: 1^:' ■ I', • i f r ■ :(■., V v : ; v ; /. . TkURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 19B4I •' ■ ■''■ y- ' ■?'■ ’ . - y y^ • Averaire Bally~Net Press iKa^rlii^ator lEaraittg l|»raUi rhr,tka Weak Eadad. j m 4aBrSg.iM t r - r 1 1 ,1 3 5 ■‘T 'd ' erjlha AaOi -rtiyp iiit ^ rtit w m d ^ w w ^ of OinaiBtlaia M anehaeter-'^A City o f ViUa/ie Charm

VOL. LXXni, NO, 101 (OBaalflai .AdravOalag an Fata U ) lillEliYdNE

PINEHORSrS PREMIUM OFFER w Stthstitute O M rotion *HeIter Slieltdr' Half Million R ise N oted Is Readied In J o b le s s ' Washington, Jan. 29 Sen. Knowland of California, Washington, Jan. 29 (/P)— S r d B i g W a O c the Republican Floor Leader, The Onsus Bureau said today X- unemployment rose by half a announced t o ^ y that a liub- STIUNLESS STEEL atitute for thd Bricker treaty* million between* December ■X and January to ah estimated y i _ p w e r smandinent w ilLbe in* totehTf'^.W/OOtr jobless thfs troduced in the Senate today month. "with eubstantial" demo- Employmimt dropped by about a Ready for- Hide Beh ind *BRinboo Curtain' • cratic support. .JUilUoa 4a the aaete -«eriod-and, in : *ciwwla«a diCIIhea “a r i~ newt F r e > B d lo t O N E 5 pc. SETTING the week ended Jen. d, was recqrd- trsaYMM-te;: ronfcranca to aay wheUitr San. ed et 99,SCO,000, the bureau said. Bricker (R-Ohlo), whom propoaad 495,009 Over Last Year , conatituUonal amendment haa Aa it was laat month, jobless- F o r N ation SELF sratVE and MEAT DEPARTMEN aroused Vigoroua oppoalUon from L...i ’ . . . ••-.•. .. . ■ mCTM ' - iy,- - • • J , r-.,_-. President’ Biaenhowe U tonnlng about fpOTtOOH gSovb tliD IrvrI of r yoRr FREE . In offering the prpi WMr Ivw y $25 Worth Senators said this aeehned un-' agOr^About 3.S per cent of riviltan Is Stressed likely. workers are unemployed, as ACCUMULATID ~ GREAT RIO SAVINGS IN OUAMTV; against 3 per cent lest year, the Expert Bl-Partima Help figures showed. ____ * i VALUI Berlin, 29 (ff)—^Britigt "It la now my belief that an The bureau eaid the total decline Foreign Secretary Anthony ADDITIONAI^ETS , • Never Me4s poUakiag. HALTS FRESH GRANDMOTHER'S amendment will be offered today in employment wee not greeter Eden submitted to they^ja' • PerkMMa* mlrrar flalak. with subsUnUal bi-partisan sup­ than the December-January drop IP e s 3 0 GROUND PURE port—it will be introduced before Four (inference today/ji'lP Of lliia Beautiful/I itainless Steel I • ExdBilTe opMiwerk patten. ill most other recent years, but • Caaaat tanlali, atela ar m t. the Senate adjourns," Knowland affected some industries which are stage plan for tht.unificatidn 'Ttfakware May Be l^ r chased For The -.1 said. • Caaaat chip or pooL fr’sNEVW not usually subject to the seasonal of Germany "and We concliPV Per SettiBg Law, Low Price p t o LtfetiaM gaaraateo. COFFEE The Californian said that "aub- sag. * (Orugaa Laiaaaa, togar) ■tantial progitm" had been made sion of a freely/ negotiated V ^298 OFF on >6.95 Unemployment!, which nearly BaiaRF %n^VAa«0a a a a — Lb. 1 L b . Jar TRY overnight in attempting to find peace treaty.*’ \ CVBBTIMNXAB always- rises sharply after' the His plan—underatood toxhava ORTARMAirr^ : SETllNOS ASTOU WANT? language on which influential Re- pulHtcana and Oemorratii could Christinas holiday seaabnxxlimbed the full support: of France and tlia agree. from 1,850,000 in December to the United Statea'^-apecified that "froo ANGELFOOD estimated 2,360.000 in January. _____ FOR m t STORE THAT OIVCS YOU MORE BOmOOM sou He declined to say, howaver. and secret elections should be. hMd ’This WM sirsiler than the drop, throughout Germany, including CAKE MIX whether Sen. George (D-Oa) was Berlin, the . earliest possible \ / InrUe pockeget o f joining in offering the new veralon. in employment mainly because M M o ^ e many houaewivto and others hold­ date.’/ Tetter Meat tor Your Money George previously had proposed an Seller, French Foreign Minia- amendment of hia own which ing temporary Jobs in stores and tQgvV g omIWNRI^W mVHW b I other Chriatraaa aqtivltiea with­ t^'^Btdanlt called tor a tniited o m oot . . . lost wotio . . . hoi ClUAKEII OATS Bricker found unsatisfactory al­ mtlohs Disarmament Conference, though administration leaders gave drew from the labor maritet. They were not counted aa unemployed i-provlded ail hostilities such as the, i a . . ri^ifoosts . . chock roosts. Os w ol os d i other kinds of I LAND OXAKES lArgai Slaa dawa aad Saaban it a generally favorable reception. Indochina War are first ended and ' Sen. Bricker (R-Ohioj hipuieir after they left these joba, because aggression outlawed. fh r o y Mom R o^ o o l^ j^ I N S T A N T Reg S iz ^ lI C Large Size 35c they were not aeeking work. It. Oft c ^ Iky the goMw rilo to «|0 HRRBIRR mid yesfiiday the differences with ...... Molotey . Makes BU BUTTER “the'adnilhlattetloh dh'liU propdnl V . ? “ te i^ -C u r iw lw S te p i»; gown » y MbJ. G- W- Cox. •#“ Cfcirr^ -^ Employment tigS" hot "HH^eff Molotov asked the Big Four to below 50 million aince January, rmoooy. FhioliiKit stoRhs comm oot o f tho ovoo siaHoR toodor In Qosrters COFFEE S o G o o d a n d . "grow put of a fundamentally dlf* Pol^ N. C. Is akowra aa it llfto a im0*poaad abelter made of a sponsor a worldwide disarmament -RbUoaophy pf .ggyecilliniNit.. February and March of 1962. in "Jtotlng which would includa R ed. . . — .--..Jar-- Reffttler- Price 29e fl». each -or Whiar was "recordea is fit rioiits m evisi hrowi I do lilo''oitsld E ji^ niroT^ George originaUy tried to set a Wmi hi Norili Ckrbllaa Slate CoRegeN Sehitol of Deolga. eooM be used 11 China and other states that are I CoodforYou .deadlina.of laxt'nigkt for bipartiaaa for . racoo bails, oRlees. eSspeb aad .other mllUary aoeo. add traao- 56.700,000. not now members of the United WItli Xrwupaprr Canpoa Below 1991 Peak •o f pricos oro lower. WITH A':sai/Gl(y On Pago 5 agreement. But he aaid today he pyrtod by 'eopter to ooe rite to aaother gnlekly. (AP Wtrephoto). _ *elhonn»’ Ashland, Pa.; aarence C. Adams, Memphis. Tena.; Andrew oq^Moa, the lone Nations. was resigned to more taUdng, ex­ Not for three years—aince Janu­ Briton; and Joba R. Duaa, teltimore, MiL, left to. right, hang a sign on a Red tnick/Joet before It left Raising of the disarmsiment ary,- 1951 — haa unemployment \ tending into next week if necea- nentral xoae to ea^- them to Communist North Korea. AU tbe turncoat Araericaas have been question apparently slowed for the V "n:: Blue Bonnet Di^y. risen above the two millioiv mark. moment a concerted Western plan raiEHURSr TENDER f O NLY 19c lb. g ^ a mhoBorable diockarges by the U. S. Defense Department. (A P Wlrephoto via radio from MARGARINE Even if an agreement can be It was then 2,903,000. ***yG#b to force Russia into considering 9 reached which provides a middle Lewis Denounces The peek of post-war unemploy­ ^----- ' ^ r German tiniflcation now. The SIRLOIN, SHORT, PORTERHOUSE ■ / ground for many Senatora, the Mg ment wee in February, 1990, when 4’ West, , with Secretary Dulles In the r queattoh aeemed go ba*r the total TOichjHl 4,684,000 In the chair, intended to bring up tlia Can Senate leaders muster the seasonal rise uf JotleuKCUi wnlctT German question tmaieSaR^- apr / SUNS1 necessary two-thirds Vote required followed the 1649 buaineas dip. ter the session opened. MTTY CROCRER • OOOOGOO 1/ for a propoaal to change the Con­ The lowest total postwar em­ Word from behind the closed / stitution ? ployment ciccurred in the demobll- Tito to Office doors of the conference hen, taow4 STEAKS P i e C r u s t ever, was Uiat Molotov imme^fiat4. PBUNEJUICE Or wlU thoM taking extrame IxeUon period. Only 61 million "FRESHER BY FAR" FRESH PEAS y Lb. 2 7 c Washington, Jsn. 29 GF)— '; amendments, from tbe'^tittersnees ly took the floor and upaet tha ap- M ^ B o t . positioiia on both aides ^ in forces were.employed In Jqpuavy, 1946. REF ‘^O i FINEHUBST "FARM FRESH C om binotioii to. prevent enactment of a com- John L. Ldwis ds- *O bo preoldf-iUal paadldato in the Layoffs In oonatrvcttqa end fac­ Of Pre»ident Unificatioii of Party P'* Thereupon, BidauR'Sffer- promisa? ed Ms resolution, calling tor an WHITE ROCK FRYING . \ FBEbUER CUCUMBERS 2 For 2 5 c n o u n ^ n ^ w e n t Lisen- poimcal favon sought, genuine re- tory Jobs accounted tor most of 2 P k g s a the Increase in Jobleaaness. Non- end ot hoetiUttee and fo/condem- BONELESS.