9th Grade | Unit 6

804 N. 2nd Ave. E. Rock Rapids, IA 51246-1759

800-622-3070 Unit 6 | Algebraic

Math 906 Algebraic Fractions


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Section 1 |1 Algebraic Fractions | Unit 6

Author: Arthur C. Landrey, M.A.Ed.

Editor-In-Chief: Richard W. Wheeler, M.A.Ed. Editor: Robin Hintze Kreutzberg, M.B.A. Consulting Editor: Robert L. Zenor, M.A., M.S. Revision Editor: Alan Christopherson, M.S.

Westover Studios Design Team: Phillip Pettet, Creative Lead Teresa Davis, DTP Lead Nick Castro Andi Graham Jerry Wingo

804 N. 2nd Ave. E. Rock Rapids, IA 51246-1759

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2| Section 1 Unit 6 | Algebraic Fractions

Algebraic Fractions


In this LIFEPAC® you will continue your study in algebra. You will apply what you have learned so far to fractions having numerators or denominators or both. The factoring techniques that you learned in Mathematics LIFEPAC 905 will be used when performing the basic operations with these fractions. Then you will solve open sentences containing fractions by methods that are quite similar to those you have already used. Finally you will have another opportunity to solve verbal problems, this time in applications that involve fractions.


Read these objectives. The objectives tell you what you will be able to do when you have successfully completed this LIFEPAC. When you have finished this LIFEPAC, you should be able to:

1. Determine the excluded value(s) for a . 2. Reduce a fraction to lowest terms. 3. Find sums and differences of fractions. 4. Find products and of fractions. 5. Simplify complex fractions. 6. Solve equations containing fractions. 7. Solve inequalities containing fractions. 8. Change the subject of a formula containing fractions. 9. Solve problems requiring the use of fractions.

Section 1 |3 Algebraic Fractions | Unit 6

Survey the LIFEPAC. Ask yourself some questions about this study and write your questions here.


4| Section 1 Unit 6 | Algebraic Fractions

1. OPERATIONS As you work through this first section, keep We will begin by defining algebraic in mind that the basic concepts of reducing, fractions, since we must know what they adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, are in order to be able to work with them. and simplifying the fractions of algebra are the same as those used for the fractions of arithmetic.

OBJECTIVES Review these objectives. When you have completed this section, you should be able to:

1. Determine the excluded value(s) for a fraction. 2. Reduce a fraction to lowest terms. 3. Find sums and differences of fractions. 4. Find products and quotients of fractions. 5. Simplify complex fractions.

VOCABULARY A Algebraic fraction—an indicated quotient of two written in the form B . A is the numerator of the algebraic fraction and B is the denominator. Terms—the numerator and denominator of a fraction.

2 -y2 – 3y + 1 a + b + c k – 3 Models: x + 3 5 – 2y m – n 7

Algebraic fractions can be reduced, multiplication, , and simplification using similar methods as for reducing are also possible with algebraic fractions. arithmetic fractions. Addition, subtraction,

Section 1 |5 Algebraic Fractions | Unit 6


Algebraic fractions can be reduced by the denominator of the fourth fraction is finding the lowest terms. First, however, the constant 7 and 7 ≠ 0, that fraction has we need to discuss the circumstances no excluded values. under which algebraic fractions may not even exist! In determining the excluded values for x – 3 the fraction x2 – 4 , you may be able to see 2 EXCLUDED VALUES immediately that 2 – 4 = 0; thus, x = 2 is A an excluded value. However, (-2)2 – 4 = 0 is Since a fraction indicates division ( = A ÷ B also true; thus, x = -2 is an excluded value B) and since division by zero is undefined, as well. the denominator of a fraction must be nonzero (B ≠ 0). If a denominator contains In Mathematics LIFEPAC 905 you learned any variables, then a value that would to factor, and now factoring can be used to result in zero for that denominator must be find both these excluded values. Since the excluded for the fraction to exist. denominator x2 – 4 is a difference of two squares, it has factors (x + 2)(x – 2). The In the preceding models, the denominators first factor, x + 2, would become zero if are x + 3, 5 – 2y, m – n, and 7, x = -2; likewise, the second factor, x – 2, respectively. The excluded values are x = would become zero if x = 2. The excluded -3 for the first model (-3 + 3 = 0) ,y = 2.5 values are then x = 2 and x = -2. In this for the second (5 – 2 • 2.5 = 0), and m = method we have made use of an important n for the third (m – m or n – n = 0); since property in mathematics.


