Knowsley Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA)

2012 Update – Final Report

Knowsley MBC

August 2012



1. Introduction 2. National and regional planning context 3. Key changes since publication of the SHLAA 2011 Update (published June 2012) 4. Methodology 5. Stakeholder consultation 6. Results of the assessment 7. Summary and conclusions


1. Allocations and sites with planning permission at 1st April 2011 2. 0 – 5 year supply (site assessment sheets) 3. 6 – 10 year supply (site assessment sheets) 4. Sites excluded from the SHLAA (site assessment sheets) 5. Progress with your development questionnaire 6. Joint Housing Market Partnership – Meeting agenda (30.04.12) 7. Joint Housing Market Partnership - Note of meeting (30.04.12)

Figures Tables

Figure 1.1: The Knowsley Local Plan and supporting documents


Table 3.1: Call for Sites Submissions (2011) Table 4.1: Net developable areas Table 4.2: Applied site densities Table 4.3: Historic windfall delivery Table 7.1: “Risk assessed” Housing Supply from 1st April 2012


1. Introduction

1.1 Knowsley’s Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) undertakes a review of housing land availability and provides an estimation of when housing land is likely to come forward for development. The SHLAA also assists in formulating the Council’s policies relating to the delivery of new housing. However, the SHLAA itself does not represent a statement of Council policy. Whilst the SHLAA will inform the Local Plan process, it is for the Local Plan: Core Strategy and Local Plan: Site Allocations and Development Policies documents to determine which sites come forward for residential development and by what timescale.

Figure 1.1: The Knowsley Local Plan and supporting documents1

1.2 The inclusion of sites within this study should not therefore be taken to imply that they will be allocated for development or that the Council will necessarily consider planning applications favourably.

1.3 Knowsley’s first SHLAA was published in March 2010. The Study was developed using a combination of in-house work by Knowsley Council officers and subsequent work

1 The contents of figure 1.1 are subject to potential change. In particular, it is uncertain whether any Neighbourhood Plans will be progressed as no requests have been received to date from qualifying community bodies to prepare these under the powers in the Localism Act. The Council has yet to determine whether to implement a Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule.


by independent consultants, White Young Green (WYG). The first SHLAA has a base date, and represented the supply position at 1st April 2008. The first SHLAA is available to view online at

1.4 The Council published its 1st annual update to the SHLAA in June 2011 which has a base date of 1st April 2010.

1.5 This report represents the Council’s 2nd update to the SHLAA and has a base date of 1st April 2011. This SHLAA updated an estimated supply position from 1st April 2012.

1.6 The SHLAA updates have been developed “in-house” by Knowsley Council using a methodology consistent with the first SHLAA and similar to that used by Sefton and West Councils in undertaking their respective SHLAA updates. This SHLAA update is consistent with national guidance2 relating to SHLAA preparation published by the Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG) and the National Planning Policy Framework3

1.7 The findings of this Study will be used to underpin the Local Plan: Core Strategy “Publication of Submission” document and supporting documents such as the emerging “Planning for Housing Growth” Technical Report and Knowsley and Sefton Green Belt Study: Final Knowsley Report.

1.8 In accordance with CLG guidance, Knowsley has monitored and reviewed its SHLAA on a regular basis. This process has been undertaken with engagement with neighbouring authorities, developers and other stakeholders via the Housing Market Partnership (HMP) and wider public consultation.

1.9 A further update of the SHLAA will be published in 2013, with a base date of 1st April 2013.

2 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment: Practice Guidance, (CLG, 2007) 3 National Planning Policy Framework (CLG, 2012)


2. National and sub-regional context

2.1 At the national level, the Government has identified the concept of “growth” as its top priority. Through the Growth Agenda4 there is an aspiration to achieve strong, sustainable and balanced growth. It is envisaged this will be achieved by attracting inward investment and economic growth, alongside the removal of unnecessary barriers to economic growth. This is being implemented through initiatives such as the introduction of Enterprise Zones; the release of public sector land to encourage new homes and jobs; and support for the development of infrastructure.

2.2 The Government has replaced the previous series of Planning Policy Guidance (PPGs) notes and Planning Policy Statements (PPSs)5 with a consolidated National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), which was published in March 2012

2.3 The NPPF is in line with the Government’s growth agenda aims to promote sustainable growth through a more simplified planning system. It sets out a presumption in favour of sustainable development and also reaffirms the Government’s commitment to the delivery of “zero carbon” homes by 2016. The NPPF also carries forward the requirement for Local Plans6 to be drawn up over a 15- year time frame and take account of longer term requirements.

2.4 The NPPF also states (in paragraph 159) that local planning authorities should:

“… prepare a Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment to establish realistic assumptions about the availability, suitability and the likely economic viability of land to meet the identified need for housing over the plan period”.

2.5 The NPPF adds (footnote 11) that to be considered deliverable,

“sites should be available now, offer a suitable location for development now, and be achievable with a realistic prospect that housing will be delivered on the site within five years and in particular that development of the site is viable. Sites with planning permission should be considered deliverable until planning permission expires, unless there is clear evidence that schemes will not be implemented within five years, for example they will not be viable, there is no longer a demand for the type of units or sites have long term phasing plans.

4 The Plan for Growth (HM Treasury 2011) 5 Although PPS 3: Housing has been cancelled by the introduction of the NPPF, the SHLAA Practice Guidance remains extant. 6 Local Plans were formerly known as Local Development Frameworks (LDFs) as required by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004)


2.6 The NPPF additionally requires authorities to add a variable amount of 5% or 20% to the requirement for a 5-year deliverable land supply. The amount applied is based on past delivery rates against the authorities housing target.

2.7 The Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) for the North West7 currently provides the regional tier of Knowsley’s development plan. In the context of housing, the RSS sets out policies to be considered at the local level and Knowsley’s housing target which equates to 450 per annum up to 2021 (the end of the plan period for the RSS).

2.8 The Government has been clear in its intention to abolish Regional Spatial Strategies. Although Regional Strategies remain part of the development plan until they are abolished by Order using powers in the Localism Act, it is clearly the Government’s intention to revoke the strategies, subject to the outcome of the environment assessments currently being undertaken.

2.9 The proposed revocation of Regional strategies is likely to leave policy voids, which will need to be addressed at the local level. Therefore, the Council is currently working on robust policies to establish the level of housing growth required. Knowsley’s “locally derived” housing target will be supported by robust evidence and contained in the emerging Local Plan: Core Strategy.

2.10 The Council published its Core Strategy “Preferred Options” Report in June 2011. The Preferred Options Report outlined that the “preferred target” for housing delivery for the emerging plan period was 450 per annum.

2.11 For the purposes of this SHLAA update, the identified housing supply is considered in the context of the RSS and emerging Core Strategy housing targets.

7 The North West Plan: Regional Spatial Strategy to 2021 (GONW, 2008)


3. Key changes since publication of the SHLAA 2011 Update (published June 2012)

Apartments and higher density development 3.1 In common with the previous SHLAA reports, a cautious approach has been adopted in relation to the expectations for higher density development coming forward. This ensures the SHLAA does not over-estimate the development capacity of sites it identifies. The majority sites identified by the SHLAA have an applied density of 30 dwellings per hectare (ha), with a limited number of sites having a slightly higher density at 40 dwellings per hectare in appropriate locations or where the site conditions allow. The density assumptions for a limited number of sites has been informed by detailed site design / master planning work which has been shared with the Council. The site appraisals state where this applies.

3.2 Table 4.2 highlights that developments of between 30 – 40 dwellings per hectare generally consist of medium to low density detached or town house development.

Small sites allowance 3.3 The first SHLAA utilised a sample approach for smaller sites (below 0.1 ha), by visiting and assessing 10% of such sites, with the findings from this sample used to calculate the contribution from all smaller sites. The first Study used this approach as it was decided that it was not cost-efficient or methodologically advantageous to visit all sites less than 0.1 ha. However, this approach has not been carried forward for the SHLAA updates as a number of smaller sites have now been excluded and it was therefore possible to appraise all the sites below 0.1ha.

Green Belt “broad locations” for longer term development 3.4 The first SHLAA considered it premature to consider specific sites in the Green Belt for residential development in advance of a comprehensive review of appropriate locations for longer term development. Since completion of the first SHLAA (2010) Sefton and Knowsley Councils have undertaken a joint Green Belt Study using a common methodology. The draft Study undertook a comprehensive assessment of Knowsley’s Green Belt and identified Green Belt locations that might be suitable to meet longer term housing, employment and other needs. The findings of the final Study will support Knowsley’s position in terms of housing and employment growth in the longer term. The draft Study was consulted on for 10 weeks between June and September 2011 alongside the Core Strategy “Preferred Options” Report.

3.5 Once the Council publishes its final report of the Green Belt Study and the Council adopts its Core Strategy any Green Belt “broad locations” identified by the strategy will be included in subsequent updates to the SHLAA. These areas are likely to be


included in the 11 – 15 year category of sites, due to the need to prioritise urban sites and areas of regeneration need.

3.6 The Council’s current timetable indicates that, subject to the examination process, the Core Strategy is likely to be adopted in 2013.

Knowsley Public Sector Land Holdings Review 3.7 The Council has undertaken review of public sector land holdings across the Borough. The review considered all land in public ownership within Knowsley, including amenity, residential and amenity land. In appraising each site the review considered each site’s existing usage, condition, community benefit, development potential and likely future maintenance costs.

3.8 Following the assessment of land through the review, a number of potential sites were identified. Many of these sites were already identified by the first SHLAA, those which were new to the process have been included in this update.

3.9 Previous SHLAA reports have identified the majority of the surplus Council assets, many of which were former school sites and associated playing fields. Due to their former use many were initially included in the 6-10 year category as they were subject to varying levels of constraint. This included, among other matters, the demolition of existing structures, national policy restrictions regarding the disposal of school playing fields and local policy restrictions regarding the provision of outdoor sporting provision.

3.10 Since publication of the SHLAA update in 2011, the Council has undertaken evidence base studies to appraise the quantity of, and requirements for, public open space (POS)8 and outdoor sporting provision9 in the future. These studies have indicated that many of the sites included in the SHLAA are no longer required for another use, and therefore the policy restrictions relating to their use for residential development no longer apply.

3.11 The Council now has a programme in place for applying for Section 7710 approval for the disposal for former sporting sites and has begun the process on a number of sites where this constraint applies. It is anticipated that this process will be complete within 12 months (prior to the end of 2013). For the purposes of this Study it was therefore concluded that this issue would not prevent any site coming forward within a 5 year timeframe.

8 Greenspace Audit (Knowsley Council, 2012) 9 Playing Pitch Assessment and Strategy (Knowsley Council, 2012) 10 Section 77 of the Schools Standards and Framework Act


3.12 In light of robust evidence which states that surplus land assets are no longer required in their existing use and policy restrictions no longer apply, the Council is now actively marketing the sites for residential development.

3.13 Further information regarding this process can be found on the Council’s website: property.aspx

3.14 Future updates to the Council’s land holdings review will inform subsequent updates to the SHLAA.

Knowsley Affordable Housing Programme 2011-2014 3.15 The Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) published its Affordable Housing Framework in March 2011. The new framework required Registered Provides (RP) to develop a four year programme of affordable housing schemes. Bids submitted to the HCA were given in principle support from the Council. The Council is also supporting the process via the use of its land assets. The programme has the potential to attract inward investment of around £40m into the Borough and deliver over 400 new homes over the four year programme.

3.16 Knowsley Housing Trust (KHT) / First Ark Group, Plus Dane Group and Cosmopolitan (Chester and District Housing Trust) RPs had successful bids. Where detailed design and/or master planning has been undertaken for a site and shared with the Council, the site capacity assumptions are reflected in the SHLAA. Sites without master planning or planning permission have been subject to the standard SHLAA density and developable area assumptions.

3.17 Although some of the sites are located on brownfield land, none of the sites are subject to any significant constraints. Furthermore, all the sites are in receipt of HCA grant funding to ensure they are financially viable in the current market. Therefore all sites have been deemed deliverable within 0-5 years (subject to the standard 20% risk assessment for all non-allocated sites without planning permission).

Call for Sites (CFS) 3.18 Since the first SHLAA a number of formal “Call for Sites” exercises have been held. These have taken place in 2007, 2008 and 2011 This process allowed the study to capture any landowners and third parties that wished to promote land for housing. In addition, in order for this Study to be as comprehensive as possible, the Call for Sites process was repeated between 27th October and 15th December 2011.


3.19 As part of the Call for Sites process in 2011, five general responses regarding the methodology and process were received and 21 sites were submitted for consideration.

3.20 The majority of the sites received were either already included in the SHLAA, had planning permission or were within Knowsley’s Green Belt. Therefore, only 3 new sites were included in the SHLAA supply.

3.21 The sites submitted via the Call for Sites process are listed in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: Call for Sites Submissions (2011) Site ID Site Name Township Plan Comments Area Period (years) New sites not previously identified by the SHLAA process K0431 Former All Saints School 0-5 Submitted in 2011 as part of the Site Council’s asset review K0433 Land at Court Hey Park N/A Excluded due to urban greenspace (north) designation K0434 Land at Court Hey Park Huyton N/A Excluded due to urban greenspace (south) designation K0435 KGV land at Huyton Lane Huyton N/A Excluded due to urban greenspace designation K0436 Cyril Cook Park and Huyton N/A Excluded due to urban greenspace Former Huyton Leisure designation Centre K0437 Kings Business Park – Area Huyton N/A Safeguarded employment land A K0438 Kings Business Park – Area Huyton N/A Safeguarded employment land B K0439 Kings Business Park – Area Huyton N/A Safeguarded employment land C K0440 Land south of Larch Road Huyton 0-5 K0441 Social Club at Rusland Kirkby 0-6 Road K0432 Former Holy Angels Kirkby N/A Required for Council operations / School Site education provision K0442 Tarbock Croft Tarbock N/A Designated as Green Belt K0443 Weston Park N/A Designated as Green Belt Site already identified by the SHLAA and/or planning process N/A Land at Thingwall Hall Huyton N/A UDP allocation with planning permission N/A Former Kirkby Stadium Kirkby N/A UDP allocation K0372 Former Cherryfield School Kirkby 0-5 Submitted as part of the Council’s Site asset review in 2010 K0211 Land at Woolton WWTW Halewood None Designated as Green Belt K0227 St Bartholomew’s Day Huyton 0-5 CFS re-submission Hospital K0211 Land at Woolton WWTW Halewood None Designated as Green Belt

K0370 Former WWTW Prescot None Designated as Green Belt


(Carr Lane) K0372 Former Cherryfield School Kirkby 0-5 Submitted as part of the Council’s Site asset review in 2010

Risk Assessment 3.22 In line with Government best practice guidance on the undertaking of SHLAAs, a “risk assessment” was applied to the supply in the first SHLAA (2010) to allow for sites that do not come forward for residential development as anticipated. There are clearly a number of reasons why this may occur, such as the inability of a developer to acquire/assemble a site, the possibility that a site may be developed for a use other than housing and the fact that a developer may “land bank” sites until the housing market recovers sufficiently to ensure the development is viable.

3.23 Following discussions with White Young Green (the consultants who undertook the first SHLAA) and a review of representations made during the consultation process it was concluded that a “risk assessment” of 20% would be appropriate.

3.24 This approach has been continued in the 2012 update. In future intelligence will be sought to allow the Council to refine the risk assessment process if required.

3.25 This is likely to include the continuation of the annual contact with known developers and/or landowners with extant planning permission in order to gauge their aspirations for the site and progress with their development where it has commenced. In the coming years the Council will be able to compare responses to this exercise with actual delivery rates.

3.26 Where the Council received a response to the questionnaire the information has informed the phasing and delivery assumptions for that particular site with planning permission. This information in available within Appendix 1.

3.27 An example of the letter and questionnaire sent to developers as part of this process can be found at Appendix 5.

Residential Completions 3.28 Over the last 15 year period there has been an inconsistent number of houses delivered per annum (net of demolitions). The number of dwellings delivered ranges from a maximum of approximately 600 dwellings per annum in 1995/96 and 1999/00, to a minimum of just 12 dwellings during 2009/10.

3.29 The performance in 2010/11 reflects the economic conditions affecting the national housing market. The original SHLAA noted that this phenomenon is likely to affect the number of developments starting on site for some time to come. Evidence from


the site surveys carried out as part of the SHLAA and housing monitoring indicates that a number of sites had been “mothballed”, however there are signs that some previously “mothballed” sites have recently restarted as developers have revised their planning permission and dwelling mix in some cases.

3.30 In considering historic net housing completions, it is important to have regard to the impact of Knowsley’s extensive demolition and associated regeneration programmes, primarily the North Huyton New Deal for Communities (NDC) programme. Since 2004/5 the annual demolition rate has been between 25 – 140 dpa. During 2010/11 and 2011/12 this figure is anticipated for be 181 and 69 dpa respectively. The impact on these planned demolitions has been factored into this update to the SHLAA. There are currently no further demolitions planned beyond 2011/12.

Additional residential development within regeneration areas 3.31 The Core Strategy Preferred Options Report sought to provide additional flexibility to the approach and potential development capacity within existing designated Action Areas at North Huyton, Tower Hill and South Prescot. However, detailed master planning is yet to be undertaken and agreed by the Council. Therefore it is uncertain if these figures can be delivered sustainably. As a result the potential “additional” housing land supply has not been quantified as part of the housing supply identified by this SHLAA. If suitable evidence emerges in the future, it will inform future updates to the SHLAA.

3.32 In the case of South Prescot, which is currently allocated for employment use within the UDP, the allocation may be revised to include an element of residential development to allow for a more flexible approach to future regeneration proposals. Since publication of the Preferred Options Report, the Council granted permission11 for mixed use development (including residential). Although this permission was granted after the study’s base date, the site was already included in the SHLAA following an earlier Call for Sites submission. Due to the significant amount of dwellings attributed to the application, it was prudent to take account of this application within this SHLAA update. The residential yield associated with the planning permission has now been attributed to the SHLAA site (K0369) which has been placed in the 6-10year category due to the significant constraints within the site and the need for a further “reserved matters” planning application and approval prior to commencement.

3.33 The south Prescot application will be included as a “commitment” in future SHLAA updates.

11 Planning application reference: 11/00385/OUT


Economic Viability Assessment 3.34 The NPPF makes clear in Paragraph 173 that viability and deliverability are key tests of all aspects of decision making. While both these issues have been a key part of existing “tests of soundness” the NPPF makes it clear at Paragraph 174 that authorities should assess the cumulative burden of local requirements and Local Plan policy. Critically, any burden placed on a development via policy “asks” should not be such as to deny competitive returns to a willing landowner or developer.

3.35 The Council has commissioned consultants, Keppie Massie, to undertake an Economic Viability Assessment (EVA) of new development within the Borough in the context of existing and emerging policy requirements from the Council’s UDP and Local Plan respectively. This will include requirements for affordable housing, sustainable and high quality building design and public open space. The study will appraise a number of example sites from a variety of locations and development scenarios in order to ascertain which sites are or are not financially viable.

3.36 Initial findings show that the majority of residential development scenarios are financially viable before policy burdens are taken into account. The exception is larger scale apartment based development, which under current market conditions is unviable in some locations. The initial findings of the EVA have informed the preparation of this update to the SHLAA. However, there are no wholly apartment / high density schemes within the identified SHLAA supply, therefore no sites have been affected by the emerging findings of the EVA.

3.37 Final findings from the EVA will inform the Council’s emerging Local Plan: Core Strategy and future updates to the SHLAA.


4. Methodology

4.1 The methodology employed in completing this 2012 update to the SHLAA is derived from that set out in the SHLAA good practice guidance and subsequently used in the first SHLAA published in 2010. The methodology also takes the recently published NPPF into consideration.

4.2 An account of the methodology at each state in the process is recorded below.

Stage 1 – Planning the Assessment 4.3 The SHLAA good practice guidance recommends that the production of the assessment is informed by engagement with key local stakeholders through a Housing Market Partnership (HMP). Such a Partnership should include house builders, social landlords and local property agents, amongst others. Whilst no formal HMP was organised as part of the SHLAA process, extensive consultation has been undertaken with key stakeholders at various stages of the study.

4.4 The formal stakeholder group (comprising of house builders, social landlords, local property agents and public bodies) have been invited to comment on the 2012 Update report.

4.5 The base date for the 2012 Update is 1st April 2011. Therefore, sites which have received planning permission for residential development after this date have not been included in this assessment. The likely capacity from this source will be incorporated into a subsequent update. However, in line with the most recent AMR (2011), the potential land supply is projected from 1st April 2012 taking into account expected completions and demolitions during 2011/12.

Stage 2 – Determining Sources of Sites 4.6 An initial list of sites to survey was produced for the assessment which included all sites in the previous study. The list was accompanied by GIS information and a database including background information on the identified sites. The principal sources of these sites are set out below.

4.7 The 2012 Update does not represent a wholesale review of the SHLAA database. Therefore detailed assessments in relation to the following sources were not undertaken, unless explicitly mentioned. A detailed review of the study will take place at a later date.

Knowsley Urban Capacity Study 4.8 The first SHLAA (published 2010) included an assessment of sites previously identified by the Urban Capacity Study (UCS). The sites which had not already been developed were included in the initial list of SHLAA sites for the previous study. This list was not reviewed as part of the update study.


Ordnance Survey Mapping and Aerial Photography 4.9 Suitable scale Ordnance Survey (OS) maps (1:10,000) and aerial photography dating from 2005/06 were used within the first study to identify suitable residential sites. This survey has been supplemented by updated aerial photography and web based mapping resources will be used to identify sites in a subsequent update.

