EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 6963 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS PERCEPTION ABOUT the but What About the Longer Term Future? Will Therefore Be a Need to Put in Place an U.S.S.R

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EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 6963 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS PERCEPTION ABOUT the but What About the Longer Term Future? Will Therefore Be a Need to Put in Place an U.S.S.R April 14, 1988 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 6963 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PERCEPTION ABOUT THE But what about the longer term future? will therefore be a need to put in place an U.S.S.R. Continued progress on arms control will extensive program of confidence building depend on the survivability of Gorbachev's which, among other activities, would involve policies and public commitments. It will also U.S.-U.S.S.R. collaboration on large-scale HON. BILL RICHARDSON depend on whether Gorbachev can persuade initiatives which will be seen as having OF NEW MEXICO the world that it is in everybody's interest major world benefits. I refer to collabora­ for his policies to be taken at face value and tions in areas such as environmental protec­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that there are no hidden agendas which tion, bolstering the world economy and im­ Wednesday, April 13, 1988 could place western security and/or western proving world health through sanitation values in jeopardy. The West, in turn, must and medical programs. I also have in mind Mr. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I would understand that Soviet leadership is facing large programs of student exchange, as well like to bring to the attention of my colleagues a great delemma. For the bureaucracy to as increased scientific and cultural ex­ a summary of an essay entitled "Perceptions stay in power they must improve the quality changes. about the U.S.S.R. from the Standpoint of of life or demonstrate an imminent external It is not too early to start enhancing exist­ International Security" by Louis Rosen of the threat. To do the former they must give ing activities which contribute to confi­ Los Alamos National Laboratory. Louis, who is their people more flexibility and freedom to dence-building and to identify major new a personal friend of mine, has traveled to the communicate and travel-they must open initiatives which can have global impact. up Soviet society. But an open society will Soviet Union on three occasions meeting with expose the shortcomings of the bureaucracy the likes of Serguei Kapitsa, a Soviet expert and erode its power. ELENA KEISS-KUNA AND HER on arms control. From his experiences, Louis The most probable scenarios appear to be FAMILY SHOULD BE PERMIT­ discusses the opportunities and risks we face the following: TED TO LEAVE THE SOVIET <1 > General Secretary Gorbachev is sin­ in arms control. I believe my colleagues will UNION find this essay enlightening. The essay is cere and will be successful, at least in the available in its entirety at my office for your short term. This will be affirmed when we are told more about Soviet goals and inten­ review. tions, about the true dimensions of their de­ HON. TOM LANTOS SUMMARY OF ESSAY fense budget, when they relax restrictions OF CALIFORNIA For the reasons above identified the INF on emigration and tighten controls against IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Treaty will be seen as providing military ad­ the abuse of human rights. Other indica­ vantage to the West and political advantage tions will emerge when we see the extent to Wednesday, April 13, 1988 to the Soviet bloc. But the major signifi­ which military doctrine follows political Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to cance will reside in the precedents the policy, and the extent to which the Soviet draw attention to another human rights viola­ treaty sets. These precedents are vital for Union desists from undermining legitimate future negotiations on reductions in conven­ governments through military coercion and tion in the Soviet Union. Although this is the tional, chemical, and biological weapons, as political intrigue. The above are some of the time of "glasnost," Soviet officials blatantly well as for reduction in strategic nuclear ar­ benchmarks against which we can measure disregarded article 13 of the Universal Decla­ senals. the sincerity of stated Soviet policy. ration of Human Rights, which proclaims that, It would appear that the potential politi­ <2> Gorbachev will fail to achieve his aims "Everyone has the right to leave any country, cal advantages to the East could eventually through design or circumstance. He will including his own, and to return to his own outweigh the military advantages to the change direction or be smothered by the bu­ country." The Soviet Union, a signatory to this West, but not if the West acts wisely. How­ reaucracy; and his reforms will falter