J OURNAL OF Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7, 1299–1348 doi: 10.1093/petrology/egz033 P ETROLOGY Advance Access Publication Date: 7 June 2019 Perspectives PERSPECTIVES

Strongly Peraluminous Granites across the Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019 Archean–Proterozoic Transition Claire E. Bucholz1* and Christopher J. Spencer2

1Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, 1200 E California Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA; 2Earth Dynamics Research Group, The Institute of Geoscience Research (TIGeR), School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Curtin University, Perth, WA 6845, Australia

*Corresponding author. Telephone: 626-395-1315. E-mail: [email protected]

Received February 11, 2019; Accepted June 3, 2019

Claire Bucholz is an assistant profes- Christopher Spencer is a senior re- sor in the Division of Geological and search fellow in The Institute of Planetary Sciences at the California Geoscience Research (TIGeR) and Institute of Technology. She earned School of Earth and Planetary her BS from Yale University before Sciences at Curtin University. He pursuing a PhD in Geochemistry earned his BS and MS from Brigham from the Massachusetts Institute of Young University and a PhD from Technology–Woods Hole Oceano the University of St Andrews in graphic Institution Joint Program in 2014. Using field work, mass spec- 2016. Her research focuses on the trometry, and isotope geochemistry, formation and evolution of the con- his research foci include isotopic tinental crust with a particular em- characteristics of plate tectonics and phasis on subduction-zone mag the secular change of orogenesis matism and strongly peraluminous and crustal growth through time. granites. She approaches her work through field-based studies, numer- ous analytical techniques, and geo- chemical modeling. ABSTRACT Strongly peraluminous granites (SPGs) form through the partial melting of metasedimentary rocks and therefore represent archives of the influence of assimilation of sedimentary rocks on the petrology and chemistry of igneous rocks. With the aim of understanding how variations in sedi- mentary rock characteristics across the Archean–Proterozoic transition might have influenced the igneous rock record, we compiled and compared whole-rock chemistry, mineral chemistry, and isotope data from Archean and Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic SPGs. This time period was chosen as the Archean–Proterozoic transition broadly coincides with the stabilization of continents, the rise of subaerial weathering, and the Great Oxidation Event (GOE), all of which left an imprint on the sedi- mentary rock record. Our compilation of SPGs is founded on a detailed literature review of the re- gional geology, geochronology, and inferred origins of the SPGs, which suggest derivation from metasedimentary source material. Although Archean and Proterozoic SPGs are similar in terms of mineralogy or major-element composition owing to their compositions as near-minimum melts in the peraluminous haplogranite system, we discuss several features of their mineral and whole- rock chemistry. First, we review a previous analysis of Archean and Proterozoic SPGs biotite and whole-rock compositions indicating that Archean SPGs, on average, are more reduced than Proterozoic SPGs. This observation suggests that Proterozoic SPGs were derived from metasedi- mentary sources that on average had more oxidized bulk redox states relative to their Archean

counterparts, which could reflect an increase in atmospheric O2 levels and more oxidized sedi- mentary source rocks after the GOE. Second, based on an analysis of Al2O3/TiO2 whole-rock ratios

VC The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected] 1299 1300 Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7 and zircon saturation temperatures, we conclude that Archean and Proterozoic SPGs formed through partial melting of metasedimentary rocks over a similar range of melting temperatures, with both ‘high-’ and ‘low-’temperature SPGs being observed across all ages. This observation sug- gests that the thermo-tectonic processes resulting in the heating and melting of metasedimentary rocks (e.g. crustal thickening or underplating of mafic magmas) occurred during generation of both Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019 the Archean and Proterozoic SPGs. Third, bulk-rock CaO/Na2O, Rb/Sr, and Rb/Ba ratios indicate that Archean and Proterozoic SPGs were derived from partial melting of both clay-rich (i.e. pelites) and clay-poor (i.e. greywackes) source regions that are locality specific, but not defined by age. This observation, although based on a relatively limited dataset, indicates that the source regions of Archean and Proterozoic SPGs were similar in terms of sediment maturity (i.e. clay component). Last, existing oxygen isotope data for quartz, zircon, and whole-rocks from Proterozoic SPGs show higher values than those of Archean SPGs, suggesting that bulk sedimentary 18O/16O ratios increased across the Archean–Proterozoic boundary. The existing geochemical datasets for Archean and Proterozoic SPGs, however, are limited in size and further work on these rocks is required. Future work must include detailed field studies, petrology, geochronology, and con- straints on sedimentary source ages to fully interpret the chemistry of this uniquely useful suite of granites.

Key Words: Archean–Proterozoic transition; Great Oxidation Event; peraluminous granites; partial melting; metasedimentary rock; assimilation

INTRODUCTION 20 Ga; Valley et al., 2005; Dhuime et al., 2012; The igneous rock record across the Archean– Spencer et al., 2014, 2019; Payne et al., 2015). Proterozoic transition is characterized by dramatic Understanding how these lithological and geochem- changes in lithology and chemistry (Condie, 1989; ical changes in igneous rocks record global transforma- tions across the Archean–Proterozoic transition has Condie & O’Neill, 2010; Keller & Schoene, 2012; Keller been the focus of extensive and long-standing research. & Schoene, 2018). The continental crust in the early This task is complicated, however, as the Archean– Archean (>28 Ga) was dominated by Na-rich tonalite– Proterozoic transition was one of the most dynamic trondjhemite–granodiorite (TTG) suites (as well as less times in Earth’s history, with fundamental changes abundant ultramafic to mafic greenstone terranes), but occurring across geophysical, tectonic, and atmospher- underwent a transition to being characterized by a more ic realms. Although still debated, a large number of K-rich granite–granodiorite series in the Neoarchean researchers agree that something akin to modern-style (25–28 Ga) and Proterozoic (Barker, 1979; Hill et al., plate tectonics developed between 30 and 26 Ga, 1992; Smithies & Champion, 2000; Champion & resulting in collisional orogens, an increase in continen- Smithies, 2001; Moyen 2003; Martin et al., 2009; Condie tal crust volume, and the stabilization of cratonic cores & O’Neill, 2010; Laurent et al., 2014; Halla et al., 2017; by the end of the Archean (McCulloch & Bennett, 1994; Joshi et al., 2017). Simultaneously, komatiites Taylor & McLennan, 1995; Condie, 1998; Condie & decreased in abundance in the volcanic rock record, O’Neill, 2010; Campbell & Davies, 2017). In addition, the being replaced by lower-MgO basalts typical of those continental crust changed from being dominantly erupted at the present day (Grove & Parman, 2004; below sea level to subaerial, as evidenced by the ubi- Arndt et al., 2009; Condie & O’Neill, 2010). In terms of quitous occurrence of pillow basalts in Archean green- chemistry, trace element ratios, which are sensitive to stone belts in contrast to thick sequences of clastic degree of mantle melting and depth of source region or sediments in the early Proterozoic (Windley, 1977; differentiation, changed dramatically in basalts across Thurston, 1990; Condie, 1994; Arndt, 1999; Kump & this time period, suggesting lower degrees of mantle Barley, 2007; Flament et al., 2008; Campbell & Davies, melting and shallower depths of magma generation on 2017). Concurrently the late Archean mantle began to average in the Proterozoic (Condie, 1989; Herzberg cool significantly (Korenaga, 2008; Condie & O’Neill, et al., 2010; Keller & Schoene, 2012). Additionally, max- 2010; Herzberg et al., 2010) and the earliest imum values of oxygen isotope ratios (as expressed Paleoprotoerozoic was heralded with a decrease in the 18 18 16 18 16 as d O ¼ [( O/ O)sample/( O/ O)VSMOW –1] 1000], volume of the preserved continental crust, a time where VSMOW is the Vienna Standard Mean Ocean referred to as the Rhyacian tectono-magmatic lull Water) in igneous and detrital zircon remained relatively (Condie et al., 2009; Spencer et al., 2017). Superim- low and uniform in the Archean (d18O ¼75&), but posed on and potentially related to these massive dramatically increased in the Proterozoic (>10& by changes in continental growth, tectonics, and mantle Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7 1301

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Fig. 1. Branch of the rock cycle showing how strongly peraluminous granites (SPGs) are formed. (a) Sediments are deposited and transformed into sedimentary rocks through diagenesis. (b) Metamorphism of sediments and formation of metasedimentary rocks is caused by an increase in pressure and temperature during burial or heating by an external magma source. This is sometimes, but not always, accompanied by deformation. (c) If metamorphism progresses to sufficiently high temperatures (>650C), metase- dimentary rocks may melt. Partial melts segregate and cool to form SPGs with minerals indicative of the peraluminous composition of the melt (e.g. garnet or muscovite). dynamics, the Earth’s atmosphere experienced an in- piece of this complicated puzzle: strongly peraluminous crease in oxygen concentrations by about five orders of granites (SPGs). SPGs are formed when sedimentary magnitude at c. 23–24 Ga [i.e. the Great Oxidation rocks (Fig. 1a) are metamorphosed (Fig. 1b) and heated Event (GOE); Holland, 1984, 2002, 2006; Canfield et al., to sufficiently high temperatures to partially melt. These 2000; Kasting, 2001; Kump et al., 2001; Bekker et al., melts may then be extracted from their source sedi- 2004; Catling & Claire, 2005; Guo et al., 2009; Lyons ments and cooled, forming SPG plutons (Fig. 1c). et al., 2014; Gumsley et al., 2017]. The dramatic increase Although SPGs are several steps removed from sedi- in atmospheric oxygen profoundly affected speciation mentary rocks (e.g. metamorphism, partial melting, and of redox-sensitive elements at the surface of the Earth crystallization), they have the potential to record varia- (e.g. Fe, S, Mo, U; Scott et al., 2008; Partin et al., 2013; tions in sedimentary compositions and thus the input of Reinhard et al., 2013; Planavsky et al., 2014), which in supracrustal material into magmas. Therefore, if the turn destabilized some minerals during weathering (e.g. chemical influence of sedimentary incorporation into pyrite, uraninite, molybdenite; Rasmussen & Buick, magmas varied across the Archean–Proterozoic transi- 3þ 1999), while stabilizing new classes of Fe -bearing tion, SPGs should record this signature, but not be influ- clays, phosphorites/ates, and sulfates (Hazen et al., enced by other global transitions (e.g. secular cooling 2008, 2013; Sverjensky & Lee, 2010). of the mantle). SPGs can provide a valuable tool in this All of these global transitions certainly affected the puzzle to understand the relationship between changing igneous rock record. Most directly, a change in plate- surface conditions (such as the rise of atmospheric tectonic regime and mantle cooling would have shifted oxygen or onset of subaerial weathering) and the chem- the location, depth of melting, and chemistry of mag- istry of igneous rocks across the Archean–Proterozoic matism. In addition, a change in sedimentary composi- transition. tions owing to oxidation of the near-surface could be The goal of this study is to catalogue and describe imprinted on the chemistry of igneous rocks through partial melting or assimilation of sediments. However, known localities of SPGs in the Archean and Paleo- to pinpointing the relationship between these global trans- Mesoproterozoic, synthesize existing petrology, min- formations during the Archean–Proterozoic transition eralogy, chemistry, and isotopic data from these local- and the major changes observed in the chemistry and ities, discuss these data in the context of what is known lithologies of igneous rocks is difficult, as igneous rocks about changing surface conditions, and highlight poten- often record complicated, multi-faceted origins that are tial avenues for future research. Although SPGs of this incompletely understood. For example, the chemistry age range have been recognized and described (see fol- of a felsic igneous rock may reflect its initial source, lowing detailed locality descriptions), there has not assimilation of crustal material, and differentiation proc- been a synthesis of a global dataset of Archean and esses, as well as late-stage alteration and metamor- Proterozoic SPGs. The most extensive prior treatment phism. Therefore, it can be hard to disentangle the of this subject that we are aware of comprises studies source of petrological or chemical features when mul- focused on the broader topic of Archean granites tiple potential causes are at play. Here we focus on a (Sylvester, 1994; Moyen, 2003). By compiling and ana- specific igneous rock type that can shed light on one lyzing existing geological, petrological, and chemical 1302 Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7 data for these important rocks, we hope to provide the 1989). Archean and Proterozoic SPGs are no exception, groundwork for future studies. generally being located within or associated with meta- sedimentary rocks of old orogenic belts. Here we briefly describe the different localities considered in this re- DEFINITION view by craton or orogenic belt, emphasizing the

Before proceeding with a discussion of SPGs across the inferred tectonic setting, source material, and the petro- Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019 Archean–Proterozoic transition, it is necessary to define genesis of the granites. Table 1 provides further details these granites. Peraluminous granites are those that in- and references on individual localities and Fig. 2 illus- clude corundum in their CIPW norms (Shand, 1927). trates their global distribution. This translates into excess Al2O3 in their bulk compos- We note here that we undertook an extensive review ition that cannot be accommodated in feldspar by coor- of all localities where SPGs were present, but include dinating with Ca, Na, and K. Here we define strongly only those where there is clear evidence for derivation peraluminous granites as granites with an aluminum from a sedimentary source rock and significant vol- saturation index (ASI) or molar Al/(Ca – 178P þ Na þ K) umes of sensu stricto granitic melt (i.e. not migmatites > 11 (note reduction of Ca by the amount necessary to nor pegmatites). For example, localities that are not combine with P2O5 to make apatite). In terms of min- included in our compilation or our description here, but eralogy, the peraluminous nature is manifest by the are worth noting, are 27 Ga migmatites associated presence of an aluminous mineral (other than biotite) with metasedimentary rocks from the Karelia craton such as muscovite, garnet, tourmaline, cordierite, kyan- (Mikkola et al., 2012), the 29 Ga Mata Surrao biotite 6 ite, sillimanite, or andalusite (e.g. Fig. 1c). For all sam- garnet-bearing monzogranite of the Amazonia craton ples considered in this study, there is at least one of (Duarte et al., 1991; Althoff et al., 2000), 28 Ga peralu- these aluminous phases present (generally, but not al- minous pegmatites from the Pilbara craton (Blockley, ways in addition to biotite) in the rock. 1980; Sweetapple & Collins, 2002), numerous Strongly peraluminous granites are often considered Neoarchean pegmatite localities associated with ana- synonymous with ‘S-type’ granites, or those derived taxis of clastic metasedimentary rocks in the Canadian through the partial melting of metasedimentary rocks. Shield (Cern y, 1990, 1991a; Breaks et al., 2003), 26Ga In their original definition of ‘S-type’ granites, Chappell migmatites of the Opinaca subprovince of the Superior & White (1974) used a variety of criteria to distinguish craton (Morfin et al., 2013), 27 Ga migmatites of the granitoids of the Lachlan fold belt (Australia) in addition Mkhondo Valley Metamorphic Suite (Swaziland; Taylor to ASI. These included other geochemical indices, such & Stevens, 2010), and of the Southern Marginal Zone of as initial whole-rock 87Sr/86Sr > 0708 and d18O 10&, the Limpopo Belt (South Africa; Nicoli et al., 2014, strongly suggesting derivation from weathered sedi- 2017), and 16–17 Ga peraluminous granites of the mentary material. However, since the initial studies of Durlacher supersuite of the Mangaroon Orogen the Lachlan fold belt, other studies have demonstrated (Australia; Sheppard et al., 2005). In addition, we do not that many S-type granites from the Lachlan fold belt exclude the possibility that other localities exist that ei- have a significant mantle contribution and thus are not ther we have missed in our literature review or have not pure melts of sediments (Gray, 1984; Collins, 1996; been described or examined sufficiently to determine Healy et al., 2004; Kemp et al., 2006, 2007). For this rea- whether they are SPGs. Lastly, we have attempted to be son, we do not label the granites discussed within this thorough in our citation of existing work on the SPGs; study as ‘S-type’, as most have not been rigorously scrutinized using modern geochemical techniques to however, there were instances where references were confirm a purely sedimentary source (e.g. Hopkinson available only in non-English languages and we did not et al., 2017; Spencer et al., 2017). However, with careful feel comfortable citing these references without being review of the existing data we include only localities able to read them first-hand. These references are listed with sufficient geological and chemical information to within other sources cited here and we encourage the suggest that they were derived predominantly, if not reader to explore them. wholly, from a metasedimentary source region. The data we consider include geological setting, field rela- Archean localities tionships, mineralogy, and oxygen isotope data (when , Canada and USA available). Traditionally the Superior Craton has been subdivided into sub-provinces based on lithological characteristics (Card, 1990), with more recent efforts being focused on OCCURRENCES AND GEOLOGICAL SETTINGS distinction of tectonic terranes that were juxtaposed dur- SPGs of all ages typically form in collisional tectonic ing the Neoarchean assembly of the craton (Percival settings where quartzo-feldspathic sedimentary mater- et al.,2006; Stott et al.,2010). The terranes can be broad- ial is buried and heated to sufficient temperatures to ly divided into two kinds: those dominated by (1) plutonic partially melt (e.g. Sylvester, 1998; Nabelek, 2019)or or orthogneissic rocks and greenstones and (2) metase- syn- to post-collisional mafic magmas heat basinal (e.g. dimentary rocks. The former (e.g. Uchi, Winnipeg River, fore-arc or back-arc) sedimentary rocks (e.g. Lalonde, Wabigoon, Wawa–Abitibi subprovinces) are considered Table 1: Archean and Proterozoic SPG locality details Petrology of Journal

No. Locality Detailed location Age (Ma)* Lithologies* Petrogenesis Notes Selected References

