Relevé des médias en ligne Vendredi 02 mars 2012

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EUROPE/GLOBAL ECONOMY • Greece meets bailout requirements: EU (AFR) Greece’s €130bn bailout cleared another hurdle as European leaders said the country had fulfilled its part of the deal, although funds will not be fully released until a private creditor bond swap is completed.

CHINA/ASIA PACIFIC • Opposition to Indonesian executions must be colourblind (CAN/Opinion) David McRae, research fellow in the East Asia program at the Lowy Institute for International Policy. His report A Key Domino? Indonesia's Death Penalty Politics was published yesterday. The execution of the three Bali bombers in 2008 was a low point in Australia's opposition to the death penalty. Both the Howard and Rudd governments expressed their support for the executions, undermining Australia's commitment to abolition. • Tragedy of the sex trade in Asia (CAN/Opinion) Joel Williams

MIDDLE EAST • Aussie accused of exporting to Iran (AUS/Une) Paul Maley, National security correspondent IF David Levick was a willing participant in the conspiracy to nuclearise Iran, he was doing a pretty good job of hiding it yesterday. • Iran sale: 'They say I'm incognito' (SMH/Une) Dylan Welch, Nick Ralston A Sydney electronics supplier has been charged in the US with conspiring to export sensitive missiles, drone, torpedo and helicopter equipment to the Iran military, as part of a Justice Department investigation into smuggling military parts. • West must help Syrian rebels (AUS/Opinion) Jonathan Spyer WITHOUT western air power, Iranian or Saudi-backed jihadists will triumph. • West vents on Iran (AUS/Opinion) Tim Black EVIDENCE of Tehran's nuclear ambitions is sadly lacking, despite the heavy rhetoric. • Stable must be our objective (AUS/Opinion) Jacob Townsend AUSTRALIA can help with training police.

WIKILEAKS • Julian Assange's homegrown hardnosed lawyer Jennifer Robinson (AUS-Legal Aff./Une) Adam Creighton Raised in Berry, educated at Oxford, lawyer Jennifer Robinson holds the key to Julian Assange's freedom.


PM/RUDD • Gillard admits talks with Carr (AUS/Une) Matthew Franklin, Sid Maher JULIA Gillard has confirmed she held talks with former NSW premier Bob Carr over drafting him to serve in her government.

Ambassade de France en Australie – Service de Presse et Information Site : Tél. : 61 (02) 6216 0150 Email : [email protected] • Carr alarm sounds for a losing Gillard (AGE/Opinion) Michelle Grattan She defeated Rudd but shows no sign of winning battle with herself. • No country for true believers (AUS/Opinion) Graham Richardson THE PM now has clear air but there is little hope that she can lift the party's standing.

Political parties • Bob Carr: what Labor leaders need (AFR/Une/Exclusive) Louise Dodson Former NSW premier Bob Carr has called for the Labor Party to embrace the bold economic reforms of the Hawke-Keating era so it can position itself as the party best at economics. • The voters won’t forget (AFR/Opinion) John Hewson, formal Liberal Party Leader Labor or Liberal, leadership contests are always fraught. But none has been as ugly as the recent Gillard-Rudd stoush. • Crossing the PM comes at great cost (AFR/Opinion) Laura Tingle Someone, or even several someones, will pay a high personal price today for this week’s ALP leadership ballot. • The foreign minister who never was (AUS/Opinion) Dennis Shanahan, Political Editor THE Carr debacle shows the PM is making a dog's breakfast of her new ministry. ƒ Bishop checkmates PM (AUS/Opinion) Tom Dusevic, National chief reporter THE opposition is trying to wound the PM's credibility through repetition, regurgitation and alliteration.

Queensland • Can Do dodges curve ball in Kingaroy (AUS/Opinion) Andrew Fraser ANNA Bligh felt it necessary to choose her words about Clive Palmer carefully yesterday.

Economy • Wealthy few are poisoning us: Swan (AUS/Une) David Uren • Plan for tougher tax law surprises experts (AUS-Bus/Une) David Crowe • Swan lashes billionaires’ influence (AFR/Une) Laura Tingle, Matthew Cranston Australia’s notion of the ‘fair go’ is under threat from an elite group of wealthy business people – including Andrew Forrest, and Clive Palmer – who are using their wealth to undermine good public policy and “threaten our democracy”, according to Treasurer . • Call for overseas anti-corruption agency (AFR/Une) Ayesha de Kretser, Patrick Durkin Legal experts have warned that there is a gaping hole in Australia’s regulatory system, leaving companies exposed to an international crackdown on bribery and corruption. • Coalition to limit foreign buyers (AFR/Une) Sophie Morris Foreign investment in farmland and agribusiness of more than $20 million would face new scrutiny and be considered in the same “sensitive” category as defence to bolster Australia’s food security. • IT experts rolling in state cash (AGE/Une/Exclusive) Melissa Fyfe, Graig Butt They work for Victoria's troubled IT agency and shared $175m bonanza. • Tycoons use their 'poison': Swan (SMH/Une) Lenore taylor Economic success is at risk from likes of Clive Palmer, Gina Rinehart, Andrew Forrest, Treasurer says. • A new approach to delivering infrastructure needs (AFR/Opinion) Mike Baird, NSW Treasurer There has been much public comment recently concerning the need for a new Public Private Partnership (PPP) model to help address the significant backlog of infrastructure across Australia.

