INSIDE Amenities & Environment FROM THE CHAIRMAN . . . 2 Finance & General The Annual Parish Newsletter take a position with a company ‘up Purposes ...... 4 is designed to give you an North’ and she tendered her Planning ...... 5 overview of how your Parish resignation. At virtually the same Litter ...... 5 Council has been working over time our Assistant Clerk and The Witley Parish Plan the previous 12 months and Responsible Finance Officer (RFO), ...... 6 Sunnyhill Play Area what is in the pipeline for the Pat Jameson, who had been with the ...... 7 Grants ...... coming year. Parish Council for many years also 8 Local Histories In the Autumn of 2008 our decided that she would take early ...... 8 Highways administration was settling down retirement to enjoy a couple of ...... 9 after many changes of Clerk in the years of ‘Pat Time’ before her Conservation Volunteers . . . . 9 past five years, our Groundsman husband also retired.These two Bits and Pieces ...... 10 was back full time and our ‘team’ happenings were a great shock to How to contact your County, were making great headway with the Councillors and an even greater Borough and Parish Councillors the various projects and general loss to our Parishioners. Both Rae ...... 11 management of the Parish.We also and Pat had a brilliant understanding Dates for Your Diary ...... 12 had an almost full complement of of how the Parish works and their Council Office ...... 12 Councillors. knowledge and expertise would be Projects were all heading in the greatly missed. right direction, the Sunnyhill Play However, all is not lost. After many local knowledge, living in the village. Area was on target to open in the hours sitting in interview rooms with Nicki along with Fiona is looking Spring of 2009, the new Allotments prospective candidates for both the forward to working with the rest of at Redgate Farm were being Clerk and Assistant Clerk vacancies, the team and Councillors in serving assessed and the Christmas Trees we believe we have rebuilt the the Parishioners of the Parish of were on order for the lighting ‘Team’. Our new Clerk is Fiona Fox. Witley. So we are back on track, just ceremonies. Fiona comes to us as an one more Councillor to co-opt and We reached Christmas with a experienced Clerk and has, in we will have a full house! great feeling that we were all addition, both a business and local The Autumn/Winter looks to be a achieving something for the Parish government background, all skills busy time, there will be a review of and started 2009 in this light. which she will use extensively within the new play area at Sunnyhill and But, there is always a but! In May her new role. Our new Assistant the working party will be making 2009, our Clerk Rae Evans was Clerk and RFO, Nicki Burg, has a enquiries of the local residents to made an offer she couldn’t refuse to solid finance background along with assess further needs or any

Tel:01483 422044 Website: http// 1 Parish Council NEWSLETTER September 2009 changes/amendments to equipment. was a rise of just over 3% for the consultees on applications of this The first of the Redgate Farm previous year and roughly works out type but we did manage to give a Allotments should be ready for to 35p per week per person in our response to the initial plans.We occupation in October and we supported the application but have a long waiting list to take highlighted things within it up plots. which we felt would have an The Christmas Trees will adverse effect on residents be lit again this year at the living close to the site. As I three village halls and we write, there are still ongoing hope to involve children issues regarding flooding and I from local schools in the can let you know that the Carol Singing – any teachers Parish Council will be there to out there who would like to support those of you that this bring a Choir along please affects and we will continue to contact the Parish Office.The do this until a satisfactory reason I thought it would be outcome has been reached. great to involve a school choir As usual, I would like to was because during the finish by thanking my fellow ceremony at Witley last year, Councillors for all the time my 5 year old cousin asked me and effort they put into when we were going to sing Away helping make this Parish a better in a Manger as it was the only one place for you to live in.They do it all he knew all the words to, sadly we Parish. I do hope you think you get for free – you should come along to didn’t have this on the list but we value for money from your Parish our meetings sometime. I think you could this year if Year One would Council, and I also hope you feel you would be amazed that 15 people like to lead the singing! are supported by us. have such enthusiasm and drive, Autumn is when we sit down and We have had some bad press this even after a hard day at work. study the budgets for the next year in relation to the application to financial year 2010/11.The precept enhance the Amenity Site at Witley. Maxine Gale for 2009/10 was £131,000 which The Parish Council are not statutory Chairman,Witley Parish Council