•WfSBixoa. TENDER\innwcR \ Some aponaon of the original bower’s T sft-H artley pro- iief was promised." .Beigradf, Tugoslavie, Jan. 29 Bricker amendment already weM term employment feU to about —President Tito was rC-elected Washington, Jan. 29. ■(/?)—President Eisenhower says the! B IC ^U D D IN G GREEN BEA Lb. 2 5 c conceding privately it could hot posals M '"pale palliatives, Observers recalled two apeciSc 54.400,poo in January from S5JKK),- (JTi calculated falsely to soothe Ei»«n- 000 4a December, ’’ --f unanimously by Parliamrnt today Republican party/iinust be united on broad political policy 1 •***7 aimed atWting. new CHUCK ROKSt CHICKENS after pradaimlng Tugoslavta's , AppliORtlg- tho aubotanco of rather -than ffanitiitelv tn n ira bowSr on the Taft-Hartley Jaw, Ha and realize—as Abraham Lincoln advised—that “the doamaa <>g w^rii i nwii' H m m larfa teader fryara aia law la price aad Each 2 5 c !tr. J t •"t«-Communist oatJi. re- A continued deeliiM in o ir F ti^ wilUngadSB to do buebieae with all aElRiitjr aatlag laisa tryera. AVOCAD Goorga’a propoial was. aecoptabio tJlO' mantlOlu nietlllltles and rquired only of imica offlclala work also wiSf Mqtorted; Only nations—including Ruimia and the of the quiet are inadequate to fheVfonny p r S ^ r H ^ a ^ fNiSHURST FRESH to tho admlnlbtratlon. since Know- a Lincoln Day mesiiage made pii)>- Bideult did not suggest a data or cans LARGE SIZE , injustices so deeply imbedded ' ohouid either be extended to em- about 12 per cent of factory work­ Soviet satellites—on a basis of period of time for the conference. . land and other GOP leaders talked ers included in the Census aiirvav lie by the White House last night, L b . to tho Preaidont at the White in tbe set TO or taken, out of . the law;: "mutual rMpfcC,"; the Presldcirt- appealed fo r unity Molotov had proppsfd that a EacK 2 9 c he said a provision or union repoMM more than 40 hours df Leader Biui Ciold 'armament meetliig to held this W " l i ' ^ D E R L E A F PINEAPI ..... 4- Bouao yeaterday, thea returned to LEwia demanded repeal "in toto't -work, as against 29 per cent lii ■at. a time 'when some OOp Con­ Easy Army life year, -- • ? - ■..... of the 1047 Labor-Managyment Ho- re’hrese'ntation eiectibna held while The 5lyear-old 'chief of this gress members are murmuring \ laUona Law. workers were out.on strike could Communist state, his hair marked­ Backed UN Rceol\-» LEAN y ^ ^ ^ t . 7 9 . (Coattoued oa Page Thirtoea) (CfMKaiied on Page Thirteen) that certain phases of the Eiaen- TEA BAGS Declines To Testify conceivably be ueed to ^’bust" ly more grey than a year ago and hower program 'are too much like For Ex-Prbbi^r - The French resolution did qiecl- O R A f ^ S unions and needeS changing. hia voice rasping ocoasionally from the ."New Deal" of the preceding fy that the conference should con­ SeotTissue / Doz. 3 9 c . ' ' v The President of the United'Mine a severe cold,'was given an ova­ form to the U.M. General i)serin ' ■ ^ 2 foF 0 S .4 9 r - P I N K B K B D E B S ^ ^ f^ J a ._ - lJ i.s A .w o r Workera union, in a letter to. Sen, ' Btsenhower's ravistoa jwogram Democratic administrations. asks extension of the nda-OMamun- tion as he appeared before the He si^ke out at a time, too, kly resolution of Jsn. It. 1962, thus 3 I S j l l i c r y H. Alexander Smith (R-NJi, "re- lawmakeia to deliver a 70,000- Is .Under Study 'V ’ spectfully" declined an invitation 1st affidavit to employers and A ir When Senate republicana are split making the U.N. the actual span- » word State of-the-Natlon Message sw. That - resMution directed tha TOUR okA^OE mOOMTEE TAPES PEFRU1T For I to testify at hoaringa now being wpuld bar collective bargaining over basic conf.stitutionaI policy aa' Ft. Dlx, N. J., Jan. 29 (A>—The elections for a minimum of four before jiia election. , pointed up by the controversy over U.N, Ihsarmamtnt Comrainian to ■ /- held on the President'a program. continue its work on conventional As PoKce Hunt„ ISmlth' is chairman of the genate months %fter strike or wages or Aim Challenged He pledged that Yugoslavia will the Bricker amendment on treaty­ Ft. Dix Information of fleer/eaid ; WE KNOW YOU WILL Lodsb Skodders o t ... . W . 3 5 c pursue an independent path in its arms and atomic weapons in ac­ PREMIER working conditions begins. making powers. today that an Investigation ia un­ foreign policy despite friendly der way into "certain allegationa” cordance with previoua Assembly A " yT ! Lewis described the 14-polnt pro- CItea Retnra of Pae|am overtures from Russia since last Common Aim Stressed decisions. • ' ■ ENJOY FINEHURST And Lamh Fottios ot .. Ih. 35c MEAT DEPARTMENT grain this way The administration program. By Army Cl^^f that G. David Schlne got prefer­ spring after Stalin’s desth. But, "It is . . .' esaent'lal,” Elsen­ ential treatment while;taking basic One of the key aectkma of Bi- 3 Lbs. $1.00 SUCCOTASH Such amendments, if enacted, Lewis said., is haaid on "the hower declared, ‘'thst the mem- THIS IS 'TREAT TOlTRaOELP TO STEAK WEEK" AT HALE'S: Montreal, Jan. 29 fAh—Canada’s simultaneously, he made made it training here. dault’s resolution would put the tENDERCURE CORNED BEEF run to increase and compound the premise that the Labor-Manage­ Fort Knox, Ky„ Jan. 29 clear that he would pot part com- bej-s of s political patty—if the Big Four on record aa "proclaim- a ^ U. 8. CHOICE biggest city Jittered badly today The Vice Chief of Staff of the Schlne, 26, was staff consultant Shoaid ga oa year hoigat Uat. Rcowm* JACK FROST ‘felony’ already perpetrated on the ment Reiatiopa Act of ^947 is with, the WiTOt. .Which came party is to be effective—Join to­ har . ITa aaater-tw aUea taadr Lcga -ab police sought the soyoterloua Army today chaHenged-whar ha .to . Sen,. Joseph. MoCartbya iR- M>* support, and encour- ORDOMINO tabnring 'pbotia of America bt the to this country's aid after its gether to reach's cbrrinibn gbaL agement of aggrtoaioh must be hoariM chack eats aa writ ao the ar ShaaMen If yaa let them <*aer 15 c a n s SIRLOIN, PORTERHOUSE, SHORT man who has rsxor slariied 13 originisl IHiRance. A far cry, these (OsatWied oa Pago Thirtoea) called 'the “ false Ides that arm)a> Wis) pennanent investigations Women and girls in the past week. break with COminform in 1:948. Unless there is unified support of rubcommittee before he was draft­ condemned and bamied with the f r SS adaatoa after rwaariag t n m avaa. can be/disposed of by means of He rMerred to what he termed broad political policy, there is no aim of ending all hoetilitiee.” wa have Lamb Leg* la papalar ■man n ib l e t s Two attacks were reported last super Weapons delivered by air," ed on Noy, 4 last. SUGAR night. “ some msUcious guessing” in the truo political party." / , McCarthy has denied Intervien- The resolution then would have BONELBS BRISKETS riaea at aaty SSa lb. . . . 