52 Imaging and Communication in Medical and Informatics: Current Issues and Emerging Trends

Melanie A. Sutton 52.1 Introduction ...... 895 Justice Mbizo 52.2 Imaging and Communication in Medical Informatics 896 Ann Yoshihashi 52.2.1 Open Source Product: VistA • 52.2.2 Commercial School ofAllied Health and Life Products • 52.2.3 Enterprise-wide Integrations Sciences, University of West Florida 52.3 Imaging and Communication in Public Health Informatics ... 898 52.3.1 GIS in Public Health Syndromic Surveillance and Applied Spatial Robert E. Hoyt • 52.3.2 Current Challenges in Public Health Informatics: Case Studies Naval Aerospace Medical Research • 52.3.3 Enterprise-wide Integrations Laboratory 52.4 Discussion ...... 904 52.5 Conclusion and Future Trends 904 52.6 References ...... 905

• Creating and analyzing new and existing clinical data 52.1 Introduction resources; Medical and public health informatics can be broadly defined • Developing and deploying new software tools to meet as the use of computer technology to support clinical or the needs of a clinical or public health practice or public health practice, administration, education, and research administration. [ 1-3]. The products developed in this field, "information resources," involve the hardware and software that facilitates This chapter examines current issues and emerging trends the storage, retrieval, and optimal use of medical ( or public in the development and deployment of imaging and commu- health) information for problem solving and decision making nication tools in medical and public health settings, from the [4, 5]. While the intended target audience for this book is the perspective of the informatics professionals described here. In imaging community, end-user informaticists engaged in the this context, we examine a subset of tools and summarize the interdisciplinary development and integration of developed issues affecting best practices and industry standards in these tools in this field include physicians, nurses, and health domains. Design trends in the area of usability/accessibility and care/public health administrators. Professional competencies visualization, as well as scalability/extensibility, interoperability, of these individuals include [6-9]: and security features are addressed. While usability/accessibility generally encompasses overall ease of use of a tool for the • Serving as a liaison to physicians, administrators, and end user, scalability involves the ease and cost-effectiveness other health care professionals in the use of current and of adding larger data sources or users. Visualization in this emerging computer technologies; context encompasses the system's support for overlays from • Using and evaluating commercial software products to multiple modalities and/or support for multidimensional data. manage medical or public health information; This feature depends on the system's levels of extensibility

Copyright© 2008 by Elsevier, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 895 896 Handbook of Medical Image Processing and Analysis and interoperability, in terms of the seamlessness with which Noting the tens of thousands of Americans that die each customized capabilities can be added to the system to enhance year due to errors in their care, the IOM's 2000 and 2001 visualization or to support additional data formats that may be reports, To Err Is Human: Building a Safer and exchanged during input and output. Finally, built-in security Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st mechanisms are relevant features to both fields, given recent Century, emphasized the need to translate knowledge into federal legislation such as the Health Insurance Portability practice [15, 16]. The emphasis in these reports was for the and Accountability Act [ 10], and the increasing use of these health care industry to directly and significantly use informa- tools in cases involving public health preparedness, emergency tion technology to improve quality of care and administrative management, and homeland security [11, 12]. and clinical processes. Health care organizations recognize that The primary objectives of this chapter are to poor decisions affecting are often the result of missing or incomplete information, and as such, many hos- 1. Examine the relevance and significance of communica- pitals have independently explored ways to link computerized tion and imaging applications used by the informatics decision-support programs to computer-based patient records communities in medicine and public health; to study and address factors that impact quality of care [ 17, 18]. 2. Explain the features of a subset of public domain and The built-in communication mechanisms within these special- commercial tools that contribute to improved patient ized tools and the increasing need to support multimodal data safety, communication, or quality of care; in the form of varied imaging sources within a patient's histor- ical record have led to an explosion of products with features 3. Provide recommendations for researchers considering that change as rapidly as hardware vendors can supply new porting academic research endeavors in these areas to the technologies. For a good review of traditional medical image marketplace. processing and analysis software that has attempted to address the need to support multidimensional and multimodal data, The remainder of this chapter is organized as follows. see [19]. In this chapter, we explore a subset of applications in Sections 52.2 and 52.3 discuss current issues and emerging the area of electronic health records and additionally examine trends in imaging and communication tools for the medical them in the context of enterprise-wide integrations. and public health domains, respectively. While it is impossi- An "electronic medical record" (EMR) is simply informa- ble to individually discuss every application currently on the tion regarding a patient's health status and health care, stored market, we have tried to sample a subset of recent open source electronically. Alternately, the term "electronic health record" and proprietary tools in each domain, along with unique or (EHR) is used to refer to an EMR with connections to lab unusual examples of emerging tools addressing particular niche systems, radiology, picture archive communication systems problems (e.g., enterprise-wide integrations, planning for pub- (PACS), and possibly regional health information organiza- lic health preparedness, etc.). Finally, Sections 52.4 and 52.5 tions (RHIOs). Inexpensive electronic health record options provide a discussion and concluding recommendations for the for small physician practices can be purchased for under $3000, imaging community. with additional charges for support, maintenance, and add- on capabilities. The options available in this price range target the workflow of small clinical practices and deemphasize fea- 52.2 Imaging and Communication tures such as expandability (e.g., scalability for a greater number in Medical Informatics of users), granularity (e.g., security for different user roles), and customization or cross-specialty functionality (e.g., exten- Historically, the evolution of marketplace medical informatics sibility or built-in support for varied input/output formats systems in the United States has been driven in part by from different user roles). These options also target basic and government-based initiatives and calls to action. The Institute enhanced communication features (e.g., e-prescribing func- of Medicine (IOM) in its revised 1997 report, The Computer- tionality that allows physicians to directly communicate to Based Patient Record: An Essential Technology for Health Care, a patient's pharmacy of choice) and visualization capabilities advocated built-in and flexible communication protocols in that support multiple imaging modalities. The latter includes emerging electronic record systems, to include protocols to support for digital X-rays, optical character recognition for support physician to patient, physician to non-text-based notes and lab reports, etc. (20]. Imaging capabilities in inex- content (e.g., imaging data), and physician to physician inter- pensive systems may involve single-page JPEG files but are action [ 13]. Predicting the emerging overlap with public health increasingly allowing multiple pages. In addition, communi- applications that would require tracking of subgroups, the cation support includes basic reminders in inexpensive systems report similarly urged built-in population management tools. to enhanced features that allow tracking physicians' orders from The envisioned tool suite thus included disease management initial record to final result or features that allow pieces of guidelines and care plans, query-based system databases, and the record (including images) to be attached for different user clinical research support [ 14). communications. 52 Imaging and Communication in Medical and Public Health Informatics 897

In the following sections we examine the features of several • Multiple exams can be displayed concurrently, allowing commercial and public domain EHR systems in the context for comparisons with prior studies. of understanding the current industry capabilities in the area • Additional DICOM-compliant support for ophthalmol- of system integration of communication protocols and imag- ogy, dental, endoscopy, pathology, cardiology, and other ing formats. Of note is that the overall integration across the specialties is under development. health care industry is still in its infancy, but several hos- pitals are making significant contributions in their bid for 52.2.2 Commercial Products "most-wired" status. The speed of progress across the field has been fueled in part by the establishment of industry-wide As stated previously, the adoption and widespread use of communication protocols, such as the Digital Imaging and DICOM and HL7 standards have fueled the development of Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standard initiated in a myriad of electronic health record systems for small- and the mid- l 980s for communication in medical imaging (includ- large-scale practices. A complete review of these systems is ing storing, transmitting, and printing) and the Health Level beyond the scope of this chapter, but various vendors pro- Seven (HL7) standard for exchanging and creating interoper- vide ratings at their sites, derived from electronically published able electronic health records. While specific hospitals, some- surveys by various health informatics-related organizations. As times with custom-designed in-house systems, have made excel- a sampling, SOAPware ® is an inexpensive electronic health lent strides in integration, the industry as a whole is approaching record designed for small practices [23]. This system is imple- newer levels of integration due to the proliferation of vendors mented in and SQL, with a remote hosting developing products to address these evolving standards. option available. Interoperability features in the communica- tion domain include integration with voice recognition systems and automatic charting of vital sign data. Add-on imaging func- 52.2.1 Open Source Product: VistA tionality includes optical character recognition for document Released in October 2005, the open source and free VistA out- management, customized graphing, and additional document patient electronic health record and health information system management for patient data in the form of text, video, audio, was developed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs [21]. and PDF. It is currently used at institutions in the United States, Mexico, Alternately, vendors such as Allscripts™ are building elec- Nigeria, Finland, Germany, and Egypt, with an expanding usage tronic health record systems for both small- to mid-sized base. WorldVistA, a nonprofit corporation in the United States, practices with fewer than 25 physicians to large medical groups serves as the worldwide advocate for the collaborative improve- [24]. In addition, this vendor is a leader in physician com- ment of the VistA system. Notable features of the system