THIS is a selected list of g laciological literature on the scientific study of and and of their effects on the earth; for the literature on polar expeditions, and also on the "applied" aspects of , such as snow ploughs, readers should consult the bibliographies in each issue of the Polar Record. For Russian material the system of transliteration used is that agreed by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names and the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use in 1947. Readers can greatly assist by sending reprints of their publications to the Society, or by informing Dr. J. W. G len of publications of glaciological interest. It should be noted that the Society does not necessarily hold copies of the items in th is list, and also that the Society does not possess faci lities for m icrofilming or photocopying.

GENERAL GLACIOLOGY CRARY , A. P. Recent U.S. scientific research in Antarctic. Part I. Activities and preliminary findings of field programs during austral summer 1963- 64. Transactions. American Geophysical Union, Vol. 45, No. 4, 1964, p. 7Ig- 26; IG Bulletin (Washington, D.C.), No. 88, Ig64, p. 15- 22. [Glaciological research by various U .S. bodies in Antarctica described, p. 725- 26.] GROTZBACH, E., and H ILLEBRANDT, A. VON. Die rezente und eiszeitliche Vergletscherung im mittleren Khwaja :\1uhammad-Gebirge. (In Munchner Hindukusch-Kundfahrt 1963. Verlau/, wissenscha{tliche und bergsteigerische Ergebnisse. Munchen , Akademischen Sektion Munchen des D eutschen Alpenvereins, Ig64, p. 26-31.) [General d escription, also periglacial phenomena of the recent and glacierizations in the central K hwaja Muhammad ranges.] GROSVAL'D, M. G., and SUKHODROVSKIY, V. L. Some results of glaciological investigations on the territory of the U.S.S.R. according to lhe I .G. Y. program. Translations of various articles appearing in Opisaniye oh'yektov glyatsiologicheskikh issledovaniy, provedennykh po programme Mezhdunarodnogo Geojizicheskogo Goda na terrilorii Sovietskogo Soyuza (Description if subjects of glaciological investigations conducted on the territory of the Soviet Union under the I.G.Y. program), Moscow, 1958, p. 4- 18, 19- 41, 42-56, 139- 160. Washington, D.C., U.S. D epartment of Commerce, 1960. 60 p. H AE FELI , R. Kommentar, Spezifikation und Erganzungen zum generellen Arbeitsprogramm von 25. September 1963 fur die 2. Expedition Ig66. Bulletin de I'Association i nternationale d'Hydrologie Scientifique, ge An., No. 3, 1964, p. 5- 1 I. [Aims, supplies, budget etc. and programme of work from 25 Sept. 1963 for 2nd international glaciological expedition to Greenland 1966.] .. HOFMAN N, W. Richard F insterwalder und die Alpenvereinskartographie. Jahrbuch des Osterreichischen A lpenvereins, Bd. 8g, Ig64, p . 132- 37. [Description of Finsterwalder's many-sided interests and work in the mountains.] LORIUS, C. Contribution a la connaissance de l'Antarctique : glaciologie en Terre Adelie (lg56- 1959). Ail/life Geophysique Internationale. Participation Franfaise, Ser. g, Fasc. I , 1964, 10 1 p. [Ana lysis of glaciological observa­ tions in T erre Adeli e 1956- 59 during French LG.Y. expeditions.] PRI ESTLEY , Sir R. E., and others, ed. Antarctic research: a review of British scientific achievement in Antarctica. Edited b), Si,. R. [E.] Priestley, R . J. A die, G. de Q. Robin. London, Butterworths, Ig64. xii, 360 p. [Contents include: Sir R. [E.] Priestley, " The background " , p . 1- 15 ; Sir V. [E.] Fuchs, " Polar travel" , p . 16- 27; D. L. L inton, " Landscape evolution" , p. 85- 99; G. d e Q. Robin and R. J . Adie, "The ice cover", p. 100- 17; R. J . Adie, ·· Geological history", p. 118- 62 ; G. de Q. Robin, " International co-operation and geophysics", p . 254- 64; H. H. Lamb, " Circulation of the atmosphere", p. 265- 77 ; H. H. Lamb, "The climate", p. 278- 9 1; G. E. R . D eacon, " The Southern Ocean" , p. 292- 307; J. A. H eap, " Pack ice", p. 308- 17.] ROBERTS, B. B. Gazetteer of the British Antarctic Territory , South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. First supplement to .first edition . London, H .M. Stationery Office, Ig64. 4 p. [ 196 new names with a lterations and corrections.] R UTSCH , R. F. Grindelwald , W iege der experimentellen Gletscherforschung. res Alpes. Revue du Club Alpin Suisse, 38e An., ler T ri mestre, 1962, p. 49- 50. SHIH YA-FE NG and CHI TZU-HSIU . Scientists study Mount Shisha Pangma. China Reconstructs, Vol. 14, No. 3, 1965, p. 19-23. [One of the centres of present glaciation in the Himalaya.] TROLL, C. R ichard F insterwalders Lebenswerk und d ie geographische Hochgebirgsforschung. Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten, J ahrg. 7 I, Ht. I I, 1964, p. 398-404. [Account of R ichard Finsterwalder's work and his geographical researches in the high mountains of the world.] YOSHIDA, A., and SUZUKI , T. Map compilation for coastal region between 37° and 45° E . Antarctic Record (Tokyo), ~o. 23 , Ig64, p. 32- 41. [Compilation of8 colour maps scale I : 250,000 of " Lutzow-Holm Bay" and "Prince O lav Coast", Dronning Maud Land. I n Japanese with English abstract and captions.]

GLACIOLOGICAL INSTR UMENTS AND METHODS llOGO RODSK IY, V. V. Sovrem ennyye fizicheskiye sposoby izmereniya tolshchiny morskikh I'dov [Modern physical m ethods of measuring the thickness of ]. Okeanologiya [Oceanography], Tom 3, Vyp. 4, Ig63, p. 720- 30. [Electric, ultrasonic and electromagnetic close-contact m ethods; seismic-acoustic and electromagnetic remote methods discussed and compared.] BUCK, B. M. Ice drilling in F!etcher's Ice Island (T -3) with a portable mechanical drill. Arctic, Vo!. 18 , No. I, 1965, p. 51 - 54· CHEREMNYKH, G. D . Novoye v izmerenii skorostey dvizheniya !'da v poverkhnostnykh chastyakh lednikov po materialam aeros"yemki [New developments in the measurement of the rate of movement of ice in the surface parts of as shown by aerial photography]. Geodeziya i Aerofotos"yemka, No. 5, 1962, p. I I 1- 15. [Discussion of techniques and accuracy. English translation, Geodesy and Aerophotography, No. 5, 1962 [pub. 1963], p. 342- 44.] 883