12 Ox. Can Poaottea Refnaiaa Uachaagwl West that Tugoelavta might re^ the four *Yommit themeelvee to The worst injury required 21 Gen. Charles L. Bbite conceded There must he a'political uiiity, ing 'With the military for special 5 L b . b o 9 turp to the Soviet camp despite the he added, "if our party—thb Re­ treatmcht for hia fo'rmer aide. Join their efforts, in .tha dlsenna- PINBfUBSr IS OFEN RIDAYS UNTIL 8:30 FJd. 2 F o r stitches to close. Moat, wounds that the advent .of new end terri­ have been minor, on the vtctlms* AmeHcWi Woolen Stock break with the ComInform. He publican partyT-'-is aucceasfuily to The New YqrK Post said today ment commission of the United STEAKS»8 3 ^ ble weapons of destruction has Netlons, with the elm of reading called such altegatlons "fslse.” lega. Some rictims were not aware "ihjeoted an element -cf contusion meet the responsit iUties of na­ that. the. investigation stemmed ^ -- WE AGAOf RPCOBOIEND FRESH PORK " I thliik our future foreign tional leadership with which it has from comptaihis voiced by ScMne’s . .cu'bstshtlal agreemints whira of the hurts until they saw the ■into the ,accepted concepts of war­ policy should be conducted on the f r o m B i r d s E y e Frdm Birds Eye Mood. been charged by our .people.” fellow trainee*. ■ . WiU permit calli^-a- general •••X VotiB by Injunction fare." But he said in a speech same basis as it has been in recent Capt. Harry H. Lapham. tbe Dlx FBESH SHOULDEBS 49e Last night's attacks %Ver0 at op­ -prepared for the Armor Assn., years, because it produeed useful In talking of hia administration’s information officer, acknowledged (Oeatiaued aa page. ‘nirteaR) TH E N E W For a alee pork roopt - baaad If dcalrad—wbw low pricr. posite ends of the city, at cloec to' here that, despite the deyeiopment reeulta in preserving our inde­ program, Eisenhower touched Rsmble Bee Sole 57e obliquely on aspects of it which that an investigation haa been or­ BEEF FOT FIES the same time. Police speculated Boston, Jan. 29 (VP) — A to say that it was not formally dis­ df new means of destruction and pendence, integrity end in defying dered. - r. ■ there might be two rasor wlelders new strategic concepts, the tpiric have brought tome critlclam with­ / IT LOOKS UKE A REAL WEEK OF BARGAINS: court injunction today halted cussed at today’s brief meetliv- an economic blockade,” Tito said. He said MaJ. Gen. Gornclius -E at work. Descriptions of the at­ On the agenda for the 11 a.m. function of the Army remains un­ in the party ranks—those phases 1 dt roRdor, 1 ot Va p ik o. Promlor Old Foiblootd STRICTLY FRESH DRESSED POULTRY votiny Jby American Wotden dealing with the government’s Ryan, commander' of Ft. Dlx, ' SPINACH 19e tacker also vari^ widely. apecial meeting were Uieee man- changed—to prepare for war end (CoatiBued; M Page Thirtoea) would hays no comment until the JACK FROST CAPETTE ROASTING LARGE, PLUMP Pear sjiread tbroueh the city Co., stockhcJders on a 19-mil- agement pixqioeals: to win it should it come. role in such fields aa housing, so­ Bulletins cial security and health. probe was completed—in about a rTCHm PINEAPPLE of a million' persons. Several lion dollar Stdok ’retirement 1. To discard ae '"unnecesaary Bolte referred to the recently in- week or 10 days. F d o c o CONFECTIONl He said the "mandate” of the froR i the AP LA ROSA schools closed early so children RFOfl'gram. The ffetlon 'came and -uaecowooslc” 41 of-Uio- oom- aounced peclaion to cijt' the A m y's - Schlne himself Completed his f o r CHICKENS FOWL could' be; hqime before the dusk paoy’a mlUa which house 50 per else and his other TOmarka were people in the. 1952 election ' ‘re­ o r I R O W H withithin minutes of th^-opening quires that we share Lincoln’s con­ period at Dix on Jan, 16 and left - /■■■ Spaciieni see Go ISPAGHETTI or KBO W Meaty, Tender A Q f , CotildfiH Be Bctfer rush hour. Pollto got 2.000. eeqt of .its weaving capeiMty. . made against the background. of on furlough before reporting for phone calls during a 3-hour period of the Stockholders’ meitipg 2. To apend nearly 20 million the announced new strategic con­ cern for the‘proper role of govern­ DORTCH PW IIT CONTINUES MACARONI can aaoa^aaaaaada News Tidbits ment in helping and protecting all advanced training at thb Provoat SUGAR last night from persona who in a hotel and resulted i^ ff dollars to buy back two issues of cept which heavily emphasiaes su­ Marshal School in Camp. Gordon, New Lendee, Jnn. » flh-A new Called fron .^P Wires our citlsens,” and a^ded:' appeal will be tekau to tha State thought they had seen the slasher. postponement' of the session preferred stocks on whIMi the com- [ perior air power and new weapbna Ga Just Reduced It s New SANDWICH SPECIAL: Suspect Under Arrest at some expense in Army men- "It waa in such : concern that Sapreme Ceurt in a farther eftert See Oakiie ^ 2 f k g s . 2 P k g s . until Tuesday. pany now pays about a milUon' there was Recently ’placed before The course will run from eight j ANGEL UGHT ^ ^BJUiniEG BRAND ^ . At„ least. one ggseest, hsd __been doUers. a .year at four and seven Po****- „ to aave Geerge Marvhi Detteh. B8TTY CROCKER - x-Aa-the eteekheklere’ meeting was He expressed concern lest some Key congressional /Democrats Jr.,*94, rrear the eierteie cMIr. Dermmstndhn arrestod, but. ppUcs aaid prelim­ called, to order, noUce of the re­ per c « L “ (CeaUaned oa Page Thirtoea) (Coattaaed ea Page TMrtoea) BETTY CROCKER'S inary .questioning Indicated he Stockholders, ers epltt In tour Americaiw ihight eveii be deluded declare Preaideat Euenhower's ■a sras cw vteted s( ftrat dsgroa AND PILLSiURY FROZEN c straining order was read and tlia. program .teUs ter abort D P J C IO U S , was not the- wanted man. , They, M tlM" prapoaoiJ^ one in Into advacatitig4ke abolition :ef the sshMer hrlM Yfsr ttsTMa) state: GETSILViRCUANING chairman announced^"This megt- He declared'*' that "Ddlll Or GEIGCQYG RCtlOQ TO sMGC vOTTElIt Mng e9 Mrs.' tteesMiy ' gehasttsat • “ questioned dosens of persmis addi- ing cannot therefore proceed with favor and three e i least partially A m y .. SIKEHRURS' FLATE FREE WITH toglc and the ieaspn jof v Korea business dip...Sen. Jenner (IL- •_'-t;tSSS5«iftS2SSSir-; ■ lE.lMPawcatack.... A N G E L F O O D X FOOD LB. ticR«^ but so- ter an>sv«d. to any buebiess and ts poetponed until Francis W. White, 60-yeer-old proved that the "only way to de­ Ind) says Senate Internal Security Boycott Tightened GOLDEN, WHITE OAKITE FURCHASE have no real leaded next Tueeday." subcommittee' wiU try to fix re­ Cold,Cato at Hala'a are alway. fmihly aliord A new twist was added- last preeldmt of American Wooten, feat grqund forcea Is by ground BEBGSON ACQUITTED • CHOCOLATE, TELLOW C A K E M I X yoo ardor. Wa At that time the quesUon of a forces." sponsibility for order reputedly is- SPECIALS ka,va a largo varloty and tap gaallty. night to the phantom attacks: permanent injunction will come up leads /the group which expressed B, Jaa. 89 UK—pem er' /' ■ ‘The Army's second ranking chief sued by WMte House in 1944 re­ U. 8. Atty. Gea. Osrte The man laugbted in bis victom's in court. accentod by the majority of stock- sulting in destruction of Navsl in- F or ^SNOW cifO P GREEN face. boldm aa ftnanclally sound and •aid also that the full potentialities Rivers Could Be Used rr4 A. Bergssn was scqallted to* 2 6 3 c 5 5 c Textron Made Offer of United States glolwl air power teUigence fUee oa Red activities. day ef YtslatiBg tee federal sea- CONTADINA W o always is a ^ o nombor of dHftr- Mae Meikle, 21, told police that Stockhoidere were to have con- economically wise. C U T o r F R E N C H C U T a man accosted her as she walked President Bayar of Turkey .cau­ IMct-ef-latereat law. . DINTY MOORE eidered end voted bn two major e opposition group Is headed (CWattawd va Page Pear) SAVE ON THESE STARLAC tot allot of ciawood kom for year along a secluded avenue and toM. three Boston directors: Pred- tions Congress that-'"new fires Non Fat Milk management propoaals. Eariier. may * brsak out" in world and For Irrigation, Power TWO-TIME LOOlOt AND SAVE YOUR Tomito Piste sd octioo ; for •d^doticioM^ diimor. for her: "There^ blood on.your leg." Textnai, Inc., had offered to buy C. Dumelne, President of the Makes 5 Qoarls BEANS She said he stood with her a names United Nstions and. NATO Nsrwteh, Jaa. 29 (P>—Firs ef BEEF STEW 39c ORANGE TAPES control of American Woolen and Haven Railroad; fornier Gov- as beet defeases againet them.. . . 