cited munication tool development with its AllscriptsTM eRx NOW in the VistA Monograph 2005-2006 include the following [22]: product, a separate electronic prescribing program that is web- based and accessible by computers, handheld devices, and cell • Communication features include built-in comprehensive phones. The program includes automatic population of Drug clinical reminders. Enforcement Agency prescription history for the provider, real- • Sophisticated imaging features include multimodal image time notification of insurance formulary status, and real-time display options from specialties including cardiology, pul- connectivity with pharmacies for orders and refills. Finally, monary and gastrointestinal medicine, pathology, radiol- more imaging-based capabilities are expected to evolve from ogy, hematology, and nuclear medicine (allowing simul- vendors such as General Electric Medical Systems, with its taneous viewing of electrocardiogram, endoscopy, chest Centricity® Physician Office EMR in its efforts to build a more X-ray, and MRI images). full-featured (and therefore expensive) electronic health record • It processes textual reports from the hospital informa- system [25]. This vendor (and others in this category) bene- tion system, including scanned documents and images fit from multiyear histories of developing DICOM-compliant acquired from digital cameras. imaging-based solutions and PACS for various specialties • Imaging quality using diagnostic display software (called including digital mammography, cardiology, and molecular VIST ARad) allows filmless interpretation of radiology imaging. studies, with a full range of image display and mani- pulation features for radiology (and nuclear medicine 52.2.3 Enterprise-wide Integrations images). • Electronic patient records support complete studies from The integration of the DICOM standards by both PACS DICOM-compliant modalities (CT, MRI, digital X-ray, and EHR vendors is continuing to break down the propri- ultrasound, etc). etary barriers that previously hindered the deployment of • Specialized display tools are provided for CT, MRI, and image-enabled EHR systems [26]. In addition, web-based dis- angiography exams, including cine viewing, series linking, tribution of PACS-based data is creating new opportunities for and series synchronization. such enhanced systems. For example, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 898 Handbook oflvfedical Image Processing and Analysis

Baltimore, was successful in 2004 in deploying an image- For a summary of vendors developing applications utiliz- enabled EHR to full PACS implementation The ing surveillance of electronic health record data with other hospital's EHR system is entirely home-grown and supports disease-related data sources to support public health plan- images derived from ultrasound, general radiology, MRI and ning and intervention in this area, see One of the early CT, as well as nuclear medicine. In addition, its system deploys players in this area was the Electronic Surveillance System all full-resolution images at the request of clinicians concerned for the Early Notification of Community Based over lossy compression. Indiana Heart Hospital, opened in (ESSENCE) system, launched in 1999 by the Walter Reed Army 2002, is another notable player in this arena as the world's Institute of Research, with support from the Department of first all-digital hospital, completing all order entry, Defense's Global Emerging Infections {33]. ESSENCE works monitoring, and documentation electronically since opening by data on military ambulatory visits and prescrip- day [28]. tion medications and merging them with civilian emergency department along with additional data sources such as school-absenteeism, prescription and nonprescription medica- 52.3 Imaging and Communication tion sales, health department requests for influenza testing, etc. in Public Health Informatics Comparing graphs to calibrated historical data deter- mines the relevance of alerts issued to health care professionals As one can see in Figure 52.1, while medical practitioners help for further investigation. Applications of this system include the to diagnose and treat diseases, public health officials are tasked Montgomery County (Maryland) Department of Health and with mapping out and assessing the distribution of diseases, as Human Services for its use in county hospital accreditation. well as biological or environmental risk factors. In the domain This use encompassed characteristics such as using ESSENCE of public health informatics, increasing attention has been paid to respond to mass casualties resulting from terrorism, iden- to integration issues as syndromic surveillance has become a tifying foodborne outbreaks, providing general knowledge of permanent part of homeland security planning. While surveil- the county's health status, and other uses such as managing an lance has traditionally been associated with changes influenza- program [30]. or trends in by analyzing nontraditional data, Software solutions that contain features to support synd- syndromic surveillance refers to the collection and analysis of romic surveillance as a utility for detecting outbreaks associ- any data (not just syndrome-related data) that may ated with bioterrorism (e.g., abilities to capture, store, analyze, indicate a potential event of public health concern has occurred and archive health-indicator data to identify abnormal health (29, 30]. Events include early warning signs of any biologic conditions) are consequently in high demand across the nation. terrorism, as well as possible resurgence of virulent forms of Additionally, the U.S. government remains an active player in infectious diseases [30, 31]. seeking additional and standardized solutions. For example, the


FIGURE52.1 Vv'hile images in electronic health records are used in medicine to diagnose and treat diseases, GJS-based images are used by public health officials tasked with map- ping out and assessing the distribution of diseases as well as or environmental risk factors. 52 Imaging and Communication in lviedical and Public Health Informatics 899

