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Inventory of the René de Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996

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Inventory of the René de 48006 1 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 Title: René de Chambrun Papers Date (inclusive): 1914-1996 Collection Number: 48006 Contributing Institution: Hoover Institution Archives Language of Material: French Physical Description: 19 manuscript boxes, 6 linear feet (14 linear feet) Abstract: Depositions, correspondence, and printed matter, relating primarily to political conditions in under the government of Marshal Philippe Pétain and Premier , 1940-1944. Translations of a portion of the documents are published in France during the German Occupation, 1940-1944 (Stanford, 1958). Creator: Chambrun, René de, 1906- Access Collection is open for research. The Hoover Institution Archives only allows access to copies of audiovisual items. To listen to sound recordings or to view videos or films during your visit, please contact the Archives at least two working days before your arrival. We will then advise you of the accessibility of the material you wish to see or hear. Please note that not all audiovisual material is immediately accessible. Publication Rights For copyright status, please contact the Hoover Institution Archives Preferred Citation [Identification of item], René de Chambrun papers, [Box no.], Hoover Institution Archives. Acquisition Information Acquired by the Hoover Institution Archives in 1948. Accruals Materials may have been added to the collection since this finding aid was prepared. To determine if this has occurred, find the collection in Stanford University's online catalog at . Materials have been added to the collection if the number of boxes listed in the online catalog is larger than the number of boxes listed in this finding aid. Introduction I am pleased to present this inventory to the René de Chambrun Collection at the Hoover Institution. The Collection consists of 445 depositions relating to the conduct of affairs in France during the German Occupation, 1940-1944, assembled by René de Chambrun and Madame Josée de Chambrun, daughter of Pierre Laval, between 1945 and 1982, and deposited at the Hoover Institution intermittently since 1948. The depositions, mostly in the form of statements made by persons who held official positions in the government of Maréchal Pétain and Pierre Laval, pertain to the policies and institutions of that government, its organization, its relations with the German authorities, and the problems it faced in such fields as politics, commerce, labor, foreign affairs, and finance. The first 312 of these depositions were published in 1957, in French under the title La Vie de la France sous l'Occupation, 1940-1944 (Librairie Plon) and in English under the title France during the German Occupation, 1940-1944 (Stanford University Press). The translation into English was made by Philip W. Whitcomb, an American who worked most of his life in Europe, serving as a foreign correspondent for various American newspapers and the Associated Press. Depositions 313 through 445 were acquired later and have not been published. The entire collection, together with deposits of books and manuscripts, is located at the Hoover Institution and is catalogued under the name of Comte René de Chambrun. Count de Chambrun, a descendant of General Lafayette, was born in Paris in 1906. A prominent lawyer and specialist of international law, he has been an attorney at the Court of Appeals of New York and Paris since 1934 and 1935 respectively. In 1935, he married Josée Laval and shared her determination to rehabilitate the memory of her father after the latter's execution. Within the collection, the depositions are arranged in numerical order by document number. A container list indicates the box number for each deposition. The main part of this inventory lists the depositions alphabetically by names of individuals who made the depositions. If an individual contributed more than one, the depositions are given in numerical order. The inventory provides the following information for each deposition: l) Name of individual (with military and religious titles given in French), followed when known by the position(s) held for the period 1940 to 1944 and/or by the profession at the time the deposition was made. If no specific dates are given, it may be

Inventory of the René de 48006 2 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 assumed, for those depositions that were published, that the position is the one held during the period 1940 to 1944. 2) Title. Titles are those used in France during the German Occupation, 1940-1944. For unpublished depositions, the title consists of René de Chambrun's notes or the subject description supplied by the compiler. Titles are occasionally followed by explanatory notes from France during the German Occupation, 1940-1944, or for unpublished depositions from René de Chambrun. 3) Document number, number of pages of the original document, place, and date. An asterisk (*) in front of the document number signifies a document not published in France during the German Occupation, 1940-1944, and will assist the reader in quickly identifying unpublished items. Dates following the document number indicate when the document was written. Dates indicating time of deposit, transfer to another person, etc., when significant, are given in the title. 4) Page references in the French and English editions of France during the German Occupation, 1940-1944. Some depositions consist of entire books as well as accompanying statements about the books. The editions of France during the German Occupation, 1940-1944 include only the accompanying statements. The page references, therefore, refer to these statements rather than to the books. For full citations to books, the reader may consult the bibliography on page 4 of this inventory. Milorad M. Drachkovitch Archivist and Senior Fellow Bibliography of Books Deposited in the Collection ABELLIO, Raymond: Sol Invictus, 1939-1947, Jean-Jacques Pauvert aux Editions Ramsay, Paris, 1980; 499 pages. ANNET, Armand: Aux Heures Troublees de l'Afrique Francaise, 1939-1943, Conquistador, Paris, 1952; 251 pages. ARBELLOT, Simon: Eau de Vichy - Vin de Malaga, Conquistador, Paris, 1952; 225 pages. ARDANT, Henri: L'Action du President du Comite des Banques pendant l'Occupation, n.d.; 173 pages. La Contribution Apportee par le Comite des Banques et la Societe Generale a la Defense Nationale pendant l'Occupation, 1945; 29 pages. La Lutte contre les Deportations d'Employes de Banque en Allemagne, 1945; 47 pages. La Lutte en France contre le Travail Force pendant l'Occupation, Edt, Paris, 1949; 62 pages. Precis Chronologique de l'Activite du Comite Provisoire et du Comite Permanent des Banques durant l'Occupation Allemande, 1944; 27 pages. BARADUC, Jacques: Dans la Cellule de Pierre Laval, Self, Paris, 1948; 230 pages. Tout ce qu'on Vous a Cache, L'Elan, Paris, 1949; 319 pages (2 copies). BONNET, Georges: De Washington au Quai d'Orsay, Constant Bourquin, Geneva, 1946; 390 pages (2 copies). Fin d'une Europe, Constant Bourquin, Geneva, 1948; 434 pages (2 copies). CARCOPINO, Jerome: Souvenirs de Sept Ans, 1937-1944 (excerpts bound by the Hoover Institution under the title Extraits de Souvenirs de Sept Ans), Flammarion, Paris, 1953; pages 285 to 582. CATHALA, Pierre: Face aux Realites, Triolet, Paris, 1948; 307 pages. DANSETTE, Adrien: Histoire de la Liberation de Paris, Artheme Fayard, Paris, 1946; 531 pages. DESGRANGES, Abbe: Les Crimes Masques du Resistantialisme, L'Elan, Paris, 1948; 187 pages. Ecrits de Paris. Revue des Questions Actuelles, Paris; 1944-1945 (vol.I) - 1953/2 (vol.XVI). FAURE, Paul: De Munich a la Cinquieme Republique, L'Elan, Paris, n.d.; 274 pages. FERNET, Vice-Amiral Jean: Aux Cotes du Marechal Petain, Plon, Paris, 1953; 309 pages. GODFROY, Vice-Amiral: L'Aventure de la Force X a Alexandrie (1940-1943), Plon, Paris, 1953; 532 pages. GUERARD, Jacques: Criminel de Paix, Nouvelles Editions Latines, Paris, 1953; 159 pages. Haute Cour de Justice. Proces du Marechal Petain. Compte Rendu in Extenso des Audiences, 23 July 1945 - 14 August 1945, Imprimerie des Journaux Officiels, Paris, 1945; 396 pages. HENRY, Pierre: Histoire des Prefets, Nouvelles Editions Latines, Paris, 1950; 381 pages. HERING, General Pierre: La Grande Iniquite, Editions Nouvelles, Paris, 1948; 30 pages. HERING, General Pierre and Commandant Le Roc'h: Revision, Les Iles d'Or, Paris, 1949; 30 pages. ISORNI, Jacques: Souffrance et Mort du Marechal, Flammarion, Paris, 1951; 337 pages. ISORNI, Jacques and Jean Lemaire: Documents pour la Revision, Andre Martel, Paris, 1948; 179 pages. Plaidoirie pour le Marechal Petain, Prononcee par le Batonnier Fernand Payen, Jacques Haumont, Paris, 1946; 255 pages. Requete en Revision pour Philippe Petain, Flammarion, Paris, 1950; 250 pages. JAFFRE, Yves-Frederic: Les Derniers Propos de Pierre Laval, Andre Bonne, Paris, 1953; 319 pages.

Inventory of the René de 48006 3 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 JAMET, Claude: Images Melees, L'Elan, Paris, 1947; 298 pages. LAFFARGUE, Andre: Le General Dentz (Paris 1940 - Syrie 1941), Les Iles d'Or, Paris, 1954; 213 pages. LANGER, William L.: Le Jeu Americain a Vichy, Plon, Paris, 1948; 431 pages. LEAHY, William D.: J'Etais La, Plon, Paris, 1950; 578 pages. LONGWORTH DE CHAMBRUN, Clara: Sans Jeter l'Ancre, 1873-1948, Plon, Paris, 1953; 317 pages. Shadows Lengthen. The Story of my Life, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York and London, 1949; 296 pages. MALLET, Alfred: Pierre Laval, Amiot-Dumont, Paris, 1955; vol.I, 351 pages; vol.II, 425 pages. MALLET, Jacqueline: En Equipe, Chantenay, Paris, 1956; 75 pages. MAZE, Jean: Le Systeme, 1943-1951, Segur, Paris, 1951; 294 pages. MORDAL, Jacques: La Bataille de Casablanca, Plon, Paris, 1952; 311 pages. Nos Villes dans la Tourmente, B. Sirven, Toulouse-Paris, n.d. Six brochures on the following cities: Le Creusot, Montlucon, Nantes, Le Portel, Rennes, Toulon. On M'Appelait Remy, Plon, Paris, 1951; 644 pages. PASSY, Colonel: Missions Secretes en France, Plon, Paris; 439 pages. PIETRI, Francois: Mes Annees d'Espagne, 1940-1948, Plon, Paris, 1954; 297 pages. Le Proces de Xavier Vallat Presente par ses Amis, Conquistador, Paris, 1948; 509 pages. Revue des Beaux-Arts de France, Editions d'Art et d'Histoire Vanoest, Paris; April-May 1943, October-November 1943, December 1943-January 1944, February-March 1944. ROSSIGNOL, Dominique: Vichy et les Francs-Macons (La Liquidation des Societes Secretes, 1940-1944), J.C. Lattes, Paris, 1981; 333 pages. ROUGIER, Louis: Reponse au Livre Blanc Britannique sur les Relations entre le Gouvernement de Sa Majeste et le Gouvernement de Vichy pendant l'Automne 1940, United States, 1946; 16 pages. SABATIER, General: Le Destin de l'Indochine, Plon, Paris, 1952; 467 pages. TAITTINGER, Pierre: ..Et Paris ne Fut pas Detruit, L'Elan, Paris, 1948; 318 pages. TRACOU, Jean: Le Marechal aux Liens, Andre Bonne, Paris, 1948; 451 pages. WEYGAND, Maxime: En Lisant les Memoires de Guerre du General De Gaulle, Flammarion, Paris, 1955; 236 Alphabetical List of Depositions ACHENBACH, ERNST. Counselor of German Embassy, Paris, 1940-1943. Laval and the German Embassy. Document No.GD-2, 4 pages; Essen-Bredeney, Germany, 8 February 1952. French edition: vol.III, pp.1758-1760; English edition: vol.III, pp.1619-1622. AIMOT, J.M. Director of the French Film Service. The Plan for a Single Party. Document No.44, 7 pages; Paris, 19 January 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1158-1162; English edition: vol.III, pp.1095-1099. ALBERTINI, GEORGES. Director-General in the Ministry of Labor, 1944. Marcel Deat and the "Rassemblement National Populaire." Document No.88, 7 pages; Paris, 15 January 1949. French edition: vol.III, pp.1292-1295; English edition: vol.III, pp.1209-1212. ANGELI, ALEXANDRE. Prefect of the Finistere until 1940; Prefect of the Rhone and of the region of Lyon until 1944. The Lyon Region. Document No.98, 5 pages; Paris, 28 March 1949. French edition: vol.I, pp.478-481; English edition: vol.I, pp.452-456. ANGLADE, ADOLPHE. Director of Radio-Lyon, 1928-1945. Radio-Lyon. Document No.56, 4 pages; Paris, 3 May 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1187-1189; English edition: vol.III, pp.1121-1123. ANGLADE, JEAN. Historian. Laval. Correspondence between Jean Anglade and René de Chambrun. Document No.421, 11 pages; Ceyrat/Paris, April-July 1975. ANNET, ARMAND. Governor-General of Madagascar, 1940-1942. Madagascar. Statement about the deposit of his book, Aux Heures Troublees de l'Afrique Francaise, published in 1952. Document No.259, 1 page (statement), 251 pages (book); Paris, 23 March 1955. French edition: vol.II, p.770; English edition: vol.II, p.730. ANTIGNAC, JOSEPH. Secretary-General in the Commissariat-General for Jewish Questions until 1943. Jewish Affairs. Document No.135, 3 pages; September 1945.

Inventory of the René de 48006 4 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 French edition: vol.II, pp.678-680; English edition: vol.II, pp.647-649. ARBELLOT DE VACQUEUR, SIMON. Consul-General of France. Resistance - Press. Document No.160, 1 page; Paris, 24 June 1952. French edition: vol.III, p.1457; English edition: vol.III, p.1358. ARDANT, HENRI. President of the Committee of Banks, 1940-1944. The Safeguarding of French Gold and Foreign Exchange Holdings. Four notes and a statement about the deposit of: (A) Printed documents concerning: 1) the work of the president of the Committee of Banks during the Occupation; 2) a chronological summary of the work of the provisional committee, and of the permanent committee of banks, during the Occupation; 3) the struggle against the deportation of bank employees to Germany; 4) the contribution made by the Committee of Banks and by the "Societe Generale" to national defense during the Occupation; (B) A booklet, entitled La Lutte en France contre le Travail Force pendant l'Occupation (a monograph dealing with banks), published in 1949. Document No.226, 6 pages (notes and statement), 62 pages (booklet); Paris, 10 September 1954. French edition: vol.I, pp.122-125; English edition: vol.I, pp.130-132. ARMBRUSTER, R. Senator from the Aube. Jews - Condemned Persons - Obligatory Labor Service. Document No.95, 2 pages; Troyes, 9 March 1949. French edition: vol.III, pp.1312-1313; English edition: vol.III, pp.1227-1228. ARTUR, JULES. Writer. De Gaulle and Laval. Document No.49, 2 pages; Paris, 3 February 1949. French edition: vol.II, pp.1173-1174; English edition: vol.III, pp.1109-1110. AUPHAN, AMIRAL GABRIEL-PAUL. Director of Merchant Marine Services, 1940-1942; Secretary of State for the Navy and the Merchant Marine, 1942. Admiral Auphan's Opinion of Laval. Letter written on 8 June 1951 by Admiral Auphan, addressed to Jean Jardin in reply to his letter, after it had been published in the French edition of France during the German Occupation, 1940-1944 (Document No.133). The last five paragraphs of Admiral Auphan's letter, deposited on 23 April 1958, were published in the English edition. Document No.133A; 8 June 1951. English edition: vol.III, pp.1548-1549. The French Merchant Marine. Document No.309, 6 pages; Paris, 25 November 1955. French edition: vol.I, pp.340-343; English edition: vol.I, pp.329-334.

The War of 1939 and the Government of Vichy. Lecture, entitled "La Guerre de 1939 et le Gouvernement de Vichy," delivered upon the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the "Ecrits de Paris." Document No.379, 15 pages; Paris, 28 November 1969. BABUT, JEAN-FRANCISQUE. President-Director-General of the Mont Louis printing plant at Clermont-Ferrand and of the newspaper Le Moniteur, 1939-1944. Laval's Newspaper, Le Moniteur. Document No.3, 2 pages; Clermont-Ferrand, 1 November 1945. French edition: vol.II, pp.1034-1035; English edition: vol.II, pp.979-980. BALSAN, FRANCOIS. Engineer. Leon Blum's Judgment on Pierre Laval (expressed after the fall of France to Guy la Chambre, Mr. Balsan's cousin). Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.400, 1 page; Neuilly s/Seine, 12 July 1971. BAR DE LA GARDE, GUY DE. Under-Prefect of Cosne, 1944. Subsidies for Private Schools. Document No.48, 3 pages; Cubezac-les-Ponts, 2 February 1948. French edition: vol.II, pp.1171-1172; English edition: vol.III, pp.1107- 1108. BARADUC, JEAN. Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris; Attorney for Pierre Laval. Laval in his Cell. Declaration and statement about the deposit of notes written day by day from 22 August to 15 October 1945 and published under the title "Dans la Cellule de Pierre Laval," and of a 3-page declaration made jointly with fellow attorney Albert Naud to the American press immediately after the execution of Pierre Laval (not published in France during the German Occupation, 1940-1944. Notes not received. Document No.132, 2 pages (declaration and statement); Paris, 20 March 1951. French edition: vol.III, pp.1412-1413; English edition: vol.III, pp.1318- 1319.

The Liberation of Paris. This document is in the form of a letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.260, 2 pages; Paris, 23 March 1955. French edition: vol.III, pp.1546-1547; English edition: vol.III, pp.1432-1433.

