Saa3 is a key mediator of the protumorigenic PNAS PLUS properties of cancer-associated fibroblasts in pancreatic tumors

Magdolna Djureca, Osvaldo Grañab, Albert Leec, Kevin Trouléb, Elisa Espinetd,e, Lavinia Cabrasa, Carolina Navasa, María Teresa Blascoa, Laura Martín-Díaza, Miranda Burdiela, Jing Lia, Zhaoqi Liuc, Mireia Vallespinósf,g, Francisco Sanchez-Buenoh, Martin R. Spricke, Andreas Trumppd,e, Bruno Sainz Jr.f,g, Fátima Al-Shahrourb, Raul Rabadanc, Carmen Guerraa,1,2, and Mariano Barbacida,1,2

aMolecular Oncology, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO), 28029 Madrid, Spain; bBioinformatics Unit, Structural Biology and Biocomputing Programmes, CNIO, 28029 Madrid, Spain; cDepartment of Systems Biology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY 10032; dDivison of Stem Cells and Cancer, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), 69120 Heidelberg, Germany; eHeidelberg Institute for Stem Cell Technology and Experimental Medicine (HI-STEM), 69120 Heidelberg, Germany; fDepartment of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Autonomous University of Madrid, 28018 Madrid, Spain; gInstituto Ramón y Cajal de Investigación Sanitaria (IRYCIS), 28034 Madrid, Spain; and hDepartment of Surgery, Clinical University Hospital Virgen Arrixaca, Murcian Institute of Biomedical Investigation (IMIB), 30120 Murcia, Spain

Contributed by Mariano Barbacid, December 21, 2017 (sent for review October 10, 2017; reviewed by Patrick Michl, Albrecht Neesse, and Anil K. Rustgi)

Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is characterized by the This concept has been recently challenged by two independent presence of abundant desmoplastic stroma primarily composed of studies in which elimination of the stroma in genetically engi- cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs). It is generally accepted that neered mouse (GEM) PDAC models resulted in more aggressive CAFs stimulate tumor progression and might be implicated in drug tumors and reduced survival (13–15). However, CAFs are a resistance and immunosuppression. Here, we have compared the heterogeneous population (6, 8); thus, it is conceivable that transcriptional profile of PDGFRα+ CAFs isolated from genetically different CAFs may have differential pro- and antitumorigenic engineered mouse PDAC tumors with that of normal pancreatic fi- roles. Therefore, a better understanding of the role that these

broblasts to identify potentially implicated in their protumori- CAF subpopulations play in PDAC progression may allow their CELL BIOLOGY genic properties. We report that the most differentially expressed selective reprogramming to thwart their protumorigenic effects , Saa3, a member of the serum A (SAA) without having to resort to their physical elimination. + family, is a key mediator of the protumorigenic activity of PDGFRα To this end, we have characterized the transcriptome of a CAFs. Whereas Saa3-competent CAFs stimulate the growth of tumor protumorigenic subpopulation of CAFs defined by the expres- Saa3 sion of the platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha cells in an orthotopic model, -null CAFs inhibit tumor growth. α Saa3 also plays a role in the cross talk between CAFs and tumor cells. (PDGFR ). These studies have revealed a series of highly Ablation of Saa3 in pancreatic tumor cells makes them insensitive to overexpressed genes in these cells compared with those the inhibitory effect of Saa3-null CAFs. As a consequence, germline expressed in fibroblasts present in normal pancreata. The top overexpressed gene in our studies was Saa3, a member of the ablation of Saa3 does not prevent PDAC development in mice. The protumorigenic activity of Saa3 in CAFs is mediated by Mpp6, a member of the palmitoylated membrane subfamily of the Significance peripheral membrane-associated guanylate kinases (MAGUK). Fi- nally, we interrogated whether these observations could be trans- Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is one of the most malignant lated to a human scenario. Indeed, SAA1, the ortholog of murine human tumors for which there are no efficacious therapeutic Saa3, is overexpressed in human CAFs. Moreover, high levels of strategies. This tumor type is characterized by an abundant SAA1 in the stromal component correlate with worse survival. These desmoplastic stroma that promotes tumor progression. Yet re- findings support the concept that selective inhibition of SAA1 in CAFs cent studies have shown that physical or genetic elimination of may provide potential therapeutic benefit to PDAC patients. the stroma leads to more aggressive tumor development. Here, we decided to reprogram the stromal tissue by identifying and CAFs | Saa3 | PDAC | stroma | mouse models subsequently targeting genes responsible for their protumori- genic properties. Comparative transcriptome analysis revealed ancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the most several genes overexpressed in cancer-associated fibroblasts lethal malignancies worldwide, and it is projected to be the compared with those present in normal pancreata. We provide P Saa3 second leading cause of cancer-related deaths by 2030 (1, 2). genetic evidence that one of these genes, , plays a key role Despite extensive research efforts over the past decades, there on the protumorigenic properties of the stroma, opening the have been few improvements in the diagnosis or treatment of the door to the design of future therapeutic strategies. disease. Most of the patients are diagnosed at an advanced stage, Author contributions: C.G. and M. Barbacid designed research; M.D., E.E., L.C., C.N., when the tumor is unresectable and metastasis is already present. M.T.B., L.M.-D., M. Burdiel, J.L., M.V., and B.S. performed research; F.S.-B., A.T., and B.S. Furthermore, current therapies are based on chemotherapy contributed new reagents/analytic tools; M.D., O.G., A.L., K.T., E.E., M.T.B., Z.L., M.R.S., agents and provide only a modest increase in survival, high- B.S., F.A.-S., R.R., C.G., and M. Barbacid analyzed data; and M.D., C.G., and M. Barbacid lighting the need for new therapeutic strategies (3). wrote the paper. PDAC is characterized by an abundant desmoplasia that Reviewers: P.M., University Hospital Halle (Saale), Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg; constitutes up to 90% of the total tumor volume. This stroma is A.N., University Medical Center Göttingen; and A.K.R., University of Pennsylvania. composed mainly (around 90%) of cancer-associated fibroblasts The authors declare no conflict of interest. (CAFs) (4, 5). CAFs secrete extracellular matrix (ECM) Published under the PNAS license. as well as soluble factors (such as chemokines and ) that 1C.G. and M. Barbacid contributed equally to this work. – stimulate cancer progression (6 8). Furthermore, it has also 2To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: [email protected] or mbarbacid@ been reported that CAFs mediate drug resistance and immu- nosuppression (9–12). Hence, CAFs may represent an important This article contains supporting information online at target for anticancer therapy. 1073/pnas.1717802115/-/DCSupplemental. PNAS Early Edition | 1of10 Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 acute-phase serum amyloid A (SAA) apolipoprotein family A SMA/PDGFR /EYFP PDGFR /EYFP found associated with high-density in plasma (16). SAA proteins are expressed mainly in the , although their expression has also been described in synovial tissue, placenta, adipocytes, and smooth muscle cells (17). Expression of SAA

members is induced in injured tissues and cells, including ath- PDAC erosclerotic plaques and rheumatoid synovitis, as well as in the brain of Alzheimer’s patients and in certain tumor cells (18). Accumulation of these acute-phase proteins in the blood is also observed during chronic and cancer. Moreover, they are considered to be biomarkers whose expression is as- B Live cells CD31/CD45 CD31/CD45/EYFP 250 250 5 sociated with tumor progression and reduced survival in many 10 9% 36% human cancers (18, 19). 3 200 200 104

150 150 3

Here, we report that Saa3 plays a key role in inducing the x 10 10 + 100 100 protumorigenic properties of PDGFRα CAFs. Unfortunately, 102 50 50

