be brought in individually if so desired. What about the children whose parents are not actively involved in the Church or their child's religious life ? I would hope that some will begin to make a positive contribution but obviously many will not. In these cases the teaching staff may be able, to give more individual attention in preparing them for their first communion and also in contacting the parents re their role in the child's religious life. However important the occasion of a child's first communion may be it is the parent who should provide the mainstay of the child's upbringing; the school staff supplement the parents work by developing what already exists. What about the reception of holy communion on subsequent occasions ? Perhaps we should think about this rather than over sentimentalizing about the loss of the spectacle of the previous system. I think that we can be sure that children will still remember their first communion and will be constantly reminded of it by regularly seeing other children receiving their first communion. T. Stockton.


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 83 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) School Concert

"There's no business like show business", as the song goes, and on Friday 10th July St. Anthony’s school children set out to prove that there is still some meaning in the words. Apprehensive, excited children prepared for their turn to appear as the School Hall became .packed to capacity with anxious, waiting parent s (Who were no doubt more nervous than the performers). Finally the curtain went up and the show began.

As the 'beginners' filed into the hall to open the evenings entertainment, there were sighs of "Oh don't they look smart in their white e shirts and nice dresses". I wonder how many mums had lumps in their throats as their little prodigee took the stage? I don't think I .was the only one.

The infants programme began with a delightful performance of song and percussion music. Following up was an entertaining variety of recitation and singing about the birds, butterflies, bees, budgies, flowers and trees. Concluding the infant's section the youngest members of the school gave a shortened version of 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs'. No one would imagine that this was the first time they had acted on the stage as they dedicatedly worked their way through their lines to finish with a grand chorus of 'Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho'.

Then it was the turn of the juniors, whose performances were very polished to say the least. A display of Irish Dancing gave a colourful touch to the evening, whilst three piano recitals proved to be most absorbing to the audience. The rest of the programme included more entertainment with singing, poetry and recorder playing and we must all have learned the moral of the story of the 'Seven `wishes'.

Incidentally, some of the items which we saw during the evening had previously been performed by the children at the Wolverhampton Music Festival.

Well done boys and girls and full credit to the Staff who put in a great deal of work to provide a first class evening's entertainment.

Pauline Haycox (Mrs)

Article featured in the October 1970 edition of St Anthony’s News


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 84 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) Over sixties outing to Trentham Gardens

On Sunday afternoon July 12th we went to Trentham Gardens which I think we all enjoyed. We had ½ hour coach ride with a very nice driver. The weather was kind to us. When we got there we were paid for to go in, 4/- each, then the coach took us into the grounds and parked so that we could get back to it easily.

We had 2 ½ hours to go round and see the lovely gardens and as much else as we could, Mrs. Pearson came along .pith me, she was just getting over a very bad illness and I am sure she did enjoy it because it was flat to walk about. There were plenty of seats to sit down if you wanted to. Then we went into the Cafe for our tea which could have been a bit better. It was sausage, chips and baked beans, cakes, tea and bread and butter. I don't eat beans, like a few more who were there, but I was hungry so I ate them. The bread was new, tea was terribly - I think they had put bi-carbonate of soda in it. Some thought it was powdered milk.

After tea we went to the coach and they took us to a Catholic Club at Newcastle-under-Lyme which was very nice and- we were made welcome. We were bought the first drink. Some of the Catholic Mothers came talking to us and said welcome then they said they were pleased to see us. They told us all about their over 55 years old club and said they had been this year to Eastbourne, Bridlington and were going to Llandudno for another week in September.

After an-enjoyable outing we all went to the coach and back to St. Anthony’s. The coach took some people home and Mr. O'Leary took some while Mrs. Pearson, Mr. Turner and myself waited then he came back and took us which was very kind. So I thank everyone who provided for this lovely outing and hope to go again next year.