Inventory of the René de 48006 5 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 BAREISS, CHARLES. Veterinary Surgeon, Strasbourg. Resistance in Alsace - The Armistice. Deposition of Mr. Bareiss in the Trial of Marechal Petain, High Court of Justice, 17th Session, 10 August 1945. The exactitude of this deposition was certified by Jean Lemaire, Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris, on 12 April 1955. Document No.281, 3 pages; Paris, 10 August 1945. French edition: vol.II, pp.1012-1013; English edition: vol.II, pp.959-960. BARNAUD, JACQUES. Delegate-General for Franco-German Economic Relations until 1942. Interview with Pierre Laval. Extract from Mr. Barnaud's deposition before the Commission of Inquiry into the events in France from 1933 to 1945, deposited by Mr. Barnaud on 17 December 1952. Document No.173, 2 pages; Paris, 2 May 1950. French edition: vol.III, pp.1464-1465; English edition: vol.III, pp.1363-1364. BARRAGUE, DR. PIERRE. Chief Surgeon, Hospital of Versailles. The Assassination Attempt on Laval at Versailles. Document No.118, 2 pages; Versailles, 7 April 1950. French edition: vol.III, pp.1384-1385; English edition: vol.III, pp.1296-1297. BARREAU, JEAN. Representative in Paris of the Ministry of Information, 1943. French Information Services in Paris. Document No.28, 2 pages; June 1947. French edition: vol.II, pp.1120-1121; English edition: vol.III, pp.1061-1062. BAUDET, DR. JACQUES. Mayor of Gannat, near Vichy. Laval. This document by Dr. Baudet, a schoolmate of Laval, who saw his friend until the end and had several meetings with him during the Occupation, is entitled "Anecdotes sur Pierre Laval, Mon Ami," and is accompanied by a covering letter, dated 4 May 1962, addressed to Josee de Chambrun (Document No.337bis). Document No.337, 17 pages; Winter 1961-1962. BELIN, RENE. Minister of Industrial Production and Labor, 1940-1941; Minister of Labor, 1941-1942. Economic Policy - The Organization Committees - Social Legislation. This document and its annexes were deposited on 5 August 1954, accompanied by a note by Mr. Belin certifying their authenticity. Document No.228, 60 pages; 1946. French edition: vol.I, pp.138-162; English edition, vol.I, pp.142-165.

The Labor Charter. This analysis of the Labor Charter was deposited on 12 May 1955. Document No.266, 39 pages; 4 October 1941. French edition: vol.I, pp.163-185; English edition: vol.I, pp.165-189. BENOIST-MECHIN, JACQUES. Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Talks with Laval. This document is in the form of a diary kept daily between 11 December 1940 and 18 January 1941. Appended is an account of his visit to Pierre Laval at the Versailles Hospital after the attack against him on 27 August 1941. This document was deposited in the autumn of 1955. Document No.306, 28 pages; 1940-1941. French edition: vol.III, pp.1703-1724; English edition: vol.III, pp.1572-1594. BERARD, LEON. French Ambassadaor at the Vatican, 1940-1944. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun, in which Mr. Berard promises to send him his deposition (Document No.311). Document No.299, 2 pages; Paris, 2 July 1955. The French Embassy at the Vatican. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.311, 8 pages; Paris, 3 November 1955. French edition: vol.II, pp.695-697; English edition: vol.II, pp.661-663. BERGERY, GASTON. French Ambassador in Moscow, 1941; in Ankara, 1942-1944. The United States. Letter addressed to the Hoover Institution, accompanied by extracts from a note prepared for the French press by Charles Mercepoil, Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris, at the time of the prosecution of Ambassador Bergery at the Court of Justice of the Seine. Mr. Bergery also deposited a photocopy of a report of hearings before the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives of the 80th Congress, first and second sessions, on United States foreign policy for a postwar recovery program, pages 1215 to 1222, printed in 1948. Document No.236, 2 pages (letter), 16 pages (annexes); Paris, 11 November 1954. French edition: vol.II, pp.708-709; English edition: vol.II, pp.673-674. BERL, EMMANUEL. Author. Aubervilliers - Munich. Document No.204, 2 pages; Paris, 10 March 1954. French edition: vol.III, pp.1507-1508; English edition: vol.III, pp.1401-1402. BERNON, EMILE. Plenipotentiary Commissioner, 1942; President of the French Legion of Combatants in the Aveyron. Freemasons - Administrative Internees Youth Camps. Document No.8, 5 pages; n.d. French edition: vol.II, pp.655-658; English edition: vol.II, pp.622-626.

Inventory of the René de 48006 6 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 BERTHON, ANDRE. Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris; Member of the Chamber of Deputies. Laval's Aid to Political Opponents. Document No.42, 6 pages; Paris, 8 December 1947. French edition: vol.II, pp.1154-1157; English edition: vol.III, pp.1091-1095.

Laval's Attempt to Save the Life of Gabriel Peri. Letter to the communist newspaper, L'Humanite, published on 23 March 1961, and deposited on 17 April 1961. Document No.330, 1 page; Paris, 17 March 1961. BERTRAND, LOUIS. Leading member of the Resistance in the Auvergne. Laval's Patriotism and Motives. Two letters addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.341 and 341bis, 2 pages; 26 January and 11(?) July 1962. Laval and the Protection of the Jews and of the "Chantiers de Jeunesse" - His Opposition to Sauckel. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.396, 2 pages; Paris, 13 December 1963. BICHELONNE, JEAN. Minister of Industrial Production, 1942-1944. Industrial Production - Obligatory Labor Service - The "S" Category for Factories. Report prepared collectively by the collaborators of Mr. Bichelonne on the activities of the Ministry of Industrial Production from July 1940 to June 1944. Document No.166, 24 pages; Paris, 15 November 1950. French edition: vol.I, pp.39-57; English edition: vol.I, pp.51-69. BIDAULT, GEORGES. President of the C.N.R. (French National Resistance Movement). Laval. Letter addressed to Jacques Isorni. Document No.390, 2 pages; Paris, 1 March 1974. BIGOT, HERVE. Head of the Private Secretariat of Pierre Laval at Vichy, after 1943. Private Secretariat of Pierre Laval. Note in which Mr. Bigot declares that he is in complete agreement with the deposition of Henri Cannac (Document No.2). Document No.113, 1 page; November 1949. French edition: vol.III, p.1373; English edition: vol.III, p.1287. BIGOT, HERVE and HENRI CANNAC. The Law of 25 August 1942. Article, entitled "La Loi du 25 Aout 1942 sur les Bureaux des Chambres - La Legalite Republicaine Maintenue par Pierre Laval." Document No.355, 4 pages; September 1945. BLANCHET, PIERRE. Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris; Prefect of the Aube. Document No.29, 2 pages; Paris, 17 June 1947. French edition: vol.II, pp.1122-1123; English edition: vol.III, pp.1063-1064. BLEHAUT, AMIRAL HENRI. Secretary of State for the Navy and for the Colonies, 1943-1944. Antilles. This document is in the form of a letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.105, 2 pages; Lausanne, Switzerland, 10 April 1949. French edition: vol.II, pp.726-727; English edition: vol.II, pp.688-689. BONNAFOUS, MAX. Minister of Agriculture and Food, 1942-1944. German Levies of Food and Fodder. Document No.308, 6 pages; Bougival, 29 February 1946. French edition: vol.I, pp.287-291; English edition: vol.I, pp.282-286. BONNARD, ABEL. Minister of National Education, 1940-1944. National Education. Document No.270, 8 pages; Madrid, 2 April 1955. French edition: vol.II, pp. 869-872; English edition: vol.II, pp.823-826. BONNEFOY, RENE. Director of the radio-news reports at Vichy, 1940; Official in the Ministry of Information, 1942-1944. Information and Press. Document No.65, 16 pages; Paris, 3 July 1948. French edition: vol.II, pp.927-937; English edition: vol.II, pp.875-885. BONNET, GEORGES. Ambassador of France; Foreign Minister, 1938-1939. The United States - Turkey. Document No.201, 3 pages; n.d. French edition: vol.II, pp.706-707; English edition: vol.II, pp.671-672. BOS, ROBERT. Member of the Municipal Council of Paris and of the General Council of the Seine, 1925-1944. The City of Paris. Document No.172, 6 pages; Paris, 1 December 1952. French edition: vol.III, pp.1690-1693; English edition: vol.III, pp.1560-1564. BOUSQUET, RENE. Prefect of the Marne and Regional Prefect of Champagne, 1940-1942; Secretary-General for Police in the Ministry of the Interior, 1942-1943. The Police. Document No.171, 11 pages; Paris, 14 October 1952. French edition: vol.I, pp.555-563; English edition: vol.I, pp.526-533.

Notes written in the Fresnes Prison. This document consists of a series of eleven notes written by Mr. Bousquet while he was imprisoned at Fresnes with the intention that they be used by Pierre Laval in preparing his own defense. Document No.289, 29 pages; Fresnes, 1945. French edition: vol.III, pp.1556-1578; English edition: vol.III, pp.1141-1463.

Inventory of the René de 48006 7 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996

The Militia - The Opposition between Laval and the Germans on its Utilisation - The Opposition between Laval and the Militia Leaders. Note written by Mr. Bousquet and his assistants while they were imprisoned at Fresnes with the intention that they be used by Pierre Laval in preparing his own defense. Document No.352, 11 pages; Fresnes, 1945. BOUSSARD, LEON. Journalist. Relations between Laval and Marechal Petain; De Gaulle - Mandel. Document No.107, 4 pages; Paris, 10 June 1949. French edition: vol.III, pp.1651-1653; English edition: vol.III, pp.1527-1530. BOUT DE L'AN, Mr. Head of Darlan's militia. Laval. Mr. Bout de l'An's declaration is accompanied by two letters by Georges Rouchouze, dated 25 June and 1 July 1978, addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.424, 6 pages; n.d. BOUTHILLIER, YVES. Minister of Finance, 1940-1942. The Beginning of the Occupation; Montoire - 13 December 1940; Bouthillier's Opinion of Laval. Document No.140, 7 pages; Paris, 31 March 1949. French edition: vol.III, pp.1419-1423; English edition: vol.III, pp.1323-1328. BOYEZ, EMILE. Secretary-General at the Ministry of Labor, 1943-1944; Director of the Agency for Public Works in West Africa. Labor Problems - Obligatory Labor Service. Document No.101, 14 pages; Bobo-Dioulasso, French West Africa, 26 March 1949. French edition: vol.III, pp.1314-1327; English edition: vol.III, pp.1229-1243. BRECARD, GENERAL GEORGES. Attache in the Paris Cabinet of Pierre Laval. Prisoners - Last Days at Matignon. Document No.60, 8 pages; Paris, 20 May 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1190-1196; English edition: vol.III, pp.1123-1128. BRIDOUX, GENERAL EUGENE. Minister of War, 1942-1943. The American Landing in North Africa. This document, written while General Bridoux was imprisoned at Fresnes, bears a note in Pierre Laval's handwriting. Document No.43, 3 pages; Fresnes, n.d. French edition: vol.II, pp.747-748; English edition: vol.II, pp.709-710.

The Army - Laval. Document No.128, 13 pages; Madrid, 18 February 1951. French edition: vol.II, pp.835-840; English edition: vol.II, pp.791-797.

August 1944. These notes were written by General Bridoux while imprisoned at Fresnes with the intention that they be used by Pierre Laval in preparing his own defense. General Bridoux's attorney gave them to Yves-Frederic Jaffre, who in turn deposited them. Document No.301, 12 pages; Fresnes, n.d. French edition: vol.III, pp.1698-1702; English edition: vol.III, pp.1567-1572. BRILLE, MICHEL. Member of the Chamber of Deputies; Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris. Laval's Opinions Regarding the United States, England and Communism. Document No.82, 3 pages; Paris, 9 October 1947. French edition: vol.III, pp.1272-1274; English edition: vol.III, pp.1194-1196. BRUN, GASTON EDMOND. Chief of the Communications Serveillance System. The Communications Surveillance Service. Document No.121, 4 pages; Paris, 14 April 1950. French edition: vol.III, pp.1386-1388; English edition: vol.III, pp.1297-1299. BRUN, JEAN-PIERRE and ALAIN DOLLFUS. Laval. Thesis for the doctor's degree in public law, entitled "Pierre Laval - Politique et Administration de la France (1940-1944)." Document No.412, 249 pages; Paris, 1973. BRUN, PAUL. Regional Prefect of Clermont-Ferrand after 1941. The Clermont-Ferrand Region. Document No.72, 7 pages; Paris, 4 August 1948. French edition: vol.I, pp.461-465; English edition: vol.I, pp.438-442. BRUNETON, GASTON. Commissioner-General for Social Work among French Laborers in Germany, 1942-1945. French Workers in Germany. Document No.231, 18 pages; Septeuil, 28 September 1954. French edition: vol.I, pp.236-249; English edition: vol.I, pp.235-247.

Laval. Note written by Mr. Bruneton while imprisoned at Fresnes with the intention that it be used by Pierre Laval in preparing his own defense. Document No.350, 4 pages; Fresnes, September 1945. Germany. This statement, entitled "Aventure d'Allemagne (1939-1945)" and published in 1969 for family purposes, completes his previous deposition (Document No.231) on the protection of French labor in Germany. Document No.378, 86 pages; 1945.

Inventory of the René de 48006 8 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 BUISSON, ALBERT. President of the Chemical Factories Company Rhone-Poulenc. Memories of Laval. This document is in the form of a letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.312, 3 pages; Paris, 10 April 1956. French edition: vol.III, pp.1584-1585; English edition: vol.III, pp.1468-1469. BUSSIERE, AMEDEE. Prefect of Police, Paris, 1942-1944. The Prefecture of Police. Document No.138, 38 pages; Paris, 8 October 1951. French edition: vol.I, pp.571-596; English edition: vol.I, pp.539-565. CADO, HENRI. Director-General of the French National Police, 1942-1943. The Police. Document No.170, 2 pages; 13 July 1949. French edition: vol.I, pp.569-570; English edition: vol.I, pp.538-539. CAILLOUX, COLONEL R. Member of the French liaison mission with the British Expeditionary Force, 1939-1940. The Coveted Provinces. Document No.246, 2 pages; Versailles, 19 December 1954. French edition: vol.III, p.1533; English edition: vol.III, p.1424. CALAN, PIERRE DE. Director of Cabinet for Jean Bichelonne, Minister of Industrial Production and of Communications, 1942-1943. Industrial Production - The Role of Jean Bichelonne. Document No.182, 7 pages; Paris, 11 April 1953. French edition: vol.I, pp.31-34; English edition: vol.I, pp.42-47.

Petain and the Protection of the French Prisoners of War. Letter addressed to Marechal Petain's government. Document No.395, 5 pages; Paris, 1 May 1942. CAMPET, GENERAL JACQUES. Chief of Marechal Petain's Military Cabinet, 1941-1943. Aid to Victims of the Occupation. Deposition of General Campet in the Trial of Marechal Petain, High Court of Justice, 15th Session, 8 August 1945. The exactitude of this deposition was certified by Jean Lemaire, Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris, on 12 April 1955. Document No.276, 6 pages; Paris, 8 August 1945. French edition: vol.II, pp.994-998; English edition: vol.II, pp.941-945. CANAVAGGIO, DOMINIQUE. Journalist. Montoire - Return of Laval to Power - Interview between Laval and Hitler - Obligatory Labor - Sauckel - Herriot - The United States. Document No.131, 20 pages; Paris, 6 November 1950. French edition: vol.III, pp.1398-1411; English edition: vol.III, pp.1305-1317.

Laval's Resistance to Sauckel's Demands for Labor. These 24 documents were given by Mr. Canavaggio to René de Chambrun to be used as background material for Mr. Gounelle's book, Le Dossier Laval, Chapter 3, Title 3: "Laval's resistance to Sauckel's demands for Labor." Document No.370, 24 pages; n.d. Forced Labor in Germany. Report by Mr. Canavaggio who was engaged by the editors of Laffont and Paris-Match to analyze the German archives captured by the Soviet Army in Berlin regarding that particular subject; Mr. Canavaggio gave a copy of that report to René de Chambrun, who deposited it on 24 April 1973. Document No.408, 45 pages; n.d. CANNAC, HENRI. Head of Pierre Laval's Private Secretariat, 1940 and 1942-1943. Pierre Laval's Private Secretariat. Document No.2, 10 pages; 2 November 1945. French edition: vol.II, pp.1026-1033; English edition: vol.II, pp.971-978. Document No.355: see BIGOT, HERVE. CAPDEVILLE, JEROME. Counsel for the Senate. Agriculture. Unpublished documents of 1940 concerning the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Supplies, furnished in 1981 by the office of the President of the Senate and Mr. Capdeville to René de Chambrun, who deposited them on 8 April 1982. Document No.436, 18 pages; 1940. CARCOPINO, JEROME. Minister of National Education, 1941-1942. National Education. Statement about the deposit of that part of his book, Souvenirs de Sept Ans, 1937-1944, published in 1953, which deals with the functions of the Minister of National Education. Document No.267, 1 page (statement), 582 (book); Paris, 20 May 1955. French edition: vol.II, p.874; English edition: vol.II, p.828. CASSAN DE SAINT GUILHEM, COUNTESS. Colonel Bouvet: His Role under the Occupation; His Subsequent Relationship with General Bradley, General Eisenhower and the Pentagon. Letter and annexes addressed to Josee de Chambrun, and which René de Chambrun deposited on 5 May 1973. Document No.409, 17 pages; Paris, 25 April 73. Colonel Bouvet. Change in a few lines of the above statement. Document No.409bis, 1 page; 15 July 1973. CASTAGNEZ, JEAN. Member of the Chamber of Deputies for the Cher; Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris. The National Assembly - July 1940. Statement about the deposit of his booklet, Precisions Oubliees.., prepared for his voters

Inventory of the René de 48006 9 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 and printed in 1945. Document No.203, 1 page (statement) 35 pages (booklet); Paris, 5 March 1954. French edition: vol.I, p.382; English edition: vol.I, pp.365-366. CATHALA, FRANCOIS. Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris. Laval. Article on Mr. Gounelle's book Le Dossier Laval, entitled "Pierre Laval et le Pays Reel," published in the "Ecrits de Paris." Document No.382, 6 pages; n.d. CATHALA, PIERRE. Minister of Finance and National Economy, 1942-1944. Finance - Negotiations with the Germans (1942-1944). This statement was prepared by Mr. Cathala in answer to the indictment brought against him by the Provisional Government of France. Document No.24, 101 pages; Paris, April 1947. French edition: vol.I, pp.92-118; English edition: vol.I, pp.101-127.