PDGFR 16% 39% Saa3 is also essential for the protumorigenic cross talk between SSC 101 0 0 2 4 6 0 these CAFs and their neighboring tumor cells, a property that 0 10 10 10 0 102 104 106 0 101 103 105 may limit its potential therapeutic effect to those strategies that CD31/45 YFP SMA could specifically target Saa3 activity in CAFs. Importantly, we also report here that the protumorigenic activity of Saa3 is reg- C All cells Live cells CD31/CD45 ulated by membrane palmitoylated protein 6 (Mpp6), a member 104 104 of the peripheral membrane-associated guanylate kinases 60 103 103 (MAGUK). Since this regulatory interaction between Saa3 and 40 CAFs 102 102 21%

Mpp6 appears to take place only in CAFs, these observations 3 1 20 1 open the door to the design of future therapeutic strategies by 10 10 0 0 0 controlling the levels of expression of Mpp6. 0 20 40 60 0 101 102 103 0 101 102 103 104

DAPI 104 104

SSC x 10 60 103 103 Results EYFP/EPCAM NPFs 40 + 15% PDGFRα CAFs Promote Tumor Growth. To characterize the pop- 102 102 20 ulations of CAFs present in PDAC, we used a GEM tumor 101 101 model previously generated by M. Barbacid’s laboratory, the 0 0 0 + 0 20 40 60 0 101 102 103 0 101 102 103 104 K-Ras /LSLG12Vgeo;Trp53lox/lox;Elas-tTA/tetO-Cre compound strain, Normal PDAC 3 PDGFR in which we can selectively induce the expression of a resident SSC x 10 CD31/CD45 K-RasG12V oncogene and disable the p53 tumor suppressor in acinar cells during late embryonic development (20). In this DEPDGFR SMA study, we added a Rosa26LSLEYFP allele to have a color marker RasG12V p53 1600 + CAFs (EYFP) to identify those cells carrying the K- / -null ) ** tumor-initiating mutations. These mice, designated as “KPeCY,” 3 + NPFs

develop PDAC tumors with complete penetrance and an average CAFs 1200 ** latency of 3–4 mo. More importantly, they recapitulate the human * disease, including the formation of a massive stromal desmoplasia 800 made up of heterogeneous CAF populations. Furthermore, this 400 stromal remodeling is characterized by a chronic inflammatory re- Tumor volume (mm Tumor ** ** sponse. Therefore, we studied the functional implications of tumor- NPFs 0 promoting inflammation mediated by CAFs by performing a 0 9 12 15 18 22 + comparative expression profiling of PDGFRα CAFs and Days α+ PDGFR normal pancreatic fibroblasts (NPFs) as previously de- + scribed (21). Fig. 1. Protumorigenic properties of PDGFRα CAFs. (A, Left) Immunofluores- Immunofluorescence analysis of stromal tissue with antibodies cence staining with anti-αSMA (green) and anti-PDGFRα (red) antibodies and α α α with EYFP (yellow) of a KPeCY PDAC tumor. (Right) Higher magnification of elicited against -smooth muscle actin ( SMA) and PDGFR α+ + μ revealed that, whereas most stromal cells of KPeCY tumors expressed PDGFR (red) and EYFP (yellow) cells. (Scale bars, 100 m.) (B, Left)FACS analysis of fresh tumor samples with CD31/CD45 and EYFP markers. (Right)FACS αSMA, only a subpopulation contained PDGFRα (Fig. 1A). FACS − − − analysis of CD31 /CD45 /EYFP cells with anti-αSMA and anti-PDGFRα anti- analysis of fresh tumors showed at least four distinct populations of B bodies. The percentages of αSMA and PDGFRα single-positive cells as well as stromal cells (Fig. 1 ). Whereas one population only expressed α α α SMA/PDGFR double-negative and double-positive cells are indicated. (C)Cell SMA (39% of the total), another population representing 36% of sorting of KPeCY PDAC tumors and normal pancreata from control Elas-tTA/ α α + the cells contained both markers, SMA and PDGFR .Wealso tetO-Cre;Rosa26 /LSLEYFP mice selected with DAPI, anti-CD31 and anti-CD45, anti- identified two additional populations represented by those cells that EpCAM, and anti-PDGFRα and EYFP. The percentages of NPFs and CAFs are expressed only PDGFRα (9%) and those that did not express either indicated. (D) Immunofluorescence staining of sorted CAFs and NPFs after ex- marker or expressed them at very low levels (16%) (Fig. 1B). α α + − − − pansion in culture with anti- SMA (green) and anti-PDGFR (red) antibodies. Next, we sorted PDGFRα /EYFP /CD45 /CD31 stromal cells (Scale bars, 50 μm.) (E) Growth of PDAC tumor cells (0.5 × 106) injected s.c. into from PDAC tumors of KPeCY mice as well as from normal pan- immunocompromised mice either alone (red circles) or coinjected with the same +/ creata of control Elas-tTA/tetO-Cre;Rosa26 LSLEYFP animals (Fig. amount of CAFs (black circles) or NPFs (open circles). *P < 0.05; **P < 0.001. 1C and Fig. S1A). These cells represented 21% and 15% of the total cells, respectively. Cultures derived from cell population retained αSMA and PDGFRα expression and displayed the spindle CAFs, whereas those obtained from normal pancreata represent shape characteristic of fibroblasts (Fig. 1D). The fibroblastic nature NPFs. The latter had slightly higher levels of αSMA than CAFs, a of these cells was further verified by the expression of fibroblast- property that has been proposed to represent a marker of myofi- + specific genes including FAP, Vimentin,andPDGFRβ as well as by broblast activation (Fig. S1C) (8). Herein, these PDGFRα cell the lack of immune (CD45, CD68) and tumor (CK19, EpCAM) populations are designated simply as “CAFs” and “NPFs.” cell markers (Fig. 1C and Fig. S1B). These results indicate that the To determine whether these CAFs can promote tumorigenesis, + PDGFRα stromal cells isolated from KPeCY tumors represent we compared their tumor-supporting capabilities with those of

