One of the nice projects of Igud hariu l’Hashem kol ha’aretz,” spell Menahalei HaYeshivos of Crown “halacha.” Heights is the project “Shoneh Halachos,” Prizes were awarded to 49 students, which is designed to emphasize the who did well on the tests. A student of daily study of halacha. Boys of the Rabbi Marlow, who wished to remain eighth grade in , Tomchei anonymous, donated $100 to each of Tmimim of Crown Street and the outstanding students. There were Lubavitcher of Ocean Parkway tests at various stages of the mivtza, with participated. The mivtza was l’ilui twenty students being tested at the final nishmas Rabbi Yehuda Kalman Marlow, stage. They exhibited prodigious a’h, who the called “ish knowledge in numerous simanim of ha’halacha.” Kitzur Shulchan Aruch. The final winner In a letter the Rebbe writes: “…to them. “ (Igros Kodesh, Vol. 3, p. 158) was Yisroel Kirsch, with Hillel Pikarski emphasize the importance of action, Learning halachos is especially and Boruch Moshe Korf as runners-up. which is is extremely vital connected with the 100th year since the Rabbi Marlow’s son, Rabbi Yosef that practical halachos applicable to birth of the Rebbe MH”M. As the Rebbe Yitzchok Marlow, flew in from Florida daily life be learned. It is worthwhile explained in the maamer “Mizmor especially for the final program. He was looking for appropriate ways through L’Soda” 5717, the Megaleh Amukos notes one of the judges, along with Rabbi special tests, giving prizes and the like, that the first letters of “Mizmor l’soda Yitzchok Zirkind and Rabbi Yaakov MIVTZA HISKASHRUS FOR so that the mushpaim should be adept in Schwei. THE 100TH YEAR IN OHOLEI TORAH The children in Oholei Torah’s Well behaved students receive school on it, to hold any “doubles” elementary school were excited to additional pictures at recess. Every they might receive. The children are have the opportunity to purchase positive move the children make is motivated to be on their best albums capable of holding 100 rewarded with a picture of the Rebbe behavior in order to complete their pictures of the Rebbe MH”M. Each MH”M. The children enrich their albums as quickly as possible. About picture features an explanation as to knowledge of customs and at 75 of the pictures have been when it was taken and under distributed thus far. Doubles are what circumstances. traded among the children. A note from parents about The principal, Rabbi Tzvi Chassidishe behavior over Hirsch Lustig, along with Shabbos is also rewarded with a Assistant Principals Rabbi Levin picture, as are fulfilling special and Rabbi Glick and with input horaos like Kiddush Levana. from other teachers, initiated this campaign to galvanize the Thanks go to R’ Zev Cadaner children’s learning and and Rabbi Mendel Eidelman for hiskashrus. their support for this exciting mivtza. Every day, teachers receive pictures for their class to be What feedback was received distributed as a reward for about this project? As one student in whatever behavior the teacher wishes the same time become acquainted second grade put it: “When I get a to reinforce. The students get another with rare pictures of the Rebbe. picture of something, I don’t feel picture in the lunchroom as a The children were given boxes anything. But when I get a picture of reinforcement for proper Chassidishe with symbols of the mivtza and the the Rebbe, I feel something!” behavior there, as well.

36 i BEIS MOSHIACH 17 Sivan 5761 Issue Number 325 BEIS MOSHIACH i 37 SHAVUOS AT RIKERS ISLAND PRINTED IN HUNGARIAN BY REB MORDECHAI STAIMAN “Mysticism and Jewish Kabbala” is Shavuos came a bit early to Rikers This writer had a very special After the dinner, Rabbi Richtman, the inscription on the introductory page Island Prison, in New York City, but moment while davening Mincha and Administrative Chaplain of Jewish to the Hungarian edition of Likkutei on the 47th day of S’fira, the Jewish Maariv with black Jewish inmate O. B. Affairs, NYC Department of Amarim-Tanya which was printed in men and women inmates gathered We shared a siddur together, reciting Correction, addressed the inmates Budapest for Yud-Tes Kislev this year. under the basketball hoop of the passages in English. Suddenly I saw and spoke at length about Shavuos. “It Since that time, nearly two thousand gleaming gymnasium of the tears fall from O.’s eyes and land on is the Season of the Gift of our Torah. copies have been sold. A limited Correction Officers, and welcomed the prayer book. He then turned to On the sixth day of Sivan (it was on number of copies were sent to Eretz Hashem’s giving of the Torah. The the day of Shabbat), in the year 2448 Yisroel to enable Hungarian Jews there setting was festive, with everyone after Creation, G-d gave the Torah to to learn the Written Torah of Chabad seated at tables covered with white the Jewish people on Mount Sinai. Chassidus. linens, with lots of food and soft It was then that I The Feast of Weeks,1 on the sixth and This translation only includes the drinks on hand. seventh of Sivan, commemorate this first seventeen chapters, but it’s an realized that I hadn’t great event.”2 At my table, Jewish important first step; now Hungarian can In attendance, the Lubavitcher