Archean Superior Craton 1 Preissac–Lacorne– Abitibi (Lacorne block) ‘GMG’ granites from msþbt monzogranite; syncollisional, partial associated with Dawson, 1966; Lamotte–Moly Hill and Pontiac subpro- Lacorne block and ms6grt melting of mature migmatites in Bourne & Danis, granites þ Pontiac vinces (Quebec, Pontiac subpro- monzogranite Pontiac basin meta- metasedimen- 1987; Feng & 7 No. 60, Vol. 2019, , garnet–muscovite Canada) vince: 2644613 (av. sediments (max. tary rocks and Kerrich, 1991, granites (GMG) U–Pb zrc); Lamotte: depositional age Mo, Li, and Be 1992a, 1992b; 264762, U–Pb mnz– 2690 Ma) during mineralization in Feng et al., 1993; ttn; Preissac: 2681– continent–arc pegmatites Mulja et al., 2660, U–Pb mnz–ttn collision 1995a, 1995b; Ducharme et al., 1997. 2 Allison Lake batholith Boundary of English no precise age btþms granite, partial melting of 16 km 40 km Breaks et al., 2003 River and Uchi sub- (Neoarchean) grtþms granite, English River meta- intrusion provinces (Ontario, btþms potassic sedimentary rocks Canada) pegmatite. Locally tur- and F-ap- bearing. 3 Wenasaga Lake Boundary of English no precise age btþms (leuco-)granite partial melting of 7km 26 km in- Breaks et al., 2003 batholith River and Uchi sub- (Neoarchean) to pegmatite with English River meta- trusion, local provinces (Ontario, rare crdþqtz sym- sedimentary rocks enclaves of Canada) plectites and scarce metasedimen- garnet tary migmatite 4 Root Bay pluton Boundary of English no precise age msþtur granite partial melting of associated with Li Breaks et al., 2003 River and Uchi sub- (Neoarchean) English River meta- mineralization in provinces (Ontario, sedimentary rocks pegmatites Canada) 5 Sharpe Lake batholith Boundary of English no precise age btþms6grt granite, partial melting of abundant pegma- This study River and Uchi sub- (Neoarchean) accessory tur and English River meta- titic segregations provinces (Ontario, F-ap sedimentary rocks and metasedi- Canada) mentary restitic material 6 Twiname Lake stock Boundary of English no precise age btþms leucogranite partial melting of 65–145 km2 Kay & Stott, 1985; and Caron Lake River and Uchi sub- (Neoarchean) with local grt and English River meta- plutons Stott, 1996; pluton provinces (Ontario, tur sedimentary rocks Breaks et al., Canada) 2003 7 Ghost Lake batholith Boundary of Winnipeg c. 2685, U–Pb mnz btþcrd granite to syncollisional, melting metasedimentary Breaks & Moore, (and Zealand stock) River and evolved msþgrtþtur of basinal wackes xenoliths abun- 1992; Larbi et al., Wabigoon subpro- leucogranite and mudstones of dant in parts of 1999; Breaks vinces (Ontario, the Sioux Lookout batholith. et al., 2003, 2005; Canada) terrane Associated with Bucholz et al., Li and Ta 2018 mineralization 8 Medicine Lake pluton Boundary of Winnipeg no precise age msþbt granite to leu- partial melting of 05km 15km Breaks et al., 2003 River and (Neoarchean) cogranite, msþgrt metasediments Wabigoon subpro- leucogranite. vinces (Ontario, Accessory brl and

Canada) tur 1303

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9 Separation Rapids English River subpro- Sep. Rap.: 264662, bt6grt6cord granite partial melting of clas- metasedimentary Pan & Breaks, pluton þ Treelined vince (Ontario, U–Pb mnz (Treelined Lake tic metasedimentary enclave-rich 1997; Pan et al., Lake complex Canada) complex), grtþbt rocks of English zones 1997; Larbi et al., and msþbt granite River subprovince, 1999 to pegmatite heat source from in- trusion of older tonalite–granodior- ite plutons 10 Cat Lake–Winnipeg Bird River greenstone 2549 (Rb–Sr isochron; btþms6grt to msþgrt partial melts of green- associated with Cern y et al., 1981, River pegmatite belt (boundary of see Cern y, 1991) leucogranite stone metasedimen- pegmatites with 2005; Longstaffe field (associated Winnipeg River and tary rocks (e.g. Li–Cs–Ta et al., 1981; Goad leucogranites) English River sub- metaturbidites). mineralization & Cern y, 1981; province) Some leucogranites Cern y, 1989, (Manitoba, Canada) may have some 1991a tonalitic component in source. 11 Georgia Lake granites Quetico subprovince, no precise age btþms granite. partial melting of clas- metasedimentary Breaks et al., 2003 (e.g. Glacier Lake (Ontario, Canada) (Neoarchean) Occasional crdþqtz tic metasedimentary enclaves batholith, Barbara symplectites rocks of Quetico common Lake stock) subprovince 12 Armstrong Highway Quetico subprovince, no precise age btþms granite, partial melting of clas- metasedimentary Breaks et al., 2003 area (Ontario, Canada) (Neoarchean) grtþbt6crd granite, tic metasedimentary enclaves msþbt6grt pegmat- rocks of Quetico common ite, local tur subprovince 13 Sturgeon Lake and Quetico subprovince, 267162, U–Pb mnz btþms leucogranite, partial melting of Abundant metase- Southwick & Sims, Vermillion granites (Ontario, Canada & local grt, tur, crd, greywackes of dimentary 1979; Percival Minnesota, USA) and als Quetico enclaves. et al., 1985; Day subprovince Associated & Weiblen, 1986; migmatites Sawyer & Barnes, 1988; Percival & Williams, 1989; Southwick, 1991 ora fPetrology of Journal 14 Shannon Lake granite Wawa subprovince, 267465, U–Pb zrc btþms granite, local partial melting of Metasedimentary Boerboom & (Minnesota, USA) tur and grt metasedimentary xenoliths locally Zartman, 1993 rock abundant. Associated with pegmatites Wyoming Craton 15 Mt Owen batholith Beartooth–Bighorn 254763, U–Pb zrc pegmatitic to fine- partial melting of pel- post-deformational Reed & Zartman, magmatic zone grained btþms leu- itic or intermediate 1973; Zartman &

(Wyoming, USA) cogranite with local to felsic crustal Reed, 1998; Frost 7 No. 60, Vol. 2019, , grt source et al., 2006, 2018 16 South Pass granites Beartooth–Bighorn 2504640 to 2575650, btþms granite with partial melting or sig- — Bayley et al., 1973; (South Pass and magmatic zone Pb–Pb zrc (ages local grt nificant incorpor- Stuckless et al., Sweetwater (Wyoming, USA) reported for ‘Bears ation of host rock, 1985; Stuckless, plutons) Ear pluton’ of the Miners Delight 1989; Hausel formation

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Stuckless et al., (dominantly meta- 1991; Frost et al., 1985) greywacke) of the 1998 South Pass supra- crustal belt 17 Tin Cup Spring Beartooth–Bighorn 2630 (minimum age btþms6grt6tur petrogenesis not occurs as dikes up Ludwig & 7 No. 60, Vol. 2019, , granite magmatic zone based on cross-cut- granite clearly established. to several meters Stuckless, 1978; (Wyoming, USA) ting relationships) Unpublished Sr–Nd in apparent Stuckless & isotopic work thickness, as Miesch, 1981; strongly suggests well as massive Meredith 2005; crustal source bodies up to tens Bagdonas, 2014; of meters Bagdonas et al., 2016 18 Bear Mountain granite Black Hills terrane 2592610, U–Pb zrc ms6bt6grt granite partial melting of associated with Gosselin et al., (South Dakota, metasedimentary pegmatite sills 1988, 1990; USA) rocks McCombs et al., 2004 19 Yellowknife granite– Northwest Territories, Sparrow Lake: 2596 6 btþms granite, with partial melting of consists of numer- Green et al., 1968; pegmatite field (e.g. Canada 2 (U–Pb mnz); local grt and rare metasedimentary ous plutons from Kretz, 1968, Prosperous Lake, Prestige: 260864 tur. Local pegma- rocks of Burwash 1 to 380 km2. 1982, 1985; Sparrow Lake, and (U–Pb ap) tites with tur, brl, formation xenoliths of Green & Prestige plutons) and spd schist common Baadsgaard, 1971; Drury, 1979; Meintzer et al., 1984; Meintzer, 1987; Davis & Bleeker, 1999; Palmer et al., 2016; Palmer, 2018 20 Contwoyto plutonic Northwest Territories, 2581–2585 (U–Pb mnz) msþbt tonalite to partial melting of tur- post-deformation- Davis, 1992; Davis suite Canada monzogranite, local- biditic metagrey- al. metasedimen- & Hegner, 1992; ly tur- and sil- wackes, potentially tary xenoliths King et al., 1992; bearing. of the Yellowknife common van Breemen Supergroup et al., 1992a; Davis et al., 1994 Yilgarn Craton 21 ‘post-tectonic, low-Ti’ Western gneiss ter- 2630–2640 (U–Pb zrc) grtþmsþtur granite post-tectonic partial spatially associ- Qui, 1997; Qui & peraluminous rane (Western melting of sedi- ated with metse- Groves, 1999 granites Australia, Australia) mentary rocks dimentary rocks owing to lithospher- ic delamination Kaapvaal Craton 22 ‘low-Ca’ granites Barberton greenstone Sinceni: 307464 (Pb– btþms granite. partial melting of intrude the Blamart et al., (Sinceni, Mooihoek, belt, (South Africa Pb zrc); Mooihoek: Sinceni pluton: metasedimentary Pongola 1993; Maphalala Mhlosheni, and Swaziland) 282466; Mhlosheni: btþmsþtur granite rocks in crust at Supergroup. &Kro¨ ner, 1993; Godlwayo, 282265; Godlwayo: depths >15 km Sinceni pluton Trumbull, 1993;

286368; Kwetta: associated Meyer et al., 1305

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Spekboom, and 272266; Spekboom: pegmatites with 1994; Robb et al., Kwetta plutons) 280768 (all Rb–Sr Sn mineraliza- 2006 whole-rock) tion. Spekboom and Godlwayo plutons contain xenoliths of quartzite and pelitic hornfels on margins 23 Lekkersmaak suite Murchison greenstone Willie Granite: bt6ms6grt6tur partial melting of ms-bearing peg- Poujol, 2001; 2003; granites (including belt, (South Africa) 2820638 (Pb–Pb leucogranite Murchison belt matites abun- Zeh et al., 2009; Willie granite and upper intercept zrc) metapelites (similar dant in area Jaguin et al., Discovery pluton) to La France domain 2010, 2012 schists) Grunehogna Craton 24 Annandagstoppane East Antarctica 306768 (U–Pb zrc) btþms granite, cross- deep burial of clastic exposed only in 3– Barton et al., 1987; granite cut by grt-bearing sediments (depos- 4 small nunataks Marschall et al., pegmatite dikes ited after 3175 Ma) (outcrop area 2010 followed by melting <01km2); pres- during cratonization ence of inherited process zircons with ages up to 343367Ma Proterozoic Wopmay Orogen 25 Hepburn intrusive Northwest Territories, 1885 (U–Pb zrc) btþms6grt6sill mon- mantle-derived basalt abundant metase- Lalonde, 1986; suite Canada zogranite and generated in a back- dimentary Lalonde, 1989; syenogranite arc setting that sub- enclaves and Lalonde & sequently assimi- inherited zircons; Bernard, 1993 lated and/or mafic plutons partially melted sig- (e.g. gabbro, nificant amounts of norite, and dior- ora fPetrology of Journal the sedimentary ite) present in basin host rocks small volumes, suggesting con- tribution of heat from a mantle source Talston magmatic zone

26 Arch Lake, Slave, and Northwest Territories, Arch Lake granite: Slave and Konth: burial and melting of pelitic enclaves Bostock et al., 7 No. 60, Vol. 2019, , Konth intrusive Canada 193863 (U–Pb zrc), bt6grtþ6cord6sp metasedimentary common in 1987, 1991; suites 193563 (U–Pb mnz); granite, locally opx rocks during contin- Slave granite Bostock & Slave granite: ental collision of the Loveridge, 1988; 195562 (U–Pb mnz); Talston–Thelon The´ riault, 1992; Konth granite: 1940, Orogeny van Breemen (U–Pb mnz) et al., 1992b;

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McNicoll et al., 1993; Chacko et al., 1994; Chacko & Creaser, 1995; 7 No. 60, Vol. 2019, , Grover et al., 1997; De et al., 2000 Trans-Hudson Orogen 27 Cree Lake granites Wollaston domain associated pegma- bt6ms6grt6sill6tur partial melting of form syn- to late- Annesley et al., (Saskatchewan, tites: 180363, leucogranite; asso- Wollaston Group orogenic plu- 1997, 2005; Canada) 181966 (U–Pb zrc); ciated pegmatite metasedimentary tons, sheets, and McKechnie et al., Sue Lake pegmatite: sills and dikes rocks during crustal dikes intruding 2012a, 2012b, 181063, (U–Pb mnz) thickening and the 2013 increased lower Paleoproterozoic crustal heat flow Wollaston Group during Trans- metasedimen- Hudson Orogeny tary rocks 28 Harney Peak granite South Dakota, USA 171563 (U–Pb mnz) btþms6grt granite, partial melting of bt and tur occur- Redden et al., (þ satellite intru- msþtur6grt granite; Archean and/or rence in granites 1982, 1990; Duke sions; e.g. Calamity associated pegmat- Paleoproterozoic are mutually et al., 1992; Peak pluton) ite sills metasedimentary exclusive Nabelek et al., rocks through crust- 1992a, 1992b, al thickening by 1999, 2001 sediment under- thrusting during cul- mination of Trans- Hudson Orogeny Mesoproterozoic SW USA 29 Silver Plume and St Colorado, USA 1420–1450 (Rb–Sr btþms6sil granite anorogenic(?) crustal — Peterman et al., Vrain batholiths whole-rock and min melting, peralumin- 1968; DePaolo, isochrons) ous quartzofeld- 1981; Anderson spathic source & Thomas, 1985; Anderson & Cullers, 1999 30 Ak-Chin, Maricopa, Arizona, USA Lawler Peak granite: btþms6grt6tur anorogenic crustal — Silver et al., 1981; Oracle, Sierra 141163 (U–Pb zrc); granite melting, dominantly Anderson & Estrella, Dells, and Dells granite: Proterozoic metase- Bender, 1989; Lawler Peak 1400615 (U–Pb zrc); dimentary source Anderson & granites Ruin and Oracle Morrison, 2005 granites: 1440620 (U–Pb zrc) Svecofennian Orogen 31 Turku area (Varsinais– 181463 (U–Pb zrc) btþgrt granite partial melting of associated with Ehlers et al., 1993;

Suomi, Finland) Proterozoic pelitic to btþgrtþcrd Va¨ isa¨ nen et al., 1307

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Table 1: Continued No. Locality Detailed location Age (Ma)* Lithologies* Petrogenesis Notes Selected References

Late Svecofennian psammitic metase- pegmatites, leu- 2000; Johannes granite–migmatite dimentary litholo- cosomes, and et al., 2003 zone gies owing to migmatites enhanced lower crustal heat flow North China Craton 32 Liangcheng granitoids Fengzhen belt in 1930–1920 (U–Pb zrc) grt6bt6crd granite partial melting of sedimentary proto- Guo et al., 2001; Khondalite belt Fengzhen belt UHT liths to khonda- Zhong et al., (North China) metapelites lites deposited at 2007; Peng et al., (khondalites) 2000–1960 Ma 2012; Wang et al., 2018 33 Helanshan complex Helanshan complex in 1902622 (U–Pb zrc) Bt–ms and grt6bt partial melting of sedimentary proto- Dan et al., 2014; Khondalite belt granite Fengzhen belt UHT liths to khonda- Zhang et al., (North China) metapelites lites deposited at 2017a (khondalites) 2000–1960 Ma 34 Peraluminous granites Nangrim massif/ 1908612; 1903649 grt6sil granite partial melting of intrude into and Zhao et al., 2006 associated with Imjingang belt (U–Pb zrc) Paleoproterozoic are in gradation- Jungsan and (North Korea) Jungsan and al contact with Machollyong Machollyong Group Junsan and sediments metasedimentary Machollyong rocks sediments 35 Nonggeori and Yeongnam massif 1926641 (Sm–Nd btþms6tur6grt6crd remelting of gneissic occur as dikes, Kim & Cho, 2003; Naedeokri granites (South Korea) whole-rock-grt sil granite, associ- basement rocks of sills, and stocks, Lee et al., 2005; and grt-bearing isochron) ated pegmatites the Sino-Korean as well as larger Kim et al., 2012 leucogranites craton (although plutons (5– source rock not de- 20 km2) finitively known) Guyana Shield 36 Serra Dourada granite Uatuma-Anaua~ ´ do- 196964 and 196262 btþmsþcrd granite partial melting of maximum deposi- Almeida et al., main (Amazonas, (U–Pb zrc) metagreywackes tional age of 2008; CPRM, Brazil) source rocks is 2003; Almeida Petrology of Journal earliest et al., 2007 Paleoproterozoic 37 Curuxuim, Taiano, Central Guyana do- Taiano granite: btþmsþgrt granite partial melting of maximum deposi- Almeida et al., and Amajari main (Amazonas, 1969635 (U–Pb zrc) metagreywackes tional age of 2007 granites Brazil) source rocks is earliest Paleoproterozoic

Sao~ Francisco 7 No. 60, Vol. 2019, , Craton 38 Gameleira Massif, Carnaiba: 1883687; ms6bt6grt granite syntectonic to post- micaþgrt-rich Cuney et al., 1990; Riacho das Pedras, Riacho de Pedras: associated with tectonic partial Sabate´ et al.,

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Caetano, Lagoa Jacobina–Contendas 1929616; Gameleira turþgrtþbrl-bearing melting of metase- metasedimen- 1990; Marinho Grande, Alianc¸a, Mirante belt, (Bahı´a, Massif: 1947654; pegmatites dimentary rocks tary/restitic xen- et al., 1993 Lagoinha plutons; Brazil) Campo Formoso: during crustal thick- oliths common Campo Formoso 1969629; Lagoinha ening associated in Gameleira Massif and & Lagoa Grande: with continental Massif 7 No. 60, Vol. 2019, , Carnaı´ba plutons 1974636 (all Rb/Sr collision whole-rock) West Africa Craton 39 Cape Coast granites Baoule´ Mossi domain 2125618 and btþms and ms-granite not definitive, possibly meter-scale meta- Leube et al., 1990; (Ghana and Coˆte 209362 Ma (U–Pb assimilation or par- sedimentary Petersson et al., d’Ivoire) zrc) tial-melting of host xenoliths in 2016 metasedimentary granites lithologies (from Birmian Supergroup) during intrusion of granites into crust bt, biotite; ms, muscovite; grt, garnet; crd, cordierite; tur, tourmaline; sil, sillimanite; F-ap, fluorapatite; brl, beryl; spd, spodumene; zrc, zircon; mnz, monazite; ttn, titanite.

