Diskussion : The ten commandments of good practices in history of education research

Objekttyp: Group

Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für pädagogische Historiographie

Band (Jahr): 16 (2010)

Heft 1

PDF erstellt am: 11.10.2021

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http://www.e-periodica.ch Proposition #9 Proposition #10 The added value of such a history of education Nevertheless, such a (cultural) history of consists of nothing more than pure education has a place in the education of wisdom - there are no concrete lessons to be people in general and in the training of drawn from the educational past teachers in particular

a history of education does not envision argument that counts in our neo-liberal Suchwagging a finger or providing moralizing Thesociety is one of economic profitability and wisdom. It ignores the strict performance utility. This makes the position of cultural demands of professional educators and teachers and historical research, and also education itself, particularly is, therefore, difficult to be trapped into learning difficult. Investing in it does not yield immediately objectives, final educational objectives, developmental visible results, certainly not in the terms of objectives, and the like that are to be practical utility or professional advantage. Still, the determined and operationalized beforehand. Its surplus historical approach and way of thinking are far value is situated on another, a higher, more from superfluous for our society. It makes itself into abstract, and, de facto also more individual level. The a possible dam against the terror of the immediately history of education shows in its research not only useful. Historical research, also in the historiography the relativity of the often overblown rhetoric with of education, transcends the shortsightedness respect to the «educational» but also provides of our own time by making it clear that this prevailing impetus to deal with generally complex, sometimes drive for utility is an element of the long-term paradoxical or ironic, and often problematic process of modernization and thereby, at the very outcomes of the past. The problem is that it is difficult least, holds the door open for a critical corrective to strive intentionally for this advance in learning, that could consist of the cultivation of the culture the penalty being making history something other of the non-utilitarian. Whereby history itself will than history. For when history is placed in front of demonstrate the extent to which this wish does or the cart of one or another ideological, political, or does not belong to the realm of illusion. educational program, it ceases to be history.

The gospel according to St Marc

• Gary McCulloch

Depaepe's «ten commandments» of time.» There are some historians who have taken Marcgood practices in history of education such a view, but there are many others who have research are, despite appearances, not tablets not and do not, and there is a great deal of important of stone but rather the historical gospel according and good historical work that examines the to St Marc. There is much wise counsel here with recent and contemporary past up to the present. In which I am happy to agree, but I would be tempted Proposition #5 Depaepe insists that «History is not, to take issue and try to develop a number of points as the 19th century empiricism and historicism wanted further, including the idea of «history» that he to present it, a reconstruction of how it commends as well as the potential contribution of the was but the endless construction of new, contemporary history of education. stories about the past.» Here, though, there I support Proposition #1, that the history of is much debate among historians about the nature education is history, but this in itself only takes us so far of historical truth and explanation, and Depaepe is because there are many types of history and a large posing the issue only in terms of the more extreme number of approaches to it. Depaepe does not and opposing viewpoints. Proposition #9 asserts clearly define what he means by history, but his that «when history is placed in front of the cart of preferences become evident at several stages in the one or another ideological, political, or educational argument. Some of these are fairly commonplace, program, it ceases to be history»; again this would but others are disputed, and when put alongside be disputed by many historians. each other they form a rather curious mixture. In other cases, Depaepe's notions of history are One of the assertions made by Depaepe about fairly conventional but do not seem to link very the nature of history would be criticized by many clearly to his argument as a whole. Proposition #4 historians. For example, under Proposition #2 he suggests that «In order to be able to understand notes that: «To my mind, a movement, an institution, history, it must, first of all, be contextualized within a stock of ideas is difficult to map historically if its own time. And this voyage of discovery into the the author is a participant. At the very least, a little past assumes a willingness to dialogue with the distance is necessary to be able to look at the past culture of the past.» This «dialogical relation with critically. Ultimately, this also applies in relation to the past» would indeed I think be widely endorsed

ZpH Jg. 16 (2010), H. 1 among historians, but not all would agree that it Geoffrey Elton. On the other hand, his enthusiasm necessarily implies an avoidance of the present. for the endless construction of new, contemporary Proposition #6 notes that historical research stories about the past suggests a flirtation with supposes a «critical dealing» with what is past, leading postmodernist critiques of traditional history. Such to «deeply cherished myths about the past» being divergences heighten a general impression of destroyed; again this is a fair point about history, eclecticism in the overall account. although it does not necessarily follow from Proposition Depaepe's «ten commandments» deploy history #5 despite the use of the word «therefore» to not as an analytical and methodological framework introduce it. Under Proposition #7, Depaepe argues so much as a rhetorical device that provides a stick that «The methodology of historical research is, and a carrot for historians of education. It is a stick perhaps even more than that of other approaches, to provide warnings and chastisement, and a carrot pre-eminently that of commonsense.» In this case, to raise hopes of redemption. The original sin here Depaepe is echoing many historians who have been is the tradition of «historical pedagogy». It seems somewhat impatient with methodology, but hardly that the history of education was tempted to stray takes the argument forward in a reasoned manner. from the path of righteousness and has been Finally, in Proposition #10, the historical approach wandering in the wilderness ever since, further undermined and way of thinking are held up as «a possible dam by the associated sins of «the striving for against the terror of the immediately useful», which prestige, status, and power». Apparently also we Depaepe argues is prevalent today. This view would are «led or seduced by the desire to score points». be shared by many other historians, although it These are strictures that suggest a necessity for us does not seem to follow comfortably from Proposition to atone for the sins of our ancestors and to live #9 which holds that the history of education down our past if we are to be admitted into the should not «envision wagging a finger or providing promised land. In reality, they are evidence of moralizing wisdom». emotional scarring in a field of study that is driven by Depaepe's constructions of history when put insecurities about its identity and its future direction. together in this way do not appear particularly coherent or consistent, and should certainly not be I would prefer less of the sackcloth and ashes, accepted as representing history as a settled body of and a more inclusive vision. If there is much in our knowledge or understanding. It is important for us history as a field that might be criticized, we might to remember that the nature of history is problematic also point to its successes and achievements, of and contested, and that in appealing to history which there are many. We could also remind we should as historians of education be prepared to ourselves that there is a grand tradition in the history engage in the arguments around it. The more of education that reaches across the diverse standard notions of history that Depaepe puts constituencies of education, history and the social forward are also not entirely of a piece with each other sciences. This might indicate a common and integrated and do not always follow logically from each mission for our field, with a potential to contribute other. Moreover, his more contentious claims are in to education, history and the social sciences one respect on the conservative wing of current alike, rather than divergent and competing paths historical thinking and in another way on the radical or frameworks. Depaepe does a passable impression fringe. His stern warnings about separating the past of Moses or Isaiah, but surely it is time for the from the present echo the stentorian tones of old- history of education to move on to a New Testament. fashioned types such as the English Tudor historian

Do we need commandments?

• Rebecca Rogers

I began to read Marc Depaepe's «Ten Com¬ discourse about discourses whose interpretation mandments», my first reaction was to wonder requires a multi-perspective point of view? As I As whether such assertions were really pondered these different propositions, however, and necessary. Commandments suggest crisis, a need for especially as I moved toward the final three, my guidance, the sign of a beleaguered subfield, seeking puzzled expression gradually dissipated. I had, to legitimacy. Do we need to be reminded that the an extent, seen the light. Not perhaps the light of history of education is history, and that the content God, but rather, I saw the usefulness of the exercise. of this history concerns the educational past? Do To understand my puzzlement and ensuing we need to be reassured that concern for the illumination a few words of context are necessary. present is unavoidable, but that our task is not to When I began my graduate work in in 1982, study the present? Do we need to be told that the I saw myself as an apprentice historian, interested history of education, like all forms of history, is a in education, working on the educational past of

