Congratulations to Berriew YFC who recently won the YFC rally.

NUMBER 372 JULY 2019

The Parish of Berriew

Vicar: Revd Alexis Smith 01686 641992 Assistant Priest: Revd Esther Yates 01686 625559 Lay Reader: Mr Peter Watkin 01686 640640 Sub-Warden: Mrs Iris Tombs 01686 640400

Services in St Beuno’s, Berriew

Sunday 7th July – 10.00am All Age Family Service

Sunday 14th July 10.00am Holy Communion

Sunday 21st July 10.00am All Age Family service

Sunday 28th July 10.00am Holy Communion

St. John’s Mission Church - Fron Sunday 14th July 9.00am - All Age Service Sunday 28th July 9.00am - Family Holy Communion

Pantyffridd Church Sunday 7th July 3.00pm – Evening Prayers Sunday 21st July 3.00pm - Holy Communion

Parish News

Wednesdays at 10.30am

Our morning services continue with the pattern of 1st and 3rd Wednesday - Holy Communion in church. On the 2nd and 4th and occasional 5th Wednesday we continue to have Morning Prayers in the Old School. The 10.30 services are an opportunity to share in quiet thought and prayer week by week and enjoy fellowship together. All are welcome

Choir Practices: Wednesdays at 6.00pm - in the Old School [We would like to welcome new members – why not give it a try!] You don’t have to be able to sight read music - all ages welcome no-one too old! All welcome to join us. [we have a cup of tea after the practice!!]

Bell Ringers: Wednesdays at 7.30pm in St Beuno’s The Bell ringers would love to welcome some new ringers – again, all welcome.

The Food Bank Thank you for continuing to donate food for the Food bank – which is taken regularly to . Thanks too to those who transport our goods

Meeting together – for a cuppa and a chat! This month is on the 31st July

We are up and running – great to meet together and share our stories. All members of the – whatever your age – are invited to join us and share interests – this is open to everyone and is held in the Old School - on the last Wednesday of each month. Why not join us for a quick cuppa before you pick up the children from school – it will be an opportunity to have some company – whatever – all will be welcome. Join us from 2.00 until 3.30 -in the Old School. – We look forward to welcoming you – let’s share fellowship in our Community! Drop in and spend a little of your time.

Little saints [Primary School children]

We shall be meeting on Saturday 13th July in the Old School 10.00-12.00. Our topic will have a ‘farming’ ring as we hear about ‘the great sower’ – who is he? – come and discover. Some of our work will be looking towards Berriew Show! This is the last meeting of our school year -don’t miss your chance to have some fun. The group is open to all young folks.

Berriew Parish Church Side Person Rota for July 2019

10.00am. service: Shirley Griffiths & Mona Jones.

Refail Presbyterian Chapel

Minister Rev. Dr. D. Stirling Services every Sunday at 10a.m. unless otherwise stated. June 30th Joint Service with St. Beuno’s at Refail 10am July 7th Joint Pastorate Communion at Montgomery 10.30am. 14th Mr. T. Magness 21st Mrs. B. Beadles 28th T.B.A. Aug. 4th Joint Communion Brooks 10.30am.

Friday 5th July from 5 pm. Pastorate BBQ at Tal-y-llyn, Berriew. £7.50 – tickets available or pay on the door.

Coffee is served in the assembly room after the service the 4th Sunday in the month. Bridge Club every Friday at 7.30pm. The assembly rooms are available for hire. Contact Mrs. Hall 668085.

Pentre Llifior Wesleyan Methodist Chapel

Worship 2.30pm. Tea & Cakes at approx. 3.30pm: Minister: Rev. Bob Thomas

Services for July are:- 7th – Mr Terry Jobling 14th – All Age Cell Group (AACG) 21st – Rev. Bob Thomas – Holy Communion 28th – AACG

For those not familiar with our All Age Cell Group style of worship this is a more informal style of praise. This includes discussion of The Word, praying and singing and is usually held in The Preacher’s Stable opposite the chapel. Please feel free to join us for worship, tea and cakes - either or both!!