2of10 | Djurec et al. Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 + PNAS PLUS NPFs using in vivo assays. EYFP -sorted PDAC tumor cells (0.5 × 106) stress responses indicating mitochondrial dysfunction. We also isolated from tumor-bearing KPeCY mice were s.c. inoculated alone observed significant reduction of P53-signaling–related genes, (n = 4) or in combination with CAFs (0.5 × 106)(n = 4) or NPFs (0.5× suggesting cell death evasion (24, 25). These results, taken to- 106)(n = 4) into the flanks of immunocompromised mice. Whereas gether, support the concept that the CAFs used in this study CAFs stimulated tumor growth by as much as 76%, NPFs inhibited the possess a unique secretory-inflammatory gene signature with proliferation of the pancreatic tumor cells by as much as 65% (Fig. 1E). emphasis on the activation of the innate immune response (Fig. These results illustrate the protumorigenic activity of the subpopulation 2) as well as impaired oxidative phosphorylation (Fig. S2A). of CAFs used in this study. SAA3 Is Overexpressed in CAFs. The top up-regulated gene in CAFs Comparative Transcriptional Profiles of CAFs vs. NPFs. To understand compared with NPFs was a gene encoding the SAA3 protein, the genetic bases responsible for the tumor-promoting activity of Saa3 (Fig. 2A). These results were confirmed by qRT-PCR (Fig. CAFs, we performed a comparative study of the transcriptome S2B). Saa3 transcripts were also up-regulated compared with n = n = profiles of freshly isolated CAFs ( 5) with those of NPFs ( tumor cells as well as with other normal tissues such as pancreas 3) by RNA sequencing (RNAseq) analysis. As illustrated in Fig. B A or liver (Fig. S2 ). Little is known regarding the putative role of 2 , CAFs displayed a strong proinflammatory profile that in- Saa3 in cancer, although Hansen et al. (26) have suggested cluded genes encoding competent cascade-related and acute- protumorigenic activity. During inflammation, Saa3 expression is phase proteins (C4b, Hp,andA2m), cytokines (Il1b and Il6), β α κ Cxcl1 Ccl22 Il10 induced by Il-1 , Tnf , and Il-6 through NF B signaling. In turn, chemokines ( and ), other ( ), and Saa3 can also activate these cytokines (26, 27). Consistently, Il- members of the TNF family associated with the innate immune 1β, Tnfα, and Il-6, as well as the NFκB pathway, were found to be response. Furthermore, Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) A A confirmed the up-regulation of the immune cell-recruiting com- significantly up-regulated in our dataset (Fig. 2 and Fig. S2 ). plement cascade [false-discovery rate (FDR) ≤ 0001], IL1R PDAC Development in Saa3-KO Mice. To interrogate the effect of (FDR = 0.001), and the Jak-Stat (FDR = 0.025) pathways in ablating Saa3 expression in PDAC development, we incorporated CAFs. This analysis also identified /receptor signaling as Saa3 one of the most significantly up-regulated pathways in CAFs -null alleles to the KPeCY strain. As previously reported, germline ablation of Saa3 does not induce detectable phenotypic compared with NPFs (Fig. 2B and Fig. S2A). In addition, we + alterations (28). Moreover, Saa3-null K-Ras /LSLG12Vgeo;Elas-tTA/ observed a high enrichment in cell-to-cell junction pathways sug- tetO gesting the presence of active contact-mediated signaling in CAFs -Cre mice displayed the same number of pancreatic intra- Saa3 (Fig. 2B and Fig. S2A), a property that may have an important role epithelial neoplasia (PanIN) lesions and PDAC tumors as - CELL BIOLOGY A in tumor promotion (22). CAFs also displayed up-regulation of competent animals (Fig. S3 ). Likewise, KPeCY mice carrying TGFβ- and Hedgehog-signaling pathways as well as ECM/receptor either wild-type Saa3 alleles (n = 18) or Saa3-null alleles (n = 20) interactions (Fig. S2A), a set of transcriptional changes thought to developed PDAC with 100% penetrance, succumbing to pancre- result from their cross talk with the tumor cells (13, 23). atic tumors before 23 wk of age with median survivals of 15 and Down-regulated hallmarks include oxidative phosphorylation, 16 wk, respectively. These observations, taken together, indicate suggesting that CAFs have undergone metabolic reprogramming that the absence of Saa3 expression from their germline has no A significant effect on tumor development (Fig. S3B). and oxidative stress (Fig. S2 ). The latter was further supported + by the significant down-regulation of genes involved in peptide However, Saa3-null tumors had a higher proportion of EYFP elongation, translation, and protein metabolism, hallmarks of tumor cells and displayed less dense fibrotic stroma, albeit these differences were not statistically relevant by FACS analysis (Fig. S3C). Histological analysis revealed that Saa3-null tumor cells were

CAFs NPFs more packed than in control tumors and exhibit a significant re- AB organization of their ECM as revealed by their reduced levels of Top Upregulated Pathways in PDGFR + CAFs collagen content (Fig. 3A and Table 1). Interestingly, we did not α+ Complement Cascade Cytokine Receptor Interaction observe a significant reduction in the PDGFR population, in- FDR 0,0001 FDR=0,0005 dicating that the reduced stromal content is not due to the loss of this CAF subpopulation (Fig. S3D). Moreover, we observed a significant increase in the levels of macrophage infiltration in the Saa3-null score

Enrichment tumors (12.5% vs. 3.8% of total area) (Fig. 3B and Table 1). The increase in tumor-infiltrating macrophages was observed in both the IL1R pathway Innate Immune Response antitumorigenic M1 and the protumorigenic M2 populations (Fig. C FDR=0,001 FDR=0,06 3 ). However, this increase appeared to be more pronounced in the M2 population, which has been associated with worse clinical out-

score come in PDAC patients (29). In contrast, there were no obvious

Enrichment differences in the amount or localization of neutrophils or T and B lymphocytes (Table 1 and Fig. S3E). Saa3-null tumors also displayed + JAK STAT signaling Cell Cell Junction a significantly elevated number of endothelial CD31 cells, in- FDR=0,025 FDR=0,008 dicating increased vessel density (Fig. 3B and Table 1). These vessels were functional as assessed by the greater perfusion observed upon

score injection of a contrast agent (Fig. 3D). Whether increased angio- Enrichment genesis was promoted by the infiltrating macrophages, as previously suggested (30), remains to be determined. Row min Row max Next, we interrogated whether the effect of Saa3 ablation on stroma remodeling improved the therapeutic benefit of current Fig. 2. Transcriptional profiling of CAFs. (A) Heat map representing color- drug treatments. As illustrated in Fig. S3F, Saa3-null mice ex- coded expression levels of differentially expressed inflammatory genes in hibit a slight survival advantage when treated with either gem- CAFs (n = 5) vs. NPFs (n = 3). The heat map was generated from differential expression analysis, in which data were sorted by FPKM (fragments per citabine alone (50 mg/kg, i.p., twice weekly) or with gemcitabine kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads) expression value and in combination with clodronate, a macrophage-depleting agent. log2 fold change with a q-value ≤0.05. The specific inflammatory gene set Similar results were obtained when we combined gemcitabine was selected from publicly available databases. (B)GSEAofCAFssignifi- with B20.4.1.1, an anti-VEGF monoclonal antibody (Fig. S3F). cantly up-regulated in inflammatory and cell-adhesion pathways. However, the differences were not statistically significant.

Djurec et al. PNAS Early Edition | 3of10 Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 A fore, we assessed the cancer stem cell (CSC) compartment in Saa3-competent and Saa3-null tumors. As illustrated in Fig. 4B, + we found a marked increase in CSC (CD133 ) and metastatic + + ** CSC (CD133 /CXCR4 ) populations in Saa3-competent PDAC 40 Saa3 30 tumors vs. those lacking expression (0.56% vs. 4.02%

Trichrome + + + 20 CD133 cells and 0.15% vs. 0.43% in CD133 /CXCR4 cells, respectively) (Table 1). These results suggest that the absence of 10 Saa3 Saa3 0 confers a more invasive phenotype (32). Indeed, -null WT KO tumors showed a higher Ki67 proliferation index (Fig. 4C). In + Sirius Red Positive area/total area Saa3 addition, EYFP tumor cells present in the pancreas of 8-wk-old Saa3-null mice displayed a considerably higher percentage of Saa3 WT Saa3 KO + B PDGFRα cells than those expressing Saa3 (2.43% vs. 0.21%, respectively) (Fig. 4D and Table 1). Since PDGFRα expression is a marker for epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), these results suggest that the absence of Saa3 expression might pro- 20 20 ** F4/80 ** mote the appearance of a migratory phenotype (33–35). 15 15 Since PDAC tumor cells most frequently metastasize to the liver, + 10 10 we examined the presence of Saa3-competent and Saa3-null EYFP 5 5 pancreatic tumor cells in this tissue. As illustrated in Fig. 4E and Fig. 0 0 A CD31 WT KO WT KO S4 , we detected an unusually high number of disseminated tumor Saa3 Saa3 cells in the liver of KPeCY Saa3-null animals, representing as many Saa3 WT Saa3 KO as 15.3% of all liver cells. In contrast, the number of tumor cells in Saa3-competent animals represented only 0.07% of the liver cell E A C M1 M2 population (Fig. 4 ,Table1,andFig. S4 ). However, these dis- 105 105 seminated Saa3-null tumor cells did not proliferate and failed to 104 4 20,8% 10 M1 M2 propagate after colonization (Fig. S4B). Indeed, whereas 12 of 63 103 103 Saa3 2 -competent mice (19%) displayed metastatic outgrowths, only 10 30,2% 102 40 * ** 0 3,04% Saa3 Saa3 WT 0 2of40 -null animals (5%) presented with metastatic lesions in 0 102 103 104 0 102 103 104 30 their (P = 0.043) (Table 1). These reduced levels of metastatic 20 105 105 outgrowth were not due to a reduction in the inflammatory cell CD11c CD11b 34,7% 4 4 10 + + 10 10 population, CD11b and F4/80 monocyte-derived immune cells, 103 103 0