Finance. Photocopy of a manuscript entitled "Politique Financiere," deposited by Francois Cathala, son of Pierre Cathala, on 27 March 1954. Document No.211, 85 pages; Summer 1945. French edition: vol.I, pp.69-91; English edition: vol.I, pp.78-100.

Industrial Production. Photocopy and typed copy of a manuscript entitled "Production Industrielle," deposited by Francois Cathala, son of Pierre Cathala, on 27 March 1954. Document No.212, 15 pages; Summer 1945. French edition: vol.I, pp.18-22; English edition: vol.I, pp.30-34.

Lenine - Laval and Petain's Trials. Two statements by Mr. Cathala, one quoting Lenine's speech of 13 May 1918 before the Soviet of Moscow justifying the policy of collaboration, that of "Tilsitt," and the other showing that the Tribunal of Justice set up in 1945 to try Marechal Petain, Laval and their cabinet members, was illegal. These documents, written by Pierre Cathala for his own and Laval's defense, were given by Francois Cathala, son of Pierre Cathala, to René de Chambrun, who deposited them on 14 April 1982. Document No.438, 9 pages; n.d. CATHRINE, ALEXANDRE. Director of the newspapers, Le Nouvelliste du Morbihan L'Ouest Republicain; Secretary-General of the "Groupement National de la Presse Spoliee, Injustement Condamnee." The French Press during the Occupation. This declaration was prepared with the collaboration of Claude Hisard, Director of Press for the southern zone, and of L.M. Poullain, publisher of the newspaper, La Vigie de Dieppe, who was president of the Corporation of Weekly Publications in the northern zone. Document No.209, 18 pages; n.d. French edition: vol.II, pp.938-954; English edition: vol.II, pp.885-902. CAYLA, LEON. Governor-General of French West Africa, 1939-1940; Governor-General of Madagascar, 1940. French West Africa - Mers-El-Kebir - Dakar - Madagascar - Britain and the French Colonies. Document No.206, 9 pages; Paris, 25 March 1954. French edition: vol.II, pp.762-769; English edition: vol.II, pp.722-729. CAZIOT, PIERRE. Minister of Agriculture, 1940-1942. Agriculture. Document No.92, 24 pages; Paris, 15 February 1949. French edition: vol.I, pp.255-274; English edition: vol.I, pp.250-270. CHAIGNEAU, JEAN. Regional Prefect. The Nice Region. Document No.31, 11 pages; Paris, 15 July 1947. French edition: vol.I, pp.455-460; English edition: vol.I, pp.433-437. CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES, Paris. Debate, 27 and 28 December 1935. The hearings of the long debate that occured during those two sessions were removed from the Journal Officiel de la Republique Francaise so that Laval's attorneys would not have access to them. René de Chambrun deposited on 6 April 1982 a photostat of Pierre Laval's long speech, which was made available to him in 1980 by the President of the Senate. Document No.434, 6 pages; Paris, 27 and 28 December 1935. CHAMBRUN, GENERAL A. DE. Commanding Officer of the 40th Artillery Regiment in garrison at Saint-Mihiel, 1914. Financial Crisis in 1935 - Assassination Attempt on Laval at Versailles. Document No.168, 3 pages; Paris, 10 October 1952. French edition: vol.III, pp.1688-1689; English edition: vol.III, pp.1558- 1560.

The Occupied Regions in 1914-1918. Declaration certifying that the statement that has been examined, approved and initialed by Canon Polimann (see Document No.216) was written by General de Chambrun in the summer of 1945 with the intention that it be used by Pierre Laval in preparing his own defense. Document No.216, 1 page; Paris, 30 March 1954. French edition: vol.I, p.388; English edition: vol.I, p.366. CHAMBRUN, JOSEE DE. Daughter of Pierre Laval; Author of Laval Parle. A Luncheon on 17 August 1944. Document No.25, 8 pages; Paris, 2 May 1947.

Inventory of the René de 48006 10 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 French edition: vol.II, pp.1078-1081; English edition: vol.II, pp.1022-1025.

Mers-El-Kebir - 13 December 1940. This document is in the form of a letter addressed to Paul Baudouin. Document No.84, 29 pages; 1 December 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1633-1646; English edition: vol.III, pp.1510-1523. Letter to Winston Churchill. Enclosed with this letter, dated 25 February 1949, are a copy of Josee de Chambrun's preface to the British edition of her father's book, and a copy of the letter that the British Ambassador to Washington, Lord Lothian, wrote to René de Chambrun on 9 August 1940. Also deposited is a copy of the letter Josee de Chambrun wrote to Ambassador Francois-Poncet on 5 February 1953 in reply to the speech that he gave on being received as a member of the "Academie Francaise" (referring to conversations with Admiral Leahy and Mr. Heinzen), to which is annexed a letter from Chancellor Heinrich Bruning, dated 3 January 1950, addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.179, 14 pages; Paris, 31 March 1953. French edition: vol.III, pp.1475-1480; English edition: vol.III, pp.1373-1380.

Document No.207: see GABOLDE, MAURICE. Letter to Reverend Boegner of the "Academie Francaise." Document No.346, 3 pages; Paris, 2 May 1966. Correspondence with Paul Reynaud. Document No.347, 11 pages; Paris, August-September 1966. Letter to Walter Stucki, former Swiss Ambassador to Vichy. This document was made public by Josee de Chambrun only after the Ambassador's death. Document No.405, 3 pages; 18 June 1947. CHAMBRUN, René DE. Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris and New York; Son-in-Law of Pierre Laval. Laval's Return to Power in 1942. Testimony given at the time of the liberation to a French judge establishing the circumstances surrounding Pierre Laval's return to power, and deposited on 18 September 1961. Document No.333, 10 pages; 1944. Mission to the United States. English translation made on 30 June 1966 of the original notes, entitled "Notes and Remembrances about my Mission in the U.S.," dictated to Andre Vulliet during René de Chambrun's mission to the United States, when he acted on behalf of Great Britain in full accord with Pierre Laval. Document No.348, 73 pages; Summer 1940. Laval and the Protection of the Jews. Correspondence with Claude Levy, after the publication of Mr. Levy's book, La Rafle du Vel' d'Hiv'. Document No.357, 19 pages; Paris, July-October 1967. Last Days at Matignon. Eye witness account written at the time of the last nine days in office of Pierre Laval and his arrest by the Germans on 17 August 1944, and letter to Le Monde published on 3 September 1969. Both items were deposited on 10 December 1969. Document No.374, 11 pages; Paris, August 1944. Correspondence between Pierre Laval and Otto Abetz, exchanged just before Laval's arrest. These four letters were furnished by a member of the Resistance who wanted to remain anonymous, to René de Chambrun, who deposited them on 19 June 1969. Document No.375, 4 pages; August 1944. Laval's negotiations with Germany. Correspondence between René de Chambrun and Chancellor Bruning. Document No.380, 7 pages; Paris/Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1949-1950. Laval. Open letter published by Historia, in which René de Chambrun shows how Mr. Nogueres misquotes Laval. Document No.386, 3 pages; Paris, 23 September 1970. Laval's Trial. Statement by René de Chambrun and documents concerning the credibility of the deposition of Miss Denise Petit, one of the four witnesses who testified against Pierre Laval. Document No.411A, 5 pages; n.d. Laval and the Protection of the Jews. Photostats of the Nazi-controlled Paris newspaper, Au Pilori, containing violent attacks against Pierre Laval during the last two years of the Occupation, deposited on 16 April 1974. Document No.415, 10 pages; Paris, 1943-1944. Laval and the Protection of the Jews. Article written by René de Chambrun and published by Miroir de l'Histoire. Document No.422, 7 pages; November 1975. Laval. René de Chambrun's letter to Mr. Jean Merot, Chief Editor of the communist paper, l'Humanite, dated 7 December 1971, refuting the false allegations made by Mr. Merot on television; Mr. Merot's reply of 2 January 1972; Josee de Chambrun's counter reply of 8 January 1972 written upon receipt of Mr. Merot's answer during René de Chambrun's absence in the United States. Document No.423, 8 pages; Paris, 1972. Statement in which René de Chambrun explains that in view of completion of his book, Pierre Laval devant l'Histoire, he is now filing with the Hoover Institution and the Library of Chateldon (part of the "Fondation Josee et René de Chambrun"), the last statements and documents through No.445. Document No.433, 1 page; Paris, 12 April 1982. Laval. An example of one of René de Chambrun's notes prepared for the defense of Pierre Laval, which the latter was not allowed to present. René de Chambrun first handed them over to Jacques Baraduc, Pierre Laval's attorney, and eventually deposited them on 14 April 1982. Document No.439, 2 pages; September 1945. Laval. Document showing how René de Chambrun was given access in 1948 to all the German documents (translated into English) stamped by the U.S. Office of Chief of Council for War Crimes of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, in which the name of Pierre Laval appeared. Document No.441, 3 pages; Paris, 14 April 1942. Laval. This document refers to Jacques Baraduc's book, Les Archives du Reich, prefaced by Josee de Chambrun, in which appeared the first German documents. As an example of these, René de Chambrun deposited on 14 April 1982 the report from Sauckel to Hitler, dated 9 August 1943, in which Sauckel explains that he has lost faith in Laval. Also deposited is the preface written by Josee de Chambrun. Document No.442, 12 pages; Paris, 14 April 1982.

Inventory of the René de 48006 11 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 CHANTEMESSE, DR. French Workers in Germany. This document is in the form of a letter to René de Chambrun, in which Dr. Chantemesse vouches for the fact that throughout the years of the Occupation, no French doctor was prosecuted by the State for giving false certificates to French workers, allowing them to escape work in Germany. Document No.369, 1 page; Paris, 25 March 1968. CHASSEIGNE, FRANCOIS. Commissioner-General of Labor, 1943-1944; Secretary of State for Food, 1944. Employment and Wages. Document No.288, 6 pages; Paris, 18 May 1955. French edition: vol.I, pp.186-189; English edition: vol.I, pp.189-193.

Food. Document No.296, 18 pages; Paris, 3 June 1955. French edition: vol.I, pp.292-298; English edition: vol.I, pp.287-292. CHASTAIN, GABRIEL DU. Journalist. Laval and the Super-Collaborators - Treason - Degrelle. Document No.32, 8 pages; Paris, 1 August 1947. French edition: vol.III, pp.1127-1133; English edition: Vol.III, pp.1067-1073. CHATEAU, RENE. Member of the Chamber of Deputies for the Charente-Maritime. Sauckel - Deat and Darnand - Trade Unionism. Document No.80, 7 pages; Paris, 8 December 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1267-1271; English edition: vol.III, pp.1190-1194. CHATELLE, ALBERT. Member of the Marine Academy. Bomb Damage in French Cities. Statement about the deposit of brochures concerning the following cities, which were bombed during the Occupation: Nantes, Montlucon, Rennes, Le Creusot, Le Portel, and Toulon. Document No.253, 1 page; 17 March 1955. French edition: vol.II, p.923; English edition: vol.II, p.874. CHAUMEIL, G. Prisoner of War; Director of the manufacture of Baccarat. Jewish Prisoners. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun, in which Mr. Chaumeil shows that the Jewish prisoners in the officers camps received the same protection as all other French officers. Document No.364, 2 pages; Baccarat, 4 September 1967. CHEVALIER, HENRI. Security officer with Pierre Laval, 1943-1944. 17 August 1944. Document No.55, 1 page; Versailles, 22 April 1948. French edition: vol.III, p.1186; English edition: vol.III, p.1120. CHEVALIER, JACQUES. Minister of National Education, 1940-1941. Franco-British and Franco-American Negotiations. Deposition of Mr. Chevalier in the Trial of Marechal Petain, High Court of Justice, 14th Session, 7 August 1945. The exactitude of this deposition was certified by Jean Lemaire, Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris, on 12 April 1955. Document No.275, 8 pages; Paris, 7 August 1945. French edition: vol.II, pp.988-993; English edition: vol.II, pp.935-941. CHILLY, COLONEL LUCIEN DE. Special delegate to the Secretariat General of Pierre Laval's Government. Laval's Struggle against the German Occupation and against French Collaborationists. Letter addressed to Josee de Chambrun. Document No.75, 4 pages; September 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1204-1206; English edition: vol.III, pp.1135-1137. CLAUDE, GEORGES. Laval. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.174, 1 page; 9 December 1952. French edition: vol.III, p.1466; English edition: vol.III, p.1365. CLOGENSON, COLONEL G. Assistant Chief of Staff of General Picquendar, Chief of Staff of the French Army. Colonel Clogenson was arrested by the Germans at the end of 1942. The Armistice Army - how it was gradually built up after 1940. Document No.317, 19 pages; July 1957. COCURAT, DR. Mayor of Chateldon, Pierre Laval's native town. Intervention of Laval on behalf of Prisoners of War. Certificate establishing that Pierre Laval obtained the liberation of the seventy seven war prisoners of Chateldon in 1942. Document No.313, 1 page; Chateldon, 11 May 1960. CONDE, PAUL DE. Under-Prefect of Montbeliard, 1943-1944. Meeting with Laval in Belfort in 1944 while he was under arrest by the Germans. Letter addressed to Josee de Chambrun. Document No.393, 2 pages; Bains-les-Bains, 22 August 1969. CONQUET, GENERAL ALFRED. Commander of the Military "Departement" of the Cantal, 1940-1943; Assistant in territorial command to the General commanding the region of Clermont-Ferrand, 1943. General Conquet was arrested in 1943 and deported to Germany. The Army - Petain and De Gaulle. Document No.243, 13 pages; Fontainebleau, 1 February 1955. French edition: vol.II, pp.827-834; English edition: vol.II, pp.783-791.

Inventory of the René de 48006 12 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 CONSTANT, VICTOR. President of the General Council of the Seine and the Departemental Council of the Seine; Senator for the Seine; Member of the Chamber of Deputies; Mayor and Councilor-General in the Haute-Loire. Two Dates: 16 April 1938 - 17 August 1944. Document No.187, 6 pages; Paris, 6 July 1953. French edition: vol.III, pp.1489-1493; English edition: vol.III, pp.1386-1390. COQUELIN, PIERRE-EDOUARD. Director of Administrative Services in the Secretariat-General of the Government, 1942-1943. Laval and his Secretariat. Document No.233, 4 pages; Paris, 5 October 1954. French edition: vol.III, pp.1525-1528; English edition: vol.III, pp.1417-1420. CORVISY, HENRI. Under-Director of the Ministry of Justice, 1940; Director for Criminal Affairs and Pardons in the Ministry of Justice. The Ministry of Justice. Document No.227, 6 pages; Paris, 4 August 1954. French edition: vol.II, pp.643-647; English edition: vol.II, pp.612-617. COSMI, PIERRE. Director of the Cabinet of Jean Bichelonne, Minister-Secretary of State for Industrial Production and Communications, 1942-1944. Youth Work Camps. Document No.177, 11 pages; 15 March 1953. French edition: vol.II, pp.878-885; English edition: vol.II, pp.831-840. COURCY, KENNETH DE. See GRANTMESNIL, DUC DE. CREYSSEL, PAUL. Secretary-General in the Ministry of Information, 1942-1944. Propaganda. Document No.67, 3 pages; Paris, 22 July 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1224-1226; English edition: vol.III, pp.1152-1154. CULMANN, HENRI. Secretary-General of Industrial Production. 17-21 August 1944. Deposit of Mr. Culmann's account of his experiences in Paris during the last days of the Occupation, entitled "Temoignage sur Cinq Jours d'Histoire, 17-21 Aout 1944." Document No.240, 1 page (editor's note), 104 pages (account); Paris, 25 February 1950. French edition: vol.I, p.389; English edition: vol.I, p.373. DARBOU, GEORGES. Representative in Pierre Laval's Office for all the Prefects of the southern zone of France, 1943-1944; Prefect. Prefectoral Administration. Document No.76, 2 pages; Paris, 18 November 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1207-1208; English edition: vol.III, pp.1137-1138. DAYRAS, M. Secretary-General of the French Ministry of Justice, 1940-1944. Justice under the Occupation. Document No.353, 9 pages; n.d. DEBENEY, GENERAL VICTOR. Director of the Armistice Services, 1943-1944. The Marechal's Orders. Deposition of General Debeney in the Trial of Marechal Petain, High Court of Justice, 15th Session, 8 August 1945. The exactitude of this deposition was certified by Jean Lemaire, Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris, on 12 April 1955. Document No.277, 2 pages; Paris, 8 August 1945. French edition: vol.II, p.999; English edition: vol.II, pp.946-947. DECOUX, AMIRAL JEAN. Governor-General of French Indo-China, 1940-1945. Indo-China. Document No.150, 2 pages; Paris, 29 February 1952. French edition: vol.II, pp.760-761; English edition: vol.II, pp.721-722. DELEPLANQUE, ROGER. Journalist. The Affair of the Petit Marseillais. This document is accompanied by four annexes, not published in France during the German Occupation, 1940-1944. Document No.114, 13 pages; n.d. French edition: vol.III, pp.1374-1375; English edition: vol.III, pp.1287-1288.