The primary focus of this and enjoyment. For example, tractor, but there is only so much Committee is to ensure that every two years we contract a tree one man can do. As you can our recreation areas, village survey – we have hundreds of trees imagine, he has a long list of regular greens and allotments are – it is just underway now.We then jobs including monthly checks on the maintained to a high level, allocate the necessary resources to equipment in our three playgrounds, whether they are used for clear any damaged or diseased trees. emptying bins, grass cutting plus football, cricket or playgrounds Our groundsman, Kevin, is full-time troubleshooting.The Cricket and formally or informally or kept and you have no doubt seen him Football Teams work with us to more natural for general use moving round the Parish in his green maintain the pitches to a good level

Tel:01483 422044 Website: http// 2 Parish Council NEWSLETTER September 2009

print we had a waiting list of 40 At the time of going to print we had people for Redgate and 20 for the Enton Allotments, with some a waiting list of 40 people for Redgate people interested in transferring from Enton.We haven’t an exact and 20 for the Enton Allotments, figure yet for plots but it just might with some people interested in be that we can accommodate everyone on the list.We have transferring from Enton. decided that, from now on, no one household may have more than one allotment, whether in Enton or in both Witley and Milford – the cut the resulting vegetation too low Milford, as the demand is so great. Cricket Clubs, for example, maintain – we can’t have a footpath along A new challenge is that the the square and Kevin does the that edge – and are in negotiation allotments will be organic so we are outfield.The grass cutting season is about how low is too low! currently assessing the implications obviously the busiest and for that Currently the pond looks lovely of that.This is due to the level of the reason Kevin works on a seasonally from the Heath as you will see from water table and the close proximity adjusted timetable i.e. he works the photo. of a water pumping station, longer hours in the growing season. Our two big projects this year were, The next project, just agreed, is to Some jobs we contract out. For and actually still are, the Sunnyhill publish some of our local walks on example, hedges are cut by a Playground in Witley about which the website and we have set up a contractor twice a year and the there is an update on page 7 and the working party to pursue that idea. ROSPA Health and Safety check is development of the new allotments. After that, who knows? done annually by specialists. Preparations to make the Redgate The maintenance of Blackhill Pond, Farm Allotments in Milford available Julie Grist, Chairman, Amenities and on Milford Heath, continues to be a by October are on target. Environment Committee. challenge. I remain between a rock At the time of and a hard place – between the going to residents and Councillors who see it as needing to be a lovely lily pond, always pretty and visible from the road, and residents and Councillors who prefer the more natural look, encouraging a diversity of wildllife. A few years ago we had a natural willow fence, which provided a roadside edge which satisfied health and safety issues, but got very untidy as the season went on, because it couldn’t be woven in until later in the autumn.We had complaints about that and decided to let it go. We were advised by ROSPA not to Blackhill Pond

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FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES (F&GP) The Parish Council is funded amount of land to manage. December 2008 we were very by it’s residents primarily Additionally we have some income aware that all we would like to do through the Parish Council from, for example, cricket and this year may not be possible as the precept.The precept is the recession would mean we would amount of money the Parish need to keep our costs low whilst Council estimates will be maintaining our civic duty of care. needed to care for and We have allotments, graveyards, a maintain the land and other cemetery, 2 War memorials, 2 ponds. responsibilities that fall within 3 children’s play areas, various ‘village our remit. In 2008/09 the precept greens’ and other small parcels of was £127,000. We also receive football land.We also have trees and plants £28,000 from Waverley towards our clubs and allotment holders. When and give grants to local groups for costs as we are a Parish with a large we were setting our budgets in the benefit of the community.

So how did the spending break down for 2008/9?