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) inves- problem solving to the days of in his mapping of tigated communication and data standardization issues in its the cholera cases in London in the mid-1800s [38]. Snow used 1988 report, "Guidelines for Evaluating Surveillance Systems" the map of the Soho neighborhood of London to plot all the [34]. In its "Updated Guidelines for Evaluating Public Health cases of cholera relative to the household's source of water, Surveillance Systems" in 2001 top priorities included eval- as shown in Figure 52.2. Current uses of automated public uation criteria in the areas of interoperability and scalability. health surveillance systems for the early detection of naturally or This report emphasized the need for the establishment of data bioterrorism-related outbreaks aim to reduce the time between standards to ensure integration of surveillance and health infor- when an outbreak starts and when it is detected, to allow addi- mation systems, ease of electronic exchange of health data, and tional time for investigation and intervention for disease control increased ability to incorporate emerging public health threats [39]. \Nhile the uses of GIS in public health and medicine are (e.g., new diseases). endless, they fall within these general areas [7, 37, 38): In 2003, the CDC commissioned a 3-year evaluation study on best practices and industry standards in web-based data • Determining the geographic distribution of diseases; dissemination systems [36]. It is not surprising to note that • Analyzing data for spatial and temporal trends; themes of interoperability, scalability, usability, and accessibil- • Mapping populations at risk; ity are emphasized as primary considerations. In the public • Stratifying risk factors; health domain, interoperability issues include ability to inte- • Assessing resource allocation; grate with other public domain or commercially available • Planning and targeting interventions; graphical information systems and statistical packages. In addi- • Monitoring diseases and interventions over time. tion, this domain is rich with existing (and varied) datasets from other government (e.g., Medicaid) and non-government-based As noted by Maguire et al. [40], the multitude of software sources (e.g., hospitalization data), so interoperability priorities types on the market for GIS, , and model- also encompass support for similarly rich capabilities for dataset ing is driven by the served interest groups of these toolsets importing [7]. Scalability concerns address the ability of the sys- (in their case, advanced researchers, professional analysts, and tems to handle new program-specific or disease-registry driven end users). In the follmving sections we examine the three sources. As is the case in medical informatics-based applica- most commonly used toolsets in public health and evaluate tions, queries based on International Classification of Diseases the effectiveness of communication and imaging capabilities (ICD) codes are also emphasized in public health toolsets. in the context of features that support usability/accessibility, Like the field ofmedical informatics, tool design and develop- enhanced visualization, scalability, extensibility, interopera- ment in public health informatics advances at the rate governed bility, and security. by the adoption and widespread use of data standards, including the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) standard, an appli- Public Domain Software: TM cation programming interface (API) standard for accessing Vendor Information Visit http://www.cdc.gov/epiinfo for databases, and Open Geospatial Consortium's (OGC) - additional information on pricing, versions, and add-on pack- dards for developing interoperable geospatial technologies and ages [41]. tools. In the following sections we examine visualization and communication applications employed in public health, with Minimum Requirements Epi Info ™ has the following hard- an emphasis on those employing basic to advanced imag- ware and software system requirements: ing capabilities and supporting ODBC and OGC compliancy. We additionally examine several case studies providing a win- • Hardware: 200 MHz processor for non-XP machines; 300 dow into current application venues of both national and MHz processor for Windows XP; 32 MBytes RAM for international concern. Windows 98 or ME; 64 MBytes RAM for Windows NT 4.0, 2000, or XP; 260 MBytes disk space for install; 130 MBytes disk space for post-install. 52.3.1 GIS in Public Health Syndromic • Software: Windows 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000, or XP. Surveillance and Applied Spatial Overview and Notable Feature(s) Epi Info ™ is a public Epidemiology domain software package developed by the CDC for public Visualization in the public health arena has evolved under health practitioners and researchers and is available for free the domain of "geographic information systems" (GIS). As download [41]. In 2000, the program was enhanced with a map- defined by the World Health Organization, a geographic infor- program called Map. The software supports database mation system is "a computer-aided database management and construction and analysis with epidemiologic statistics, maps, mapping technology that organizes and stores amounts and graphs. This toolset addresses usability/accessibility issues of multi-purpose information" We can trace GIS-based with simplified commands for programming options. The 900 Handbook ofMedical Image Processing and Analysis