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Fig. 2. Global distribution of SPG localities (yellow circles with black outlines) compiled and discussed here. Numbers refer to those in Table 1. Exposed Archean (blue) and Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic (red) crust is from Chorlton (2007). Map is annotated with names of Archean cratons (lower case; e.g. Slave) and outlines of composite cratons that amalgamated

during the Proterozoic (upper case; e.g. ). 7 No. 60, Vol. 2019, , Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019 November 14 on user Technology of Institute California by https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 from Downloaded Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7 1311

A B Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019


Fig. 3. Field photographs of Archean SPGs from Ontario, Canada. (a) and (b) show inclusion-rich zones of (a) the Ghost Lake batholith (location of photograph: 4948’537"N, 09257’47"W) and (b) migmatite zone of the English River subprovince (location of photograph: 505’569"N, 09316’77"W). (c) Biotite þ garnet granite of Treelined Lake complex (location of photograph: 5016’561"N, 09429’402"W. (d) Pegmatitic pod with muscovite rosettes hosted within biotite þ muscovite granite of the Ghost Lake batholith (loca- tion of photograph: 4948’537"N, 09257’47"W). Hammer is 36 cm long. Mechanical pencil is 135 cm long. Diameter of coin is 18 mm. micro-continental fragments or arc-related plutonic–vol- that have been interpreted as resulting from the burial canic rocks, which evolved independently between 36 and melting of the sediments during orogenic collision and 27 Ga. The latter (e.g. the English River, Quetico, (Fig. 3c and d). The sub-provinces of the Superior and Pontiac subprovinces) are dominated by variably Craton that preserve these SPGs include the Pontiac metamorphosed greywackes and volcanogenic turbi- sub-province (e.g. Feng & Kerrich, 1992a, 1992b), the dites, but also contain pelagic and chemical sediments English River sub-province (Breaks et al., 2003), the such as carbonates, chert, and mudstones, and frag- boundary of the Winnipeg River and Wabigoon sub- ments of greenstone lithologies (Percival & Williams, provinces (Breaks & Moore, 1992), the Quetico sub- 1989; Breaks & Moore, 1992; Davis, 2002). The depositio- province (e.g. Percival & Williams, 1989; Southwick, nal settings of these basins have been interpreted as 1991), and the Wawa subprovince (Boerboom & inter-arc basins filled by synorogenic sediments from Zartman, 1993) (see Table 1 for details). For a detailed erosion of adjacent, converging terranes (Langford & discussion and review of occurrences of SPGs in Morin, 1976; Percival & Williams, 1989). Ontario, we refer the reader to the comprehensive re- Five distinct accretionary events, progressive from port of Breaks et al. (2003). north to south, characterize the amalgamation of the Superior Craton between 272 and 268 Ga, during Wyoming Province, USA which time the intervening sedimentary basins were The Archean Wyoming Province can broadly be divided trapped in the collisional zones (Percival & Easton, into three sub-provinces: (1) the Montana metasedi- 2007). The basin sediments underwent high- mentary province; (2) the Beartooth–Bighorn magmatic temperature metamorphism, sometimes reaching zone (BBMZ); (3) the southern accreted terranes (SAT) granulite-facies conditions, resulting in widespread par- (Chamberlain et al., 2003; Mueller & Frost 2006). The tial melting and migmatization (e.g. Southwick, 1991; Montana metasedimentary sub-province is located in Southwick & Sims, 1979; Pan et al., 1997; Fig. 3a and b). the NW part of province and comprises Neoarchean Many of these sedimentary provinces (and some of the quartzites, pelites, and carbonates together with plutonic provinces) contain a suite of c. 26–28 Ga SPGs Paleoarchean quartzo-feldspathic gneiss (Mogk et al., 1312 Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7

1988, 1992; Mueller et al., 1993; Mueller & Frost, 2006). Yilgarn Craton, Australia The BBMZ is primarily characterized by 280–255 Ga The geological framework of Western Australia consists tonalities and granodiorites (Mueller et al., 1996, 1998; of two cratonic nuclei, the Pilbara Craton in the north Frost & Fanning, 2006; Bagdonas et al., 2016). The and Yilgarn Craton in the south. The southwestern part Wyoming Province grew in the Neoarchean through ac- of the Yilgarn Craton, known as the Western Gneiss ter- cretion of southern terranes (including both recently rane, is thought to represent the deepest exposed sec- Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019 formed magmatic terranes as well as those composed tion of the craton and is characterized by charnockites, of older continental crust) between 268 and 263 Ga to minor granulite-facies metavolcanic and metasedimen- form the SAT (Chamberlain et al., 2003; Mueller & Frost, tary rocks, and voluminous granitoids. The granitoids 2006; Souders & Frost, 2006; Bagdonas et al., 2016). A have been divided into several geochemical subgroups widespread, but minor subset of the Neoarchean gran- based on Ca and Ti contents (Champion & Sheraton, ites in the BBMZ and SAT are SPGs. These include the 1997; Qui, 1997; Qui & Groves, 1999). A ‘low-Ti’ sub- Mt Owen batholith (255 Ga) in the Teton Range (Frost group comprises small discrete plutons of post-tectonic et al., 2006, 2018), the South Pass granites (255 Ga) in garnet-, muscovite-, and tourmaline-bearing SPGs that the southern Wind River Range (Frost et al., 1998), and crystallized between 264 and 263 Ga (Qui, 1997; Qui & the Tin Cup Spring and Long Creek Mountain granites Groves, 1999). Where exposed (e.g. at Griffin’s Find (265 Ga) of the western Granite Mountains (Stuckless gold mine and Nevoria goldmine) they are spatially & Miesch, 1981; Wall, 2004). The Bear Mountain granite associated with metasedimentary rocks. Their whole- of the Black Hills, South Dakota (26 Ga) is thought to rock major and trace-element chemistry, peraluminous be part of an extension of the Wyoming Province base- mineralogy, and abundance of inherited zircon support ment, but definitive correlation between the identified derivation from partial melting of metasedimentary sub-provinces in Wyoming is not certain (Gosselin rocks (Qui, 1997). Similar low-Ti granitoids are exposed et al., 1988, 1990; McCombs et al., 2004). The strongly in the Fraser’s, Marvel Loch, Bounty and Edward’s Find gold mines in the Southern Cross greenstone belts in peraluminous compositions and Sr and Nd isotope the central part of the Yilgarn Craton (Qui, 1997). Their whole-rock data forthe Wyoming Province SPGs sug- widespread geographical distribution suggests that gest that they formed through crustal melting of psam- there was a regional high-temperature thermal event in mitic or pelitic metasedimentary rocks (Gosselin et al., the lower crust, possibly as a result of lithospheric de- 1990; Frost et al., 2006). lamination at c. 2635 Ma (Qui, 1997; Qui & Groves, 1999). Slave Craton, Canada The rocks of the Slave Craton can broadly be divided Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa into three temporally and lithologically distinct groups: The Kaapvaal Craton of southern Africa forms the old- (1) basement gneisses (41–28 Ga); (2) the Yellowknife est part of the African continent and ranges in age be- Supergroup (YKS, 28–26 Ga); (3) syn- to post-orogenic tween 36 and 27Ga (Poujol et al., 2003). It granitoid rocks (<26 Ga). The YKS is a heterogeneous comprises four geographical domains (Northern, package of metasedimentary rocks and metavolcanic Eastern, Central, and Western) characterized by gran- rocks. The upper member of the YKS includes turbidites ite–greenstone belts. SPGs in the Kaapvaal Craton are deposited in the Burwash Basin c. 267–265 Ga, which found in the Eastern and Northern domains. The has been interpreted as a back-arc basin whose closure Eastern domain is the oldest portion of the craton and marked the onset of final amalgamation and assembly includes the 345–325 Ga Barberton greenstone belt of the Slave Craton (Henderson, 1972; Bleeker, 2003). and the 31–29 Ga Pongola Supergroup (Hegner et al., This accretion was characterized by deformation begin- 1984). A suite of granites intruding the Pongola metase- ning at c. 264 Ga, characterized by NE–SW structural diments are referred to as the ‘post-Pongola granites’ trends, overthickening of the crust resulting in high- (Matthews, 1985). These plutons include marginally temperature–low-pressure metamorphism, and ana- peraluminous granites (ASI ¼ 1–11) such as the texis of metasedimentary rocks to produce SPGs at Mooihock, Mhlosheni, and Spekboom plutons, as well c. 261–259 Ga (Henderson, 1985; Davis & Bleeker, as SPGs such as the Sinceni and Godlwayo plutons 1999; Bleeker, 2003). SPGs occur throughout the prov- (ASI > 11; Meyer et al., 1994). These plutons have all ince from the vicinity of Yellowknife near the Great been classified as either ‘S-type’ or ‘ilmenite-series’ Slave Lake (e.g. Prosperous Granite; Kretz, 1989) to the granites (Meyer et al., 1994; Ishihara et al., 2002). The Contwoyto Lake area in the north–central part of the Sinceni pluton may be as old as 307 Ga [Pb–Pb evap- craton (Contwoyto Intrusive Suite; King et al., 1992; oration zircon age, Maphalala & Kro¨ ner, 1993; although Davis et al., 1994). Metasedimentary protoliths of the see Robb et al. (2006) questioning the >3 Ga age and YKS, probably quartzo-feldspathic metagreywackes of Trumbull (1993) reporting a Rb–Sr whole-rock isochron the Burwash Basin, have been proposed as the source age of 2990 6 43 Ma], whereas the other leucogranites rock of the SPGs (Drury, 1979; Meintzer, 1987; Davis formed between 286 and 282 Ga (Maphalala & Kro¨ ner, et al., 1994). 1993). The younger plutons are leucogranites that Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7 1313 display field relationships with the Pongola Supergroup accumulated within a back-arc basin (Hoffman, 1980; suggesting high-temperature interaction and assimila- Hildebrand et al., 1987; Lalonde, 1989). In the western tion, such as contact migmatites and xenoliths of part of the Coronation Supergroup, these sedimentary quartzite and pelitic hornfels along their margins units were thrust onto underlying Archean basement, (Matthews, 1985). In contrast, the intrusive relationship translated eastward, and subsequently intruded and with the Pongola Basin metasediments is unknown for metamorphosed by the Hepburn intrusive suite during Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019 the Sinceni pluton, which is a coarse-grained granite the Calderian orogeny at c. 1885 Ma (Hoffman & with minor amounts of biotite, muscovite, and tourma- Bowring, 1984; King, 1986). The Hepburn intrusive suite line (Blamart et al., 1993; Trumbull, 1993). In addition to is composed of 100 plutons with 2750 km2 of exposure 87 86 peraluminous mineralogy, the initial Sr/ Sr ratio of along two north–south-trending belts (Lalonde, 1989). the Sinceni pluton is radiogenic at 07113 6 0007 The plutons of the Hepburn intrusive suite are variable, (Trumbull, 1993) suggesting derivation from an older ranging continuously from gabbro to granite, but are crustal source. dominated by peraluminous monzogranites and sye- Other SPGs in the Kaapvaal Craton are found in the nogranites. The Hepburn intrusive suite has been inter- southern portion of the Murchison greenstone belt of preted as the product of mantle-derived basalt the Northern domain (e.g. the 299–280 Ga generated in a back-arc setting, which subsequently Lekkersmaak suite, including the Willie and Discovery assimilated and/or partially melted significant amounts plutons; Poujol & Robb, 1999; Poujol, 2001; Zeh et al., of the sedimentary basin host rocks (Hoffman et al., 2009), which range in size from large plutons (20–30 km 1980; Lalonde, 1989). in diameter) to pegmatitic dikes. Typically, they are bio- tite- and muscovite-bearing leucogranites with sporadic Talston magmatic zone, Canada occurrences of garnet and tourmaline (Jaguin et al., The Talston–Thelon orogen is an 2500 km long oro- 2010). It has been suggested that the source rock to the genic belt marking the suture between the 20–24Ga granites is similar to metapelite of the La France domain Buffalo Head terrane to the west and the Archean schists found in the Murchison greenstone belt Churchill province to the east (Bostock et al., 1987; (Vearncombe, 1988; Jaguin et al. 2010; Block et al., Hoffman, 1988; Ross et al., 1991). In the southern part of 2013). the orogen, the Talston magmatic zone in Alberta and the Northwest Territories is composed of granitoids Grunehogna Craton, Antarctica that intrude pre-20 Ga basement characterized by The Grunehogna Craton in East Antarctica is thought to ortho- and paragneisses, high-grade pelitic metasedi- have formed as part of or adjacent to the Kalahari mentary rocks, and amphibolites (Bostock et al., 1991; Craton of southern Africa, but remained attached to van Breemen et al., 1992b; McNicoll et al., 1994; Chacko Antarctica during the breakup of Gondwana in the et al., 2000; De et al., 2000). The granitoid series are Jurassic (e.g. Fitzsimons, 2000). The Archean basement characterized by an early phase of biotite and of the craton is exposed solely as a small, glacier-bound exposure or nunatak of granite with cross-cutting gar- hornblende–biotite granodioritic to granitic intrusions net-bearing pegmatite dikes at Annandagstoppane (or at c. 199–193 Ga, which was followed by the intrusion ‘Boxing Day Peaks’) (Barton et al., 1987; Marschall et al., of a large volume of SPGs from 195 to 193 Ga (see 2010). The crystallization age of the granite has been summary given by Chacko et al., 2000). The latter in- dated at 3067 6 8 Ma (U–Pb zircon; Marschall et al., clude the biotite 6 garnet 6 cordierite 6 spinel gran- 2010), but the granite contains inherited grains as old as itoids of the Slave and Konth suites (Bostock et al., 3433 6 7 Ma, which constrain the maximum depositio- 1987, 1991; Bostock & Loveridge, 1988) and the bioti- nal age of the sediments from which the granites were te6garnet granitoids of the Arch Lake suite (McNicoll derived. Although specific sedimentary source material et al., 1993). The SPGs often contain enclaves of base- cannot be identified owing to the limited exposure of ment metapelites (Bostock et al., 1987; The´ riault, 1992; the granite, whole-rock chemistry and zircon Hf and Chacko & Creaser, 1995; Grover et al., 1997). Based on oxygen isotopes suggest a supracrustal sedimentary U–Pb zircon and monazite ages, Bostock & van source (Barton et al., 1987; Marschall et al., 2010). Breemen (1994) concluded that the protoliths of the metapelites were originally deposited in the Rutledge Paleo- and Mesoproterozoic localities River basin, a rift-related basin on the western margin Wopmay orogen, Canada of the Churchill Province, between 217 and 204 Ga. The Wopmay orogen is an Early Proterozoic (c. 21– Whole-rock chemistry, peraluminous mineralogy, abun- 19 Ga) collisional belt located on the western edge of dance of metasedimentary enclaves, and similarities in the Slave Craton (Hoffman & Bowring, 1984; St-Onge & Nd and oxygen isotopes between metapelites and the Davis, 2018). The eastern part of the Wopmay com- SPGs suggest an origin of the latter primarily through prises the Coronation Supergroup, which preserves a partial melting of the basement metasedimentary rocks west-dipping sedimentary prism with rift-fill, passive (De et al., 2000; The´ riault, 1992; Chacko et al., 1994, margin, and foredeep flysch–molasses sequences that 2000). 1314 Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7

