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1976 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980

3-30-1976 Daily Lobo, Volume 079, No 120, 3/ 30/1976 University of New Mexico

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Wqmen To Be ·Separated in Hokona By Harold Smith Boeglin said the reasqn for the · · · · The UNM housing office an- radical change in Hokona is, ' , nounced yesterday its plans to ''Historically over the last five change the living arrangements years. that building has shown in the Hokona dorm from com- significant security problems as pletely coed to separate wings far as people not belonging there for men and women. being there. Associate Dean of Students ''The students there have told ' i f I Randy Boeglin said only men will us that they're the most ·unhappy { be assigned .to 'the Zia wing and group.'' i i ~ only women will be assigned to However, Boeglin emphasize~, 'I. I, the Zuni wing. In a release, . "We're not. worried about kids. r'.. . Boeglin said, "Visitation . will who want coed living ~· remain on a 24-hour basis on the ·arrangements. Unless something first and second floors, but escor-. changes dramatically we don't ts will be required in the foresee any problems," women's living area~. Thesituations in the other dor~ "This change will substa·ntially ms wiH be as follows: improve the security in Hokona -'-Laguna-DeVargas Halls will Hall, wiiJ mee,t student preferen- continue to house both men and ces for more conventional living women on an alternate suite areas, and will bring Jiving pat- basis. Visitation· will be on a 24- terns into congruence with hour basis with no escort building physical design.'' requirement. Graduate students Boeglin also said that the third and undergrads 24 years or older floors in both wings will be reser- . wiH be given first preference on ved for freshmen, women in Zuni, rooms in Laguna, house no.2. · men in Zia. He said, ''Academic -Santa Clara Hall will house atmosphere will prevail on this women studen~s and will operate floor. Each of the freshmen living on a 24-hour escorted visitation T.hursday and 10 a.m. to 2 a .. m. on floor of Alvarado wiJI be. Visitation will be allowed 24 . areas will be staffed by a com- plan. The third floor of this Friday and Saturday. designated as a men's academic hours with no escort. The third plement Qf three student ad- facility will be a desigqated -Alvarado Hall will continue floor. floor will be a male academic visors." academic floor. to house male students. Its -Coronado Hall will again floor. One wing of the ground The visitation hours in both -Santa Ana Hall will house visitation plan will be on a 24- house males and females on an floor will be reserved for mcm· wings wiU be from 10 a.m. to 2 women students and will operate · hour unescorted hasis. The third alternate wing arrangement. hers of campus ROTC programs. a.m. on Friday and Saturday and ' on a limited, escorted visitation 10 a.m. to 12 midnight on Sunday. schedule. All floors will be per- ln addition an escort will ·be mitted visitation from 10 to required in the women's section. 12 midnight on Sunday through Ne\N Mexico p·rofessor,Finds Unique DAILY LO 0 Particl~; Monopole?. Tuesday, March 30,1976