ZpH Jg. 16 (2010), H. 1 19th-century French girls. If I was aware of their past and that education plays an important commandments, they were not these. Instead, I felt role in that relationship. more or less consciously, the weight of a specific As a result, many famous French historians have historiographie tradition and a specific moment: that devoted part of their careers to aspects of the of the Annales school and its social historical method. history of education. François Furet worked on the Thou shalt quantify, certainly guided me in my history of literacy, Mona Ozouf has written extensively initial years in the archives. And, then, as cultural about the Republican school, and Pierre Nora has history assumed a greater sway: thou shalt not forget done much to write educational figures and educational individuals. Thou shalt question identities. texts into the grand narrative of French When I went on the job market in the United States, history. Moreover, well known historians of education newly clothed as a woman's historian, I added: Thou have made their mark on the profession as a whole. shalt compare girls with boys. When I moved back Antoine Prost, probably best known as a specialist to to teach European history at a French in education, is the author of Douze Leçons pour university, I changed my historical clothes back to that l'histoire, that like Depaepe's commandments, seeks of the historian of education. My reasons for doing to distill for students the rules of the profession so speak a great deal to my initial puzzlement reading (Prost 1996). When I first started teaching the «The Ten Commandments of Good Practices in history of education in a French history department, I History of Education Research». felt no need to justify the subject of my class, no In the United States in the 1990s, women's and need to apologize or defend. In short, initially, I felt gender history was all the rage. I quickly learned no need to have recourse to commandments specific North American academics found women's history to the history of education. Increasingly, however, far more sexy than the history of education. Best I referred to Prost's lessons, recognizing many then to recognize identities are multiple and adopt students were not in fact very clear that history is in the one that provoked interest and debate. Back in fact the product of historians, «an endless construction France, I discovered a very different institutional of new, contemporary stories about the past,» and academic environment. Most scholars politely as Depaepe writes. ignored the existence of women's and gender Why then my sense of illumination reading these history, and the word «genre» in association with ten propositions? Why think seriously about the history provoked mere puzzlement. Gender was specificity of our task as historians of education grammatical not an analytical category to all but a few. today in 2010? I would argue that institutional Far better then to speak of my interest in education positioning provides a powerful incentive to defend a in a country that still basks in the achievements of method and a positioning with respect to the the Third Republic educational reformers. All French present. My move from teaching in an American schoolchildren learn who Jules Ferry was and department of history to a French department of believe he created the conditions for a democratic history taught me a great deal about the politics of society thanks to free, secular, and obligatory schooling. subfields within history. Ironically perhaps, the I can't think of a single educational reformer French disinterest or disdain for women's history is whose initiatives made their way into my consciousness what caused me over the past ten years to reclaim during my schooling in the United States, and that label more and more; my own writing about there is no associated conviction that democracy theory, method and historiography has been very begins with access to public education. focused on defending women's and gender history Claiming authority as a historian of education in since this continues to be a battle for legitimacy France positioned me in a grand tradition. When (see Rogers 2007). So while I felt no need for Pierre Nora published the imposing collection of commandments teaching the history of education, the essays about French Lieux de Mémoire, the first opposite was true for women's history. volume on the Republic devoted an entire section to But I now teach in an education department, the «pedagogy», with articles by some of the most lone historian among sociologists, philosophers, prominent French historians of the time. Nora psychologists, anthropologists, or col leagues trained contributed two essays, about the historian and in the «sciences de l'éducation», as the French have textbook writer Ernest Lavisse and Ferdinand Buisson's baptized the group of academics who work on dictionary of pedagogy, while Jacques and Mona education. I quickly realized this new setting, and the Ozouf interpreted the classic Republican textbook, disciplinary uncertainties that characterized this La Tour de la France par deux enfants (Nora setting, required new teaching practices. It's from 1984a+b; Ozouf/Ozouf 1984). Later volumes about this positioning that I now wish to reexamine why the Nation pursued this interest in objects of the we might very well need commandments to guide educational past, be they textbook classics, the us as scholars and teachers. khâgne (the preparatory programs to enter the For the first time in my academic life, I find myself grandes écoles), or once again Lavisse as author of teaching exclusively the history of education. L'Histoire de France (Nora 1986; Milo 1986; Sirinelli For students studying education in my department, 1986). A cursory perusal of these volumes makes history is a minor field, represented only by me. very clear the French have a visceral relationship to Moreover, it is a field that is disturbingly unmeth-

ZpH Jg. 16(2010), H. 1 odological compared to sociology and psychology. Simon 1987). I read about systematization and Grounded in a commitment to empirical research, I segmentation with considerable interest at the time, adhere to Marc Depaepe's vision when he describes because aspects of these theoretical frameworks a methodology of «common sense»; I frequently helped to make sense of broad changes in educational refer in my classes to the historian as artisan, as Marc systems in the past. But ultimately I did not Bloch argued, or indeed the historian as poacher find these frameworks particularly useful in my own (thinking of de Certeau). But for students seeking work on the emergence of a secondary school Science and method in their study of educational system for girls in France. Or rather, I borrowed aspects phenomenon, this plea for common sense often of their framework, along with frameworks elaborated does not make sense to them. Increasingly, I have in other scholarly contexts and argued that realized I need to be far more clear about what this theoretical bricolage helped me make sense of history is and its relationship with time. In this case, my empirical material. Ultimately, however, the however, my concerns are related to teaching informed reader of my latest book certainly sees more history, not specifically the history of education. traces of scholarship on gender, and the enduring For these un-historically minded students, however, influence of Foucault and Bourdieu than of there are a number of problems related segmentation or systematization. specifically to education that make certain of Depaepe's More generally, it strikes me that the areas of commandments highly useful. Most arrive in my research that fall under the title «history of education» class with a set of convictions about the history of are so diverse, including such objects as education in France imbibed at the bottle, so to childhood, schools, teachers, academic disciplines, speak. Notably they cherish a belief in the republican textbooks, extracurricular organizations, adult education, myth the school has done much to construct: that I wonder what theoretical framework Jules Ferry as champion of the people, liberating forged within the history of education could possibly schooling from the tyranny of religious ideology; offer the structure Depaepe argues for in our universal schooling and meritocracy as the key to efforts to make sense of the «chaos of the educational France's grandeur. Their ability to read this historical past». If Müller, Ringer and Simon attracted narrative as interpretation is limited, at best. attention at the time, it is because their object of Oddly, many have no problem repeating the lessons analysis was restricted to a specific time period, of Bourdieu's sociology of education alongside a 1870-1920, and to a specific level of education, the portrayal of an inegalitarian past over which the secondary school system. Can one really imagine Third Republic triumphed some 130 years ago, explanatory models forged within the history of thanks to its educational reformers. Although I education that would serve broadly the needs of our strive in my lessons to demythologize this vision, very diverse constituencies as both scholars and most of my students still desperately need to recite students? commandment number six: thou shalt demythologize This goal might be justified, I think, if we were to former narratives and discourses about the add an eleventh commandment to the list: thou history of education. shalt resolutely compare. Boys and girls (of course), Teaching in an education department with scholars but also across national borders, between métropole and students mostly interested in the present and colony, between able and disabled, young and also brings home daily the necessary distance from old, poor and rich, black and white. The need for the present which was much less apparent in a comparison, which is inherent to the exercise of history department. So, for those of us in education history, emerges most clearly, I believe, in teaching departments or teacher-training institutions these when the need to make sense of complexity commandments make good sense, as they remind becomes a form of categorical imperative. Certainly, it us of the ideological power of educational systems is in the classroom that I find myself most consciously and the need to unmask the working of this power reaching for explanatory models that will enable in our teaching and scholarship. students to anchor overwhelming quantities of My final remarks would like to move beyond information to some sort of interpretive framework. good sense, questioning what Depaepe means Through comparison, I find students often understand when he calls for the development of theoretical more clearly; without comparison, including and conceptual frameworks from within the history with the present, they tend to flounder, particularly of education, and then suggesting the addition of when their background and interests are not really one more commandment that might usefully guide historical. In proposing this final commandment I us as researchers and teachers. Since I believe firmly realize I am not exactly breaking new ground. Back that the history of education is history, I wonder in 1903 the sociologist and economist François Simi- what fine-grained explanatory models he envisions and, published a famous article Méthode historique that would be specific to the history of education. et science sociale where he wrote: «seule la This makes me think, for example, of the effort comparaison rend la détermination et le classement made over thirty years ago by Detlef Müller, Fritz praticable et l'intelligence possible» (Simiand Ringer and Brian Simon to provide such models 1903/1987, p. 146). Common sense perhaps, but with respect to secondary education (Müller/Ringer/ sometimes common sense bears repeating.

ZpH Jg. 16 (2010), H. 1 37 In France today, as the government dismantles References teacher training and the future of «les sciences de Milo, Daniel: Les classiques solaires. In: Pierre Nora (ed.): Les Lieux de mémoire. Il: La Nation, vol. 3, Paris: Gallimard l'éducation» as committed producing departments to 1986, p. 517-562 educational research seems threatened, I fear Müller, Detlef/Ringer, Fritz/Simon, Brian (eds.): The Rise of for the future of the educational system. As we the Modem Educational System. Structural Change and Social spend our time filling out tables indicating how our Reproduction, 1870-1920. Cambridge/Paris: Cambridge University Press/Editions de la Maison des sciences classes open professional doors and teach professional de l'Homme 1987 competencies, I'm more than ever convinced Nora, Pierre (1984a): Lavisse, instituteur national. In: Pierre of the need for cultivating non-utilitarian skills Nora (ed.): Les Lieux de mémoire. I: La République. Paris: Gallimard 1984, 247-289 (commandment # 10). Yes, the (cultural) history of p. Nora, Pierre (1984b): Le «Dictionnaire de pédagogie» de Fer¬ education has a place in the education of all, and in dinand Buisson. In: Pierre Nora (ed.): Les Lieux de mémoire. the training of teachers in particular. Not because I: La République. Paris: Gallimard 1984, p. 353-378 the «lessons of the past» can guide us in the present, Nora, Pierre: «L'Histoire de France» de Lavisse. In: Pierre Nora (ed.): Les Lieux de mémoire. Il: La Nation, vol. 1. Paris: but because those lessons can tell us about the Gallimard 1986, p. 317-375 weight of ideology, the risks of silences becoming Ozouf, Jacques/Ozouf, Mona: Le tour de la France par deux discrimination, the importance of reading critically. enfants. In: Pierre Nora (ed.): Les Lieux de mémoire. I: La Now all good history should do this, but the history République. Paris: Gallimard 1984, p. 291-321 Prost, Antoine: Douze leçons pour l'histoire. Paris: Editions its allows communicate of education, by subject, us to du Seuil 1996 to our students a form of critical thinking Rogers, Rebecca: The Politics of Writing the History of French about the historicity of the skills, institutions, teachers, Girls' Education. In: History of Education Researcher and directives they are experiencing which in 80(2007), pp. 136-144 Simiand, François: Méthode historique et sciences sociales I is most useful lesson the end, believe, the we can (1903). Paris: Editions des archives contemporaines 1987 transmit. And so, yes, we may indeed need Sirinelli, Jean-François: La Khâgne. In: Pierre Nora (ed.): Les commandments, not because the history of education is Lieux de mémoire. Il: La Nation, vol. 3. Paris: Gallimard 1986, 589-624 in crisis, but because education is in crisis. p.