Staff costs - Full time groundsman, p/t clerk, p/t asst. clerk & responsible finance officer, admin support post 6 hours a week ...... £66,000 Admin cost, rent, rates etc for the office & depot ...... £13,000 Insurance & Security & Audit (a legal requirement) ...... £13,000 Grass cutting, weedkillers, fertilisers & tree works ...... £14.500 Grants (see separate item for details) ...... £15.500 WPC website, newsletters (3 per year), 10 notice boards ...... £5,000 Christmas Trees & Lights at 3 village halls ...... £3,000 Reserves ...... £10,000 Maintenance of 12 sites and play areas ...... £15,000 Including H&S, repairs, play bark, fencing, plumbing, water, machinery...... 222

These are the major spends but if that your Parish Council do not get interest and agree that the money is you want to see the breakdown paid or claim expenses unless sent well spent on those areas where we please contact the office and on courses or for attending meetings have a responsibility. arrange to go in and view the full outside the Parish. Mileage claimed budget and spend. in 2008/09 £36.87.The Councillors Catherine Maxwell-Miles, Chairman, I would like to state in view of the give their time on a voluntary basis. Finance and General Purposes allowances claimed at Westminster I hope you will find this overview of Committee

Tel:01483 422044 Website: http// 4 Parish Council NEWSLETTER September 2009 PLANNING The Parish Council continues Inspectorate has also dismissed to provide detailed responses an Appeal for the surfacing and to Waverley Borough Council formation of a roadway on the (WBC) on all planning Rockwood Estate. applications within the Parish, Although not a Borough providing local knowledge planning matter,WPC has been and direct feedback from consulted on the Witley recycling parishioners if known. centre re-development and the We judge each application on its Chairman writes in greater detail merits, but it is always useful to on this subject on page 2. hear from parishioners if they For parishioners who are have particular concerns – we can considering minor review correspondence on the improvements to their WBC Website, but it is always properties, it is worth useful to be able to amplify consulting WBC on recent concerns if we are copied in on changes which have removed submissions. such works from the planning Brook continues to feature permission system, making life a heavily in planning issues, with a further application for little simpler for those considering minor the Rosewood site on the A286, for the continued improvements which would previously have required stationing of two residential mobile homes for a formal planning application. occupation by travellers, to which we have objected. There is also an Enforcement Order on the site Stephen J Dale activities which WBC are pursuing.The Planning Chairman,Witley Parish Council Planning Committee

LITTER Most of the parish is neat and tidy but there are a few areas where litter or fly tipping is a problem. Waverley is, in most cases, the local authority responsible for clearing litter and fly tipping, apart from when actually on highways, National Trust or parish land. You can phone Waverley on 01483 523524 or go to the website and report it. But as important, of course, is to encourage people not to drop rubbish — sometimes picking it up oneself is the easy way out. If, though, there is no bin around and that is actually part of the problem, it might be worth suggesting that an extra bin be provided.

Tel:01483 422044 Website: http// 5 Parish Council NEWSLETTER September 2009 THE WITLEY PARISH PLAN UPDATE

The Parish Plan was adopted by the Parish Council in September 2006.Three years on we’re now in the happy position that Waverley Borough Council and County Council are turning to the Witley Parish Plan to inform their decisions even before we suggest they do. Nonetheless, we continue to bring issues to the notice of the other authorities and organisations where possible.

