

OTHER About SUSTAINABLE The INITIATIVES endowments Environment

The Heinz Endowments have WATERSHEDS BROWNFIELDS Founded more than four decades apart, Program supported a number of other watershed and brownfield projects in : the Howard Heinz Endowment, Allegheny Watershed Network Watershed The Phoenix Land Recycling Company established in 1941, and the Vira I. Heinz The Allegheny River is one of the Protection Program The Phoenix Land Recycling The Heinz Endowments most diverse freshwater ecosystems in the The Watershed Protection Company is a non-profit corporation that Endowment, established in 1986, are Winter 1998 eastern United States. The Allegheny Program is working to protect and restore facilitates the assessment and remediation the product of a family commitment to Watershed Network, a project of the of brownfield sites for economic reuse. Pennsylvania’s unique water resources on community that began with H.J. Heinz Pennsylvania Environmental Council, an ecosystem basis, and to foster separate The organization partners with local Multi-Stakeholder Process Broadens Impact and continues to this day. In life, Howard functions as the primary source of infor- technologies to preserve and reclaim economic and industrial development of Environment Program Grants mation and support for organizations watersheds. The program supports preser- agencies, commercial realtors and devel- Heinz and Vira I. Heinz contributed and agencies working on environmental vation, acid mine drainage and stream- opers to identify locations with a high to setting the highest possible standards projects within the Allegheny watershed. bank stabilization projects as well as potential for economic reuse. It conducts of effective philanthropy. The mission The Heinz Endowments’ expanding network of environmental action,” The Network’s goal is to coordinate non-point source pollution abatement comprehensive assessments and develops stated Ed Wilson, a consultant to the OMG the work of these groups in order to and water monitoring. remediation plans for these sites, and of their foundations is to be diligent, Environment Program is seeking implement a comprehensive conserva- with the remedial requirements and costs thoughtful and creative in helping to carry to add a new dimension to its Center for Collaborative Learning, a firm tion strategy throughout the Allegheny quantified, it assists in marketing the sites grantmaking. Over the past four engaged to monitor the environment program The Juniata River Project those standards forward. The Heinz River watershed. The Endowments support the to prospective purchasers. years, the program has developed as part of an ongoing evaluation. Endowments are based in and Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Juniata a “green team” approach, an on- But forming these partnerships can be Riverkeeper Program which focuses on The Center for Land Renewal they share a commitment to supporting going effort to rally grantees to difficult. The dynamics of bringing diverse protection and restoration of the Juniata The Center for Land Renewal is the efforts of non-profit organizations, work together on specific projects. groups to the same table provides valuable watershed in central Pennsylvania. leading the development of the Brown- primarily in western Pennsylvania, lessons in discipline and diplomacy. The watershed, a major tributary of the fields Network, a forum through which In the future, the Endowments Susquehanna/Chesapeake Bay system, organizations and individuals across the in the areas of arts and culture, children, will attempt to create additional “Addressing the challenges of the is extraordinarily diverse and still rela- country can communicate and share youth and families, economic opportunity, leverage by encouraging a more environment cannot be done in piecemeal information on industrial site reuse. tively unspoiled. This program focuses education, and the environment. self-sustaining “green network” fashion,” stated Andrew McElwaine, director on four areas: agriculture, wetlands, One of the largest salamanders in North of diverse community stakeholders. of environment programs. “In an effort to meet land conservation and environmental Pittsburgh RISES America, the Hellbender, found in French As the program grows, it is uniting their project goals, we’ve watched many of our education. Pittsburgh RISES (Regional Creek, can grow to be 29 inches long and not only grantees, but an interactive web of grantees form partnerships with a broad circle Industrial Site Evaluation System) is a weigh up to 5 1/2 pounds. geographical information system and community organizations, business owners, of people and organizations and tackle the database of available industrial properties government officials and citizens. The program challenges of winning public support. It’s been in the Pittsburgh area. The project, a is now working toward using multi-stakeholder truly remarkable to watch new alliances form collaboration between the University For more information, please contact: processes to add to the momentum of many and smart programs become integrated into of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon Andrew McElwaine environmental initiatives — giving them the community.” University, is providing custom physical, Program Officer and strength and solidarity and increasing the Two areas in which the Environment economic and environmental analyses, Director of Environment Programs Left: On a canoe trip, led by the likelihood of long-term success. Program is working to build green networks so informed decisions can be made by 30 CNG Tower Chesapeake Bay Foundation, groups of “It is becoming clear that the Environ- are Watersheds and Brownfields. These areas students and adults look for crayfish and prospective developers, planning organi- 625 Liberty Avenue study the healthy life of the Juniata River. zations, community groups and policy Pittsburgh, PA 15222 ment Program is not simply creating a series reflect the program’s commitment to environ- makers. of project teams, it is also forging diverse and mental protection and ecological restoration. 412·338·2627 sometimes unexpected linkages to create an

email: [email protected] Background:Through a Geographical Information System, Pittsburgh RISES H&V networksThe slag pile of Nine Mile Run identifies hundreds of brownfield sites looms over the community of in Allegheny County and the City of HE Duck Hollow near Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh. www.heinz.org

