Our Year In Review... Frame by Frame

Annual Report • 2018 Kerry’s Place Autism Services • Services en autisme Message from the Board Chair and CEO of Kerry’s Place

This year has been an exciting year where we create new programs focused on building life and provided high quality support to over 8000 employment skills. This comprehensive program individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder will provide post-secondary supports, one on one (ASD) and their families and also examined employment counselling, communication skills what we need to do to continue to do so in a development programs and workshops on job changing world. In 2017, Kerry’s Place Board of development, vocational selection and coaching. Directors approved the 2017-2020 Strategic Plan, Kerry’s Place has raised the funds to build this which reconfirmed Kerry’s Place vision, mission program through external partnerships, and and values while rewording them to provide through our Golf Tournament. greater clarity. Four strategic priorities were set For our residential population, every individual in and management and staff have created the our eighty residences, between this year and next, operational plan that will guide us for the next will have a Quality of Life assessment completed three years. and recommendations put into place. We are Our first priority focuses on improving the lives reformulating our annual individual service of the individuals and families we support. The plan (ISP’s) to include a more comprehensive needs of individuals living with ASD change over health assessment and medication review for all time due to age and other factors and we are individuals. An End of Life plan will be in place for committed to anticipating and responding to these individuals over 55 years of age. changing needs. Our second priority is to strengthen our We are currently implementing the new Ontario leadership in the ASD community. We are in the Autism Program (OAP) for children from infancy to process of revising our comprehensive fourteen eighteen years. The mandate of this new program week ASD course. This course is used for training for our staff and partners is to create new delivery methods, new guidelines and implement more stringent professional requirements. Considerable work will be required this next year to achieve the OAP vision of offering services to all children diagnosed with ASD until they are eighteen, while at the same time reducing waiting lists. For our young adults (18 to 30 years of age), we intend to enhance our present services and “This year has been a year of tremendous change and stabilization.”

for our own staff. It is also provided to external structure for the OAP program will be organizations which have increasing demands for implemented over the next year. ASD education, including teachers from primary Our fourth priority is a focus on building a school districts. Priority two includes our goal to sustainable future for Kerry’s Place through achieve external accreditation status. Lastly, we improving and growing partnerships, want to improve the mechanisms to hear from communications and fund development. the parents of our individuals whom we support. Research into best practices for individuals To achieve this goal, management and the with ASD has become a new focus through Board approved Terms of Reference for a Family our participation in a number of studies within Advisory Committee which will be in place by Canada and the United States. This past year the end of the calendar year. our website has been completely revamped to Our third priority is all about our 1200 provide more comprehensive, clear information. employees. We view ongoing development Visits to the site have tripled on a daily basis. and skills enhancement for our staff as very We have a new Fundraising Development Plan important. A new Learning Management online and have upgraded our processes to ensure system was put in place this year, as well as optimum use is made of all donations. a partnership with George Brown College to This has been an exciting year implementing provide a leadership course for all managers our new Strategic plan while continuing and directors. All job descriptions are in review, to provide the highest level of support to as well as a comprehensive review of all individuals with ASD. operational policies and procedures. Staffing ratios are being improved at the residential We are proud of the staff and their dedication to sites, and a new scheduling system has been this mandate and look forward to the next year chosen which will improve efficiencies for of growth and discovery. staff utilization. As well, a new organizational

Mark Walsh Sue VanDeVelde-Coke Chair of the Board of Directors President & CEO

Kerry’s Place Autism Services • Services en autisme Ontario Autism Program No Ordinary Career!

This year we ran three successful To date, thirteen Community The Ontario Autism Program (OAP) was initiated in June of 2017, cycles of EmploymentWorks Partners have participated amalgamating the former Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI), Canada. in the program. Some of our and Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) programs into one consolidated Community Partners include: Thanks to her newly found stream. Boston Pizza, Best Buy, Ren’s Pet confidence since completing Depot, Barrie Molson Centre, Enhancements to these services included the implementation of Family EWC, participant Sasha Sobeys, Winners, Roberta Place Service Plans, administered by Family Support Workers, to provide a was able to complete an Long Term Care, and Canadian pathway for the subsequent 6-months of service provision, embedding informational interview and a Tire. Boston Pizza has been a family preferences, and clinical recommendations for services until the day of shadowing with a tattoo very supportive partner to the participant reaches the age of 18. artist. She is currently updating program in both Aurora and her portfolio and is seeking an Barrie. K Expanded services available through the Ontario Autism Program apprenticeship for the Fall. (OAP) include increased intensive support, the provision of family service planning, further individualization of services, and the delivery of training and foundational supports for families and caregivers. In 2017-2018, Kerry’s Place supported a total of 3422 children with ASD in the Ontario Autism Program in Central Region; and served an additional 809 persons with ASD Employment Program