Laval and the Protection of the Jews. This document is in the form of a letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.365, 2 pages; Paris, 23 September 1967. DELOBEL, ALBERT. Official in the Ministry of Information, 1942-1943. The Information Services. Document No.21, 4 pages; Paris, 2 May 1947. French edition: vol.II, pp.1104-1106; English edition: vol.II, pp.1046-1048. DELPEYROU, ALEX. Journalist. Jewish Affairs. Document No.119, 5 pages; Paris, 11 April 1950. French edition: vol.II, pp.681-684; English edition: vol.II, pp.650-654.

Inventory of the René de 48006 13 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 DEMAI, RENE. Attache in the Cabinet of Pierre Laval; Attorney-at-Law at Clermont-Ferrand. Clermont-Ferrand. Document No.38, 3 pages; Clermont-Ferrand, 25 November 1947. French edition: vol.II, pp.1141-1142; English edition: vol.III, pp.1079-1080.

Clermont-Ferrand. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.249, 2 pages; Clermont-Ferrand, 28 January 1955. French edition: vol.III, p.1541; English edition: vol.III, pp.1427-1428. DEMAISON, ANDRE. Member of the National Council representing both the Colonies and Literature; Writer; Director of French Broadcasting. Radio - Laval's Methods. Document No.66, 5 pages; Paris, 8 July 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1220-1223; English edition: vol.III, pp.1148-1151. DI PACE, VINCENT. Secretary-General of the Ministry of Post, Telegraph and Telephone, 1940-1944. Postal, Telegraph, and Telephone Services during the Occupation. Document No.229, 18 pages; n.d. French edition: vol.I, pp.305-320; English edition: vol.I, pp.296-311. DOLLFUS, ALAIN and JEAN-PIERRE BRUN. Laval. Thesis for the doctor's degree in public law, entitled "Pierre Laval - Politique et Administration de la France (1940-1944)." Document No.412, 249 pages; Paris, 1973. DONATI, CHARLES. Prefect. Prefectoral Administration. Deposition of Mr. Donati in the Trial of Marechal Petain, High Court of Justice, 16th Session, 9 August 1945. The exactitude of this deposition was certified by Jean Lemaire, Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris, on 12 April 1955. Document No.278, 6 pages; Paris, 9 August 1945. French edition: vol.II, pp.1000-1004; English edition: vol.II, pp.947-951. DOURDIN, JACQUES. Director of the French Statistical Service. Brazzaville. Document No.39, 3 pages; Paris, 1 December 1947. French edition: vol.II, pp.771-773; English edition: vol.II, pp.730-732. DUMONT, CHARLES. Director-General of the National Committee of Friends of French Workers in Germany, 1942-1944. French Workers in Germany. Document No.20, 2 pages; Paris, 18 April 1947. French edition: vol.I, pp.250-251; English edition: vol.I, pp.248-249. DUPONT, FREDERIC. Member of the Chamber of Deputies; President of the Municipal Council of Paris; Minister. Laval's Attitude toward Executions. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.286, 2 pages; Paris, 14 April 1955. French edition: vol.III, pp.1554-1555; English edition: vol.III, p.1440. ENFIERE, ANDRE. Member of the National Constitutional Assembly. Edouard Herriot. Summary written by Mr. Enfiere of his "Record of Negotiations with Pierre Laval and the Germans in the Defense of President Herriot (1942-1945)." Document No.15, 29 pages; May 1946. French edition: vol.II, pp.1054-1077; English edition: vol.II, pp.998-1022. ERLANGER, PHILIPPE. Author of La France sans Etoile. Laval and the Protection of the Jews. Correspondence and documents exchanged between Philippe Erlanger and René de Chambrun. Document No.418, 31 pages; Cannes/Paris, August 1974. ESQUIROL, JEAN. Under-Prefect at Rheims, 1940-1943; Prefect of the Ardeche, 1943; Director-General of the Penitentiary Administration, 1944. The Regions of Rheims and the Ardeche - The Penitentiary Administration. Document No.210, 9 pages; Paris, 15 March 1954. French edition: vol.I, pp.526-529; English edition: vol.I, pp.498-501. FABRE, FRANCISQUE. Owner of the newspaper, La Montagne. Visit of Mr. Fabre to Pierre Laval with Mrs. Leon Blum. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun, accompanied by a letter dated 17 November 1955 from René de Chambrun to Francisque Fabre, suggesting that he give this testimony (Document No.332A). Mr. Fabre was a personal friend of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Blum. Document No.332, 1 page; Clermont-Ferrand, 24 November 1955. FABRE, ROBERT. Secretary-General of the Central Committee for the Coal Production Industry. Coal Mining. Document No.263, 13 pages; Paris, 2 March 1955. French edition: vol.I, pp.361-369; English edition: vol.I, pp.348-356. FAURE, PAUL. Minister. Intervention of Laval on behalf of Political Leaders - Last Days at Matignon. Document No.127, 3 pages; n.d. French edition: vol.III, pp.1395-1397; English edition: vol.III, pp.1303-1305. De Gaulle. Publication, entitled Histoire d'un Faux et de ses Consequences. Document No.315, 48 pages; n.d.

Inventory of the René de 48006 14 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 FAURE, PETRUS. Juror at Marechal Petain's trial; Author of Le Proces du Marechal Petain; Socialist Member of the Chamber of Deputies. Laval. This testimony in favor of Pierre Laval is in the form of a letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.416, 2 pages; Le Chambon-Feugerolles, 27 September 1974. FEAT, CAPITAINE DE VAISSEAU GEORGES. Deputy Chief of the Military Cabinet of Marechal Petain at Vichy. Laval's Return to Power in 1942 - Capitaine Feat's Visit to Paris on 18 and 19 August 1944 and his Report to Marechal Petain at Vichy. This declaration is accompanied by nine annexes, not published in France during the German Occupation, 1940-1944. Document No.230, 30 pages; Paris, 27 September 1954. French edition: vol.III, pp.1694-1697; English edition: vol.III, pp.1564-1567. FERNET, VICE-AMIRAL JEAN. Secretary-General for the Presidency of the Council, for Marechal Petain, 1940. The Rougier Mission. Deposition of Vice-Admiral Fernet in the Trial of Marechal Petain, High Court of Justice, 14th Session, 14 August 1945. The exactitude of this deposition was certified by Jean Lemaire, Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris, on 12 April 1955. Document No.274, 3 pages; Paris, 14 August 1945. French edition: vol.II, pp.986-987; English edition: vol.II, pp.933-934. FESCHOTTE, JACQUES. Prefect of the Cotes-du-Nord and of the Var. Prefectoral Administration - Laval's Instructions to the Prefects. Document No.157, 1 page; Paris, 20 March 1952. French edition: vol.III, pp.1450-1451; English edition: vol.III, p.1352. FLAHAULT, CHARLES. Liaison officer between the Chief of Government and the Roman Catholic Church. Laval's Personality - Resistance to the Germans. Document No.45, 4 pages; 26 January 1948. French edition: vol.II, pp.1163-1165; English edition: vol.III, pp.1100-1102. FLORIOT, RENE. Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris. Laval. This document consists of some of the important notes concerning Laval from the brief that Mr. Floriot prepared for his defense in 1948 of Otto Abetz, German Ambassador to France, 1940-1944. Mr. Floriot permitted René de Chambrun to read this brief in 1967. Document No.404, 3 pages; n.d. FONT-REAULX, PIERRE DE. Counselor on judicial and legislative matters to the Tunisian Government, 1941-1943; Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris. Tunisia. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.305, 10 pages; 14 September 1955. French edition: vol.II, pp.751-759; English edition: vol.II, pp.712-720. FOVILLE, F. DE. Under-Prefect at Sedan, 1942-1944. Prefectoral Administration. Document No.192, 3 pages; n.d. French edition: vol.III, pp.1501-1502; English edition: vol.III, pp.1396-1397. FRANCOZ, PAUL. Assistant of the French State Broadcasting Company. Laval. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun, establishing a message that Mr. Francoz received from Pierre Laval. Document No.331, 1 page; Paris, 10 December 1956. FREUND-VALADE, MARC. Prefect of the Aude, 1942-1943; Regional Prefect at Limoges, 1943-1944. The Limoges Region - The Massacre at Oradour. Document No.169, 15 pages; Paris, 6 October 1952. French edition: vol.I, pp.511-525; English edition: vol.I, pp.483-497. FREY, CHARLES. Mayor of Strasbourg. Alsace-Lorraine. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.248, 2 pages; Strasbourg, 21 January 1955. French edition: vol.III, pp.1539-1540; English edition: vol.III, pp.1426-1427. FROT, EUGENE. Minister. Abetz. Mr. Frot's declaration is accompanied by a letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.255, 2 pages; Paris, 15 March 1955. French edition: vol.III, pp.1542-1543; English edition: vol.III, pp.1428-1429.

Georges Mandel. Mr. Frot's declaration is accompanied by a letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.256, 2 pages; Paris, 15 March 1955. French edition: vol.III, pp.1543-1544; English edition: vol.III, pp.1430-1431. GABOLDE, MAURICE. Minister of Justice, 1942-1944. Problems of the Judicial System. Mr. Gabolde deposited another declaration of eight pages entitled "From Wilflingen to Fort de Montjuich," not published in France during the German Occupation, 1940-1944; nor was Josee de Chambrun's reply to that declaration, a 7-page letter dated 5 April 1954 (Document No.208). Document No.207, 53 pages; n.d. French edition: vol.II, pp.619-642; English edition: vol.II, pp.588-612.

Inventory of the René de 48006 15 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 GAILLOCHET, ROGER. Chief of the Private Secretariat of Jean Bichelonne, Minister of Industrial Production and of Communications, 1942-1944. Industrial Production. Document No.165, 5 pages; Paris, 1 October 1952. French edition: vol.I, pp.27-30; English edition: vol.I, pp.39-42.

The "S" Factories. Document No.183, 4 pages; n.d. but continuing Document No.166 (by the collaborators of Jean Bichelonne) dated 15 November 1950. French edition: vol.I, pp.35-38; English edition: vol.I, pp.47-50. GAILLY, MADAME. Correspondence between Mrs. Gailly and René de Chambrun, who deposited these three letters and annexes on 10 December 1969. Mrs. Gailly was previously unknown to René de Chambrun. Document No.376, 14 pages; Lyon/Paris, October-November 1969. GAIT, MAURICE. Commissioner-General for Youth Activities, 1944. Laval's Opposition to Collaborationists. Document No.136, 2 pages; Paris, 27 September 1951. French edition: vol.III, pp.1414-1416; English edition: vol.III, pp.1319- 1321.

French Universities. Document No.307, 2 pages; 31 October 1955. French edition: vol.II, p.873; English edition: vol.II, p.827. GAZAGNE, RENE. Prefect of the Landes. Laval and the Protection of the Jews. Document No.401, 7 pages; Paris, 10 January 1972. Laval's Resistance to the Germans. Mr. Gazagne's letter to René de Chambrun is accompanied by certain of his original files from the time he was Prefect during the Occupation. Document No.406, 100 pages; Paris, 20 June 1972. GERMAIN, COLONEL JEAN. Plenipotentiary Delegate to Pierre Laval, 1943-1944. Industry - Interventions of Laval on behalf of Individuals. Document No.47, 7 pages; Paris, 30 January 1948. French edition: vol.II, 1166-1170; English edition: vol.III, pp.1103-1106. GERMAIN, JOSE. Founder of the Association of Combatant Writers. Laval's Policies before the War. Document No.158, 4 pages; Neuilly s/Seine, 8 April 1952. French edition: vol.III, pp.1452-1454; English edition: vol.III, pp.1353-1355. GIOBBE, MIRKO. Journalist. Relations with Italy. Document No.109, 8 pages; Rome, 15 September 1949. French edition: vol.III, pp.1364-1369; English edition: vol.III, pp.1279-1284. GIRARD, LOUIS-DOMINIQUE. Chief of the Civil Cabinet for Marechal Petain, 1944. Mandel - Jean Zay - Relationship between Petain and Laval. Document No.111, 4 pages; Paris, 5 October 1949. French edition: vol.III, pp.1654-1656; English edition: vol.III, pp.1530-1532. GIRARD, PIERRE. Chief of the Service of Schedules for the southeast region of the French State Railway Company since 1933. The French State Railway. Document No.205, 24 pages; Paris, 12 December 1954. French edition: vol.I, pp.321-339; English edition: vol.I, pp.312-329. GIRAUD, CAMILLE. Prefect; Director for the Seine Departement affairs. Edouard Herriot. Document No.188, 3 pages; September 1952. French edition: vol.III, pp.1494-1495; English edition: vol.III, pp.1390-1391. GOUNELLE, CLAUDE. Author of Le Dossier Laval. 17 August 1944. Note, entitled "Le 17 Aout 1944. Pierre Laval Etait Emmene de Force p0ar la Gestapo," sent to the newspaper, Le Monde, after it had published an article by Andre Jean-Faure on 19 August 1969. Document No.394, 2 pages; n.d. GRANDJEAN, EMILE. High President in Indo-China, Tonkin and Annam. Review of Book on Laval. Deposit of an article written by Mr. Grandjean under the penname of Jean Pleyber and published in Rivarol on 24 March 1955, in which he analyzes the book already deposited by Alfred Mallet, entitled Pierre Laval (Document No.264). Document No.268, 1 page; Ker-ar-Roch en Primel, 6 April 1955. French edition: vol.III, p.1548; English edition: vol.III, p.1434. GRANTMESNIL, DUC DE (KENNETH DE COURCY). Provided information to the British War Office from 1936 on. Petain and Laval. Open letter of the Duc de Grantmesnil to the London Times, and sent to René de Chambrun on 5 December 1979. Document No.430, 5 pages; 12 May 1978. GRASSET, DR. RAYMOND. Secretary of State for Health, 1942-1944. Public Health - Red Cross. This document consists of extracts from Dr. Grasset's testimony before the High Court, preceded

Inventory of the René de 48006 16 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 by a letter addressed to Herbert Hoover. Document No.110, 16 pages; Clermont-Ferrand, 31 August 1949. French edition: vol.II, pp.889-899; English edition: vol.II, pp.841-852.

Account made at the time of a secret cabinet meeting on 17 November 1942. Document No.324, 5 pages; 1944. Account made at the time of the last cabinet meeting of 12 July 1944. Document No.325, 9 pages; 1944. Notes made at the time of the liberation on all the members of Pierre Laval's cabinets, 1942-1944. Document No.326, 14 pages; 1944. Testimony on Pierre Laval for the period of 1942-1944 written immediately after the liberation. Document No.327, 5 pages; 1944. Narration of certain important episodes related to Pierre Laval written immediately after the liberation. Document No.328, 5 pages; n.d. Discharge judgement pronounced by the High Court of Justice on 18 December 1947, when Dr. Grasset's case came up for trial, and an annex which consists of his description of Laval. This document was deposited by René de Chambrun on 14 March 1983. Document No.448, 2 pages (judgement), 2 pages (description); n.d. GRISONI, ANDRE. Member of the Chamber of Deputies for the Seine; Deputy Mayor of Courbevoie; President of the Association of Mayors of the Seine; Vice-President of the Association of French Mayors. Memories of Laval. Document No.115, 4 pages; Paris, 10 January 1950. French edition: vol.III, pp.1376-1378; English edition: vol.III, pp.1289-1291. GUELFI, Mr. Member of the Resistance. De Gaulle. In this letter, addressed to René de Chambrun, Mr. Guelfi testifies to De Gaulle's attempts to wreck the Laval/Herriot Plan for the calling of the National Assembly in August 1944. Document No.372, 2 pages; Rennes, 8 September 1969. GUENIER, ANDRE. Private Secretary to Pierre Laval, 1923-1944. Interventions of Laval on behalf of Political Leaders - The Republic - The Prefectoral Administration - The Special Tribunals. Document No.106, 24 pages; Paris, 11 May 1949. French edition: vol.III, pp.1343-1359; English edition: vol.III, pp.1258-1275.

Last Days at Matignon. Account made at the time of the last ten days of Pierre Laval in Paris, 9 to 17 August 1944. This account, accompanied by various exhibits, was given by Mr. Guenier to René de Chambrun, who deposited it on 18 September 1961. Document No.335, 15 pages; n.d. Laval and the Protection of the Jews. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.366, 2 pages; Normandy, 17 August 1967. Laval. Notes, entitled "Declarations de Pierre Laval de 1940 a 1944," written by Mr. Guenier in 1944 and deposited by René de Chambrun on 28 April 1970. Document No.381, 5 pages; 1944. GUERARD, JACQUES. Secretary-General of the French Government. Laval. Statement about the deposit of the manuscript of Mr. Guerard's book, Criminel de Paix, published in 1953, his testimony on Pierre Laval's actions from 1940 to 1944. Document No.145, 1 page (statement), 145 pages (manuscript); Seville, 8 October 1951. French edition: vol.III, p.1435; English edition: vol.III, p.1339. Laval. Statement about the deposit of Mr. Guerard's book, Criminel de Paix. Document No.190, 1 page (statement), 159 pages (book); Seville, 14 October 1953. French edition: vol.III, p.1500; English edition: vol.III, p.1395.

Jewish Affairs. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.258, 2 pages; Seville, 7 March 1955. French edition: vol.III, p.1545; English edition: vol.III, pp.1431-1432.

Last Days at Matignon. Minutes of the last cabinet meeting of 12 July 1944 taken by Mr. Guerard and given at that time to René de Chambrun, who deposited them on 18 September 1961. Document No.334, 9 pages; 12 July 1944. GUILLAUME, MARCEL. Under-Prefect; Member of the Cabinet of Pierre Laval, 1942-1943. Daladier - Italy - Lorraine - Jews - Alsace - Freemasons - The Maquis - Oradour - Compulsory Labor. Document No.40, 13 pages; Paris, 1 December 1947. French edition: vol.II, pp.1143-1151; English edition: vol.III, pp.1081-1089.