3 C o n s lL b .P k r. g ift s , o r t o k o o p no y o o t r t fr ig o r o t o r short time, expressing concern. operate it aa a aubaidiary. lor Joseph B. Ely of Meeeechu- Three Hospitalized Editor's NoUit The Moly Laad 'of< the Jordan VaUey water ra­ nadetermhwd erigia tetoy •* . ■ I American apokeamcn refuaed to r • I . ■ ♦ . India faces almoot certain teUure thrsugh a dine and oiworgtocy sbtlf. in her request that U N. General id adjaceat areas have rl%vra sources. KIUFT SINNER sHvmrnMi: (Dautlaued ea Page Pew ) Icomment on Textroh’s offer except (Cealtened so Pago Ponr) whose ureters Could bring a better A ' good share of the water rant tore today 4 to ox. 5 - 3 / In Railraad Crash Assembly meet again.soon to de­ eattsMtod by DICED BEETS bate Korean proMema. ^ gfe to nfillloas. But plains .to bar- saved under this schemo would to i)rriigate IsraeU fields---nearly i ; YltagOtaae at S7H Ob. Pkg. 2 7 c i2Vac COO' 10 COM $1.' H d o't soofood eOMotor kos salt cod strips, os woR- Ntw York State legislative in­ aees these streansa are boggcd^la Cochran, Ga., Jan, 29 if) — A heetile iVd tape and high political bUlion cubic feet a year. Jordan 555L Absut 14 yaain aga h GOLD MEDAL OR 08 swordfisk. koPbotj koddock, cod, m oword. Bos­ southern Railway passenger train vestigator aayp reeeat toqulry into would receive 27 bUHon cubic feet iar fire alas rsaset danteito « t . EVERYDAY VALUES- UBBTS RED L fund-raising acUritlea of Disabled deelsloa. In this ftaal arftcr 9S51559 to thq PILLRRVRY ton bkw, sedmoo. oystors. ote. derailment at nearby Em^re early the Arab-lsrael sltuattoa, and Syria. IH bUUons. BtaRUe B«d T e r r . . . . 4 1 c F L O U R . Lro. B o g $2.15 PRBCOOKED today sent at least three persons American Veterans wSa not in- le«M peenllar to the arid b The Jordan River has bsea pourr B rfad Pack T ore . . . . . 3 4 c CAMPBELL'S Good supply moons good prko oo to a hospital with injuries. teadtd to discredit veterans' or- fully sum-eyed. ing well over 35 bUlion cubic fact CAB H e rrio f A score or so others were re­ gaaitationa .*. Rebel Vietmlnh pa­ of fresh wrater into tbs salty Dead New Terii. TOMATO SOUP 10c FISH STICKS Washington, Jan. 29 (P)—The r-the shielding against radioacU' 235 ia processed) the sUe of a golf ported ' aheken up or slightly trols tanks their*first' stab into - Jerusalem, Jan. 29 (A*)—The Jor­ Sea each year for centuries The 855 sraighers I^Tom to SuKc ...... 39c BOB HOPE SAYSi' atomlo reactor which will provide The etaem tiirbine which will ball la equivalent to 459,000 gal­ outer defensas of Dien Bein Phu, ant the GREEN MT. POTATOES FBESHTw HITE SCALLOPS 65c bruised. No one was killed. dan River has been flowing plscid- plan to save this water and devlae fkn^ig Coffee ...... 91e the power for the aubmarine Nau-1 its heat from the atomic "fl lons of oil, or six ' million pounds Cochran is lii central Georgia. last big French fort stronghold In ly through the Holy Land since the most efficienf means of devel­ atrtks.today tituB will be put into the boat on ‘ already waa la p l a ce wh of coal." 8 A W C d f M ...... 99e 10 L b . Bor ...... 3 5 c / J I L L - O WEEKEND 'THONE PICKUP" MEAT ORDERS SHOULD BE Flrit reports here of the accident, NorUiwsstoni Indochina. BibUcal times and longer. Today oping tha valley's water resources 7 0 Z . CALLED m THE DAY BEFORE PICKUP Peb. 19, Adm. Robert B. Carney Neutllua went down the we Tho Nautilus, said Carney, gives were vague. Patrolmen James Hor­ British film teebaiclans cry it ia tangled up in a 20th Centuo' was coinmiaaor.ed and financed by Beedurat Coffee ...... 99e SO L b . Bor ...... R f c diacloaed today. ‘ Hull Kept Llgh^t Cknwtloa Milk ..2 for 27e GOLDEN the Vnitod Rbttte Navy t ^ lead ton skid he understood five Pull­ foul over plans to show fUms of economic boycott. the United Nations RcUtf and P U B B n W t THIS WEBk FREEZER SPECUa: The Chief of' Naval OperaUoas, j However, to ssae the in atomic eiapnetor. *Tet the Nau-. man coaches left the track end Amsrlpaa te l^Islon i ehbwe such as Water means food and wealth Works Agency for Palestine refu­ rraac Joice Sic CARROTS 2 Booches 25c ti»' an article written for the cur- the huge S-OOg-toa hUil tihis ia but the Model,T of our that 2S persons were either hurt or “I love Lucy"... Prime Minister'ja this dusty part of the world. gees. It wsa hoped tbs plsa would S N O W C R O P 0. S. ChaiM Srate B e d ! H lafw trtE r lb. SSt rekt ediUoo of the mageaine ‘N e- launMiiiig . mocedure, the Natro of tomorrow,’’ he added: shaken up. Shin:ru Toahlda skys he wants to And -food and wealth are two items point the way to laad and F o r tion’b Bustaeae.’^ aaid that on that vreight weight of thkr^SSS fuel *Boeucity .praesuUoM necea- In Washington, the railrosd’a eUck with preeeat Jepaaeee Coa­ which the Arab states—embarked devetopmeat which would provlds ladadoD Stoaka, Baaad Raaata, aaiae .Stowlag ar Graaad Meata. date the *nmique eaglne’.’ wUl.be control equipisoBt .w) aarUy prevent me from diacloalag headquarters said qigbt of the: 14 st! tattea which denounces war on a policy of economic strangula- farms and work for soane o<''tha AtPinehurst P l U l N G S ##< OBANCE JUICE Wo eat—yaa wrap. . . -gtemi ta the Nautilua The craft jaaUllaUon later at ia detail the kniigct of the atomic can left the track. A JDroken rail even if "it is a *MacArthur Oon- tioh of I;M cl—would like to deny 863.000 Arab cstogsss aitUag Mty laimched at the Groton. Ckmn., out dock. The reactor engtoe on our, fl0g|. Bitch dia- w u blamed. « sUtution.’ " ^ ■ their noigtibor'. sround the borders-oC larnal toi; 5rard»of the Electric Boat Division Sion iqiitewinH eras built etconre would only otrvo to aid our The railroad said the train waa V. 8. RUel Corp. Board Chair­ TVA Plaa Rejected nearly .six years, ' lof Geamral Dynamics Corp. Jan. 31. fhwtdeo... . ' , , aouthbouad from Attanta to Bruns­ man Benjamin F i^ ta i says rse- .Tbit is the reason no Arab goy- .The TVA .planning Ip d ite Ute CamfT'a reference ebvloiia^ "T W atom-poweirod fleob of to- w ig , GA, when the accident-oc- ponsibility for prosperity or ra-* crameat has approved the ptaa Utter fsMlagr hotaaMCioig sRi 12 was to tlM emplacoawBt of the fla- 'Tke pRoatlal aaargy in i ' ' - 3 ceteiMi reiiU eqaanly with la- prsonrsd by tlthe Tsnnsssen VaUey 2 " ““ fiielAad flaal datoUo ti eg o f OR rage Wmm) AaUmrtty tor unified devsIaWBiat