Employment Supports across Kerry’s Place connect and support employers, persons with ASD and local, provincial and national community agencies. Each service promotes an understanding and awareness among employers and the general public as to the business value of hiring people with ASD. Last year, we supported 121 people to successfully secure employment; 25 persons with ASD to successfully graduate from the Job Readiness Program in partnership with JVS in Toronto, we ran three successful cycles of Employment Works Canada in Aurora and Barrie with 23 successful participants gaining part-time and full-time opportunities and we supported 73 people to gain employment with EmploymentWorks Canada graduate Sasha the Ready, Willing and Able initiative. is a talented young artist pursuing a career in the Tattoo industry. North York Ink welcomed her to the studio for a shadowing opportunity

Skill-Building and It Has Been Another Exciting Peer Support Groups Year For Steven!

Steven Rose continues to live Spectrum Disorder means to At Kerry’s Place Autism Services, we believe that when provided with the independently and has taken on those who are growing up with it. necessary supports and the development of life skills, people with ASD new and important roles within While Steven continues to work have greater potential to reveal their talents, abilities and their desire his family in 2017/18. at events and parties, doing his to contribute that can be utilized in the workplace, school and in the He participated in a focused caricatures and selling his comic community. writing group to collect the books, he has also just recently In the past year we have: feelings and opinions of youth undertaken a very challenging living with ASD for an upcoming project: he has started to learn K Provided 20 social groups for children, youth and adults with ASD. book. Steven will also be involved how to use ToonBoom, an Toronto provided 4 non-OAP groups for adolescents and adults with in the illustration of that book, advanced animation program, for either a skill-building, recreational, or peer support focus which will be an exciting and very his cartoons. K Delivered Camps to over 40 individuals with ASD in Toronto over the personal look at what Autism course of March Break, Summer Months, and the Winter Break K Expanded the breadth of skill development opportunities for adults with ASD who are unable to access supports through developmental services. To achieve this we have partnered with several partners such as Corbrook; COSTI – Vaughan Employment Services; REACH Toronto; Abilities Centre, Ontario Shores and YMCA K Launched RBC’s Teach Kids to Code program, and further collaborated with RBC in the development of the Coding Curriculum, geared at adults with ASD with gaming development aspirations K Expanded access to the PEERS® (Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills) program, a 16-week evidence- based social skills intervention for socially motivated teens who are interested in learning skills to help them make and keep friends K Outcomes Celebrations were held in various regions to showcase the talents and accomplishments of the individuals we support K Our Autism Advisory Committee recommended we have a panel so the participants can ask questions to members of the Autism Advisory committee. This was a huge success and will be offered again during Steven and his lates ‘Toon. our 2018 Outcomes celebration Learning ToonBoon, an advanced animations program, to further develop his cartoons.