Keine Regel ohne Ausnahme

• Karin Priem

«Das wird sowohl durch eine Untersuchung dass eine Antwort ausgeblieben ist. Die ursprüngliche historischer Episoden als auch eine abstrakte Analyse Idee, anarchistisches Denken mit des Verhältnisses von Denken und Handeln rationalstrukturiertem Denken in einen Wettstreit treten gezeigt. Der einzige allgemeine Grundsatz, der den zu lassen, konnte so bedauerlicherweise nicht mehr Fortschritt nicht behindert, lautet: Anything goes. Die Idee einer Methode, die feste, unveränderliche verwirklicht werden. Paul Feyerabends Ausführungen, und verbindliche Grundsätze für das Betreiben oben in einem kleinen Ausschnitt beispielhaft Wissenschaft enthält und die es uns ermöglicht, von festgehalten, können dennoch für jedes Regelwerk, den Wissenschaft) mit bescheidenem, Begriff auch für ein Regelwerk, das sich teilweise konkreten Gehalt zu versehen, stösst auf erhebliche eine Schwierigkeiten, wenn ihr die Ergebnisse der gegen Regeln wendet, gute Diskussionsgrundlage historischen Forschung gegenübergestellt werden. sein. Dabei möchte ich gleich beichten (um die Dann zeigt sich nämlich, dass es keine einzige Regel religiöse Sprache ebenfalls zu bedienen), dass ich gibt, so einleuchtend und erkenntnistheoretisch den von Marc Depaepe aufgestellten zehn Geboten wohlverankert sie auch sein die nicht mag, zu im Grossen und Ganzen zustimmen kann. Ich irgendeiner Zeit verletzt worden wäre. Es wird versuche Gründen deutlich, dass solche Verletzungen nicht Zufall lediglich aus der intellektuellen sind; Einer der auffälligsten Züge der neueren Beweglichkeit, gelegentlich Widersprüche und Diskussionen in der Wissenschaftsgeschichte und Kommentare zu formulieren. Dabei lese ich Marc De- Wissenschaftstheorie ist die dass ja Erkenntnis, paepes provokative Enzyklika auch als eine Art Ereignisse und Entwicklungen nur deshalb paradoxe Intervention wider erstarrte Formeln. stattfanden, weil einige Denker sich entweder entschlossen, nicht an gewisse selbstverständliche» methodologische Regeln gebunden zu sein, oder Zum ersten Gebot weil sie solche Regeln unbewusst verletzten.» Diesem Gebot stimme ich nicht uneingeschränkt zu. Denn Bildungs- und Erziehungsgeschichte kann Paul Feyerabend, Wider den Methodenzwang, auch dazu beitragen, Grosstheorien zu korrigieren 1986, S. 21 und systematisches Wissen zu erzeugen. Dies geschieht vor allem durch die Auswertung höchst Paul Feyerabend charakterisiert sein Buch Wider unterschiedlicher Quellengattungen. Die Analyse den Methodenzwang als provokativen Brief an autobiographischer und visueller Quellen kann zum seinen Freund Imre Lakatos, dessen Tod dazu führte, Beispiel dazu beitragen, die Annahme einer Deter-

ZpH Jg. 16 (2010), H. 1 minierung der Subjekte durch gesellschaftliche sein. Darüber hinaus führt natürlich auch Methoden- Strukturen zu relativieren. Umgekehrt muss aber und Quellenvielfalt zu einer Vielfalt der auch davon ausgegangen werden, dass in den Ver- Geschichten. Dennoch: der Wettstreit der Geschichten, mittlungs- und Aneignungsformen kultureller ihre Umformulierungen und Neuinszenierungen Praktiken - wie zum Beispiel Lesen und Schreiben - des Vergangenen dürfen nicht zum blossen Spiel strukturelle Bedingungen einer Gesellschaft ebenfalls reduziert werden. Denn es sind Machtfragen und Es- implizit eingeübt werden. In beiden Fällen sentialismen, die Geschichte und Geschichtsschreibung stehen aus meiner Sicht durchaus systematische wie ein roter Faden durchziehen. Der Wettstreit Kernprobleme erziehungswissenschaftlichen Denkens der Geschichten ist daher nicht beliebig, zur Diskussion. sondern sollte gerade Analysen der vielfältigen Formen der Macht zum Gegenstand haben. Zum zweiten Gebot Das zweite Gebot ist als Arbeitsprinzip der Zum sechsten Gebot Historischen Bildungsforschung uneingeschränkt zu Es steht für mich ausser Frage, dass Geschichtsschreibung unterstützen. Gegenstand der Bildungs- und der ununterbrochenen Befragung von Erziehungsgeschichte ist die Vergangenheit, die wiederum Geschichte und Geschichtsschreibung dienen sollte. grundsätzlich als fremd und unbekannt Dazu gehört auch die Einsicht, dass Geschichte keiner anzusehen ist. Um eine reflexive Distanz zu wahren und aufsteigenden Linie folgt, dass sie keine ideologischen Missbrauch zu vermeiden, ist geschlossene Logik kennt und dass wir uns ihren Methodenvielfalt sowie internationale und interdisziplinäre Erscheinungsformen immer wieder neu nähern müssen. Zusammenarbeit in der bildungs- und Siegfried Kracauer kritisiert in seiner 1969 erziehungshistorischen Forschung wünschenswert (vgl. erstmals in englischer Sprache erschienenen Geschichte erstes Gebot). - Vor den letzten Dingen die Einseitigkeit des «deterministischen Prinzips» in der Geschichtsschreibung, Zum dritten Gebot welches sich bei genauer Betrachtung «nicht Es ist richtig, dass wir unsere Forschungsfragen in verifizieren» lasse (Kracauer 1969, S. 37). Er spricht der Gegenwart finden und dass wir unsere in diesem Zusammenhang von der «Magie der methodologischen Entscheidungen angesichts des vorhandenen Chronologie» (ebd., S. 47), von einer «Fata morgana» Quellenmaterials und aktueller (ebd., S. 37), von Verzerrung, Anmassung und erkenntnistheoretischer Debatten und methodologischer einem Ersatz für die «theologische Interpretation Orientierungen treffen. Wissenschaftliche Beobachtung der Geschichte» (ebd., S. 44). Dem gegenüber stellt und Aufmerksamkeit sowie entsprechende er die Vorstellung von Geschichte als «Reich» des Operationen wie zum Beispiel ordnen, einteilen, Unvorhergesehenen, Nicht-Kausalen (ebd., S. 39). strukturieren und vergleichen unterliegen häufig Geschichtsschreibung ist in den Augen Kracauers aktuellen Forschungsparadigmen, sozialen und daher immer ein «zweischneidiges Unternehmen» politischen Kontexten sowie zeitgenössischen (ebd., S. 54), bei dem es intellektuell sowohl um ästhetischen und kulturellen Formeln (vgl. Daston/Gali- Muster und Zusammenhänge als auch um son 2007). Widersprüchliches und Unerwartetes gehen soll.

