Exabeam Cloud Connectors Reliably Collect Logs from Over 40 Cloud Services
Data Sheet Exabeam Cloud Connectors Reliably collect logs from over 40 cloud services Cloud services and infrastructure are commonplace Enhance Your Visibility in today’s modern network. Your business doesn’t stop at the firewall, and neither should your security Prebuilt, turnkey Cloud Connectors are available for a program. Ensuring your security teams have visibility broad range of cloud services, such as AWS, GitHub, into activities within your cloud services requires Google, Microsoft Office 365, Salesforce, Zoom, the right information being sent to your SIEM. But, and many other cloud security, identity and access collecting logs from cloud services isn’t always as management, infrastructure and easy as collecting them from on-premise solutions business applications. - coding is often required, and if you don’t have the skills in-house to do this, you will need to involve a Extend Behavioral Analytics to the Cloud consultant. Cloud security solutions typically offer limited Exabeam Cloud Connectors allow you to reliably detection of malicious insiders, compromised collect logs from over 40 cloud services into credentials and other unknown threats. Exabeam Data Lake, Exabeam Advanced Analytics For example, imagine a disgruntled employee or any other SIEM. Updates are made automatically downloading your customer list from Salesforce or whenever there are API changes, so you don’t stealing source code from Github. Pairing Cloud need coding skills or costly professional service Connectors with Exabeam Advanced Analytics allow engagements to ensure the right data is being you to combine cloud services activities with data collected. from on-premises applications, to improve detection of attacker tactics, techniques and procedures using behavior-based threat detection.
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