Kerry’s Place Autism Services • Services en autisme Residential and Supported A Positive Transition Independent Living In November, Mitre moved to and then a trip to the store to one of our Thomasburg homes. purchase his favourite apple juice. Since moving, Mitre has Residential Services at He required an environment been helping with his laundry Kerry’s Place continues to that could provide more staffing and going for walks around the support for his needs. Being fully grow and thrive. property. With the consultation part of the transition plan gave and support of the staff, changes Mitre the opportunity to arrange to his diet menu and with the his room in the way he would like inclusion of more physical activity, There have been ten successful transitions along the Continuum of Supports best. The staff made Mitre feel Mitre has lost approximately 20 across the agency. These are moves made due to the careful assessments of comfortable from day one. By lbs in less than 3 months! the Kerry’s Place teams that analyze the skills and readiness of the people the end of his first week, Mitre supported and plan for them to move to more individualized, sometimes less wanted to take part in various These few examples of Mitre’s restricted environments with increased independence and opportunities for community outings and started success demonstrate that with setting and achieving new goals. to attend weekly swimming and the right environment, staff We continue to expand to meet the needs of people with Autism, with new bowling activities! support and encouragement, how well the people we support people moving into newly acquired sites. There are two new sites in Toronto, Mitre likes consistency and can grow in such a short amount four new individuals have moved in. There is one new person in Central routines so the staff created a of time! Region, three new sites have been opened in the East Region, two new schedule that enabled him to people have moved in. have morning drives each day We continue to advocate and participate in committees to improve the lives of people with ASD. For example, we have joined the Toronto Alliance to End Homelessness (TAEH), and participate as a voice for the ASD population. We work hard to reach outcomes and create new and interesting ways to stay engaged and connected with each other. In Toronto, a gardening challenge was established where each house across the region worked together to improve the front gardens of each home. We continue to plan and respond to the changing needs of the people we support. In the East Region, Kerry’s Place has operated a large group living site for 10 years and in that time; the needs of the 11 people living there have changed. As a result we have developed plans to move the 11 people closer to their families, live with more compatible housemates and in some cases, provide the choice of a more urban setting.

Mitre working the grill at his new Thomasburg home! Community Services and Supports

At Kerry’s Place Autism Services, we strive to respond to the changing K Provided respite supports to 27 families in both their home and in needs of persons with ASD and their families and aim to provide a the community; provided training to Police Officers, Educational comprehensive continuum of community services and supports. Kerry’s Assistants and over 600 camp counsellors Place aims to broaden their social circle, and develop skills in each and K Developed and delivered a first responder assist training, every person we support. In the past year we have: specifically for people with ASD K K Provided consultation services to more than 1175 families, Our skill-building groups offer adults with Autism Spectrum caregivers or individuals with ASD Disorder the opportunity to learn about navigating the social world in a small group setting. Groups may focus on improving K Supported 26 persons with ASD in learning how to independently conversation skills, building relationships and understanding the navigate and employ the public transit systems in Toronto through unwritten rules of social interactions in the community, and the the Transit Training Program workplace K Increased access to our most popular workshops for families/ caregivers including the development of YouTube videos and “Our son was diagnosed with ASD Level 1 at 4 years old and 2 printed versions in French. We have partnered with a York Region months. Now he is 5 years old and 7 months. I can’t thank Kerry’s service provider to offer several workshops in Mandarin Place enough. From the group learning sessions, workshops, K The expansion of our internal Autism Spectrum Disorder Certificate counselling to behavior therapy, we’ve been given so many Course to the broader public, including parents, educators, resources and help….we are very lucky to have all [these] supports specialists and corporate partners, in Toronto, Whitby, Barrie, in our life...” Brampton and Aurora, including schools and emergency services Parent, Richmond Hill, Feb. 2018 “I have learned so much during this course. It was great to see that Kerry’s Place is so instrumental in teaching education to help people living with ASD, and the people who live with them. I truly enjoyed this course, and hope to see a second part.” Parent and External ASD Course Participant

Durham Regional Police Service Officers talked to our WindReach Farm Campers about strangers, what to do if you’re lost, internet safety, and when to call 911.