inmate J. W. leaned over to me to get also be included in the roster of shluchim, by their own admission, had come only to write a special attention and info about languages the Tanya is translated into. one of their finest hours, satisfying Shavuos. As he whispered to me, his story for Beis The work was done over a three- the hundred men and women inmates voice seemed small and thin, like a year period, for in addition to a careful who were so appreciative of not being little boy inquisitively asking his Moshiach, but to help translation of the text, footnotes and forgotten on this very important mother, “What is the Torah you are sources, there is a section called Festival. The shluchim included a fellow Jew. talking about?” And his mother said, “Concepts” (of Kabbala and Chassidus), quotes from the Rebbe that were said to Indeed, the Rebbe’s bracha was Shneur Zalman Osdoba; two brothers, “Well, my child, the Torah I’m without which the text is impossible to the translator on 22 Elul 5751. “Moshe fulfilled and the Tanya was printed in a Zalman and Mendel Tewel, bachurim not exactly sure myself what it is until understand in a language as difficult as Rabbeinu showed the way – that Torah most attractive manner, with the book’s worthy of being painted as dancing we receive it. But this I can assure Hungarian. must be translated into seventy design created by Avrohom Yeshaya Chassidim by any of our great you, my child, G-d is about to give us Chassidic painters; and this writer. The translation as well as the languages. [Smiling:] Hungarian was Reinetz. The layout was done in Eretz the most wonderful and precious gift surely included. Hatzlacha raba Yisroel by the tireless printer Yom Tov Every Festival and Yom Tov, under the in the world.”3 footnotes and concepts, in addition to leadership of Michoel Chazan, an introduction to the book, are the u’muflaga (great and outstanding Lippe Friedman of Bnei Brak, who was chairman of the board of directors of That night, when Shavuos came a work of journalist Naftali Krauss of Tel success).” able to set the unique layout like a Vaad HaKohol and the Crown Heights bit early to Rikers Island, every Aviv, who was greatly encouraged by Gemara with the text in the center and Jewish Community Council, inmate, “standing tall at the foot of the Rebbe MH”M to write and publish the notes and concepts on either side, Lubavitcher shluchim reach out to Sinai,” gratefully received the Torah. books in Hungarian on Jewish topics like Rashi and Tosafos. Rikers inmates, bringing them simcha Jewish inmate K. C. also wept with for Jews in that country - over 100,000 The end of the work contains a and Chassidus, putting t’fillin on male joy. Jews! biography of the author, the Alter inmates, and praying with them. Rebbe, and a translation from the book, ------So far, Krauss has published eleven The Rebbe Who was Accused of Sedition. Joining them was Satmar Rabbi 1. The name, Feast of Weeks, is given to this books. With the Tanya he became a and Jewish Chaplain Leib Glantz, who Festival because it is celebrated after the end of publisher as well, having published it at The Tanya is displayed in select seemed everywhere at the same time the seven weeks of the Omer, the counting of his own expense with the help of a bookstores in Budapest with the in the gym, distributing kosher which begins on the second night of Pesach. group of Hungarian Lubavitcher Hungarian side on the front cover. It goodies. Several other Jewish rabbis 2. These words were not from the lips of Rabbi Chassidim. has a picture of the Rebbe taken at the were also in attendance, and they Richtman. They actually came from Rabbi In a separate section containing distribution of English Tanyas in 5735, pitched in to make the evening sweet ’s (o.b.m.) book, The Complete selections from the Rebbe’s sicha of translated by R’ Nissan Mindel, a’h. The me, hugged me and said how moved and memorable. Oh, yes, the 600,000 Story of Shavuot. I used them here as I was too 5751 about the importance of original plan was to have a picture of he was to read about the greatness of busy answering questions from the inmates at Jewish souls and millions of Jewish translating Chassidus and the Alter Rebbe on the front (now it’s on Hashem. He also thanked me for my table to hear the actual speech of Rabbi bodies at Mount Sinai mingled among disseminating it around the world, as the back cover), but the graphic artists helping him with his davening. It was Richtman. the inmates, not yet freed from their well as the holy proclamation “Yechi insisted on having the Rebbe MH”M’s then that I realized that I hadn’t come 3. Also borrowed from Rabbi Mindel’s book on own Mitzrayim, and you know they Adoneinu Moreinu V’Rabbeinu Melech picture, the rosh alfei Yisroel of our only to write a story for Beis Moshiach, Shavuos. were cheering the Jewish inmates on. HaMoshiach L’olam Va’ed!,” there are generation. but to help a fellow Jew. Translator and elucidator R’ Naftali Krauss

