House of Representatives
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1962 ·CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 18891 tourmaline in velnlets in-limestone, . usually over 6 miles long, .an .considered favorable amendment bills and a joint resolution associated with dikes of igneous rock that ground for prospecting. _ of the House of the following titles: intrude the limestone. · . The Geological Survey said that the asso ciation ·of beryllium ore with previously H.R. 4635. An act for the relief of Hattie Individual zones of beryllium ore are as and Joseph Patrick, Sr., and for the legal much as s~veral hundred· feet long and 30 mined tin deposits in the Lost River area, plus the fact that the chrysoberyl is finely guardian of Betty Ann Smith and the legal feet wide, the Department said. guardian of Stanley Smith, and for the legal Ore zones investigated so far by the Geo divicl.ed and is not easily recognized, suggests that more of this type of beryllium ore may guardian of James E. Harris, Jr.; logical Survey are scattered widely in a 6-mile H.R. 6021. An act for the relief of Lt. Don area considered favorable ground for pros await discovery near tin deposits elsewhere in the world. Walsh and Lt. Lawrence A. Shumaker; pecting. H.R. 10242. An act to amend Private Law The Survey said the association of beryl 86-339; . lium ore with previously mined tin deposits 10 H.R. 10383. An act to amend the Federal in the Lost River area, and the fact that the ADJOURNMENT UNTIL A.M. Home Loan Bank Act to give Puerto Rico chrysoberyl was finely divided and not easily MONDAY the same treatment as a State in the elec recognized, suggested that more of this type Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, if tion of Federal Home Loan Bank Directors; of beryUium ore might await discovery near H.R. 12024. An act for the relief o:t Li tin deposits elsewhere in the world. there is no further business, I move, in accordance with the order previously en brande P. Caltagirone; and tered, that the Senate stand in adjourn H.J. Res. 627. Joint resolution extending BERYLLIUM DISCOVERY BY GEOLOGICAL SuRVEY the duration of copyright protection in cer ment until 10 a.m. on Monday next. tain cases. LEADS TO RUSH OF PROSPECTORS TO NOME The motion was agreed to; and <at AREA OF ALASKA 6 o'clock and 21 minutes p.m.) the Sen The message also announced that the Recent discovery by the Geological Survey ate adjourned, pursuant to the previous Senate had passed, with amendments in of new deposits of beryllium ore in the Lost order, until Monday, September 10, 1982, which the concurrence of the House is River area in Alaska, about 70 miles north requested, bills of the House of the fol west of Nome, has started an influx of pros-· at 10 o'clock a.m. pectors reminiscent of the gold-rush days lowing titles: of the 1890's, the Department of the Interior •• ...... •• H.R. 8038. An act to amend section 491 of reports. title 18, United States Code, prohibiting cer The discovery was made during geologic HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tain acts involving the use of tokens, slugs, mapping by a Geological Survey field party disks, devices, papers, or other things which headed by C. L. Sainsbury. Withhi a few MoNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1962 are similar in size and shape to the lawful hours after public announcement of the find, coins or other currency of the United States; planes were spiraling down to land parties The House met at 12 o'clock noon. H.R. .8355. An act to authorize executive of fortune seekers. Many claims were hur Rt. Rev. Dr. Theodosios L. Sideris, agencies to grant easements in, over, or upon riedly staked out. bishop of Ancona, Greek Orthodox real property of the United States under the Beryllium, a scarce metal worth appro xi-· Archdiocese of North and South Amer- control of such· agencies, and for other pur- mately $70 a pound, is valuable as a strength . poses; and ening and hardening material when alloyed 1ca, sixth archdiocesan district, Pitts- H.R. 11217. An act to amend section 6112 with copper and nickel and also has con burgh, Pa., offered the following prayer: of title 10, United states Code. siderable potential for use in supersonic Eternal God, from whom all bless- The message also announced that the planes, spacecraft, missiles, and nuclear re ings :flow, we reverently bow our heads Senate had passed, with an amendment actors. in prayer before Thy magnificence in which the concurrence of the House Discoveries that led to the sudden influx of beryllium seekers to the Lost River area thanking Thee for Thy many and is requested a bill of the House of the on the western Seward Peninsula of Alaska bountiful gifts. We pray for our beloved following title: were made possible