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Fall 1997

The Rock, Fall 1997 (vol. 68, no. 3)

Whittier College

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FALL 1997 I The Whittier College Alumni Association is your connection to the Poet campus. Recharge your Whittier College spirit—join us at one of our 1997-98 events!

•Alumni Career Nights •Dinner for a Few Friends •Recreational and Educational Events •Homecoming •College Fairs •Regional Events in Your Area •Class Reunions

The Alumni Association thrives on the energy of alumni like you! To get connected, call the Office of Alumni Relations at (562) 907-4222. CONTENTS FALL 1997 TheJRPCK VOL. 68, No. 3


Editor Kristin M. Tranquada Managing Editor Thea Makow FEATURES Senior Writer Judy Kidder Browning Art Director Lori LeBeau Walsh On tllc Cove,: Advisory Board Jennifer N. Blazey '86 A WISH IS GRANTED Roy E. Clason, Jr. '84 Beth Fernandez '82 The largest gill in Whittier's history David Ochoa '65 will upgrade and expand Miguel Santana '91 Howard Seelye 48 the outdated Bonnie Bell Ted C. Snyder Wardman library. Susanne Weil 3 HONOR ROLL PRODUCTION STAFF Coordinator By Kristin Tranquada A. Nancy Gonzalez '96 Editor Jonathan Meer THE FIRST DAY Information Manager Jan WIlliams opens its new Assistant Editors campus, inspiring Arturo Contreras '97 ambition in the heart of Lyn Dobrzycki '96 Nadia Garcia '98 one Whittier College Mark Hoogs '97 a alumnus. Patricia Pollard Nina Vacarro '98 By Scott Hays Terrie Valenzuela Contributors Corrie Cox THE HONOR ROLL OF Darlene Dugan Valerie Parker DONORS Recognition of alumni, parents and President friends who have James L. Ash, Jr. contributed to the Vice President for Advancement Joseph M. Zanetta college in the 1996-97 Director of Alumni Relations a fiscal year. Christine (Reel) Nelson '72

The Rock, FALL 1997 VOLUME 68, NUMBER 3, DEPARTMENTS Copyright Q 1997 Whittier College.

The Rock is published three times a year (winter, summer and fall) by Whittier College. President's Corner 2

Our mailing address is To the Editor 3 The Rock Office of Communications On Campus 4 Whittier College Poet to Poet 7 13406 Philadelphia St. P.O. Box 634 Calendar of Events 72 Whittier, CA 90608

Phone (562) 907-4277 FAX (562) 907-4927 e-mail: [email protected] Cover Photo Collage: Lori LeBeau Walsh


Anthony R. Plerno '54, J.D. cl'ai,-,tt(tl' Richard H. Delhi '49, D.B.A. 84 PRJEDS' ENT Vice Chr,ir,na,t Willard V. Harris, Jr. '55 CORNER Vice Chai,-,,, an Donald E. Wood Treas see Dolores L. Ball '33, L.H.D. 96 Dear fri ends of the college: Secretary James L. Ash, Jr., Ph.D. hittier College's fortunes have ebbed and flowed over the years. Preside,,, of the College WNever a wealthy institution, the college nonetheless has continually Robert G. Bailey, 11.8. C. Milo Connick, Ph.D. offered a "gold-plated" education to numerous generations of students. John H. Crow '64, Ph.D. Rayburn S. Dezember '53, L.H.D. '94 Our dedicated faculty and staff held on through lean times, indeed, per- Kristine E. Dillon '73, Ph.D. Sharon W. Ettinger forming magnificently even when our physi- Sheldon Feinberg Douglas W. Ferguson, L.H.D. '97 cal plant demanded immediate attention Gary Steven Findley, J.D. '79 Ronald R. Gastelum '68, J.D. and our enrollment lagged behind our pro- Richard L. Gilchrist '68, J.D. Alfred A Gobar '55, Ph.D. jections. Against this background, it is an Charlotte D. Graham Barbara Ondrasik Groce '57 unqualified joy to peruse this year's Honor Clinton 0. Harris '34, L.H.D. '95 Donald J. Herrema '74 Roll of Donors and a particular delight to Caroline P. Ireland 43 share with you the successes of the first year Paul R. Kiesel, J.D. '85 David C. Lizarraga of the public phase of our historic capital David D. Mandarich Theodore F. Marshburn '51, M.D. campaign, Endowing the Tradition. William H. Marumoto '57 James E. Mitchell 62, J.D. You may recall that I last wrote in this R.Chandler Myers, J.D., LID. '88 W. D. Bert" Newman '59, M.Ed. 62 space about the importance of annual giv- , L.H.D. '93 Lee E. Owens ing. We just closed the books on the Ernie Z. Park, J.D. Carole Martin Pickup '57 1996-97 fund-raising year, our best ever. Richard M. Pomboy Dennis C. Poulsen, J.D. The generosity and commitment reflected in Robert H. Rau '62 J. Stanley Sanders '63, LL.B. the Honor Roll list enable Whittier College to attract and keep the best and Ruth B. Shannon, L.H.D. '92 brightest students, regardless of their financial wherewithal. Willard W. Shepherd, Sr. Steve Shraiberg This issue of The Rock includes news of several openings we have cele- Elden L. Smith 62 S.Donald Sussman brated or will soon acknowledge. First, of course, is the opening of the new Tormo Taki Maxine M. Trotter Whittier Law School campus in Costa Mesa. Orange County District Attor- Roberta G. Veloz '57

ney Mike Capizzi headlined the August 23 event, which received full cover- PRESIDENT OF age in all the area newspapers. The project was completed on time and ALUMNI BOARD Margaret Donnellan Todd '76 within the approved budget, practically unheard-of these days. We now TRUSTEES EMERITI have a facility equal to the talents and capacities of the outstanding faculty John L. Compton '25 Ethel K. Eckels 25 that Dean John A. FitzRandolph has recruited over the years. We have every Hubert C. Perry '35 Carl 1. Randolph 43, Ph.D., LL.D. '82 reason to anticipate that Whittier Law School will thrive in Orange County. Homer G. Rosenberger, M.D. On the college campus, the George Allen Fitness Center has opened its Benjamin B. Tregoe '51, Ph.D., I.L.D. '90 doors. The newly renovated space and state-of-the-art equipment promise PRESIDENT EMERITUS Eugene S. Mills, Ph.D., LL.D. to enhance both athletic recruiting and the general quality of life at Whit- OFFICERS OF THE COLLEGE tier College. James L. Ash, Jr., Ph.D. We received news during the summer that the James Irvine Foundation President John A. FittRandolph, J.D. would fund part of our proposed Multicultural Center. The center will Vice President for Legal Education & Dear, of Whittier Lair School build on the well-recognized accomplishments of the Center of Mexican .10 Ann Hankin Vice President for Finance & American Affairs, led for many years by Martin Ortiz, and will expand its Adn,in st ralio,, programs for the benefit of all underrepresented groups on campus. Richard S. Millman, Ph.D. Provost & Deart of Faculty The major campaign goal of renovating and transforming Wardman Li- Joseph N. Zanetta, J.D. brary is much closer to reality as a result of a $5 million gift—the largest in Vice President for Advancement Susan E. Allen, Ed.D. the College's history—from a foundation. As we raise funds Dear, of Stude,,ts

Continued on page 3

Th ROCK Fall 1997 TO THE EiDiHFO

JOIN THE on campus and the important Our membership drive for the values learned through competi- 1997-98 year kicked off during TEAM tive sports—values like leader- the summer. We hope you will ship, teamwork and sportsman- agree to join our team. After all, his letter is directed to the ship, to name a few. you have nothing to lose, and Tthousands of alumni who you and the entire Poet sports were active participants in, or en- Purple & Gold, through mem- program have a whole lot to thusiastic observers of, Whittier's bership dues, special events held gain. And to those continuing athletic teams through the years. throughout the year, and our an- members of Purple & Gold who nual golf tournament, raises sig- want to be more active and have Much has been written in recent nificant funds to help sustain the some fun in helping guide our months about the elimination of scholar-athletes of Whittier Col- group into the future, please major team sports at public and lege. (In the process, we have a contact us through the Alumni private colleges and universities heck of a good time!) We are con- Office. Thanks for your consid- in Southern . We be- fident that our support is making eration, and GO POETS! moan this trend, for we all rec- a difference as the college rebuilds Gordie Pedersen '50 ognize the role intercollegiate its athletic programs and facilities President, Purple & Gold athletics plays in the develop- to levels of accomplishment of John Price '50 ment of spirit and enthusiasm which we may all be proud. Vice President, Purple & Gold

S E N D V 0 U R L E TI E R S 1 0 The Rock, Office of Communications, Whittier College, P.O. Box 634, Whittier, CA 90608. You may also FAX your letter to us at(562) 907-4927, or e-mail it to [email protected]. Please include your full name, class year, address and daytime phone number. Letters may be edited.

PRESIDENT'S CORNER coitiuuedfrorn page 2 for the rest of the project, we "media smart" classrooms, Nay- paign for several of those chairs. will develop the initial concep- lor will contain language labs In sum, Whittier College has tion of the new Information and and faculty offices. The return rarely been in the position in Technology Center more fully. to duty of our signature build- which we now find ourselves. Also this fall, both Naylor and ing will occasion a good deal of We have just welcomed the Hoover Halls are undergoing toasting, I suspect. biggest freshman class in 25 transformation. As you may In addition to the capital pro- years, exceeding our enrollment recall, we are modernizing and jects, raising funds for endowed goal without compromising on refurbishing the Hoover Hall chairs has been a key goal of the quality. Solvent at last, eyeing auditorium, which we will campaign. We have already strategies to promote prosperity, rename Lautrup-Ball Cinema to funded and filled the Fletcher the college can actively shape its acknowledge the substantial gift Jones Chair in Molecular Genet- future and dream big. We hope of trustee Dolores L. Ball '33. ics; Professor David Bourgaize, you will share in the excitement U Naylor, of course, will be the chairholder, joined the facul- (as well as the hard work) as we completely renovated for its ty in September. Before the cam- envision our second century and reincarnation as the of the paign ends, we will have ten celebrate its realization. Modern Languages and Litera- such chairs. Indeed, we have tures Department. Along with substantially completed the cam-

Th ROCK rii 1997 ONC M PUS

GOOD NEWS N E W s:, BRIEF FROM U.S. NEWS The overall rankings appeared on the momentum of last year, in the magazine's August 25 and set a new record in 1997-98." hittier College is second issue. The college guidebook, Among the campaign gifts Win the nation among lib- which includes the diversity and that pushed the totals to new eral arts colleges in campus di- debt surveys as well as the overall heights were a $1.5 million grant versity, according to U.S. News rankings, is available in book- from the Ahmanson Foundation & World Report's annual "Amer- stores through June of 1998. U for restoration of Naylor Hall, ica's Best Colleges" guidebook, $500,000 from the Fletcher published in conjunction with W H I T T I E R Jones Foundation, and gener- the magazine's popular college ENJOYS MOST ous pledge payments on new rankings issue. endowed chairs. 0 Latino students at Whittier SUCCESSFUL comprised 32 percent of the un- FUND - RAISING AND THE dergraduate population in 1996-97, the academic year on YEAR EVER WINNER IS... which the survey results were based. Whittier came in second hen the books closed on hittier's Capital in the diversity rankings to Oc- Wthe 1996-97 fiscal year, •. ow Campaign case cidental College in Los Angeles. the total in the gifts column was statement, produced by the col- Whittier also rose in the $9.8 million—a record for lege's Office of Communica- overall U.S. News rankings this Whittier College. tions and recognized by the year, moving from last year's "Our alumni and friends are Public Communicators of Los fourth-tier position (colleges really stepping up to meet the Angeles in its 1997 Pro Awards ranked 120th to 160th of 160 challenges of our capital cam- competition. If you'd like to see listed) to the third tier. paign," said Joseph M. Zanetta, this award-winning publication Not all the news was good, vice president for advancement. for yourself (and also learn however. In a guidebook section "We announced the campaign more about The Campaign for on paying for college, Whittier one year ago, and we've already Whittier College), call the ranked first among national liberal achieved more than 60 percent Office of Advancement at arts colleges in the amount of debt of our $70-million goal. Now the (562) 907-4214. . carried by its graduating class. challenge is to continue building "Whittier has a tradition of RECENT GIFTS TO WHITTIER COLLEGE providing opportunities to deserv- GIFT DONOR PURPOSE ing students who might otherwise $40,000 Joan (Erreca) '56 and George Allen Fitness Center find a college education out of Rayburn S. Dezember'53 $560,000 James Irvine Foundation Multicultural Center their reach," said President Ash. $500,000 Fletcher Jones Foundation Fletcher Jones Chair in "This tradition brings us a won- Molecular Genetics $100,000 B. C. McCabe Foundation Scholarships and Fifth derfully diverse student body, but Dimension Program $25,000 Carol (Martin) '57 and George Allen Fitness Center many of our students rely heavily Richard H. Pickup '55 on financial aid, including loans."

The ROCK Fall 1997 regAllen (right), son of former Poet Gand NFL football coach George Allen, and Kwame Lloyd, head women's soccer and lacrosse coach, admire the new George Allen Fitness Center, which officially opened September 20. The center features a variety of fitness equipment, in addition to memorabilia from Allen's long and distinguished coaching career.

REGIONAL • Alumni in Califor- nia's Inland Empire EVENTS met for dinner and a ROUNDUP minor league base- ball game. egional alumni chapters • Other chapters plan- Rcontinue to grow and be- ning events include come more active. Among their groups representing recent events: Colorado, Arizona IHawaii alumni organized a and the Pacific summer send-off for new Northwest, as well as Whittier students at the California chapters Honolulu Country Club. in the San Francisco Kenneth Siu '75 and Whittier trustee Barbara (Ondrasik) U Provost and Dean of Faculty Bay Area, , Groce '57 are shown here with Lisa Siu and Rich Richard Millman met with Glendale/Pasadena, Millman, provost and dean of alumni in Hong Kong and Bakersfield, Santa faculty, at an alumni gathering at Monterey, Calif. Barbara and Desert. U the China Club in Hong Kong.

Box SCORES ALUMNI OFFICE ON THE MOVE Teams competing in the Intercollegiate Athletic Confer- ence (SCIAC) include Caltech, Cal Lutheran, Claremont-Mudd-Scripps, La Verne, Occidental, Pomona-Pitzer, Redlands and Whittier. Not all schools he Office of Alumni Rela- participate in every sport. Here's how \Vhittier's spring sports teams fared: Team Overall Conference Conference Ttions moved to a new home Record Record Ranking of its own in September. It didn't Baseball 17-22 13-8 4th go far (just down the hall in the Softball 15-22 11-13 3rd Women's Tennis 6-14 2-8 7th same building) and all alumni Men's Tennis 4-15 3-7 6th are invited to stop by for a visit. Women's Water Polo 3-19 0-8 5th The new office is at 13215 Penn Golf 13 total points 7th U Street, Suite 400. The phone Men's Lacrosse 16-4 13-1 lst* Women's Lacrosse 4-14 Lost in second round number hasn't changed—it's still Women's Track 10 total points 6th (562) 907-4222. 0 Men's Track 31 total points 6th Continued next page *Western Cofleeiate Lacrosse Leaeue


.cLT E...... D.& .Q ..U..., 0 CLASS OF '57 A sampling of Whittier College and MAKES A Whittier. Law School people in the news. GIFT TO ALL Rose was quoted as saying, KCBS-TV "one from the media, the other ALUMNI (LOS ANGELES) from someone who wants to President James L. Ash, Jr. set up shop on the 'Net. There's appeared on the Sept. 19 a feeling that they're getting in he 40th reunion of the morning news, discussing the on the ground floor of the TClass of 1957 was marked successful progress of The next TV." Rose was also quot- by presentations—of achieve- Campaign for Whittier College. ed in a July New York Times ment awards to alumni, and of story about a Native American honors to former professors C. NATIONAL tribe's Internet gambling site. PUBLIC RADIO Milo Connick, F. Beach Leighton LOS ANGELES and Eugene S. Mills for "mak- Fred Bergerson, professor of TIMES ing a difference." But the Class political science, was inter- viewed on a June broadcast of In an August story about the of '57's biggest presentation was "All Things Considered" about federal budget agreement, made to all alumni. students' perceptions of Wa- Carol (Cox) Wait'70, direc- In honor of their reunion, the tergate. Bergerson told pro- tor of the nonprofit Commit- class decided to give Whittier gram host Linda Wertheimer tee for a Responsible Federal College a lasting gift—an Alum- that students today know Wa- Budget, was quoted. She said ni House on campus. At press tergate was "an important the accord creates additional scandal and a blot on the pres- entitlement programs such as time, the class had committed ident's record, but they tend to tax credits for college stu- more than $486,000 toward its contrast his failure in domestic dents, which Wait described $750,000 goal. The facility will policy with his achievements as "an entitlement program be a "home away from home" in foreign policy." disguised as a tax cut." for the college's 18,000 alumni, providing meeting rooms for CHICAGO PARENTS TRIBUNE MAGAZINE alumni groups and offices for the alumni relations staff. • Charles Hill, professor of psy- Judith Wagner, professor of chology, discussed the chal- education and director of the lenges of rebuilding damaged Broadoaks Children's School, relationships in a June story. discussed ways parents can "Happy couples and sad cou- help their five- and six-year- ples both have conflict, but olds develop social skills in the they deal with it differently," magazine's September issue. Hill said. "The happy couples "By age 5, many children have emphasize the positive. The discovered that they can be- unhappy couples tend to do tit stow or withhold friendship to for tat on the negative, and they gain status," she said. "Part of further perpetuate the problem being this age is feeling that rather than resolving it." something is more special if only certain kids get to do it." TIME MAGAZINE Wagner was also featured in a story on the smartest ways to A June story on the growth of help children with homework Internet gambling featured 4t in the September issue of I. Nelson Rose, professor of Parenting magazine. law. "I get two calls a day,"

The ROCK Fall 1997


but the big thing is our Lives is a A NOTE TO ALUMNI new adventure—raising butterflies. When we grow a few adults, I We welcome your Poet to Poet submissions and will include them take them to a classroom and as space permits. Mail the information to your class agent or to share the fun with the kids." The Rock, P.O. Box 634, Whittier, CA 90608. You can also fax it to us Mary Jean (Kennedy) Aerni is at (562) 907-4927, or send it via e-mail to [email protected]. Living in Ukiah, Calif., near nieces and nephews who visit her 1932 1938 regularly. William H. Patterson is a Jewel (Houghton) Triggs is re- For news of Devota (Jones) member of the 12:30 Club in San tired and living in Ventura, Calif. Byrnes, see Dorothy Doring '39. Diego, Calif., made up of retired corporate executives. His career in engineering took him from General 1933 1939 Dynamics to General Electric, where he worked in Washington, D.C., handling defense, space and Theodora (Christiansen) Taylor Nobu (Bessho) Towner traveled lives in Monrovia, Calif., and writes through Eastern Turkey last spring. energy programs. that she is enjoying her church activities and volunteer work with Eleanor (Brooks) Tucker William H. Ritchey is a volunteer the U.S. Center for World Mission. volunteers as a reader at a with Habitat for Humanity. nursing home when she is not busy with her church work and Ruth Esther (Smith) Nicholson 1934 genealogy research. She moved golfs three days a week and writes from Oregon to Sandy, Utah, to that she spends the rest of the Virginia (Knott) Bender travels be near her youngest daughter. week "recuperating in preparation to gift shows throughout the for the next week!" country in conjunction with her Dorothy Daring writes that in work at Virginia's Gift Shop at addition to traveling to Seattle Thurston E. Sydnor was named Knott's Berry Farm in Buena Park, and Dallas for conventions last volunteer of the month by Calif. The proud owner of three year, she visited France with Fifty/something magazine for his race horses, she is also active Devota (Jones) Byrnes '38. work as a calculus tutor with high with the Library. school students in Port Mary (Ellingsworth) Townsend, Wash. He also plays Leona (Mendenhall) Bloomer Almond lives in Bishop, Calif., Santa Claus for local children's and her husband, Harold, shared where she enjoys year-round groups and nursing . the driving duties when they swimming in the hot springs participated in a 15,000-mile pool. She and her husband, Paradise, Calif., is "all that its round-trip motorhome caravan to Ralph, enjoy visiting family name implies," writes Charles Newfoundland, Canada. members in Reno, Las Vegas and Tindill. "I still enjoy the out of Sacramento, and working for doors, camping, fishing their church. Lovely area here. Lakes, streams, 1935 big trees." Virginia (Hoskins) DuPrez Bill and Carol (Nelson) McAlister retired from school administration John R. Titsworth travels Live in Madera, Calif., where he and lives in Riverside, Calif. locally by providing continues to dive in Masters transportation for senior citizens. He's traveled farther afield with competitions and she is "having Cliff Jordan writes that he fun" in a 15-piece senior citizens' continues to "run here and there visits to his sons in Pennsylvania and Maryland. big-band-sound dance band. trying to make clients wealthy,

Continued next page

The ROCK Fall 1997


Bernice (Watson) Rand is re- tired and living in Morro Bay, Calif. 194

Josephine (La Rue) Chance still teaches piano in Fullerton, Calif., and is active in several Orange County musical groups, the Music Teachers Association of California and the National Piano Guild. 1946 More than 10 years after their first gathering, members of the Early Forties Cecelia (Wiklund) Hunsaker is travel group revisited Oahu, Hawaii, on their annual trip this spring. enjoying retirement in Hemet, Calif., where she keeps busy with yardwork, reading, her family and Margaret (Baldwin) Wixom Oregon, as well as the "backyard traveling. writes that she is looking forward antics of the deer, raccoons and to her 50th reunion next year. squirrels." Phyllis (Wilkerson) Roth writes She is still enjoying life on the that she enjoyed her class's ranch and keeping up with the Ken Scheel and his wife recently 50th reunion at the home of activities of her family in 4-H celebrated their 56th wedding President Ash. and FFA, and the Mid-State Fair anniversary. in Paso Robles, Calif. She is also Bob Wolstoncroft enjoys active in two quilting guilds and Howard and Gloria (Walls) traveling and visits with his three the American Association of Seelye are both columnists for daughters and six grandchildren. University Women. the North County Times newspaper in addition to running Helene (Lawson) and Robert a campaign for the San Diego 1947 Wright '47 celebrated their 50th County Board of Supervisors. wedding anniversary this June. Howard is also writing a book on For news of Gordon Callahan, They enjoy living by the beach in the history of Orange County see Sally (Martin) Callahan '51. San Clemente, Calif., and are (Calif.) politics and running a active volunteers with several news bureau for the California For news of Robert Wright, see church and community groups. Avocado Commission. Gloria serves Helen (Lawson) Wright '48. on the local library board and Donna (Loveridge) Sterling was with the Fallbrook Angel Society, honored as a past president of and is editing and publishing a 1948 the Association of California cookbook for the local Republican School Administrators, Region Woman's Club. Howard writes Marian G. Abrecht and 26 other XIII, Tr-Counties, when the that they "took a big trip to members of the Abrecht family organization celebrated its 25th China in late 1996, and we play attended a reunion in Switzerland anniversary. She enjoys golf, golf in what spare time is left." Last year. When she is at home in gardening and reading in her Santa Barbara, Calif., she is active spare time. John Shultz is semi-retired from in the Presbyterian church and construction work and living in with the local Al.zheimer's Robert Routh writes that he and La Habra, Calif., with his wife, education committee. his wife are enjoying the change Willi. They recently celebrated of seasons since they moved to their 52nd anniversary.

The ROCK roil 1997 POET TO POFT

Lois (Topping) Shutt is enjoying Committee on National Legislation Life in Pollock Pines, Calif., where 1951 and the American Friends Service she gardens on three acres. She Committee for many years. "1 and her husband also sail their Carol (Ballou) Kesler is enjoying joined the AFSC at Round Valley 16-foot sailboat on a nearby Lake. retirement in Honolulu. She Indian Reservation in Mendocino spends her time with her six County. Although my career was Stuart Vitt performs in three children and 10 grandchildren in education, I remain actively concerts a year with the Gold and at local theater and chamber involved with Round Valley Coast Concert Chorus. He loves to music concerts, as well as Friends and with Native American travel and keeps active with volunteering with her church. culture everywhere. It has been a fishing and golf, and skiing at profound and satisfying journey. Mammoth. "Thanks to the influence of Thank you, Whittier College!" Whittier College and the ," Continued next page Joe Waddington and his wife writes David B. Brown, he has traveled to New York by train for been involved with the Friends "a change of pace." They are still mourning the loss of their only son, Stephen, who died in 1992.

Walter Wohlheter is a volunteer in the photo archives of the Southwest Museum in Los Ange- THE WEB IS les, Calif. MIGHTIER THAN 1950 THE PEN Since A Season of Larry Averill serves as publicity Ponies was published in chairman for the Westlake Yacht 1964, Zilpha (KeatLey) Club and was named club sailor of Snyder '48 has written the year in 1996. He takes "one 35 books for children Long trip a year" and has visited Zilpha (Keatley) '48 and Larry Snyder '50, and young adults— New Zealand, Alaska, Canada, New with Joey stories, picture books England, Greece and Turkey. for very young children, and even poetry. She's received countless hon- Thomas Johnston, Jr. is working ors, including three Newberry Awards (for The Egypt Game, The Headless part-time at Mammoth, Calif., Cupid and The Witches of Worm) and two Christopher Medals from the and taking photo trips to Europe Catholic Educators of America. Her books have been translated and and throughout the United published in more than 11 foreign countries, including Germany, Iceland, States. Taiwan and Italy, and five books are available on tape. This prolific career generates more than awards—Snyder gets fan mail, Marilyn (McCall) Gardner is Lots of fan mail. If she tried to answer all her mail personally, Snyder fig- teaching special education at ures she might have to give up writing books, but not answering and pos- California High School in sibly hurting a fan's feelings just isn't her style. So her husband, Larry '50, Whittier. came to the rescue with the almost perfect '90s solution—a home page on the World Wide Web, accessible at http//www.microweb.com/lsnyder/. For news of Bob Plank, see Jeanne (Leonard) Clay Plank '51. "It's been lots of fun and very gratifying," Snyder said, "but many of my readers are a bit young (9 to 13 years old) to have access to the In- For news of Don Wilson, see ternet and e-mail. Most of my e-mail tends to be from older 'kids'—high JoAnn (Smith) Wilson '51. school age up through the middle 30s—who were fans in the past and who, on finding my Web page, decide somewhat belatedly to tell me so."

The ROCK Fall 1997


Eugene Carson, Sr. has been Robert E. Meyer retired from and traveling, and that she and involved in the building industry teaching and lives in Turlock, Calif. her husband spent 83 days in for 46 years. He currently lives in Europe last summer. Fair Oaks, Calif., where he tends Bob and Pattie (Paget) Casjens to his ranch and keeps a hand in are both retired and enjoying J. P. Woodward is active in the his company, Kit Contractors, reading, gardening, community Tustin (Calif.) Historical Society Inc. His son, Eugene Carson, Jr. service and travel. Their most and also sings in his church choir. '66, is president, and is now recent trip was to Hong Kong, working on a subdivision in Elk China, Korea and Japan. Grove that is part of the Laguna 1952 West master-planned community. Cliff Sjostrom and his wife, Lee, enjoy traveling, reading and Joy (Bemis) Cowan and her Joanna (Craun) Cochran moved relaxing, and visiting their husband live in San Mateo, Calif., to Yorba Linda, Calif., and says grandchildren. where they enjoy music, visiting she now "has room for the 10 art galleries and and grandchildren to spend time with JoAnn (Smith) and Don Wilson backpacking. us—alt at the same time." '50 enjoy traveling and golf when they are not spending the Walt Bennett is retired and After a career spent teaching in summer at Lake Almansor with Living in Chandler, Ariz. He would Europe, Rex Ellington is retired their Whittier friends. like to hear from friends in his and lives in Colorado Springs, Cob. physics classes and Christian Tracing his roots, Bob Slaght groups. He has four children and Betty (Forbes) Weigel is verger discovered that his ancestors 11 grandchildren, and still at ALL Saints Episcopal Church in "arrived in America in 1652 and "enjoys electronics/engineering Pasadena, Calif. She spent some co-founded Kingston, N.Y. making challenges." time in England, Scotland and him a 12th-generation Staght," Wales this summer. he writes. He has had angioplasty Jim Boyle is chairman of the and bypass surgery but is now Yucca Valley (Calif.) Community Diana (Jones) Sherick is teaching "doing great with a new diet, Services Commission and at her church school in Lakeport, exercise and a positive outlook." president and founder of the Calif. Yucca Valley Foundation, a non- M. Timothy Spiller has been profit public benefit corporation. John Kelly is retired and writes chaplain for squad 5 of the Civil He also was a founder and past that he now "donates most of my Air Patrol in San Bernardino, Calif., president of the Morongo Basin income to worthy organizations for 17 years, and is also acting as Tennis Association. such as travel agencies, golf minister to senior adults at his courses and HMOs." church in Redlands. In 1995 he Leone (Knickerbocker) and his wife traveled with other Brockman teaches first grade in Bob '50 and Jeanne (Leonard) veterans to Iwo Jima and "walked Laguna Beach, Calif. She would Clay Plank are both active volun- on the same beach I landed on D- like to see the classes of 1952 teers with the American Iris Soci- plus-one in February 1945." and 1953 combine their reunions, ety. Jeanne is secretary for the na- since she started with the class of tional group while Bob is pro bono Shirley (Wagoner) Durant and '53 but graduated early with the legal counsel for the national board her husband are both volunteer group from '52. "1 have friends in of directors and is photo coordina- members of the citizen patrol both classes," she writes. tor for the AIS Quarterly Bulletin. working with the sheriffs 10 department in Twin Peaks, Calif. Paleontological expeditions have Sally (Martin) Callahan been keeping Marilyn Brown continues her work as a livestock Larry Woodruff enjoys world- busy. She traveled to South appraiser. Her work takes her all wide travel with his wife. Dakota to help dig up a over the U.S. Her husband, tyrannosaurus rex skull and then Gordon '47, is in a nursing Joan (Wright) Oyler writes that to Mongolia to view "perfect" home with Alzheimer's disease. she enjoys reading, gardening fossils. While in the Gobi Desert,

The ROCK p,ii 1997 POET TO Pok''

she saw a velociraptor foot, Mildred (Downer) Simic has Elizabeth (Hickok) Langley dinosaur eggs and well-preserved owned Mariposa Boarding Stable writes that she is living an active skeletons. "What an adventure," in Burbank, Calif., for 33 years. A Life in a retirement community in she writes. retired teacher, she and her Illinois. She participates in husband have three children. vaudeville shows, travels and Kathryne (Clifton) Weldon is works with a number of veterans' enjoying her four grandchildren Leo Eves went to New Castle, organizations. and volunteering in her Utah in 1983 to help build some community. She plans a trip to greenhouses—and liked the area George Klinell is a licensed real Great Britain this fall. so much, he decided to stay. He estate broker working in Utah and his wife celebrated their and California. He says that the Marilyn (Conley) Hedges and 50th wedding anniversary Last market in Utah is very busy, her husband, Ralph, spent three year, and they have four children while California's is not. weeks touring China and Hong and 18 grandchildren. Kong last fall. Lew McClellan has moved to the Marjory "Pepper" (Curtner) mountains of Soulsbyville, Calif., JoAnn (Weinert) and Charles Fitts lives in the California State where he writes he is "enjoying W. Cooper, Jr. spend their time Veterans Home in Yountville. Life with my dog." traveling between their two homes in Pennsylvania and Allan Gilles works in sales with Beatrice (Gordon) Miller lives Arizona and across the country Malcolite Corporation. He lives in in Cape Elizabeth, Maine, where to visit friends and family in San Leandro, Calif. she and her husband are active Texas, Florida and California. computer volunteers, he in In their spare time, they've Willette (Glenn) Skipper is programming and consulting and traveled to Spain, Switzerland, enjoying the flora of Columbia, she in digital fine art. They Italy and France. S.C., where she lives with her welcome visitors. husband, Bill. Lois (Cooper) McKeand lives in Robert J. Nevil spent two Elk Grove, Calif., but will be Phil Grabau lives in Ventura, months in Bali last winter before traveling this fall. Calif., and works as a substitute settling down in La Mesa, Calif. teacher. Roger Cooper retired last year Gladys (Nohara) Satterfield after 46 years in television, where Richard Hammond has moved to enjoys working on the computer, he worked in audience ratings, Parker, Ariz. playing the piano and golfing. broadcast management and In addition to playing, she is computer software. He and his Retired school district involved in the junior golf wife, Nancy, live in Auburn, Calif. superintendent Arch Haskins program and also helps run now does volunteer work with tournaments. Retired teacher William Cota, Sr. the YMCA in Whittier. now lives in Henderson, Nevada. Susie (Raddon) Gross is Bob Hendricks enjoys visiting developing a vineyard in Fred Croffoot retired from his sons and grandchildren in San Templeton, Calif., as a family teaching after 30 years and now Francisco and New Zealand. retreat and a place to retire in a lives in Laguna Hills, Calif. A few years. She is a trompe l'oeil Navy Air Force veteran, he writes Kenneth Kim was named 1996 artist and muralist. that his family always had a sea- Citizen of the Year by the Greater going boat as well as ski boats. La Puente/Hacienda Heights Ronald Searcy is active as a During his teaching years, he Chamber of Commerce. His freelance medical science writer. operated a flying school and club community service includes at the Orange County [John volunteer work with meals on Retired school principal Stephen Wayne] Airport. Wheels and Adopt A Highway. H. Smith lives in Long Beach, He is also a member of the Calif. Correctional Education Commission. Continued next page

The ROCK Fall 1997

TO POET 11-10F, 11


1916 1933 Joy (Fossum) Arthur. Notified in June of 1997. Benjamin S. Brubaker. Helen (Armacost) Holding Notified in June of 1997. died April 30, 1997. 1939 Claude Groom died June 20, Helen (Wellman) Daniels 1923 1996. died May 29, 1997. Following Esther (Milhous) Dodson Margaret (Larson) Pressey her graduation, she was a died April 27, 1997. died May 5, 1997. She and teacher in Woodlake. She was her husband established the a member of the East Whittier 1926 Edwin and Margaret Larson Women's Club and PEO Pressey Endowed Scholarship. Chapter CU, of which she was Ruth (McCaslin) England a past president. died March 29, 1997. 1935 1940 1927 Margaret (Verity) Ewart died April 1, 1997. Carl L. Hansen died Feb. 23, Roy Q. Strain died March 20, 1997. 1997. Homer "Huck" Hoisington died July 31, 1996. His Dean Wilson died July 11, 1928 survivors include daughter 1997. He was a member of Judith (Hoisington) Kaiser '64. the Franklin Society and Estalene (Bailey) Gafford Purple & Gold, and was very died Jan. 18, 1997. A 1937 active with the Early Forties longtime Whittier resident, alumni group. she is survived by daughter Walter M. Dahlitz died Apri[ Sally (Gafford) Martin '60 and 5, 1997. 1941 son-in-law Bruce Martin '50. Helen (Anderson) Shirley Wesley L. Lewis died April Paul K. Cosand died June 27, died June 13, 1997. She was 22, 1997. 1997. Among his survivors are an English major and a his daughter Helen (Cosand) Metaphonian. She is survived Betty (Wachtel) Hatch died Botton '64, grandson Jeremy by her husband, Martin, and Sept. 16, 1996. three children. Paul Cosand '96, and a niece, Eugene 0. Wineinger died Janet (Cosand) Davey '55. May 16, 1997. He was an 1938 educator in the Whittier area 1931 for many years, coaching Virginia (Bailey) football and chairing the Schallenberger died July 17, Mryna G. Campbell died physical education department 1997. The great-granddaughter Feb. 13, 1997. She lived in at El Rancho High School of Whittier's Quaker founders Kaneohi, Hawaii, and was before becoming principal of Jonathan and Rebecca Bailey, buried in the Army Cemetery Sierra High. He went to the she was interested in history in Honolulu's Punch Bowl. Whittier Union High School and genealogy, and was District office in 1959, where recently honored for her 1932 he served as assistant contributions to preserving superintendent in charge of the Bailey House and to the A. Ray Cook died Jan. 1, personnel until his retirement history of Whittier. She was 1993. in 1976. A member of Purple also selected as one of the & Gold, he is survived by his Katherine (Jones) West died 100 most outstanding wife, Margaret (Nicholson) Jan. 19, 1997. graduates of Whittier College '40, a daughter and son-in- during the celebration of the Mary Musgrove. Notified in law and two grandsons. June of 1997. college's centennial.

The ROCK F,ii 1997 POET TO POF


1943 by her husband, William '47, Joe W. Fitts died April 1, and three children. 1997. He is survived by his Louis Zeyen died June 17, wife, Marjory "Pepper" Evelyn L. Reeves died in 1997. He was a retired (Curtner) Fitts '52. educational consultant and a November 1996. member of the Franklin 1953 Society. He is survived by his 1948 wife, Dorothy (Dolph) '46. Vivian (Heuss) Harvey. Dorothy Josten died March Notified in June 1997. 1944 17, 1997. She returned to college while raising three 1954 Robert E. Magnusson died children and received her teaching credential. Survivors April 19, 1997. After a long Donald Cogburn died Feb. 5, include daughter Patricia career in high school 1997. He had a 38-year career Nute '54, son and daughter- education and administration, in psychiatric social work and in-law Robert '64 and Britta he became a history professor mental health, including 17 (Golding) Josten '65, and at Cypress College and was years as an area administrator grandson Matthew Josten '95. named professor emeritus for the State of California. upon his retirement. Survivors Morris L. Hanberg. Notified Survivors include his wife, include his wife, Barbara in June of 1997. two children, and mother. (Chandler) '47 and brother, Alan Magnusson '43. Frances Rogers Warnock 1,960 died Aug. 7, 1997. Margaret Ellen (Stein) West Nancy (Williams) Read died died April 15, 1997. 1949 Nov. 19, 1996.

1946 Shirley (Jones) Carlisle died 1962 April 10, 1997. Lew Griffith died on Aug. 9, Millie (Davis) Vail died April 1995. 1950 2, 1997 in a small plane crash Frances (Webb) O'Connor on a hillside along the died in March of 1997. She is John Parry, former football Orange-Riverside (Calif.) survived by her sister Billie pLayer and retired coach and county line. She was a (Webb) Jolley 46. teacher, died on Feb. 28, 1997. kindergarten teacher and a member of the Athenian 1947 1951 Society and Phi Upsilon. Albert J. Moorhead died Jim Abrecht died in July of 1970 1995. Aug. 16, 1996. Survivors include his daughter Terry Braxton L. Epps. Notified in Thomas V. Deihl died Aug. (Moorhead) Gifford Miller '73. July 1997. 28. Survivors include his Louise (Robinson) Poletti. brother, Whittier College 1977 trustee Richard H. Deihl '49. Notified in March of 1997. Contributions in his memory 1952 William G. Landry died Nov. may be made to the Whittier 22, 1992. He is survived by College scholarship fund. Eloise (Barton) Arnold died his wife, Wendy (Retzlaff) Elizabeth (Higley) Lassleben February 14, 1997. Landry '76. died on March 14, 1997. She taught and practiced speech Robert M. De Hart died correction in the Whittier February 13, 1997. School District and was an Charles Faught. Notified in active volunteer and May of 1997. homemaker. She is survived

Continued next page

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IN MEMORIAM Evelyn (Vawter) Damgaard and spend part of the winter in her husband, Frank, recently Hurricane, Utah, near Zion celebrated their 40th wedding National Park. Continued from page 13 anniversary. They are active in STUDENTS their church and enjoy growing roses and propagating native ferns 955 Seth Farley, a member of from wild spores they collect. the class of 1999, died in Dick Chamberlain is actively an automobile accident July Dick Walters enjoys living in involved in the Cornish American 20, 1997. He received Nevada City, part of California's Heritage Society, even signing up Student Life awards in both gold country. a few new members after seeing his freshman and sophomore their distinctive Celtic names in years, and was on the Dean's List every semester Joanne (Walton) Beck retired last the Alumni Directory. He while at Whittier. He was a year as director of Westminster continues to write articles on member of the Student Presbyterian Preschool. She plans American firearms history. Organization for Multicultural to do some volunteer work and a Awareness, and was Little traveling, along with just Karin (Nordstrom) Stanton and involved in the photography relaxing and enjoying her her husband, Paul, are retired club and theater department grandchildren. and enjoying travel to such productions. places as Ireland and Martha's When she isn't traveling, Sylvia Vineyard. Karen is interested in (Young) Cliffe enjoys carving genealogy, and is writing up her gemstones and cameos and maternal lineage, which began displaying them at gem and with Quakers coming from Wales jewelry shows. with in 1682 on the ship Welcome.