National Land Use Database (NLUD) 4.10 The NLUD database was not used in this assessment. The NLUD data for Knowsley has not been updated since completion of the original study. Once the NLUD data is reviewed, it will inform a subsequent review of the SHLAA.

Expired and Unimplemented Existing Planning Applications 4.11 The sites with expired planning applications were checked for subsequent applications, and those remaining without permission for housing were included in the list of sites to be assessed.

Site Specific Regeneration Areas (Action Areas and Development Opportunity Sites) and Allocated Housing Sites 4.12 The Council currently has a number of regeneration priorities within the Borough which have been included in the SHLAA, along with UDP housing allocations which were not built out at the study’s base date. Many of these sites are subject to Development Briefs which have Supplementary Planning Document status and, in some cases, are designated Action Areas. These provisions have been made by the Council to help promote regeneration efforts within these areas to assist in identifying issues which will impact on bringing the sites forward for development.

4.13 In some cases higher densities may be pursued by the Council, subsequent to a revised policy framework within the Local Plan. At the current time these potential additional capacities have not been included in the SHLAA assessment.

Call for Sites 4.14 The Council (along with the other partner authorities) invited stakeholders, landowners and other interested parties to submit sites for consideration as part of a “Call for Sites” process in 2011. This was in addition to earlier ‘Call for Sites’ exercises held in 2007, 2008 and 2010 for the previous SHLAAs.

Stage 3 – Desktop Review of Information 4.15 The portfolio of sites identified by Stage 2 of the process has been the subject of thorough examination by Council officers. White Young Green (WYG) developed its own bespoke database for the first study. This has been used to record key facts, judgements and new information concerning the identified sites. The database records 25 criteria in order to provide a comprehensive information source to assist in the undertaking of independent survey work and the assessment of each site’s development potential.

4.16 The 25 criteria are not policy judgements; rather they are an assessment of factors that could influence the delivery of housing. The criteria are as follows.


1. Is the site within a Conservation Area? 2. Are there any Listed Buildings on the site? 3. Is the site within a primarily residential area? 4. Does the site comprise previously developed land? 5. Is there any likelihood of contamination? 6. Does the site need significant new infrastructure in order to be developed for housing? 7. Are there any physical constraints? 8. Is the site situated within Flood Zones 2 or 3? 9. Are there any buildings requiring demolition? 10. Is satisfactory access possible? 11-16. Accessibility and distance from local services. 17. Are there any nature conservation issues? 18. Would redevelopment have a positive regeneration impact on the area? 19. Is the site subject to any un-neighbourly uses? 20. Is the site more suited to non-residential uses? 21. Are there any ownership issues? 22. Is the site owned by developer, or is the owner willing to sell to a developer? 23. Is the site in active use? 24. Is the site underused? 25. Is the site within a strong residential area?

4.17 The results have been recorded and inputted into the SHLAA database.

Stage 4 – Determining Sites to be Surveyed 4.18 Within the first study due to the large number of sites identified at Stage 2, it was decided that it was not cost-efficient or methodologically advantageous to visit all sites less than 0.1 hectares in size. Instead, a 10% statistically representative sample of such sites has been undertaken in order to calculate their likely contribution to the overall housing supply. The yield that is estimated to be delivered from the sample is used as a multiplier to provide a calculation of the supply from all such sources. This ‘small site allowance’ is distinct from a windfall allowance as the sites have been identified on an individual basis, rather than the assessment of supply being entirely theoretical and derived from historical precedent.

4.19 Since completion of the original SHLAA (2010) many of the smaller sites (below 0.1 hectares) have been built out or become unavailable for other reasons. Therefore, within the updated study a 100% survey methodology has been adopted. Therefore there will not be a “small sites” allowance in the updated housing supply figures.

Stage 5 – Carrying out the Assessment 4.20 Each of the new sites or sites where new information had become available from the desktop assessment were visited and assessed by the Council, with the results being recorded using the assessment Proforma.


4.21 Each site has been scored against a number of key criteria. These criteria are used to assess the potential of each site for residential development, taking into account its suitability, availability and achievability in accordance with the SHLAA guidance. Whilst, as previously stated, the scoring has not been used prescriptively to determine the overall suitability of the site, the final score should be taken to be a broad indication of the potential of a given site to be redeveloped for housing.

Assessing Availability for Housing 4.22 The availability of a site relates to its known constraints and how this may impact upon the likelihood of it being developed for housing over the next 15 years. The issues affecting availability which have been considered are as follows:

 whether a site is currently in use or not;  ownership constraints, relating to whether a site is thought to be in multiple ownership or not; and  whether the owner is known to be willing to sell.

Assessing Suitability for Housing 4.23 A site is suitable for housing development if it offers a suitable location for development and would contribute to the creation of sustainable, mixed communities. The factors assessed in considering each identified site’s suitability for housing are:

 policy restrictions, such as allocations, protected areas and existing planning policies;  physical problems or limitations, such as access, infrastructure provision and flood risk (sites lying wholly within Flood Zone 3 are not considered to offer realistic potential for redevelopment for housing and have been excluded from the housing supply);  the site’s proximity to amenities and public transport nodes; and  The environmental conditions which would be experienced by prospective residents, in particular those that may arise from any adjacent land uses being ‘bad neighbours’.

Assessing Achievability of Housing 4.24 The strength of the housing market differs across Knowsley and, in the current economic climate, the viability of developing some of the sites for housing is acknowledged to be an issue. It is therefore important to assess the specific constraints impacting on the delivery of each site in order that the future phasing of sites can be accurately assessed.

4.25 A site is considered achievable for development where there is a reasonable degree of certainty that housing will be developed on the site at a particular point in time. This is essentially a judgement about the economic viability of a site, and the capacity of the developer to complete a development over a certain period. It is affected by:


 market factors, within which we include both housing demand in the general locality and the likely attractiveness of the site to the market; and  cost factors, in terms of whether a site is known to be contaminated, thus requiring significant remediation works in order to be developed for residential purposes, and whether there are buildings requiring demolition on site.

4.26 Within the original study, in order to gauge housing demand in general localities, enquiries have been made of residential land agents and estate agents. This research has been supplemented through the analysis of sales and census data in order to provide an appropriate context for the judgements and assumptions made.

4.27 This research is summarised by way of the Housing Market Overview provided at Appendix 1 within the first SHLAA. These assumptions have underpinned the scoring of sites within the updated study.

Stage 6 – Estimating the Housing Potential of Each Site 4.28 In order to estimate the housing potential of each site, an assessment of its developable area needs to be made. There are a number of factors which may influence the developable area of a site. Limiting factors include topography, irregular shaped plots and site specific constraints such as underground services or flood zones. In Knowsley all sites that are affected by flooding lie within Flood Zone 3. In each case, that part of the site which lies within Flood Zone 3 has been excluded from the developable area.

4.29 Allowance has been made on larger sites for the on-site provision of access roads, along with facilities such as green infrastructure and community uses, to serve the development. The assumptions used in calculating net developable areas are set out below and are based on research undertaken during the preparation of advice set out in government documents such as “Tapping the Potential”12 and the Housing Land Availability Assessments: Draft Practice Guide mentioned previously in this report. Whilst this approach is considered robust and appropriate for the purposes of this study, it should be noted that the net developable area is an indicative figure and that the Council will negotiate appropriate non-housing provision on a site by- site basis when considering future development proposals.

4.30 In order to assess the housing potential of each site, a range of density multipliers have been applied.

4.31 The multiplier applied to each site is that which best reflects the character of the area, the type or mix of housing that would be appropriate on the site and the site’s proximity to a defined centre and to services.

12 Tapping the Potential, (ODPM, 2000)


Table 4.1: Net developable areas Total Site Area Net Developable Area Less than 0.4 ha 100% of developable area 0.4 ha to 2 ha 90% of developable area Sites over 2 ha 75% of developable area Source: Tapping the Potential, (ODPM, 2000)

4.32 The ranges of densities used are set out in Table 4.2. These are identical to those used in the first SHLAA. Alternative densities have been applied in a limited number of cases where it is evident that the shape or character of a site suggests a particular, more specific density. In all such cases, guidance has been sought from Council officers to ensure that the applied density is appropriate.

Table 4.2: Applied site densities Housing Character Applied Density (Dwellings per ha) Low density suburban mix (detached and semi- 30 detached) Low to medium density urban mix (town houses and 40 semi-detached) Medium density urban mix (mainly town houses) 50 High density urban mix (town houses and apartments) 60 Apartments (up to six storey) 70 and above

4.33 Following the identification of a proposed development density, the yield for each site is calculated by multiplying the net site area by the density. The datasheets provided online for consultation indicate the proposed density and yield of each site.

4.34 In the past, many urban capacity and housing land availability studies have tended to seek to maximise the potential supply of housing by applying higher densities than the 30 dwellings per hectare regarded as the minimum acceptable. This has led to concerns over town cramming, particularly where sites included in the study, whilst being vacant and meeting the criteria for development, contribute to the amenity of the local area.

4.35 In Knowsley, many of the sites are classified as brownfield because they are sites which were previously developed for housing or other uses. The properties have been demolished; in many cases the foundations have been left in situ and grassed over creating an amenity space. These sites are generally small with limited capacity. In order not to over-estimate the potential for sites, a benchmark density of 30 dwellings per hectare has generally been applied, unless site conditions suggest a higher density can be satisfactorily achieved.

4.36 The approach taken by the Council in determining the likely densities of identified sites is considered to be cautious and based upon the clear expectation that the type of residential development scheme presently being considered by house builders will


likely result in a lower average development density than that has been typically achieved in recent years.

4.37 The densities applied within the SHLAA compares to an average density for gross completions in 2009/10 and 2010/11 of 65.5 and 54.4 and 65.5 dwellings per hectare respectively13.

4.38 The densities applied to sites are indicative and are provided solely for the purposes of this SHLAA. They should not be taken to be a statement of Council policy on the amount of housing that a given site may accommodate, which will need to be determined through the planning application process.

Stage 7 – Assessing When a Site Will be Developed 4.39 Assessing when each site is likely to come forward for development is not an exact science. Predictions also inevitably become less certain the further into the future a site is forecast to be developed. The Council’s ongoing plan, monitor and manage programme will provide the process for managing changes to this study’s findings as time goes by.

4.40 None of the sites in Knowsley that have been surveyed are known to be constrained by major infrastructure projects - such as a bypass or new sewage treatment works – which could significantly delay development. We have attempted to identify where abnormal levels of enabling works would be required in order to bring a site forward and these instances are noted in the database. In a study of this size it is clearly not practical to undertake a detailed development feasibility of each individual site and this analysis is very much a high level strategic assessment.

4.41 The viability of each site has been assessed by taking into account the strength of the residential market in the locality, the type of housing that could be developed and any implications for construction costs, including costs relating to such factors as demolition and contaminated land. High scoring sites will generally be available for development in the short term, although the timing of release may be influenced by national housing market factors and developer/landowner intentions. Low scoring sites are less likely to be available for development in the short term. This information will be updated once the Council’s EVA is available (see section 3 for further information).

4.42 The supply of housing likely to be delivered in the 0 – 5 years period can be identified with a relatively high degree of certainty as sites in this phase will have scored highly and are generally in compliance with saved development plan policy. These sites will have few, if any, known constraints to development and are generally vacant or known to be available for redevelopment. Accordingly, a large number of sites identified in the five year housing supply were promoted for development through the call for sites exercise or declared surplus by the Council.

13 Annual Monitoring Report 2011 (Knowsley Council, 2011)


4.43 Many of the sites included in the first five year period are vacant and in Council ownership. Nearly all are brownfield. Although market conditions will ultimately determine which sites will be developed during this period, the identified sites are free of constraints, are available for development now and are currently being marketed by the Council.

4.44 Sites placed within the 6 to 10 year housing supply will have some policy or development constraints which limit the speed at which they will come forward for development.

4.45 The viability of each site has been assessed by taking into account the relative strength of the residential market in the locality, the type of housing that could be developed and any implications for construction costs, including costs relating to such factors as demolition and contaminated land. High scoring sites will generally be available or are more likely to come forward earlier although the timing of release may be influenced by national housing market factors.

4.46 For the 6 to 10 year housing supply period, sites have been assessed and considered suitable for housing based on the site visit assessment and the scoring criteria. Although the majority of sites included in the 6 to 10 year supply are previously developed, there are a greater number of greenfield sites than in the five year supply. Sites in the 6 to 10 year supply will typically have policy or development constraints which will affect the timeframe within which they come forward for development.

Stage 8 – Review of the Assessment

4.47 A review of the initial SHLAA survey findings was carried out with Council officers, including representatives from Planning and Regeneration, Asset Management and Highways prior to completion of the study. This review focused on sites within the urban area which had been identified as having potential for development for housing. A number of sites were ruled out at this stage, mainly as a result of difficulties with access. Some sites were found to have limited capacity as a result of access constraints. A list of excluded sites is provided in Appendix 4.

Stage 9 - The Housing Potential of Broad Locations 4.48 The capacity identified by the Study is compared with current RSS / emerging housing targets in order to quantify the number of years housing land supply that Knowsley has. It is clear from the first SHLAA that Knowsley has a significant shortfall in housing land availability.

4.49 The emerging Core Strategy considers how to address this issue, by maximising urban capacity and ultimately by the identification of “broad locations” for longer term development within the Green Belt. The draft Knowsley and Sefton Green Belt Study: Knowsley Report presents the evidence which underpins the identification of areas currently designated as Green Belt, taking into account factors such as national


Green Belt policy, sustainability, environmental impact on the surrounding area and existing infrastructure.

4.50 The consultation draft Green Belt Study and Core Strategy “Preferred Options” Report provided an opportunity for local people, key stakeholders and the development industry to make detailed comments about the direction of future growth.

Stage 10 – Windfalls 4.51 The SHLAA Practice Guidance advises that the supply of land for housing should be based upon specific sites that have been the subject of a survey. The NPPF adds that the use of windfall allowances may be used in the five-year supply if there is compelling evidence that such sites have consistently been available in the local area and that they will continue to provide a reliable source of supply. Any allowance should also be set at a realistic level, having regard to the SHLAA process, historic delivery rates and future trends.

4.52 In recent years, Knowsley has achieved significant numbers of housing completions on sites that are non-allocated. The Council’s AMR (2011) indicates that there were 1,366 dwelling completions on non-allocated sites in Knowsley between 1 April 2006 and 31 March 2010. However, the NPPF clearly states that when considering a windfall allowance regard must be given to the SHLAA process. The depth of the assessment within the first SHLAA published in 2010 and subsequent updates identified a number of additional non-allocated sites without planning permission, which were suitable for residential development.

4.53 Prior to the development of the SHLAA, the Council undertook a different method of calculating urban residential development capacity known as an Urban Capacity Study (UCS). As a result any reliable analysis of past trends for windfall delivery can only be backdated to the base date of the first SHLAA (1st April 2008).

4.54 Between the 1st April 2008 and 31st September 2011 housing monitoring indicates that 1034 gross dwellings (not inclusive of demolitions) have been delivered in Knowsley. In order to assess what proportion of these dwellings were windfall development which could be factored into future housing supply forecasts the following categories of sites had to be identified and discounted:

 Sites allocated for residential development; and  Sites with extant planning permission at the 1st April 2008.

4.55 Sites with extant planning permission were not surveyed at part of the SHLAA process. However, the likely yield from this source has been quantified as a component of the overall SHLAA supply. Therefore, sites with planning permission have been taken into account by the SHLAA process and to base a windfall calculation on this category of site would amount to “double counting” and an over- estimation of potential future windfall delivery.


4.56 Once the types of sites listed in para. 4.54 were excluded from the appraisal it was concluded that just 48 dwellings had been delivered on “windfall” sites between 2008 and 2011. An annual breakdown of windfall delivery is provided in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3: Historic windfall delivery Monitoring Year Dwellings per (1st April – 31st March unless stated annum otherwise) 2008 - 9 9 2009 - 10 8 2010 - 11 28 1st April 2011 – 31st September 2011 3 Cumulative Total 48 Annual Average (2008-10) 12

4.57 Although the annual average of 12 windfall completions per annum is considered an accurate account of historic delivery, it is not considered sufficiently robust to project this rate of delivery forward when calculating future land supply. This is primarily due to the short timeframe (under 5-years) within which the figure has been calculated. Additionally, the prevailing housing market and wider economic conditions over this timeframe are likely to have adversely affected the delivery of residential development. Furthermore, the Council operated a housing constraint policy between March 2005 and February 2008. The policy limited residential planning application approvals primarily to existing housing allocations and/or regeneration priorities.

4.58 The rate at which windfall development continues to be delivered will be monitored in the future. If clear and reliable trends become apparent in the future, an allowance for windfall delivery may be taken into consideration in future updates to the SHLAA.


5. Stakeholder consultation

5.1 In order to validate the initial findings of the 2012 update to the SHLAA, Sefton, Knowsley, and West Lancashire Councils jointly convened a meeting of the Housing Market Partnership (HMP) on the 30th of April 2012. The HMP was also consulted as during the preparation of the 1st SHLAA (published 2010) and SHLAA 2011 Update. The agenda and note of the meeting can be found at Appendix 6 and 7 respectively.

5.2 HMP members include locally active house builders, Housing Associations (Registered Providers), property professionals and the Home Builders Federation (HBF).

5.3 The joint authorities held a “Call for Sites” exercise between 27th October and 15th December 2011. The Council received a number of responses to the consultation. Table 3.1 lists the responses received.

Consultation with HMP 5.4 The HMP was consulted on the draft SHLAA report and site appraisals over a four week period (Monday 16th July – Friday 10th August).

5.5 The Council received one response from the HMP as part of the consultation on the draft assessment. The comments were generally supportive of the adopted methodology and site appraisals. Many of the comments were noted as they were more related to the development management process than the appraisal of sites within a SHLAA. No changes were made to the assessment as a result of the comments received.


6. Monitoring and review

6.1 The base date for this SHLAA report in 1st April 2011. This report represents a full update of the previous SHLAA published in 2011.

6.2 The Council monitors all residential planning permissions as at 31st May of each year to support the annual production of the Monitoring Report . Each site is then surveyed, via site visit if necessary, with the figures informing the subsequent update to the SHLAA and Council’s 5-year supply.

6.3 To support the SHLAA and maintain a robust evidence base the Council also contacts landowners to ascertain their intentions and conducts a “Call for Sites” exercise at regular intervals.

6.4 The next update to the SHLAA (2013 Update) will have a base date of 1st April 2012 and will be published in 2013 to support the public examination of Knowsley’s Local Plan: Core Strategy.


7. Results of the assessment

Introduction 7.1 In this section the results from the study are presented to identify whether the RSS and emerging Local Plan: Core Strategy dwelling targets can be achieved.

Results 7.2 The SHLAA 2012 update findings are summarised in Table 7.1 and the following section.

Table 7.1: “Risk assessed” Housing Supply from 1st April 2012 Source Plan Period Total 0 – 5 6 – 10 11 – 15 year year year SHLAA Sites (gross) 2,100 1,092 0 3,192 SHLAA Sites (risk assessed) 1,680 874 0 2,554 Commitments and 1,952 1,212 533 3,697 Allocations (gross) Commitments and 1,667 989 426 3,082 Allocations (risk assessed) Total (gross) 4,052 2304 533 6,889 Total (risk assessed) 3,347 1,863 426 5,636 5 year Housing Requirement 2,250 2,250 2,250 6,750 + 5% Buffer 2,363 +20% Buffer 2,700 Potential over/under supply 1,097 -387 -1,824 -1,114 Over Supply (+5% and 20%) 984 / 647

7.3 Table 7.1 sets out the identified housing supply in the Borough over the 15 years from 1st April 2012. The information includes supply arising from allocated sites, action areas and extant planning permissions, which is set out in the Council’s Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) 2011. Should any of the identified capacity not be realised within an ascribed period, then this capacity may be carried forward to the following supply period.

7.4 In total, the assessment indicates that the Borough has a sufficient five year supply to meet the current housing target of 450 dwellings per annum (equating to 2,250 dwellings), with the majority of the identified supply being already committed as extant planning permissions and allocations.

7.5 For the purposes of the SHLAA, persistent under delivery is understood to mean under delivery for two or more of the most recent and consecutive monitoring years (i.e. 2010/11 and 2011/12). The Council’s AMR for these monitoring years shows that the net delivery was 178 and 141 respectively. Therefore, the SHLAA concludes that Knowsley has persistently “under delivered” against its housing target of 450 per annum. Under the NPPF,


there is therefore a requirement to maintain a six-year supply of deliverable sites, equating to a capacity of 2,700 dwellings.

7.6 There is therefore sufficient supply to meet the requirement for an additional 20% based on recent persistent under delivery.

7.7 Table 7.1 shows an “oversupply” of 647 dwellings or 1.44 years in relation to the 0 – 5 year supply +20% requirement.

7.8 In the 6 – 10 year housing supply period, there is a small under-supply in relation to the annual housing target of -387 dwellings. In this period, the supply is split between sites identified by the SHLAA process and delivery from commitments and allocations.

7.9 The assessment also demonstrates that there is a limited supply of 426 dwellings in the 11 – 15 year category. These are attributed to existing commitments and allocations identified by the 2011 AMR within North Huyton, Thingwall Hall, Huyton and Tower Hill, Kirkby.