, ,. .,_ ::>1,',!'4iil.. M.,..'t~.,_ ' .:..-. ~ -.._ • By Tim Paulin• , ~'"'' collect atomic pn"rticles 'coming If a newly discovered particle from outer .space. is a magnetic monopole, it could .Price said the experiment was, They· Call Him Protestor modify the idea of basic building "Really to study the nature of blocks of matter, said a visiting cosmic rays that consist of all the professor. nuclei in the. table of elements Joe: IRs· Searches Files Dr. P. buford Price of the stripped o.f their electrons, University of California at because they move very fast, and By John Kueker Berkeley spoke Thursday •night. ·see whether there existed Speaking to a De.lta Theta Phi law fraternity· in the physics lecture hall about radioactive· elements that man luncheon in Washington earlier today, Senator . · the search for . the magnetic do~sn't know about. yet, or Joseph Montoya said that the Internal Revenue monopole, a long sought-after whether there are other particles Service placed his name on a "dangerous tax basic unit of magnetism: P"ice (Continued o~ page 9) protestor list" after he announced he would hold said he thinks he may have found oversight hearings on IRS activities. it. Montoya said that after announcing his sub­ He said he is np longer certain The Mirage committee was going to investigate the IRS in that he found a magnetic December of 1972 that he learned ''some IRS of­ monopole, but whatever it is, "it ficials apparently. didn't want their procedures is something .unique, baffling, Fades Into changed or examined." and is nota known particle.'' ''Immediately after I announced my first The discovery might be the . Just· That h~arings into taxpayer procedures and services major scientific event of the cen­ the New Mexico district IRS director began an in­ tury. There will be no Mirage (year- depth search of the files, Jookin.g for any in­ Price said, ''I don't know · book) at UNM this year.Instead, formation upon which to base. an audit," Montoya whether what I will tell you graduating seniors will be given. said. "I have to assume that they did not find any." about ·today will end in a Jess-expensive pamphlet by Mo!'ltoya said he wiJJ not let "any IRS distrac­ revolution. It may well end in which to remember their alma tions" prevent him from continuing hearings on ignominy in a few months.'' mater. IRS policies and practices. Montoya is chairman of In the past it was thought that Gwinn Henry, Alumni the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on ontoyi!~ all magnetized particles had in­ Association director, said the bill Treasury, Postal Service and General Govern- The audit that the. Montoya aide .referred to was separable north and south poles, for . a · quality yearbook .is too ment. · a cursory investigation at best, more along the but no north or south monopole much ($8000 for the 1974·75 A member of Montoya's staff said·, "Last year lines of a cosmetic action to justify IRS activity could be found. In 1931 Paul product) to be financed through. the Southwes.t regional · director. issued a than a. full-fledged probe. Montoya has not been Dirac, using· newly developed alumni tours, and alternate·finan .. stateq~ent that Senator Montoya's income tax audited by the IRS since 1950. quantum mechanics, calculated · cing failed to materialize. . : returns h;ad been reviewed for the years 1966 Alexander•s actions brought down the fury of there must be a particle or· family "'So the alumni will go back ·t.o througb 1972 and that the IRS ·found· nothing to newly-appointed Treasury Secretary William of particles that carries a basic their .original thought of giving warrant an audit.''· Simon, who ordered all investigation into Alexan· unit of magnetic charge. Dirac each graduate a keepsake pam· The IRS is legally prohibited from discussing der's decision on how to conduct the Montoya said the charge should be 68_.5 phlet .••• t love that book . (the tax audit cases, but insiders claim that the Mon­ audit. times as strong as an electron or Mirage)," he said, ..and hate to toya tax audit is not based on vindictiveness from This investigation. not yet released, wiU ap­ have a multiple thereof such as give it up, but there's just so IRS brass. These sources say that Montoya was ac­ parently. dear Alexander of any obstruction of 137. No trace of a monopole or an much we can do." · tually schedttt~d t2 have brlen audited several justice charges. In the meantime, the IRS will con· imitator was found until July 21, Money contributed by campus years ago, hut t u4at IRS Commissioner ·Donald duct all in-depth audit of the New Mexico Senator. 1975. organizations for pages in the Alexander decided not to pursue the matter. Montoya, who is up for re-election this year. said Over two-and-a-half years ago Mirage will be refunded, he ad­ Alexander arrived in 1973, when Montoya was he has nothing to fear from an audit. but stHI views scientists launched a balloon over ded. serving on the Senate Committee investigating the the whole affair as an attempt to discredit him. Sioux City, Iowa, carrying three The keepsake pamphlet will Watergate affair. Alexander realized that a probe Montoya has introduced a biJl which he hopes dozen sheets of a plastic called not be the last publication to be of Montoya at that time might seem yet another wilf provide a "better system for the selection o£ 11 lexan, nuclear emulsion and received by University case of the type of harassment tha~ the Watergate returns for a.udit" and will require the IRS to in· photographic film to an altitude graduates .from the alumni. Nor hearings were uncovering. and refused to do a form taxpayers on the reasons why they are being of 130,000 feet in an attempt to wm it be the first. complete audit. ·audited." " I ' " \ ( Law .School Recruitment \ll(f)~(!JJ) • By Sandi Blekel well ~aid the society will ·Dillards Welcomes All Our· Friends The UNM Law School in the establish better communication past has had a successful recruit­ between interested un­ . ~[fW~ ment effort ~~:,t every universi,ty .dergraduate students and the 0 and college iii' 'the· state except ·· law school, ..c By United Press International To The Sale- That.Never Ends 0 UNM. The society should make un­ ~ At the request of Assb;tant dergraduates feel comfortable at .~ Dean Charles Blackwell, the the Jaw school "so they will feel Callaghan Favored in London ·a Student Bar Association has ap­ comfortable when the time comes A pointed a special committee to to apply," hi) said. · LONDON-"Foreign Secretary James Callaghan, 64, a big, 0 • .