FACULTY, 1953 Nadine (Lenz) Rasmussen lives STAFF AND on Balboa Island in California FRIENDS Lois (Carter) Hardy wrote and when she is not traveling. Recent self-published A Jackman Family jaunts included trips to Hong Robert H. Whitson, a Story, the story of her mother's Kong, Singapore and New Mexico. former cost accounting family and their migration from instructor at the college, France in 1883. For news of Gene Rice, see Jody died June 12, 1997. He (White) Rice '54. worked for the accounting Gordon Juvinall is a chemist firm of Darling, Wold & with Aerospace Corp. Jack Kirkwood is president of Agee until his retirement Whittier Tire Company. in 1984. 195 1957 Dale Hogue was elected to the International Poetry Hall of Fame Bob Bland retired to Kauai, this year. He has written a book Hawaii after teaching for 37 on how to write poetry, in years, the last 26 of which were addition to short stories, spent at in screenplays, and lyrics for his Whittier. own musical compositions. F. Lynn Blystone, president and Jody (White) Rice and her CEO of Tri-Valley Corporation in husband, Gene '55, live in Bakersfield, Calif., recently spent Midway, Utah, where they enjoy some time volunteering with golf and the out-of-doors. They Habitat for Humanity as they

th ROCK FII 1997


constructed a new home on the Carole (Martin) Pickup writes Donald and Sydney (Foster) site of the house he was born in. that she and her husband married Nichols enjoy spending time with He also contributed to a new off both their children in nine their 11 grandchildren. He is also textbook for college and university months time. The Whittier involved in marketing a golf net business schools, Fundamentals of College trustee keeps busy with he recently patented. Organizational Behavior, which ties two philanthropic board positions "real world experience with and volunteer work as well as Although officially retired from conceptual practice." attempting to better her golf game. teaching after 32 years with the Santa Rosa (Calif.) City Schools, Carleen Pat (Finney) Bedwell Diana (Miadinich) Hulich Case Bob Rivers continues to works with Applied Development retired after teaching 35 years substitute teach in Ripon, Calif. Economics in Sacramento, Calif., with the Los Angeles City Unified where she specializes in obtaining School District. She and her Daniel Schweikart retired from grant funds for local communities. husband enjoy their grandchildren, teaching in 1994, and now works Line dancing and traveling. with his son in a computer Judy (Harsha) Schulz lives in business in Barstow, Calif. Shingletown, Calif., near Lassen James Richard "Dick" and Doris Park, where she is co-owner of a (Fitzgerald) '58 Morton enjoy Earl F. Skinner sold his two paralegal/secretarial service. cheering on their grandson David Whittier homes after 47 years as he competes in gymnastic and moved to Leisure World in Marilyn (Hunter) Blake retired competitions. Laguna Hills, Calif. He says he from teaching after 33 years. enjoys watching the grass grow Now she substitute teaches in For the fourth time, Dennis and the flowers bloom without the primary grades and as a rural Musselman has been re-elected having to do any yard work.

Letter carrier. In her spare time chairman of the psychology Continued next page she likes to garden, play the department at Humboldt State organ at her church and keep her University. Citröen car running.


Bill Flynn '53 writes that he and his wife were guests of their granddaughter, , at a couple of concerts this year, and that he also appears as "the old man" in their video "Sunday Morning," which was filmed in his Anaheim home. Grandson Eric Stefani start- ed the band while he was in college, and his younger sister Gwen joined as a singer later on. Ann Flynn, Gwen Stefani, Bill Flynn '53, and Eric Stefani, Eric wrote their signature song "Don't Speak," from left, celebrating Flynn's 75th birthday. which is featured on their best selling CD, "." He also designed the album cover for "Tragic Kingdom," but has since left the band and works as a cartoonist for Fox Television's "The Simpsons." Gwen received a Grammy award nomination as Best New Singer earlier this year. "I'm confident that no one in our age group would have any knowledge of Gwen and No Doubt," Flynn writes, "but I suggest that you ask some of the undergraduates on campus about this group. I am certain that they can give you an earful of information about them in a hurry."


retired from the real estate 1958 1959 business and living in Murrieta, Calif. After Carol (Burr) Hutchison Judith (Sawyer) Arndt is swapped her house with a family teaching conversational English Sally (Freund) Saltzstein in Windsor, England, this in Bangkok, Thailand. teaches the fourth grade and summer, she planned to return to advises the student council. the states to see the fall foliage Paul Aschenbrenner retired Last in the northeast. June from Hartnett Community Kay (Glenn) Short and her College and plans to travel. husband moved to Weed, Calif., Gerald Eckels has been at the base of Mt. Shasta. They owner/manager of Kruger & Christine (Ballette) Dorsey now get to care for their two Eckels, Inc. in Santa Ana, Calif., published the book, Fourth Grade grandsons while their daughter for 25 years. He is "proud to be a Teacher (Carlton Press, New York) studies midwifery. Whittier grad," which seems to Last year. She now lives in a be a family tradition. His mother retirement home in Rancho Elaine (Knickerbocker) Williams is Ethel Eckels '25, sister Alice Bernardo, Calif. and her husband enjoy cruising (Eckels) Platon graduated in in their new boat, "Festival." 1953, and his niece Elizabeth Ben Bryant is the owner of Ben They have traveled to Mexico and Platon graduated in 1978. Bryant Video, a company that plan a trip to Alaska this year. produces commercials and For news of Doris (Fitzgerald) corporate, performance and music Although he has moved to Lake Morton, see James Richard videos. His many duties include Havasu City, Ariz., John "Dick Morton '57. writing, directing, editing and Mineghino has not retired from photographing the videos. the wholesale fish business in Sam Lalaian is senior pastor at San Pedro, Calif., where he has the Dwelling Place Church in Virginia (Buck) Zeidman writes worked for more than 30 years. Loganvilte, Ga. that "teaching kindergarten on the beach in Newport Beach is Mary Jane Moore teaches Rose (Ridge) Adams travels in a somewhat like a year-round English at the University of 40-foot motorhome. She keeps a vacation, but [I'm] looking Hawaii. She is a volunteer with home base at her daughter's forward to retirement and distant the Red Cross and the U.S. Fish house in Oregon, but writes that shores." She recently traveled to and Wildlife Service. She and her she doesn't have a permanent Russia, Sweden and Germany. husband celebrated their 57th address anymore. "1 have been wedding anniversary in September. across the U.S. twice in the Last Thomas and Marilyn (Collins) four years and into Canada once. Winegar '60 both retired from Dick Morris continues to teach Since Last year, I have spent the Hacienda La Puente Unified and coach golf and surfing at most of my time on the west School District and now like to Corona Del Mar (Calif.) High coast in Palm Desert and Salem, spend time with their School, where he is currently Ore. It's a great life." grandchildren, do a little fishing chairman of the physical and travel. Marilyn also does education and health education Virginia (Smith) Barnes owns a needlepoint, while Tom enjoys division. business providing consultant woodworking and HO gauge trains. services in transportation and Doris (Molumby) Olson enjoys business management to school Phyllis (Covert) Ribeau teaches spending time with her family, districts. She is active in her first grade. She and her husband, sewing, reading, practicing Tai 0 church and enjoys traveling, Steve, who is active in Chi and "spoiling her cats." gardening and spending time conservation causes, live in Santa with her four grandchildren. Rosa, Calif. Michael J. Murphy is taking time out from his teaching career Jack Flaaten and his wife enjoy to serve as vice chancellor for their grandson. They are semi- academic and student affairs at


the University of Colorado in Loves to travel and belongs to a Robert White retired from his Denver. He is continuing his Scrabble group and four bridge position as vice president of his research in urban school reform clubs. company in San Diego and plans and also serves by appointment to go into the consulting of the governor on the Bill Sloan is in his fifth year of business for drug development. professional standards board. retirement from teaching, enjoying life on the Monterey (Calif.) Robert Myers retired and now Peninsula. He plays golf every 1960 lives in New Mexico. day and enjoys traveling and antique hunting. His wife Martin Ansell lives in Nice, Calif. Frida (Nilsen) Miller divides her Madelyn (Petrovich) '60 teaches time between homes in Eugene, middle school. They have two Donald Barr, a civilian professor Ore., and Altadena, Calif. The children and one grandson. in systems engineering at the former teacher is retired from U.S. Military Academy, West "years of intensive community, Lucy (Smith) Fields is a teacher Point, has received awards for school and environmental at Head Start in northern two research projects. Barr and a volunteerism," and now enjoys Arizona. She and her husband military colleague, Major Todd reading, writing and exploring spend their summers touring with Sherrill, received the Military the Oregon coast. She is looking a classic car club. Operations Research Society's forward to her first grandchild 1996 David Rist Prize for the best this year. Roger Spear enjoys traveling paper in military operations and spending time with his 15 research, and the 1996 Wilbur B. Sally (Paik) Ogawa toured the grandchildren. He has been Payne Memorial Award for southern and eastern U.S. and teaching in the Whittier High Excellence in Analysis, the Army's eastern Canadian provinces by School District for more than 36 most prestigious prize for motorhome for 71/ months last years. military operations research. year. On the way she visited college friends and former John Swain has Lived on Balboa Richard Cate has retired as students. She particularly enjoyed Island for more than 30 years. He director of guidance for Coast the cherry blossoms in and his wife, Mona (Hawes) '61 Union High School District in Washington, D.C. keep very busy working in the tax Cambria, Calif. business they own. He also enjoys Kathie (Rieniets) Renger is a taking his three grandchildren fish- Maurine (Flanagan) Taylor is docent for an environmental ing and cruising on his boat, "Cap- Living in Laguna Beach, Calif. nature tour program at the local tain Carl," a 36-ft. sport fisher. school, and she is a volunteer For news of Madelyn (Petrovich) reader for high school English Ronald Tebbs retired in June Sloan, see Bill Sloan '59. classes. after 38 years of teaching science in the Gwen (Vaden) Woirhaye writes Patricia Sax is a social worker in District. He also was a track that she is in London this fall, private practice. She and her coach at Whittier High School soaking up culture while her partner live in San Francisco, and USC, and served as WSEA husband teaches. where she is looking forward to president, representing the retiring, playing more golf and district's teachers. "social action." 1961 Ed "Sandy" Thomas is a Orena (Schreiber) Roach serves professor of mathematics at the For news of Mona (Hawes) as legislative chair for her local Albany campus of the State Swain, see John Swain '59. branch of the California Retired University of New York. He likes Teachers Association. She also is to keep active by running and lvydell (Kellam) Dyer, has a charter member of the Brea-La rock climbing, and writes that he retired after 35 years in Habra chapter of the American did some classic rock routes in education and is building a new Association of University Women, the Tetons last summer. home in Cameron Park, Calif.


Joan (Kelly) Kranz is teaching California. If anyone is in the sixth grade in Covina, Calif., and area, please come visit." 1964 also has a real estate license. She and her husband, Doug, have Michael Kern continues to do Catherine Healey works at the three sons—an engineer, a pilot research on the Pied flycatcher in National Geographic Society in and a graduate student. the Cambrian Moutains of Wales. Washington, D.C. For six years he has studied them during their breeding season in 1962 May and June. 1965

After 30 years of teaching, Diana For news of James Manley, see Robert Bruesch, a sixth-grade (Bruce) Garrett is retiring to Katy (Givler) Manley '95. teacher at Willard Elementary Julian, Calif., where she and her School in Rosemead, Calif., was husband have built a new home. John P. Moore, II moved to inducted into the National Hemet, Calif., and writes that he Teachers Hall of Fame in Emporia, Christopher Cross, president of has "restarted my old consulting Kansas, earlier this year. The Hall the Council for Basic Education, business headquartered in San of Fame was established in 1989 was cited for his work in education Jacinto." by Emporia State University, the in a speech by President Clinton. City of Emporia and the Emporia Speaking to the Maryland State Gilbert A. Moret received the Area Chamber of Commerce to Legislature in February, Clinton Placido Domingo Award for his honor K-12 teachers and the said, "When [Cross] worked for support of for L.A. teaching profession through the President Bush, he and I stayed Opera. recognition program, museum up all night one night writing and conference and resource the national education goals, David Newquist works with center. To date, 25 educators which began the process which William Mercer, Inc. in Los Angeles. from 19 states have been brings us hear today. Just before selected for this honor. the speech today, Chris told me David Ochoa is vice president that the State Board of Education for academic services at Imperial intends to incorporate these new Valley College. 1966 tests of national standards into your state's program. And I thank Samuel Rodriguez was named For news of Eugene Carson, Jr., you, sir, for that." 1996 Educator of the Year by the see Eugene Carson, Sr. '51. Coachella Valley Mexican Harriet (Hastings) Gardner American Chamber of Commerce. Michael Mason is a partner in writes that she and her husband the law firm of Flanagan, Mason, are having a great time visiting Martha Linda (Thormodsen) Robbins, Gwass and Corman in their four children, who are Smith is owner and president of Merced, Calif. Located in Toronto, San Jose, Bank Square Books, Ltd. in Calif., Nicaragua and Boston. Mystic, Conn. Diane (McCarty) Laedlein is a full-time substitute teacher for Marialice (Hedgcock) Hayes Judith (Whiteman) Colwell is a two school districts in O'Fallon, retired from teaching in Texas resource specialist with Whittier Ill., and is vice president of the and moved to Boise, Idaho, City School District. O'Fallon Township High School where she is Learning about the marching band booster club. city by substitute teaching. When 18 not traveling, she is a transition 1963 Peggy A. Wilcoxen is a librarian specialist with Cupertino High at the Burbank (Calif.) Public School. Janet Henke and her husband, Library. Robert, received the Whittier Lyn (Hee) Ishikawa writes that Intercommunity Blind Center's she has "relocated to Florida Distinguished Leadership Award after living for over 25 years in in June.



To Inge and Robert Win '73, a son, Alexander, on March Eugene McClintock lives in New 25, 1995. York City.

To Jocelyn (Jones) Smith '78, a daughter, Jillian Claire, on Yvonne (Montgomery) July 19, 1996. Norrborn is living in Kenwood, Calif. To Debra (Sonnen) Campbell '78, a daughter, Greer, on Feb. 6, 1996. Claudia (Smith) Hunsaker lives To Douglass Hammen '79, a daughter, Lillian Carol, on in Ramona, Calif. Sept. 4, 1996. Laura (Washington) Lewis To Molly (Hartman) '82 and Chris Knox, a daughter, Jessie works for the Victor Valley Jade, on Oct. 23, 1996. (Calif.) School District. To Mary (Leinstiner) '84 and Marty Prab, a daughter, Tessa, on March 17, 1997. 968 To Dana (Carr) '87 and Richard Begg, a daughter, Katherine Mary, on March 16, 1997. Judi (Hathaway) Graham To Deborah and Darin Mekkers '89, a son, Drake Douglas, manages the internal systems on April 10, 1997. department for the outsourcing division of Computer Sciences To Lynn (Schmutzer) '90 and Curtis Kelley, a daughter, Corporation in San Diego. Lauren Shaun, on May 23, 1997. The proud grandparents are Kenneth '57 and Janis (Cook) Schmutzer '59. Elizabeth (Henderson) Kahler To Lisa (Kealoha) Tupou '91, a daughter, Victoria Moani Lives in Ventura, Calif. Keala, on Jan. 20, 1997. Cherrie (Parker) Covington is a To Lisa (Kuewa) '91 and David V%Iillette '91, a son, Dillon teacher in Newport Beach, Calif. Keoka, on Oct. 2, 1996.

To Shelley and Troy Petersen '91, a daughter, Taylor Ann, Pamela (Ross) McPherron is a on Sept. 13, 1996. teacher with the Poway (Calif.) Unified School District. She lives To Kathie (Taylor) '91 and Todd Eaton, a daughter, Logan in San Diego with her new Emily, on June 27, 1997. husband, Charles, who is a mechanical engineer. To Leslie (Boyce) '92 and Larry Embry, a son, Jackson Ryan, on Sept. 23, 1996 To Dionne (Mack) '92 and Denny Hill, a daughter, Avalon 969 Danielle, on May 6, 1997. I. Augusta Knuth has retired To Diane (Nuño) '92 and Manuel Gomez, a son, Nicolas from teaching, but keeps busy Manuel, on May 18, 1996. attending meetings of the To Harry '94 and Christine (Stamper) Estes '94, a son, International Federation of Jason Timothy, on Nov. 12, 1996. University Women, and she was 19 invited by the American Association of University Women to attend the U.S.-Chinese Conference on Women's Issues in Beijing in 1995 as well as the opening of the United Nations

Conti,iued Ilex page


Fourth World Conference in services field, particularly with was elected to the city council Beijing. She also was invited to young children and families." Last year. As part of his council South America last fall by People duties, he serves on the National to People. League of Cities Public Safety 1972 and Crime Prevention Policy Martha A. Wilson is a docent Committee and the League of at the Huntington Library in San Richard Baker is a consulting California Cities Public Safety Marino, Calif. manager with Fidelity Committee. Investments in Boston.

1970 Steve Bosetti writes that he 1973 and Lynne Cardinal live on Glenn Bell is now head football Mercer Island, in the middle of Barbara A. Ball works in coach at his alma mater, Manual Lake Washington, near Seattle. collections at a department store Arts High School, in Los Angeles. They "love the northwest but in Humble, Texas. miss our L.A. buddies." Robert Bowen writes that "last Barbara (Burts) Dicker lives in year I was lucky enough to E. Fred Cannon was event La Habra, Calif., with her upgrade to captain on the coordinator for the World Music husband and son. McDonald-Douglas MD-80. This Awards in Monte Carlo. The year, after doing accident program was televised on Fanny Chan is in real estate in investigations in Washington, network television and guests Monterey Park, Calif. D.C., I was nominated chairman included Prince Albert and of the National Safety Committee Princess Stephanie of Monte Sallie (Ekern) Whitby will of the American Airlines Allied Carlo, in addition to performers resume teaching gifted third Pilots Association." Lionel Richie, Celine Dion and graders this year, and writes that the Bee Gees. her "principal says he is Sally Deane is vice president preparing me for grandkids. Not for healthcare at the firm of Patricia (Hartunian) Simonian too soon, I hope." Chadwick Martin Bailey Inc. in writes that she is teaching part- Boston. time and enjoying golf on her Kathryn (Harlan) Hoxmeier is days off. a librarian-technician with For news of David Edinger, see Southern Oregon University. She Ginger (Matera) Edinger '72. Ginger (Matera) Edinger is a enjoys camping and gardening, registered nurse in neo-natal care and is involved in the construction For news of Jim McAteer, see at Reid Hospital in Richmond, of a restaurant in Ashland. Ginger (Matera) Edinger '72. Ind. She and her husband Dave '70, have two daughters. They all Georgianna (Jones) Walker John Taitano called to say he is keep in touch with fellow alum Lives in New Rockford, N.D., a the first Chamorro Culture Rights Jim McAteer '70, who lives "very small rural town of 1500," leader in Guam, as well as being with his wife and family in where she works one day a week a surfer of some renown. Indianapolis, where he is an as a consulting dietitian for a associate professor of anatomy at nursing home. She also is the Indiana University School of involved in home schooling her 197 Medicine. two high-school-age children.

20 Sally Mead writes that she is After retiring as a police captain Mary Jo (Otters) Curry has "alive and well in the northland from the Huntington Park (Calif.) been an elementary teacher for [Anchorage, Alaska]. Began Police Department, Martin 20 years. She currently teaches running my own business seven Simonoff works at a family- bilingual kindergarten in Whittier, years ago. We do program owned business in Lakewood. He where she lives with her husband, development project management and his wife have two children, Roger, and two children. and training in the human and they Live in Brea, where he

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Diana (Sell) Watkins just Deborah (Wood) Ranish is a completed a year's doctoral self-employed personnel 1977 fellowship at Nova Southeastern consultant in Sebastopol, Calif. University in Florida. She returned Felix Hernandez is a conductor to Little Rock, Ark. this summer with Amtrak. to teach in the UAMS Family 1975 Medical Residency Program. Elizabeth (Luzania) Albinio is Martha Faye Belson-Hardin, a bilingual resource teacher in Antonie "Kim" Stephens-Doll an educational programs and Santa Ana, Calif. is a bilingual teacher for first and community relations second graders in Potrero, Calif. administrator for Boeing North Andrew Stadler is regional American Space Systems Division director for American Sylvia (Tsao) Tsui is working as in Downey, Calif., was one of 24 International Companies, Life a community pharmacist after 12 Boeing employees—known as Division, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. years as a blood bank medical "Launch honorees—rewarded by technologist in Long Beach, Calif. NASA with a trip to the Kennedy For news of John Riggs, see She is married and has one son. Space Center last spring. She got Nancy (Brennan) Riggs '78. to view a shuttle launch in a David Tucker is a design specially designated area, and engineer with J.J. Blank also received a commendation 1978 Engineering Company in Denver. Letter From the division president, a framed certificate, mission pin Lars Agner was recently Robert Win published Vintages and mementos. She also got to promoted to production line and Traditions: an Ethnohistoiy of take a special tour of the space supervisor at MCL, Inc., a Southwest French Wine center and attended a reception microwave communications Cooperatives (Smithsonian held in the group's honor. company near his home in Institution Press) last year. Channahon, Ill. He writes that he Dean Healy has moved to is "still happily married. No kids, Pittsburgh, where he is an just a dog named Heidi." 1974 associate professor of surgery at Allegheny University of the Joseph Alvarez, after 17 years Debbi (Collins) and Rick Health Sciences at Allegheny with Santa Fe Railway, is now Kightlinger '75 write that their General Hospital. teaching in the bilingual daughter will be attending Loyola education program for Apple Marymount University on a For news of Rick Kightlinger, see Valley (Calif.) Unified School volleyball scholarship this year. Debbi (Collins) Kightlinger '74. District. He also coaches tennis at Barstow College and is coach for Pamela (Cook) Pearson lives in his daughter's volleyball team. He with her husband and 1976 and his wife, Cheryl, have three three daughters. She writes that daughters. she "keeps busy with the kids Carol (Inge) Bernstein has and doing some substitute been named associate director of Vanessa Ament is busy behind teaching and private tutoring." admission at USC, where her the scenes in show business. She duties will include communicating supervised Foley sound effects for Carol (Eales) Stanley is currently USC's strengths and qualities to "Cats Don't Dance," and a "Winnie enrolled in a doctoral program in potential students, parents, the Pooh" video, as well as for the clinical psychology at Seattle counselors and alumni, focusing television shows "Savannah," "Alex Pacific University. She also is the on independent high schools. Mack" and "Seventh Heaven." She owner/therapist of Valley and her husband also did sound Counseling Association and has Sandra (Johnson) Moore effects for "Chain Reaction." designed and administrated an received her master's in intern/extern training program in education from Whittier College. Rogelio Arosemena Ill lives in mental health. Panama. Cnntin,upd neyt nnae

The ROCK Fall 1997


Diane Bangar is now an interdisciplinary education MARRIAGES specialist in the department of education and staff development Pat (Thomas) '46 and Carl Pascal in September of 1996. at Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center in Downey, Calif. Pamela Ross '62 and Charles McPherron, Nov. 23, 1996.

Nancy (Brennan) Riggs is Catherine Pirtle '78 and Paul Tubridy, Dec. 14, 1996. teaching special education English at La Costa Canyon High School, George Burgos '85 and Patty Panayotaki, in August of 1997. in Carlsbad, Calif. John '77 is a practicing optometrist with offices Susan Sorensen '84 and James "Bo" Burch, March 15, 1997. in Encinitas and San Diego, and he serves as an examiner with the Cindi Carrell '88 and Jeff Ramsey, April 8, 1995. California State Board of Optometry. Lori Anne Hoyt '90 and Michael Budd, Oct. 7, 1995. Urban Cleaves has a part-time job teaching at an international Angela Homann '91 and Richard Farnsworth, March 8, 1997. Islamic middle school in , Ga. He writes that alumna Christine Erickson '92 and Darren Foote, Aug. 3, 1996. Laureen (McCoIIin) Gopie '79 has a son and was recently Robert Kessler '92 and Laura Katen '92, Sept. 1, 1996. promoted to housing relocation director with the Boston Housing Dionne Mack '92 and Denny Hill, Sept. 28, 1996. Authority. Susan Turner '92 and Jim Rose, Aug. 3, 1996. Don Cornett writes that he "has spent the last 27 years married to Isabel Ziegler '92 and John Wiest, March 21, 1997. Linda and raising nine children." Allison Clarke '93 and Todd Ittershagen, Sept. 14, 1996. Mary Ellen (Exum) Griffin keeps busy as a school Petra Baugher '94 to Devon Ayers, May 3, 1997. psychologist, leading a woman's jail Bible study, teaching Lisa Denyer '94 and Barrett James Hoggan, Sept. 21, 1996. occasional university classes and raising three "active step-boys." Evan McDaniel '94 and Hilary Humphrey '94, Oct. 5, 1996

Mary (Farquhar) Jones is a David Ferrell '95 and Amy Leigh, Jan. 11, 1997. first grade teacher in El Monte, Calif. She has two children. Katherine Givler '95 and Tom Manley '95, July 26, 1997.

Judy (Ferguson) Patel is now a Mike Green '95 and Veronica Rodriguez in June 1997. secondary adviser, bilingual area of compliance, for the Los Angeles Aaron Rodriguez '95 and Veronica Guerrero, June 28, 1997. Unified School District. Rhonda Ross '95 and Jeffrey Earl Ries, Aug. 17, 1996. Blanca M. Figueroa teaches seventh-grade math, reading and Gina McMahon '96 and John Bartok, May 18, 1997. social studies at Kranz Middle School in El Monte. She was Rob Williams '96 and Ami Lloyd '96, Feb. 14, 1997. elected to the South El Monte City Council last March. Jeanette Walker '97 and Robert Exley, Dec. 20, 1996.

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Arlene Gallego is teaching sixth Catherine (Pirtle) Tubridy Carla (West) Ranson lives in grade in the Hacienda/La Puente lives in Cornwall-on-Hudson, N.Y., Mission Viejo, Calif., with her School District, while she with her new husband, Paul, and husband, Dave, and their two completes work on her teaching her children, and writes that "ice children, who are both in home credential. She also works part- hockey has become a big part of schooling. time as a full-figure model. our life."

Nannette Gammon lives in Paul Sherman writes that he 1979 Florida, where she has practiced has been "happily married to corporate and real estate law for Gloria Donoso '82 for the last Loren Block has been a hospital 13 years. She is general counsel 15 years. We have three wonderful staff pharmacist for 12 years, and for an international golf course children." He is an advertising enjoys computers and electronics. and home development company. consultant and she is a physician assistant for a family practice. Stuart Hanold is pastor of the Sheryl (Jackson) Wolfe just Full Gospel Fellowship in Angel finished being project manager Debra (Sonnen) Campbell Fire, N.M., and also deals in real for the League of Women Voters' writes that she has acquired a estate. "get out the vote" grant to new business partner and opened improve voter turnout in under- a new veterinary hospital outside Deanna (Irvin) Severn works represented areas. She has been Boston last spring. She writes that for Cost Plus in Stockton, Calif. secretary and newsletter editor she would "love to hear from for the state board of the league some of my old school friends." For news of Laureen (McCollin) since July. Gopie, see Urban Cleaves '78. David Suter has moved to Mt. Jocelyn (Jones) Smith is a Lauren, N.J., where he works for Robert Mendes is a physician flight attendant for American NFL Films. He also owns a custom at Scripps Clinic and lives in Del Airlines. furniture business. Mar, Calif. Jodi Kirven lives in Irvine, Randall Swan made a career Calif., where she helps care for change a few years ago from 0 three nieces and nephews. consulting in the nuclear energy 19,00 field to mortgage lending with Sandra (Wilson) Espinoza Leslie (Kerr) Crouthamel and the establishment of Swan her husband, Roger, own a travel Mortgage, Inc. received the Pico Rivera (Calif.) agency in Guam. They have one Arts and Culture Committee daughter. Richard Thompson is active "Contribution to the Arts" award in the Western Washington for her work in building the Russ Litchfield is director of Alumni group, and writes that El Rancho High School music music at Trinity Lutheran Church more than 50 alumni turned out program. in Pasadena, Calif., and he invites for a "terrific party on the top any interested alums to join the floor of the Columbia Tower in 4 choir. He also works as an downtown Seattle." 194 2 accompanist at Santa Fe High School and for Chorale Bel Canto, Anthony S. Tricoli has been For news of Gloria (Donoso) and is involved in several musical named associate vice chancellor Sherman, see Paul Sherman '78. theater projects. of instructional programs and student services for the Ventura Lilly (Farr) Vasquez writes that David Newsom is living in the (Calif.) County Community she is enjoying motherhood. Bay Area and working as a College District. He previously principal for the financial served as dean for instructional Beth Fernandez is director of consulting firm of Dorn, Helliesen services at San Joaquin Delta alumni relations for California and Cottle. College in Central California. State University, Stanislaus.

Continued next page

The ROCK Fall 1997


Richard Gregorek will receive Diane Lindberg is a sales Joseph Falcone lives in Wisconsin his J.D. degree from Seattle manager with Royce Medical. with his wife and three children. University School of Law this December. Susan (Sorensen) Burch is a Bill Malbon has been promoted teacher in the Rowland (Calif.) to senior vice president, national Stephan Perea recently received Unified School District. residential lending manager, his master's in education from with Pan American Bank. Whittier College. 4 19 )5 Courtney (Oshiro) Etherington Angela (Robledo) Chagalla is recently received her master's in a district sales manager in special In 1992 George Burgos education from Whittier College. accounts with GTE Directories in established Ichthyo S.A., a Rancho Cucamonga, Calif. company that owns and operates a floating marine fish farm in 197 central Greece. The farm produces 1983 sea bass and sea bream for local Karen (Morales) McGauley consumption and export to quit her job as an employment George Wilson IV is living in Europe. Following his graduation resource specialist after 11 years Japan, where he works for Toyota from Whittier, he received an to be a "stay-at-home mom." in international marketing and M.S. degree in applied fish financial consulting for biology from the University of Paul Parkus is working as a distributors in Europe, the Middle Plymouth in the U.K., and then photographer. East, Latin America and Africa. served for two years as a communications officer with the Kambiz Salehi is a dentist in Greek Marine Corps. Burgos FLorida. 1984 writes, "I want to express my gratitude to Whittier College for Peter Talpash recently received Cynthia Barajas-Garcia is a the support and guidance I was his master's in education from first grade teacher with Bassett provided with as an undergraduate . He and (Calif.) Union School District. She student. ... receiving The Rock his wife, Rhonda, are the parents and her husband, Robert, have while being so far away makes of three daughters, and he three children. me feel very close to the currently teaches mathematics institution and especially proud and coaches football at Fountain Roy E. Clason, Jr. has been to be one of its alumni." Valley High School. named vice president for global communications with MasterCard Lanore Larson writes that Jennifer (Turnbull) McIntosh International. "after 12 years, I finally have a Lives in Lexington, Ky. submission. I was named Most Dave Fowler is a lieutenant Inspiring Teacher at Hollywood 4 commander in the U.S. Navy, High, where I've taught three 194) 8 working as business and financial years. In January and February I manager for the HARM Missile traveled around the world, a very Neal Dalrymple is a radiologist Program Office at Naval Air educational trip to Indonesia, at the USAF Medical Center in Systems Command Headquarters Thailand, India, Egypt and San Antonio, Texas. in Washington, D.C. Greece." Joyce Davidson is at DePaul Mary (Leinsteiner) Prah and University in Chicago, working her family raced their racer- 1986 toward her M.S. degree in public cruiser sailboat, "Sunshine Rose, service management. in the Baja Ha Ha race from San Yvette (Lopez) Beaulieu works Diego to Cabo San Lucas. for Skyline Displays Inc., in Jeffrey Donlevy is an event Burnsville, Minn. coordinator for the Las Vegas Hilton. He writes that he placed

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second in EcoChat.lenge 1996 and is currently preparing for African 1990 1991 EcoChallenge 1997. Tom Darnold is an assistant Roland Chavez Jr. is a land Trever Esko and his wife, district attorney in El Paso, Texas. broker for 0Donnell/Atkins Laurie, have moved to Seattle, Company and lives in Corona del where he is a principal consultant Lisa (Garcia) Ekenstam is a Mar, Calif. for Data Dimensions, Inc., a speech-language pathologist for computer consulting company the Downey (Calif.) Unified For news of Jeff Boline, see that specializes in managing School District. Marianne (Restovich) Boline computer update projects related '93. to the "Year 2000 problem." Kevin L. Hall is working in Denver as a lead programmer/ Adam Elberg is a physical Kevin Talpash received his analyst for J.D. Edwards. therapist in Long Beach, N.Y. master's in business administration from the University of RedI.ands. Lori Anne (Hoyt) Budd is Whalen Elmore writes that he He and his wife, Jeanne, have working on her master's in is hitchhiking to Belize, where he one daughter. Kevin works for biology while teaching and intends to live. Kaiser Permanente as a technical coaching softball in New Jersey. specialist in the Information Brad Graver and his wife, Services Department. Tracy Johnson recently received Jennifer, live in San Diego. her master's in education from Whittier College. David Hune lives in Ontario, 1989 Calif., where he is a manager for Paula Molliconi lives in Denver, Chrysler Corporation. Carrie (Durcien) McAfoos has where she teaches physical relocated to Phoenix, Ariz. education and health at Castle Shana Jenner is working on her Rock Junior High School. master's in education at Whittier Mary Catherine (Guidry) College. Hooper is an adult education Sandra (Scheiber) Johnson is teacher in Montebello, Calif. a Ph.D. student at the University Doi Johnson is head football of Nevada, Reno. coach at Jordan High School in Jeff Reeves is marketing Los Angeles. manager, strategic marketing for For news of Lisa Selesky, see Ingram Micro. He lives in Santa Rommel Nacino '91. For news of Michael Kelleher, see Margarita, Calif. Kathryn (Engel) Kelleher '92. Shelley Perkins graduated from Kimberly Horning is manager Tulane Medical School in 1994, Bob Kittle is athletic director at of survey services at Decisive completed her internship at Santa Cruz (Calif.) High School. Technology. Bethesda, Md., and attended flight surgery school in Pensacola, Rommel and Lisa (Selesky) Dino Goden is working as a Fla. She is stationed with a Nacino '90 relocated to New York market researcher for Blue Cross Marine helicopter squadron in City from Chicago this spring. He and Blue Shield of Central New Jacksonville, N.C., and is works for Morgan Stanley on Wall York in Syracuse. His spare time presently in the Pacific off the Street as a sales trader. is spent either jogging or coast of Africa. She has flown in practicing Thai boxing, which is helicopters and jets, including Troy Peterson and his wife, similar to kick boxing. the F18. Shelley, live in McMinnville, Ore.

Lisa (Mingel) Burr and her Allyson Towersey is an actress Scott Rothenberg received his husband, Jonathan, live in New in New York. MBA from the University of Britain, Conn., where she is a California at Berkeley and is graphic designer. working for Applied Materials. Continued next page

Th, ROCK F,11 1997



Mike Westmoreland never thought business ad- ministration would be this much fun. After gradu-

ating from Whittier in May of 1991, he joined VN Disneyland as a cost accountant in October, and SG

its been a steep ride up—and down, and up, and INGER. down, and up— the corporate ladder since then. Westmoreland is attractions manager for Space

Mountain and the Matterhorn Bobsled. In charge KEITH DURFL of the day-to-day operations of both rides, he Mike Westmoreland '91 is attractions manager at Disneyland, manages five assistant managers and anywhere where he is responsible for the day-to-day operations of from 100 to 250 hourly employees who operate the the Matterhorn Bobsled and Space Mountain. popular roller coasters. "Everything that could or does happen on the rides is my responsibility," he said. "1 have to see that they look the way they are supposed to look and perform the way they should. Future plans, any possible changes or im- provements in the rides, these are my responsibility." In his six-year rise to the top at the "Happiest Place on Earth," Westmoreland served as a cost accountant for both the park and the Disneyland hotels, as a capital accountant tracking costs for projects and production, as a financial analyst and as senior business analyst before getting his current job last year. "What I do now is make sure that any time you take the rides, you have a great time," he explained. "1 love it—and it sure beats crunching numbers all day."

Christopher Schuster works in Edward Begany is a teacher at Floyd and Sheri (Hansmeier) sales in Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam. Mater Dei High School in Santa Cheung are living in Springfield, Ana, Calif. He coaches the offen- Mass. Sheri is completing her Chris Siebert lives in Chico, sive tine in football, and their internal medicine/pediatrics Calif., with his wife and two team was CIF Division 1 champi- residency at Bay State Medical children. He teaches seventh and ons, as well as being rated nation- Center, and Floyd is teaching eighth grades at St. Thomas al champions by USA Today. He and composition and American Catholic School in Orovil.le, and is his wife, Laurie, live in Long Beach. Literature at Mt. Holyoke College. also athletic director and coaches He writes that "1 proclaim daily basketball. that I am proud to be a Poet!" Katrina Diller has a new job in the compliance department of Francois Vitrac was featured in Douglas Benson is working as a Nicholas-Applegate Capital the international edition of Who's transportation manager in the Management. She is living in Who of Entrepreneurs. family trucking and warehousing Coronado, Calif., and applying to business. graduate school.

1992 Mark Borden is a sales Josh Eliza ide works for the IRS consultant for beauty salons. He as a revenue officer, and was Jennifer Anderson works for and his wife, Christine, live in elected president of the Los An- Anderson Consulting (no relation) Junction City, Oregon. geles chapter of Internal 26 in Boston. Revenue Employees (HIRE), a na- Berto Cerasi received his tional organization. Tracy Lee Archer is a substitute master's from Hofstra University teacher and tutor in Orange Coun- and is teaching on Long Island, Christine (Erickson) Foote is ty. She is taking classes toward her where he also coaches soccer and teaching art and doing the clear teaching credential at U.C. Lacrosse. yearbook at Pioneer High School. Irvine. She has a 5 year old son.

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Kathryn (Engel) Kelleher Susan "Flounder" (Turner) Jennifer Kelly graduated with teaches kindergarten at a private Rose teaches and coaches honors from the University of day care facility. Her husband, volleyball at Buena Park (Calif.) Texas School of Law in San Michael '91, is an area manager High School. Antonio. for Enterprise Rent A Car in Sacramento. They live in El Robert Yowell is working on a Timmy Mattos recently Dorado Hills. Ph.D. in political science at the received his master's in education University of Kansas, where he from Whittier College. Alvin and Claudia (Ramirez) also teaches Introduction to U.S. Henderson live in Belize City, Government. Tricia Mayer is a software Belize. developer with The Unicode Group, which creates customized Irvin Henderson is pursuing a 993 software for businesses. master's degree in business ad- ministration at Cornell University. Julie Amiton is director of Michael Moran and his band development for the Edgefield "Con Job" toured the western Melanie Jarvis is working on Children's Center in Troutdale, this summer. her master's degree at Cal State Oregon. Los Angeles. Edmond L. Owings III writes Phillip Chau is assistant that he is in graduate school at Haatsari Kagurabadza manager of the Mirage Hotel in the Manchester site of Springfield participated in the 1997 Los Las Vegas, Nev. College in New Hampshire until Angeles Marathon. 1999. He is studying gerontology Allison (Clarke) lttershagen and is a part-time gerontologist Robert Kessler and his wife, lives in Milwaukie, Oregon technician at Prospect Manor. Laura (Katen), just purchased their first home in Seattle. She Lenore Filler is a graduate Thong Phan-Quang is a is an agent with American student in physical therapy at securities trader. Income Life. Northwestern University. Brian Pollock works at the Molly (Kitsmiller) Roberts Dora (Gil) Lopez is a political Corned Beef & Co. restaurant in writes that she keeps busy at consultant with Cerrill Associates Salem, Va. physical therapy school, but in Los Angeles. She and her found the time to train for and husband, Michael, are expecting Eric Pomboy is in graduate run in the Los Angeles Marathon their first child this fall. school at USC's school of in March. cinema/television, where, he Katrina (Green) Leonard writes, "the courses and faculty For news of Jeff Laiblin, see recently received her master's in (as well as guest speakers) are Michelle (Karchesy) Laiblin '93. education from Whittier College. tops in the industry. My emphasis is in feature film For news of Michelle (Payne) Megan Hobza is a free-lance direction." Hamilton, see James D. writer living in Sacramento, Calif. Hamilton III '95. Marianne (Restovich) Boline Michelle (Karchesy) Laiblin received her master's in Kimberly (Pool) Hamilton is writes that her husband, Jeff '92, education from Whittier College. working toward her teaching is completing his special She and her husband, Jeff '91, credential for grades K-6 at education credential and teaching have purchased a home in California Lutheran University, at Whittier High School, while she Whittier. and also teaches elementary is working for the YMCA. school physical education. Rana Tawil is a cytogenetic Michelle Katz is a corporate technologist with Alfigen-The Sally Sallas works for Microsoft trainer with Air Touch Paging. Genetics Institute, in Pasadena, in Seattle. Calif. Continued next page

The ROCK Fall 1997


Kendall Todd is in international International and Public Affairs, surety bond underwriter marketing with Lifescan. focusing on micro-enterprise specializing in contract bonds. development in Latin America. Harry Estes is in his third year 199 Jose Campos is teaching third of teaching science at Duarte grade while also pursuing a High School. He and his wife, Aaron and Suzanne (Aldinger) master's degree in education. Christine (Stamper) have a son. Herold are living in Washington, where she completed her master's Sandra Castillo teaches first Meghan (Fichtel) Almeida is a in forestry and now works as a grade. graphic designer for Computer software test engineer at Digital Imaging in Anaheim, Calif. Microsoft, and he is working on Guy Cerasoli is studying law at She and her husband, Engels, his master's in social work. the University of Denver. As recently bought their first home. coach at Arapahoe High School, Heidi Barker is in law school at he took the lacrosse team to its Hilary Goldschlager writes that the University of Oregon. first-ever playoff berth this spring. she "had an enormously successful big game hunting Fred G. Beyer II is a counselor Greg Chavez works for Walt safari twice this past summer— at a 24-hour walk-in crisis clinic Disney Special Events, touring three weeks in South Africa and in Glendale, Ariz.. He is a the country promoting feature four weeks in Tanzania certified nursing assistant and animation. When he's at home, currently living in the bay area has his patient care technician he and his fiancee are organizing and in the Sheriffs Academy. certification as well. He is also in the technical renovation of the [I] intend to run for sheriff in the process of becoming an Whittier Centre Theatre. about 10-15 years. I've planted instructor of CPR and first aid. one dozen trees each in loving Jill Clark graduated from Colum- memory of Jeff Lundine and Regina Brandler works for bia University this spring with a John Merriam." American Savings Bank in master's degree in international Moorpark, Calif. affairs. She received the Robert Kevin Hall is a programmer/ Bosch Fellowship for study in Ger- analyst for 3.D. Edwards. Megan Brenner received her many during the 1997-98 acade- master's in cardiac rehabilitation mic year, and also has a part-time Lynn Hickin manages a from Virginia Tech in June. She is job as a financial reporter for restaurant in Laguna Niguel and assistant women's lacrosse coach, Bloomberg Business News. writes that she is "vice president and a member of the Canadian of the Armenian Alumni world cup lacrosse team, which Crystal Curry-Skerven is a Association." competed at the world cup social worker for Child Protection tournament in Tokyo last May. Services and lives in Sneads Hilary (Humphrey) McDaniel Ferry, N.C. and her husband, Evan, are living Timothy Browder is in medical in Whittier. She teaches first and school in Las Vegas, Nevada, but Lisa (Denyer) Hoggan is a second grades at Nelson School in writes that "amidst all the chaos third grade teacher in Layton, the Los Nietos School District. [of study] I have managed to Utah, where her new husband, find my soulmate and plan a Barrett, is finishing his studies at Josh Isaac is working at the wedding for the fall." the University of Utah. Although Shoah Foundation in Universal they expect to return to Southern City, Calif., but planned to move Amy Burback received her California next summer, Lisa to Baltimore sometime this year master's in education from writes that they "have a lovely to pursue a career in writing. Whittier College in June. new home and would love to have visitors from Whittier College." Jennifer Isley is teaching Provash Budden is in a two- English, oral communications and year graduate program at the Christian Downey works in English as a second language at Columbia University School of Pasadena, Calif., where he is a Sonora High School.