7.10 Given the shortfall in the 6 – 10 and 11-15 year categories, it is likely the land currently designated as Green Belt will need to be released within this timeframe to ensure dwelling targets are to be achieved.

Consideration of Under-Provision against Dwelling Targets – RSS Target 7.11 Despite the Government’s clear intention to abolish Regional Strategies, at the time of publication the RSS is part of the development plan. Therefore, it is necessary to take account of historic delivery against the RSS dwelling target since the start of the RSS plan period from 2003 to 2021.

7.12 Completions data outlined in the 2011 Monitoring Report shows that 2,036 net additional dwellings have been delivered between 2003 and 2011. This compares to an RSS target of 3,600 over the same period. As the RSS requirement is a net figure, any future demolitions would therefore need to be replaced. During 2011/12 a further 210 dwellings are estimated to have completed and a further 69 dwellings have been recorded as demolitions14. Therefore the under provision against the target in 2011/12 is expected to be 309.

7.13 This equates to an under-provision of -1,873 (1,564+309) dwellings when compared to the RRS target over the period 2003 – 2011.

14 Figures are derived from the AMR 2011 monitoring and estimated delivery on sites between October 2011 and March 2012 which have been supplemented with additional information from developers. Demolitions data is derived from records from North Huyton NDC and KHT. This information will be updated in the 2012 Monitoring Report.


Consideration of Under-Provision against Dwelling Targets – Local Plan Target 7.14 Additionally, due to the advanced stage of Knowsley’s Local Plan: Core Strategy it is necessary to examine how the housing requirements of the Core Strategy can be achieved. The base date for the Council’s emerging “locally derived” housing target is 1st April 2010. The net average target is 450 dwellings per annum.

7.15 Based on net delivery since 1st April 2010 and the information outlined in paragraph 7.3 the under-provision when compared to the Local Plan dwelling target is -581 (272+309) dwellings.

Addressing Historic Under-Provision against Targets 7.16 Government guidance is clear that dwelling targets should take account of historic under delivery.

7.17 Due to the current economic climate it is unlikely that the Council will be able to account for the historic under provision and therefore exceed 450 dpa in the short term (0 – 5 years). It is considered more realistic to assume that the under-provision can be accounted for once the housing market recovers in the medium (6 – 10 year) and long (11 – 16 year) timeframes. This is likely to coincide with the timing for Green Belt release, which will result in a number of commercially attractive large sites becoming available for residential development. As a result the Council may be able to deliver over and above the annualised target of 450 dpa while these locations are being built out.

7.18 The relationship and associated phasing requirements between existing commitments and allocations, SHLAA identified sites and Green Belt release will be explored within Local Plan: Core Strategy and specifically the housing trajectory.


8. Summary and conclusions

8.1 The SHLAA is a key part of the evidence base for Knowsley’s emerging Local Plan and will assist the Council in delivering the required level of residential development. The updated Study has been undertaken in accordance with Government good practice guidance and provides an indication of the land available for housing development over a 15 year period.

8.2 After making provision in the housing supply for a “risk assessment”, the SHLAA identifies an over-supply of 547 dwellings in the five year period (including an additional 20% buffer) from 1st April 2012. Beyond the 0 – 5 year period there is an under-supply of -387 dwellings in the 6 – 10 year period. A further 426 dwellings are identified in the 11 – 15 year period, which represents a shortfall of -1,181 dwellings.

8.3 Accordingly, across the 15 year period from 1st April 2012, there is a net supply of approximately 12.6 years when compared to the existing RSS housing target or the emerging locally derived target of 450 dpa.

8.4 National planning policy sets out a requirement for local planning authorities, via the SHLAA process, to identify specific, developable sites to provide a ten year supply of housing and, where possible, a 15 year supply. Where it is not possible to identify specific sites for years 11 to 15, “broad locations” for future growth should be indicated.

8.5 As this SHLAA has demonstrated that there are insufficient housing sites in Knowsley to provide housing beyond a 12 year period, there is a clear need to consider where longer term housing growth could be accommodated.

8.6 In order to indentify “broad locations” for longer term growth the Council has developed a draft Green Belt Study jointly with neighbouring Sefton Council. The identification of suitable “broad locations” has been undertaken as a separate study as it was considered to be outside the scope of a SHLAA to undertake a comprehensive and robust Green Belt Review.

8.7 Knowsley and Sefton Councils consulted on their separate draft reports of the joint Green Belt Study during summer 2011, alongside their associated Core Strategy documents.

8.8 Once Knowsley’s Green Belt Study is finalised and the Core Strategy is adopted, any associated “broad locations” highlighted for Green Belt release, will be drawn into subsequent updates to the SHLAA. This will allow the SHLAA process to identify sustainable locations for the longer term (i.e. years 11 – 15) housing development.



Site Name and Level of "Risk

Status Ref. No Application No(s) Assessment" Applied Completed2010/11 CompletedApr-Sep 2011 Remainingdwellings 2012 OctMar 2011- /13 2012 /14 2013 /15 2014 /16 2015 /17 2016 /18 2017 /19 2018 /20 2019 /21 2020 /22 2021 /23 2022 /24 2023 /25 2024 /26 2025 /27 2026 Under 132 08/00654/FUL 12 & 14 Aspinall Street, Prescot 0 0 3 3 000000000000000 Construction 80% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Full Planning 135 09/00023/FUL Land adjacent to 50 The Orchard, 0010100000000000000 Permission Huyton 80% 100000000000000

Under 137 10/00233/FUL 1-7B Taunton Road, 2-16B And 9-27B 0 0 49 15 34 0 0000000000000 Construction Tiverton Close, 27-29B The Crescent And 53-55B Wood Lane 80% 2700000000000000

Full Planning 138 09/00116/FUL Land to the rear of 10 Roby Road, Roby 0010100000000000000 Permission 80% 100000000000000

Detailed 171 08/00364/REM 26 Sinclair Close, Prescot 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Planning Permission 80% 100000000000000

Full Planning 172 09/00044/COU Princes House, Cock Glades, Whiston 0 0 4 0 1 3 0000000000000 Permission 80% 120000000000000

Full Planning 173 09/00262/FUL Former Southdene Methodist Church, 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Permission Broad Lane, Southdene, Kirkby 80% 000006000000000

Full Planning 175 09/00371/FUL Dale Farm House, Greensbridge Lane, 0010100000000000000 Permission Tarbock Green 80% 100000000000000

Full Planning 176 09/00485/FUL Land adjacent to 35 Haweswater Close, 0040220000000000000 Permission Tower Hill, Kirkby 80% 220000000000000

Full Planning 179 09/00537/FUL 2 - 6A Coton Way, Westvale, Kirkby 0 0 2 0 2 00000000000000 Permission 100% 200000000000000 Site Name and Level of "Risk

Status Ref. No Application No(s) Assessment" Applied Completed2010/11 CompletedApr-Sep 2011 Remainingdwellings 2012 OctMar 2011- /13 2012 /14 2013 /15 2014 /16 2015 /17 2016 /18 2017 /19 2018 /20 2019 /21 2020 /22 2021 /23 2022 /24 2023 /25 2024 /26 2025 /27 2026 Under 180 09/00538/FUL 2 - 6A Halstead Walk, Westvale, Kirkby 0 0 2 2 000000000000000 Construction 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Under 181 09/00544/FUL 23 - 25A Jarrett Road, Northwood, Kirkby 0 0 2 2 000000000000000 Construction 100% 000000000000000

Full Planning 183 08/00150/FUL Laburnum Dairy, Hall Lane, Huyton 0 0 3 0 0 3 0000000000000 Permission 100% 030000000000000

Outline 185 08/00313/OUT Higher Shaw Farm, Foxs Bank Lane, 0010010000000000000 Planning Cronton Permission 80% 010000000000000

Outline 187 08/00022/OUT Manor Farm Medical Centre, Manor 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Planning Farm Road, Huyton Permission 80% 070000000000000

Full Planning 188 08/00564/FUL Wheathill Riding Centre, Naylors Road, 0040400000000000000 Permission Roby 80% 300000000000000

Outline 189 08/00363/OUT Land adjacent to St Annes, The Orchard, 0 0 1 0 0 1 0000000000000 Planning Huyton Permission 80% 010000000000000

Full Planning 190 08/00402/FUL Land adjacent to 2 Shop Road, Knowsley 0010100000000000000 Permission Village, Knowsley 80% 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Full Planning 191 08/00361/FUL Land between 46D & 46E, Woolfall 0020200000000000000 Permission Crescent, Huyton 80% 200000000000000

Full Planning 192 08/00620/FUL Vacant land to the rear of 46 - 60 0040400000000000000 Permission Barncroft Road, Halewood 80% 300000000000000

Full Planning 193 09/00531/FUL 174 Roby Road 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Permission Site Name and Level of "Risk

Status Ref. No Application No(s) Assessment" Applied Completed2010/11 CompletedApr-Sep 2011 Remainingdwellings 2012 OctMar 2011- /13 2012 /14 2013 /15 2014 /16 2015 /17 2016 /18 2017 /19 2018 /20 2019 /21 2020 /22 2021 /23 2022 /24 2023 /25 2024 /26 2025 /27 2026 80% 100000000000000

Full Planning 194 09/00411/COU Fernwood Hall 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Permission 80% 100000000000000

Outline 195 10/00102/OUT Vacant land formerly 17-20 Bridge View 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 000000000000 Planning Drive Permission 100% 004000000000000

Under 197 09/00570/FUL 97 Hall Lane 0 0 1 0 1 00000000000000 Construction 80% 100000000000000

Outline 198 10/00097/OUT Land formerly occupied By 5-12 Dryden 0 0 10 0 5 5 0 000000000000 Planning Grove Permission 100% 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Full Planning 199 10/00168/FUL Land adjacent to Huyton House Close 0 0 8 0 0 0 0000000000000 Permission 80% 000000000000000

Full Planning 201 10/00352/FUL Millbridge Farm 0 0 1 0 0 1 0000000000000 Permission 80% 010000000000000

Full Planning 202 10/00399/COU 14 Station Road 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Permission 80% 200000000000000

Under 203 09/00541/COU Coachman's Cottage 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Construction 80% 100000000000000

Full Planning 204 10/00179/FUL Land to north of Kingswood And To Rear 0 0 3 0 3 00000000000000 Permission of 2 - 24 Crownway 100% 300000000000000

Under 205 10/00367/FUL Halewood Family Centre, Leathers Lane, 0 0 12 0 12 00000000000000 Construction Halewood 80% 1000000000000000 Site Name and Level of "Risk

Status Ref. No Application No(s) Assessment" Applied Completed2010/11 CompletedApr-Sep 2011 Remainingdwellings 2012 OctMar 2011- /13 2012 /14 2013 /15 2014 /16 2015 /17 2016 /18 2017 /19 2018 /20 2019 /21 2020 /22 2021 /23 2022 /24 2023 /25 2024 /26 2025 /27 2026 Full Planning 206 08/00379/FUL 27 Stockswell Road Tarbock Green 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 000000000000 Permission 80% 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Outline 207 10/00118/OUT Site of Former Saunders Nursery Ltd., 0070000205000000000000 Planning Windy Arbor Road Permission 80% 00164000000000000

Outline 208 10/00535/OUT Land adjacent to 31 Forest Drive, Roby 0020020000000000000 Planning Permission 80% 020000000000000

Outline 209 10/00551/OUT Vacant land between Browning Close 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 000000000000 Planning and Keats Green, Huyton Permission 100% 0120000000000000

Full Planning 210 10/00660/FUL Land adjacent to 9 Sanderling Road, 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Permission Northwood 80% 100000000000000

Under 211 10/00698/FUL; Land at junction of Mercer Avenue/ 0 0 19 19 0 00000000000000 Construction 10/00697/FUL Oatlands Road, Westvale 80% 000000000000000

Under 213 10/00705/FUL Former Allotments, Hillingden Avenue, 0 0 10 10 0 00000000000000 Construction Halewood 80% 000000000000000

Full Planning 214 11/00012/FUL Land adjacent to 15 The Roundabout, 0010100000000000000 Permission Cronton 80% 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Full Planning 215 10/00563/COU 15 Westhead Close (Former 'Kirkby 0060600000000000000 Permission Care' Care Home), Northwood, Kirkby 80% 500000000000000

Full Planning 216 10/00597/FUL Former Prescot and Whiston 0022011110000000000000 Permission Maintenance Depot, Grosvenor Road, Prescot 80% 990000000000000 Site Name and Level of "Risk

Status Ref. No Application No(s) Assessment" Applied Completed2010/11 CompletedApr-Sep 2011 Remainingdwellings 2012 OctMar 2011- /13 2012 /14 2013 /15 2014 /16 2015 /17 2016 /18 2017 /19 2018 /20 2019 /21 2020 /22 2021 /23 2022 /24 2023 /25 2024 /26 2025 /27 2026 Under 217 11/00031/FUL Land adjacent 10 Coronation Drive, 0030300000000000000 Construction Prescot 80% 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Full Planning 218 11/00046/FUL 31 Pottery Lane, Whiston 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Permission 80% 200000000000000

Full Planning 220 11/00072/FUL 2 Pilch Lane East, Roby 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Permission 80% 100000000000000

Full Planning 221 11/00112/FUL Land adjacent to 49 Kenbury Road, 0020200000000000000 Permission Northwood, Kirkby 80% 200000000000000

Full Planning 222 11/00124/FUL Grinton Lodge Farm, Church Road, Roby 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Permission 80% 020000000000000

Full Planning 223 11/00246/FUL 9 - 11 Atherton Street, Prescot 0 0 4 0 4 00000000000000 Permission 80% 300000000000000

Full Planning 224 11/00305/FUL Land at junction of Torrington Drive & 0020200000000000000 Permission Tiverton Road, Halewood 80% 200000000000000

Outline 225 11/00378/KMBC1 Land between 82 and 84 Blakeacre 0010010000000000000 Planning Road, Halewood Permission 80% 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Under 1093.1 10/00613/FUL & Former Holt Lane Transport And 0 1 59 15 24 20 0000000000000 Construction 09/00067/REM Roadrunners, Two Butt Lane, Prescot (Site H7) 80% 19160000000000000

Full Planning 1192.4 10/00358/FUL St Kevins Drive, Northwood 0 0 52 0 44 8 0000000000000 Permission 80% 3560000000000000 Site Name and Level of "Risk

Status Ref. No Application No(s) Assessment" Applied Completed2010/11 CompletedApr-Sep 2011 Remainingdwellings 2012 OctMar 2011- /13 2012 /14 2013 /15 2014 /16 2015 /17 2016 /18 2017 /19 2018 /20 2019 /21 2020 /22 2021 /23 2022 /24 2023 /25 2024 /26 2025 /27 2026 Full Planning 1192.5 10/00639/FUL St Kevins Drive, Northwood 0 0 19 0 1900000000000000 Permission 80% 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Under 1195 09/00618/FUL Quarryside Drive/Clorain Rd, Kirkby (site 0 0 25 10 15 00000000000000 Construction H6) 80% 1200000000000000

Detailed 1237.2 08/00777/REM Robcliffe Longview Service Station, 91 00180099000000000000 Planning Longview Drive, Huyton Permission 80% 077000000000000

Full Planning 1275 10/00646/FUL 37-39 Kenbury Rd/2-4 Kenbury Clo, 0060600000000000000 Permission Northwood, Kirkby 80% 500000000000000

Outline 1298.2 09/00623/OUT Land opposite 1-13 Station Road, 0 0 11 0 0 5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Planning Prescot Permission 80% 045000000000000

Full Planning 1345 09/00342/FUL Simonswood Walk, Kirkby. 0 0 9 0 0 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Permission 80% 043000000000000

Full Planning 1360 09/00021/FUL Sidney Powell Ave/Corbet Walk, Kirkby. 0060600000000000000 Permission 80% 500000000000000

Outline 1380.1 10/00132/RPP Land off Thingwall Lane, Huyton (site 0 0 528 0 0 25 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 23 0 0 Planning H4) Permission 80% 0 20 32 32 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 18 0 0

Outline 1381 10/00302/RPP Brothers of Charity land, Thingwall Lane, 0 0 120 0 0 60 60 000000000000 Planning Huyton Permission 80% 04848000000000000

Outline 1411 09/00353/OUT Vacant land adjacent to 45 Stratton 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Planning Road, Westvale, Kirkby Permission 80% 000000010000000

Under 1483 08/00429/FUL 26-31 Thursby Cres., Southdene 0 1 5 5 0 00000000000000 Construction Site Name and Level of "Risk

Status Ref. No Application No(s) Assessment" Applied Completed2010/11 CompletedApr-Sep 2011 Remainingdwellings 2012 OctMar 2011- /13 2012 /14 2013 /15 2014 /16 2015 /17 2016 /18 2017 /19 2018 /20 2019 /21 2020 /22 2021 /23 2022 /24 2023 /25 2024 /26 2025 /27 2026 80% 000000000000000

Full Planning 1509.1 09/00471/ful 601 Princess Drive, Huyton 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Permission 80% 0120000000000000

Outline 1541.1 09/00355/OUT Former flats, land opposite 63-105 0 0 32 0 0 0 0 22 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Planning Kipling Ave., Huyton (site H2) Permission 100% 00022100000000000

Full Planning 1600 09/00331/FUL 12-22 Roughwood Dri, Northwood, 0070700000000000000 Permission Kirkby 80% 600000000000000

Outline 1604 09/00336/OUT 44-46 Penley Cres, Westvale, Kirkby 0070007000000000000 Planning Permission 80% 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Full Planning 1610.2 07/00023/FUL Former shop, 43 Essex Road, Huyton 0020020000000000000 Permission 80% 020000000000000

Under 1769.1 10/00311/FUL; Former BICC works, Manchester 26 19 205 25 40 40 40 40 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Construction 10/00403/FUL; Road/Station Road/Bridge Road, 10/00406/FUL; Prescot. 80% 32323232160000000000

Under 1769.2 09/00631/FUL Former BICC works, Manchester 25 098 025252523 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Construction Road/Station Road/Bridge Road, Prescot. 80% 2020201800000000000

Under 1791 10/00686/FUL: Former Marconi Site 0 10 48 15 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Construction 80% 2600000000000000

Under 1851.1 07/00457/FUL Land at the Old School House, Church 0066000000000000000 Construction Road, Halewood 80% 000000000000000

Full Planning 2078 09/00085/FUL Land at Edenhall Drive/Merrivale Road, 0030300000000000000 Permission Halewood. Site Name and Level of "Risk

Status Ref. No Application No(s) Assessment" Applied Completed2010/11 CompletedApr-Sep 2011 Remainingdwellings 2012 OctMar 2011- /13 2012 /14 2013 /15 2014 /16 2015 /17 2016 /18 2017 /19 2018 /20 2019 /21 2020 /22 2021 /23 2022 /24 2023 /25 2024 /26 2025 /27 2026 80% 200000000000000

Under 3010.1 09/00125/FUL; North Huyton Action Area, Huyton 0 0 39 0 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Construction 09/00193/FUL; (Phase 1) (06/00746/FUL) 100% 3900000000000000

Under 3010.2 06/00746/OUT; North Huyton Action Area, Huyton 32 16 46 18 11 17 17 000000000000 Construction 07/00338/OUT (Phase 1) 100% 111717000000000000

Under 3010.3 06/00746/FUL; North Huyton Action Area, Huyton 0 0 80 0 0 33 18 22 70000000000 Construction 07/00338/OUT (Phase 1) 100% 033182270000000000

Full Planning 3010.4 07/00338/OUT; North Huyton Action Area, Huyton 0 0 28 0 0 0 15 9 40000000000 Permission 06/00746/FUL (Phase 1) 100% 0 0 15 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Under 3010.5 10/00107/FUL North Huyton Action Area, Huyton 0 3 66 15 40 11 0000000000000 Construction (Phase 1) (Highfield Road) 100% 40110000000000000

Outline 3010.6 07/00338/OUT North Huyton Action Area, Huyton 0 0 1059 0 0 0 0 0 170 170 120 100 100 79 100 100 120 0 0 Planning (Phases 2 - 5) Permission 80% 0 0 0 0 136 136 96 80 80 63 80 80 96 0 0

Full Planning 3014 08/00367/FUL 16 Smithy Lane 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Permission 80% 200000000000000

Gross Supply from Permissions 50 2913 160 428 328 269 206 261 227 170 151 150 129 150 150 143 0 0 Risk Assessed Supply from 362 279 226 175 213 182 136 121 120 103 120 120 114 0 0 Action Area without planning permission Tower Hill Action Area 0 0 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 40 40 40 40 40 50 0 0 0 80% 0 0 0 0 0 40 32 32 32 32 32 40 0 0 0

Other UDP Allocations (without planning permission) Delph Lane / Two Butt Lane, Whiston 0040000202000000000000 (Site H7) 80% 00161600000000000 Site Name and Level of "Risk

Status Ref. No Application No(s) Assessment" Applied Completed2010/11 CompletedApr-Sep 2011 Remainingdwellings 2012 OctMar 2011- /13 2012 /14 2013 /15 2014 /16 2015 /17 2016 /18 2017 /19 2018 /20 2019 /21 2020 /22 2021 /23 2022 /24 2023 /25 2024 /26 2025 /27 2026 Land adjacent to St Andrews Church 0030000151500000000000 Hall, Boundary Drive, Halewood (site H5)

80% 00121200000000000 Bridgefield Forum, Cartbridge Lane, 0 0250 0 0404040505030 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Halewood. (site H1) 80% 0 32 32 32 40 40 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Former 1 - 193 Wingate Towers, 0070003040000000000000 Alamein Rd., Huyton (site H3) 100% 03040000000000000 Land at Trecastle Road/Shacklady Road, 002000020000000000000 Kirkby (site H8) 100% 0020000000000000 Former Kirkby Stadium site, Valley Rd, 0 0225 0 0 04040505045 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kirkby (policy H4) 100% 0 0 40 40 50 50 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gross Supply from Allocations 0 635 0 0 70 175 115 100 150 115 40 40 40 40 50 0 0 0 Risk Assessed Supply from 0 62 160 100 90 130 101 32 32 32 32 40 0 0 0

Total Gross Supply 50 3848 160 428 398 444 321 361 377 285 191 190 169 190 200 143 0 0 Risk Assessed Supply 362 341 386 275 303 312 237 153 152 135 152 160 114 0 0

Notes: 1. Figures in BOLD RED FONT are informed by developer contact 2. 20% risk assessment applied to all non-allocated sites with planning permission 3. The 20% "risk assessment" has been applied to allocations at Bridgefield Forum (site H1) and Tower Hill Action Area due to uncertainties relating to flood risk and deliverability respectively. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.61 Site ID: K0339

Address: Hilton Grave and Adjacent Land The Avenue Net Site Area: 0.549

Township Halewood Density: 30 Existing Use: Former Community / Youth Centre Yield: 16 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 38

Total Survey Score: 83 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Land in Council ownership, formerly used as a community / youth centrel. The site is no longer required has been identified as surplus by the Council's asset review. The site is Comments: largely free from constraints and available for development now.