If A • B = 0, then A = 0 or B = 0 (or both); if a product of factors is zero, then at least one of the factors must be zero.

6| Section 1 Unit 6 | Algebraic Fractions

Model 1: Find the excluded value(s) for the fraction a + 5 . a(b + 3)(c – 2) Solution: The denominator is already factored, so each of the three factors is set equal to zero.

a = 0 b + 3 = 0 c – 2 = 0 b = -3 c = 2

∴ The excluded values are a = 0, b = -3, and c = 2.

7 Model 2: Find the excluded value(s) for the fraction 2 . d – 5d – 24

Solution: The factors of d 2 – 5d – 24 are (d – 8)(d + 3). d – 8 = 0 d + 3 = 0 d = 8 d = -3 ∴ The excluded values are d = 8 and d = -3.

Check: If d = 8, d 2 – 5d – 24 = (8)2 – 5 (8) – 24 = 64 – 40 – 24 = 0.

If d = -3, d 2 – 5d – 24 = (-3)2 – 5(-3) – 24 = 9 + 15 – 24 = 0.

Write the excluded value(s) for each fraction, or none if that is the case.

1.1 a 1.6 a b – 2 ______3 – 2a ______

1.2 4x + 3 1.7 x + 3 x ______y(z + 5) ______

2 2 1.3 y – y + 5 1.8 k + 5k + 1 y + 4 ______k2 – 9 ______

3 1.4 3 1.9 7b 5n ______b2 – 7b + 10 ______

1.5 -2x 1.10 x + 11 17 ______3x2 + 5x – 2 ______

Section 1 |7 Algebraic Fractions | Unit 6

As you work through this LIFEPAC, you LOWEST TERMS are to assume that all fractions do exist; Now you are ready to begin working with that is, any value(s) that would make a these algebraic fractions. A basic denominator zero are understood to be property of fractions will be used in much excluded. However, from time to time of this work. (as in the preceding activities), you will be asked to identify these excluded values.


A = A C (or A C = A ) for C ≠ 0 B BC BC B ; if the numerator and the denominator of a fraction are both multiplied (or divided) by the same nonzero value, then an equivalent fraction is obtained.

In arithmetic you learned that the 2 1 the fraction 3 since both the numerator 12 fraction 2 has the same value as the 5 and the denominator of 18 are divided by 6; fraction 10, since both the numerator and this latter procedure is known as reducing. 1 the denominator of 2 are multiplied by An algebraic fraction is reduced to lowest 12 terms when the greatest common factor of 5. Similarly, the fraction 18 is equivalent to its numerator and denominator is 1.

2 Model 1: Reduce 24m n to lowest terms. 21mp2 Solution: The GCF of 24m2n and 21mp2 is 3m. Divide both the numerator and the denominator by 3m.

2 24m n ÷ 3m = 8mn , 21mp2 ÷ 3m 7p2 the equivalent reduced fraction since the GCF of 8mn and 7p2 is 1.

Model 2: Reduce 4y – 20 to lowest terms. 12y Solution: 4y – 20 factors into 4(y - 5), and 12y is 4 • 3y. Divide both the numerator and the denominator by the common factor 4.

8| Section 1 Unit 6 | Algebraic Fractions

4y – 20 = 4(y – 5) 12y 12y = 4(y – 5) ÷ 4 12y ÷ 4 = y – 5 , 3y the equivalent reduced fraction since the GCF of y - 5 and 3y is 1. NOTE: The y’s cannot be reduced since y is a term (not a factor) of the numerator y – 5. Only common factors can be reduced!

