The Roman Legacy – Unit 4

General Events:

753 BC Founding of (traditional date) c. 700 Development of Etruscan culture 509 Expulsion of the Etruscan kings and foundation of the roman republic c. 390 by the Gauls 264-241 First Punic War: Roman conquest of Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica 218-201 Second Punic War: Roman conquest of Spain 146 Destruction of Carthage: Africa becomes Roman province / Sack of Corinth: Greece becomes Roman province 58-56 Caesar conquers Gaul 48 Caesar meets Cleopatra in Egypt 46-44 Caesar rules Rome as a dictator until assassinated 30 Death of Anthony and Cleopatra 27-14 Octavian under the name of Augustus rules as the first Roman Emperor c. 6 Birth of Jesus AD 14-68 Julio-Claudian emperors: Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero 69-96 Flavian emperors: Vespasian, Titus and Domitian 70 Capture of Jerusalem by Titus: destruction of Solomon’s Temple 79 Destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum 96-138 Adoptive emperors: Nerva, Hadrian, Trajan, etc. 138-192 Antonine emperors: Antonius Pius, Marcus Aurelius, etc. 284-305 Reign of Diocletian; return of civil order 301 Edict of Diocletian, fixing wages and prices 307-337 Reign of Constantine; sole emperor after 324 330 Founding of Constantinople 392 Paganism officially suppressed; Christianity made state religion 409-455 and invade Italy, Spain, Gaul and Africa 476 Romulus Augustulus forced to abdicate as last Western Roman emperor

Literature and Philosophy:

200-100 BC Terrance, Roman comedies c. 65-43 Cicero, orations and philosophical essays; Catullus, lyric poems; Caesar, Commentaries, on the Gallic wars c. 27 BC–AD 14 Horace, Odes, Virgil, Aeneid, Ovid, Metamorphoses, Livy, Annals of the c. 100-150 Tacitus, History, Pliny the Younger, Letters c. 166-179 Marcus Aurelius, Meditations (On Stoicism)

Art: c. 650-500 BC Influence of Greek and Orientalizing styles on Etruscan art late 6th cent. Etruscan Apollo 1st cent. Realistic portraiture; Portrait of Cicero c. 30 BC-AD30 Villa of Mysteries frescoes, Pompeii 13-9 Ara Pacis

Decline of realism

324-330AD Colossal head from basilica of Constantine, Rome

Architecture: c. 616-509 BC Etruscans drain marshes, build temples and construct roads 1st cent.BC Discovery of concrete Use of arch, vault, dome, principles of stress / counterstress 1st cent. AD Pont du Gard, Niems; atrium-style houses at Pompeii c. 126 AD Pantheon, Rome 300-305 Diocletians palace, Split 106-315 Basilica of Constantine, Rome

Music: Extension of Greek trumpet into the Roman tuba; used in games, processions and battles c. 2nd c. BC Greek music becomes popular at Rome