RICHARDS, Sir Francis Neville, KCMG CVO DL
BDOHP Biographical Details and Interview Index Sir Francis Neville RICHARDS (born 18 November 1945) KCMG 2002 (CMG 1994); CVO 1991; DL Career (with, on right, relevant pages in interview) Royal Green Jackets, 1967 (invalided, 1969) - Joined FCO, 1969 p 2 Moscow, 1971-73 pp 3-4 UK Delegation to MBFR negotiations, Vienna, 1973-76 pp 4-5 FCO (Berlin desk), 1976-77 pp 5-6 FCO (Defence Department), 1977-80 pp 6-7 FCO (Assistant Private Secretary to Foreign Secretary), 1981-82) pp 7-9 FCO (European Union Department (External)), 1982-85 pp 9-10 Economic and Commercial Counsellor, New Delhi, 1985-88 pp 10-11 FCO (Head of South Asian Department), 1988-90 pp 11-12 High Commissioner, Namibia, 1990-92 pp 12-13 Minister, Moscow, 1992-95 pp 13-22 Director, (Europe), FCO, 1995-97 pp 22-24 Deputy Under-Secretary of State, FCO, 1997-98 pp 24-25 Director, GCHQ, 1998-2003 pp 25-34 Governor and Commander-in-Chief, Gibraltar, 2003-06 pp 34-42 Postscript on impact of Army career on FCO career pp 42-44 Postscript on appreciation of and role of Lady Richards pp 44-45 1 RECOLLECTIONS OF SIR FRANCIS RICHARDS KCMG, CVO, DL RECORDED AND TRANSCRIBED BY KATE LODGE, APRIL 2016 KL: Good morning. This is Kate Lodge and I am talking to Sir Francis Richards on the morning of 4 April 2016. I just wonder if you could tell me why you joined the Foreign Office. FR: Well, by accident almost. I was in the Army. I’d injured myself and had spent my disability leave before I was discharged trying to think what to do next and my father persuaded me (my father was a diplomat) to do the foreign service exam which when I started it I had no intention of taking a place up.
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