Notes on Walter Stucki's book, La Fin du Regime de Vichy, accompanied by a covering letter addressed to Josee de Chambrun. Document No.411, 4 pages; 21 July 1947. GUILLAUME, GENERAL MAURICE. Attache in the Cabinet of Pierre Laval in Vichy for matters concerning North Africans in France, 1943-1944. North Africans in France. Document No.61, 5 pages; Paris, 26 May 1948. French edition: vol.II, pp.774-777; English edition: vol.II, pp.732-735.

Inventory of the René de 48006 17 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 GUILLE, JEAN-STEPHANE. Secretary-General of the National Fund for Agricultural Credit, 1942-1944. Memories of Pierre Laval - 13 December 1940 - Efforts of Laval on behalf of Persons in Danger. Mr. Guille also deposited five photocopies of letters addressed to him on 20 August 1942 by Leon Noel. Document No.102A, 18 pages; Paris, 4 April 1949. French edition: vol.III, pp.1328-1340; English edition: vol.III, pp.1243-1256.

Agricultural Credit. Document No.102B, 9 pages; 4 April 1949. French edition: vol.I, pp.281-286; English edition: vol.I, pp.276-282. GUILLE, S. Food Supplies. Memorandum, entitled "Pour la Defense du President," on how the French Government succeeded in supplying food to the French people until the end of the Occupation. Document No.351, 13 pages; n.d. GUILLEMAUT, JACQUES. Prefect, retired in 1946. The Nancy Region. Document No.96, 3 pages; Saint-Cloud, 10 March 1949. French edition: vol.I, pp.466-468; English edition: vol.I, pp.442-444. GUN, NERIN E. American journalist who had access to the files of the State Department and the White House for the period 1940-1945, and who attended Laval and Petain's trials. Laval. Secret cables sent to the State Department in 1940 by Ambassador William Bullitt and officials in the U.S. Embassy in France. These cables were given on 20 January 1974 by Mr. Gun with a covering letter addressed to René de Chambrun, who deposited them on 6 February 1974. Document No.411B, 7 pages; July and October 1940. Laval. Telegrams sent to the State Department by U.S. diplomats Harrison (Minister at Bern), Childs (Consul at Tangiers), Winant (Ambassador in London), Tuck (Charge d'Affaires at Vichy). These documents were given by Mr. Gun in April 1974 to René de Chambrun, who deposited them on 3 May 1974. Document No.414, 10 pages; 1941-1942. Laval. Article published in the Italian magazine, Il Borghese, and deposited in October 1977. Document No.427, 12 pages; 31 July 1977. Laval - Henry-Haye. Mr. Gun quotes a secret cable of April 1942 from Laval to the French Ambassador in Washington, D.C., Henry-Haye, after a conversation with Ambassador Leahy. This document was deposited on 29 March 1979. Document No.428, 3 pages; April 1942. HARLAN, THOMAS. Laval and the Protection of the Jews. Extracts from the magnetic band of Eichman's statements against Laval. This document was accompanied by a covering letter from Mr. Harlan addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.398, 9 pages; Paris, 26 November 1970. HAYAUX DU TILLY, FRANCOIS. Assistant Director-General of the French Red Cross, 1944. The Red Cross. Document No.35, 3 pages; Paris, 3 October 1947. French edition: vol.II, pp.905-906; English edition: vol.II, pp.857-858. HECQUET, STEPHEN. Assistant of the Governor of Versailles, Mr. Revilliod, 1944. Laval. Excerpts from Mr. Hecquet's book, Les Guimbardes de , concerning Pierre Laval. Document No.377, 13 pages; 1958. HEINZEN, RALPH. Chief correspondent for the United Press Association in Paris and Vichy, 1927-1942. Laval and the United States - Laval and Communism - The Scuttling of the Fleet - Montoire. Document No.234, 11 pages; 19 October 1954. French edition: vol.III, pp.1731-1737; English edition: vol.III, pp.1597-1603. HENRY, JACQUES. Regional Prefect. Haute-Soane, Corsica and the Dauphine. Document No.86, 10 pages; Paris, 20 January 1949. French edition: vol.I, pp.493-497; English edition: vol.I, pp.466-470. HENRY, PIERRE. Secretary-General and Under-Director of the Prefecture of the Seine, 1940-1944. Prefectoral Administration. Document No.147, 3 pages; Paris, 18 February 1952. French edition: vol.I, pp.427-429; English edition: vol.I, pp.408-411. French Prefects, 1800-1950. Deposit of his book, Histoire des Prefets; Cent Cinquante Ans d'Administration Provinciale, 1800 a 1950. Document No.193, 1 page; Paris, 5 January 1954. French edition: vol.I, p.429; English edition: vol.I, p.411. HENRY-HAYE, GASTON. French Ambassador to Washington, D.C., 1940-1942. Foreign Affairs - The United States. Document No.142, 10 pages; 31 October 1951. French edition: vol.III, pp.1426-1431; English edition: vol.III, pp.1330-1335.

Laval. Exchange of correspondence between Ambassador Henry-Haye and Robert Murphy (Franklin Roosevelt's special envoy), April-June 1973, and between Robert Murphy and René de Chambrun, June-July 1973, deposited by René de Chambrun on 20 July 1973. Document No.410, 15 pages; New York/Paris, 1973.

Inventory of the René de 48006 18 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 HERICAULT, EDMOND. Director in the Ministry of Finance, 1940-1944. Finance. Document No.213, 3 pages; 21 March 1954. French edition: vol.I, pp.119-121; English edition: vol.I, pp.128-129. HERING, GENERAL PIERRE. The Army - North Africa. Deposition of General Hering in the Trial of Marechal Petain, High Court of Justice, 9th Session, 1 August 1945. The exactitude of this deposition was certified by Jean Lemaire, Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris, on 12 April 1955. Document No.272, 4 pages; Paris, 1 August 1945. French edition: vol.II, pp.980-982; English edition: vol.II, pp.927-929. HILAIRE, GEORGES. Secretary-General for Administration in the Ministry of the Interior, 1942-1944. Laval. Document No.13, 44 pages; n.d. Laval. Statement about the deposit of a manuscript, entitled "L'Homme qu'il Fallait Tuer," written in the years 1945-1946, the first draft of a work which appeared several months later under the pseudonym of Julien Clermont. This book recalls Mr. Hilaire's relations with Pierre Laval. Document No.194, 1 page (statement), 124 pages (manuscript); Paris, 18 January 1954. French edition: vol.III, p.1503; English edition: vol.III, p.1398.

Ministry of the Interior. Note prepared by Mr. Hilaire with the help of many Prefects, Secretaries-General of Prefecture, and Under-Prefects. Document No.219, 38 pages; n.d. French edition: vol.I, pp.393-419; English edition: vol.I, pp.375-402. HILLAIRE-DARRIGRAND, HENRI-MARCEL. Journalist. Intervention of Laval on behalf of Prisoners and Victims. This declaration is accompanied by a covering letter addressed to Josee de Chambrun. Document No.176, 9 pages; Paris, 10 June 1952. French edition: vol.III, pp.1468-1473; English edition: vol.III, pp.1366-1371. HIOTT, DINU. Minister of Romania at Vichy, 1940-1944. Laval's Views of the Future - Last Days at Vichy. Document No.100, 5 pages; Paris, 4 April 1949. French edition: vol.III, pp.1647-1650; English edition: vol.III, pp.1524-1527. HISARD, CLAUDE. Attached to the Ministry of Information, 1943. Laval. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.402, 2 pages; Paris, 4 August 1971. HOMO, ROGER. Prefect. Laval's Methods - His Instructions to Prefects. Document No.108, 5 pages; Paris, 20 June 1949. French edition: vol.III, pp.1360-1363; English edition: vol.III, pp.1275-1279. HONTEBEYRIE, ALFRED-ROGER. Prefect. The Herault Region. Document No.154, 4 pages; Paris, 13 March 1952. French edition: vol.I, pp.489-492; English edition: vol.I, pp.463-466. HULOT, FRANCOIS. Journalist; Chief of the Press Section in the General Commissariat for Prisoners. Giraud - The Maquis - Prisoners. Document No.4, 8 pages; Paris, 17 December 1945. French edition: vol.II, pp.1036-1041; English edition: vol.II, pp.980-986. HUMIERES, MARC D'. Delegate of the General Secretariat of Pierre Laval, 1944. Doriot and Darnand. Document No.30, 4 pages; Paris, 8 July 1947. French edition: vol.II, pp.1124-1126; English edition: vol.III, pp.1064-1066. ISORNI, JACQUES. Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris; Attorney for Marechal Petain. Document No.57: see PETAIN, MARECHAL PHILIPPE. ISORNI, JACQUES and JEAN LEMAIRE. Marechal Petain's Opinion of Laval. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.139, 2 pages; Paris, 3 October 1951. French edition: vol.III, p.1681; English edition: vol.III, pp.1552-1553.

Petition for Rehearing Presented on behalf of Petain - Petain's Draft of a New Constitution. Deposit of a book by Jacques Isorni and Jean Lemaire, entitled Requete en Revision pour Philippe Petain, published in 1950. The book contains an annex stated by the authors to be the complete text of Marechal Petain's draft of a new constitution, prepared by him in accordance with the decision of the French National Assembly at Vichy on 10 July 1940. Document No.232; 10 April 1951. French edition: vol.II, p.978; English edition: vol.II, pp.924-925.

Supplementary Memorandum in Favor of the Rehearing of the Case of Marechal Petain. Deposit of a 6-page memorandum, handed personally to the Guardian of the Seals, Minister of Justice, on 15 September 1953. This note presents details in support of the existence of an agreement between Marechal Petain and King George VI of Great Britain. Document No.232A, 1 page; Paris, 23 September 1954.

Inventory of the René de 48006 19 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 French edition: vol.II, p.978; English edition: vol.II, p.925. JACQUEMIN, GASTON. Assistant to the Delegate General for the northern zone in the Ministry of Information, 1943; Under-Prefect of Reims, 1944. Laval's Advice to Prefects. Document No.33, 4 pages; Chateau de Folembray, 23 August 1947. French edition: vol.II, pp.1134-1136; English edition: vol.II, pp.1073-1075. JAFFRE, YVES-FREDERIC. Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris. Laval in his Cell. Document No.141, 2 pages; Paris, 12 October 1951. French edition: vol.III, pp.1424-1425; English edition: vol.III, pp.1328-1330.

Laval's Last Words. Deposit of Attorney Jaffre's book, Les Derniers Propos de Pierre Laval, published in 1953. Document No.186, 1 page; Paris, 16 June 1953. French edition: vol.III, p.1488; English edition: vol.III, p.1385. JARDEL, JEAN. Joined Marechal Petain's entourage, 1942-1943. The Scuttling of the Fleet - Jewish Affairs. Deposition of Mr. Jardel in the Trial of Marechal Petain, High Court of Justice, 17th Session, 10 August 1945. The exactitude of this deposition was certified by Jean Lemaire, Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris, on 12 April 1955. Document No.279, 3 pages; Paris, 10 August 1945. French edition: vol.II, pp.1005-1006; English edition: vol.II, pp.952-953. JARDIN, JEAN. Assistant Chief of Cabinet of the Ministry of Finance and National Economy, 1941-1942; Director of Cabinet for the Minister of Public Works, 1942; Director of Cabinet for the Chief of Government, 1942-1943; First Counselor, Charge d'Affaires at the French Embassy in Bern, Switzerland, 1943-1944. Situation after the Armistice - Laval's Return to Power - Hitler's Offer of Alliance - The Fleet - Bern. Letter addressed to Jacques Baraduc, Attorney for Pierre Laval. Document No.18, 7 pages; 9 October 1945. French edition: vol.II, pp.1096-1103; English edition: vol.II, pp.1038-1044.

Secret Services - Second Bureau. Document No.244, 2 pages; 27 December 1954. French edition: vol.III, pp.1531-1532; English edition: vol.III, pp.1422-1423.

Comments on Admiral Auphan's Book. Letter addressed to Admiral Auphan. Document No.133, 7 pages; Paris, 15 April 1951. French edition: vol.III, pp.1670-1675; English edition: vol.III, pp.1541-1547.

Laval and the Protection of the Jews. This document, testifying to the visit of S. Pinkney Tuck, American Charge d'Affaires, to Pierre Laval in 1942, is in the form of a letter addressed to Josee de Chambrun. Document No.359, 2 pages; La Tour-de-Peilz, Switzerland, 22 August 1967. JEAN-FAURE, ANDRE. Prefect. Edouard Herriot. Document No.10, 2 pages; Paris, January 1946. French edition: vol.II, pp.1052-1053; English edition: vol.II, pp.996-997.

Laval - Herriot. First part of Mr. Jean-Faure's deposition establishing the relationship between Pierre Laval and Edouard Herriot in August 1944, when Laval came to free Herriot in Nancy and brought him back to Paris. Document No.320, 8 pages; n.d. Laval and Herriot's Arrest and Deportation to Germany. Second part of Mr. Jean-Faure's deposition. Document No.321, 4 pages; n.d. Laval - Herriot. This narration of the last Laval/Herriot meeting in Nancy on 18 August 1944, after their arrest in Paris, was sent on 3 June 1969 with a covering letter addressed to René de Chambrun, who had the account published in Le Monde of 19 August 1969, and who deposited it on 9 December 1969. Document No.373, 8 pages; 3 June 1969. JEAN-RENAUD, MAJOR. Major in the French Colonial Army. Relations between Laval and Petain - Conversations with Laval. Document No.46, 8 pages; Paris, 28 January 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1609-1614; English edition: vol.III, pp.1487-1492. JEANJEAN, HENRI. Civil servant in the Ministry of the Interior until 1967. The Resistance. This document consists of a letter written on 12 April 1943 by a member of the Resistance, which was intercepted by the State police but which resulted in no prosecution against the sender. It is accompanied by a covering letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.343, 3 pages; n.d. The Militia. This document consists of a letter dated 11 August 1943 from J. du Vair, the former head of the "Ecole Nationale des Cadres de la Milice," to Marechal Petain. It is accompanied by a covering letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.344, 9 pages; Paris, 14 March 1967. Laval - Herriot and their Arrest by the Germans. Declaration of the German SS R. Nosek who was questioned by Mr.

Inventory of the René de 48006 20 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 Jeanjean on 18 November 1947. It is accompanied by a covering letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.349, 2 pages; 23 August 1967. JEAUFFRE, JEAN. Secretary-General of the French news agency Havas (now Agence France-Presse). German Acquisition of Shares in French Companies - An Example: Havas. Document No.239, 9 pages; 10 November 1954. French edition: vol.I, pp.60-63; English edition: vol.I, pp.71-77. JOUSSAIN DU RIEU, JEAN. Editor of the newspaper, Le Centre de Montlucon during the Occupation. Statement in the form of a letter published by L'Opinion Independante du Sud-Ouest and deposited on 24 January 1975. Document No.417, 1 page; Clermont-Ferrand, 25 October 1974. KESSEL, JOSEPH. Author. Claude Levy's book, La Rafle du Vel' d'Hiv', for which Mr. Kessel wrote the preface - Intervention of Laval in favor of Kessel. Exchange of correspondence between Joseph Kessel and René de Chambrun. Document No.358, 5 pages; Paris, July-September 1967. KNOCHEN, HELMUT. Chief of General Staff of the SS in Paris, 1940-1944. Reich Service VI in Paris. Statement written in the prison of Cherche-Midi. Document No.GD-4, 20 pages; n.d. French edition: vol.III, pp.1774-1783; English edition: vol.III, pp.1635-1644.

Laval and the Protection of the Jews. Statement made by Mr. Knochen at his own trial before the Military Court of Paris. This document was given to René de Chambrun by a member of the "Defense Speciale du Territoire" in 1971. Document No.399, 1 page; n.d. Photocopy of Mr. Knochen's original statement and of the French translation, deposited by René de Chambrun on 12 April 1982. Document No.443, 33 pages; 24 March 1948. LABORDE, AMIRAL JEAN DE. Commander of the French Fleet at the time of the scuttling at Toulon in November 1942. The Scuttling of the Fleet. Document No.191, 32 pages; n.d. French edition: vol.II, pp.843-863; English edition: vol.II, pp.799-820. LACHAL, RAYMOND. Director-General of the French Legion of Combatants. Legion of Combatants, 1942-1944. Document No.50, 5 pages; Ambert, 17 February 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1615-1618; English edition: vol.III, pp.1492-1495. LAFAYE, GABRIEL. Assistant-Mayor of Bordeaux, 1925-1944; Member of the Chamber of Deputies, 1928-1942; General Councillor, 1937-1942; Minister of Labor, 1938. Laval and the Labor Unions. Document No.19, 4 pages; Paris, 10 April 1947. French edition: vol.I, pp.195-197; English edition: vol.I, pp.198-200. LAGARDELLE, HUBERT. Minister of Labor until 1943. Labor. Document No.91, 3 pages; 8 March 1949. French edition: vol.I, pp.135-137; English edition: vol.I, pp.139-141. LALANNE, JEAN. Prefect. Prefectoral Administration - The Belfort Region. Document No.58, 8 pages; Paris, 28 April 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1619-1623; English edition: vol.III, pp.1496-1500. LALOUEL, HENRI F. Professor of International Law at the University of Nancy. Intervention of Laval on behalf of Blum, Daladier, Gamelin, Reynaud. First part of Mr. Lalouel's original notes taken in 1945, and deposited on 7 July 1958. Document No.318, 2 pages; 1945. Laval - Petain. Second part of Mr. Lalouel's original notes taken after conversations between Pierre Laval and Marechal Petain, accompanied by a covering letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.319, 6 pages; LAMBERT DES CILLEULS, GENERAL. Head of the Military Health Service, 1939-1940. Military Health Service. Photostat of the original document written by General Lambert Des Cilleuls, entitled "Une Page d'Histoire du Corps de Sante Militaire de 1940 a 1944," which was released only after the death of the General in 1980. This statement was used by René de Chambrun, who deposited it on 12 April 1982, to write Schedule VII of his book on Pierre Laval. Document No.437, 22 pages; n.d. LAMOUREUX, LUCIEN. Minister of Finance; Member of the Chamber of Deputies for the Allier. Laval before the War - Intervention on behalf of an Arrested Frenchman. Document No.87, 5 pages; Paris, 12 March 1949. French edition: vol.III, pp.1288-1291; English edition: vol.III, pp.1206-1208. LANDRON, PIERRE. Master of Appeals in the Council of State; Assistant in Pierre Laval's Cabinet, 1940 and 1942; Director of the Guarantee Fund in the Ministry of Labor, 1943; President of the Administrative Tribunal of the Seine. Memories of Laval - His Directives on the Laws of Exception. At the time of publication of France during the German Occupation, 1940-1944, in 1957, the deposit of this document did not carry the right to publish the author's name. Document No.225, 5 pages; Paris, 26 July 1954.