with a special portable President of these United States, for the H.R. 10. An act to encourage the establish detector built by Electronics Engineer Wil Members of th~s respected Congress, and ment of voluntary pension plans by self liam W. Vaughn in the Survey's Electronic for all principals and authorities, that employed individuals. Laboratory at Denver, Colo. The detector they may be enabled to discharge the shoots gamma rays into ore samples. If duties of their respective office with hon- The message also announced that the beryllium is present, neutrons are emitted esty and ability. Senate insists upon its amendment to the an<:~ are registered on a counting device, thus We further pray for our brethren, our fo.regoing bill, requests. a c~nference givmg the same approximate percentage of fellow citizens throughout the United With the House on the d1sagreemg votes the metal in samples being studied. Because visual detection of the beryllium States, and for all mankind throughout of the two Hous~s t?~reon, and appoints ore is not as easy as with gold or many other the world, that we may be blessed in the · Mr. BYRD of. y1rgm1a, Mr. KERR, Mr. ores, the Geological Survey party displayed knowledge, sanctified in the observance LoNG of Loms1ana, Mr. SMATHERS, Mr. samples of the ore so the treasure hunters of Thy most holy law, and that we may WILLIAMS of Delaware, Mr. CARLSON, and would know what to look for. As an addi abide in union and peace, guided always Mr. BENNETT to be the conferees on the tional service to the prospectors, Sainsbury by Thy divine providence. part of the Senate. used the detector to test specimens brought In these difficult and strenuous times The message also a:nnounced that t~e to him and confirm whether they contained in which we live, we realize even more Se~ate had passed, w1th amendments 1!1 beryllium. Brief "schools" of this sort were held both in Nome and at the scene of the the importance of Thy strength and wis- which the concurrence of the House Is discovery. dom to offset the human weakness and reque~ted, . a bill of the House of the The rush also was characterized by com limitations we experience from time to followmg title: edies of error. One group of early arrivals time. H.R .. 10650. An act to amend the Internal saw another group on a distant hill, but He~~eniy Father, we beseech Thee to Revenue Code of 1954 to provide a credit for assumed they were geologists on a routine strengthen our leader a d 1- th t investment in certain depreciable property, study of the general area. Thus, they made . s. _n peop e, a to eliminate certain defects and inequities, we might become the llvmg example for and for other purposes a leisurely tour of inspection before starting all nations in the universal struggle for · to stake claims. Actually, however, the peace and concord. The message also announced that the other party consisted of rival claim seekers who were busily plotting out one of the more May the Lord bless us and keep us, Senate i~ists ';!POn its amendments to desirable mineralized zones. make His face to shine upon us and give t~e foregomg bill, reques.ts a co.nference The newest discoveries of beryllium by the us everlasting peace. Amen. With the House on the disagreemg votes Geological Survey are 4 to 7 miles from a of the two Houses thereon, and appoints similar deposit, now being explored by min Mr. BYRD of Virginia, Mr. KERR, Mr. LONG ing interests, that was found by the same • of .Louisiana, Mr. SMATHERS, Mr. WIL Geological Survey team last summer. THE JOURNAL LIAMS of Delaware, Mr. CARLSON, and Mr. In the Lost River area the beryllium occurs The Journal of the proceedings ef BENNETT·to be the conferees on the part as the mineral chrysoberyl intergrown with Thursday, September 6, 1962., was read of the Senate.· fluorite and tourmaline in veinlets in the and approved. The message also announced that the limestone, usuany associated with dikes of igneous rock that intrude the limestone. Senate had passed, with amendments in Individual zones of beryllium ore are as which the concurrence of the House is much. as several .hundred feet long and 30 .MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE requested, a bill of the House of the fol :teet wide. A message from the Senate, by Mr. lowing title:- Ore zones investigated thus far by the Geo · McGown, -one of its· clerks, announced H.R. 12870. An act making appropriations logical Survey are scattered widely in an area that · the Senate had passed without for military construction for the Department 18892 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE September 1 0 of Defense for the fiscal year ending June 30, year 1963 and for other purposes, with NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL 50TH 1963, and for other purposes.