Zum vierten Gebot Zum siebten Gebot Das vierte Gebot betont erneut, die distanzierte Keine Gegenrede: Eine multiperspektivische und und offene Haltung, die wir gegenüber der Vergangenheit interdisziplinäre Interpretation der Erziehungs- und einnehmen sollen. Marc Depaepe postuliert Bildungsgeschichte und ihrer Quellen ist absolut hier ein Prinzip des Dialogs gegenüber dem wünschenswert. Fremden sowie ein prinzipielles NEIN zu einem mit dem Lineal gezogenen Verlauf der Geschichte. Sehr Zum achten Gebot überzeugend finde ich den Hinweis auf Michel de Erziehungs- und Bildungsgeschichte soll, das wird Certeau. Dieser Querdenker regt dazu an, dass wir hier zum Ausdruck gebracht, weder reines Faktenwissen unseren Umgang, unsere Gebrauchsweisen der ausbreiten noch ausschliesslich sozial- oder Historie und ihrer Überlieferungen sowie unsere kulturwissenschaftliche Grosstheorien bestätigen. Fabrikation der Geschichte kritisch hinterfragen. Es bedarf, und hier möchte ich Marc Depaepe unterstützten, einer theoretischen Aufmerksamkeit, Zum fünften Gebot die stärker auf die Eigenart erziehungs- und Hayden White hat mit seiner Metahistory (1973, dt. bildungshistorischer Forschung gerichtet ist. Hier sehe 1991) zeigen können, wie stark Geschichtsschreibung ich in der Erforschung kultureller Praktiken einen einer «Poetik der Geschichte» unterliegt und Ansatzpunkt, da hier Vermittlungs- und damit einen «fiktiven Charakter» aufweist (White Aneignungsprozesse kultureller und struktureller 1991, S. 15). Geschichtsschreibung bedient sich Bedingungen unmittelbar im Zentrum stehen. Curriculare einer bestimmten Sprache, sie weist bestimmte Inhalte, didaktische Formen, epistemologische Lehren Narrative auf und muss sich insofern immer ihrer und ihre sozial distinktiven Implikationen, dies normativen und strategischen Implikationen bewusst sind die Inhalte, an denen die Historische Bildungs-

ZpHJg. 16(2010), H. 1 forschung ihr theoretisches Bewusstsein schulen Keine Regel ohne Ausnahme. Diese Aussage sollte kann. sowohl die Analyse der Vergangenheit leiten als auch unsere Loyalität gegenüber wissenschaftlichen Zum neunten Gebot Schulen immer wieder in Frage stellen. Diesem Gebot habe ich nichts hinzuzufügen (vgl. dazu auch Koinzer/Loeffelmeier 2009). Literatur Daston, Lorraine/Galison, Peter: Objektivität. Frankfurt am Main 2007 Zum zehnten Gebot De Certeau, Michel: Kunst des Handelns. Berlin 1988 Bildungs- und Erziehungsgeschichte sind Marc De- Feyerabend, Paul: Wider den Methodenzwang. Frankfurt Main 1986 paepe zufolge Mittel gegen den «Terror des unmittelbar am Koinzer, Thomas/Loeffelmeier, Rüdiger (Hrsg.): Aus der (Bil¬ Nützlichen» in einer neoliberalen Epoche, in dungs-) Geschichte lernen? Gerhard Kluchert zum 60. der Nutzen, Gewinn und Verwertbarkeit an erster Geburtstag. In: Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Historiographie Stelle stehen. Geschichte kann insofern die Gegenwart 14(2009), S. 68-88 Geschichte Vor den letzten relativieren und so möchte ich hinzufügen Kracauer, Siegfried: - Dingen. - - Werke Band 4. Frankfurt am Main 2009 sie kann dass die der Gegenwart zeigen, Bedingungen White, Hayden: Metahistory. Die historische Einbildungs¬ veränderbar sind. kraft im 19. Jahrhundert in Europa. Frankfurt am Main 1991 Kurzes Resümee und elftes Gebot

Die Zehn Gebote und das Dilemma der Adressaten

• Bernd Zymek

könnte den Zehn Geboten widerspre¬ Ich würde mich gern auf diese reine Forschungsarbeit chen? Aber wie bei den Zehn Geboten beschränken (und hätte dann ein gutes Wervom Berge Sinai, die unsere Moral im Alltag Gewissen), aber sobald ich nicht mehr nur forsche, bestimmen sollen, so ist es auch bei den Ten sondern meine Forschungsergebnisse in Texte fassen Commandments aus Leuven, die wir in der Praxis oder gar im Zusammenhang erzählen muss, der History of Education Research beachten sollen: wenn ich also vom Forscher zum akademischen Sie werfen für die Gemeinde der Gläubigen und die Schriftsteller werde, dann habe ich Schwierigkeiten akademische Gemeinde der Bildungshistoriker trotz und Gewissensnöte, denn dann schaffe ich es nicht ihrer Eindeutigkeit durchaus Fragen auf. Wie können mehr, einen lesbaren Text zu verfassen, in dem ich die Geboten in den Widersprüchen des Alltags alle ethischen Standards des Forschers beachte. Ich eingehalten werden, was bedeuten sie in konkreten bin hin und her gerissen: Ich würde mich deshalb Situationen, wie müssen sie im Wandel der Zeit gern auf die Rolle des Forschers zurückziehen, aber neu verstanden werden? Zum Glück enthalten die gleichzeitig weiss ich, dass es nicht nur um mein gutes Zehn Gebote einer guten History of Education Gewissen als Forscher geht, sondern auch um Research aus Leuven auch noch Erläuterungen, die den Kampf um die Erinnerung, um das kollektive weiter helfen und vieles noch überzeugender Gedächtnis, also um Konflikte, die in der (akademischen machen. Aber wie das so ist bei allen Geboten: auch und professionellen) Gemeinde ständig bei denen, die sie verstehen und beachten wollen, ausgetragen werden. Dann geht es nicht mehr nur um bleiben dennoch ständig Fragen und Zweifel. Flier Forschung, sondern auch um Identitätsbildungspro- sind meine: zesse in der akademischen Gemeinde und in den Wenn ich nur Bildungsforschung (History of Professionen unserer Studierenden, um Hilfen für Education Research) betreiben würde, dann hätte ich deren Orientierung im Berufsalltag. Wie kann ich es leichter. Dann würde ich mich nur von meinem so schreiben, dass ich den Forscher nicht verrate Berufsethos als Forscher leiten lassen. Dann würde und doch in diesen kulturellen Kämpfen Gehör ich immer neue Quellen und Daten sammeln, die finden und verstanden werden kann? alten Quellen immer besser zu verstehen versuchen, Verschlimmert wird dieses Dilemma noch dann würde ich multiperspektivisch vorgehen, dann dadurch, dass in der grösseren Gemeinde, bei den würde ich die Quellen und Daten immer im Kontext Nicht-Experten, bei vielen Studierenden und in der interpretieren, dann würde ich mir immer bewusst breiten Öffentlichkeit, weiterhin historische machen, dass ich Teil eines Diskurses über historische Erzählungen über die Bildungsgeschichte populär sind, Diskurse bin. Dann würde ich nur in diesem die ich (und andere) als Forscher längst als Mythen Sinne forschen und diejenigen kritisieren, die das entlarvt, als fehlerhaft kritisiert haben. Ich leide Berufsethos des Forschers nicht (immer) beachten, darunter, dass naive Geschichten, erbauliche Geschichten die an alten Mythen und Interpretationen hängen. von wohlmeinenden Männern, tapferen Frauen

ZpH Jg. 16(2010), H. 1 und armen Kindern lieber gehört und gelesen werden, liebsten in den Elfenbeinturm zurückziehen, so wie als meine Tabellen und Zahlenreihen, die ich die Kollegen der anderen grossen Fraktion, die früher mühevoll zusammengestellt habe, obwohl sie (nach noch der Auffassung waren, dass ein «heiligen- meiner Überzeugung) ein treffenderes Bild der mässiges Leben», also ein Leben im Sinne der Gebote, Erziehungsgeschichte bieten. Ich kann doch nicht, um nicht im Alltag, sondern nur im Kloster möglich in den Konflikten um die kollektive Erinnerung ist. mitmischen zu können, auch solche naive Geschichten Lieber Marc Depaepe, Sie haben mich zwar durch erzählen - oder muss ich es doch, damit wir in der ihre Ten Commandments of Good History of Education akademischen und weiteren Gemeinde noch gehört in meinem Berufsethos bestärkt, aber meine werden? Und jetzt sollen die Geschichten auch noch inneren Konflikte im Alltag der kulturellen Kämpfe so erzählt werden, dass sie in multiple-choice-tests bleiben. abgefragt werden können? Ich möchte mich am

Rethinking History of Education: Historiological Issues

• Rosa Bruno-Jofré

is an opportune time to address not only the ments don't, in my reading, have a religious connotation, Itplace of history of education in the various but convey with a sense of authority the currents within main stream history, but also the urgency to rethink what we do in history of education place of theory in history of education. The now. This is a time when education once more is understanding of what is acceptable to the requirements profoundly affected by utilitarian policies, faculties of standards of historical criticism has been debated of education are abandoning the teaching of vigorously by historians in the last twenty years in a history of education in teacher preparation programs search for a richer understanding of the past. The in most North American Faculties of Education, and impact of anti-racist approaches, social semiotics, there is a need to develop theoretical tools out of cultural studies, post-structuralist positions, feminist the uniqueness of history of education. Not so long theories, post-colonial theories, and others, on ago, history itself went through a critical process history of education led no only to new questions, that questioned the very possibility of historical but also to emerging methodological issues to be knowledge. discussed. Thus, for example, history of education I will address each one of the ten propositions. has not been alien to the movement to a generalized Proposition 1, «The history of education is history», attachment to discursiveness that gained deals with one of the major issues in educational preminence in the 1980s. historiography. I wrote somewhere else, relying The rather recent relativist challenge to the basis on Christian Lorenz, that history has a reflexive of historical knowledge under the banner of character and historical narratives define us, but postmodernism has lost momentum. The main issue in doing and teaching history cannot be subservient historiology (approaches, themes and concepts to various agendas and goals at the expense of underpinning the study of history) is why it is important evidence and methods (Bruno-Jofré/Schiralli 2002). It is to know the past - in this case in relation to problematic when the writing of history appears education - and not whether or not historians can subordinated to ulterior political contemporary know the past. I am glad a leading and most goals such as the definition of Canadian identity or distinguished historian of education. Marc Depaepe, national unity or the creation of an European decided to open the debate on good practices in consciousness. The issue here is that the social functions history of education. of education may permeate the writing of history The provocative title The ten commandments of of education. good practices in history of education reminds me Proposition 2, «And its content is the educational of the eleven educational creeds, which included past», raises two important points. One is the Dewey's famous My pedagogical creed, published relevance of the context when analyzing educational at the end of the nineteenth century, following the matters and the richness that interdisciplinary request of Ossian Herbert Lang, in The School Journal approaches bring to history of education. I consider (Bruno-Jofré/Jover 2009). At the time, the that this is a claim for analytical positions, which notion of belief had been seriously questioned and have been often neglected in favour of a fin-de- the scientific method had emerged strongly while siècle militant particularism and, in some cases, the religious views still had an important presence in adoption of a somewhat vulgar discourse analysis. the United States educational scene; all of this in The other point addressed in proposition 2 leads us the process of modernization. The ten command¬ to the various dangers that emerge from lack of