Inventory of the René de 48006 21 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 French edition: vol.III, pp.1520-1524; English edition: vol.III, pp.1413-1417.

General Guarantee Fund for Social Insurance. On being informed of the proposed publication of his statement, in 1957, Mr. Landron requested that his name be withheld (as for Document No.225). Document No.287, 3 pages; Paris, 2 May 1945. French edition: vol.I, pp.126-128; English edition: vol.I, pp.133-135.

Laval's Cabinet. In this statement, Mr. Landron established his activity in Pierre Laval's cabinet. Document No.314, 6 pages; n.d. LANGLADE, LIEUTENANT-COLONEL LOUIS. Chief of the Military Bureau of the Chief of Government, 1943-1944. The First Regiment of France. Document No.123, 2 pages; 15 June 1950. French edition: vol.II, pp.841-842; English edition: vol.II, pp.797-799. LANNURIEN, GENERAL DE. A Conversation with the Marechal. Deposition of General Lannurien in the Trial of Marechal Petain, High Court of Justice, 17th Session, 10 August 1945. The exactitude of this deposition was certified by Jean Lemaire, Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris, on 12 April 1955. Document No.282, 3 pages; Paris, 10 August 1945. French edition: vol.II, pp.1014-1015; English edition: vol.II, pp.961-962. LAPPEYRONNIE, ROLAND. Official in the Ministry of Information. Obligatory Labor. Document No.41, 3 pages; Paris, 9 December 1947. French edition: vol.II, pp.1152-1153; English edition: vol.III, pp.1089-1091. LARGIER, EDOUARD. Member of the Chamber of Real Estate Agents. Intervention of Laval on behalf of Threatened Persons. Letter addressed to Josee de Chambrun. Document No.137, 2 pages; Paris, 3 October 1951. French edition: vol.III, pp.1417-1418; English edition: vol.III, pp.1322-1323. LAROCHE, ERNEST. Socialist Member of the Chamber of Deputies for the Puy-de-Dome. The National Assembly of July 1940. Letter addressed to the wife of Pierre Laval. Document No.310, 2 pages; Puy-Guillaume, 26 November 1955. French edition: vol.I, pp.380-381; English edition: vol.I, pp.364-365. LATTRE DE TASSIGNY, MARECHAL JEAN DE. Chief of Staff of the 5th Army until 1940; Commander of the French lst Army in North Africa, 1943-1944; in Europe, 1944-1945. Laval before the War. Memorandum by Marechal de Lattre de Tassigny to General Weygand, published in the Revue des Deux Mondes of July 1970, revealing Laval's vision of the dangers facing France in 1932-1933. Document No.387, 4 pages; March 1933. LAVAGNE, ANDRE. Deputy-Director of Marechal Petain's Civil Cabinet, 1941-1943. Petain - Attitude toward the Germans and the Jews - Oath of Fidelity. Deposition of Mr. Lavagne in the Trial of Marechal Petain, High Court of Justice, 17th Session, 10 August 1945. The exactitude of this deposition was certified by Jean Lemaire, Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris, on 12 April 1955. Document No.280, 6 pages; Paris, 10 August 1945. French edition: vol.II, pp.1007-1011; English edition: vol.II, pp.954-958. LAVAL, PIERRE. Vice-Premier under Marechal Petain, 1940; Chief of Government, Minister of the Interior, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1942-1944. Talks Given by Laval. These impromptu talks given to groups of mayors, high officials, judges and teachers, were not supposed to be recorded, in order to avoid unauthorized disclosures; it was without Laval's knowledge that a secretary was asked by René de Chambrun to keep a stenographic record of eighteen talks given between 1942 and 1944. This record was deposited on 9 June 1954 by René de Chambrun, who explained the nature of these talks in an accompanying statement. Two of those talks were published in France during the German Occupation, 1940-1944. Document No.221, 264 pages; Paris, 9 June 1954. French edition: vol.III, pp.1589-1603; English edition: vol.III, pp.1470-1483.

The Armistice - The Constitutional Law of 10 July 1940. Document No.356, 10 pages; Summer 1945. Secret Session of the Senate, 14 March 1940. Copy made from the original minutes of this Senate session, during which Pierre Laval spoke for more than three hours. It was only in 1947 that René Coty, who later became President of the Republic, furnished this copy to René de Chambrun, who deposited it on 7 April 1982. Document No.435, 32 pages; Paris, 14 March 1940. A Speech by Laval. Excerpt from one of his speeches with reference to the secret session of the Senate (see Document No.435), which René de Chambrun deposited on 12 April 1982. Document No.435bis, 2 pages; 22 April 1944. LEBERT, JEAN. Regional Delegate for the Minister of Information, 1941-1944. Laval's Methods. Document No.90, 5 pages; Paris, 31 January 1949.

Inventory of the René de 48006 22 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 French edition: vol.III, pp.1296-1299; English edition: vol.III, pp.1212-1215. LEBRET, RENE. Member of the Chamber of Deputies; Deputy-Mayor of Elbeuf. Prefectoral Administration - Herriot - Last Days at Matignon. Document No.77, 4 pages; Paris, 24 November 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1209-1211; English edition: vol.III, pp.1138-1141. LECOURT, ROBERT-PAUL. Journalist. Prisoners. Document No.59, 5 pages; Paris, 11 May 1943. French edition: vol.I, pp.232-235; English edition: vol.I, pp.231-234. LECUREUR, GERMAIN. Managing director of Vilmorin-Andrieux (the foremost French seed company). Laval Negotiating with the Germans. This document describes how Mr. Lecureur was called in by Pierre Laval in negotiations to prevent planting of the soybean in France. Document No.340, 1 page; Neuilly s/Seine, 22 March 1962. LEGUAY, JEAN. Delegate to the Secretary-General of the Police in Paris, René Bousquet, 1942-1944. Jewish Affairs - The German Invasion of the Free Zone - Reynaud and Mandel. Document No.69, 6 pages; July 1945. French edition: vol.III, pp.1227-1232; English edition: vol.III, pp.1155-1159. LEHIDEUX, FRANCOIS. Director of the Organization Committee for Automobiles, 1940; Commissioner-General for Unemployment and Delegate-General for National Equipment, 1940-1941; Secretary of State for Industrial Production, 1941-1942. Struggle to Prevent Unemployment. Document No.302, 5 pages; Paris, 20 January 1956. French edition: vol.I, pp.190-194; English edition: vol.I, pp.193-197.

National Equipment. Document No.303, 5 pages; Paris, 20 January 1956. French edition: vol.I, pp.23-26; English edition: vol.I, pp.35-38.

Industrial Production. Document No.304, 6 pages; Paris, 20 January 1956. French edition: vol.I, pp.13-17; English edition: vol.I, pp.25-29. LEMAIGRE-DUBREUIL, J. Industrialist, who acted as liaison between Pierre Laval and those who prepared the landing in North Africa in 1942. United States - North Africa. Letter addressed to Josee de Chambrun. Document No.54, 11 pages; Paris, 14 April 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1177-1185; English edition: vol.III, pp.1111-1119. LEMAIRE, JEAN. Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris; Attorney for Marechal Petain. Document Nos.139, 232, and 232A: See ISORNI, JACQUES. Depositions of the Witnesses in the Trial of Petain. Attorney Lemaire's statement certifying the exactitude of eleven depositions taken at the time of the trial of Marechal Petain in the High Court in August 1945. See CHARLES BAREISS, Document No. 281; GENERAL CAMPET, Document No.276; JACQUES CHEVALIER, Document No.275; GENERAL DEBENEY, Document No.277; CHARLES DONATI, Document No.278; VICE-AMIRAL FERNET, Document No.274; GENERAL HERING, Document No.272; JEAN JARDEL, Document No.279; GENERAL DE LANNURIEN, Document No.282; ANDRE LAVAGNE, Document No.280; GENERAL PICQUENDAR, Document No.273. Document No.271, 1 page; Paris, 12 April 1955. French edition: vol.II, p.979; English edition: vol.II, p.926.

Journal Officiel - The Trial of Petain. Statement about the deposit of those issues of the Journal Officiel de la Republique Francaise for the month of August 1945, which contain the proceedings of the trial of Marechal Petain in the High Court. Document No.284, 1 page (statement); Paris, 13 April 1955. Issues not received. French edition: vol.II, p.1016; English edition: vol.II, p.963. LEMOINE, JEAN-MARCEL. Secretary of State for the Interior, 1943-1944. Ministry of the Interior - Reminiscences of Pierre Laval. Document No.85, 10 pages; Paris, 25 January 1949. French edition: vol.III, pp.1281-1287; English edition: vol.III, pp.1199-1205. LENARD, ANDRE. Attorney; Member of the Bar of Paris. Hachette Publishing House. Document No.247, 1 page; 6 January 1955. French edition: vol.III, pp.1534-1535; English edition: vol.III, p.1425. LEWY, CLAUDE. Mayor of Orleans. June 1940. Letter addressed to Josee de Chambrun. Document No.294, 4 pages; 16 June 1955. French edition: vol.III, pp.1579-1581; English edition: vol.III, pp.1464-1466. LEYDET, VICTOR. Prefect. The Mayors during the Occupation. The part of this document that presents the author's psychoanalysis of the motives of the mayors has been omitted in the publication of France during the German Occupation, 1940-1944. Document No.200, 21

Inventory of the René de 48006 23 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 pages; Strasbourg, 28 February 1954. French edition: vol.I, pp.550-552; English edition: vol.I, pp.519-525. LONGWORTH DE CHAMBRUN, CLARA. Mother of René de Chambrun. Memories of Laval - His Rescue of an Englishwoman. Document No.167, 2 pages; Paris, 2 October 1952. French edition: vol.III, pp.1462-1463; English edition: vol.III, pp.1361-1363. LUNG, M. Bordeaux. Analysis dated 4 July 1967 of how Bordeaux was protected during the German Occupation, accompanied by a brochure, entitled "Et Bordeaux ne fut pas Detruit," some German documents and a covering letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.345, 9 pages; Bouliac, 28 July 1967. LUQUET, PAUL AYMARD. Journalist. Italy - Bordeaux - Montoire - Concealment of Military Equipment. Document No.62, 6 pages; Paris, 1 June 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1197-1201; English edition: vol.III, pp.1129-1132. MADELIN, LIEUTENANT-COLONEL.Document No.242: see REVERS, GENERAL GEORGES. MALLET, ALFRED. Journalist; Author. Laval before and during the War. Statement on the preparation of Mr. Mallet's book, Pierre Laval, for which he used, among other sources, the depositions deposited at the Hoover Institution, depositions which René de Chambrun entrusted to him from time to time. Document No.220, 1 page; Paris, 21 May 1954. English edition: vol.III, pp.1433-1434.

Laval before and during the War. Statement about the deposit of the two volumes of his book, Pierre Laval, of which the first volume appeared in December 1954 and the second in February 1955. Document No.264, 1 page (statement), 350 pages (vol.I), 424 pages (vol.II); Paris, 24 March 1955. French edition: vol.III, p.1548; English edition: vol.III, p.1434. MALLET, JACQUELINE. Assistant to the President of the French Red Cross; Arrested by the Germans in 1944. French Red Cross. Book, entitled En Equipe, published in 1956, on the activity of the French Red Cross during the period 1940-1944. Document No.329, 75 pages; n.d. MARCHANDEAU, PAUL. Minister of Commerce, 1934-1935. The Freemasons. This document is accompanied by a covering letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.298, 2 pages; Paris, 4 July 1955. French edition: vol.III, p.1538; English edition: vol.III, pp.1467-1468. MARION, PAUL. Secretary of State for Information. Resistance to German Demands - Sauckel - Assassination of Mandel. Selection made by Attorney Jean Lemaire of parts particularly suitable for publication of Mr. Marion's 28-page excerpts from his testimony at the time of his trial before the High Court of Justice in December 1948. Those excerpts were signed and deposited by Mr. Marion on 20 March 1952. Document No.152, 30 pages; Paris, December 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1443-1449; English edition: vol.III, pp.1345-1351. MARQUET, ADRIEN. Member of the Chamber of Deputies for the Gironde; Minister of the Interior; Mayor of Bordeaux. Before the War - The Armistice - Laval's Return to Power in 1942. Document No.189, 5 pages; 22 September 1953. French edition: vol.III, pp.1496-1499; English edition: vol.III, pp.1392-1395. MARRIE, JEAN. Secretary-General of the Aveyron, 1943; Interim Prefect of the Aveyron, 1943-1944. The Aveyron Region. Document No.125, 2 pages; 22 August 1950. French edition: vol.I, pp.498-499; English edition: vol.I, pp.471-472. MARTIN, GENERAL A. Chief of the General Staff of the Gendarmerie of the Region of Paris until 1941; Commanding Officer of the Gendarmerie of Southwest Paris, 1941; Commanding Officer of the Republican Guard of Paris, 1941-1943; Inspector of Gendarmerie at Lyon, 1943; Director-General of the Gendarmerie, 1943-1944. The Gendarmerie during the Occupation. Document No.164, 24 pages; Paris, 30 August 1952. French edition: vol.I, pp.597-616; English edition: vol.I, pp.566-587. MARTIN, FRANCOIS. Prefect, 1941-1944. Three French Revolutions - Prefectoral Administration - The Militia - The Jews. Document No.126, 24 pages; Paris, 7 February 1951. French edition: vol.I, pp.433-451; English edition: vol.I, pp.414-431. MARTIN-SANE, JEAN. High official at the Prefecture of the Loiret. Laval and the Protection of the Jews. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.361, 4 pages; Paris, 31 August 1967.

Inventory of the René de 48006 24 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 MARTINIE-DUBOUSQUET, DR. JACQUES. Laval's Warning to a Member of the Resistance. Document No.163, 1 page; Paris, 1 September 1952. French edition: vol.III, p.1461; English edition: vol.III, p.1361. MATHE, PIERRE. Minister. The Fight against Communism - A Portrait of Laval. Document No.159, 3 pages; 28 June 1952. French edition: vol.III, pp.1455-1456; English edition: vol.III, pp.1356-1357. MEDECIN, JACQUES. Mayor of Nice; Member of the Chamber of Deputies for the Alpes Maritimes. Laval and the Protection of the Jews and Members of the Resistance. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.363, 2 pages; Nice, 6 November 1967. MENERET, JULIEN. Principal Commissioner of the Criminal Police until 1945. Laval's Opinion of De Gaulle - Sauckel - The Militia - Herriot. Document No.64, 7 pages; Paris, 19 June 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1215-1219; English edition: vol.III, pp.1144-1148. MER, RENE. Controller-General for Refugees; Director of the Interministerial Service for Protection against War Disasters. Relief for War Sufferers. Document No.291; Paris, 26 March 1956. French edition: vol.II, pp.914-922; English edition: vol.II, pp.865-874. MERMOD, CAMILLE. Commissioner-Plenipotentiary, 1942-1944. Disagreement between Laval and Petain on Domestic Policy. Document No.134, 3 pages; Martignat, 12 August 1951. French edition: vol.III, pp.1676-1677; English edition: vol.III, pp.1550-1551. MICHEL, ELMAR. Chief of the German Economic Services in Paris, 1940-1944. The Economic Division of the Military Administration in France. Document No.GD-3, 15 pages; Paris, 22 January 1950. French edition: vol.III, pp.1761-1773; English edition: vol.III, pp.1622-1635.

Photocopy of Mr. Elmar's original deposition, deposited by René de Chambrun on 12 April 1982. Document No.445, 15 pages; Paris, 22 January 1950. MILLE, HERVE. Journalist. Jewish Affairs. This document is accompanied by a covering letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.218, 4 pages; Paris, 15 April 1954. French edition: vol.III, pp.1512-1513; English edition: vol.III, pp.1405-1407. MILLIAT, ROBERT. Prefect and Inspector-General-Delegate at the Ministry of the Interior. The Nevers Region. Document No.149, 9 pages; Tours, 29 February 1952. French edition: vol.I, pp.500-507; English edition: vol.I, pp.473-480. MIRABEAU, MAURICE. Attache in Pierre Laval's Cabinet in Paris, 1943-1944. The Obligatory Labor Service - Collaborationist Groups - The Liberation of Paris. Document No.63, 3 pages; Paris, 15 June 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1202-1203; English edition: vol.III, pp.1133-1134. MONIER, GEORGES. French Minister in Lisbon, 1943-1944. Jewish Affairs. Document No.99, 9 pages; Paris, 28 March 1949. French edition: vol.II, pp.685-691; English edition: vol.II, pp.654-660. MONMARSON, RAOUL. Journalist; Author. Colonies - Jewish Affairs. Document No.70, 2 pages; Paris, 25 July 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1233-1235; English edition: vol.III, pp.1160-1162.

