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1 2 67 3. /)8 )8 8 SIDISrtVUU@IB!&!!"&#S@B9IV69P99I !%! %! ' !"#$%& 3&#&3# 4 53%6 '7 3%8 '9 . < 02&&4-&<$4+ *&01*-:,2&1$&7$=2 &1*$1&,7$12-72$ 320,0*:=-4( !,4.10!,*!1-2&(1$ 1-2.32+: 1>1-&7710!1- $1-57$4.,?<-10 $1-:,$1.*$ :,1-3>1$, 32,$13*- ,?32$1!13@51?(131 90 : # 91 & 2 1 ' () (' *+' ), & Q R -2(320, ifteen Italian tourists tested Fpositive for coranavirus on Wednesday, taking the total confirmed cases in the country to 28, including 3 in Kerela who have now recuperated. An Italian tourist had tested posi- ! " tive a day earlier. His wife too has become a confirmed case. !,4.10 With the count going up by the day, the Government ours after Congress lead- announced that all interna- Hers accused the BJP of tional passengers will hence- confining eight of its MLAs, forth be screened at airports for including allies, to a hotel in $ ) & !! & ( * the disease. Earlier, travellers Haryana as part of a conspir- + ! $% from only 12 countries were acy to topple the 14-month- being screened at the airports. old Madhya Pradesh An Indian driver accom- ! ! & ! -, ! , . / !&& '1 Government, six of them legislators, but they managed return to the State Capital. panying the Italian tourists has &'& (, ! # ! $% ( ( # ! $% returned to Bhopal on to meet BSP MLA Rambai and Scindia earlier had pleaded also tested positive. So far, a Wednesday evening. took her with them to Bhopal. ignorance about the horse- total of 16 Italian tourists have for at least two days. We have also advised all our operators have been trans- 27,000 were currently under Six legislators of the Those who returned to trading episode as media had been tested positive apart from A Paytm spokesperson colleagues to work from home ferred to Safdarjung Hospital.
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