FIGURE 52.2 Map based on CDC's Epi Info data. Source: Mbizo, based on the CDC's 2000 program settings. manuals and programs have been translated into 13 languages, ODBC databases; , Version 6; World Wide Web and according to the website listed at the beginning of this browsers and HTML. section, in 2003, there were one million downloads of this • Support extensibility, allowing organizations outside software from over 180 countries. Visualization capabilities CDC to produce and integrate additional modules. include the Epi Map feature that allows the creation of GIS ® • Designed with Epi Map as an ArcView -compatible maps, and the software additionally supports overlaying survey GIS. data on GIS maps. In terms of scalability and extensibility, Epi Info ™ supports • Interoperable with NutStat, a nutrition anthropometry Microsoft Access and other SQL and ODBC databases, as well program that calculates percentiles and z-scores using as Visual Basic. It allows customized forms for questionnaires either the 2000 CDC or the 1978 CDC/WHO growth or data entry and also allows customized modules to be con- reference. nected. Interoperability includes the Epi Report feature that • Support logistic regression and Kaplan-Meier survival combines analysis data with data in Microsoft Access or SQL, as analysis. Additionally, Data Compare feature does double ® well as other file types. In addition, Epi Map is also Arc View - data entry comparison. compatible (i.e., with software described in Section ). • Support password protection, encryption, and compres- Security features include Epi Lock, which implements password sion of Epi-Info, Version 3.3.2 data. protection, encrypting, and compression of Epi-Info™ data. Specifically, notable features of Version 3.3.2 of Epi-Info™ that relate to imaging and communication in public health include: Commercial Product: Maptitude® • Support maximum compatibility with industry stan- Vendor Information Visit http://www.caliper.com for addi- dards, including Microsoft Access and other SQL and tional information on pricing and current version status [42]. 52 Imaging and Communication in Medical and Public Health Informatics 901

Minimum Requirements Maptitude ® has the following hard- analysis of the pattern of victims around a hazardous site ware and software system requirements: by weighting victim data with a measure for severity of symptoms. • Hardware: DVD-ROM, 32 MBytes RAM, 161 MBytes disk • Adjacency Tools feature: Allows identification of the space for program files; 2.0 GBytes disk space for basic neighbors of an area of interest and creation of bands of geographic data; 3.0 GBytes to install all geographic data adjacent neighbors. This feature can be used for planning (instead of accessing data from the DVD). evacuations or tracking disease outbreaks. • Software: Windows 2000 or XP.

Overview and Notable Feature(s) Maptitude is a geographic ® ® information system created for the Windows environment that Commercial Product: Arc View GIS is also useful for mapping solutions for public health. In health Vendor Information Visit http://www.esri.com for additional services research, Maptitude ® is especially suited to addressing information on pricing and version options [43]. visualization techniques to promote understanding of distribu- Minimum Requirements Minimum hardware and software tions of resources, such as health professional shortage areas ® ® or medically underserved populations or areas. Maptitude , system requirements for Arc View GIS are based on the product like many GIS software packages, has the capability to overlay version and platform configuration the user has installed on his maps with multiple layers to assist in the visual understanding or her system, as follows: of barriers communities face in accessing needed health care ® resources. For example, data layers showing such barriers as • Hardware: 1 GHz processor; PC-Intel (ArcView )/Intel highways, railroads, and travel time from residences to the point Pentium or Intel Xeon Processors (ArcEditor)/Intel Pen- of care can be enabled. Additional notable features of Version tium or Intel Xeon Processors (Arclnfo); 512 MBytes ® 4.8 of Maptitude that relate to imaging and communication in RAM (1 GByte recommended for ArcEditor and public health include: Arclnfo); • Software: Windows 2000, XP, and NT 4; Microsoft • Support map data from dBASE files and text files directly Internet Explorer Version 6.0 or higher (for ArcEditor and or data from any ODBC-compliant data source (e.g., Arclnfo) Access, Btrieve, DB2, INFORMIX, INGRES, Interbase, ® Overview and Notable Feature(s) NetWare, SQLBase, SQL Server, Sybase, etc.). ArcView GIS is a com- • Support import of geographic data from other desk- mercially available software application package for desktop top mapping, GIS, and CAD packages (e.g., ARC/INFO, mapping and GIS-based data integration and analysis devel- Defense Mapping VPF & ITD, Intergraph DGN, Arc View, oped by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI). Digital Line Graph, Mapinfo MIF/MID, Atlas GIS, ETAK Visualization is implemented with web-integration features that MapBase, Ordnance Survey NTF, AutoCAD DXF, Excel, allow information to be overlaid. Scalability and extensibility- and TIGER/Line). based features allow importing of personal geodatabases stored • Integrate a built-in interface to global positioning sys- in Microsoft Access, as well as live web-server-based data tem (GPS) devices, allowing tracking and recording of sources. These visualization techniques provide display of live location information. map feeds, which can then be used to enable other features, • Bands/areas of influence features: Allows creation of (e.g., map routing). Interoperability issues have been addressed extensively by bands or areas of influence around map features for func- ® tions such as determining accessibility to facilities and this software. ArcView GIS supports integration with various estimating areas that are under- or overserved. enterprise databases, including SQL Server, Informix, Oracle, Oracle Spatial, and DB2. The system allows interfacing with • Surface analysis feature: Allows analysis and display of ® surfaces in 2D or 3D. Creation of contour maps of eleva- servers supporting OpenGIS specifications, such as web tions provides viewshed information that can be used for map service (WMS), web feature service (WFS), and geogra- evacuation-specific planning, such as developing alternate phy markup language (GML) standards. Additionally, Arc Web protocols for weak service areas around a transmission Services allows interfacing to subscription-based services that tower. This feature also allows creation of surfaces that can be accessed on demand (e.g., overlaying current meteoro- represent measures of air or other chemical logical data). Security-based functionality includes coding of agents. restrictions and logging for users with assigned privileges and • Density grids feature: Allows visualization of point data roles. Specific notable features of the software products that ® by transforming the points into a regular grid that can comprise ArcView GIS to create, edit, import, map, query, be weighted. For example, this feature could be used for analyze, and publish geographic information include [43]: 902 Handbook of Medical Image Processing and Analysis