% of positive cells C 2 which are known to establish the metastatic niche (Fig. S4 ) (36, 102 42,7% 10 WT KO WT KO

Saa3 KO 12,0% 0 0 37), and thus suggest that the reduced metastatic potential of Saa3- 4 Saa3 Saa3 0 102 103 104 0 102 103 10 null tumors is an intrinsic property of the tumor cells. Indeed, these F4/80 CD206 infiltrated Saa3-null tumor cells were negative for Ki67 immunos- taining, indicating that they have limited proliferative properties D (Fig. S4B). However, it is also possible that absence of Saa3 ex- pression in the liver may contribute to the limited proliferative and 80 *** metastatic properties of these tumor cells. 60 It has been reported that Saa1 is a potent inducer of liver 40 metastasis (26). In addition, SAA1 is among the top 50 up- 20 regulated genes in the metastatic liver expression profile in a Ultrasound 0 human PDAC dataset analyzed by Moffitt et al. (7), suggesting WT KO that SAA1 may be relevant in liver metastasis formation. Thus, Saa3 we examined the levels of expression of other Saa family members Saa3 WT Saa3 KO

Fig. 3. Characterization of the stromal component of Saa3-null tumors. (A, Left) Masson’s trichrome and Sirius Red staining of collagen in Saa3-competent Table 1. Most relevant features of Saa3-competent (WT) and (WT) and Saa3-null (KO) tumors. (Scale bars, 50 μm.) (Right) Quantitative Saa3-null (KO) KPeCY mice analysis of Masson’s trichrome-stained sections of Saa3-competent (WT) and Features of KPeCY mice Saa3 WT Saa3 KO Saa3-null (KO) tumors (n = 4). (B, Left) Representative images of F4/80 and CD31 immunostaining in Saa3-competent (WT) and Saa3-null (KO) tumors. (Scale Stroma reorganization bars, 50 μm.) (Right) Quantitative analysis of F4/80- and CD31-stained sections of ECM +++ + Saa3-competent (WT) and Saa3-null (KO) tumors (n = 5). (C, Left)FACSanalysisof Vascularization + ++++ fresh Saa3-competent (WT) and Saa3-null (KO) tumor samples with anti-F4/80 + + + ++++ and anti-CD11b antibodies. (Center)FACSanalysisofF4/80/CD11b double- Macrophage number and infiltration positive macrophages with anti-CD11c and anti-CD206 antibodies. The percent- Other immune cell infiltration ++ age of M1 (CD11chigh/CD206low) (blue square) and M2 (CD11clow/CD206high)(red CAFs square) macrophage populations is indicated for each tumor type. (Right) Tumor growth support +++ − Quantitative analysis of M1 and M2 macrophages in Saa3-competent (WT) and Wound healing property (in vitro) ++ +++ Saa3-null (KO) tumors (n = 2). (D, Left) Micro-ultrasound images of Saa3- Tumor cells competent (WT) and Saa3-null (KO) tumors after injection of contrast agent. Differentiation ++ + (Right) Quantitative analysis of vessel density in Saa3-competent (WT) and CSCs + +++ Saa3-null KO) tumors (n = 5). *P < 0.05; **P < 0.001; ***P < 0.001. Migratory properties (in vitro) + ++++ Liver metastasis Saa3-Null Tumor Cells Have Increased Migratory but Not Homing Macrometastasis ++ − ++ + Properties. Tumors lacking Saa3 appeared less differentiated Micrometastasis + ++++ upon hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and CK19 staining (Fig. Migratory tumor cells 4A). The undifferentiated tumor phenotype has been associated Grading of the phenotypes is illustrated from not observed (–)tolow(+), with a cancer stem-like state in pancreatic cancer (31). There- normal (++), high (+++), or very high (++++).

4of10 | Djurec et al. Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 PNAS PLUS ABPDAC tumors also had increased motility and closed the gap more efficiently 104 than those expressing the protein (61.5% in Saa3-null vs. 40.8% in 103 0.150.56 wild-type CAFs in a 16 h period) (Table 1 and Fig. S4E). 102

1 H&E 10 Saa3 Is Required for the Protumorigenic Properties of CAFs. To

Saa3 WT 1.13 0 101 102 103 104 characterize the effect of Saa3 on the interaction between pan-

104 creatic tumor cells and CAFs, we examined the growth properties

CD133 103 4.02 0.43 of organoids generated from PDAC tumors of KPeCY mice 102 cocultured with CAFs expressing or lacking Saa3. As illustrated in 1 CK19 10 A Saa3 1.65 Fig. 5 , -expressing CAFs significantly increased the number 0 A Saa3 Saa3 KO and size of individual organoids (Fig. 5 ). In contrast, -null 101 102 103 104 CAFs failed to promote tumor growth resulting in organoid cul- Saa3 WT Saa3 KO Cxcr4 tures similar to those grown in the absence of CAFs (Fig. 5A and Table 1). As expected, NPFs effectively reduced the growth of organoids. These results clearly indicate that Saa3 plays a key role C DEPancreas Liver 106 1.0M on the ability of CAFs to support tumor cell growth. 800K 104 To explore the effect of Saa3 in the cross talk between tumor cells 50 * 0.21 600K 0.07 40 102 400K and CAFs in vivo, we orthotopically inoculated immunocompro- 200K 6

Saa3 WT ×

Saa3 WT mised mice with CAFs as well as with tumor cells (0.5 10 each) 30 0 0 2 4 6 0 10 10 10 0 102 104 106 either expressing or lacking Saa3 in (Fig. 5B). As illustrated in Fig. 20 106 1.0M

SSC C Saa3 n = YFP 800K 5 ,ablationof in tumor cells ( 6) had no effect on their 10 104 2.43

% of Ki67+ cells 600K 15.3 ability to induce tumors. As expected, based on the results described 0 102 400K above using in vitro assays, coinjection of Saa3-expressing tumor WT KO 200K 0 0 cells with NPFs (n = 6) reduced tumor growth whereas coinjection Saa3 KO Saa3 Saa3 KO 0 102 104 106 0 102 104 106 with Saa3-expressing CAFs (n = 8)ledtoasignificantincreasein F PDGFR EYFP tumor volume. Interestingly, when these tumor cells were coinjected Tumor cell lines with CAFs lacking Saa3 (n = 8), tumor growth was significantly 105 18.8 G reduced to levels even lower than those observed with NPFs, in- 104 0 h 20h 20h

dicating that Saa3 is essential for the ability of CAFs to stimulate CELL BIOLOGY 103 0 tumor growth in vivo. However, this effect was not observed when

