THE WESTFIELD LEADER the IMAMMC A*D MOST WIDELY Cimlulatto WUKLY Newspafem in UNION COUNT* Idntertd As Becona Clam Natter YEAB—No, 28 Pan Office, Wmttom, >"

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THE WESTFIELD LEADER the IMAMMC A*D MOST WIDELY Cimlulatto WUKLY Newspafem in UNION COUNT* Idntertd As Becona Clam Natter YEAB—No, 28 Pan Office, Wmttom, > THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE IMAMMC A*D MOST WIDELY CIMLULATtO WUKLY NEWSPAfEM IN UNION COUNT* IDntertd as Becona Clam Natter YEAB—No, 28 Pan Office, WmttoM, >". i. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1950 Bv»ry Thursday. Object f Called OB Mayor'* MIMIC Week lie* School Plans Bagby Plan Report on Committee MteU GOP Candidates ll Asks Zone Change SCOTCH PLAINg — John Sny- The mayor's committee for the Accept Bids To der, a member of the Board of 1950 celebration of Music Week in Education of Scotch Plains and Scotch Plains Issued Westfield met Thursday evening at Area Fanwood, will present plans for the home of Mrs. J. Bliss Austin, Speak Tuesday • new school building here at a A new Comprehensive Plan for district finances, borrowing capac- 415 Linden avenue to discuss plans For Apartments! special meeting of the Community the Township of Scotch Plains by ity over a 20 to 30 year period for the week of May 7-14. Association at the Willow Grove Scott Bagby, planning consultant and a five year capital budget j Mrs. C. Leonard Johnson pre- Town Republican Chapel Wednesday at 8:15 p. m. of Montclair, was made public yes- program, with an indication for sided and Mrs. John Ffaff was ap- Clubs To Sponsor The plan formulated by the terday by William M. Garbe, chair- meetini g latel r necessary capitaitl Chest X-Ray man of the Scotch Plains Plan- pointed secretary and publicity Welch Petitions Board of Educaton is based on the outlaysy . A prograpg m is worked chairman. Event At Y MCA Bagby Report on Town Planning. ning Board for which the plan was resident! the out to adjust costs of development The following members of the Other members of the board will prepared. The report aims pri- Prospects appeared bright today Survey Tuesday i Homes MM present- in either the logical service areas mayor's committee attended: Mrs. Town Council For be present to answer questions. marily at producing an increasing- or the areas lying outside them to for a lively evening at the Candi- to the Town Council ly desirable and economically op- Jphnson, Mrs. Austin, Mrs. E. B. Everyone is invited to attend the the lot requirements. dates Meeting, to be sponsored A chest x-ray survey will be jfbt objecting to the re- erated town. To this end it sets Mayo, Mrs. John Pfaff, Anthony meeting. Pointing out that no plan is of Bustako and Brewster S. Beach. jointly by the town's three Repub- held at the Westfleld Board of New "G" Zone • lection of Clover street up ways of conserving the best of lican organizations in the YMCA avenue to a business value until it is put into contin- Health, Tuesday from 6:80 to 9:30 the town's present values and es- uous, positive action, the report Tuesday at 8 p. m., with accept- t stores could be con- tablishes'a guide to insure that p. m. and Wednesday from 2 to Two garden apartment yrajeetl discusses the existing trends and ances from the three candidates 4 p. m, and 6:30 to B:30 p. m. are before town officials this nwk. lerve the development whatever future development takes who are competing for the Repub- stated that they Mayor To Open conditions both within the town- Trinity Choir This is a part of the Union County The Westfleld Land and Improve- tkmera sta y place shall be so located that the ship and in the area Influencing lican nomination to Town Council h il township can afford the municipal plan for an expansion of X-ray ment Co., of which Herbert B. «kin«-ing the residential it, as basic to an understanding frbm the fourth ward, and both service so that every adult in the Welch Jr. Is president, placed be- there was no need for Cancer Drive services which such expanding pop- of the recommendations and the Program Monday candidates for sheriff, according to ulation requires. ounty will have an opportunity fore the council at its maetinf ind that opening of a motivation which will produce ac- Samuel Kinney, president of the 'or a low-cost chest X-ray exami- Monday night a letter MkJag tto etion would lead to fur- The report further covers such tion, Equally important is the Men's Republican Club, who will nation. governing body to change tha (saw went of that type. The . Local Appeal subjects as toning, sub-division part to be played by til citizens To Sing Dubob preside at the meeting. of it« property at 92«-10lt Central of the township in determining The clinic is being sponsored by i referred to the laws Letter* Mailed