ZpH Jg. 16(2010), H. 1 neutrality (which Thomas Haskell differentiates seems to be a never-ending task in the history of from objectivity, vgl. Haskell 1998) and to the need education», is powerful and reinforces the to distinguish between propaganda and historical relevance of the role of the historian of education as a scholarship. This proposition encourages a discussion public intellectual who, of necessity, will not please of detachment in the historical enterprise. I her audience, but encourage a critical understanding think that it would be important to open a dialogue of the past. on the postmodern ethnocentric attack on objectivity. Proposition 7, «The most important aim of the history of education remains interpretation, but Proposition 3, «Presentism is not a methodological interpretation from a multi-perspective point of but rather an unavoidable condition of view», provides a good piece of practical wisdom. I research in the history of education», deserves more agree with Depaepe that given the nature of analysis and seems related to proposition 2 and my education, history of education calls for a multi-perspective, previous reference to the distinction made by Thomas multi-layered framework of interpretation. Haskell between objectivity and neutrality. Furthermore, I would include here a discussion on In proposition 8, «The interpretative qualities of empirical considerations, evidence and methodological the research may be improved by developing rules, distinction between science and ideology or theoretical and conceptual frameworks from within the what Fay refers to as the dialectical tension history of education», Depaepe attacks one of the between the rhetorical and the scientific attitudes in major issues in history of education. I would further historiology (Fay 1998). While the historical say that theorization is often reduced to attempts conjuncture will influence our interrogation of the at «proving» the value of models built on simplified past, a situation which is unavoidable since history Foucaldian discourses of the self and its governance has a reflexive character as indicated above and any without a critical reading of Foucault's theory of interpretation is perspectival, history of education knowledge and science and his notion of truth. may easily be concerned with explaining the However, we need to acknowledge some work in present. The latter (an approach normally motivated history of education that shows an intelligent by the profound political character of education) integration of Foucaldian theories. The point made by may lead to a collection of topics, disconnected Depaepe is extremely important. We need a theorization histories, and to a consequent presentism that neglects rooted in history of education having as an processes, continuity, discontinuities, and ruptures important reference the nature of education and - in other words the temporal and spacial dimensions. its many facets and inter-relations. Paradoxically, consideration of those processes I have addressed Proposition 9, «The added value may indeed lead to a rich connection with the of such a history of education consists of nothing present. more than pure wisdom - there are no concrete Proposition 4, «History of education must avoid lessons to be drawn from the educational past», when being a history of the present, let alone for the discussing proposition 4. I would like to add that present», touches the issue we have been discussing increased attention to methods of historical inquiry in previous lines. Depaepe puts it in the best possible would help avoid subservience to pressing political way: «let the past be fully the past». However, agendas. historians should be able to communicate better Proposition 10, «Nevertheless, such a (cultural) with the wider public and encourage the public to history of education has a place in the education of analyze issues and question historical claims made people in general and in the training of teachers in by the press or by politicians. particular», is particularly relevant at a time when Proposition 5, «History of education is, like every history of education is practically disappearing from history, a discourse about discourses», opens the teacher education programs particularly in Canadian door for further discussion on the ways Foucault's Faculties of Education. Stressing generic thinking ideas are integrated as interpretative theories in skills absent from the complex contexts within history of education. It would be pertinent to which historical problems emerge, while suitable further the debate on the notion of historical account for economic purposes and in line with an as the product of a specific discourse as well as on instrumentalist approach to educational research, can Foucault's understanding of power and knowledge actually have undesirable intellectual weaknesses and given its impact on history of education. Without politically disempowering consequences. this discussion this proposition is somewhat ambiguous. It can be read as a theoretical engagement References Gonzalo: El Ideal el with discursiveness. The proposition can also be Bruno-Jofré, Rosa/Jover, Democrâtico en Ideario Pedagôgico Americano de Finales del Siglo XIX y understood as in one of the qualities of interpretation su Transposition en Dos Escenarios de Habla Hispana. In: the sense that all interpretation is done from a Maria Reyes Berruezo Albéniz/Susana Conejero Lopez particular point of view or a particular position, hence (Eds.): El Largo Camino hacia una Educaciön Inclusiva. La Educaciôn Especial Social del Siglo XIX a Nuestros Dias. its revisability. The latter is not necessary related to y Pamplona: Universidad Publica de Navarra 2009 (vol. 1), discursive theories. pp. 23-33 Proposition 6, «Therefore, demythologizing Bruno-Jofré, Rosa/Schiralli, Martin: Teaching History: A Dis-

ZpH Jg. 16 (2010), H. 1 cussion of Contemporary Challenges. In: Encounters/En- well Publishers 1998, pp. 299-319 cuentros/Rencontres on Education 3(2002), pp. 117-129 Fay, Brian: Introduction: The Linguistic Turn and Beyond in Haskell, Thomas: Objectivity is not Neutrality: Rhetoric ver¬ Contemporary Theory of History. In: Brian Fay/Philip sus Practice in Peter Novick's That Noble Dream. In: Brian Pomper/Richard T. Vann (Eds.): History and Theory, Fay/Philip Pomper/Richard T. Vann (Eds.): History and Contemporary Readings. Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers Theory, Contemporary Readings. Massachusetts: Black- 1998, pp. 1-12

Historians and the Present: On Marc Depaepe's Decalogue

• Toshiko Ito

year 2009 was packed with commemora¬ 2. Thou shalt write about the educational past Thetions of historical landmark events: the 3. Thou shalt not fret excessively about presentism Versailles Treaty, the outbreak of the Second 4. Thou shalt not write a history of the present, nor World War, the founding of the Federal Republic of for the present Germany and the fall of the Berlin Wall, all had These commandments do not, however, alleviate their claims on remembrance. Accordingly, Europe my ambivalence towards the relation between the was in a commemorative mood and its media were past and the present, and the tenth commandment, busy reporting on history and probing related questions if anything, actually reinforces it: «Thou shalt teach of national and European identity. I attended people and especially teachers in that spirit». I don't elder statesman Richard von Weizsäckers reading believe that educators will ever seek a complete on the occasion of the publication of Der Weg zur separation between the past and the present. How Einheit (The Path to Unity), which reminded me of can the tenth commandment be reconciled with his celebrated speech of 1985: «anyone who closes the first four commandments? their eyes to the past is blind to the present». In real life, a considerable number of educational Weizsäcker holds younger generations accountable historians do not only research the history of education, not for the past, but for its historical consequences. but also teach the history of education to Deeply impressed, I was reminded of how important students, who are frequently teacher candidates and it is to connect the past with the present. At occasionally in-service teachers. This occupational the same time, I remain convinced that every duality begets conflicting demands. In their research historical period is unique and must be understood on into the history of education, historians should its own terms; the historian Leopold von Ranke's draw a sharp line between the past and the present. observation still holds true that hasty connections They should respect the past as the past, accept that between the past and the present need to be the past is over, and have the humility to make their resisted. Today, I am as ambivalent about the relation analyses answer the spirit of the times they investigate. between the past and the present as I was a quarter Students should learn from researchers how of a century ago. to keep a sober distance from the past and how to In the autumn of 2009, I received the Ten put the facts of the past into proper perspective. Commandments of Good Practices in History of Education Yet in their teaching, historians also should Research issued by Marc Depaepe, on which I consciously relate the present to the past. They should would like to make a few comments because they be able to perceive the past as the seed from which caused me to re-consider the relation between the the present sprang. Students are expected to be past and the present, and because they also have a aware of the continuity between the past and the bearing on the discussion about historians and the present, and apply its lessons to the present. present in Japan. Depaepe urges in the sixth Researchers need to respond to the demands of their commandment: «Thou shalt demythologize former fields, while educators need to respond to practical narratives and discourses about the history of education». demands. The demands on researchers, thus, can Historical researchers, if they stick to their never be reconciled with the demands on educators. analytical task, cannot be «the best speakers at jubilees or celebrations because they do not at all say In my own specialisation within the Faculty of what the party goers or guests of honor want to Education at a Japanese state university, eighty hear». Thus Depaepe embraces von Ranke's position percent of the students obtain the teacher's certificate on the relation between the past and the (but only approximately thirty percent of them will present and reiterates the need to focus on the become teachers), and twenty percent of the past, as emphatically distinct from the present, in students aspire to enroll in the master's course to study the first four commandments: further. I feel keenly that the majority of the 1. Thou shalt remember that the history of education students expect their courses to be oriented towards is history practical goals. The students are encouraged in this