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KO NOVA LOV, V . G . A method of measuring ablation of a . Soviet Hydrology. Selected Papers, 1963, No. 2, p. 20 1- 04. [Method based on collecting melt wa ter from sample area.] LANGWAY, C. C.jr., and others. Sampling Polar ice for radiocarbon dating, [by] C. C. La ngway, Jr., Hans O eschger, Bernhard Alder [a nd] Andn' R ena ud. Nature, Vol. 206, No. 4983, 1965, p . 500- 01. [Letter. J oint research by U.S. Cold R egions Research and Engineering La bora tory, Swiss G letscherkommission a nd U niversi tlit Bern, using a highly sensitive low-level counting d evice.] \l[CL ERRAN, J . H. Airborne crevasse detection. Proceedings of the third symposium on remote sensing of environment, [4, I5, [ 6 October 1964 (Ann Arbor, U ni versity of Michiga n . Institute of Science and Technology), 1965, p . 80 1- 02. [Feasibility of aerial detection of snow-bridged crevasses by infrared sensing.] ~1cLERRAN , J . H . Infra red sea ice reconnaissance. Proceedings of the third symposium on remote sensing of environment, [4, [5, I 6 October 1964 (Ann Arbor, U niversity of Michigan. Institute of Science and Technology), 1965, p. 789- 99. [Interpreta tion of ill ustra tions of infra-red images of sea ice; applications and limita tio ns d isc ussed briefl y. ] :'>IEZAMI, M ., and others. M es ure du taux d 'accumula tion de la neige a u bord du contin ent a nta rc ti q ue pa r la methode du plomb 2 10, pa r M . Nezami, G. Lambert, C . Lorius et J . La beyrie. Comptes Rend"s H ebdomadaires des Siances de I'Acadimie des Sciences (Pa ris) , Tom. 259, No. 19, 1964, p. 33 19- 22 . [Mea surem ent of ra te of accumula tion of snow in T erre Addie by means of "oPb.] RI NKER, J. N. R adio echo sound ing a nd strain rate measurem ent in the ice sheet of north·west G reenla nd : 1964. Polar Record, Vol. 12, No. 79, 1965, p. 403- 05. [R esults of measurements briefl y reported . F uture use of ice depth determination by radar disc ussed .] SAVEL'YEV, B. A. R ukovodstvo po izucheniyu svoystv I'da IH andbook on study of ice properties]. Moscow, I zdatel'stvo Moskovskogo U ni versiteta [Publishing H ouse of M oscow U niversity] , 1963. 198 p. [Properties of ice and how to determine them in laboratory a nd fi eld.] SHVA YSHTEYN, Z. 1. P oluprovnikovyy solemer dlya izmereniya solenos ti morskogo l'da [Transistorised salini ty­ meter for measuring the salinity of sea ice] . Pro blemy Arktiki i Antarktiki [Problems of the Arctic and AntarcticJ, Vyp. 15, 1964, p. 85- 87. PH YS ICS OF ICE i3 ARNES, G. T., and others. Ice form ing activity and the surface properties of nuclea ting materia ls, [by] C. T. Barnes, U . Katz a nd R . Sli nger. Zeitschrift fiir angewandte M athematik und Physik, Vo l. 13, Fasc. I. 1962, p. 76- 80. [Theoretical study of phys ics of nucleati on .] BENNETT, J. E., and others. Electron spi n resonance spectra of h ydrated electrons prepared by reacti on of atomic sodium with ice at 77°K, [bv] J. E. Bennett, B. Mile [and] A. T homas. Nature, Vol. 20 1, No. 4922. 1964, p. 9 19- 20. [Letter. R esults allow state of this defect in ice to be analysed .] i3 ERTIE, J. E., and WHAL LEY, E. Infra red spectra of Ih a nd Ic in the ra nge 4000 to 350 cm- ·. J ournal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 40, No. 6, 1964, p. 1637- 45. [Observati ons a nd d iscussion. No detectable d ifference between hexagonal and c ubic ice.] BERTlE, J. E ., and WHALLEY, E. Infra red spectra of ices n , III and V in the ra nge 4000 to 350 cm- ·. J ournal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 40, No. 6, 1964, p . 1646-59. [O bservations a nd interpreta tion in terms of structure.] BERTIE, J . E., and others. T ransformations of ice n, ice Ill, and ice V at atmospheric pressure, [by] J. E. Bertie, L. D. Calvert a nd E . Whalley. J ournal of Chemical PI!ysics, Vol. 38, No. 4, 1963, p. 840- 46. [All these high­ pressure phases tra nsform first to cubie ice on heating from liquid ni trogen temperature.] BIGG, E. K ., and MILES, G . T . The results oflarge-scale measuremen ts of na tural ice nuclei. J ournal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 2 1, No. 4, 1964, p. 396- 403. [Austra li a n data used to show probable ex tra-terres trial source of many nuclei.] BLl CKS, H., and others. Z ur Verteilung von Fremdsubsta nzen in Eis-Einkristallen, von H . B1i cks, H. Egger und N . Riehl. Physik der kondensierten M aterie, Bd. 2, Ht. 5, 1964, p. 4 19- 22. [Study of radial distribution of H F and NH 4F in ice grown from dilute solutions. ] CAMP, P. R ., and BARTE R, C. F. An electrical effect on the growth of . JVature. Vo!. 200, No. 4904, 1963, p. 350- 5 1. [Letter. Presence of el ectric field affects g ra in size a nd shape of ice frozen from .] CAMP, P. R ., and BARTER, C. F. R a te of growth of ice at a n a luminium- water interface. Nature, Vol. 206, No. 4983, 1965, p . 495- 97. [Letter. At least two different modes of growth occurred depending on the a mount of supercooling and the ma nner of nucleation.] CHIL D, VV . C., Jr. T hermodynamic functi ons for metastable ice structures I a nd Il. J ournal of Physical Chelllist~v, Vo!. 68, No. 7, 1964, p. 1834- 38. [R eanalysis of data on free energies.] D EAN, J . W., and TIMMERHAUS, K. D. Thermal conductivity of solid H ,O and D ,O a t low temperatures. Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Vo!. 8, 1962, p. 263-07. [Measurements a t liquid hydrogen a nd liquid nitrogen tempera tures.] DENGEL, 0., and R IEHL, N. Diffusion von Protonen (Tritonen) in Eiskrista llen. Physik der kondensierten Materie, Bd. I, Ht. 3, 1963, p. 19 1- 96. [Diffusion oflH in ice measured. Activation energy consis tent with that for dielec tric and m echanical relaxation.] DE NGEL, 0 ., and others. Ferroelectric behaviour of ice, [by] O . Dengel, U. Eckener, H. Plitz and N. Riehl. Pkvsics Letters, Vol. 9, No. 4, 1964, p. 29 1- 94. [Ferroelectricity observed below 100oK. provided water from which ice was made was not extremely pure.] DIMARZ IO, E. A., and STILLI NGE R, F. H ., Jr. Residual entropy of ice. J ournal of Chemical Ph)'sics, Vol. 40, No. 6, 1964, p. 1577- 8 1. [Calcula tion.] DINGE R, J . E. Electrifica tion accompa n ying melting of iee a nd snow. Quarterly J ournal of the Royal M eteorological Society, Vol. 90, No. 384, 1964, p. 208- 09. [Correspondence relating to use of a rtificially m ade snow arising out of article by J . B. Ma tthews a nd B. J. Mason, ibid., Vol. 89, No. 38 1, 1963, p. 376- 80. Reply by Maso n a nd Ma tthews, p . 208- 09.]

Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 25 Sep 2021 at 17:15:35, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use. GLA C I OLOGI C AL LITERATUR E 885 DooLEv, D. Observati ons on the d eformation of ice at low stresses. Ohio S tate Universify. IlIstitute of Polar Studies. R eport No. 12, 1964, [ii, 16] p . [Single crys tals and p olycrystall in e ice.] EISENBERG, D., alld CO ULSON, C. A. Energy of formation of D -defects in ice. Nature, Vo!. 199, No. 489 1, 1963, p. 368- 69. [Comparison of tota l energies of forma tion of D- and X-defects.] GIGUERE, P . A., and ARRAUDEAU, J . P. Spectres d 'absorption de trois formes a llotropiques d e la glace da ns I' infra rouge lointa in. Comp tes Relldus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l' Academie des Sciences (Paris), Tom. 257, No. ID, 1963, p . 1692-94. [Similarities in far infra -red absorption spectra of vitreous, cubic a nd hexagona l ice.] G RA NICHER, C . Properties a nd la ttice imperfec tions of ice crystals a nd the behaviour of H ,O- HF solid solutions. Physik der kondensierten M aterie, Bd. I, Ht. I, 1963, p . 1- 12. [A review a rticle dealing with e lectrical, acousti c and nuclear m agneti c resona nce properties of ice a nd their in terpretation.] H AAs, C. O n diffusion, relaxation a nd defects in ice. Physics LeUers, Vo!. 3, No. 3, 1962, p. 126- 28. [Suggests mecha nism for electrical and m echa nical relaxa tion a nd d iffusion of oxygen in ice. ] H ARR ISON, J . D. Solute tra nspiration pores in ice. J ournal of AP/Jlied Physics, Vo!. 36, No. I. Ig65, p. 326- 27. [Letter. Observation of pores developed when freezing solutions a nd theory of their forma tion.] H AVES, C. E., all d W EllB , W . W . Dislocations in ice. Science, Vo!. 147, No. 3653, 1965, p. 44- 45. [X-ray diffraction topogra phy shows Burgers vectors of slip d islocations to have <1120) directi ons.] H EINMETS, F ., and BLUM, R . Conductivity measurements on pure ice. T ransactions oJ the Faraday Societ)', Vo!. 59, No. 5, 1963, p . 11 4 1- 46. [R esults g ive acti vati on en ergy of 24 · 2 kca!. fo r proton tra nsfer.] HIGAS HI, A., and others. Plas ti c yielding in ice single crys ta ls, [by] A. Higashi , S. Koinuma a nd S. M ae. J apanese J ournal of Applied Physics, Vo!. 3, No. 10, Ig64. p . 6 10-16. rConsta nt stra in-rate tes ts. )<0 work ha rdening found. Acti vati on energy consistent with J ohnsto n 's dislocation theory.] HO LLINS, G. T . Co nfi gura tiona l sta tistics a nd the dielectric consta nt of ice. Proceedings of the Physical Socie{y, Vo!. 84, Pt. 6, Ig64, p. 100 1- 16. [Theoretical study.] lTAGA KI , K . Self-diffusion in sin gle crystals of ice. J ournal of the Physical Sociely oJ J apan , Vo!. Ig, No. 6, 1964, p. 108 1. [M easurements of acti vation energy a nd of Do. Time va ria tion found and d iscussed . No anisotropy observec!.l J ACCA RD , C. T h ermod yna mi cs of irreversible processes a p p lied to ice. Plzysik der kondensierten. Materie, Bd. 3, Ht. 2, 1964, p . gg- I 18. rCalcula tion of entropy production a nd res ulting thermoelectric effects.1 J ACCARD, C. Thermoelectric effects in ice crys ta ls. 1. T heory of the stead y state. Physik der kondensierten Materie, Bd . I, Ht. 2, Ig63, p. 143- 5 1. [Theory starting from equations for ice d efects.] J.~C K SON, J. A ., all d R ABl DEAU , S. VY. Deuteron magneti c resonance in polycrys ta lline hcavy ice (D ,O ) . J ournal of Chemical Physics, Vo!. 4 1, No. 12, Ig64, p. 4008. [Le tte r. M easurements reported a nd d iscussed.] J oss, J., and LI ST, R. Zur Rada rrLi ckstrahlung von Eis-VYasser-Germischen. ZeitscltriftJiir angewandte Idathematik ulld Plzysik, Vo!. 14, Fasc. 4, 1963, p. 377- 80. [Radar experi ments on back-scattering of spherical ice particle.] K AMB, W . B. I ce II : a proton-ordered form of ice. Acta C,y,taliograjJhica, Vo!. 17, Pt. I I, 1964, p. 1437- 49. [X-ray structure d ete rmina tion a nd d iscussion.] K A~IB , W . B., and D AV IS, B. L. Ice VII, the densest form of ice. Proceedings of the National Acadenzy q( Sciences oJ the United States of America, Vo!. 52, No. 6, 1964, p. 1433- 39. [X-ray structure determina ti on shows ice VII to have bod y-centred cubic structure.] K EVAN. L. , and others . Formati on of electrons and of atomic hyd rogen in y-irradia ted ice, by L. K evan, P. )<. M oorthy and J. J. Weiss. Nature, Vo!. 199, No. 4894, 1963, p. 689- 90. LARSSON , K. E ., and DAHLBORG, U. Some vibra tiona l properties of solid a nd liquid H ,O a nd D ,O d eri ved fr om differentia l cross-section measurem ents. J ournal of Nuclear Energy, Parts A a nd B, Vo!. 16, No. 2, 1962, p. 8 1- 8g. [Neutron measurements used to deduce phonon frequency spectra.] LATH M1, J. T he electrification of freezing wa ter drops. QJlarterly Journal of the R oyal Meteorological Societ)', Vo!. go, :'010.384, Ig64, p . 209-1 I. [Correspondence a rising o u t of a rticle by D. G . Evans and W. C. A. Hutchinson, ibid., Vo!. 89, No. 38 1, Ig63, p. 370- 75 . R eply by W . C. A. Hutc hinson, p. 2 11.1 LEV I, L. , and others. E lectrical conducti vity a nd dissocia tion constants in ice d oped with HF a ncl N H , in differen t ra tios , by L. L evi, 0 . Milma n and E. Suraski . Transactions oJ the Faraday Socief~, Vo!. 59, No. g, 1963, p. 2064- 75. [Measurements suggest lower conducti vity a nd ion mobili ties in pure ice tha n previo usly ass umed .] LEV I, L. , alld others. T hermal etching on ice crys ta ls, by L . Levi, S. M. de D e Michel i and L. Luba rt. Plzysica Statlls Solidi, Vo!. 4, No. I, 1964, p . 63- 70. [Facets found in pure ice but not ice doped with NaC!.] M cMIL LAN , J . A ., and Los, S. C. V itreous ice: irreversible transforma tions during warm-up. Nature, Vo!. 206, No. 4986, Ig65, p . 806- 07. [Observation of glass tra nsformation and of cha nge to cubic a nd finall y hexagona l ice and m easurement of heats of transforma tion.] iV[AGNAN, D ., and K AHAN E, A. Conducti vite de la glace a ux basses tempera tures. Comptes Rendlls H ebdomadaires des Seances de l' Acadbnie des Sciences (Paris), Tom. 256, No. 26, 1963, p. 5539- 4 I. [" Electrical conductivity measure­ ments a t - 800 to - 120°C. a nd high fi elds indicate a space-charge-limited proton current.] ONSAGE R, L. , and R UNNELS, L. K . M echa nism for self-diffusion in ice. Proceedings oJ the National Acadenry oJ Sciences oJ the Ullited States of America, Vo!. 50, No. 2, Ig63, p. 208- 10. [Evidence for interstitia l molecule mecha nism.] PASCALAR, H . G ., and SAKAMOTO, R . T. Microwave ra diom etric measurem ents of ice and water. P TO ceedings oJ the third symposium on remo te sensing ofenviromnent, 11, 15 , 16 October 1961 (Ann Arbor, U niversity of Michigan. Institute of Science and Technology), 1965, p. 803- 1 I. [Description of an experiment of ice m easurements with a passive microwave radiometer, equipmen t used a nd da ta obta ined. Poss ible uti lity of m icrowave radiometry in vari ous ice applications is indicated.] PISTORIUS, C . W. T., and others. M elting curve of ice VII to 200 kba r, [by] C . W . T. Pistorius, M . C. Pistorius, J . P. Bla key and L. j . Admiraa!. J ournal oJChemical Physics, Vo!. 38, No. 3, 1963, p. 600- 02. [Follows melting curve up to 442°C.]

Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 25 Sep 2021 at 17:15:35, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use. 886 JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY RABIDEA U, S. W ., and jACKSO N, j. A. Low temperature observation of oxygen-17 NMR in H,O, D ,O , and eutectic solutions. Journal of Chemical Physics, V o!. 41 , No. 11 , 1964, p. 3405- 07. [No signals observed in pure solids.] SANO, I., and others. Adsorption studies on the mechanism of ice nucleation, [by] I. Sano, N. Fukuta, Y. K ojima [and] T. Murai. Journal of the M eteorological Society ofJapan , Ser. 2, V o!. 41 , No. 4, 1963, p. 18g- 96. [Relation between adsorption m easurements and nucleation .] SlTHARAMARAO, D. N., and D UNCAN, j. F. Molecular excitation of water by y-irradiation. Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vo!. 67, No. 10, Ig63, p. 2126- 32. [Study of thermoluminescence and fluorescence of y-irradiated ice.] T AYLOR, M . j ., and WHALLEY, E . Raman spectra of ices Ih, l e, 11 , Ill, and V . Journal of Chemical Physics, Vo!. 40, No. 6, 1964, p. 1660- 64. [Observations and discussion.] TOWNSE ND, A. A. Natural convection in water over an ice surface. Q]/arterly Journal of the Royal M eteorological Society, Vo!. go, No. 385, 1964, p. 248- 59; Vo!. g l, No. 388, 1965, p. 243- 45. [La boratory observation of motions set up in water with upper surface at 25°C. and bottom surface of ice. Discussion printed in later issue.] WALDSTEI N, P., and others. Nuclear magnetic resonance of single crystals of D ,O ice, by P . Waldstein, S . w. Rabideau and j. A. jackson. Journal of Chemical Physics, Vo!. 41, No. 1 I, Ig64, p. 3407- 11. [Measurem ents of deuteron magnetic resonance used to estimate hydrogen-bond energies.]

