An exhibition of student art Mid Pennine Gallery 29 April – 13 June 2009

1 An exhibition of student art

STart 09 showcases selected artwork STart 09 provides a fantastic from students across opportunity for the students involved The students’ Pennine . The exhibition to see their work professionally framed personalities shine through to The front cover shows (left to right): provides a real feast for the eyes with and exhibited in Mid Pennine Gallery. make the work Botanical Art by Sophie Fitzpatrick, Mount Carmel R.C. Science College work that explores both two and three The work on show pays tribute to even more special Sunshine by Chloe Leanne Yates, Marsden Heights Community College dimensional design. The influence of the exceptional young talent living historic and contemporary artists such and studying in Pennine Lancashire. as Van Gogh, Gustav Klimt, Ken Done It also applauds the enthusiasm and The selection process for STart 09 was undertaken by a panel which consisted of: and ceramic artist Sarah McDade can dedication of the teachers who nurture Liam Spencer, Artist; Joanne Davies, Schools and Colleges Manager, Manchester Art be seen in the vibrant exhibits which their creative spirit. We hope you enjoy Gallery; Rebecca Keating, Visual Arts and Projects Officer, Mid Pennine Arts. make use of materials ranging from visiting the exhibition as much as we clay and fabric to pastel and paint. have enjoyed selecting and displaying Topical and traditional themes such as the work. Stereotypes, Natural Form, Landscape, Cubism, Music and Self Image offer a Exciting News! unique opportunity for young people This year, for the first time, we are to express their opinions in a visual offering you the chance to vote for format. your favourite student artwork. The student with the most votes will win a prize and will be featured in the next Mid Pennine Arts newsletter. Photography by Nigel Hillier

2 3 Aboriginal Dolphin What I Like What Makes Me Tick The African Man The African Warlord The Witch Doctor Joshua Bell Scott Simmonds Zac Wilson Blake Calverley Jamie Burdett, Josie Monk Year 8, Broadfield Specialist School Year 10, Broadfield Specialist School Year 10, Broadfield Specialist School Year 9, Broadfield Specialist School Year 9, Broadfield Specialist School Year 9, Broadfield Specialist School Silk Painting Mixed Media Mixed Media Papier Mache Papier Mache Papier Mache

4 5 Climbing Kuala’s Cool Stuff Me and What I Like Emu in the Desert Untitled Jessica Hamilton Shantelle Riley Katy Bottrell Sufayan Kamran Annika Dobson Year 8, Broadfield Specialist School Year 10, Broadfield Specialist School Year 10, Broadfield Specialist School Year 8, Broadfield Specialist School Year 8, Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Silk Painting Mixed Media Mixed Media Silk Painting Mixed Media

6 7 Embellished Cuff African Textile Sketchbook Embellished Cuff African Textiles Embellished Cuff African Textile Design French Onion Seller Glamorous Blonde Irish Leprechaun Rebecca Phillips Rebecca Phillips Rebecca Phillips Rory Boyle Jordan Hodgson William Spensley-Jones Year 11, Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Year 11, Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Year 11, Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Year 9, Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Year 9, Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Year 9, Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Mixed Media Textile Mixed Media Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic

8 9 Art lessons must be great fun nowadays! I don’t remember working with so many artistic mediums when I was at school.

Heartfilled Effect Heartfilled Effect Sketchbook African Pattern You Can’t Paint Your Personality Printed Fabric on Letterforms Chloe Hinder Chloe Hinder Charles Dowd Mark Piercy Lindsay Beevers Year 11, Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Year 11, Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Year 11, Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Year 11, Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Year 11, Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Textile Mixed Media Pen, Pencil and Biro Mixed Media Textile

10 11 Soldier Burglar Glamour Girl Mr Mellows - Football Fan Pop Art Portrait Architecture Architecture David Pounder Ashley MacCabe Jessica Telford Arron Whalley Joe Macfarlane Natasha Lees Krissie Lewis Year 9, Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Year 9, Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Year 9, Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Year 9, Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Year 7, Clitheroe Royal Grammar School Year 8, Fearns Community Sports College Year 8, Fearns Community Sports College Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Mixed Media Ceramic Ceramic

12 13 STart provides a wonderful forum for highlighting the emerging artistic talent of Pennine Lancashire’s young people.