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Alison Izumita received her grade in Norwalk, Calif., and he Alan Eiler is owner of A. C. Eiler master's in education from is a police officer. Consulting, specializing in Whittier College. computer solutions for business applications. Betsy Jager received her 1995 master's in education from George "Skip" Ekins writes Whittier College. Brandon Abeyta is completing that he is "working in the his first year of medical school in import-export field, working my Laurel Janssen is enrolled in a Albuquerque, N.M. way up the corporate ladder." graduate program for creative writing at City University of New Aurelio Alba is attending Andrea Feldman is a speech York. graduate school at Brown therapist with the Rowland University. (Calif.) Unified School District. Michelle Linsman just bought a new home in Escondido, Calif. Gabriel Alcazar is working full- David Ferrell is a senior graphic She recently completed her time as a customer service designer with David Riley & master's in special education at representative for an international Associates. the University of San Diego and importing company and also in a is teaching third grade. full-time program for a master's Alex Fino is in media planning degree in public administration. with the Houston Helm Paige Lunsford received her advertising agency. master's in education from Tara Barnhart recently received Whittier College in June. her master's in education from Frank Fontaine is in medical Whittier College. school at the University of David Mettam is a firefigher California at San Francisco. with the U.S. Forest Service, Jon Caffrey is a history teacher based in the Gila National Forest and coach at Heritage High Iris Fujikawa works at Digital out of Reserve, N.M. School in Anaheim, Calif. Graphics Advantage Co., creating advertisements for Pacific Bell Perez received her John Chier is married to Darlene Directories. master's in education from Ball, granddaughter of Whittier Whittier College. trustee Dolores (Lautrup) Ball Becca Gale lives in Los,Angeles, '33. He has received his master's where she is an "agent-in- Geoffrey Price works for Penske degree in communications training for a well known talent Trucks. management from USC. agency." She writes that two of her clients are Julie Newmar and Deana Shively lives in La Sean Connolly is a chef on the Bubba Smith. Habra, Calif., and is engaged to Orient Express. be married. Katy (Givler) and Tom Manley Maricela Delgadillo is a are living in San Francisco, Lara (Wahlberg) Almond is database manager with the City where she is an administrative pursuing a career in animation, of Hope. assistant at Bishop-Barry. They taking classes at Associates of were married this summer in a Arts in Sherman Oaks, Calif. She Alan Dicker is Internet liaison ceremony performed by Tom's writes that she is "doing some for an automotive magazine. father, Rev. James Manley 162. graphic design and portraits from the home and at the Monrovia Emily DiPetrillo works at the James D. Hamilton Ill teaches Street Fair while building my Hyatt Hotel in West Hollywood, a fifth- and sixth-grade bilingual animation portfolio." Calif. class in La Puente, Calif. He and his wife, Michelle (Payne) '92 Trisha (Williams) Dulken and Martin Eazor is a workman's have a son. Michelle teaches fifth her husband, Scott, are expecting compensation adjustor with grade at Laurel Elementary a baby this fall. She teaches first Crawford 3 Company. School in Whittier. Continued next page

The ROCK Fall 1997


Lewis Hamilton is a bartender/ Brian O'Hara coaches wrestling Jonathan Arnett writes that he waiter/manager at Mona's, a and football at Sonora High is "learning to scuba dive and restaurant in Burlington, Vt. School in Fullerton, Calif. doing nothing with my degree in lifeguarding jobs for the YMCA Eric Hammond is teaching Ann Phillips is working as an and City of Whittier." government and coaching accountant for a firm in Phoenix, football at Rubidoux (Calif.) High Ariz., and just bought her first Kimberly Bates is a service School while pursuing his home. coordinator with the Regional master's degree. He was recently Center of Orange County. married. Michelle Quist is completing her master's in social work at San Amy Birch moved to Ohio to Kathy Hargitay has returned Diego State University. study genetic counseling at the to graduate school to pursue an University of Cincinnati. She M.B.A. James Rittermal, Jr. is in expects to complete her master's commercial real estate. next June. Angelica Hernandez has received her master's in Rhonda (Ross) Ries moved to Tresha (Bowers) Marshall is a education from Whittier College. Oregon, where she is a lab graduate student. assistant at Oregon Health Kirsten Knoepfle is a teacher Science University in Portland. Maria de lives in Redondo at Edgewood School. Beach, Calif., where she works for Amy Stein is teaching English Anderson Consulting. Joshua Lorton is an accountant in Japan. and engaged to be married this Erika Garvin is working on her fall. Dina Van Klaveren received her Ph.D. at the University of Illinois master's degree from the at Urbana-Champaign. Karen Maness is resident scenic University of Rhode Island in artist with the South Coast May, and moved to Baltimore. Nancy Gonzalez is assistant Repertory Theatre in Costa Mesa, director of individual giving at Calif. Meegan Williams is a teacher. Whittier College.

Scott McAdam recently Camille Wilson is a doctorate Seraphine Ann Gott is working completed his first year of law student at UCLA. for Wells Fargo Bank and plans to school at the University of attend graduate school part-time, Arizona, followed by a summer studying industrial psychology. internship with the 996 She had a poem published in The Environmental Protection Agency Best Poets of the Nineties, a in Washington, D.C., where he Janis Akiyama completed her collection published by Cedar worked on Superfund issues and student teaching and is now Publishing. legislation. substituting. She plans to teach high school English. Jeff Green is a graduate fellow Amy Mueller received her at Whither College, working as master's in education from Scott Alvarez is a graduate administrative assistant to Dave Whittier College. fellow at Whither College, Jacobs, director of athletics. assisting in coaching swimming Michael Nelson works for IBM. and working on his master's in Karen Grissette writes that she 30 education. He also was varsity "finished a short work assignment Ryan C. Nielsen is youth pastor assistant football coach at at the Department of State in at Calvary Church in Longmont, California High School and head Washington, D.C., in December Cob., in addition to completing swimming coach at La Salle High and am now traveling in Australia his master's of divinity degree in School. and New Zealand for a few youth and family ministry. months, and doing great."

The ROCK r,ii 1997 POET TO Po j "'11 ' fH

Tracy Kemp is an Elisa Molano is an intake Unified School District in administration consultant with worker for St. Anne's, a maternity grades K-12. Hewitt Associates LLC in home for minors, in Los Angeles. Newport Beach, Calif. Alejandra Sanchez writes that Juan E. Mondragon is a "Whittier College opened many Candace Lawrence teaches financial analyst working with doors for me. I am now a first- English as a second language to the U.S. Corporate Group of Bank year bilingual fourth-grade recent immigrants, who, she of America. teacher at Valinda Elementary in writes, "are the loveliest, most La Puente, Calif." gracious people I've ever met." Mikki Nerio is teaching kindergarten in Pico Rivera, Calif., Dylan Schiemann is working Shannon Lincoln is working as while working towards her master's toward his Ph.D. in physical a plant protection and in education at Whither College. chemistry at UCLA and lives in quarantine officer for the U.S. Brentwood. Dept. of Agriculture out of the Wendy Newell is an account airport in San Francisco. She service rep for Video Monitoring Laura Smith is a substitute works with dogs trained to Services in Hollywood, Calif. teacher in East Whittier. detect fruit, meat and plants in passenger luggage. Ann Marie Olvera is a teacher Elizabeth Somoff is in graphic at St. Marianne School. design at New Focus, Inc., and Gina McMahon is a child care writes that "the job is going worker and counselor at the New Sarajane Reible plans to realty, really well! I recently put Alternatives, Inc. group home. attend graduate school for a out a 164-page catalogue that credential in secondary earned [me] a bonus." Ian McMullin is an assistant education and a master's in manager with the Robinsons-May education, and she is currently Rian Windsheimer is Company. He lives in Duarte, working as a substitute teacher attending the University of Calif. for the San Gabriel (Calif.) Oregon Law School. .

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The ROCK F ~ 11 1997 A WISH IS GRANTED Te fav@est0ift in Whittier College bistorp wilt meet a most urgent need.

by Kristin Trim qada

n 1961, long-time Whittier College "A NEW WORLD, supporters Aubrey and Bonnie Wardman J announced a gift that helped the college OF PHYSICAL BEAUTY" fulfill a long-held dream—a permanent library building. More than 35 years later, a he Bonnie Bell Wardman Library, Los Angeles foundation has stepped forward completed in 1964 at a cost of about with a grant that will fulfill an equally urgent T$1 million, is certainly a conversation need—updating and expansion of that library piece, if not exactly a beloved campus building for future Poet generations. landmark. The concrete edifice, sometimes likened by campus wags to a cheese grater on stilts, looks completely out of place among the red tile roofs and white stucco walls of

TION the buildings that surround it. But in 1964, C LE the Bonnie Bell Wardman Library was COL considered the coolest place on campus. LIBRARY "Any visitor to the library these days ... gains

WARDMAN the immediate impression that here is a new

TOS world not only of physical beauty, but of

PHO scholarship and creative thought," gushed an CAL article in a 1964 issue of The Rock. "Light, TORI

HIS color, space ... are so artistically present in The third floor of Mendenhall served as the reading balanced measures." Wardman Library was room for the last of the makeshift libraries. The bow-tied man behind the counter in this 1958 photo is sleek. It was modern. And perhaps most Librarian Benjamin G. Whitten, who oversaw the important to the students of 1964, it was a move to Wardman Library. real, permanent library building—the first one they'd ever had at Whittier. The $5 million grant (from a foundation that has requested anonymity for now) is the "IT WAS HEAVEN" largest gift the college has ever received, and will be used to expand and remodel the 33- n the years before the Wardmans made year-old Bonnie Bell Wardman Library. Plans their gift, the library occupied a variety call for adding a variety of new electronic J of makeshift locations—a remodeled information resources, as well as more space women's dormitory, the upper floors of for study, special collections and new Mendenhall, a former art classroom in acquisitions. Also on the to-do list are Founders Hall. For Whittier students, seismic retrofitting of the aging facility and faculty and alumni, a permanent library reconfiguring its outdated floor plan. building was a dream come true.

The ROCK Fall 1997 Students converse in one of a series of staged 1964 photographs designed to show off the library's dramatic exterior by night.

technology that was almost beyond imagination when Wardman Library opened. Then there's the problem of space for the library's collections, which have grown "The new building was heaven," remembers substantially over the years, even with often- Philip M. O'Brien '61, Whittier's current limited acquisition budgets. Once again, college librarian, who was an assistant Whittier finds itself making do with a library librarian when Wardman Library opened. "The that's significantly less than ideal. previous library in Mendenhall was crowded and difficult for the user. All the bound Many recent graduates remember going to periodicals were in the basement and had to be the library as more of a chore than an carried up to the third floor by student adventure. "It was a good place to study and workers. Some of the stacks were on the gossip, but not great for research," said Betsy second level, and others were on the balcony." Kemp '93, now a project coordinator in the Chicago office of McKinsey and Company, a Wardman Library was a '60s-style showplace, management consulting firm. "If I had a a rectangular box elevated on pylons and paper to write, I'd usually have go to other reached by a glass-enclosed staircase. Its colleges' libraries to find the on-line journals floor-to-ceiling windows were overlaid with and other materials I needed. It was one of metal latticework to screen the sun (producing the reasons I needed a car at school." the aforementioned cheese-grater effect). A HISTORIC GIFT Available space was more than double that in the Mendenhall library—enough space to he Wardman Library expansion was prompt some concern that the new library at the top of the college's priority list had been overbuilt for the college's needs. Tfor the capital campaign launched Benjamin Whitten, the college librarian, set last October. And college officials are the doubters straight. "Far from worrying thrilled that the largest gift in Whittier's about the large amount of unused shelf space, history is designated for the library. I am of the exact opposite view," he declared. "Please remember, we built for the future." "This grant marks a milestone for Whittier College, not only because of its size, but also UNMET NEEDS because of what it means to the college community," said President Ash. "The early 35 years into that future, the library represents the intellectual heart of unused shelf space is long gone, and any academic institution, and to receive the very nature of libraries has such generous support for this project is changed dramatically. Today's student and exciting and gratifying." faculty researchers require access to Continued next page

Th ROCKFII 1997 The $5-million foundation grant, STUDY BREAK combined with additional gifts Wbittier's library tl,rou@l, te years designated for the library, will transform Whittier's library into 1894 The first college "library" is a single bookcase in Founders Hall. Its holdings consist of about two dozen one of its greatest assets. The reference books. project is currently estimated at $12 million, and other 1899 The library's collection, which has foundations and potential grown to more than 1,000 volumes, supporters are already being gets a room of its. own--a former art classroom in Founders Hall. approached. A new design will be selected once the 1905 Anna Tomlinson earns her funding is in place. degree and begins a 25-year career as college librarian. Her first task is For O'Brien, who indexing the library's 2,000 volumes, which she accomplishes with four remembers what Wardman trays of handwritten file cards. Library meant to Whittier in 1964 and knows as well as 3.928 With the opening of Platner anyone what a remodeled library Residence Hall for women, the former will mean to Whittier today, Girls' Cottage is remodeled to become Anna Tomlinson '05 Redwood Library. the priorities are clear. 1936 The library moves to the upper floors of the new "A functional design. Space for Mendenhall Administration Building. future growth. A building that's 1956 Ghosts in Mendenhall Library? A woman runs pleasant and conducive to study," into the reading room and cries, "There is an orange he said. "And no less important are astral body following me. I am going to leave him here." seismic strengthening, a building She disappears, and books begin falling one by one from that relates well to the rest of the the shelves. The mystery is never explained. campus, and handicapped access." 1964 The Bonnie Bell Wardman Library opens as Whittier College's first permanent library building. Wardman Library in 1964, O'Brien remembers, "exceeded all our 1993 The Western Association of Schools and hopes." Hopes are just as high for Colleges' re-accreditation committee singles Out the remodeled library—the next Wardman Library as one of the college's greatest liabilities. It ranks behind the libraries of peer challenge is to exceed them as well. institutions in holdings, infrastructure, staffing, computing services and electronic resources. If you are interested in supporting the library project, please call the Office 1997 A Los Angeles foundation awards a $5 million of Advancement at (562) 907-4213. grant, the largest gift in Whittier College history, for renovation and remodeling of the library. Additional gifts for the library come from the. Caroline P. and Wardman Library Charles W. Ireland today looks much as it did in 1964. Plans call Foundation, the for the remodeled and Weingart Foundation, expanded library to be and RobertJ. '40 more architecturally and Olive (Chandler) similar to the older Clift '41. buildings on campus. DENNIS DANNEHL Source: Whittier College: The first century on the Poet campus, Charles Elliott, Jr. '67, 1986.


t 9:30 or 9:45 am., somewhere along in And then, just when he thought he couldn't take there, on Saturday, Aug. 23, 1997, Bryan the heat anymore, Bryan McNally heard John A. AMcNally felt his life fall into place. FitzRandolph, dean of Whittier Law School, tell the entire student body how they'd be on the "cutting While most 22-year-olds slept, the 1997 Whittier edge" of every social issue in the 21st Century. College graduate spent one of the last mornings of summer sitting in a folding chair under the harsh glare of a rising sun, his hands folded in his lap over an orientation program, listening to President Ash celebrate the opening of the new Whittier Law School in Costa Mesa.

For a moment, sitting there with roughly 250 other law students in a grassy quad, McNally thought about his future. He wiped sweat from his brow, straightened the name tag pinned to his lightly That's when it finally hit McNally that, hey, starched, blue-checkered collared shirt, and took a he's a law school student on the road to a deep breath. Everything seemed so new—new promising career. buildings, new faces, new worries about "Life doesn't get any better than this," he told He %%n't knDtifr homework and himself. grades and t-frfz.pjt to eeet ... inty spending the e spent the rest of the day with class- Mit 4e zirnnte4 to next three mates—some his age, some older and in enter vzt2es 'ne years H the middle of their careers—going though 7/1146e ran working registration and orientation, wading through pa- toward a Juris perwork for photo IDs, parking, class schedules. vre.c2%ent. Doctor degree. He even glanced at the school's rules and regula- He didn't know what tions, and the Code of Student Conduct Manual. to expect from Orange County's newest and only nationally accredited And he toured the $21-million, high-tech campus law school, only that he wanted to enter politics at Harbor Boulevard and Sunflower Avenue one day. Maybe run for president. Continued next page

PHOTOS: ROBIN BANKS Th ROCK FII 1997 T40, ne fr-4ere c4h911t4S

(designed by the Irvine-based architectural firm Archetype International). Finally, McNally didn't feel like a visitor anymore, but like one of peenty 0 the family.

He compared the new campus to the old, cottage- One of the last like law school at Hancock Park in Los Angeles, a mornings of summer quaint facility that had reached full capacity. was sepnt sitting under the harsh glare of a rising sun listening to he new 15-acre campus is three times the the welcoming speeches size of the Hancock Park site, with plenty of Dean FitzRandolph Tof room for growth. Space alone has and President Ash. increased from 55,000 square feet at the old site to 130,000 square feet in Costa Mesa. There are four rusty-orange, single-story buildings with 14 computer-networked lecture halls and two Moot Courts—all with double-walls and special The library offers both traditional and on-line paneling, rendering them impervious to outside legal resources, including LEXIS/NEXIS, WESTLAW/DIALOG, Computer Assisted Legal Instruction, On-line Public Access Catalog, and an extensive CD-ROM collection for interactive instructional programs. It also promises to serve as a resource hub for the more than 10,000 practicing attorneys in Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties.

"It's absolutely fascinating to walk into the library," McNally enthused. "It's going to be an extremely useful place to study, which is mostly what I'll be doing here. I'd be naive to think it The second part of the day was dedicated to the would be any other way." logistics of registration like checking Out class schedules and wading through paperwork for photo IDs and parking. The school itself was founded 1965 as the 7ere Are distractions. The hallways are painted in Beverly College of what school officials call "warm, harvest i te4t t/it Law in Los colors," and they're lined with 750 t-vK% 4tjfr stt4e,ztc, Angeles. In lockers for students with too many books Kn4er Me erv.cD'n 1975, Whittier to lug around. to ,fter 6ree College joined 36 i%vee t forces with the And the 45,000 square feet of library space Me law school to with study carrels, computer work stations, establish Whittier conference rooms, and soft ceiling lights, all make College School of Law. the experience of entering law school "a bit Later, after the Hancock Park facility had intimidating, but no less exciting," said McNally. developed every square foot of building space,

The ROCK Fell 1997 tree il4eS t4e IL t4e p4nock 'ijrk 4cIte, t'. t4.

r LY(4'M. "Whittier Law School now has one of the finest O campuses in the nation," said Ash. "And it's a credit to the students who choose it as an institution."

wo days after the ceremony, McNally had his first class, Legal Process with Dean TFitzRandolph. Three hours later, he finally understood the significance of going to a nationally accredited law school. It means listening to professors with knowledge he personally has yet to acquire. It means sitting in classrooms with students who have similar ambitions. And it means, eventually, taking the bar exam in any state he wants.

McNally will graduate in the year 2000. "Most of McNally checked in and learned about campus organizations before touring the facilities that make my friends are taking a year off before moving on the experience of entering law school "a bit to graduate school," he said. "Not me, I don't intimidating but no less exciting." want to waste the time. I've always been told, 'Shoot as high as you can and don't stop until you leaders from the law school, along with the get there.' I know it's going to take dedication and Whittier College Board of Trustees and the hard work just to make it through the first college administration, began an exhaustive semester. I'm just proud to be a part of the first search for a new facility. class at this extraordinary campus."

A satellite campus was set up in an Irvine office building last year. The first-year class grew from 230 students to 240 students this year.

ccording to President Ash, the school Aintends to play a high- profile role in the county's legal community. For one thing, there are plans for a legal clinic After his first class, McNally that would allow students, under the supervision realized one significance of attending a nationally accredited of faculty, to offer free legal advice to the public. law school: studying with students And opportunities for clerking and internships who have similar ambitions. have increased as well, especially in Orange County, the fifth largest county in the country.

The ROCK roil 1997



s the Current Giving Chair for the Endowing I also want to recognize a group of Annual Fund Athe Tradition Campaign, I am pleased and Volunteer Leaders who generously gave of their proud to present to you the many alumni, parents, time and efforts to help us exceed the $1 million and friends of the college who displayed their Annual Fund goal: loyalty to Whittier in the 1996-97 fiscal year. On Kathleen A.(Kingsbury) Dobrzycki '64 the following pages, you will find CEO's of major Parent Co-Chair corporations, recent graduates, teachers, small Brian A. Macias '83 business owners, retirees, and third generation Poets. JGWS Co-Chair Despite their diverse backgrounds these people all David D. Mandarich have one thing in common—an affection for Whittier Parent Co-Chair College. Their support provides the college with Brian R. '71 and Susan Miles Friends Co-Chair much-needed operating revenue, without which Maxine M. Trotter '47 Whittier would simply not be Whittier. Their JGWS Co-Chair generosity proves that they are proud to be members Joan (Peters) Woehrmann '52 of the college community committed to making a Friends Co-Chair Whittier College education a reality for talented and Thomas Wood '50 deserving students. Without their gifts, many of our JGWS Co-Chair students could not These volunteers are looking for a few good men and women to help with their on-going efforts to enhance the performance of the Whittier College Annual Fund. If you are not already doing so, I encourage you to follow the lead of these dedicated people. You too can help to make a difference. If you are interested in learning how, please contact Jonathan Meer, executive director of development, at (562) 907-4278.

Thank you again to all those members of the college family for making their continuing support of Whittier a philanthropic priority. afford to attend Whittier. These contributions enhance the Sincerely, financial strength and competitive 38 profile of the college, ensuring that a Whittier degree remains a valuable asset as our alumni Charlotte D. Graham enter the job market or apply to Chair, Current Gifts Campaign, Endowing the Tradition graduate school. Member, Whittier College Board of Trustees

The ROCK Fall 1997 H 0 N 0 R R 0 L L I

THE SOCIETY Christiansen, John A. '42 I and Ruth R. (DeVries) '42 ince 1923, the John Greenleaf Whittier Society has played a crucial role in mak- Clason, Roy "Rj." '84 ing a Whittier College education possible for our many deserving students. Dur- Clift, J. Robert '40 and Sing the 1997-98 year, for the first time in twenty-six years, the "entry-level" gift Olive C. (Chandler) '41 for the JGWS was increased to $2,000 through an authorization from the Board of Cosand, Joseph P. '36 and Trustees. For more information, please contact Nancy Gonzalez '96 in the Office of Kathleen M. Advancement at (562) 907-4288. Cotroneo, Tony M. and Carol President's Council Marshburn, Theodore F.'51 Jervey, Edward D. and Cox, Douglas T. '91 ($10,000+) and Mary L. (Delkin) '53 Thora T. Craggs, D. E. '40 and Jere Benefactors McPherson, Harry M. Lund, Alan H. '71 and Irene M. (Rojas) '44 ($5,000 to $9,999) Mitchell, James E. '62 and Marumoto, William Crow, John H. '64 Fellows Michael Ann '63 H.'57 and Jean M. Curry, John ($1,000 to $4,999) (Morishige) '59 Morimoto, Edward M. '53 Dillon, Kristine E. '73 Newsom, Alice C. McCloskey, Chester M. PRESIDENT'S and Olive R. (Jordan) '44 Eichelberger, William H. Park, Ernie Z. '43 and Pera Beth COUNCIL Meyer, Laurel A. '48 Pickup, Richard H. '55 Ekstrom, Stanley W. and Bailey, Robert G. and Katie and Carole (Martin) '57 Owens, Lee E. and Erika Robbyn L. Bailey-Findley, Rebecca Pierno, Anthony R. '54 Randolph Jr., Carl L. '43 Elkinton, Robert H. '40 Banisch-Connick, Sonia and Beverly J. (Kohn) '54 and Jane T. '43 and Joyanne A. (Hull) '48 Ball, Dolores (Lautrup) '33 Pomboy, Richard M. and Erickson, Raymond F. and FELLOWS Bartolucci, Enrico and Sissel Carole DeSaram Suzanne S. Poulsen, Dennis C. and Ai, Steven C. '76 Esty, Jonathan F. and Blalock, Gerald E. and Suzanne S. Allen, Etty Rosemary K. Charlotte R. '52 Rosenberger, Homer G. '34 Allen, Susan E. Ezaki, Ramsey A. '74 and and Alice E. (Martin) '37 Janine Y. (Yokochi) Carroll, Susan Anderson, Lynne T. '72 Connick, C. Milo Shannon Jr., E.L. and Florence, Kenneth J. '65 Ruth B. Arrambide, John L. '35 and and Verena M. Deihl, Richard H. '49 and Frances N. (Swan) '49 Fukushima, Paul S. '39 Billie D. (Beane) '50 Shepherd Sr., Willard W. and Geraldine H. Ash Jr., James L. and and Peggy Dezember, Rayburn S. '53 Patricia (Beaty) '91 Gad, Shayne C.71 and Joan L. (Erreca) '56 Smith, Elden L. '62 and Ashton, Jennifer Ettinger, Sharon W. Gothold, Stuart G. '56 and Barbara G. (Whaley) '64 Baker, Florence Jane R. (Soderberg) '55 Feinberg, Sheldon and Taki, Tomio Barmore, Miriam P. '28 Betty Gregory, Wilbur S. Tregoe, Benjamin B. '51 Belben, Frank R. and Gund, Gordon '93 and Ferguson, Douglas W. and Jeannette G. '51 E. Joanne (Brown) '34 and Ruth Llura Trotter Jr., E. George and Bender, Paul and Virginia Hailer, Mary L. Findley, Gary S. '79J.D. N. Maxine (Murdy)'47 (Knott) '34 Halvorson, Morgan '29 and Gastelum, Ronald R. '68 Veloz, Roberta G. Berger, Elsie M. (Beckwith) and Susan C. Anna S. (Henderson) '29 (Garrett) '57 Biggers, Catherine N. '36 Hambarian, Jeff Gilchrist, Richard 1. '68 Wood, Donald E. and Nina (Newsom) '69 Blystone, F. Lynn '57 and Hamilton, Richard P. and Patricia L. Carolyn C. Gobar, Alfred J. '53 and BENEFACTORS Sally A. (Randall) '55 Butzel, John E. and Sandra Hankin,Jo Ann L. (Steele) '62 Graham, Charlotte D. Adams, Charles W.'53 Harris, Dean M. and Campos, John and Grasty, George M. Andreoli, James M. and Mallory A. (Hall) '76 Melody R. Rebecca R. Harris, Clinton 0. '34 Hayes, Stephen L. '63 and Davidson, Alan C. Cann, Lawrence R. and Yvonne A. '63 Harris Jr., Willard V. '55 Carol A. (Stewart) '58 and Harriet A. Harris, Willard P. Heimark, Donald E. and Capps, Robert W.'54 and Madeline Lee Herrema, Donald J. '74 Hathaway, Julian I. and Tonia A. and Leslie G. Helen M. (Bewley) '32 Heinrichs, Peggy H. Carey, Paul M. and Rose 39 Kelly, John E. Hathaway, Nadine A. '61 Hockett, William '39 and Casford, Kenneth R. and Julia Y. (York) '38 Mandarich, David D. Hochstetler, Peggy Norma Hoffman, W. Howard Causey, G. Terry '72 House, Howard P. The Advancement Staff has worked hard to avoid errors or omissions in Chambers, Kenton L. '50 this report. We realize, however, that they can and do occur. We apologize Howard, Dorothy B. for any mistakes and would appreciate being informed of them. Please Chan, Pedro C. '71 (Metcalf) '36 contact us at (562) 907-4288.


Jenkins, Don L.'53 and O'Mara, Sally (Coburn) '56 Spencer, MargaretJ. '68 Weed, Beulah A. '31 Barbara (Van Arsdall) '53 Ortega Jr., Adan A. '84 Stambaugh, Robert A. and White Jr., Harry G. '47 and Jessup, Merrill G.'53 Ortiz, Martin '48 and Nancy A. (Nicholson) '60 Shirley (Plummer) '48 Jimenez, Oscar J. '61 and Linda J. (Dinsmore) '76 Stark, Mei-Lan E. '89 Wilkins Jr., Gordon M. '65 Gail V. (Stevens) '61 Ott, Frank H. '36 and Starkey, James E. '59 and Wilson, Mary Lu '42 Jones, H. Trevor '53 and Dorothy J. (Baker) '37 Beverly J. Woehrmann, Robert F. MarilynJ. (Renn) '54 Palmer, Marie E. Stelmach, Harlan D.A. '67 and Joan M. (Peters) '52 Jones, James E. and (Lindahl) '42 and Madelyn L. '67 Wong, Jam Fay and Bow Barbara A. '51 Park, Nelson G. and Eva Stewart, Berkeley B. Jean Juday, Lynn R. '32 and Lois Stoll, Alfred W. '49 and Wood, Steven A. '70 and Katherine L. (Balden) '30 Parsons, Earl G. and Barbara L. (Conolly) '52 Marjorie A. (Shiveley) '69 Kemp, Charles B.'35 and Ethel M. Stone, Michael S. '68 Wood, Thomas D. '50 and Regina M. (Dunkin) '34 Patton, L. Michael '72 and Stover, Cary Shirley A. Kenworthy, Betty J. Norma (Trotter) Summerton, John E. '69 Woodward, Leland S.'40 (Armstrong) '45 Pederson, Gordon K. '50 and Caroline (Reade) '43 Swayne, Judith A. '63 Kief, Gary C. and Evelyn K. Wright Jr., William Killian, Jack E. '53 and Perry, J. Edward '37 Tashima, Marie '50 H.'50 and Marygene Marilyn D. (Loew) '58 Piani, Frank A. '61 and Torres, Esteban E. (Marshburn) '49 Kreuger, Howard E.33 Ann (Dahlitz) '63 Toxby, Peter T. and Sharon Wulfsberg, Richard L. '66 Kroll, Duane Piper, David L. '75 Tunison, Elizabeth L. Yamamoto, Shuzo '73 Leggett, Ellen Porzecanski, Arturo C. '71 (Lamb) '43 Yocam, Delbert and Janet Leventhal, Jess '73 and Nina R. Turner, Donald S. '53 and (McVeigh) '67 Janet C. (Dunham) '55 Lombardi, Arthur P.'64 Provan, Edith Youngquist, V. Richard (McDonald) '32 Valla, F. Louis '34 and '34 and Jeanne Lundstrom, Mary R.'56 Richards, E. Neill Adella E. '33 Zanetta, Joseph M. Macias, Brian A. '83 Rau, Robert H. '62 and Waltzer, Jennifer A. Manning, Hamor R. and Mercedes (Mason) '80 Eleanor M. (Morgan) '58 Richardson, Shirley J. McCarthy Jr., John D. '77 (Vitt) '37 PHILADELPHIANS and Mary L. '77 Robinson Jr., C.W. '39 McFerran, Jack W. and and Billie elow we recognize individuals who have estab- Mary K. Robinson, Laura (Akley)'27 lished a life income contract (such as a trust or McQuinn, Robert E. and Bannuity) or bequest to benefit Whittier College. Rock, Joseph and Sarah L. Christine M. (Zarzaria) '97 The generosity these friends demonstrate during their Rockwell, Robert F. '33 Meer, Jonathan D. and lifetimes will continue to provide support for genera- Elyse and Hartha tions of future students. We are truly grateful for their Rosene, Robert B. '44 and Mele, Jack A. '43 and exemplary loyalty to Whittier students of yesterday, Erlene (Woodward) '43 Alieze today, and tomorrow. For more information, please Mendez, J. Michael '65 Ruxton II, Edward '44 and contact Kiane Robison at (562) 907-4299. and Stephanie M. '66 Adele Miles, Brian R.71 and Sattler, George A. '57 and Susan Diane Alcorn, Max B. Bradshaw, Wanda Millman, Richard S. Saunders, Carol I. Allen, Thelma V. (Gossen) '47 (Coiner) '45 Milton, Mark G.78 (Sprague) '43 Bray, Barbara V. '50 Schallenberger, John H. Mischo, Kathleen R. '73 Bailey, M. Jane (Lee) '52 Casjens, Carlton B. '49 Schroeder, Nina E. '52 Moore Jr., Floyd S. '48 Bailey, Robert G. and Katie Cerello, Virginia L.'63 Scott, John A. '42 and Barnes, Margaret Chamberlain, Ruth Moorhead, Virginia Velma C. (Ramsey) '42 (Keasbey) '33 Barr, Barbara (Morse) '44 M.(Sundbye) '40 Shackelton,J. C. and Met- Chester, Thomas M.'55 Mueller-Woelders, Jane '63 Ling M. Barrett, Clark and Patricia (Payne) '50 Christiansen, John A. '42 Mullenbach, Peter J. and Shields, Larry P. '48 Joyce M. (Johnson) '77 Belben, E. Joanne and Ruth R. (DeVries) '42 Shively, Wilma G. (Brown) '34 Claxton, Myron D.'40 Nelson, Terry M. and (Pemberton) '37 Veronica A. Blackburn, Elsa and Nancy Siu, Kenneth A. '75 Nerhood, Harry W. and Blalock, Gerald and Cleveland, ma Mae '41 Leona W. Smith, Barbara (Little) '37 Charlotte R. (Roe) '52 Commons, Kent '61 and Neu, John H. Smith, Daniel G. Bond,Winifred C. Joan (Senechal) Nichols, Albert C. '40 and Smith, Robert R. '52 and Booker, Michael '75 Conant, Shirley (Davis) '59 Joe Ann Helen G. (Whittman) '52 Connick, C. Milo

ANNUAL GiviNG GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council - $10,000 or more JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 Sponsors - $500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249

The ROCK Fii 1997 HO NO R ROLL

Sandison, William '53 C C depended on the scholarship Brett Schneider, Bernard '68 received. Otherwise Brett might have had Schroeder, Nina (Brock) '52 Schulze, Don and e to quit school. Whittier was really nice to Ruby M. '84 him. I don't have money, but I am very grateful that the Scott, Malcolm and Aldine C. (Hunter) '30 school could help Brett." Shafer, William N. '50 —Emily K. Kimura Shannon Jr., E. L. and Grandmother of Brett A. Kimura '96 Ruth B. Shapiro, C. Joel '64 Shapiro, David '93 Cooper, Marcia L. Hunting, Wanda Myers, R. Chandler and Slater, Frederick E. '58 (Hall) '68 (Stedman) '43 Becky Small, Malcolm Cosand, Joseph P.36 and Ireland, Caroline Naulty, Ruth Kathleen (Patterson) '43 Smith, Elden '62 and Naulty, Susan L. '67 Barbara (Whaley) '64 Cox, Irving E. '38 James, Lois E. '40 Newman, W. D. Bert '59 Snyder, Larry A. '50 and Cross, Christopher T. '62 Jennings, Norma Palmer, Marie E. Zilpha (Keatley) '48 Cupp, Easter Jervey, Edward D. and (Lindahl) '42 Starkey, James E. '59 and Damgaard, Evelyn Thora (Thompson) '51 Parker, Frederick Beverly (Vawter) '52 Jessup, Merrill G. '53 Patton, Blanche Stecklein, John E. '44 and deNoyer, Viola M. '40 Johnson, Janet (Reese) '56 (Sexsmith) '57 Helen Dreese, Rebecca Jordan, Vivian Pawell, Virginia G. Stewart, William W. and (Dezember) '78 (VanHellen) '33 (Warren) '51 Bette Ann Dukes, Fred R. '47 Juday, Lynn R. '32 and Peck, Byram E. Tanaka, Togo W. and Jean Durham, Ruth Esther Katherine L. (Balden) '30 Peden, LeonardJ. '59 Tashima, Marie '50 (Fisher) '37 Kelly, John E. '51 Pendleton, Hugh '52 Thomas, William H.'57 Evans, Peggygene Kennedy, Donald '40 and Perry, Marjorie C. Tregoe, Benjamin B. '51 Connie '43 Fazakerly, Jack Perry, Robert Edwin '58 and Jeannette G. Kinsey, Douglas K. Fowler, Joan G. Pickering, Seth '32 and Tunison, Elizabeth Francis, Joan D. Kolina, Bruce R. '67 Mary Fae (Moffett) '32 (Lamb) '43 Galbraith, Marvin Kountz,Jr., William B. '56 Pierce, Esther Vincent, Louise Gibbs, Ethel Ling, Carmel A.33 Plummer, F. Michael '70 Wilkes, Oscar M.'49 Goerg, Esther Linsky, Grant B. '81 and Sharon '70 Winnburg, Frank E.38 Grant, Edward K. Lovejoy, Daunn E.'60 Ramirez, Ralph R. Wolin, Jonathan and Bonnie L.(Orenchak) '69 Grasty, George M. Lowe, Alice (Darling) '37 Robinson, Newton P. '37 McCloskey, Verna and Margaret E. Wood, Jack and Janet Gregory, Wilbur S. (Lautrup) '37 (Whittemore ) '45 McFarland, Ruth Groce, David E. and Rosanbalm, Gerald L. '63 Wulfsberg, Richard L. '66 Barbara A. McNulty, Paul D. '76 Rosenbury, Dorothy '27 (Ondrasik) '57 McPherson, Harry M. '23 Ruxton II, Edward '44 Guithues, Bette Mann, David M.'64 (Kessler) '44 Mann, Sherrill R. Harding, Janie L. (Cartt) '64 (Jones) '66 ESTATES AND TRUSTS Marks, Robert Harris, Clinton 0. '34 I Mecherikoff, Gene and Hawkins, Verda M. '38 Rita (Rolph) '62 President's Council Fellow Hawley, Mildred '42 Melnik, Seymour Floy H. Frances K. Lewis Trust Memorial Trust Hempenius, Gerald E.'56 Meyer, Laurel M. '48 Donor Benefactors F. Earl Durham Jr. Higgins, Paul L.'42 Michel, Virginia Jo Memorial Trust Hodge, Marian W. (Poison) '50 Nola Lee Cole Scholarship Fund (Wilson) Mills, Garth A. '78 rn Paul A. Lewis Trust Holton, Betty J. Mooschekian, Terrence '68 Hooper, Nancy J. Muller, Jacqulyn A. (Wells) '63 (Wadeson) '54

ANNUAL GIVING GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council - $10,000 or more • JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 • Sponsors - $500 to $999 • Pacesetters —$250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249

