Democratic Services Swanspool House Wellingborough Northamptonshire NN8 1BP Meeting: North Northamptonshire Council Licensing Sub-Committee (Wellingborough) Date: Friday 30 April 2021 Time: 9.30am Venue: Virtual meeting via Zoom To: Councillors Bell, Morrall and Scarborough The meeting will be available for the public to view live at the ‘Democratic Services North Northants’ YouTube channel:- This agenda has been published by Democratic Services. Contact: Carol Mundy, Senior Democratic Services Officer (Committees/Members) – 01933 231 521
[email protected] Agenda Item Subject Officer Page No Presenting Report 01 Election of chairman for this sub-committee - - 02 Apologies for non-attendance - - 03 Members’ Declarations of Interests - - Items requiring a decision 04 Application for a premises licence, Tower Fields Amanda 1 109 Irthlingborough Road, Finedon Wilcox Exempt Items 05 None Notified Rob Bridge, Chief Executive, North Northamptonshire Council Proper Officer 21 April 2021 Virtual Meetings During the current Covid-19 pandemic, meetings of the North Northamptonshire Council will be conducted via Zoom as virtual meetings. Those meetings which are normally accessible to the public will be live-streamed on YouTube at - Where there is a need for the council to discuss exempt or confidential business, the press and public will be excluded from those parts of the meeting only and will be unable to view proceedings. Members’ Declarations of Interest Members are reminded of their duty to ensure they abide by the approved Member Code of Conduct whilst undertaking their role as a Councillor. Where a matter arises at a meeting which relates to a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, you must declare the interest, not participate in any discussion or vote on the matter and must not remain in the room unless granted a dispensation.