Laval and the Protection of the Jews. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.362, 2 pages; La Colle-sur-Loup, 13 September 1967. Laval's Real Feelings about Clemency. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.371, 2 pages; Paris, 14 April 1969. Laval and the Protection of the Jews. This supplement to Mr. Monmarson's previous declaration (Document No.362) is in the form of a letter addressed to René de Chambrun, who deposited it on 30 April 1971. Document No.389, 2 pages; 27 February 1971. MONTIGNY, JEAN. Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris; Member of the Chamber of Deputies. The National Assembly of July 1940. Document No.116, 6 pages; Paris, 22 February 1950. French edition: vol.I, pp.375-379; English edition: vol.I, pp.359-363. MORANCE, GASTON. Director of "Presse-Information." Sauckel - The Maquis - Abetz. Letter addressed to Josee de Chambrun. Document No.78, 3 pages; 16 November 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1212-1214; English edition: vol.III, pp.1141-1143.

Inventory of the René de 48006 25 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 MORAND, PAUL. Ambassador of France. England - Jewish Affairs. Document No.144, 3 pages; 11 October 1951. French edition: vol.III, pp.1432-1434; English edition: vol.III, pp.1336-1338. MOREAU, ROBERT. Commissioner-General for Repatriated Prisoners and for Families of Prisoners of War, 1944. Repatriated Prisoners - The Families of Prisoners. Document No.51, 1 page; Paris, 15 February 1948. French edition: vol.I, pp.210-211; English edition: vol.209-210.

The Prisoners and their Families. Document No.202, 26 pages; Paris, 17 February 1954. French edition: vol.I, pp.211-230; English edition: vol.I, pp.210-230.

Annexes to Document No.202. Statement about the deposit of photocopies of certain original documents concerning the period of the Occupation, intented to illustrate Mr. Moreau's deposition No.202. Document No.245, 1 page (statement), 34 pages (photocopies); Paris, 27 December 1954. French edition: vol.I, p.231; English edition: vol.I, p.230. MORIN, MADAME E. (born Balachowsky). Member of the Resistance and of the committee of "La France Combattante." Laval and the Protection of the Jews and of the Members of the Resistance. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.367, 2 pages; Paris, 18 January 1967. Laval. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.397, 2 pages; Paris, 10 January 1970. MUN, MARQUIS GABRIEL DE. President of the French Red Cross. The Red Cross. This document is accompanied by a covering letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.79, 4 pages; Paris, 6 May 1947. French edition: vol.II, pp.900-902; English edition: vol.II, pp.852-854.

The French Red Cross. Note prepared by Marquis de Mun establishing Pierre Laval's support of the French Red Cross. Document No.354, 2 pages; n.d. NAUD, ALBERT. One of the heads of the Resistance; Attorney for Pierre Laval with Jacques Baraduc; Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris. Laval's Trial. Article, entitled "25 Annees Apres - Le Proces Laval," published in Historia, #287, October 1970, in which Attorney Naud states that with all the evidence today on hand Laval would have been successfully defended. Document No.383, 4 pages; October 1970. Bruning. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun after Attorney Naud learned of Chancellor Bruning's unpublished letter to Pierre Laval (published only upon Chancellor Bruning's death in 1970). Document No.403, 1 page; Paris, 8 April 1970. The Defense of Pierre Laval. Photostat of an article, entitled "La Defense de Pierre Laval." Document No.429, 5 pages; October 1970. The Defense of Pierre Laval. French copy and translation of an article published in Le Monde, entitled "J'Aurais Pu Sauver Pierre Laval" (I Could Have Saved Pierre Laval). Document No.429bis; 10 pages; 10 June 1969. NOGUERES, HENRI. Son of the prosecutor of Marechal Petain. Laval's Trial. Article, entitled "25 Annees Apres - Le Proces Laval," published in Historia, #287, October 1970 (along with Attorney Naud's article), in which Mr. Nogueres admitted that "Laval was not a traitor.." Document No.384, 4 pages; October 1970. NORTH, ROGER. Laval. Mr. North testified to a conversation with Laval in the presence of other witnesses in Paris in July 1944. Document No.338, 3 pages; n.d. NOSEK, ROLAND. German witness to the events related by Andre Jean-Faure (Document Nos.320 and 321). Laval - Herriot. This document is accompanied by exhibits in Edouard Herriot's handwriting. Document No.322, 12 pages; Frankfurt on the Main, 28 March, 4 and 28 April 1961. OLIVIER-MARTIN, FELIX. Assistant Secretary of State for Youth, 1943. Youth - Jews - Laval's Attitude toward the Germans. Document No.9, 8 pages; Paris, 23 March 1946. French edition: vol.II, pp.1045-1051; English edition: vol.II, pp.989-996. OUTHENIN-CHALANDRE, H. Member of the Resistance. Protection of the French Property. Letter addressed to Josee de Chambrun. Document No.295, 1 page; 16 June 1955. French edition: vol.III, p.1582; English edition: vol.III, pp.1466-1467. PAGES, LOUIS. First Assistant-Mayor and Acting-Mayor of Aubervilliers. Aubervilliers. Document No.17, 3 pages; Aubervilliers, 26 February 1947. French edition: vol.II, pp.1094-1095; English edition: vol.III, pp.1035-1037.

Inventory of the René de 48006 26 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 PARMENTIER, ANDRE. Prefect of the Vosges, 1941-1942; Director-General of the National Police, 1944. The Police and the Militia. Document No.130, 6 pages; Paris, 16 March 1951. French edition: vol.I, pp.564-568; English edition: vol.I, pp.534-537. PASCOT, COLONEL JEP. Commissioner-General for Sports, 1942-1944. Sports. Document No.36, 4 pages; Riberac, 25 October 1947. French edition: vol.II, pp.875-877; English edition: vol.II, pp.828-831.

Sports. Statement about the deposit of a report, entitled "Le Sport Francais sous l'Occupation," on the subject of the government's attempt to rebuild youth through organized sport. Document No.257, 1 page (statement), 60 pages (report); Paris, 9 February 1950. French edition: vol.II, p.877; English edition: vol.II, p.831. PAULIAN, JEAN. Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris. Laval. Open letter to Historia in which Mr. Paulian challenges many views expressed by Mr. Nogueres (Document No.384). Document No.385, 4 pages; n.d. The Vichy Regime. Analysis, entitled "La Legalite Constitutionnelle de 1939 a 1946," as to the complete legality of the Vichy regime. Document No.388, 90 pages; n.d. PAVIN, ALAIN. Civil engineer in the French Navy. Mers-el-Kebir. Article, entitled "La Base de Mers-el-Kebir et la Victoire de 1945," published in Le Monde. Document No.432, 1 page; 5 March 1980. PELLEGRIN, RENE. Author. The Trials and Executions of French Officials in Algeria after the Landings of 1942. Excerpt from his book, La Phalange Africaine, pp.193-210. Document No.413, 18 pages; 1973-1975. PERDRIAT, ROGER. Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper, La Depeche de Toulouse. Maurice Sarraut and Vichy. Document No.14, 6 pages; n.d. French edition: vol.II, pp.1084-1088; English edition: vol.II, pp.1027-1031. PERRE, GENERAL JEAN. Director-General of the Republican Guard, 1943-1944. Last Days of Vichy. Document No.129, 14 pages; 22 February 1951. French edition: vol.III, pp.1657-1669; English edition: vol.III, pp.1533-1541. PERRIN, P. Special delegate of the Government charged with various agricultural missions, 1942-1943. Agriculture. Document No.178, 1 page; Paris, 27 January 1953. French edition: vol.III, p.1474; English edition: vol.III, p.1372. PETAIN, MARECHAL PHILIPPE. Head of State, 1940-1944. Ministers of the Vichy Government. This statement was made on the Ile d'Yeu by Marechal Petain to his attorney, Jacques Isorni, who deposited the text on 10 February 1958 with a covering letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.57, 2 pages; Ile d'Yeu, September 1948. French edition: vol.II, p.977; English edition: vol.II, p.923. PETER, JEAN MARCEL. Journalist. Alsace-Lorraine. Document No.112, 3 pages; Paris, 18 November 1949. French edition: vol.III, pp.1370-1372; English edition: vol.III, pp.1284-1286. PETRAULT, JACQUES. Laval. Mr. Petrault testified to a statement made by Pierre Laval to Marcel Pays, which he overheard when working on the dining car of the Geneve-Dijon line during the winter of 1935-1936. Document No.426, 1 page; Seignelay, n.d. PICHAT, LOUIS. Prefect; Associate Secretary-General in the Ministry of the Interior as Director of Personnel, 1942-1944. Prefectoral Administration. Document No.52, 10 pages; Paris, 23 February 1948. French edition: vol.I, pp.420-426; English edition: vol.I, pp.402-408. PICQUENDAR, GENERAL ODILON. Chief of Staff of the French Army, 1940-1942. The Army - Hidden Stories. Deposition of General Picquendar in the Trial of Marechal Petain, High Court of Justice, 13th Session, 6 August 1945. The exactitude of this deposition was certified by Jean Lemaire, Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris, on 12 April 1955. Document No.273, 4 pages; Paris, 6 August 1945. French edition: vol.II, pp.983-985; English edition: vol.II, pp.930-932. PIETRI, ANTOINE MARIE. Chief of the press and censorship services in the Ministry of Information at Vichy, 1941; Press director, Paris, 1942-1944. The Press. Document No.217, 5 pages; Paris, 8 April 1954. French edition: vol.II, pp.958-961; English edition: vol.II, pp.904-908.

Inventory of the René de 48006 27 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 PIETRI, FRANCOIS. Member of the Chamber of Deputies; Minister; Ambassador of France in Madrid, 1940-1944. Ambassador in Madrid. Document No.120, 10 pages; Paris, 12 April 1950. French edition: vol.II, pp.698-705; English edition: vol.II, pp.663-670.

An Ambassador's Book. Statement about the deposit of his book, Mes Annees d'Espagne, 1940-1948, published in 1954, which deals mostly with the period of the Occupation of France. Document No.196, 1 page (statement), 297 pages (book); Paris, 4 February 1954. French edition: vol.II, p.705; English edition: vol.II, p.671. PILON, G. Secretary-General for National Aid, 1941-1944. National Aid. Document No.94, 9 pages; 19 March 1949. French edition: vol.II, pp.907-913; English edition: vol.II, pp.859-864.

Laval and the Protection of the Jews. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.368, 2 pages; Florac, 30 December 1967. PINELLI, NOEL. Member of the Chamber of Deputies for Paris; Secretary of State. Laval's Methods - The Paris Municipal Council. Document No.185, 3 pages; Paris, 11 June 1953. French edition: vol.III, pp.1485-1487; English edition: vol.III, pp.1382-1384. PINSARD, GENERAL A. Obligatory Labor Service. Document No.162, 4 pages; Paris, 25 August 1952. French edition: vol.III, pp.1685-1687; English edition: vol.III, pp.1556-1558. PISANI, EDGAR. Director of Cabinet for the Prefect of Police Charles Luizet, when Pierre Laval was executed in 1945; Minister. Exchange of correspondence between Edgar Pisani and René de Chambrun. Document No.419, 9 pages; Valpuiseaux/Paris, September-December 1974. PLOQUIN, RAOUL. Director General of the Comite d'Organisation de l'Industrie Cinematographique, 1940-1944. Film industry under the Occupation. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun, who deposited it on 14 March 1983, accompanied by an annex, a transcript of a speech delivered by Ploquin in Marseilles on 17 September 1941. Document No.446, 2 pages (letter), 6 pages (transcript); Paris, 8 April 1981. POINTIER, ADOLPHE. National President of the Farm Corporation. The Farm Corporation. This statement is accompanied by ten annexes dealing with technical matters and factual details, which were not published in France during the German Occupation, 1940-1944. Document No.89, 42 pages; Croix Moligneaux, 15 February 1948. French edition: vol.I, pp.275-280; English edition: vol.I, pp.271-276. POLIMANN, CHANOINE L. Member of the Chamber of Deputies for the Meuse; Cure at Dainville. The Occupied Regions in 1914-1918. Statement certifying that the attached note of General A. de Chambrun, entitled "L'Occupation Allemande en 1914-1918," was examined, approved, initialed and deposited by Canon Polimann. Document No.215, 1 page (statement), 5 pages (note); Dainville, 26 March 1954. French edition: vol.I, pp.383-388; English edition: vol.I, pp.367-372.

Letter addressed to Josee de Chambrun suggesting that Henri Lalouel give his testimony (Document No.318). Document No.318bis, 1 page; 24 June 1958. POPINEAU, JEAN. Prefect, 1940-1944. The Limoges and Perigueux Regions. Document No.153, 9 pages; Paris, 8 March 1952. French edition: vol.I, pp.482-488; English edition: vol.I, pp.456-462. POTUT, GEORGES. Member of the Chamber of Deputies for the Nievre; Prefect of the Loire, 1941-1943; Commissioner-General for Industrial Consumer Products, 1943-1944. The Saint-Etienne Region. Document No.285, 13 pages; 27 May 1955. French edition: vol.I, pp.530-537; English edition: vol.I, pp.502-505.

Rationing of Industrial Consumer Products. Document No.292, 3 pages; 27 May 1955. French edition: vol.I, pp.299-300; English edition: vol.I, pp.293-294.

Transport of Food. Document No.293, 2 pages; 27 May 1955. French edition: vol.I, pp.300-301; English edition: vol.I, pp.294-295.

Inventory of the René de 48006 28 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 PRADE, GEORGES. Vice-President of the Municipal Council of Paris and of the General Council of the Seine. Interventions of Laval - Batonnier Teitgen - Max Jacob. Document No.283, 11 pages; Paris, 19 September 1955. French edition: vol.III, pp.1549-1553; English edition: vol.III, pp.1435-1439. PRIVAT, MAURICE. Writer; Astrologer. Powers of the Marechal - Return to Power of Laval in 1942 - Opinion on Hitler - De Gaulle - Laval's Views of the Future. Document No.93, 18 pages; Paris, 6 February 1949. French edition: vol.III, pp.1300-1311; English edition: vol.III, pp.1216-1227. QUENETTE, JEAN. Member of the Chamber of Deputies for the Meurthe et Moselle; Prefect after 1940. Laval's attitude. Document No.161, 3 pages; Toul, 24 June 1952. French edition: vol.III, pp.1458-1460; English edition: vol.III, pp.1358-1360. QUEROIX, MARCEL. Director of programs for experimental television. Intervention of Laval on behalf of Arrested Persons. Document No.146, 2 pages; Paris, 12 February 1952. French edition: vol.III, pp.1436-1437; English edition: vol.III, pp.1339-1340. RECLUS, MAURICE. Member of the "Institut de France." Freemasons. Document No.122, 5 pages; Paris, 31 May 1950. French edition: vol.II, pp.651-654; English edition: vol.II, pp.618-622. RENAND, MAURICE. Inspector of Finance until 1942; Director of the Vichy section of the Ministry of Finance, 1942-1943; Assistant to Pierre Laval, 1043-1944. Laval's Methods - The Republic - Jews - Freemasons. Document No.23, 9 pages; Paris, 19 May 1947. French edition: vol.II, pp.1111-1117; English edition: vol.III, pp.1053-1059. REVERS, GENERAL GEORGES. The Armistice Army (1940-1942). Document No.241, 14 pages; Paris, 8 November 1954. French edition: vol.II, pp.795-804; English edition: vol.II, pp.751-761.

The Clandestine Army after December 1942. This document was prepared with the help of Lieutenant-Colonel Madelin. Document No.242, 10 pages; Paris, 8 November 1954. French edition: vol.II, pp.819-826; English edition: vol.II, pp.775-783. REY, GERARD. Chief of the protective police assigned to Pierre Laval, 1944-1945. Herriot - Belfort - Sigmaringen - Conversations with Laval. Document No.74, 25 pages; Aix-en-Provence, 9 July 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1250-1266; English edition: vol.III, pp.1174-1190. RICHE, GEORGES. Bank director. Aid for Arrested Persons. Document No.ll, 2 pages; Paris, 14 May 1946. French edition: vol.II, pp.1082-1083; English edition: vol.II, pp.1026-1027. RICHEBE, ROGER. President and Director-General of the "Societe des Films Roger Richebe, S.A."; Film producer; Director of the Organizing Committee of the Cinematographic Industry. Document No.104, 4 pages; Paris, 14 March 1949. French edition: vol.II, pp.962-964; English edition: vol.II, pp.908-911. RIVOLLET, GEORGES. Secretary-General of the National Federation of Associations of War Veterans; Minister of Pensions, 1934-1935. Laval's Attitude toward War Veterans. Document No.124, 4 pages; Meudon, 21 August 1950. French edition: vol.III, pp.1389-1391; English edition: vol.III, pp.1300-1302.

Laval and the Protection of the Jews. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.392, 1 page; Meudon, 1 January 1972. ROBERT, AMIRAL GEORGES. Governor of the Antilles; Commander of the French Western Fleet. Antilles. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.81, 3 pages; 12 December 1948. French edition: vol.II, pp.723-725; English edition: vol.II, pp.686-688. ROBIEN, LOUIS DE. Ambassador of France. Archives of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The document deposited by Ambassador de Robien was extracted from a manuscript, which he prepared in Lisbon during March and April 1941 with a view to possible publication. From that text, only those sections referring to the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were published in France during the German Occupation, 1940-1944. Attached to this document is an annex, entitled "Memories of Pierre Laval," written in Paris in January 1954. Document No.198, 35 pages; Paris, 21 January 1954. French edition: vol.II, pp.710-719; English edition: vol.II, pp.675-685.

