

NEW Ml/SICA l!J(J'IIESS On u le, Friday, week ending May 24, 1969 9 DOORS 20% of DATE THE LENNONS HAVE for Klein? BEARES bustne,1 ma.na• A M =.::RJCA'S conlro\·er- ger Allen KJeln fl to slal Doors grouP­ receive 20 per cenc of the whlch had an NME Chan A BRAND NEW BAG BeaUes Income throueh hit la&t year with ·• Hello , accord.Ina to I You, Won't You Teli a report fn the American Me Your Name "-retumr, trade mae.azlne .. BUI• lo Britain lhls uutumn. Record, book, film venture together board." Nems promoter Ror Apple announced lhl• week Guest has booked the Doon, and have formed their own record, film and book that K.lefn had now be.en for a concert at London's officially appolnted •• the publishing organisation under the title Bag Productions. The new venture Beatie ■ bu1lnn1 ma.naaer ~:~r A.':.ert Hall on St1p- will work within the framework of Apple but will, it is said "funnel their crea­ ~Y. ~~. tommenl ori the A rurther concert will bi• ln either Glasgow or Duh, tive energy into world markets." have lost th~ir bid to win con­ Jin. Details have not yea trol of , the company which controls the copyright of almost been ftnallscd. all of their hits to date. Plans for to sail to America at the week- DISCOY.ERED Twenty-two year old Londoner 1-·rom JOHN LENNON uduslvel),' ror NME readers • Bag end-to launch Bag Productions-fell through because the U.S. Embassy has Nina Shaw - neice of Gene Barry .J or TV's "Burke's Law" - h.a1 MORE PROM NAMES 1--'"-"-""-"-"_m_.. _,_ •_•_•_,_, 1_,_•_••_v_,k_,_ o_""- ":c.' :c.'":c."":c.· ______not granted him a visa. The Beatles' first" " LP is to be re- signed an aaency contract with The two rema!ning dates of th,• released on a cut-price label. Harold Davkllon a■ a result or her First project from Bag appearance on last week' ■ "Dee :~~~ns!!~IIT~P l~r;r~dlh~:v~~t~;,: Time." Nina has be-e n offered tours Band and 1he Family appt"or 011 'DIZZY' ROE will be two books, one by of South Arrlca, Australia and 2 Yoko Ono and one by Len• Poland and i1 being con,idered for ~f!t, ' ::ed rfh~u regu~~fn;~~~ flw;~~ work which Lulu ii unable to SIMON, GARFUNKEL non, which will be pub• u.ndertake due to devotln& more CuCampbethy a:in d OmFolk SwuheckGroup, '""Mi:1111 oh,·n FOR BRITAIN Ii shed in America shortly. ume to her married life. Youn~ Tradition, Jon Hlsrrr,1 11·~ British publication will fol­ Colisseum join Chuck Bert)' 111 low. the July 4 prom, and both 11pp or PLAN TOUR HERE ~~l ~o~~e rt at Empirti nn TOl\~.l\&ruRy~~ ~ I~~:~~ lr~serl~:f/ r:~E w~~;~ :~sd s::::: The Beatles' battle ror North• Whit pop names SIMON and Garfunkel will play a limited number of em Songs was lost on Monday ="-"------=-'-----'-----=--, promollon from June I. Val Ooonlc ■ n Iopa the blll In British concerts in the late summer or early autumn, due to a teamlng• by their Whit var1ety at Co't'l'nlry Theatre Dl1c Jockey Sluart Henr)' hi rr.t-n in a straight Shaku pu rlan acting "Top Or The Pops " and other biggest Ol)pOnenl, ATV, with a th•• evening {Friday). and t:1mor• role as Ri chard Ill In lhe ne11,• !IC- I Saturday evening serl e,, "Whal• appearances are being lin ed up for according to in an interview with NME's rx,w and Sunday. Franll: lfleld• ever Nexl." The 1e1men1 has Roe by his promotion agent Tim consortium of brokers represent­ Clodagh Rod1ers are In con~rt al already been recorded. bul it Hudson, who Is also in Lo ndon at Richard Green this week. August or September are likely. Ing other shareholders. Great Ya rmouth ABC 1omorrow and Simon is anxious to re turn to Sunday 12.4 and 25). ~tuli~~! c~~~rlb~~l~~ln wl"h~: ~~~th~oment H manager of Joe Britain - where he once toured The successruJ shareholding g roups now plan that six n ew screened. Bdore becoming a A spoke1man for the " Dlny" as a n unknown folk - d·J, he was a straight aclor s1ar told lhe NME: " Tommy now and named London's Royal