1 ■' ■ V X • ; / ' 1 • ■ ' i ■ il'-r- ■■ J . 1, 4 -. " ■" , ■/’ ; ^ '■ ■ ■ k- k ife-,, >•-». MANCHESTER EVENING ilERAlJa/MAN(^ffiSTER* CONN^ FRIDAY, JAlJuARY 29, 1»M* '.»[ •-f. V . ■ ■X- SIlibonA^LM en^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY) JA R Y 29, 1964 C en ter iaris nr To^eel Tue^ay In Fall into Mixer kpili * i. ion In ^lAUln S o w ers Four H onored l>y Hfuniphester JLo^ge ollBIkft e C u t. Gibbon* Xwemtoly, CUilb-ittllc ^ A 'St-^war*oM - Heritord"riOii- r r r of Oolumbud, nmetft litpictlon worker, who escaped 'I>Madfty at 8 p. m. in tht Knlflita BylibM PBIEDMAN .ftrialist who reawkkena the fthari- S em TFdlUng ~ Plants T O YOU at Columbus Hom*. - The Center ThespUme maintain­ dal and eocUu imotUons of fta- death or serious'injury when his ed their record as a competant gisa.. ' UUck-soled boot Jammed tha blade FoUowinc the business session, A HEARmeAlDS pictuftM wtu be showb arid a talk imateur thaatrical . group laai Edith Moore, as Addis tha Na? of a cement mixer after he had •* ^ 40-Hour W ork B A T-T E B ? K C ^ B DB«>BBrAIBB night at tha Bowers School, wherd > ntiounced. Quota M ' ' fit on the subject *‘Our Heritafe,” gro .mald, and Edward Custer, as fallen tntp It from t scaffold, is ) ffniAIICE they gave a convincing partorm- Cal tha Ntgro aorrarit, both do scheduled to' undergo aa operation i Hef|uce /Costs ^Fohoiqs will be given by a .representative arice of the euccessful Broadway from Micbael'a local Jewelers. tyell Sttough in two rolaa deriiand- tor amputation of partsof two toes. RockylUe, Jan. (CpeclalV—r^day night.at the Pqllab American hit, ‘The Uttle roxea.'* i Saturday atW ln ^am Community i r U. Economy Order In charge of tbe program and u g moro skill than can ba gen­ UiUeab many m'dra volunteer Club wlU be aponaored by the V. 21 MATLE ST. ' Tha play, baaad on the time­ Memorial HospttM PERSONAL HEARING SSBVICil .the social time hi follow wiy be erally asked of non-profeesloaals. donor, sign up this r ^ k . or there F. W,; ' tha annual auction o f the worn thismea of avarica and ambt- Doctors had thought that Philip / Overtime operations at Pratt O F M A N C'R I E s n a L i Mrs. Henry Skelty. chairman; are many walk-lna, the viaiU of Mobae OHub will be held Saturday; Uon, ^gave: tba local actors and' On the wbolic the alliri au4cace Goes, 1S8 Irving St., Hartford, aori Ann Marley. will aponsor her an­ 44 IN ■'.iW, Snd/^hltney’a flve plants In the 868 MAIN «' Mrs. John Daley. Mrs. Leon at Mra.'Philip Cosa. 123 Helaii^ the Bloodmobile urtlt on .MoncUiy Browns, Mrs. JCrnest Mattiss. Mra ' responded fav^'o ly to the Thka- will fail inr abort, of ita. qUota«‘ nual MihatrelXthe first .week in s tfie are being reduced, W illiam P; ciae their wide arid varlad talchta. plana perfonnaSro. There Rd., would have to loiw hit fo o L ^ February, and the food aale Feb. Glenn MirtL Especially ^ r t h noting was tha will be necessary, however, Mrsm- The unit will be sLatloned as ln ^winn, general manager, an­ Mrs. C. H. 'Johnson, of Colum­ few 111light momentavm the emotioq- sterling performance of Ruth packed play, but the action wa« putate only part of two tpn on his Elks Home nounced today. bus St., reminds the members to Rowley in the role of Regina Qtd- 7 \A good enough to hold Die audience right foot- 12^5"t?v3S n*™* AUy.’'* Kahan report, nearly A He said more than half of 'the n r e that their donations for the dena, the tempestuous, social The accident O^Urred on Fri­ J a.40-to 6.30 p.n\. Walk-ins with-^nogo , ■r general food sale, benefit of the in rapt attention for Uia two and collected in Stafford 35,000 PA'W A ahop and office em­ climbing wife of a falling Southern a half hours running Urn* ''' day of last waek^at the University out appolntmenU will he welcome Springs with /wbig eventX ployes are now working a regular March of Dimes'* are to be deliv­ aristocrat, adequataty* played by of ConnocticyL^at Storrs. Goss, an at any time since the quota is 150; bi ered early tomorrow morning at Occasionally, .tka . THnfa nf ' ■ i ■'dM-planned and shout .3200 40-hbur week achedule and that OrphurdiNews! Allah Coe, 3tl off a ML with the actora employs M the Aasoclatcd Con- .w . (Elltngton, This latUfrflgiire'^la "further reductions In overtime the store, 691 Main St. between DtIfIcaM Bole strucUpir Oo., toppled from the Biasell S t and Brainard Place. one or two cues, but very i Chapter say pected to be at Iwiat doubled f w ill be made aa work achedulea *rhe role of Regina was a diffi­ were muffed. While it could ■ca^fdld Into the mixer operating wlT* «> day with the Youth Drive on>ollo permit." AT OUR STAND cult one to master. The complex ^ o w him, j . bajiiy that Uie blood program la! being held by/the Senior EXTENDED rOBECAST epmpared with a Broadway . It waa explained that some de­ nature of this woihan'a character duction, wa are obliged to off “**I’*"B .*'P current needs Fellowship ak a raplaeen>4nt for partments are still working longer Boston, Jan. 20

^The tem­ . . . a woman who took pleaauro our congratulations to this in the hosprtais. Ju-‘Just - Iasi------month, the Mothers' Drive on hours fo r various reasons, such as nifSH»M;mFROM perature in New Englsmd during her .hu8band!a approaching working gronp of nmati N autilus A*Etteine- all auppUca at the Hartford center Coventry iial'~d611^ed' About vnftlled back orders. • .... • THE oieiMiQR the next S days, Ssiturday through with Its concomitant, financial, were exhauated on one occasion. Wednesday, will average . near bavo pr^uetd ' aome^rigking ax- \ , ^ / $235 (uid'Roltdn nearty $600. Oth­ Gwlnn’a announcement today wards . . . presented a real i^al- tremely worth aaaiagX Tha program . of. alockpillng cooum normal in Southern New England langa to tha acting aktll pt Mrs. Complete er communities inJme county are was expected In view of an earlier WEJMIE SPECIUJSTS . , ^ arid slightly below normal in . Pe^Mpathe onlpnal dlaappolnt-. blood derlvRtivea for combatting not. gutdy..fo ma)ut their reportA atatoment from the engine;^r,od,uc.- -Rowley.'" ' ■ ' mant wa txpartineod waa In the polio Alia'”(ilh'?l''Cises. ".deperidOi’ upon Northern New England. Xfoderat- PhllUp Burgese sad .BriUiam H. yet./Kahan reminds realdenta that rhig company Which said that the ing temperatures over the week­ number 'o f ^people who stayed « Page’ Ooa) an Increase in blood collections at diiring the past 12 months a total production force had reached its MctNTdSHg BALDWINS ...E N B OUR SPEOMLTY Blown, as Rcglns's scheming away. Tba show will run tonight end then turning colder again, the avery visit of the bloodmobile unit. og $8,790.83 was expended In Tol- employment goal o f 35,000 and that brothers, Ben end pscar Hubbard, and tMriomw night and would ha beginning of nex* week. two over-shrewd Southern busl- nsorrow— n W n I emphasise to­ Anyone with normal blood pres- /land County by the National overtime would be reduced. In line and RED DELICIOUS Precipitation during this period k^dVening well apeat for thoao morrow. but\ not overnight—urill turdvMd blood coUnt, between they, Foundation of Infantile Paraly- with a Defense Dept, request to . ...IS QUUJ T WORK nesamcn try in g ^ make a fortune sum-anjoy the laglUa»ate atage.but 1 Win on the average total over H' in new Induatml kdveritures,' wer|t need netther-rrifuehng stationx nor a g d a ^ L l& .and 69 can. be a blootl A t a-soctal held a t the E lk f C ar-. lo^x-er production costs.' COME AND SEE OUR HNE DISPLAY ipch melted, occurring as mostly And it Inconvenient to psake the refueling ships, ^ e ship will have donor