ZpH Jg. 16(2010), H. 1 43 expectation by the course evaluation form, which to deal exclusively with the past, but to relate the asks them if the contents of a course addressed or past to the present, to look not only for answers to spoke to present problems. The evaluation form for the questions of origin, but to address future directions courses in the liberal arts explicitly asks if the and current policy making as well. According contents of a given course were related to the present, to the official view, the past continuously and seamlessly and in courses that are mandatory for the teacher's evolves into the present. The appropriate certificate, the evaluation form even includes the understanding of educational problems in the past is, question if the contents of a course contributed therefore, the unquestionable prerequisite for solving towards improving teaching practices. It is hard not to educational problems in the present. It is true conclude that the students' preference for utility is that the Society has been trying to establish the aided and abetted by a corresponding institutional history of education as an independent academic bias. discipline, but it has pursued its work almost exclusively In Japan, the history of education was first within the framework of teacher training. introduced as a discipline to educational training The Society reviewed half a century of its work in institutes in 1872: Every teacher training facility has its fiftieth bulletin, in 2007, and found that the since been required to offer courses in the subject. history of education as a discipline has been too The Normal School Act of 1886 stipulated that the dependent on teacher training curricula. The history history of Japanese education and the history of of education as a subject is secure within the framework education abroad were required subjects in any of teacher training, as it is protected, in a teacher training curriculum. In 1892, the contents sense, by the legislation that governs teacher of these subjects came to be described in detail and certification. But having been downgraded to elective included the outline of the history of education as status and suffering from lack of interest by basic knowledge for the teaching profession, practically-minded prospective teachers, attendance in famous educators' biographies as a motivational courses on the subject has dwindled, and the weight model for the teaching profession, and principles attributed to it continues to diminish. In step with and methodological ideas as a practical basis for the decline of the subject, the discipline is now the teaching profession. The Teacher Certification looked down upon as synonymous with ivory-tower Act of 1949, however, downgraded the history of scholarship. The Society recently declared its intention education from compulsory to elective status, which to decouple the history of education from its means that teachers nowadays can enter their traditional association with teacher training and profession without ever having taken a class in the join the social sciences and the humanities, but the history of education. In actual fact, while the demands outcome of this initiative is dubious: while the Society of practical relevancy tend to deter prospective boasts an increase in its membership, the teachers from studying the subject, its defenders, in number of university positions in the discipline the spirit of the law, claim the subject to be keeps diminishing. irreplaceable for three reasons: In 1991, a new society was founded, the Society 1. Students will take pride in their future position if for the Study of Modern Educational Thought, they are familiar with the thoughts and practices which renamed itself to History of Educational of great educational thinkers and great educators. Thought Society in 1997. In 2008, this new society organized a symposium dedicated to reviewing its 2. Students will develop greater analytical acuity activities and positions. Opinion at the symposium when dealing with today's educational problems turned out to be divided into two main camps. if their perspective on the future of education One party held that the discipline should has been enriched by an understanding of its resolutely resist practical demands. In their opinion, past. they need to give in to practical demands only if 3. Students will attain greater sophistication, which they want to hold on to their power to dominate stands them in good stead in the teaching the educational discussion. However, researchers profession, if they understand the history of education should not necessarily aim to hold that power; they and didactics. should courageously decide to be the opposition Researchers have been engaged in this discussion party. As researchers in the history of education, for a while. In 1956, Japan saw the founding of the they should remain free from the practical demands Society for Historical Research of Education, originally of the present, including the perceived need to presided by Arata Osada (1887-1961), an determine the course of educational policy-making. internationally renowned researcher on Johann Heinrich Today, historians need to have the courage of their Pestalozzi. The society started out small, with conviction to keep a determined distance from the 104 members, and its purpose of research into the present. History of education does not aim to learn history of education worldwide has branched into from the past, but to analyze the past. Future and three fields since 1960: historical research into Japanese incumbent teachers can, however, profit greatly education, Asian education, and Western from it, because it strengthens their ability to analyze education. The society has since grown to over 900 the contemporary situation. In other words, members, and its researchers are now supposed not the discipline does not deal with the present direct-

44 ZpH Jg. 16(2010), H. 1 ly, but it can contribute to teacher training indirectly «unavoidable conditions of research in the history by sharpening the ability to think in historical of education» and encourages researchers to «avoid dimensions. as much as possible the presentistic and perspectiv- The other party stressed that the discipline must istic pitfalls» while devoting themselves to not betray its obligation to respond to practical understanding the past on its own terms. In his tenth issues, but should abandon its subservient relationship commandment, however, the reference to the with the world of practical affairs. Historians present does not have any negative overtones. This should not continue to play junior partner to the modulation rests on the belief that the devotion to practical realm and offer specious historical disquisitions the past - counter-intuitively in the eyes of many - on issues dictated to them, but grasp the does not lead to the exclusion of the present, but initiative and locate current problems on their own. will actually be serviceable to it: «Historical research Once their subservience is abandoned, historians transcends the shortsightedness of our own can discover problems of which there is no awareness time by making it clear that this prevailing driver yet in the practical realm and that otherwise for utility is an element of the long-term process of might have gone unnoticed. This party contends modernization and thereby, at the very least, holds that historians engaged in unprejudiced academic the door open for a critical corrective». Depaepe is research can offer fresh perspectives to the practical unwavering in his faith that true dedication to the realm. past, unprejudiced by the needs of the day, will be The two parties reason from opposing premises: beneficial to the present. One party dismisses the demands of the practical Regardless, my ambivalence towards the relation realm so that they can tend to their own academic between the past and the present remains business. The other party welcomes the demands of undiminished. The conflicting arguments for keeping the practical realm as a touchstone of their ability the past and the present apart complicate the relation to set the political agenda. Both parties, however, between the past and the present rather than propose the same strategy: historians simply need solve it. What is clear is this: the age in which the to keep their distance from the present, because history of education had its remit defined by the this distance enables them to contribute to the needs of the teaching profession is over. Are we common good by virtue of their original perspective. entering an age in which research, no longer tethered to utility, will be able to contribute all the more In his Decalogue, Depaepe summarily rejects pre- effectively to educational policy-making? Hope sentism. He does not regard presentism as a springs eternal in the human breast. methodological shortcoming, but classes it among the

An Atheist('s) Manifesto

• Daniel Sergio Friedrich

s the Divine Tables descend upon educational As the Commandments dutifully note, the historiography, the Commandments (educational) past is chaotic, a space undefined and demand a reflection about our practices, while indefinable in itself. However, the introduction of at the same time, about the need for commandments structure into that past is not merely the effect of as such. At the risk of already starting with a the creative genius and disciplinary rigor provided heresy towards the Divine, I suggest historicizing by the historian, but the necessary consequence of the terms in which the Commandments engage us, his or her intervention. In fact, the past becomes that is, ironically in light of their warning, to his- the past as the historical discourses operate upon it, toricize their present (and presence). since one of the structures being introduced is the Perhaps the most salient feature of the particular notion of temporality that allows the Commandments in need of questioning is the clear-cut historian to place people and events within a historical division they present between past, present and narrative. Let us not forget that the past was not future. The Commandments stipulate that the past always the past, at least not in the ways modern shall remain the past, and while presentism is societies understand it, as evidenced by cyclical unavoidable, doing a history of the present in order to conceptions of temporality framing the thought and produce certain effects in the now falls certainly action of different societies past and present. The into the realm of sin. Now (pun intended) this intervention of a subject that embodies the qualities presents a problem, as what is considered to be the of the modern agent is a condition of possibility (educational) past is intimately related to the problems for the establishment of history as a disciplinary facing the (educational) present. Contrary to field. the Divine Law, the past is never just the past, and Furthermore, it is not only a temporal structure thus it cannot be left to be fully the past. that historians impose upon the «raw material» of

