ijotliincj llew in F usl ci cjCooh! HUDSON’S Many Uses for Lemons Mandarin I EMONS ARE not so plentitul ot the cleanest and most re- 4 freshing. as they used to lx but there this lotion is kept in still to spare an or When enough the refrigerator it will he de- Basement Store rational one for a beauty aid. lightfully refreshing to use be- /o 9;45 /o 6:00, Store Hours: Daily , 9:4 5 5:45 Saturday , CAIJ CHERRY 5/00 for Personal They arc good for the skin, ban fore applying makeup. Rub it ice ll:)0 lightest. and also for that reducing drink on gently and then sponge lace I—lighstyle Shopping Seri —7 A*’ Ari/ /ink* to call is after A. M. xihen telephone traffic is Your morning lemon has H dry with tissues. cleansing, refreshing effect on Lemon i should not be ig- ind B\ JOAN l>E X V the whole system Lemon juice nored as a flavor tor almost all with soda makes a lovely polish foods The rind contains special lITTH TIIMdie Of New Ym k for the teeth. and when »» din- vitamins lightly fashion public i*' . Lemon juice as a V! acts mild scraped over salads gives them ning in our ears, it m wonder- will not bleach on the skin. It a fine flavor Sixes nl lemon ful to find, right heie in I change naturally dark skin but over meats while cooking adds a designer of furs whose r' } / troit. to the seasoning .1 Will add transiucence /est to the collection rivals, jx'lr for pelt tone. and style for style, any show- overcoat A pack of lemon and corn Bleach Fingers etroit hut th< v are merchandized through- ”l»AGORA WARMSTER” /iP out the middlewest. the ea-t and in fashionable Miami Reach. r«.OOI»VIVS-MONDAY STORE HOURS; 12:30 NOON TO 9 P, M. Member of a family that has worked with furs for genera- tions. this young and talented man was born to the pelt' stud- 11 >v »,# ied fur design in New York and 5 several seasons ago was ir vit' d to create fur costumes feu a b.g 2995 Hollywood film studio, Eye-arresting in the collec- WRINKLE PROOF coat tion is a 37-inch of natural • Wrinkle Proof • Moiiture Repellent A WEATHER-PROOF toned Fisher. Ran* and luxuri- ous, this coat shades from gray • Practically Duitproof fl brown, to is dense of fur Imrriy • Moumuhi Warmth • of Weight K and beautiful. Perfect choice f r of the pampered woman who •* * d<».-sn i want mink or sable, ; - m —nff # mom Tw o superb examples f From to night your “Pagora . I ! '**"*4* in yiaya- ranch mink and Canadian wild ’ Warmster - gives you rugged wear mink are featured in the collec- tion. The ranch mink is dai k ...complete good looks. Big, broad- with subtle -blue-black under- > shouldered and man-tailored . . . tones and )-• cut with magnif- 100°-, , natu- y . . I Paca l. _ cenep., foil’ sweeping back backed. In lhar flares from the'shoulders. ral. brown, oxford, blue. 12 to 20. a The wild mink has the rich, DURABLE, -W ARM “Pagora in 4 tawny tone found in bucicwnetrt Other Warmstera" natu- honey. Its hair is denser ( * eleece Casuals than ral, brown, oxford, blue, red, green. the ranch mink and it is said to as be bit wearing. Q 1 \. a hardier FIRST *l! BASEMENT —WOODWARD—SEC. F ' V w ' V ( i 1 Leopard and Beaver / ' W Rare Somaliland leopard Is * found in his collection, too. c Made with the same dash as 3# jr I w the coats worn by air force ‘¦&r% f officers, this leopard is douhle Look for the Glaya- b roasted, has su ashbuckling m it - back. . in Paca" label . . your Masterpiece blur k Alaska sealskin lines full s*y!ed by a Detroit designer. It high- Unusual i< thi r beautiful assurance of fine qual- beaver made of IT skin- —ll in lights tc.e mandarin that con* ity. top style, long trie body of the coat, three in \er-s into a tuxedo, has deep armholes, each . Treated mink, I ’« like wear and good work- shirred a* the shoulders and the the skins are lot out and (' manship. Single and \*ry new, very smart side slifs. m itched to give a play of light and shadow ;n their tone. double-breasted styles For shopping information, call Joan Dean, CHerry 8800, Though we have touched upon with back pleats, cape- between 9 a. m. and 6 p. m.—Saturdays, 8:30 to 4:30. the highstyle. top-flight furs in this local designer's collection, type , deep pock- be has not neglected the me- ets. Lined and inter- Courtesy Tip Quick Snack dium priced bracket and shows a wide variety of furs in th> lined. M isses' s;/es. FOR THE small wedding, MIX TM ‘ > t abL spoons field, styled with the same when only the jrnmedi it#* fami- crushed caraway seed* w.’h 1 artistry and Imbued with the Xfr Good^’n’s—Eourtk Pioor lies arc present a* trie wedding cup cottage cheese add salt and bread-and-butter qualities de- breakfast or dinner, all may mi pepper. Serve with rye bread nianded by women in this war- ir t w i for quick time. a h I It y H I • f n, a ¦ a snack. »titch®*l to white Black , aiaae Hqitarr. at n®ck. lin» down tha front. Paa’.ela, gs »iz#a 32 to 3s.