without any ill etfects (thoie riage House Tuesday evening a Gwlnn- gave no esttmaUT^Of the ' F«rty yoars of doinf fine dry denning extremely Mievabit. trip to New T o A ^ _ P F FRUITS ANIPVEGETAKES snow in Northern New England tYielr nefarious activities, con­ unlimited cruisthg range. The under'Tt must' haVe Jiarehlal Con­ collection waa taken which recit­ AlJaii Photo. number o t employed affected or the for this commonity has proved that only and aa snow or iWln in Southern ducted practically on tba bier of Others daaervlng praise Include ships will be enabled, through nu­ sent). Donors may.give once .every ed In $35 being received for the neas W m m lttce; a member ot the There are 156 yeara o f Elkdix amount of money the company ex­ haa tickets available fo r the bas­ OPEN DAILY 8 A.M.vt« 9 f/U the best gives complete satisfaction. Per- Now England iinis weekend and this none to beloved brother-in- A. William Astley, for hi# highly clear power, to .utilise the tremen­ sight weeks, or net more than five drive. Men’s\Unlon of the chiirch and he represented by these four local pected to save through the pro­ ketball game in the Armory Sun­ asanel, equipment, service, all are the finest law presented a tragicomical as- ceiripatsnt work as director; Jack dous hUIl space, now 'given over to Umea a year. , A t the meeting of the Elks held served ^Fayette Lodge, A.F.AA.M., men who were honored at a nieet gram. SUNDAYS 8 A.M. 4 f k again about;1^e middla of next day afternoon. It will be Elks week. ■ / pact^ct^ated to reach the coldest Mortlmar, Robert Martin, Marrill oil storage, for more -planes, for Donors are reminded not to caV last evening, an additional $15 waa Adonlram Chapter and Council. He i^g of the Manchester Lodge of P&WA'a plants are at Ektst . . . and aM op to customer satisfaction served tor two terms as council-■ 1893, Wednesday night when Day as the British Americans op­ midience. ^ > Adama and Janet Mortlmar for more aviation gasoline (on car­ Cineme$cep#*i AnomarpMc Uns within four, hours of their appolni- voted. Hartford.' Southington, North — ftm r IB, year o a t their dUigenca in aaaambUng the riers), foxmore weapons, ammuril- ^ \ ' ment fata, meats, friro foods and . Motorista Warned ' man from the third ward. He w-as 27 new candidates were^nitiated pose the Bristol Tramps in an Haven, Meriden and Portland. Others . in the cast who gave MMAIO MSnON • NAN tamONt Pracau on the newly erterted, nwre than adaquata performances set; Charlaa Tlndle, WlUia Gay. tion and orimr material. . . -i eggs. Light refreshments %re de­ judge or probate from January ,„to the lodge. Eastern League enc.oun*er. Mc­ Have yoa tried oar emergency One-Day VKIOS M*nM • kSOtAR MNNS The Board of Selectmen have Veigh urges all local Elks to sup- were Betw England, aa Alexandro Bras Burgasa, Norman Well, Doris "The p o w ^ speed, and tnvtsibll- aaleMlan-lMIIWS curved. Mirhela Mirror Seraan, sirable including Iriiit, fruit Juices; JM7 to .fgDuary 1949 and at the , ^ gh t and the date Cock fighting, introduced from Berries? issued a warning to persons who time of. his\ death was a teller at Oe^ens, Regina’s aheltared daugM^ and Everett Bclding, Jodie Golnlk, Ity of the atom-powered sub gtvee M>aamswwe new Stereophonic Sound, onvol- bread, crackers, dry tqiist; raw have been parking their, autos in of their installation into the Hart- i apecisE attraction, an- the East became popular in the us a weapon as santastic aa those mnMauewcsWau* the Peopl«’s\Savtngs Bank. late Roman Empire and remained ero Green Stamps ter Who finally rebelled against Cliare DeRoes, OaiM Wood. Betty ___ filB—MDMBfi— opoi you in tho Ctomol Mirodo of vegetables or vegetables boiled in the town officials’ parking area , r-u I n M iford Lodge of Elks, 19. oldest' f.*^*’**' the social activi- Uundberg. Charlea Towle. Edward in the wqrld of BU^k Rogers,, but He laavro h(a wile, Christine M.-- .^ e Town Clerk I Proffrani. l lckets mav also popular in Europe and England 76 OAKLAND ST, MANCHESTER her mother's mendacity: Penny YHEROIII plain w-atcr; Jgm, jcll.v, or honey; next to the Memorial Building, Richter, as BinMa Hubbard, thri vTMakell and Arnold Thompson, one that la real. pMutlcxl and— I awTSh I aSSohs skimmed milk, blapk coffee' or tea Starting immediately any motor Cray Mead; one son, Gordon Nel- ; j Turklngton, June 7, purchased at the 1k>x office. until quite recent times. B combined with equally fahtastic flighty wife of lean and hungry ithout whose able business man- 'With -aUgsr, / — Vehicle found pa'rked In the Town b L ^ ? m Adminis^^^ G. "Chappy" Pentland. (, . - • r i O s w and Donald Richter, aa Wil­ meat the play would not have weapons which we already have ; Mrs. Eipily Idason, bloOd donor Officials’ Parking Area that is not In local florist. June 12.1913: George and arc using—devastatlngly de­ FLUS— SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS liam Marahall, a ylridus- posMlile. chairm a^ urge's residents to rally connected -with town government tlon in Provld£.nce, R. I.; one Graaladio. realtor. Dec. ’ « — T^Y'rmnTfirmniiifiiniimiiBiiinwniinBaiMniiiiiw’iifiBiiiiaiiiiiiiii structive./ \ daughter, Mrs. Alan Timm of PRICE' SCAlis' 'rais ENGAGEBIENT ONLY ■ to the c*i'4 « foi" Monday’s visit, will be towed away at the owner’s Simsbury; one slater, Mrs. Arthur I NEW MODEL expense', On several occsisloni o f­ ney. Brothers, Dec. 18, 1918, EVENINGS—ADULTS ft.00—MATINEE. ADULTS Y4e call chapter office and make Schultx of WlnterXPark, Fla., his LAUHUY I IRY CLEENINI CBilldren at aU ttnaes S5c—An prices Ineioda -tax. an a|)polhtnvcnt or simply go to ficials have called attention to father, William MeSd, df this city Exalted Ruler Albert E. Cotter 0 n n . es tha/Elks. Home.;. No. ..one. knows these xeguJatipns and. now (Iraatic and twu grandchildrgn. - and his staff from the Hartford. ,^“-1 Manchester WEEK-DAY SCREEN TIMES I polio \may- strike in this actlpn will be taken. The funeral will be held tomor­ Lodge conducted' initiation cere­ IN KEITH S-MID«WINTER SALES! l e n "THE RORE" 2i20-8tia-8i4S PJ«. ‘ ylrm ity, or dn emergency arise; Coming Events row at 2:30 p. m.- at the White monies ifor the new members of SATURDAY, SUNDAY, CONTINUOUS FROM 1:M PJI./ . And we do not want the Blood The Vernon Grange will meet Funeral Home. The Rev. Forrest the liKal lodge, bringing to nearly Date Book tonight with "F am ily and Mem­ '"00 the total memberslilp since ' Coaum^cations for publications In tha Open Forum will not "THE ROBE” l.-99-8t85-fi:10-8t48 FJd. _/ I ‘y6 ank to be foiindyempty, Musser, pastor o f the Union Con-/ STORE HOURS: Claaai • Theft Prohei Ends bers Night” being observed. There gregational (^lurch will officiate. institution last June. There were Wedneadaya A t N oom, Opea be Jiuaranteod jubUcatiOB if they contain more than 300 words, wia.ba -a pot luck aupper at 9;3Q. ntany visiting Eika from all over ■f... irald 'riM^ias tba' iniht lo declirie fo publ(ih~aiiy iriattar Tonleht and Tbinbmw .-"'-7 — Tho-tevesttgation' maoe roiicern- Burial'wilt be in Grove Hill Cem^ Ea-ery.nwraday CroBhir Ub- ,/• Ing two Ellington youths arre.^ted followed by the meeting. fery. Friends may call a t, th'e N ew England and the east in at­ tU 9. Regular Houra From I ranue & fiitL Oil may ba..Ubelous or which ia in bad tasta. Fraa exprasaion Center Thespians* producUon of The Rockville High School tendance. political vfewe la dealipd .by .rontributions^pf this .fharacUr "The.Wttle roxes,”. Bowers JSchool PLAYING / I Tuesday after a.car they had'taken funeral home this' evening from -9 A . M. UntU 5:89 P. N . ■"— c— without permissloir ■ "from "' the basketball.. .team' w ill meet JDie. 7 to 9"p; m:------' “ ' .