Trans-Hudson orogen, Canada and USA (1992a) suggested that the core of the pluton formed The Trans-Hudson Orogeny (THO) was a major colli- through high degrees of melting of an immature sional event closing the Manikewan Ocean and suturing Archean metasedimentary source. The ascent of these the Superior Province with the Wyoming and Rae– hot melts may then have triggered lower degree of Hearne cratons at c. 20–18 Ga, and marks the largest melting of Proterozoic schists higher in the crust to pro- 18 Paleoproterozoic orogenic belt in the world (Corrigan duce the high-d O series and satellite intrusions. Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019 et al., 2009). Two well-documented occurrences of SPGs occur in the THO, including those in the Southwestern USA (Colorado and Arizona) Wollaston domain of Saskatchewan (Annesley et al., The time period from 1600 to 1300 Ma in Laurentia was 2005; McKechnie et al., 2012a, 2012b) and the Harney characterized by extensive magmatism resulting in a Peak Granite and satellite intrusions in the Black Hills of transcontinental belt of granitoids across the USA and South Dakota (Redden et al., 1982, 1990; Duke et al., Canada (e.g. Anderson & Bender, 1989; Anderson & 1992; Nabelek et al., 1992a, 1992b, 1999, 2001; Shearer Morrison, 2005). This magmatism has been classically et al., 1992). The Wollaston domain comprises metase- considered to be ‘anorogenic’, resulting from low dimentary rocks deposited unconformably on the mar- degrees of partial melting of dominantly gins of the Hearne craton during rifting and formation Paleoproterozoic or older crustal sources (Anderson & of the Manikewan Ocean in the early Proterozoic Bender, 1989; Anderson & Morrison, 2005; Ra¨mo¨ et al., (Madore & Annesley, 1996). Sedimentary rocks of the 2003). However, it has also been suggested that the Wollaston domain include a succession of arkoses, con- magmatism was an in-board expression of orogenesis glomerates, and graphitic pelites towards the base, on the margin of Laurentia (Nyman et al., 1994; Kirby which are overlain by calcareous clastic units, marbles, et al., 1995; Nyman & Karlstrom, 1997; Karlstrom et al., and iron formations, and are interpreted as a rift-fill se- 2001). Although most of these intrusions are metalumi- quence deposited between 23 and 21Ga (Madore & nous, biotite þ hornblende granites (Anderson & Annesley, 1996; Ansdell, 2005). During the Trans- Bender, 1989; Anderson & Morrison, 2005), a third Hudson Orogeny, these sediments were buried to group, and the ones considered here, are c. 1400– depths equivalent to 06–09 GPa and reached peak tem- 1500 Ma peraluminous, two-mica granites forming a peratures of 720–825C, which, combined with basaltic distinct province from Colorado to central Arizona and underplating in the lower crust, initiated large-scale New Mexico, such as the Silver Plume and St Vrain crustal melting (Annesley et al., 2005). Peraluminous granites of Colorado (Anderson & Thomas, 1985; leucogranites and granitic pegmatites occur ubiquitous- Anderson & Cullers, 1999) and the Ak Chin, Ruin, Sierra ly throughout the Wollaston Group and are interpreted Estrella, and Oracle granites of Arizona (Anderson & as the products of partial melting of the Wollaston Bender, 1989). The SPGs have been divided into two domain metasedimentary rocks (Annesley et al., 2005; petrographic groups: (1) Silver Plume-type granites McKechnie et al., 2012a, 2012b, 2013). (located in Colorado) are relatively water-poor based on The Harney Peak granite (1715 6 3 Ma; Redden et al., the occurrence of magmatic sillimanite and late crystal- 1990) marks the culmination of the Trans-Hudson lization of muscovite, biotite, and fluorite (Anderson & Orogeny during collision of the Wyoming Province and Thomas, 1985); (2) Oracle-type granites (located in the western boundary of either the Superior Craton or Arizona) were emplaced under more hydrous condi- the Dakota block (DeWitt et al., 1986; Nabelek et al., tions, demonstrated by the early crystallization of bio- 1999). This collision resulted in the thrusting of tite and muscovite, and lack sillimanite and fluorite as Proterozoic metasedimentary rocks to the west over the accessory phases (Anderson & Bender, 1989). Granites Wyoming Craton and low-pressure (03–04 GPa), high- from both these groups are similar to SPGs in orogenic temperature regional metamorphism of late Archean belts in terms of their peraluminous nature and high and early Proterozoic (deposited 2100–1880 Ma) meta- whole-rock d18O values (102–116&; Anderson & sedimentary rocks exposed around and within the gran- Morrison, 1992). ite (Redden et al., 1982, 1990; DeWitt et al., 1986; Helms The Silver Plume and St Vrain batholiths of Colorado & Labotka, 1991; Nabelek & Bartlett, 1998). The metase- intrude Paleoproterozoic paragneisses and schists of dimentary rocks are dominantly quartz þ muscovite 6 the Idaho Springs Formation (Gable & Sims, 1969; biotite 6 garnet schists with metapelite and greywacke Tweto & Schoenfeld, 1979; Anderson & Thomas, 1985) protoliths (Walker et al., 1986; Redden et al., 1990). The and range in composition from two-mica monzogranite Harney Peak granite consists of a main pluton with nu- to syenogranite, with primary sillimanite occurring in merous satellite intrusions and isolated sills. The main the more evolved lithologies (SiO2 > 70 wt %). intrusion is zoned with respect to mineralogy and Although Sr isotope compositions of the granites have oxygen isotopes, with a core composed of ‘low-d18O’ been used to suggest that the Idaho Springs Formation muscovite þ biotite granites and an outer zone with is not itself the source material, the granites were ‘high-d18O’ muscovite þ garnet þ tourmaline (Nabelek probably derived through crustal melting of a similar et al., 1992a). Based on whole-rock chemistry, mineral peraluminous quartzo-feldspathic source at pressures chemistry, and isotopic constraints, Nabelek et al. of 07–10 GPa (DePaolo, 1981; Anderson & Thomas, Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7 1315

1985). Robust crystallization ages are not available for melt increase and garnet- and cordierite-bearing peg- the Silver Plume and St Vrain batholiths; however, Rb– matitic dikes and sheets are common (Va¨ isa¨ nen et al., Sr whole-rock and mineral isochrons suggest crystal- 2000). The metasedimentary rocks hosting the migma- lization from 1420 to 1450 6 30 Ma (Peterman et al., tites and the SPGs have detrital zircon age populations 1968). similar to local basement rocks. Maximum depositional

Nd isotope studies on the peraluminous Oracle-type ages of pre-Svecofennian quartzites are shown to short- Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019 granites of Arizona concluded that they were derived ly precede deformation and range from 187 to 184 Ga from Proterozoic crust (Farmer & DePaolo, 1984; Nelson (Bergman et al., 2008). & DePaolo, 1985). Although specific source materials were not identified, whole-rock major and trace element Kondalite belt, North China Craton, China and oxygen isotope compositions are consistent with The North China craton (NCC) coalesced in the Late melting of a peraluminous, quartzo-feldspathic sedi- Paleoproterozoic through amalgamation and collision mentary source (Anderson & Bender, 1989; Anderson & of terranes along three large suture zones now pre- Morrison, 2005). Peraluminous two-mica granites from served as the Khondalite belt, the Trans-North China Arizona have crystallization ages varying from orogen, and the Jiao-Liao-Ji belt (e.g. Zhao et al., 2001, 1440 6 20 Ma (U/Pb zircon age) for the Oracle and Ruin 2005; Wilde et al., 2002; Zhao & Zhai, 2013). The granites to c. 1380 Ma (Rb/Sr whole-rock age) for the Khondalite belt consists of khondalites (i.e. high-grade Sierra Estrella granite (see summary by Anderson & sillimanite–garnet paragneisses), which are intruded by Bender, 1989). or display transitional contacts with SPGs. The khonda- lites are thought to have formed during the culmination Svecofennian orogen, Finland of a continental collision between the Yinshan terrane The Svecofennian orogen formed through accretion of and southern Huai’an (or Ordos) terrane at c. 195 Ga island arc complexes and older crustal fragments to the (e.g. Qiao et al., 2016). The protoliths to the khondalites Archean basement of the Karelian craton between 1 91 are metapelites, metasandstones, and minor marbles and 187 Ga (Gaa´ l & Gorbatschev, 1987; Lahtinen, 1994; deposited between 20 and 196 Ga and metamor- Nironen, 1997). The main collision at c. 188 Ga pro- phosed under both granulite-facies conditions (c. duced significant quantities of syn-orogenic predomin- 195 Ga) and ultra-high-temperature (UHT) metamorph- antly metaluminous granitoids (Huhma, 1986; Front & ism (193–192 Ma) (Santosh et al., 2006; Peng et al., Nurmi, 1987; Gaa´ l & Gorbatschev, 1987). However, in 2010; Wang et al., 2011). The SPGs are garnet-bearing southernmost Finland a later generation of peralumin- granites and occur as isolated plutons over an area of ous granitic melts intruded between 184 and 181 Ga, about 220 km 80 km. At least three episodes of SPG forming a 500 km long and 100 km wide belt of intru- magmatism occurred during partial melting of the sions (Huhma, 1986; Vaasjoki & Sakko, 1988; khondalites at 195, 193–190, and 185 Ga (Yin et al., Suominen, 1991; Ehlers et al., 1993; Va¨ isa¨ nen et al., 2009, 2011; Peng et al., 2012; Dan et al., 2014; Zhang 2000). These granites are associated with granulite et al., 2017a; Wang et al., 2018). As an alternative mech- metamorphism and extensive migmatization (Sederholm, 1926; Hopgood et al., 1976; Edelman & anism to crustal thickening and burial, underplating of Jaanus-Ja¨ rkka¨la¨ , 1983; Korsman et al., 1984) in what is mantle-derived basalts, potentially during ridge subduc- known as the late Svecofennian granite–migmatite tion, has been evoked as an origin for both the UHT (LSGM) zone. The country rocks include pelitic and metamorphism and SPG generation in the eastern por- psammitic garnet–cordierite 6 spinel gneisses with tion of the Khondalite belt near Liangcheng (Peng et al., intercalations of volcanic rocks and tonalitic sheets 2012; Wang et al., 2018). Input from basaltic magmas is (Va¨ isa¨ nen & Ho¨ ltta¨ , 1999). The cause for high-tempera- supported by the presence of numerous syn-magmatic ture metamorphism (c. 800C and 05–07 GPa) in the gabbronorite intrusions and mafic dikes, and basaltic area, which resulted in partial melting of the metasedi- enclaves within the SPGs (Wang et al., 2018). mentary rocks, is controversial, as both transpressional Muscovite- and garnet-bearing SPGs are also found (Ehlers et al., 1993) and extensional (Korja & Heikkinen, in the Helanshan region located in the western part of 1995; Nironen, 1997) tectonic models have been pro- the Khondalite belt (Dan et al., 2014; Zhang et al., posed; however, mafic underplating as a heat source 2017a). Based on zircon Hf and oxygen isotope compo- has been suggested to be an important process sitions, geochronology, and field relationships, Dan (Schreurs & Westra 1986; Van Duin & Nieman, 1993; et al. (2014) suggested that the Helanshan SPGs formed Va¨ isa¨ nen et al., 2000). Perhaps the best evidence for during a slab break-off event at which time mafic mag- mafic underplating is the presence of contemporaneous mas intruded into and partially melted the khondalite mafic plutonic rocks in the LSGM zone (Va¨ isa¨ nen et al., source rocks. (Zhang et al. 2017a) presented a further 2000). The SPGs commonly occur as a stromatic net- study of the Helanshan SPGs and, based on similar work or garnet-, cordierite-, and biotite-bearing leuco- trace element patterns, zircon Hf model ages, and somes in migmatitic metapelitic rocks. However, at whole-rock Nd model ages between the khondalites higher metamorphic grades the volumes of granitic and SPGs, also suggested derivation of the SPGs 1316 Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7 through partial melting of the khondalites following a 1732 6 16 Ma for the Nonggeori granite and from collisional orogenic event. 1787 6 19 to 1773 6 18 Ma for the Naedeokri granite (see summary by Lee et al., 2005). Although the tectonic Nangrim Massif, Imjingang Belt, and Yeongnam history of this region is not well constrained, Lee et al. Massif granites, North and South Korea (2005) concluded, on the basis of mineralogy, whole-

Precambrian basement rocks in the Korean peninsula rock chemistry, and Nd isotopes, that the Nonggeori Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019 comprise Archean and Proterozoic metasediments and and Naedeokri granites were derived from partial melt- granitoids of the Nangrim (called elsewhere ‘Rangnim’) ing of ‘crustal rocks represented by the gneissic base- Massif, Imjingang Belt, Gyeonggi Massif, Okcheon Belt ment of the Sino-Korean craton’. and Yeongnam Massif from north to south. In the north- ern part of North Korea Proterozoic metasedimentary Guyana Shield granites, Brazil rocks belong to the Paleoproterozoic Jungsan and The Roraima State located in the Guyana Shield may be Machollyong Groups in the Nangrim Massif and divided into four major geological domains (Surumu, Imjingang Belt. The Jungsam group comprises primar- Parima, Central Guyana, and Uatuma–Anaua~ ´ ), which ily pelitic schists, although amphibolites, hornblende– are characterized by an intense period of biotite gneisses, and calc-silicate rocks are also present Paleoproterozoic magmatism (Reis et al., 2000; Almeida (Zhang et al., 2017b). The Machollyong Group occurs et al., 2007, 2008). Two of these domains contain SPGs: along a NW–SE-trending belt that has been interpreted the garnet-bearing Curuxium, Taiano, and Amajari as a Paleoproterozoic rift zone and consists of a strati- granites of the Central Guyana domain (CGD) and the graphically lower unit of metamorphosed arkoses and muscovite 6 cordierite 6 sillimanite-bearing Serra volcanic rocks, a carbonate-rich middle unit (now mar- Dourada granite of the Uatuma–Anaua~ ´ domain (UAD). bles and calc-silicate rocks), and an upper unit domi- The crystallization ages of the Taiano and Serra nated by argillaceous metasediments (Zhang et al., Dourada granites have been constrained via zircon U– 2017b). Intruding into the Jungsam and Machollyong Pb geochronology at 1969 6 4Ma (CPRM, 2003) and groups are garnet 6 sillimanite granites, which are 1962 6 2 Ma respectively (Almeida et al., 2007). Based interpreted as partial melts of the metasedimentary on whole-rock chemistry and mineralogy, Almeida et al. rocks (Zhao et al., 2006). At their margins the garnet–sil- (2007) suggested that the Serra Dourada granite was limanite granites are gradational with the metasedi- probably derived from partial melting of metagray- mentary rocks, varying from migmatites with wackes during collision of older Paleoproterozoic leucosomes into SPGs with metasedimentary enclaves domains of the Guyana Shield. Both the Serra Dourada (Zhao et al., 2006). However, in the cores of the plutons, and the Taiano granites contain zircon with inherited the granites become massive and homogeneous. cores ranging from 2138 Ma to 2047–2072 Ma, respect- Weighted averages of 207Pb/206Pb zircon ages from two ively, suggesting a maximum depositional age of their samples of the SPGs yielded crystallization ages of source sediment in the earliest Paleoproterozoic. 1908 6 12 and 1903 6 49 Ma (Zhao et al., 2006). One of Although future field studies and geochronology are these two samples yielded inherited zircon ages be- required to understand the detailed origin of these gran- tween 25 and 21 Ga, placing a maximum constraint on ites, they were probably formed during the collision of depositional age. the Paleoproterozoic Anaua´ magmatic arc with SPGs and related pegmatites also occur in South Transamazon (22–20 Ga) and Central Amazonian Korea at the boundary of the Ogcheon Belt and the (>23 Ga) terranes (Almeida et al., 2007). Yeongnam Massif. The Yeongnam Massif is primarily composed of pelitic to psammo-pelitic metasedimen- Jacobina–Contendas Mirante belt, Sao~ Francisco tary rocks and orthogneiss, as well as Mesozoic gran- craton, Brazil ites. Detrital zircon constraints on the metasedimentary The Jacobina–Contendas Mirante (JCM) belt is a north– rocks from the Yeongnam Massif constrain the deposi- south-trending dominantly volcano-sedimentary belt in tional age to c. 200 Ga (Kim et al., 2012). Both small vol- the eastern part of the Sao~ Francisco craton. The JCM umes of garnet-bearing leucogranites dikes, sills, and belt is situated between two Archean crustal blocks: the stocks (Kim & Cho, 2003) and the larger (5–20 km2 in Jequie´ domain and Atlantic coast ‘mobile belt’ to the areal extent) biotite þ muscovite 6 tourmaline 6 gar- east and the Gaviao~ domain to the west. The Gaviao~ do- net-bearing Nonggeori and Naedeokri leucocratic gran- main comprises migmatitic gneisses and amphibolites ites (Lee et al., 2005) intruded into the metamorphic that represent the basement of the JCM supracrustal rocks. The Nonggeori and Naedeokri granites are char- sequences. The convergence between the Jequie´ and acterized by low magnetic susceptibilities [(008– Gaviao~ domains in the Paleoproterozoic was marked by 03) 10–3 SI], suggesting that they belong to the the formation of basins in which the JCM belt volcanic ‘ilmenite-series’ (Jin et al., 2001). A Sm–Nd whole-rock– and sedimentary rocks were deposited (Barbosa & garnet isochron yielded an age of 1926 6 41 Ma for the Sabate´ , 2004). The Serra de Jacobina series of the JCM garnet-bearing leucogranites (Kim & Cho, 2003), where- belt is an 10 km wide by >200 km long belt of meta- as K–Ar muscovite ages range from 1802 6 18 to quartzite, meta-conglomerates, mica-schists, banded Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7 1317 iron formations, and minor intercalated meta-ultramafic hosted in the Birmain metasedimentary rocks (Leube rocks (Cuney et al., 1990; Marinho et al., 1993). Two lith- et al., 1990). Metasedimentary xenoliths in the granites ostratigraphic units have been defined in the Contendas (up to 10 m in size) have been observed (Petersson Mirante belt: a lower unit of basalts and andesites with et al., 2016). These granites represent the latest stage of interbedded clastic and chemical sediments and an magmatism in the domain and formed during the accre- upper unit of greywackes, pelites and argillites with tion of various oceanic arc terranes at 21–20Ga Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019 conglomerate layers (Marinho et al., 1993). A maximum (Boher et al., 1992; Pouclet et al., 1996; Gasquet et al., depositional age defined by detrital U–Pb zircon ages 2003). from the Contendas–Mirante upper unit is 2168 6 18 Ma Leube et al. (1990) analyzed 25 samples from the (Nutman & Cordani, 1993; Nutman et al., 1994). Cape Coast granite suite for whole-rock major and trace Numerous (>20) SPGs intrude the Gaviao~ basement element chemistry and found that although all samples rocks and the JCM belt. These include, but are not lim- were peraluminous, only seven were strongly peralu- 87 86 ited to, the Gameleira, Riacho das Pedras, Alianc¸a, minous. In addition, initial Sr/ Sr ratios (070150 6 42) Caetano, Lagoa Grande, and Lagoinha plutons in and eNd (þ37) values suggested a relatively depleted Contendas Mirante belt and the Campo Formos and (i.e. mantle-like) source for these granites. A more re- Carnaiba plutons in the Serra de Jacobina series cent study of the U–Pb and Hf isotopes in zircon of three (Cuney et al., 1990; Sabate´ et al., 1990; Marinho et al., different muscovite-bearing granodioritic, granitic, and 1993; Leal et al., 2000). Rb/Sr whole-rock isochrons for pegmatitic samples from the Cape Coast suite yielded 207 206 the granites yield ages between 1974 6 36 and Pb/ Pb crystallization ages of 2125 6 18 Ma, 1883 6 87 Ma (Sabate´ et al., 1990). The granites are 2093 6 20 Ma, and 2092 6 40 Ma respectively and initial muscovite þ biotite 6 garnet-bearing and sometimes eHf values of þ21toþ55(Petersson et al., 2016). The associated with late muscovite-, garnet-, and existing collective radiogenic isotope data suggest that tourmaline-bearing pegmatites (Cuney et al., 1990; there is a strong mantle-derived component in the Cape Sabate´ et al., 1990). Biotite-rich layered enclaves Coast granites. Leube et al. (1990) suggested that the thought to be representative of restitic source material peraluminous character of the granites may have are present in the plutons (Cuney et al., 1990). Based on resulted from large-scale contamination of the ascend- whole-rock and mineral chemistry, Sr and Nd isotope ing melts by volcaniclastic sediments. However, radio- ratios, geochronology, and field relationships, the SPGs genic isotope data exist for only three samples with are thought to be derived through partial melting of well-described petrology (i.e. muscovite-bearing gran- ites) and whole-rock data for these samples do not supracrustal material during the c. 2 Ga collision of the exist. We therefore have decided to include these gran- Jequie´ and Gaviao~ domains (Cuney et al., 1990). Based ites in this compilation based on the strongly peralu- on whole-rock Sr isotope ratios, Sabate´ et al. (1990) minous nature of some of the granites, their described suggested that the Archean Gaviao~ terrane was the primary mineralogy, and their field relationships sug- most likely source rock; however, Nd isotopes are in gesting intimate association with the Birimian sedi- conflict with this interpretation and instead are consist- mentary rocks. However, Leube et al. (1990) reportedd ent with derivation from rocks of the Contendas Mirante only an average whole-rock chemistry of the 25 sam- metasedimentary rocks. ples they analyzed, so our analysis of geochemical data from this suite in subsequent discussion is hindered. Cape Coast suite granites, Baoule´ Mossi domain, Ghana and Coˆ te d’Ivoire The Baoule´ Mossi domain of the West African craton is PETROGRAPHY AND MINERAL CHEMISTRY a composite terrane composed of NE–SW-trending The corundum-normative nature of SPGs requires that belts of early Paleoproterozoic (235–220 Ga) tholeiitic in addition to quartz and two feldspars they have one or to calc-alkaline metavolcanic rocks and metasedimen- more aluminous major phase such as biotite, musco- tary rocks of the Birimian and Tarkwaian groups, all of vite, garnet, cordierite, aluminosilicates (sillimanite, an- which were intruded by granites at 21–20Ga(Boher dalusite, or kyanite), tourmaline, topaz, spinel, or et al., 1992; Taylor et al., 1992; Vidal & Alric, 1994; corundum (Clarke, 1981). These phases can have a Hirdes et al., 1996; Gasquet et al., 2003; Baratoux et al. magmatic origin (i.e. crystallizing directly from the gran- 2011). The metasedimentary rocks of the Birimian itic melt) or can be entrained restitic phases (e.g. biotite Supergroup consist of metamorphosed volcanoclastic and garnet; White & Chappell, 1977; Stevens et al., rocks, turbidite-related greywackes, carbonaceous argil- 2007). If these are primary magmatic phases, the crys- lites, cherts, carbonates, and Mn-rich sediments, inter- tallization of these phases is controlled by temperature, preted as having formed in a basin proximal to a pressure, bulk composition, fluid composition, and oxy- volcanic front (Leube et al., 1990). There are four main gen fugacity. As such, careful interpretation of the min- suites of granite; the Winneba, Cape Coast, Dixcove, eral crystallization textures, reaction relationships, and and Bongo. Of interest here are the Cape Coast gran- chemistry can be used to constrain these intensive vari- ites, which are peraluminous muscovite þ biotite-bear- ables during crystallization. As a comprehensive discus- ing granitoids that predominantly occur as batholiths sion of petrography and mineral chemistry in SPGs Table 2: Summary of mineral assemblages and compositions for SPG localities 1318

