Marist News Letter

Volume 07 September 2011 Province of South Provincial Writes Dear Brothers and Friends, b r o t h e r s , i n c l u d i n g t h e observance of our Evangelical On the 23 rd of August 2011 I Vows, Personal and Community completed the first year of my , Community Life and leadership term as the Provincial Apostolate. of South Asia. We need to apply these principles I thank God with all my heart for always and everywhere, for His blessings during this time without a doubt they are the and offer my sincerest gratitude indisputable foundation of our to my Marist Brothers and Marist way of life as religious brothers. lay people for our journeying together to new lands with Mary The basic goodness, indeed the and bringing St. Marcellin’s greatness of these characteristics dream to life, “Making Jesus of our Marist life is firmly based Christ known and loved by on these principles. children and young people” throughout our world. During the retreat, when several Inside this issue: B r o t h e r s p r e s e n t e d t h e Along with the Fundamental Call biographies of seven “ of Vocation Camp 3 of the 21 st General Chapter, our Marist Sri Lanka” who showed us The annual Retreat 4 Provincial Chapter has shown us the way in the first hundred years a path to the future, formulating of our presence in Sri Lanka, we Province Picnic 5 four priorities that we need to were able to see and appreciate Bursars and Com. 6 address to enable our Province to how these men came to Leaders’ meetings. advance and prosper. internalize and live these New publications foundational principles so Brotherhood, Pallai 7 Thus, in the past year, we have faithfully. prepared community life plans, Christ King College 8 had days of recollection and held Having journeyed 100 years in Sri St. Mary’s College seminars, workshops, community Lanka, we Marist Brothers have Haldanduwana Com. 9 gatherings and Provincial visits. now arrived at the point for taking Bro. Jesudoss Recently we came together for stock of what we have accom- our annual retreat, to examine plished with our risen ’s Marist , 10 our lives and evaluate the grace, and for setting out for the progress we are making. future with Him and Mary, our Welcome delight 11 Good Mother, refreshed and Operation Rainbow In all of these gatherings as renewed with their ongoing Retreat, Pakistan 12 communities and as a Province, blessings and encouragement. Meetings, Pind & we have heard again and again Murree how important is to put into Now is the time to take to heart Workshop 13 practice the principles essential Jesus’s exhortation “Be not afraid” to our as and confidently effect the changes Marist News Letter Page 2 needed for us to deepen our In the Hands of God commitment, making a quantum a Sufi story leap of faith in Divine Providence. One day, the caliph Omar met a We can only accomplish this if we group of people who were sitting recognize what we need to do to around doing nothing. He asked make progress towards a brighter them who they were. and sustainable future based on the principles that form the foundation "We are of those who put their of our religious consecration. affairs in the hands of God, and

we trust in God," they replied. If we do not put these essential characteristics of our way of life into practice, then the quality of our "Indeed you do not!" he lives will deteriorate and we will retorted. "You are nothing but wind up feeling disappointed, freeloaders, parasites upon frustrated and unhappy. other people's efforts! Someone who truly trusts in God first Our beliefs and actions lead us to plants seed in the belly of this our destiny. We have seen and experienced this in the past, are earth and then puts his affairs in seeing it now and will see it in the hand of God, the Sustainer." future. Once we grasp this undeniable truth, we will put Yours sincerely, ourselves in position to effectively respond to the challenging calls that we are discerning in God’s love and care for us.

Bro. Shanthi Liyanage

What is to Love ?

I once had a friend who grew to be very close to me. Once when we were sitting at the edge of a swimming pool, she filled the palm of her hand with some water and held it before me, and said this: "You see this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love." This was how I saw it: As long as you keep your hand caringly open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. However, if you attempt to close your fingers round it and try to posses it, it will spill through the first cracks it finds. This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love...they try to posses it, they de- mand, they expect... and just like the water spilling out of your hand, love will retrieve from you . For love is meant to be free, you cannot change its nature. If there are people you love, allow them to be free beings. Give and don't expect. Advise, but don't order. Ask, but never demand. It might sound simple, but it is a lesson that may take a lifetime to truly practice. It is the secret to true love. To truly practice it, you must sincerely feel no expectations from those who you love, and yet an unconditional caring." Passing thought... Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take; but by the moments that take our breath away..... Life is beautiful!!! Live it !!! Bro. Joseph Peiris Volume 07 Page 3