~ org11nize a pre-law society for There will be a series of bluff, Labor Party middle-of-the-roader, and left-wing Em­ ~ UNM to rectify the problem. programs and talks by practicing ployment Secretary Michael Foot, 62, ran neck and neck Monday ' ~ "This is something we have attorneys, and visits to the court in the race to be Britain's next Prime Minister. I ar enwoo ~ never had here before.'' mack· house. . s Callaghan remained favorite to win, but probably only on a Ql well said. "It's an exciting Z "Whenever . we have special third ballot April 5. Chancellor of the Exchequer Denis Healey, . J organizatiQn." functions and activities here at 58, another middle-liner and third man still in the contest for C\1 The first meeting was held the law school, the pre-law Prime Minister Harold Wilson's crown, generally was rated a ~ March 29th. society members can be. of poor also-ran, almost certain to be knocked out in the second ~ In addition to stimulating in- assistance by providing help for ballot. terest in the Jaw school Black- . those functions," he said. Argentina Gets New Pres. .. . . • , ~ w•· ""'~ ·~ The society is 'limited to ,' ··~·. ". ~-;-- .. ·~J(· ···~··' ~ New Mexico college juniors and seniors who BUENOS AIRES, Argentina-Argentina's military junta Mon­ ~~- '•' k' ~· '=' have an overall 3.0 grade point day installed army command r Lt. Gen. Jorge Videla as the coun­ DAILY LOBO try's new president, less than ~me week after he led the bloodless average, The first organizational Charles Blackwell Vol. SO no.120 meeting is planned for April, coup that tQppled the government of Isabel Peron. $KeNwooD KR..;s4oo Reg. with one more meeting in May Another club for high school Videla, 50, an infantry officer, considered the chief architect of AM/FM-STEREO RECEIVER Box 2!), University P.O., UNM last Wednesday's coup, took the oath of office in a simple, austere ·Albuquerque, N .M. 87131 before classes end. juniors and seniors is being for­ 95 ceremony in which no speeches were made. 88 35 Watts Per Channel, Minimum RMS at 8 ohms, $379. med by the Delta Theta Phi co-ed Editorial Phone (505) 277· 20·20k Hz with no more than 0.5% Total Harmonic Distortion 4102, 277-4202 Super selecdon of hard & soft law fraternity in cooperation with the Boy Scouts' Explorer Vietnam Uses M/As Tho New Mexico Daily Lobo is publlsllfd M:onday through ~,riday every regulnr week Contact Lens Cleaners Club. ''the Uni'Jcrlllt.y year and weekly during the The proposed innovation adds PARIS-North Vietnam demanded anew today that the United $KENWOOD KR•B4DO summei- acsslOn by lhe Hoard of Student and Solutions States provide financial aid to rebuild Vietnam in exchange for 88 a significant dimension to UNM AM/F;M-STEREO RECEIVER • ' . • Publications of Lhi;t Unl\lcralty of New Moxico, Contacts Polished in our Lab any attempt by Hanoi to track down American servicemen still and is not financisUy associated wllh UNM. J,aw School recruitment ac­ . 45WattsPerchannei.MinimumaMsataohms, Dillard S Sale PriCe Sec:ond da_ss postage paid at Alhuqucrr1ue, tivities, and should be of benefit missing in Indochina. 20·20k Hz with no more than 0.3% Total Harmonic Distortion New Mexico 87131. Subscription rate Is 1 DAY SERVICE Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger said Friday in j "$10.00 lor tho academic yoar. to students, the law school and I The opinions t~xpr()esed on thQ editorial New Mexico. Washington that the American Embassy in Paris had sent a j ; 0 page• ol The Dally Lobo arc those cl the message to the North Vietnamese Embassy proposing a nor­ I Reg. $449° author solely, Unsigned opinion Is that ol tho Casey Optical Co. Traditionally, an organized ' Dillard's Sale Price editorial board ol The JJnily Lobo, Nothing (next door to Casey Rx. Drugs) recruitment effort is conducted malization of relations between Hanoi and Washington, including I . printed In Tho JJaily Lobo nocossarlly in the fall before the admission North Vietnamese information on 2000 still missing Americans. represents the views or the .Unlver1Jty of New 0 · <-!exloo, SW corner of Wash, & Lomas test deadline. A member of ad­ Reg. $299.(j missions, who represents ·the Lebanon 'sFigh ting'fierc;e' faculty, along with four or five students, will visit the state "Now as the time drew near for him to be colleges. They will set up tables, BEIRUT, Lebanon-The fiercest fighting of Lebanon's 11- taken up to heaven, he resolutely took the hand out literature, and give a month-old civil war flared acrQss Beirut and the countryside Mon­ for Jerusalem and sent messengers ahead of question and answer session. day. Diplomatic sources said there were mounting"indications Reg. $259.95. "We keep a list of people we Syria was planning to take "decisive" steps to end the crisis him. These set ou-t,· and they went into a Samaritan following the breakdown of its mediation attempts. village .to make preparations form him, but the people talk to-names and addresses," Blackwell said. "Then the people In Washington, the State Department cautioned both Syria would not receive him because he was making for and Israel against military intervention in Lebanon. Lebanese $K!,~~~!!~ ':E~;r~:oo $16.7 ·88 on the recruitment team 22 Watts per Channel RMS Continuous Power Output · • • Jerusalem. Seeing this, the disciples James and John generally write follow-up let­ sources said they thought the timing of the statement could be at 1 kHz, both channels into B·ohm load • 2S watts per channel, Min, RMS, at 8 ohms said, 'Lord, do you want us to call down fire from ters." "highly significant." from 20 Hz to !20kHz, with no more than O.S% 88 Total Harmonic Distortion $19 7 heaven to burn them up?' Individual recruitment is done The past 24 hours of fighting in Beirut and the Mt. Lebanon region i!laimed at least another 100 dead and 200 wounded, ·Dillard's Sale Price • FM mut. ing; noise filter, loudness contour, FM - But he turned and rebuked them. and they went off by the American Indian, Black, sensitivity (uV) 2.1 dual protection system for • to another village." (Luke 9:51-56) and Mexican-American Law raising the tQJI since April to 15,300 dead and 32A~g wounded. All Kenwood receivers are in limited quantities. safeguarding speakers Student Associations "for their Jesus is the one who defended the rights of the Dr, Margaret Knox Goggin, Dean of the U. of ASUNM Senate Candidates:.:RHSA cial orders • 2 yearspartsandloborwarrantyDillard 'S Sale Pr • people with those ethnic (Rcsi~~nce · outcast but was not jealous of his own. Denver Grad; School or J,lbrarianship will l:ie at Halls Student Assn.J is holdiDg endorsement backgrounds," he said. Zimmerman-Library Rm; B 94 on Wed., March 31. meetings -Tues •• M11.rch 30 and Wed •• Mn.rch 31,7 Bela•• MeGreaer, Ca•pu• Mhtllh~l' She will talk to sttldcnts interested In the. tol0:30p.m. Schedule Umcal.Coronado Hall4311 Uake• Mlaltteries Ceater Graduate Srhool flr Librarlansbip. Cn114241 for an or 4312. Meeting will be in La Posada Con£C!fcrn:e 1801 Loo Lo•oo, N.E. • P ..oe! 247.04!17 appointment. Room-east. side.