No. Locality Aluminous mineral Accessory phases % Anorthite FeT/(FeTþMg) Garnet compositions References assemblage(s) (not including feldspars) Plg Bt Ms Tur Crd

Archean Superior Craton 1 Preissac–Lacorne– btþms, ms, msþgrt ilm, mnz, xnt, ap, 7–15 07–085 065–085 — — Sps(30–60), Alm(59– Mulja et al., 1995a Lamotte–Moly Hill zrc, mo, col– 37) granites þ Pontiac gar- tan, sp net–muscovite granites (GMG) 2 Allison Lake batholith btþms6grt, ms6grt F-ap, tur — — 060–071 — — Sps(22–58), Alm(39– Tindle et al., 2002; 69), Pyr(2–7), Breaks et al., 2003 And(0–3), Grs(0–2) 3 Wenasaga Lake batholith btþms6grt6crd F-ap, mnz, xnt — 065–066 060–063 — — Sps(8–21), Alm(71– Tindle et al., 2002; 80), Pyr(6–11), Breaks et al., 2003 Grs(1–2) 4 Root Bay pluton ms6tur F-ap — — 080–084——— Tindle et al., 2002; Breaks et al., 2003 5 Sharpe Lake batholith btþms6grt tur, F-ap — — — — — — C. Bucholz, field observations 6 Twiname Lake stock and btþms6grt, msþgrt tur, F-ap — — 072–075 — — Sps(28–39), Alm(58– Tindle et al., 2002; Caron Lake pluton 68), Pyr(1–3), Breaks et al., 2003 And(0–1) 7 Ghost Lake batholith (and btþcrd, btþms, zrc, mnz, F-ap, brl, 3–28 059–079 050–087 — — Sps(15–24), Alm(68– Breaks & Janes, 1991; Zealand stock) btþgrtþms, py 83), Pyr(4–6), Breaks & Moore, grtþmsþtur Grs(1–2) 1992; Bucholz et al., 2018 8 Medicine Lake pluton btþms, msþgrt tur, brl — — — — — Sps(12–25), Alm(72– Tindle et al., 2002; 82), Pyr(1–5), Breaks et al., 2003 Grs(0–1) 9 Separation Rapids pluton grtþcrdþbt, grtþbt F-ap, mnz, zrc, rt, —061–070 060 (1 sample) — — — Pan & Breaks, 1997; þ Treelined Lake sil, ghn Bucholz et al., 2018 complex 10 Cat Lake–Winnipeg River btþms6grt, msþgrt tur, crd, zrc, ap, 3–6 — — — — Sps(7–50) Cern y et al., 1981; pegmatite field (associ- mnz, ghn, btl, Goad & Cern y, ated leucogranites) col–tan, mo, 1981 apy 11 Georgia Lake granites grtþbt, crdþbt, btþms, F-ap, brl — — 049–089 — — Sps(4–49), Alm(50– Tindle et al., 2002; (e.g. Glacier Lake msþgrt6tur 77), Pyr(0–22), Breaks et al., 2003 Petrology of Journal batholith, Barbara Lake And(0–2), Grs(0–3) stock) 12 Armstrong Highway area btþms6grt, btþgrt, tur, F-ap, brl — — — — — Sps(5–50), Alm(49– Tindle et al., 2002; msþgrt, crd, grtþcrd 83), Pyr(2–17), Breaks et al., 2003 And(1–2) 13 Sturgeon Lake and btþms6grt6sil6crd6tur arc, mnz, ap, fl — 061–072 063–070 — — Sps(6), Alm(81), Percival, 1986; Vermillion granites Pyr(11), Grs(2) (1 Bucholz et al., 2018 sample)

14 Shannon Lake granite btþms, turþgrtþberyl in ap, ttn, zrc, aln — 071–075— ——— Boerboom & 7 No. 60, Vol. 2019, , pegmatites Zartman, 1993; Bucholz et al., 2018 Wyoming Craton 15 Mt Owen batholith btþms6grt zrc, aln, mnz, sil —081 081 — — Sps(10), Alm(84), Frost et al., 2006; needles in qtz Pyr(4), Grs(2) (1 Bucholz et al., 2018 sample) 16 btþms6grt not described — — — — — —

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No. Locality Aluminous mineral Accessory phases % Anorthite FeT/(FeTþMg) Garnet compositions References assemblage(s) (not including feldspars) Plg Bt Ms Tur Crd

South Pass granites C. Bucholz, field (South Pass and observations Sweetwater plutons) 09 o.6,N.7 No. 60, Vol. 2019, , 17 Tin Cup Spring granite btþms6grt6tur ep, ttn, zrc, aln — — — — — — Langstaff, 1995; Meredith, 2005 18 Bear Mountain granite ms6bt6grt ap, ‘opaques’ 2–11 — — — — — Gosselin et al., 1988, 1990 Slave Craton 19 Yellowknife granite–peg- btþms6tur6grt ap, mnz 5 074 054 062–067 — — Meintzer et al., 1984; matite field (e.g. Kretz et al., 1989 Prosperous Lake, Sparrow Lake, and Prestige plutons) 20 Contwoyto plutonic suite btþms6tur6sil ap, zrc, mnz — — — — — — Davis, 1992; Davis et al., 1994 Yilgarn Craton 21 ‘post-tectonic, low-Ti’ btþgrtþms6tur zrc, mgt — — — — — — Qui, 1997; Qui & peraluminous granites Groves, 1999 Kaapvaal Craton 22 ‘low-Ca’ granites Sinceni: bt6ms6tur; zrc, ap, xnt, thr, 5–30 070–085 064–078 065–083 — — Trumbull, 1993; (Sinceni, Mooihoek, others: bt6ms mnz, aln, rt, Meyer et al., 1994 Mhlosheni, Godlwayo, ilm, mgt Spekboom, and Kwetta plutons) 23 Lekkersmaak suite gran- btþms6grt not described — — — — — — Jaguin et al., 2010 ites (including Willie granite and Discovery pluton) Grunehogna Craton 24 Annandagstoppane btþms zrc, ap, ep, mnz — — — — — — Barton et al., 1987; granite Marschall et al., 2010 Proterozoic Wopmay Orogen 25 Hepburn intrusive suite btþms6grt (accessory zrc, aln, fl, —061–078 049–054——— Lalonde, 1986; sill & tur in some units) ‘opaques’ Lalonde & Bernard, 1993 Talston magmatic zone 26 Arch Lake, Slave, and bt6grtþ6crd6sp mnz, ilm, zrc, ap, 2–30 — — — 027–030 Sp(1–2), Alm(65–73), The´ riault, 1992; Konth intrusive suites opx Pyr(2–31), Grs(3–5) Berman & Bostock, 1997; De et al., 2000 Trans-Hudson Orogen 27 Cree Lake granites bt6ms6grt6sill6rare tur mnz, zrc, ap, ilm, — — — ——— Annesley et al., 1997, mgt, urn, gr, fl 2003; McKechnie et al., 2013 28 Harney Peak granite (þ btþms6grt, ms6grt6tur ap, zrc, mnz 30 Oct 063–086 052–084 052–082 — Sps(15–53), Alm(38– Shearer et al., 1987; satellite intrusions; e.g. 76), Pyr(1–9), Redden et al., 1990; Calamity Peak pluton) Grs(1–4) Nabelek et al., 1319

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No. Locality Aluminous mineral Accessory phases % Anorthite FeT/(FeTþMg) Garnet compositions References assemblage(s) (not including feldspars) Plg Bt Ms Tur Crd

1992a; Bucholz et al., 2018 Mesoproterozoic southwest USA 29 Silver Plume and St Vrain btþms6sill mgt, ilm, mnz 15–33 055–069 063–074——— Anderson & Thomas, batholiths. 1985; Bucholz et al., 2018 30 Ak-Chin, Maricopa, btþms6grt6tur ilm, mgt, rt, zrc, fl, 10–39 052–058 058–070——— Anderson & Bender, Oracle, Sierra Estrella, aln, mnz, ap, 1989 Dells, and Lawler Peak xnt, thr granites Svecofennian Orogen 31 Late Svecofennian gran- btþgrt (in granites), not described 18–25 052–055 — — 036– — Johannes et al., 2003 ite–migmatite zone bt6grt6crd in 040 leucosomes North China Craton 32 Liangcheng granitoids grt6crd6bt sp, ilm zrc, mnz, — — — — — Sp(1), Alm(56–66), Lan, 2007; Wang ap, py Pyr(27–40), Grs(2– et al., 2018 6) 33 Helanshan complex btþms, btþgrt, grt sp, ilm, mgt, zrc — — — — — — Dan et al., 2014 34 Peraluminous granites grt6sill not described — — — — — — Zhao et al., 2006 associated with Jungsan and Machollyong sediments 35 Nonggeori and btþms6grt6tur6crd6sil zrc, ap, ttn, ilm 3–15 — — — — Sps(14), Alm(77), Kim & Cho, 2003; Lee Naedeokri granites Pyr(8), Grs(1) et al., 2005 and grt-bearing leucogranites Guyana Shield 36 Serra Dourada granite btþms6crd6sill zrc, mnz, xnt — — — — — — Almeida et al., 2007 37 Curuxuim, Taiano, and btþmsþgrt not described — — — — — — Almeida et al., 2007 Amajari granites Sao~ Francisco Petrology of Journal Craton 38 Gameleira Massif btþms zrc, ap, ttn, mgt, — — — ——— Sabate´ et al., 1990; ilm Marinho et al., 1993 Riacho de Pedras Pluton ms6bt6tur6grt ap, mgt, hm, zrc, — — — ——— ttn, mnz Caetano, Lagoa Grande, btþms6grt6tur not described — — — — — — and Lagoinha Plutons

Campo Formosa Massif ms, msþbt, msþgrt zrc, ap — — — — — — 7 No. 60, Vol. 2019, , and Carnaiba Body West Africa Craton 39 Cape Coast granites btþms, ms zrc — — — — — — Leube et al., 1990 apy, arsenopyrite; aln, alanite; ap, apatite; brl, beryl; bt, biotite; col–tan, columbite–tantalite; crd, cordierite; ep, epidote; F-ap, fluorapatite; fl, fluorite; ghn, gahnite; grt, garnet; gr, graphite; hm, hematite; ilm, ilmenite; mgt, magnetite; mo, molybdenite; mnz, monazite; ms, muscovite; opx, orthopyroxene; py, pyrite; qtz, quartz; rt, rutile; sil, sillimanite; sp, sphaler-

ite; thr, thorite; ttn, titanite; tur, tourmaline; urn, uraninite; xnt, xenotime; zrc, zircon. Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019 November 14 on user Technology of Institute California by https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 from Downloaded Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7 1321

merits a paper unto itself (e.g. Clarke, 1981; Clemens & (a) Wall, 1988; Zen, 1988; Holtz et al., 1992), we focus our discussion on an overview of Archean and Proterozoic SPG phase assemblages and mineral chemistry be- tween these temporally distinct groups, which can in-

form our understanding of their intensive parameters Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019 during crystallization, whether they changed across the Archean–Proterozoic transition, and the implications these differences have for their sedimentary source ma- terial across this transition. We summarize reported mineral assemblages (including accessory phases) and compositions (when available) in Table 2. All of the SPGs considered here contain biotite and/ or muscovite and sometimes other peraluminous min- erals, dominantly garnet (Figs 3c, d and 4a, b). In add- ition, many include major to accessory minerals such (b) as cordierite, aluminosilicates, tourmaline, or beryl, typ- ical of SPGs (Tables 1 and 2; Fig. 4c). Within certain SPG plutons, zoning in mineralogy and composition is observed. For example, the Ghost Lake batholith, which has been the subject of a detailed study by Breaks & Moore (1992), demonstrates mineralogical zoning from west to east from a more primitive biotite þ cordierite granite to a highly evolved garnet þ muscovite (6 tour- maline 6 beryl) granite. This was interpreted as the pet- rological and geochemical consequences of in situ differentiation (Breaks & Moore, 1992). Another ex- ample of a zoned intrusion is the Harney Peak granite, where biotite is the dominant ferromagnesian mineral in the core of the pluton, whereas tourmaline domi- nates along the perimeter, as well as in satellite intru- sions (Nabelek et al., 1992a). (Nabelek et al. 1992a) ascribed this difference in mineralogy to different source regions for the biotite- versus tourmaline- bearing granites, as well as extents of melting. The bio- (c) tite granites were proposed to have formed through high extents of biotite dehydration melting of immature greywackes, whereas the tourmaline granites (see ex- ample in Fig. 4c) were concluded to have formed through a lower extent of melting of metapelites, pro- ducing melts with high boron concentrations.