May God bless you all. MRS. ROSETTA EATON. Article featured in the October 1970 edition of St Anthony’s News


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 85 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) Parish information leaflet


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 86 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) Quarterly Bulletin of the Fordhouses & Oxley Community Association


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 87 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News (August 1970)


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 88 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News (August 1970)


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 89 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) Father Taylor’s Silver Jubilee Presentation

First of all, if you are surprised to find this occasion mentioned in the magazine, you ought to know that Father has been informed of what is going on. The presentation committee acted on the advice of Fr. Woodward, the rural Dean and decided to put Fr. Taylor in the picture. Bearing in mind the diffic ulties of supply of priests, and summer holidays, we considered that to be fair to Father, he ought to be given as much notice as possible.

It is just as well that we did, because Father's only chance of getting a supply priest to look after the parish in his absence coincides with the date we had set aside for the presentation.

Therefore, that date of the presentation has now been changed to FRIDAY 11th SEPTEMBER. The other details of the occasion remain the same.

Place: Marist Centre, St. Chad's College Time: 7. 30 p. m. Price of tickets: 5/= for Buffet Bar extension applied for. NO children will be admitted.

May we take the opportunity to ask that all car owners who intend to be present at the social, to offer any spare seats in their vehicles to parishioners who are without transport of their own. If anyone is unable to find transport, please inform the undersigned or the church wardens and we will try to arrange some assistance.

We would remind the parish that the fund is still open and will remain so until the evening before the actual presentation. If anyone has been missed by our ‘net’ we apologise and trust that you will let us have your donation as soon as possible.

Finally may we thank those people of the parish who have given us their help in the collection of the donations etc.

Bill Morgan, George Roberts, Steve Turner


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 90 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) Changes in First Communion Procedure

It is easy enough to be a parent, but very difficult to be a good parent. There are j oys and compensations in parenthood but heartbreaks and sorrows to balance them. Against the privileges must be weighted the duties.

No one can take from us as parents the privileges and Joys of parenthood. Likewise no one can take from us the responsibilities. Nor can we surrender them to others.

And yet how often we hear of parents who expect the faceless ‘They' to feed, clothe and care for their children. "They ought to ...... ” “Why don't THEY . . . . ?" etc. , etc. We frown upon such people, we click our tongues, but are not there among us some who do this very thing with their children's spiritual lives? And are not there some who applaud them for it? Why else is there such an outcry about FIRST Holy Communion.

For too long have our schools taken a paternalistic ( not to say high handed) attitude in this matter, to the extent of all but excluding parents from having a part in their children's first great spiritual experience. Certainly, Catholic teachers all are interested in the spiritual education of children, but, and it is a ‘big' but they have no right to us usurp what is the parents' function.

When the emotional outburst is over and good reason and Christian Charity take its place, those who cry “The beginning of end" will see a new meaning in these words.


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 91 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) The Sponsored Walk and Social

All walkers set out at 12 noon. The first check: point was ideal for those who can get into pubs! A lot of the walkers ( especially teachers) disappeared into the “Rainbow Inn” for a quick pint. We understood why they had been walking double quick

While some walkers were enjoying a cool, refreshing pinta, the rest of us plodded on to Brewood. The walk into Brewood was all uphill. Natually it had been arranged so, to make the j ob much harder. Alas, for those particular walkers who enjoyed a pint, the pubs were now clos ed.

Into the country now where it was all quiet and peaceful, till we arrived. We reached the 3rd check point ( Bishops Wood) with only 7 miles to go. Official cars passed us now and again, and, the drivers were always smiling. We arrived at Codsall Wood to find the first people- had finished.

We still plodded on with addition of blisters to feet. Anyway ailing feet could be treated at the next check point. We were on the last lap, at last. It was up hill and down dale. We arrived at school exhausted.

Now that the walk was over, sponsor money had to be collected and brought to the school. The money was brought in and we had a good chat. The certificates were very pleasing to have. The best part of the evening was when Bob Monk and Graham Forrest sang.

Linda Dowen


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 92 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News (October 1970)


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 93 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) St. Anthony’s News (October 1970)


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 94 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) A Concert of Music” by “The Marston Singers”.


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 95 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973) A Concert of Music” by “The Marston Singers”.


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 96 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973)


History of St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Parish, Page 97 Wolverhampton. (1969 – 1973)