Conclusion: The site has been identified as surplus and is currently available for alternative uses. The site has therefore been included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.29 Site ID: K0451

Address: Former Longview School Playing Field Primrose Drive Net Site Area: 0.29

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Former Playing Field Yield: 9 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 85 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Land in Council ownership, formerly used as school playing fields The site is no longer required for education or sporting provision and has been identified as surplus by the Comments: Council's asset review. The site is largely free from constraints and available for development now.

Conclusion: The site has been identified as surplus and is currently available for alternative uses. The site has therefore been included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 2.36 Site ID: K0379

Address: Former St Agnes School and Playing Fields St Johns Road Net Site Area: 1.77

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Former School Yield: 53 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 5

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 5

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 46

Total Survey Score: 79 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Vacant school and playing field. Potential for redevelopment of site for residential use due to surrounding dwellings and adaquate access. Land in Council and Archdiocese Comments: ownership, formerly used as a school and associated playing fields. The site is not longer required for education or sporting provision and has been identified as surplus by the Council's asset review. The site is largely free from constraints and available for development now.

Conclusion: The site has been identified as surplus and is currently available for alternative uses. The site has therefore been included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 11.7 Site ID: K0431

Address: Former All Saints School Cherryfield Drive Net Site Area: 8.775

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: School and outdoor sporting provision Yield: 263 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 5

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 20 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 85 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Land in Council ownership, formerly used as a school. The site was submitted via the Call for Sites process by a third party in 2011. The site is not longer required for education or Comments: sporting provision and has been identifed as surplus by the Council's asset review. The site is largely free from constraints and available for development now.

Conclusion: The site has been identified as surplus and is currently available for alternative uses. The site has therefore been included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 3.88 Site ID: K0440

Address: Land south of Larch Road and north of railway line Larch Road Net Site Area: 2.91

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Former playing fields Yield: 87 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 25 Suitability Score: 42

Total Survey Score: 92 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site was submitted via the Call for Sites process in 2011 by the owner. The site owners has demonstrated that they wish to bring the site forward in the short term. The site is Comments: currently allocated as urban greenspace. However, the site is not currently required to meet open space / outdoor sporting requirements. The site is currently vacant and available for development.

Conclusion: Notwithstanding the site's urban greenspace allocation, evidence shows that residential development is acceptable in this location. The site is free from constraints and currently avaialble for development. Therefore the site is included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.03 Site ID: K0444

Address: Land at Bracknell Road and Silcroft Road Net Site Area: 0.03

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Former housing site Yield: 1 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 90 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site is included in Knowsley's Affordable Housing Programme 2011 - 2014 which is supported by the HCA and Registered Providers. The site is free from constraints, available Comments: for development now and is programmed for delivery prior to 2014.

Conclusion: The site is included in Knowsley's Affordable Housing Programme and available for development now. The site is therefore included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.21 Site ID: K0445

Address: Land at Station Road Net Site Area: 0.21

Township Prescot Density: 50 Existing Use: Former housing site Yield: 10 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 46

Total Survey Score: 91 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site is included in Knowsley's Affordable Housing Programme 2011 - 2014 which is supported by the HCA and Registered Providers. The site has good highways access and is Comments: within a highly accessible location therefore a higher than average site density may be appropriate. Site density of 50 dpha has been informed by detailed master plan / design work undertaken by the Registered Provider. The site is free from constraints, available for development now and is programmed for delivery prior to 2014.

Conclusion: The site is included in Knowsley's Affordable Housing Programme and available for development now. The site is therefore included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.05 Site ID: K0446

Address: Former Garage Site at Markfield Crescent Net Site Area: 0.05

Township Halewood Density: 35 Existing Use: Former garage site Yield: 2 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 25 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 97 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site is included in Knowsley's Affordable Housing Programme 2011 - 2014 which is supported by the HCA and Registered Providers. Site density of 35 dpha has been informed Comments: by detailed master plan / design work undertaken by the Registered Provider. The site is free from constraints, available for development now and is programmed for delivery prior to 2014.

Conclusion: The site is included in Knowsley's Affordable Housing Programme and available for development now. The site is therefore included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.06 Site ID: K0447

Address: Former Garage Site, Arncliffe Road Net Site Area: 0.06

Township Halewood Density: 30 Existing Use: Former garage site Yield: 2 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 25 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 97 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site is included in Knowsley's Affordable Housing Programme 2011 - 2014 which is supported by the HCA and Registered Providers. Site density of 30 dpha has been informed Comments: by detailed master plan / design work undertaken by the Registered Provider. The site is free from constraints, available for development now and is programmed for delivery prior to 2014.

Conclusion: The site is included in Knowsley's Affordable Housing Programme and available for development now. The site is therefore included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.28 Site ID: K0448

Address: Land at Browning Close Net Site Area: 0.28

Township Huyton Density: 42 Existing Use: Former housing site Yield: 12 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 25 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 97 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site is included in Knowsley's Affordable Housing Programme 2011 - 2014 which is supported by the HCA and Registered Providers. Site density of 42 dpha has been informed Comments: by detailed master plan / design work undertaken by the Registered Provider. The site is free from constraints, available for development now and is programmed for delivery prior to 2014.

Conclusion: The site is included in Knowsley's Affordable Housing Programme and available for development now. The site is therefore included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.1 Site ID: K0449

Address: Land at Lancing Close Net Site Area: 0.1

Township Halewood Density: 35 Existing Use: Former garage site Yield: 4 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 25 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 97 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site is included in Knowsley's Affordable Housing Programme 2011 - 2014 which is supported by the HCA and Registered Providers. Site density of 35 dpha has been informed Comments: by detailed master plan / design work undertaken by the Registered Provider. The site is free from constraints, available for development now and is programmed for delivery prior to 2014.

Conclusion: The site is included in Knowsley's Affordable Housing Programme and available for development now. The site is therefore included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.54 Site ID: K0163

Address: Former Huyton College, Huyton Hey Net Site Area: 0.54

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Vacant Land Yield: 19 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 25 Suitability Score: 42

Total Survey Score: 92 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Planning persmission on this site recently expired. The site is generall free from contraints, although consideration may need to be given to access and potential impact on the Comments: Consveration Area.

Conclusion: The site is currrently available for development, therefore placed in the 0-5yr plan period. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.29 Site ID: K0009

Address: Adjacent to 16 Browning Close Net Site Area: 0.261

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Former Garage Site - Currently Vacant Land Yield: 8 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 90 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Former Council asset, recently sold for development. There may be a possibility to develop with nearby site K0109. Site overlooks school playing field to the north west. Comments:

Conclusion: Available for development and considered to have short term potential. Accordingly, placed in the 0-5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.15 Site ID: K0013

Address: Former 52 - 62 Brook Hey Drive Net Site Area: 0.15

Township Kirkby Density: 35 Existing Use: Formerly Residential - Currently Vacant Land Yield: 5 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 0 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 10 Suitability Score: 41

Total Survey Score: 76 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site previously accommodated residential dwellings. Now cleared and grassed over. Formerly in Council owership and sold for development. The site is included in Knowsley's Comments: Affordable Housing Programme 2011 - 2014 which is supported by the HCA and Registered Providers. Site density of 35 dpha has been informed by detailed master plan / design work undertaken by the Registered Provider. The site is free from constraints, available for development now and is programmed for delivery prior to 2014.

Conclusion: Vacant site which is available and well shaped to accommodate dwellings. The site is included in Knowsley's Affordable Housing Programme and available for development now. The site is therefore included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.113 Site ID: K0030

Address: Opposite 51 and 71 Greens Road Net Site Area: 0.113

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: 30 Existing Use: Former Garage Site / Vacant Lane - Currently Vacant Land Yield: 3 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 36

Total Survey Score: 79 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Shape limits capacity - otherwise a reasonable site. Railway line to the north of the site. A small number of trees on site. Comments:

Conclusion: Irregular shape, but appears vacant. The site's development would likely improve the immediate environment. Placed in the 6-10 year housing supply as ownership details not confirmed and therefore availability for housing may well be in the medium term. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.11 Site ID: K0031

Address: Land off Kenbury Road Net Site Area: 0.11

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: 3 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 0 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 10 Suitability Score: 41

Total Survey Score: 76 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Land in Council ownership. Grassed over informal amenity space. Comments:

Conclusion: In residential area and good shape for residential development plot. Council land which is available for development and is placed in the 5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.12 Site ID: K0034

Address: Adjacent to 106 Brook Hey Drive Net Site Area: 0.12

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Formerly Residential - Currently Informal Amenity Space Yield: 4 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 0 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 10 Suitability Score: 44

Total Survey Score: 69 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Small corner site, which is utilised as informal amenity space. Comments:

Conclusion: The Council sold the site for development and it currently available for redevelopment. Accordingly, placed in the 5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.12 Site ID: K0036

Address: Adjacent to 66 Quarryside Drive Net Site Area: 0.12

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Formerly Residential - Currently Vacant Land Yield: 4 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 0 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 10 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 82 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Corner site. Former residential dwellings. Formerly in Council ownership, sebsequently sold for development. Comments:

Conclusion: Recently sold be the Council for development and available for redevelopment. Accordingly, placed in the 0-5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.13 Site ID: K0043

Address: Land at Ennerdale Close Net Site Area: 0.13

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: 4 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 41

Total Survey Score: 84 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Informal open space. The site is adjacent to site K0218 which lies outside the urban area within the Green Belt. Also close to site K0294. Comments:

Conclusion: The site has been sold by the Council for development. The site is currently available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.18 Site ID: K0050

Address: Land at Glegside Road Net Site Area: 0.18

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Formerly Residential - Currently Vacant Land Yield: 5 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 0 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 10 Suitability Score: 44

Total Survey Score: 79 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Fronted to south by footpath and residential properties. Formerly in Council ownership, subsequently sold for development. Comments:

Conclusion: Former Council asset, recently sold and available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 0-5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.19 Site ID: K0051

Address: Land at Bramcote Walt Net Site Area: 0.19

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Formerly Residential - Currently Vacant Yield: 6 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 44

Total Survey Score: 87 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Fence across middle of site. In Council ownership. Part maintained. The part of site which lies behind residential dwellings is overgrown. Railway line to the north of the site. The Comments: site was formerly occupied by residential dwellings.

Conclusion: In Council ownership and available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 0-5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.10195 Site ID: K0055

Address: Land adjacent to St Judes Church Round Hey Net Site Area: 0.10195

Township Stockbridge Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land - Former Use Unknown Yield: 3 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 90 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Part of wider site has been developed for special needs housing. Service yard for shops to the east. Owned by Villages Housing Assoication. Comments:

Conclusion: Vacant and thought to be available for residential development. Placed in the 5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.221 Site ID: K0063

Address: 1 to 7 Thursby Walk Net Site Area: 0.221

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Formerly Residential / Garage Site - Currently Vacant Land Yield: 7 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 0 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 10 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 82 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Overlooks rear of shopping parade, which is not particularly attractive. Adjacent to public house. Former residential dwellings/garages. In Council ownership. Comments:

Conclusion: In Council ownership and available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 0-5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.5 Site ID: K0073

Address: Rear of Quarry Inn Pottery Lane Net Site Area: 0.45

Township Huyton Density: 45 Existing Use: Former Amenity Greenspace Yield: 21 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 25 Suitability Score: 29

Total Survey Score: 79 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site is overgrown and contains trees. Railway line to south of site. Part greenfield (urban greenspace) and part brownfield (former pottery site). The site is included in Knowsley's Comments: Affordable Housing Programme 2011 - 2014 which is supported by the HCA and Registered Providers. Site density of 45 dpha has been informed by detailed master plan / design work undertaken by the Registered Provider. The site is free from constraints, available for development now and is programmed for delivery prior to 2014.

Conclusion: The site is included in Knowsley's Affordable Housing Programme and available for development now. The site is therefore included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.329 Site ID: K0076

Address: Pod 11 Hollow Croft Net Site Area: 0.329

Township Stockbridge Density: 30 Existing Use: Formerly Residential Yield: 10 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 0

Access: 8 Availability Score: 10 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 75 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Vacant site formerly residential. Owned by Villages Housing Association. Comments:

Conclusion: Site has definite potential for redevelopment for housing. In ownership of Villages Housing Association and therefore offers potential for redevelopment in the short term. Placed in the 5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.5 Site ID: K0080

Address: Land at Bramcote Close Net Site Area: 0.45

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: 14 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 44

Total Survey Score: 87 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey 1950s social housing estate. Currently vacant land. Railway line to the north. Currently in Council ownership. Comments:

Conclusion: In Council ownership and available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.286873 Site ID: K0084

Address: Land to the north of Brook Hey Drive Net Site Area: 0.286873

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Formerly Residential - Currently Vacant Land Yield: 9 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 0 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 10 Suitability Score: 44

Total Survey Score: 79 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Former residential dwellings. Formerly in Council ownership, subsequently sold for development. Comments:

Conclusion: Formerly in Council ownership and sold for development. Currnetly available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 0-5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 2.42 Site ID: K0096

Address: Former St. Clems Croxteth Road Net Site Area: 1.815

Township Stockbridge Density: 30 Existing Use: Former School - Currently Vacant Land / Outdoor Sports Provision Yield: 54 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 0

Access: 8 Availability Score: 20 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 85 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Land in Council ownership, formerly used as a school. Access might constrain development unless dealt with through K0053. Site off a cul-de-sac. Footprint of school towards Comments: western edge. M57 to the east of the site. Some trees on site. . The site is not longer required for education or sporting provision and has been identified as surplus by the Council's asset review. The site is largely free from constraints and available for development now.

Conclusion: The site has been identified as surplus and is currently available for alternative uses. The site has therefore been included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.201 Site ID: K0105

Address: Land at Garth Road Net Site Area: 0.201

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: 4 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 41

Total Survey Score: 84 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Need to provide access to properties on west side which front onto site. The site was formerly in Council ownership, subsequently sold to a Registered Provider for development. Comments: The site is currently included in the Knowsley Affordable Housing Programme (2011-14) and programmed for delivery before 2014. The site density is informed by site master planning carried out by the Registered Provider.

Conclusion: The site is free from constraints and available now. Accordingly, placed in the 0-5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.31 Site ID: K0106

Address: Land at Carfax Road Net Site Area: 0.31

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Informal Open Space Yield: 5 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 41

Total Survey Score: 74 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Awkward shape, which could reduce potential yield. Council ownership. Comments:

Conclusion: In Council ownership and available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 0-5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.23 Site ID: K0108

Address: Land at Copthorne Walk Net Site Area: 0.23

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Formerly Residential - Currently Vacant Land Yield: 7 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 40

Total Survey Score: 83 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Pleasant site - but some traffic noise from M57. Former residential dwellings. Council ownership. Comments:

Conclusion: In Council ownership and available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 0-5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.125 Site ID: K0109

Address: Land at Dryden Grove Net Site Area: 0.125

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: 4 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 43

Total Survey Score: 86 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Strip of land between two rows of houses. May be sufficient plot depth to develop without overlooking. Comments:

Conclusion: Site sold by the Council for developmetn and available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 0-5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 6.851 Site ID: K0201

Address: Former Stockbridge Comp. School Pool Hey Net Site Area: 5.13825

Township Stockbridge Density: 40 Existing Use: Formerly Educational Land / Playing Fields - Outdoor Sports Provision, school grounds Yield: 206 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 90 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Former comprehensive school - vacant since early 1990s. Land in Council ownership. The site is not longer required for education or sporting provision and has been identified as Comments: surplus by the Council's asset review. The site is largely free from constraints and available for development now.

Conclusion: The site has been identified as surplus and is currently available for alternative uses. The site has therefore been included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.21 Site ID: K0206

Address: The Swan Public House, Kingsway Net Site Area: 0.21

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Leisure (Public House) Yield: 6 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 75 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey In active use as pub, but 'call for sites' representation indicates that the site is available for development. Site is flat and covered by public house and car park. Comments:

Conclusion: Promoted for development through the 'call for sites' and available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.242 Site ID: K0210

Address: Land to the rear of Copplehouse PH, Copple House Net Site Area: 0.242

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Leisure - pub car park and grounds of public house Yield: 7 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 5

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 20 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 37

Total Survey Score: 75 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Neighbours are pub and car garage. Current access to site is shared with public house. The land owner is currently in negotiations with lessee available within 2 years. Promoted Comments: through call for sites. Last used during the 1970s. Development may be suject to Policy OS4: Outdoor Sports Provision.

Conclusion: Promoted for development through the 'call for sites' and available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.127 Site ID: K0212

Address: The Dog House PH, (Imperial Hotel) Bridge Road Net Site Area: 0.127

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Leisure (PH) / Vacant Land Yield: 4 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 42

Total Survey Score: 70 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Adjacent to Action Area being redeveloped for housing at present. Site may have some level of contamination due to former industrial works. Pub on site is expected to become Comments: vacant in 2009. Demolition and remediation may be required.

Conclusion: Promoted for development through the 'call for sites' and available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.112 Site ID: K0213

Address: Deans House Hotel, Church Street Net Site Area: 0.112

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: 25 Existing Use: Currently Surface Carparking - Pub car park Yield: 3 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 80 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Capacity likely to be limited by design considerations regarding overlooking (3 to 4 storey development to rear). In Prescot Conservation Area and surrounded by Grade II listed Comments: buildings. Town centre site. Mixed use area. Single ownership.

Conclusion: Promoted for development through the 'call for sites' and available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.105 Site ID: K0224

Address: St. Judes Vicarage, 168 The Roundhey Net Site Area: 0.105

Township Stockbridge Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently church / vicarage Yield: 3 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 75 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Vicarage may require demolition or remodeling for residential use. A mixture of uses surround the site. Single ownership and actively promoted through the call for sites. Comments:

Conclusion: Promoted for development through the 'call for sites' and available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.337 Site ID: K0225

Address: St Martins Church and Vicarage, Peatwood Avenue Net Site Area: 0.337

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Church / Vicarage Yield: 10 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 41

Total Survey Score: 69 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey May require demolition/remodelling for residential use. Single ownership and promoted through the call for sites. Comments:

Conclusion: Promoted for development through the 'call for sites' and available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.239 Site ID: K0226

Address: St Georges Church, Corner of St Georges Road and Hillside Road Net Site Area: 0.239

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Church Hall and Gardens Yield: 7 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 40

Total Survey Score: 68 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site is located next to a school and a nursery. The triangular shape of the site limits capacity. Mature trees on site. Comments:

Conclusion: Promoted for development through the 'call for sites' and available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.37 Site ID: K0227

Address: St Bartolomew's Day Hospital, Station Road Net Site Area: 0.074

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Formerly Educational Land (C of E School) - Currently Day Hospital Yield: 2 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 42

Total Survey Score: 77 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site is partially within Roby Conservation Area - the access point to extreme west of site. There is limited access to site by driveway. Mature trees on edges of site. Railway line to Comments: north. Limited access from west of site - driveway leading to site.