LAND ICE. GLACIERS. ICE SHELVES AITKENHEAD, N. Ice calderas. B ritish Antarctic Survey Bulletin, Vo!. 1, No. 5, Ig65, p. 63- 64. [Letter. Suggestions regarding nomenclature; see also Stokes, J., below.] ALlVERTl , G. Glaciologia. Bollettino del Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, 2 Ser., No. 11 , Pt. 1, Ig62, [pub.] Ig64, supple­ ment, 50 p. [Account of glaciers, their structure and flow, and of current theories.] ANDREWS, J. T ., and W EBBER, P . J. A lichenometrical study of the no rthwestern margin of the Barnes : a geomorphological technique. Geographical Bulletin (Ottawa), No. 22, Ig64, p. 80- 104 . [Use to date moraines baek to 1680.] ANGINO, E . E., and others. Ionic content of Antarctic ice samples, by E . E. Angino, K. B. Armitage and j . C. Tash. Polar Record, Vo!. 12 , No. 79, Ig65, p. 40 7- 09. [Results of analysis of chemical composition of samples of glacier ice, melt water and lake water.] ARDUS, D. A. M orphology and regime of the Brunt I ce Shelf and the adjacent inland ice, Ig60- 6 1. British Antarc tic Survey Bulletin, No. 5, Ig65, p. 13- 42. [At present the glacierization of the area appears to b e in equilibrium. Precipitation is discussed.] ASTO Rl, V., and T OG LlATTI , G. Il rilievo areofotogrammetrico del Ghiacciaio Pian di Neve. Bollettino del Comitato Glaciologico Italiano , 2 Ser. , No. I I, Pt. 1, Ig62, [pub.] Ig64, p. 33- 50. [Survey, plotting and drawing of map, scale I: 5,000, of Ghiacciaio Pian di Neve in the massif of Adamello.] BARDlN , V. I. Oledeneniye Zemli K orolevy M od [Glacierization of Dronning Maud Land]. R eZlll'taty Issledovani;' po Programme Mezhdunarodnogo Geofizicheskogo Goda. Glyatsiologiya. IX Radel Programmy MGG [Results of Investigations in the Programme of the International Geophysical Year. Glaciology. IX Section of Programmefor the I .G. Y.] , No. 13, Ig64,P· Ig- 25· BLAC K, R. F ., and others. Saline discharge from Taylor Glacier, Victoria Land, Antarctica, [by] R. F . Black, M. L. Jackson and T. E. Berg. Journal of Geology, Vo!. 73, No. I, Ig65, p. 175- 81. [Analysis and discussion of origin.] BUYN ITSKIY, V. KH. Dvizheniye i balans massy shel'fovykh l'dov Antarktiki [Movement and mass balance of Antarctic ice shelves). Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta [Messenger of Leningrad University], Ig64, No. 6, p. 57- 7)· CARABELLI, E. Esplorazione geofisica a l Ghiacciaio del Ca reser. Bollettino del Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, 2 Se ... , No. 11 , Pt. 1, Ig62, [pub.] Ig64, p. 61 - 68. [Geophysical examination of Ghiacciaio del Cares er, including exploration of ice thickness.] CARABELLI, E. Misure sismiche di spessore d el Ghiacciaio del Pia n di Neve (Adamello) . Bollettino del Comitato Glaciologico Italiano , 2 Ser., No. 11 , Pt. I, Ig62, [pub.] Ig64, p . 5 1- 60. [Seismic measurements of ice depth of Ghiacciaio Pian di Neve.] CHlZHOV, 0. P. Pitaniye osadkami i tayaniye lednikovykh pokrovov severo-vostochnoy Atlantiki v sovremennykh klimaticheskikh usloviyakh [Nourishment and melting of ice caps of the north-east Atlantic in present climatic conditions]. Rezul'taty Issledovaniy po Programme M ezhdunarodnogo Geojiz icheskogo Goda . Glyatsiologiya. IX Razdel Programmy MGG [Results of Investigations in the Programme of the International Geophysical Year. Glaciology. IX Section of Programme for the I .G.Y.] , No. 13, 1964, p. 30- 38. [Mass balance of glaciers in Svalbard, Novaya Zemlya, Zemlya Frantsa-Iosifa and Severnaya Zemlya.] CH UCHKALOV, B. S. The causes for movements of the Medvezhiy glacier. Soviet Hy drology . Selected Papers, 1963, No. 5, p. 522- 24. [Report of sudden advance and its explanation.] CORBEL, J., and LADURIE, E. LE R. Datation au CI4 d'une moraine du Mont Blanc. Revue de Giographie Alpine, Vo!. 51 , No. I, Ig63, p . 173- 75. [Results imply seventeenth century advance.] CRARY, A. P . R esults of United States traverses in East Antarctica, 1958- lg61. IGYGlaciological Report (New York), No. 7, Ig63, xiv, 144 p . [Elevations and deduced ice flow, ice thickness, accumulation, in sector between Ross Ice Shelf and long. 120° E.] DOLGUSHIN, L. D ., and others. Nedavneye nastupleniye Lednika Medvezh'yego [The recent advance of the Medvezhiy glacier]' [by] L. D . Dolgushin, S. A . Yevteyev, A. N . Krenke, K. G. Rototayev [and] N. M . Svatkov. Priroda [Nature] , Ig63, No. I I, p. 85- 92. [Enormous occasional speed of flow is thought to b e due to decrease of bottom friction when the temperature rises above o°C. English translation: Canada . Difence Research Board. Report No. T 409 R , Ig64.]

