The Geology of the Country Around Potchefstroom and Klerksdorp
r I! I I . i UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA DJ;;~!~RTMENT OF MINES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTRY AROUND POTCHEFSTROOM AND KLERKSDORP , An Explanation of Sheet No. 61 (Potchefstroom). BY LOUIS T. NEL, D.Se., F.G.S., F. C. TRUTER, M.A., Ph.D, J. WILLEMSE, Ph.D., incorporating previous observations by E. T. MELLOR, D.Se., F,G.S. Published by Authority of the Honourable the Minister of Mines {COPYRiGHT1 PRINTED IN THE UNION OF SoUTH AFRICA BY THE GOVERNMENT PRINTER. PRETORIA 1939 G.P.-S.4423-1939-1,500. 9 ,ad ;est We are indebted to Western Reefs Exploration and Development Company, Limited, and to the Union Corporation, Limited, who have generously furnished geological information obtained in the red course of their drilling in the country about Klerksdorp. We are also :>7 1 indebted to Dr. p, F. W, Beetz whose presentation of the results of . of drilling carried out by the same company provides valuable additions 'aal to the knowledge of the geology of the district, and to iVIr. A, Frost the for his ready assistance in furnishing us with the results oUhe surveys the and drilling carried out by his company, Through the kind offices ical of Dr. A, L du Toit we were supplied with the production of diamonds 'ing in the area under description which is incorporated in chapter XL lim Other sources of information or assistance given are specifically ers acknowledged at appropriate places in this report. (LT,N.) the gist It-THE AREA AND ITS PHYSICAL FEATURES, ond The area described here is one of 2,128 square miles and extends )rs, from latitude 26° 30' to 27° south and from longtitude 26° 30' to the 27° 30' east.
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