Firstly, THANK YOU to all who visited us for our Flower Festival which was entitled “Love is...... ”. We had a very busy day on the Saturday with visitors thoroughly enjoying the creative displays and joining us for bacon baps in the morning and homemade cakes in the afternoon, all washed down with copious amounts of tea and coffee. The donations were also generous, as was the Praise Service collection on the Sunday, which resulted in us being able to send a cheque to WaterAid for £360. Thank you – this will make such a difference to those less fortunate than ourselves.

The July date for our Bacon Buddies morning is the 13th – usual times, 10.30am – 12 noon. This is a free social event held in the Preacher’s Stable and anyone is welcome to come along. We have disabled and baby changing facilities as well as car parking so do pop in, either for 10 minutes or stay the entire session if you wish. In addition, if you think that we can help your group or club in any way, for example by providing use of the Preacher’s Stable for a gathering/meeting, please speak to Anthea on 01686 651079.

As you may have read in previous issues, we are part of the local history of Berriew as well as being a Methodist Heritage site. We are open on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons (2pm – 4.30pm) for visitors to the chapel and also for those who just want to drop by the Preacher’s stable to have a natter and cup of tea. If you are a member of a small group, we can arrange an afternoon visit to suit and can also cater (by appointment) for approx. 16 people. This can include a verbal introduction to the chapel’s history, time to view and refreshments. We also have facilities for disabled visitors as well as assistance for those with hearing difficulties. Speak to Andrew Mathieson on 01938 555376 for further details or e-mail Mandy Thomas: [email protected].

St John’s Church. Fron

Rev Esther officiated at our Easter Service in Fron when the congregation enjoyed the singing of the Easter hymns! Finlay Williams was in charge of ringing the bell, Louise took up the offertory and Claire led the prayers with James, Finlay, Louise and Millie-Grace. After the service the young people received Easter Eggs, the gift of Mrs Betty Watkin, who we thank for her generosity!

We would like to thank everyone who has so kindly supported our 120+ Club again this year. Our numbers are dropping and we are down to 100 at the moment so perhaps a re-name is in order. Fron 100+ Club? Thank you!

Fron 120+ May 2019 Winners

1st Prize No 47 Tomos Owen Fron 2nd No 101 Molly Warburton Porthywaun 3rd No 37 Graham Morris

June Winners

1st Prize No 31 Sylvia Matthews Fron 2nd Prize No 14 Lynette Glover Aberdare 3rdPrize No 69 Peter Rees Refail

Helen B

BERRIEW WI Berriew WI met on Wednesday June 5th at the Bowling Club, with 17 members and one guest present. A game of bowls was taking place on the Green, providing an agreeable backdrop on the fine evening.

Items from the Newsletter were highlighted, including Centenary Afternoon Tea at Gregynog, Needle- Felting at and Walking Netball Taster. Sue Miniken and Catriona had attended the first one and had found that not running was extremely difficult.

Thanks were expressed to Debbie and Beryl, in her absence, for arranging the Menopause the Musical outing, which had been very successful and enjoyable.

Speaker for the evening was Alwyn Hughes, who entertained the meeting with an illustrated talk about . Construction of the dam started in 1881, and took 10 years to complete, with the filling of a section of the Vyrnwy valley to form the lake, taking a further year. It was commissioned by Corporation to provide drinking water for the expanding city. Unfortunately, the entire village of had to be flooded. This had been a thriving community of 400, boasting three mixed choirs. A thousand workmen descended on the area, some walking from Llanfair, returning there at week-ends to attend church or chapel. Only 10 lost their lives during the construction. Twelve new miles of had to be built, and hundreds of carters had to convey vast quantities of stone and other materials to the site. In digging the area, it was discovered to be a glacial valley, and had been inhabited for millennia. Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Age artefacts were found, as well as evidence of Roman activity. Currently the estate and moorland surrounding the Lake are owned by Severn Trent and the RSPB. Alwyn was thanked for a most informative presentation, which he clearly could have extended further.

Refreshments were served by Lisa, Shelley and Mona. Shelley also won the raffle.

