Name : Dr. Sitti Nurani Sirajuddin SPt.,MSi Nip (employee : 19710421 199702 2 002 ID number) Nidn (state : 0021047114 lecturer number) Email : [email protected]

Addres : Jl.Rappokalling Raya I No 34

ID Scopus + : 55969235700 URL ID Google : Scholar + URL ID Sinta + URL : 6005354 Academic carrer : Doctoral Degree (Regional and Rural Development Planning)

Major Subject :

Employment :

Research and : 1. Strengthening Tesang Profit Sharing System in Beef Cattle Business in development Province (principal) (2014 - BOPTN). projects over the 2. Production of lactic acid from Whey Dangke by fermentation and its last 5 years application as a Dangke (member) preservative (2016 - UPT DIKTI). 3. Alternative Model of Cattle Farmer-Based Showroom Management in Barru District (principal) (2016 - BMIS). 4. Strengthening Strategy for Beef Cattle Partnership in South Sulawesi Province (principal) (2017 - WCU PPI). 5. Biosecurity Application in Beef Cattle in Luwu Regency (Member) (2017 - BMIS) Industry : collaborations over the last 5 years Patent and : proprietary rights Important : 1. Profit analysis of cattle slaughtering Business based on cattle publications procurement and meat sales system (2014 - Journal of scientific & over the last 5 technology research (Member)). years 2. Lending Models Seaweed Farming of Bajo Community (2014 - Australian journal of Basic and apllied sciences(Member)). 3. Factors Affecting farmers Productivity New Potato Yields Varities (2014 - American-eaurasian journal of suistanable agriculture (Member)). 4. How Do Lending Relationship Affect to Credit Accessibility in Cattle Farm In ? (2014 - European Journal of Suistanable Development (Member)). 5. Biosecurity Adoption in Beef Cattle in Indonesia (2014 - European Journal of Suistanable Developmenta (Member)). 6. Habitus of Ethnic Bajo Bungin (2015 - American-eurasian journal of sustainable agriculture (Member)). 7. Differences in Dairy Product Supply Chain Partnerships and Independent System (2015 - American-eaurasian journal of suistanable agriculture (Principal)). 8. Analysis of Factors Associated with the Size of Receipt Reinvestment Cocoa Farming (2015 - American-eaurasian journal of suistanable agriculture (Member)). 9. Competitiveness level Fattening Beef Cattle in , Province (2015 - Advances in Enviromental Biology (Principal)). 10. Analysis of broiler partnership system contracts and their relation to Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning the prohibition of monopolistic practices and unfair business competition (2015 - Journal of Animal Husbandry Science and Technology (Principal)). 11. Perception of Beef Cattle Farmers toward Biosecurity Practices (2015 - Advances in Enviromental Biology(Member)). 12. Competitiveness fattening beef cattle in subdistrict Kulo,District Sidrap South Sulawesi (2016 - Advances in Enviromental Biology (Principal)). 13. Development model of Goat Farming Busniness Base on Productive Economy in regency, West Sulawesi, Indonesia (2016 - American Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (Member)). 14. Response of Cattle Breeding to Ricestraw Silage in Soppeng Regency,South Sulawesi (2016 - American Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (Principal)). 15. Level Technology adoption and characteristic cattle breeders who following Bachelor Village Building (2016 - American Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (Principal)). 16. The Limitations and Benefits of Partnership Sharing System of Corporate Cattle Market (2017 - American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (Principal)). 17. Factors cause reduction of member of fresh milk production cooperative dairy cattle breeder (2017 - American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (Member)). 18. Effect of Climate Change on Laying Hen Farms (2017 - International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (Principal)). 19. Relationship between farmers characteristics and income from beef cattle with the traditional profit sharing (2017 - American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (Principal)). 20. Differences Among Cattle Farmers' Income From Partnership And Non Partnership Systems (2017 World journal of Enviromental biosciences(Principal) ISI THOMSON). 21. Identification of breeder has not done fermentation of rice straw as cattle feed (2017 - Entomology and Applied Science Letter). 22. Integrated Agricultural System Study on Crops:Intercropping of Corn- Peanut and Beef Cattle Fattening (2018 - Internasional Journal of Current Research in Bioscience and Plant Biology(Member) SCOPUS). 23. Biosecurity Adoption of Beef Cattle Farmers (2018 - Sebelas Maret Business Review). 24. Social economics factors that affect cattle farmers WTP(Willlingness to pay) for artificial Insemination Program (2018 - Bulgarian Journal of Agriculture of Science((Principal) Scopus). 25. Relationship between breeder characteristics adoption of artificial insemination in Bali cattle (2018 - European Journal of Sustainable Development(Principal)). 26. Application of social capital of Bali cattle faremrs that participate in the partnership system in Barru Regency,South Sulawesi Province (2018 - IOP Conference Series :Earth and Enviromental Science(Principal) SCOPUS). Activities in : specialist bodies over the last 5 years