Biotite Other than feldspar, biotite is generally the dominant aluminous mineral in the SPGs considered here and becomes rare to absent only in the more evolved leu- cogranites or tourmaline-dominated granites. Biotites from SPGs of all ages are more aluminous than mem- bers of the phlogopite–annite solid solution with signifi- Fig. 4. Examples of mineralogy observed in Archean and cant eastonite–siderophyllite components (Abdel- Proterozoic SPGs. (a) Photomicrograph in plane-polarized light Rahman, 1994; Bucholz et al., 2018). With the limited of biotite þ muscovite granite from the Ghost Lake batholith dataset available, no distinctions in major and minor (sample E19-8). (Note interlocking growth of biotite and mus- elements in biotite (e.g. TiO , halogens, etc.) from covite.) (b) Back-scattered electron image of biotite þ musco- 2 vite þ garnet granite from the Ghost Lake batholith (sample Archean and Proterozoic SPGs are observed, except for F11-4). (c) Photomicrograph in cross-polarized light of tourma- FeT/Mg ratios. Biotite FeT/Mg (where FeT ¼ Fe2þ þ Fe3þ) line-rich granite from satellite intrusion associated with Harney ratios are highly sensitive to oxygen fugacity (f Þ dur- Peak granite (sample HP-39a from Nabelek et al., 1992a, O2 1992b). bt, biotite; ksp, K-feldspar; ms, muscovite; plg, plagio- ing crystallization, with higher values being stable at clase; qtz, quartz; tur, tourmaline. lower fO2 (Wones & Eugster, 1965; Czamanske & 1322 Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7

(a)(b) Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019

Fig. 5. Histograms of (a) FeT/Mg biotite–WR (whole-rock) partition coefficient [K(bt–WR)] and (b) calculated oxygen fugacity (relative to the Ni–NiO buffer) for Archean and Proterozoic SPGs using the method of Bucholz et al. (2018), which utilizes biotite and bulk- rock compositions and alphaMELTS modeling. In (a) and (b) samples in lighter blue and red indicate those not amenable to model-

ing via alphaMELTS [owing to K(bt–WR) > 09; see Bucholz et al., 2018, for details]. For these samples, although a specific fO2 could not be calculated, their elevated K(bt–WR) values impose a maximum limit of 2 log units below the Ni–NiO buffer (NNO – 2).

Wones, 1973; Ague & Brimhall, 1988). This arises as a whether they were characterized by differences in fO2 result of the breakdown of the annite component in bio- during crystallization. They found that the average FeT =Mg tite with increasing fO2 to produce K-feldspar, magnetite Kbtbulk for Archean SPGs was 101 6 021 versus (or hematite component in hemo-ilmenite or Fe2O3 074 6 045 for Proterozoic granites (Fig. 5a). The majority component in the melt), and H2O via a reaction such as (>80%) of Archean SPGs considered in the study crystal- lized at fO values near the maximum stability of graphite KFe2þ AlSi O OH O KAlSi O Fe O H O 2 3 3 10ð Þ2 þ 2 3 8 þ 3 4 þ 2 in equilibrium with a water-saturated C–O–H fluid, annite þ O aK feldspar þ magnetite (1) 2 whereas only 40% of the Proterozoic samples did. The ðsolid or component in meltÞþwater vapor other Proterozoic samples crystallized at higher fO2 val- ues [up to one log unit above the Ni–NiO (NNO) buffer; Therefore, as fO2 increases in a melt the total percent- age of the Fe in the bulk system (i.e. melt þ crystals) Fig. 5b]. The simplest explanation for this observation is hosted within biotite will decrease as Fe3þ is preferen- that the sediments from which Archean SPGs were tially partitioned into an oxide phase or the melt. derived had lower bulk redox states than the more oxi- As such, the FeT/Mg partition coefficient between dized Proterozoic SPGs, possibly reflecting the depos- T Fe =Mg T ition of Archean SPG source rock sediments under lower biotite and whole-rock [Kbtwr ¼ðFe =MgÞbiotite = T partial pressures of atmospheric O prior to the GOE. ðFe =MgÞwholerock ] decreases as fO2 increases (Bucholz 2 et al., 2018). If independent estimates of temperature, For example, Fe and S, two of the dominant redox- pressure, and water activity are available, quantitative sensitive elements in sediments, are characterized by

estimates of fO2 can be obtained through thermodynam- different bulk redox states in Archean versus ic modeling using alphaMELTS software (Smith & Proterozoic sediments. Fe in Archean sediments is Asimow, 2005). dominantly ferrous and S is hosted in sulfides, mainly Developing and using this method, Bucholz et al. pyrite, as S–1. In contrast, Proterozoic sediments are (2018) modeled variations in FeT/Mg ratios in biotite characterized by the proliferation of red beds stained by from Archean and Proterozoic SPGs to understand ferric Fe (Holland, 1984) and the onset of sulfate Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7 1323

(S6þ-bearing) deposits (Chandler, 1988). Thus, the vari- SPGs, garnets are almandine–spessartine solid solu- ation in fO2 of SPGs derived from sedimentary rocks tions, having only a minor pyrope and grossular com- deposited on either side of the GOE may reflect this ponent (generally <10 mol. %; Table 2). Some garnets change in Fe and S speciation. Although organic carbon in the highly evolved SPGs from both the Archean and is present in both Archean and Proterozoic sedimentary Proterozoic can attain spessartine-rich compositions rocks and certainly exerted a reducing influence on (e.g. 50–60 mol %), probably owing to high Mn/(Mn þ Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019 2þ Archean and Proterozoic SPG fO2 , it was probably the Fe þ Mg) in evolved peraluminous melts. However, bulk redox state of the sediments that ultimately fixed no systematic differences in composition between the fO2 of SPG magmas. In particular, although the cu- Archean and Proterozoic samples are observed in the mulative preserved thicknesses of black shales in the existing data. Garnet in SPGs can have a number of ori- Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic reached a peak in gins, including direct crystallization from the granitic Earth history, the total organic carbon in these shales melt (Hall & Tyler, 1965; Joyce, 1973; Green, 1977), der- (<5 wt %) was on average lower than at other times in ivation from restitic material (White & Chappell, 1977; Earth history (up to 30% in the Phanerozoic; Condie Stevens et al., 2007; Villaros et al., 2009) or surrounding et al., 2001; Och & Shields-Zhou, 2012). The simultan- host rock (Allan & Clarke, 1981), or reaction between eous decrease in the organic carbon content of sedi- early formed phases and silicate melt (e.g. liquid þ bio- ments (by weight per cent) and increase in amount of tite ! garnet þ muscovite; Miller & Stoddard, 1981). other oxidized sedimentary material may explain the Combined careful textural, petrographic, and geochem- relatively elevated fO2 of Proterozoic SPGs as compared ical studies are required to determine the origin for gar- with Phanerozoic and Archean SPGs. Notably, however, net in SPGs, which are currently lacking for SPGs from many SPGs from both the Archean and Proterozoic the Archean and Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic. Therefore, crystallized at fO2 values controlled by reduced carbon at this time using garnet compositions to understand ei- in their source region (samples at NNO – 2 in Fig. 5b), ther the crystallization conditions or the characteristics suggesting that burial of organic carbon in the sedi- of the source rocks of these granites is difficult, but mentary source regions for the SPGs has exerted an im- would provide a fruitful avenue for future study. portant control on the fO2 of the SPGs across the transition (and indeed also for Phanerozoic SPGs; Flood Other peraluminous indicator minerals and & Shaw, 1977; Blevin & Chappell, 1992; Nabelek, 2019). accessory phases Other peraluminous indicator minerals present in both White mica Archean and Proterozoic SPGs include cordierite, tour- White mica is a common mineral in SPGs and can be ei- maline, sillimanite, and beryl. Cordierite is found in less ther primary or secondary in origin. Primary white mica evolved granites (e.g. parts of the Ghost Lake batholith, occurs as large euhedral books or phenocrysts (Fig. 4a), the Treelined Lake complex, the Talston Magmatic whereas secondary white mica shows textural relation- Zone, and the Liangcheng granites) (Breaks & Moore, ships suggesting that it formed through the breakdown 1992; Pan & Breaks, 1997; De et al., 2000; Wang et al., of feldspars, biotite, or other aluminosilicates during 2018). In contrast, tourmaline is a phase dominantly cooling and potential ingress of fluids (Miller, 1981). In found coexisting with muscovite and garnet in more addition to textural arguments, primary versus second- evolved SPGs and only rarely with biotite (Fig. 4c; ary white mica can be identified based on its chemistry. Breaks & Moore, 1992; Nabelek et al., 1992a). The water Miller (1981) suggested that magmatic white mica is content of the melt is probably the determining factor consistently richer in Ti, Na, and Al, but poorer in Mg controlling whether tourmaline or biotite crystallizes and Si, than secondary white mica. Bucholz et al. (2018) from a B-bearing strongly peraluminous melt. For ex- compiled and screened existing white mica compos- ample, Scaillet et al. (1991) found that in a strongly per- itional data for Archean and Proterozoic SPGs. In both aluminous granitic melt biotite is the stable liquidus the Archean and Proterozoic granites, white mica does phase at high water activities (when the mole fraction of not occur as pure end-member muscovite water in the coexisting vapor phase is <07), whereas [K2Al4(Si6Al2O20)] but rather exhibits solid solution to- tourmaline is stable only at lower water activities. wards paragonite [Na2Al4(Si6Al2O20)(OH)4] and celadon- Elevated Ti contents in strongly peraluminous melts ite [K2Al2(Fe,Mg)2(Si8O20)(OH)4](Bucholz et al., 2018). may also stabilize biotite over tourmaline (Nabelek, Primary white mica was identified in all SPG samples 2019). No systematic differences in either abundances from that study and no systematic compositional differ- or compositions of these phases are observed between ences in white mica (e.g. Na contents, halogens, etc.) Archean and Proterozoic SPGs based on existing, albeit from Archean and Proterozoic SPGs were observed. limited data. Dominant accessory phases in the SPGs include Garnet (fluor-)apatite, monazite, thorite, zircon, titanite, allanite, Garnets in SPGs display variable compositions from spinel, uraninite, graphite, ilmenite, magnetite, and ru- one intrusion to another, mostly in relationship to tile. Notably, Archean SPGs predominantly contain il- Fe:Mg:Mn ratios. In both Archean and Proterozoic menite as the sole stable Fe–Ti oxide [although 1324 Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7 magnetite has been described in granites from the Thompson, 1988; Vielzeuf & Holloway, 1988; Patino~ Yilgarn and Kaapvaal craton (Trumbull, 1993; Qui, Douce & Johnston, 1991; Icenhower & London, 1995; 1997)], whereas magnetite is found in a number of the Vielzeuf & Montel, 1994; Montel & Vielzeuf, 1997; Proterozoic SPGs (e.g. Cree Lake granites, Mesopro- Stevens et al., 1997; Patino~ Douce & Harris, 1998; terozoic granites of the southwestern USA, the Pickering & Johnston, 1998) and detailed geochemical

Helanshan complex, and SPGs of the Transamazonian modeling (e.g. Clemens & Vielzeuf, 1987; Harris et al., Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019 Orogeny). The presence of magnetite in these granites 1993, 1995; Sylvester, 1998; Spear et al., 1999; Nabelek, indicates that they crystallized at sufficiently elevated 2019). A critical factor controlling the amount of melt fO2 for magnetite to be a stable crystallizing phase (e.g. produced during the partial melting of metasedimen- Ishihara, 1977). As discussed in the section on biotite tary rocks is the presence or absence of excess fluid chemistry, this transition in fO2 values of crystallization (see Clemens & Vielzeuf, 1987, for a detailed discus- may reflect a shift in the bulk redox state of the sedi- sion). In both the presence and absence of excess fluid, mentary source rocks across the GOE. the primary melting reactions that occur involve the breakdown of either muscovite or biotite:

WHOLE-ROCK MAJOR AND TRACE ELEMENT muscovite þ quartz þ plagioclase ðþ fluidÞ CHEMISTRY ¼ aluminosilicate ðAl2SiO5Þþmelt (2) Whole-rock major and trace element chemistry for biotite þ aluminosilicate ðAl2SiO5Þþquartz SPGs can be difficult to interpret in the framework of þ plagioclase ðþ fluidÞ melt compositions because of the potential for restitic ¼ garnet þ K feldspar þ melt (3) material to be entrained in the granitic melt during ex- traction from the source (White & Chappell, 1977; In equations (2) and (3), if excess fluid is present Chappell et al., 1987; Stevens et al., 2007). [However, (indicated by ‘þ fluid’ in parentheses), the reactions pro- see Wall et al. (1987) and Clemens (1989) for points ceed until one of the phases on the left-hand side of the raised against the restite model.] In addition, melt com- reaction is exhausted. When fluid is absent, sometimes positions, and in particular some trace element concen- referred to as dehydration melting, the amount of either trations, are highly sensitive to the degree of melting, muscovite [equation (2)] or biotite [equation (3)] in the the source rock composition, and the presence and source controls the amount of melt produced. abundance of accessory minerals in the restite. With Quantitative modeling of these reactions to determine these caveats in mind, we present an analysis of the trace element concentrations in the derivative melts will whole-rock chemistry of both Archean and Proterozoic strongly rest upon assumptions concerning equilibrium SPGs, both compiled from the existing literature and between the melt and solid phases and the choice of newly acquired data. A complete dataset with referen- partition coefficients used (e.g. Harris et al., 1993). For ces is available in Supplementary Data Table S1; sup- trace elements that reside predominantly in major plementary data are available for downloading at http:// phases (e.g. Rb, Sr, and Ba in micas and feldspars), it is www.petrology.oxfordjournals.org. Newly acquired reasonable to infer that trace element modeling of bio- major and trace element whole-rock chemistry for 50 tite- and muscovite-breakdown reactions [equations (2) samples from the St Vrain and Silver plume granites and (3)] will generally capture the range of composi- (Colorado, USA), Mt Owen batholith (Wyoming, USA), tions produced in nature. Other trace elements that pre- and the Superior Craton was obtained via X-ray fluores- dominantly reside in accessory phases (e.g. REE, Zr, Th, cence (XRF) at Caltech (n ¼ 47) and Washington State and Nb) are dominantly controlled by dissolution of University (n ¼ 3). Sample information (i.e. locality, lith- these minor phases, which in turn are dependent on the ology, sampling GPS coordinates) for the newly solubility of the phases in various melt compositions acquired data is provided in Supplementary Data Table and, potentially, incomplete separation between the S2. Whole-rock sample preparation and analytical melt and restitic minerals (e.g. Barbero et al., 1995; methods are described in the Supplementary Data. Ayres & Harris, 1997; Zeng et al., 2005a, 2005b). Trace From an initially larger dataset including all available element modeling based on the reactions in equations whole-rock data from the localities listed in Table 1,we (2) and (3), therefore, is restricted to Rb, Sr, and Ba. (Zr, culled the samples to include only whole-rock composi- however, can potentially yield information on max- tions normalized to 100% on an anhydrous basis that imum temperatures of melting through zircon satur- contained 68–80 wt % SiO2 and <5 wt % FeO þ MgO þ ation temperature modeling as discussed in more detail TiO2, and had ASI > 11; 586 Archean and 255 below.) Proterozoic whole-rock analyses of SPGs are Archean and Proterozoic SPGs are relatively similar considered. in terms of most major element concentrations, be- To frame our discussion, a brief overview of partial cause as a whole they represent near minimum melts in melting of metasedimentary rocks is merited. We direct the peraluminous haplogranite system. Most (>90%) of the reader to more detailed discussions in the literature, the analyses fall within the following compositional as a wealth of work has been done on this subject, brackets: 135–170wt % Al2O3, <04 wt % TiO2,03– through both experimental studies (Le Breton & 25 wt % CaO, and 3–7 wt % Na2O. K2O contents are Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7 1325

(a) (b) Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019

(c) (d)

Fig. 6. Summary of whole-rock geochemistry indicative of temperature of melting. Zr (a, b) and zircon saturation temperature (c, d) for Archean (a, c) and Proterozoic (b, d) SPGs versus whole-rock Al2O3/TiO2. Zircon saturation temperature is calculated using distri- bution coefficient of Zr between zircon and melt as parameterized by Boehnke et al. (2013). Filled symbols are used for localities that generally plot at higher Zr contents and zircon saturation temperatures, and lower Al2O3/TiO2 ratios. more variable, between 1 and 8 wt %. According to the Sylvester, 1998; Nabelek, 2019). However, several major granite classification of Frost et al. (2001), the SPGs con- and trace element characteristics of Archean and sidered here span a range of compositions from mag- Proterozoic samples indicative of temperature of melt- nesian to ferroan and calcic to alkalic. The only ing and source lithology merit discussion. consistent compositional features (as defined by the compositional constraints imposed on the compilation) Al2O3/TiO2 and Zr—melting temperatures are that they are strongly peraluminous and have high In an analysis of experimental studies on partial melting

SiO2 contents (70–80 wt %). Although there is variability of sediments, Sylvester (1998) found that Al2O3/TiO2 between localities in both Archean and Proterozoic values in the partial melts are primarily controlled by