• Arclnfo: Provides tools for data integration and man- also what came to be called extensively drug-resistant (XDR) agement, visualization, spatial modeling and analysis, tuberculosis [45, 46]. Cases of extensively drug-resistant tuber- and high-end cartography. Supports single-user and culosis have since been reported in the United States, given the multiuser editing and automates complex workflows. increased population migration from developing nations to the Supports spatial analysis for geographic relationships and United States, coupled with efficient air travel. tools for publication-quality maps. Prevention of tuberculosis is insufficient and impossible once • ArcEditor: Provides advanced editing, data validation, and drug-resistant tuberculosis strains have spread [45]. As a result, workflow management tools to maintain data integrity. vigilant surveillance systems such as ESSENCE and the World Supports sophisticated spatial analysis and simultaneous Health Organization's Global Outbreak Alert and Response multiuser data access. Network (GOARN) are part of the solution. The Global • Arcview: Allows users to visualize, explore, and analyze Outbreak Alert and Response Network is one global network geographic data, revealing underlying patterns, relation- of more than 130 partners working together to address public ships, and trends with tools to create maps, manage data, health problems by integrating data from multiple jurisdictions and perform spatial analysis. and responding in a coordinated manner [4 7]. GOARN has also • ArcReader: Integrated as a free viewer for maps authored pushed for standards to international response and using the other ArcGIS Desktop products with support operational protocols to standardize epidemiological, labora- to explore, query, view, and print all maps and data types tory, clinical management, research, logistics support, security, created using ESRI software. evacuation, and communications systems. However, more work • ArcGIS Desktop Extensions: Allows users to perform tasks is needed to spatially link all confirmed cases of XDR-TB such as raster geoprocessing, three-dimensional visualiza- within a global monitoring system so public health officials can tion, and geostatistical analysis. monitor the movement of cases and create surveillance buffers. When public health planning for XDR-TB in the United States is considered, ESSENCE integrated with geographic 52.3.2 Current Challenges in Public Health information system applications such as those described pre- Informatics: Case Studies viously can provide the information needed to track cases and their contacts while monitoring secondary cases and imple- In the areas of infectious or communicable diseases, GIS is menting control measures. However, to be effective, the surveil- critical in several ways, such as mapping out the scope of the lance has to be linked to rapidly changing drug-susceptibility disease, identifying clusters of diseases, and ecological analysis. data to ensure a quick diagnosis, adequate treatment, and dis- However, even with the software packages discussed previously, ruption of the transmission of the disease [45 J. Further, because there remains a need for better interoperability and visualiza- drug-resistant TB has higher rates of treatment failure and tion solutions for effective communication between existing longer periods of infectiousness in part due to the time lapse tools. Targeted prevention programs would also benefit from between TB diagnosis and obtaining drug-sensitivity test results the application of traditional pattern recognition techniques to [48], surveillance and visualization tools to monitor the quaran- public health data on vectors and the environment to provide tine status of cases are also needed. In a pilot study, Dwolatzky additional means for discerning patterns linking risks to human et al. [49] investigated the feasibility of using a global posi- populations. In the next sections we examine several case stud- tioning system (GPS) receiver linked to handheld computing ies to consider the limitations of current approaches and the technology (such as personal digital assistants or PDAs) to need for new directions. This will help to set the stage for how enhance the tracing of patients within a TB control program. computer scientists, health care organizations, and public health Global positioning technology has also been investigated with officials can work together to address problems with regional cell phones used to facilitate the tracking of HIV/ AIDS patients and global public health impacts. in underserved populations for emergency alerts, as a means to send text message reminders regarding medications and to Extensively Drug Resistant Tuberculosis track drug stock levels [50]. (XDR-TB) and AIDS/HIV Tuberculosis continues to plague communities throughout the Malaria and Lyme Disease world. During the 1990s, multidrug-resistant (MDR) tubercu- Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease of global concern with 1.5 losis (TB), defined as resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampin to 2. 