SRI LANKA Vocation Camp-2011 After supper everyone enjoyed watching the film, “Children from Ten young men participated in a Heaven.” vocation camp held at the Marist Novitiate, Tudella, Ja-Ela from the On Sunday Brother Riyas led the 26th to the 28th of August. The young men in another session of program was organized by Brother yoga. After breakfast Brother Joseph Peiris, Province Vocation Chamara spoke to them about our Recruiter, and his team. Marist presence in Sri Lanka during the past 100 years. Then each The camp duly commenced at 7.00 participant was given a chance to p.m. on the 26th with a short prayer evaluate the whole program. service followed by dinner. Afterward Brothers Sandalal and Chamara helped This was followed by Brother the young men to get to know each Provincial’s address to the young other by participating in some men on ‘fidelity to the will of God’. interesting activities. Before He spoke of the need for vocations concluding their day the participants to the Brotherhood and invited each were asked to fill out a form providing young man to go all the way and personal information. become a brother in the future. He encouraged the group, saying that Early in the morning of the 27th the Brothers would accompany each Brother Riyas led a session of Yoga. individual on his journey and Following this Brother Sandalal support each one in every possible animated a time for meditation. way in discerning his future. Brother Mervyn presented the first session after breakfast, a workshop Holy Eucharist was celebrated by based on activities meant to help the Rev. Fr. Nihal Rodrigo, Principal of young men to get in touch with their Christ the King College, Tudella. Fr. inner life and evaluate their future. Nihal expressed his appreciation for the dedicated service the Marist At 11.45 a.m. there was Holy Mass Brothers have rendered to Christ the followed by lunch. In the afternoon King, and mentioned that whenever Brother Chinthana gave a lecture he faced a problem he would light a interspersed with activities relating to candle in front of the picture of St. the call of God. Marcellin that he kept in his office. Every time he did so, through the After a lively game of cricket the intercession of our Dear Founder, students got to listen to an interesting the problems were overcome. talk by Brother Godfrey on our Founder, the first brothers and the Then everyone joyfully shared a development of the Congregation. family lunch and went home happy.

Marist News Letter Page 4

The Annual Retreat Without a doubt the annual retreat Every evening after supper the the Marist Brothers made at Lewella Blessed Sacrament was exposed was a historic one. Every brother but for personal adoration. one was there. All the participants will remember the impact it had on On the first two days of the them for a long time to come. retreat Rt. Rev. Dr. Vianney Fernando, Bishop of the Diocese The theme of the retreat was “Life- of Kandy, officiated at the giving Water,“ which is also the Eucharistic Celebration. He said major theme of the Marist Centenary that he was delighted when he Year in Sri Lanka. heard that the Marist Brothers had chosen Kandy as the site of Our former Vicar General, Rev. their annual retreat. With his Brother Luis Garcia Sobrado, presence at Holy Mass he facilitated the retreat for us. He wanted to show his gratitude to based the whole experience on “Our the Brothers for the services Constitutions,” “Water from the rendered to the Church Rock” and our 21 st General Chapter on the island during the past 100 Documents . Throughout the retreat years. reference was made to Chapter 4 of the Gospel of St. John. On Thursday the 11 th of August the brothers meditated on the With his broad knowledge and lives of seven saintly Marist experience of our Marist life and his Brothers who served in the well-prepared presentations, Brother Province during the past 100 Luis made our times of reflection and years and are now at rest in the prayer all the more interesting. The presence of Jesus and Mary. anecdotes he shared from across the This was a powerful experience Marist World greatly enlivened his and we all felt the presence of conferences, remarkably touching the these saintly men. We were very core of our fraternal hearts. united with them throughout the day, praising our heavenly There were two presentations per day Father. In the afternoon the and the rest of the time was brothers were provided with a allocated for personal prayer. Each chance to receive the Sacrament morning presentation was preceded by of Reconciliation. As the day a wonderfully-composed Morning progressed every Brother had Prayer prepared by a particular opportunities to meet with community. A Marial prayer preceded others to express his the evening presentation. appreciation for them or his desire to reconcile with them. Volume 07 Page 5

There was also a special session community-based spirituality. where brothers were divided into 6 groups and asked to reflect on Monday the 15 th of August was the four areas, namely, Leadership, closing day of the retreat. During Vocations, Formation and the Holy Eucharist Brother Susai Reconciliation. These groups Manikkam renewed his temporary discussed and prepared at least vows for one year and then all the one resolution to address each other Brothers renewed their vows. topic. Then each community went After Mass Brother Godfrey through the resolutions and drew thanked Brother Luis for the work up an action plan that it intended he put into preparing his talks and to put into practice in the future. presenting them so effectively. In fact Brother Godfrey summed up Brother Provincial shared the the entire retreat during his brief findings of his interviews with but very memorable words of each individual brother. He made appreciation. Then Brother Luis the whole assembly aware of the took a moment to thank all the positives and negatives that brothers, and prayed for God to prevail in the Province and bless our efforts to act on the encouraged us to work hard to Fundamental Call of the XXI maintain unity and a healthy General Chapter.