Design: Mark Friedman & Associates Photo credits: Charles Bier, Paul Wiegman Printed with soybean inks on recycled paper C WATERSHEDS BROWNFIELDS

The French Creek Project is a five- The French Creek year initiative with three central goals: to The Nine Mile Run Key Partners: Project raise public awareness about the value of Greenway Project the stream; to catalyze the development of The network that is supporting the goals of the Nine Mile Run Greenway Project as disparate — environmentalists, farm- livestock to have access to the creek, Canvassing the Creek Environmental Alliance “Perhaps the most striking opportunity French Creek has been called the a community based watershed organiza- includes the following: ers, business leaders, local government businesses don’t want the environment The Canvassing the Creek initiative for Senior Initiative noted for a large park is the valley of Nine most biologically diverse watershed in tion; and to preserve the stream’s habitat, officials, teachers and landowners. This to deter economic growth — our is a door-to-door outreach effort to intro- French Creek staff are bringing Mile Run...” Pennsylvania. It flows 117 miles from maintain biological diversity and protect The City of Pittsburgh approach encourages community accep- challenge is to integrate the goals of duce the community to the French Creek high school and college students Frederick Law Olmstead, Jr., 1910 western New York through northwest- endangered species. The Department of City Planning commissioned a master planning study of tance and can change the way people the project into the community and Project. “We knew that a top-down pro- together with senior citizens to carry ern Pennsylvania to Franklin, where Through unique public outreach the 240 acre site of Nine Mile Run, which proposes to build 1200 residential think about and act toward the creek build trust among all stakeholders.” ject wouldn’t be well received and that out water quality monitoring. In 1911, when Frederick Law it drains into the Allegheny River. programs, the project has gained wide- units and create almost 100 acres of public space. and its tributaries.” The French Creek Project has we needed public support for protection Olmstead, Jr. was a consultant to The barren mountain of industrial waste and the stream valley of Nine Mile Run French Creek, named by a young spread support from groups and individ- “The project staff have rallied responded to these potential barriers by of the watershed,” said Hill. “We thought The French Creek Calendar Pittsburgh’s Civic Commission, he George Washington in 1753, is the uals throughout the watershed. It has The Urban Redevelopment Authority widespread community support and reaching out to key community groups that door-to-door canvassing would be The project is using history recommended a major park be created habitat for more species of fish and also managed to focus state-wide media The URA, now the owner of the Nine Mile Run site, identified four design they’ve made people realize what a and engaging them in efforts to protect the most effective way to get the message and the arts to reach fourth grade on a beautiful, 240 acre stretch of land mussels than any other stream in attention on the project’s success. “Nine Mile Run presents an “Our primary goal is to create an around the need to reclaim the stream principles for the project: develop open spaces which serve multiple needs and valuable resource French Creek is for the and preserve the watershed. These out to the public and engage them in the students in the Crawford Central that extended to the Monongahela Pennsylvania. It is also home to an “The main challenge for watershed enormous challenge to reconsider the informed citizenry that is prepared to and re-vegetate the slopes, and bringing connect Frick Park to the riverfront; modify the stream channel to minimize entire region,” stated Melisa Crawford, efforts are captured in the following project’s goals.” School District. Based on a French River. increasing number of endangered initiatives is to instill a sense of owner- industrial revolution and its implications advocate for green and open space on all stakeholders to the table to agree on bed erosion and provide new stream side planting; integrate stormwater environment program associate. initiatives: Creek motif, they are using their art, No one listened. Today, almost species as pollution and human impacts ship in the people who live there,” stated on our culture and environment,” stated Nine Mile Run and other brownfield a common path for the site — including management within the overall open spaces of the site; and restore vegetation “The project’s strategy for promoting Eco Tourism Initiative poetry and prose to engage other 90 years later, the land is buried under continue to threaten its biological Brian Hill, the project’s director. “It’s Tim Collins, co-director of the Nine sites,” stated Bob Bingham, also a resolution of concerns surrounding on the slag pile. consensus on sustainable use of this Advisory Committee The French Creek Project staff is people in thinking about the creek. 150 feet of steel slag and it is the largest diversity. essential for us to build grassroots support Mile Run project. “It is a chance, project co-director. “We are in the maintenance, transportation, land use watershed has made it a model for The French Creek Project has a 30- training volunteer naturalists to help Their work will be featured in the undeveloped brownfield site in the City by engaging groups that are often viewed through the work of an entire interdisci- process of building an understanding of and waste water problems. The Environmental City Initiative effective ecosystem management and member advisory committee that includes people learn more about the natural Meadville Council on the Arts of Pittsburgh. plinary team, to be part of creating a the complex issues surrounding the site “Over its history, Nine Mile Run ECI is working with Carnegie Mellon to strengthen partnerships with the City watershed protection.” representatives from sportsmen’s clubs, history of the watershed through canoe, Community Art Show and a French But the stream valley and desolate strong bond between people and the — and then integrating the value of has been used for a hunting club, a ball of Pittsburgh, the Urban Redevelopment Authority and other environmental Despite French Creek’s numerous chemical and industrial manufacturers hiking, bus and