Saa3 WT 10-3 we coinjected Saa3-null tumor cells along with Saa3-null CAFs (n = 0 101 102 103 104 C 5 6) (Fig. 5 and Table 1). No significant differences were observed in 10 Saa3 WT 46.6 4 the proliferation (Ki67 and Phospho-HistoneH3) or apoptosis CD133 10 (cleaved caspase 3) levels that could explain the differences in tumor 103 0 volume induced by Saa3-competent vs. Saa3-null CAFs (Fig. S5). -3 10 Saa3 KO These observations indicate that, whereas Saa3 provides protu- Saa3 KO 0 101 102 103 104 morigenic properties to CAFs, the antitumorigenic effect of Saa3- CD 44 null CAFs requires that the corresponding tumor cells express the Fig. 4. Phenotypic properties of Saa3-null tumor cells. (A) H&E staining Saa3 protein. Likewise, we also observed a protumorigenic effect when we coinjected Saa3-null tumor cells with Saa3-null CAFs, (Upper) and CK19 immunostaining (Lower)ofSaa3-competent (WT) and Saa3 Saa3-null (KO) tumors. (Scale bars, 50 μm.) (B) FACS analysis of fresh tumor suggesting that when both cell types are deficient in expression samples of Saa3-competent (WT) and Saa3-null (KO) tumors from KPeCY there is an alternative cross talk that promotes tumor progression. + mice with anti-CD133 and anti-CXCR4. (C) Quantitative analysis of Ki67 cells These results provide an explanation as to why tumor development in Saa3-competent (WT) and Saa3-null (KO) tumor sections. (D) FACS analysis in Saa3-null mice is not affected, since the potential tumor- + of EYFP-expressing PDGFRα pancreatic tumor cells in pancreas isolated from inhibitory effect of Saa3 ablation in CAFs does not take place 8-wk-old Saa3-competent (WT) and Saa3-null (KO) KPeCY mice. (E) FACS when their neighboring tumor cells also lack Saa3. analysis of EYPF-expressing cells in livers isolated from the same mice. (F) FACS analysis of pancreatic tumor cell lines with anti-CD133 and anti- Saa3 Ablation Alters the Transcriptional Profile of CAFs and Tumor CD44. (G, Left and Center) Migratory properties of Saa3-competent (WT) and Cells. To dissect the mechanism by which Saa3 confers tumor stim- Saa3-null (KO) tumor cells in an in vitro scratch assay. (Right) A color- ulatory properties to CAFs, we used RNAseq to compare the < enhanced picture for better visualization. *P 0.05. transcriptome of Saa3-null and Saa3-proficient CAFs. GSEA path- way analysis of Saa3-null CAFs revealed a significant enrichment in Proliferation and Angiogenesis hallmarks, as well as up-regulation of in livers of Saa3-competent and Saa3-null tumor-bearing mice α κ D Sonic Hedgehog, TNF /NF B, and IL-6 pathways. Moreover, we killed at the humane end point. As illustrated in Fig. S4 ,the observed enrichment in genes implicated in EMT, suggesting in- levels of expression of Saa1 and Saa2 are high in the livers of Saa3 Saa3 Saa3 creased plasticity of -null CAFs as well as their potential effect -competent, but not in -null, tumor-bearing mice. These in inducing an undifferentiated phenotype in their neighboring tu- results may also contribute to explaining why the abundant pan- mor cells (39). In addition, the Saa3-null CAFs displayed up- Saa3 creatic tumor cells present in the livers of -null mice have regulation of the apical junction pathway, a property that predicts limited metastatic potential. increased physical contact between stromal and tumor cells (22). Saa3 To better characterize the effect of ablation on the mi- The most down-regulated gene sets included the oxidative gratory properties of PDAC tumor cells, we generated cell lines phosphorylation and drug metabolism and homeostasis from pancreatic tumors lacking this protein. FACS analysis con- A Saa3 + + (Fig. 6 ). Moreover, loss of expression also down-regulated firmed that the number of CD133 /CD44 CSCs was higher in + other metabolic pathways such as Glycolysis. This pathway is acti- Saa3-null EYFP tumor cell lines (46.6 vs. 18.8%) (Fig. 4F and vated in Saa3-competent CAFs, possibly playing a role in providing Table 1), demonstrating a clear enrichment in this population (32, metabolites to their neighboring tumor cells (25). These observa- 38). Migration assays revealed that tumor cells lacking Saa3 dis- tions suggest that loss of Saa3 might induce metabolic reprogram- played increased migratory properties (Fig. 4G and Table 1). ming of CAFs along with a reduction in the production of While Saa3-expressing tumor cells advanced toward the scratch as nutritional metabolites available to the adjacent tumor cells. a solid layer, cells lacking Saa3 moved freely throughout the We also studied the transcriptomes of Saa3-competent and Saa3- scratch as individual cells (Fig. 4G). CAFs lacking Saa3 expression null tumor cells (Fig. S6A). This analysis revealed that loss of Saa3

Djurec et al. PNAS Early Edition | 5of10 Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 A Saa3 is involved in the regulation of several inflammatory cyto- kines (26, 27). Thus, we examined the profile of cytokine enrichment changes by GSEA analysis utilizing a specific signature of 144 cyto- kines. As illustrated in Fig. 6B, elimination of Saa3 down-regulated the global cytokine profile not only in CAFs but also in the tumor cell compartment. Taken together, these results indicate that elim- ination of Saa3 induces proliferation, metabolic reprogramming, and cell-to-cell contact in both CAFs and tumor cell population. On NPFs Saa3 WT CAFs Saa3 KO CAFs the other hand, lack of Saa3 reduces overall cytokine secretion with the exception of the TNFα and IL-6 pathways in CAFs. ** ** 1200 150 * ** Mpp6 Down-Regulation Reverts the Antitumorigenic Properties of ) 3 1000 125 Saa3-Null CAFs. Differential expression analysis of the above 800 100 dataset revealed the presence of three significantly up-regulated 600 75 genes in Saa3-null CAFs. In particular, the gene encoding MPP6 (fold 400 change = 15.8), a member of the palmitoylated membrane protein

(pixels x 10 50

200 organoids/well 25 subfamily of peripheral membrane-associated MAGUK guanylate Area of organoids/well Avgerage number of C D 0 0 kinases (Fig. 6 and ). The other up-regulated genes included NPFs WT KO NPFs WT KO those encoding the γ-aminobutyric acid receptor 3 (GABRA3; fold CAFs CAFs change = 3.2) and Cbl, an E3 ubiquitin–protein ligase involved in cell B signaling and protein ubiquitination (fold change = 2.3) (Fig. 6C). PDAC Isolated cells Combinations Orthotopic inj. These observations were validated for Mpp6 using qRT-PCR analysis of Saa3-null and -competent CAFs (Fig. S6B). Tumor cells: WT To determine whether Mpp6 up-regulation was functionally re- WT tumor cells CAFs: KO sponsible for the antitumorigenic effect of Saa3-null CAFs, we knocked down Mpp6 expression using specific shRNAs that resulted Tumor cells: WT Mpp6– Saa3 WT CAFs: KO in a significant decrease of its expression levels. down- WT CAFs regulated Saa3-null CAFs were coinjected orthotopically with Saa3- n = Tumor cells: WT competent PDAC tumor cells ( 4). These tumor cells grew CAFs: KO significantly faster than those coinjected with Saa3-null CAFs (n = KO tumor cells 8), reaching proliferation levels similar to those observed with Saa3- Tumor cells: WT competent CAFs (Fig. 6E). Down-regulation of Mpp6 also reverted CAFs: KO Saa3 KO the undifferentiated phenotype of tumor cells in the presence of KO CAFs Saa3-null CAFs (Fig. 6F). These observations, taken together, in- C dicate that the growth-inhibitory activity of Saa3-null CAFs on their adjacent tumor cells is mediated by the up-regulation of the tight

) *** *** Saa3

3 1600 junction protein Mpp6. Interestingly, ablation did not alter the levels of expression of Mpp6 in pancreatic tumor cells (Fig. 6D), 1200 indicating that Saa3 selectively controls the expression of Mpp6 in CAFs. These observations open the door to future therapeutic 800 strategies aimed at up-regulating Mpp6 expression. 400