Province Picnic - 2011

Monday the 15 th of August was a sipping cool drinks. Those who very enjoyable and relaxing day remained swimming in the river for all the Brothers of the were having a lot of fun together. A Province. After a week’s retreat few brothers went around clicking at Lewella, Kandy, it was quite their digital cameras and gathering fitting that the Brothers were able souvenirs of their trip. Everyone to gather together by the river at was very relaxed and happy. the very end of the Ambepussa Army Camp. Guided by an army The Camp’s officers had arranged officer the Brothers reached the everything for the brothers’ spot by 10.00 a.m. They were maximum enjoyment. Drinks were warmly welcomed with a soft passed around and a grand lunch drink and one by one they could was served. By 3.00 p.m. it was be seen getting into the river for a time for us to leave. Just before we dip. Soon a good number of did, we were served a piece of brothers were enjoying bathing cake and a warm cup of coffee. and having a playful time in the After thanking the officers for their river. Some of the elderly grand hospitality our journey back brothers kept on chatting and commenced. singing with younger ones while Marist News Letter Page 6

Meeting of Bursars and Community Leaders On Saturday the 6 th of August there the Province. He stressed the was a special meeting at Marcellin fact that the Poultry Farm at Nivasa for our Community Leaders Tudella would soon become and Bursars. Almost all the Leaders profitable and begin and Bursars were present. The generating income for the meeting began with a reflection Province. animated by Brother Mervyn, Provincial Bursar. Brother Provincial The guest speaker at this then gave an introductory talk. He meeting was Rev. Father pointed out that the participants were Rohan, Provincial of the leaders who played important roles in . He is the present their respective communities. He insisted that their leadership should President of the Conference be one of service and that their of Major Religious Superiors working together in harmony was in Sri Lanka. His power point essential for the smooth functioning presentation highlighted the of the community. importance of proper management of our Then brothers were divided into three Accounts. He also spoke on groups for discussions. They were asked to do a SWAT analysis. Their the topic of Leader as a findings were then tabulated and a shepherd, who could guide guided discussion followed. This the community in their day- enabled those present to come up to-day activities. The day’s with strategies to strengthen the proceedings ended with a bonds between the Bursar and Leader delicious lunch prepared by in each Community. Brother Gregory Aloysius,

After time for tea Brother Mervyn Community Leader of the brought everyone up to date Marcellin Nivasa. concerning the financial situation of

Three new publications released On Sunday the 23 rd of July three new newly published books are books were released by our Lay Marist about English Essays for Grades partner Mr. Ajith Perera. The first set of 6-7 and 8-9 students. A large books was launched at the De La Salle number of Brothers and lay Provincialate at Mutuwal. Brother people were in attendance at Denzil, Provincial of the De La Salle this occasion. The third book, Brothers, Brother Michael de Waas, an autobiography on Mother Councilor General of the Marist Brothers Maria, was launched in the and a Sister from Ireland presence of the were the guests of honor. Two of the Emeritus Nicholas Fernando. Volume 07 Page 7

The students of Maris Stella journey in brotherhood to Pullo Pallai

We started our journey at midnight on the 16 th of fraternity that our nation greatly needs of July 2011. Bro. Principal had made the for genuine reconciliation. We enjoyed the journey easier by arranging for our simple but tasty dinner prepared by the breakfast and lunch for the following day villagers and went to sleep around 11:30 p.m. at the Vauniya and Pallai army camps. As we We didn’t have beds; mats and the floor traveled along we saw a huge toppled water was another new experience that made us tank in Kilinochchi as well as many ruins and feel one with the villagers who were monuments of the three-decade war. for so many years.

