Black-bellied Whistling-Duck * Little Gull * Great Crested Flycatcher * Lucy's Warbler * “Vega” Herring Gull (Larus Fulvous Whistling-Duck * Ross’s Gull * Cassin’s Kingbird * Virginia's Warbler * argentatus vegae) Bean-Goose * Laughing Gull * Scissor-tailed Flycatcher * Mourning Warbler * Whooper Swan * Lesser Black-backed Gull * White-eyed Vireo * Kentucky Warbler * Gull (Larus glaucoides Baikal Teal * Slaty-backed Gull * Bell's Vireo (P) Hooded Warbler * glaucoides and Larus glaucoides Garganey * Least Tern * Yellow-throated Vireo * Cape May Warbler * kumlieni) Falcated Duck * Black Skimmer (P) Blue-headed Vireo * Bay-breasted Warbler * American Black Duck * Red-billed Tropicbird * Plumbeous Vireo * Blackburnian Warbler * “Mexican” Hutton’s Vireo Steller’s Eider * Arctic Loon * Philadelphia Vireo * Pine Warbler * (Vireo huttoni stephensi group) King Eider * White-capped Albatross * Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay * Yellow-throated Warbler * Common Eider * Wandering Albatross * Eurasian Skylark * Prairie Warbler * “Eastern” Nashville Warbler Common Scoter * Short-tailed Albatross * Sedge Wren * Black-throated Green Warbler * (Vermivora ruficapilla ruficapilla) Smew * Juan Fernandez Petrel (P) Red-flanked Bluetail * Canada Warbler * Sharp-tailed Grouse * Cook’s Petrel * Northern Wheatear * Painted Redstart (P) “Timberline” Sparrow (Spizella Common Ground-Dove * Stejneger’s Petrel (P) Eastern Bluebird * Summer Tanager * breweri taverneri) Yellow-billed Cuckoo * Streaked Shearwater (P) Gray-cheeked Thrush * Scarlet Tanager * Greater Roadrunner (P) Wedge-tailed Shearwater * Wood Thrush * Pyrrhuloxia * “White-winged” Dark-eyed Lesser Nighthawk * Great Shearwater * Curve-billed Thrasher (P) Blue Grosbeak * Junco (Junco hyemalis aikeni) Eastern Whip-poor-will * Black-vented Shearwater (P) California Thrasher * Painted Bunting * Chimney Swift * Wilson's Storm-Petrel * Phainopepla * Dickcissel * “Gray-headed” Dark-eyed Ruby-throated Hummingbird * Ashy Storm-Petrel * Eastern Yellow Wagtail * Junco (Junco hyemalis canciceps) Broad-billed Hummingbird * Black Storm-Petrel * White Wagtail * Common Gallinule * Magnificent Frigatebird * Red-throated Pipit * Lesser Sand-Plover * Masked Booby * Sprague’s Pipit * SUBSPECIES Wilson’s Plover * Nazca Booby * Brambling * In addition to the full species Piping Plover (P) Blue-footed Booby * Hoary Redpoll * listed above, the OBRC solicits Mountain Plover * Brown Booby * Lawrence’s Goldfinch * documentation for the * Eurasian Dotterel * Red-footed Booby * Smith’s Longspur * occurrence of following select Verified by at least one Upland Least Bittern * McCown's Longspur * subspecies/subspecies groups record that is supported Bristle-thighed * Little Blue Heron * McKay's Bunting * in Oregon. These represent taxa by photograph, specimen, Bar-tailed * Tricolored Heron * Little Bunting * that may be elevated to species video, or sound recording Hudsonian Godwit * Yellow-crowned Night-Heron * Rustic Bunting * level sometime in the future. (147 species) Great Knot * White Ibis * Eastern Towhee * Curlew Sandpiper * Glossy Ibis * Cassin’s Sparrow * “Pale-bellied” Brant (Branta Long-toed Stint * California Condor * Black-chinned Sparrow * bernicla hrota) (P) - Provisional Red-necked Stint * Zone-tailed Hawk * LeConte's Sparrow * Supported only by sight Little Stint * Northern Hawk Owl * Orchard Oriole * “Bewick’s” Tundra Swan record White-rumped Sandpiper * Red-headed Woodpecker * Streak-backed Oriole * (Cygnus columbianus bewickii) (12 species) Jack Snipe * Red-bellied Woodpecker * Baltimore Oriole * Spotted Redshank * Nuttall's Woodpecker * Scott’s Oriole * “Eastern” Red-shouldered Wood Sandpiper * Crested Caracara * Common Grackle * Hawk (Buteo lineatus lineatus) Thick-billed Murre * Eastern Wood-Pewee * Worm-eating Warbler (P) Long-billed Murrelet * Alder Flycatcher * Louisiana Waterthrush * “Eurasian” Whimbrel Guadalupe Murrelet * Eastern Phoebe * Golden-winged Warbler * (Numenius phaeopus Red-legged Kittiwake * Vermilion Flycatcher * Blue-winged Warbler * phaeopus/variegatus group) Black-headed Gull * Dusky-capped Flycatcher * Prothonotary Warbler *