Kerry’s Place Autism Services • Services en autisme Clinical and Quality “I feel proud! I’m doing good and improving…” Paul Pickering Outcomes Focus Paul’s journey at Kerry’s Recently Paul moved into a Place started at a residential new home at Kerry’s Place home in Wingfield in the where he has more access The members of the Clinical Department work collaboratively South East Region when he to his community and has as part of a multi-disciplinary team that follows a bio-psycho- moved in exhibiting extreme become his own Substitute social approach to treatment and evidence based intervention self-injury, aggression and Decision Maker. Paul is going for persons supported residentially. Clinical services provided psychosis. Paul’s psychosis was out regularly. throughout the year by our in-house team of Behaviour debilitating and he was unable When asked what he thinks Therapists and our team of consulting professionals includes to do the things he loved. Paul about living at Kerry’s Place he positive behaviour approaches based in the science of Applied spoke of his hallucinations and said “I feel proud! I’m doing Behaviour Analysis, specialized assessments, intervention/ his fear of seeing things that good and improving. I like the treatment in mental health, residential treatment for complex were not there and his fear of staff at Gray Rd. I like my toys cases and a supportive coaching clinic. Community-based clinical going out into the community. and my room. I get to visit my intervention programs also operate in Central and Toronto He received psychiatric support mom and dad. I feel safe at Regions as well as three successful psychiatric clinics serving to help address his psychosis Gray Rd. and it feels like home. Central Region (East and West), Toronto Region and East Region. and with constant monitoring I like my housemates.” The focus of Quality Outcomes is to identify those factors that from his support staff and minimize risk and maximize safety agency-wide through capacity Behaviour Therapists he has building across the agency along with an equally important been able to manage his person-directed focus. Quality Outcomes initiatives currently mental health. include: Facilitated Person Directed Planning, Quality of Life Outcome Interviews and Quality Outcomes staff education and training.

Paul with his liaison Lindsay at a Summer Blue Jays game! Kerry’s Place is committed to Financial building a stronger organization by investing in our infrastructure.

Significant investments were made this year into our infrastructure. Sources of Funding These investments will ensure a stronger, industry leading approach g Provincial Grants 86.3% to process management and innovation. g ODSP and Rent 3.7% g Fee for Services 9.1% Major Information Technology advancements for this year include: g Donations 0.3% K Implementation of a new client database that allows us to track g Other 0.6% and provide better service for our community of supported individuals $68.7 million revenue K Implementation of a new procurement purchasing system that ensures we exercise efficient and effective buying practices K Delivery of a new continuous learning centre which provides easy access to numerous training opportunities for all our staff K A new scheduling system has been selected and will begin operation in 2018-2019 K Upgrades to the accounting system

How Funds Were Spent g Salaries and Benefits 65.0% g Food Costs, Supplies and Sundry 4.0% g Building (Occupancy, Repairs & Maintenance) 11.0% g Transportation and Travel 1.96% g Other 18.1%

$68.4 milmiilion expenses

Our Finance and Information Technology Team

Kerry’s Place Autism Services • Services en autisme Human Resources

At Kerry’s Place, we are many teams working towards a common goal. As an HR team, we have experienced growth and changes. Our HR Staff We share values and a vision. Together, we lift each other back up welcome and support employees; complete orientation and training; when we fall, we support each other personally and professionally, and answer questions about benefits and leaves of absence; celebrate we take the time to recognize efforts and celebrate our successes. successes at team meetings; and troubleshoot employment concerns. Our goal is always to improve the employee experience and to ensure In the past year we have: each employee is heard and appreciated. K Welcomed 179 new faces to our team Our greatest success for the past year has been our resilience and K Supported 46 employees to graduate from our ASD Certificate adaptation to change. As Canada’s largest Autism services provider, we course in Aurora, Tweed and Toronto are leading the way. K Launched our online learning system which empowers employees and volunteers to lead their own education and development K Focused on recruitment strategies that were geographically specific on outside of the box solutions K Tremendous improvements to how employees can access our online employment opportunities and how they can share the information on social media Employees Years Tanese Doyle 30 YEARS Jenna Emery of Service Darla Fox Myra Sugar Mandy Fox Angela Vilneff Chris Golinsky We are grateful for the people who make us smile, Amy Hanisch 25 YEARS Christina Hayes for the people who make work fun. It is your energy, David Heard talent and tremendous efforts that have made the Volker Stark Shamsul Hoque accomplishments celebrated in this report achievable Stacey Jackson for Kerry’s Place. We recognize and appreciate your 20 YEARS Trevor Johnson Kendra Jones excellent performance and thank you for your years Tammy Filsinger-Sproule Pamela Kelly of service. Nicole Morra Karen Lee-Cozac Kelly Paul Joankay Letts Hema Tuitt - Chief Human Resources Officer Xiomara MacCallum 15 YEARS Ritaben Maisuria Ian McKinley Jacqueline Boyd Stephanie Miller Kathleen Chopin Shannon Minnie Oloyede Fadoju Rodney Nembhard Mabel Fateropa Francis Nkugwa John Ferguson Adaobi Nweke Dafna Freisinger Peter Ojulayo Kathy Klimaszewski Anthonia Okoh Tonya Marriner-Howell Bridget Omogiate Paula Nelson Georgia Osei Esther Ngoddy Beverli Paci Charles Odeh Fay Palmateer Bolanle Oyeniyi Nancy Prentice Jeannette Rae Ashley Radford Deborah Ryan Devi Rajkumar Leisa Smith Michael Raskauskas Clare Rodney Rachel Sampirisi 10 YEARS Kimberly Schurtz Bolanle Adekoya Crystal Shaw Grace Akinlolu Meggie Stewart Carmen Albanese Daisy Tello Marilyn Alison AmandaToth Elisa Allen Sandria Villaflores Dorothy Bailey Cindy Vinandy John Behan Leoney Walker Michael Bernier Linette Walton Chenayi Bote Martha Wanyoike Christina Bozzella Lisa Ward Christopher Bridges Sara Yalowega Timothy Burton Shaun Coke Wayne Dafoe Kerry’s Place Autism Services • Services en autisme Fundraising

