Friends of Quiz No.1

Are you an historical detective? Here are ten questions to test your mettle.

The answers can be found on the Friends’ online archive: or in copies of the Winchester Cathedral Record. If you are using the archive for the first time, please read the Online Archive Guide about the different routes for searching the site. There is a link to it on the Home Page.

The quiz is for fun and there won’t be a champion. Each question has two elements: find the correct answer(s) and note down in which edition of the Record and the pages where you found it. Keep a record of your answers and see how well you score.

Here’s an example of a question and its answers: (a) who was the ‘awkward Dean’ and (b) who wrote the article about him? The answers are (a) Dean , the founder of the Friends, and (b) Rev Tim Daykin who produces and presents BBC Radio Solent’s religious programming. The edition was No. 85 (2016) and the pages were 34-36.

For the first quiz, search terms are underlined in each question. When using the Search All facility, try All Words. You will need to read through the results to find answers!

There will be several quizzes over the coming months. Answers will be published online when the next quiz is launched.

Quiz No.1 1) When did John Watson serve as and what distinguishes him from all other Deans of Winchester? 2) Who was Miss Monica Stiff? 3) What fuel powered the cathedral’s original (and not very efficient) Gurney heating system? 4) Who found the coffin in Bishop Fox’s chantry? 5) Who was the first Patron of the Friends of Winchester Cathedral? 6) A plaque commemorates Francis Francis in the North Aisle of the Nave. Who was he? 7) What was the title of an article that Charles Lidbury wrote? What was the subject? 8) Bishop ’s statue is in the South Presbytery Aisle. What local ‘scandal’ was he connected with? 9) In what year was Alwyn Surplice appointed as the Cathedral Organist? Which cathedral did he come from? 10) What is the coat of arms of the see of Winchester? [Clue: search under heraldry]