The following day, after having our morning tea, we walked a few kilometers to see a village just settling down after the long war. Close to the small hut of a family newly settled, we had an opportunity to climb a palmyrah tree. On our way back from that village we had the chance to see a deserted LTTE bunker hidden amidst the thick underbrush of the forest. We were truly We arrived at the Pallai Church around 10.00 amazed at the sight. a.m. and were warmly welcomed by Rev. Bro. Nicholas and Rev. Bro. Riyaz. After lunch we After breakfast we participated in the Holy had the novel experience of bathing by using Eucharist. The assistant Priest buckets and drawing water from a well on the celebrated the Mass. In his sermon he spoke church premises, a first for many of us. of the value of brotherhood and sharing. During this Mass we offered our support and Later in the evening we met young boys and encouragement by handing over our girls who had borne the brunt of the war and contribution for a new library for the its violence. These friends of ours were hidden children of the village. from us in the darkness of that war. Bro. Nicholas heightened our awareness that we The sorrowful eyes of our new brothers and are all sons and daughters in sisters made it hard for us to say goodbye. God’s family and Yet, we continue to sense the fragrance of cherished young people of a this new bond of friendship that we are single beloved country. treasuring deep within our hearts.

A campfire was held at Charith night. Singing, dancing and Silva. 11E acting enkindled lots (2011), of emotions, both happy and M a r i s S t e l l a sad, in our hearts and College minds, and gave us a sense Marist News Letter Page 8

Marist Brothers honored at St. Mary’s College, Chilaw

Christ the King College, Tudella On Wednesday the 3rd of August a special Eucharistic At the invitation of the Principal, Rev. Celebration was held to pray Father Nihal Rodrigo, Brother Joseph for the repose of the soul of a Fonseka placed the cornerstone for the Grade Nine student. The new administrative block of the College. school community was greatly saddened by his death. The ceremony commenced with a short Brother Sandalal, the prayer service conducted by Rev. Father Principal, welcomed the A is a Sisil Kumara, the parish priest of Tudella. parents of the deceased boy center of learning, of The Dean, Rev. Father Gregory Jayantha, and said that the College life and of also attended this joyous gathering. In would establish an infirmary evangelizing. and name it in honor of their addressing those assembled, Fr. Nihal son. The parents donated Rs. made note of the fact that the Marist 25000/= for this project. As a school, it leads Brothers had served at the College from students “to learn to 1943 through the early 1980s. With The celebrant at the know, to be gratitude he called to mind their Eucharistic service, Rev. Father Philip, an Indian priest competent, to live dedicated efforts. Brother Joseph Fonseka was invited to lay the first from the Congregation of the together, and most foundation stone to commemorate our , thanked God for especially to grow as Marist Presence in the history of that the life of this student and persons” illustrious College. Brothers Chinnappan, prayed that He would protect all the students, staff and the Paul Bhatti, Godfrey Perera and Joseph parents at this College. A vision for Marist Peiris also attended this ceremony. Education Today.

Brother Michael De makes an Two priests from India visit impression the Novitiate House

After a brief spell in Bangkok, Brother Rev. Father Adikkalam, a Michael De Waas, our General Councilor, spent about three weeks at the nephew of Brother Novitiate house. In spite of his many Chinnappan, and Rev. Father responsibilities, he made it a point to add Arokyam spent a few days at life and vigor to the community with his our Novitiate. They were on a sharing and presence at and taking part in household duties. His tour around Sri Lanka and punctuality at community exercises was expressed their happiness at striking. Thank you, Mike, for your having had the opportunity to inspiring example and brotherly concern be with the Brothers and and care. We wish you all the best! enjoy their hospitality . Volume 07 Page 9

Community at Haldanduwana

Brothers Eric and Linus are happy to see the return of Brother Lawrence who was convalescing at the Marcelin Nivasa. The new addition of Brother Kumarasinghe has brought life to the Community. Lawrence has resumed helping the young people in their studies. Kumarasinghe keeps himself busy growing vegetables and visiting schools. Brother Eric is also quite content with the responsibilities he has as the Community Leader and teacher at College, “It is in the love Wennappuwa. He is in charge of Grades 6, 7&8. Father Priyanjeewa of the that the young and dynamic Principal is appreciative of the way Brother Eric extends his support to the management. Community life has its origin” Const. 47