SPGs, their major and trace element concentrations are the temperature of melting. Whereas Al2O3 contents re- similar to those observed in Phanerozoic SPGs (see main relatively constant in partial melts owing to the 1326 Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7 stability of refractory aluminous phases (e.g. plagio- indicative of temperature of melting. His observations clase, garnet, aluminosilicates) in the restite, TiO2 con- suggested that a distinction may be made between tents will increase with increasing temperatures owing SPGs from (1) ‘low-temperature, high-pressure’ colli- to the breakdown of Ti-bearing phases such as biotite sions [e.g. the Alps and Himalayas, where small- to and ilmenite. If whole-rock SPG compositions are con- moderate-volume ‘cool’, post-collisional SPGs formed sidered pure partial melts (i.e. they have not experi- by decompression melting of over-thickened crust Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019 enced mixing with another melt, assimilation, or (>50 km thick) heated by in situ decay of radiogenic ele- fractional crystallization) their whole-rock Al2O3/TiO2 ments] and (2) high-temperature collisions (e.g. the should reflect the temperature of melt generation. If this Hercynides or the Lachlan fold belt) in which large-vol- assumption is valid, SPGs produced as a result of par- ume, ‘hot’ post-collisional SPGs formed by mantle- tial melting at higher temperatures will have lower derived heating of crust 50 km thick after lithospheric Al2O3/TiO2 on average than those produced at lower delamination. Indeed, Sylvester (1998) found that temperatures. Similarly, Zr concentrations and calcu- Phanerozoic SPGs from ‘low-’ and ‘high-temperature’ lated zircon saturation temperatures have also been collisions tended to have high and low Al2O3/TiO2 used as an indicator of magmatic temperature for silicic ratios, respectively. Archean and Proterozoic SPGs magmas (e.g. Watson & Harrison, 1983; Miller et al., span the range in Al2O3/TiO2 values observed by 2003; Boehnke et al., 2013). Zr solubility in magmas is Sylvester (1998) for Phanerozoic SPGs (20–500), al- primarily a function of magmatic composition and tem- though some samples in both temporal groups extend perature, with higher concentrations of Zr capable of to higher Al2O3/TiO2 values (up to 2000; Fig. 6). [It being dissolved in melts at higher (Na þ K þ 2Ca)/ should be noted that the samples with the highest (Al Si) ratios and higher temperatures (Watson & Al2O3/TiO2 values are primarily due to low TiO2 concen- Harrison, 1983; Boehnke et al., 2013). If a rock is satu- trations with limited reported significant digits (e.g. 001 rated in zircon, calculated zircon saturation tempera- and 002 wt %), giving rise to near-vertical trends in Zr tures using whole-rock Zr contents provide a maximum or zircon saturation temperature versus Al O /TiO .] magmatic temperature estimate (Miller et al., 2003). 2 3 2 For Archean SPGs, those from the Yilgarn, These two geochemical variables (whole-rock Al O / 2 3 Kaapvaal, and Grunehogna Cratons (filled blue sym- TiO ratios and calculated zircon saturation tempera- 2 bols) define a more tightly clustered range of values at tures) portray a consistent story concerning magmatic lower Al O /TiO and higher Zr concentrations and zir- temperatures in SPGs. Both whole-rock Zr concentra- 2 3 2 con saturation temperatures than those from the tions and zircon saturation temperatures covary with Superior, Slave, and Wyoming cratons (open symbols), whole-rock Al O /TiO ratios (Fig. 6). That is, Archean 2 3 2 which display more variable values extending to lower and Proterozoic SPGs with low Al O /TiO ratios (<100) 2 3 2 Zr contents and higher Al O /TiO values (Fig. 6a and have higher Zr contents (generally >100 ppm) and Zr 2 3 2 c). This geographical distinction is notable, as it sug- saturation temperatures (average 807 6 105C, 2r), gests that the SPGs from the Yilgarn, Kaapvaal, and whereas SPGs with Al O /TiO ratios >100 have lower 2 3 2 Grunehogna Cratons were derived predominantly Zr contents (generally <100 ppm) and Zr saturation tem- through higher temperatures of melting (>800C). In peratures (688 6 145C, 2r)(Fig. 6). Whether these tem- peratures reflect the primary temperatures of partial contrast, SPGs from the Superior, Slave, and Wyoming melting versus secondary temperatures during cooling cratons appear to have formed through cooler melting (and fractional crystallization of biotite and zircon) is un- conditions (<750 C). In the Proterozoic SPGs, the clear (see Finger & Schiller, 2012). However, SPGs with Harney Peak granite of the Trans-Hudson Orogeny (open left-pointing triangles) defines the high Al2O3/ high Zr saturation temperatures and low Al2O3/TiO2 ratios certainly obtained elevated temperatures and TiO2 and low zircon saturation temperature end of the were probably derived through relatively high-tempera- distribution of samples in our dataset (Fig. 6b and d), ture melting above the biotite-dehydration curve suggesting derivation at relatively low temperatures of (>800C). In contrast, SPGs with low Zr concentrations melting. In contrast, the Proterozoic SPGs from the SW USA, the Talston magmatic zone, Guyana Shield, and and zircon saturation temperatures and high Al2O3/TiO2 whole-rock ratios may have formed under conditions of Khondalite belt of north China (filled red symbols) de- relatively cool, muscovite-dehydration melting (which fine the low Al2O3/TiO2 end of the data array, suggest- occurs between 650 and 725Cat04–10 GPa). These ive of partial melting at higher temperatures. Although ‘cooler’ peraluminous granitic melts would have been specific localities cluster towards high or low Al2O3/ saturated in zircon in the source (along with potentially TiO2 values, these variations occur in both Archean other refractory restitic trace phases such as monazite and Proterozoic SPGs. As such, this suggests that var- or apatite). iations in temperatures of sediment melting and likely

Sylvester (1998) compared whole-rock Al2O3/TiO2 tectonic mechanisms of producing melting (e.g. burial ratios in SPGs from different Phanerozoic orogens with during a collisional orogeny, mafic underplating, ridge known metamorphic histories to test the idea that ‘low- subduction, etc.) were locality specific and tectonically temperature’ versus ‘high-temperature’ orogens would viable from the Mesoarchean (30 Ga) into the Paleo- preserve SPGs with different whole-rock compositions and Mesoproterozoic. Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7 1327 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 7. Summary of bulk-rock geochemistry indicative of source rock lithology. Rb/Ba versus CaO/Na2O (a, b) and Rb/Sr (c, d) for Archean (a, c) and Proterozoic (b, d) SPGs. Symbols as in Fig. 5. In (c) and (d), calculated pelite- and greywacke-derived melts are from Sylvester (1998).

CaO/Na2O, Rb/Sr, and Rb/Ba—source lithologies melt from plagioclase (Patino~ Douce & Johnston, 1991; In his analysis of partial melting experiments on metase- Patino~ Douce & Beard, 1995). Extent of melting, pres- dimentary rocks and SPG whole-rock compositions, sure, and H2O activity will also affect these ratios; how- Sylvester (1998) also demonstrated that CaO/Na2O, Rb/ ever, the abundance of plagioclase in the source Sr, and Rb/Ba whole-rock values of SPGs could be used lithology is the strongest control (Sylvester, 1998). The to understand variation in source lithologies. SPGs pro- systematics of Rb/Sr and Rb/Ba ratios of SPG whole-rock duced through partial melting of plagioclase-rich, clay- compositions are slightly more complicated. poor sources (greywackes) will have higher CaO/Na2O Comprehensive partial melting modeling of various ratios than those produced through partial melting of source materials suggest that two primary factors con- clay-rich pelites owing to the contribution of CaO to the trol Rb/Sr and Rb/Ba ratios (Harris & Inger, 1992; Harris 1328 Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019

Fig. 8. Zircon and shale d18O(&) values with age (Ma). Global zircon compilation (grey dots) is from Spencer et al. (2017) and includes both detrital zircons and zircons separated from igneous rocks. Time binned averages of shale compositions are from Bindeman et al. (2016) with 1rSD errors on average. Data for the Archean Annandagstoppane granite (blue dots) are from Marschall et al. (2010), and for the Proterozoic granites from the Khondalite belt and Liangcheng granites of the North China Craton are from Dan et al. (2014) and Wang et al. (2017, 2018). et al.,1993). First, vapor-absent melting produces higher distribution of samples in our dataset (Fig. 7b and d), Rb/Sr and Ba/Sr ratios in the partial melt owing to lower suggesting derivation from clay-rich sources. In contrast, melt fractions and the presence of significant feldspar the Proterozoic SPGs from the SW USA, the Talston (both plagioclase and K-feldspar) in the restite, which magmatic zone, Guyana Shield, and Khondalite belt of will retain Sr. Second, muscovite- or biotite-rich, plagio- north China (filled red symbols) define the high-CaO/ clase-poor rocks (i.e. metapelites) will yield higher Rb/Sr Na2O and low Rb/Sr and Rb/Ba of the data array (Fig. 7b and Rb/Ba ratios than plagioclase-rich, mica-poor sedi- and d), suggestive of partial melting of greywacke-rich ments (i.e. greywackes) owing to higher Rb concentra- (i.e. clay-poor) source rocks. SPGs from other localities tions in the source rocks (Harris et al.,1993; Sylvester appear to have formed through melting of both plagio- 1998). Sylvester (1998) pointed out that the Rb/Sr and clase- and clay-rich source rocks, such as those from the Rb/Ba ratios of Phanerozoic SPGs generally fall on a log– Superior, Slave, and Wyoming cratons. linear array of increasing Rb/Sr with Rb/Ba. In addition, No systematic difference in the ranges or distributions he noted that SPGs with low CaO/Na2O ratios generally of CaO/Na2O, Rb/Sr, or Rb/Ba values is observed be- have higher Rb/Sr and Rb/Ba ratios than do those with tween Archean and Proterozoic SPG populations as a high CaO/Na2O ratios, although there is some overlap. whole, suggesting that clay-rich and clay-poor sediments As such, Sylvester (1998) suggested that Rb/Sr and Rb/ were present in the source rocks of both Archean and Ba ratios in SPGs are dominantly controlled by the char- Proterozoic SPGs. Therefore, on a broad scale the sedi- acteristics of the source rock, with higher Rb/Sr and Rb/ mentary source regions for SPGs may have been similar Ba ratios reflecting clay-rich sources. in terms of maturity (i.e. clay component) across the In Archean and Proterozoic SPGs, whole-rock CaO/ Archean–Proterozoic transition. However, we recognize Na2O is negatively correlated with both Rb/Sr and Rb/Ba that this suggestion is based upon a relatively limited (Fig. 7a and b). In addition, whole-rock compositions of dataset of both Archean and Proterozoic SPGs (Fig. 7). A Archean and Proterozoic SPGs define a similar, positive- larger compilation of Archean and Proterozoic SPG ly correlated trend of Rb/Sr and Rb/Ba to the Phanerozoic whole-rock chemistry from more localities, in addition to SPG compilation presented by Sylvester (1998) (Fig. 7c quantitative trace element modeling of partial melting of and d). Localities with lower CaO/Na2O values tend to specific representative source rocks, would be useful to have higher Rb/Sr and Rb/Ba ratios and vice versa, sug- explore this idea in greater detail. gesting derivation from clay-rich and clay-poor source regions, respectively. For example, for the Proterozoic SPGs, the Harney Peak granite of the Trans-Hudson STABLE ISOTOPES Orogeny (open left-pointing triangles) defines the low Given the existing petrological and geochemical data

CaO/Na2O and high Rb/Sr and Rb/Ba end of the indicating an origin through partial melting of Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7 1329 metasedimentary rocks, Archean and Proterozoic SPGs Proterozoic sediments that were ultimately assimilated should preserve stable (e.g. oxygen) and radiogenic iso- into magmas (Bindeman et al., 2016; Spencer et al., tope signatures suggesting derivation from weathered, 2019). Support for the latter two causes comes from continental material (e.g. elevated 18O/16O ratios and what is known about the ancient sedimentary record. initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios). The available oxygen isotope Archean sediments are characterized by immature, sub- data for the SPGs, however limited, clearly demonstrate aqueous volcaniclastic material and shales with low Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019 this, as explained in detail below. We do not discuss the d18O values (Ronov, 1964; Longstaffe & Schwarcz, 1977; radiogenic isotope compositions of the SPGs because Shieh & Schwarcz, 1978; Lowe, 1994; Veizer & of the difficulties involved in their interpretation. Melts Mackenzie, 2003; Bindeman et al., 2016; Fig. 8). In con- derived through the partial melting of metasedimentary trast, Proterozoic sedimentary sequences mark the rocks have complicated trace element and radiogenic onset of subaerial weathering, characterized by high- isotope signatures owing (in part) to the disequilibrium d18O, mature sediments such as clays, and chemical nature of crustal anatexis at relatively low temperatures sediments (e.g. carbonates and evaporates) (Ronov, (e.g. Watson & Harrison, 1983; Hammouda et al., 1996; 1964; Grotzinger & James, 2000; Veizer & Mackenzie, Patino~ Douce & Harris, 1998; Knesel & Davidson, 2002; 2003; Campbell & Davies, 2017). In addition, the rise of Zeng et al., 2005a, 2005b). As a result of incomplete dis- atmospheric oxygen diversified the number of clay min- solution of accessory phases (e.g. apatite, monazite, or erals (e.g. Fe3þ-bearing smectites) through oxidative zircon), some trace elements (e.g. Pb and REE) and weathering of subaerial continental crust (Hazen et al., radiogenic isotope characteristics (e.g. those of Nd, Pb, 2013). 18 and Hf) of anatectic melts are not representative of their Testing whether the secular change in d Ozircon val- source rock, but rather the degree to which the acces- ues was primarily due to a change in sediment sory phases have participated in the partial melting pro- composition or volume or in tectonic regime is difficult cess (Hogan & Sinha, 1991; Nabelek & Glascock, 1995; using zircon from a broadly sampled igneous record. Zeng et al., 2005a, 2005b; Farina et al., 2014; Tang et al., First, igneous rocks often have a complicated origin and 2014). Therefore, the radiogenic isotope signatures of may have both mantle and crustal source components. SPGs are controlled by two factors, which are difficult Second, detrital zircons (which are the primary dataset to untangle: (1) the age of the crust from which the sedi- for more recent studies demonstrating a secular trend 18 mentary material was derived and subsequently melted in d Ozircon values) have no petrological context to (which is highly dependent on location and geological understand their origin (see Spencer et al., 2019). As history); (2) disequilibrium melting during partial melt- SPGs are derived entirely from the partial melting of ing of refractory mineral phases. Therefore, we focus metasedimentary rocks, they therefore should preserve here on a review of existing oxygen isotope data, as a pure sedimentary signal in their oxygen isotope val- other stable isotopes have not been measured in the ues. If a stepwise change is observed, this suggests that SPGs to so great an extent as to merit a comparison be- the increase in d18O values of igneous zircon at c. 23– tween Archean and Proterozoic samples [although see 24 Ga was due, at least in part, to the increasing d18Oof Nabelek et al. (1992b) for H isotopes of the Harney Peak sediments. On the other hand, if there is no shift across granite]. the Archaean–Proterozoic transition in the d18O values of the SPGs, then sedimentary rocks must have been Oxygen isotopes incorporated into magmas in more abundant amounts Background via enhanced crustal recycling (through the formation Studies of oxygen isotopes in igneous and detrital zir- of larger volumes of sediments or enhanced subduc- 18 con demonstrate that zircon d18O values in the Archean tion). In addition, mineral d O values of SPGs are a are mostly between 5 and 7&, suggesting crystalliza- complementary, and in some cases, more robust record 18 tion from dominantly mantle-derived melts, whereas than the sedimentary archive as the d O values of zircon d18O shifts abruptly in the Proterozoic to higher some minerals (such as zircon) are more resistant to and more variable values (up to 10&)(Valley, 2003; subsequent alteration than whole-rock values (Valley, Valley et al., 2005; Spencer et al., 2014, 2017; Payne 2003). Although diagenesis and metamorphism (pre- et al., 2015; Fig. 8). Possible causes for the shift in requisites prior to partial melting) certainly will affect 18 18 d Ozircon values may be related to several, non- the d O values of the source rocks for the SPGs, SPGs mutually exclusive factors (see discussion by Valley should still faithfully record relative variations in sedi- 18 et al., 2005) including the following: (1) the onset or ac- mentary d O values as these processes should affect 18 celeration of subduction at the end of the Archean, the d O values of Archean and Proterozoic sedimentary which would enhance the recycling of sediments into rocks equally. the source regions of magmas; (2) the quantity and composition of sediments available for recycling owing Oxygen isotopes in Archean and Proterozoic to the emergence of a subaerial, evolved crust in the SPGs Proterozoic (Spencer et al., 2014); (3) differences in Archean SPGs with previously measured d18O values weathering across the GOE, giving rise to higher-d18O (of both whole-rocks and minerals) include the 1330 Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7

Table 3: Archean and Proterozoic SPG oxygen isotope literature data summary

Locality WR/min* Range (&)† Av. (&)† 1r (&) n References Notes

Archean Superior Craton [1] Preissac–Lacorne WR 78–8682067Feng et al., 1993

batholith Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019 qtz 83–10194077Feng et al., 1993 ksp 64–9174117Feng et al., 1993 grt 43–6554077Feng et al., 1993 ms 55–6460036Feng et al., 1993 bt 17–3427065Feng et al., 1993 WR 81–9886039Mulja et al., 1995b [9] Treelined Lake WR 90–116100098Pan & Breaks, 1997 complex [9] Separation Rapid WR 92–118103096Pan & Breaks, 1997 pluton [10] Winnipeg River WR 81–1241011430Longstaffe et al., 1981 Data from Eaglenest pegmatite field–per- Lake, Greer Lake, Osis aluminous Lake, and Tin Lake leucogranites intrusions. Whole-rock d18O are homogeneous within individual intru- sions, but vary be- tween bodies (e.g. Greer Lake: þ81to þ87& v. Osis Lake: þ111toþ124&) qtz 98–134116149Longstaffe et al., 1981 ksp 77–11493159Longstaffe et al., 1981 bt 33–5948126Longstaffe et al., 1981 ms 63–9676157Longstaffe et al., 1981 Slave Craton [19] Yellowknife gran- WR 88–1101030712Meintzer, 1987 ite–pegmatite field Kaapvaal Craton [22] Sinceni pluton WR 100–111105037 8 Blamart, 1993 Grunehogna Craton [24] Annandagstop- zrc‡ 54–7862089Marschall et al., 2010 zircon from 3 granodior- pane granite ite to granite samples (values only from zir- con with crystallization ages; i.e. not inherited) Proterozoic Wopmay Orogen [25] Hepburn intrusive WR 87–1211010728Lalonde, 1989 only data from peralu- suite minous granodiorites to granites compiled (whole-rock >65 wt % SiO2) Trans-Hudson Orogen [28] Harney Peak gran- WR 104–13311506—Nabelek et al., 1992a, 1992b averages are those ite (‘low-d18O’ reported by Nabelek series) et al., 1992b [28] Harney Peak gran- WR 104–13313208—Nabelek et al., 1992a, 1992b averages are those ite (‘high-d18O’ reported by Nabelek series) et al., 1992b [28] Calamity Peak WR 129–143137056Rockhold et al., 1987 pluton [26] Arch Lake granite, WR 97–109104056De et al., 2000 Talston Magmatic Zone [26] Slave granite, WR 96–118109096De et al., 2000 Talston Magmatic Zone SW USA—Colorado [29] Silver Plume & St WR 104–116108055Anderson & Morrison, 2005 Vrain granites SW USA—Arizona [30] Ruin, Sierra WR 102–112106046Anderson & Morrison, 2005 Estrella, Oracle, Ak- Chin granites North China Craton (continued) Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7 1331

Table 3: Continued Locality WR/min* Range (&)† Av. (&)† 1r (&) n References Notes

[33] Helanshan zrc‡ 73–10694137Dan et al., 2014 zircon data from two dif- complex ferent granite samples [32] Liangcheng zrc‡ 92–11610505 143 Wang et al., 2018 5 different samples of

granites grt–bt to grt–opx gran- Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019 itoids; only values from zircon with ‘magmatic’ textures included zrc‡ 72–91820545Wang et al., 2017 3 different samples of ‘meta-leucogranites’ (grt-, bt-, and sil-bear- ing); only values from zircon with ‘magmatic’ textures included

Locality number in brackets is locality number in Table 1. *Indicates whether reported values are for whole-rock (WR) or mineral separates. qtz, quartz; ksp, K-feldspar; grt, garnet; ms, mus- covite; bt, biotite; zrc, zircon. †O isotope values are reported in per mil notation relative to the Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW). ‡Measured in situ via secondary ion mass spectrometry.