Tumor volume (mm Tumor SAA1, the Functional Human Ortholog of Saa3, Is Up-Regulated in a 0 Subpopulation of Human CAFs Associated with Poor Clinical Outcome. Tumor cells: WT WT WT KO KO WT KO CAFs: WT KO WT KO The human genome contains three genes encoding highly related NPFs: WT SAA family members (40% amino acid identity): SAA1, SAA2, and SAA4 (40). It also contains a nonfunctional SAA3 pseudogene Fig. 5. Cross talk between pancreatic tumor cells and CAFs in the presence (SAA3P) (41). Among the three SAA functional genes, SAA1 is the and absence of Saa3. (A, Upper) Cultures of EYFP tumor organoids grown in mostsimilarinstructureandfunctiontomurineSaa3.The the presence of NPFs or Saa3-competent (WT) or Saa3-null (KO) CAFs. (Scale SAA1proteinisexpressedinseveral stromal cell types including bars, 100 μm.) (Lower) Quantification of area (Left) and number of organoids activated synovial fibroblasts (42). Moreover, SAA1 has been (Right) under the indicated culture conditions. (B) Diagram depicting the in shown to control neutrophil plasticity and has anti- and protu- vivo orthotopic tumor assays in immunodeficient mice carried out to de- morigenic inflammatory properties in melanoma (43). SAA1 is termine the protumorigenic properties of Saa3-competent (WT) (red) and highly expressed in a variety of tumors including PDAC [The Saa3-null KO) (light blue) CAFs on pancreatic tumor cells isolated from Saa3- SAA1 competent (WT) (yellow) and Saa3-null (KO) (green) tumors. (C) Quantitative Cancer Gene Atlas (TCGA) database]. Moreover, is the analysis of orthotopic tumor growth in immunodeficient mice inoculated SAA family member most highly expressed in CAFs of PDAC tumors (Fig. 7A). To further confirm these observations, we ex- with the indicated combinations of Saa3-competent (WT) and Saa3-null SAA1 (KO) CAFs and pancreatic tumor cells. Color coding is as in B. NPFs (open amined the expression levels in the PDAC RNAseq and bar) were used as a negative control. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.001; ***P < 0.001. microarray dataset recently published by Moffitt et al. (7). RNAseq data revealed high but variable expression of SAA1 both in tumors andinCAFsisolatedfromPDACsamples(Fig.7B). Moffitt’sre- “ ” expression in pancreatic tumor cells results in a significant enrichment port described two types of PDAC-associated stroma, normal and “ ” α of cell cycle- and metabolism-related gene sets, thus confirming the activated, basedonstromalsignaturesconsideringhigh SMA increased proliferative capacity of the Saa3-null tumor cells. In ad- expression or an inflammatory signature, respectively (7). Although, SAA1 was found to be expressed primarily in tumor samples with an dition, these mutant tumor cells displayed up-regulation of the tight “activated” stroma signature, high levels of SAA1 expression cor- junction pathway, suggesting deregulated cell-to-cell contact proper- related with significantly worse survival in tumor samples containing ties. On the other hand, we observed significant down-regulation in either “normal” or “activated” stroma (Fig. 7C). In those tumor ECM reorganization-related pathways, suggesting a decrease in the samples that contained low amounts of stroma, high SAA1 ex- levels of extracellular collagen, a feature that might explain the higher pression correlated with a slight increase in survival, suggesting that migratory properties of Saa3-null tumor cells (Fig. S6A). the protumoral effect of SAA1 overexpression is primarily mediated

6of10 | Djurec et al. Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 A NES expression were lower in CAFs than in normal pancreatic fi- PNAS PLUS -5 05 broblasts (Fig. 7D). That is, the levels of both genes, SAA1 and G2M checkpoint MPP6, inversely correlated in both types of fibroblasts (Fig. 7E). E2F targets Notch signaling Similar results were obtained with Moffitt’s dataset (Fig. S6C). EMT B These results support the concept that SAA1 may play a role in Tnf signaling via NF B Cytokine signature Myc targets human PDAC similar to that described for Saa3 in GEM tumors. Hedgehog signaling Il6 - Jak-Stat3 signaling FDR = 0,03 CAFs Discussion Angiogenesis Apical junction PDAC is characterized by a rich desmoplastic stroma composed Ifn response mainly of a heterogeneous population of CAFs. A CAF sub- Mtorc1 signaling α ROS pathway Tumor cells population characterized by expressing PDGFR is thought to Glycolysis FDR = 0,01 Peroxisome mediate an inflammatory response (21). However, their putative

Adipogenesis Enrichment score protumorigenic activity has not been properly documented. Cholestherol homeostasis α+ DNA repair Here, we show that PDGFR CAFs possess protumorigenic Xenobiotic metabolism properties in vivo based on their ability to promote the growth of Oxidative phosphorylation Saa3 KO vs WT coinjected pancreatic tumor cells in immunocompromised mice. + This property is specific for PDGFRα fibroblasts isolated from


WT KO 400 Mpp6 300 AB Gabra3 200 10 100 Cbl FPKM 8 Cuzd1 100 80 0 6 60 normalized expression WT KO WT KO 4 (FPKM) Row min Row max FPKM 40 CAFs Tumor cells 2 20

0 CELL BIOLOGY Normalized expression 0 F H&E CK19 SAA1SAA1L SAA2 SAA3P SAA4 hCAFs hPDAC E CDSAA1 CAFs Activated Stroma ** Saa1 High ) 1,600 100 3 WT SAA1 High ** Saa1 Low 20 SAA1 Low 1,200 15 50 P = 0,017 10

800 Percent survival 5

CAFs Percent Survival 0 0 KO 0204060 hNPFs hCAFs

Tumor volume (mm Tumor 400 MonthsMonths

(RPKM) MPP6 0 Normal Stroma 4 * Tumor cells: WT WT WT KO 100 Saa1 High

SAA1 High Normalized expression Saa1 Low 3 CAFs : WT KO KO KO CAFs KO SAA1 Low shMpp6: + + + shMpp6 2 50 P = 0,019 1

Percent survival 0

Percent Survival hNPFs hCAFs 0 Fig. 6. Transcriptional profiling of Saa3-null CAFs and pancreatic tumor 0204060 cells. (A) GSEA pathway analysis of Saa3-null vs. Saa3-proficient CAFs. The MonthsMonths E Ratio of SAA1/MPP6 expression normalized enrichment score (NES) ranking was generated by the GSEA. Low Stroma (B) GSEA analysis of a specific cytokine signature (144 cytokines) in Saa3-null Corr= 0,73 Saa1 high 6 (KO) CAFs and pancreatic tumor cells. (C) Heat map of the differentially 100 SAA1 High P= 0.0098 Saa1 Low expressed genes in Saa3-null (KO) CAFs compared with Saa3-competent (WT) SAA1 Low 4 CAFs. (D) RNAseq analysis of Mpp6 expression in Saa3-competent (WT, solid 2 50 P = NS bars) and Saa3-null (KO, open bars) CAFs and tumor cells. (E) Tumor growth 0

of orthotopic allografts of immunocompromised mice of Saa3-competent Percent survival

Percent Survival -2 (WT) and Saa3-null (KO) pancreatic tumor cells in the presence of Saa3-

0 SAA1 Log2 (RPKM+1) 0 1234 + − 0204060 competent (WT) and Saa3-null (KO) CAFs treated ( ) or nontreated ( ) with MPP6 Log2 (RPKM+1) a shRNA against Mpp6. Tumor volume is indicated by solid (WT cells), open Months (KO cells), and mixed solid/open (WT and KO cells) bars. (F) Images of H&E Fig. 7. SAA1 and MPP6 expression in human PDAC tumors. (A) Normalized and CK19 staining of orthotopic tumors illustrated in E. (Scale bars, 100 μm.) gene-expression values of SAA family members in human NPFs (open bars) **P < 0.001. and CAFs (solid bars) by RNAseq. (B) FPKM values of SAA1 expression by RNAseq in human CAFs and PDAC samples obtained from Moffitt’s dataset (7). (C) Kaplan–Meier survival analysis of PDAC patients with high (red) or by the stromal cells. In addition, SAA1 was identified among the top low (blue) SAA1 expression levels classified by the presence of activated 50 genes of Moffitt’s liver-specific metastatic signature in PDAC. (Top) or normal (Middle) stroma signatures and in PDAC tumors with low Analysis of freshly isolated CAFs from tumor samples of stroma content (Bottom) based on microarray data from Moffitt’s dataset n = n = (7). (D) SAA1 (Upper) and MPP6 (Lower) expression in freshly sorted human PDAC patients ( 7) and from adjacent normal pancreas ( = = SAA1 NPFs (open bars) (n 5) and CAFs (solid bars) (n 7). (E) Correlation of SAA1 5) revealed that is up-regulated in the CAF samples and MPP6 expression in freshly sorted human CAFs (solid circles) (n = 7) and compared with those obtained from normal pancreata (log2 fold human NPFs (open circles) (n = 5). Spearman’s correlation (Corr) and the change = 3.74; Padj < 0.005). In contrast, the levels of MPP6 P value are indicated. *P < 0.05;**P < 0.001.