or document, has repeatedly denied its citizens ever, in the unlikely event that the treaty is even be reversed. not ratified, the political damage to the The communist party will reassert its the right to emigrate. West could be very serious and translate dominance, from Moscow, over all facets of Mr. Speaker, I wish to bring to your atten­ into a degradation in the NATO position life and revert to previous styles of govern­ tion and to the attention of my colleagues the relative to that of the Warsaw Pact. The ance; or the military will become dominant. case of Elena Keiss-Kuna and her family who point is that those who oppose the treaty (3) Gorbachev will succeed without accom­ are prisoners in their own country. Elena will not be mollified by the fact it is not modation with the West and the U.S.S.R. Keiss-Kuna and her family have been applying ratified. From their standpoint the damage will become more dangerous to world peace to emigrate since 197 4, so they may be re­ will already have been done. On the other than ever before. united with Elena's family-her mother and side, the much larger number of people in <4> The arms control process will break western Europe and the U.S. who applaud down and the arms race will continue at sister-in Israel. Since first applying to emi­ the treaty will be seriously alienated from ever higher levels and with ever greater grate in 197 4, she and her husband George the entire arms control process as conduct­ danger to world survival. The Soviets will have been unemployed in their field of engi­ ed by the U.S. break out of the ABM treaty. neering and survive on George's menial Assuming INF ratification, what comes It seems to the writer that scenario <1) is wages as a truckdriver. Their denial was at­ next? This year could bring agreement on both the most probable and the most desira­ tributed to their previous access to State se­ reduction of strategic warheads to 50 per­ ble; and that it is in the interest of the crets. Her family has long exceeded the 1o cent of their present levels, since that would entire world to avoid placing obstacles in its years wait required of those with access to still leave an overabundance of deterrent path. It is also the judgement of the writer force on each side. However, such an agree­ that the scenario with the second highest State secrets, and still they are denied the ment will probably require a tacit agree­ probability is <2>. Nonetheless, scenarios (3) chance to leave. ment on compliance with the ABM treaty and (4) cannot be ignored. The West is In March 1988, Elena resorted to extremes during the next decade. Such an agreement therefore faced with the necessity of adopt­ and embarked on a hunger strike. Mr. Speak­ will probably be facilitated by Soviet confi­ ing a political and military posture which is er, it is tragic that human beings are com­ dence in their ability to neutralize, if feasi­ hospitable to scenario <1) but which can be pelled to resort to physical deprivation to ble, or destroy, if necessary, any battle sta­ responsive in timely fashion, to scenarios (3) make a statement and to bring change. At this tions that appear over their territory. The and <4>, as well as to <2>. time, we must focus attention on the Soviet Soviets appear already to have withdrawn If the U.S. and U .S.S.R. are to move their demand that SDI development cease. beyond a 50 percent reduction in strategic failure to observe its international obligations They only insist that the traditional inter­ missiles to major reductions and balance in in continuing to hold Soviet citizens captive in pretation of the ABM treaty remain in conventional weaponry, arms treaties alone their own land. It is crucial that we uphold force, as do some of our allies and many will not be sufficient. A lessening of fear, those beliefs upon which our country was members of Congress. distrust, and suspicion is required. There founded and urge the SovieJ Government to e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 6964 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 14, 1988 allow the free emigration of those citizens when the project was originally launched. glehandedly kept the United States trade which they hold captive. Intel's success is an inspiring demonstration balance positive. Over the past year or so, that America's industries can remain on the my little joke soured. Last year, the United global cutting edge not only in developing new States imported $13.5 billion more in elec­ A TRIBUTE TO PEG WALLING tronics products than it exported. technology, but commercializing it. What happened? lntercompany cooperation: The second was One can hardly discuss international HON. JIM COURTER the March 23, 1966, announcement by Intel trade, past or present, without immediately OF NEW JERSEY that it was entering into a cooperative ar­ running into the activity of Japanese indus­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rangement with Micron Technology, Inc., of try.

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