7 million people dying each year and many more suffering (first-line antituberculous medications), emerged as a threat to from it [51]. According to the World Health Organization [52], TB control, both in the United States and worldwide [44]. In of those who contract malaria, over 80% of the deaths annually the spring of 2005, a study conducted at a rural hospital in will occur in Africa. Malaria has become the leading cause KwaZulu-Natal, a province of South Africa, revealed the pres- of death in Africa and will remain so for sometime. In the ence not only of multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis, but United States, malaria is a reportable disease to local and state 52 Imaging and Communication in Medical and Public Health Informatics 903 health departments and the Centers for Disease Control and exposures, cultural attitudes towards risky behaviors and pre- Prevention through the National Malaria Surveillance System ventive health care, local public health policies, availability of (NMSS). services by socioeconomic level, and means by which residents Lyme disease, caused by the tick-borne spirochete Borrelia obtain health information [63]. burgdorferi, is the most common vectorborne disease in the The National Institutes of Health recognized the impact United States [53-55]. According to the CDC, in 2002, the num- imaging and GIS will play in this field in the establishment ber of reported cases of Lyme disease increased 40% to 23,763 of its core group of scientists working on GIS [64]. The specific cases, yielding a national incidence of 8.2 cases per 100,000 [56]. aims of this group's mandate are to deploy GIS technologies in Surveillance for Lyme disease started in the early 1980s, and by order to: 1991 it was designated as a nationally reportable disease by the Council of State and Territorial epidemiologists [54]. • Identify and display the geographic patterns of cancer The key to addressing these and other vector borne diseases is incidence and mortality rates in the United States and real-time visualization techniques using both GIS and remote their change over time; sensing technologies [53, 57]. For example, in a number of • Create complex databases for the study of cancer screen- studies in Africa, GIS has been used to generate models of ing, diagnosis, and survival at the community level; malaria occurrence [58] and to map out vector habitats [59, 60]. • Conduct environmental exposure assessment through Effective surveillance of Lyme disease has similarly involved an satellite imagery; understanding of the need to include spatial analysis and visu- • Generate spatial statistical models for estimating cancer alization of suitable habitats [53, 55]. With this disease, GIS incidence, prevalence, and survival for every U.S. state; provides an effective tool for mapping out habitats and other • Communicate local cancer information to the public and climatic conditions such as humidity and temperatures where public health professionals through interactive web-based the vector reproduces. For example, Kitron and Mannelli [61] tools; used a geographic information system to map distributions of • Identify health disparities at the local level through the human Lyme disease cases, ticks, and degree of vegetation cover comparison of cancer outcomes across demographic in Wisconsin to help focus public health prevention efforts on subgroups; and those identified areas that provide a suitable environment and • Develop new methods of displaying geospatial data for conditions for the vector. Guerra et al. [62] used a geographic clear communication to the public and for examination information system to study the distribution of I. scapularis of complex multivariate data by researchers. in the upper Midwest based on data from Wisconsin, northern Using new interoperable GIS systems and image-based tools Illinois, and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This analysis was to integrate data from multiple sources, researchers and prac- then used to explain the environmental factors that facilitate or titioners will be able to map areas with the highest prevalence inhibit the establishment of I. scapularis. of risk factors for the disease and then tailor prevention, early These two case studies in particular demonstrate the vast screening efforts, and even specialized drug or treatment clinical capabilities of geographic information applications, spatial trials to the identified areas. analysis tools, and remote sensing technologies in the study, prevention, and control of vectorborne diseases. The ability to create buffer zones and map out areas where the vector prop- 52.3.3 Enterprise-wide Integrations agates allows public health professionals to destroy the habitat In an effort to deliver geospatial information and functional- for the vector, thereby breaking the life cycle of the vector and ity throughout an enterprise, organizations are also choosing reducing the risk of contact with humans. to extend their traditional desktop GIS implementations with innovative server-based GIS solutions that provide content and capabilities via web services. There are a number of advantages Cancer to these approaches, including [55]: Finally, cancer is one disease that is also well suited for spatial analysis, well-designed visualization tools, and new innovations • Lower cost of software ownership and increased return in image-based analysis. Cancer is the second leading cause of on investments through single, focused GIS applications death in the United States, affecting over half a million peo- (such as web applications) that scale to support many ple annually, second only to heart diseases. Cancer rates also users; vary by state and region of the country. For example, for several • Integration of GIS functionality with other enterprise decades, compared to other parts of the country, higher breast systems in an effort to better manage resources and assets; cancer rates were observed in the northeastern United States • Enhanced workflows with geospatial capabilities to offer [55]. Increasingly, place has become an important factor in can- greater insights into information, increased efficiency, and cer studies because of geographic differences in environmental improved accuracy; 904 Handbook ofMedical Image Processing and Analysis

