Minutes of a Meeting of the Board held at 10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 24th September 2015, at The Showground, Newark.

Elected Members Nominated Members * Messrs W.J. Staunton (Chairman) Council * J. Miller (Vice-Chairman) Cllrs J. Anderson R. Warburton (Vice-Chairman) D. Challinor * A. Arden * K.H. Isard * T.H. Farr District Council A. Howick * Cllrs D.R. Payne * R.J. Jackson I. Walker * D. Loates B. Wells R.R. Oates * Mrs S. Michael * R.N.J.S. Price Borough Council S.E. Richardson * Cllrs R. Hetherington J. Strawson M. Suthers * J. Thurman * Mrs C. Jeffreys Gedling/Melton Borough Councils * Mr J. Evens West Lindsey/North Kesteven District Councils * Cllr Mrs P. Whittaker (NKDC) * Present Staff Invited Representatives of Partner Organisations * Messrs A. McGill (Chief Executive) Messrs A. Wallace ( County Council) * D.J. Sisson (Engineer) R. Marshall (Nottinghamshire County Council) * S. Thackray (Director of Finance) Miss S. Jaques (Nottinghamshire County Council) R.P. Mitchell (Director of Messrs J. Bowler (Bassetlaw District Council) Operations) * M.S. Everett (Operations Manager) I. Davies (Bassetlaw District Council) Mrs J. Bradley (Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust) * In attendance

The Chairman welcomed Cllr Mrs C. Jeffreys and Cllr M. Suthers to the meeting.


Apologies for absence were received from Messrs A. Howick, R.P. Mitchell, R.R. Oates, R.N.J.S. Price, S.R. Richardson, J. Strawson, R. Warburton, Cllrs J. Anderson, I. Walker and Mrs J. Bradley.





4. BOARD MINUTES (Pages 209 to 218)


That the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 18th June 2015 be confirmed as a correct record.

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It was noted that Cllr Mrs S. Michael had given her apologies for the last meeting.

The Chairman presented the attached minutes of the meeting held on 9th July 2015 and highlighted the need for very careful monitoring of the budgets over the next few years. The minutes were confirmed as a correct record of the meeting by Mr J. Miller, this was seconded by Cllr K. Isard.

Referring to minute 9, Mr R.N.J.S. Price queried whether there was any feedback on the success of the website and whether this could be utilised further, e.g. a facility to pay drainage rates on line. The Chief Executive reported that the intention was to develop the website further in the future and this would include on line forms, the facility to pay and would also provide more information on the Board’s operations and partnership working. A report on the number of visitors to the website would be requested.

Referring to minute 9, Mr T.H. Farr understood that the Association of Drainage Authorities was thinking more in terms of water management as an identity as it was felt that this included other authorities such as the Lead Local Flood Authority etc. There was also a driver in the Government and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to steamline within departments and it was expected that this would also include partners in the future.


That the minutes of the Finance and Plant Committee held on 9th July 2015 and the recommendations made be adopted by the Board.


The Chairman presented the attached minutes of a meeting of the Consortium Committee held on 15th July 2015. These were confirmed as a correct record by the Chairman and Mr J. Miller.


That the minutes of the Consortium Committee held on 15th July 2015 and the recommendations made be adopted by the Board.


The Director of Finance reported that drainage rates and special levies outstanding at 11th September 2015 totalled £600,575.54. Rate collection had improved slightly on last year with 94.55% of drainage rates collected to date and 50% of the special levies. Some 50 summonses had been issued and a court date set for 18th November.

It was noted that of the £2,392.34 outstanding from last year £721.59 had also been recovered.


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The Director of Finance presented the attached report. It was noted that the interest rate on the Beverley Building Society account would reduce to 0.4% in November.

Mr D.R. Payne queried why the Board was using a firm of solicitors based in Lincoln rather than a firm within the area. The Chairman explained that the solicitors worked for all the Consortium Boards which offered cost savings and they were also familiar with the Boards’ works. The Chief Executive reported that they offered a good service and their location meant that they were easily accessible for face to face meetings. The Director of Finance reported that the amount shown on the payment schedule included the cost of a land purchase as well as agent’s fees. It was agreed to show these costs separately in the future. Mr A. Arden reported that the solicitors also offered a reduction in fees to members of the National Farmers’ Union.


(a) That the Board’s financial position as detailed in the report be noted.