Albuquerque Journal Editorial Cartoonist Harris for President strategy tnccting TUesday, "BORO"will talk and usc chnrae:terizadons ror I4!C• March 30, 7:30 p.m. at 1108 Bryn Mawr Dr. NE, lure entitled 1 'Th~ Greatest Editoria1~·· Wed., Cnli293·862Sor 898·3179. OM.1-MD 12:30 p.m.-S OR Ballroom. FACUL1'Y & PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S OLYMPUS A ncruiter lrom Harvard Mcd School, Dental ASSOC. ol ONM meet. Tuesday, 12:30 p.m., in School and School ol Public Health will be at the Regent!l R'oorn, Scholes Hall. Affirmative Ac· Anthropology Club Meeting: Dr. Phillip Bolk tion on tbe agenda. All welcome, Check These Features will spl!ak on Ethnosemantics, Wednesday, March Chicano Studies. Wed., Mareh-31. 9a.rn. to 4 p.m. Originally $399.95 31, 7:30p.m. in Anlhro 170. Student Assot. rn~ctin~: on March 31, i:.r 1-1000 Sec Shutter CJJU!O~~~ 'rile Grad. Student Assoe. will hold budget. Dillard's Reg 3:30p.m. in the College of Nur.slngstudent founge. 88 UNM Oemoaats h1celitlg, 1 p.m., Wed., March hearings at the International Ctr., April 6·7 .. For There will be a guest. speaker and a: half·hour for -tr Viewfinder image 30% larger 31 in SUB Rm. 23l·C. lnlo contact CAS •• rm 106, SUB. price $299.95 \OCJJCD(!) U'~~~~ ~~~w ASUN~r candidalcs. $268. and 70% brighter 's Super Sale Price Zuiko Wide. *· Weight is only 23.3 ounces Len w/case -tr Air Dampers on the mirror 28mm f/3.& to reduce shock Sel'ving 5·7 99C Pitchel's Originally $219.95 Followed By A Optional semi-hard camera case $18.88 Limited Quantities Reg $24.95 Dillard's Sale Price Dillards Discount P~ice $179.95 88 Tequila Party 7-9 Super Sale Price $158. SOc Shots 7·5c Mixes Topped Off By .\\MI"J['~ 99c Pitchers 9-to ~m~ 2·121 .AN PEDRO, N,E. ·35c Foot long hot dogs AL•UQUERQUEo NEW MEXICO 171 tO illar BEtWEEN MEMAUL "AND , Setved throughout INDIANSCI-laoL. 2f.-b-BU3 Winrock Center 294-2411 I: Shop Dillards Monday thru Friday; 10-9pm, Saturday 10-7pm, Sunday 12-5pm I· • f .." I I .· ·. li '"tl 'J Daily. Lobo C1l • Editorials z<1> Perspective :6 Opinions "' ~ <1> . 0 .. :>< I !lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll[ p I nI 0 nnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ·- .... n 0 tj "'-· T rad it i on a I Mass ', especially Albuquerque. What 0 >1 ,...J "'n many of them have in common is a residue of orthodox Christian belief, in .. ::r > ~ which they were instructed by their parents. Imperfect as it might have 9 been, this enculturation wa:> in the past the ba.sis upon which a young per­ ro .... 0 <0 son could (even within recent memory) build toward the achievement of a c -'1 Q) a. higher education,· .r:; The university environment was a civilizing one inthe truest sense. Even ~ 0 with the division of Christendom that is the heritage of the Reformation, ~ ~ intellectuals nonetheless shared a common ground of classical and 1: z Q) Christian literature-ifnot a common creed. Thus university studies could and often did furnish good ground upon which Christian virtues might E Q) thrive. One is reminded that Theology and Canon Law were basic to the c. curriculllms of the Universities at 'Bologna and Paris in the twelfth century. Q. Even in the midst of modern secular society, Roman Catholics could find :J ::> en ' sanity and spiritual grace in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. And the con- · • ra _tradict()ry picture of a believe·r listening i'ntently to that ancient ceremony ·c:; while a jet airliner flew overhead was one in which a Catholic could thrive; 0 Q) for the Mass was a symbol of resistance to the lies of the modern world. c. en CJ) What the dilettantes of Vatican II style modernism refuse to understand is 0 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiii;IIIIIIIIILetters~••••nmmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. that the center of all grace is the center of our intellectual vivacitY. The lat­ ter cannot survive without the former. It was indeed the Mass to which John Henry Newman, G. K. Chesterton, Christopher Dawson and the E Suggestions For the Athletic Budget other figures of the "Twentieth Century Catholic Renaissance" fumed for N ....I their support and inspiration. Editor: and a sod turf for that same team.) dropping the program, but all he is Vatican II has unleashed a thousand demons upon the earth but none so E Although I do not support the These baseball players as well as doing is striking a big blow to the hateful and blasphemous as the New Order of the Mass. For this ill­ baseball team attendance wise, I do all minor sports have just as much baseball team by s_pying they can't conceived desecration -the handy work of liberal Protestants and Moder­ c support them as 'being a Lobo right to participate in inter­ compete with othllt:l!. .5l!ld yet their -nists-has corne at a time when the avant-garde of Communism and Left· <(c. a: ...I :::J athletic team. Dropping them·from colle_giate athletics as do the foot­ record Is always better tha'n the Wing Liberalism are on the verge of winning their final victory over what is ball and basketball players. This football team's. I guess this is what left of the ·original framework of higher education. For several years there - the athletic program would be just ~ as bad as when we hired Lavon Mc­ right should not be taken from UNM gets for letting a man of great has been no real alternative for the Catholic student to the liturgical circus Donald as athletic director. If there them just because of McDonald's calibre (namely Bob King) slip and psychological counselling service offered at the Newman Center or has to be a $150,000 cut in the personal feelings of Mr. _Leigh. He away. the self-hypnotic wasteland of Campus Crusade For Christ. athletic budget, here are some may think he is a big big man by Carlos P. Herrera It is fitting indeed, then, that the fi~st official Tridentine Mass of the Or­ things Old McDonald can do: thodox Roman Catholic Movement will be held at the Alumni Memorial ·.,; ,:.; .. 1} Cut down the football Chapel, April 4 at noon. Its return to the University exemplifies orthodox program. They are allotted Night Time Tennis Courts resistance to heresy and secularism; and even more, it exemplifies the ever $798,000 this year while baseball is Editor: 2) school employees and com­ renewing strength of the Roman Catholic Church. only allotted $63,000. I am writing this letter in the munity members whose taxes sup­ 21 Cut down the coaching staffs. hopes that the proper department port the University would·be able to Baseball has one full time coach heads can see it and perhaRS giiie use its facilities, DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau and one assistant while football has my ideas some constderatio~. I am 3) school-community relations - 8 full time and five assistants. writing as a part-time grad $tUdent, would be improved. Basketball has four full time and a UNM employee and as an one assistant. Albuquerque resident. My idea is Barry levine Fl®F 31 Cut it off the meal tickets of this: Make the tennis courts INC. Norm Ellenberger, his friends and available for night-time use, My family. thinking on how to accomplish this Example 41 Take a cut in his salary... It at little cost to the University is 401 ROMERO NW, OLD TOWN seems to be money dowJ;~ the drain. borrowed from successful set-ups Editor: 51 Have some of the other in my home state of New Jersey. A few weeks ago, a mishap oc-• 247-1416 coaches take on other duties like Implementation could follow this curred at 'the Casa . Del Sol Mr. Leigh had to. order: restaurant in the SUB. A baby ac­ 61 Cut it off your expensive ways 11 Replace the existing dim lights cidentally got hot coffee spilled on of thinking (e.g. a million dollar around the courts with high­ her. As a witness, I was frozen and press box for a team that can't powered spotlights, made for the helpless. Needless to say, both mother and 'baby were terribly up­ even average 20,000 fans a game p~pose, MAYNORD'S Knows and 21 Set a fee of $1/hour for night­ set. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll time use of the courts, A young lady by'the name of Appreciates fine Quality Guitars. 1Letters to the Editor... 31 Allow community people to Patricia Di, Vasto, a UNM student, Utters to the editor use the courts at the same fee after was also there at the time. She ran ~SIR. U/13 to the mother and child and ap­ 1/J!NK 118 M/61/T YOtlrte OFF should be no lon$er than 250 purchasing a membership card for HAV!£ FO!l60T'TE!N. $2. University personnel would peared to be a great comfort to TOA 8AP /lOIII's Is Just That ! \YOrds, • typewntten and HIS T/?ANstAroR STARr, MP!.. 71//fT, ~~iJJe have to show their ID cards in­ them. Then she rushed them to the JU5T WliNT' UP 70 double spaced. Student Health Center where those AMS