The Fundraising department has been full of excitement and activity families of those we support out for a day of fun and games. We are this past year. grateful to the Aurora Optimist Club for their continued support in providing a free lunch to those who attended the Appreciation Day April saw schools and communities participate in World Autism Event. This year, we were pleased to have the Wisemen Motorcycle Awareness Day through learning activities and raising funds for Kerry’s club make a donation to Kerry’s Place in support of camps for children Place. with ASD. In June of 2017, the 23rd annual Kerry’s Place Golf Classic took place In October, a video Thanksgiving message was sent to our donors. at a new venue, Nobleton Lakes Golf Club. The presence of This was a new initiative with the goal of letting our donors know how and guests, Nick Kypreos, David Amber, Chris grateful we are for their continued support. It was well-received and Johnston and Elliotte Friedman, made the fact that golfers were rained there are plans to engage more with our donors through this medium. out a little more palatable! The 2017 Golf Classic was an enjoyable and successful event and raised $102,850 for Kerry’s Place. This success This year, the Evening for Autism was paused to refresh the event. would not be possible without the dedication and commitment of Despite the absence of the event, our loyal donors continued their our volunteer golf committee. We, in the fundraising department, are support with $29,600 in donations. so thankful for their continued efforts to support Kerry’s Place in this November was a big month for the Fundraising Department! We way. released our first Holiday Campaign with a focus on giving a unique The 10th Annual Appreciation Day was held in Aurora Town Park on gift in the form of a donation instead of purchasing a gift for a friend July 8th. This historical event has evolved over time to become a nice or loved one. This first time Holiday Campaign raised nearly $6,000. way to engage with our wider community in Aurora and to invite New Kerry’s Place Merchandise was released in connection with

Generous and stylish! 25 sensory Arts and crafts and more! Our Plus a yummy breakfast! A generous donation from lap quilts arrive at Kerry’s Place. 10th Annual Appreciation Day. the Probation Officers Associations of Ontario. Giving Tuesday on November 28th. November also saw the launch of our Kerry Bear Campaign which encouraged people to request donations on behalf of Kerry’s Place. For every $100 raised, we sent a Kerry’s Bear to a friend or loved one of their choice. The Kerry Bear Campaign ran from November 1st to December 31st and raised $7,800. Our Kerry’s Place Golf Classic with L-R: David January, February and March brought the beginning planning th Amber, Nick Kypreos, stages of the 24 Annual Golf Classic, promotion of our new Chris Johnston, Elliotte partnership with the Toronto Marlies, release of our new Friedman. Kerry’s Place Branded Toques in partnership with Roots Canada and the 20th Annual Eleanor Ritchie-Stephen Bowl-a- thon which raised $4,900. The 2018-2019 plan is well underway with new goals, initiatives and corporate partnerships. We are looking forward to another great year of connecting with our donors and partners through our shared goal of funding more programs and services that will enhance and enrich the lives of those we support. Support us and be warm and stylish! Our new Kerry’s Place Branded Toques in partnership with Roots Canada.