Highlights this year tree warden and he The Council has a will also lead an • We were pleased to note that good working • autumn one. Peter is the results of the Parish Plan relationship with Sam a great enthusiast on relating to the new Local Barnett, our Surrey both trees and fungi Development Plan Core Strategy Police Neighbourhood – we always have a were fed into the revision Specialist Officer, and fascinating time. without our even asking. with David Boxall, our • This spring there were yet • The planned changes Police Community more daffodils around the at the Witley Support Officer.When parish, focussing on Brook.They Community Recycling possible one or both of were planted by volunteers from Centre are moving closer.The them attend our monthly Council the Witley Gardening Parish Council supported the meetings. plan with some reservations. For Association with funding from Sunnyhill Play area has been more about this see page 2. • the Parish Council. refurbished – the Parish took it • Yet again we have had a spring • Our close relationship with our over from Waverley Borough walk led by Peter Herring, our local Highways Engineer and our Council in January 2008 - it was Surrey County Councillors the one which came out worst in continues and has resulted in a the Parish Plan survey. For more quick response to highways issues detail see page 6. on a number of occasions, as well as a dialogue about the bigger Julie Grist, Chairman,Witley Parish Plan issues. See also page 9. Working Party • 18% of households in our area include at least one person who cycles regularly. Our new initiative to provide some cycle racks ourselves and encourage others to do so too has resulted so far in Secrett’s donating some metal supports which have been used to create cycle racks at Burton Pavilion, on Milford Heath. Other ideas are in the pipeline.

Tel:01483 422044 Website: http// 6 Parish Council NEWSLETTER September 2009 SUNNYHILL PLAY AREA

As promised in our last newsletter, installation of the new equipment for the Sunnyhill play area was completed by the end of May, and the opening ceremony took place on 1st June. Many of you will have seen the front page report in the Surrey Advertiser with an excellent photo of children from Chandler School enjoying the new apparatus. Once again, on behalf of all the local community, let me offer thanks to the SITA Trust, and fellow sponsors Thames Valley Housing Association, Surrey County Council, The Playing Fields Association, and online at: Older children’s area Rotary Club of should try for will require a new Woolsack for their generosity. I should emphasise that as yet fund-raising effort. The next stage in the project will there are no funds for any more be to assess the impact of the new new equipment or other work. Tony Longrigg, Chairman, Sunnyhill equipment: whether children and Anything this survey indicates we Play Area Working Party parents are happy with the new View from Bannister Close equipment, whether there is a need for extra items for younger or older children, and whether, in the longer term, we should be thinking of further work on the Sunnyhill site for example some landscaping, or extra seating.We will therefore be asking local residents and users, in September, to complete a survey covering these points. Please would all of you who receive the document try and complete the survey so we have a reliable idea about what you all think about Sunnyhill. It will only take a couple of minutes! It is also

Tel:01483 422044 Website: http// 7 Parish Council NEWSLETTER September 2009

PARISH COUNCIL ANNUAL GRANT AWARDS Each year the Council everyone’s demands but we like to Partnership funding awarded allocates some of the precept cover all age groups in the 2008/9 to the giving of grants. We community. Citizens Advice Bureau . . .£1,500 award small grants of under £750 Small grants awarded 2008/9 Milford Villages Day Centre £1,400 throughout the year and annually Pirrie Hall ...... £50 partnership funding over £750.The All Saints Witley ...... £1,000 Project .£100 partnership grants are considered Milford Village Hall for sewage and Witley Cricket Club ...... £750 annually in November and form part drain works ...... £1,710 of the budget for the following year, Surrey Crimestoppers ...... £50 Chichester Hall ...... £4878.60 payment usually being made in the Vitalise ...... £215 for secondary glazing & window following April. If you have a project Rodborough School Awards .£120 repairs to the main hall that benefits the community and Surrey Air Ambulance ...... £500 would like to be considered for Milford Village Hall for partnership funding next financial Surrey Heathland Project . .£601 damp proof course . . . .£2,990.75 year then don’t leave it too late as Total ...... £2,386 Total ...... £13,480.35 we will be reviewing each case in November.We can’t meet