2 Model 3: Reduce r – 3r + 2 to lowest terms. r2 – 1

Solution: Since r2 is a term (not a factor) of both the numerator and denominator, to try to reduce this fraction by dividing by r2 would be wrong, even though very tempting. You must avoid this type of mistake that so many beginning students make. Factor the trinomial numerator and the binomial denominator; then divide by the common factor. (This reducing is often shown by drawing lines through these factors.)

2 r – 3r + 2 = (r – 2)(r – 1) r2 – 1 (r + 1)(r – 1)

= (r – 2)(r – 1) (r + 1)(r – 1)

= r – 2 r + 1

Model 4: Reduce 6m + 6n to lowest terms. 9n + 9m Solution: 6m + 6n = 6(m + n) 9n + 9m 9(n + m)

= 2 • 3(m + n) 3 • 3(n + m)

= 2 3

Section 1 |9 Algebraic Fractions | Unit 6

In Model 4, the binomials m + n and n + have reduced in quite the same way m are equal and reduce as part of the GCF A since they are opposites. = -1; if two 3(m + n). If, however, the binomials had -A expressions are opposites, they divide (or been m – n and n – m, they would not reduce) to negative one.

Model 5: Reduce 6m – 6n to lowest terms. 9n – 9m Solution: 6m – 6n = 6(m – n) 9n – 9m 9(n – m)

2 (-1) = 6(m – n) 9(n – m) 3

= – 2 3 Note: The (-1) is included in the answer as a minus sign before the fraction.

2 Model 6: Reduce 16 – a to lowest terms. a2 + 20 – 9a

16 – a2 16 – a2 Solution: = 2 a2 + 20 – 9a a – 9a + 20 (-1) = (4 + a)(4 – a) (a – 5)(a – 4)

4 + a = - a – 5

Model 7: Reduce a + 3b + c to lowest terms. a2 – 9b2

Solution: a + 3b + c = a + 3b + c , a2 – 9b2 (a + 3b)(a – 3b)

but nothing can be reduced since a + 3b is not a factor of the numerator.

∴ a + 3b + c is in lowest terms. a2 – 9b2

10| Section 1 Unit 6 | Algebraic Fractions

Reduce each fraction to lowest terms.

2 2 2 1.11 75a b 1.15 38x yz 25ab2 -19xy2z3


4 1.12 12m 1.16 6x + 2 28m3 8


3 2 1.13 -5jk 1.17 x – x 35j2k2 x4


3 1.14 84y 1.18 27a 36y4 ab + ac


Section 1 |11 Algebraic Fractions | Unit 6

1.19 y + 5 1.24 a + 5 2y + 10 a2 – 25


1.20 n + 2 1.25 7 – y n2 – 4 y – 7


2 1.21 5r – 5s 1.26 x – 4x – 12 5r + 5s 36 – x2


2 1.22 8a + 8b 1.27 m 12c + 12d m2 – n2


2 2 1.23 x – y 1.28 -5k + 15 8x – 8y k2 – 9


12| Section 1 Unit 6 | Algebraic Fractions

2 2 1.29 (x – 1) 1.30 12 – 3z 1 – x2 2z2 – 3z – 2


Section 1 |13 Algebraic Fractions | Unit 6


The procedure used for finding sums and differences of algebraic fractions is like that used in arithmetic. First, each fraction is expressed with the same denominator; next, the numerators are combined into a single numerator and written over that denominator; and finally, the resulting fraction is reduced if possible.

COMMON DENOMINATORS To start with, consider fractions that already have a common denominator. Study the following models carefully before doing the activities.