Next meeting July 3rd, when there will be a Quiz

Mary Nicholson

The Belan Strawberry Evening

The Belan Strawberry Evening will be held on Friday 5th July at 7pm. at the Belan Old School House. Apart from the refreshments, there will be stalls selling cakes, produce, bric- a-brac and raffle draws. Please come and join us at this very popular event.

Berriew Pantomime is Back!

Would you like to be involved? Join us for some fun!

We need all sorts of help:

Actors, singers, musicians, scenery builders, costume makers and ticket sellers etc.

Please join us at Berriew Community Centre to find out more:

Sunday 8th September at 10-11.30am for all those under 16 who are interested in taking part

Tuesday 10th September at 7pm for adults and those over 16 who are interested in taking part.

For more information please contact Caroline at [email protected]

Note from the Treasurer

The committee are very grateful for all donations and we hope to use them efficiently and economically to keep up the news service to Berriew. We would like to thank Mrs. E. Tucker, Marilyn Phillips and the Andrew Logan Museum of Sculpture for their donations. Mrs. P. Hall Treasurer.

For sale adverts

Don’t forget that for £1 per item you can advertise anything you want to sell in the Newsletter and we print around 550 copies a month. Just place your advert details and payment in the Newsletter Postbox in Berriew Stores. An item listed for sale last month was sold the very next day after the Newsletter was published. Village Crews ‘cream’ the 2019 Village Vaynor !

Despite attracting a Dino Ferrari from Surrey, a Lotus Elise from Harrogate and an E-type from Wrexham it was three local Crews from our Village that carried off the spoils.

The field of 26 assorted cars commenced with Registration and Coffee at The Talbot Hotel and set off on a superb route organised by John Greenslade and Nookie in glorious sunshine and blue skies Although the cars were delayed by an incident involving Car No. 1 ( a 1959 Austin Healey Sprite ) they all managed to enjoy a great Lunch at The Unicorn in .

The weather turned in the afternoon but that did not spoil the enjoyment and everyone ended up back at The Talbot in good spirits. Jackie provided excellent sandwiches for the returning Crews whilst Catie Greenslade rapidly and efficiently crunched the results.

Amazingly Paul Harding and Steve Thompson in Paul’s lovely MGF tied with Geoff and Phil Haycock in their BMW for first place ! A tie-break question about the route they had just been on gave Paul and Steve 1st place with Geoff and Phil a valiant 2nd. To complete the Village triumvirate Ruth Arnott and Beryl Roberts carried off 3rd. place in their VW Bora

Grateful thanks to John and Lisa, Catie and Connor and Nookie for organising and marshalling the Event. Without marshals such events cannot take place. A big thank you to Jackie also for she looked after us so well and refused to take any money ! This means that we can donate that much more to The Air Ambulance and the lo- cal Marie Curie nurses – at first draft of our accounts, we look to have raised over £800 for these two very worthwhile local charities. Thank you.

Berriew 13th Charity Sheepdog Trials 18th July 2019

The sheepdog trials will be held at Cil Farm on Thursday 19th July.

The first of the 90 dogs competing will run at 7.30am and the last dog will compete approx 7.30/8pm. Many of the competitors have travelled long distances including from other European countries. The 90 entries were full booked by April so it is a popular trials.

Refreshments, raffle and toilets are available on the field. Each year we donate any profits to a local charity usually approx £300. Free for spectators to watch !!!!

If you would like to spend an hour or two watching these very talented dogs and their owners compete do come along. Bring your chair and hopefully suncream. You can watch just from your car even. If you need to know anymore ring George or Janet 01686 640681

Berriew Young Farmers

Berriew YFC had another successful year at the Montgomeryshire County Rally, which was held on Saturday 25th May 2019 at Talwrn, .

Berriew YFC walked away with the overall winning shield along with the following trophies -  Silcocks Perpetual Challenge Cup awarded to the winning team in the welsh black cattle judging competition  Mrs Garbett Edwards Rose Bowl awarded to the club winning the Federation Display  A.W. Mason Cup awarded to the club gaining the highest number of points in the Cookery, Craft and Floral Competitions  NFU Mutual Trophy awarded to the club winning the Minute book and Attendance Sheets competition  The FUW Shield awarded to the club gaining the highest points in the Craft Section  Perpetual Challenge Shield awarded to the club gaining the highest total points in all competitions

Well done to all those that competed. The rally entails weeks of preparation and all members put so much time and effort in, all contributing to the clubs success.