38 i BEIS MOSHIACH 17 Sivan 5761 Issue Number 325 BEIS MOSHIACH i 39 ST greatness of women and how they and send us addresses of women to before and after Gimmel the 1 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S remained strong during difficult periods invite. Rebbe helped them pull through. in Jewish history and focused on Mrs. Labkowski, what moments of last Listening to these modern days stories of bringing up children that were truly zera year’s reunion that were the most heroism and emuna I clearly saw how CONFERENCE SCHEDULED FOR WEEK OF beirach Hashem. The Rebbe spoke of the memorable to you personally? true the pasuk was “B’makom sh’baalei Rebbe Rayatz’s connection with women There were many memorable t’shuva omdim ein tzaddikim g’murim As spring days are becoming warmer, women only? communication as they relate to the in establishing Bais Rivkah and how moments, many of them leaving tears of yicholim laamod” and understood why and New Yorkers start to think about No, everyone could gain from it. Shabbos experience. appropriate it is to have an event around joy in my eyes thinking of the Rebbe’s the Rebbe said “anyone who suspects leaving town for the mountains and camp, When the invitations to last year’s In addition, I keep in touch with our his day of Yud-Bais Tammuz. A reunion nachas. Friday night was the first me of being prejudiced to Machon Machon Chana is busy planning a major Gimmel Tammuz Reunion were sent alumnae around the world, which keeps for Machon Chana, the Rebbe’s emotional moment, some women who Chana is right.” These women the Rebbe event in Crown Heights. The first Machon out, we received many phone calls from me informed about current concerns. contribution to Jewish Women, was the are grandmothers today arrived at the chose to call “my daughters” were truly Chana International Women’s Conference women from all backgrounds asking if We also conducted an extensive survey obvious choice to celebrate Gimmel dorm and reminisced about where they the nashim tzidkanios that would bring is scheduled to take place the week of they could attend even though they to find out which topics are the Tammuz and baruch Hashem though the were at when they first arrived and how Moshiach. Gimmel Tammuz, June 21-26. were not alumnae. The answer, of “burning issues.” We are using all of time of year was difficult- the they feel the same sense of warmth and Anything else you would like to add? We spoke to the dean of Machon course was yes! The conference was a these sources to build on the success of convention was a tremendous success. home after all these years. Many told of The program gives women an Chana, Mrs. Sara Labkowski, to get a big hit with all who attended. last year’s conference. This year I asked the Rebbe whether to their experiences on Pesach when the opportunity to not only discuss issues in “behind the scenes” view of this formidable Is there an overall theme to this year’s Mrs. L., in its 28 proud years of plan the conference again at this time Rebbe visited the Seder, while others personal growth, marriage and families endeavor. conference? existence, Machon Chana has held other and I received a beautiful bracha for the related of their z’chus to visit with the in a warm and caring atmosphere but Mrs. Labkowski, could you tell us how This year our theme is the Shabbos gatherings and reunions, how is this same date. also to share insights with peers while you first came up with the idea of a table – the cornerstone of a Jewish conference different and why did you Are you planning any special Gimmel Through laughter and receiving emotional support and conference? family, a foundation for our Jewish choose Gimmel Tammuz? Tammuz activities? together coming up with viable After visiting many cities and future. This topic was inspired by an Our reunions in the past were at Our banquet on Sunday night, tears, we listened to solutions. Machon Chana has always speaking to many shluchim and shluchos, answer I received from the Rebbe’s Igros. various times of the year and were Gimmel Tammuz, we will pay tribute to been known as the place to send I have noticed that Chabad Houses are The letter said that we should plan a always highly successful in terms of the Rebbe’s empowerment of Jewish harrowing experiences students. During the past few years, very successful at making a fremder into on where we chizuk and insights. We needed to women. We will celebrate what the with the trend of adult continuing a mekurav, but taking them a step should discuss how to keep children at choose a set time for an annual Rebbe has done for women and through of sickness, poverty education on the rise, we have expanded further is still a challenge. Making a a Shabbos table. At first we were gathering, but we could not figure out them for the Jewish family and nation. our program opportunities to mekurav into an eigener, into a strong surprised at this seemingly limited and what would be the ideal time, especially We will honor five women who were and need and how accommodate women of all ages and Chassid, is difficult without the help of simple topic that seemed like enough for since there are various conventions inspired, educated and encouraged by before and after stages. In addition to this conference, yeshiva learning or a strong baal t’shuva perhaps a single session at the already happening throughout the year. the Rebbe, and the