The ROCK Sornn,r 1997 H ON 0 R R 0 L L I

ALUMNI BY CLASS Pohlman, Jessie E. (Hyans) Chisler, George F. Rudolph, Gwendolen H. (Hart) Draper, Phyllis (Follett) Taylor, Theodora M. Jenkins, Marian 1923 Other Donors (Christiansen) Kettler, Phyllis B. (Plummer) Heine, Rowena R. (Newcomb) Participation: 6.25% Thomas, M. J. Krage, Eleanor E. (Crill) Number of Donors: I McAlister, Carol N. (Nelson) JGWS President's Council 1931 1934 McAlister, William V. McPherson, Harry M. Participation: 11.54% Participation: 35.82% Nabors, Dorothy M. (Davidson) Number of Donors: 6 Number of Donors: 24 Smith, Margaret C. (Cederquist) 1925 Pacesetters JGWS President's Council Participation: 13.04% Huber, Margaret C. (Cosand) Harris, linton 0. 1936 Number of Donors: 3 Associates Rosenberger, Homer G. Participation: 15.94% Sponsors Moore, Alice E. (Eckerman) JGWS Fellows Number of Donors: 11 Compton, Gladys 1. (Foster) Ostlie, Maribelle (Dyer) Belben, E. Joanne (Brown) JGWS Fellows Compton, John L. Other Donors Bender, Virginia M. (Knott) Biggers, Catherine L. (Nanney) Cosand Jr., Joseph P. Associates Fox, Maxine R. (Howard) Kemp, Regina M. (Dunkin) Howard, Dorothy B. (Metcalf) Eckels, Ethel D. (Koontz) Hawley, Wilma H. (Hackley) Valla, F. Louis Wirth, Madeleine T. (Todd) Youngquist, V. Richard Ott, Frank 1927 Sponsors Sponsors Gardner, Hazel M. (Hayes) Participation: 13.89% 1932 Ingrum, Emmett W. Number of Donors: 5 Participation: 23.63% Olney, lone M. Pacesetters JGWS Fellows Number of Donors: 13 Pacesetters Fink, Adaline L. (Allen) Robinson, Laura A. (Akley) JGWS Benefactors Krueger, Evelyn (Johnson) lmai, Michi B. (Bessho) Hathaway, Helen M. (Bewley) Layne, Fay M. (Connell) Parminter, Katherine L. Sponsors (Bandy) Kranz, Esther N. (Hamburg) JGWS Fellows Philippi, Richard I. Price, Ruth M. Juday, Lynn R. Simmons, Fred J. Other Donors Stephens, Clara M. (Janeway) Provan, Edith (McDonald) Associates Garrett, Malcolm H. N. Jacobs, Ross E. Sponsors Berger, Edward Associates Robinson, Dorothy F. (Garrett) Bell, Helen J. Oessup) Bauer, Sheila W. (Murray) Bloomer, Leona M. Bosio, Joseph F. Hutchison, Wren R. (Rucker) Simmons, Camilla V. (Vincent) 1937 1928 Pacesetters Thomson Sr., Richard A. Participation: 32.95% Marron, Frances K. (Kranz) Participation: 2.22% Number of Donors: 29 Number of Donors: I Westley, Katherine G. (Gray) Associates White, Margaret H. (Bayley) President's Council JGWS Fellows Balch, William C. Rosenberger, Alice E. (Martin) Barmore, Miriam P. (Pearson) Triggs, Jewel H. (Houghton) Other Donors Bixby, Norma (Allen) JGWS Fellows Other Donors 1929 Church, Winifred (Davies) Ott, DorothyJ. (Baker) Jones, Virginia M. (Merithew) Farrar, Evelyn (Hilgenfeld) Perry, J. Edward Participation: 16.67% MacKenzie, Bunny J. (Olsen) Number of Donors: 6 Hutchison, Elizabeth (Brewer) Richardson, ShirleyJ. (Vitt) Pickering, Mary Fae (Moffett) Shively, Wilma G. (Pemberton) JGWS Fellows Pickering, Seth C. 1935 Smith, Barbara L. (Little) Halvorson, Anna S. Triggs, Jewel (Houghton) (Henderson) Participation: 37.50% Sponsors Number of Donors: 24 Bailey Jr., Carlos A. Halvorson, Morgan 1933 JGWS Fellows Gardner, Paul H. Pacesetters Participation: 33.33% Arrambide, John L. Robinson, Margaret E. (Lautrup) Pickering, Nyra H. (Hagen) Number of Donors: 18 Berger, Elsie M. Robinson, Newton P. Associates JGWS President's Council Kemp, Charles B. Tebbs, Daniel D. Flanders, Lillian (French) Ball, Dolores (Lautrup) Pacesetters Flanders, George Maxwell Sponsors JGWS Fellows Perry, Hubert C. Hatcher, Ellen L. (Linsley) Phelan, Thomas J. Krueger, Howard E. Lowe, Alice E. (Darling) Moorhead, Virginia K. (Keasbey) Pacesetters Christopher, John J. Maple, Barbara E. (Dawson) 1930 Rockwell, Robert F. Glasgow, Maria-Rae (Ross) Maple, Earl W. Participation: 20.51% Valla, Adella H. Parminter, E. Burton Number of Donors: 8 Spencer, Grace R. (Raffety) Pacesetters Williams, Juanita 0. (Ott) JGWS Fellows Goldman, Max L. Associates Caylor, Dorothea 1. (Irwin) Associates House, Howard P. Kingsbury, Ralph L. Curran, Leona (Ott) Holton, Margaret L. (Lawrence) Juday, Katherine L. (Balden) Krueger Jr., William F. Kerr, Carolyn H. (Holloway) Jenkins, Sarah J. Sponsors Associates Shorthorn, Frances A. North, Arthur H. Kranz, Charles T. Corwin, Ralph G. (Kingston) Other Donors D Pacesetters Other Donors Sowers, Margaret H. (Price) Barmore, Eugene E. Schneider, Everett C. Bassford, E. Ferne (Pemberton) Takahashi, Ruth Y. Drury, Robert B. (Fukushima) Associates Farnham, Bob M. Falterman, Margaret W. (Cook) Anderson, Lois B. (Patterson) Fletcher, Theodora M. (Mann) Other Donors Houpt, Margaret l.(Jenkins) Guptill, Perl N. Jordan, Vivian A. (Van Flellen) Buchanan, Lucile E. (Pease) Hutchison, Elvin C. Sugahara, Yone (Kuwahara) Ling, Carmel A. Chambers, Ruth E. McLane, Naomi W. (Wood)

ANNUAL GIVING GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council —$10,000 or more .JGWS Benefactors —$5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 Sponsors - $500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249

The ROCK Fall 1997


vVhisenhunt, Rachel I. (Thomas) Fobes, Margaret H. (Hathaway) 1941 Mabb, Mildred F. (Thalimer) Marshburn, Margaret (Combs) Wills, Anne W. (Phelan) Goeppinger, Ellen C. Participation: 31.45% (Voboril) Yerger, Alta Mae (Magoon) 6Number of Donors: 39 Associates Jochimsen, Bette M. (Elliott) Bailey, Margaret A. (Schmitz) Martin, Lorna (McLean) JGWS Fellows 1938 Baird, Yvonne (Wilkinson) Naureckas, Alma L. (Furman) Clift, Olive C. (Chandler) Participation: 23.07% Callicott Jr., Norfleet Nygaard, Mildred E. (Moss) Numb6er of Donors: 21 Pacesetters Cass, Marie S. (Segner) Patterson, William H. Hales, John E. Garren, Eleanor G. (Railsback) JGWS Fellows Rand, Bernice F. (Watson) Henderson, Annabell I. (Richter) Hockett, Julia Y. (York) Mooney, Fred T. Saville, Nellie A. (Daniels) Vey, Georgiana S. (Stacy) Padia, Morris J. Sponsors Steelman, Keith C. (Cole) Associates Worrill, Walter F. Hawkins, Verda M. Towner, Nobu B. (Bessho) Hartman, Mary E. (Perry) Valentine, Evelyn B. (Cravens) Other Donors Pacesetters Hartman, Robert F. Armstrong, Betty Jean Bateman, Ruth L. (Railsback) Henderson, Verdna M. (Herr) (McKenzie) 1940 Cox Jr., Irving E. Holton, Mary L. (Palmer) Butler, Bruce B. Kegler, Jean R. (Bassett) Participation: 33.07% Lion, Jane E. (Tregay) Clapperton, Jean E. (Crossan) Number of Donors: 42 Wicker, Monte E. Lion, William F. Coffin, E. Audine (Meyer) Wilson, Wayne C. JGWS President's Council Seapy, Viva S. (Strayer) DeMille, Margaret T. (Twining) Winnburg, Frank E. McCloskey, Chester M. Wilson, Alma M. (Patterson) Dooley, Gordon W. JGWS Fellows Associates Other Donors Dutton, Edna I. (McConnell) Brown, Dorothy M. (Pfeiffer) Clift,J. Robert Brunner, Edwin B. Facca, Mary Lou (Kinney) Craggs, D.E. Joyce, Lois E. (Hunnicutt) Cave Jr., Thomas F. Fox, Verona D. (Holmes) Elkinton, Robert H. Joyce, Maurice H. Chance, Josephine L. (LaRue) Gibson, Willard E. Nichols, Albert C. Coffin, Joseph H. Grundt, Barbara C. (Daley) Other Donors Wilson, Dean R. Dean, Elizabeth I. (Smith) Hendrick, C. L. Corneliussen, Virginia G. Woodward, Leland S. (Garretson) Elder, Dorothy E. (Winslow) Howell, Marie E. (Mehrten) Ekholm, Margaret B. (Brewster) Sponsors Garrett, Eugene T. Jones, Sally (Bullis) Fobes, John D. Claxton, Myron D. Gibson, Thelma L. (Collins) Kavinoky, Beatrice (Erickson) Kane, Ardith H. (Lowe) Pacesetters Guirado, Arlene T. (Welch) Kruger, Phyllis A. (Rettig) Landon, Sibyl H. (Hofstetter) Christopher, Madolyn E. Holton, Mary Lee (Palmer) Miller, Donald I. Marshburn, 0. Ellis (McKenzie) Kono, Florence K. (Pang) Miller, Virginia (Hill) Railt, Mary P. (Page) Cojerean, Alice C. (Lembke) Koopmans, Grace M. (Mills) Mills, Harriet G. Smeds, Helen T. (Thomas) Herbert, Malcolm D. Lumpkin, Beth M. (Garfoot) Mutz, Verna M. (Osborn) Spencer, Anna E. (Johnson) Vincent, Russell P. Marshburn, Arthur E. Parker, John H. Sternbach, Thelma L. (Jennings) Marshburn, Carol A. (Mead) Perry, Portia E. Associates Meredith-Martinek, Jane M. Poage, Maryann L. (Lucas) Brunson, Edward R. (Meredith) Saul, Margaret L. (Miller) 1939 Cooper Jr., Charles S. Paldanius, Elizabeth T. Saurenman, Louise (Bell) Participation: 30.90% Fertig, Nelle R. (Shuler) (Timberlake) Schooley Jr., Wayne F. Number of Donors: 34 Fertig, Norman A. Parker, Virginia B. (Whitson) Stevens, Dorothy (Mitchell) JGWS Fellows Gardner, Stephen L. Rorick, Virginia W. (Burdett) Walker, Russell E. Fukushima, Paul S. Kennedy, Donald L. Slagel, Marietta A. (Armacost) Woodward Jr., Thomas E. Hockett, William Payne, Margaret W. (Cleland) Stull, lone J. (Pike) Wyne, Glenn M. Robinson Jr., C.W. Wineinger, Eugene 0. Stull, Robert B. Sponsors Wineinger, Margaret Tidd, Robert C. (Nicholson) '943 Bishop, Gene M. Valois, Ann D. (Hayes) Participation: 31.62% Bishop, Rose V. (Frank) Other Donors Vonhof, Mary E. (Thompson) Number of Donors: 37 Destro, Alice H. (Higley) Baker, R. Edwin Welch, Harold R. Banks Jr., Harry G. Wessels, Lewis J. JGWS Benefactors Pacesetters Barmore, Ralph A. Randolph Jr., Carl L. Fukushima, David K. Cadwallader, Charles C. Randolph, Jane (Taber) Gardner, FrancesJ. (Gunn) 1942 Comer, Edith P. (Jordan) Griffith, W. Lee Participation: 32.69% JGWS Fellows Copeland, Margaret G. Me, Erlene (Woodward) Mazzone, Lucie M. (Oldham) N6umber of Donors: 51 Cusick, Alice G. (Saunders) Mele, Jack A. JGWS Fellows Associates de Noyer, Viola M. Tunison, Elizabeth H. (Lamb) Christiansen, John A. Dallas, Ruth I. Gilmore, Willa G. (Winston) Woodward, Caroline (Reade) Christiansen, Ruth R. (DeVries) Gordon, Carol C. (Collins) Gould, Miriam L. (Pickett) Palmer, Marie E. (Lindahl) Sponsors Mason, Josephine A. (Popple) Graves, Anita T. (Tan) Scott, John A. Thompson, Dean (Dice) Mooney, Dorothy I. (Sheets) Harrison, Maude B. (Toland) Scott, Velma C. (Ramsey) Thompson, Robert Morrison, Donald E. Kennison, Geraldine H. (Hill) Wilson, Mary Lu Payne, David H. McGuckin, Ruth F. (KuIp) Pacesetters Alder, Betty D. (Taylor) Other Donors Mitchell, Preston E. Sponsors Dietrick, Gwyn E. (Wardman) Almond, Mary B. (Ellingsworth) Scott, Winston L. Whitson, Hannah M. (Thomas) Dye, Robert R. Axworthy, Ruth 0. (Vail) Shoemaker, Barbara B. (Root) Whitson, J. Harvey Frank, Guy J. Beagle, Frank A. Silveira, Enid I. (Hartley) Pacesetters Hobson Jr., Arthur T. Boyer, Helene (Van Leersum) Smith, Susanna G. (Strickler) Benson, Virginia M. (Strong) Hobson, Barbara (Robinson) Chidester, Richard S. Stanley, Richard B. Dietrick, Everett J. Miller, Marjorie (Finley) Doggett, Elisabeth L. (Langdon) Whitehair, Jane E. (Edwards) Hunter, Beryl L. (Wood)

ANNUAL GIVING GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council —$10,000 or more •JGWS Benefactors —$5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 • Sponsors —$500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates —$125 to $249


Associates Pacesetters Kennedy, Nancy (Nix) Griffith, Audrey (Hancock) Allen, Thelma V. (Sprague) Chappelow, Violet W. Nash, Sharmon A. (Hawley) Hansen, C. Dick Callicott, Barbara J. (Stambaugh) (Ridgeway) O'Connor, Frances R. (Webb) Hunt, Anna G. (Stanfield) Davidson, BettyJ. (Holbrook) Hammond, Mary Jane Rhea, M. Carol (Webb) Irons, Virginia (Bentley) Funk, Mary J. (Whitlock) Robinson, MarjorieJ. (Strobel) Ryan, Marjorie (Bennett) Krogsdale, Joanna R. (Turner) Johnson, Alice (Lacy) Weaver, Martha E. (Fletcher) Wolstoncroft, Robert G. Lassleben, Elizabeth H. Kennedy, Mary G. (Gibson) (Gigley)* Associates Other Donors Locke, J. Allan Twycross, Harriet L. (Saunders) Clarke, Marilynn L. (Burke) Bensinger, Merle H. Miller, Florence L. (Davis) Other Donors Harlan, Effie L. (Henley) Dohallow, Erna L. (Hughes) Mitchell, William E. Blakemore, Phyllis J. (Pipkin) Hudson, Lorna M. (Goodin) Dunn, Lynette (Butler) Morgan, Jay W. Buffington, Milton A. McCaughin, Patricia B. Gibson, Elizabeth M. (Kimber) Nichols, Paul E. Dunn, F. Betty (Brydon) (Hollingsworth) Gresch, Evelyn (Sayer) Nichols, Winifred (Saunders) Hilla, Julie (Schoensiegel) Padia, Mary G. (Atkins) Hubbard, Martha J. (Harrison) Randolph, Betty A. (Ruether) Magnusson, Alan B. Other Donors Jolley, Billie M. (Webb) Roget, BettyJ. (Pierson) Mahood, Leland H. Brown, Bette (Hoskins) Laughlin, Lois L. (Wood) Sandberg, E. A. Mustain, Martha L. (Young) Carey, Kathleen L. (Carter) O'Connell, M. Colleen Seemann, Betty L. (Stanley) Paterson Jr., Edward M. Cauffman, John R. (Huntington) Van Dyke, Mildred J. Phillips, Doris E. (Capps) Chenney, Frederick A. Reitherman, Janie M. Wallace, Venetia G. (Kinasz) Shugg, A. James Dickey, Helen F. (Trompas) (McMillan) Smith, Barbara (Holloway) Ellis, Bettie (Lewis) Rothe, Phyllis (Wilkerson) Taylor, Marguerite E. (Grace) Ferguson, R. LeRoy Thoren, Mary V. (Ewy) 1948 Timberlake, Frances L. (Jones) Folse, Florence (Beaton) Participation: 33.84% Welborn Jr., Ivan A. Harmsen, Barbara A. (Reeg) 1947 Number of Donors: 66 Wilson, Milly Lou (Wade) Larson, Ruth M. (Roberts) Participation: 28.91% JGWS Benefactors Mills, Jeannette A. (Eyerly) Number of Donors: 37 Meyer, Laurel M. 1944 Stanfield, Elwin E. JGWS President's Council JGWS Fellows Participation: 29.33% Tange, Helen (Seibert) TrotterJr., George E. Elkinton, Joyanne A. (Hull) Number of Donors: 22 Wheelock, Sylvia V. (White) Trotter, N. Maxine (Murdy) Ortiz, Martin JGWS President's Council Wood, Janet (Whittemore) JGWS Fellows Shields, Larry McCloskey, Olive R. (Jordan) White, Shirley R. (Plummer) White Jr., Harry 1946 JGWS Fellows Sponsers Sponsors Participation: 38.37% Craggs, Jere (Rojas) Dukes Jr., Fred R. Cauffman, Dorothy J. Number of Donors: 33 Rosene, Robert B. Oury, June R. (Clarkson) Sponsors Ruxton II, Edward Pacesetters Pacesetters Hunsaker, Cecilia A. Adden, JoAnne M. (Nordstrom) Pacesetters (Wiklund) Reese, Frances A. (Journigan) Kratzer, Rowena M. (Palmer) Dye, Esther E. (Boyle) Krumm, A. Lois (Little) Robinson, James T. Lee, William R. Koch, Barbara J. (Mitchell) Walton, Keith B. Associates Skinner, Earle C. Skadan, Reesa H. (Bottorff) Pacesetters Atkins, Helen C. (Harper) Snyder, Zilpha (Keatley) Associates Arcadi, John A. Deihl, Thomas V. Conklin, Ellen R. (Shore) Leavitt, Marjorie (James) Laramore, Louis F. Associates Guithues, Bette S. (Kessler) Benedict, Truman Rolston, Myra (Vill) Cogswell, Howard L. Dillon, Forrest E. Other Donors to athletics gives Groot, Phoebe V. (Ho) Bradford, Joe H. Haynes, Gerald D. Chu, Bettie (Simmons) "Supportstudents a chance Ivey, Dorothy R. (Crookshank) Clark, Marcia (Combs) to relieve the McDonald, Marcile (Woodell) Didier, Frances A. added stresses of the high cost of Pike, James S. Fletcher, E. Ellis Pike, Marie F. (Nordstrom) Green, Margaret M. (Haase) athletic equipment." Shutt, Lois (Topping) Johnson, Seconda P. (Scribante) Tenopir, George K. Kelly, Mary (Phelan) —James McLellan '98 Ver Steeg, Richard W. LasslebenJr., William M. Member, Men's Soccer Team Warnock, Frances R. Ninneman, C. Joan (Lang) Patton, Blanche S. Other Donors Tuttle, Arlys L. (Fossum) Mossman, Mae G. (Scott) McClain, Joe V. Abrecht, Marian (Gage) Neighbours, BarbaraJ. (Cook) Morris, Bernice (Todd) Atwood, Wright M. 1945 Russell, Martha J. (Stagis) Sherwood, Carl L. Aulenbrock, Joseph C. Tenopir, Jane A. (Longwell) Bakker, Margaret E. (Healton) Participation: 40% Associates Bayless, William C. Number of Donors: 28 Other Donors Anderson, Elizabeth A. (Sterritt) Campbell, Mercer J. Aronson, Leon E. JGWS Fellows Bachtelle, Violette M. (Bakuen) Cochran, Eugene M. Brock, Winifred L. (Chaffee) Kenworthy, BettyJ. (Hibbard) Bonner, Marjorie C. (Searle) Cole, Cliff W. Crofoot, Finisa E. (Moses) Saunders, Carol I. (Coiner) Bourne, Alberta S. (Smitheram) Curtis, Glenn W. Burroughs, Mary A. Durham, TayekoJ. (Kawahara) Sponsors Dallara, Nadine M. (Vill) (Henderson) Ferguson, Catherine M. Schremp, Florence L. (Barmore) Dell, John W. Deihl, Patricia (Cattanach) (Hudspeth) Thompson, Shirley (Hoberg) DeMart, Norma J. (Pruner) English, Virginia (Cook) Gray, Margaret (Hendrix) Desmaretz, Mary J. (Broussard)

ANNUAL GIVING GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council —$10,000 or more -JGWS Benefactors —$5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 Sponsors - $500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249 *Deceased The ROCK FsJI 1997 HO NOR ROLL I

Elder II, Thomas M. Parker, Ruby L. (Mitchell) Michel, Virginia J. (Poison) Miller, F. Beverley (Ricks) Fair, Jack H. Sills, Helen B. (Tipton) Price, John R. Miller Jr., Kenneth D. Fair, Marilyn (Reade) Other Donors Snyder, Larry A. Miller, Ronald R. Ford, Dorothy A. (Newberry) Armstrong, Robert H. Streater, Jerry W. Montano, Martin C. Frazier, Bette J. (Paulsen) Baldwin, James W. Associates Naylor, Betty L. (Blakesiey) Fusion, Evelyn R. Barton, John B. Elliott, Robert B. Nelson, Barbara (Enyeart) Gallard, Marjorie (Frank) Beier, Rolf R. Fenaroli, Yvonne Norling, Walter I. Hart, Donald G. Belt, Virginia (Jessup) (Lamoureaux) Payne, William L. Hooper, Raymond B. Bertsch, Phillip 0. Foster, Margaret (Williams) Rauth, Betty Ann (Robinson) Homyer, Lenora (Marchant) Blakemore, John R. Fox, Martha A. (Reynolds) Rayburn, Ray W. Jolley, Jack W. Bolin, Ruth S. Gardner, Marilyn J. (McCall) Roenicke, Floyd E. Kinney, Patsy R. (Eberhart) Davis, June E. (Hart) Gault, Beverly A. (Hayden) Ross, John M. Magnusson, Marjorie E. (Finley) DeMayo, Donna V.(Spoon) Gault, David R. Sanden, Milton R. McClary, Marion (George) Durham, George W. Johnson, Russell D. Scofield, Mary A. (Byrnes) McClary, William E. Elias Jr., John Johnston Jr., Thomas Gray Snape, Bonnie A. (Hale) Nemec, Barbara J. (Reinhart) Gilson, Joyce (Girton) Lichtenstein, F. Stan Sowa, George B. Peters Jr., William E. Goggin, Josephine (Roundy) Major, Louise H. (Weingartner) Taylor, Ruth M. (Dyer) Porter, Wyne W. Harrison, Howard R. McMahon,Joanne A. (Sanquist) Tucker, H. Richard Powell, Robert G. Heisler Jr., Chester Paine, Grady F. Tucker, Thomas F. Seelye, GloriaJ. (Walls) Henley Jr., David B. Piatzek, Harold M. Vesely, Clifton R. Seelye, Howard Herrington, Ernest P. Price, John R. Waddingham, Veronique (Layaye) Silva, Marion E. (Woods) Hughes, Irma R. (McCausland) Price, Rose (Durston) Williams, Jay H. Sterling, Donna (Loveridge) Her, Jo Ann (Edborg) Ralston, Donald F. Wilson, Donald E. Stromberg Jr., Carl M. Jones, Barbara E. (Johnson) Reyes, Edward P. Upton, Anne M. (Fiedler) Kallenberger, Martin Slater, Neile G. Vitt, E. Stuart KIug, Patricia Gretchen Strong, Lee A. 1951 Winter Jr., Clyde A. Lightner, James D. Wilson, Donald E. Participation: 27.93% Wixom, Margaret A. (Baldwin) Number of Donors: 107 MacLean, Robert L. Other Donors Martinez, Arnaldo Anthony, Floralie L. (Rogers) JGWS President's Council 1949 Mastain, Richard K. Atkinson, Carol (Adden) Kelly, John E. Participation: 24.91% Mundt, William R. Atkinson, Robert E. Marshburn, Theodore F. Number of Donors: 74 Nettleton, Miriam R. Averill, Larry W. Tregoe, Benjamin B. JGWS President's Council Nichols, Katherine I. Beck, Dwight Tregoe, Jeannette G. Deihl, Richard H. Nogle, Archie E. Berger, George E. JGWS Benefactors JGWS Fellows Prince, George W. Berger, Joy P. (Taranto) Jervey, ThoraJ. (Thompson) Rayburn, Barbara C. (Dukes) Beveridge, Ann (Regar) Arrambide, Frances N. (Swan) JGWS Rayburn, Harriet 1. (Stanfield) Fellows Stoll, Alfred W. Block, Robert W. Jones, James E. Ruegger, Mary (Kubler) Wright,Marygene Bomberger, Dale R. Rothrock, Joan (Spencer) (Mars urn)hb Schneider, Janet (Bertram) Brown, Patricia H. Simon, Thomas I. Sponsors Sponsors Cady, Loretta M. (Seay) Smith, Philo M. Jones, Barbara (Bolton) Hill Jr., Watt G. Cheffers, James Snively, Blossom E. (Bailey) Stecklein, James A. Jackson, William P. Cochran, Clement W. Van Skike, Virginia (Blank) Mastain, Mary L. (Steele) Dickson Jr., Charles E. Pacesetters Vesely, Elinor 0. (Corder) Mastain, Richard K. Eaton, Dorothy (Jessup) CauseyJr., Robert H. Winnen, Fred W. Ody, Earl D. Ellis Jr., James W. Chandler, Kenneth H. Woodward, Vivian (Fallis) England, Jean M. (Newman) Holt, Russ L. Pacesetters Evenson, Nellie C. (Hunt) Kennedy, Harry D. Adden Jr., Herbert J. 1950 Fisher, Robert Lee, B. Jeanne (Roberts) Carlisle, Shirley A. (Jones) Participation: 23.96% Fitzgerald, Robert L. Parminter, H. Eldon Clements, Shirley (Werner) Number of Donors: 98 Gartin, Robert W. Robbins, John B. Crowl, Bruce E. Gauldin, Virginia (Spragins) Smith, Leona I. Reese, Richard L. JGWS President's Council Deihl, Billie D. (Beane) Gilson Jr., James M. Spurr, Edward 1. Associates Goodkind, Penelope Chapman, Raymond E. Szalkowski, Clarence W. JGWS Fellows (Manning) Chambers, Kenton L. Cole, Raymond S. Associates Gresch, Walter A. Pedersen, Gordon K. Corfield, Joan N. Anderson, Joy (Branstetter) Gumpertz, Genevieve A. Tashima, Marie Dial, Benton W. Bates, Elinore R. (Dodd) (Terrell) Wood, Thomas D. Haddon, John C. Fernandez, Doris J. Crofoot, Leonard H. (Strandberg) Wright Jr., William H. Hamilton, Clarence 0. Frees, Robert C. Gasparian, Albert M. HarrisJr., Buckner N. Groot, J. A. Sponsors Jones, B. Marie (Crocker) Baudrand, Donald W. l-lavickhorst, Ralph F. Hall, Thomas J. Markham, Tillie M. Jackson, Muriel J. (Buus) Hoeizl, Suzanne B. (Colt) Kulzer, Hope (Stickney) Nellis, Joan B. (Hoyle) Kulzer, Leland A. Latson, Helen J. Pacesetters (Kirkpatrick) Nichols, Richard E. Moseley, Mary L. (Dunman) Carlisle, Jack E. Leonard, Patricia R. (Lyons) Reyes, Joyce A. (Singrey) Nakamura, Robert M. Clements, Thomas H. RidgewayJr., Rupert R. LaRue, Carolyn (Burns) MacLean, Catherine T. Dyer, Elwyn B. (Shanahan) Wikiund, Stanley A. LaRue Jr., John P. Gonzales, Eugene Macon, James M. Wilson, JoAnn (Smith) Parker, L. Lynn Gross, Sanford Martin, Jean C.

ANNUAL GIVING GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council - $10,000 or more • JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows —$1,000 to $4,999 • Sponsors - $500 to $999 • Pacesetters —$250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249


Other Donors Skaggs, Donald Matzigkeit, Everett M. Belliss, Richard G. Anderson, Arlene N. (Brewer) Strawhun, Amos L. McClellan, Lewis R. Brady, L. Jean (Leonard) Armstrong, Lloyd V. Trueba, Richard P. Mealer, Jack T. Burtness, Joan C. (Scheel) Baldwin, Rosalind (Miller) Tucker, Phillippa (Weickert) Morales, Donald K. Carter, Edward V. Beagle, Irma V. (Girard) Wedel, Gracia M. (Giddings) Nevil, Robert J. Chiros, Frank L. Bowersox, Norma J. (Haynes) Weigel, Betty M. (Forbes) O'Connor, Robert Collins, Carol D. (West) Brown, Myrna (Weed) Williams, William E. Pinheiro, Eugene G. Dean, Barbara J. (Gard) Burnette, Charles R. Wilson, JoAnn (Smith) Plucknett, Sue (Richards) Dickey, Marilyn G. (Votaw) Cleminson, James H. Wilson, Josh Searcy, Ronald L. Dippold, Velma L. (Sills) Cochran, Joanna L. (Craun) Smith, Robert L. England, A. Bruce Conover, Dorothy C. (Smith) 1952 Smith, Stephen H. Evans, Alfred G. Copeland Jr., James H. Participation: 22.10% Sturdevant, Ernest W. Felburg, Sunya L. (Lerner) Crippen, John F. Number of Donors: 63 Tenney, Dolores E. (Bonser) Gaylord Jr., George T. Daniels, Peggy V. (Rhoads) JGWS Presidents Council Vanderhoven, Edward A. Gonzales, Salvador V. Dart, John N. Blalock, Charlotte R. White, Virginia M. (Taylor) Greene, Ardis L. (Stewart) Dewey, Marjorie A. Hamann, Mahlon P. Durant Jr., Alton T. JGWS Fellows 195 Hanawalt, Elise M. (Corwin) Nerhood, Leona (Wilson) Durant, Shirley A. (Wagoner) Participation: 30.10% Harrell, Marguerite C. (Dupont) Ellington, Rex H. Rothrock, Donald S. Number of Donors: 87 Harris, Janet B. Schroeder, Nina E. (Brock) Equitz, Dorothy A. (Richards) JGWS President's Council Hays, Robert F. EwyJr., Edwin W. Stoll, Barbara L. (Conolly) Hopley, Marjorie D. (Vallette) Woehrmann, Joan M. (Peters) Dezember, Rayburn S. Fitzgerald, Marion (Todd) Gobar, Alfred J. Huss, A. Joy Fritz, Finley M. Sponsors Marshburn, Mary L. (Delkin) Kelly, Milton W. Gasparian, Albert M. Smith, Helen G. (Wittman) Morirnoto, Edward M. Kuehn, Kathryn L. Gordon, Lois A. Smith, Robert L. Lookabaugh, Sharon (Wynns) JGWS Benefactors Gray, Robert P. Pacesetters Love, Cherie I. (Willard) Adams, Charles W. Lucy, Eleanor V. (Votaw) Grundeman, Frederick D. Bales, Elbert N. Lucy, 0. Howard Hathcock, Donald L. Bales, Ruth L. (Podmore) JGWS Fellows McCann Jr., Max H. Havens, Patricia J. (Hayes) Grande, Virginia A. (Taylor) Jenkins, Barbara L. (Van Arsdall) Meacham, Carol (Beck) Headland, Betty J. (Osborne) Stover, Corinne (Pehrson) Jenkins, Don L. Miller, Kenneth A. Hewitson, S. John Streater, Ruth (McMillan) Hill, Francis E. Jessup, Merrill G. Miller, Ronald S. Hiltscher, Alan G. Associates Jones, H. Trevor Newman, Velma L. Hiltscher, Barbara J. (Curtis) Eberhart, William A. Killian, Jack E. Newsom, Herbert C. Hooper, Margaret B. (Clarke) Ford, Peggy L. (Gossom) Turner, Donald S. Nichols, M. Joseph Grande, Virginia A. (Taylor) Hughes, Hugh N. Sponsors Patton, John L. Hammond, Richard K. Jones, Louise A. (Easton) Carlson, Robert C. Pray, Ralph A. Harrison, Melvin W. Kerr, James L. Jr. Stecklein, Ann M. (Reese) Qualls, Marilyn J. (Smallwood) Koart, Nellie M. (Hart) Kim, Kenneth C. Robinson, Sue (Lane) Pacesetters Kyhos, Donald W. Macrorie, Lawrence E. Sample, Patricia L. Burroughs, Rodney M. Langjahr, William C. McMillan, Byron K. Scott, Eric D. P. Cowan, James F. Leatherman, Peggy (Hudson) McMillan, Carol (Coomer) Sharp, Betty R. (Cooper) Fick, Warren C. Long, Easton L. Satterfield, Gladys E. (Nohara) Smith, Carol (Coughlin) Greenbaum, Kenneth S. J. Mahan, Ila M. (Warner) Six, Phyllis J. Smith, Donald D. Hardy, Lois (Carter) Marinick, Kathryn (Odle) Smith, Elizabeth M. (Johnson) Other Donors James, Thomas C. McClung Jr., Fred J. Bailey, Jane (Lee) Teas, Roy C. May, Cecilia A. (Wiant) Melendrez, Ella M. (Kroeker) Bench, Marjorie L. (Burrell) Waltmire, Samuel W. McIntyre, Nancy (Nordstrom) Mitchell, Bruce M. Bersch, Patricia E. (Milliagan) Weiss, Roger A. Sandahl, Merilyn L. (Johnson) Moreno, Miguel C. Bon, LaDonna (Coulter) Wiley, Carole M. (Price) Turman, Arthur D. Mountcastle Jr., William W. Brock, Lois M. (Carlson) Much, Fred W. Brown, Marilyn A. Associates 1954 Nye, Doris A. (Mitchell) Calaway, Theodora L. (Payne) Albrecht, John R. Participation: 27.23% O'Loughlin, Jean (Bonnet) Collins, Donald L. Blake, Kenneth G. Number of Donors: 64 Burdg, Marvin L. Osborne, MarianJ. (Ainsworth) Dean, J. Donovan JGWS President's Council Burdg, Roberta L. (Nielsen) Ostrom, Joan (Gregory) Deshler, J. David Pierno, Anthony R. Elliott, Suzanne (Fisher) Pankonin, Barbara A. (Sterling) Dirksen, Marie L. (Chrambach) Pierno, Beverly J. (Kohn) Pawell, Virginia G. (Warren) Dron, James B. Emerzian, Nadine F. Payne, Helen M. (Walters) Fritz, Anne C. (Monson) (Hambarian) JGWS Fellows Hergesheimer, Elizabeth A. Capps, Robert W. Petterson, Patricia F. Grabau, Phillip J. (Gordon) Jones, MarilynJ. (Renn) (Gallagher) Groves, BettyJ. (Newberry) Nobile, Nancy A. Ponce, Robert H. Haskins Jr., Arch Sponsors Nowels, Jody F. (Taber) Princic, Marilyn (Frederiksen) Hedges, Marilyn A. (Conley) Gentry, Ralph E. 46 Nowels, Kenneth Racca, Ernest L. Hendricks, Robert M. Jessup, Joan F. (Dreyer) O'Brien, Robert J. Rands, Marilyn L. (Robinson) Hulsey, Kathleen J. Keck, Carol (Evans) Webb, Robert S. Rathje, Janice D. (Dirlam) Kennedy, William G. Keck, Robert A. Rees Jr., Holly E. Knowles, Corner H. Other Donors McMullen, Ray W. Roenicke, Corliss P. (Kranz) Lacey, Mary C. (Greer) Arnold, Ellen L. (Babel) Rasmussen Jr., Theodore E. Shaffer, Lawrence E. Lovett, Carol (Smith) Austin, Ruth E. (Hamann) Sjostrom, Clifford J. Beauchamp, Joseph E.

ANNUAL GIVING GtFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council - $10,000 or more .JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows —$1,000 to $4,999 • Sponsors - $500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates —$125 to $249

The ROCK Fall 1997 HON 0 R R 0 L L I

Pacesetters Turner, Janet C. (Dunham) 1956 Lappin, Barbara J. (Conway) Aikens, Marjorie J. (Conley) Lohr, Shirley J. (Dozier) Sponsors Participation: 30.82% Barnett, Jeanne A. (Heikkinen) Gentry, Mary V. (Miller) Number of Donors: 82 Lovell, Avnil A. (Voight) Chandler, Barbara H. (Depew) McKinnon, Jerry L. Graham, Patricia A. (Jandt) JGWS President's Council Holt, Carol A. (Hunnicutt) Merchant, Patricia A. (Given) Hartunian, Ben B. Dezember, Joan L. (Erreca) Liverman, Robert D. Rasmussen, Marilyn L. (Griffin) Merrill Jr., Brad F. McCarthy, Jack R. JGWS Fellows Michaelson, James P. Seymour, Joan (Reece) Pacesetters Gothold, Stuart E. Mooshagian, Ray Alacche, Elizabeth A. Lundstrom, Mary W. Muller, Robert J. Associates AIIm, Dorothy J. (Markham) (Reynolds) Abacherli, Rosalie C. Pienzi, Norma L. (Allen) Bell, Virginia R. (Miller) O'Mara, Sally (Coburn) Reardon, A. Anita (Boni) Coltharp, Alice L. (Carpenter) Cowan, Ann (Howard) Fretz, James H. Sponsors Reddington, Norma Y. (Sadler) Tellez, Thomas Hartman, Gerald A. Farmer, Ann D. (Dahlstrom) Reeve, Kirk W. Hergesheimer, John H. Associates Miller, Kathleen (Mitchell) Reinecke, Susanne (Rayburn) Lawson, William Betker, Gerald R. Rowe, A. Boyard Reinecke, Wayne W. Pia, J. Joseph Bryeans, Gabe T. Pacesetters Sands, Patricia C. (Roberts) Ridgeway, Marilyn S. (Keiser) Bryeans Jr., H. Paul Ashton, Dianne L. (Pickup) Seethaler, Karl H. Wells, Don K. Fretz, Peggy J. (Cooley) Bamberger, Ann Y. Sievert, Nancy R. (Heldrich) Ziegler, H. O'Neil Gallegos Jr., Manuel A. Dean, Martha L. (Fahsholiz) Soule, Hildy (Pehrson) Hartman, Judith A. (Krueger) Johnson, Janet (Reese) Tracy, Marlene (Odom) Other Donors Lyons, Rosalie J. (Bultena) Waples, Dana M. (Bonomi) Barker, Craig I. O'Day, Joanne Y. (Gire) Marsh, Katherine B. (Bonillas) Westergaard, Ivan S. Belliss, Joan (Floyd) A. Peel, William A. Marsh, Warren C. Wogaman, Carolyn (Gattis) Bertoglio, B. Allen Stone, Carolyn M. (Ferrill) Spencer, Dan A. Wolfe, Geraldine E. (Palmer) Bloom, Joy (Escher) Stone, Charles E. Stanton, Karin (Nordstrom) Wuopio, Marjorie A. (Smith) Bonham, Russell A. Tellez, Kay H.(Brownsberger) Zittrain, Nancy M. (Wedberg) Coons, Margot M. Other Donors Turman, Genevieve W. (White) Covington, Richard J. L. Ballock, Eugene A. Associates 1937 Dahl, Agnes A. (DiScala) Bishow, Joan (Hornbeck) Blechen, Robert H. Dark, Anitra B. (Haggard) Booth, Donald R. Brink, John W. Participation: 25.73% Number Donors: 70 Eno, J. Ralph Buckles, Carole L. (Pillow) Brown Jr., Edward G. of Gardner, Vivian P. (Schulte) Caffrey, Ann (Gourley) Carlisle, James M. JGWS President's Council Hartman, Gerald A. Cantelmo, Victor F. Davis, Marlin W. Pickup, Carole C. (Martin) Hewitson, Diane (Gregory) Creveling, Carole C. (Lee) Farah, Ann L. (Miller) Veloz, Roberta L. (Garrett) Curtis, Sallie (Walsh) Hoelscher, Dwight A. Franklin, Donna (Johnson) JGWS Benefactors lhnen, A. Jewel (Goode) D'Evelyn, Diane (Fleck) Franklin, Ronald E. Marumoto, William H. lhnen, Arthur B. Davey, Janet R. (Cosand) Johnson, Janet (Reese) JGWS Fellows Katz, Lilian G. DeCocker, Jean E. (Landis) Kampa, Leon A. Blystone, F. Lynn Keyes, D. Dwayne DeYoung, Mary E. (Sadler) Lawson, Elaine A. (Smith) Cann, Lawrence R. Kleese, William F. Drake, Carolyn F. (Matsuda) Leonard, Ann (Stephens) Hiemke, Howard R. Lantz, Richard K. Earl, Charles R. Stair, Latrine (Huck) Montgomery, Ralph Fairbanks, Deborah J. (Rice) Thostesen, Sarah M. (Armagost) Sponsors Morgan, Clara M. (Carpenter) Fox II, John L. Downer, Paul A. Other Donors Mossman, Shirley G. (Nash) Hartman, Judith A. (Krueger) Mitchell, James C. Henricksen, Mary Jo (Miller) Akiyama, Charlotte T. Patton, Jane E. (Warren) (Nagata) Pacesetters; Herold, Owen F. Perkins, Marilyn R. (Miller) Barker, Catherine A. (Bonham) AvilaJr., John Jones, Richard D. Polizzoto, Ethel M. (Bingham) Bates, Valerie S. (Stever) Causey, Julianne (Collins) Jones, Sally A. (Latson) Rice, Jody (White) Beckstrom, Lloyd K. Fick, Phyllis A. (Luther) Kirkwood, Jack Ristow, Betty I. (Perkins) Berry, Nancy R. (Young) Groce, Barbara A. (Ondrasik) Hopper, MarjoryJ. Schaeffer, Lorraine M. (Reed) Bowman, Carmen M. (Pezoldt) Lennertz, Willis A. Magda, Kate M. (Miller) Sides, Sybil (Morrow) Broyles, Robert N. Nighswonger, Katheryne N. McKrell, James L. Spin, Hans W. Brufi, Anna J. (Cox) (Heacock) Merrill, Elizabeth J. (Reed) Swinnerton, Phyllis J. (Lee) Calaway, Donald E. Paholsky, Robert M. Moncrief, Katherine J. (Dodge) Tanner, Joey M. (Heiskell) Chatterton, Rosa I. (Ramos) Pahoisky, Sherrill (Condit) Weed, Cecile (Hankey) Norman, Marjorie B. (Chalupsky) Chorley, Donald S. Associates Wilson, C. Spence Odle, Robert D. Corison, Betty (Russell) Bell, Carol A. (Draper) Winkler, Montgomery K. Oliver, Vivian E. Evans, Renee C. Bryeans, Evelyn A. (Klees) Yeargain, Freda G. (Helmer) Reinwald, Velna (Kaenel) Gharibian, Jane B. (Breslin) Davis, Arline W. (Votaw) Renke, Daniel F. Grensted, Michael J. Deits, Mary P. (Powell) 1955 Renke, Jacqueline (Sadala) Haubrich, Ellen M. (Bahm) Duncan Jr., John W. Participation: 27.91% Rice, H. Eugene Head, Fred L. Hartman, Robert M. Number Donors: 67 of Seydel, Kenneth B. Herold, Diane N. (Purnell) Nichols, Donald H. JGWS President's Council Sippel, Lucia C. (Kelly) Hoar, Ronald E. Nichols, Sydney A. (Foster) Gobar, Sally A. (Randall) Sippel, Marvin H. Hoover, Marvin L. Osborn, Ann (Hiatt) Harris Jr., Willard V. Starkey, Billy F. Hubbard, L. Elaine (Mattison) Rivers, Robert B. Pickup, Richard H. Weed, Bruce K. lllingworth, Elaine (Fielding) Woolston, Neal A. Jones, Phyllis L. (Rhone) JGWS Fellows Wilson, Donald T. Other Donors Kirksey, Nancy R. (Nagel) Gothold, Jane R. (Soderberg) Wyne, Gene K. Andres, Claudia (Smith) Koontz Jr., William B.