Editorial Board Editor·in·Chief Managing Editor News Editor Arts & Media Sports Editor · Uns.igned etlitorials rePresent a­ Orlando R. Medina Michael O'Connor Rucker Terry England Harold Smith majority opinion of the Daily Lobo

Staff. All o1her columhS1 cartoons and letters represent. lhe opinion Oopy.Editor of the author and do not tiecessarily Features Editor Photo Editor Business Manager reflect the views of the staff. Mike' Gallagher Miguel Gafldert_ Susan Walton · Joseph" Donnelly Harry Chapman

' ... .. ' '1:i P> O'l ro "" ....:. 10:00-BACH Cello Suite No.4 in F flat major 3: 10-KODALY Hary Janos Suite • 10:22-SCHUBERT Symphony for winds 3:30-Special Presentation: Broadcast of the new '<--· BREAKFAST in BED zzzz 11:02-VERDI String Quartet in E minor recording of Scott Joplin's opera Treemonisha b' Q U I N Z Y 9 9 ~~% Janet 0" 11:24-VAUGHN WILLIAMS Riders to the Sea .0 12:00-NEW MEXICO SYMPHONY OR­ ~ CHESTRA concert for March featuring guest ar­ April18 P> tist Lorin Hollander performing Brahms Piano 8 ::r Concerto No.1 10:00-J.S. BACH Mass in B minor co 1:30-COUPERIN The 8th Ordre 12:00-MAHLER Symphony No.2 in C minor .o 1:56-MOZART Flute and Harp Concerto in C ..... "Resurrection" ire chestra 10:20-F'AURE 'l'rio for Violin, Cello and Piano in ~pril 25 FRANCIS D minor . LIX ....-- ....l~prn 10:40-DEBUSSY Selections from Book II of 10:00-DVORAK Symphony No.7 in D minor Preludes 10:30-STRAVINSKY Jcu De Cartes Ballet in 3 KYDD MJGATJ woman 11:00-BACH Toccata, Adagio. and Fugue in C Deals • major, Albert Schweitzer Organ 10:52-VARESE Integrales 1925 11 :20-BACH 3rd Brandenburg Concerto 11:02-USSACHEVSKY Piece for Tape Recorder time 11:30-Selections of 18th Century Music for Harp and Short wave Fantasy .....-- ... 9prn Ensemble 11:13-STOCKHAUSEN Gruppen for 3 Or­ 12:00-From tl)e Belgian Radio and Television In· chestras the· house ternational Service, a concert with Rene Jacobs 11:37-XENAKIS Orient Occident III (Counter tenor), Johan Huys (Harpsichord) and 11:48-SCHOENBERG Piano Concerto jazz Toyohiko Satho (Lute). · 12:08-IVES Symphony No.1 in D minor 12:28-GIULIANI Conc'erto for Guitar and String 12:42-CAR'rER Sonata for Flute, Oboe, Cello and bui I Orchestra Harpsichord It 12:40,... VILLA-LOBOS The Five Preludes for 12:58-PORTER Quintet for Oboe nnd strings Guitar 1:18-BARTOK Second Sonata for violin and piano 1:00-HENZE The Tedious Way to the Place of 1:27-BERLIOZ Symphonic Funcbre et Triomphc Natascha Ungeheuer 2:00-Music of New Mexican Com­ 2:00-MAHLERDas Lied von der Erde posers-including a presentation by J.D. Rob b. KUNM SPECIALT-Y-SHOWS Public Affairs: Sound Magazine

LA MOVIDA LATINA is the expression of Dave Nereson, David Nicholson, Alan THURSDAY, 4-1: DICHO Y our society, with the main DeMille of conceptual art. the Spanish-speaking people •.• their music, Phiefer-Traum, Cathy Pisarra, Quinzy, Mike. the attempts of some left HECHO: means said and thrust of the shows con­ (PACIFICA) literature, history, ideas. Mondays at nine Reagan, Robert Roman, Ray Sanchez, 'Rick wing Democrats to change done. This show is from the cerning the society and P.M. Tune in at ten during Movida Latina for Smith, Karl Stalmacker. the party's middle of the series "Conozcamos al Mun­ homosexuality. (L R Nl the special series "Conozcamos a! Mundo road approach to the 1972 THURSDAY, 4-22: THE do Hispano." It explores Hispano," produced here at I

"'0 I»· ~ Why are so many educated •(I> Aim. to. .Improve Schools !P La Movida Latina people unemployed.? z • State of the Ether Report .By J. GormaUy eduration,~ she said. "'R is a general re-emphasis (I> In April, KUNM presents ~· three shows in the stlries Conoz­ The Division of Behavioral Research at UNM is on reading and writing and teaching the .students We are having a forum By Paul Mansfield working on two research projects aimed at im- bow to eue for themselves." s:: camos Al Mundo Hispano. They Malachi Mudgong who will add (!) . "Bah! (they said) It will never this one hour segment to the proving New Mexico education. • . She said .the second project .is a ..n~ To Discuss 0 will be hoard on Mondays at 10 ><... A p.m. during Movida r~atina, as happen!!!. ... You've been lying all ASYLUM SHOW on Saturd11y Judith Busch, an assistant to the program's assessment"" for iec:bnical-vocdionaJ eduration in ~ this time!!!" (they said) director, said the Behavioral Research program Albuquergue and Santa Fe. It is a one year grant mote Re' z Latino cultures are represen­ Appalachian Mountains and Wednesday, March 31, 7:30pm c.:> oci ted, including those in the everything that could slow us featuring traditional as well as "A few thought the whole system should be torn sftad comii!Ug in the techniral schools will be ready 9