Mining/Gas • Rio-Rinehart mine gets nod (AUS) AAP GINA Rinehart and Rio Tinto have received final approval to develop a joint venture iron ore mine in . • Mining crowds out economy (AUS) David Uren

Ambassade de France en Australie – Service de Presse et Information Site : Tél. : 61 (02) 6216 0150 Email : [email protected] THE gulf between the mining industry and the rest of the country is widening, with the resource sector planning an extraordinary surge in investment next year while all other business spending is at a standstill.

Transport • Sydney needs second airport: govt report (AFR) AAP Sydney should receive more flights every hour and host a second airport in the western suburbs, a report commissioned by the federal government has found.

Environment • Cotter Dam overflows (CAN/Une) Ewa Kretowicz, Graham Downie The ACT’s half-completed Cotter Dam overflowed last night, spilling millions of litres of water down to the Murrumbidgee River as record-breaking rain continued to pound the region. • Reef levy a risk to jobs, warn ports (AUS/Une/Exclusive) Annabel Hepworth, National business correspondent PORT operators warn that plans to impose a levy on dredge spoils from coal and LNGs ports would lead to an explosion in costs. • Australia's anti-whaling lobby misses the point (CAN/Opinion) Peter Bridgewater

Immigration • Little SOLAS found in the SIEV 221 wreck (CAN/Opinion) Tony Kevin

Defence /Security • Defence Force’s great battle within: cleaning up its own act (AGE/Opinion) Ben Wadham On Wednesday the reputation of Defence Force was once again sullied. Racist and sexist banter on a Facebook site involving former and serving members was publicly exposed, discrediting the ADF.

Media/privacy debate • Media awaits its fate when Finkelstein delivers report (CAN-Bus/Une/Opinion) Julian Lee • Heat from the Sun claims a new victim (CAN/Opinion) Richard Ackland In the early hours of yesterday, Sydney time, it was announced that James Murdoch was stepping down as executive chairman of the London arm of Rupert Murdoch's global media empire. • James Murdoch is a shadow man with no role in the empire (AGE/Opinion) Michael Wolff He played corporate politics and lost, now he's the most disliked man in the company. • Is the Little Digger too dirty? (CAN/Opinion) Peter Oborne Bribes and private favours are alien to Britian. News International's culture of corruption has profoundly undermined the integrity of the public services with dire consequences for the future. • Media inquiry due out Friday (AFR) Gemma Daley Communications Minister Stephen Conroy will on Friday release an inquiry into Australia’s media, which did not review ownership and instead looked into codes of practice and the impact of technology. • More media laws 'bad for us' (AUS) Nick Leys ANY increase in media regulation in Australia risks an increase in legal activity that will be against the public interest, influential media buyer Harold Mitchell has warned.


• Sarkozy holes up to escape protesters (AFR/Online) AAP • Nuclear meltdown sparks $2bn writedown for Areva (AFR/Online) AAP French nuclear energy giant Areva has reported a record loss for 2011 after taking huge provisions in the aftermath of Japan's Fukushima disaster, but reaffirmed its forecasts to 2016. • Sarkozy pelted with eggs, hides in cafe (AUS) AFP

Ambassade de France en Australie – Service de Presse et Information Site : Tél. : 61 (02) 6216 0150 Email : [email protected] FRENCH President Nicolas Sarkozy took refuge in a bar Thursday after hundreds of Basque separatists and opposition Socialist party supporters mobbed him and some shouted insults and threw eggs.


The Australian • Pakistan must come clean DEMOLISHING Osama bin Laden's compound is a mistake. • Leadership gives way to a charade PLAIN speaking matters inside and outside Parliament. • Save live trade from slaughter EMOTIVE abattoir images demand an unemotional response.

Financial Review • Benefits and pitfalls of China boom Australia’s China luck comes with a price. Our increasing reliance means our export market has become less diversified, making Australia far more vulnerable to any swings and roundabouts.

Sydney morning Herald • Sorrow and emotional truth Many people will instinctively approve of the call for an apology to mothers and children separated at birth.

The Melbourne Age • Own goals put soccer's gains at risk The feuds are all very unseemly, very undignified, very litigious, very tacky. And, unfortunately, very soccer. • Reclaim state IT services from the cowboys The government must clean up the costly mess it inherited.

The Canberra Times • Wilkie takes punt on pokies U-turn • War remembrance

Ambassade de France en Australie – Service de Presse et Information Site : Tél. : 61 (02) 6216 0150 Email : [email protected]