ANNUAL GIVING GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council —$10,000 or more • JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 • Sponsors - $500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249


Bedwell, Carleen P. (Finney) Carroll Jr., John H. Peter, Ann (Larson) Zemsky, Ann (Rosenkrans) Black, Barbara J. (Opdale) Daniels, Wayne E. Pacesetters Pacesetters Caldwell, Bruce G. Fields, Max E. Andrain, Charles F. Anderson, LeRoy M. Case, Diana M. (Mladinich) Foye, Geraldine 0. Doughty, Douglas H. Garrett, Donald R. Christiansen, Jane L. Roemmele, Katherine E. Marble, Daniel M. Kraft, Judith A. (Osborn) (Reichenbach) (Reedall) Miller, Jeanette A. (Muse) Marble, Nancy A. (Borelli) Cole, John R. Roemmele, Robert H. Rivera, M. Julie Morgan, Alison (Riddle) Cosner, Rosanelle R. (Walker) Sights, Judith P. (Stone) Sowers, Patricia C. Trueblood, A. Richard Ehrgott, Richard H. Spencer, Maryellen (Todd) Thomas, Donald E. Woirhaye, Gwen V. (Vaden) Exelby, Donald W. Staples, Clark H. Freeland,Joyce 1. (Westerhout) Zimmermann, Ronald L. Associates Associates Bartholome, Carolyn M. Balch, Elizabeth M. (Taylor) Gibb, Robert F. Other Donors Hart, Nancy L. (Perrine) (Dundas) Balch, Peter W. Alford, Donald K. Conant, Shirley H. (Davis) Herman, Susan L. (Kemp) Boccuzzi, Marilyn]. (Wrench) Anderson, Rowena C. Fisk, K. A. Hines, Janet S. (Massie) Buchanan, Florence A. Belles, Shannon L. (Mihld) (Pickering) Hughes, Carole J. (Giles) Flanders, Eric Berger, Bernard W. Hoover, C. Michael Cavenah, Joan A. (Harter) Hyde, Martha L. (Whaley) Berra, Yvonne L. (Fitz) Klepfer, Ron H. Cavenah, Richard C. Jertberg, Jerry R. Bogie, Carol I. (Huston) Hollinger, William 0. Jones, Ralph P. Nutter, Gerald L. Calkins, Richard I. Ogawa, Sally K. (Paik) Kelley, William E. Kesler, Robert V. Carter, Nina Lynn (Livenspire) Olson, James P. Kirk-Fulton, Elizabeth (Kirk) Keyes, Mary Jo (Barnard) Cox, Gladys W. (Moore) Smithpeter, JoAnn M. Lehto, Muriel (Findorff) Lowe, Robert E. Dark Jr., William A. (Vandette) Pasqua Jr., Thomas M. Martin, Bruce G. Ferguson, Richard E. Sowers, Patricia C. Patton, Douglas R. Michaelson, Meta B. (Mitchell) Gerson, Diane E. (Gruenemay) Steele, Robert W. Stephenson, Joan K. Miller, Clarice E. Golf, Gary D. Wootton, Tom]. (DeConnick) Mitchell, Marjorie R. (Parker) Halloran, Carolyn J. Sugisaki, Kazuko (Suzuki) Other Donors PhegleyJr., D. Ted Herr, L. Dick Agnew, Robert D. Other Donors Rae, David E. HundleyJr., Norris C. Berlin,]. Edward Allen Jr., James F. Riggs, Janet K. (Pitzer) Klefbeck, Carol A. (McLeod) Roberts, Ron T. Burgess, Dorothy 0. (Stock) Anderson, Marilyn M. Lawrence, CaroleeJ. (King) (J imerson) Sattler, George A. Clements, Joseph R. Lescher, William W. Barr, Donald R. Shackford, Mary M. (Johnston) Conant, Shirley H. (Davis) Lies, Bob C. Beebower, Norma]. Sharpe, Nancy E. (Harder) Cuthbertson, George R. Lindberg, CarleenJ. (Schutz) Blake, William E. Simpson, Helen R. (Schaeffer) Deitz, Kenneth L. Lowe, Marlene (Catlin) Branda]r., Frank A. Smith, Catherine E. (Agnew) Deyoe, Shirley L. (Creasy) Marsolais, Leitha (Griffin) Calkins, Patricia B. (Odell) Tallant, Ralph E. Fields, Lucy A. (Smith) Marsters, Marlene E. (Dreher) Carner, Charles L. Thomas, Stanley R. Garvisch, Mary C. (Robson) Meyer, Janet L. Carotenuti, Joseph A. Thomas, William H. Hays, Jo Ann Osborn, Robert C. Chavez, Rachel Trevino, Virginia R. (Forrester) Herr,]. Marilyn (Yates) Pickering, Janet M. (Ziler) Chetkovich, Delon M. Wagner, W. Dan Jordan, David W. Putnam, Patrick S. Clifton Ill, Maurice S. Warren, Tana M. (Hagen) Kurilich-Walker, Barbara Roberts, Alma L. (Martins) (Green) Deitz, Sandra L. (Gordon) Woolston, Shirley]. (Russ) Salmond, Helen (Muller) Lusvardi, Lawrence C. DeRiti, Robert M. Young, Elizabeth L. (Mills) Sarthou, Janet (Hile) MacKenzie, Sharon (Reed) Donner, William R. Sarthou, Joseph H. Gaylord,]. Edward 1958 Morris,]. Richard Sheldon, Diane]. (Selvala) Murphy, Michael]. Golf, Helen M. Participation: 25.98% Slater, Frederick E. Olsen, Doris A. (Molumby) Haye, Stanley]. Number of Donors: 66 Streeter, Patricia E. (Hare) Peterson, Honor A. (Bell) Hersey, Janet B. (Latson) JGWS Fellows Sutton, Gilbert R. Saltzstein, Sally R. (Freund) Hill, Karen A. (Swenson) Cann, Carol A. (Stewart) Tibbetts, William F. Schade, David G. Hollinger, William 0. Hiemke, Margaret (Myers) Valiance, George C. Sleigh Sr., Clyde W. Hoyt, Mary L. Manning, Eleanor (Morgan) Zabel, Robert W. Sloan, Bill R. Jacobsen, V. Gary Richards, E. Neill Zabel, Russell R. Thomas Jr., Edward S. ]ertberg, Patricia M. Sponsors Wellenstein, Elizabeth]. (Robinson) Morgan, L. Robert 1959 (Fanning) Klentz, Anne (Williams) Perry, Robert E. Participation: 23.72% Williams, Elaine L. Lovejoy, Daunn E. (Knickerbocker) Peter, James R. Number of Donors: 56 Martin, Sally]. (Gafford) Young, Irene (Alba) Sonke, Denton V. JGWS President's Council McCarty, Peggy A. (Chatfield) Stark, Milton D. Newman, W.D. Bert McWilliams, Harland D. 1960 Phipps, Lois M. (Bridwell) Pacesetters JGWS Benefactors Participation: 29.07% Robbins, Particia S. (Jones) Ashton, Donn R. Morimoto, Jean (Morishige) Number of Donors: 75 Romig, James L. Deveney, Ruth A. (Hamic) JGWS Fellows Sargent, Suzanne R. (Redman) Deveney, Vincent C. Sponsors Starkey, James E. Armer, Loretta (Gotch) Schlotthauer, Joella A. Hutchison, Carol Ann (Burr) (Schmiedt) Sponsors Harvey, Wayne L. Nevelle, Laura L. (Daus) Searle, Cathryn A. (Carlson) Armer, Michael McKittrick, Allan B. Patterson Jr., Frank W. Seelig, Janet I. (Wells) Hall, Janice M. (Lund) Stambaugh, Nancy A. Shamberger, Douglas E. Associates Laskey, Robert E. (Nicholson) Sledzik, Carolyn (Glennon) Biggs, Lynn R. (Barnes) Musselman, Anna S. (Fujishige) Watje, Patricia A. (Ashcroft)

A N N VA L GIVING GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council —$10,000 or more • JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 • Sponsors - $500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249

The ROCK rii 1997 HONOR ROLL

Sloan, Madelyn A. (Petrovich) Halvorsen, Joyce Graham Downey Ill, Bert A. Price, Jane (Lord) Walker, Pamela M. (Krisman) (Spaulding) Downey, Linda L. (Arnold) Pryor, Carolyn (Barnard) Wanamaker, Joan A. (Betts) Hanson, Constance J. (Ayers) Himes, Judy A. Robinson, William A. White, Patricia A. (Braun) Hanson, Ted L. Hollinger, Emily S. (Matthews) Robinson, Donna L. (Teter) Winget, Charles A. Hardacre, Carol L. Moret, Gilbert A. Rodriguez, Samuel Wirth, Janice C. (Maraist) Hernandez, Jose G. Mon, Sherwood L. Rogers, BettyJ. (Conlin) Wunder, Richard D. Hinckley, Joy L. (Ragsdale) Oldham, Linda (Aistrup) Smith, M. Linda (Thormodsen) Wyma, Carolyn M. (Teachout) Huffaker, Lesley A. (Green) Oldham, Michael A. Sommers, John M. Yeakley, Carol A. (Dorn) Johnson, Anne M. (Rutherford) Joynes, Margot (Hutcheson) 1961 Katahara, Bernice H. Kraft, Richard F. Participation: 28.87% C' are both graduates of Number of Donors: 82 Lamming, Norman Macia, Jane R. (Randall) Whittier College. JGWS Benefactors Martinjr., Amon A. Hathaway, Nadine (Applegate) eWe felt that Whittier Martin, Dale R. JGWS Fellows McCulloch, Phyllis A. gave us such a great start on our adult Jimenez, Gail V. (Stevens) (McGeachy) lives that we needed to help deserving Jimenez, Oscar J. McIntosh, Judy E. (Obermayr) Piani, Frank A. McLaughlin, James H. students get a great start on their Richards, Jessie M. (Glasgow) McMann, Susan J. (Matson) careers too." Sponsors Miller, Judith A. (Tatti) Burke, Lowell (Eastman) Olivier, Peggy L. (Sprout) —Steven C. Weston '83 Honn, Richard J. Ono, Janet F. (Nagahiro) Senior Account Manager, Fast rac Systems, Inc; Pettine,JoDee B. (Boyle) Ouse, Susanna (Shamberger) Paulus, Elaine E. (Horvath) Kathleen A. (Weber) Weston '83 Pacesetters Probert, Harold M. Former Analyst, Pacific Telesis Deets, Cathy E. (Meister) Reeser, Henrietta L. (Weber) Ferges, Sharon B. (Collicott) Reyes, Madeleine C. (Madrid) Kraft, Richard F. Rice, Robert L. Peoples, William N. Velasco, Gustavo R. Mitchell, Alice L. (Rosene) Russell, Lorna L. (Trefry) Polzin, Susan E. (Long) Whitaker, Gerald L. Morgan, Jerry J. Salmond, Robert F. Quinn, T. Michael O'Brien, Philip M. Stave, Sharon S. (Sicotte) Sherry, Barbara A. (Burrill) 1963 Smith, David M. Watkins, Gail L. Therriault, Lynne (Klein) Participation: 25.93% Wilson, Dorothy L. (Jasper) Associates Thomas, Stafford T. Number of Donors: 77 Baziak, Sharon K. (Senac) Wilson, Lloyd W. Westmoreland, David B. JGWS President's Council Cooper, Judy S. Wrobel, Con (Blumenstock) Mitchell, Michael Ann Dyer, Ivydell (Kellam) Wrobel, Lyla Ann (Rowley) Other Donors (Mitchell) Ellis, Jerry D. Allison, Dian H. (Meyer) Nutter, Karen M. (Folsom) 196! Branda, Carolyn (Penprase) JGWS Fellows Erickson, Raymond F. Olson, Marjorie H. (Millikan) Participation: 21.07% Busby, Michael W. Hayes, Stephen L. Partee, Richard A. Number of Donors: 75 Caldwell, Wanda M. (Root) Polzin, Stephen E. Cathers, Beryl M. (Harman) Hayes, Yvonne A. JGWS President's Council Sherry, Martin W. Colwell, Judy A. (Whiteman) Mueller-Woelders, Jane Mitchell, James E. Piani, Ann (Dahlitz) Starkey, Robert W. Smith, Elden L. Culton, Donald R. Uyeda, Carolyn M. (Shigetomi) Curtis, Kathryn C. (Epperson) Swayne, Judith A. (Kjellberg) Westmoreland, Sharon A. JGWS Fellows Donner, Karen I. (Kreutzer) Pacesetters (Lowe) Butzel, Sandra L. (Steele) Eiler, Louise A. (Bewley) Doughty, Carol (Evans) Rau, Robert H. Other Donors Flanders, Stephen Dudley, Cliff R. Bartholomew, Susan V. (Stuber) Sponsors Gardner, Harriet A. (Hastings) Ford, Deirdre A. (Darling) Binns, Barbara L. (Phelps) Contreras, Richard E. Gordon, Janice M. (Lens) Johnson, Penelope L. (Arnold) Bishop, Donald C. Davidson, Alan C. Hayes, Marialice (Hedgcock) Kauffman, Karin I. (Strasser) Howard, Leslie L. Heggie, Grace V. (Anderson) Blake, Peggy J. (Dargatz) Associates Sherman, John T. Herrlinger, Pamela (Garr) Bottini, Patricia A. (Kelley) Bateman, Glenus (Redman) Zemsky, Robert M. Ishikawa, Lynette (Hee) Cantu, Kari L. (Hulbert) Buckey, Eleanor G. (Hinde) Jones, Steven H. Chapman, Karen R. (Lenz) Pacesetters Haxton, Ronald S. Kajiya, Vernae S. (Yamada) Clogston, Frances 0. Cirese, Sarah J. (Williams) 1-loltan, Rodli L. (Tompkins) Kern, Alice (Plotner) Garrett, Diana (Bruce) Long, Karen M. (Warren) Clough, Paul R. Kern, Michael D. Goeke, Jeannette E. (Henry) Miller, Dale A. Corbett, Laurie F. (Pekelder) Knapik, Diane E. (Reeve) Harsha Carol A. (Cinkel) Peoples, Karen (Halvorson) Crevola, Janice M. (Harrison) Lentzner, Howard L. Flays, E.' Earl Peter, Richard L. Doyle, Michael J. Manley, James K. Hodges, Kenneth R. Rittermal, Nancy J. (Moseley) Ennis, George H. Manley, Judyth A. (Skillman) Kelsey, Marion J. (Mathews) Shupek, Carol E. (Heinz) Ennis, Judith A. (Piccinotti) Mann, Robert L. Topjon Gary M. Skinner, Richard N. Flanders, Judith A. (Bennett) McCarty, Terry M. Votteri,' Rosa L. (Black) Triggs, Tyna Lee (English) Frey-Richiger, Kate R. (Guest) Meakin, Patricia M. Windsor, Stephen B. Goodson, Gary E. Associates Newquist, David W. Goodson, Marian L. (Voss) Atherton, Maxine E. (Kane) Perchard, Gwendolyn M. Other Donors Guthrie, Jan A. (McClure) Culton, Donald R. (Imbrie) Ayres, Karen A. (Klay)

ANNUAL GIVING GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council - $10,000 or more JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 Sponsors - $500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249

The ROCK FoIl 1997 HON 0 R R 0 L L

Barry, Donna (Laws) Pacesetters Novina, Joan (Adams) Guida, Tinka (Atkins) Beddie Jr., George J. Appleby, Joy D. (Robinson) Olson, Francis Hager, Robert M. Brown, Jean (Gazlay) Baker, Blair C. Outland, John W. Harris, Patricia L. (Thompson) Buechler, Hermine (Budo) Bateman, Ann (Creighton) Pack, Sally L. (Mancuso) Hayes, Margo L. (Broadbent) Carner, Mary L. (Forsnas) Dobrzycki, Kathleen A. Palmer, Susan (Jones) Haywood Ill, Marshall Cerello, Virginia L. (Kingsbury) Phillips, Lee K. Hunt, Sandra S. (Hemphill) Conway, Heather (Woods) Dudley, Darrell N. Pollak, Nancy (Soward) Johnson, Richard W. Croft, Patricia D. (Joslin) Fern, Jean L. Pool, Florence A. Jones, Lana L. (Foster) Deal, Barbara E. (Mayo) Lowe, Jere W. Reeves, Joan (Wolford) Josten, Britta L. (Golding) Dickson, William T. Nebesar, Charles Rice, Carol L. (Gant) Kreit, Sonia E. (Spindt) Eiler, Gary R. Upton, Linda A. Rittershausen, Julia B. (Beers) Kurumada, C. J. (Leith) Elliott, Pamela (Davis) Wilcox, John M. Schmidt Jr., Roderick W. Lau, Karen L. (Hee) Ferreira, Judith A. (Crumly) Associates Shapiro, C. Joel Lyon, Barbara A. Gothold, Stephen A. Black, Nancy (Knock) Stanfield, Melinda S. Martin, Ann T. Hammond, Mary M. Clark, Virginia L. (Snedecor) Suter, Karen S. (Staininger) McMaster, Thomas J. (Amundsen) Ellis, Elizabeth (Behrens) Tredeau, Frederick J. Michelitch, Margretta (Dow) Henke, Janet R. Gerard, Kenneth J. Turner, Gary D. Milbank, Michael P. Herold, Paul C. Hakimian, Patricia L. (Maham) Wheeler, Carol A. (Scott) Murtagh, Janet (Burdick) Jessup, Catherine M. (Gasper) Haldan, Virginia (Zane) Wolf, L. Joanne (Strong) Pate, William C. Korland, Casella H. (Carlisle) Heck, Michael J. Woodard, Carolyn L. (Stelmach) Popp, Erik T. Krogh, Sandy L. (Trombatore) Holtan, Ruth A. (Gillette) Workman, William W. Poston jr,, Clark S. Langan, Barbara A. Long, Kenneth T. Powell, Linda L. (Spindler) Lazaro, Ned F. Skinner, Saundra (Bingeman) 1965 Power, Donald R. Martensen, Charlene B. Triggs, Ray E. Participation: 18.77% Power, Joan (Singleton) McAteer, Richard A. Wiggins-North, Judith C. (Hay) Number of Donors: 73 Prentice, Susanna R. (Kidd) McCluskey, Betty (Aldrich) JGWS Fellows Radoumis, Peggy J. McGill, Susan C. (Wevick) Other Donors (Weinheimer) Al-Hamdan, Fahd S. Florence, Kenneth J. McMaster, Dennis L. Rizzo, Jeanette F. (Muhs) Andreasen, Nancy C. (Pyle) Wilkins Jr., Gordon M. Meister, Lynn S. Saige, Ellen B. (McFarland) Berryman, Jo (Brantley) Millbank, Glen H. Sponsors Schmidt, Barbara A. (Pettijohn) Bolton, Helen L. (Cosand) Moreno, Olga P. Laskey, WalterJ. Shaw, Michael C. Bramlett, Paula R. (Hastings) Newquist, Darlene A. (Haynes) Willson, Gretchen R. (Stiling) Shonborn, William A. Bruckman, Janice (Shea) O'Neil, Carol L. (Mann) Willson, J. David Thompson, Nadine A. (Kane) Burry, Mary Lou (Tweedy) Palmer, Allen G. Yeager, Robert C. Treat, 0. James Chang, Kelvyn K. Pinheiro, Aileen (Folson) Pacesetters Vermeer, John L. Christensen, Betsi L. Podvin, Karen S. (Knieps) Brainerd Jr., Robert P. Wilson, Thomas G. Clem, Charles R. Porter, Janet M. (Ball) Dark, Janice F. (Linville) Zender, Lynn (Danforth) Clements, Susan N. (West) Pulice Jr., John V. Dudley, Darlene E. (Bosch) Contreras, Linda M. (Wignall) Reader, Wyatt A. Wilcox, Martha (Thompson) 1966 Desborough, Carol L. (South) Riddell, Marguerite A. (Kriesant) Participation: 23.51% Dickson, Phyllis 0. (Driskill) Associates Rippy, James L. Number of Donors: 95 Donnelly, Raymond E. Auriemma, Sandra L. (Cords) Rose, Charles D. Fellars, Mary G. (McKeon) Bennett, R. Douglas JGWS Fellows Rose, Claudette (Barnes) Francis, William R. Bishel, Shirley (Morse) Mendez, Stephanie M. Snyder, Judy (Hurd) (Walker) Garner, Iris R. Denyer, Trudy (Schunk) Spaulding, Jean C. (Brown) Shepard, Geoffrey C. Godfrey, James R. Grimes, Carol Ann (Ledbetter) Stoody, John L. Wulfsberg, Richard L. Hallgren, Sue L. (Tettleton) Haldan, Glenn A. Sutherland, Brian K. Hill Jr., Jon W. Lee, John W. Pacesetters Suzuki, Aileen R. (Asayama) Hoover, Tom H. Lee, Maureen C. (Schaub) Appleby, A. W. Tadema, Marianne A. (Curti) Hughie, John P. Patton, Ellen M. (Kuechel) Baker, Antoinette (Leslie) Wunder, Bruce A. Hunnicutt, Raymond A. Spencer, Barbara C. Bateman, Thomas H. Yaggy, Donald Hunt, Harvey K. Taylor, Pamela R. (Williams) Brock, Vernon J. Yeh, Claire S. (Ching) Jones, Frederick A. Uzel, Barry W. Elmendorf, Raymond L. Josten, Robert W. Vaughan, Sherree (Rinderle) Goodwin, James R. 1964 Kahl, Dean C. Windsor, Joellen (Mann) Harvey, Patricia J. (Pettigrew) Participation: 25.97% Kiehn, Ron W. Kemp, John C. Number of Donors: 94 Other Donors Lowe, Jere W. Ali-Hassan, Ruth E. (Robison) Kemp, Linda S. (Sutton) JGWS President's Council Lowenstam, Michael D. Anderson, Susan V. (McKinsey) Looney, James K. Smith, Barbara G. (Whaley) Magruder, J. Joseph Axelson, David E. Nebesar, Susan M. (Brown) Pentecost, Nicholas M. JGWS Fellows Marshall Jr., Gordon M. Boram, Joyce Crow, John H. Marshall, Louise M. (Scheide) Brown, Phyllis J. (Jenkins) Pion, Vicky L. (Nelson) Lombardi, Arthur P. Maynard, Becky Sue (Brock) Bruesch, Robert W. Sartwell, Victoria G. (Emigh) Mendez, J. Michael McKinley, Judy C. (Watts) Cranmer, William R. Associates McKinley, Neal D. Sponsors Dyer, James E. Brown, Ronny J. McMartin, Elnora D. (Reynolds) Ching, Han H. Fording, Carol L. (Fink) Brugman Jr., Joseph J. McQuinn, Patricia M. (Beery) Kreuzer, Mary L. Gibson, 0. Brugman, Rae M. (Curran) Metzger, Eugene L. Laskey, Shirley C. (Fujisaki) Goodson, Alice L. (Martin) Cooper, Diana M. (Arcadi) Moidrem, Karl E. Roberts, Janet L. Greenly, Anne L. (McCord) Craft, Marilyn D. (Kyte) Moore, Susanne J. (Juckett) Yeager, Judith A (Gates) Grimmett, Charles P. Gerard, Sarah (Burns)

ANNUAL GIVING GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council —$10,000 or more .JGWS Benefactors —$5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 Sponsors —$500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249

The ROCK Fall 1997 HO NO R ROLL

Jennum Jr., Joseph E. Wang, Kiturah L. (Friedman) McHatton, Gary J. Axtell, Ronald A. Kewish, Dan R. Weger, Brigitta Mills, Ronald D. Bajlovic, Margaret (Finley) Mason, Michael L. Whiles, Judith D. (Gambill) Mitchell, Cynthia (Canada) Baldwin, Robert A. McLean Jr., Arthur E. Whinnery, Jane C. Noble Jr., J. Thomas Eichorn, Margaret S. (Bloom) Merrill, Joan (Arlen) Workman, Sharon (Scott) Parke, Robert C. Farber, Kenneth I. Owen, Linda (Deals) Wunder, Carol L. Parmelee, Michael E. Hales, Sally A. (Robinson) Sinatra, Robin L. (Hill) Zink, Hope E. Rees, Richard]. Hedrick, Sherry A. (Rockwell) Tinseth, Dennis E. Ripley Ill, Edward P. Lynn, Barbara (Miller) Uzel, Sharon (Trorey) 1967 Rudstrom, Lynne C. Moore, Cheryl R. (Bronn) \Valworth, Patricia F. (Neilson) Participation: 18.11% Sagatun-Edwards, Inger Moore, MacArthur Warner, Carolyn M. (Crowell) Number of Donors: 67 (Sagatun) Mooschekian, Terry Wilcoxen, Peggy A. Samuel, Judith A. (Bauck) JGWS Fellows Ockerman, Gerald L. Shepard, Karen (Pearson) Other Donors Stelmach, Harlan D. A. Robison, John C. Anderson, Linda L. (Davis) Stelmach, Madelyn L. Rothschild, Ronald M. Bell, Charles B. (McKenzie) Young, Royce-Ann Bell, Patricia A. (Phillips) Yocam, Janet (McVeigh) Other Donors Benton, Gerald L. Sponsors Bailey, Martha K. (McCord) Bidwell, Betty J. (Wakeman) Davis, Robert M. Baker, Jeanne R. (Fowler) Bohanna, Denese K. Hall, John E. Beckwith, Jill Brady, Laura J. (Frank) Harvey, Susan R. (Elliott) Bennett, Linda M. Broussard, Robert M. Lipps, Marleen E. (Makino) Blackmore, Naomi R. (Bjerke) Cranmer, Andrea]. (DeCou) Pacesetters Brecht, Patrick E. Curran, Robert W. Brockett, Charles D. Cruickshank, Ruth E. (Stichal) Dietrich, Diane L. Brown, David A. Gebert, Michael W. DiNoto, Kenneth F. Cheatham, Richard B. lpswitch, Lawrence R. Doggett, M. Evelyn Courtright, Rosemary]. Krause, Jane L. (Alexander) Evans, Billie A. (Grembla) Loftus, Hugh D. Gerace, Kaaren H. (Steubeck) Currie, Robert J. Simeral, Virginia H. (Randles) Hackathorn, Linda D. Dahms, Joseph E. (Robinson) Associates Davenport, John L. Hahn, Ralph Eichorn, Alvin A. Dobbyn, Kristine A. Hardy, Gregory B. Herron, Sandra L. (Rockwell) Smith ]r., Lawrence]. (Machenheimer) Harvey, PatriciaJ. (Pettigrew) Honikman, Jane (Israel) Soderholm, Kathleen F. Dodge, Linda M. Hayes, Eileen (Wilson) Naulty, Susan L. (Gilmore) Duarte, Pamela L. (Hagen) Hazard, Peter R. Peter, Diane L. (Hillman) Sowers, Rick L. Elson, Jade A. (Hobson) Hogue, Gene Sinatra, Frank R. Steele, Susan M. Fair, Julia M. (Clark) Howell, Cortney W. Stark, David]. Tasker-Mueller, Barbara]. Feinstein, David Kovar, Barbara]. (Evans) Tasker-Mueller, Barbara (Tasker) Gaudio, J. Eugene Kuhn, Lydia J. (Tasker) Teichman, Brian J. Gaumer, Robert L. Laedlein, Diane L. (McCarty) Throndson. Mary A. (Lavedock) Tsubokawa, Amy (Sakamoto) Graham, Judi A. (Hathaway) Wong, Alan K. L. MacBeth, William T. Other Donors Grand, Bonita S. (Punt) Maldonado, Sharon (Terryl) Adamson, Gayle H. (Guptill) Greenfeld, Sue T. (Robertson) Mapel, Donald T. Adamson Jr., Jerome D. 1968 Hahn, Cathleen A. (Gigler) Martineau, John R. Barrett, Tyler E. Participation: 20.25% Haines, Warren F. Mattson, Gail L. (Gunderson) Boyer, Judith C. (Lank) Number of Donors: 96 Heidenberg, Denise M. (Myers) McCormack, David H. Burgess, George W. JGWS President's Council Hlawatsch, John C. Mills, Sara A. (Roberts) Cain, Gloria J. (Houck) Gastelum, Ronald R. Hogue, Phyllis A. (Sutherin) Ochi, Kazuyoshi Chamberlain, Audrey]. Gilchrist, Richard I. Holt, Ted]. Osborn, Cecelia A. (Cronkright) (Thedaker) Hoose, Winston P. JGWS Fellows Parmelee, Margaret]. lzumo, P. Susan Cimiluca, Demitra (Londos) Spencer, Margaret]. (Scheibner) DeStaute, Edward L. Johnston, Nancy L. Stone, Michael S. Payton-Miyazaki, Yuriko Edgerton, Michael S. Kaplan, Barbara S. (Miyazaki) Edinger, Paul F. Sponsors Kerby, Kay E. (Anderson) Pinckert, Connie (Clark) Elkins, Sondra D. (Nielsen) Lee, Phyllis M. (Wong) Koenigsfeld, Sharon]. Powell, Ida A. Evans Jr., Bryn B. Minor, James W. (Freeman) Sanders, Paul M. Ferguson, Raymond B. Minor, Linda G. (Beem) Kruse, Wesley A. Schuricht, Kathleen M. (Austin) Hardy, Susan A. (Sellers) Muir, A. James Lambert, Dean A. Shaw, Sally E. (Macy) Heck, Timothy D. Pacesetters Maldonado, Arnold J. Shinseki, Yvonne K. Hertzler, Judith A. Bennett, Karen R. (Christensen) McPherron, Pamela]. (Ross) Smith, Judith L. (Sells) Heyn, Faye A. (Browning) Bennett, Leon C. Moore, Paul F. Snow, Sally M. (Sherman) Hunsaker, Claudia L. (Smith) Fraumeni, Penny S. (Cams) Mussack, Leonard D. Snowdon, Cheryl (Mattoon) Hutchinson, Margaret A. Lannan, William G. Mussack, Marilyn M. Snowdon, Rowland C. (Wineinger) (Magruder) Lennertz, Linda L. (Paterson) Sternshein, D. Marc Parente, Kitty (Bruss) Johnston, Allen G. Simmons, Mark E. Straatemeier, Jon F. Pobre, Mel B. Kaiser, Arthur G. Welch, Dennis B. Terry, Darrell M. Loman, Sandra L. (King) Schneider, B. E. Thayer, Diana S. (Lai) Major, Arthur F. Associates Sentell, Barbara L. (Brucher) Ajgaonkar, Ashok D. Varnes, JoAnn C. McGue Ill, Delbert Simmons, Carol]. Walworth, Patricia F. (Neilson) Axtell, Mary]. (Scott) Simpson, Anne E.

A N N VA L GIVING GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council - $10,000 or more • JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 Sponsors - $500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249

Ihs ROCK Fall 1997 H 0 N 0 R R 0 L L

Sinatra Ill, Frank Hall, Susan F. (Pickering) Sinatra, Karen E. (Berg) Hamaguchi, Robert E. Stern-Speck, Margi A. (Stern) Hans, Douglas W. Stiliwagon, Robert B. Heck, Jennifer L. (Smith) Sullivan, Melinda A. (Harnois) Henderson, Lorraine A. "Together Sullivan, Richard F. (Erickson) Teel, Sherryl A. (Carter) Holderith, Katherine]. (Wulf) we open doors!" Varney, Nancy (Miler) Hosack-Curlin, Karen (Hosack) Vincent, John G. Jennings, Kristine L. (Bentson) —Martin Ortiz '48 Walker, Mary N. (Carr) Johnson, Jaclyn (Huchel) Director, Center of Mexican-American Affairs Whitson, Carol Kenny, Kathleen E. Wilson, Douglas A. Kobayashi, Clyde F. Winzenread, Lawrence A. Lukei, Virginia E. (Lopez) Other Donors JGWS Fellows Winzenread, Linda A. (Krueger) Marble, Jean L. (Ferguson) Blakely, Willie R. Gad, Shayne C. Zobel, Jan A. Matuskey, Gail J. (Fischer) Camacho, Dianne L. (DeMille) Miles, Brian R. Maupin, Frederic G. Camalich, Leobardo G. Porzecanski, Arturo C. 1969 Mazzeo, Robert J. Camfield, Philip M. Pacesetters Coville, Dennis L. Participation: 17.11% McCord, Cynthia A. (Robertson) Jones, Richard D. Davison, Jane S. Number of Donors: 84 McCord, Ted F. Miller, Billie (McNabb) Deane, Sally J. Associates JGWS President's Council Miller, John S. DePauw, Karen P. (Ward) Belknap, Elizabeth L. (Unland) Gilchrist, Nina A. Mistysyn, James M. Durham, Christina L. (Miller) Colflesh, Melissa Jo (Otte) JGWS Fellows Morin, Charles R. Eno, Jonathan Compton, James A. F. Heinrichs, Peggy (Hackett) Munsell, Gregg M. Goodman, Ann L. DuPuy, Loren W. Summerton, John E. Murphy, Bruce A. Hall, Linda (Hartman) E. McDermont, Gregg N. Wood, Marjorie A. (Shively) Nakamura, Grace A. Hall, Steven]. Salcido, R. Anthony Pacesetters Newell, David F. Henderson, Hugh D. Other Donors Allen, Denise (Day) Novarro, Nancy L. (Jacobson) Hilliard, Glenda G. (Boehm) Bernal, John B. Allen, Wendell F. O'Malley, Carolyn K. (Poison) Inn, Estelle (Kau) Brown, James M. Blake, Gary B. Ogle, William F. Knuth, I. Augusta (Stevens) Brown, Joyce C. (Eakin) Calac, Gordon D. Paul, Jill Kreuzer, William C. Boyer, Stanley]. Clendaniel, Randy Peebles, Gary E. MacQuiddy, Michelle I. Chipello, Diana]. (Priest) Dawson, E. Douglas Prosser, Karen C. Maggard, Sarah E. Corcoran, Michael E. Fraumeni, Vincent J. Ruffner Linda D. (Smallen) McMurtry, Barbara (Dack) Fall, Andrew L. O'Connor, Nancy C. (Howe) Schachter, Thomas D. Mele, John A. Frutchey, Catherine M. (Mason) Pettis, Susan (Veatch) Schopfer, Christina I. (Williams) Mele, Linda L. (Callicott) Hitchman, Rebecca C. (Kato) Woolsey, Brad R. Stephanian, Virginia A. Mohammed, Leslie R. Hodson, Sara S. (Widnck) Mooers, Gregory R. Kane, Kathleen L. Associates Stephens, Sherry (Firestone) Mullenbach, Patricia (Webster) Kramer, Stephen A. Downie, Elizabeth M. (Harvey) Stong, Peter A. Murphy, Terry A. (Martin) Lusvardi, Carla E. (range) Downie, Robert L. Weston, Mary H. (Stelmach) Naylon, Jill L. (Ferguson) Martin, Jimmie E. Gillette, Christine M. (Portigal) Woodson, Thomas M. Neely Jr., MaltrusJ. May, Karen N. (Uyeno) Hans, Douglas W. Wulfestieg, Paul C. Peebles, Maria A. (Voorhees) Mead, Sally L. Harris, Wyatt A. Pyle, John E. Miller, Jean A. Kewish, Diane I. (Adamson) 1970 Ray J r., George H. Mon, Ray G. Owen, William E. Raymond, Priscilla C. (Bosse) Mullen, Pamela A. (Smith) Patterson, Marie E. (Layaye) Participation: 13.97% Number of Donors: 64 Seeman, Pamela]. (Lynch) Nakamura, Joy Patterson Jr., Samuel M. Sorenson, Steven D. Ostlie, John C. Roman, William E. JGWS Fellows Sorenson, Teresa A. (Record) Parker, Stephen]. Stack, joy E. (Jacobson) Wood, Steven A. Stephanian, Armand A. Payne, Catherine K. (Gedge) Thornburg, Robert B. Sponsors Sternshein, Kathleen]. (Bang) Rogers, Frank R. Bernard, Frank E. Other Donors Stung, Carol (White) Scanlon, Kent C. Aanerud, Ronald A. Pacesetters Tholen, Janet G. Schachter, Susan]. (Thomas) Baker, Hyatt P. Langford, Stewart M. Todd, Sally]. (Engel) Stella, Carol F. (Fuller) Black, Janet (Erickson) Sirney, Marie]. (McDonald) Tommervik, Melissa (Browne Stillwagon, Nancy (Verano) Brown, PamelaJ. (Bellis) Associates Kelley) Sydnor, William E. Brown, Tom W. Atherton, Joyce A. (Umemoto) Tong, Kathy L. (Richardson) Takagi, Lee E. (Dye) Brunelle, Joyce M. (Maltun) Beaver, Bonnie L. (McTavish) Varbel, Teri L. (Spence) Todd Jr., Charles S. Burns Jr., William D. Colflesh, Steve C. Vestal, Deborah E. (Bouvea) Tracy, Diane E. (Kafka) Chamberlain, Michael E. DuPuy, Margaret (Adams) Wilson Jr., Albert H. Tracy, John M. Chase, Sharon Y. (De Maria) Edinger, David H. Wilson, Lani F. (Coulter) Urabe, Barbara A. (Tabrum) Clark, Douglas K. Grayson, Linda C. Wulfestieg, Rebecca S. (Barnard) Urabe, Ronald K. Crump, Santa L. (Smalley) Herman, Allen L. Dobbyn, E. T. Johnston, Margaret G. (Severy) 1971 1972 Durham Jr., Robert D. Kuehl, William 0. Participation: 9.44% Participation: 16.77% Fisher, Donn D. McCartney, Michele L. Number of Donors: 46 Number of Donors: 77 Floyd, Susan F. (Baker) Perez, Douglas H. JGWS Benefactors JGWS Fellows Ford, Sharon M. (Widman) Rothschild, Jane (Raycraft) Lund, Alan H. Anderson, Lynne T. (Nishiguchi) Haines, Christina M. (Jordan)

ANNUAL G lvi N G GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council -$10,000 or more • JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 Sponsors —$500 to $999 • Pacesetters —$250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249