-More - than >250' -- dinners ' were It lettars which are defamatory or abuaiva wiU ba rejacted. auditorium, 8:30 p.m. \V(X)drbw Wilson High tonight at G H AI Scranton Motors used car lot. turn- served by the dinner committee Tomorrow the Sykes Gymnaaltun. the first JiMeph J; Jelinek - X- Polio Bait, State Arr'.ory, 9'p.m. bled a utility pole on Unl l Armory TEL posing the people ao, how can A meeting open to the public gerald, Edward Burdett, Walter tatorriUp In Mknehester. YWCA Homemakers Holiday , evading responsibility, ' u.sing a Barbara Wocel Jelinek. — thaaa five dlractors expect to be w ill be held to ^ g h t at 7:30 p. m. Tedford, Raymond Gosselln and I program, Community Y, 9:30 a.m. motor vehicle without |he owner’s He waa, form erly a weaver in Thrilling Savings Opportunity For Mahei^ater! Keith’i Featuro The R a p u b lk ^ . . parly. has. al­ re-elected M offlceT • permission and obtaining Intoxi­ in We.sleyan Hall, with the theme Paul/Fltch. Wednesday. Feb. 19 . SEE IT ON OU SCREEN the local mills. A veteran of World Chairs , . . In A ll Style* And Cpvera. A t Draatlc. Price Reductiona. ways baan tba majority, and now, cating llqudr by^alse statement. "The Christian at Work In Thia Exalted Ruler James H. Mc­ you claim there la .a dictatorship. I voted for Mr, Bowers believing Valentine card party. Group C, War I, he was a past commander Many Aro In Limited Quantitiea . . . Pli^ To Ghooae Yours Early! him to be on.; who would carry Robert Cole, 18, his companion. Couhtry?” Veigh today announced he atill Such a humorous aditorial,... you Center Church, 1:30 p.m. The ReV. Nathan Burton of of the loiAl VFW Post. He was out hU obligations tfi tba people Will b e , charged with using the sliould be a comedian. Whaisa motor Vehicle without the owners Stafford .Springs and Mrs. Burton also a member of the Ehka. X matter, la the shoe on the wronr as tbe majority atgnlfied by their w ill be/the guest speakers. He ia survived by his wife, Eva high Mass at 9 a.m.. at St. Ber­ vo^e» i find J have been sadly permission and also obtaining foot? There vdll be a Cub Pack meet­ Aubin Jelinek of this city; one son, nard’s Church. Burial w ill be in St. X ’ misted. I wlsb now l could retract ,/ liquor by false statement. The opr Tufted Chair If you bad attendad the sneet- - erators of two of the city’s liquor ing tonight at 7:30 p. m. at the Norman, of L.3rnn, Mass.; his Bernard’s Cemetery. V ialfing hours my vofbi fUnca this cannot be done Union Church social rooms. mother, MrA Barbara Jelinek; one w ill be tomorrow from 7 9 p.m. A t Right. Regularly $89.59! A hand- /CHEVROLET/ Ing, and I say meeting very loose­ perhaps some way can yet be outlets have been summoned to ap- to ly, the boosC hisses and catcalls, ./pear at the trial of the youths Suit Settled for. $3,250 brother, Friuik; four sisters', Miss and Sunday, froih 2 to 5 and 7 to aomely styled Chair in choice of Green ' found to defeat Mr.. Bowers and W . John Schappprer of Stafford Rose Jelinek, Miss Mildred Jelinek, 9 p.m. or Toaat Tapestry with emitted by most of tbe crowd, you his five man Metatorahip. Per­ Monday in City Court. would have to admit, that 'was M Perassa Laaist TELEVISION Accordtng lro police both of the Springs yesterday agreed to ac- Mrs, Stephen Ryan, and Mrs. John Luxurious Foam 'Rub- QK haps some of tha legal minds in "Here Come ArlcBa. Dahl dictatonhip in aetloo. not giving - boyA-aeceived Albert .Mill of. the r-ept $3,250 a* sattlaroent for his Burns, all o f thia city .and four Talroth'llle items-are nofw haa- ber Seat. Save exactly town can find soma wsy.^ of ex­ Tbe Girls” tba other side a ckaace to ba beard "SaSgaree” Silver Dollar Tavern* Hnd Psipt Tolland County Superior Court grandchildrcn. d l^ through the Manchester Eve- $30 at pelling'Mr. Bowers and hiia '‘gang” Tech. S:IS Tech. S;SS-B:SS intalligantly. Lyga. one' of the partners o f Pete’s damages suit Instituted against A military funeral will be held n ^g Herald Rockville Bureau Furthermore, the derogatory from tha Board of Directors. Cer­ Bet. 1 s.si. "PriMBcr at Zraea’*, PROGRANISII ' and Frank’s Package Stord', by Concrete Service, Inc., of Windsor Monday at 8:15 a.m. from the located at One Market St., •tele- remarks made by the epcakers tainly aomathlng must be done be­ -Tteh. 4 CartaaasI S Btaasea! showing an altered ID card and Locks. Burke Funeral Home with requiem hone Rockville 5-3136. fore these people get their hands 6«a., "WalklBf Habr Bark. Uaaia" were uncalled for, certainly no "Si Blvrr Blrerl” I Video Everyday—All Rights Reserved—H. T. Dickinson * .,lnc. birth certificate. Schapperer claimed Patsy A. r need of ittat a tovrii .BSeetlng. on tha plana for tha- new high Cole changer! the Army ID cnird Verdi^lo; driving a company school and ruin them too. truck - .on W est Street, Windsor Much credit should be given to and Doherty changed a birth cer­ The oppoSiUon of these five peo­ tificate to indicate they had passed Locks, June 24, 1952, was operat­ Mr.,Bowers, Mrs. Fltspatrick, Mr. ing in a negligent manner, and Paton, Mr. Mahoney and Mr. Kan-i ple to the people of this town Is their 21st birthdays. Just not understandable. It baa I The arrests were made following smashed into a car driven by nedy for the ability to have ab­ George Perko, In which Schap­ March/of Dimes sorbed the undue crificism , that been provfa that tha supposed a complaint from Scranton Motors savings to tho paople la negl^bla. that a car had been stolen from perer was a passenger. The plain­ waa hurlCd upon ' them by the ON*OUR-GI SCREEN we have a cdrii- tiff claimed Injuries to the head, speakers and the h a lin g crowd. .Ia thera perimqe same other, per­ their usrti car lot on Union Street. AUCTION sonal. secret season for this dlcta- Polio Drive lasga body and limbs. It would, be most fitting- and . B. Claaaay Jakn Pays* p/ete TV Wild ip- f »’ Atty, Robert F. Kahan said to­ Schapperer was represented by torahlp? What, then, could it be? Eveljra, Kryrt proper for the five directors, to "Hero Come day that unless there is a tremenr the Hartford law firm of Schata, SATURDAY^ JAN. 30^-^ 2 P. M. give In, have the elementary school . At recent meetings ^of parents The Girls” "99 River SL” c/fo service dous last minute polio drive Weinstein and Seltser. The de­ of Washington SeboM pupils,' the built, thereby enabling the major­ U Calar \ •, throughout the county.” we will fendants were represented by Atty. ^ 1 \ ity of the crowd, that attendad the parents would not comment on the‘ •tlMiW Frank Dully of Hartford and the EAST SCHOOL AUDITORIUM subject of Keeney Street School departments fall short of our $20,000 goal. meeting, to return to grammar SaaSar, "WALKIXn .WV BABY . • The Tolland, county campaign law firm of Day, Berry and How­ achool and learn about courtesy for fear of Jeopardising the pro- BACK BOMK" ard. AUSPICES >F ROCKVILLE LODGE NO. 1574 poeed expansion to Washington ’ dlrM tor then proceeded to sum up and reapact. 