Inventory of the René de 48006 29 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 ROCHAT, CHARLES. Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Foreign Affairs - Admiral Leahy. Document No.22, 6 pages; April 1947. French edition: vol.II, pp.1107-1110; English edition: vol.II, pp.1049-1052.

Protection of French Interests Abroad. Document No.222, 2 pages; 28 June 1954. French edition: vol.III, pp.1514-1515; English edition: vol.III, pp.1407-1408. ROCHER, RENE. Director of the Odeon Theater; President of the Organization Committee for Public Performances, 1942-1944. The Theaters. Document No.254, 10 pages; Paris, 29 March 1955. French edition: vol.II, pp.965-972; English edition: vol.II, pp.912-920. RODIER, HENRI. Delegate of Pierre Laval, 1943-1944. Appeals to Laval. Document No.34, 4 pages; Paris, 26 August 1947. French edition: vol.II, pp.1137-1140; English edition: vol.II, pp.1076-1078. ROMAZZOTTI, JACQUES. Member of the Municipal Council of Paris and of the General Council of the Seine, 1935-1944. The City of Paris. Document No.37, 7 pages; Paris, 21 November 1947. French edition: vol.I, pp.545-549; English edition: vol.I, pp.515-519. ROMIEU, ANDRE. Director of the Office for Social Committees in Enterprises, 1941-1944. Social Workers in Industry. Document No.5, 2 pages; Paris, 20 December 1945. French edition: vol.I, pp.198-199; English edition: vol.I, pp.201-202. ROSSI, A. See TASCA, ANGELO. ROUAIX, MARCEL. Served in Pierre Laval's Cabinet. Narrative in the form of a book. The manuscript is divided into three parts: "1) Le Programme du Front Populaire se Realise. Pain-Paix-Liberte, 1939-1940; 2) Les Foyers de Guerre s'Entendent, 1940-1942; 3) Vivre, 1942-1943." Document No.336, 227 pages; n.d. ROUGIER, LOUIS. Professor at the University of Besancon. Books by Professor Rougier. Statement about the deposit of twelve books and articles on the German Occupation of France. Only one article received. Document No.156, 8 pages (statement); Paris, 31 March 1952. French edition: vol.I, p.389; English edition: vol.I, pp.372-373.

Mission to London. Statement about the deposit of two articles, entitled "Mission Secrete a Londres - Octobre 1940," published in Le Figaro of 13 February 1953, and "A Propos de Mission Secrete a Londres," published in Le Figaro of 23 February 1953. Document No.180, 1 page (statement), 2 pages (articles); Paris, 30 March 1953. French edition: vol.II, p.720; English edition: vol.II, p.685. ROUSSELLIER, AMEDEE. Colonial Governor; Vice-President of the French Red Cross. Red Cross - Prisoners. Document No.251, 4 pages; Paris, February 1955. French edition: vol.II, pp.903-904; English edition: vol.II, pp.855-856. SADON, ANDRE-PAUL. Regional Prefect at Toulouse, 1944. The Toulouse Region. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.155, 4 pages; Paris, 15 March 1952. French edition: vol.I, pp.508-510; English edition: vol.I, pp.480-483.

Petain - Laval. Article published in the Opinion Independante du Sud-Ouest of 30 June 1972. Document No.407, 2 pages; 15 March 1952. SAINT, CHARLES. Secretary-General of the French Government's General Delegation in the Occupied Zone, 1942-1944. Statistics of German Death Sentences. Document No.7, 4 pages; Paris, 5 January 1946. French edition: vol.II, pp.1042-1044; English edition: vol.II, pp.986-988.

Persons Arrested by the Germans. Document No.265, 5 pages; Paris, 22 March 1955. French edition: vol.I, pp.430-432; English edition: vol.II, pp.411-414. SANTONI, PIERRE. Socialist Mayor of Commercy after the war. Laval. Statement presented to René de Chambrun in August 1978. Document No.425, 12 pages; 11 May 1976. SARDAN, P. OLIVIER DE. Prefect of the Herault, then Regional Prefect of Montpellier, 1940-1942. The Montpellier Region. Document No.12, 2 pages; Paris, 21 May 1946. French edition: vol.I, pp.452-454; English edition: vol.I, pp.431-433.

Inventory of the René de 48006 30 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 SARRAZ-BOURNET, MARIUS. Inspector-General of Administrative Services in the Ministry of the Interior. Alsace-Lorraine - The Militia - The Republic - Internments - Jewish Affairs. Document No.71, 9 pages; Paris, 27 July 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1236-1244; English edition: vol.III, pp.1162-1170. SAURIN, PAUL. Member of the Chamber of Deputies for Oran; President of the General Council of Oran. The Allied Landing in North Africa. Document No.238, 24 pages; Paris, 8 February 1955. French edition: vol.II, pp.728-746; English edition: vol.II, pp.690-709. SCAPINI, GEORGES. Ambassador of France, Chief of the French Mission in Germany for Prisoners of War, 1940-1944. Prisoners. Document No.53, 8 pages; Paris, 10 March 1948. French edition: vol.I, pp.203-209; English edition: vol.I, pp.203-208.

Laval and the Protection of the Jews. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.391, 1 page; Cannes, 20 September 1971. SCHLEIER, RUDOLF. German Minister in Paris, 1940-1944. Critical Points of Franco-German Conflict. Document No.GD-l; Hamburg-Blankenese, 13 November 1945. French edition: vol.III, pp.1749-1757; English edition: vol.III, pp.1611-1619.

Photocopy of Mr. Schleier's original deposition, deposited by René de Chambrun on 12 April 1982. Document No.444, 15 pages; Hamburg-Blankenese, 13 November 1945. SCHMIDT, DR. PAUL. President of the University of Interpreters in Munich. Conversations among Laval, Hitler, Goring, Bruning, etc. Dr. Schmidt was the official interpreter at such meetings. Document No.323, 25 pages; Munich, 14 February 1961. Two letters relating to his deposition (Document No.323) addressed to René de Chambrun, who deposited them on 14 April 1982. Document No.440, 3 pages; Munich, 30 November 1950 and 23 August 1961. SCHMITT, MARC. Lawyer. Alsace-Lorraine. Document No.83, 4 pages; Paris, 9 December 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1275-1277; English edition: vol.III, pp.1196-1198. SELLIER, LOUIS. Member of the Municipal Council of Paris, 1914-1944; Member of the Chamber of Deputies. Municipal Life - Memories of Pierre Laval. Document No.117, 6 pages; Paris, 5 April 1950. French edition: vol.III, pp.1379-1383; English edition: vol.III, pp.1292-1296. SERIEYX, JOEL. Prefect. Instructions to the Prefectoral Service. Document No.16, 6 pages; Nogent-sur-Marne, 10 July 1946. French edition: vol.II, pp.1089-1093; English edition: vol.II, pp.1031-1035. SERVOINGT, GEORGES. Director of L'Animateur des Temps Nouveaux and L'Espoir Francais, 1928-1944. The Press. Document No.27, 4 pages; Paris, 10 June 1947. French edition: vol.II, pp.955-957; English edition: vol.II, pp.902-904. SOCIETE GENERALE DE COURTAGE D'ASSURANCES, Paris. Insurance. Document No.290, 6 pages; n.d. French edition: vol.I, pp.129-132; English edition: vol.I, pp.135-138. SOKOLOWSKY, WLADIMIR. Civil Servant. Prisoners - German Arrests. Document No.223, 2 pages; Paris, 29 June 1954. French edition: vol.III, pp.1516-1517; English edition: vol.III, pp.1409-1410. SOUCHON, LUCIEN. General Delegate of the National Federation of Newspapers at Vichy, 1940-1944. The Press. Document No.316, 18 pages; September 1959. STOEBER, ERIC. President of the Bar of Colmar; Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Paris. Alsace - Lorraine. Document No.l, 7 pages; Colmar, 13 October 1945. French edition: vol.II. pp.1021-1025; English edition: vol.II, pp.967-968. SURCHAMP, ALEX. Reporter for the State Radio. United States - Alsace-Lorraine. Document No.175, 1 page; Paris, 3 March 1953. French edition: vol.III, p.1467; English edition: vol.III, pp.1365-1366. TAITTINGER, PIERRE. President of the Municipal Council of Paris; Honorary Deputy. The City of Paris. First part of Mr. Taittinger's deposition. Document No.6, 5 pages; Paris, 20 December 1945. French edition: vol.I, pp.538-541; English edition: vol.I, pp.509-512.

The City of Paris. Second part of Mr. Taittinger's deposition. Document No.197, 5 pages; 22 January 1954.

Inventory of the René de 48006 31 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 French edition: vol.I, pp.542-544; English edition: vol.I, pp.512-514.

The City of Paris. Statement about the deposit of his book, Et Paris ne Fut pas Detruit, published in 1948. In his deposition no.197, Mr. Taittinger describes the circumstances under which this book was written. Document No.199, 1 page (statement), 318 pages (book); Paris, 5 February 1954. French edition: vol.I, p.390; English edition: vol.I, p.374. TASCA, ANGELO (ROSSI, A.). Author. Communism during the Occupation. Statement about the deposit of his book, La Guerre des Papillons, on the subject of communist policy in France during the Occupation. Book not received. Document No.297, 1 page (statement); Paris, 9 June 1955. French edition: vol.I, p.390; English edition: vol.I, p.374. TEMPLE, EMMANUEL. Member of the Chamber of the Deputies for the Aveyron; Minister. The Landing in North Africa. Document No.300, 2 pages; Paris, 5 July 1955. French edition: vol.II, pp.749-750; English edition: vol.II, pp.711-712. TERRAY, JEAN. Assistant to Jacques Barnaud, Delegate for Franco-German Economic Relations, 1941; Secretary-General for the Ministry of Labor, 1941-1942. Obligatory Labor Service. Document No.269, 2 pages; Paris, 5 April 1955. French edition: vol.I, pp.58-59; English edition: vol.I, pp.70-71. THOUMAS, JEAN-LOUIS. Director of Cabinet for various ministers; former contact with the Resistance; Prefect. The Aisne and Saone-et-Loire. Document No.97, 12 pages; n.d. French edition: vol.I, pp.469-477; English edition: vol.I, pp.444-449. THOUMIEUX, ANDRE. Attorney at the Court of Appeals of Pau. Interventions of Laval on behalf of Labor Leaders - Laniel and the Threat to Daladier and Paul Reynaud. Document No.151, 4 pages; n.d. French edition: vol.III, pp.1440-1442; English edition: vol.III, pp.1342-1345. TISSIER, ANDRE. Journalist. Interventions of Laval on behalf of Persons in Danger. Document No.103, 2 pages; n.d. French edition: vol.III, pp.1341-1342; English edition: vol.III, pp.1256-1257.

Laval as an Independent Socialist. These notes are accompanied by a covering letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.420, 10 pages; Monteignet-par-Gannat, 7 October 1975. TRACOU, JEAN. Captain in the French Navy; Prefect of Tours, 1942-1943; Director of the Civil Cabinet of Marechal Petain, 1944. Petain and Laval - The Council of Ministers on 12 July 1944. Document No.68, 11 pages; Paris, 29 July 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1624-1632; English edition: vol.III, pp.1501-1509.

The Council of Ministers on 12 July 1944. Account and comments taken from Tracou's book Le Marechal Aux Liens, pages 329 and following, and sent to René de Chambrun, who deposited them on 14 March 1983. Document No.447, 9 pages; n.d. TRAISSAC, JEAN. Under-Prefect. The Militia. Document No.148, 2 pages; Paris, 23 February 1952. French edition: vol.III, pp.1438-1439; English edition: vol.III, pp.1340-1342,

LA TRIBUNE D'ALLEMAGNE: REVUE DE LA PRESSE ALLEMANDE, Hamburg. Laval and the Protection of the Jews. Document No.431, 1 page; 10 February 1980. VABRE, ALBERT. Prefect. Food Supplies of Paris - Obligatory Labor Service. Document No.214, 3 pages; Paris, 29 March 1954. French edition: vol.III, pp.1509-1511; English edition: vol.III, pp.1403-1405. VALLAT, XAVIER. Member of the Chamber of Deputies; Commissioner-General for Jewish Affairs, 1940-1942. Freemasons - Jews. Only part of Mr. Vallat's deposition, written while he was imprisoned at Fresnes, was published in France during the German Occupation, 1940-1944. Document No.184, 49 pages; Fresnes, 14 November 1947. French edition: vol.II, pp.659-677; English edition: vol.II, pp.626-647.

Family Hostages. Appended to this document are two letters from Mr. Vallat to Francois de Hautecloque, brother of Ambassador Jean de Hautecloque, arrested as a family hostage in April 1944. Document No.195, 4 pages; Paris, 19 January

Inventory of the René de 48006 32 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 1954. French edition: vol.III, pp.1504-1506; English edition: vol.III, pp.1398- VALLET, MAURICE. Journalist. Pope Pius XI and Laval. This document, dated 9 November 1943, is accompanied by a covering letter addressed to Josee de Chambrun. Document No.235, 2 pages; Paris, 25 October 1954. French edition: vol.III, pp.1529-1530; English edition: vol.III, pp.1421-1422.

Senator Lemery's Opinion of Laval. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.339, 2 pages; Paris, 10 January 1965. VILLAR, HENRY. Principal Commissioner of the Merchant Marine until 1944; Special Delegate of Pierre Laval, 1942-1944. Laval at Home. Document No.26, 3 pages; Paris, 4 June 1947. French edition: vol.II, pp.1118-1119; English edition: vol.III, pp.1059-1060. VILLENEUVE, MICHEL-HENRI DE. Commissioner of the Merchant Marine, 1939-1941; Chief of Internal Services in the Ministry of the Interior, 1941-1942; Under-Prefect at Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1942-1943; Prefect of the Cotes du Nord, 1943-1944; Arrested by the Gestapo and deported to Germany, 1944. Prefectoral Administration. Document No.143, 4 pages; n.d. French edition: vol.III, pp.1682-1684; English edition: vol.III, pp.1553-1555. WEILAND, JEAN. Deputy-Mayor of Versailles; Director of the group "Collaboration." Laval's Struggle against the Collaborationist Groups. Document No.73, 7 pages; Paris, 16 September 1948. French edition: vol.III, pp.1245-1249; English edition: vol.III, pp.1170-1174.

Montoire - 13 December 1940 - Abetz - Sauckel - Ribbentrop - The Liberation of Paris. Statement about the deposit of a manuscript containing chapters 6, 7, 10, ll, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 from the second part of his book, L'Enfer Est-Il au Bout?Document No.181, 1 page (statement), 125 pages (manuscript); 27 March 1953. French edition: vol.III, p.1481; English edition: vol.III, p.1381. WEINMANN, ROBERT. Commissioner-General for Obligatory Labor, 1943. Obligatory Labor Service - Laval and "Totalitarianism." Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.224, 3 pages; Paris, 9 July 1954. French edition: vol.III, pp.1518-1519; English edition: vol.III, pp.1411-1412. WEINSTEIN, ROBERT B. President of the Bedeau Company in France. Laval and the Protection of the Jews. Letter addressed to René de Chambrun. Document No.360, 1 page; Paris, 17 October 1967. WEYER, CONSTANTIN. Author. Interventions of Laval for the Release of French Prisoners. Letter addressed to Josee de Chambrun. Document No.342, 2 pages; Vichy, 29 June 1963. WEYGAND, GENERAL MAXIME. Delegate-General of the Government and Commander-in-Chief in French Africa, 1940-1941. The Reconstruction of the Army of Africa, 1940-1941. Document No.261, 17 pages; Paris, 25 March 1955. French edition: vol.II, pp.805-818; English edition: vol.II, pp.761-775.

The Armistice of 1940. Document No.262, 14 pages; Paris, 28 March 1955. French edition: vol.II, pp.783-794; English edition: vol.II, pp.739-751. WHITCOMB, PHILIP W. Owner and Editor of Savoir, 1940-1941; Associated Press correspondent for Occupied France, 1941-1942; European correspondent for the Baltimore Sun, 1942-1944. Activities of 1,600,000 Members of the French Administration - Laval's Methods. Document No.250, 17 pages; Paris, 3 February 1955. French edition: vol.III, pp.1738-1746; English edition: vol.III, pp.1603-1610. ZEDET, E. President of the Committee of Organization for Carburants. Substitute Carburants during the Occupation. Document No.252, 17 pages; n.d. French edition: vol.I, pp.347-360; English edition: vol.I, pp.335-347. Subjects and Indexing Terms Laval, Pierre, 1883-1945. Pétain, Philippe, 1856-1951. France--History--German occupation, 1940-1945.

Inventory of the René de 48006 33 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996 France--Politics and government--1940-1945. France. World War, 1939-1945--Collaborationists. World War, 1939-1945--France. World War, 1939-1945.

Depositions Box 1 #1-108 Box 2 #109-150 Box 3 #151-203 Box 4 #204-226 Box 5 #227-281 Box 6 #282-312 Box 7 #313-378 Box 8 #379-413 Box 9 #414-461 Box 10 #461A-514 Box 15 #515- Copies of depositions Box 11 #1-150 Box 12 #151-230 Box 13 #231-320 Box 14 Miscellaneous documents Chambrun, Comte René de Biographical notes Correspondence Miscellaneous Speeches German Archives - translations (with references) of certain German documents published under the title, "Les Documents parlent" Monde et Vie, nos. 174-177 Notes on proofs of France during the German Occupation, 1940-1944 Reviews of books on Pierre Laval and Maréchal Pétain Box 16-19 Incremental Materials

Inventory of the René de 48006 34 Chambrun Papers, 1914-1996