Newsletter the Society of Architectural Historians
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NEWSLETTER THE SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS AUGUST 1972 VOL. XVI NO.4 PUBLISHED SIX TIMES A YEAR BY THE SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS 1700 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 • Alan Gowans, President • Editor: James C. Massey, 614 S. Lee Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Assoc. Ed.: Thomas M. Slade, 413 S. 26th St., South Bend, Indiana 46615 • Asst. Ed.: Elisabeth Walton, 765 Winter St., N.E. Salem, Oregon 97301 SAH NOTICES tionists to the nation's capital this fall. Headquarters for the 1973 Annual Meeting-Foreign Tour. Members are reminded to October 26-29 program will be the Washington Hilton, but send their registrations and charter flight reservations as soon as events are planned throughout the city and surrounding areas. possible for our meeting in England next August 15-27. If the The annual meeting will emphasize awareness of preservation announcement and forms have been mislaid, please write the needs within the American political system. A similar theme was SAH office (1700 Walnut Street, Room 716, Philadelphia, Pa. spotlighted at the fi~st Washington Preservation Conference, 19103) for replacements. sponsored in April by the National Trust and the SAH Latrobe Additions to the tentative schedule sent to our membership Chapter. on April 17: Mark Pritchard (Editor, Journal of the Royal Town A special annual meeting session will be devoted to historic Planning Institute) will lead the tour to Letchworth and Welwyn preservation and architecture in the District of Columbia. Other Garden City on Monday, August 20, 1973; Stefan Muthesius sessions for the October meeting concern international preserva (University of East Anglia) will lead the tour of High Victorian tion programs, preservation philosophy for the Bicentennial, London and the Law Courts on Thursday, August 23, 1973. easements, youth programs, preservation for the people, and industrial archaeology and engineering history. National Trust members will have an opportunity to take an extensive private tour of the White House, and arrangements are being made for buffet dinners at the State Department Diplomatic Reception STUDENT TOUR- CHICAGO AND VICINITY Rooms and the Smithsonian Institution's Museum of History June 10-15, 1973 and Technology. Walking and bus tours of the District also will Leader: Paul E. Sprague (University of Chicago) be part of the program. The Chicago Chapter, SAH will sponsor an inexpensive Following the annual meeting, Trust members may join one five-day tour in the Chicago metropolitan area for graduate of three concurrent tours of historic areas, slated from October students (or at least fifth-year students) in architecture, 30 to November 4. The first will cover the Eastern Shore of architectural history, city planning, urban history, land Maryland and Delaware; another will include points of interest scape architecture and the history of landscape design in in Tidewater Virginia; and a third will visit parts of West Virginia, June of 1973. Watch for the announcement and registra the Shenandoah Valley and the Piedmont area. tion form, which will accompany the October 1972 issue For information: National Trust, 740 Jackson Place, N.W., of the SAH Newsletter. Washington, D.C. 20006. ORGANIZATIONS Graham Foundation. The President and Trustees of the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts have an nounced the appointment of Carter H. Manny, SAH, as the new Director of the Foundation to succeed John D. Entenza, who retired in September 1971. Mr. Manny is an architect and a partner in the Chicago architectural firm ofC.F. Murphy Associ ates, and will continue with his regular professional activities while also serving as Director of the Graham Foundation. The Graham Foundation was founded by the late Chicago architect, Ernest R. Graham. It has provided grants for study in the area of contemporary architecture, for planning and research into the solution of urban problems, and for other of the arts as they may relate to architectural situations. The Foundation has implemented its programs through direct assistance to talented individuals and through associations with major museums and universities. The Foundation's headquarters are located at 4 West Burton Place, Chicago, in the restored Madlener House, which has been designated a landmark of Chicago architecture. National Trust. "Preservation in the American Political System," At the ICOMOS General Meeting in Budapest in June (1 tor) the theme for the National Trust's 1972 annual meeting, is ex Jacques Dalibard, Meredith Sykes, Harley McKee and Jack pected to draw more than 2,000 members and other preserva- Boucher. R IBA. The Royal Institute of British Architects' famed Drawings Division of Historic Architecture, Office of Archeology and Collection was inaugurated on May 4 by Her Majesty Queen Historic Preservation of the National Park Service. Elizabeth II in its handsomely remodelled new quarters at 21 Watterson represented the U.S. at many international