(b) That the attached schedule of payments greater than £500 be approved.


The Operations Manager presented the attached report for information. It was noted that the % of Works Completed shown under Summer Maintenance Works only included those watercourses where work on the whole watercourse had been completed and not those that were partially completed.

In response to Mr T.H. Farr, the Chief Executive reported that further cuts to Environment Agency funding were anticipated and he would be pushing the EA for confirmation of how this would affect the main river maintenance before the Board’s budgets were set for 2016/17. The Board’s Officers had already assessed the cost of undertaking work on those main rivers upon which the Board’s systems relied and had discussed demaining of some watercourses with the EA. It was understood that the EA had also been in discussion with local councils. The Chief Executive confirmed that some provision would be made in next year’s estimates to undertake additional work on the main rivers should EA funding be reduced.

Mr J. Bowler reported that when the Critical Ordinary Watercourse legislation had been brought in Bassetlaw District Council had spent a lot of money clearing out the river in , however, since the EA took over responsibility for this no work had been undertaken and it was now being considered for demaining. Mr R.J. Jackson stated that the Board needed to continue with the political pressure to ensure these matters were addressed.

At the last ADA meeting Mrs A. Baptiste (EA) had stated that demaining was not a priority for the EA. Mr T.H. Farr emphasised that this was a priority for the Board as maintenance was not being undertaken by the EA. Mr J. Evens stated that there would be a lot more pressure on IDBs and local authorities over the next few years and the financing of any additional work must be considered.


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11:1 Beckingham Pumping Station Re-development

The Engineer reported that the Scheme was progressing well. Some problems with the ground conditions had delayed work by 1½ weeks when putting in the discharge pump and this had involved the installation of additional supports for the discharge pipework which was agreed with the Chairman. The cost of this additional work would be met from the contingency sum. An overspend of £37,933 was predicted at the end of the Scheme. In response to Mr R.N.J.S. Price, the Director of Finance reported that he would investigate the best method of funding this additional expenditure and report back once the overall cost of the Scheme was confirmed. The Chairman confirmed that the Scheme was being well managed and he and the Vice-Chairmen were being kept informed of the progress and the costs on a regular basis.

A visit for Board members would be held on the afternoon of 5th November 2015.


11:2 Strategy 2025 – Pumping Station Refurbishments

(a) Burton Round Pumping Station

The Engineer reported that the strategic requirement to only refurbish two motors had been reviewed and a mechanical and electrical inspection of all five pumps at the station undertaken. As a result the motor refurbishments were deemed unnecessary however four of the greaser pumps required refurbishment and this work had been put in hand. The cost of inspection was £848 and a quotation had been received for the greaser refurbishments in the sum of £2,996.

(b) Cottam Pumping Station

The last pump (Pump No. 3) had been removed and was being refurbished by Shoebridge Engineering Ltd. The Engineer reported that the work should be completed and the pump reinstalled by the end of September. The quoted cost for the pump refurbishment was £16,505 and to date no extra work had been identified.

The cost of the above works totalled £20,349 which was within the budget provision of £41,505 and would leave approximately £20,000 after allowing for project administration costs. The Chairman suggested that any money remaining could be used to offset the additional cost on the Beckingham Scheme.


11:3 Hams Dyke Pumping Station

The Engineer reported that the refurbishment of Hams Dyke Pumping Station and the provision of a weedscreen cleaner had been postponed indefinitely whilst Nottinghamshire County Council determined the mineral extraction strategy affecting this catchment.

An inspection of the pumps in 2014/2015 and oil analysis indicated water present and a further inspection was therefore recommended after six months to determine whether water found in the oil in the pump was due to seal failure or condensation moisture. This second inspection had now been carried out and no further moisture was found

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indicating that the seals were satisfactory. The cost of the second inspection was £780. No further action was planned at this site until the mineral extraction plans had been finalised.


11:4 Thurgarton Village flood Relief Scheme

Consultants continued to develop options for flood relief works for the village and the Board’s Officers were undertaking regular consultations with the village flood group and partners. Officers hoped to present details of the preferred option for consideration by the Board in November.