LOCAL HISTORIES “The history of Witley, Milford organise the updating and Council Office. and Surrounding Area” reprinting of the above two Can I also remind everyone that if by Elizabeth Foster. books, we have received a you want to reserve copies of the “Witley and Milford in Living number of very helpful new editions and receive them hot Memory” by Valerie Box. suggestions from parishioners off the press, you can do so by for amendments and contacting the Parish Clerk.The additional material to be price is likely to be around £7.50 included. I would like to thank per book.We will, however, be those who have taken the trouble to letting local charities have copies at contribute, and assure them that the substantial discount to resell for two authors, Elizabeth and Valerie, are good causes. So if your charity is now working busily to incorporate planning a fund raising occasion, for changes into the text and ensure the example in the run up to Xmas, you material is up to date. should order copies in advance from We plan to submit the final the Parish Clerk. And, if there is version to the printers in the anyone who would like to help with Since we autumn, so there is still a little time if marketing the books later in the announced in the last issue of anyone has more material to submit. year, could they let the Clerk know. the newsletter that the Parish This should be done via email or Council had decided to letter to the Parish Clerk at the Tony Longrigg, Lead Member, Histories

Tel:01483 422044 Website: http// 8 Parish Council NEWSLETTER September 2009 HIGHWAYS

The Council has a Highways village signs at Wormley,Witley and Sandhills Common and the Brook and Transportation Sub- Milford in a style similar to those Road are being tackled by SCC. Committee, which falls under being installed in , to The Parish Council has also the Planning remit and meets include the Parish logo. Surrey resolved to carry out white-lining on quarterly. It is a forum with County Council (SCC) have agreed the Roke Lane junction adjacent to which to communicate local the former Dorlcote site as a concerns and issues to matter of urgency – it is a Surrey County Highways The Parish Council has potential accident hazard but and to progress Parish issues also resolved to carry out SCC have no priority for this relating to Highways. white-lining on the Roke project, so we have decided to Hopefully you will have noticed Lane junction adjacent to fund the works. (and slowed for) the new Brook the former Dorlcote site as Finally, an odd issue for mid- 30mph speed limit which is a a matter of urgency – it is a summer, but WPC are preparing welcome improvement for the potential accident hazard a Winter Priority Highways village and a significant but SCC have no priority Strategy to be presented to SCC achievement for our County for this project, so we have should another harsh winter Councillors who have worked decided to fund the works. weather spell occur. It is intended hard to secure the funding for the to prioritize areas of the Parish project.WPC are also considering for road treatment, such as assisting residents on the A286 at to arrange for their installation. stations, schools, doctors and places Milford to make improvements to The Parish Station Parking Review of work.Your suggestions are signage to slow traffic on approach is ongoing and improvement welcomed for inclusion in this from Brook – the reduction of speed measures have been agreed for document, but let us hope there along the entire length of the A286 is Brook Road and Combe Lane, whilst won’t be a need for it next winter! a priority for us all at Parish, Borough in co-operation with the National and County level. Trust, the surface water run-off and Stephen J Dale, Chairman, Planning WPC has resolved to replace the drainage problems associated with Committee

WITLEY CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS This summer saw the relaunch of the Witley National Trust and Surrey Conservation Volunteers. Once a month a band of Wildlife Trust. volunteers meet to help with conservation tasks around If you could spare an hour or our parish.They are assigned tasks helping to manage two and are interested in joining our local area – it could be bracken cutting, protecting us or learning more about what the rare tower mustard which grows locally, path we do please contact Tim on clearing or any of the many other tasks on our open [email protected] lands.We work along with the Waverley Rangers, or 01428 683765 tower mustard

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• If you would like to see anything in the • Can you help deliver the newsletter? newsletter of general interest, please Councillors and other volunteers hand contact the Council Office. deliver the newsletters and directory to the 3,200 homes and to local businesses • We have a Business Directory on our in the parish. It’s just three times a year – website at If January, May and September. If you feel you would like to be added – it’s free, please you could help, please contact the contact the Council Office Council Office.