THE- NITTY liJ\ITTY _I wl•h to earoU for PENM'• I.SAT Review Co.IJ•e. Enc:lo•ed I• •Y c:hec:k for'$80.00 BOSE ..~ BIRT BANB __ I wiD •ooa be taking the I.SAT Please send SPECIAL GUEST STAR a broc:h11re desc:rlbiag PENM'S review c:our· Bose Model 301 's Btewet& ••• A Nikko Receiver A Nikko i~ everything receivers are more The only Direct/Reflecting bookshelf speakers or less. More value, less price! Compare a under $100. The speakers that only sound Shipley Nikko, feature for feature, $ for $, to see why we say, "more value, less price.,. Experience expensive. Such astounding performance for Jfamae~------~~------the size that you really won't believe it until Th•r· Apr. 8. :t978 Nikko ... Address______~ you hear it. .. Albq.~ivie + A•ditori•• City Tickets A ,·ailablc AI: J ~------Alb Ticket Agc~c~ State_____ · Zip (Coronado Cntr 883-1 080) Come in today and please your 301 1 Monte Vista NE • 255.,1694 )Javnon:ls (Old Town) Payment by checlc or money ordet should be -..! by PENM no later than one week prior lo Just east of Central & Girard, near. UNM 21st Sound (Eastdaic) ti-e l"'!)inrmg of the"'"""'- Late payments WIR be subject to a five dollar additiOnal fee; ears and your bndge ! FINANCING AVAILABLS Budget Tapes & Records, Professional Educators of New Mexico Gold St. Post Office 'Box 26045 ":;' -. l' ·~ Albuquerque, New Mexico 87125 ~~-.~ inc. ,...~'c·~~~