Berriew YFC are very lucky to have such talented helpers within the Berriew Community. A special thank you goes to Alison Roberts, David Roberts, Shelley Williams, Gareth Harding, Elliott Clifton, Janet Thomas, Jan Phillips, Ros Roberts, Linda Turner, Gill Owen, Wayne Jones, Caroline Rogers, Janet Pritchard, Jayne Williams – we could not have done it without you.

Charity Sunday Luncheon

th On Sunday 18 August 2019, Berriew YFC will be holding a ‘Mock Wedding’ charity luncheon at Plasdwpa, Berriew.

If you wish to book a table, please contact Sian Emberton, Bryony Wilson or Jess Wilson. Please organise tables of 10 people. Tickets are to purchased prior to the luncheon.

Auction Prizes will be greatly received. Please get in touch with Sian, Bryony or Jess if you wish to donate to the auction.

Sian Emberton – 07710 248740 Bryony Wilson – 07872 017842 Jess Wilson – 07577 381887

3 Peaks 3 Federations Challenge (Young Farmers)

On Saturday 13th July 2019, Young Farmers from Montgomeryshire, and Breconshire will join together to walk the three highest peaks in our three counties. We will begin with walking Cadair Berwyn, then Radnor forest and we will finish on Pen Y Fan. Bryony Wilson, Sian Emberton, Gareth Harding, Elliott Clifton, Sophie Gittins, Emily Woodall and Phoebe Betts will be taking part from Berriew YFC. There will be a total of 90 YFC members taking part.

We will be raising money for the DPJ foundation and MIND – both are mental health charities.

Mental health problems and suicide within the agriculture sector has always been prevalent but feels much more prominent recently.

The DPJ Foundation Emma from the DPJ foundation kindly met with Montgomeryshire YFC on the 2nd May 2019 at Welshpool Livestock Market. It was a very moving yet enlightening talk.

The DPJ foundation was set up following the death of Daniel Picton-Jones by his wife, Emma. Daniel was a farmer from Pembrokeshire who in 2016 aged 34, sadly took his own life.

The DPJ foundation was set up using Daniel’s funeral donations. The foundation aims to support people in rural communities with poor mental health. Emma saw the gap in mental health services in agriculture, the barriers farmers face when accessing mental health services and the wait to see a counsellor etc and so lead to her taking matters into her own hands and setting up the foundation.

The foundation provides ‘mental health first aid’ training. They started in Pembrokeshire targeting vets, agriculture insurance companies, feed reps, auctioneers etc to undergo the training as they are organisations that farmers will be seeing on a regular basis. They have had over 200 people undertake the training. Members from Berriew YFC will hopefully be undertaking the ‘mental health first aid’ training in the next few months.

The DPJ foundation has also set up talking therapy support called ‘Share the Load’ which is a service that offers fully funded counselling with fully qualified counsellors. They are able to offer counselling in people’s homes, fields, dairy parlours etc or via the internet or telephone. People wanting to access this service can call 0800 587 4262 or text 07860 048799.

This is a Pembrokeshire based charity but they are able to offer this service across the whole of having clients/patients from accessing the counselling Service.

The DPJ foundation is a service specifically for those within the agriculture sector

MIND Mind is also a mental health charity which is open to everyone. They provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. For 70 years, they have been committed to making sure that everyone expe- riencing a mental health problem can access the support they need and is treated with the respect they deserve.

Mind also provides a helpline -0300 123 3393or you can text them on 86463. The helpline will look for details of help and support in our area.