A strike and a smile! Our 20th Annual Eleanor Ritchie-Stephen Bowl- a-thon.

Kerry’s Place Autism Services • Services en autisme Donors Frank Abels Susan Fitzhenry John Kaszel David McCarthy Lorna Sinclair Scott Allan Kieran Foster Andrew Kim Peter McCawley Leo Slocombe John Anderson Linda Francone Yoon Kim Suzanne McKay Beverley Smedley Michelle Baylis Elliotte Friedman Elena King Thomas Milne Michael A. Smedley Francine Beattie Sandy Fryfogel Andrew Knight Mary Mitchell Colin Smith Roland Beauregard Frank Fuernkranz Paramjeet Kohli Kathy Mo Norman Smith Ann Beauregard Dianne Gaggi Benny Kovacs Kelly Moore Michael Smith Bill Bekiaris Darlene Garbedian Francy Kussner Robert Morris Susan Soble James Billett Roger Garland Ali Ladha Ineke Moxam Sylvia Soyka Elizabeth Bowerman Gino Gentile Fatima Laher Jason Nadeau Gordon Steele Carolyn Boyd Rachel Gillespie Livia Lau Baldwin Ng Renate Steiner Trudy Butler David Glionna Andrew Laudenbach Sid Nightingale Joel Steinman Peter Cant Jim Grant Chris Leavitt Lyndon Nobre Rhoda Stellick Paul Carey Gary & Deborah Gullaher Jeff LeBlanc Habibeh Nouri James Stellick Matthew Carnevale Edward & Eleen Gutzman Joyce Lee Carole Oosterhof Jan Stewart Michael Casey Brian Hall Jon LeHeup Maria Panagiotidis Hallie Streith Peter Chan Brad & Karen Hardie Jay Lennox Paul Parisi Scott Sullivan Bernice Chan Robert Hart Anita Leung Adam Patchet John Tackaberry Garry Chan James Hassell Kwong Leung Jagdishchandra Patel Naomi Theodor Che Hang Chan Anne Hatfield Vandy Yin Hung Li Ron Pfaff Maurice & Sandra Valentine Derek Chan Anne Hayes Sharon Lindale Carol Phillips Sue VanDeVelde-Coke Samantha Chang Carol Hill Thomas Liu Bruce and Sandy Phillips Mark Walsh Roger Chaplin Fung Ling Ho Joseph Liu Jeff Phillips Katharine Warren Allyson Chiu Marilyn Holmes Kai Shau Lo Douglas Phillips Dorothy Watson Manny Chiu Douglas Holmes Mary Lowe James Pitblado Kevin Webber Gay Cochrane Jeff Holmes Emmy Luberto Andrew Poss Andrew Weber Earlaine Collins Michael Holtzman Peter and Donna Lucking Shalni Prabhakar Kathy Weichel June Colman Kerri Honeychurch Philip Lui Paul Pugh Nancy Weir Stadig Bridget Colman John Howard Glynis Lunan Kathleen Quinn Richard Wengle Nora M. Cooney Joseph Huggins Thomas Lunan Simmie Rain Andrew Westerhoek Christine Dade Hamilton M. T. Hung Paul Lynch Herman Rapaport Tom Whelan Lucy De Matos Diane Hunter Bertha Macbain Shirley Reaburn Calin Wild Isabel De Melo John Hutson Sharon MacMurchy Jamie Reddekopp Roy & Marjory Wilson Karen Deckker Monty & Sherryl Hyde Scott MacMurchy Dorothy Ricketts Steve and Jeanne Withers Sarah Dekort Lucille Irving Stephen Madden David Ritchie Michael Densham Ellen Jacobs Cindy Maharaj Robert Rizzuto Catherine Downey Michael & Katherine Jansen Ann Male Clive Robinson Lien Duong Gail Johnson Jennifer Markle Susannah Roth Sean Durkin Chris Johnston Craig Markle Golda Ryzer Chris Esson Charles Jolliffe Douglas Markle Lisa Sanders Sheena Etemadzadeh Martha Joynt Szabolcs Marossy Galina Sassich Oloyede Fadoju Margaret Kaffetgopoulos Rosalie Marsden Stephen Scherer Mike Farrell Leonard and Julia Kahn Andy Mascarenhas Antoinette Schmitt Jim Fish Otto Kahn Andy Mascarenhas Rose Schonblum Christina Fish Michael Kalles Dina Masur Elizabeth Scott Business Sponsors Schools 3M Canada HTS Engineering Glenview Park Secondary School ACME United Imaginative Interiors J.L.R. Bell Public School ADP Canada Infinite Investment Systems LTD. Burnhamthorpe Public School Advertek Printing J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate Shaughnessy Public School Aldershot Structural Limited Keller Williams Realty Centres, Brokerage St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School Alliance Data Key Equipment Finance Canada Limited St. Anselm Catholic School Arch- Tech Design Group Inc. La Capitale Financial Security Insurance Company St. Josephine Bakhita Catholic School Atkins & Van Groll Incorporated Legacy Print & Promotions Inc. Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School AUM Law Professional Corporation Level Up Fitness Academy Inc. St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School Avery Products Canada Medix College St. Bonaventure Catholic Elementary School B & R Promotions Players’ Association (NHLPA) St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic High School Bateman, Graham & Fitzpatrick Omarmirza Dentistry Professional Corporation Bolton C. Falby Public School Beneworx Incorporated PACE Savings & Credit Union St. Roch Catholic Secondary School Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance Pal Insurance Services Limited Edenbrook Hill Public School Bersenas Jacobsen Chouest Thomson Blackburn LLP Paul J. Greene & Company George Webster Elementary School BMO Nesbitt Burns Incorporated Paul’s Plumbing Cheyne Middle School Brennan Custom Homes Inc. People Corporation Forest Run Public School Non Board Account Brooke Built Precision Trust St. John the Baptist Elementary School BT Law Limited Partnership Priestly Demolition Incorporated Jean Vanier Catholic High School Buildon Enterprises Ltd Real Agriculture Bunzl Canada Incorporated Red Seal Auto Pros Canadian Automotive Reality (VOS Motors) Reesor Elevators / Reesor Seed & Grain Ltd. Cashew & Clive Catering Corporation ReMark Canada Inc. Groups & Foundations CBRE Limited Land Services Group Resident Care Pharmacy Ltd. Central Glass & Mirror Limited Ridley Windows & Doors Incorporated Aviva Children’s Montessori Day Care Inc. Roots Corporation Calgary Foundation CIBC Mellon Global Securities Services Roots Corporation Hope for Autism Parent Group Connectability Rylstone Women’s Institute Hydro One Employees and Pensioners’ Charity Trust Fund CSR Building Supplies Ltd. S.P. Richards Co. IBM Employees’ Charitable Fund Deloitte Sdao’s Carpentry Limited La Capitale Financial Group Foundation Den Bosch & Finchley Incorporated Serta Simmons Bedding Canada Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church Diamond Groundskeeping & Irrigation Services Ltd. Spicers Canada Probation Officers Association Ontario Inc. Dr. Pinto Dentistry Profession Stellick Marketing Communications Incorporated Strategic Charitable Giving Foundation E-L Financial Corporation Limited Stone Ridge Insurance Brokers (Barrie) TELUS Community Affairs Equity ICI Real Estate Services Incorporated Sun Life Financial The Benevity Community Impact Fund Erinwood Ford Sales Incorporated TD Bank Group The Rotary Club of Brampton South Flow Marketing Texacon Cut Stone Turtledove Management Corporation Front Line Work Force Total Fence Inc. G.O. Tap Plus Traditional Door, Design & Millwork Ltd. Gentile Stone Supply Unilock Group of Companies Glenoaks Landscape Contractors Ltd. Universal Logistics Goodman Mintz LLP Winners Merchants International Hayes & Company Wirewerks Hometech Environmental Limited Hood Packaging Corporation Kerry’s Place Autism Services • Services en autisme “In Loving Memory”

Michael Bearegard Michael Saulnier 1972 - 2018 1963 - 2017

Head Office: 34 Berczy Street, Aurora, Ontario L4G 1W9 kerrysplace.org