Differential Forms Diff Geom II, WS 2015/16
J.M. Sullivan, TU Berlin B: Differential Forms Diff Geom II, WS 2015/16 B. DIFFERENTIAL FORMS instance, if S has k elements this gives a k-dimensional vector space with S as basis. We have already seen one-forms (covector fields) on a Given vector spaces V and W, let F be the free vector space over the set V × W. (This consists of formal sums manifold. In general, a k-form is a field of alternating k- P linear forms on the tangent spaces of a manifold. Forms ai(vi, wi) but ignores all the structure we have on the set are the natural objects for integration: a k-form can be in- V × W.) Now let R ⊂ F be the linear subspace spanned by tegrated over an oriented k-submanifold. We start with ten- all elements of the form: sor products and the exterior algebra of multivectors. (v + v0, w) − (v, w) − (v0, w), (v, w + w0) − (v, w) − (v, w0), (av, w) − a(v, w), (v, aw) − a(v, w). B1. Tensor products These correspond of course to the bilinearity conditions Recall that, if V, W and X are vector spaces, then a map we started with. The quotient vector space F/R will be the b: V × W → X is called bilinear if tensor product V ⊗ W. We have started with all possible v ⊗ w as generators and thrown in just enough relations to b(v + v0, w) = b(v, w) + b(v0, w), make the map (v, w) 7→ v ⊗ w be bilinear. b(v, w + w0) = b(v, w) + b(v, w0), The tensor product is commutative: there is a natural linear isomorphism V⊗W → W⊗V such that v⊗w 7→ w⊗v.
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