Model 1: x – 3x + 8x 7 7 7 = x – 3x + 8x 7 = 6x 7

Model 2: 7 + 1 a + 2 a + 2 = 7 + 1 a + 2 = 8 a + 2

Model 3: 4m – 7m 9n2 9n2 = 4m – 7m 9n2

1 = -3m 9n2 3

= -m or - m 3n2 3n2

14| Section 1 Unit 6 | Algebraic Fractions

Model 4: y + 3 + 3y – 1 – 4y + 7 2y 2y 2y (y + 3) + (3y – 1) – (4y + 7) = 2y = y + 3 + 3y – 1 – 4y – 7 2y = -5 or - 5 2y 2y

Model 5: 4k – 6 3 – 2k 3 – 2k = 4k – 6 3 – 2k (-1) = 2 (2k – 3) 3 – 2k 1

= -2

Find the indicated sums and differences.

1.31 y + 5y – 4y 1.34 m + n 3 3 3 m + n m + n


2 2 1.32 8 – 6 + 7 1.35 7x – 3x a a a 12w 12w


2 2 1.33 6 – 2 1.36 r – s y – z y – z r – s r – s


Section 1 |15 Algebraic Fractions | Unit 6

1.37 x + 2 + 3x – 1 – 2x + 5 1.39 x – y – y – x 10y 10y 10y x + y x + y


1.38 2k + 3 1.40 11 – 2b – 3 4k2 – 9 4k2 – 9 b – 7 b – 7


LEAST COMMON DENOMINATORS with a common denominator, preferably To combine fractions having different with the smallest such denominator. denominators, you must first express them

VOCABULARY Least common denominator (LCD)—for a group of fractions, the smallest value that has all the denominators as factors.

Model 1: Find the LCD for 3 + 7 . 14x3 12x2 Solution: 14x3 = 21 • 71 • x3 and 12x2 = 22 • 31 • x2 .

The LCD will be the product of every factor that appears, including the largest exponent of each factor.

∴ The LCD is 22 • 31 • 71 • x3 or 84x3 .

16| Section 1 Unit 6 | Algebraic Fractions

Model 2: Find the LCD for n – 5 . n + 4 n – 2 Solution: n + 4 and n – 2 are both prime, and the LCD will be their product.

∴ The LCD is (n + 4)(n – 2) or n2 + 2n – 8.

Model 3: Find the LCD for y + 5 + 7 . 6y2 – 6 8y + 8 Solution: 6y2 – 6 = 6(y2 – 1) = 2 • 3(y + 1)(y – 1)

8y + 8 = 8(y + 1) = 23 (y + 1)

∴ The LCD is 23 • 31 (y + 1)(y – 1) or 24(y + 1)(y – 1).

To express each fraction as an equivalent multiplier C is determined from the factor one having the desired LCD, we will or factors needed by a denominator to again use the basic property of fractions: become the LCD. Once this value has A = A C for C ≠ 0 been found, both the numerator and the B BC . The value of the denominator are multiplied by it.

Model 4: Combine 3 + 7 . (See Model 1) 14x3 12x2 Solution: The LCD is 84x3. The multiplier must be chosen to make each denominator equal 84x3.

= 3 [ 6 ] + 7 [ 7x ] 14x3 6 12x2 7x = 18 + 49x 84x3 84x3 18 + 49x = 3 , which does not 84x reduce since 18 + 49x is prime.

Section 1 |17 Algebraic Fractions | Unit 6

Model 5: Combine n – 5 . n + 4 n – 2 Solution: The LCD is (n + 4)(n – 2) or n2 + 2n - 8.