institution he built our summer program in our newly community. Today, in cities around the conference. The more we discussed and Vav Tishrei seemed appropriate for for them and for women around the Gimmel Tammuz the acquired beautiful 60 room hotel in world, there are thousands of baalei planned the conference, this topic began Machon Chana but highly impractical. world-Machon Chana. These women Tannersville NY offers an excellent t’shuva with families who never attended to loom larger than the others. We Tishrei is an aliya l’regel for all represent thousands of others who, in Rebbe helped them opportunity for learning, spiritual a yeshiva (families who became mekarev realized that this theme of the Shabbos Chassidim, Rosh Chodesh Kislev – between housework, work and growth and networking for the whole by shluchim), but who have the same table encompasses almost every other Kinus HaShluchim, Yud Shvat a Kinus homework have managed to deeply pull through. family. We urge shluchim to take concerns in regards to chinuch, avoda or topic we wanted to address – A of Yeshiva bachurim, Chof Bais Shvat – touch the lives of those around them advantage and give their mekuravim a running a frum home as do our “healthy” Shabbos table means a healthy Kinus HaShluchos, The N’shei and carry out the Rebbe’s vision with joy, Rebbetzin when they were chosen to weekend, week, or month of learning alumnae. The strength and wealth of Jewish family. convention is during S’fira and Shavuos tenacity and self-sacrifice. The women deliver the shalach manos to the Rebbe. they will forever thank them for. knowledge they could gain from Making Shabbos meaningful and is the time when the Rabbanim arrive. whose lives we will celebrate this year At Shalosh Seudos, we went around the Sounds very exciting! Can you tell us spending time with women who holy was second nature to our On Gimmel Tammuz there is no real are Chava Barada (Moscow, Russia), Sara room and each woman introduced how to register for the conference? received their chinuch in Machon Chana grandparents. For many today, it seems international event happening, which Behrman (Crown Heights, NY), Bracha herself and added a few words about her Invitations are being printed shortly. is tremendous — both in terms of seeing overwhelming, frustrating and out of bothered me. But it’s “erev camp,” when Meshchaninov (Monsey, NY), Devorah life and peulos. It was an extremely Shluchos could e-mail us a list of how far one can reach in yiras reach. We are excited to devote the people are running away and thus it is Leah Shalinsky (Crown Heights, NY), exhilarating moment. Our hearts women they feel should know of the Shamayim, hiskashrus and Chassidishkeit, convention exclusively to this most vital an extremely difficult time, so I and Sara Weinstein (Pittsburg, PA). swelled with joy. Many are campus event at [email protected] or send the and in the overall level of integration topic and be able to offer hands on dismissed that date as well. We opened Are you then planning for this to shluchos, most are active in their list to 935 Eastern Pkwy Suite 5c, into the Anash world. We felt that a practical step-by-step guidance for an Igros last winter asking whether to become an annual event? communities, and almost all are proud , NY, 11213. They may also conference of this sort would give these making Shabbos – “Shabbos”! plan the reunion for Adar or Iyar. The Attendees last year told us that mothers of k’h beautiful families. But the call Channa Merkur at 718-467-9422 women an opportunity to meet others Please tell us how you decided on the Rebbe’s answer was amazing! It was a although they have been going to most memorable to me personally was a for more information. The Anash are who are further along in their journey, to topics that will be covered. letter addressed to a Bais Rivkah various other Chabad conventions, none Bitachon and Simcha workshop. We welcome to register on our web site at receive new insights, and thus help As I mentioned before, the “Shabbos Banquet held during the week of spoke to them and their needs like this were about 25 women in the room and, where they can them reach higher goals both for table” is the central theme of the Parshas Shlach and Korach. Looking at a one. This underscored the need for this each woman was given an opportunity also find a detailed conference program. themselves and for their families. conference. All of the topics will relate to calendar we were quite surprised kind of an event to us, so we are to share with us personal experiences in Everyone is also welcome to call us at Do you mean to say that this conference this central theme. We will therefore realizing it was the week of Gimmel definitely planning to make it annual. bitachon. Through laughter and tears, we the above phone number – Machon would be beneficial only to baalei-teshuva discuss issues in chinuch, parenting and Tammuz. The letter spoke about the We hope that more and more shluchim listened to harrowing experiences of Chana is waiting to hear from you! will inform their mekuravos of its value sickness, poverty and need and how

40 i BEIS MOSHIACH 17 Sivan 5761 Issue Number 325 BEIS MOSHIACH i 41