Joaquin Zamora Ubilla

Birth Date: November 13, 1980

Studies: Graphic Design, School of Design – University of Chile. June 2007

Contact: [email protected] +54 9 11 55783440

Online Portfolio:


Graphic Designer, University of Chile. Game designer by choice and a “One-man-army” devoted to create games, with experience in , Game mechanics, Social Games, Graphic Interfaces. Proactive, open minded, adaptable, versatile in working with workgroups, I stand as a complete professional in the and visual area.



Position: Administration, direction and production in studio Attack Aggressively, including game design, theoric and visual concepts, visual assets production, AS3-Air development, project managing, for Mobile games. At/Client: Indie project.


Position: Senior Social Game Designer At/Client: Vostu.


Position: Mobile Game Designer and Artist. At/Client: Amnesia Games.


Position: Administration, direction and production in indie game studio Big Lizard Games, including game design, theoric and visual concepts, visual assets production, AS2-3 coding and project managing, for the Flash games “Mad Karate Man”, “A Mage's Day”. At/Client: Indie project.

Position: Game Design & Art Consultancy for “Villa Amatista” project. At/Client: University of Chile.

Position: Freelance design and production of animated characters for web game “Mostros”. At/Client: Big Bang Entertaiment.


Position: Designer and developer of several flash games. At/Client: Cerebral Games/Indie projects.

Position: Freelance Illustrator, Trading Cards Games “Cazaurio” At/Client: SALO S.A.

Position: Freelance Artist (concepts, backgrounds, characters, animations) for Flash “Aventura Xtrema”. At/Client: Cerebral Games/Publicidad Interactiva.


Position: Freelance Illustrator, Trading Cards Games “Cazaurio” and “Mitos y Leyendas”. At/Client: SALO S.A.

Position: Artist (GUI, concepts, backgrounds, characters, animations), web site and animatics for “Army of Destruction”, “Army of Destruction 2”, “Santa´s Cannon”, Monster Wars. (unreleased). At/Client: Cerebral Games.

Position: Artist, background and animation production for “Street Fighter 2 Revenge” (MUGEN engine). At/Client: Fan project.

Position: Design, Art Consultancy and production for website At/Client: School of Engineering University of Chile.

Skills & Tools

Document & Design: Word, Excel, Power Point, and several other document tools. Development: FlashDevelop AS3, TexturePacker, Tiled. Image Edition: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Fireworks. Multimedia: Adobe Flash, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe After Effects, Cool Edit pro – Adobe Audition. Expression techniques: Concepts, drawing, painting in traditional and digital media.