= n [ n – 2 ] – 5 [ n + 4 ] n + 4 n – 2 n – 2 n + 4 2 = n – 2n – 5n + 20 (n + 4)(n – 2) (n – 2)(n + 4) 2 = (n – 2n) – (5n + 20) (n + 4)(n – 2) 2 = n – 2n – 5n – 20 (n + 4)(n – 2) 2 = n – 7n – 20 , which does not reduce. (n + 4)(n – 2) NOTE: The answer is usually left as shown, but it may also be

2 written as n – 7n – 20 . n2 + 2n – 8

Model 6: Combine y + 5 + 7 . (See Model 3) 6y2 – 6 8y + 8 Solution: The LCD is 24(y + 1)(y – 1).

y + 5 [ 4 ] + 7 [ 3(y – 1) ] 6(y + 1)(y – 1) 4 8(y + 1) 3(y – 1) = 4y + 20 + 21y – 21 24(y + 1)(y – 1) 24(y + 1)(y – 1) = 4y + 20 + 21y – 21 24(y + 1)(y – 1) = 25y – 1 , the answer. 24(y + 1)(y – 1)

We may summarize the procedure for adding or subtracting algebraic fractions in these five steps:

1. Determine the LCD from the prime factorization of the denominator of each fraction; 2. Change each fraction to an equivalent one having the LCD for its denominator; 3. Find all numerator products; 4. Write a single fraction made up of the combined numerators over the LCD; and 5. Reduce, if possible.

18| Section 1 Unit 6 | Algebraic Fractions

Model 7: Combine x – 4z + 3x – 4z – 2x – y + z . 12 4 3 Solution: 12 = 22 • 31, 4 = 22, and 3 = 31; thus, the LCD is 22 • 31 or 12.

x – 4z [ 1 ] + 3x – 4z [ 3 ] – 2x – y + z [ 4 ] 12 1 4 3 3 4 = x – 4z + 9x – 12z – 8x – 4y + 4z 12 12 12 = (x – 4z) + (9x – 12z) – (8x – 4y + 4z) 12 = x – 4z + 9x – 12z – 8x + 4y – 4z 12 = 2x + 4y – 20z , which reduces to 12 1 = 2(x + 2y – 10z) 126 = x + 2y – 10z , the answer. 6

Some special types of denominators may simplify your work.

Model 8: Combine 5 + 2 – 3 . a – 3 3 – a Solution: The denominator of 5 is understood to be 1 and has no effect on the LCD. The two denominators a – 3 and 3 – a are just opposites; if either is multiplied by -1, the other results. For example, -1(3 – a) = -3 + a = a – 3.

∴ The LCD is a – 3.

5 [ a – 3 ] + 2 [ 1 ] – 3 [ -1 ] 1 a – 3 a – 3 1 3 – a -1 -3 = 5a – 15 + 2 – a – 3 a – 3 a – 3 = 5a – 15 + 2 + 3 a – 3 = 5a – 10 , the answer. a – 3

Section 1 |19 Algebraic Fractions | Unit 6

Find the indicated sums and differences.

1.41 x + y – z 1.45 y + 5 2 3 4 y – 5 5 – y


1.42 5 – 3 + 1 1.46 3 – 2 a b ab x + 5 x – 3


1.43 4 – 3 1.47 x + 5 – x – 3 7x2 2x3 3 2


1.44 5n + 1 + 3n – 2 1.48 3 + a + 2 6 8 a – 5 a


20| Section 1 Unit 6 | Algebraic Fractions

1.49 3k + 6 1.52 1 + 3 k – 2 2 – k 2 x + 4


1.50 b + 1 – b + 3 1.53 a + 2 – a – 1 + a – 3 b + 2 b + 4 4b 10b 5b


1.51 y – 7 1.54 x – 1 + 2x y2 – 49 y + 7 x + 1 x – 1 x2 – 1


1.55 1 + 2 – 3 m2 + 3m + 2 m2 + 4m + 3 m2 + 5m + 6


Section 1 |21 Algebraic Fractions | Unit 6


Products of algebraic fractions are found in the same way as products of arithmetic fractions, according to the following rule.

Product Rule

A • C = A C (B ≠ 0, D ≠ 0); the product of two fractions is the product of the numerators B D BD over the product of the denominators; the result is to be in lowest terms.