Conclusion: Promoted for development through the 'call for sites' and available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.14 Site ID: K0259

Address: Gilescroft Avenue Net Site Area: 0.14

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Previous Use Unknown - Currently Vacant Yield: 4 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 0 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 10 Suitability Score: 41

Total Survey Score: 76 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Formerly in Council ownership, subsequently sold for development. Comments:

Conclusion: Sold for development by the Council, currently available for development. Accordingly, placed in the 0-5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.08 Site ID: K0261

Address: Adjacent to St Laurences Catholic Primary School, Net Site Area: 0.08

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: 2 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 90 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Suitable for development. Adjacent to school. Council owned. Comments:

Conclusion: In Council ownership and available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.0696 Site ID: K0284

Address: Adjacent to 10 Coronation Drive Net Site Area: 0.0696

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: 2 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 40

Total Survey Score: 83 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Good site for housing. Railway nearby. Former Council asset, subsequently sold for development. Comments:

Conclusion: Formerly in Council ownership, subsequently sold and available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 0-5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.143 Site ID: K0295

Address: Land adjacent to St Leo's Church, Rudgate Net Site Area: 0.143

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: 4 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 40

Total Survey Score: 83 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site slopes a little - would need levelling out for development. Residents car parking spaces surround site. Council owned land. Site has some amenity value to local residents. Comments:

Conclusion: In Council ownership and available for development. Accordingly, placed in the 0-5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.031 Site ID: K0297

Address: Corner of Sanderling Road and Bigdale Drive Net Site Area: 0.031

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Formerly Residential - Currently Vacant Land Yield: 1 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 90 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey New residential properties being built to north of site on site K0190. Small site in Council ownership. Comments:

Conclusion: In Council ownership and available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.044 Site ID: K0313

Address: Land adjacent to 31 Brechin Road Net Site Area: 0.044

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: 1 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 36

Total Survey Score: 74 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Amenity space would need to be removed in order to provide parking space. Appears to be clearance site and considered brownfield. Council owned land. Comments:

Conclusion: In Council ownership and available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.15 Site ID: K0317

Address: Land to rear of 11 Chadwell Road Net Site Area: 0.15

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: 4 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 44

Total Survey Score: 87 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Adjoins vacant site to the west. In Council ownership. Comments:

Conclusion: In Council ownership and available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 0-5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.149 Site ID: K0321

Address: Land to rear of 10 Frederick Lunt Avenue Net Site Area: 0.149

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Former Garage Site - Currently Vacant Land Yield: 2 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 37

Total Survey Score: 80 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Access is narrow, capacity limited following highways advice. Partial foundations. Council owned site. Comments:

Conclusion: In Council ownership and available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 0-5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.107 Site ID: K0329

Address: Corner of Broad Lane and Pinfold Crescent Net Site Area: 0.107

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: 3 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 41

Total Survey Score: 84 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Small site and triangular shape, but has some potential. Former Council ownership. Comments:

Conclusion: Former Council site, subsequently sold for development. Available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 0-5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.141 Site ID: K0346

Address: Land between Shelley close and Byron Close Net Site Area: 0.141

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Former Garage Site - Currently Vacant Land Yield: 4 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 4 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 43

Total Survey Score: 86 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Council owned. Comments:

Conclusion: In Council ownership and available for redevelopment in the short term. Accordingly, placed in the 0-5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 1.75 Site ID: K0348

Address: Land to the south of Quarryside Drive Net Site Area: 1.575

Township Kirkby Density: 42 Existing Use: Vacant open land Yield: 66 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 90 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site is designated as Urban Greenspace, however evidence has demonstrated that the site is no longer required to meet local open space requirements. The site is currently Comments: cleared. Former Council asset which was sold to a Registered Provider for development. The site is included in Knowsley's Affordable Housing Programme 2011 - 2014 which is supported by the HCA and Registered Providers. Site density of 42 dpha has been informed by detailed master plan / design work undertaken by the Registered Provider. The site is free from constraints, available for development now and is programmed for delivery prior to 2014.

Conclusion: Site is previously developed and considered to have development potential in the short term. The site is included in Knowsley's Affordable Housing Programme and available for development now. The site is therefore included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 6.9563 Site ID: K0371

Address: Bowring Community Sports College Western Avenue Net Site Area: 5.217225

Township Huyton Density: 40 Existing Use: Former School Yield: 209 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 23

Total Survey Score: 56 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site is designated as Urban Greenspace. In Council ownership and has been identified as surplus by the Council's asset review as it is no longer required for outdoor sporting Comments: of education provision.

Conclusion: The site is currently siituated in Urban Greenspace but considered to have development potential and is currently available. The site is therefore placed in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 3.1098 Site ID: K0372

Address: Cherryfield School Rockford Avenue Net Site Area: 2.33235

Township Kirkby Density: 40 Existing Use: Former Cherryfield School Yield: 93 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 5 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 30 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey In Council ownership and currently available for development. The site is no longer required for educational or sporting uses. The site is largely free from constraints and available Comments: for development now.

Conclusion: The site has been identified as surplus and is currently available for alternative uses. The site has therefore been included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 1.2 Site ID: K0375

Address: land adjacent to Mosscroft school York Road Net Site Area: 0.9

Township Huyton Density: 40 Existing Use: Playing Field Yield: 36 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 0 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 9

Total Survey Score: 37 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Cleared site subject to Flood Risk Zone 2/3 - net developable area reduced to 1.2 hectares. Poor location and poor accesibility from York Road limit site. Land levels could prove to Comments: be a physical constraint as the land is uneven. Descending towards the centre and banking towards the rail line. Council owned site, currently avaialable for development.

Conclusion: Council owned site and currently available for development. Therefore placed in the 0-5 year supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 2.86 Site ID: K0381

Address: Brookside Community College Waterpark Drive Net Site Area: 2.145

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Former School Site and Playing Field Yield: 64 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 5 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 15

Total Survey Score: 38 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey A large plot partially subject to Flood Zone 2. Locatied near to large round-a-bout dispensing to residential areas provides good accessibility. The site is not longer required for Comments: education or sporting provision and has been identified as surplus by the Council's asset review. The site is largely free from constraints and available for development now.

Conclusion: Currently owned by the Council and available for development now. Large plot which is susceptible partially to Flood Zone 2. Placed witin the 0-5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 2.0035 Site ID: K0382

Address: Huyton Leisure Centre Roby Road Net Site Area: 1.502625

Township Huyton Density: 40 Existing Use: Leisure centre / sports provision Yield: 60 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 46

Total Survey Score: 81 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site contained car park and building which have now been cleared. The site is no longer required for sporting uses as alternative provision has been provided (Huyton Leisure and Comments: Culture Park - Longview).

Conclusion: Council owned site which is suitable site for housing and currently available for development. Therefore placed in 0-5 year supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 2 Site ID: K0383

Address: Knowsley Northern Primary Support Centre Bramcote Walk Net Site Area: 1.5

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Former Primary Support Centre Yield: 45 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 5 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 15

Total Survey Score: 33 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Generally a good site for development. A mixture of hard standing and grassed land. Land levels and a number of exisitng established trees may prove to be a further constraint. Comments: Buildings have been cleared. The site is no longer required for education provision and has been identified as surplus by the Council's asset review. The site is largely free from constraints and available for development now.

Conclusion: Good site for housing, no longer required for educational. Council owned site, currently available for development. Therefore placed in 0-5 year supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 2.442 Site ID: K0389

Address: Knowsley Southern Primary Support Centre Arncliffe Road Net Site Area: 1.8315

Township Halewood Density: 30 Existing Use: Former School Site Yield: 55 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 5 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 0 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 9

Total Survey Score: 34 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Located on the edge of a large woodland belt. Buildings have now been cleared. Land levels may prove to be a physical constraint, with a large dip in the land toward the middle of Comments: the site. The site is no longer required for education provision and has been identified as surplus by the Council's asset review. The site is largely free from constraints and available for development now.

Conclusion: Council owned site which has been cleared. The site has been identified as surplus and is currently available for alternative uses. The site has therefore been included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.2299 Site ID: K0409

Address: Alamein Road Net Site Area: 0.2299

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 7 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 5 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 35 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Vacant land well shaped to suit dwellings located to the rear of residential properties with good access from Almein Road. Few other site problems except a number of established Comments: trees and a sign for a hazardous area. Physical constraints may also be posed by a large slope toward the centre of the site.

Conclusion: Good vacant site which is fairly well suited to accomodating dwellings. Categorised within the 0-5 years development plan period class to reflect this. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.3215 Site ID: K0411

Address: Nursery Delfby Crescent Net Site Area: 0.3215

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 10 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 5 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 8 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 25 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Awkwardly shaped site with difficult access routes off Clieves Road, although in a good location. However, the site appears to be still in use as a day centre. Comments:

Conclusion: Although the site still appears to be in use, this is a good site in a good location. Categorised within the 0-5 years development plan period class to reflect this. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.1187 Site ID: K0413

Address: Whiston Library, Dragons Drive Net Site Area: 0.1187

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 4 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 5 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 15

Total Survey Score: 33 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The plot appears to be a good size and well shaped to suit the development of dwellings. There are a number of established trees and a downward slope toward the back of the plot Comments: may prove to be development constraints. Yield appears accurate.

Conclusion: Current site use appears to still be active, however, site would be able to accommodate a decent number of dwellings. Therefore is placed with the 0-5 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.3759 Site ID: K0418

Address: Mackets Resource, Arncliffe Road Net Site Area: 0.3759

Township Halewood Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 11 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 0 Achievability Score: 23 Suitability Score: 9

Total Survey Score: 47 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Good sized site which is likely to have an immediate improvement on the surrounding area. Good access from Arncliffe Road and Lancing Close. Possible constraints posed by a Comments: number of established trees around the site and a fluctuating land level.

Conclusion: Site has been sold by the Council and it expected development can take place within 0-5 years. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.2049 Site ID: K0420

Address: Land of Carrs Terrace Net Site Area: 0.2049

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 6 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 5

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 20 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 50 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Well shaped site with a public footpath located to the east. Good access from Carrs Terrace and Cross Lane. Comments:

Conclusion: Vacant site, development may be possible within the 0-5 years development plan period subject to access requirements for Stadt Moers Park to the south-west. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.73 Site ID: K0422

Address: land at Penmann Crescent Net Site Area: 0.657

Township Halewood Density: 33 Existing Use: Yield: 22 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 18

Total Survey Score: 51 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Exisiting building on site may prove to be a constraint, as well as the large number of established trees. The site is included in Knowsley's Affordable Housing Programme 2011 - Comments: 2014 which is supported by the HCA and Registered Providers. Site density of 33 dpha has been informed by detailed master plan / design work undertaken by the Registered Provider. The site is free from constraints, available for development now and is programmed for delivery prior to 2014.

Conclusion: The site is included in Knowsley's Affordable Housing Programme and available for development now. The site is therefore included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 2.44 Site ID: K0390

Address: Nine Tree Primary School, Hollow Croft Net Site Area: 1.83

Township Stockbridge Village Density: 30 Existing Use: Former School Site and Playing Field Yield: 55 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 15

Total Survey Score: 43 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Council asset. Site has been cleared and is currently vacant. The site is no longer required for education or sporting provision and has been identified as surplus by the Council's Comments: asset review. The site is largely free from constraints and available for development now.

Conclusion: Cleared site with potential for housing development. Classified in the 0-5 year supply. The site has been identified as surplus and is currently available for alternative uses. The site has therefore been included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 2.72 Site ID: K0391

Address: Former Sacred Heart School Playing Fields Westhead Avenue Net Site Area: 2.04

Township Kirkby Density: 40 Existing Use: Former School Site and Playing Field Yield: 82 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 5 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 35 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site is in Council and Archdiocese ownership. Vacant Land adjoining the Simonswood Primary School (Former Sacred Heat School Playing Fields) located to the rear of Comments: residential properties. The site is no longer required for education or sporting uses and has been identified as surplus by the Council's asset review. The site is largely free from constraints and available for development now.

Conclusion: The site is in Council and Archdiocese ownership. The site has been identified as surplus and is currently available for alternative uses. The site has therefore been included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.451 Site ID: K0394

Address: Scotchbarn Sports Centre (Pool) Scotchbarn Lane Net Site Area: 0.4059

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 12 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 5 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 30 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Council owned site, currently available for development. The site is no longer required for sporting uses. Good access from Scotchbarn Lane and good location near to sports and Comments: recreation grounds. The site is no longer required for sporting provision and has been identified as surplus by the Council's asset review. The site is largely free from constraints and available for development now.

Conclusion: The site is currently owned by the Council and available for development. The site is placed within the 0-5 year development plan period. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.395 Site ID: K0395

Address: Land to rear of swimming baths, Scotchbarn Lane Net Site Area: 0.395

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 12 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 5 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 23 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 40 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Vacant hard standing land adjoining existing major sporting use. Telephone mast on site may cause a minor constraint to development. The site is no longer required for sporting Comments: provision and has been identified as surplus by the Council's asset review. The site is largely free from constraints and available for development now.

Conclusion: Council owned site which is currently available for development. The site is placed within the 0-5 year plan period. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 4.15 Site ID: K0396

Address: Former St Edmund Arrowsmith RC School Scotchbarn Lane Net Site Area: 3.1125

Township Density: 40 Existing Use: Yield: 124 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 5 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 9

Total Survey Score: 27 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Large capacity former school and playing field site with good access off Scotchbarn Road. Land levels are uneven. The site is no longer required for education or sporting provision Comments: and has been identified as surplus by the Council's asset review. The site is largely free from constraints and available for development now.

Conclusion: The site has been identified as surplus and is currently available for alternative uses. The site has therefore been included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.8487 Site ID: K0399

Address: Nursery, Highfield Net Site Area: 0.76383

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 23 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 40 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Good size / shape vacant nursery plot with good access points off Highfield Road. Comments:

Conclusion: Council owned site which is currently vacant and available for development. Therefore placed in 0-5 year supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 2 Site ID: K0403

Address: Astley House and Playing Fields, Astley Road Net Site Area: 1.8

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Former Conf. Centre and Playing Fields Yield: 54 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 5 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 36

Total Survey Score: 59 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Suitable shape and size of site for residential. Land in Council ownership, formerly used as a school playing field and conferrence centre. The site is no longer required for Comments: education or sporting provision and has been identified as surplus by the Council's asset review. The site is largely free from constraints and available for development now.

Conclusion: The site has been identified as surplus and is currently available for alternative uses. The site has therefore been included in the 0 - 5 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 5.5095 Site ID: K0404

Address: Springfield School, Leyburn Close Net Site Area: 4.132125

Township Kirkby Density: 40 Existing Use: Yield: 165 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 0

Access: 0 Availability Score: 0 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 0 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 9

Total Survey Score: 22 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey New plans are in place to redevelop the existing special needs school on the site.There is very little development potential. Comments:

Conclusion: Council owned site, currently available for development. Therefore included in 0-5 year supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.5105 Site ID: K0407

Address: Land adjacent to Mercer Avenue Net Site Area: 0.45945

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 14 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 45 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Vacant site well shaped to suit dwellings with a seemingly achievable yield. Few site problems except a number of established trees. Comments:

Conclusion: Vacant site which is well suited to accomodating dwellings. Categorised within the 0-5 years development plan period class to reflect this. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.2006 Site ID: K0408

Address: Southdene Methodist Church, Broad Lane Net Site Area: 0.2006

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 6 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 0-5yrs Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 40 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Vacant land with a church building on site, well shaped to suit dwellings with a small row of shops located to the north and good access from Broad Lane. Few other site problems. Comments:

Conclusion: Vacant site which is well suited to accomodating dwellings. Categorised within the 0-5 years development plan period class to reflect this. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.13 Site ID: K0441

Address: Social Club Rusland Road Net Site Area: 0.13

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Social Club Yield: 4 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 75 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site was submitted via the Call for Sites process in 2011 by the owner. The site is currently desiginated as "Primarily Residential Area" and is therefore suitable for residential Comments: development. However, the site appears to be in use as a Social Club and the building may require remodelling or demolition before it would be suitable for residential development.

Conclusion: A suitable site for residential use. However, due the existing use and the potential need for demolition the site has been included in the 0 - 6 year category. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 2.71 Site ID: K0450

Address: Lancashire Watch Factory Albany Road Net Site Area: 2.71

Township Prescot Density: 49 Existing Use: Former watch factory and associated land Yield: 133 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 5

Contaminated: 4 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 20 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 15 Suitability Score: 39

Total Survey Score: 74 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site is an existing employment allocation. However, the Council has accepted that a mixture of uses (including residential) may be acceptable in order to bring forward a Comments: sustainable future use for the site. The site also containts a substantial list building (the former Lancashire Watch Factory) and its curtilage which are likely to be a constraint for any future development proposals.

Conclusion: The site may be suitable for mixed use (including residential) development. Due to contraints such as the listed building and potential need to demolition / remodelling this site is placed in the 6 - 10 year SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.117 Site ID: K0035

Address: Land Adjacent to St Gabriel's Lodge Church Seel Road Net Site Area: 0.117

Township Huyton Density: 40 Existing Use: Car park and Vacant Land Yield: 5 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 5

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 20 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 32

Total Survey Score: 72 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site slopes steeply - positioned high up from road. Former quarry. Only one access point next to existing office unit and used as car park entrance. Car park forms southern half Comments: of site. The other half of site is overgrown.

Conclusion: Car park in use, but area beyond is vacant and not particularly well maintained on day of survey. Considered to have some housing potential due to extant permission. However, the developer's intentions are currently unknown. Therefore placed in 6-10 category. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.118 Site ID: K0037

Address: Former 20 - 31 Woodfarm Hey Net Site Area: 0.118

Township Stockbridge Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land - Formerly Residential Yield: 4 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 0

Access: 8 Availability Score: 20 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 85 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site is currently listed in the Council's National Land Use Database return and was formerly included in the Urban Capacity Study (UCS). Comments:

Conclusion: Suitable for infill development scheme, but ownership details not known. Considered more likely to be realised in the medium term and, accordingly, site is placed in the 6-10 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.155 Site ID: K0042

Address: Adj. to Farmers Arms Dinas Lane Net Site Area: 0.155

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land / Advertising Hording Yield: 5 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 5

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 20 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 36

Total Survey Score: 74 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site currently used for billboard advertising. Access issue - highways authority will need to be consulted as site very close to dual-carrageway. Current access point is on north of Comments: site. Site is currently overgrown.

Conclusion: Vacant land which would benefit from redevelopment. Ownership details not known and considered likely to come forward for development in the medium term. Placed in the 6-10 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.159 Site ID: K0046

Address: Adjacent to Farm Baileys Lane Net Site Area: 0.159

Township Halewood Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Buildings Yield: 5 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 0

Access: 0 Availability Score: 10 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 39

Total Survey Score: 67 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Backland site - access could be improved if adjoining building is included. Comments:

Conclusion: Site appears under-utilised with potential for development. As the ownership of the site is uncertain, it is considered that the potential may be realised in the medium term and the site is placed in the 6-10 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.18 Site ID: K0053

Address: 266 - 277 Boode Croft Net Site Area: 0.18

Township Stockbridge Density: 30 Existing Use: Formerly Residential - Currently Vacant Land Yield: 5 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 0

Access: 8 Availability Score: 10 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 43

Total Survey Score: 71 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Informal open space. Comments:

Conclusion: Good shape for development. Ownership details not known and potential considered more likely to be realised in the medium term. Placed in the 6-10 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.224 Site ID: K0061

Address: Land at Pod 10 (west) Boode Court Net Site Area: 0.224

Township Stockbridge Density: 30 Existing Use: Formerly Residential - Currently Vacant Land Yield: 7 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 0

Access: 8 Availability Score: 10 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 75 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Former residential dwellings. Comments:

Conclusion: Site has definite potential for redevelopment for housing. Ownership details not known and it is considered most likely that potential will be realised in the medium term Accordingly, placed in the 6-10 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.222 Site ID: K0062

Address: Land at Pod 10 (East) Boode Court Net Site Area: 0.222

Township Stockbridge Density: 30 Existing Use: Formerly Residential - Currently Vacant Land Yield: 7 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 0

Access: 8 Availability Score: 10 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 75 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Formerly the site of residential dwellings, now informal open space. Comments:

Conclusion: Site has definite potential for redevelopment for housing. Ownership details not known and it is considered most likely that potential will be realised in the medium term Accordingly, placed in the 6-10 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.236 Site ID: K0065

Address: Land off Shevingtons Lane Net Site Area: 0.059

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: 2 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 0

Access: 4 Availability Score: 20 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 40

Total Survey Score: 78 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Very small site. Mature trees on boundary of site. Net developable area relates to that part of the site which falls outside flood zone 3. Comments:

Conclusion: Area of site which lies outside flood zone 3 has potential for development for a couple of dwellings. Ownership details not known and considered most likely that potential will be realised in the medium term. Placed in the 6-10 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.22 Site ID: K0074

Address: Land at Wheathill Road Net Site Area: 0.22

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Formerly Developed - Currently Vacant Land Yield: 7 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 30

Total Survey Score: 75 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Mature trees, completely overgrown. Near to M62. Comments:

Conclusion: Site has definite potential for redevelopment for housing. Ownership details not known and it is considered most likely that potential will be realised in the medium term Accordingly, placed in the 6-10 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.559 Site ID: K0087

Address: Nr Stockbridge Leisure Centre, The Withens Net Site Area: 0.5031

Township Stockbridge Density: 30 Existing Use: Former Underground Car Park - Currently Amenity Greenspace Yield: 15 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 0

Access: 8 Availability Score: 20 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 85 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Designated Centre in UDP. Area is in need of regeneration. Owned by Villages Housing Association. Some trees on site. Vacant site - former use deck access commercial and Comments: retail with a basement car park.

Conclusion: Site available and in need of development. Housing likely as part of mixed use development. Given size and location of site, it is considered likely that housing will be delivered in the medium term. Placed in 6-10 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.65 Site ID: K0088

Address: Pod 9 Boode Croft Net Site Area: 0.585

Township Stockbridge Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Residential / Vacant Land Yield: 18 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 8 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 70 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site includes existing housing and amenity land. Comments:

Conclusion: Site has definite potential for redevelopment for housing. Ownership details not known and it is considered most likely that potential will be realised in the medium term Accordingly, placed in the 6-10 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.188 Site ID: K0175

Address: Land at Custley Hey Net Site Area: 0.188

Township Stockbridge Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: 6 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 0

Access: 8 Availability Score: 10 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 75 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Vacant site - ownership unknown. Comments:

Conclusion: Site has definite potential for redevelopment for housing. Ownership details not known and it is considered most likely that potential will be realised in the medium term Accordingly, placed in the 6-10 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.629 Site ID: K0228

Address: Willis House, 23 Cumber Lane Net Site Area: 0.5661

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently a Day Hospital / Clinic Yield: 17 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 41

Total Survey Score: 74 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Put forward by PCT - closure date unknown still in active use. Trees along frontage. Light industry to north of site. Single ownership, CFS site. May require demolition or Comments: remodeling for residential use.