' ~.I ' ' • 0 I • • '0 0 • • ' • ' .. '"d aq "'(!) ...... Tennis Team Enters WAC Against ASU z • ,Woods Is Emotional; Scorpion Nazi-Rockers (!) By Jo Lopez Joffey plays the number-two BYU Invitational, but lost in The tearn is just off a 9·0 tennis shoes for the occasion and ~ It'll be a brand new season for f:l "The New PMl Woods Album: musicians and critics alike as the one of the first and last to use the technicians, however, the ''Spanish Train & Other Stories" singles position for ASU, down three sets, 4·6, 7-6, 6-4. shutout of New Mexico State and will be wearing his lucky blue . ~ ~ Improvisations On Old Songs best current alto saxophonist, soprano saxophone until technique overshadows the UNM's tennis team, and the Lobo frQm his last season number-one ASU also has Ron Lerner who Coach Tim Russell and his team bandana headband. (!) Chris De Burgh >< • and New, Some of Hit; Com­ places himself squarely in the Coltrane picked it up again on music itself. The slick group, A&M/SP-4568 six will meet perhaps the best spot because he was replaced by is playing number-six. Lerner are predicting an "upset" for this ,g positions, · Mostly His Ellington tradition. One of the "My Favorite Things," and here sound seems a bit sterile at poin­ team they'll meet all season, a much-improved Palm. Both are was the runnerup in the conference match. "We'll need all the fan support 0-· * * * we can get," Russell said. The "' .S Arrangements, His Group with most revealing cuts on the album Woods takes a further bow to the ts, and the carefully orchestrated Review by George Gesner With a 9·9 won-lost recQrd, the seniors. prestigious Southwest Tour­ t:l .!:> Strings and Brass" man with his first recording ef­ string section sometimes borders team will play their first home Joffey was a 1975 semi-finalist nament held in Albuquerque in Daily lobo rna tch begins at 9:30 a.m. Satur· .is entitled "Chelsea Bridge/John­ . Harry Chapin and AI Stewart "'~ ·;; Phil Woods ny Hodges." The first half ot this fort on that instrument. on the banality of Creed Taylor. match after swinging through and All-American. He is a two· October of last year. day at the University South ~ have been successful with their Courts. A 50 cent donation to A RCA BGL1-1991 piece is an Ellington standard, It is the mood and emotional It is a challenging proposition story rock concepts. Now Chris dual matches and tournaments time WAC number-one singles Garcia is UNM's best prospect Sports b help with tennis team expenses is 0" 0 * * * written by Billy Strayhorn, and quality of Hodges that Woods to re-inject classical richness of through Colorado, Texas and champion. for an all-conference, possibly all­ de Burgh tries his hand at it, being asked. 0 ~ Review by Keith F. Davis done here with a beautiful respects and this is heard in his tone and t~chnique into a con­ Last year was the mecca for the California. They'll be up against UNM's Chris Oates· who plays American title. He has the best . a> When D\lke Ellington titled a restraint tinged with melan­ classically rich, full-throated temporm·y musical framework. single performers and this year A1·izona State, ranked sixth in number-two lost to Joffey last singles record at 14-4 playing · Russell said "It's about· time ~ ~ song ".It Don't Mean a Thing, lf It choly, "Johnny Hodges," a sound. Woods has heard and un­ Woods has made a coherent, if will be no exception. the nation, undefeated and the year at the conference tour­ number-one singles. As a· fresh· for UNM to put it all together." "';:s ?: Ain't Got 'l'hat Swing" he ex­ bright, uptempo number notable derstood Parker, Coltrane, Ad­ not fully successful, effort here "Spanish Train" launches the defending WAC .champion. nament in two tie breaking sets. man last year, he took the WAC Garda said the "team is really ::r derly, and even Ornette title at number-five singles and starting to come around. We're ~ Z pressed one of the cardinal rules for the nostalgic liquid sound of and I would like to hope that the album.' The whistle of a train The Sun Devils beat the Tim Garcia who is playing 0 0 of classical jazz. The "swing" of the swinging background brass Coleman, and has, with this future would bring the blows in the distance and unfolds present number-one team in the number-one for the Lobos met got t.o the round of sixteens at all psyched up for this match." ..... ,...; the Count Basic and Ellington knowledge, sought out the nation, UCLA, earlier this season the tournament. Oates said he even <.0 section, is dedicated to the elimination of the string and into a Chapin-esque epic. It's a ~ ~ bands d,epended upon 4/4 time, Duke's longtime alto sax man. lyricism of a previous era. To an brass sections to exploit the tale about a poker game between with a 6-3 score. ASU is the 0> ~ the use ·pf repeated background Hodges played with the Ellington age uncomfortable with the greater freedom and intimacy of the devil and the Lord. "Lonely defending WAC champion and it riffs, and an emphasis on com­ band for some 38 years, up until angular dissonances of late Woods' own quartet. The in­ Sky" is a nice tune with the verse will be the first conference play FINALS BEGIN IN ONLY 7 WEEKS position over free improvisation. his death in 1970, and was legen­ Coltrane or Cecil Taylor, Phil credible talent of Woods himself, sounding like Stewart and the for the Lobos, ThegJ:oup sound was all­ dary for the always perfect, ef­ Woods is beautifully reassuring as well as his keyboard man Mike chorus like the Bee Gees. are at least two prospec­ important and soloists, although fortless grace of his warm, rich proof that tradition lives, and Mellilo-a Sonny Rollins alum­ "This Song For You" is a soft, tive All-American candidates in an integral part of the overall sound. jazz does swing. nus-bodes well for any future slow melody reflecting on a ASU's Mark Joffey and Jean Eric sound, played very much with As Ralph J. Gleason said, "He As with so many great work. lonely soldier in France. The Palm. the rest of the band, and within could swing in a room of lead French cafe music is made It Sounds strictly set limits. balloons, he was so powerful." possible by the use of an old Phil Woods, regarded by Hodges, with Sidney Bechet. was fashioned piano and harmonium Lobo 9 with the sing along "Ia Ia Ia" THE· v'ocals rounding out the effort. "A Spaceman Came Tra veiling" Inc SfORY For all dorm Sabotage OF . residents - just is a dream song showing another ADEU show us vour key: version of the Christmas event. Other Students - $1.75 "I'm Coming Home" picks up SDS 15-6 BUT EVELYN WOOD GRADUATES CAN READ 7:oo Double Feature the tempo with the use of rhythm 1:00 By Tim Gallagher Cisco • guitar. "The I:'ainter" and "Just Another Poor Boy" deserve men­ After the first of an eight­ tion as well. The music is a game series with New Mexico, JAWS IN 41 MINUTES change of pace and refreshing at the South Dakota State Jackrab· times. Rate it B. bits might be saying, "Holy Toledo." At That Speed, The 309 Pages Come Across New Mexico's Jon Toledo With More Impact Than The Movie. collected three hits and six RBis 'Continental Breakfast "Scorpions" in leading the Lobos to a 15-6 win In Living Blood, You Might Say. Scorpions over the boys from Brookings, RCA/PPLJ-4025 Expresso S.D. Toledo, a junior from Far­ . You can do it, too. So far over 550,000 other people have And mark this well: they actually understand more, re­ * * * mingtqv,.hita qa§~s;)oade·50% OFF OLO FURNITURE, miscelll!!lCQUs t-.... phy G111lery is .1/2 block from J9hnsori Gym QO junk, Anything Goes Ltd., 1706 Central SE, '!Cross ""l ~. CLASSIFIEI) Cornell, Special order service, ten frQm Galle~ Cadillac, 4/5 0 EXPERIE:NCEO TYJ'IS'I' lleasQnabl!l rates, .292· 1972 VOLKSW AGON SUPER BeeUe, AC, AM· co COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS ADVERTISING 1285. 