Natural Forms Shell Study in Pattern Seven Deadly Sins (1 of 7) Shell Study in Pattern Melissa Cooper Leanne Wheeler Laura Butterworth Dannielle Hirst Year 9, Hameldon Community College Year 10, Hameldon Community College Year 11, Hameldon Community College Year 10, Hameldon Community College Pencil and Coloured Pencil Oil Pastel Mixed Media Oil Pastel

14 15 Pattern and Texture – Van Gogh Inspiration Abstract Orange Slice Untitled Untitled Untitled 7B Group Work Colette Armstrong Frances Adams Chloe Taylor Akthar Hussain Year 7, Hameldon Community College Year 8, Blessed Trinity R.C. College Year 7, High School Year 7, Year 8, Haslingden High School Ceramic Oil Pastel Textiles Textiles Pen and Ink

16 17 Untitled Untitled Sunshine Secret Garden The Old Town Chloe Murphy, Ashley Trickett and Katie Lord Ellie Davis Chloe Leanne Yates Katie Vallier Megan Owen Year 7, Fearns Community Sports College Year 9, Haslingden High School Year 10, Marsden Heights Community College Year 11, Pendle Community High School Year 11, Pendle Community High School Mixed Media Textiles Chalk and Pastel Painting Oil Pastel, Chalk, Paint and Felt Tips

18 19 Untitled Untitled Music and Cubism Music and Cubism Botanical Art My Aboriginal Story Wallpaper Design Max Butler Katherine Dabrowski Clare Cropper Lucy Butler Sophie Fitzpatrick Juny Kalathingal Habibah Mahjooz Year 8, Mount Carmel R.C. Science College Year 8, Mount Carmel R.C. Science College Year 11, Mount Carmel R.C. Science College Year 11, Mount Carmel R.C. Science College Year 11, Mount Carmel R.C. Science College Year 7, Mount Carmel R.C. Science College Year 8, Mount Carmel R.C. Science College Polyprint Polyprint Mixed Media Mixed Media Coloured Pencil and Watercolour Painting Coloured Pencil

20 21 The influence of other artists can clearly be seen in this work. It shows the young people are learning from their teachers, visiting artists and art history.

Cardboard Cutout Cardboard Cutout Cardboard Cutout Expressionism Expressionism Arshia Khan Sarah Hindley Sonia Marsden Dayna Edington Samantha Widdup Year 10, Year 10, Pendle Vale College Year 10, Pendle Vale College Year 9, Pendle Vale College Year 9, Pendle Vale College Mixed Media Mixed Media Mixed Media Mixed Media Mixed Media

22 23 The students should be very proud of their achievements!

Expressionism Self Portrait Vase Vase Vase Vase Yasmin Naseem Alex Nuttall Troy Fielden Kauser Ahmed Francesca Vella Katie Appleby Year 9, Pendle Vale College Year 9, Tor View School Year 11, Tor View School Year 11, Tor View School Year 12, Tor View School Year 11, Tor View School Mixed Media Pen and Ink Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic

24 25 We would like to thank the following students and schools for taking part:

Blessed Trinity R.C. College: Marsden Heights Community College: Colette Armstrong. Chloe Leanne Yates.

Broadfield Specialist School: Mount Carmel R.C. Science College: Jessica Hamilton, Sufayan Kamran, Joshua Bell, Sophie Fitzpatrick, Lucy Butler, Clare Cropper, Shantelle Riley, Zac Wilson, Scott Simmonds, Habibah Mahjooz, Max Butler, Katy Bottrell, Josie Monk, Blake Calverley, Jamie Burdett. Katherine Dabrowski, Juny Kalathingal.

Clitheroe Royal Grammar School: Pendle Community High School: Charles Dowd, Lindsay Beevers, Rebecca Phillips, Katie Vallier, Megan Owen. Chloe Hinder, Mark Piercy, Jessica Telford, Annika Dobson, Rory Boyle, William Spensley-Jones, Pendle Vale College: Jordan Hodgson, David Pounder, Arron Whalley, Sarah Hindley, Samantha Widdup, Ashley MacCabe, Joe Macfarlane. Yasmin Naseem, Dayna Edington, Arshia Khan, Sonia Marsden. Fearns Community Sports College: Chloe Murphy, Ashley Trickett, Katie Lord, Tor View: Natasha Lees, Krissie Lewis. Troy Fielden, Francesca Vella, Katie Appleby, Kauser Ahmed, David Suthers, Anne-Marie Allan, Hameldon Community College: Alex Nuttall. 7B Year Group, Dannielle Hirst, Leanne Wheeler, Melissa Cooper, Laura Butterworth. High Technology College: Hayley Butterworth, Megan Gambles, Danika Cowgill, Haslingden High School: Rebecca Hooper, Emma Pease, Rachel Oddie, Chloe Taylor, Frances Adams, Ellie Davis, Sarah McGuinnes, Courtney Wright, Yazmin Cawood, Akthar Hussain. Charlotte Titterton, Amy Ellis, Lauren Pepper, Anna White, Rossendale Landscape Pear Banana Jack Thomas, Chelsea Parker. Student Collective David Suthers Anne-Marie Allan Tor View School Year 10, Tor View School Year 10, Tor View School Painting Ceramic Ceramic

26 27 ‘09

Mid Pennine Gallery Yorke Street (off Manchester Road), Burnley, BB11 1HD www.

Open: Wednesday to Saturday, 10am-4pm Entrance is free and there is wheelchair/pushchair access