Albanese, C., 285 Altman E., 61 Andersen, L., 134 Anderson, M., 65
3GBINDEX 11/18/2013 16:4:36 Page 315 Index Albanese, C., 285 about, 251–252 Altman E., 61 Basel I, 23–24, 252 Andersen, L., 134 Basel I, reason for, 23 Anderson, M., 65 Basel II, 23, 153, 252 Anderson Darling test, 51 Basel II, credit value at risk ARCH model, 50, 161, 177 (CVaR) approach, 252–258 Artificial intelligence and financial Basel II, default probability- modeling, 287–299 default correlation relationship, Bayesian probabilities, 295–297 259–260 chaos theory, 291–295 Basel II, reason for, 23 chaos theory and finance, Basel II, required capital (RC) for 293–295 credit risk, 258–259 fuzzy logic, 290 Basel III, 23, 153, 252, 262 genetic algorithms, 290–291 Basel III, credit value at risk genetic fuzzy neural algorithms, (CVaR) approach, 262 291 Basel III, reason for, 23 neural networks, 287–289 and double default treatment, Artificial neural network (ANN), 269–274 288 double-default approach, Asset modeling, 174–176 270–274 Asset value, 159 substitution approach, Asymptotic single risk factor (ASRF) 269–270 approach, and correlation, Basel Committee for Banking 274 Supervision, 16 Attractor, 292 Baxter, N., 134 Autocorrelation (AC), 50 Bayes, Thomas, 295 Bayesian methods, 297, 299 Backhaus, J., 134 Bayesian probabilities, 295–297 Backpropagation, 288, 298 Bayesian statistics, 299 Backwardation techniques, 289 Bayesian theorem, 295–296 Bahar, R., 74 Bellaj, T., 285 Basel, derivative multiplier, 268–269 Binomial approach, 213 Basel accords. See also Correlation Binomial correlation approach, and Basel II and III 212 315 Correlation Risk Modeling and Management: An Applied Guide Including the Basel III Correlation Framework—with Interactive Correlation Models in Excel/VBA, First Edition.
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