Model 1: x • 2 y 3 = x • 2 y • 3 = 2x 3y

Model 2: - 8 • 28m 7m3 = - 8 • 28m 7m3 1 4 8 • 28m = - 3 7m2 • 1 = - 32 m2

3 2 Model 3: a b c · ab d3 c 3 2 = a b c • ab d3 • c 4 3 = a b d3 Quotients of algebraic fractions are also found in the same way as quotients of arithmetic fractions, according to the following rule.

Quotient Rule

A ÷ E = A • F (B ≠ 0, F ≠ 0, E ≠ 0); the quotient of two fractions is the product of the B F B E first fraction and thereciprocal of the second fraction; the result is to be in lowest terms.

22| Section 1 Unit 6 | Algebraic Fractions

Model 1: x ÷ 2 y 3 = x • 3 y 2 = x • 3 y • 2 = 3x 2y

Model 2: - 8 ÷ 28m 7m3 = - 8 • 1 7m3 28m 2 = - 8 • 1 7m3 • 28m 7 = - 2 49m4

3 2 Model 3: a b c ÷ ab d3 c

3 2 = a b c • c d3 ab a2 b 3 2 = a b c • c d3 • ab

2 2 = a bc d3

NOTE: No reducing is done in a quotient until the second fraction has been inverted to its reciprocal and the product rule has been applied. Then any common factors(s) to the numerator and denominator may be reduced.

The two rules may also be applied to products or quotients of more than two fractions. However, in a mixed product and quotient, only invert the fraction immediately after a division sign when changing to multiplication.

Model 1: A • C • E B D F = A CE BDF

Model 2: A ÷ C • E B D F = A • D • E B C F = A DE BCF

Section 1 |23 Algebraic Fractions | Unit 6

Model 3: A ÷ C ÷ E B D F = A • D • F B C E = A DF BCE

3 Model 4: 5x z ÷ 2xyz • 1 ÷ 3 yz2 20x2 8yz 3 = 5x z • 1 • 1 • 8yz yz2 2xyz 20x2 3

5x3z • 1 • 1 • 8yz = yz2 • 2xyz • 20x2 • 3

3 2 = 40x yz 120x3y2z3 3 y z

= 1 3yz

Find the indicated products and quotients.

5 2 1.56 a • b 1.59 - 2x • y z 7 2 yz2 x4


3 1.57 11 • (- 7 ) 1.60 4m ÷ 2m d3 d4 n2 n


1.58 15ab • 8 1.61 6a • 10c 4 9a2b2 8b 12d


24| Section 1 Unit 6 | Algebraic Fractions

3 1.62 6a ÷ 10c 1.66 9z • 4x 8b 12d 16xy 27z3


3 2 1 1.63 50p q ÷ 75p2q3 1.67 (- ) ÷ (-3ab) 3 3ab


2 2 1.64 xyz ÷ 1 1.68 3c ÷ 5b ÷ bc xyz ab ac 2a2


2 2 3 2 2 2 1.65 - a b ÷ a c 1.69 5m n ÷ mn • (- m ) b2c b2c2 2 4 10


Section 1 |25 Algebraic Fractions | Unit 6

1.70 12xy ÷ 14yz • 7xyz ÷ 6x z x 5y


All of the products and quotients two rules are still used in the same way, considered so far have had monomials for but polynomials of more than one term the numerators and denominators. Now must be factored before any reducing takes we will look at fractions that also involve place. polynomials of more than one term. The

Model 1: 9m + 3p • 5 7 6m + 2p = 3(3m + p) • 5 7 2(3m + p) = 3(3m + p) • 5 7 • 2 (3m + p) = 15 14

2 2 Model 2: a + 2a ÷ 4 – a 8 6b 2 = a + 2a • 6b 8 2 4 – a 3 = a(a + 2) • 6b 8 (2 + a)(2 – a) 4 = 3ab or 3ab 4(2 – a) 8 – 4a

The first of the preceding models shows the solution. Just remember that you must reducing to a single fraction after the have a product (not a quotient) before product; the second model shows reducing reducing and that a factor common to to a single fraction before the product, any number and any denominator in that which saves writing out one more step in product is to be reduced.