SURREY POLICE NEIGHBOURHOOD Can you help? PANEL MEETINGS Sam Barnett and David Boxall hope that by holding these street meetings they will be accessible to a few more of you, and that if you have any worries or concerns, or if you need some advice, you will go and see them there. The forthcoming street meetings are as Good Neighbour follows Thursday 1st October 2009 11am - 12pm Scheme Brook - Outside Pirrie Hall. Wednesay 7th October 2009 11am - 12pm Hambledon - Outside Village Shop. Thursday 15th October 2009 3pm - 4pm Milford - Co-op in Church Road. Drop in for free coffee and cakes between 10.00 and 11.30 Thursday 22nd October 2009 3pm - 4pm Witley - T E Francis, Roke Lane, Road. Witley – The PH Tuesday 13 October They will also be holding ad hoc street meetings across the area should the need arise.These will be Milford Village Hall advertised by way of a letter drop in the street and Thursday 15th October will be to address particular issues that have come to email: [email protected] their attention. The Milford and Witley Village Care helpline: If any of you have the need to arrange a residents 01483 424393 meeting or something similar, and would like them to Please leave a message to ask for, or to offer, help. attend please let them know and they will be happy to assist. Contact details on page 12.

Tel:01483 422044 Website: http// 10 Parish Council NEWSLETTER September 2009

WITLEY PARISH COUNCIL COUNCILLORS MILFORD WARD Miss Maxine Gale ...... 01428 683055 (Chairman) Mrs Rosie Lander ...... 01428 683765 Mrs Catherine Maxwell-Miles 01483 429311 Mrs Julie Grist ...... 01428 683448 (Chairman – Finance and General Purposes (Chairman – Amenities and Environment Committee) Committee)

Mrs Myra Newnes-Smith . . . . 01483 423001 Mr Nick Holder ...... 01428 682402 Mrs Joy Nye ...... 01483 414618 (Lead Member - Brook)

Mrs Cynthia Perkins ...... 01428 683066 Mr Nas Kuchimanchi ...... 01483 527956 (Lead Member – Enton) Mr Jack Lee ...... 01428 684853 Mr Patrick Stewart ...... 01428 681586 (Lead Member – Website) Vacancy Mr Tony Longrigg ...... 01428 684925 WITLEY WARD EAST Mrs Christy Crouch ...... 01428 682181 WITLEY WARD WEST Mr Claudio Del Giudice . . . . . 01428 682888 Mr Stephen Dale ...... 01428 681356 (Lead Member – Wormley) (Vice Chairman; Chairman – Planning Committee)


Surrey Cllr Elizabeth Cable (Witley and Hambledon)

Cllr Peter Martin (Godalming South, Milford and ...... 01428 682640 Witley) ...... 01483 426064 Cllr Adam Taylor-Smith (Witley and Cllr David Harmer (Waverley Western Villages) Hambledon) ...... 01483 423129 ...... 01428 609792 Cllr Nick Holder (, and Brook) Waverley ...... 01428 682402

Cllr John Sandy (Milford) .01483 429910 Cllr Bryn Morgan (Elstead,Thursley and Brook) Cllr Keith Webster (Milford) 01428 644332 ...... 01252 790048

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Sunday, VILLAGE November 8th. CHRISTMAS 2.00pm TREES Lighting of the Christmas Trees and carols Friday 27th November 2009 at Pirrie Hall, Brook Join Tree Warden Peter Herring for the Friday, 27th November Autumn Parish Walk.We 2009 at Chichester Hall,Witley meet at the Churchfields parking area in Church Lane, just beyond Witley Infant School, for a two Friday, 4th December hour circular walk through woods and fields, looking 2009 at Milford Village at our local trees, fungi and other wildlife. Hall


Council Office, Open: Monday to Friday Clerk – Fiona Fox Milford Village Hall, 8.30 am – 12.30 pm (email: [email protected]) Road, Telephone: 01483 422044 Assistant Clerk – Milford, Godalming, (Answerphone at other times) Nicki Burg Surrey GU8 5DS Fax: 01483 411957 Website: http//

Meetings of the Full Council are held at Burton Pavilion, Milford Heath, Milford at 8 pm on the last Thursday of each month except August and December. Meetings are open to the public.The building is accessible for people with mobility problems. Residents wishing to raise any matter with the Council are asked to notify the Council office at least five working days prior to the meeting.

Printed on recycled paper

Tel:01483 422044 Website: http// 12