ALL STEREO m embers will join the board o r AMEN CABARET and had appeared In ri!!pertory has IWO hlls In lhe U.S. Hoc 100, Northe rn Songs-rour represent­ Albert Hall as a possible venue. AS from June 13, all In Sco1land, ~~,~~-~as huvy <"ommitmenls In He is also keen to play Scottish ing ATV, o ne the brokers, a nd Amen Comer make a cabaret 1 singles o n Pye's Head one the Beatles t hemselves. appeara nce at Stockton·, famed rotn:i:erls al~ "lc!fif:'~lur'tt,~ " For this reason. he wa n1s to dates. label will be released In Fiesta nightclub on Juty 7.S. Other " It's n ice or them to give us "The " series. lie combine his promo1ion week in No final decl1lon on the dales stereo. new names for the venue are can be made before Art Garfunkel one," John Lenno n said this America's Ronettes (JuJy 16) and wlll appear as himself in lhe Britain with a short holiday, before A 1pokesman for Head Re• week. edition of June 17. ~~1 ~~~~~ for a longer Slay In the finis hes hl1 dnmallc actln,i: role eords told the NME: " We be· " Da Doo Ron Ron " stars: the In th e film " Ca tch 22 " In a few • Lu\ week's e11t'lurive NM£ story Cry■ ta l s (23) and Frank lfleld for 1 lleve stereo singles are a !hat Paul lfcCarlu<'y and I.Inda E U I · weeks' time-Garfunkel's Involve• nacural pro11resslon for the a week from July 13 . ment In "Catch 22 " ,i:ave rise to man we re ex pttllng a baby w11 record business. We also plan ptcbd up by the _naUOn al pren rumours of a rifl between the two to ttleue lon11er 1lnalu In Whe n 1' e publl1hl!(!; 111 London IHI LATE NEWS sl naera, bu1 these seem to be stereo, and by this we hope Ttlurlday. for \his reason. ma ny NEW TV SER.1£.S WITH POP conlradlctl!!d by the new plans. to caplure many record rc,adu1 1"l1ewhere In Brilam may GUESTS: LONDON WEEKEND'S Recording sessions compteied at buyers who have 11one com• not hllV<' reali1cd lhal the announct'· " IT'S SUNDAY NIGHT WITH the end or last year have provided men1 w11 ani,thtr NWf. •• flrll," pletely over to lhe LP mar• Wht'n they read !he llll'WJ P•1n th t' DAVID JACOBS " STARTING enough material for a new Simon kel.'' JUNE 8. EXECUTIVE PRO· and Garfunkel album, lhoui:h CBS ~~llo:;~,e•:a~e.named Truh group DUCER TITO BURNS, have no t ye t set a re lease date. ,1l ■ y1 the backtrnund mu11c com• PMed by Ill manlllt'r, ex,Shadow Tony Mtthan, for the t-olour dOC'll • mt ntary ftlm •• The Movemenl, .1.1 u,·emt•n1. •• The movie Is Brtlaln'I ent ry DI the Berlin Film FeJ.Ch•a l 1ho rlly. • The Beauu· " Plt'a !>e Please Me " Jagger - Marianne movie album - !heir fir1a, .and whi~h leaturelJ •• TWIii AnC Shoul "-11 lo be re-luued shouly by Mnsk For and will star together for the first time in a Pleuun:. II cou ld be !he ftrst of a 1crle1 of early Bnlle ■• materi al FAIRPORT BENEFIT big-budget film to be made on location in Australia in July. Jagger will on lhe label. The benefit concert in aid of the play a swashbuckling role as the 19th century folk-hero bandit Ned Kelly, members of F•irport Convention to be held at London's Rou.ndhou.se whose life of crime terrorised the early Australian townships for more than IO this Sunday (25) will now Include AFTER an absera:e of a lm1 st n year, former Hollies lead singer years. Ecltttlon •nd . Sofl Graham Nash Is to appe , in concert at London's Royal Albert It is understood that Machine have withdrawn b«ause Hall this a utumo--as pa rl o his "supergroup" with Steve Stills of a prior commitmenL a nd ex-Byrd Dave Crosby. Jagger-this will be his No date has been set for tic­ second major dramatit..: fi lm MAN'S Roya l Albert Holl projerl, hu1 r.. GUY MlTCHEll STAYS TREMS ST AGE LP role, following the as yet CUFF DISCOVERY port.Ii from America suJ!i:.est h~ ~uy Mitchell - now resident in unreleased " Performance " '• former peraonal performance mi.1thl be one o a Br11ain - has been booked for a T HE Tremeloes--whose "Hello In addition to lhe lr previously• =~l•~j"!OtoN~~11~a~~l!ln11:r ;.:~ 1,horl series In key Bri1 ish en! s reparted New Zealand and Czech -is also being approached series of cabaret dotes in th is World " follow up Is "Once Britten. who has dedded 10 bUe Followln~ more than s ix mo 11, country and Ireland. Under a new plans 1he ,1troup has been booked to write the score of the hlm.