control, major and minor street Lenten Cantata "This meeting will afford a resl avenue to a "G" tone, which iwM the overall goals for the township, the Westneld Board of Health, the committee, which has pattern, housing, business and opportunity for our townspeople to permit the erection at the T(-fam> the specific application of the rec- Union County Medical Society and g the request of the An innovation in the 1960 Amer- parking areas, light industry and Dubois' "The Seven Last Words become acquainted with some of ly unit which Is planned. The ommendations, the formation of the Union County Tuberculosis and Construction Co. for ican Cancer Society appeal for future school and recreation sites. of Christ," a Lenten cantata, wi'l the personalities and issues in the Health League, Inc. The cost of Board of Adjustment, at a meat* funds in Westneld will be the open- An essential part of the report is be presented at 8 p. m. Monday forthcoming primary, and we hope the X-ray will be $1.60 per person. ng two weeks ago, denied the n* ing of official campaign headquar- its study of municipal and school (Continued on Page I) by the 20-voice Holy Trinity choir, everyone who can will come out," Each person X-rayed will be giv- quest of the company for a varl. wetion of guard fencei on ters, 114 Central avenue, at 10 under the direction of Anthony J. Mr, Kinney said. Refreshments en his own picture, which will'be ance in the sone on the grounds svenue, an overpass of a. in. Saturday by Mayor Charles AlUu Mr. WbiteMe Rustako, choirmaster and organ will be served after the meeting. left at the Board of Health offices' that the company had not proved J(jntrtl fcsilroad, was author- ist, in the church. Mr. Rustako "hardship" as legally interpret*! P. Bailey. Chrone Realty Corp., Music Festival Present plans call for introduc- charge of Andrew Carney, ihj wdinance at an estimated owner of the premises, hat grant- will be at the console throughout health officer. At that time, only three ptraMt the program. tion of candidates for Republican spoke on the project and MM Ccf tt,«0O. Hearing was set ed the use of the offices to the town committecmen and women by society. Opens Tomorrow Before eacb word, Kt. Rev. Hogr. voiced scrloua objection. The n* lib) implication of Martin Wall- Henry J. Watterson, pastor, will the town committee chairman, Rob- Newcamen* Guett quest to the council was referred ff fist, American Legion, for An information both will be es- give the narration. Guest soloist ert N. Evans. A spokesman for to the Town Planning Board and •gait to present Hunt's Circus tablished at headquarters, where 4OO To Participate will be Daniel A. Hlggins, Eliza- the freeholders is expected to be the laws and rules committee. M Mty 15- was approved. literature explaining the aims and beth baritone, and other soloists present, although George Herlich, |TW annual $200 cost of living purposes of the 1960 Cancer Cru- In Annual Event will include Mrs. Margaret C. candidate from Hillside, has stat- The other project convai befor* »«M again voted. The pay- sade will be available. Mrs. Rob- Walsh, soprano, and Stanley V. ed that he will be unable to at- the Board of Adjustment this eve- Tomorrow and Saturday eve- J'tlU lie made, as in other ert E. Ewart and members of the Malek, tenor. tend because of ill health. The ning at its meeting in the Munici- nings at 8:30 in the Roosevelt mayor and unopposed candidates jav to town employees receiv- Westfleld Women's Field Army of pal Building. H is a request by Junior High School auditorium, the At thc Solemn Benediction of will be introduced and then tha the WutfUId Woman's Club, Wil- • UH than 15,000 per year. the ACS will supervise the booth 19th annual music festival will be the Blessed Sacrament, the Men's balance of the meeting devoted to liam H. Weldon and Cecil R. Mill", M persons will receive the daily except Sundays throughout Quartet will sing "O E«ca Victor, April. presented by the music depart- speeches by the competing candi- owners of the property, located at an," traditional, and "Tantum Er- dates and a question period. Dorian road between WeitlWd In addition to its regular duties ment of Westfleld High School. Millation of a fire hydrant at Thc entire production is under the go," by Becker, The congregation avenue and Trinity place, for a |e upper end of Prospect, street of preparing dressings and trans- will join in singing of thc hymn, Stanley Sredzlnskl, who bills variance to permit tha construc- porting patients for hospital treat- direction of Miss Janet Grimier, id MW street lights at the lower "Holy God We Praise Thy Name." himself as the "David versus Go- tion of a 62-unlt garden apart- ments during the year, the Wom- while Anthony P.
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