If you would like to donate, please give your donation to any of the participations. Alternatively, you can donate via our Just Giving page -

Berriew Football Club PRESIDENT – Mr Delwyn Langford CHAIRMAN – Mr Marcus King – 07786351495 SECRETARY – Mrs Alison Roberts – 07929 206956 TREASURER – Mr Mike Pearce – 07563155107

First Team pre season fixtures are as follows:

Saturday 6th July: Ruthin Town (H) – 2.30pm Saturday 13th July: Sikh Hunters (H) – 2.30pm Friday 19th July: (A) – 7.30pm Tuesday 23rd July: St Martins (H) – 7.30pm Tuesday 30th July: Town (A) – 7.30pm Saturday 3rd August: Holywell Town (A) – 2.30pm

200 club winners

1st Courtney Pugh £100 2nd Alan Davies £60 3rd Richard Evans £40

Quiz 8pm Talbot Sunday 6th October (after a Summer break)

Berriew F.C. Juniors Training for girls and boys, teams of all ages. For more information visit the Berriew Football Club Juniors website or please contact Paul Inns [email protected] / 07801 240097 or Andrew Wilde [email protected] / 07966 882704

Dates for your diary Sunday 10th November 2019 Berriew FC Sportsmans lunch

Berriew F.C.- under 16s team.

The U16s joined the first team for their end of season awards. The players were presented with their medals for winning the U16s championship, as well as individual award winners.

Congratulations to the following, who were presented with their awards by U16 coach Ian Pawley: Joe Davies – Captains Award. Finlay Spencer – Managers Player of the Year. Kofi Davies – Players Player of the Year. Aaron Edwards – Most Improved Player of the Year

A huge thanks to Ian Pawley for all the effort he has put into coaching the team for a number of years. Ian will be stepping down as a team coach – but he’ll remain involved with the club.

On which note, there will shortly be some exciting news as regards the introduction of Goalkeeper Coaching for next season! Ian, as well as our new goalkeeper coach, former Welsh Schoolboys International, Ryan Edkins, will be leading the goalkeeping coaching.

(Senior team presentation photos will appear in the August issue of the Newsletter). Berriew F.C. end of season presentation – u16s team.


Berriew Community & Youth Centre AGM

Tuesday 2nd July 2019 – 7.30pm

(at the centre)

It would be great if a representative from all groups using the

Centre and anyone interested in just helping out, could come along and help us shape the way your Community Centre is used in the future. We are planning some major improvements over the

next two years and your views are really important.

For more information contact Martin Creaven on 01686 640235

or just come along on the evening

The Berriew Charity (Charity Number 216265)

The Berriew Charity is here to help support all ages of the community who reside within the parish. Whether you perhaps would like a little extra help for something, or are starting a new venture in your life then please contact one of the following Trustees for more information, Ven Dr P Pike (Chair), Mrs P J Hausman, Mrs S E O’Brien, Mr M Creaven, Mr P R M Wilson, Mrs S Rees or Mrs A Bright. Applications are open to all age groups who live within the parish and should be sent to Mrs. Lynda Evans, Fir Grove, Berriew, SY21 8AQ (Correspondent) for the consideration of the Trustees.



Tearoom closed Monday 15th July Re-open Tuesday 16th July 9.30am

Tearoom will be closed for a holiday Monday 22nd July – Saturday 27th July

Reopen Monday 29th July.

Friday 16th August

Tearoom will close at 3.30pm

Bank Holidays August Monday 26th August Tuesday 27th August

Many thanks Sarah & the Team.

Berriew Newsletter

Chairman/Editor: Val Wallis

Items for publication may be left in the Newsletter post box at Berriew Stores or e-mailed to the editor at: [email protected].

The Berriew Newsletter is published monthly on a voluntary basis as a service to the community. The Editor is empowered absolutely to withhold a contribution without explanation and does not accept liability for any opinions expressed by contributors. Articles may be edited for publication. The Berriew Newsletter cannot vouch for the accuracy of offers, services or goods that appear in the Berriew Newsletter, nor can it be responsible for the outcome of any contract that may be entered into with an advisor. July Crossword



The 15” gauge steam railway at is open from 10.30am until 4.30pm on the following weekends:

 6/7 July  3/4 August  7/8 September  5/6 October

Come and enjoy 2 miles of steam railway in a glorious riverside setting

Tea, coffee and home made cakes

Ride as many times as you like

Free parking

Adults - £6 Children and Pensioners - £4

Family (2 adults, 4 children) - £20 Children under 3 - free




29th June – Abermule Community Church 13th July - Abermule YFC 27th July - Abermule Football Club 10th Aug. – Abermule Community Centre 31st Aug. – Aber Arts 14th Sept. – Abermule C.P. School



For information of cancellation due to poor weather, please check the website / Face book / Tel: 01686 505103

NEW MEMBERS ARE WELCOME IN 2019. If you would like to join Berriew Bowling Club as a player, or social member, you’re in for a great time. There are no age or gender restrictions, all are welcome. If you’ve no playing experience at all, no problem, we have coaching available. Contact Membership Secretary, JACQUI GOUGH on 07813 797154 or email: [email protected]

BOWLS COACHING IN 2019 Is free and available to all Adult and Child Club Members on Monday Evenings from 5pm to 6pm, before House League, commencing May 20th. Please contact Caroline Taylor on 01686 640670 or 07917 830761

HIRE OUR CLUBHOUSE THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. The Clubhouse is available throughout the year for hire for WEDDINGS, CHRISTENINGS, BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS, FUNERAL TEAS, MEETINGS etc For more details contact SUE REES on 01686 640418.

PETE JACKSON – PUBLICITY OFFICER – 01686 640436 – [email protected]


As I write this at the beginning of June on a cold wet day, I hesitate to say that July will be warm and sunny and all our gardens will be blooming. However, gardeners are by nature supreme optimists so here’s hoping for some lovely warm sunny days. Whatever the weather, once again there are many gardens open in July in Powys for inspiration and delicious cakes. There are gardens open every weekend in July and a good number are still open by arrangement. Details of these can be found in the NGS booklet or online at The Powys 2019 booklet is available in tourist information centres, libraries and businesses across the county and for those who visit gardens further afield the 2019 Garden Visitors Handbook with over 3,500 gardens across England and Wales is available in bookshops or can be ordered from the National Garden Scheme website Thanks to the generosity of garden owners, volunteers and visitors the National Garden Scheme has donated over£55m to nursing and health charities since it was founded in 1927. You can discover more about our gardens and the charities we support at and by following us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @powysngs. Close to home Gobowen Hospital is benefitting from your donations as a new Horatio’s garden is well under way there.

Gardens Open in July within approximately a 12-15 mile radius of Berriew. (Free admission for children unless otherwise stated).

Hurdley Hall, Churchstoke SY15 6DY Sun 7th July (10.30-5) also visits by arrangement Two acre garden set around C17 house with additional 18 acres adjoining Roundton Hill National Nature Reserve. Herbaceous and mixed borders, orchard, ponds, topiary and kitchen garden. Mown paths through 5 acre Coronation Meadow lead to newly planted orchard, pastures and new and ancient woodland with brook. Admission £5.00

Garthmyl Hall, Garthmyl, Montgomery SY15 6RS Mon 8th July (12-5) Grade 11 listed Georgian manor house (not open) surrounded by 5 acres of grounds. Long 100 m. herbaceous borders, newly restored 1 acre walled garden with gazebo, circular flowerbeds, lavender beds and fire pits. Admission £4.00

1 Church Bank, Welshpool, SY21 7DR Sat 13th and Sun 14th July (12-5) Also open by arrangement. A jewel in the town. Explore the grounds of this C17 barrel maker’s cottage and walk into a large garden room which also houses a museum of tools from different trades. Many unusual features including a Gothic arch, grotto and bonsai garden. Admission £3.50

Broniarth Hall, Pentrebeirdd, Guilsfield, Welshpool, SY21 9DW (1.30-5) Also open by Arrangement first two weeks in July. Broniarth Hall is a C17 farmhouse (not open) with bijou SE facing cottage garden that includes two small ponds, summerhouse, perennial filled beds and aviary. Unique and quirky features and containers. Plants for sale. Admission £4.0