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D UBROVIN, L. 1. , and K ONOVA LOV, G . V. Zavisimost' snegonakop len iya ot rel'yefa v rayone sta nts ii Lazarev [Dependence of snow accumulation on relief in the region of " Lazarev" sta tion]. Informalsiolll!yy Byulleten' So vetsko~v Antarkticheskqy EkslJe dil.< ii [b!formation B ulletin of the Soviet Antarctic Expedition], No. 45, 1964, p. 29- 32. lLocal variations in snow accumula tion.] F REEIlERNE, M . Glacia l meltwater resources in China . Geographical J ournal, Vol. 13 1, Pt. I, 1965, p. 57- 60. [Sinkiang is the major region in which the Chinese are a ttempting to ha rness the great g lacial resources.] GAV RI LOVA, M . K . Radia tsionnyy i tep lovoy ba la ns tayaniya severnogo polusha ri ya [Radiation and heat ba la nce of the melting of glaciers in the northern hemisphere]. Rezul' taly Issledovaniy po Programme M ezhdunarodnogo GeoJizicheskogo Goda. GLyatsiologiya. i X Razdel PrograllUl!Y M GG [Results of Investiga tions in the Programme of the intemational Geophysical Year. Glaciology. i X Sec tion ofP rogramme for the I .G.Y.], No. 13, 1964, p . 97- 105. [Summary of L G.Y. results.J G ILI- Bo RG HET, A. Il Ghiaccia io d el Belvedere e g li studi compiuti sino a ll ' anno 1957. B oLLet/ino del Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, 2 Ser. , No. 10, Pt. I, 196 1, [pub.] 1963, p. 33- 64. [History of G h iacciaio del Belved ere, Switzerland.] GOLUBEV, G . N. R egula tion of m elt water by glaciers. Soviet }{vdrology. Selected Papers, 1963, No. 5, p. 498- 501. [Study of relation between a bla ti on and stream Aow in Tien Sha n .] GOVORUKH A, L. S., and MIKH ALEN KO, P. Y A. Sovremennoye otstupa niye lednikovogo pokrova Zemli Frantsa­ Ios ifa i koleba ni ya beregovoy Ii ni i ye ye os trovov [Present retreat of glaciers of Zem lya Fra ntsa-Ios ifa a nd Auctuations of the shore-l ine of its islands]. Problenry Arktiki i Antarktiki [Problems qf the Arctic and Antarctic] , Vyp. 15, 1964, p. 8 1- 84. H ARRI SON , D. A. A reconna issance g lacier a nd geomorphologica l survey of the Duart La ke a rea, Brucc Mounta ins, Bamn Isla nd, N.W.T. GeograjJhical B uLLetin (Ottawa), No. 22 , 1964, p . 57- 7 1. [Survey of glacier snouts in this area; compari son of recen t g la cierization with that of other countries.] H EINS HEIM ER, G. J. Die T em peratura bhangigkeit der W asserflihrung schmelzwassergena hrter Fllisse. Archiv fur M eteorologie, Geophysik lInd B ioklimatologie, Scr. B, Bd. 13, Ht. 3, 1964, p. 404- 13. [O n the ice-covered a rea of Patagonia a precipita tion of 7,000- 8,000 mm. was recorded. The of the ri ve rs L eona a nd San ta C ruz orig ina ted here, and the pa per d eals with the forecasting of their conseq uent stream Aow.] H OFMANN, VV . D ie geoda tische Lagemess ung li bel' das gronla nd ische I n la nd eis d el' r nterna tiona len G laziologisch en Gronla nd-Expedition (EG JG) 1959. Meddelelser om Gronland, Bd . 173, N I' . 6, 1964, 144 p. [A basis for the determination of movement a nd strain ra te of the ice in two big profiles over the Green la nd Ice Sheet by precise measuremen t of fi xed po ints.] K AM Il , W . B. G lacier geophys ics. Science, Vo. 146, No. 3642, 1964, p. 353- 65' I.Genera l review.] K AP ITSA, A. P . Priroda tsentra l' noy Anta rktidy [The nature of centra l A nta rcti ca]. Priroda [Natl/re], 1964, No. 9 , p . 46- 56. [Soviet traverse " V ostok"- " Molodezhnaya", 1964.J K ICK, W ., and D ORR ER, E . Photogra mmetrische G letschermess ungen in Norwegen. A LLgemeine Ve nness1llzgs­ nachrichten , J ahrg. 71, H t. 11 , 1964, p. 422- 32. [Photogrammctric glacier measurements in Norway, pa rti­ cula rly the Auctuation ofT unsbergsda lsbreen, with a map of the glacier showing sta tes in 1937 and 1961.1 K OND RAT'YEV, O . K ., and GA MBU RTSEV, A. G . Seysmicheskiye issledovaniya v IJribrez!ZII oy chasti Vostochnoy Antarktidy [Seismic exploration in the coastal IJa rt of East Antarctica]. M oscow, !zda tc!'stvo Akademi i Nauk SSS R [Publishing H ouse of the Academy of Sciences of the U .S.S.R.], 1963. 188 p . KORVA KI N, V . S. Oso bennosti m orfologii i evolyu tsii sovremennogo oled eneni ya Novoy Zemli i sosednikh lednikovykh rayonov lFeatures of the morphology and evoluti on of the present glacieri zation of Nova ya Zem lya and neighbouring glacia l regions] . ReZIlL'taly i ssledovaniy IJO Programme M ezhdnnarodnogo GeoJizicheskogo Goda. G£vatsiologiya. iX R az del ProgranZ1lry M GG lResuLts of i nvestigations in th e Programme of the i ntem ational Geoplrysical Year. Glaciology. I X Section of Programme for the I. G. r .] , No. 13, 1964, p. 39- 43. KOTLYA KOV, V . M . 0 soo tnoshen ii mezhdu vypadayushchimi osadka mi i ikh a kk umulyatsiyey na a ntarkticheskom lednikovom pokrove [Relati on between fall ing precipitation a nd its accumula tion on the A ntarctic Ice SheetJ . RezuL'taly Issledovaniy po Programme M ezhdlllzarodnogo GeoJizicheskogo Goda. GLyatsiologiya. I X Razdel Programnry MGG [Results of investigations in the Programme of the i nternational Geophysical r ear. Glaciology. i X Section of Pro­ grammefor the I. G.r.], No. 13, 1964, p. 12- 18. M ALZE R, H. D as N ivellement libe l' das gronla ndische I n la ndeis d el' Interna ti onalen Glaziologischen Gronla nd ­ Exped itio n 1959. NIeddelelsey om Gronland, Bd. 173, N r. 7, 1964, 122 p . lAbout 700 km. was geometrically levelled from the western sho re of centra l Greenland across the in la nd ice.] NOB LE, H . M . G laciological observations a t Adm ira lty Bay, King Gcorge Isla nd, in 1957- 58. B ritish Antarctic Survey B uLLetin, No. 5, 1965, p. I- I I. [A tida l glacier (Stenhousc G lacier) a nd a sm a ll cirque glacie r (Flagstaff G lacier). T entative budgets a re suggested a nd a few genera l conclusions.] 0STRE M, G. G lacio-hyd rological investi gations in Norway. J ournal of Hydrology, Vo!. 2, No. 2, 1964, p. 10 1- 15. [Accumula ti on, a bla ti on, gla cier acti on as long-term rese rvoirs, rela tion between m elting a nd summe r tempera ture, new mapping of g lacierized a reas in Norway. Also pub li shed as Norges Vassdrags- og Elektrisitets­ vesen. M eddeLeLsefra Hydrologisk Avdeling. No. 13, 1964.] P EGUY, C .-P. L e G lacier de Sa in t-Sorlin (Massif d es G ra ndes-Rousses) : evolution genera le. Problemes et types d e bila n. B uLLetin de l'Association de GeogralJhes Franfais, No. 3 11 - 12, 1963, p . 49- 60. [Regime study of Glacier d e Saint-Sorlin, Fra nce.] P VTTE, R ., and 0STREM, G ., ed. G lasio-h yd rologiske unders0 kelser i Norge 1964, [avJ O . Freystein, V. K a rien , O. L iestel, R. Pytte, og C . 0 strem . Norges Vassdrags- og E lektrisitetsvesen. M eddelelse fra H)ldrologisk AvdeLing, No. 14, 1965, p. 1- 92, m aps [in fold er a t back]. [Mass bala nce studies of many Norwegia n glaciers, vari ous specia l investigations, including correla tion between air temperature a nd d ischarge, a bla tio n studies, d usting glacier surfaces to facilitate mapping.]

Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 25 Sep 2021 at 17:15:35, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use. 888 JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY SAGAR, R. B. Meteorological and glaciological observations on the Gilman Glacier, northern Ellesmere Island, 1961. Geographical Bulletin (Ottawa), No. 22, 1964, p. 13- 56. [Observations in the neve area indicate that an early summer snowfall, or a small negative deviation in temperature, or both, can critically affect the Gilman Glacier economy.] SCHWERDTFEGER, P. Effect of polarization on the albedo. Nature, Vo!. 202, No. 4935, 1964, p. 894. [Observations on Antarctic snow surfaces.] SHUL'TS, V. L. On the question of the expediency of artificial intensification of the melting of snow in the moun­ tains of central Asia. Soviet Hydrology. Selected Papers, 1963, No. 3, p. 275- 78. [Calculations to show uselessness of blackening glacier surface to increase run-off.] SHUL'TS, V. L., ed. Lednik Fedchenko. Tom 2. Tashkent, Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk Uzbekskoy SSR [Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbekskaya S.S.R.], 1962. 198 p. [Analysis of I.G.Y. studies on thi; glacier in the Pamir. English summary.] SLUPETZKY, H., and SLUPETZKY, W. Ergebnisse d er G letschermessungen in der Granatspitz- und westlichen Glocknergruppe in den Jahren 1961 /63. Mitteilungen der Osterreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, Bd. 106, Ht. 2, 1964, p. 231 - 35. [Data on glacier variations.] .. SLUPETZKY, W., and SLUPETZKY, H . Die Veranderungen des Sonnblick-, Odenwinkel und Unteren Riffelkeeses in den Jahren 1960- 1962. Wetter und Leben, Jahrg. 15, Ht. 3- 4, 1963, p. 60- 72. [Start of glaciological pro­ gramme reported. Variations for 1960- 61 and 1961 - 62 discussed in detai!.] STOKES, J. Ice calderas. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin, Vo!. I, No. 5, 1965, p . 63. [Letter. Suggestions regarding nomenclature; see also Aitkenhead, N. , above.] TONINI, D . Il Ghiacciaio del Calderone del Gran Sasso d'Italia. Bollettino del Comitato Glaciologico ltaliano, 2 Ser., No. 10, Pt. I, 1961 , [pub.] 1963, p. 71 - 135. [Summary of studies carried out since 1929 and study of topo­ graphical features and variations of glacier.] TON1NI, D. Recherches et mesures executees dans la zone glacier de la Marmolada. Bollettino del Comitato Glacio­ logico ltaliano, 2 Ser., No. 10, Pt. I , 1961 , [pub.] 1963, p. 11 - 18. [Depth and temperature of snow, radiation of sun and topographical surveys of the glacier.] TSUKERNIK, V. B., and others. Seysmicheskiye i gravimetricheskiye issledovaniya na Zapadnom Shel'fovom Lednike v Antarktide [Seismic and gravitmetric studies on W est Ice Shelf in Antarctica], [by] V. B. Tsukernik, A.1. Frolov, P. A. Stroyev. / zvestiYa Akademii Nauk SSSR. SeriYa Geojizicheskaya [News of the Academy q{ Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Geophysical Series] , 1963, No. 6, p. 907- 21. [Queen Mary Land.] VISINT1NI, G. DE. Rilievo sismico a riAession e sui Ghiacciaio del Belvedere (Monte R osa). Bollettino del Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, 2 Ser. , No. 10, Pt. I, 1961 , [pub.] 1963, p. 65- 70. fDepth measurements on Ghiacciaio del Belvedere, Switzerland.] VOlGT, U. Die Bewegung der Gletscherzunge des Kongsvegen (Kingsbay, Westspitzbergen). Petermanns Geo­ graphische Mitteilzmgen, J ahrg. 109, I Quartalsheft, 1965, p. 1- 8. [A movement of 4 m. a day was recorded from the main tongue of Kongsvegen. Strain-rates and time variations were studied.] WARD , W. H. A pilot study of recent Auctuations of glaciers. Bulletin de l'Association Internationale d'Hydrologie Scientijique, loe An., No. I, 1965, p. 100- 0 I. ZANON, G. Sui ghiacciai di Suphelle e di Nigard (Josteclalsbreen). Bollettino del Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, 2 Ser., No. 11 , Pt. I, 1962, [pub.] 1964, p. 9- 30. ZANON, G. La tOUl·nee glaciologica 1962 al Pelvoux. Bollettino del Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, 2 Ser., No. 10, Pt. I, 1961, [pub.] 1963, p. 19- 29. [Glaciological tour in Pelvoux alps, south-east France.]

ICEBERGS. SEA, RIVER AND LAKE ICE GOEDECKE , E. Uber die Eisverhaltnisse aufden Grossen Seen. Der Seewart, Bd. 22, Ht. I , 1961, p. 31 - 44. [Ice distribution in the Great Lakes.] HEAP, J. A. Some characteristics of the winter ice cover of Lake Michigan 1962- 63. University of Michigan. Institute of Science and Technology. Great Lakes Research Division. Publication No. 10, 1963, p. 216- 18. HEAP, J. A. Winter ice cover in the Great Lakes. University of Michigan. Institute if Science and Technology. Great Lakes Research Division. Special Re/Jort No. 18, 1963, ii, 25 leaves. NUTT, D. C., and COACHMAN, L. K. A note on ice island WH-5. Arctic, Vo!. 16, No. 3, 1963, p . 204- 06. [Break-up and drift of "ice island" from Ward Hunt Ice Shelf, in Asctic basin and Nares Channe!.] PANZARINI, R. N. Nomenclatura del hielo en el mar. Instjtuto Antartico Argentino. Publicacion No. 10, 1963, 104 p. [Illustrated sea ice glossary. Includes other language equivalents of terms used.] SAVEL'YEV, B. A. StroyeniYe, sostav i svoystva ledyanogo pokrova morskikh i presnykh vodoyemov [Structure, composition and properties of the ice cover q{ sea and fresh waters]. Moscow, Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo Universiteta [Publishing House of Moscow University], 1963.541 p. [Includes porosity, thermal properties, elasticity and strength.] SCHUMANN, W. Physikalische Untersuchungen am Eibsee bei Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Mitteilzmgen der Geo­ graphischen Gesellschaft MZlnchen, Bd. 50, 1965, p . 77- 108. [Investigations of ice conditions, and observations covering a period of 50 winters, revealed that the ice-coating of the Eibsee is marked by a very strict seasonal rhythm.]

GLACIAL GEOLOGY AHMAD, F., and AHMAD, N. The age of the Gondwana glaciation. Proceedings of the National Institute of Sciences of India, Pt. A, Vo!. 28, No. I, 1962, p. 16- 56. [Evidence against very extensive Gondwanaland ice age.] BAKKER, J. P. A forgotten factor in the interpretation of glacial stairways. (An old question: new problems.) :(eitschri{tfiir Geomorphologie, Neue Folge, Bd. 9, Ht. I , 1965, p. 18- 34. [Discussion on, and explanation of three different types of stairways.]

Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 25 Sep 2021 at 17:15:35, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use. GLACIOLOGICAL LITERATURE 88g BELLAIR, P., and others. Un echantillon de moraine interne du Glacier de l'Astrolabe (T erre Adelie) par P. Bellair, J . Tourenq et S. Vernhet. Revue de Geographie Physique et de Geologie Dynamique, Ser. 2, Vo!. 6, Fasc. 2, 1964, p. 115- 2 I. [Study ofa sample ofmorainic material recovered from a large broken in many fragments.] BRAY, J. R. Chronology of a small glacier in eastern British Columbia, Canada. Science, Vo!. 144, No. 3616, 1964, P· 287- 88. BRAY, J. R. Forest growth a nd glacier chronology in north-west North Ameri ca in relation to solar activity. Nature, Vo!. 205, No. 4970, 1965, p. 440-43. [Correlation between sunspot activity and glacial retreat.] BRowN, A. S., and NASMITH, H. The glaciation of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Canadian Field-Naturalist, Vo!. 76, No. 4, 1962, p. 209- 19. BRowN, E . H. Glacial and periglacial landscapes in Poland. Geography: Journal of the Geographical Association (Sheffield), Vo!. 50, Pt. 1, 0.226, 1965, p. 31 - 44. CALKIN , P. E. Geomorphology and glacial geology of the Victoria Valley system, southern Victoria Land, Anta rctica. Ohio State University. Institute of Polar Studies. Report No. 10, 1964, xii, [102] p. CALKI N, P. E. Glacial geology of the Mount Gran area, southern V ictoria Land, Antarctica. Geological Society of America. Bulletin, Vo!. 75, No. 10, 1964, p. 103 1- 36. [At least two major glaciations are represented in this area. Ablation phenomena immediately adjacent to the glacier fronts suggest recent recession.] CLAYTON, K . M. Glacial erosion in th e Finger Lakes region (New York State, U.S.A.). Zeitschriftfur GeomorJ)hologie, Neue Folge, Bd. 9, Ht. 1, 1965, p. 50- 62. [Shows th at the ice movement was concentrated along the valleys of the main area of the Allegheny plateau.] COLlNVAUX, P. A. O rigin of ice ages: pollen evidence from Arctic Alaska. Science, Vol. 145, No. 3633, 1964, p. 707- 08. [Evidence against Arctic Ocean having been ice-free 1 1,000 yr. ago. J CORBEL, J . Glaciers et climates dans le Massif du Mont-Blanc. Revue de Geographie Al/)ine, Vol. 51 , No. 2, 1963, p. 32 1- 60. [Reconstruction of fluctuations of glaciers and climate back to Wilrm maximum.] DOWNIE, C. Glacia tions of Mount Kilimanjaro, north-east Tanganyika. Geological Society of America. Bulletill, Vol. 75 , No. 1, 1964, p. 1- 16. [Six glacial episodes recognized.] HASERODT, K . Riesengletschertopfe am Nordausgang des Kalkhocha lpen-Durchbruchstals der Salzach bei Golling (Salzburg). Mitteilungen der Geographischell Gesellschaft Miinchen, Bd. 50, 1965, p. 16 1- 73. [Subglacial pot-holes near Salzburg (Austria) a re larger than similar forms known up to now in the northern limestone Alps.] H oufEs, G. W., and ANDERsEN, B. G. Glacia l chronology of Ullsfj ord, northern Norway. U.S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 475-D, Art. 154, 1964, p. DI59- 63. [Quaternary features of U ll sfjord record late glacial fluctuations of the Fennoscandian ice sheet and of local alpine glaciers.] IVEs, J. D., and others. Fluvioglacial erosion near Knob Lake, central Quebec- Labrador, Canada, [by] J. D. Ives, R. P. Kirby [and] E. D erbyshire. Geological Society ofAmerica . Bulletin, Vol. 75, No. 9, 1964, p. 9 17- 25 . [Criticism by I ves and Kirby of classification of drainage forms proposed by Derbysh ire in hi s article of same title, ibid., Vol. 73, No. 9, 1962, p. 1111 - 26, with reply (p. 923) by Derbys hire.] KJARTANSSON, G. fsaldarlok og cldfjoll it Kili. Nrittunyrdiaingllrilln , Arg. 34, Ht. 1, 1964, p. 9- 38. [Course of deglaciation in Kjolur area, central I celand. I nfluence of vario us glacial stages on formation of volcanoes in area. English summary.] MACCLINTOCK, P., and DREIMANIS, A. Reorientation of till fabri c by overriding glacier in the SI. Lawrence valley. American Journal of Science, Vol. 262, No. 1, 1964, p. 133- 42. MATHEws, W. H . Sediment transport from Athabasca Glacier, A lberta. [Union Giodtfsique et Geop~ysique I nter­ nati~nale.] Association I ntemationale d'Hydrologie Scientifique. Assembltfe gblerale de Berkeley de l' UGGI, 19- 8- 31-8 1963. Erosion continentale, precipitations, hydrometrie, hwnidite du sol, 1964, p. 155- 65. 0STREM, G . I ce crystals from an ice-cored moraine on Baffin Island, N.W.T. Geographical Bulletin (Ottawa), No. 22, 1964, p. 72- 79. [Crystals on the surface larger than those of the buried ice, indicating that the latter have not developed from the surface ice.] 0STREM , G. Problems of dating ice-cored moraines. Geograjiska Annaler, Vol. 47A, No. I, 1965, p. 1- 38. [Conditions under which " C and pollen analysis methods are valid.] REED, B., and others. Some aspects of drumlin geometry, by B. R eed , C . J. Galvin, Jr., a nd J . P. Miller. American Journal of Science, Vol. 260, No. 3, 1962, p. 200- 10. [Comparison of geometrical properties of drumlins located in three different regions of United States.] SCHEIDEGGER, A. E. A theory of varve formation. B ulletin de l'Association Internationale d'Hydrologie Scientijique, IOe An., No. 1, '965, p . 68-73. [Under the premise that the thickness ofvarves is directly proportional to the sedimentation rate, a theory is proposed which relates varve thickness with the time of deposition after the retreat of the ice.] SHNITNIKOV, A. V. 0 neko torykh zakonomernostyakh razvitiya oledeneniya Antarktidy [Some regularities in the development of the glaciation of Antarctica]. ReZlll'taty Issledo vaniy po Programme Mezhdllnarodnogo Geojiziches­ kogo Goda. Glyatsiologiya. IX Razdel Programmy MGG [Results of Investigations in the Programme of the In ternational Geophysical Year. Glaciology. IX Sectioll of Programme for the I. G.Y.], No. 13, 1964, p. 49- 56. YEVTEYEV, S. A. Geologicheskaya deyatel'nost' lednikovogo pokrova Vostochnoy Antarktidy [Geological activity of the ice cover of East Antarctica]. Rezul'taty l ssledovall!y po Programme Mezhdunarodllogo Geojizicheskogo Goda. Glyatsiologiya. IX Razdel Programmy MGG [Results of Investigations in the Programme of the International Geophysical Year. Glaciology. I X Sectioll of Programme for the I .G.Y.] , o. 12, 1964, 120 p. YEVTEYEV, S. A. Osnovnyye etapy razvitiya oledeneniya yuzhnogo polushariya v chetvertichnom periode [Main phases in the development of glaciation of the southern hemisphere in the Quaternary]. Rezul'taty Issledovalliy po Programme Mezhdllnarodnogo Geojizicheskogo Goda . Glyatsiologiya. IX Razdel Programmy MGG [Results of Investigations in the Programme of the International Geophy!ical Year. Glaciology. IX Sectioll of Programme for the E. G. Y.], No. 13, 1964, p. 7-1 I.

Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 25 Sep 2021 at 17:15:35, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use. 8go J OURNAL OF GLA C IOLOGY YEVTEYEV, S. A., and LA ZU KO V, G. I. R oI' glyatsioizostazii v d vizheniyakh zemnoy kory oblastey sovremennogo i d revnego oledeneniy [Role of glacial isostasy in the movements of the earth's crust in regions of present and past glaciation]. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR . Seriya Geograficheskqya [News of the Acaden~y of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Geographical Series], 1964, No. 2, p. 24- 36. [C ritical examination of evidence.J