Djurec et al. PNAS Early Edition | 7of10 Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 + PDAC tumors, since the corresponding PDGFRα fibroblasts possibly other immune cells, shouldhelptobetterdefinetheroleof isolated from normal pancreata inhibited tumor growth. Saa3 during the various stages of tumor development. Recent studies have described distinct populations of CAFs (6, Saa3 is required for the protumorigenic properties of CAFs. In- 8, 44). A subpopulation designated as “myCAFs” is characterized deed, orthotopic coinjection of Saa3-null CAFs with Saa3-compe- by elevated expression of αSMA and appears to localize imme- tent tumor cells in the pancreas of nude mice significantly reduced diately adjacent to the neoplastic cells. A distinct subpopulation, tumor size. The inhibitory effect of Saa3-null CAFs was even more iCAFs, is located more distantly from the neoplastic cells and pronounced than that induced by NPFs. However, this inhibitory expresses low levels of αSMA. Instead, these cells display higher effect was not observed when we used Saa3-null tumor cells. Since levels of secreted IL-6 and other inflammatory mediators (44). loss of Saa3 expression had no significant effect on the tumorigenic The CAFs isolated in our study, based on the expression of properties of pancreatic tumor cells, the observed lack of an anti- PDGFRα, also have high levels of IL-6, suggesting that they may tumorigenic effect of Saa3-null CAFs on Saa3-null tumor cells must represent iCAFs. Other similarities between these iCAFs and the be due to defective cross talk between Saa3-null tumor cells and + PDGFRα CAFs isolated here include significant up-regulation Saa3-null CAFs. These results were also observed in vitro using of cytokine/chemokine receptor-signaling pathways and JAK- tumor organoids, ruling out a putative role of a third cellular partner + STAT signaling. However, the PDGFRα CAFs characterized in this cross talk. These reconstruction experiments recapitulate the in this study display significant overexpression of innate immune results obtained with Saa3-null mice in which both CAFs and tumor response-related signaling and high enrichment in cell-to-cell cells are devoid of Saa3, thus explaining why PDAC development is Saa3 junction pathways, two properties not reported in iCAFs, thus, unaffected in -null mice. Taken together, these results un- + suggesting that the PDGFRα CAFs described here might rep- derscore the critical role for Saa3 in mediating the interaction be- resent yet another subpopulation of inflammatory CAFs. tween CAFs and tumor cells and predict that selective elimination of + Saa3 Transcriptome analysis of the PDGFRα CAFs studied here in CAFs might provide significant therapeutic benefit. Future Saa3 revealed a series of selectively up-regulated genes compared with studies using conditional ablation of should help better define those fibroblasts present in normal pancreata. The top-scoring the protumorigenic role of Saa3 in CAFs. Saa3 Comparative transcriptional profiling of tumor cells and CAFs gene was , a member of the gene family encoding Saa pro- Saa3 Saa3 teins. In humans, SAA1 and SAA2 are secreted during the acute expressing or lacking revealed that -null cells display an phase of inflammation and have been implicated in several chronic increased proliferative signature and metabolic reprogramming and inflammatory diseases, such as , atherosclero- could suggest altered heterotypic cell-to-cell contact. Moreover, SAA3 Saa3-deficient CAFs show reduced overall cytokine secretion, with sis, and . Another member of this gene family, ,is α not expressed in human cells but has been shown to be a major the exception of the TNF and IL-6 pathways. This result was acute-phase reactant in other species such as rabbits and rodents unexpected, since acute-phase SAA have been (16, 45). Murine Saa3 has been shown to be expressed in macro- reported to enhance the expression of inflammatory cytokines, in- cluding IL-1β,IL-6,TNFα,IL-8,andG-CSF(51–53). Likewise, phages (46) and adipose tissue (47). During inflammatory pro- β α cesses, Saa3 expression is effectively induced by Il-1β,Tnfα,and proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1 ,IL-6,andTNF induce the synthesis of these SAA proteins (54). Therefore, up-regulation Il-6 through NFκB signaling. Interestingly, these cytokines, as well of TNFα,NFκB, and IL-6 pathways may result from an effort by as the NFκB pathway, were found to be significantly up-regulated the Saa3-null cells to induce the expression of Saa3, thereby gen- in our CAF dataset. Finally, a fourth member of this gene family, erating an inflammatory loop. Finally, the reduction of glycolysis SAA4, appears to be expressed constitutively in the liver (48). and the down-regulation of cholesterol homeostasis in Saa3-null Germline elimination of Saa3 had no effect of PDAC devel- CAFs, shown by GSEA pathway analysis, could contribute to their opment, as reflected by the similar number of lesions observed in inhibitory activity on tumor cells observed in orthotopic coinjection Saa3-null mice and by the lack of benefit in survival. However, Saa3 experiments, by reducing nutrient transport. -null tumors exhibit stroma remodeling, including reduced Comparative analysis of Saa3-competent and Saa3-null CAFs fibrosis and ECM, infiltrating macrophages, and increased vessel Saa3 revealed minor changes in their transcriptome. However, we iden- density. Indeed, -null CAFs had an elevated angiogenesis tified three overexpressed genes in Saa3-deficient CAFs. Of partic- signature as revealed by GSEA pathway analysis. It has been ular interest was Mpp6, a member of the peripheral MAGUK family suggested that increased vessel density along with a reduction in of proteins primarily involved in controlling epithelial cell polarity fibrosis may improve the efficacy of chemotherapy treatments (23, (55, 56). Mpps also function in tumor suppression and receptor 49, 50). However, we did not observe a significant increase in the Saa3 clustering by forming multiprotein complexes containing distinct sets therapeutic benefit of tumor-bearing -null mice treated with of transmembrane, cytoskeletal, and cytoplasmic signaling proteins gemcitabine alone, with gemcitabine in combination with clodro- (57). Interestingly, Mpp6 overexpression appears to be responsible nate, or with an anti-VEGF monoclonal antibody. for the loss of the protumorigenic effect of Saa3-null CAFs. Indeed, Saa3 -null tumors were also less differentiated and more invasive, knockdown of Mpp6 expression in these mutant CAFs restored their as suggested by a higher proliferation index and increased numbers protumorigenic properties, as determined in coinjection studies with + Saa3 of pancreatic CD133 CSCs (32, 38). In addition, -null tumor Saa3-proficient pancreatic tumor cells in nude mice.Interestingly,the cells showed an enhanced migratory phenotype. We observed an expression levels of Mpp6 were unaffected by the presence or ab- unexpected abundance of Saa3-null tumor cells in the liver, consti- sence of Saa3 in tumor cells, suggesting that the functional re- tuting as much as 15% of all liver cells, during the early stages of lationship between Saa3 and Mpp6 might be limited to CAFs. pancreatic tumor development. However, these migrating tumor Understanding the molecular pathways implicated in the inhibitory cells did not elicit metastatic outgrowths, possibly due to their ob- role of Mpp6 on the protumorigenic effect of CAFs should unveil served lack of proliferative capacity within the Saa3-null liver mi- novel therapeutic opportunities. croenvironment. Whether this migratory phenomenon is an intrinsic Finally, we have interrogated whether our observations in GEM property of the Saa3-null tumor cells or is a consequence of the PDAC tumor models could be translated to a human scenario. As absence of this protein in liver tissue and/or in prometastatic mac- indicated above, the SAA3 locus is a nonexpressed pseudogene rophages remains to be determined. Interestingly, we observed that (41, 58). On the other hand, the acute-phase SAA1 protein has the absence of Saa3 in liver tissue of tumor-bearing mice inhibits the structural and functional characteristics that closely resemble expression of the Saa1 and Saa2 isoforms. Since SAA1 has been those of murine Saa3, suggesting that SAA1 and Saa3 could be described as a potent inducer of liver metastasis (7, 26), the reduce ortholog proteins (59). Indeed, SAA1 is overexpressed in human levels of expression of Saa1/Saa2 in Saa3-null livers could explain CAFs compared with NPFs. Moreover, high levels of SAA1 ex- why the abundant disseminated pancreatic tumor cells cannot form pression in the stromal component of human PDAC tumors metastatic foci. Conditional ablation of Saa3 expression in specific correlate with significantly worse survival regardless of whether cell populations, including tumor cells, CAFs, macrophages, and the tumor samples contain “normal” or “activated” stroma.

