Senator Constituent Coffees

Senators: States: Alabama Jeff Sessions None Richard Shelby None

Alaska Mark Begich Constituent Coffee are on Thursday mornings while the Senate is in session from 8:30am to 9:30am. Register at Lisa Murkowski Constituent Coffees on Wednesdays at 8:30am. Register:

Arizona Jon Kyl None John McCain None

Arkansas John Boozman None Mark Pryor None

California Barbara Boxer Constituent coffees most Wednesdays when the Senate is in session. To pose for a photo with the Senator RSVP to Michael Weiss at (202) 224-3553.

Dianne Feinstein Constituent coffees are most weeks when the Senate is in session, breakfast is held on Wednesday or Thursday from 8:30-9:30 am. Register at breakfast or call (202) 224-3841.

Colorado Michael F. Bennet Constituent coffees are every other Wednesday or Thursday morning when Senate is in session from 10:00am to 10:45am. Register at

Mark Udall Meet and Greet with the Senator is every Wednesday from 11:00am to noon. Call (202) 224-5941 to RSVP.

Connecticut Richard None Blumenthal Joe Lieberman None

Delaware Tom Carper None Chris Coons None

Florida Bill Nelson Call (202) 224-5274 when Congress is in session for Breakfast with Bill. Marco Rubio None

Georgia Saxby Chambliss None Johnny6 Isakson None

Hawaii Daniel Akaka Senator Akaka meets and greets with constituents when they schedule a congressional tour. Call Gladys (808) 522-8970 to set up a tour. None

Idaho Mike Crapo Constituent coffees are every Tuesday morning when the Senate is in session from 9:00am to 9:30am. Call to RSVP (202) 224-6142. James Risch None

Illinois Richard Durbin Constituent Coffees are Thursday morning at 8:30am. Call (202) 224-2152 to RSVP. Mark Kirk Constituent Coffees are Thursday morning at 8:30am. Call (202) 224-2854 to RSVP.

Indiana Daniel Coats None Richard Lugar None Iowa Chuck Grassley None Tom Harkin Constituent breakfast is held on Wednesday September 14 at 8:30am. Register at

Kansas None Pat Roberts None

Kentucky Rand Paul None Mitch McConnell None

Louisiana Mary Landrieu None David Vitter None

Maine Susan Collins None Olympia Snowe None

Maryland Benjamin Cardin None Barbara Mikulski None

Massachusetts Scott Brown Coffee will be held on Wednesday morning at 8:45 am when the Senate is in session. Register at (202) 224-4543 and ask for the Coffee with Scott coordinator. John Kerry None

Michigan Carl Levin None Debbie Stabenow “Good Morning Michigan” is held every Tuesday from 8-9am. RSVP by phone (202) 224-4822 or online:

Minnesota Al Franken To attend Wednesday morning breakfasts with the Senator register at

Amy Klobuchar Coffees with the Senator are Thursday mornings from 8:30am to

9:30am. Register at (202)-224-3244.

Mississippi Thad Cochran None Roger Wicker None

Missouri Roy Blunt Missouri Mornings will be held September 14, 9-10am. Register at mornings

Claire McCaskill Constituent Coffee is held every Thursday morning at 9:00 a.m. RSVP at: Montana Max Baucus Wednesday mornings 8:15am – 9:00am Dirksen 215 Wednesday mornings 8:15am – 9:00am Dirksen 215

Nebraska Mike Johanns Constituent Coffees will be held on most Wednesdays when Congress is in session beginning at 8:00 a.m. Reservations can be made at Nebraska Breakfast. Ben Nelson Nebraska Breakfast is held every Wednesday morning when the

House and Senate are both in session, Register at (202) 224-6551.

Nevada Dean Heller None Constitutent breakfast is every Thursday that the Senate is in session at 8:30 a.m. Click here to register. New Hampshire Kelly Ayotte Constituent Coffee is held each Thursday at 8:30 a.m. when the Senate is in session. RSVP at 202-224-3324. Jeanne Shaheen Constituent Coffee is held every Wednesday morning when the Senate is in session. Register at:

New Jersey Robert Menendez None Frank Lautenberg None

New Mexico Tom Udall To meet with the Senator call Donda Morgan, Scheduler to RSVP (202) 224-6621 Jeff Bingaman None

New York Charles Schumer None Kristen Gillibrand None

North Carolina Kay Hagan "Carolina Coffees" are every Wednesday when the Senate is in session from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Register at (202) 224-6342. Richard Burr None

North Dakota Kent Conrad None None

Ohio Rob Portman Constituent Coffee is held every Wednesday when the Senate is in session. RSVP at (202) 224-3353. Sherrod Brown None

Oklahoma James Inhofe None Tom Coburn Constituent Coffee is every Thursday morning at 8:00am in Russell 172.

Oregon Ron Wyden None Jeff Merkley Constituent Coffee is held from 9 am to 10 am. Register at (202) 224-3753.

Pennsylvania Patrick Toomey None Robert Casey None

Rhode Island Jack Reed None Sheldon None Whitehouse South Carolina Jim DeMint None Lindsey Graham None

South Dakota Tim Johnson None John Thune None

Tennessee Lamar Alexander Constituent breakfast is held from 9:00a.m. to 10:00 a.m. every Tuesday that the Senate is in session. Register at 202-224-4944. Bob Corker SEE ABOVE Texas John Cornyn Coffee reception is held every Tuesday that the Senate is in session beginning at 9:00 a.m. To RSVP, please use the online contact form or call (202) 224-2934, and ask for the Texas Tuesday coordinator.

Kay Bailey Constituent Coffee is held every Thursday at 9:30 a.m. Register at Hutchinson 202-224-5922. Utah Mike Lee None Orrin Hatch None

Vermont None Patrick Leahy None

Virginia Jim Webb None Mark Warner None

Washington Constituent Coffee takes place every Wednesday while the Senate is in session from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. RSVP to either [email protected] or (202) 224-3441. Constituent coffee is held every Wednesday from 9:00-9:30 a.m. Register at 202-224-2006. West Virginia Joe Manchin None None Wisconsin Herb Kohl Breakfast is held every Wednesday when the Senate is in Session from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Register at 202-224-5653. Ron Johnson Constituent Coffee is held every Thursday morning when Congress is in session. Contact Kelly (Scheduler) to RSVP: (202) 224-5323

Wyoming Call when Congress is in session to learn more details: (202) 224- 6441 Michael Enzi “Wyoming Wednesdays.” Call Britney Butler, Scheduler, to RSVP. (202) 224-3424