Mr R.J. Jackson suggested that once details were confirmed a presentation be given to the Parish Council. The Engineer stated that the village flood group had been extremely helpful in putting the scheme together. Various alternatives had been considered to keep the water in the channel and protect the area north of Beck Street that had previously flooded. He explained that the Beck could only cater for half the water and a diversion had therefore been considered which would involve cutting a new channel and creating a storage area or putting in a dam. The Engineer stated that the diversion would be the most likely solution but this would involve holding water in two fields south of Willows Lane and Beck Street. He hoped that the final scheme would be agreed this year and then ways of funding would have to be considered. The next meeting with the flood group would be in early October.

Mr R.N.J.S. Price understood that the village needed the scheme but was concerned about how this would be funded. He stated that the Board’s financial position was extremely challenging and the forecast for the next six years saw a further reduction in balances. He suggested that the Board may have no option but to restrict expenditure to maintenance of its own assets as it was likely that there would be insufficient funds to contribute towards additional works. Mr Price emphasised that with the restriction of a 2% rate rise any increase in inflation would put additional pressure on the Board’s finances. He was wary of committing expenditure to additional projects at the current time as there was a likelihood in his opinion that the Board may not be able to deliver.

Mr T.H. Farr understood these concerns and hoped that there would be other means of funding, such as Flood Defence Grant in Aid, local levy or partnership funding. He did however state that the Board should be involved in the planning of such schemes to ensure that adequate provision was made for surface water.

The Engineer reported that the Board had planned to undertake this work in partnership with Nottinghamshire County Council after 2021 when a Flood Defence Grant in Aid allocation had been secured. Mr R.N.J.S. Price stated that his concerns would still stand bearing in mind the forecast for the next six years. He suggested that the Board should consider its operational costs; what amount was required annually to maintain its own systems and pumping stations. A breakdown of operational costs would be presented to the Finance and Plant Committee in November.

The Chairman stated that it was important to help protect the local community wherever possible and borrowing to finance schemes made sense as it meant that those benefitting paid for the work, however, he stressed that there must be a balance; loans must be affordable and balances sufficient to cover any emergencies.

The Engineer stated that the village flood group was aware of the restrictions on the Board’s finances and that it was not well placed to make a major contribution towards the scheme. He confirmed that alternative funding streams were being investigated.

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Mr R.N.J.S. Price suggested that the Finance and Plant Committee review the Board’s operating costs and income to ascertain what funds would be available for future capital projects. This would also allow the Committee to consider what loans would be realistic in the future.


That the Finance and Plant Committee undertake a review of the Board’s operating costs and income to ascertain what capital works could be funded by revenue and/or loan in the future.

11:5 Egmanton Village Flood Relief Scheme

Officers were pleased to report that additional funding for the scheme from both Nottinghamshire County Council and the Environment Agency (local levy fund) had been approved.

The Engineer reported that investigations indicated that the solution may be to create a flood storage area on land and to undertake work to manage surface water in the village.

Cllr Mrs S. Michael thanked the Board for assisting with this project. In turn the Chief Executive thanked Cllr Mrs Michael for her support in liaising with the owners of the properties affected and stated that the support of members was extremely useful in such circumstances.

Mr T.H. Farr queried how the funding streams for this project had been calculated and whether the same principle could be used for similar schemes elsewhere. The Engineer stated that this would not be possible.



12:1 Plotts Drain, North Scarle

Application had been made to culvert 80 metres of the Board maintained Plotts Drain at North Scarle in order to improve efficiency by joining two small arable fields.

The Engineer reported that the Board’s Operations Department had been consulted and raised no objections.

An environmental report prepared by the Board’s Environmental Officer on behalf of the applicant confirmed that the proposal would not be detrimental to protected species and habitats and any minor environmental impacts would be sufficiently mitigated by other works undertaken by the applicant on nearby land.

Officers were in the process of assessing the application to determine the required pipe diameter and invert levels.


That consent be granted to culvert 80 metres of the Board maintained Plotts Drain at national grid reference SK 85127 68054 in the parish of

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North Scarle subject to all works being carried out to the specification and satisfaction of the Board’s Engineer.

12:2 Border Drain, Kettlethorpe

Application had been made to culvert approximately 216 metres of the Board maintained Border Drain using 600mm diameter pipes at national grid reference SK 85610 75076 in the parish of Kettlethorpe.

The applicants had cited the following reasons for their proposals:

(a) There was equipment located within close proximity of the watercourse including an electric substation, water storage tank, gas tanks and a lorry turning circle.