ZpH Jg. 16(2010), H. 1 the past. As much as the Commandments may want or prescriptive pedagogy. (Actually, not intervening to avoid a history for the present, it is hard to imagine in the present is not an option, as the production of looking at the past responding to no particular knowledge in itself is an intervention). problem. What triggers historical research is always The difference between doing a history of the a problem in or of the present, calling on the past present, that is of intentionally wanting to «hazard in helping to provide interpretations about, for our way of being in the present» - a present that example, the historical limits of the grammar of does not present us with a fair, just way of being schooling in the possibilities of reform, or the ways some of us would happily leave un-hazarded -, and in which the pedagogization of society becomes the pedagogization of the past Depaepe is possible through schooling. I would even go as far concerned about is of utmost importance. Educators as saying that the search for «pure wisdom», the that look at history seeking the morals of the story only «added value» of educational historiography, transform the past into ingredients for a recipe that is nothing but a problem of the present, a motivation needs to be followed in order to achieve the perfect seeped deep in the need to know in ways that future. Through their lens, these lessons are are unique to contemporary epistemological conditions. inherent components of the past, and it is just a matter The task of demythologizing that Depaepe of inverting George Santayana's statement, now argues for is also composed by a set of problems in barely more than a cliché: «Those who cannot the present and a historically inscribed assumption remember the past are condemned to repeat it» (San- about what is real and what is false. The myths, tayana 1905, p. 284). If we remember the past, then sometimes central to the conceptions of schooling and only then will we be able to move forward. that circulate both inside and outside academia, Doing a history of the present does not offer can only be understood as in need of refutation as such certainties. The «hazard» introduced by the long as they present a problem for the researcher. history of the present that I am speaking about is in As Foucault demonstrated with the case of madness, the potency of understanding our own selves as among others, the constitution of an products of a multiplicity of «inconsequential epistemological problem cannot be separated from its detours», the crossing of discursive practices coming constitution as a political problem, and from the from the most disparate sources, and random events production of knowledge and categories that shape that we, within our historically constructed both the problem and the field. In this sense, «pure» subjectivities, attempt to shape into a meaningful narrative. wisdom is never pure, as «purity» is a political category Its usefulness lies in the possibilities that are as much as it is an epistemological one. The opened up upon the process of troubling of those myth of maintaining clear disciplinary boundaries is narratives and the shattering of the boundaries not merely a Commandment but a political-episte- that those narratives hold on us. However, there is mological problem of the present! never a promise of «moving forward», never a All of this is not to say that the past should be certainty about the direction of the future. This is the source of moralizing lessons for the present. As clearly a non-utilitarian usefulness, yet it serves to the Commandments dictate, embedding history intervene in the present by means of disruption. with a sense of morality, be it progressive or regressive, Finally, should historians accept the will to a story of salvation or damnation, transforms organize knowledge under the assumption that there history into something different. It is in this sense exist certain rules and standards aimed at protecting that the pedagogization of the educational past its disciplinary purity? I recognize that this is becomes dangerous, since the search for the morals one of the main discursive practices that frame in the story only allows for a very particular type of current thought. To evoke Commandments, even if narrative to be told, one that continuously confirms said in a form that mocks prevailing sentiments, these morals. The «cultivation of the culture of the may re-inscribe what Benjamin called an «empty non-utilitarian» is thus a tempting path to virtue. It time» (Benjamin 2007), that is a sense of progression results from the historicizing of utilitarian episte- that is devoid of the presence of the now. This mologies, exposing them as part of the modernizing is not to suggest that one can live outside of process, and provides a salvation from the «terror disciplinary rules and standards, but the very usefulness of the immediately useful». Amen. of the disciplinary guides in the practice of producing But to join the pulpit, however, is not sufficient, knowledge is that they continually require for the «useful» travels on different planes that do historicizing. That historicizing is to make visible the not necessarily imply utilitarianism. Producing consensus that demarcates, encloses, and interns «pure wisdom» could be seen as useful in regards what is considered valid and what is not. A set of to the purpose of having a more accurate idea of commandments that descend from above, even the past under the particular assumptions discussed with evoking uncertainties within its certainties, above. The publication of the Commandments, it is allow simple mortals to focus just in the correct implied, would be useful in achieving an epistemo- following of said commandments, without having to logically sound educational historiography. And a worry about the conditions under which these history of the present, I would argue, can be useful commandments are intelligible. Yet, if one was to find in intervening in the present without a moralizing the knowledge and epistemological practices need-

ZpHJg. 16(2010), H. 1 ed to disrupt or «hazard» the present, one must References allow for the playfulness of mind that pushes and Benjamin, Walter: Theses on the Philosophy of History. In: Illuminations. New York: Schocken Books 2007, 253- in pp. denaturalizes the boundaries set place by the 264 disciplinary rules. That is the paradox of the Santayana, George: The Life of Reason: Introduction, and Commandments: while they may lead some to a Reason in common sense. New York: C. Scribner's Sons 1905 prescription on ways of thinking, they also open up the space for the discussion on those very rules. And this is the type of discussion that accepts no Divine law.

Zehn Gebote - aber wer schreibt den Katechismus?

• Heinz-Elmar Tenorth

mag ein wenig sehr ambitiös (oder zu selbst¬ Gebote nicht irrt? Und wenn schon der Laie Bedarf Esironisch) sein, einige sehr plausible und an Erläuterung hat: Wer übernimmt die Rolle der wahrscheinlich konsensfähige Hinweise zur guten Theologie, nicht nur kirchenhistorisch, sondern Praxis in der bildungshistorischen Forschung durch dogmatisch? Zählweise und Benennung in biblische Höhen zu Marcs knappe Sätze, kaum mehr als dreieinhalb heben. Einige Rückfragen sind ja sofort unvermeidlich: Seiten, können ja schwerlich die Rolle ausfüllen, die In welcher Rolle spricht M.D. - als Gott oder sich die Gebote geltungstheoretisch anmassen. Man Moses, von welchem Berg ist er herabgestiegen, erkennt zwar den Hintergrund mancher Debatten, wie sehen die Tafeln aus, die er trägt (droht irgendwo und seine unhistorischen Anhänger das goldene Kalb und wird er die Tafeln zer- kriegen zu Recht ihr Fett ab, Johann Gustav Droy- schmeissen), verheisst er uns mit den Geboten, wie sen und Leopold von Ranke, ohne Namensnennung, in der Bibel - Exodus 20,1-21 ist ja der locus classicus auch, aber nach langen Diskussionen zwischen Hay- - auch für die historische Bildungsforschung den den White und Arthur Danto (et tutti quanti), dem Einzug ins Gelobte Land, schliessen wir mit ihm den alten und neuen Revisionismus, Sammelbänden von Bund? Die Sinai-Pose, das merkt man dann, ist auch Manfred Heinemann bis Sol Cohen, editorischen für den Historiker eher beschwerlich, man wird Leistungen von Frank Simon bis Antonio Novoa sind wahrscheinlich die Tafeln niedriger hängen müssen. diese vier Seiten zu wenig. Berühmte Katechismen Aber als Provokation mag es durchgehen. der jüngeren Zeit, beispielsweise der holländische, Akzeptiert man nämlich, für einen Kommentar, den vielleicht der flämische Belgier M.D. in seinem den Dekalog als Metapher für strikte Regelvorgaben Bestand führt, hat (in der deutschen Übersetzung) und historisiert man diese Sprech- und Zählweise, 566 Seiten und er geht zu Recht davon aus, dass dann provoziert der neue belgische auch der Dekalog die «Umschreibung, Anwendung, Historiographie-Dekalog zunächst einige sehr schöne, gat- Deutung immer nötig» (Glaubensverkündigung tungs- und kontextspezifische Fragen. Zehn Gebote 1966/1968, S. 418) hat (und er nennt zum Glück für sind gut - aber wie sorgt man dafür, dass sie eingehalten die religiöse Praxis nicht die ganzen Bibliotheken, werden? Reicht ISCHE und das Review Konzilien und Beschlüsse, die auf 566 Seiten Verfahren von Paedagogica Historica? Auch den Kontext kondensiert verarbeitet werden). Das, was hier für «das von Sünde, Beichte und Busse werden nicht nur Gewissen der Menschheit» (ebd., S. 417) gilt, das alte Katholiken vermissen. Aber, wer zählt die darf man für das bessere Ich der pädagogischen sieben Todsünden der historischen Bildungsforscher? Historiographie natürlich auch erwarten. Dogmatische Ich würde etwa Quellenarmut, Archivvermeidung, Arbeit, Metahistorie, vielleicht sogar Klassenkampf falsche Kausalsuggestionen, kontextfreie Analysen, in der Historiographie-Theorie ist nicht entbehrlich, national-kulturelle Fixierungen, Ableitungsargumentation wenn man zehn Gebote formuliert, sondern oder Erzeugung narrativer Langeweile notwendig. In zwei Richtungen will ich einen solchen als solche vorschlagen1 (und nebenbei: offenbar hat Kommentar versuchen, allerdings ganz pragmatisch, man bei zehn Geboten drei Übertretungen frei - nur an guter Praxis orientiert, und dann eine bleibt also Präsentismus erlaubt?). Vor allem aber kleine Randbemerkung für die Praxis und die Praktiker bleiben ja das hermeneutische Problem und die der Bildungshistorie anfügen; denn auch die damit angesprochenen Fragen; denn selbst der Dekalog Dogmatik, die Theologie belegt es, lebt ja vom versteht sich nicht von selbst (Du sollst nicht ständigen Kommentar der Einfälle der anderen. töten vs. Du sollst nicht morden?). Insofern: Wer Meine erste Frage beim Lesen war. Worüber schreibt den Katechismus, den die Kirche bereithält, spricht er gar nicht? Erstaunlicher Weise spricht damit der gute Gläubige sich im Verständnis der M.D. nicht von den Quellen, die für die pädagogi-