8of10 | Djurec et al. Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 However, high SAA1 expression in tumor samples with low stroma cell sorter (BD Pharmingen) and were separated directly into TRIzol (RNA PNAS PLUS content also correlate with slightly increased survival, suggesting isolation) or PBS (cell culture). Analysis was performed by FlowJo software that SAA1 may have a protumoral effect when highly expressed in (Tree Star). Human CAFs and NPFs were obtained from fresh primary PDAC stroma and a possible antitumor effect when overexpressed in specimens and adjacent normal pancreas by cell sorting and were immu- tumor cells. A dual role for SAA proteins depending on cellular nostained with FITC anti-human CD326 (EpCAM; 1:11; clone: AC128; Miltenyi context has already been reported by other investigators (18, 60). Biotec); VioBlue anti-human CD45 (1:11; clone: 5B1; Miltenyi Biotec); and APC anti-human CD31 (1:11; clone: HEA-125; Miltenyi Biotec). Fibroblasts Finally, MPP6 levels inversely correlated with SAA1 expression in − − − human PDAC samples. Therefore, our results support the con- were defined as the EpCAM /CD45 /CD31 population. RNA extraction and cept that murine Saa3 may serve as a model to study the role of library preparation were performed as described elsewhere (62). the human acute-phase SAA1 protein in pancreatic cancer and to develop novel therapeutic strategies against this potential target. RNAseq, Gene-Expression Profiling, and GSEA Analysis. Total RNA extracted from mouse cells by the Qiagen RNeasy Mini Kit enriched by polyA pull-down Since SAA1 is a secreted protein, it is conceivable that its pro- was used to prepare a cDNA library using the Illumina TruSeq RNA Library tumorigenic properties could be dwarfed by specific monoclonal Preparation Kit. Libraries were sequenced with Illumina HiSeq 2000 at Co- antibodies, providing that they are primarily delivered to the lumbia Genome Center. Reads were analyzed with the Nextpresso pipeline desmoplastic stroma, avoiding as much as possible their in- (63). Sequencing quality was checked with FastQC v0.11.0 (www.bioinformatics. teraction with the tumor cells. In addition, a better understanding Reads were aligned to the human genome of the signaling pathways driven by SAA1 should provide clues (GRCh37/hg19) with TopHat 2.0.10 using Bowtie 1.0.0 (64) and SAMtools about differential signaling mechanisms in stromal vs. tumor cells. (65), allowing two mismatches and 20 multihits. GSEA was performed with GSEAPreranked (66), setting 1,000 gene set permutations. RNAseq data are Materials and Methods available online in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Geo + Mice. The K-Ras /LSLG12Vgeo;Trp53lox/lox;Elas-tTA/tetO-Cre strain has been Database (GSE106901). Only gene sets with significant enrichment levels + previously described (20). Rosa26 /LSLEYFP mice were obtained from The (FDR q-value <0.25) were considered. Human RNA extraction and library Jackson Laboratory (MGI: 2449038). Saa3-null sperm [Saa3tm1(KOMP)Vlcg] was preparation were performed as described elsewhere (62). obtained from the KOMP Repository ( geneid=78011) and was used to generate Saa3-null mice by in vitro fertil- S.c. and Orthotopic Allograft Models. Tumor (0.5 × 106) cells only or in combi- ization of KPeCY females at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre nation with 0.5 × 106 CAFs or NPFs were injected in PBS:Matrigel (1:1) into the (CNIO) Transgenic Unit. Mice were maintained in a mixed 129/Sv-C57BL/6 dorsal flanks of the mice. Growth was measured every 3 d until the humane end nu background. Immunodeficient NU-Foxn1 mice (5-wk-old females) were point. Orthotopic injection was performed by surgery under anesthesia (4% purchased from Harlan Laboratories. All animal experiments were approved isofluorane) using the same number of cells for injection as in the s.c. model. by the Ethical Committees of the CNIO, the Carlos III Health Institute, and the Tumor growth was monitored by micro-ultrasound (Vevo 770; VisualSonics). CELL BIOLOGY Autonomous Community of Madrid and were performed in accordance with Mice were killed 3 wk postinjection. Tumor volume was limited to 1,500 mm3. the guidelines stated in the International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Tumors were measured by caliper and calculated as length × width2/2. Research Involving Animals, developed by the Council for International Or- ganizations of Medical Sciences. All strains were genotyped by Transnetyx. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Beatriz Jiménez, María del Carmen G. Lechuga, Marta San Roman, Raquel Villar, and Silvia Jiménez for excellent Human Samples. Primary tumors were obtained from the Virgen de la technical assistance; Jaime Muñoz and Sagrario Ortega (CNIO Transgenic Arrixaca Hospital. Specific informed consent for tumor implantation in mice Unit) for help in generating Saa3-null mice; Isabel Aragón, Mayte Lamparero, was obtained from all patients, and the study received the approval of the Alejandra López, Patricia Villanueva, and Isabel Blanco (CNIO Animal Facility) CNIO Ethics Committee. Additional tumors used to isolate the different cell for mouse work; Gloria Visdomine, Cristina Peñalba, and Francisca Mulero (CNIO Molecular Imaging Unit) for ultrasound studies; Manuel Pérez, Jesús populations by cell sorting were obtained from patients at the University Gómez, and Diego Megías (CNIO Confocal Microscopy Unit) for confocal im- Hospital. This part of the study was approved by the ethical committee aging; Ultan Cronin and Lola Martínez (Flow Cytometry Unit) for FACS analysis; of the University of Heidelberg and was conducted in accordance with Nuria Cabrera and Alba de Martino (Histopathology Unit) for histopatholog- the Helsinki Declaration. Written informed consent was obtained from ical analysis; Manuel Morente for his advice with immunohistochemical (CNIO all patients. Tumor Bank); Corinna Klein for advice concerning the orthotopic studies; and the German Cancer Research Center-Heidelberg Center for Personalized Isolation of CAFs, NPFs, and Tumor Cells. Mouse NPFs, CAFs, and tumor cells Oncology (DKFZ-HIPO) for technical support and funding through the Grant HIPO-015. This work was supported by European Research Council were obtained by mechanical dissociation of freshly dissected tumor tissue as Grants ERC-AG/250297-RAS AHEAD and ERC-AG/695566-THERACAN, Spanish previously described (61). Single-cell suspensions were immunostained with Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Grant SAF2014-59864-R, and APC anti-mouse CD31 (1:200; clone MEC 13.3; BD Biosciences), APC anti- Asociación Española contra el Cáncer Grant GC16173694BARB (to M. Barbacid). mouse CD45 (1:200; clone 30-F11; BD Biosciences), FITC anti-mouse CD326 M.D. was supported by a fellowship from La Caixa International Fellowship (EpCAM; 1:200; clone: G8.8; BioLegend), and PE anti-mouse CD140a Program. M. Barbacid is the recipient of an Endowed Chair from the AXA (PDGFRα; 1:100; clone: APA5; eBioscience). Samples were applied to an Influx Research Fund.

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