2x2 – 5x – 3 8x2 + 2x – 1 Model 3: 2 ÷ 9 – x 4x2 + 11x – 3

2 2 = 2x – 5x – 3 • 4x + 11x – 3 9 – x2 8x2 + 2x – 1 (-1) = (2x + 1)(x – 3) • (4x – 1)(x + 3) (3 + x)(3 – x) (4x – 1)(2x + 1)

= -1

26| Section 1 Unit 6 | Algebraic Fractions

2 2 Model 4: n – 25 ÷ (n – 5) • 5n – 50 n2 – 15n + 50 n2 – 5n n2 + 5n 2 n – 25 n2 – 5n 5n – 50 = 2 • • n – 15n + 50 (n – 5)2 n2 + 5n = (n + 5)(n – 5) • n (n – 5) • 5(n – 10) (n – 10)(n – 5) (n – 5)(n – 5) n(n + 5) = 5 n – 5

Find the indicated products and quotients.

7a – a2 49 – a2 1.71 3a – 6 • 2a 1.75 ÷ 4a2 5a – 10 2a 2a – 14


2 2 2 1.72 x – y • 3y 1.76 y + 3y – 10 ÷ (10 – 5y) 3x x + y 3y + 15


2 2 2 2 1.73 k – 36 • k 1.77 4a – 4b ÷ a – b k k – 6 12 3


2 2 2 1.74 3m – 9 • m + 5m + 6 1.78 2x + x – 3 • (x + 1) 4m + 8 m2 – 9 9 2x2 + 5x + 3


Section 1 |27 Algebraic Fractions | Unit 6

2 2 2 1.79 6y + y – 2 • 16y + 8 1.81 n + 5n + 6 • n + 9n + 20 6y + 4 4y2 – 1 n2 + 7n + 12 n2 + 11n + 30


2 1.80 1 ÷ 6 – 3y 1.82 c + 11cd ÷ 2c + 22d 25 – y2 y2 – 7y + 10 c2d2 11cd2


2 3 2 2 1.83 x + 3x – 4 ÷ x – 8x ÷ x + 10x + 24 x2 – 7x + 6 x2 + 6x x2 – 14x + 48


2 2 1.84 abc ÷ a • 4 – a ÷ abc + 5bc a2 – 3a – 10 a2 – 25 9b2 – 4 3ab – 2a


2 2 2 2 1.85 m • n • mn ÷ m n m + n m – n m2 + n2 m2 – n2


28| Section 1 Unit 6 | Algebraic Fractions


You may remember studying complex arithmetic fractions. Algebraic fractions, too, can be complex.


Complex fraction—a fraction that has at least one fraction in its own numerator or denominator.

2 3 + x – 1 Models: 7 3 4 2 2 1 3 2 3

A 7 Since any fraction is an indicated quotient ( = A ÷ B), the complex fraction 2 means B 3 7 ÷ 2 = 7 • 3 = 21 ; the fraction 21 (or the decimal 10.5) is then the simplified form 3 1 2 2 2 7 of the complex fraction 2 . 3

Of the two methods for simplifying a complex fraction, the first has just been described: dividing the numerator by the denominator. However, you need to perform any indicated operations in the numerator and in the denominator before finding their quotient. 2 3 3 + 4 Model 1: Simplify 1 . 2

2 3 8 9 3 + 4 12 + 12 Solution: 1 = 1 2 2

17 12 1 = 2

17 1 = 12 ÷ 2

17 2 = 12 • 1 6

17 = 6 or 2.83

Section 1 |29 Algebraic Fractions | Unit 6

1 x – 2 Model 2: Simplify 3 . 1 2x 1 x – – 2 2 2 Solution: 3 = 3 2x – 1 2 = 3

2x – 1 = 2 ÷ 3 1 = 2x – 1 • 2 3 2x – 1 = 6 The second method is a shorter procedure for simplifying most complex fractions: Multiply the numerator and the denominator of the complex fraction by the LCD of all the fractions it contains.