News From Jesudoss

I started Journey last week on 23 rd of August. Br.Micheal Flanigan is very loving Everyone in the college is very and makes sure that I feel friendly. As I met many in the comfortable in USA. He explains College, they all reflect the Spirit to me all that I need to know. He of Marist and our founder in their is such a wonderful Brother and passion to help one another. There friend to deal with. are around 30 Indian students in the campus. All the other Indian Finally, I live in a community student do their graduate studies around 10 miles away from the in Software Development and college. We are an International System Management. I go to the community, Br.Alex from Campus ministry Building very , Brs, John Malich often to see the Brothers. They (director) and John Nash (Bursar) are very friendly and welcoming are from USA and I am from and I feel at home there. India. I feel so gifted to share life with the Brothers here. Both Secondly, Br Sean is living the or our senior Brothers are so college campus just 5 minutes walk experienced and experts in from the School of Behavioural Spiritual Direction and Clinical Sciences. Br.Sean visits us often Counselling respectively and they and inspires us with his words of share their wisdom with us. Along wisdom. It is so wonderful to with Mary “My soul glorifies the listen to him. I never get tired of Lord for all that he has done.” listening to his stories. Marist News Letter Page 10

Zubair and Jude report from the Marist Novitiate in Fiji

In July we were fortunate to Pakistan Day (August 14 th ) followed welcome Br Allen Sherry from the by India Day and Assumption of Province in . Our Lady (August 15 th ) were days He gave us a three day seminar on of celebrations. Hoisting of flags Justice and Catholic Social were done on the particular days Teaching and Marist Solidarity. by Zubair and Jude. Special We found these very helpful and prayers sessions, tasty food worthwhile experiences which prepared on a “lovo”, enjoying inspire and motivate us to become “kava” (a drink prepared from involved in the mission of our yaqona plant) and sharing facts Congregation. about the countries were the special features on these days. Later in the month we were pleased to welcome and host major superiors of the region who were A three day seminar on here for two days to have their “Intercultural Living” by a team committee meeting. Daniel Lynch, from Suva and a two week a novice from Australia , spent a workshop on Introduction to the month with us. He was a wonderful New Testament by Br Kieran Fenn friend and companion to us all. from have been very

Every Sunday, Jude and I take helpful to us in formation. If catechism classes in the village. anyone thinks novitiate life is quiet About fifteen children attend and and uneventful they are certainly we both enjoy our time with them mistaken, especially regarding the and their families. Most of the lovely month of August . children who come to our lessons are Indo-Fijians, the majority are Christians but we also have Hindu students. This experience has encouraged and inspired us to undertake the Marist Mission to the poor and needy.

Novices were involved in further seminars in August when Br. Anthony Robinson was here for a week. He spoke on Mary in the Church and in Marist Life. Dennis (), Joe, Chris (A. novice master), Dominic. Jeremy, Andrew, David, Jude, Stanley, Zubair Volume 07 Page 11

INDIA Welcome delights Brothers (newspaper article from Dundee, Ireland) The Brothers were also shown round St John’s High before a Two members of staff from St reception was held in St Paul’s Marcellin High School in attended by the Lord provost, Mangamanuthu Southern India, came members of the directorate to visit the school communities of St and the many people who Paul’s Academy and St John’s High support the India village School in Dundee. Project.

Marist Brothers Chinna and Savari The Brothers have been invited were welcomed to St Paul’s by head to visit Cardinal Keith O’Brien “We make a living by what we get, but we teacher John Carroll, staff and at his home in Edinburgh. They were overwhelmed by the warm make a life by what senior pupils, and spent time seeing we give”. round the school. Pupils then welcome they received everywhere in Dundee. entertained them with a concert. S. Churchill .

News from ‘Operation Rainbow’ – Trichy , India

From the 6 th of August 2011 the Rainbow programme of ours started Apart from that 65 Parents to function again after a 3 month were given Sundal, Health food, break. All those clients of ours are and other grocery items. overjoyed to see the center operat- ing again. Our thanks to Brother Forwarded by the Project Chinnappan for the keen interest Co-ordinator taken by him to see that the centre Joseph Chisturaja serves the needy patients who cry for love and care.

This month we hope to provide school Items to students.(Note Book, Pen, Pencil, Bag, Geometric-box, etc and “If we want a love a School Uniform) message to be heard it has got to be sent Total number of students who would out”. benefit from this project is 113. Bl. Teresa of Calcutta . Girls = 62, Boys = 51 Marist News Letter Page 12

PAKISTAN Annual Retreat. The Brothers in Pakistan had challenging talks. The Brothers their annual retreat in Murree were prayerful, devoting time to from 4 th of August till the 9 th of reflect on their life, work, and August. The retreat was given by mission. Brothers Kamran and Rev. Fr. J. J. Edward, OMI a Sri Adnan provided us with good Lankan priest based in Pakistan. food. Thanks to everyone for It was a good time to pray, relax helping one another to do a and enjoy the cool weather of fruitful retreat. A especial word of Murree escaping the summer appreciation to Kamran and heat. Fr. Edward gave many Remi for doing the bulk of thought provoking and purchasing from Peshawar .