Annandagstoppane granite of Antarctica (31 Ga; though these materials are known to be more suscep- Marschall et al., 2010), the Preissac–Lamotte–Lacorne– tible to alteration of primary magmatic d18O values by Moly Hill granites of Quebec (26 Ga; Feng et al., 1993; weathering (for whole-rock samples) or sub-solidus re- Mulja et al., 1995b), the Treelined Lake complex (Pan & equilibration (e.g. for quartz; Giletti & Yund, 1984; Eiler Breaks, 1997); the Yellowknife granite–pegmatite field et al., 1992). The averages of all available quartz d18O (Prosperous granite, Meintzer, 1987), the Winnipeg values from Archean and Proterozoic SPG localities are

River pegmatite field (Longstaffe et al., 1981), and the 106 6 32& (2rSD, n ¼ 16) and 134 6 25& (2rSD, Sinceni pluton of the Kaapvaal Craton (Blamart, 1993). n ¼ 61), respectively, whereas whole-rock d18O values Paleoproterozoic SPGs with previously measured d18O are 98 6 25& and 110 6 33& (Fig. 9a, b, e and f; values are the Harney Peak granite and satellite intru- Table 3). The average zircon, quartz, and whole-rock sions (Walker et al., 1986; Rockhold et al., 1987; Shearer d18O values from the Archean and Proterozoic are statis- et al., 1987; Nabelek et al., 1992b), the Helanshan tically distinguishable with t-test p values of <0001. Complex (Dan et al., 2014) and Liangcheng granites Magmatic d18O values can increase through differen-

(Wang et al., 2017, 2018) of the North China Craton, and tiation and concomitant SiO2 enrichment in the melt the Taltson Magmatic Zone of Saskatchewan (De et al., (Eiler, 2001; Bindeman et al., 2004; Bucholz et al., 2017). 2000). A summary of oxygen isotope data from the lit- However, the difference in whole-rock d18O values is erature is provided in Table 3. not simply a function of an increase in whole-rock SiO2 Average whole-rock, zircon, and quartz d18O values contents. Indeed, in the oxygen isotope compilation, from SPGs all increase from the Archean to the the Archean samples skew to higher SiO2 contents than Paleoproterozoic (Fig. 9a–f). Among mineral phases in the Proterozoic samples while maintaining distinctly high-silica rocks, zircon is generally taken as the most lower d18O values (Fig. 9g). Unfortunately, for most reliable recorder of magmatic d18O values owing to its studies included in the compilation, mineral pairs were slow O self-diffusivity and robustness to alteration not measured, rendering implementation of oxygen iso- (Valley, 2003; Bindeman et al., 2018). [Garnet, although tope thermometry impossible. An exception to this is considered a phase often resistant to weathering, is not the study of Nabelek et al. (1992b) in which the authors always present in high-silica rocks, with SPGs being a comprehensively measured quartz, feldspar, garnet, notable exception (King & Valley, 2001).] Zircon d18O muscovite, biotite, and tourmaline d18O values from values in Archean SPGs are limited in number and de- over 50 samples from the Harney Peak granite and rive solely from the Annandagstoppane granite associated pegmatites. Calculated oxygen isotope (Marschall et al., 2010) with a mean value of 61 6 16& equilibration temperatures are widely variable (408– 18 (2rSD, n ¼ 10; Fig. 9c). Available zircon d O data for 848 C, excluding feldspar–quartz pairs, which yielded a Paleoproterozoic SPGs exist only for the Helanshan lower range of 300–550C), suggesting that in many Complex (Dan et al., 2014) and the Liangcheng granites samples significant subsolidus re-equilibration of oxy- (Wang et al., 2017, 2018) of the North China Craton and gen isotopes in quartz and other minerals occurred. yield significantly higher average values of 99 6 22& Further such detailed studies involving mineral pair

(2rSD, n ¼ 225) (Fig. 9d). However, as the present zircon oxygen isotope measurements (e.g. zircon and garnet) d18O data are limited [from one Archean locality (with will need to be undertaken to verify which values are 10 analyses) and two Paleoproterozoic localities], we representative of magmatic d18O values. Although the discuss whole-rock and quartz d18O values as well, even SPG data summarized in Figs 8 and 9 come from a 1332 Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7

(a)(c) Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019






Fig. 9. Oxygen isotope ratios [expressed as d18O(&)] of Archean and Proterozoic SPGs. Histograms of whole-rock (a, b), zircon (c, 18 18 d), and quartz (e, f) d O values. (g) Whole-rock and zircon d O values versus whole-rock SiO2 for samples where whole-rock major element analyses were available. Summary of data and data sources are given in Table 3.

relatively small set of data, it is nevertheless important at the surface of the Earth and in sedimentary rock com- to note that the d18O data from the Archean to positions across the Archean–Proterozoic transition Proterozoic SPGs come from four continents may have been imprinted on the igneous rock record. In (Antarctica, North America, Europe, Asia) and are con- particular, the Archean–Proterozoic transition coincided sistent between zircon, quartz, and whole-rock values. with both the rise of subaerial weathering and the Great The shift in d18O mineral and whole-rock values is con- Oxidation Event, both of which profoundly influenced sistent with the hypothesis that sedimentary d18O val- the chemistry and lithologies of sedimentary rocks. ues underwent a dramatic increase across the Archean– Further, SPGs may provide complementary insight into Proterozoic transition, potentially owing to the rise of the evolution of sediments across Earth’s history as new styles of weathering of subaerial landmasses in an they can mitigate some of the issues associated with oxygenated atmosphere. poor preservation of the sedimentary rock record. We briefly summarize our key findings.

1. No systematic variations between Archean and PERSPECTIVES Proterozoic SPGs in terms of mineral assemblages The motivation and premise for this review paper is are observed. Because of their strongly peralumin- that SPGs may be able to shed light on how variations ous nature, all are characterized by biotite and/or Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7 1333

muscovite, sometimes with another peraluminous source rock characteristics and ages, crystallization indicator mineral such as garnet, cordierite, or tour- ages through modern geochronological techniques, maline. Biotite compositions and the presence of and crystallization conditions as inferred from quantita- magnetite in some Proterozoic SPGs, however, indi- tive thermobarometry. Many of the granite localities in cate that Archean SPGs on average crystallized from Table 1 do not have robust age constraints. For ex-

melts characterized by lower oxygen fugacity val- ample, many localities from the Superior Craton are Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019 ues, which may reflect derivation from sedimentary only known to be Neoarchean in age (e.g. Allison Lake source rocks with more reduced bulk redox states batholith) and others, such as the Silver Plume and St prior to the Great Oxidation Event. Vrain granites, have ages based on Rb–Sr whole-rock 2. Whole-rock chemistry indicators of temperatures of and mineral isochrons (Peterman et al., 1968). Precise melting and source lithology (e.g. greywackes ver- and accurate age constraints are required to explore the sus pelites) imply that although specific SPGs local- temporal evolution of isotope systems in these granites. ities are characterized by coherent patterns (e.g. To obtain crystallization ages zircon rims should be ana- high-temperature melting of greywackes), there is lyzed, as SPGs are often characterized by zircon with no systematic difference between Archean and inherited cores owing to partial dissolution of zircon Proterozoic SPGs as a whole. This in turn suggests during partial melting (Miller et al., 2003). that the generation of SPGs on either side of the A critical objective of any future studies should be to Great Oxidation Event was not characterized by dis- constrain the depositional age of the sedimentary tinct temperatures of melting or maturity of sedi- source material. As constraining crustal residence ages mentary source rocks. These conclusions are based through radiogenic isotope systems is complicated in on a relatively limited dataset predominantly defined SPGs, analyzing inherited cores of zircon in the granites by SPGs that appear to have been derived from both will provide provenance and maximum depositional clay-rich and clay-poor source regions. age information, analogous to the detrital zircon tech- 3. Although interpretation of radiogenic isotopes in nique in sediments (Gehrels, 2014). This will allow cor- SPGs (e.g. Sr or Nd) is complicated owing to disequi- relation of geochemical signals in the SPGs not only librium melting of accessory phases such as mona- with the age of crystallization, but also with the age of zite, the oxygen isotope composition of SPGs should source rock deposition and will be particularly import- reflect variations in source rock oxygen isotope ant for Proterozoic sediments to screen for SPGs that 18 ratios. Whole-rock, quartz, and zircon d O values, al- may have been derived from Archean sediments. though currently limited in number and geographic- al locality, are on average higher in Proterozoic Mineral chemistry SPGs as compared with Archean SPGs. This shift in Detailed studies of individual localities and their mineral d18O values is consistent with the hypothesis that chemistry can yield information concerning intensive sedimentary d18O values increased across the variables during granite formation. For example, in a Archean–Proterozoic transition as a result of the study of Archean and Proterozoic SPGs from North onset of oxidative weathering of subaerial America, Bucholz et al. (2018) used biotite and whole- landmasses. rock FeT/Mg ratios to demonstrate that on average the Above, we discussed what is known about Archean Archean SPGs crystallized at higher oxygen fugacity and Paleoproterozoic SPG localities in terms of pet- values than the Proterozoic SPGs. They related this shift rology and chemistry. However, there exist large gaps in fO2 values to the more oxidized sedimentary sources in our knowledge of these rocks and there is abundant of the Proterozoic SPGs owing to deposition under oxi- future work to be done on them. Below we outline sev- dative weathering conditions after the GOE. The proto- eral fruitful areas for research and potential avenues col developed for constraining the fO2 during forward. crystallization for SPGs in that paper could be applied to a wider sample suite from different continents and a Detailed field studies, petrology, and wider temporal range. In addition, although based on a geochronology limited dataset, Fe3þ/FeT ratios of biotites in SPGs are In this review, we have attempted to catalog and de- generally lower (004–009) as compared with those of I- scribe all the localities of Archean and Paleo- to type granites (generally >01) (De Albuquerque, 1973; Mesoproterozoic SPGs in the literature. The SPGs from Ishihara, 1977; Lalonde & Bernard, 1993). Measurement the localities listed in Table 1 have been studied to of Fe3þ/FeT ratios in biotite in Archean and Proterozoic greater or lesser degrees. For some, a combination of SPGs could be another fruitful way forward, to con- careful field mapping and sampling [e.g. the Ghost Lake strain relative fO2 values. batholith (Breaks & Moore, 1992) or the Harney Peak In garnet-bearing SPGs, detailed studies of garnet granite (Nabelek, 1999, and references therein)] have textures and compositions (e.g. Taylor & Stevens, allowed for a detailed understanding of their petrogen- 2010), as well as garnet–biotite thermometry (e.g. esis and relationship to broader tectonic events. Many Holdaway, 2000), can yield information on garnet for- others require more detailed studies to understand their mation mechanisms (e.g. through peritectic reactions) 1334 Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7 and crystallization conditions. This information, in turn, has been classically used in the study of Archean sedi- will inform how bulk-rock compositions should be inter- mentary rocks, but has been extended to igneous rocks preted (as melt or a mixture of melt þ restite) and SPG through analysis of sulfide inclusions in ocean island formation mechanisms (Stevens et al., 2007). basalts (Cabral et al., 2013; Delavault et al., 2016) and diamonds (Farquhar et al., 2002; Thomassot et al., 2009;

Oxygen isotopes Smit et al., 2019). For example, small S-MIF (<1&) have Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/petrology/article-abstract/60/7/1299/5512367 by California Institute of Technology user on 14 November 2019 As reviewed above, there is a general paucity of oxygen been observed in sulfides from ocean island basalts isotope data on SPGs from the Archean and Proterozoic from Mangaia and Pitcairn and have been interpreted and, in particular, single mineral oxygen isotope data. as indicating a deep, long-lived subducted Archean Obtaining oxygen isotope ratios for minerals consid- component in their mantle source regions (Cabral et al., ered relatively robust to subsolidus diffusive oxygen 2013; Delavault et al., 2016). However, it is not well isotope re-equilibration (e.g. zircon and garnet) would understood how sulfur isotopes are transferred to the inform the long-standing problem concerning secular igneous record, as sulfur isotopes in igneous rocks (and 33 36 variation of oxygen isotope ratios in both sedimentary particularly Sor S) are generally not analyzed and and igneous rocks (see previous section on oxygen iso- have not received much attention. A careful study of topes). Obtaining data for mineral pairs from individual Archean SPGs and rocks representative of their metase- samples will be crucial to assess the temperatures at dimentary source rocks could help shed light on the which oxygen isotope equilibrium was achieved and fundamentals of sulfur isotope transfer from the sedi- whether the minerals faithfully recording magmatic val- mentary to the igneous rock record. ues (in contrast to sub-solidus conditions). Other stable isotopes Sulfur isotopes Numerous other stable isotope systems in sedimentary Although our discussion of stable isotopes has rocks have been observed to undergo radical changes concerned only oxygen isotopes, sulfur isotope studies across the GOE (e.g. Fe, Rouxel et al., 2005; Mo, of Archean and Proterozoic SPGs would yield interest- Planavsky et al., 2014; Cu, Fru et al., 2016;U,Kendall et al., 2013). These shifts in isotope ratios are hypothe- ing information on several fronts. First, sulfur in the sized to have occurred as a result of changing redox sedimentary record primarily occurs either in its oxi- conditions during sediment transport and/or deposition. dized form as sulfate or its reduced form as sulfide An outstanding question is whether these shifts are (Canfield, 2001). Sulfate has higher 34S/32S ratios as also preserved in Archean versus Proterozoic SPGs. compared with coexisting sulfide at equilibrium (i.e. Each of these systems will need to be studied in detail higher d34S values). Further, during reduction of sulfate to determine how metamorphism and partial melting ions by anaerobic bacteria, the remaining sulfate is fur- affected the isotopes of the metasedimentary source ther enriched in 34S. The sedimentary sources from rock and ultimately strongly peraluminous magmas which Archean SPGs were derived were probably domi- derived from such source rocks. nated by sulfide-bearing metasedimentary rocks For all these time-variant isotope systems, Archean because of the relatively low f values inferred in their O2 and Proterozoic SPGs are uniquely situated to offer a genesis (Bucholz et al., 2018). In contrast, Proterozoic complementary archive to the existing sedimentary re- SPGs may have been derived from a significantly more cord. First, SPGs have the unique capability to hom- oxidized source region, potentially owing to the incorp- ogenize large packages of sedimentary rocks, giving an oration of sulfate deposits, which became abundant ‘average’ composition throughout this critical time in only in the Proterozoic. If sulfate is the cause of the in- Earth history. This helps to eliminate some of the sam- crease in f values of SPGs in the Proterozoic, rocks O2 pling and preservation bias inherent in the sedimentary that preserve evidence for elevated f values during O2 record. Second, the source rock sediments for SPG for- 34 crystallization may also have elevated d S values. For mation are often those deposited on continental slopes example, there is some evidence that sulfur isotopes in or in the deep ocean, which represent different lithofa- igneous rocks may mirror the bulk sulfur oxidation state cies from the cratonal sequences that are traditionally of their source region, with more reduced ‘ilmenite- analyzed in sedimentary studies. series’ granitoids and more oxidized ‘magnetite-series’ granitoids from Japan and the Sierra Nevada batholith having lower (0 to –10&) and higher (þ1to9&) d34S ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS values, respectively (Sasaki & Ishihara, 1979; Ishihara & During the preparation of this paper conversations Sasaki, 1989). about the details of local Archean and Proterozoic geol- Second, Archean sulfide and (less-abundant) sulfate ogy were conducted with numerous people, including minerals display mass-independent fractionations (MIF) F. Breaks, Y. Pan, P. Weiblen, T. Boerboom, C. Frost, R. among the four stable sulfur isotopes, providing evi- Frost, D. Bagdonas, H. Marschall, P. Nabelek, I. dence for an anoxic atmosphere at that time (e.g. Annesley, and L. Anderson. We thank these people for Farquhar et al., 2000; Johnston, 2011; Paris et al., 2014). sharing their knowledge of these unique rocks. S. Examining MIF signatures in sulfur-bearing minerals Newall is thanked for assistance with sample Journal of Petrology, 2019, Vol. 60, No. 7 1335 preparation for whole-rock XRF analyses. C. Frost and I. Ansdell, K. M. (2005). Tectonic evolution of the Bindeman provided thoughtful and constructive Manitoba–Saskatchewan segment of the Paleoproterozoic reviews that improved this paper. We also thank M. Trans-Hudson orogen, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Holness for the suggestion to write such a review and Sciences 42, 741–759. Arndt, N. (1999). 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