ZpHJg. 16(2010), H. 1 sehe Historiographie - oder sagen wir heute doch be und Utopie lauten zumeist die pädagogisieren- besser: historische Bildungsforschung, nachdem wir den Übersetzungen der Zeitschemata und man landet die (Geschichte der Pädagogik> zu den Akten der unweigerlich in der historiographisch wenig identitätstiftenden professionellen und nationalen sinnvollen Situation, Vergangenheiten binär zu Narrative abgelegt haben? - notwendig sind. Das codieren, gute Traditionen von einem belastenden ist vielleicht zu nahe am Handwerk, aber an sich Erbe zu unterscheiden oder Utopien als einzulösende hatte ich den gebieterischen Verweis auf die Quellen Zukünfte neu ins Recht zu setzen. ziemlich früh erwartet, vielleicht sogar als eigenes Der Umgang mit den Zeitschemata wird leichter Gebot unter den ersten drei (die bekanntlich im und zugleich für präsentistische Aneignung komplizierter, Dekalog von Gott handeln, also der ersten Referenz wenn man sich der etwas knappen Rede der Gebote, bevor es zum Menschen übergeht, also über die Vergangenheit noch einmal annimmt und zurTheorie, wie bei M.D.). Ich riskiere einfach einen sich einiger Vorschläge für Zeitschematisierungen Vorschlag (elf wäre dann auch nicht mehr so escha- erinnert, die zum Beispiel von Niklas Luhmann tologisch belastend): Erschliesse systematisch neue vorliegen (Luhmann 1973/1975). Das grundlegende Quellen und Archive, solche, die für dein Thema Problem des Historikers steht dabei im Mittelpunkt, wichtig sind, denn erst damit beginnt bildungshistorische dass er es mit vergangenen Gegenwarten zu tun Forschung (nicht schon mit der ableitenden hat, die selbst noch ihre eigenen Vergangenheiten Illustration theoretisch starker Sätze, die Philosophen und Zukünfte hatten, ohne dass ihre Zukünfte alle in armchair research erfinden). Man könnte, zu noch realisierten Zukünften in späteren Gegenwarten im erläuternden Text zu diesem Gebot, in den oder gar zu heute noch gegenwärtigen notwendigen katechetischen Erörterungen, die Erfolge Vergangenheiten wurden; denn natürlich gibt es einen der letzten Dekaden in Erinnerung rufen, den Wert Bruch von Entwicklungen und das Nichteintreten von Zahl und Bild und Material neben Texten denkbarer Zukünfte genau so wie kontinuierende unterschiedlichster Gattung (Normen, Reflexionen, Ego- Entwicklungen, die eine längere Gegenwart haben Dokumenten) erläutern und den Sinn für Differenzen als viele Zukünfte, die sie begleitet haben. Man und Problemhinsichten schärfen - good practice rekonstruiert deshalb immer, narrativ, Vergangenheiten könnte die Konsequenz sein. Der Verweis auf als je gegenwärtige Vergangenheiten, auch die diversen turns, natürlich auf den lingustic turn, dann, wenn sie ihre gegenwärtige Vergangenheit den ich jetzt im Text erkenne, ist mir schon zu nur für den Historiker haben, der über sie schreibt. theorienah. Historiographie ist doch zuerst der mühsame Besser als der absteigende Blick in die Geschichte, Versuch, über eine verstreute, lückenhafte, in der immer nur die Vorgeschichte der eigenen sich disparate Überlieferung eine plausible Gegenwart sucht, ist deshalb der aufsteigende Geschichte zu erzählen und die Überreste so zum Sprechen Blick, der von historischen Vergangenheiten und zu bringen, dass sie gute Quellen werden. deren Vorgeschichten und Zukünften, als ihren Selbstverständlich, sie sollen gute Quellen für ihre Nachgeschichten, erzählt - und sich gelegentlich Zeit werden, man bringt sie nicht zum Sprechen, dadurch überraschen lässt, dass die Zukunft einer wenn man sie in unseren Kontext stellt, obwohl vergangenen Gegenwart ausgerechnet in die Realität man sie natürlich nur zum Sprechen bringt, wenn unserer eigenen Zeit mündet. Das mag artifiziell man sie nicht nur in ihren Eigenwerten und -weiten aussehen, besonders dann, wenn man zusätzlich liest, sondern in einen, ihren historischen Kontext noch berücksichtigt, was notwendig berücksichtigt stellt (wobei der Singular sich kaum empfiehlt, weil werden muss, dass nämlich die Zeiten der Objekte es angesichts der Überdetermination historischer der historischen Forschung - Menschen, Institutionen, Ereignisse wohl immer mehrere Kontexte geben Diskurse, Materialien, Klassen, Ungleichheit, dürfte). Fortschritt (etc.) - noch ihre je eigene Zeit haben, Meine zweite Frage angesichts solcher Probleme die in der jeweiligen Gegenwart als Gleichzeitigkeit war: Kann man seine theoretischen Grundannahmen des Ungleichzeitigen identifizierbar ist. Angesichts teilen, das, was er über «History» sagt oder solcher Fragen und der erkennbaren Komplikationen, über die Vergangenheit? Man nimmt dankbar zur die sie in der Arbeit des Historikers auslösen, Kenntnis, dass er den Präsentismus als Problem früh sollte man sich vielleicht auch noch einmal der einführt, aber dann doch sehr rasch für offenbar Enthaltsamkeit in Sachen Theorie erinnern, die M.D. unvermeidlich hält. Darüber, über Zeitschematisie- zeigt. Neben dem natürlich richtigen Hinweis, diese rungen, lohnt aber die weitere Diskussion. Es geht Theorie im eigenen Revier, das heisst in dem der um die Zuordnung von Vergangenheit, Gegenwart Analysen des Aufwachsens in Gesellschaften zu und Zukunft, das ist nicht strittig, aber kontrovers suchen, bleibt M.D. doch sehr vorsichtig. Das mag ist doch die Bedeutung der drei Kategorien. Soll man begrüssen, weil das Erzählen von Geschichten man die Pädagogen fragen, die das alltäglich ja sich offenbar doch nicht in reiner Form als Umsetzung auch für ihr Geschäft reklamieren (z.B. Klafki 1958)? einer historischen Sozialwissenschaft verstehen Das würde ich eher nicht empfehlen, weil man sich lässt2, aber weitere Suche lohnt bestimmt. dann sehr rasch die normative Aufladung und Das führt zu meinem abschliessenden kleinen pragmatische Recodierung einhandelt, die in diesem Hinweis, der angesichts von zehn Geboten vielleicht Milieu bei Zeitproblemen dominiert: Tradition, Aufga¬ etwas blasphemisch klingt, aber ernst gemeint ist.

ZpH Jg. 16 (2010), H. 1 ohne ihn zum Gebot zu erheben. Pecca fortiter war Anmerkungen in Zeiten der Reformation dann erlaubt, wenn man 1 Unkenntnis oder bewusstes Ignorieren der Forschungsla¬ ge ist eine wissenschaftlich weiter als in der Historiographie Busse tat. Sich der Freuden der nur gebührend verbreitete Sünde, deshalb zähle ich sie hier nicht - Abweichung von Geboten zu erinnern, ist deshalb obwohl die Historiker natürlich am besten Hermann mein letzter empfehlender Hinweis. Gelegentlich Heimpels Grundsatz zu verbreiten wissen «Lesen schützt präsentistisch denken und sich inspirieren lassen, vor Neuentdeckungen!». 2 Man lese für diese Differenz Baberowski 2009. das kann so viel Freude machen, wie eine Zeit lang nur an Theorie zu denken, und erst dann wieder an Literatur Geschichten. Auch nur Quellen zu edieren kann Baberowski, Jörg: Über die schöne Schwierigkeit, Geschichte schön sein, ohne eine Interpretation, nur zum zu schreiben. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 29. Juli 2009, S. N3 Vergnügen des Betrachters, der seinen Sinn darin selbst Glaubensverkündigung für Erwachsene (1966). Deutsche Todsünden suchen mag. Es ist doch kein Zufall, dass die Ausgabe des holländischen Katechismus. Nijmwegen/Ut- immer mehr Anhänger haben als die Gebote, recht 1968 und natürlich ein Glück, dass es neben der Busse Klafki, Wolfgang: Die Erziehung im Spannungsfeld von Ver¬ gangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. In: Die Sammlung auch das Vergessen gibt. Gelegentlich muss man 13(1958), S. 448—462 deshalb auch aktiv am Vergessen arbeiten. Wer sollte Luhmann, Niklas: Weltzeit und Systemgeschichte (1973). In: uns, durch besseres Verstehen natürlich, von der Niklas Luhmann: Soziologische Aufklärung 2. Opladen Last der Vergangenheit befreien können, wenn 1975, S. 103-133 nicht der Historiker - das als Vorschlag für das zwölfte Gebot, als Dank an M.D. und zur Befreiung vom Psychoanalytiker, den er zum Glück auch nicht bemüht hat.

ZpHJg. 16(2010), H. 1