E-newsletter 23 Special Christmas Edition _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 23 CONSULATE OF MALTA IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2013 FRANK L SCICLUNA - HON CONSUL - LINKING MALTA AND AUSTRALIA EMAIL:
[email protected] Website: www.ozmalta.page4.me SPECIAL CHRISTMAS EDITION We, at the Consulate, wish you and your family a very joyful Christmas and a New Year 2014 full of hope, peace and God’s blessings 1 E-newsletter 23 Special Christmas Edition _______________________________________________________________________________________________ MESSAGE FROM THE HON JENNIFER RANKINE MP MINISTER FOR MULTICULTURAL AFFAIRS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA Dear friends It’s a pleasure to have this opportunity to wish all members of our Maltese community the very best for the festive season. As another year draws to a close, so comes the time that each of us reflect on the events of the year past, the challenges, and what has brought happiness to our lives. On a personal level, I reflect on the joys brought by good friends and family – a sentiment that I’m sure is shared by members of the Maltese community. And as Minister for Multicultural Affairs, I reflect on the success of our State, its wonderful diversity, and how our harmony and prosperity owes so much to communities like the Maltese. That is why I’d like to take this opportunity to thank each of you for the tremendous contribution that you’ve made to South Australia throughout 2013. Your contribution to the construction of the ANZAC Memorial in Floriana which I was fortunate to visit last year, is a particularly notable and very moving example of your achievements, and it deserves special recognition and congratulations.