(b) Health and Safety - Due to the proximity of the open watercourse in relation to vehicle activity, the risk of accidents would be reduced if the watercourse was culverted.

(c) Risk of Disease - Due to the biosecurity measures required within the poultry farming industry, it would be advantageous to restrict any activities requiring external operators on site.

The Board’s Operations Department had been consulted and raised no objections to the proposals.

The proposals were being assessed by the Board's Environmental Officer to determine what, if any, environmental mitigation measures would be required and by the Engineering Department to assessing the required pipe diameter to adequately convey flows.


That delegated authority be granted to the Engineer to approve the application subject to the Board’s standard conditions once the investigations had been completed but if there were any issues, the matter to be brought back to the next Board meeting.


Cllr D.R. Payne declared an interest and took no part in the discussion.

The Board had been consulted by Newark and Sherwood District Council (NSDC) regarding the above planning application.

The Engineer reported that the principle of the scheme was to hold flood waters in sacrificial areas of the applicant's land and protect the race track and essential buildings by creating earth bunds. Whilst the intentions of the applicants to protect themselves from flooding should generally be supported the Board’s Officers believed that further information was required to demonstrate that the modelling of the existing and proposed scenarios was robust and that any alterations of normal or flood flows would not be detrimental to third party property or land.

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The Board’s Officers had spoken with NSDC, the Environment Agency and the applicant to outline the Board’s current position and had also met with the applicant, NSDC and all relevant flood risk management authorities to discuss the matter.

The Engineer reported that there was significant local concern to ensure that any proposals did not exacerbate the flooding elsewhere from overtopping of the River Greet. He stated that the Racecourse would be providing storage areas on their site and the concern was that the Hallerton Dumble would receive more water. An embankment had already been constructed at Rollerston to protect from flooding.

The Board’s involvement in the negotiations would ensure there was no detriment elsewhere and planning permission had therefore been deferred until the proposals could be thoroughly reviewed. Concerns included several crossings under the old railway line which would put land at risk and the restriction of water going into the existing system but these had been addressed following discussions. Discussion was also underway regarding additional maintenance on the River Greet and Hallerton Dumble. A further meeting to discuss the proposals would be held on 8th October 2015.

Members were very keen to work with the Racecourse and other authorities to find a solution that would protect all parties concerned in the River Greet catchment.



14:1 The Eels ( and Wales) Regulations 2009

The Engineer reported that the first meeting of the National Eel Group had been held and ADA was represented at the meeting. A full report was awaited but early indications were that a more pragmatic approach was being adopted following the further directions of DEFRA:

(a) Within the legislation there is no time limit on implementation of the Eel Regulations. It appears that the Environment Agency had unilaterally implemented dates to correspond with the Water Frame Work Directive epochs for convenience and logical progression.

(b) The Environment Agency are not spending any money on capital works for eel passage alone and will only undertake capital works in conjunction with required Flood Risk Management programs. This appears to be just like the Dutch approach.

(c) Where Flood Risk Management works do go ahead and are at priority sites the Environment Agency are not able to spend anything more than an additional 5% on eel related works (unless third party funding is obtained for this purpose).

The Engineer reported that although it had not yet been confirmed, this policy was being adopted when preparing the Board’s future capital program.


14:2 Water Voles - Class Licensing

Officers reported that details of the Class Licence for IDBs undertaking water vole displacement were now available. The Class Licence was necessary as Natural

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England considered displacement as undertaken by watercourse managers was potentially a breach of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Displacement (the activity of closely and repeatedly mowing a watercourse bank to encourage water voles to relocate to the opposite uncut bank) was undertaken by IDBs prior to reforming a watercourse.

The Class Licence required the initial cutting of vegetation to bare earth to be undertaken during the periods 15th February to 14th April or 15th September to 31st October (inclusive). This was now factored into all the Board’s reforming work programmes and, if not completed in this timeframe, the works would be delayed until the next cutting period if water voles were present.

Where both banks were cut, i.e. for the installation of a culvert the maximum length was 150 metres, the aforementioned conditions also applied. It was noted that this also applied to all culverting proposals, if water voles were present. Displacement for culverts over 150 metres would require a special Licence.

The Engineer reported that recording and reporting arrangements were being reviewed, however, it was expected that the Board’s existing recording scheme would fulfil most of the Licence requirements for monitoring.