Conclusion: Promoted for development through the 'call for sites'. Placed in the 6-10 year housing supply as exact date of availability not yet known. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 2.524 Site ID: K0350

Address: Land to the South West of Wilson Road Net Site Area: 1.893

Township Huyton Density: 40 Existing Use: Formerly Leisure (Tennis Courts / Recreation Ground) - Vacant land Yield: 76 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 22

Total Survey Score: 50 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Would need screening from adjacent industrial area containing B8 uses. Potential for contamination. Public sewer crosses site. Allocated for employment in UDP however Comments: evidence in the Joint Employment Land and Premises Study concludes that the site cannot be accessed via the existing business park and residential uses may be more appropriate.

Conclusion: Employment allocation, but identified as having inadequate access by the Council's Joint Employment Land & Premises Study. Local Plan is likely to consider alternative uses. Offers realisible housing potential in medium term and placed in 6-10 year supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 1.61 Site ID: K0365

Address: Former Gas Works, Moss Street Net Site Area: 1.449

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: 40 Existing Use: Currently Vacant / Office / Storage: CFS Yield: 58 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 5

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 4 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 20 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 43

Total Survey Score: 83 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Access possible from Ward Street, Halsall Street and possibly Moss Street. May open up K0078, K0086 and K0093 (but these sites have Urban Greenspace designation). Comments:

Conclusion: A vacant brownfield site with significant potential. Promoted for consideration through call for sites and available for development. However, given the size of the site and the potential for contamination, it is placed in the 6-10 year housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 25.15 Site ID: K0369

Address: South Prescot Action Area Net Site Area: 18.8625

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: 33 Existing Use: Employment Uses Yield: 623 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 8 Suitability Score: 38

Total Survey Score: 61 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Former / existing industrial land in need of significant remediation and demolition in order to be suitable for future uses. The site is designated as South Prescot Action Area (Area Comments: A) wihtin the UDP.

Conclusion: Considered to offer potential for mixed use development inline with emerging policy wihtin the Council's Local Plan Core Strategy. After the base date for this SHLAA (1st April 2011) the Council granted outline planning permission (11/00385/OUT) for mixed use development including 623. This density of this application has informed the density canculations in the SHLAA. Accordingly, this site is currently thought to represent realisible housing capacity and has been placed in the 6 - 10 year category. This is due to the variety of constraints within the site which may impact on delivery. This will be reviewed when updating the SHLAA. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 1.3492 Site ID: K0421

Address: Former ST Joseph, the workers playing field Brewley Drive Net Site Area: 1.21428

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 36 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 40 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Possible access issues. No other apparent constraints. Comments:

Conclusion: Site may be suitable for residential use, subject to suitable access being achieved. Therefore placed in the 6 - 10 year plan period. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.4462 Site ID: K0423

Address: Land Off Knowl Hey Road Net Site Area: 0.40158

Township Halewood Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 12 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 15

Total Survey Score: 48 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Although a good location within a high residential area, site accesibility could be a constraint. Comments:

Conclusion: The site is part of KHT's disposal / regeneration plans. Because of accesibility issues, site is placed within the 6-10 years Plan Period. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.215 Site ID: K0424

Address: Land at Garth Road Net Site Area: 0.215

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 6 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 0

Access: 0 Availability Score: 0 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 30 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Access issues with the site. Comments:

Conclusion: The site is part of KHT's disposal / regeneration plans. Because of accesibility issues, site is placed within the 6-10 years Plan Period. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.294 Site ID: K0425

Address: Land at Pitsmead Road Net Site Area: 0.294

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 9 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 45 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Apparent access issues. Comments:

Conclusion: The site is part of KHT's disposal / regeneration plans. Because of accesibility issues, site is placed within the 6-10 years Plan Period. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.2923 Site ID: K0426

Address: Land at Copthorne Road Net Site Area: 0.2923

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 9 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 0

Access: 0 Availability Score: 0 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 0 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 9

Total Survey Score: 27 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Land accesibility issues. Comments:

Conclusion: The site is part of KHT's disposal / regeneration plans. Because of accesibility issues, site is placed within the 6-10 years Plan Period. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.135 Site ID: K0427

Address: Land to the rear of 47-55 Brook Hey Drive Net Site Area: 0.135

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 4 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 45 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Poor access to the site which is currently council owned allotment gardens. Comments:

Conclusion: The site is part of KHT's disposal / regeneration plans. Because of accesibility issues, site is placed within the 6-10 years Plan Period. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.397 Site ID: K0429

Address: Land at Ormonde Crescent Net Site Area: 0.397

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 12 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 45 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Limited access to site. Comments:

Conclusion: The site is part of KHT's disposal / regeneration plans. Because of accesibility issues, site is placed within the 6-10 years Plan Period. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.269 Site ID: K0430

Address: Land at Overdene Walk Net Site Area: 0.269

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 8 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: 6-10yrs Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 45 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Land levels and access could be an issue. Comments:

Conclusion: The site is part of KHT's disposal / regeneration plans. Because of accesibility issues, site is placed within the 6-10 years Plan Period. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.75 Site ID: K0432

Address: Former Holy Angels Primary School Sindey Powell Avenue Net Site Area: 0.675

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Former school site Yield: 20 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 0

Access: 8 Availability Score: 0 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 50

Total Survey Score: 63 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Land in Council ownership, formerly used as a school. The site was submitted via the Call for Sites process by a third party in 2011.The site has not currently been identifed as Comments: surplus or included in the Council's asset review.

Conclusion: The site has not been identified as surplus and is therefore not currently available for alternative uses. The site has been excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.94 Site ID: K0433

Address: Court Hey Park (north) Court Hey Road Net Site Area: 0.846

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Borough park Yield: 25 Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Outside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 0

Access: 4 Availability Score: 10 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 25 Suitability Score: 38

Total Survey Score: 73 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site was submitted via the Call for Sites process in 2011 by a third party. The site is currently in use as a borough park which evidence demonstrates should be retained for Comments: community use. The site is Council owned and has not been identifed as a surplus asset via the Council's Asset Review

Conclusion: The site is currently in use, and unlikely to be available for housing. The site is therefore excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 2.27 Site ID: K0434

Address: Court Hey Park (south) Keswick way Net Site Area: 1.7025

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Borough park Yield: 51 Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Inside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 0

Access: 4 Availability Score: 10 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 0 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 42

Total Survey Score: 72 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site was submitted via the Call for Sites process in 2011 by a third party. The site is currently in use as a borough park which evidence demonstrates should be retained for Comments: community use. The site is Council owned and has not been identifed as a surplus asset via the Council's Asset Review

Conclusion: The site is currently in use, and unlikely to be available for housing. The site is therefore excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 3.03 Site ID: K0435

Address: KGV Playing Fields (south) Huyton Lane Net Site Area: 2.2725

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Outdoor sporting provision Yield: 68 Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Outside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 0

Access: 8 Availability Score: 10 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 75 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site was submitted via the Call for Sites process in 2011 by a third party. The site is currently in use as outdoor sporting provision which evidence demonstrates should be Comments: retained for community use. The site is Council owned and has not been identifed as a surplus asset via the Council's Asset Review.

Conclusion: The site is currently in use and unlikely to be available for housing. The site is therefore excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 1.77 Site ID: K0436

Address: Cyril Cook Park and Former Huyton Leisure Centre Twickenham Drive Net Site Area: 1.593

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Former leisure centre (vacant land) and park Yield: 48 Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Outside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 5

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 20 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 25 Suitability Score: 42

Total Survey Score: 87 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site was submitted via the Call for Sites process in 2011 by a third party. The site was formerly in us as a leisure centre, which evidence demonstrates is no longer required Comments: (alternative provision has been developed at Longview, Huyton). The southern portion of the site falls within Cyril Cook Park, and is being retained in its existing use in line with evidence. The northern part of the site falls within K0382 (Former Huyton Leisure Centre).

Conclusion: The developable portion of this site is identifed as a separate site (K0382 - Former Huyton Leisure Centre). The remainder (and majority) of this site falls within a park land which is allocated as urban greenspace. This area of land is unlikely to become available for housing. The site is therefore excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 1.33 Site ID: K0437

Address: Kings Business Park - Site A Net Site Area: 1.197

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Business Park Yield: 36 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 5

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 20 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 15 Suitability Score: 43

Total Survey Score: 78 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site was submitted via the Call for Sites process in 2011 by the owner. The site is currently allocated for employment uses, a use which evidence demonstrates should be Comments: maintained to meet future employment needs. The site is currently vacant and available for economic development.

Conclusion: Allocated site for employment uses which is unlikely to become available for residential uses. The site is therefore exluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 1.52 Site ID: K0438

Address: Kings Business Park - Site B Net Site Area: 1.368

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Business Park Yield: 41 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 5

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 20 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 15 Suitability Score: 43

Total Survey Score: 78 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site was submitted via the Call for Sites process in 2011 by the owner. The site is currently allocated for employment uses, a use which evidence demonstrates should be Comments: maintained to meet future employment needs. The site is currently vacant and available for economic development.

Conclusion: Allocated site for employment uses which is unlikely to become available for residential uses. The site is therefore exluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 4.67 Site ID: K0439

Address: Kings Business Park - Site V Net Site Area: 3.5025

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Business Park Yield: 105 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 5

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 20 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 15 Suitability Score: 35

Total Survey Score: 70 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site was submitted via the Call for Sites process in 2011 by the owner. The site is currently allocated for employment uses, a use which evidence demonstrates should be Comments: maintained to meet future employment needs. The site is currently vacant and available for economic development.

Conclusion: Allocated site for employment uses which is unlikely to become available for residential uses. The site is therefore exluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 4.09 Site ID: K0442

Address: Tarbock Croft Greensbridge Lane Net Site Area: 3.0675

Township Tarbock Density: 30 Existing Use: Vancant Land Yield: 92 Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 10 Suitability Score: 38

Total Survey Score: 73 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site was submitted via the Call for Sites process in 2011. The site is designated as Green Belt and not contiguous with the existing urban area. The site is available now, but Comments: unsuitable for residential development due to its Green Belt designation.

Conclusion: Unsuitable location located within the Green Belt. Unlikely to offer any potential for residential development. Therefore excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 4.09 Site ID: K0443

Address: Weston Park Net Site Area: 3.0675

Township Halewood Density: 30 Existing Use: Farm land Yield: 92 Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Inside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 5

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 20 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 15 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 82 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site was submitted via the Call for Sites process by the landowner in 2011. The site contains a number of trees and existing buildings which may constrain development, Comments: otherwise the site is available for development. The site is currently designated as Green Belt and is therefore unlikely to be suitable for development.

Conclusion: Excluded from the SHLAA supply due to Green Belt designation. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.21 Site ID: K0445

Address: Land at Station Road Net Site Area: 0.21

Township Prescot Density: 50 Existing Use: Former housing site Yield: 10 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 46

Total Survey Score: 91 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site is included in Knowsley's Affordable Housing Programme 2011 - 2014 which is supported by the HCA and Registered Providers. The site has good highways access and is Comments: within a highly accessible location therefore a higher than average site density may be appropriate. Site density of 50 dpha has been informed by detailed master plan / design work undertaken by the Registered Provider. The site is free from constraints, available for development now and is programmed for delivery prior to 2014.

Conclusion: The site is included in Knowsley's Affordable Housing Programme and available for development now. The site currently has planning permission, therefore excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.28 Site ID: K0448

Address: Land at Browning Close Net Site Area: 0.28

Township Huyton Density: 42 Existing Use: Former housing site Yield: 12 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 25 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 97 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site is included in Knowsley's Affordable Housing Programme 2011 - 2014 which is supported by the HCA and Registered Providers. Site density of 42 dpha has been informed Comments: by detailed master plan / design work undertaken by the Registered Provider. The site is free from constraints, available for development now and is programmed for delivery prior to 2014.

Conclusion: The site is included in Knowsley's Affordable Housing Programme and available for development now. The site now has planning permission and is therefore removed from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 2.05 Site ID: K0111

Address: Land at the Withens Net Site Area: 1.5375

Township Stockbridge Village Density: 40 Existing Use: Urban greenspace Yield: 62 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 90 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site is generally free from the measured constraints. Planning permission for residential use is extant as the site has commenced. However, development seems to have stalled at Comments: the current time.

Conclusion: Site is removed from the SHLAA supply due to extant planning permission. Site is suitable in the short term for residential development. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 2.52 Site ID: K0147

Address: Land at Woodfarm Hey Net Site Area: 1.89

Township Stockbridge Village Density: 30 Existing Use: Vacant Land / Urban Green Space Yield: 57 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 85 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site is generally free from the measured constraints. Planning permission for residential use recently expired on the site. Residential development would be subject to Comments: greenspace requirements.

Conclusion: Development appears to have stalled onsite, however planning permission is extant. Removed from SHLAA supply due to extant permission. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.11 Site ID: K0031

Address: Land off Kenbury Road Net Site Area: 0.11

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: 3 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 0 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 10 Suitability Score: 41

Total Survey Score: 76 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Formerly in Council ownership, recently sold for development. Grassed over informal amenity space. Comments:

Conclusion: In residential area and good shape for residential development plot. Former Council land, which has been sold for development and is available for development. The site now has planning permission, therefore excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.109 Site ID: K0033

Address: Land off Birch Close Net Site Area: 0.109

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: 30 Existing Use: Former Garage Site - Informal Amenity Space / Vacant Land Yield: 3 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 36

Total Survey Score: 74 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Sloping site with trees. Council owned land and adjacent to site K0072. Site appears to be well used and has some value in existing use as amenity space. Adjacent to Urban Comments: Greenspace.

Conclusion: Good shape for infill development scheme, however the site has been been declared surplus. Therefore excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.13 Site ID: K0038

Address: 12 to 22 Roughwood Drive Net Site Area: 0.13

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Formerly Residential - Informal Amenity Space Yield: 4 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 0 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 10 Suitability Score: 38

Total Survey Score: 63 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Former residential dwellings currently vacant and is informal open space. In Council ownership. Comments:

Conclusion: In Council ownership, available for development in the short term and suitable shape for infill development scheme. The site currently has planning permission and has been removed from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.17 Site ID: K0044

Address: 44 - 46 Penley Crescent Net Site Area: 0.17

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Formerly Residential - Currently Vacant Land Yield: 5 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 0 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 10 Suitability Score: 44

Total Survey Score: 79 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Footpath crosses site. Railway line to the north of the site. In Council ownership. Comments:

Conclusion: The site currently has planning permision and has been removed from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.18 Site ID: K0050

Address: Land at Glegside Road Net Site Area: 0.18

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Formerly Residential - Currently Vacant Land Yield: 5 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 0 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 10 Suitability Score: 44

Total Survey Score: 79 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Fronted to south by footpath and residential properties. Formerly in Council ownership, subsequently sold for development. Comments:

Conclusion: Former Council asset, recently sold and available for redevelopment in the short term. The site currently has planning permission, therefore excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.18 Site ID: K0054

Address: Adj to Surgery Sidney Powell Avenue Net Site Area: 0.18

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Formerly Residential - Informal Amenity Space Yield: 5 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 0 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 5 Suitability Score: 50

Total Survey Score: 70 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Informal amenity space. Northern frontage has houses and path fronting onto site. In Council ownership. Comments:

Conclusion: In Council ownership and available for redevelopment in the short term.The site currently has planning permission and has been removed from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.21 Site ID: K0057

Address: Land at Minstead Avenue Net Site Area: 0.21

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: 6 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 0 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 10 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 82 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Paved footpath across site. Trees on northern side. Comments:

Conclusion: The site currently has planning permission and has therefore been removed from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.167 Site ID: K0066

Address: Behind 5 - 21 Bracknell Avenue Net Site Area: 0

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: 0 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 36

Total Survey Score: 79 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site currently all tarmac. Could be a suitable site. Limited access to the west and east of the site. Council ownership. Highways advise maximum 2 dwellings. Comments:

Conclusion: Site is backland and is not considered likely to be attractive to developers. Chances of site coming forward thought to be slim and site therefore removed from housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.245 Site ID: K0071

Address: Behind 1 to 23 Normandy Road Net Site Area: 0.1225

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Formerly Residential / Garage Site - Currently Vacant Land Yield: 4 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 39

Total Survey Score: 82 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Irregular 'L' shaped site. Mature trees on site boundary. Council owned land. Comments:

Conclusion: In Council ownership and currently in use as amenity greenspace. Accordingly excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.383 Site ID: K0078

Address: Site 1 Prescot by-pass St Helens Road Net Site Area: 0.383

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: 20 Existing Use: Currently Amenity Greenspace - former water works Yield: 8 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 5

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 4 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 20 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 8 Suitability Score: 19

Total Survey Score: 47 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site in SBI. No access to site. Access to this site could be achieved by negotiating with land owner of Gas Works (neighbouring site) to gain access from Ward Street. Mature tree Comments: cover - woodland. Council owned. Policy OS3 applies.

Conclusion: Situated in greenspace and is not considered to be surplus. Due to designation the site has been excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.47 Site ID: K0082

Address: Land to the north of Quarryside Drive Net Site Area: 0.423

Township Kirkby Density: Existing Use: Formerly Residential/Vacant Land - Informal Amenity Space Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 0 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 10 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 72 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Used as informal recreation area. Formerly residential dwellings. Council owned. Comments:

Conclusion: In Council ownership and available for redevelopment in the short term. Site received planning permission in 2009. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.541 Site ID: K0085

Address: East of Netvitte Close Lyons Pit Net Site Area: 0.4869

Township Stockbridge Density: Existing Use: Currently Amenity Greenspace Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 0

Access: 4 Availability Score: 10 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 39

Total Survey Score: 67 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Access possible off Woodfarm Hey, but would need improving and would probably impinge on AGS adjacent. Trees on site. No direct road access, further development outside Comments: the PRA would be required. Designated as Urban Greenspace. Policy OS4 applies.

Conclusion: Greenspace designation, may be reviewed as part of POS study and emerging regenertion porposals for Stockbridge Village. Excluded from SHLAA supply in interim period. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.55 Site ID: K0086

Address: Chloridation House Prescot By-pass Net Site Area: 0.495

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: Existing Use: Former Meter House (Meter House) - Currently Natural and Semi-Natural Greenspace Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 5

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 4 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 20 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 8 Suitability Score: 19

Total Survey Score: 47 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site within SBI. No access to site. Access could be achieved if negotiate with landowner of neighbouring site (Gas Works) to gain access from Ward Street. A58 to the north of the Comments: site. Former Coporation Water Works (Meter House).

Conclusion: Situated in Greenspace and previously developed. Site is wholly within Site of Biologial Interest and Core Biodiversity Area, therefore exluded from SHLAA supply StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.654 Site ID: K0089

Address: Greenway Square, Green Way Net Site Area: 0.5886

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Urban Greenspace Yield: 18 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 80 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Council owned land. Designated as Urban Greenspace designation. Policy OS3 applies. Comments:

Conclusion: Situated in Urban Greenspace and not considered to have development potential. The site has been removed from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.819 Site ID: K0093

Address: Site 2 Prescot By-pass St Helens Road Net Site Area: 0.7371

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: Existing Use: Currently Natural and Semi-Natural Open Space - former water works Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 5

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 4 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 20 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 8 Suitability Score: 19

Total Survey Score: 47 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site in SBI. No access to site but could be achieved by negotiating with landowner of neighbouring site (Gas Works) to gain access from Ward Street. Mature trees - woodland. Comments: Council owned land. Urban greenspace. Policy OS3 applies.

Conclusion: Situated in Greenspace but is previously developed and considered that this part of the site has potential. Site is wholly within SBI / CBA, therefore excluded from SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 3.954 Site ID: K0097

Address: Old Hutte school site Mirfield Close Net Site Area: 2.9655

Township Halewood Density: Existing Use: Former school site / Residental - Currently Natural and Semi Natural Greenspace Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 25 Suitability Score: 32

Total Survey Score: 82 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site is densely wooded. Adjacent to railway. Access is off a cul-de-sac - considered acceptable by highways. Urban Greenspace designation. Majority of the site is leased to Comments: Halewood Town Council.