WITH BLACK SATIN BOWS 12,S Amazing Value Presentation In I NADELL'S August Fur Showing | ‘Blouse2^5~-Beauties’ 0 • A Typr to Tram ulih Firry Suit, Skirt. Slackn-Outflt You Oun!

Something soft . . . some- See These Values Sunday . . . Monday! * Op*n Today ti i • Have ’em BRIGHT. Have ’em BLACK. thing simple . . . something mfifisS Have ’em CHECKED. Have SUNDAY ft 5 ’em PLAIN. We’ve sure to flatter! Thar's the Muiknt 108 Ptrliin P«w S IOB practically every kind of blouse your little heart new fashion story for Fall could desire .• • liom the oh-so-feminine bow numbers your best as captured in this stunning Muskrat Greatcoat * |w *IOB 108 "beau” will say are “ummm-hmmm” ... to the strictly tailored jobs ‘beaux-catcher’ dress. Black • Gray-dyad • Skunk-dyad (short or . . s * long-sleeved). All are . and the pickin’s rayon crepe combined with UfrL 108 Opossum 108 wonderful! • • Choose from our selection in sizes to gleaming rayon satin in a Rad Fox Krimmar-dyed 32 38. Others 1.95 to 5.95. 108 Caracul Lamb * 108 side-swept insert and • big Beu • Y<-< kiimet V, Round, Square • Sctty-Ruffle Types bows that are caught with • eTf klinet .\Y( kttn, v • Jeu Set Saddle-St it i Sf¦,/ Typet a jewel-type . Sizes • • A DEPOSIT • X, SMALL Scalloped Xeckltnet Tailored Short-Sleet ert Shepherd 't to 1 ' RESERVES ANY COAT NO EXTRA Checkt 14 20. Others for juniors, CHARGE • K*. Tailored Lottß-Slee i ert • Paxtelt, Solid misses, women. White arranged SPORTSWEAR— -HUDSON'S—F:r : R XSEMENT—W'OODWaPD—SECTION E A COMPLETE SELECTION OF P'ictt Sub/ttt to 3 Smloo Too STYLES FROM $10.95 TO $19.95 I LIBERAL TRADE-IN ml ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD FUR COAT V f\\ Goodwin s—Third Floor \ \ Wk Tune In WJBK / tIIKJ Daily II P. Mto 12 m !/ U Haip Mart' I ailnl Slab's Est- fjL/ , g §,' the nadlll hour A//l//£i0 J) DfltK H !>noo, ««» War Hoails a ail SIa taps t’'lcfAsl35 cRA^ Entrance at + 35 Eant Grand Rivfr I GOODWIN’51 RteAR Stamps o« Sale, Firtt Basement I GRATIOT at FARMER ¦ OPEN DAILY 9 A. M.-9 P. M. OPEN SUNDAYS 11 A. M.-5 P. M. i*ART 3, PAGE 11