14:3 Rushcliffe Nature Conservation Strategy Implementation Group

On 21st July 2015 the Vice-Chairman and Environmental Officer made a presentation to the above Group which included attendees from Bunny Parish Council, Nottinghamshire County Council, Rushcliffe Borough Council and local conservation organisations including Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust.

The presentation had focussed on the recent works, particularly the modelling and improvement works, at Fairham Brook. The Vice-Chairman stated that the presentation had been favourably received and the Group was pleased to have representatives of the IDB attending and available to answer their questions.

It was noted that some of the landowners adjacent to the Brook were willing to plant bark willow on the area designated for planting.


14:4 Barn Owl Nest Boxes

A pair of Barn Owls were resident in the nest box at Torksey but were not breeding. At Church Pumping Station a pair were brooding five eggs. Nationally this had been a very disappointing year for the Barn Owl, so it was very encouraging to find this level of use in the Board’s owl boxes.



15:1 Legislation

There was no new or amended legislation likely to affect the Board.


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15:2 Incidents

Officers reported on incidents across the Consortium since the last Board meeting. No major injuries were reported.


15:3 Training

The Chief Executive reported that each of the three Boards had a safety representative nominated by the workforce who served on the Health and Safety Committee together with the Operations Manager. Safety Representative training had been arranged for all members of the Committee to ensure that they were aware of their roles and responsibilities with regard to health and safety and the Lead Workers had also been invited to attend.


15:4 Appointment of Health and Safety Officer

The Chief Executive reported that Health and Safety was an important part of the Board’s operations and due to the absence of the Director of Operations, the appointment of a part-time Health and Safety Officer was being investigated to ensure the Boards remained up to date and compliant and to continue with the implementation of the new Health and Safety Policy and Procedures across the Consortium. Negotiations were underway with Nottinghamshire County Council to see what services they could offer.



16:1 Byelaw Applications

The following consents had been granted under delegated authority since the last Board meeting:

B006-2015 Installation of an access culvert within the Board maintained Springs Dyke at Gonalston within the parish of Hoveringham at national grid reference SK 68596 46980.

B007-2015 Construction of an earth flood defence within nine metres of the Board maintained Pingley and Car Dyke at national grid reference SK 76025 54116 within the parish of Staythorpe.

B008-2015 Construction of a hard flood defence nine metres from the Board maintained Staythorpe Sidings Drain at national grid reference SK 76013 53830 within the parish of Staythorpe.

B009-2015 Increase in the height of an existing wall which was within nine metres of the Board maintained Staythorpe Sidings Drain at national grid reference SK 75791 53777 within the parish of Staythorpe.

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B010-2015 Lining of an existing brick arch culvert on the Board maintained Holmes Close Drain underneath the railway line at national grid reference SK 77944 91537 in the parish of Walkeringham.

B011-2015 Installation of an access culvert with an electricity cable within the backfill on the Board maintained Goosemoore Dyke at national grid reference SK 74567 70074 in the parishes of Egmanton and Tuxford.

B012-2015 Installation of a 20mm UV liner in an existing brick arch culvert on the Board maintained Holmes Close Drain underneath the railway line at national grid reference SK 77944 91537 in the parish of Walkeringham.

B013-2015 Increase in the flow of water to the Board maintained Egmanton Mill Dam from a biotechnical unit at Yew Tree Farm, national grid reference SK 73520 68812 in the parish of Egmanton.

B014-2015 Installation of 28mm thick liner within the existing 1500mm x 1700mm brick culvert on the Board maintained Boundary Dyke at national grid reference SK 66740 45336 in the parish of Gunthorpe.


17:2 Section 23 Applications

The following consent had been issued under Section 23 of the Land Drainage Act 1991 since the last Board meeting.

TVIDB/LDC/2015/003 Lining of an existing brick culvert on an ordinary watercourse at Clay Farm, national grid reference SK 85100 82900 in the parish of Gate Burton.


17:3 Planning Applications

The Engineer reported on 34 planning applications that had been reviewed by Officers since the last Board meeting. Objection had been raised to planning application 15/01204/OUT as there were historic drainage issues adjacent to the site and insufficient information had been provided on the proposals for drainage; planning permission had subsequently been refused.



This item is confidential under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

Details are recorded on Pink Paper.


That the changes in Terms and Conditions as detailed on Pink Paper be approved.

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