Causey, G. Terry Miyata, M. Ann (Gibson) Hall, H. Edward Miles, Janice K. (Yamashita) Patton, L. Michael Moore, Mia L. (Hervin) Hall, Richard M. Miller, Bonita M. Nerio, Gerald D. Hoover, DeborahJ. (Boice) Muller, Jeffrey A. Sponsors Randolph, Sally A. (Johnson) Hyde, Steven C. Pearson, Pamela G. (Cook) Jacobs, Richard L. Muir, Caresse A. (Green) Roark, Lorene A. (Duffey) Hyder, Garnet L. Rails, Don P. Ivey, Standra N. (Newburn) Roberts, MaryJ. Nash, L. James Rodman, Betty A. (Mocchetti) Pulver, Amy L S. Roig, Susan P.(Carter) Kreuzer, Susan K. (Duffey) Scheuermann, Julie A. Sanford, Allison A. (Pond) Larson, Kim M. (Swift) Schoenberg, Edward L. Pacesetters Sowers, Mary E. (Tenopir) Lee, Roxie A. (Morey) Spratt, Roger J. Argo, Kathy L. Stovall, Dennis K. Lubian, Stephanie N. Steele, Suzanne E. (Klein) Biang, Marcia R. (Keuning) Thomas, Lawrence L. (Caiopoulos) Volpp, Teri R. (Dale) Bosetti, Stephen W. Thompson, Shelia P. (Miller) Macauley, Dan J. Walker, William B. Cardinal, Lynne J. Thormodsgaard, Terry R. Mackin, Marilyn H. (Maurer) Warburton, David S. Ekberg, Kathryn K. (Davies) Vigliotti, Janeane S. Martin, M. Teresa (Flavin) Weeks, Lucy E. Nelson, Christine E. (Reel) Young, Roger S. Miles, Richard R. Nelson, R. Eric Ramirez, Sharon D. (Landers) 1975 Phillipson, Kenneth W. Slight Ill, Daniel M. 1973 Participation: 16.57% Smith, Marilyn J. (Came) Slight, Elizabeth S. Participation: 14.05% Number of Donors: 56 (Buckingham) Associates Number of Donors: 68 JGWS Fellows Akins, Leigh A. Stinson, Dennis D. JGWS Fellows Stinson, Sherri L. Piper, David L. Cannon, E. Fred Dillon, Kristine E. (Frederiksen) Sin, Kenneth A. Downs, Jeffrey S. Ezaki, Janine Y. (Yokochi) Stueck, Janelle P. Edinger, Virginia F. (Matera) Sponsor Leventhal, Jess Thompson, Mary Ann (Tasker) Feen, Robert S. Hancock, Gretchen A. (Oakes) Yamamoto, Shuzo Tucker, David F. Gardner, Lee R. Pacesetters Watkins, Diana 1. (Sell) Mrakich, George M. Sponsors Emery, Mark H. Walker, GeorgiannaJ. (Jones) Peet, Nancy E. Brand, Donna]. Leark, June S. (Okubo) Whitby, Sallie L. (Ekern) Rice, Juli M. (Goddard) Claggett, Thomas F. Zinn, Joan C. (Schaafsma) Associates Simonian, Patricia R. Pacesetters Darling, Diane M. (Hartunian) Buck, Richard W. Deihl, Rebecca L. (Tanner) Tonge, Elizabeth]. (MacDonald) Curtis, Ivory T. 1974 Flanagin, Sallie A. (Severs) White, William E. Herrington, Rebecca L. (Oster) Participation: 9.97% Number Donors: 41 Healy, Dean A. Young, Roger S. Kilpatrick, David B. of Hybarger, James D. Manuia, Stanford M. JGWS President's Council Other Donors Jenkin, Leslie Sue Herrema, Donald J. Aleshire, Frances J. (Jennings) Mazerov, Katherine (Dean) Kightlinger, Rick M. Moore, Edna M. (Brindley) Allen, Stephanie K. (Ainoa) JGWS Fellows McCormack, Caroline A. Allen, Willie D. Moore, Joe P. Ezaki, Ramsey A. (Moore) Anderson, A. Craig O'Grady, Patricia A. (Tredup) Associates Sponsors Baker, Richard E. Barber, SusanJ. (Ball) Brown, Marla C. (Chiasson) Rendon, Dorothy A. Baker, Tinka (Perry) Hanson, Diane (Scott) Whitehead, Ruth A. Bamett-Keane, Laurielynn F. Pacesetters Jarus, Kathleen E. (Morgan) Other Donors (Jackson) Conner, Vickie (Gutierrez) Lum, Gwyned G. (Chun) Anderson, Edward V. Bernal, Margie E. (Arvizu) Winthrop, Lawrence F. McDermont, Patricia A. Auten, Floyd D. Bonfantine, Dennis A. (Guerrero) Associates Causer, Ann M. (Finne) Camalich, Gayle L. (Tuttle) Oonchitti, Janet (Anderson) Deihl, Richard T. Criscione, Anthony P. Carras, Dorothy B. (Shifflett) Oonchitti, Vanchai Flanagin, Dennis M. Douthit, Rebecca L. (Coffey) Cherry, Darlene K. (DiWindt) Smith, Colleen C. (Yoshida) Jones, Elizabeth M. (Motander) Eaton, Kyle F. (Feely) Church, Esther L. (Lin) Smith, Richard A. Kightlinger, Debbi M. (Collins) Ekstrom, Deborah J. Colvin, P. Anne (DeArmond) Smith, Stanley M. McCormack, William M. Flaks, Richard S. Colvin, Robert M. Werber, Fred A. Other Donors Flanagin, Sallie A. (Severs) Edwards, Janet L. (Cranston) Williams, Leslie Arcadi, Alison A. (Giles) Fullerton Jr., Thomas Gerard, Stephen R. Other Donors Borunda, Mario R. Hanson, Pamela D. (Hollenbeck) Getz, George F. Albert, Donald W. Clague, AdelineJ. (Cardenas) Hayes, Jane L. (Schipfer) Granberg, Birgitta M. Ansell,J. Steve Cochran, Douglas G. Helfrich, John C. Hickey Jr., Robert E. Arizmendi, Linda S. (Whalen) Couser, Carl A. Joffe, Kim D. (Krous) Jensen, Bonnie M. Avirom, Cheryl R. Cureton, Scott S. Kerr II, Eugene C. Joffe, James G. Bates, Lynda S. Davenport, Patricia A. Levshin, Linda]. (Lowry) Johnson, Sandra A. (Nagao) Cabot Ill, Paul C. Fatland, Judith C. (Nelson) McCloskey, Terrance E. Kanold, Norman A. Calidonna, Jerry L. (Pearson) Ferguson, Paul W. McKenzie, Sally B. (Owen) Kronfly, Mildred J. (Wagoner) Coppes, Jack G. Gonsalves, Debi K. (Herrema) McLellan, Stephen D. Lee Jr., Francis M. Corley, Elizabeth A. (Beck) Hanson, Donna L. (Stewart) Monkiewicz, Michael Leonard, Mary Lou Cortez, Christina L. (Rodriguez) , Kathleen A. (Bruich) Naylon, Stephen C. Libbrecht, Tern L. (McDuffie) Couzijn, Leonard W. Kefauver, William E. O'Grady, Patricia A. (Tredup) U,..' MacEwan, Bonnie J. Covington, Cary R. Leggette, Marie C. (Crawford) Rails, Leslie E. (Anderson) Mann, Janeece L. (Skarda) Croghan, H. Jeanette (Peel) Levendoski, Ronald J. Reese, Janet A. Manning, David L. Estabrook, Wayne P. Marthe, Mary E. (Fletcher) Row, Gaylen D. (Griffenhagen) Maryoung, Jane Fleming, James L. Midkiff-Borunda, Shelley S. Scott, Cathleen M. (Cuihane) Mellin, George H. Gonsalves, Jack R. (Midkiff) Shelstad, Debbie S. (Kramer)

ANNUAL GIVING GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council - $10,000 or more JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 Sponsors —$500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249


Sebastian, William C. Delanty, Lynn M. (Chesley) Brady, Kevin T. Wolff, Adele M. (Moody) Shelton, Alan J. Dewberry, Robert H. Brand, Lynda D. (Sharp) Woodworth, Philip M. Spinney, Sharon L. (Timeus) Dober, William P. Clark, Candice E. Wright, Leanora L. (Bates) Spratt, Nancy S. (Kinsey) Dolen, Harry A. Craig, Paul F. Sproul, Robin G. Flaks, Mind)' C. (Toll) DeVicariis, Richard E. 1979 Stone, Kaithleen B. G. (Lau) Grigg, Rex G. Eno, Sharon L.S. (Uyeda) Participation: 17.90% Tarabilda, Steven E. Klabunde, Penny A. (Howes) Griswold, David H. Number of Donors: 53 Waldo, W. Andrew Kramer, Cindy S. Hernandez, Felix M. Sponsors Walker, Janice C. Kurisu, June K. Lodwick, Lyle C. Hart, PatrickJ. Walters, Kristina C. (Schulze) Lawler, Marcia K. (Dick) Mentzer, Garry D. Johnson, Kirk W. Way, Connie D. (Wood) Lee, Mary Catherine Miller-Geiser, DalynJ. (Miller) Locker, Douglas S. Way, Raymond T. Lee, Shari L. (Bingaman) Muller, Stephanie E. Van Cott, Joyce N. (Naumann) White, Lawrence T. Locher, Cynthia L. (Norman) (Henderson) Lodwick, Mary A. (Regilio) Nyberg, Dorinda I. (Hougham) Pacesetters Male, Christopher K. O'Blenis, Pilar L. (Lopez) DeVicariis, Candace M. 1976 (Bumgardner) McCrory, Carroll L. (Padilla) Phillips, Paul K. Participation: 21.20% Lockman, Dalton F. Number of Donors: 67 McNulty, Paul D. Phillips, Virginia J. (Cline) Pigott, Betty W. (Koo) O'Dell, ChristieJ. (Plato) JGWS Fellows Nilsen, Edward W. Piper, Norma L. (Lippitt) Sadamitsu, Mark Y. Ai, Steven C. Nyberg, David M. Polhemus, Barbara A. Associates Harris, Mallory A. (Hall) Ogden, Sandra K. (Wise) Roberts, Shirley A. (Casebolt) Aprill, Brian S. Ortiz, Linda]. (Dinsmore) Pigott, Arthur E. Pirtle, James S. Schifrin, Catherine M. Aprill, Maureen (McGeever) Sponsors Preston, James V. (Pesqueira) Baca, James Murphy, Catherine M. Reading, Eileen A. Thorstenson, Sandra L. Bateman, Paul W. (Sanchez) Yamamoto, Joy 0. Reeves, Barbara M.(Miller) Daneman, Cara R. (Richter) Tiedt, James C. Ringgold, Ralph 0. Duke, Edna P. (Yrungaray) Warren, David M. Rube, Nadene L. Henderson, Richard C. Warren, J. Sandy Shimizu, Debra K. Macy, Teresa M. (Carvalho) (Hamamoto) Macy, Todd M. Smith, Yolanda 1978 Norris, Mark M. Sweetser, Thomas E. Participation: 11.86% Norris, Pamela A. (McDonald) Tharp, Susan L. Number of Donors: 35 Seifert, Joan E. (Berger) Tunison, Dana P. Pacesetters Other Donors Wheeler, Ann M. (Eggers) Crosser, Susan M. Arias, Ronald R. Wilson, Monica E. (Hehlen) O'Dell, Michael S. Bennett, Sylvia C. (Player) Yee, Maura Y. (Lee) Associates Brahs, Stephen A. Zinn, John P. Gorton, Mark A. Brown, Michael L. Pacesetters Hsieh, Donald T. Clardy, Ross S. Birnie, Elizabeth J. (Barrett) 1977 Johnson, Carol A. (Schmoll) Conilz, Allison Y. (Pettross) Lee, Bernadette A. Participation: 13.66% Ogawa, Barbara R. Cook, Janet S. judge) Todd, Margaret (Donnellan) Number of Donors: 44 Platen, Elizabeth A. DeSpenza, Debra R.T. Walker, Darrell E. JGWS Fellows Qualls, William P. (Occhipinti) Wheeler, Ann M. (Eggers) McCarthy, John D. Thompson, Richard C. Gopie, Laureen D. (McCollin) Hamlyn, Wesley G. McCarthy, Mary L. (Morgan) Other Donors Associates Hammen, Douglass S. Mullenbach, Joyce M. (Johnson) Bangar, Diane M. Daneman, Kenneth S. Hanold, Stuart B. Block, Loren M. Imperiale, Celia A. (Lopez) Sponsors Henderson, Richard C. Pettross, Bill R. Brady, Judith A. (Gathmann) Jones, Scott G. Hughes, Peter C. Pettross, Cynthia W. Brand, Michael A. Spencer-Kirk, Nancy L. Kelley, Maura E. (Albert) (Carpenter) Brunow, Irene F. (Garcia) Von Hoffmann-Curzi, Laurel Kohan, Coni C. (Hanzas) R. (Von Hoffmann) Campbell, William H. Pacesetters Lewis, John K. Wright, Stephen M. Cleaves, Urban R. Hicky, Bonnie R. (Long) Locker, Douglas S. Yamaguchi, Takashi Clifford, Nina J. (Tanchuk) Keh, Elaine Nagamine, Ginger S. (Ishimoto) Drutman, Jeffrey Other Donors Associates Nelson, Susan M. Espinoza, Rachael L. (Nunez) Andersen, Corydon J. Drulias, Dean J. Osbrink, E. Louise (Cole) Flanagan, Patrick S. Andersen, Deborah S. (Daust) Gorton Nellis, Susan A. (Nellis) Peavy, Karin Jones, Mary P. (Farquhar) Arcadi, Michael J. 1-lorton-Billard Jr., Ted P. Ribera, Jeffrey A. Litzinger, Lisa K. (Stone) Arnim, Susannah A. (McCoy) Lewis, Fcrol A. Ross, Debra L. (Thompson) Banday, Eugene L. McCormick, Donna J. Other Donors (Snyder) Sanchez, Joseph A. Bon, LeeAnn W. Sato, Timothy T. Albinio, Elizabeth A. Pappas Diaz, Linda J. Brennan, Elizabeth H. Seiler, Leah J. Aliberti, John R. Person, Sharon L. (Lott) Brown, Marybeth E. (TherolD Shaw, Susan M. (England) Arroyo Jr., Victor J. Phillips, Larry L. Calvert-Brown, Patricia C. Shonborn, Michael J. Austin, Susan J. (Holveck) Pilkington, Anita T. (Boudinot) (Calvert) Smiley, Frank E. Autenrieth, Dana C. Pilkington, John M. Corneliussen, Peter B. Smith, Charles R. Crossley Jr., Harold B. Autenrieth, Virginia D. Ramirez, Cynthia M. (Jordan) (Morales) Tahmizian, Kathy A. Culhane, Douglas M. Sherman, W. Paul Baxter, Catherine M. (Dickey) Tighe, James G. Dansker, Stephanie A. (Forster) Swan, Randall W. Bendeck, Gayle A. (Garcia) Davalos, Richard R. Wolfe, Sheryl M. (Jackson)

ANNUAL GIVING GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council - $10,000 or more JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 Sponsors —$500 to $999 • Pacesetters —$250 to $499 • Associates —$125 to $249


1980 Petit, Paul A. Johnson-Bluth, Eileen M. Associates Rowan, Dean C. (Johnson) Gray, Humberto R. Participation: 14.92% Knox, Molly M. (Hartman) Higuera-Tabassi, Teresa M. Number of Donors: 37 Other Donors McCoy, David J. (Higuera) Arias, Agueda T. (Torres) JGWS Benefactors McMillan, Daniel J. Padilla, Roman Armenta-Schmitt, Fernanda Harris, Willard P. Terrazas, Marc M. (Armenta) Meting, Margaret V. JGWS Fellows Bare, Jeffrey J. Morris, Lone R. (McMillan) Other Donors Waltzer, Jennifer A. (Mason) Carlson, John P. Morrison, Evalyn C. (Rollan) Ayala, Jennifer (Ward) Sponsors Casillas, Kathleen L. (Ortiz) Pearson, Clark J. Burch, Susan A. (Sorensen) Farias, Daniel A. Cave, Anna L. (Curnutte) Petersen, Dennis E. Cacho, Debra D.(Lozano) Hailer, W. D. DeKramer, Kathleen M. Sais, Mark A. Camarena, Luis E. (Robles) Spalka, Roch M. Campitiello, Joe P. Pacesetters Dolen, Cathie D. (Clifgard) Spencer, Helen R. Carl, Peggy L. Chin, John Chong-Ming Dunham, Richard L. Takahashi, Theresa M. Gendreau, Keith Flaxbeard, Lisa F. (Marty) Flores, Michael L. Zacovic, Mark J. Sadamitsu, Katherine (Quon) Fuzzard, Peggy R. (Krom) Grocholski, Deborah A. Gandolfo, Gian P. Associates Hackney, Miki F. (Kato) 1983 Gomez-Brydon, Judith Horton-Billard, Cecilia M. Haina, Deborah Ann (Nichols) Participation: 11.24% (Gomez) (Werbeck) Hanks, Thomas P. Number of Donors: 28 lamartino, Valentine L.(Houle) Kolodziejski, Kip Janke, Peter Jones, Kenneth C. Vacchio, Michael A. JGWS Fellows Johnson, Bret L. Macias, Brian A. Kiechler, Patricia (O'Gara) Other Donors Kahler, Sherrie L. (McDaniel) Macaulay, Shane E. Pacesetters; Altenbach, Richard L. Metter, Ruth N. (Tomei) Marriott, Candace M. (Wages) Raab, Dorelle K. (Peters) Benson-Zimmon, Kelly L. Naranjo, Joyce W. (Weekley) Martorano, Lora K. (Brunson) Sorrell, Paul N. (Benson) Nielsen, J. Nani McLaughlin, Leonard W. Bray, Jacqueline E. (Todd) Overton, Janice B. (Buffington) Associates Montanez, Donald R. Buriz, Scott W. Rawles, David G. Behoteguy, Gerald S. Moran, Michael D. Cavallero, Cynthia M. Reno, David L. Cleland, Karen S. Padilla, Gloria (Garcia) (Newson) Rooder, Carolyn S. (Johnson) Naumann, Jeffrey J. Peel, Laurie A. (Welsh) Chavez, William Savala, Cynthia A. Rogers, Jan R. Pincini, Robin J. (Wight) Deifel, Gayle R. Schacht, Sally A. Rodriquez, Peter L. Freeland, Karen J. Other Donors Smiley, Lynette A. (Dockstader) Bowker, Donald W. Schmieder, Susan C. Goetz, Theresa A. (Reyna) Smith, Barbara H. (Hinds) Victor, Kristen L. (Roberts) Kahler, Joseph B. Carden, Denice (Luce) Vartanian, Sandy S. Chitjian, Victor K. Schmierer, M. Katherine Kenyon, Cynthia A. Wartenberg, Lori A. (Sieracki) Yoshiba-Medeiros, Christine (Greenbaum) Diebold, Mary L. Williams, Brenda V. (Padilla) Larkam II, Charles N. Feldpouch, Margaret E. Lejay, John G. (Rouse) 1985 Fitzsimons, John J. Lovell, Linda L. (Prunier) 1982 Participation: 16.41% FuzzardJr., Paul S. Mandelbaum, E. Lee Participation: 15.23% Number of Donors: 43 Giffen, Glenn R. Morrison, Dwayne L. Number of Donors: 37 Sponsors Koch, Carol A. (McSweeny) Nelson, Jay J. Sponsors Daigneault, Vincent J. Kramer, Patricia (Roberts) Peralta, Noel C. Feinberg, Peter E. Kinsey, Donald S. McCluggage, Vicki S. (Claybom) Perez-May, Susan M. (Perez) Van Vliet, John J. Pacesetters McGihon, Steven D. Pigott, James P. Ochoa, Maria L. (Lopez) Moss, David Pacesetters Ponce-Edgington, Robin R. Rohlfing, Lawrence D. Conner, Dan (Ponce) Penn, F. Scott Roche, Kathleen F. (Bishop) Associates Pigott, Alison K. (Hawley) Associates Roppiyakuda, Sharolyn Bearse, Cynthia A. (Carter) Rowan, Paul J. Arick, Timothy P. 0. A. (Lee) Flaherty. John B. Sakurai, Michael H. Beachboard, Joseph L. Shibata, Kirk M. Miller, William N. See, Nancy Y. Jenkins, Greg L. Thomsen, Tina C. (Peters) Ontiveros, Monica Sweet, Donna L. Moses, Michael A. Vasquez, Armando Olson, Eric W. Tolliver, Stanley E. Other Donors Weisenburger, Michael A. Arce, Deborah S. Weisbruch, Teresa M. (Trabbie) Snyder, Stephen W. Behrens, Elizabeth A. Wong, Melissa Sau-Eu 1981 Benavides, Ernestine (Roel) 1984 Other Donors Participation: 16.74% Benda, Susan D. (Bryan) Participation: 14.50% Baker, Laura K. (Vautrin) Number of Donors: 40 Boyd, James D. Number of Donors: 38 Bloom, Gitte B. (Skadhauge) Sponsors Buckel, Kevin M. JGWS Fellows Bloom, Steven G. Standiford, Catherine L. (Pearce) Burns, Patrick L. Clasen, Roy "R.J." Borquez, Alfred G. Wong, Jeanette C. Carraway, Janine S. (Kort) Ortega Jr., Adan A. Cage, Brad G. Conley, Karen C. (Greenup) Came, Elinor P. Pacesetters Sponsors Connolly Sr., John J. Chang, Edward K. Camarillo, Sharon (Carty) Greene, Shannon L. Couture, Bradford W. Lawrence, Diane Y. (Hockett) Coffee, Patricia E. (Polos) Drulias, William T. Pacesetters Fearn, Terry M. Associates Fitzsimons, Cecily (Wright) Carlyle, Irene (Varcados) Flores, Patrick J. Hinds, Brad C. Garcia, Alma D. (Gonzales) Hannah, Virginia L. (Harry) Franz, Nicholas R. Naumann, Teena L. (Lauffer) Goetz, Anton J. Major Jr., Austin E. Fuller, Laura D. (Rau) Peterson, Kara E. (Robison) Hermelin, Susana P. (Gonzalez) Williams, Kellie D. Fuller, Peter D.

ANNUAL GIVING GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council - $10,000 or more • JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 Sponsors - $500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249


Gassman, Almut B. (Hoschele) Pacesetters Reed, Kelly A. (Robb) Kotkin, Douglass. Gilkison, Richard A. Herrera, Miheal F. Runge, Andrew J. Krugler, Erika C. (Taddey) Griffin, Kevin L. Associates Sell, S. Mark Lembi, Yvonne M. Harrington Ill, L.J. Blume, Gary R. Tusken, Michael L. Marshall, Kevin H. La Soya IV, Ramon Oetzman, Virginia M. Wright, Karen L. Nestegard, Elizabeth A. Louis 111, Richard (Freeman) Orrahood, Sheri L. (Trzeciak) Mattingly, C. Diane Smith, Jeffrey B. 1989 Rangel, Ruben Silva, Samara R. (Niccohi) McCrory, John E. Other Donors Participation: 13.04% Meadows, Margaret A. Smith, Kay L. (Jacobsen) Allison, Elizabeth (Rendon) Number of Donors: 36 Mullen, Deborah L. (Fiddler) Stanley, Eric C. Begg, Dana S. (Carr) JGWS Fellows Payne, Danielle D. (Hardner) Taylor,Judith A. (Mika) Belda, Michael M. Stark, Mei-lan E. (Wong) Pizzorno, Marie C. Treadway, Diana G. (Weimer) Bezjian, Tamar N. Pacesetters Robles, Norma R. (Guiragossian) Simons, Jami S. Brooks, Edward E. 1991 Blalock, Alicia A. (Fowler) Price, Bonnie L. (George) Snyder, Stephen W. Carlin, Mercer F. Participation: 12.88% Troyer, Stephanie J. (Stewart) Eggers, Patricia L. Associates Number of Donors: 42 Vedaa, Karen L. Garcielita, Kathleen J. Knapp, Dean M. JGWS President's Council Waddell, James J. (Rodrigues) Macaulay, Brendan F. Shepherd, Geraldine H. Wood, Michael F. Gilbert, Kent H. Tatley, Aldin A. (Beaty) Gomez, Patricia 0. (Fernandez) Other Donors JGWS Fellow 1986 Hilliard, Mark A. Anaya-Eckdahl, Brenda B. Cox, Douglas T. Participation: 12.31% Jervis Jr,, S. Dale (Anaya) Number of Donors: 32 Lim, Therese A. Boswell, Michael A. Pacesetters Macaulay, Brian A. Brask, Vibeke Borden, L. Mercer Sponsors Torres, Raquel Farias, Rosalinda (Lopez) McGauley, Karen D. (Morales) Casas, Ana M. Schuessler, David D. Curley, Jeffrey]. Associates Pacesetters Topjon, Gregory E. Fry, Helen (Nadherny) Buczala, Thomas A. Beaulieu, Yvette M. (Lopez) Fuson, Bonnie L. (Fleck) Guthrie, Wendy J. Speer, Matthew J. 1988 Garcielita, Mario A. Hemminger, Lisa M. Associates Participation: 10.54% Hernandez, Margie Rothenberg, Scott D. Abbate, Lisa A. (Hoffmann) Number of Donors: 37 Hooper, Mary C. (Guidry) Other Donors Arroyo, Philip S. Pacesetters Kay, Elizabeth Y. Adams, Wendy A. (Salter) Lawbaugh, Mitchell H. Benavides, Richard R. Mangosing, Alex A. Barton, Alex P. Rizzo, Michael A. Hier, Jerry B. McAfoos, Carrie I. (Durden) Becerril, Abby A. McDonald, Bonnie L. (Bute) Other Donors Associate Benter, Catherine (Flardeman) Albee, Mary Jo Mekkers, Darin J. Lee, Kwan H. Cabrera, R. Chris Armijo, Paul A. Prouty, Philip F. Cabrera, Tammy (Flores) Bishti, Maher Other Donors Putits, Dawn M. Chinen, Christian K. Blazey, Jennifer A. (Nestegard) Ashby, John K. Ramsay, Stephen C. Crammer, W. James Brodnax, Marc K. Berkley, Jennifer E. Resendez, Rosemary S. Dinsmore, Mario T. Chan, Jacky C. Brady, Charles B. Salchak, Lisa A. Douglas, Joan (Pfisterer) Cordes, Lisa L. (Garcia) Carrell, Cynthia L. Sales, Adrian D. Eaton, Katharine M. (Taylor) Cushnie, Cohn E. Cervantes, Michelle A. Sauerman, Rick B. Elberg, Adam E. Dawson, Mark J. Chang, Cheryl R. (Cervantes) Stryker, Norma A. (Verdugo) Fisher, Howard M. Downs, Dan S. Davidson, Joyce C. Taylor, Mark W. Glinsek, Susan L. (Dye) Falcone, Joseph D. Diaz, Lisa M. Torres, Vanessa M. (Mills) Gomez, Michael L. Harcourt, Tracy R. Diercks, Adrienne R. Van Steenburgh, Charles W. Gowing, Laura D. (Martin) Hook, Jamie A. Dragos, Damon 0. Weidenfeld, Peter L. Graver, Bradley L. Edge, Jonathan A. Keating, Erin J. (Strauss) Wheeler, Janet L. Guy Jr., Robert A. Mathey-Bishti, Angela Everett, Deborah A. (Crean) Whitaker, Christopher A. Jenner, Shana L. (Mathey) Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth A. Woirol, Susan J. Lazalde, Michelle L. (Barows) Meade, Yvonne M. (Lopez) Gil de Montes, Renee S. Lovato, Victoria A. (Tagawa) Miesen, Sally H. (Cammack) 1990 Magid, Syvia L. Ham, PhyllisJ. (Owens) Miguel, Gary A. Participation: 7.80% Mendoza, Cheryl M. Hayes, Lisa R. (Burnett) Pearson, Kristin L. (Muller) Number of Donors: 22 Nixon, David S. Huey, Wend)' M. (Morimoto) Pisano, Sandra Reiff, Philip W. Lagocki, Sylvia M. (Gortz) Associate Sedgwick Ill, Charles N. Ekenstam, Lisa M. (Garcia) Roebuck, Heather L. Trinh, Tuan D. Marx, Christina N. (Kaufman) Tusken, Elizabeth Y. (Chavez) McCullough, John H. Other Donors Rovetto, Joseph F. Behrens, Katherine M. Weston, Ruth A. McLaughlin, Alice R. (Leary) Runge, Trudy G. (Everingham) Meisterling, Rosana (Gomez) Boswell, Laura S. (Benson) (Meerschaert) Chavez, William P. 56 Wilson, Michelle R. (Gagnon) Mintzer, Leda J. Schwertman, Jennifer A. Morales, Pedro Cox, Stephanie L. Simpson, Barry D. Darling, Carrie A. 1987 Palombo, Tina L. Stanley, Donna L. (Knudsen) Darnold, Tom A. Participation: 8.03% Paniccia, Diane L. (Roberts) Tanaka, Todd W. Gray, SherynJ. (Young) Number of Donors: 22 Parada, Marino S. Vitrac, Francois L. Plishka, Daralyn Hand, Jeannette A. Sponsors Westerberg Jr., James F. Putits, Alan L. (McKinney) Kazarian, James A. Johnson, Sandra A. (Scheiber)

ANNUAL G iVi N G GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council - $10,000 or more • JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 Sponsors - $500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249

The ROCK Fall 1997 HO N 0 R ROLL I

1992 Chau, Phillip P. Smith, Morgan R. Bistricky, Mark K. Participation: 6.96% Chisman, Kevin P. Stoff, Rachel S. Carty, Mitchell B. Number of Donors: 25 Clements, Veronica A. Switzer, Neil A. Chan, Maggie K. Cozzi, Pamela L. (Owens) Dobrzycki, Lyn L. Associates Das. Sanjay A. Garvin, Erika D. Ehlers, James A. 1995 Ferrante, James R. Gonzalez, A. Nancy Johnson, Jean M. (DellaRose) Participation: 7.91% Fiedler, Cheryl Number of Donors: 28 Green, Jeffrey L. Other Donors Filler, Lenore E. Hunt, Ina C. Bear, Elana S. JGWS Fellow Gerard, Donald S. Seaton, Daryl T. Johnson, Ryan R. Christman, Richard E. Gowing, Jamie W. Kimura, Brett A. Connolly, Christina M. Harden II, Edgar F. Associate Kramer, Janine L. (Coscarelli) Hickey, Phillip M. Barnhart, Tara D. Mackie, Alexander D. Dalton, Scott M. Hose, Calvert E.P. Other Donors Madden, Kathryn M. Edwards, Steven J. Kaplan, Adam S. Alvarado, Vanessa L. Pika-Lake, Karen L. Farrell, Timothy F. Kemp, Gregory D. Balleweg, Brian D. Sanchez, Alejandra L. Gottlieb, Laura J. Laiblin, E. Michele (Karchesy) Brown, JaMarr M. Sanchez, Alicia M. Householder, Elizabeth A. Lewis, Donald A. Cordova, Linda E. Schuessler. Rachael U. Jarvis, Melanie L. Martin, Angie (Kener) Eazor, Martin A. Schultz, Elisa D. Kessler, Robert W. McDonald, Shelley L. (Vaught) Esquivel, Virginia A. Stikkers, Elizabeth E. Kitsmiller, Molly K. (Roberts) Mocan, Ana C. Ferrario, Stephanie A. Van Rozeboom, Reed Laiblin, Jeffrey G. Monteverde, Cristina V. Hargittay, Katherine G. Windham, Colleen E. Navarrete, Anthony M. Moran, Michael G. Hilberth, D. Oei, Sonja L. Nelson, Cody D. Hubble, Benjamin C. PARENTS OF Owen-Fekete, Geza Quinones, Mary L. Josten, Matthew R. Peterson-Barton, Megan J. CURRENT AND Tawil, Rana Loh, Shu-Shu (Peterson) Vanderpool, La Etta L. Louie, Leslie W. FORMER Purcell, Christina D. Zavala, Leticia Manley, Thomas J. Risse, Rebecca A. STUDENTS McCullough, Tekurah M. Schlichter, Elissa A. Those parents who are also Morales, Rita L. Swords, Michael J. 1994 alumni of Whittier college are Nelson, Michael L. Westerberg, Tamera L. Participation: 6.25% listed with their class years. (Dietrich) Number of Donors: 22 Nielsen, Ryan C. JGWS President's Council Walker, Michelle R. (Minear) Pacesetter Raat, Amy M. Bartolucci, Enrico and Wiggins, Stephanie N. Benavides, Julie A. Ro,Joo Y. Suzanne S. Dezember, Rayburn L. '53 and Joan L. (Erreca) '56 Ettinger, Sharon W. C C Whittier I learned how to learn. I know that the Feinberg, Sheldon and Betty Gobar, Alfred J. '53 and Sally Whittier experience won't be available for the R. (Randall) '55 next generation of students without the support Harris, Harriet A. t Mandarich, David D. of alumni. I'm proud that my gift to the Annual Fund helps Newsom, Alice C. Park, Ernie Z. support the faculty that prepared me so well for Yale Law Pierno, Anthony R.'54 and ch-1 ortl mcrp f0r lifp" BeverlyJ. (Kohn) '54 importantly, Pomboy, Richard M. and Sissel Poulsen, Dennis C. and —Mei Ian Stark '89 Suzanne S. Trademark Counsel, Walt Disney Company Shepherd Sr., Willard W. and Geraldine B. (Beaty) '91 Smith, Elden L. '62 and Other Donors Schraeder, Brett R. Barbara G. (Whaley) '64 1993 Bernal, Victoria I. Segovia, Sylvia R. Participation: 10.24% Fisk, Deborah A. Switzer, Paula J. (Gardner) JGWS Benefactors Number of Donors: 38 Foley, Jessica L. Talbott, Andrea L. Cauffman, John R. '45 and Janet Pacesetters Garcia, Tony M. Thompson, Kelly J. Clift,J. Robert '40 and Olive LaBore, Hale H. Hauben, Robert M. Vosbeck, Jennifer A. C. (chandler) '41 Poutre 11, Michael A. Hitchingham, Laura D. Crow, John H. '64 Strickland, Anthony A. Imparato, Michelle A. 1996 Davidson, Alan C.'62 Isaac, Joshua B. Associates Participation: 6.56% Rau, Robert H. '62 and Kemp, Elizabeth A. Larsen, Kirsten B. Number of Donors: 26 Mercedes Lowrey, David P. McGonagle, Dennis R. Pacesetter Soeberg, Dorothy P. (Petty) '35 Martin, Christopher T. Nuttall, Barbara Willcockson de Leon, Maria Lucia McCoy, Alan J. JGWS Fellows Other Donors McDonald, Andrew H. Associates Baker, Florence Amiton, Julie R. Meneely, Sandi L. Birch, Amy K. Barmore, Miriam P. (Pearson) '28 Assaf, Kamal W. Sabey, Robert G. Kemp, Tracy A. Avila-Mata, Lilia (Avila) Cotroneo, Tony M. and Carol Sauter, Scott E. Other Donors Becerra, Liliana T. Ekstrom, Stanley W. Shively, Deana M. Barker, Patricia L. Esty, Jonathan F. and Centeno, Rocio Smith, Marie T. (Drubski) Bates, Kimberly S. Rosemary K.

ANNUAL GIVtNG GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council —$10,000 or more .JGWS Benefactors —$5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 Sponsors - $500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249

The ROCK rii 1997 HONOR ROLL

Gothold, Stuart E. '56 and Jane Bateman, Ruth L. Robinson, Klane E.'85 Hartman, Robert M. '57 and R. (Soderberg) '55 (Railsback) '38 Smith, Leona T. (Tregenza) '51 Margaret Kemp, Charles B. '35 and Borden Ill, Lewis M. and Jane Stover, Allen T. and Corinne P. Hathaway, William and Regina M. (Dunkin) '34 Brock, Vernon]. '66 and Gail L. (Pehrson) '52 Elizabeth Kief, Garry C. Carlisle, Jack E. '50 and Topjon, Gary M. '62 Henderson, Verdna M.(Herr) '41 Nelson, Terry M. and Shirley A. (Jones) '49 Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Hilliard, Glenda G. (Boehm) Veronica A. Crow, Charles and Helen L. Woirhaye Jr., Mahlon A. and Hole Jr., John Wesley and Nichols, Albert C. '40 and Dean, Katherine N. (Nisbet) '51 Gwendolyn J. Shirley M. Joe Ann Horning, Helen I. DeLacey, William H. and Associates Richardson, Shirley]. (Vitt) '37 Martha Jacobs, David A. Alexander, Violet L. (Lucy) '41 Rockwell, Robert F.33 and Dobrzycki, Leonard C. and Jaffe, Robert S. and Carol C. Balch, William C.32 Hertha Kathleen A. (Kingsbury) '64 Janssen, Peter C. and Violet M. Barnhart, Douglas E. and Nancy Scott, John A. '42 and Velma Dudley, Darrell N. '64 and Kimura, Ty H. C. (Ramsey) '42 Bateman, Glemus R. Darlene E. (Bosch) '65 Korneff, Allen and Kathy Shively, Wilma G. (Redman) '63 Dye, Robert R. '43 and Esther Krueger, John H. and Carla C. Pemberton) '37 E. (Boyle) '44 Bearse, Donald B. and Lee, Clifford Y. and Eudora A. Smith, Barbara C. (Little) '37 Dyer, Elwyn B.'50 and Jeanne C. Cynthia A. (Carter) '82 Lee, John W. '65 and Maureen Stoll, Alfred W. '49 and Ehlers, William F. and Susan J. Belknap, James G. and Elizabeth L. (Unland) '71 S. (Schaub) '65 Barbara L. (Conolly) '52 Foster, Thomas P. Benton, Gerald L. '66 and Loomis, Stuart R. and Woehrmann, Robert F. and Gardner, FrancesJ. (Gunn) '39 Joan M. (Peters) '52 Ruth E. Rosalind F. Garman, Macdonald G. and Bishel, Shirley M. (Morse) '65 Lopez, Victor A. and Joanne S. Wong, Jam F. and Bow]. Lenore M. Woodward, Leland S. '40 and Blechen, Robert H. '56 Macrorie, Lawrence E. '52 Glasgow, L. Cameron and Mader Sr., Albert W. and Caroline M. (Reade) '43 Maria-Rae (Ross) '35 Borda, Richard S. and Mary L. Bowden, Fred E. Suzanne K. Sponsors Gonzalez, Maggie Brown, John G. Manley, James K. and Judyth Cauffman, Dorothy V. Greenbaum, Kenneth S. '53 A. (Skillman) Bucky, Eleanor G. (Hinde) '63 (Clarkson) '48 and Mary E. Mason, Josephine A. (Popple) '39 Edmiston, Peter H. and Marty Hales, John E.41 and Melba Buczala, Thomas M. and Sandra M. McFarland,J. C. and CarolynJ. Forder, John B. and Carolyn S. Hatcher, Gordon and Ellen L. McGraw, Michael A. and Kolliner, Max G. (Linsley) '37 CallicottJr., Norfleet '42 and Barbara J. (Stambaugh) '43 Mary 0. Kranz, Charles T. '30 and Harcourt, Patricia Moret, Gilbert A. '62 Esther N. (Hamburg) '27 Hill, Craig and Rebecca S. Came, Rew P. Caylor, Dorthea I. (Irwin) '35 Munoz, Artemio Z. Martin, Michael T. and Jean M. Hunt, Edwin and Aurelia Nellis, Joan B. (Hoyle) '51 Niem, Peter Jensen, D. Joe and Kathleen L. Chetham, Richard B. and Louise R. Nelson, Robert Perry, Robert E. '58 Kazarian, Arthur K. and Newsom, Herbert C. '53 Florence Culton, Donald R.'62 and Peter, James R. '58 and Ann Josefina 0. Nilsen, Norman H. and L. (Larson) '59 Kegler, Jean B. (Bassett) '38 Cusick, Alice G. (Saunders) '40 Marjorie Pettross, Bill R. '77 Kemp, John C. '66 and Linda Dahlstrom, Marcia H. Pava, David L. Pompey, Gilbert and S. (Sutton) '66 Dalrymple, Robert S. and Pickering, Seth C. '32 and Kathleen H. Kingsbury, Ralph L. '33 and Mary Fae (Moffett) '32 Helen Grace E. Robinson, Newton P. '37 and Purcell, L. James and Darlene L. Margaret L. (Lautrup) '37 Krueger Jr., William F.'33 and Damm, Robert H. Rittermal, Nancy]. Shraiberg, Steve and Kay Evelyn C. (Johnson) '34 Day, Eric D. and Carol M. Denyer, Robert E. and Trudy (Moseley) '63 S. (Schunk) '65 Sahadevan, Velayudhan and Dolan, William]. Victoria C. Draper, William C. and Phyllis Salcido, R. Anthony '71 F. (Follett) Salerno, Gerald N. and Mary M. Dyer, James E. '65 Shoji, Hiromu and Barbara "Whittier Eckels, Ethel D. (Koontz) '25 Shupek, John and Carol H. Ellis, Philip L. and Elizabeth H. (Heinz) '63 gave me an education and connection (Behrens) '64 Siegmund, Nelda M. Engelmann, Wiliam H. and (Connally) '52 with the faculty that wouldn't have Jean R. Sowers, Margaret P. (Price) '35 been available at a larger institution." Ferraro, Kenneth St. John, Robert M. and Lou Flanders, Eric '59 and Diane M. Taylor, John H. and Pamela R. Fleck, Roger D. and Mary Ellen (Williams) '65 —Dolores (Lautrup) Ball '33 Vondrak, Richard R. Secretary, Whittier College Board of Trustees Franz, Otto G. Freedman, Samuel and Wang, David C. and Linda L. Natalie M. Westmoreland, David B. '62 and Sharon L. (Lowe) '61 Swisher, William K. Lombardi, Joseph S. Garcia, Frank and Christina Williams, Jan M. Taylor, Jean T. Luciano, Richard]. and Garcia, Tony S. Wilson, Alma (Patterson) '41 Tebbs, Daniel D. '37 and Kathryn M. Garren, R. A. and Eleanor G. Grace H. (Price) '37 McBride, Gail (Railsback) '42 Wineinger, Eugene 0. '40 and Margaret N. (Nicholson) '40 Walton, Keith B.'46 Nighswonger, William 0. and Garvin, Roger L. and Priscilla H. Winzenread, Lawrence A. '68 Whitson, J. Harvey '42 and Katheryne N. (Heacock) '57 Gothold, Stephen A. '63 58 and Linda A. (Krueger) '68 Hannah M. (Thomas) '42 O'Brien, Philip M.'61 Guptill, Perl N. '30 Wong, Euton S. Y. Whittemore Jr., Samuel S. Parks, Michael B. and Harrington, Andrea J. Marilyn L. Woodward Jr., Thomas E. '42 and Molly Hartman, Gerald A.'54 and Pickering, Nyra H. (Hagen) '29 and Vivian F. (Fallis) '49 Pacesetters Judith A. '55 Price, John R. '50 Yocum, Glenn E. Arcadi, John A. '46 and Hartman, Robert F. '41 and Reese, Frances (Journigan) '47 Mary Ellen (Perry) '41 Young, Roger S. and Doris B. Donna M.72

ANNUAL G I VI N G GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council —$10,000 or more • JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $ 1,000 to $4,999 Sponsors —$500 to $999 • Pacesetters —$250 to $499 • Associates —$125 to $249