Conclusion: Situated in Urban Greenspace and not considered to have development potential. Site due to retained as woodland / recreation area. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.254 Site ID: K0103

Address: Land at Manorwood Drive Net Site Area: 0.254

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: Existing Use: Currently Amenity Greenspace Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 36

Total Survey Score: 71 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Informal open space. Mature trees on site. Council land. Comments:

Conclusion: In Council ownership. However, located within an area of open space deficit and not currently available for development. Site was not resubmitted following the Council's asset review. Retained as open space StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.25 Site ID: K0104

Address: Land at Simonswood Land Net Site Area: 0.25

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Formerly Residential - Currently Vacant Land Yield: 8 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 0 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 10 Suitability Score: 34

Total Survey Score: 69 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey On edge of the estate. Overlooks large industrial buildings. Playing fields opposite. Former residential dwellings. Included in woodland / forrest proposal. Comments:

Conclusion: No longer available for redevelopment due to future use and amenity land / woodland. Accordingly excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.254 Site ID: K0107

Address: Land off Camberley Drive Net Site Area: 0.254

Township Halewood Density: Existing Use: Former Playground - Currently Vacant Land Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 37

Total Survey Score: 80 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Backland site. Brownfield. Comments:

Conclusion: In Council ownership and available for redevelopment in the short term. Site received planning permission in 2009. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.605 Site ID: K0176

Address: North of M62 Willow Avenue Net Site Area: 0

Township Huyton Density: Existing Use: Currently Natural and Semi-Natural Greenspace Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 33

Total Survey Score: 76 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site adjacent to M62 motorway. Designated Urban Greenspace. May be too restricted to provide sufficient buffering to ensure a satisfactory residential environment. Comments:

Conclusion: Not considered to have realistic housing potential due to linear nature and location adjacent to motorway and therefore removed from housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.077 Site ID: K0184

Address: Former 137 - 139 Broad Lane Net Site Area: 0.077

Township Kirkby Density: Existing Use: Formerly Residential - Currently vacant Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 41

Total Survey Score: 84 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Derelict corner site. Comments:

Conclusion: Site has definite potential for redevelopment for housing. Ownership details not known and it is considered most likely that potential will be realised in the medium term Received planning permission in 2009/10. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.241 Site ID: K0202

Address: Land to rear of Briarfield Avenue Net Site Area: 0.241

Township Widnes Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Inside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 5

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 10 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 25 Suitability Score: 30

Total Survey Score: 65 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Green Belt site contiguous with Halton. Traffic noise to north of site. Limited access to east of site (from Halton). Split ownership. CFS site. The site is outside the PRA but within Comments: the preferred distance from services. Railway line to north.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 4.914 Site ID: K0203

Address: Land to rear of 60 Lickers Lane, Halsnead Park Net Site Area: 3.6855

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: Existing Use: Agriculture Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 5

Contaminated: 4 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 10 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 28

Total Survey Score: 58 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Individual site reps through CFS on this site and adjacent sites. Slight overlap with site K0221. Whole area included as site K0217 - former colliery. Access possible off Lickey Comments: Lane. Site would not be developed in isolation from adjacent sites.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 11.43 Site ID: K0204

Address: Land to rear of 27 Windy Arbor Close Halsnead Park Net Site Area: 8.5725

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Inside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 25 Suitability Score: 28

Total Survey Score: 68 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Individual site reps through CFS on this site and adjacent sites. Site is in agricultural use. Part of site K0217. UU advise that a sewer crosses the site. No suitable access if Comments: developed in isolation. Could possibly be developed with K0253.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 7.678 Site ID: K0205

Address: Land diagonal top right of Valleyfield North End Lane Net Site Area: 5.7585

Township Halewood Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: 173 Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 26

Total Survey Score: 59 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Remote GB site next to sewage work potential conflicting uses. Could not be developed in isolation from K0207. Limited frontage onto narrow lane -access issues would need to Comments: be dealt with comprehensively.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 6.38 Site ID: K0207

Address: Land opp Weston House Nursery North End Lane Net Site Area: 4.785

Township Halewood Density: Existing Use: Currently Arigcultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 26

Total Survey Score: 59 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey GB site adjacent to sewage works - potential conflicting uses. Access issues would need to be dealt with comprehensively. See K0205. Comments:

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.514 Site ID: K0208

Address: Weston House, North End Lane Net Site Area: 0.4626

Township Halewood Density: Existing Use: Formerly Residential / Agricultural Builings Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 25 Suitability Score: 34

Total Survey Score: 84 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Currently derelict - former agricultural buildings and farmhouse. Access off narrow lane. Would need to be considered comprehensively with adjacent sites. Comments:

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 29.23 Site ID: K0211

Address: Land at Woolton WwTW North of Lydiate Lane Net Site Area: 21.9225

Township Halewood Density: Existing Use: Currently Wastewater Treatment Pland / Vacant Land Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Inside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 4 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 26

Total Survey Score: 64 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Mostly GF. Small part BF. Waste water treatment plant and vacant land adjacent to sewage work potential conflicting uses. Former landfill partially. Site is in the green belt. Comments:

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.202 Site ID: K0214

Address: Former Methodist Church, Broad Lane Net Site Area: 0.202

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Former Methodist Church - Vacant land Yield: 6 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 0 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 15 Suitability Score: 41

Total Survey Score: 81 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Adjacent to park. Opposite shopping centre. Former Church may require remodelling / demolition. Single ownership. Promoted through call for sites. The site is currently derelict. Comments:

Conclusion: The site currently has planning permission and has therefore been removed from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 2.88 Site ID: K0215

Address: Corner of Aldersgate Drive and Higher Road Net Site Area: 2.16

Township Halewood Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Inside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 0 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 33

Total Survey Score: 68 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Constant noise from adjacent railway and dual carriageway. Also aircraft noise. Promoted through call for sites. Currently grazing for horses. Comments:

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 68.627 Site ID: K0216

Address: Land Adj to J6, M62 / Cronton Colliery, Cronton Rd Net Site Area: 51.47025

Township Cronton Density: Existing Use: Former Colliery - Currently Partially Agricultural Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 5

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 4 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 20 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 10 Suitability Score: 26

Total Survey Score: 56 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Green Belt. Affected by Knowsley Runcorn fault. Affected by 3 SBI's. Former colliery. Motorway to north. Pylons on site. Remote from water/sewerage network. Small part of site Comments: lies within flood zone 3 but this is not included in the net developable area.

Conclusion: Majority of site is brownfield land. The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 101.991 Site ID: K0217

Address: Arbor Rd, (Halsnead Park) Net Site Area: 76.49325

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: Existing Use: Former Colliery - Currently Agricultural / Caravan Site / outdoot Sports Provision - CFS22 Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Inside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 5 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 15 Suitability Score: 28

Total Survey Score: 48 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site contains 5 SBI's. Former colliery. Knowsley and Runcorn faults on site. Shallow mining under parts. Some agricultural buildngs. Sewer crosses site. Small part of site lies Comments: within flood zone 3 but this is not included in the net developable area.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 9.314 Site ID: K0218

Address: Land to the West of Bank Lane Net Site Area: 6.9855

Township Kirkby Density: Existing Use: Formerly Landfill Site/Leisure (golf driving range) - vacant land Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Inside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 31

Total Survey Score: 76 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Former golf driving range. Some hardstanding, remainder greenfield. Former landfill (group A/high). Power lines cross northern part. Sewer across site. Small part of site lies within Comments: flood zone 3 but this is not included in the net developable area.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 3.697 Site ID: K0219

Address: Weston House Nursery, North End Lane Lydiate Lane Net Site Area: 2.77275

Township Halewood Density: Existing Use: Former Horticultural Nursery - Currently Vacant Land Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 30

Total Survey Score: 75 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey A Green Belt site. Adjacent to K0207 and K0211. Immediately next to sewage works - potential conflicting uses. Would need to be developed comprehensively. Comments:

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 5.974 Site ID: K0221

Address: Land south of Lickers Lane (Facing the Community Centre) Net Site Area: 4.4805

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land - The site is subsumed by CFS22 Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Inside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 5

Contaminated: 4 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 10 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 28

Total Survey Score: 58 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Individual site reps through CFS on this site and adjacent sites. Small overlap with K0203. Whole area included as site K0217 - former colliery. Access off Lickey Lane. Site would Comments: not be developed in isolation from adjacent sites.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 29.23 Site ID: K0222

Address: Land corner of Norlands Lane A569 Net Site Area: 21.9225

Township Widnes Density: Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 22

Total Survey Score: 67 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Norlands Lane is a cul de sac - except for cyclists. Could achieve access if road re-opens. Knowsley Runcorn fault. Adjacent to M62 (north). Pump station /sewer to northwest - Comments: potential noise/traffic 24hours.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 8.92 Site ID: K0223

Address: Land between Alder Road and Knowsley Lane Net Site Area: 6.69

Township Knowsley Village Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Inside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 29

Total Survey Score: 62 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site is adjacent to . Agricultural use. Greenbelt and SBI on site - former quarry covers small part of site. Sewer capacity issues. The site lies directly to the south of Comments: the Knowsley Village CA Single ownership, CFS.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 5.6 Site ID: K0229

Address: Land to rear of Briarfield Avenue Net Site Area: 4.2

Township Widnes Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural / Vacant Land Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 26

Total Survey Score: 61 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site would be contiguous via K0202 - private garden site. Greenbelt. Traffic noise to north of site. Access limited to east (Briarfield Avenue) and through K0202. Sewer capacity Comments: issues and sewers cross site. Railway line to the north. Outside PRA.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 1.6 Site ID: K0230

Address: Former Marconi Sport and Social Club, Roby Road Net Site Area: 1.44

Township Huyton Density: Existing Use: Formerly Leisure (Sports Ground) - Currently Vacant Land Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 25 Suitability Score: 40

Total Survey Score: 90 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Trees on boundary of site. Railway to north and busy road. Promoted through call for sites exercise. Roby Conservation Area to south. Majority of site is designated as Urban Comments: Greenspace in UDP.

Conclusion: Majority of site is Urban Greenspace but promoted through call for sites and considered to have development potential. Site received planning permission in 2009. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 1.803 Site ID: K0232

Address: Land at Maypole Farm, Knowsley Lane Net Site Area: 1.6227

Township Knowsley Village Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Inside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 25 Suitability Score: 41

Total Survey Score: 81 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site is partially in Knowsley CA. Agriculture use. No photo - too overgrown to see into. Knowsley Business Park is located to the west of the site. Single ownership - Actively Comments: promoting the site: CFS.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 15.28 Site ID: K0233

Address: Land at School Lane and Knowsley Lane Net Site Area: 11.46

Township Knowsley Village Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Inside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 25 Suitability Score: 41

Total Survey Score: 81 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site borders onto Knowsley Industrial Park. Small part of site in Knowsley CA. Site in agricultural use. CFS site. Existing builings may require demolition / remodeling for residential Comments: use. Knowsley Business Park is located to the west of the site.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.154 Site ID: K0234

Address: Pinfold Cottage, Knowsley Lane Net Site Area: 0.154

Township Knowsley Village Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Buildings Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 5

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 20 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 37

Total Survey Score: 77 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Currently stables for ponies. Access via single track lane. Small triangular site. Single ownership, CFS site. Existing builings may require demolition / remodeling for residential use. Comments: Outside PRA. In Knowsley Village CA.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 5.507 Site ID: K0235

Address: Cronton Hall to the East of Hall Lane Net Site Area: 4.13025

Township Cronton Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 26

Total Survey Score: 61 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Same ownership as K0242, K0236, K0237, K0238, K0239, K0240, K0241. Woodland small site. Power lines affect 239, 240, 236. Tree cover on 240 & 241. M62 to north of 237, Comments: 238. No access without crossing third party land. Remote from water/sewerage network.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 7.723 Site ID: K0236

Address: Cronton Hall To the East of Hall Lane Net Site Area: 5.79225

Township Cronton Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 26

Total Survey Score: 61 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Same ownership as K0242, K0235, K0237, K0238, K0239, K0240, K0241. Woodland small site. Power lines affect 239, 240, 236. Tree cover on 240 & 241. M62 to north of 237, Comments: 238. No access without crossing third party land. Remote from ater/sewerage network.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 10.43 Site ID: K0237

Address: Cronton Hall To the East of Hall Lane Net Site Area: 7.8225

Township Cronton Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 22

Total Survey Score: 55 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Same ownership as K0242, K0235, K0236, K0238, K0239, K0240, K0241. M62 immediately to north of site. No access without crossing third party land. Remote from Comments: water/sewerage network.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 7.747 Site ID: K0238

Address: Cronton Hall To the East of Hall Lane Net Site Area: 5.81025

Township Cronton Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 22

Total Survey Score: 55 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Same ownership as K0242, K0235, K0236, K0237, K0239, K0240, K0241. M62 immediately to north of site. No access without crossing third party land. Remote from Comments: water/sewerage network.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 3.245 Site ID: K0239

Address: Cronton Hall To the East of Hall Lane Net Site Area: 2.43375

Township Cronton Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 29

Total Survey Score: 64 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Same ownership as K0242, K0235, K0236, K0238, K0237, K0240, K0241. M62 immediately to north of site. No access without crossing third party land. Remote from Comments: water/sewerage network.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.706 Site ID: K0240

Address: Cronton Hall To the East of Hall Lane Net Site Area: 0.6354

Township Cronton Density: Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land (Woodland) Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 26

Total Survey Score: 61 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Same ownership as K0242, K0235, K0236, K0238, K0237, K0239, K0241. M62 immediately to north of site. Access can't be achieved without crossing third party land. CFS site. Comments:

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.739 Site ID: K0241

Address: Cronton Hall To the East of Hall Lane Net Site Area: 0.6651

Township Cronton Density: Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land (Woodland) Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 26

Total Survey Score: 61 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Same ownership as K0242, K0235, K0236, K0238, K0237, K0239, K0240. M62 immediately to north of site. Access can't be achieved without crossing third party land. CFS site. Comments:

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 18.715 Site ID: K0242

Address: Cronton Hall to the East of Hall Lane Net Site Area: 14.03625

Township Cronton Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Inside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 29

Total Survey Score: 64 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site borders Pex Hill Country Park. Knowsley Runcorn fault crosses site. Adjacent to quarry. Significant improvements needed to obtain access to site. Remote from Comments: water/sewerage. Sewer pumping main crosses site.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 20 Site ID: K0243

Address: Wheathill Farm, Naylors Lane Net Site Area: 6.6

Township Netherley Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 15 Suitability Score: 26

Total Survey Score: 56 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site near to M62. Par of alrger site in flood zone. CFS GB site Contiguous with Liverpool urban area. Adjacent to CFS sites K0245, K0246, K0247, K0248. Area reduced due to Comments: part of site within FZ3. Sewer capacity issues. Water main/sewer crosses site.

Conclusion: Net developable area relates to that part of the site which falls outside flood zone 3. The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.477 Site ID: K0244

Address: Wheathill Farm, Naylors Lane Net Site Area: 0.08586

Township Netherley Density: Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land (Woodland) Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 10 Suitability Score: 18

Total Survey Score: 43 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Woodland on site. Part of larger site in Flood Zone 3. Near to M62 motorway. Access to site only possible via site K0243. GB non contiguous. Area reduced due to part of ste Comments: falling within FZ3.

Conclusion: Net developable area relates to that part of the site which falls outside flood zone 3. The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.312 Site ID: K0245

Address: Wheathill Farm, Naylors Lane Net Site Area: 0.2184

Township Netherley Density: Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land (Woodland) Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 10 Suitability Score: 18

Total Survey Score: 43 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Near to M62 motorway. No access. GB non- contiguous. Could only be developed comprehensively with adjacent land. Area reduced due to part of ste falling within FZ3. Comments:

Conclusion: Net developable area relates to that part of the site which falls outside flood zone 3. The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 4.85 Site ID: K0246

Address: Wheathill Farm, Naylors Lane Net Site Area: 0.3395

Township Netherley Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 15 Suitability Score: 30

Total Survey Score: 60 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Green Belt. No access to site, unless K0243 and K0247 developed. Area reduced due to part of site falling within flood zone. Comments:

Conclusion: Net developable area relates to that part of the site which falls outside flood zone 3. The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 5.918 Site ID: K0247

Address: Wheathill Farm, Naylors Lane Net Site Area: 2.42638

Township Netherley Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 15 Suitability Score: 26

Total Survey Score: 56 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey GB Site contiguous with Liverpool urban area. Area reduced due to part of site falling within flood zone 3. Sewer capacity issues. Water main crosses site. Comments:

Conclusion: Net developable area relates to that part of the site which falls outside flood zone 3. The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 2.2706 Site ID: K0248

Address: Wheathill Farm, Naylors Lane Net Site Area: 1.70295

Township Netherley Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 15 Suitability Score: 30

Total Survey Score: 60 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey GB. No access to site, unless K0247 developed. Part of site falls within flood zone 3 but this is not considered to fall within net developable area. Remote from sewerage network. Comments:

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 1.479 Site ID: K0249

Address: Wheathill Farm, Naylors Lane Net Site Area: 1.3311

Township Netherley / Huyton Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 18

Total Survey Score: 46 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Access limited to farm track. Access could be improved if sites K0250 and K0251 are developed. Adjacent to M62 motorway (north of site). Remote from sewerage network. Comments:

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 6.343 Site ID: K0250

Address: Wheathill Farm, Naylors Lane Net Site Area: 4.75725

Township Netherley Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 15 Suitability Score: 22

Total Survey Score: 52 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Access to site limited to farm track. Access could be improved if site K0251 is developed. M62 to north east. Remote from sewerage network. Comments:

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 8.086 Site ID: K0251

Address: Wheathill Farm, Naylors Lane Net Site Area: 6.0645

Township Huyton Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 15 Suitability Score: 30

Total Survey Score: 60 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Greenbelt site. M62 to north of site. Comments:

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 1.718 Site ID: K0252

Address: Wheathill Farm, Naylors Lane Net Site Area: 1.5462

Township Netherley Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 15 Suitability Score: 34

Total Survey Score: 64 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Green Belt site. Mature trees surrounding site. M62 to north of site. Comments:

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 2.136 Site ID: K0253

Address: Saunders Garden Centre, Windy Arbor Rd Net Site Area: 1.602

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: Existing Use: Former Garden Centre - Currently Vacant Land - Subsumed by CFS 22 Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Inside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 4 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 15 Suitability Score: 33

Total Survey Score: 73 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Former garden centre - now vacant. Wider area included as site K0217 Part brownfield. Possible issues with ground conditions/contamination. Extent of these unknown. Sewer Comments: capacity issues. Possibly affected by Knowsley Runcorn fault.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.42 Site ID: K0255

Address: Frederick Lunt Avenue, Knowsley Village Net Site Area: 0.378

Township Knowsley Village Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: 11 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 41

Total Survey Score: 84 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Some mature trees on site. Building looks like a former scout hut/youth centre. Some areas of hardstanding. Council owned land. Existing builing may require demolition / Comments: remodeling for residential use.

Conclusion: Council owned land which has amenity value. Accordingly, ths site has been excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.217382 Site ID: K0258

Address: Site of Children's Home, Roughwood Drive Net Site Area: 0.217382

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Former Childrens Home - Currently Vacant Yield: 7 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 41

Total Survey Score: 79 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Partial foundations. Council ownership. Comments:

Conclusion: Site planned for allotment / community green. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.08 Site ID: K0261

Address: Adjacent to St Laurences Catholic Primary School, Net Site Area: 0.08

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: 2 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 90 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The site has potential for development. However, the site it not currently surplus to Council requirements. Comments:

Conclusion: The site is not currently available, therefore it has been excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.615 Site ID: K0264

Address: Playground, Rear of Properties, Cedar Road Net Site Area: 0.5535

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Amenity Greenspace - Vacant land / backland Yield: 17 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 90 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey UDP designated as urban greenspace. Amenity greenspace designation. Otherwise a good site. Trees along boundary. Council owned land, leased to Town Council. Comments:

Conclusion: Situated in Urban Greenspace and not currently considered surplus. Therefore excluded from SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.050911 Site ID: K0274

Address: Adjacent to TA Centre, Liverpool Road Net Site Area: 0.050911

Township Huyton Density: Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 43

Total Survey Score: 86 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Two mature trees to south of site. In Council ownership. Comments:

Conclusion: Serverely constrained developable area due to trees and highway frontage. Removed from SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.0696 Site ID: K0284

Address: Adjacent to 10 Coronation Drive Net Site Area: 0.0696

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: 2 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 40

Total Survey Score: 83 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Good site for housing. Railway nearby. Former Council asset, subsequently sold for development. Comments:

Conclusion: Formerly in Council ownership, subsequently sold and available for redevelopment in the short term. The site currently has planning permission, therefore excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.032 Site ID: K0290

Address: Adjacent to 29 Shacklady Road Net Site Area: 0.032

Township Kirkby Density: Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 41

Total Survey Score: 84 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Residential demolition site. Possible access issues to neighbouring properties - housing to left and right of site. Council owned land. Comments:

Conclusion: Insufficient net developable area. Removed from SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.173 Site ID: K0296

Address: Malta Close Net Site Area: 0.173

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: 5 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 47

Total Survey Score: 90 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Informal open space. Stream nearby. Council owned. Comments:

Conclusion: In Council ownership. However, the site has not been declared surplus to open space requirements. Accordingly, the site has been excluded form the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.114 Site ID: K0301

Address: Land to rear of 17 Woodlands Road Net Site Area: 0.114

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: 3 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 50

Total Survey Score: 93 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Insufficient plot depth on majority of site. In Council ownership. Comments:

Conclusion: Not available for redevelopment due to narrow plot depth. Accordingly, excluded from the housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.15 Site ID: K0332

Address: Land facing 14 Craigwood Way Net Site Area: 0.15

Township Huyton Density: Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 46

Total Survey Score: 89 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Fronted by adjacent dwellings. Small site with some mature trees. High amenity value to local residents. Comments:

Conclusion: This site has significant amenity value and is not considered to be of an appropriate shape and location for residential development. Accordingly, it is excluded from the identified housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.075 Site ID: K0338

Address: Land facing 1 Hazel Avenue Net Site Area: 0.075

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: 2 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 41

Total Survey Score: 84 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Narrow strip of land. Council owned land. Comments:

Conclusion: In Council ownership and available for redevelopment in the short term. Access to the site is serverely constrained, therefore currently excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.128 Site ID: K0344

Address: Land to rear of 61 Honey Hall Road Net Site Area: 0.128

Township Halewood Density: Existing Use: Currently Vacant Land Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 23 Suitability Score: 39

Total Survey Score: 87 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Backland site. Highways advise a maximum of 4 dwellings. However, not considered to offer attractive residential environment and potential considered to be very limited. Comments:

Conclusion: Not considered to be realistic residential site and removed from identified housing supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 24.38 Site ID: K0349

Address: Land off Junction 4 M57 Net Site Area: 18.285

Township Knowsley Village Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land / Natural and Semi-Natural Greenspace Yield: 549 Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 15 Suitability Score: 21

Total Survey Score: 51 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey A new road would be required to give satisfactory access. Adjacent to M57. Remote from water/sewerage network. Sewer pumping main crosses site. Attractive environment Comments: apart from motorway. Green Belt.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 8.955 Site ID: K0351

Address: Roscoe's Wood East, Cronton Rd Net Site Area: 6.71625

Township Huyton Density: Existing Use: Former Council Depot - Currently Employment (Vehicle Showroom and Offices) Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 5

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 5

Contaminated: 4 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 0 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 10 Suitability Score: 30

Total Survey Score: 55 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Allocated for employment use. Approx 40% previously developed land. Close to motorway junction. Some trees on site. Part of site lies within flood zone 3 but this is not included Comments: within site's net developable area.