train trips. Creek Calendar. slopes of Nine Mile Run may be chang- experience of a place.” Nine Mile Run’s open space into the field, gas wells and finally a slag dump groups in the region. It is acting as a liaison between different stakeholders and successes, it is not immune to the ing. Through several unique partner- The Nine Mile Run Greenway fabric of our communities.” for millions of tons of industrial waste,” promoting understanding of the Nine Mile Run project within the community. challenges faced by other watershed ships, plans for housing, parks, walkways Project is reviewing the area’s historic In meeting this challenge, the stated Andrew McElwaine. “Now it has initiatives across the country. For exam- and open space are becoming a reality. uses and industrial past, its botanical project team has made experiential the potential to make Pittsburgh one of University Partners ple, because there are over 40 munici- Nine Mile Run is now seen as an oppor- and entomological make-up, wetland learning, including site tours and public the most exciting places in the country In addressing the multi-disciplinary facets of developing the Nine Mile Run palities in the French Creek watershed, tunity to reinvent the concept of an function, stream morphology and land- materials, an integral part of that educa- for sustainable development and brown- site, the project has involved a number of university partners, including: The the coordination of regional land use urban community and its relationship scape. Results of this site assessment will tional process. Through on-site program- field re-development. The Studio for University of Pittsburgh, Chatham College, Penn State and Carnegie Mellon. policies has been fragmented. with the environment. provide the basis for a conceptual design ming Nine Mile Run staff regularly invite Creative Inquiry has provided sound Contributing programs and departments include: geology, art history, stream Another common challenge is With support from the Heinz for the park and greenway and for school children and adult groups to leadership in advancing the integrated, ecology, entomology, botany, landscape architecture, wetlands science and keeping the public informed. “We are Endowments, Carnegie Mellon Univer- restoration of the stream. In partnership explore various aspects of soil, water open-space development of the site. public policy. continually struggling to overcome sity’s Studio for Creative Inquiry is part with the Carnegie Museum of Natural and development issues. Through its work, perhaps the vision of skepticism in the community related to of an interdisciplinary effort to address History,brown the Studio will also develop an If the new partnerships around Nine Frederick Law Olmstead, Jr. will finallyfiThe Pittsburghelds Children’s Museum environmental projects,” Hill said. the open space on the site and integrate exhibit of the Nine Mile Run project, Mile Run continue to grow, the site has be realized.” The Museum provided funding to art professor and Nine Mile Run Project “Many people see environmental initia- the natural environment with the new including drawings, maps and computer the potential to be an international Co-Director Reiko Goto to develop an art and science curriculum for grade- tives as potential impediments to what community. Through its Nine Mile Run models. model for sustainable development and school children. Her research interests include insect habitat and sound they want to do — farmers want their Greenway Project, the Studio has four brownfield re-development. But the in urban environments. main objectives: develop stewardship; There are still healthy populations of snapping turtles found throughout the project faces two central challenges — identify and model sustainable approaches French Creek watershed. aggressively building a public message to urban open space development; utilize contemporary tools to communicate Key Partners: and conservation groups, as well as acad- French Creek Environmental about complex environmental problems; emics, farmers, landowners and citizens. Education Project and promote bio-diversity in brownfield The network that is supporting the goals of the French Creek Project includes the following: The committee provides advice about This project focuses on educating reclamation. how the project should proceed and it school teachers and students on water In an effort to meet these goals, Allegheny College has assisted in the development of a quality and monitoring. It is a separate the Studio, a research facility in the Allegheny College hosts the French Creek Project and is located in the center of the watershed in Meadville, PA. vision plan for the entire watershed. but complementary initiative led by School of Art at Carnegie Mellon, has In addition to its outstanding environmental science program, the college recently created the Center for Economic Allegheny College. engaged a group of engineers, artists, and Environmental Development as part of an initiative to foster sustainable economic development in northwestern historians, designers, scientists and policy Pennsylvania. The Center is working with various industries on pollution prevention and encouraging municipal experts. An integral part of their plan is cooperation and more sensible land use development patterns. Top: A view of French Creek from to create an informed public discussion Franklin, PA, where it drains into the around the issue of brownfield reclama- Allegheny River. Pennsylvania Environmental Council tion, re-vegetation and social re-use. PEC has brought valuable expertise to the French Creek Project in the area of public education and outreach. It has Above: Students attempt to catch small worked with a wide array of audiences to build partnerships and deliver the message of watershed protection and biological fish species for study and release. preservation. watersheds Above: Scientists study the impact of slag on the stream Western Pennsylvania Conservancy water and aquatic life. In addition to purchasing and protecting hundreds of acres in the French Creek watershed, the staff of the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy has conducted stream studies on various sections of creek. The research has included aquatic Left: Blast furnace waste from Pittsburgh area steel mills was transported to the Nine Mile Run site. evaluation and identification of the presence of mussels, darters and important plant species that are endangered.