Other Donors Chapman, David R. and Hatfield, Steven R. and McKeown, H. Howard and Abeytajr., Anthony and Pita C. Sharon M. Claire P. Winifred L. Adams, Mark K. Chatterton, Rosa I. (Ramos) '56 Hawley, Wilma H. (Hackley) '31 McLaughlin, Angie 0. Akiyama, Tsuneo and Chavez, Emilio F. and Emma A. Henderson, Hugh D. '70 McNulty, Florence E. Charlotte T. (Nagata) '56 Cheung, Chow S. and Mabel W. Hernandez, Carlos and Estella Medina, Raquel Allen, Willie D. '72 and Chisler, George F. '35 Herndon, Margaret J. Medina. Raymond and Stephanie K. (Allen) '72 Chunharat, Theerayut and Herold, Owen F. '55 and Ernestina Amende, Ernest A. and Kanjana Diane N. (Purnell) '56 Mendoza, Kathie V. Dorrina F. Clemens, John N. and Colleen Hess, Stephen M. and Mary F. Merriam, Frances T. Armstrong, Michael D. Cole, Martin E. and Eleanor Heynen, John H. and Ingrid L. Metz, Mary R. Arnett, E. Curtis and Carol E. Cook, Pauline C. (Bolt) '34 Hickey, James and Patricia Michel, Mr. and Mrs. Ashbrook, Mr. and Cooper, Annette (Crouch) '57 Hoover, Tom H. '64 Frederick C. Mrs. Robert L. Crammer, William R.'65 and Homer, David L. Miles, Brian R. '71 Atwood, Wright M.'48 Andrea J. (DeCou) '66 Horwitz, Peggy A. Monarrez, Kathren M. Bacon, Jack L. and Rose G. Crippen, John F. '51 Houchens, Gary L. and Montoya, LeRoy N. and Karen S. Bailey, Barry and Martha K. Crofoot, Finisa E. (Moses) '47 Sharon B. Moore, Paul F. '68 and (McCord) '68 Croghan, Janette S. (Peel) '73 Hsieh, Philip and Linda Connie C. Bailey, James T. and June P. Curran, Robert W. '66 Huffaker, Jack M. and Sharon L. Morrison, George K. Balcarcel, Victor Davis, Suzanne G. Humaciu, Aurel and Isabella S. Muller Jr., Harold V. and Balderrama, Dennis and Irene Diaz, Dimas and Lill J. Hurtig, Eugene R. U. Janet Baldwin, James W. '49 and Doggett, Elisabeth L. Huval, Danny J. and Karen M. Murdy, Robert H. and Rosalind M. (Miller) '51 Kathleen A. (Langdon) '39 Hyde, Donald B. and Carol J. Bannister, Fred C. Dolan, Ann Murrey, George J. P. and Isaac, Walter M. and Miriam Alice L. Barker, Jeffrey H. Downs, John R. and Barbara M. Jacobsen, V. Gary '60 Nelson, Clara Barnes, Clayton B. '54 Durden, E. Ann Bash, Dean A. and Anne Jensen, Einar C. and Margot D. Nerio, Gerald D. '72 and Edinger, Ruth E. (Hundley) '42 Josten, Britta L. (Golding) '65 Maureen G. Batts, Charles D. and Eiler, Gary R. '63 and Marilyn L. Juarez, Antonio M. and Nichols, Winifred B. Louise A. (Bewley) '62 Socorro G. (Saunders) '47 Beck, Dwight '50 Engel, George Beilinson, Donald E. Juarez, Armando and Sandra Nicholson, Gerald W. and Erickson, Dale L. and Paulette Bel, Judith A. (Kimbrough) '70 Kazules, Stephen C. and Susan U. Erskine, Tommy E. and Anna L. Kathleen M. Belliss, Richard G. '53 and Nix, Dale and Nikki Joan A. (Floyd) '54 Estes, Harry L. and Elizabeth J. Kessinger, Jane Nuno, Maria L. Fair, Jack H. '48 and Marilyn Benavides, Ernestine S. Kiechler, Patricia 0. (O'Gara) '84 Oei, Swie G. and Camille (Roel) '82 L. (Reade) '48 Kimura, Emily K. Orosz, David R. and Fairbanks, Connie Bennett II, Edwin R. and Kiyohara, Howard and Kim Lurena A. K. Cheryl Ann Fennell, Janet Knowles, Alan R. and Judith A. Ortega, Juan and Felipa Berg, Jane H. (Crow) Fisher, John C. and L. Anne Kovar, Barbara J. (Evans) '66 Ouzounian, George and Shirley Bergerson, Irene Fisk, Sara Jane Kozel, James P. Owens, Linda M. Bemal, Peggy B. (Bruce) Flaten, Paul R. and Leota Krenz, William B. Padilla, Benjamin L. and Bewley, J. Kent Fobes, George A.36 and Krogh, Janet Esperanza Margaret (Hathaway) '39 Biesemeyer, Paul M. and Gail M. Lappin, Terrence E. and Pagano, Marian A. Bisbee, Roscoe I. and Evelyn A. Forster, Mr. and Mrs. James J. Barbara J. (Conway) '56 Pai, Harry M. Freeland, Joyce I. Block, Mr. and Mrs. Ardwin J. Larsen, Helen V. B. Panetta, Nick L. and Sandra J. (Westerhout) '57 Laurance, Edward J. and Parker, Dianne L. Bloom, Joy (Escher) '54 Gabriel, Janice Davidson Bohlmann, Richard and Joy E. Martha A. Paterson Jr., Edward M. '43 Galle Jr., Ban W. and Lynn P. Lawendowski, Paul and Linda and Dorothy R. Bon, LaDonna C. (Coulter) '52 Ganzon, Alfredo T. Bone, Joseph N. and Ruth Layton, William 0. and Vera Peacock, Connie R. Gerson Jr., Gus J. and Diane Lee, Bruce A. and Rose Perez, Cesar and Belle-Marie Brady, Thomas L. and E. (Gruenemay) '58 L. Jean (Leonard) '53 Lewis, Robert T. and Gloria E. Perez, Oscar and Yolanda G. Gilchrist, William E. and Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Rowlin Perkins, Roland F. and Briggs, Leonard F. and Jeanne Cynthia L. M. Lewis Leialoha A. Givens, Chester L. and Florence Brodsley, Laurel Lim, Barbara Y. Perry, Paul D. and Deborah C. Gomez, Eleizier C. and Lincoln, Robert C. and BrendaJ. Pietro, Bill and Mary Ann Brown, Jean S. (Gazlay) '63 Norma A. Lindberg, CarleenJ. (Schutz) '58 Pohlmann, John 0. and Brown, Walter and Jill Gomez-Grobe, Deberie L. Brunet, Edmund Litchfield, Mr. and Mrs. Evelyn G. Gonzalez, Ezequiel and Russell 0. Pointer, Thomas D. Buffington, Milton A. Dolores Loney, Frank A. and Preciado, Robert E. and Philka Burke, MichaelJ. and Gorbea, Benjamin and Cruz M. Yoshiko K. K. Prine, Paul G. and Grace C. Cynthia A. Graves, Anita G. (Tarr) '40 Bums, Robin Long, John C. and Camille Police Jr., John V. '63 and Greene, Ardis L. (Stewart) '53 Conwell Cain, Jerry B. and Linda L. Genevieve Grobe, Marilyn Lusk, John D. Carey, Robert W. and Quillicy, Roger W. and Grobe, Robert P. Lyon, Norval and Lynn B. Dorothy T. Kathleen L. (Carter) '45 Grunloh, Ronald Corneliussen, Virginia M. Machamer, Philip C. and Jane E. Quist, Robertj. and Irene A. Gutierrez Sr., Steve and Stella D. (Garretson) '38 Major, Arthur F. '67 Rand, Jerome M. and Karen S. Carver, Lauretta M. Guy Sr., Robert A. and Joanna Malone, Ed E. and Shirley S. Raymond, David and Winny G. Ham, PhyllisJ. (Owens) '88 Caviezel, Joseph L. and Marienthal, Judith F. Restovich, Ted J. and Carole A. Barbara M. Hardeman, Mary Todd Martinez, Virginia E. Riegler, Robert H. and Chamberlin, Bruce G. and Harden, Evelyn J. McDermott, Jody D. Cynthia A. Evelyn M. Hardesty, Mr. and Mrs. John W. McIntosh, Michael J. and Rife, Bob Chan, Jesus and jovita Hathcock, Donald L.'51 Carol I. Robinson, Jerome L.

ANNUAL. GIVING GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council —$10,000 or more • JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 • Sponsors - $500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249

Th. ROCK Fii 1997 HO N 0 R R 0 L L

Rollins, David L. Whitehead, Stephen McFerran, Mary K. Myer, Earl B. Rose, Charles D. '63 and Williams, Herschel L. and Meer, Elyse Nelson, John H. Claudette C. (Barnes) '63 Bernadette Mullenbach, Peter]. Nelson, Marilyn C. Rubalcaba, Ben and Isabel Wilson, C. Spence '54 Park, Eva Lois Pepys, Mary N. Ruiz, Michael L. and Debra A. Wilson, Lloyd W.'61 and Parsons, Earl G. Perry, Louise Dorothy L. (Jasper) '61 Ruminson, Glenn E. and Parsons, Ethel M. Perry, Marjorie C. Wilson, Velda Judith A. Patton, Norma Trotter Schremp, Fred W. Sabey, Patricia L. Windt, James L. Pedersen, Evelyn K. Sturr, Angela Z. Saige, Gerald C. and Ellen B. Wolfe, Karen M. Porzecanski, Nina R. Tsunekawa, Shirley M. (McFarland) '65 Workman, Gregory D. and Rock, Sarah L. Wood, Nadine M. Salac, Janet L. Pamela Ruxton, Adele A. Hunt, Margaret Salazar, James G. and Wycoff, Harold P. and Shackelton,]. Charles Guadalupe R. Margaret M. Pacesetters Shackelton, Mei-Ling M. Sales, Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Yam, Chong and Ching-Ya Adams, Sara P. Smith, Daniel G. Salter, Ellen L. Zamora, Alfonso C. and Ruth Alder, Sidney M. Stambaugh, Robert A. San]uanJr., Juan J. and Alicia Zarzana, Albert A. and Baccus, Laurie Standridge, Lisa Schraeder, Rick L. and Nancy Lee Bangar, James Starkey, Beverly J. Patricia A. Zender, Karl and Lyn D. Bangar, Mary Schuster, A. Bruce and jane M. (Danforth) '65 Stewart, Berkeley B. Bell, Richard 0. Scorcia, Theodore C. and Vita A. Stover, Cary Biang, Ronald A. Seelye, Howard '48 and SPECIAL. Torres, Esteban E. Briney, Allan K. and G. Diane Gloria]. (Walls) '48 Toxby, Peter T. FRIENDS Browning, Robert W. Sellers, Sam T. Toxby, Sharon Total Gifts: $334, 656 Buck, Nancy A. Sen. Tony and Kontza E. Weed, Beulah A. Number of Donors: 535 Carrol, Sheldon Shupp, Diew M. and Karen E. Wood, Shirley A. Ciocca, John B. JGWS President's Council Sigala, Pedro D. and Carmen T. Yocam, Delbert W. Ciocca, Charlotte Bailey, Katie Sloan, Bill R.'59 and Madelyn Sponsors Corbett, Viola V. A. (Petrovich) '60 Bailey-Findley, Rebecca Bailey, Audrey Dengrove, Joan D. Smith, Christine Banisch-Connick, Sofia Bernard, Linda C. DiFrank, James R. Smith, Vicki L. Bewley, Marian K.* Block, Robert N. DiFrank, Loren M. Soldan, Marjorie Blalock, Gerald E. Boyd, Dorothea S. Elmendorf, Shirley Spicer, Barbara S. Carroll, Susan Brush, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Foltz, Sylvia L. Stadler, Clifford and D. Anne Ferguson, Ruth E. Burke, Ben G. Gallegos, George Stephan, Larry L. and Arlene A. Herrema, Leslie G. Claxton, Nancy Gendreau, Allison K.P. Sternshein, Kathleen]. Shannon Jr., E.L. Davis, Sharon]. Gorori, Gary and Charlotte (Bang) '70 Tregoe, Jeannette G. Downer, Laraine Groce, David E. Stimler, Robert F. Trotter Jr., George E. Farmer, Malcolm Hartounian, Mr. and Stoff, Jeffrey S. and and Jill P. JGWS Benefactors Garcia, Patricia Mrs. Raffl G. Strader, Beth G. (Richie) '52 Hathaway, Julian I. Gonzalez, Jack Herrera, Maria C. Sternshein, D. Marc '66 Flochstetler, Peggy Hall, Edward C. Hutchison, J. W. Stryker, William L. Jervey, Edward D. Heusser, Christine Janda, Robert]. Stults, George and Kathryn S. Owens, Erika KrummJr., William F. Janda, Patricia D. Sumrall, Ben E. and Stella Swinnrton, Phyllis]. (Lee) JGWS Fellows Allen, Etty Swisher, Lois Ash, Patricia Tarleton, Charles L. and Olivia H. B. Blystone, Patricia L. Totaro, Michael]. and Martha]. Butzel, John E. Trempe, W. Michael and Gayle Capps, Tonia A. Trewella, William D. and Casford, Kenneth R. Gerrie Casford, Norma Tuck, Julian B. and Sharon G. Coe, Charles H. Tusken, Lewis and Sally Coe, Susan D. Tuttle, Arlys L. (Fossum) '44 Cosand, Kathleen M. Valdez, Ramon and Isabel Curry, John Van Rozeboom, Richard and Eichelberger, Pera Beth Barbara C. Florence, Verena M. Verduzco, Gonzalo and Maria E. Gregory, Wilbur S. Vidaurrazaga, David and Gund, Llura Micaela Haller, Mary L. Waconda, Walter K. Hambarian, Jeff Wagner, Jack L. Hamilton, Richard P. Waldor, Polo and Oralia Hamilton, Carolyn C. Waller, Betty B. Harris, Dean M. Lipps, Roger W. Lopez, Eduardo A. Warren, Richard A. Hayes, Yvonne A. Madrid, Sandra Lopez, Magdalena M. Warshal, Dennis M. and Heimark, Donald A. Magnuson, Robert McPeek, Dorothy]. Diane F. G. Heimark, Madeline Lee Magnuson, Shawn H. McPeek, 0. A. Weber, John P. and Elsa K. Krull, Duane McMullen, Nancy Miller, La Verne M. Welborn Jr., Ivan A. '43 Leggett, Ellen Miller]r., Clarence E. Nino, Herlinda Whitaker, W. Robert and McFerran, Jack Myer, Barbara O'Brien, Helen M. Adrian

ANNUAL GIVING GIFT CBS: JGWS President's Council - $10,000 or more • JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 • Sponsors —$500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249 *Deceased Th ROCK FII 1997 HONOR ROLL

Ochoa, Robert C. Mejia, Joseph Belt, Robert T. Escobedo, Raymundo Ruffalo, M. Mejia, Laura M. Bender, David F. Espinoza, Ralph Settlage, Robert H. Melwani, Mr. and Mrs. Arjan Benjamin, J. C. Etka, Christy Y. Settlage, Susan F. Monroy, George Berry, Ellis R. Etka, James H. Shindel, Neal M. Moody, George F. Bewley, Eleanor Ex, Jason M. Simeral, Larry S. Moody, Mary Jane Black, Kurt M. Ex, Cynthia Sirney, Donald P. Morales, Rudolfo Blackman, Lee L. Ex, John C. Skadan, John R. Murphy, Breene Blodgett, Paul S. Fant, David Smith, Ann Murphy, Delta L. Boeka, Adriana M. Fant, Joshua Smith, Marilyn J. Nemetz-DeLaLoza, Susan Bossi, Ana Marie M. Fant, Marilyn Smith, Maurice D. Nickell, Cynthia D. Bossi, Karl R. Fant, Thomas E. Speer, Lisa A. Nickell, Jeffrey K. Bossong, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Farnham, Willie Sullivan, Stacey Nowlin, Sylvia D. Bragg, Robert and Debi Fatland, Gary L. Tang, Mike K. Ostrovsky, Annette Britton, Diane Felio-Gonzalez, Candida E. Thomas, Jean M. Pena, Tony Britton, Glen Ferguson, Grace M. Vincent, Margaret Perez Jr., Louis F. Brown, Jeffrey P. Finck, Bonnie Whitcomb, Melanie Perez, Mary Brown, Thomas M. Finck, William A. Whitcomb, Robert Pettit, David Browning, Jessie Fleming, Barbara T. Wicker, Ellen C. Pierce, David W. Burns, Steve Fleming, Luther F. Associates Polito, Gregory E. Burns, Karin Folger, Barbara J. Acosta, Arthur E. Polito, Pamela Buschor, Chris Forte, Kathryn M. Alvillar-Aguilar, Lenore Pruss, Paul Bushaw, Estelle Feldman, Frances L. Baird, Hugh A. Quint, Robert Bushaw, Loren A. Foose, Robert A. Baker, Gary Rego, Dan Cacho Jr., Daniel J. Foster, Mike Baker, Linda Reyna, MaryJ. Cadavona, Janet Foster, Warren Brock, Shirley M. Rhea, Floyd M. Cadavona, John Fowler, Monte L. Brown, Elvah B. Richardson, John L. Cain, James W. Frias, Lorraine K. Brown, Marie A.C. Ruiz, Maria L. Campas, Sandra Frias, Robert Cassidy, Diane C. Sagehorn, Keren Campbell, Linda Fulton, Deborah S. Cassidy, Michael J. Sagehorn, Steven Cardanang, Raul and Jean Fusco, Tony Chabran, Gail Sanchez, Christina A. Cardenas, Sara E. Garner, Logan Chronis, Frank Sargsyan, Hratchia Carpiac, Madeline Garton, H. E. Craft, James W. Sherwood, Barbara Cartwright, Nancy Geiser, Norman L. Danielsen, Debbie Simmons, William L. Castro Jr., Jones M. Gewelber, Rhona W. Dirksen, Russell D. Stack, Edward I. Chandler, Barbara J. Gewelber, Ytzhak Divens, Patrice Stair, Henry H. Chandler, Gene H. Gibb, Helen F. Dyer, G. Pat Stewart, William M. Chapman, Robert G. Gin, Bill Ekenstam, Todd Stewart, Bette A. Chapman, Virginia L. Gin, Rainie Estep, Michelle Titus, Richard L. Chavez, Raquel Gonzalez, Lourdes Flanders, Diane M. Toy, Dennis Cherti, Richard J. Gonzalez, Luis Foster, David B. Vasan, Brinda Cimiluca, Robert J. Goodale, Flora M. Friedman, Howard Vasquez, Albert and Ann Cofer, Damon Grams, Ruth Garza, Cynthia Wynn, Shirley A. Cofer, Gail Gregg, Jack R. Garza, Roland Zeff, Lester Cole, Brian L. Groff, Carolyn A. Gemmil, Dolores Zolnekoff, Allan Cooper, Linda Groff, Charles Gomez, Judy Other Donors Corey, Joe F. Groves, Dickerson L. Gonzalez, Benjamin Abrego, Elise Cortez, Adriana Guthrie, David B. Groce, David E. Acosta, Arthur E. Cortez, Raymond Hagemeister, Mr. and Mrs. M. Halstead, Debi Addante, Carol A. Curd, Eleanor Hammen, M. Christine Hauser, Ralph Addante, Joseph M. Curd, Kelly Hammond, Dorothy I. Haygood, Linda Alaniz, Connie Curd, Joseph D. Hanifin, Patrick J. Hedrick Jr., James W. Alcala, Laura Cusick, Morris W. Hannah, Donald Helgeson, John N. Arevalo Jr., Alex Cutler, Mr. and Mrs. Max Hannah, Marta B. Holt, Mary Arevalo, Alicia DaPra, Earl E. Harris, Barbara Holt, Stuart L. Arita, David DaPra, Helen C. Healy, Geradine Smith Honikman, Terence C. Asamoto-Arita, Thea J. Dehn, Marjorie Helland, Phyllis Hudson, Thomas A. Baker, Diane B. DeLeon, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Helm, William J. Jarus, Glen D. Baker, Mickey A. Dobbs, Kent Helms Ill, Fred C. Kampa, Mary Lou Ball Jr., C. R. Doctor, Richard F. Henderson, Bob Kerr, Alexander R. Ball, Catherine Doelker, Wolfman and Silvia Henry, Jean Kidder, James R. Banas, Lou Duncan, Deborah Hernandez, David J. Kidder, Rachel M. Banning, Bill Duncan, Richard Hernandez, Geronimo Kimball, Michael Barry, Eileen M. Dutodahay, Kevin Hernandez, Maria j. Lovato, Christine S. Bates, Robert L. Edwards, Thomas M. Hernandez, Lilly Maldonado, Lori Baxter, Frank E. and Ellis, David Hidalgo, Carol A. McBride, James F. Katherine F. Ellsworth, Frank L. Hiu, Evelyn S. McClean, Ali M. Beisswenger, Hal Erfer, Debie Holland, Mary Jo McClean, Edward R. Bello, Al Erlich, Martin Holland, Ramon J.

A N N VA L G t V N G G t FT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council - $10,000 or more • JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 • Sponsors —$500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates —$125 to $249

in ROCK Foil 1997 HONOR ROLL

Horn, Wallace M. Naideth, Stephen S. Stack, Marguerite W. Gilchrist, Richard 1. '68 Hover, Mark G. Nelson, Corrine Stave, Lloyd P. Gobar, AlfredJ. '53 Hutchinson, Donna B. Nelson, Mark Steinkamp, Angelina Graham, Charlotte D. HutchinsonJr., Wendell A. Nemetz, Kathleen Steinkamp, David H. Harris, Clinton 0. '34 Imada, Ron Nickerson, Claudia Stringer, Peggy C. HarrisJr., Willard V. '55 Imada, Sharon Nino, Sandra Suter, Thomas G. Herrema, DonaldJ, '74 Inglis, Michael and Karen Noltensmeier, Jane E. Talavera, Michelle Mandarich, David D. Jasperson, Neil and Mary Nordbak,J. Greg Tambara, Richard and Karen Marshburn, Theodore F. '51 Jeffery, Robert and Carolyn Orlando, Joseph L. Tartaglia, Helen H. Mitchell, James E.'62 Johnson, Roy A. Ortiz, Edward J. Taylor, Dorothy Newman, W. D. Bert '59 Johnson, N. Jean Osterman, Joseph D. Taylor, Ron Park, Ernie Z. Jordan, Nicholas Overturf, Patti Teel, Harold L. Pickup, Carole (Martin) '57 Joseph, Rena Painter, Dean Thompson, Charles Pierno, Anthony R. '54 Kaji, Bruce T. Palacios, Hortense Thompson, Clare Pomboy, Richard M. Kamiya, Akira Palma, Adela Thormodsgaard, Robin Poulsen, Dennis C. Karpf, Bertram V. Palma, Leslie The Tilley Family Shannon, Ruth B. Kellogg, David Parkey, William D. Tommervik, Marvin S. Shepherd Sr., Willard W. Kellogg, Saundra Patterson, Margaret Torres, Ralph J. Smith, Elden L. '62 Khodavandi, Christina Peeler, Stuart T. Tortorici, Donna M. Taki, Tornio Kittle, Harriet E. Peevy, Mr. Michael R. Townley-Peeler, Sylvia F. Trotter, Maxine M. (Murdy) '47 Klefbeck, Ronald A. Pekarek, Joseph L. Triguero, Paul Veloz, Roberta G. (Garrett) '57 Kruse, Louise Peschansky, Alan Tsai, Kie Ping Wood, Donald E. Lantz, Dorine M. Pickering, Jack J. Tudor, W. Pendleton JGWS Benefactors Lee, Chooi Kheem Posey, Prudence P. Turner, Cheryl Marumoto, William H.'57 Leeper, Nancy L. Posey, Thomas Valero, Edward Owens, Lee E. Leonard, F. Wally Pritzlaff, Mary Valero, Lone M. Levendoski, Marie Pritzlaff, Wayne Van, James T. JGWS Fellows Lewis, John P. Pritzlaff, Wendy Cartwright Want, Kathy Ash Jr., James L. Long, Adele J. Radoumis, Theodore P. Wang, Ling-Chung Crow, John H. '64 Lopez, Douglas M. Ramirez, Margarita Waromay, Ida Dillon, Kristine E. '73 Lopez, Mara Ramsey, Charlotte B. Waromay, Lawrence Gothold, Stuart G. '56 Lopez, Mr. and Mrs. Theodoro Randolph, Carl L. '43 Weisz, Sylvia Jones, H. Trevor Rau, Robert H. '62 Lowenstam, Susan G. Reggio, Carolyn Wesselman, Shirley Lowery, Steven Reggio, Rob Weston, S. Peter Sponsor Lucero, Mark Rhodes, Rod Wheeler Jr., M. C. Shraiberg, Steve Lujan, Ed Rodriguez, Lisa White, Lloyd M. Pacesetter Mahorich, Larry Ronquillo, Henry Whitesel, H. David Groce, Barbara (Ondrasik) '57 Mandanares, Nick Ronquillo, Margarita Wiley, Edward R. Mao, Virginia Chuy Ross, Dickinson C. Wiley, Suzanne B. Other Donors Blazey, Jennifer A. Mao, William Rossbacher, Lisa A. Willamson, Mark (Nestegard) '86 Marble, Robert A. Roszak, James B. Winzenread, Michael Sanders, J. Stanley '63 Margo, Carol Rudomin, Alta Wood, Betsy W. Margo, Gus Rudomin, Murray Woodward, Andy TRUSTEES EMERITI Martin, Louise Samora, Laura Woolway, John Mathews, John Samora, Mark Wuopio, Richard A. JGWS President's Council Maurer, Ronald D. Sanborn, James R. Wycoff, Robert E. Rosenberger, Homer G. Maynard Sr., Richard C. Sanchez, Levinia Yabes, Robert Tregoe, Benjamin B. '51 Mays, Ricard A. Sanchez, Martha Yabes, Ruth JGWS Benefactor McCulloch, William K. Sanchez, Roy S. Zang, Linda Randolph, Carl L.'43 McGuire-Black, Jane E. Sanchez, Yolanda Zoller, Curt J. Sponsors McKenzie, Stuart A. Santana, Stefanie Compton,John L. '25 McKim, Cathy L. Saragueta, Anthony WHITTIER Perry, Hubert C. '35 McLaughlin, Janie Sarchet, Jeremy A. COLLEGE McManama, Mr. and Sarchet, Kate Associate Mrs. John W. Sattler, Diane COMMUNITY Eckels, Ethel D. (Koontz) '25 Mejia, Laura M. Scharli, Martha BOARD OF TRUSTEES FACULTY Melbourne, Ralph Schutz, John A. Mendoza, Anthony Seagren, David JGWS President's Council JGWS President's Council Mershon, Glen and Dorothy Shepard, James B. Bailey, Robert G. Gobar, Sally R. (Randall) '55 Metallo, Ron Shon, Alvin C. Ball, Dolores L. (Lautrup) '33 JGWS Fellow Meyers, Carla J. Shung, Ba Connick, C. Milo Neu, John H. Meza, Maria R. Sidhom, Gabriel Deihl, Richard H.'49 Miller Carl R. Silbert, Joseph Dezember, Rayburn S. '53 Sponsors Farmer, Ann J. (Dahlstrom) '56 Miller, Stefanie V. Smart, Teta Ettinger, Sharon W. Minasian, Linda Smith, Don Feinberg, Sheldon Finan, Mary Casey Muller, Diane Smith, Mary Ferguson, Douglas W. Howard, Leslie L. '62 Munsell, Suzanne S. Smith, Sherman A. Findley, Gary S. '79J.D. Nobert, Frances Murrietta, Laura Sono, Chihiro Gastelum, Ronald R.'68 Wagner, Judith T. Murrietta, Marc

ANNUAL G I VI N G GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council - S 10,000 or more • JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 Sponsors - $500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249

Th ROCK FlI 1997


Union Bank Foundation Weingart Foundation the Faculty Masters program, William Randolph Hearst we extend the intellectual and Foundation "Through JGWS Benefactor cultural life for students Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation beyond the classroom, laboratory, and library settings." JGWS Fellows —Dr. Joseph Price ACLU Foundation of Southern California Chair, Religious Studies Department; Garrett House Faculty Master Argyros Foundation Capital Group Foundation, Inc. Forest Lawn Foundation Pacesetters ADMINISTRATION CURRENT STUDENTS George Backer Family Adams, Charles S. AND STAFF Foundation JGWS Fellow Arcadi, John A. '46 Von Der Ahe Foundation Carlyle, Irene V. (Varcados) JGWS Fellows McQuinn, Christine M. '84 Allen, Susan E. (Zarzana) Sponsors Chalfin, Elizabeth R. Ash Jr., James L. Donors Community Foundation of Greater Memphis Furman, Wendy A. Campos, Rebecca R. Arehart, Michelle M. Japan Foundation Hanson, A. Warren Carey, Paul M. Betancourt, Steven T. MCA Foundation, Ltd. Harvey, Richard B. Harkin, Jo Ann Block, Matthew S. Milo W. Bekins Foundation McBride, Michael J. McQuinn, Robert E. Botieff, Mark M. Santa Anita Foundation O'Brien, Philip M. '61 Meer, Jonathan D. Camacho, Edward P. Price, Joseph L. Millman, Richard S. Cervantes, Judi R. Associates Smith, R. Fritz Ortiz, Martin '48 Contreras, Arturo Bristol-Myers Squibb Topjon, Ann]. Park, Nelson G. Cooper, Christi M. Walt Disney Company Wu, Haw Jan Zanetta, Joseph M. Dunford, Charles D. Foundation Escobar, Kimberly R. Associates Sponsor Other Donors Barnhart, Tara D. '95 Tranquada, Kristin M. Fitton, Brian D. Allmerica Financial Charitable Givens, Tracy D. Foundation Bell, Priscilla B. Pacesetters Heffner, Heidi D. Annenberg Foundation Chabran, H. Rafael Adams, Gerald S. Kellogg, Peter M. James S. Copley Foundation de Vries, Jack H. Browning, Judith K. King, Kathleen E. Dorothy and Sherrill C. Nuttall, Donald A. Nelson, Christine E. (Reel) '72 Lenhard, Courtney L. Corwin Foundation Olson, Emelie A. Valenzuela, Terrie A. Rivas, Theresa A. Foundation for Independent Yocum, Glenn E. Higher Education Associates Schouten, Mark W. Other Donors Bartholome, Richard L. Foundation of the Litton Stimler, David C. lndudstries Behrens, Maurine G. Kimball, Rhonda L. Vargas, Irma Milken Famiky Foundation Bergerson, Frederic A. Verdugo, Leona Waldor, Christine Brian, Crystal L. New York Life Foundation Other Donors Wozab, Lisa R. Carty, Mitchell B. '96 Pacific Mutual Foundation Benitez, Wilfredo Zimmerman, Jasan Crawford-Dixon, Lori The Reebok Foundation Bistricky, Mark K. '96 Dixon, David E. Spring Street Foundation Calderon, Flor M. FOUNDATIONS Dmohowski, Joseph F. Transamerica Life Companies Cheatham, Richard B. '68 Total : $386,180 Fairbanks, Joseph H. Universal Studios Foundation Dettor, Dorothy A. Number of Donors: 52 Fattahi, Abi UPS Foundation Dobrzycki, Lyn L.'96 Goldberg, Stephen R. JGWS President's Council The Vinnell Foundation Dozier,]. P. Gothold, Jean Ahmanson Foundation Werner Family Ltd. Dunford, Charles '00 Partnership Gothold, Stephen A. '63 Andrew Mellon Foundation Dunford, Lynn A. '97 The Western Atlas Foundation Hao, Zhidong ARCO Foundation Ellis, Judy William H. and Helen M. Hunt, Alison B.C. McCabe Foundation Enders, Thomas L. Elliott Foundation Hunt, David P. BankAmerica Foundation Evans Jr., Donald L. limoto, Devin S. Caroline P. & Charles W. Gonzalez, A. Nancy '96 Ireland Foundation ORGANIZATIONS Jacobs, David A. Hubble, Benjamin C.'96 E. L. and Ruth B. Shannon Kjellberg, Paul Total: $20,873 Jenkins, Marian '35 Foundation Number of Donors: 11 Lagan, Seamus Langley, Nancy J. '97 Fletcher Jones Foundation Lame, Charles R. JGWS President's Council Lawrence, Charles E. Jewish Community Foundation Lukefahr, Howard Whittier College Women's Lewis, John K. '79 John and Beverly Stauffer Auxiliary Marks, Robert B. Malone, Ed E. Foundation McCullough, John H. '88 JGWS Fellows Phillips, Gregory A. John Randolph & Dora Haynes Muller, David J. Foundation The City of Whittier Pigott, James P. '80 O'Connor, Lucy A. John Stauffer Charitable Trust Sertoma Club of Whittier Purcell, Christina D. '92 Overturf, Stephen F. Joseph Allen Cole Trust Whittier Art Association Schraeder, Brett R. '95 Ralph, Kathleen S. Los Angeles Philanthropic Seagren, Cheryl T. Sponsors Rhodes, Dallas D. Foundation Stryker, Norma A. (Verdugo) '89 Whittier Y.M.C.A, Sharp, Lynn L. Northern Trust Company Thomsen, Tina C. (Peters) '80 Vick, Mary Ellen Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Pacesetters Williams, Jan M. Highlander Kiwanis Woirol, Gregory R. The Robinson Foundation

ANNUAL GIVING GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council - $10,000 or more .JGWS Benefactors —$5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 Sponsors - $500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249


Associates Shelly BMW Shell Oil Company Albertson's, Inc. Personnel Management Simply Classic Triangle Distributing Co. Alejandro Hato Inc. Association of Aztlan Sony Pictures Entertainment TRW Foundation Alexander Valley Vineyards Other Donors Southern California Bank Xerox Corporation AlliedSignal Inc. Hughes Employees Give Southern California Gas Associates AM Paging & Cellular Company Once Club 22nd Street Landing American Medical Enterprises Sylvan Learning Center #564 Kern/Ferry International 24 Hour Fitness American Trust Co. of Hawaii Thornton Printing Company Whittier Area Chamber of A.C.A. Auto Salvage Ameriquest Capital Commerce Transamerica Foundation Corporation Action Purchasing Corporation Whittier Area Parents United Parcel Service Andersen Consulting Adams Rite Manufacturing Co. Association for the Valdes Zacky Associates Foundation AJ's Automotive Tune Up Developmentally Companies, Inc. Arden Group Inc. Handicapped Albemarle Corporation Whittier Mailing Service Armstrong World Industries All Star Sports Photography Associated Cabinets Co N SORT IA Sponsors Ameron International Associated Travel International 3M Company Total: $125,687 The Apple Farm Inn B & B Pharmacy American International Group Number of Donors: 3 AT&T Foundation Baltimore Gas & Electric Co. Inc. Beckman Instruments Inc. JGWS President's Council Arabesque Photography Barclays Global Investors, N.A. Future Projects Bolero Plastics Beckmand Instruments Inc. Automobile Club of Southern California Grill Independent Colleges of California Bewley, Lassleben & Miller Chinaberry Book Service Southern California Avon Products Inc. Bishop Supply Company Inc. Client Business Services Inc. Other Donors Berkshire-Hathaway Inc. Blaine's-Nu-Look Salon Downtown Focus United Way of San Diego Bon Apetit Blockbuster Entertainment Electrical Systems Unlimited County Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. Blue Hills Nursery Inc. Elite Bodies Private Exercise Dun & Bradstreet The Boeing Company The Framery CORPORATIONS Corporation Bounce Around Ford Motor Company Franklin Quest Corporation Burger King Total : $167,712 Glaxo Welicom Inc. Number of Donors: 339 Friendly Hills Country Club California South Insurance Grey Advertising Inc. Agency JGWS President's Council IBM Corporation Home Depot California United Bank Greenfield Environmental Johnson & Johnson Intel Corporation Capital Cities/ABC Inc. Pepsi-Cola Company MasterCard International Irvine Park Railroad Castle Creek Capital Quaker City Federal Savings MMM Entertainment Morgan & Associates L.A. Cellular Cat & the Custard Cup Southern California Edison La Mirada Theatre Company Morgan Construction Co. Chicago Title & Trust Co. Le Han Beauty Union Pacific Corporation Northwestern Mutual Life Children's Museum M A Properties Inc. Wells Fargo Bank Insurance Class Act Trophy Company PQ Corporation Mason's Community Bakery Claylee's Dance Academy JGWS Benefactors Rebecca Merlino Photography Mobil Oil Corporation CNA Insurance Companies Callahan and Associates Inc. Scandia Volvo Motorola Inc. The Computer Guy Jerome Foundation Sony Pictures Entertainment Mozart The Salon Computer Sciences Times Mirror Univision Station Group, Inc. NathanJ. International Inc. Corporation JGWS Fellows Valverde Construction New York Life Insurance Co. Condominium Association Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. The Wee Loft O'Connor Chiropractic, Inc. Mgmt. Avery Dennison Corporation O.M.T. Metals CPC International Inc. Pacesetters Oscar De La Hoya Enterprises Creative Jewelers Bradley Auto Transport AIDA Art School Pacific Enterprises Creative Memories Chevron Corporation Inc. Amber Enterprise The Perkin-Elmer Creative Teaching Press The Coca-Cola Compnay American Compressor Equitable Foundation Corporation Dag Hammarskjold Cancer Company Treatment Center Farmers Insurance Group Quality Hotel Maingate Bookland Dance Image Fluor Corporation SmithKline Beecham Borden and Affiliates Foundation Danfield Inc. GTE Corporation Connecticut Mutual Life Something-Moore Inc. Decor Party Supplies Hughes Aircraft Company Insurance State Farm Insurance Deli Express J. C. Penney Company Inc. Coopers & Lybrand Companies Deluxe Corporation J. M. Smucker Company D.V.S. Nuphase Electronics Texaco Inc. Foundation Miller Brewing Company Deco Oriental Rugs & Carpets Tish-Lor Ice Inc. The Dial Group Nalco Chemical Company Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette TRW Foundation Discovery Toys New Horizons Computer Exxon Corporation Turner Construction Co. Disneyland Pacific Hotel Center First American Financial Corp. Unibright Foods Inc. Ducommun Incorporated Nomi Wagner Photographic Gold's Gym Unique Floral Shop The E. W. Scripps Company Nordstrom Heart Drugs United Auto Supply Inc. Pacific Telesis Group Hot Spices Inc. West Coast Graphics El Patio Mexican Restaurant Parker Bertea Aerospace Improvisation, Irvine Whittier Skateland Embassy Suites Hotel Group Lake's Tire Service PDQ Party Center Rental Yearsley Company FEDCO Inc. Leo Burnett Company Inc. Fireplace Manufacturers Inc. Piper Jaffray Companies Inc. Other Donors Pacific Mutual Life Insurance The Forms Desk Price Waterhouse A Special Event Parallax Marketing Research Four Star Realtors Inc. Rockwell Adventure City Parker-Hannifin Corporation Frank Schaffer Publications Rohr Inc. Aetna Life and Casualty Raytheon Company Frank's Lamppost Pizza Saban Entertainment Akzo Nobel Inc. Robinsons-May Fremont General Corporation

ANNUAL GIVING GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council —$10,000 or more .JGWS Benefactors —$5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows —$1,000 to $4,999 Sponsors - $500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249

Th. ROCK FII 1997


Freshman, Marantz, Orlanski, Presbyterian Intercommunity Wally's Andersen Consulting Cooper & Klein Hospital Watson Land Company Foundation Full Circle Antiques R. T. International Trading Western Asset Management Co. De Leon, Maria Lucia 96 G. P. Resources Inc. Corp. Whittier Area Federal Credit Garment City R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. Union ARCO Foundation Gillette Company/Stationery Rain Bird Sprinkler Whittier Fertilizer Co. Crawl, Glenn N.'49 Products Group Manufacturers Whittier Hilton Deihl, Richard H. '49 Garner, Logan S. Golfiand Ralph Barnes Insurance Whittier Village Cinema Harris, Dean M. Great Looks Salon Rifeco Whittier Wahoos RMM Records Krogsdale, William L. Green Arbor WKM Group Robinson, C. W. '39 Luncheon/Tearoom Rocky Cola Cafe Yamaha Music School H & R Block Rosemead Oil Products Inc. Young Brothers Tae Kwon Do AT&T Foundation Hair Innovations Rug Barn Zieman Manufacturing Barrett, Tyler E. '67 Handy & Harman Foundation Salon 34 West Company Brown, Patricia H. '50 Hearst Castle Salon CAJJ Avon Products Inc. Hearthsong Hendersons Inc. Wilkins Jr., Gordon M.'65 IFF l-lerbie's House of Health BankAmerica Foundation c1obsi TT1 Hewitt Associates Janssen, Peter C. Hewlett-Packard Company interaction with Holoz Laser Tag Barclays Global Investors N.A. Hilton Hotels Corporation "Tb Csuch outstanding Reiff, Philip W. '91 Hughes Electronics Corporation faculty, the many academic Beckman Instruments Inc. Hughes Employees Give Herrera, Miheal F. '87 Once Club challenges and opportunities helped Nilsen, Marjorie Imaginarium make Whittier such a positive Berkshire-Hathaway Inc. Imperial Bark Foundation Mitchell, James In-N-Out Burger experience for me." The Irvine Company The Boeing Company J & H Marsh McLennan —Roy "Rj." Clason '84 Houchens, Gary L. Jack's Whittier Restaurant Vice President of Global Communications, Bristol-Myers Squibb Jack's Whittier Tire Inc. Mastercard International Foster, David B. Jiffy Lube Stack, Joy E. '69 Just Folk KIIS-FM Capital Group Foundation Inc. Santa's Village MATCH t N G LAACO, Inc. Sargent's Sportsmans Paradise Speer, Lisa A. La Mirada Theatre Secure Transportaion Co. Inc. LA Precision Door The Coca-Cola Company See's Candy Listed below are the individuals The Leisure Group, Inc. Shackelton, J. Charles Shari's Hallmark Shop and companies who participat- Leegin Lather Edwards, Janet L. '72 Six Flags Magic Mountain ed in matching gift programs to Lenihan & Associates Inc. SLACK Inc. support the fundraising efforts Chevron Corporation Inc. Liberty Mutual Group! The Sports West Sales Inc. Burke, Ben G. Boston Foundation of Whittier College. Spouse, re- Starbuck's Coffee Hartman, Mary E. (Perry) '41 Lisa Belle Salon tiree, and board member gifts Step2 Company Hartman, Robert F. '41 Lockheed Martin Corporation may also be matched. In some Hudson Thomas A. Studio 4 Los Angeles Classic Ballet cases, the amount matched by Schallenberger, Virginia '38 Sugar Pine Ranch Bed & Los Angeles Philharmonic the company qualifies the indi- Schmidt, Raymond L. Breakfast vidual for membership at a gift Schremp, Frederick W. Los Coyotes Country Club Sun Microsystems Inc. Lovely Nails club level. For further informa- Smith, Leona T. '51 Supercuts Wuopio, Richard C. Marble Edge California tion regarding your company's Sutton & Evans, CPAs matching gift program, please Yeager, Robert C. '65 Marie Callender's Tektronix Inc. McFarland Energy Inc. contact your Human Resources Chicago Title & Trust Co. Tetra Design Inc. department, or Patricia Pollard Merck & Co. Inc. Theraputic Body Work Wheeler, Ann M.76 Mighty Ducks at (562) 907-4214. Thor the Peopleware Company CNA Insurance Companies The Millipore Foundation Thorpe Insulation Company Mimi's Cafe Aetna Life & Casualty Sinatra, Karen E.'68 Through a Child's Eyes Brainerd Jr., Robert P. '65 Mod Hatter Tice, Salter, Alger & Bullock Connecticut Mutual Life Monte's Camera Shop Ticket Booth Akzo Nobel Inc. Insurance Monterey Bay Aquarium Trader Joe's Hammen, Douglas S. '79 Houston, Lawrence T. '62 Mooers Enterprises Triangle Trophies Albemarle Corporation Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. Napa Valley Wine Train United Ad-Label Co. Simeral, Larry S. Kinsey, Donald S. '85 New Life Service Company Uptown Cyclery Nolan Litho & Printing Usborne Books at Home Allmerica Financial Dun & Bradstreet Old Republic Title Company U. S. Borax Inc. Charitable Fund Corporation Orchard Supply Hardware Vanguard Group Inc. Teichman, BrianJ. '67 Porzecanski, Nina R. Pacific Symphony Orchestra Village Psychological Pennylane Association American International Donaldson, Lufkin, & Group Inc. Jenrette Polly's Pies Village Travel Agency Lund, Alan H.71 Kinsey, Donald S. '85