meet Portman Square, London, next to the Courtauld Institute. Hous ings and was a participant in the Delos Symposia in Greece ing over 200,000 architectural drawings, the collection will now in 1965, 1966 and 1971. At the time of his death, he had have adequate space of its own for the display of its treasures, almost finished a book on the last one. He also attended and for changing exhibitions. This important Georgian building symposiums in Beirut, Prague, Mexico City, and Moscow as a was adapted for the collection in a brilliant contemporary design member of the International Union of Architects. that does not harm the historicity of the building itself (see A leader in a number of professional societies and a member Architectural Review, July 1972). For more on the opening of of many Institute committees, Watterson received the AlA the new museum see Apollo, July 1972. John Harris is Curator Kemper Award for Distinguished Service in 1965. A past of the collection, which was started by the RIBA in 1834. officer of the Long Island Chapter AlA, he was a past director of SAH. Watterson was the author of numerous periodical articles and books. Probably the most widely praised was his Archi NEWS OF MEMBERS tecture: A Short History, published in 1968. ANTOINETTE F. DOWNING has been granted an honorary from : AlA Journal Doctor of Fine Arts degree by the University of Rhode Island ... WALTER W. HORN has been named a Faculty Research Lecturer at the University of California's Berkeley campus for 1972-3. PUBLICATIONS His appointment is the highest honor the faculty can confer on The Winterthur Portfolio 10 for 197 4 will be a special issue any of its members. Professor Hom, who has been at Berkeley featuring studies of the arts in America during the Victorian since 1938, has had two chief concerns in his research- changes period. Preference will be given to articles treating the decorative in the technology of construction, and use of strict scientific arts, painting, sculpture, and architecture, but related studies in dating methods. social, political, economic, and intellectual history are invited. In 1950, under a Guggenheim Fellowship, he started a study Prospective authors are urged to contact Ian Quimby, SAH , of timber construction techniques. He followed their develop Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, Delaware 19735, in advance of ment from prehistoric and medieval to modern times, not only submitting manuscripts. The deadline for receiving manuscripts in Europe but even down to their distant descendants, the old for the Victorian issue is April 1, 1973, An honorarium is paid California barns. This was a pioneering work in the study of for published articles. Winterthur Portfolio is published once a vernacular architecture, and launched him into modern dating year by the University Press of Virginia for the Henry Francis methods for wooden structures using radio-carbon analysis and du Pont Winterthur Museum. tree-growth records. Major themes of his research are the tech nology of timber construction, its influence on design of stone BOOKS structures, and the sociological context of this transition. Horn explored all three elements in ninth century monastic reform as Rosalys Coope. Salomon de Brosse and the Development of the illustrated by the plan of the stone monastery of St. Gall, Oassical Style in French Architecture from 1565 to 1630. Switzerland. He was the first to recognize the link between this University Park, Pa.: The Pennsylvania State University Press, plan and the technique of timber construction. He was a leading 1972. $32.50. contributor to the 1965 Council of Europe Exhibition in Aachen, Albert Fein. Frederick Law Olmsted and the American Environ where he presented a scale model of the monastery. He will pub mental Tradition. New York: George Braziller, 1972. $10.00, lish a book on the monastery plan next year .. MARK B. $3.95 in paper. LAPPING, now Assistant Professor at SUNY-Oswego, has been Michael H. Frisch. Town Into City; Springfield, Massachusetts, appointed to the faculty of the College of Architecture of and the Meaning of Community, 1840-1880. Cambridge, Mass .: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Harvard University Press, 1972. $10.00. Va .... ERIC S. McCREADY has received a teaching post at Clay Lancaster. The Architecture of Historic Nantucket. Intro Bowling Green State University in Ohio . .. G. HOLMES duction by James C. Massey, SAH. New York: McGraw-Hill PERKINS, University of Pennsylvania, received an honorary Book Company, 1972. $17.50. Doctor of Laws degree from the University in June .. TED Daniel D. Reiff, SAH. Washington Architecture 1791-1861- SANDE, AlA, has been appointed Lecturer in Art at Williams Problems in Development. Washington: Commission of Fine College. He will teach the Advanced Design Studio in Architec Arts, 1971 (actually 1972). $3.50. Available: Superintendent of ture and the History of Modern and American Architecture .. Documents, GPO, Washington, D.C. 20402,stockno.l000-0004. DONALD D. SCHNEIDER has been appointed Assistant Profes sor of Fine Arts at Lehigh University, as well as Director of John W.