2 3 3 + 4 Simplify . Model 3: 1 2

2 3 1 Solution: The LCD of 3, 4, and 2 is 12.

2 3 4 3 + 2 3 3 4 [12] + [12] 12 3 4 1 [ ] = 12 2 1 6 2 [12] 8 + 9 = 6

17 = or 2.83 6

1 x – 2 Model 4: Simplify . 3

Solution: The only fraction is 1 2, so the LCD is 2. 1 1 x – x [2] – [2] 2 2 3 2 3 [2] [ 2 ] = 2x – 1 = 6 You can see that the results are the same by either method, and you may use the method of your choice. In some cases you will need to reduce the resulting fraction to lowest terms. Compare the two solutions to the following model:

30| Section 1 Unit 6 | Algebraic Fractions

1 + 1 y

1 Model 5: Simplify y – . y

Solutions: Method 1 1 1 y + 1 + y y y

1 y2 1 y – = – y y y

1 + y y

= y2 – 1 y

1 + y y2 – 1 = y ÷ y

1 + y y = y • y2 – 1

1 + y y = y • (y + 1)(y – 1)

1 = y – 1

1 1 + 1 [y] + 1[y] y y Method 2 y 1 1 y – [ ] = y[y] – [y] y y y

1 + y = y2 – 1 1 + y = (y + 1)(y – 1) 1 = y – 1

Simplify each complex fraction.

1 2 + x y – 4 3 1 1 1.86 1.87 y + 2 5


Section 1 |31 Algebraic Fractions | Unit 6

a y + c + 1 b 5 1.88 1.92 a y2 – c – 1 b 25


1 9 2 + a – a a 1.89 1.93 2 3 – a 1 – a a


x x 1 1 1 + + – 1.90 2 3 1.94 3 5 7 x 1 4 x


2 3 n 2 + – 1.91 x x 1.95 12 9 4 n x 6


32| Section 1 Unit 6 | Algebraic Fractions

1 a b m – + 2 + m b a 1.96 1.98 1 a b m + – m b a


1 x + k – 3 7 2 – 1.97 1.99 4 k 1 2 + k – 7 x 4


Review the material in this section in preparation for the Self Test. The Self Test will check your mastery of this particular section. The items missed on this Self Test will indicate specific area where restudy is needed for mastery.

Section 1 |33 Algebraic Fractions | Unit 6


Give the excluded value(s) for each fraction (each answer, 3 points).

2 1.01 x (x – 3) ______y + 5 1.02 y 2 + 4y – 32 ______-7z 1.03 4z + 1 ______

Reduce each fraction to lowest terms (each answer, 3 points). 6a2 b3 1.04 8ab4 ______3 – k 1.05 k – 3 ______n2 – 7n – 44 1.06 n2 – 121 ______

Perform the indicated operations (each answer, 4 points).

4x 2y m n p 1.07 2x + y + 2x + y 1.010 n • p ÷ q

d + 3 2d + 1 4x2yz3 45y 1.08 8d – 10d2 1.011 9 • 8x5z3

3 7 k + 5 7k + 14 1.09 n2 – 9 + 3 – n 1.012 k2 + 3k – 10 ÷ 4 – k2

34| Section 1 Unit 6 | Algebraic Fractions

Simplify each complex fraction (each answer, 3 points).

5 1 + 1 x a

a 5 1.013 1 1.015 – y 5 a

m 1 – 5 6 1.014 1 3

41 51 SCORE TEACHER initials date

Section 1 |35 Algebraic Fractions | Unit 6

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MAT0906 – May ‘14 Printing

ISBN 978-0-86717-626-1 804 N. 2nd Ave. E. Rock Rapids, IA 51246-1759

800-622-3070 9780867 176261