ANNUAL GIVING G t FT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council - $10,000 or more • JGWS Benefactors - S5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4999 • Sponsors —$500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $ 250 to $499 • Associates - $ 125 to $249


Times Mirror Gentry, Ralph E. '54 CC ') always been amazed at how the faculty go Browning, Robert W. out of their way to help students. I don't Transamerica Foundation think you'll find that at many places. Saw, Timothy T.79 ve TRW Foundation Whittier is unique. I don't quite know how to express it, but Reeves, Jeff L. '89 Weston, Mary S.'69 there is a different feeling at 'Whittier." Cimiluca, Robert J. —Betty J. (Hibbard) Kenworthy '45 Union Pacific Corporation Retired Whittier College Registrar Brown, Maria C. '74 Unocal Foundation Lipps, Roger W. Equitable Foundation Nalco Chemical Company Sun Microsystems Inc. Shepard, Geoffrey C. '66 Tashima, Marie '50 Torres, Ralph]. The Upjohn Company Fraser, Terence J. '66 The E.W. Scripps Company Northwestern Mutual Life Tektronix Inc. Bruckman, Janice S. '64 Insurance Brand, Michael A. '78 Vanguard Group Inc. Summerton, John E. '69 Rice, Sally A. '95 Exxon Education Foundation 3M Company Lockman, Dalton F.79 Pacific Enterprises Baker, Blair C. '64 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Miller, Laverne M. Rothrock, Donald S.'54 Dezember, Ray S. '53 Ford Motor Company Alder, Sidney M. Turner, Donald S. '53 Pacific Mutual Life Baker, Blair C. '64 Xerox Corporation Insurance Hancock, Gretchen 0. '75 Glaxco Wellcome Inc Jessup, Joan F. '54 Kirk, Mitchell A. '80 Parker Hannifin Corporation GTE Corporation Major, Austin E.'84 VOLUNTEER AND SUPPORT GROUPS Cusick, Morris W. Forder, John B. The Perkin-Elmer Corporation ALIANZA ALUMNI Hewlett-Packard Company Sirney, Donald P. DE LOS BOARD OF Walter, Jeffrey C. '93 Piper Jaffray Companies Inc. Hseigh, Donald T.A. '78 AMIGOS )IRE T )R Whittemore Jr., Samuel S. Hughes Aircraft Company Alianza de Los Amigos is the Members of the Alumni Board PQ Corporation Arias, Agueda T. '81 Hispanic alumni organization support the College by encour- Flitchman, Rebecca C. 71 Elkinton, Robert H. '40 dedicated to providing current aging communications between students with scholarships and alumni and the College and pro- IBM Corporation Price Waterhouse reaching out to the Hispanic viding opportunities for mean- Anderson, Albert W. '66 Honn, RichardJ. '61 community. For more informa- ingful alumni involvement. Laskey, Robert E. '59 Raytheon Company tion, please contact Martin Each member serves on com- Stair, Lorrine H.'56 Turner, Donald S.'53 Miller, Clarence E. Jr. Ortiz '48 at (562) 907-4283. mittees that plan, manage, and promote activities and events for The Reebok Foundation Arce, Chimalpahin H.'96 Intel Corporation Whittier College alumni. Arriaga, Anna M. '93 Delacey, William H. Costello, Laurel B. Becerra, Liliana T. '93 Arroyo, Deborah R. The Irvine Company Rockwell Campos, Jose E. '94 (Cramer) '90 Brahs, Stephen A. '79 Elmendorf, Shirley Centeno, Rocio '93 Blazey, Jennifer A. (Nestegard) Chandler, Silvia R. '93 '86 President JC Penney Company Inc. Rohr Inc. Espinal, Danny M.'94 Chan, Maggie K.'96 Rau, Robert H. '62 Lichenstein, Stan F. '50 Gonzales, Eugene '50 Daigneault, Vincent J. '85 Farmer, Ann (Dahlstrom) '56 J.M. Smucker Company Shell Oil Company Juarez, Yolanda J. '93 Francis, William R.'64 Tregoe, Benjamin B. '51 Hawkins, Verda M. '38 Ledezma, Karla M.'96 Past President Montano, Martin C. '50 SmithKline Beechan, Fraumeni, Penny (Cams) '68 Leo Burnett Company Inc. Morales, Aurora L. (Zamora) '88 Foundation Gandolfo, Gian P. '84 Claggett, Thomas F. '50 Rodriguez, Aaron M. '95 Schilling, Margaret F. '68 Gaudio, Gene '68 Salcido, Gregory A. '96 Lockheed Martin Corporation Hakimian, Patricia L. Sony Pictures Entertainment Segovia, Sylvia R. '95 Ockerman, Gerald L. '68 (Maham) '64 Gonzalez, Jack Torres, Michele R. (Cortez) '92 Horton-Billard, Cecilia '80 The Millipore Foundation Jordan, Nicholas J. Torres, Raquel '91 LaBore, Hale H. '93 Larson, Jarryl A. '64 Southern California Edison Torres, Yvonne M. '93 Linsman, Jessica 1 '92 Valenzuela, Aracely '92, Chair 66 Mobil Oil Corporation Company Louie, Leslie W.'95 Lovejoy, Daunn E. '60 McKinley, Neal D.'64 Mendez, J. Michael '65 Bell, Richard 0. Shannon, Ed L.'92 Macias, Brian A. '83 Cushnie, Cohn E.'86 Mattingly, Dianne '85 Motorola Inc. State Farm Insurance Moore, Edna M. (Brindley) '73 Craft, James W. Companies Williams, Kellie D.'84

ANNUAL GIVING G I FT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council - $10,000 or more • JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows —$1,000 to $4,999 Sponsors - $500 to $999 • Pacesetters - S250 to $499 • Associates —$125 to $249

The ROCK Fall 1997 H ON OR ROLL

Nerio, Gerald D. '72 1946 1968 1994 Padilla, Roman '84 Violette B. Bachtelle (Bakuen) Penny S. Fraumeni (Cams) Robin Lynn Hickin Poutrë, Michael A. '93 Ritter, StephenJ. '74 1947 1969 1995 Salac, Cynthia L.'92 Shirley P. White (Plummer) Sinara S. O'Donnell (Stall) Dina E. Van Klaveren Seriyani, Keristofer '98 Snyder, Steve '85 1948 1970 1996 Stelmach, Madelyn L. (McKenzie) '67 William R. Lee Ellen H. Peck (Lundberg) Sarajane C. Reible Tenopir, George K.'48 1972 ALUMNI Todd, Margaret (Donnellan) '76 1949 Vice President Norman A. Kanold LEAD Valenzuela, Aracely '92 Mary Steele Mastain Walton, Keith B.'46 1973 VOLUNTEERS 1950 Weston, Steven C. '83 Edna B. Moore Volunteers provide meaningful John R. Price 1974 and invaluable service to the ALUMNI College, including event plan- 1951 V. Lou Nilsson (Erickson) CLASSASS ning, fund raising, and other James E. Jones activities that support the AGENTS 1975 1952 Whittier mission. They are es- Class Agents serve as ambas- Luann M. MacDonald (Leal) sential to the College's contin- William A. Eberhart sadors of Whittier College. Class 1976 ued growth and success. For Agents are often the closest, most 1953 more information on alumni personal link between the Col- Cheri I. Workman (Snyder) volunteer opportunities, please Barbara V. Jenkins (Van Arsdall) contact the Office of Alumni lege and individual alumni. For 1977 more information, please contact Relations at (562) 907-4222. 1954 Raymond D. Garwacki,Jr. Christine (Reel) Nelson '72 at Abbate, Lisa A. (Hoffmann) '86 (562) 907-4275. Robert W. Capps Marjorie C. Aikens (Conley) 1978 Ai, Steven C. '76 Aikens, MarjorieJ. (Conley) '54 1932 Carol E. Keck (Evans) Sharon L. Person (Lott) Robert A. Keck Aikens, Kenneth L. Jr. '77 Mary Fae Pickering (Moffett) 1981 Akrotirianakis, Joseph N. '95 1955 Allen, Thelma V. (Sprague) '43 1933 Ralph M. Dayton Jane R. Gothold (Soderberg) Andersen, Deborah S. Dolores L. Ball (Lautrup) 1982 (Daust) '76 1956 Apostolos, Michele R. '93 1934 Pamela J. Holmes Arcadi, John H. '46 Stuart E. Gothold E. Joanne Belben (Brown) 1983 Arrambide, John L. '35 Nancy H. Sievert (Heldrich) Arrambide, Francis N. (Swan)'49 Donna L. Sweet 1937 1957 Arroyo, Deborah (Cramer) R.'90 Arroyo, Phillip S. '86 Carlos A. Bailey 1985 John Avila, Jr. Avila Jr., John Jr. '57 E. Burton Parminter Cindy A. Greenup (Hedges) 1958 Bachtelle, Violet M. (Bakuen) '46 Bailey Jr., Carlos A. Jr. '37 1938 1986 James R. Peter Baldwin, Robert A. '68 Lois H. Joyce (Hunnicutt) Lisa A. Abbate (Hoffman) Ball, Dolores L. (Lautrup) '33 Harriett Ebermayer (Cooper) 1959 Jorge A. Quezada Barberia-Cochran, Arlene M. '77 Ann L. Peter (Carson) Barnes, Joe L. Jr. '65 1939 1987 Bateman, Paul W.79 Rose V. Bishop (Frank) 1960 R. Corrine Sultan (Reyes) Beachboard, Joseph L. '85 Daunn E. Lovejoy Beasley, Michael B.'91 1940 1988 Belben, E. Joanne (Brown) '34 Russell P. Vincent 1961 Kevin M. Burke Bell, Charles B. '66 1941 Gary E. Goodson Bell, Patricia A. (Phillips) '66 1989 Benson, Virginia M. (Strong) '42 1962 Mary Lee Holton (Palmer) Lourdes M. Ramboa Biera-Smith, Diana '77 1942 Lynette L. Ishikawa (Hee) Bishop, Gene M. '39 1990 Bishop, Rose V. (Frank) '39 1964 Virginia S. Benson (Strong) Michelle L. Dodge Blazey, Jennifer A. (Nestegard) '86 1943 John H. Crow 1991 Blechen, Robert H. '56 1965 Elizabeth L. Tunison (Lamb) Michael B. Beasley Blystone, F. Lynn '57 Brainerd, Robert P. Jr. '65 1944 Joseph L. Barnes, Jr. 1992 Brodnax, Marc K. '85 1966 Olive R. McCloskey (Jordan) Jessica I. Linsman Brown, JaMarr M. '95 Buffington, Milton P. '68 1945 Irving D. Hoffman 1993 Burke, Kevin M. '88 1967 Carol 1. Saunders (Coiner) Elizabeth A. Kemp Capps, Robert W. '54 Raymond M. Ritchey Cardenas. Leigh Ann '93

ANNUAL GIVING GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council —$10,000 or more • JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 • Sponsors - $500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249

Th ROCK FII 1997


Carlisle, James M. '56 Garwacki, Raymond D. Jr. '77 Hubble, Benjamin C. '95 Matlock, Ray E. '51 Casjens, V. Patricia (Paget) '51 Gastelum, Ronald R.'68 Hulcy, Christina R. '92 Mattingly, C. Diane '85 Casjens, Robert S. '51 Gaudio, Gene '68 Hutchinson, Margaret A. McCarthy, Mary L. (Morgan) '77 Chan, Maggie K. '96 Geiger, Janice L. (Barker) '62 (Magruder) '67 McClellan, Lewis R.'52 Chandler, Kenneth H. '51 Geiger, Wiliam A. Jr. '62 Ireland, Caroline P. McCloskey, Olive R.(Jordan)'44 Chappelle, Patricia L. (Coon) '57 Gibson, Elizabeth M. (Patterson) '43 McCrory, Carroll L.(Padilla) '76 Cioe, Robert R. '91 (Kimber) '46 Ishikawa, Lynette L. (Hee) '62 McGlynn, Kevin C.'93 Clark, Virginia L. (Snedecor) '64 Gilchrist, Richard L'68 Jarnagan, Millard C. '48 McKenna, Helen M. (Rahder) '72 Clasen, Roy R. J. '84 Gloss, Frederick C. '67 Jenkins, Barbara L. (Van McLinn, Cecil E. '60 Arsdall) '53 Claxton, Myron D.40 Gobar, AlfredJ. '53 Mealer, Jack T. '52 Johnson, Barbara A. '89 Clift,J. Robert '40 Goodson, Gary E. '61 Mecherikoff, RitaJ. (Rolph) '62 Johnson, Janet R. (Reese) '56 Clift, Olive C. (Chandler) '41 Goodson, Marian L. (Voss) '61 Milbank, Michael P. '65 Gordon, Janice M. (Letts) '62 Johnson, Penelope L. Cooper, Susan A. (Reinwald) '81 (Arnold) '63 Miller, Judith A. (Tatti) '61 Gothold, Jane R. (Soderberg) '55 Corbett-Patterson, Laurie F. Jones, Barbara A. (Bolton) '51 Miller, Marvin]. '91 (Pekelder) '61 Gothold, Stuart E. '56 Jones, James E. '51 Miller, Teresa M. (Payne) '92 Craven, G. Len '52 Gray, Stacyann E. (Peppler) '91 Jones, Scott G. '76 Mitchell, James E. '62 Crittenden, Willie F. '65 Greeup, Cynthia A. (Hedges) '85 Joyce, Lois E. (Hunnicutt) 38 Mohammed, Leslie R. '70 Cross, Christopher T. '62 Groce, Barbara (Ondrasik) '57 Kanold, Norman A. '72 Moore, Cheryl M. (Bronn) '68 Crow, John H. '64 Gulsby, Katherine E.92 Keck, Carol J. (Evans) '54 Moore, Edna M. (Brindley) '73 Cushnie, Cohn E.'86 Haack, Marjorie A. (Wilken) '55 Keck, Robert A. '54 Moore, Homan C. Jr. '57 Daigneault, Vincent J. '85 Haack, Norman E. '55 Kelley, William E.'60 Moore, Joe P. Jr. '73 Dalton, Scott M. '92 Hakimian, Patricia L. Kelsey, Marion J. (Matthews) '62 Morrison, Donovan L. '57 Daniels, Peggy L. (Rhoads) '51 (Maham) '64 Kemp, Elizabeth A. '93 Morrison, Florence V. Das, Sanjay A. '93 Hanberg, Morris Lee 48* (Albarian) '53 Kemp, Linda L. (Sutton) '66 Davidson, Alan C.'62 Hansen, Sandra Morton, J. Richard '57 (Tahmoush)J. '69 Kenworthy, Betty J. Dayton, Ralph M.'81 (Hibbard) '45 Moss, David '83 Deihl, Richard H.'49 Hanson, Constance J. (Ayers) '61 Mossman, Mae G. (Scott) '46 Hanson, Ted L.'61 Kern, Alice G. (Plotner) '62 Deihl, Patricia C. (Cattanach)'46 King, Vaughn J. '87 Motander-Jones, Elizabeth '74 Harding, Janie L. (Jones) '66 Muller, jacqulyn A. Delanty, Lynn M. (Chesley) '76 Knudson, Douglas C. '72 Hardy, Gregory B. '66 (Wadeson) '54 Dewberry, Robert H. '76 Krumm, A. Lois (Little) '46 Harris, Ben C.'55 Murray, Peggy A. (Albright) '46 Dewitt, John E. '57 LaBore, Hale H. '93 Harris, Clinton 0. '34 Nail, Erich C.'85 Dezember, Joan L. (Erreca) '53 Lanier, Deishaun L. '96 Harris, Mallory A. (Hall) '76 Nash, L. James '72 Dezember, Rayburn S. '53 Lee, Jeanne B. (Roberts) '51 Diller, Katrina M.'92 Harris, Willard V.'55 Neece, Marilyn R. Lee, William R.'48 Dillon, Kristine E. '73 Harvey, Susie R. (Elliott) '67 (Alexander) '73 Linsman, Jessica I. '92 Dobbyn, Edward T. III. '69 Harvey, Wayne L.'60 Nerio, Gerald D. '72 Linsman, Michelle F.'94 Dobbyn, Kristine A. Herold, Aaron M.'94 Nerio, Mikki L.'96 (Machenheimer) '68 Herold, Suzanne M. Louie, Leslie W.'95 Newman, W.D. Bert '59 Dodge, Michelle L.'90 (Aldinger) '94 Lovejoy, Daunn E. '60 Nichols, M. Joseph '53 Douglas, Maly 0. (Larsen) '66 Herrema, Donald j. '74 Lowe, Alice E. (Darling) '37 Nighswonger, Katheryne N. Dovidio, Ernest F. '62 (Heacock) '57 Duft, Nola K. (Shahan) '62 Nilsson, V. Lou (Erickson) '74 Dye, Esther E. (Boyle) '44 :c time and effor O'Brien, Phil M.'61 Dye, Robert R. '43 C Ochi, Kazuyoshi '66 Dyer, Ivydell K. (Kellam) '61 invested in me by m O'Connell, M. Colleen (Huntington) '46 Eberhart, William A. '52 orofessors have been Ebermayer, Harriett H. he' O'Dea, Patricia L. '89 (Cooper) '38 the key to my College experience. I couldn't O'Donnell, Sinara S. (Stull) '69 Ehlers, James A. '92 Ogle, Lois]. (Fitzgerald) '57 Ekhsigian, Rally S. '93 have succeeded at Whittier College Orozco-Martisko, Linda C. '74 Elkinton, Joyanne A. (Hull) '48 Padilla, Roman '84 Elkinton, Robert H. '40 without the encouragement of the faculty, Palacios-Araiza, Carol A. '82 Evans, Christopher C. '68 the support of the alumni, and the Pappas Diaz, Linda J. '78 Farmer, Ann j. (Dahlstrom) '56 Parmelee, Margaret J. Ferges, Sharon B. (Callicott) '61 motivation of my family and friends." (Scheibner) '66 Parmelee, Michael E. '67 Fields, Max E. '58 Parminter, E. Burton '37 Findley, Gary S. '79 —Karrah Lompa '97 Partee, Richard A. '61 Fix, Jean-Marc '86 Pasqua, Thomas M. Jr. '60 Fix, Susan W. Y. (So) '86 Paulo, Annalee J. '96 Fletcher, Joseph W. '77 Hickin, Robin Lynn '94 Macaulay, Shane E. '84 Paulus, Richard '61 Francis, William '64 Hoar, Ronald E. '56 Macauley, Dan J. '73 Paulus, Penny C. (Horvath) '61 Franklin, Donna M. Hoffman, Irving D. '66 MacDonald, Luann M.(Leal)'75 (Johnson) '56 Holmes, Pamela]. '82 Macias, Brian A. '83 Peck, BarbaraJ. (Jones) '57 Peck, Ellen H. (Lundberg) '70 Franklin, Ronald E. '56 Holton, Mary Lee (Palmer) '41 Marshburn, Theodore F. '51 Peden, Leonard]. '59 Fraumeni, Penny S. (Cams) '68 Noose, Winston P. '68 Martin, Bruce G. '57 Person, Sharon L. (Lott) '78 Fraumeni, Vincent J. '69 Horton-Billard, Cecilia M. Marumoto, Jean M. Funk, Mary Joyce(Whitlock)'43 (Werbeck) '80 (Morishige) '59 Peter, Ann L. (Larson) '59 Gair, William B.'61 Horton-Billard, Ted P. Jr. '77 Marumoto, William H.'57 Peter, James R. '58 Gandolfo, Gian P.'84 Howard, Leslie L. '62 Mastain, Mary L. (Steele) '49 Phillips, Paul K. '77

ANNUAL GIVING GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council - $10,000 or more • JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows —$1,000 to $4,999 Sponsors - $500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249 *Deceased The ROCK FII 1997 H ON OR ROLL

UNRESTRICTED GIFTS TO WHITTIER COLLEGE 1996-97 Martorano, Lora K. McCarthy, Mary L. (Morgan) '77 CONSORTIA OTHER Miniasian, Linda CORPORATIONS $88,793.00 $68,129.00 $4,240.00 Nelson, Mark Noltensmeier, Jane E. FOUNDATIONS ALUMNI Nighswonger, Katheryne N. $17,776.00 $525,581.00 (Heacock) '57 Palma, Leslie OTHER Paz, Alicia E. INDIVIDUALS Pereyda Sanchez, Lisa S197,207.00 Perez, Mary Praetorius, Patrick and Raelynn Reggio, Carolyn PARENTS Rittershausen Beers, Julia B. '64 $99,306.00 Sanchez, Lisa Scharli, Frances M. Phillips, Virginia]. (Cline) '77 Swayne, Judith A. (Kjellberg) '63 Yoder, June E. (Hall) '51 Settlage, Susan F. Pickering, Mary Fae (Moffett) '32 Sweet, Donna L. '83 Zartl, Heather A. (Heaton) '66 Sharp, Debbie Pickup, Carole C. (Martin) '57 Swords, Michael J. '92 Sierra, Lisa Pierno, Anthony R. '54 Tenopir, George K.'48 BROAD OAKS Sigala, Carol Poutre, Michael A. III '93 Thompson, LaTanya Y.'83 Smith, Judi PARENTS Price, John R. '50 Thompson, Richard C.78 Stewart, Berkeley B. Purcell, Christina D. '92 Todd, Margaret J. ORGANIZATION Tambara, Karen Quezada, Jorge A. '86 (Donnellan) '76 AND ADVISORY Theisen Norene, Elizabeth Ramboa, Lourdes M.'89 Tregoe, Benjamin B. '51 Tilley Hill, Jaclyn COUNCIL Rau, Robert H. '62 Trotter, Maxine M. (Murdy) '47 Toler, Janet Reible, Sarajane C. '96 Tunison, Elizabeth L. (Lamb) '43 These two groups provide sup- Thompson, Brigette Renley, John D. '57 Turman, Genevieve W. port to the Broadoaks School at Thorstenson, Sandy L. '77 (White) '56 Rhea, Carol (Weber) '46 Whittier College. The Advisory Torosian, Roxanne Turner, Judith A. (Shuler)'64 Ritchey, Raymond M.'67 Council and the Parents Orga- Tranquada, Kristin M. Uzel, Barry W.'65 Ritter, Stephen J.'74 nization offer direction and Trueblood, Elizabeth P. Valenzuela, Aracely '92 Rodriguez, Andrea M. staffing for the school's activi- Tumler, Shelly Van Klaveren, Dina E. '95 Roenicke, Corliss P. (Kranz) '51 ties and raise funds to help en- Valero, Lori M. Velez, Roberta G. (Garrett) '57 Rowe, A. Boyard '56 sure educational excellence. Vasquez, Elizabeth Victor, Kristen L. (Roberts) '84 Russell, MarthaJ. (Stagis) '46 For more information, please Walker, Christine A. (l..askey) '83 Vincent, Russ P. '40 Salac, Cynthia L. '92 contact Judith Wagner at (562) Walters, Gen'nel Walton, James K. '73 Sanders,]. Stanley '63 907-4250. Wentz, Marilyn M. (Moak) '75 Sands, Patricia C. (Roberts) '56 Walton, Keith B. '46 Whitcomb, Melanie Sartwell, Vickie G. (Emigh) '66 Wanlass, Leah C. Adamo, Dominic Wilmot, Roseanne '76 (Carruthers) '83 Sattler, George A. '57 Aston, Jennifer Wozab, Lisa R. '97 Warner, Carolyn M. Sauder, Carol D. (Denniston) '80 Shepherd, Geraldine B. '91 Zambrano, Vivian (Crowell) '66 Bradley, Cary Sauder, Scott '78 Weaver, A. Nicole '96 Saunders, Carol I. (Coiner) '45 Cadavona, Renee THE FRIENDS Welch, Dennis B. '68 Carreras, Lena Velasquez Scharer, Jon W. '57 Westmoreland, Dave B. '61 OF THE Scharer,Juley A. (Smoyer) '57 Carroll, Sheldon Westmoreland, Shari L. Chalfin, Liz Schremp, Florence L. (Lowe) '61 SHANNON Chavez, Raquel (Bormore) '45 Westmoreland, Kristin M.'92 CENTER Chisley, Annie Schuessler, Rachael U. Weston, Steve C. '83 Davidson, Alan C.'62 Schultz, Harriet U. (Utley) '56 Weston, Kathleen A. (Weber) '83 The Friends help to bring cul- Dengrove, Joan Schweikart, Daniel R. '57 Whitby, Sallie E. (Ekern) '73 tural and arts programs to Whit- DiFrank, Loren M. Sentell, Barbara B. (Brucher) '68 White, Shirley P. (Plummer) '47 tier College's Ruth B. Shannon Failla, Sal Shay, Richard H. '62 Wiest, Isabel (Ziegler) '92 Center for the Performing Arts. Fant, Marilyn Sherick, Diana M. (Jones) '51 Wiggins, Stephanie N.'92 Members raise funds and partic- Farmer, Ann D. Shonborn, Alvina C. (Chang) '77 Williams, Brenda P. (Padilla) '81 ipate in a variety of activities to Sievert, Nancy R. (Heldrich) '56 (Dahlstrom) '56 provide educational and out- Williams, Erika L.'93 Frias, Lorraine Skinner, Earl F. '57 Willson, J. David '65 reach programs for students, Smith, Elden L,'62 Garcia, Trish faculty, and the Whittier com- Willson, Gretchen R. Gotori, Charlotte Smith, J. Tamiko (Marumoto)'91 (Stiling) '65 munity. For more information, Hartounian, Lena Smith, Stephen H. '52 Wilson, Donna W. please contact Pat Frigo at (562) Snyder, Steve W. '85 (Watkins) '69 Johnson, Fran 907-4835. Somers, Donald M.'81 Wilson, Monica E. (Hehlen) '76 Josten, Patricia A. Stark, Milton D. '58 Wissman, Carol R. '68 Jurado, Lorraine Executive Board Stelmach, Madelyn M. Wolf, Wanda R. (Roberson) '45 Karpynec, Linda Ball, Dolores (Lautrup) '33 (McKenzie) '67 Wong, Jamie M. (Silva) '87 Khodovandi, Christina Secretary Strasser-Kauffman, Kann 1. '63 Wong, Jeanette C. '81 Kimball, Rhonda L. Boyd, Dorothea S. Chair Sullivan, Richard F. '68 Wood, Thomas D,'50 Klein, Sandra A. Corbett, Viola V. Sultan, R. Corrine (Reyes) '87 Workman, Cheri I. (Snyder) '76 Leticia, Maria (Lopez) '82 Cox, Douglas T. '91 Summers, Janet 1. '73 Wray, Darra N. (London) '92 Lopez-Elwell, Cynthia Foltz, Sylvia L. Sundstrom, Joseph H. '67 Wray, Jonathan C. '92 Macy, Tern M. (Carvalho) '79

ANNUAL GIVING GtFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council -$10,000 or more .JGWS Benefactors —$5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows - $1,000 to $4,999 Sponsors —$500 to $999 • Pacesetters —$250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249

The ROCK Fell 1997 HO N OR ROLL

Garman, Lenore M. Dallas, Ruth 1. '39 SCHOLARSHIPS AT WHITTIER COLLEGE Vice-Chair Fiedler, Joyce M. Garman, MacDonald G. Gruber, Audrey M. Harcourt, Santa Hyder, Violet ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPS Kenworthy, Betty J. Levens, Genevieve (Hibbard) '45 Martin, Alice Whittier education would not be attainable for Mershon, Dorothy Muller, Maybelle many of our most qualified students except for Mershon, Glenn Nohavec, Mary Jane Athe continuing availability of scholarship assis- Mullenbach, Joyce M. Palma, Adela (Johnson) '77 tance. Students are automatically considered for Pelzer, Lina, Treasurer Treasurer these scholarships through the admission and finan- Rock, Sarah L. Pilkington, Phyllis Shannon, Ruth B. Ramsey, Charlotte B. cial aid application processes. Whittier College wish- Honorary Chair Ruiz, Rebeca es to recognize the individuals, corporations, and Shepard, Karen P. (Pearson) '67 Santoianni, Francine foundations that so generously support our students Sturr, Angela Z. Tovey, Betty through the following endowed scholarship funds, Tunison, Elizabeth L. (Lamb) '43 Van Sandt, Dorothy S. (Sabin) '43, President Ward, Tish HISPANIC White, Doris Carl W. Ackerman Scholarship Floyd E. Durham Biology Scholarship PARENTS Willford, Yvonne L. (Bonser) '41 Edward and Rosa Ahlswede Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGregor ADVISORY Erwin Scholarship PURPLE & Max B. and Ruth B. Alcorn COUNCIL Music Scholarship Herbert & Elizabeth Francis GOLD Evans Scholarship Harvey & Madge Alverson The Advisory Council encour- Purple & Gold is the volunteer Scholarship Elizabeth Delia Felt & Jessie ages the parents of Hispanic stu- group that provides support to Felt Savage Scholarship dents to become involved in the Madge Alverson Speech & the athletic program of the Col- Drama Scholarship William & Christine R. educational, social, and cultural lege. The funds raised by Purple Ferguson Memorial activities of the College. For Ethel Townsend Ball Scholarship & Gold offer needed assistance Scholarship more information, please con- for the athletic department for Roberta J. Forsberg tact Martin Ortiz '48 at (562) Mabel H. Bankhead equipment and supplies that are Humanities Scholarship 907-4283. Scholarship not covered by the regular oper- Jeffrey Thomas Foster Granville B. and Helena Barrett Memorial Scholarship Aleman, Daniel J. ating budget. Last year, Purple Basye Scholarship Aleman, Wanda & Gold raised over $57,000 Judith A. Francis Endowed Beulah Bartlett & Blythe Scholarship Ayala, Virginia S. Historian from its membership drive and Monroe Scholarship Cervantes, Olivia annual Purple & Gold Golf Tour- Friends of Music Scholarship Co-Chair nament. In addition, Purple & Alva G. BeIlah Scholarship Cervantes, Rudy Robert L. Gifford Eagle Scout Gold helps promote the Col- Eva B. and Harry C. Billings Scholarship Co-Chair lege's athletic department by Scholarship Seri, Koritza E Bernard and Esther Goerg hosting a variety of activities Ralph E. Bishop Scholarship Scholarship such as barbeques and tailgate W. 0. and 0. A. Brown Gregory Scholarship THE WHITTIER parties. For more information, Memorial Scholarship please contact Dave Jacobs at Barbara Ondrasik Groce COLLEGE Hazel Caldwell Scholarship (562) 907-4268. Scholarship WOMEN'S James and Ida Scholer Darling Shirley Hall Scholarship Scholarship Fund Board of Directors Homer and Cora Halvorson Class of 1934-Richard Bryeans, Paul H. '55 Memorial Scholarship Through a variety of annual Spaulding Scholarship Claxton, Myron D. '40 Edna M. Hampton Memorial events, the Auxiliary has been Daigneault, Vincent J. '85 Class of 1961 Scholarship Scholarship promoting philanthropy to pro- President Class of 1957 Endowed Clair R. Hare Scholarship vide student scholarships and Hall, Thomas J. '49 Scholarship support the special needs of var- Hier, Jerry B. '88 Ruth Haroldson Violin Class of 1968 Scholarship Scholarship ious college departments since Jacobs, Dave 1904. For more information, Athletic Director Genevieve Connick Memorial William Randolph Hearst Scholarship please contact Maybelle Muller Kenworthy, Betty J. Foundation Scholarship at (562) 693-6274. (Hibbard) '45 Ruth Schaefer Corzine Dorothy C. Heddens Memorial Lee, William R. '48 Scholarship Scholarship Anderson, Virginia Mele, John A. '70 Sylvia Marie Cosand Performing Arcadi, Doris B. Howard L. and Alice B. Pederson, Gordon K. '50 Arts Scholarship Hockett Scholarship Arndt, Mary E. Pigott, James P. '80 Ardys M. Cox Scholarship Ball, Dolores (Lautrup) '33 Lawrence B. and Sylvia A. Price, John R. '50 Hoefer Scholarship Bard, Maurine Lex B. Cox International Rizzo, Michael A.'86 Scholarship Fund Bertone, Peggy Terrazas, Marc '84 Bailey Howard Scholarship John H. Crow Scholarship U; Brennan, Mary Jo Whitaker, W. Robert William H. Hornaday Bundy, Loretta John F. & Katherine N. Dean Scholarship Carroll, Eloise S. Education Scholarship Wendell Milo Hunt Memorial Coleman, Pat Grace Elizabeth Dickerson Scholarship Crosser, Alice C. Scholarship

ANNUAL G IV t N G GIFT CI. U B S: JGWS President's Council - $10,000 or more • JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows —$1,000 to $4,999 • Sponsors - $500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249

The ROCK Fall 1997 H 0 NO R B 0 L L

James Irvine Foundation Mary McGraw Miller Music Quaker City Federal Savings & Raymond C. Thompson Scholarship Scholarship Loan Scholarship Scholarship James W. Jones Scholarship John and Elsie Murfett Henry C. Rosette Scholarship Helen Ulitin Scholarship Scholarship Lynn R. and Katherine Balden Paul K. Schroeder Memorial Frances E. Van Riper Juday Scholarship Delphi Murphy Memorial Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship Donna Lee Kendall Marie Quinzel Sewell May Vertrees Scholarship Scholarship Wallace "Chief" Newman Scholarship Memorial Scholarship George E. and MayeJ. William H. and Irene Savage Vincent Sinatra Memorial Wanberg Scholarship King Scholarship W. Roy and Alice Newsom Scholarship Scholarship Bonnie Bell Wardman Paul D. Kirk Memorial Elden and Barbara Smith Scholarship Scholarship John Hill Nichols Endowed Scholarship Scholarship David E. Wicker Scholarship Frances K. Lewis Scholarship Smith Trust Scholarship Richard M. Nixon Scholarship Whittier College Veteran's Jay R. and Elizabeth T. John Stauffer Science Fellows Scholarship Livingston Scholarship (Whittier Republican Women) John Stauffer Trust Science Whittier Rotary Club Margaretha Lohmann Piano Martin Ortiz Endowed Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship Alfred J. Stevens Memorial D. L. and M. A. Williams Margaretha Lohmann Talent Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship Lee & Erika Owens Scholarship Gerald Patton Memorial Martin A. and Mildred L. Ed J. & Ruth Wudell James R. Long and John M. Scholarship Stewart Scholarship Scholarship Gates Scholarship Perry Memorial Scholarship Amos and Matilda Hadley Mary E. Wyatt Memorial Albert Madden Scholarship Stuart Scholarship Scholarship Audrey Richardson Violin George H. Mayr/Martin Ortiz Award Charles E. Sydnor-William V. YMCA Daniel Luther Endowed Scholarship Marshburn Scholarship Scholarship Milhous-Marshburn Richard & Sissel Pomboy Endowment Lorraine Thompson Scholarship Scholarship


Ahmanson Foundation College John Randolph Haynes & Dora Union Bank/Bank of Tokyo Scholarship Haynes Foundation Student Exchange Alianza de Los Amigos Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship Hughes Scholarship & UPS Scholar (ICSC) Internship (ICSC) Associated Foundations, Inc. Western Atlas Scholarship Scholarship Independent Colleges of (ICSC) Southern California (ICSC) Avery Dennison Careers in Whittier College Women's Education Scholarship Litton Industries Scholarship Auxiliary Scholarship (ICSC) (ICSC) Bank of America Scholar Long Beach Bank Scholarship (ICSC) (ICSC) Chevron Merit Award (ICSC) Los Angeles Philanthropic Christian Leadership Merit Foundation Scholarship Scholarship George H. Mayr Foundation Nola Lee Cole Trust Scholarship Scholarship B.C. McCabe Foundation James S. Copley Foundation Scholar Scholarship (ICSC) Milken Family Scholar (ICSC) Farmers Insurance Group Norma L. Murdy Scholarship Scholarship Nordstrom Scholarship (ICSC) Fluor Independent Colleges Scholarship (ICSC) Rockwell Scholars (ICSC) Forest Lawn Scholarship Saban Entertainment (ISCS) Scholarship (ICSC) Friends of Whittier Southern California Edison's Scholarship ICSC Scholarship (ICSC) Gillette Company/Stationery TELACU Matching Scholarship Products Group Scholarship Transamerica Occidental Life (ICSC) Insurance Company GTE California Independent Scholarship (ICSC) Colleges Scholarship (ICSC) Union Bank Scholar (ICSC)

ANNUAL GIVING GIFT CLUBS: JGWS President's Council - $10,000 or more • JGWS Benefactors - $5,000 to $9,999 JGWS Fellows —$1,000 to $4,999 • Sponsors - $500 to $999 • Pacesetters - $250 to $499 • Associates - $125 to $249

Th. ROCK FII 1997


NOVEMBER TUESDAY— 0-12 FRIDAY WEDNESDAY— Finals 18-22 SATURDAY SATURDAY 8 p.m., Whittier College 13 Department of Theater Arts, Holiday Break through Jan. 4, "One Flea Spare," by Naomi 1998 Wallace, Studio Theatre in the Ruth B. Shannon Center SUNDAY for the Performing Arts 14 3 p.m., Christmas with Chorale cclaimed jazz vocalist Barbara 23 SUNDAY Bel Canto, Shannon Center A Morrison brings her 2 p.m., "One Flea Spare," by SATURDAY style and grace—and Naomi Wallace, Studio Theatre 20 her big band—to the 3 p.m., California Theatre Center Shannon Center at 7 THURSDAY— presents "The Elves and the p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 8. 2 1 FRIDAY Shoemaker," Shannon Center Thanksgiving Break JANUARY 9 MONDAY DECEMBER 8 p.m., former Negro League MONDAY 5 Star Jim "Mudcat" Grant, January Interim through Jan. 30 Shannon Center TUESDAY 2 FRIDAY 12:30 and 7:30 p.m., Whittier FEBRUARY 13 College Wind Ensemble, 8 p.m., classical guitarist Robert Shannon Center 5 THURSDAY Bluestone, Shannon Center 3- WEDNESDAY— Spring Semester Begins 25-28 WEDNESDAY— SUN DAY SATURDAY Madrigal Feaste, 6 p.m., SATURDAY 8 p.m., Whittier College Faculty Center 7 Department of Theater Arts, 3 p.m., California Theatre Center "Carnival," Shannon Center FRIDAY presents "Rumplestitltskin," 5 Shannon Center Last day of classes MARCH 9 SUNDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 9 7 p.m., Barbara Morrison and 1 8 p.m., Iona Pear Dance Theatre her Big Band, Shannon Center 3 p.m., "Carnival," Shannon presents "The Mythology of Center Angels," Shannon Center

SATURDAY— G- MONDAY Reading Days On events in the Ruth B. Shannon Center for the Performing Arts, contact the Shannon Center Box Office at (562) 907-4203. On alunmi events, contact the Office of Alumni Relations at (562) 907-4222. on outer events, Contact the ornce ot Lommunicanons at (562) 907-4277.














TICKETS ARE $20. For tickets or information, call the SHANNON CENTER BOX EAT (562) 907-4203.





Good Seats are $11 1 Available!

always hoped that what I do for Whittier College makes a real I'difference to students and faculty members. I like to see the results of my gifts, which is why the Lautrup- Ball Cinema renovation project appealed to me.

ne of the things that has really pleased me is the enthusiasm O of faculty members about this renovation. I've talked with several professors who already have big plans for Thanks to a gift from longtime trustee Dolores L. Ball '33, L.H.D. '96, the using the new equipment in their classes. old Lautrup Auditorium in Hoover I find that very gratifying. Hall is undergoing a complete he Fund-A-Chair program is a good way renovation. You are invited to join the for alumni and friends of the college to effort through the Fund-A-Chair J see their gifts helping students as well. program. Your $250 contribution will help purchase a new auditorium Many people have already contributed, and chair, which will bear a permanent I hope there are others who want to help plaque with your name. For more improve the educational environment at information, call Nancy Gonzalez, Whittier through this program. assistant director of individual giving, —Dolores L. Ball '33, L.H.D. '96 at (562) 907-4288.

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