Conclusion: Site is allocated for 'high quality' B1 and B2 uses. Key employment site and identified as such by the Council's recent Employment Land & Premises Study. Accordingly, not considered to offer realisible housing potential and excluded from the supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 11.32 Site ID: K0352

Address: Land off Perimeter Road Net Site Area: 8.49

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: 255 Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Inside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 30

Total Survey Score: 58 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Power lines cross west of site. Site has access, but is very isolated. Remote from water mains/sewerage network capacity. Comments:

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 4.05 Site ID: K0353

Address: Land to the West of Red Cut Lane Net Site Area: 3.0375

Township Kirkby Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 26

Total Survey Score: 54 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Access to site would require significant work or through K0352 / K0355. Adjacent to Knowsley Industrial Park. The site cannot be accessed by the main highway. Remote from Comments: water mains/sewerage network capacity. Outside PRA.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 5.59 Site ID: K0354

Address: Land to the East of Red Cut Lane Net Site Area: 4.1925

Township Kirkby Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 26

Total Survey Score: 54 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Access to site would require significant work or through K0352 / K0355. Adjacent to Knowsley Industrial Park. Remote from water mains/sewerage network capacity. Power line Comments: crossing SE corner. Outside PRA.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 6.5 Site ID: K0355

Address: Land off Perimeter Road Net Site Area: 4.875

Township Kirkby Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Inside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 30

Total Survey Score: 58 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Power lines cross west of site. Edge of Green Belt. Site has access, but is very isolated. Remote from water mains/sewerage network capacity. Comments:

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 27.44 Site ID: K0362

Address: Land to the South of Home Farm Road Net Site Area: 20.58

Township Knowsley Village Density: Existing Use: Currently in Agricultural Use Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Inside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 37

Total Survey Score: 72 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Green belt site. Includes a small area of woodland. SBI designation. Adjacent to an Historic Park and Garden. Sewer capacity issues. Comments:

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 4.11 Site ID: K0363

Address: Home Farm Road, Paddock Net Site Area: 3.0825

Township Knowsley Village Density: Existing Use: Currently in Agricultural Use Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Inside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 33

Total Survey Score: 68 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Green belt site. Attractive location. Maybe difficult to access (Home Farm Road narrow and possible ransom). Public sewers cross the site. Comments:

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 19 Site ID: K0364

Address: Knowsley Lane Farm, To the South of M57 Net Site Area: 14.25

Township Huyton Density: Existing Use: Currently Agricultural Use Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Inside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 33

Total Survey Score: 68 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Green Belt. M57 immediately to north of site. Hedgerows and some trees on site. Remote form water mains/sewerage network capacity. Comments:

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 1.11 Site ID: K0366

Address: Land to the South of Cartbridge Lane Net Site Area: 0.1998

Township Halewood Density: Existing Use: Former Dog Kennels, Currently Vacant Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Inside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 5

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 20 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 34

Total Survey Score: 74 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Borders Bridgefiled Forum housing allocation. SBI (brook) intervenes. Part brownfield - former kennels. Large amount of tree cover on vacant part of site. Net developable area is Comments: reduced to that part of the site which lies outside flood zone 3.

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 47.59 Site ID: K0367

Address: Land at Gerrards Lane Net Site Area: 35.6925

Township Halewood Density: Existing Use: Formerly Agriculture, Last Used 2004 Yield: Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Inside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 4 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 10 Health Centre (1000m): 0 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 20 Suitability Score: 37

Total Survey Score: 82 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Green belt. Large featureless site. Uncultivated agricultural land. Watermain/public sewer crosses site Comments:

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 15.04 Site ID: K0368

Address: Land at Lower Road Net Site Area: 11.28

Township Halewood Density: Existing Use: Former Agricultural Land Yield: Capacity Source: Greenbelt Non-contiguous Plan Period: excluded_from_shlaa Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 4 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 8 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 4 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 0

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 15 Suitability Score: 33

Total Survey Score: 63 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Farmland in the Green Belt unrelated to the urban area. No access available unless developed with adjacent land. Remote for sewerage network. Comments:

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 3.43 Site ID: K0370

Address: UU Site Carr Lane, Prescot Net Site Area: 2.5725

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: 0 Existing Use: Vacant Greenfield Land Yield: 0 Capacity Source: Urban Extensions Inside the Greenbelt Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 8 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 8 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 10

Contaminated: 4 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 8 Availability Score: 25 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 0 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 46

Total Survey Score: 84 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Adjacent to Site of Biological Importance. Comments:

Conclusion: The site falls within the Green Belt and has been excluded from the housing supply pending a review of the Green Belt and the need for urban extensions. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.24 Site ID: K0373

Address: Huyton Church Road Net Site Area: 0.216

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 3 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 5 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 30 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Formerly owned by the Council, recently sold for office development. Comments:

Conclusion: Sold by the Council for redevelopment as offices. Accordingly, excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 2.99 Site ID: K0376

Address: Former Mosscroft Primary school, York Way Net Site Area: 2.2425

Township Huyton Density: 40 Existing Use: Former School Site and Playing Field Yield: 90 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 5 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 30 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Railway to the south. Designated Urban Greenspace and currently required for educational purposes. Comments:

Conclusion: Currnetly required for educational purposes, therefore excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.1701 Site ID: K0410

Address: 5-29 Harleston Road Net Site Area: 0.1701

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 5 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 5 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 35 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey This site could be existing residential gardens and is a well shaped site to suit dwellings, with fairly good access from Old Rough Lane meaning the yield appears accurate. Comments:

Conclusion: Currently in use as private gardens, therefore removed from the identifed SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.3215 Site ID: K0411

Address: Nursery Delfby Crescent Net Site Area: 0.3215

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 10 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 5 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 0 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 8 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 25 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Awkwardly shaped site with difficult access routes off Clieves Road, although in a good location. However, the site appears to be still in use as a day centre. Comments:

Conclusion: Although the site still appears to be in use, therefore excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.0345 Site ID: K0412

Address: Forest Drive Net Site Area: 0.0345

Township Huyton Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 1 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership South Huyton Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 5 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 5 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 15 Suitability Score: 15

Total Survey Score: 35 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Good vacant site located in an established residential area on a plot of land at the end of Stanhope Drive cul-de-sac. There may be some highway issues and despite the yield Comments: appearing accurate, the capacity of the land to hold a greater number of dwellings is unreachable.

Conclusion: Site has been removed from the SHLAA supply due to highway issues and overlooking. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.1187 Site ID: K0413

Address: Whiston Library, Dragons Drive Net Site Area: 0.1187

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 4 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 5 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 3 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 15

Total Survey Score: 33 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey The plot appears to be a good size and well shaped to suit the development of dwellings. There are a number of established trees and a downward slope toward the back of the plot Comments: may prove to be development constraints. Yield appears accurate.

Conclusion: Current site use appears to still be active, however, site would be able to accommodate a decent number of dwellings. The has not been declared surplus, therefore excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.1504 Site ID: K0419

Address: Land at Carrs Terrace Net Site Area: 0.1504

Township Prescot / Whiston Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 5 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership PWKVC Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 45 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Site is partially within the Green Belt. The site also contains mature trees. Comments:

Conclusion: Site is partially within the Green Belt, the remainder of the site contains trees and has therefore been removed from the identified SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 1.8 Site ID: K0392

Address: Overdale Primary School Roughwood Drive Net Site Area: 1.62

Township Kirkby Density: 40 Existing Use: Yield: 65 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 5 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 35 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Potential to develop site north of rail line in conjunction, however, there are a number of established trees on site. The use of the site is restricted to public open space due to a Comments: condition related to a plannning application.

Conclusion: Due to the restrictions regarding the use of this site, it has been excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 4.04 Site ID: K0393

Address: Open Space Roughwood Drive Net Site Area: 3.03

Township Kirkby Density: 40 Existing Use: Yield: 121 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 0

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 5 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 35 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Vacant school field adjoining Overdale Primary School. Potential site for development with good access from Roughwood Drive; the site yield appears to be accurate. The use of Comments: the site is restricted to public open space due to a condition related to a plannning application.

Conclusion: Due to the restrictions regarding the use of this site, it has been excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.3821 Site ID: K0397

Address: Alloment Gardens, Hillingdale Avenue Net Site Area: 0.3821

Township Halewood Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 11 Capacity Source: Urban Greenfield inc Greenspace available for dev Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership Halewood Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 3 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 15

Total Survey Score: 48 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Residential site with very good potential, however, accesibility of the site was a notable constraint. Comments:

Conclusion: Council owned site, currently vacant which is available.The site currently has planning permission, so it is therefore excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.5105 Site ID: K0407

Address: Land adjacent to Mercer Avenue Net Site Area: 0.45945

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 14 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 45 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Vacant site well shaped to suit dwellings with a seemingly achievable yield. Few site problems except a number of established trees. Comments:

Conclusion: Vacant site which is well suited to accomodating dwellings. The site now has planning permission and is therefore excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.2006 Site ID: K0408

Address: Southdene Methodist Church, Broad Lane Net Site Area: 0.2006

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 6 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership South Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 0 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 13 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 40 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Vacant land with a church building on site, well shaped to suit dwellings with a small row of shops located to the north and good access from Broad Lane. Few other site problems. Comments:

Conclusion: Vacant site which is well suited to accomodating dwellings. However, the site is likely to be retained as a church. The site has therefore been excluded from the SHLAA supply. StrategicStrategic HousingHousing LandLand AvailabilityAvailability AssessmentAssessment - 2012 Update

Gross Site Area: 0.15 Site ID: K0428

Address: Land to the rear 5-11 Roughwood Drive Net Site Area: 0.15

Township Kirkby Density: 30 Existing Use: Yield: 4 Capacity Source: Urban Brownfield Plan Period: excluded_from_SHLAA Area Partnership North Kirkby Board:


Physical Constraints: 0 Active Use: 10

Un-Neighbourly Uses: 0 Multiple or Difficult Land Ownership: 0

Contaminated: 0 Owner willing to sell?: 5

Access: 0 Availability Score: 15 Primary School (600m): 3

Local Centre (800m): 0 ACHIEVABILITY Strong Residential Market?: 5 Health Centre (1000m): 3 Attractive Local Environment: 3 Employment (5000m): 3 Abnormal Costs: 5 Railway Station (400m): 0 New Infrastructure: 5 Bus Stop (200m): 3 Achievability Score: 18 Suitability Score: 12

Total Survey Score: 45 Site Visited: Keep Site in SHLAA?:

Site Survey Poor access with very apparent highway constraints. The site is also in use as private garderns. Comments:

Conclusion: The site has been removed from the identified SHLAA supply. SHLAA – 2012 update

Appendix 5 – Progress with your development questionnaire For Office Use Only LDF Client Ref. This form is available in other formats or languages on request. LDF Agent Ref. If you need another format, or any other help LDF Site Ref completing the form, please contact: Boundary Tel: 0151 443 2211 Confirmed Email: [email protected]

UCS Site Ref

Progress with Your Development Request for Further Information

Applicant / Agent Name

Applicant / Agent Address

Your Site Site Address:


Planning Permission ref:

(1) Current Situation Do you intend to implement the current Yes  No  Site planning permission, with the same number (go to section 2) (go to section 3) Completed of dwellings?  (If your site has completed please state the __/__/__ completion date and return the form)

(2) Implementation of the Current Permission (complete only if you are intending to implement the current permission)

Please indicate how you plan to phase development on the site – i.e. the number of units completed per annum (Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)

FINANCIAL YEAR (1 st April – 31 st March) Up to 31 st Actual and Provision March planned 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Beyond 2010 2010/11 2016/17

Now go to Section 6

(3) Non-implementation of the Current Permission (Only complete this section if you are NOT intending to implement the planning permission you already have) 3.1 Why did you decide not to implement the planning permission? Did any particular constraints apply?

3.2 Are you still the owner of the site? Yes  No 

3.3 If not, do you know who is the new owner? Yes  No  New owner details (if applicable):

Name: Address: Contact Number: Email Address:

3.4 Do you intend to re-submit a planning application for the Yes  No  site? (go to Section 4) 3.5 If not, what are your future intentions regarding the Site? (sell, keep for current use, etc)

(4) Submitting a New Planning Application on the Site (Complete only if you intend to re-submit a planning application on the same site) 4.1 In which financial year (1 st April – 31 st March) are you likely to submit a new application for the site? (e.g. 20011/12 is 1 st April 2011 to 31 st March 2012)

4.2 How would the new application differ from the current permission?

Type of Development:

Type of Housing Units:

Number of Housing Units:

4.3 Please indicate to the best of your knowledge how the new application would be phased – i.e. the number of units completed per annum (continue on a separate sheet if necessary)

FINANCIAL YEAR Provision 20011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2014/15 2015/16 Beyond 2015/16

(5) Site Condition (Only complete this section if you are NOT intending to implement the planning permission you already have)

5.1 What is the site currently used for?

5.2 If the site is vacant or not currently in use , please indicate:

a) The previous use(s):

b) The date the site was last in use:

5.3 What proportion of the site is covered by buildings, and what proportion is (open) land?

Proportion covered by buildings: % Proportion (open) land: %

5.4 If there are buildings on the site , please indicate:

How many buildings are there on the site? Buildings

What proportion of the buildings are currently: a) % in use: %

b) % derelict: %

Approximately what year were the buildings built? (If there is a mix of buildings, please give the age of the predominant building type.)

5.5 For parts of the site NOT covered by buildings , please indicate:

What proportion of the land is currently in active use: %

What proportion is greenfield (not previously developed)? % (A)*

What proportion is previously developed and cleared ? % (B)*

What proportion is previously developed but not cleared ? % (C)*

(e.g. demolition spoil, etc.)

(* A plus B plus C should add to 100%.)

Please provide any additional comments here (and on a separate sheet if necessary):

(6) Constraints That Apply to Your Site Please list any constraints which apply to your site?

(7) Market Interest (Only complete this section if you are NOT intending to implement the planning permission you already have) Please indicate what level of market interest there is in the site: Any comments Site is owned by a developer  Site under option to a developer  Enquiries received  Site is being marketed  None  Not known 

(8) Site Availability (Only complete this section if you are NOT intending to implement the planning permission you already have) Excluding planning policy constraints, when do you believe this site could be available for development? Immediately  (Note: to be “immediately available”, a site must be cleared, unless (2011/12) being considered for conversions.)

If not immediately, please state when it could be available: (Financial Year)

If the site is not available immediately, please explain why – e.g. the main constraint(s) or delaying factor(s) and actions necessary to remove these:

(9) Any Other Information Please tell us anything else of relevance regarding this site, if not already covered above. Please use a separate sheet if necessary.

Please return this form and accompanying sheets /maps, etc. to the address below by Tuesday 31 st January 2012 to ensure your site is fully considered in the current appraisal.

Places and Neighbourhoods Team 1st Floor Annex, Municipal Buildings Knowsley Council Archway Road Huyton L36 9YU

Appendix 6: Joint Housing Market Partnership – Meeting agenda (30.04.12) Housing Market Partnership Meeting 30-04-2012

Sefton, Knowsley and West Lancashire Councils

Venue : Town Hall, Oriel Road, Bootle

Time/date : 2:00 – 4:00, Monday 30 th April 2012.

Agenda Items

1. Introductions and welcome from Alan Young, Sefton Council

2. Brief presentation from each Council, including Core Strategy timetables and issues

3. Discussion about possible methodological changes to the SHLAA studies

4. Discussion re the implications of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

5. Questions to the HMP

6. Questions from the HMP

7. AOB

8. Close

Appendix 7: Joint Housing Market Partnership – Note of Meeting (30.04.12)

Housing Market Partnership Event 30/04/2012

Present: Alan Young (Sefton MBC), Tom Hatfield (Sefton MBC), Stephen Benge (West Lancs BC), Justin Wilson (Knowsley MBC), Martin Robson (), Phil Hardwicke (Consilium Planning), John Barnes (Fitton Estates), Robin Buckley (Redrow), Richard Hayes (OneVision Housing), Caroline Simpson (Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners), Graham Coventry (CPM), Louise Edwards (Adactus Housing), Sophia Fleming (Countryside Properties), Stephen Sayce (Environemnt Agency), Rob Anderson (RAL Architects), Brendan Gleeson (Liverpool Housing Trust), James Stevens (House Builders Federation), Neil Jones (Cosmopolian Housing Group), Tom Merrills (Keepmoat), Katie Dean (Hallam Land), Stephen Robinson (Wain Homes), Mandy Elliot (Crosby Housing Association).

Venue: Bootle Town Hall, Oriel Road, Bootle

1. Introduction and presentations

• Alan Young (Sefton) introduced the workshop and thanked everyone for attending. AY, SB, and JW each gave brief presentations about progress with respective Core Strategies / Local Plans and recent SHLAA updates.

2. Discussion about possible methodological changes to the SHLAAs

• A number of potential changes to the SHLAA methodology were set out and an explanatory note was circulated in advance of the meeting. These changes will be subject to an informal consultation over the next 4 weeks, and comments from the HMP are welcomed. A further more detailed note will be circulated shortly to inform this consultation. • It was suggested that the proposed methodological changes could result in an increase to the urban housing land supply than at present. • RB stated that the 3 authorities were currently under-delivering against housing targets and the SHLAAs could therefore already be viewed as overly optimistic • JS stated that in his experience, even where a developer had stated their intention to develop a site to a certain timescale, this would not always be matched by delivery on the ground. • JS stated that the conversion allowance proposed within Sefton would essentially equate to a windfall allowance, and no further windfall allowance should be permitted beyond this.

3. Discussion regarding the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

• The ‘duty to co-operate’ was discussed in detail. It was noted that the 3 authorities would need to have further discussions with Liverpool and other Merseyside Districts about cross-boundary planning issues. • It was noted that cross-boundary planning had run into problems elsewhere including Central Lancashire and the Bristol City Region. The ‘duty to co- operate’ was also one of the main concerns raised by the York Core Strategy Inspector. • MR stated that Liverpool MBC were carefully considering the duty to co- operate and how this would affect their Local Plan. He considered that there were uncertainties about how this could work in practice, and how much evidence would be required.

• It was noted by JS that the duty to cooperate was a 2-stage process. The legal requirement set out in the Localism Act is essentially about process – e.g. have authorities co-operated ‘yes’ or ‘no’. The NPPF test is about the outcome of that co-operation, which must be “effective” for a Local Plan to be found sound. Local authorities could not rely on the former in isolation.

4. Questions to the HMP

• The HMP was asked whether the housing market was beginning to pick up. o A number of the house builders present stated that there was more activity on their sites in terms of visits/viewings and that house prices appeared to be stabilising. However it was important to have then right product in the right location – i.e. family properties in good market locations o RA stated that many of his smaller to medium sized clients were struggling to secure finance from the banks and this situation appeared to be worsening. o JS stated that the government’s ‘New Buy’ scheme could assist • AY asked the Housing Associations present about the implications of the benefit changes on the need for 1-bedroom apartments. Would this necessitate a change in current planning policy? o The Housing Associations present supported a relaxation on the current restrictive planning policies towards 1-bedroom apartments. o A number commented that they did not want to build more 1-bedroom apartments, which were viewed as too small and inflexible, but were being forced to do this by changes to the benefits system. • AY stated that he would be happy to discuss potentially suitable housing sites in Sefton that could help to address the current 5-year supply deficit.

5. Questions from the HMP

• ME asked whether Sefton had considered the implications of right to buy legislation. This requires Housing Associations to replace stock lost through right to buy on a one-for-one basis. o AY stated that this had not yet been considered but agreed that it would need to be looked at further. • PH asked whether the additional evidence that Sefton were commissioning was to build a stronger case for Green Belt release? o AY stated that is was not yet clear which approach Councillors would pursue and the additional studies had not been commissioned with this purpose in mind. • PH noted that there had been an overwhelmingly negative response in Sefton to the prospect of Green Belt release, although this had only come from a small portion of the voting population. He stated that a ‘silent majority’ were not opposed to more development and there was a clear need for more houses. o AY stated that we could not assume what the views of those who had not responded might have been. • ME noted that Sefton’s Core Strategy was significantly behind Knowsley’s and West Lancashire’s, and asked how long Sefton was prepared to wait? o AY stated that this was ultimately a decision for Councillors to take

6. Next Meeting date

The next meeting is likely to be held in late 2012.