Bryn Teg, Bryn Lane, Newtown, SY16 2DP Sat 27th July (10-5) An exotic Caribbean garden in the heart of Newtown. A huge number of plants on many levels with shapes, colours and sizes mixed together as found in tropical jungles. Home- made cakes and teas at Ponthafren. Admission £3.50

Ponthafren, Long Bridge Street, Newtown, SY16 2DY Sat 27th July (10-5) Ponthafren is a registered charity for people with mental health issues or those feeling isolated or lonely. Community garden on the banks of the R Severn run and maintained by volunteers. Sensory garden, quirky objects and productive vegetable plot. Admission by donation

Fraithwen, , SY16 3EW Sun 28th July (2-5) Also open by arrangement. 11/2acre plantswoman’s garden with herbaceous borders, rockeries and ponds. Planted with rare plants for year round interest. New designs for 2019 include more autumn colour and bog garden. Admission £4.00 Gardens open by arrangement in July within approximately a 12-15 mile radius of Berriew. Contact the owner to make arrangements for your group visit. Abernant Garthmyl SY15 6RZ [email protected] Broniarth Hall Guilsfield SY21 9DW [email protected] Castell y Gwynt SY15 6HR [email protected] Fraithwen Tregynon SY16 3EW 01686 6503076 Hurdley Hall Churchstoke SY15 6DY [email protected] White Hopton Farm Sarn, Newtown SY16 4EN [email protected]


A Town for All Seasons

Dates for your diary: 6th July: Annual Street Fair 13th July: The Pirates of Penzance Tickets from Bunners or 01686 669730 15th August: Shakespeare at the Castle: The Tempest Tickets from Bunners or 01686 668442 17th August: Montgomery Show on Lymore Meadows 4 - 6th October: Walking Festival Booking now open and walks filling up fast !

Editor’s Postscript

The closing date for the August newsletter is Wednesday 17th July and it will be published on Friday 26th July. If you have an event to advertise please send details in to the Newsletter. A number of people in the village have mentioned to me that they are not on Facebook and miss supporting events as they do not know they are on, because the details have been put only onto Facebook. Please note – all articles and correspondence left in the Newsletter Post Box must include a name and address and/or telephone number. Anonymous items will not be published.

Val Wallis/Editor 01686 641875 Email: [email protected]

Berriew Show 2019

Plans are now finalised for Berriew Show 2019, we are welcoming back after a number of years the Welsh Axemen. Other main ring attractions include Bubble football, flyball, and the old favourites of the parade of vintage cars, fancy dress and the children’s and family races.

Schedules have now been printed and are available in the village shops and pubs.

Advanced tickets can be purchased from the Spar Shop, at reduced rates.

Advanced On the gate Adult £4.00 £6.00 Children (16 and under) £2.00 £3.00 Senior Citizen £3.50 £5.00

If you have any questions, please contact our section secretaries.

General Secretary Anna Jones 01686 640262

Horse Secretary Elliott Clifton 07817 351894

Dog Secretary Jonny Ward 07816 577618

Sheep Secretary Catrin Tibbott 07970 136006

Trade stand Secretary Phil Bettley 07712 922967

As always, we welcome new faces to the show committee, so if you are interested in being part of the show committee or if you can spare an hour or two on show day please contact me on 01686 640262.

Anna Jones

Hon. Secretary


Diary of Events

Tuesday 2nd July Berriew Community & Youth Centre AGM 7.30pm. Wednesday 3rd July Berriew W.I. meeting and quiz Friday 5th July Belan Strawberry evening Saturday 6th July Montgomery Street Fair Sat/Sun 6th/7th July Rhiew Valley Light Railway open weekend Saturday 13th July YFC 3 Peaks 3 Federations Challenge Saturday 13th July Abermule Car Boot Sale Saturday 13th July In Montgomery – The Pirates of Penzance Wednesday 17th July Closing date for the August Newsletter Thursday 18th July Berriew 13th Charity Sheepdog Trials Thursday 18th July Berriew Community Council meeting 7.30pm Saturday 27th July Abermule Car Boot Sale Saturday 27th July Rob Cook Williams Band at the Museum of Sculpture Every Friday Bridge Club at the Refail 7.30pm.