4/1 FM. Ex:collent condition. Must sell, 299·2007. 4/5 ,.r;::; THE APPLICATION DEADLINE FOR PASSPORT, IDENTIFICATION ph~tos. Lowest ATTENTION STUDENTS! lmmediate ~ Rates; 15cllut& per w11rd per day, oae dollar .prices in tQwnl F11st, plensing. Near UNM. Call pos$eSsion! 2 bedroom mobile home-only $75001 ro SUMMER & FALL 1976 minimum. Adve,rtlsement8 run five or more 265·2444 or ~Qmc to 1711 Girard Blvd. NE, tfn Already sitiJatcd in University Areal Lor.etha ~ conseeutlve daya with no ehan1es, nine een· ---PROf'ESSIONAL TYPIS'I'. IBM sel!lctric, Robertson & Associates, 3414 A Consitution NE, .. · ts per wor;-d per day lno refunds If cancelled Guaranteed accuracy with reasonable rat!)s. 298· . 265-27()9, 243·3183. 4/2 0 WILL BE MARCH 31st, 1976 before five lnsertlonsl. Cla11sifled ad· 7147. 4/2 72 GRAN TORINO, low milage, PS, PB, AC, AT ..0 verti•ement11 mu1t be paid In advance, LAW SCHOOL ADMISSION test April 10, 2!!6·3628 .. 3/31 .3 Applications are available in the Collegt>. Prepare III>W, clill Professional Educators of New TA DA SANSUI Model 3000 AM/FM stereo b,,_. I, PERSONALS Mexico, Inc., 255·4050. 4/5 receiver & 2 MC 1000 speakers & turntable. All t"d of Fine Arts Office, room 1103 in the Fine for $200, Tom 345·7432. 3/31 AOORA·UNM'S St1,1den~ crises cen~cr Is open24 f'OR J'.:I)JTORlAL ASSISTANCE . wilh your Q Arts Center hours. CPme in or eall277·3013. 4/2 dissertation, speech, or prcsent11Uon, call Harvey KRISHNA INOIA IMPORT T·shirts,ladies' tqps, 0 Fraucnglass, ProfessionaiCommunicalion Service, spices. 25% off on certain items, 2920 Central SE, <:) 344-8344. 4/30. 266·8353. 4/2 H C: 'rHANKS fol" .making my M W F$ ·~ iii·~====~=!~=!~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!J!!!l brighter. 3/30 (1J RECORDS THE VILLAGE GREEN. 2227 Le4d WHOISJOF.YMAND.A'rO? 4/5 4. FORRENT SE l:Q0·6:00 pm, Lead & Yale. Specialize In 60's ~ UNM BOOKSTORE will begin spring semc;icr f'URNISHED ROOM for rent in my home, Ideal rock &roll.· 3/31 text. returns Mond11y Aptil 12. If you still need for summer school. Reference. 296·9714. 4/5 !:= ..... ~ JiO'l'TERS WHE:EI,S ·DINACK GORP Factory (1J AN ALTERNATE ROUTE your textbooks, now's tho time! 4/2 VARSITY HOUSS 141 CQiumbia SE. Deluxe rur· sales seconds'a vailable, 292-3546, Hurry! 3/30 n.lshed apartment, l·hdrm $165, 2·hdrm $205 Jn· z l;REGN AN'l,-AND. NE EnII E !':P?Y~;J;;;;-r~iort ~ 1\)68 RAMBCER 4. door, :iir con.ditioning, $380, ds who cure at Dirthr.ight. 247·9819. tfn c.lude~ utilit.ics, 268·0525. 4/5 qS Peace Corps ~Vista .....--.-...... -.-...-~----.,....--· ------~·~.~. ----=!"""-...._- 345·7508. · 3/ao · ·r-~ FURNISHED HOOM AVllilable now or summer: -----~------~· NEEDA.nES'r fro;M;·;;;;~- cookl~g'! F'~~t-long CUSTOM DUll, 'I' BEAUTY 4 br/den, pool & bath ~;c;·ib() Columbia Sf•:. Spacious, pools, refrigerated air, MUSIC STUDENTS TO Teach Banjo, advanced PEACE CORPS OR VISTA and daim at UNM Pool, lfl checker or call 242· dishwash('rs, nice ''nrpcls. $170 bills pnid. Call guitar, piano. Cull294·8395. 3/31 2924. 4/2 255·2685. 4/2 2·3 fo·;- 'FotiNo;-roC'KE'r .. cAl:cUi..,\Ton ;~--~·~;;i-;;r NiED · [,QNG HA 1R:~ ~ithV-;ns ;~-k~n~l REPRESENTATIVES ON CAMPUS APRIL 2w8 -5-:-FoR-:--SALE daytime flea market selling work. Gunruntee plus window around Christmas break. Identify and commissi(ln. Easy sometimes, sometimes hard, claim llt Cnshlcrs', Scholc~ Unll. 4/1 rncl'cLE -SPRIN'GTI.JNE:~cinl $6-:R.c: 842·5032 Wednesdny, Thursday rvrning· SIGN UP NOW FOR INTERVIEW AND OBTAIN F'otTi{D:' 'robtlcco roa:.-cl·;;"~t;:~;;.-Marro~ HalletL's, 843·9378. tfn Ron. 3/31 INTERVIEW PACKET !!.:'11. Claim Rm 131 Mnrron Hall. 3/31 hP 45 CAI,CUJ:.ATOR · 9memorlcs ·scientifi~-and COI,LEGE GRADS WANTED for permnnrnt, LOST: DOG mostly "aoirJ;n Retriever, -;;mle, 11 statistic function $125 or best offt'r. 266· sales oriuntud positions With growing, homt' months, University Area, Reward. Sullie 255· 9446. 4/2 owned and operated company, Send Resume to: CAREER SERVICE CNTR~ MESA VISTA HALL, 4351. :-1130 HIGH ALTITUDE WILSON '!'ennis halls $2.59~ P.O. Box 25025, Albuqt~criJIH!, N~~125. --~­ ROOM 2130 $50 FOR RING Green c:rackcd oval tur; .,~,,_~.,,- too. $1400- from Oenvcr. Oeadline Cor reservations is REELOCK IS the lust btcycle locktng system to offer • compact steel case bolls approaching. Contact G. Harutunian at 351·A Or· convenience and absolute salety.lhe system attaches to frame. tcga Hall, 277-2434, home 298·2229. 3/29 to the frame crossmember, and cannot be • • locks and unlocks 10 seconds removed 1n Joe~ postl1on. Chatn retracts mt(l tamper· =-~ MISCELLANEQpS___ .. proof case when not 1n use lock$ and unlocb 1n • cut, shatter and tampcr·proof OI.I) BUSINESS, In Nob Hill Shopping Center hns second~! (' . .~mad equate interesting old furniture including chcsl or ''1) drawers, desks, mirrors, kitchen hutch, icc box, l~p paintings, prints, and other unusual· items. 266· 8414. 4/2 KAIPAROWITS BENEFIT ASUNm - GSA POETRY SERIES 3 Movies Rapids of the Colorado Wild Rivers ISHmAEL REED Look What We've Done to This Land KIVA 8:00Pm, mARCH 30, 1976 (about the 4 corners power plant) Available only by ma1llrorn: $1.00 Donation Requested ..... The Wtlhams Company aptll 6, Diane Wakoskl UNM SUB Theatre 370 East 11th Avenue 7:00P.M. Tuesday, March 30 REELOCK Denver, Colorado 80203 lneWiiW'I ..m !idii!dili•l Alloo ~ 6 wHI.t lot d~ spllnsored by thl.' tiNM Mountain Club

New Mexico Daily L~bo

Please place the following classified advertisement in the New Me1(ico Daily Lobo time(s) beginning • under the heading (circle one': 1. Personals; 2. lost & Found: 3. Services: 4. For Rent; !l For Sale; 6. Employment; 7. TravelS. Miscellaneous. Want Ads say it in a Big Way!!

Cl•ssified Advertising Rates 1st per word, $1.00 .,inimum ch~rge Terms Cash in advance

Marron Hall. Room 132 Mail To UNM Box 20, University of New Mexico, Enclosed $ ______Placed by.....______Telephone Albuquerque~ New-Mexico 87131