A relaxing time for Brothers. After the retreat in Murree, the Murree by the diocese. This Brothers took some time to be apartment was taken back and together. Some of the Brothers given to the Charity Sisters’ visited the famous Jesus and Congregation. The visits to Mary Convent, former school of different places and long walks to Benazir Bhutto. Others visited Kashmir point were relaxing and Nazareth house, an apartment very interesting. that was given to the Brothers in

Meeting of Brothers in Rawalpindi Meeting in Murree:

The three Communities in Pakistan A meeting was also organized for the came together in Rawalpindi for a Brothers to discuss number of things meeting on 31st August. The related to their life and mission. The meeting was organized for the message and the feedback from the Brothers to get together and discuss Bangkok meeting was shared by Br. some important issues like, Paul. The Brothers were keen to formation, the future of Boys’ town, know what had happened there and our communities from April 2012 asked some good and interesting etc. It was a fruitful time for questions. everyone. Thanks to these Brothers for taking time off to be present at Another proposal, welcomed by the the meeting. Surely their presence Brothers were that yes, we do need and participation made a difference. to work with the Lay partners and get their help and involvement in common mission entrusted to us by the Spirit. Volume 07 Page 13

Workshop on Children's rights and on Lay partners for the teachers of John Paul II Boys Town, Rawalpindi.

One 29 th and 30 th of August a the Marist pedagogy from the workshop for the teachers of book, “In the footsteps of Boys Town was conducted by Br. ”. Teachers Paul Bhatti. The themes of the were touched and inspired with workshops were Children's Rights the Marist way of evangelizing and and Brothers and Lay working for educating the young who are under the same mission. Teachers took a their care. keen interest in both workshops and had extensive discussions on the topics. Br. Paul invited the On the second day workshop was teachers to love the children, and conducted in lines with the give them respect, which is their document “Gathered around the right. In the light of children's same table” We found that Marist rights document, teachers were Community comprising of Lay able to see some rights which people and the Marist Brothers go were directly or indirectly violated in our school and in many on a journey with one goal, of schools in the country. Having making Jesus known and loved by “You must work - understood how it could affect children and the youth. It was an we must all work the future of our children the enriching experience of working to make the world worthy of its group was determined to take together and building mutual trust necessary steps to see that our children”. between us, Brothers and children are loved and loved laypeople. The fruits of the work Pablo Casals . equally. done will be harvested in time to The teachers were also presented come.


On 2 nd September Brothers Francis the parents are grateful to see their and Paul paid visits to the homes of children in the hands of Brothers some of our hostellers. This who help them to be away from included the home of Adil who drugs, alcohol and other vices. wishes to be a Marist Brother. It was a moving and an enriching The parents were delighted to meet experience for the Brothers to the Brothers. On their part the interact with the family members Brothers too are determined to be and see the conditions they live in. in solidarity with the poor. Some of them live in such poor environments we are certain that

Birthdays in September Birthdays in October

04 Remigious Fernando 01 Chinnapan Devadoss 08 Biniamin Masih 13 Baskar Dhason 13 Lawrence Perera 19 Noel Fonseka 20 Sales Fenando 24 Charles Fernando 27 Joseph Peiris 28 Sunanda Alwis

We wish you a Happy Birthday!!


Province Recollection - October 7 th 8 th and 9 th, 2011

Province of South Asia

Marist Brothers, Prayers are requested for: Marcellin Nivasa, Mirigama Road, Negombo, Sri Lanka . ♦ The repose of the souls of Tel: (94) 31 2238130, Mrs. Mary Martha de Croos. Mother of (94) 31 2237011 Mr. Manoj de Croos (Old boy at Maris Stella College) Fax: (94) 31 2237194

Email: [email protected] Mrs. Catharine Rita Perera. Mother of [email protected] Mr. Vinod Colombage (Teacher at Maris Stella College)

Mrs. Matilda Tissera. Mother of Mr. Stanley S. Kumara (Teacher at Maris Stella College)