• Creation and deployment of centrally managed GIS appli- capabilities in both EHR- and GIS-based systems, and our cations and services to support cross-departmental and academic data should be readily available at our host sites, enterprise requirements. using accepted data standards (e.g., standards described by HL7, DI COM, OBDC, OGC, etc.), when such data can be used The ability to provide data over the Internet, however, poses to significantly impact patient safety, patient communication, some challenges. The challenges posed by GIS technology range or overall quality of care of individuals or populations. The from data availability and completeness (i.e., data quality), to Internet-availability of data from our research is indispensable the availability of a trained workforce [55]. When data com- to other scientists and administrators charged with developing pleteness cannot be guaranteed, it raises questions about the patient-centric solutions and cost-effective management strate- validity and reliability of the results of GIS analysis, further gies. Even when organizations are slow to adopt these systems, stressing the need for the national data standards mentioned patients will increasingly seek out data portals for their own previously. personal recordkeeping. In 2004, the Public Health Data Standards Consortium sim- ilarly issued a call to action for the public health community to 52.4 Discussion become more broadly involved in " ( 1) ... the national effort to standardize clinical and public health data and systems and The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Infor- (2) to describe public health perspectives on the EHR." As mation Technology's 2004 vision for consumer-centric and the health care industry becomes more patient-centric, EHR information-rich care is becoming a reality [65]. This is demon- systems will continue to integrate more point-of-care-based strated by the different types of informatics-based systems in services to improve patient communication and realize greater use in medical and public health domains currently, and by time (and therefore cost) savings [17]. the suite of web-based, patient-accessible portals to electronic In addition, as GIS-based decision making expands into medical information currently on the market, or proposed additional applications in medicine and public health related to have a marketplace presence this decade. As indicated in to homeland security, visualization of data uncertainty will the IOM report from 1997, interdisciplinary teams in both become an expected component of these systems [40]. The medicine and public health must continue to recognize that imaging community should respond accordingly and similarly patient electronic records will continue to evolve in resources set high standards for accurately providing data in standard outside direct patient care, in areas such as studying "the effec- formats, with related details regarding any measurement uncer- tiveness and efficiency of clinical processes, procedures, and tainty. Researchers in academia need also to consider a richer technologies" (13]. While quality-based assessments and con- vision of data accessibility, with considerations for how data cerns for patient safety are part of the driving forces behind might be incorporated into portals utilized by patients who are these changes, the implied long-term implications for savings handicapped or seriously ill [68, 69]. in administrative, labor, and pharmacy costs are simply too Just as importantly, we need to consider the development great for health care organizations or government agencies to and integration of academic research into mobile and wire- ignore [66]. less solutions in the domains of medicine and public health, Data standards are continuing to evolve and will continue as studies have shown that mobile computing technologies can to drive the evolution of products. The demand for EHRs, like increase use of clinical practice guidelines and decision support GIS systems, to increasingly communicate in real time to live tools [70]. GIS technology has long been valued for enhanc- (and varied) information resource sites will continue to rise, ing communication and collaboration in decision making. The including interoperability with voice-input, voice-recognition case studies examined in public health in this chapter thus systems, text-processing and image-processing systems. In the underscore the practical applications and opportunity for spa- public health domain, visualization encompassing dynamic tial analysis, visualization, and mobile solutions to be part of modeling of multidimensional data will continue to improve systems designed for integration of data from different sources [40 J and may lead to innovation in mainstream EHR systems to [71]. Databases are often effective for understanding biological incorporate visualization capabilities for more complex patient risk factors, but visualization tools and imaging are invaluable historical data (e.g., visualization of time sequences of stored for deriving insight into the role of environmental factors in data, such as digital mammograms). disease causation. Since John Snow generated his map of the cholera cases in the London outbreak of the mid-1800s, spa- 52.5 Conclusion and Future Trends tial display or analysis of disease distribution has been a key feature of public health research and will continue to evolve in The broader impacts of this chapter include a call to action this manner. This is particularly relevant now, given continued for the imaging community to consider additional avenues emerging threats such as multiple drug resistant tuberculosis, for technology transfer to the fields of medicine and public and ongoing diseases of great public health concern such as health. We should expect to see additional real-time linking AIDS/HIV, malaria, Lyme disease, and cancer. 52 Imaging and Communication in Medical and Public Health Informatics 905

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