FROST ACTIO N ON ROCKS AND SOIL . FRO ZEN GROUND. PERMAF ROST BROCHU, M. Essai de definition des g randes zones perig laciaires du G lobe. Zeitschrift filr Geomorphologie, Neue Folge, Bd. 8, Ht. I, 1964, p. 32- 39. [Attempt to make a synthetic definition of the peri glacial zones of the world.] BROW N, R . j . E. Permafrost investigations on the Mackenzie Highway in Alberta a nd Mackenzie District. Canada. National Research Council. Division of Building Research. T echnical Paper No. 175, 1964, 67 p. BROW N, R . j. E . Some observations on the influence of climatic and terra in features on permafrost at Norman Wells, N.W.T., Canada. Canadian J ournal of Earth Sciences, Vo!. 2, February 1965, p. 15- 3 1. DAY, j . H., and RICE, H. M . The characteristics of some permafrost soils in the Mackenzie Vall ey, N. W.T. Arctic, Vo!. 17, No. 4, 1964, p. 223- 36. [Description and constitution of8 profiles, methods of investigation, landforms a nd soils.] FOSTER, H . L. , and H OLMES, G. W . A la rge transitional rack glacier in the J ohnson River a rea, A laska Range. U.S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 525-B, 1965, p . BI1 2- 16. [The rock glacier is a n end member of an unbroken series of ice-related features a nd merges up-valley with a n ice-cored moraine and an ice glacier in the cirque.] GROTZBACH, E. Beobachtungen an Blockstromen im afghanischen Hindukusch und in den Ostalpen. Mitteilungen der Geographischen Gesellschaft Miinchen, Bd. 50, 1965, p. 175- 20 1. [Differentiation between rock tongues as remnants of active ice glaciers and rock glaciers which originated as independent accumulations of rocks a nd debris interspersed by recent ice.] HOEKSTRA, P., and CHAMBERLAIN, E. E lectra-osmosis in fi·ozen soi!. Nature, Vo!. 203, No. 4952, 1964, p. 1406- 07. [Letter. Measurement of movement of water through frozen soil unde1· electric field.] jOHNSTON, G. H ., and BROWN, R . j. E. Some observations on permafrost distribution at a la ke in th e M ackenzie Delta, N.W.T., Canada. Arctic, Vo!. 17, No. 3, 1964, p. 162- 75. [Thawing effect of the la ke is confined to the ground below it, but ground temperatures measured inland indicate that the thermal effect of the la ke extends some distance beyond its perimeter. Also p ublished as Canada. National Research Council. D ivision of B uilding Research. Research Paper No. 233, 1964.] j OHNSTON, G. H., and BROW N, R . j. E. Stratigraphy of the Mackenzie River Delta, Northwest T erritories, Canada. Geological Society of America. Bulletin, Vo!. 76, No. I, 1965, p. 103- 11. [Res ul ts of an investigation to determine the distribution of permafrost under a nd adjacent to a small la ke in the delta near the new townsite oflnuvik. Also published as Canada. National Research Council. Division of Building Research. Research Paper No. 235, 1965.] R ATHJ ENS, C. Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Solifluktionsgrenze in den Gebirgen Vorderasiens. Zeitschrift filr Geo­ morphologie, Neue Folge, Bd. 9, Ht. 1, 1965, p. 35- 49. [Researches in the Afgha n Hindu Kush indicate that the region influenced by solifluction is broader in a dry climate.] SHVETSOV, P. F. Merzlyye sloi zem'!.vye ikh rasprostraneniye i z nacheniye [The frozen layer of the Earth, its occurrence and importance]. Moscow, Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR [Publishing H ouse of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.] , 1963. 102 p. [R eview of present state of knowledge.] VEL' MI NA, N . A., and VTYURIN, B. 1., ed. Geokriologicheskiye usloviya zapadnoy Sibiri, Yakutii i Chukotki [Geocryological conditions in western Siberia, Yakutiya and Chukotka] . Moscow, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka" [Publishing H ouse " Nauka" ], 1964. 140 p. [Papers on frozen ground a nd associated phenomena.] VTYUR1 N, B. 1. K riogennoye stroyeniye chetvertichnykh otlozheniy na primere Alladyrskoy nizmennosti [Cryogenous structure of Quaternary deposits on the basis of the Anadyr' lowland]. M oscow, I zdatel'stvo "Nauka" [Publishing H ouse "Nauka" ], 1964. 152 p. [Features of frozen ground in this region.] WILLIAMS, P. J . Experimental determ ina ti on of apparent specifi c heats of frozen soils . Geotechnique, Vo!. 14, No. 2, 1964, p. 133-42. [Also published as Canada. National R esearch Council. Division of Building R esearch. Research Paper No. 226, 1964.] WILLlAMS, R . B. G . Permafrost in Engla nd during the last glacial period. Nature, Vol. 205, No. 4978, 1965, p. 1304-05. [Letter. Evidence that permafrost existed mainly in eastern England and a lso in south-west Wales but was largely absent in south-west England.]

METEOROLOGICAL AND CLlMATOLOGICAL GLACIOLOGY ARNOLD, K. C., and MAcKAY, D . K. Different methods of calculating mean daily temperatures, their effects on degree-day totals in the high Arctic and their significance to glaciology. Geographical Bulletin (Ottawa), No. 2 1, 1964, p. 123- 29. ASTAPOVICH, I. S. L edyanyye meteority [Ice meteorites]. Priroda [Nature ], 1964, No. 5, p. 84- 85. [Analysis of meteorite and appeal in footnote by K. P. Florenskiy for information on a ny others that are found.] FLIRI , F. Zur Witterungsklimatologie sommerlicher Schneefalle in den Alpen . Wetter und Lebell, j ahrg. 16, Ht. 1- 2, 1964, p. 1- 11 . [Based on observations of precipitation on the Santis. I t is shown that summe r snowfalls are caused by meridional circulation in connection with disturbances travelling west to east.] H AVENS, j. M. Climatological notes from Axel Heiberg Isla nd, N.W.T., Canada. Arctic, Vo!. 17, o. 4, 1964, p. 26 1- 63. [Includes the cooling effect ofa glacier terminus on the lower atmosphere.] J IUSTO, j . E., and ROGE RS, R . R. Seeding whiteouts in Greenla nd. Research Trends, Comel! Aeronautical Laboratory, Vo!. 9, No. I, 196 1, p. 5- 7.

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KOSIBA, A. , and LOEWE, F. Meteorolog ica l observati ons in the T asersiaq a rea , sou th west G reenla nd , d uring summer, 1963. Ohio State University. I nstitute of Polar Studies. Report No. I I, 1964, [vi, 59] p. [General account of meteorological observa ti ons a nd pa rticula r stud y of wind. InR uencc on snow a nd ice accum ul a ti on on Suk kcl'loppen ice cap discussed.J M CVEIiI L, G. E. W ind a nd tempera ture pro fi les near the ground in stable stra tification. QJlarterly J ournal of the R O,val M eteorological Society, Vo!. 90, No. 384, 1964, p. 136- 46. [Anta rctic a nd U .S.A. data com pared. Surface stress and heat Rux deduced.]

SNOW [AUSTR IA: SNGW .] D er Schnee in Osterreich im Zeitraum 190 1- 1950. Beitriige z ur Hy drographie OsterreiC/.s, H t. 34, 1962, 174 p. , ma ps. BERGEN, J. D., and SWANSO N, R . H . Evapora tion from a winter snow cover in the R ocky Mounta in forest zone. Proceedings of the W estern Snow Conference, 32 nd a nnual meeting, 1964, [pub.] 1964, p. 52- 57. [Qua ntita tive res ults.] COULl ANOS, C.-C., and ] OIi NELS, A. G. Note on the subnivea n environ ment of small mammals. Arkiv f or Zoologi, Ser. 2, Bd . 15, No. 24, 1962, p. 363- 70. [Observa tions o n biological importa nce of snow cover from central Sweden.] [FRANCE: I NSTITUT IONS.] Institut F ra n<;a is pour l'Etude de la Neige au Pa rc na tiona l de la Vanoise. Les Alpes. R evue d" Club Alpin SlIisse, 40e An., 3e T ri mestre, 1964, p. 74- 75. [I nstitute fo r study of snow in a ll aspects in course of construction in Pa rc nationa l de la Vanoise.] H ERMA N, ] . R . O n the electrical properties of blowing snow. Annales de GeojJ/zysique, T om. 20, No. 3, 1964, p . 235- 4 1. [Ded uced from radio noise.] J UDSON, A. R elative importa nce of weather factors creating slab avala nches in Colorado. Proceedings of the Western Snow Co'!!erence, 32nd annual meeting, 1964, [pub.] 1964, p . 60-67. O NUFR IYE NKO, L. G. Losses of snowmelt on slopes. Soviet Hydrology . Selec ted Papers, 1964, No. I, p. 55- 6 1. [O bser­ vations on effect of slope on run-off.] POWE R, B. A. , and others. Snow crysta l forms a nd riming effects as related to snowfall density and general storm conditions, [by] B. A. Power, P. W. Summers [and] ]. D ' Av ignon. Joumal of the A tmospheric Sciences, Vo!. 21, No. 3, 1964, p . 300- 05. [Relationship found between new-snow density a nd crys tal form.] UTTI NGER, H . Die D auer der Schneedecke in Zurich . Archiv fiir M eteorologie, GeojJ/zysik lInd Bioklimatologie, Ser. B, Bd. 12, Ht. 3- 4, 1963, p. 404- 2 I. [N u mber of days with snow cover a t Zllrich, Switzerla nd, si nce winter 1880- 8 1.]

DUPLICATE PAPERS A new list of duplicate papers in the Library of the Society, available for distribution to m.em.bers, can now be obtained from. Dr. G. Seligm.an, Little Dane, Biddenden, Ashford, Kent, England. Mem.bers are requested to apply for this as early as possible.

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