-elf In Britain and ha. ~• first of preparalio n, Crosby Stills n,I Decca contract. he will also re• On A Sunday Momin&," as re• ror its first visit to Ca nada. llln11e here reteued br Columbl1 Nuh make their first pubhr 11, 0 ported In last week's NME-will will lour between today {Friday) . HI ■ liClf•wrltten ;:i,,"} .o~~~~·s w~~i Mr~ rLa~e1~!~: September 1·30, and will appear '°"' Is "200 Wttkl. " Brlllen ha• pearan ce at the Newl)Ort Re h l record a live a lbum for CBS already had four aon11 recorded by California Pop Festival on Ju m: '1 shortly. Club dales for Gu y in· al co1\cges as well as two majo r during a w eek In cabaret at Mid• Cliff Richard, and was formerly Already, 1he t rio is said 10 1.. elude Belfast Talk of the Town concerts ih To ronto and Ottawa. , with Au11ralla'a Twllllhll croup. commandln~ a fee of [5,0110 IN (June 9), Leeds Ace of Clubs ( 15) dlesbrough's Showboat club Fou r nationwide TV show. nnd Birmingham Penguin (29). from June 1. ha ve been li r,ed up. BRON ARTISTES MANAGEMENT LTD. 29-31 Oxford Street, London, W.1 are pleased to announce Sole Representation of

and candyfloss. and 'Grandfather Dugan• Apollo A~tronauts w ithout feeling moved w hich Is a bit of a heartstring•tugger. Two must be made of cardboard. These voices ca n very good numbers we should be heari,)g a be heard again in the background of •Apollo 101 of. on Decca F 12933. . .. Amen' by THE STREET on London 1tening-up., You're supposed MERCY made a single which went up the HLU 10275. popcorn actually. but whal · Amc11ca n HoI 100 llke a bullet from a gun. All of which makes me think 'How small ce you do. don to 'Big New anc1 w htch 1s now released here. •Love can we are, how little we know• which just BY BENNETT. Great gr !1 1 make you happy' is sung in delicious happens to be the title of a ph1losoph1cal ss and bags of movement ,r1 harmony against a relaxed. nff hng backing. song by JOSEF LOCKE on Decca F 12925. Sorry lo crowd PAT McGEEGAN. who Is for some time, althou&h scripts Jle. HL 10274. On London HLZ 10273. a re stUI being considered for the but change Iempo for a , Led by the ace arranger THE JOHN ·calling your name' on Emora!d MD 11 24. group. 'Bitter and sweet' fl pl CAMERON QUARTET do their own 1h1ng and FRANKIE McBRIDE. who sings a Ned Kelly was born in 1854, a 11 lovely c· n·w type number. 'Give me your bush-ranger who was the eldest of BAND. This Is JUSI what 1 i on an album. released soon. from which 1hree 10111 of a convict. Jt. basic. simple and hypno1 , 'Troublemaker' was taken as a single. word• on Emerald MD 1125. He w111 imprisoned for horse• Coot. swift britlle jazz. on Deram OM 256. Do the popcorn and write lots of letters. s tealin,1t and began a fire•raising campaign of revenge afler one of Neet and sent1mental son ! Comed,an LES DAWSON. al T.V. fame. has his bro1hers was sentenced for the 1 r>llipops and roses' 111 •· made a record, and very nice It is too-a same crime, He was eventually ar• 1 so nI1montal and highly commercial number rested and hung. lcKELLAR 7 Gorgeous 1 The film w\l\ also be a first I11icd 'Send her roses• on Chapter One. 11 #QQ;J group records\ •l major movie role for Marianne )ecca F 12927. W FACES a double A s,d ,' CH 106. 45 1pm 18 COl dS [j r~ Decca RecOl d Comp•nv Llm,1ed Failhfoll since her appe11,nnct, wi1b Alain Delon in •• Girl On A Motor• which Is all fun and sum 111.- Anyone who hslened 10 the voices of the 0 ■ cu Hou11 Albert Embankrnelll London SEI cycle."