277 RROAD •..... thg situation throughout the coun- Nelson C. Mead Frank W. Kopcha, School. This ia a democracy? Cer­ M i-9 -im ...... ty.. Nelson Charles Mead, 57, of 16 41 Baldwin Rd. tainly not. wfaan..paopla aca afraid H BALES sad T £ l £ V I -S I 0 N RADIO '“ The " survey shows RdckvIHe- Florpnce AiA., died yesterday af­ to'axerdso the privilege of free SERVICE ternoon at the City Hospital. He ■\ speech. Vernort with colfeKjiofis of about :ENMAR CONTOUR CHAIR **Caa*t Bemala Sllenr $1,500 to date, bub the area ex­ was born in Ellington Dec. 18, Aa I said before, I have no wish pects to net considerably^ more 1896, a son of William and Min­ To tho Editor, to enUr. poUUca. I- am far, from Ckaaarl ■ tfarmrriy ,4) Kcar Mavea. • :M < M il UFE OP BILEY-WilUam a a r after Year.., . The public school llsaco of, Caaa. . .Bendlx . thrbugh fwveral benefits being na Kinder Mead. Except for one wealthy. I have ao political talent CIRCLE (ikaaael M New Britaia, Caaa. year'apent in N ew Y ork City xs 1.95 ncent weeks has prompted me to CkaBBel U Balyakr, JUaa. \ (M l TOPPBB—Staniax Ana Jaf-- held dUring.dJie next two week's. to offer. I wUI, however, offer any freya Many coin cards' ate still out traffic manager for the M. T. mqiresa som« of my thoughts money, time, or effort I dan mua- NOW thru SUN. Ckaaael t t Waterksry, Caaa. (HI m bLody street p^licly. Ordinarily my partlcipa- CkSBael 41 SarlaalleM. Maaa. (HI PBIDAY PEATTHK and containers in most of Stevens Co., he had lived In this tar to combat tba afforta of Mr. "Bride of The Gorilla” the^business plates w-llT hot be city roost of'his life. SAVE $60! Regularly $129.50! Automatically ad- tloiv In. politics Is confined fo Bowers and his cohorts la their S:M.( a) ATOM SUCAD ---- .... cpilrotad until Feta. fi. According , to ... He wRi, a veteran of World War 66!frit.u'n ^ juatahliSjio give you complete rest and relaxation, • ■ , • - 7 ■ • votlrig. 1 cannot, however, remain nttempt to deprive the people of t f sllent\ while Mr. Bowers and his miAT*S YOI'B TBOl'BLK a o o n s . Inc. • , A March of. Dimes ball Sa(ur- aerved as chairman of the Buti- Shown above. Regulariy $59.95! A fitht- to look (U> Jt'DY SrLIKT»ma 829 Mala St. — Tet MmLKUU SOMEDAY perfectly designed Ladie^Chali. Richard J, Berggran (U> BOSTON RLACKIE «:U (Ml THE EABLY SHOW BARREL CHAIR correctly propiM-tioned for the C h e v r o le t ITS a tm O y . .j "Hold That Woman" •:M < M liju a BTOBY ' . ^ average woman. Made up in Ma» Meant Nathkur* (Ul aoiXYCENE (M> nuc NAME’S THE g a k ^ At Right.. Regula.rly $69,501 A ptunnlng telaase with reveraible ppring fill­ TOWN A COUNTRY Tbtfie'idltor.SS'SKr, wny (U) WMTHEBMAN * ■ Robert Q. Lelria iSth Centii^ reprixluctlon ed cuMiioh, resilient c ^ - j^ring As-a voter of Manchester I feel ___ iUI MIEBOB THEATER 311 Main Street FOR :* m t S41I TV 90CN1MTAOB— In Wine Matelaase with conatruction throughouL it my duty to eppeal. at this time, THERE deep channel back, revers­ * ■■ ■■ . ♦ JUNIOR DRESSES shouidnl „ “A Time For Hope" 4 9 . 9 5 to others who attended the meet­ hUNCHESTER (Ml Ol'H MISS BaOOKS ible spring fUled cushion. ing at Holllater School. _ .—Eva Arden tnoy . „ (Ml FILM Y e e l e*iey yew vWf. H*ii* b* iMwe ex|WBsi#4 Wa all sat aoma hours listening SiU (HI PCBUO POOBBCCTOB Liberal Terms 4 4 - 5 0 tasippeals tn.tbe.Boasd-ef Direcr TIR E C O . UtM{ sail CAVALCADE 04 SPOBTl - frevel ef the new lt54 Chevrelat sheem ie a variety tors from the various membars of w Retraadlag -Jimmy Bbule. HaroM John- W IL L B E the community, to please be cajm Regular round heavyweight LibaraL Butigtf Ttrms e l leeili k (wii celer»> ’ and JudiM tha Kasuiay Straat .':'Bad. H M K OF HEiRINR? School iaaua fairly. However, the Saow --•sVaMant-FIve"’ eaw m to taka th»f BnikI '8 L name action that thay took on Jan. Fboae A P A R TY SEE r AGE 8 13 to Junk the Keeney Street M1-9-42Z4 ‘ - (0> NEWS Thtre hat to b« a reoton for tht popufarity. School plansL M:U ( M il OBEATEBT PIOHTS OP TBE ^ CERTCBY-Outatand- Our appeals meant nothing, it I (HI SPOB'rS-Bill KeaUns ing Miuts ot the paal they were even heard! If ever tha ' ( ai SrOBTSUOPE-Syd Jaffee „ (111 SKBT8 PABAD* (HI NEWS AND WBATHEB 11;I4 ( 41 MAN AGAINST CBlMB — Htre it is —; action of a masting waa thorough­ (U> NKWa-Fred Dwrer Ralph Bellamy - You'll want a ahoe that Kroehler Lounge Chair ly planned, this one was. (III srOHTS. Jim UeU> (Ml NEWS AT E L^E N • V . _ ■-______HARDWARE? CAU (HI mOBTCAr EDITION I. am Just ona of those mothers ( n WBATUS rOBECAST ia ultra am art...yct it from tha Kaanqy aria. Bacauae of .1 .. raHnos '/Ver t eeety C havrelet effm the beeurifel Pfseliw bedy stylie« JEMINE !m i n i S f " lliU (H I PHEVVBB Jack of faculties at tha present (HI UICAL NEWS (Mi WEATHEB HALF PRICE U iW •»#> n s LATE flBUW must be extra durable-too achool which my children are at­ (111 HIOaUOHTS . *s eetskle eed hfxuriout ietqrien. (Hi CBt’SADEB BABBIT ^ , •‘Derll Bat" ■ At left Regularly $129,661 A tending, wa have hqd a constant .. ^ ROVib because your child ia big, roomy chair with fabulous IC*"’* GRAIN ( I) SIDEWALK INTEKVIBWS Jl :M < S) BADGE K». 714 , doaa M eickneaB, due to draha, one (Sa-H* CAPTAIN VIDEO Foam Rubber cushion, tuftad V ^e r Perferwieece Chavrelai efferi e Bee meter with meey eew wash basin being uaed by 75 chil­ (Sll NEWS - ■ . ^ U:M < Si MYSTERY THEATEH wkf Lumikr svFriY cal "Bmergefiey tandtag' so active. So be sure to seat and back. Tailored 1a RaBa 4 dren, and other faculties lacking JON Till (III WEAThEB 7:U (11 n'LSE o r THE CITY tapestry with smart mstaUe feetww eeglueered fereceeemy. ia thia bulldiBsr. (Hi MHN UALV-e.Mewa Taiuwrow’e DayHaie HiahUgMs see our Poll-Parrot MlfcMI 9^S25 lt:N ( tl BIO TOP thread. The Ottoman ahown ie ‘ Tet. I q ^ . »by tha wave Jt q (HI HABOR AND JErP not included, may be pur^aatB hand,” thaae five directors threw RS YurrBHDAV’a new bbeel *:M (■> MILWACBEB V8. MIHHO: stylings. They’re Pre- > (Ml WEATHKBVANE aeparaUlly. but 18 months of work, aasuring ' * M6HKB SHOW 2:M (111 POET ITOBTB BOOEO DOUJhR FOB DOLLAR ~ MILE AFtOI MILE ua that it can ba dona in leas than 2q <34441 DOtOLAS KOWAHHB and Tested to'give more half the time. Every delay incurred tba^newa ’ Yew Weeuere b Mere WHIi e C hm elit fw Fifty.4Sevr. (Hi THIS W THt UFB, FREE FARKINO In at thia time is now a threat to tha PLUS t:U < sail NEWS CAHAViK — Joha For SfMTto EgwIpiniRf wear and better fit in a Keith’s Priroto Park­ WINDOW SHADES health af my chUdren aa weU as to Cameroa Swayac ing Let Adjoialng The the others in this area. •Ml reHHY OOXd SHOW shoe that haa a< (Hi JANE raOHAN SHOW Nossiff Arms Co. Prioafi From ^ Store. No Meter Park­ - Do wa have to sit beck and allow ing In The Entire Block L O N a w E A R m e • :«a ( ai MAHA-Pessy Wood 84-95 ta 87A6 distinctive fashion flair. |his to happen ? (Ml HKAHT O I ^ K m T Sonriog Coaotetkot ‘ i ■, , ...... , Aecerdtaig Ta SIse Just South. COLUMBIA ARROV^ ( Mrs. R. C. NetUeton (HI THE BIO PICTTRE— "D-0*y Copvoy To Nor- 101S $t. — .A..------maady U t e M n n d E B Blade to Order or W liO T Wtth Yew BeUera FOB. •9 WBA1 CftVEY’S RESTAU^ifiN SCi -^TiA N C H IS TB R tniraO N I MM.523S L A.IQ H NS0N CaaiK KST! Poll ■“ Parrot ' OaB Ml-i L'ANCINf. Ihu .d '. V w a r m ' s fA IN T GO. MtLTDN W. ^ ^ *W M T . weMMt .-wiatY «»9 MfitB.SL tcL Hr-f-4501 flals FriOBB N bw U 1 ***MMni •lain aiLitt 45 EAST ClNtf K ‘ ’ at £ : it CARSTMRS UROS. RIUTlUIRfi CO. IRC. « n r TOUR. R. V. ^Fitting h O u r BusineS$^* fiiENUIfi^VNItKCY. ll.r R O O F ..n K jllf iW iJ lt « ^ k 9 n t lT 9 ■I ' -i ii I 1 ' ^ ■ '7 ' -7 ' 1 . \ ■ ' ’ •./. 11 . a.-®-: •'I.: 'If ■ if. nf -U-v 0 :jff§ / > j ''. - ■' '■77^ , ■' ,’>V''"i‘‘ ■'■ ■ 7 „ ;■■ . ;■> ■ r . '■ A 7"'; 'A :--. ■'/I '...... ?-rr.'5v. i ’i.f/.-'V ' f ' V i I'V. '. .^. 't-.» A " ■’ '■• ■ , > ''•' V-\i' , 7 : . \

A i^ENING HERALD, MANCHESTEBi (iXiyN.,, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2^, 1964 IfANCI SR EVENING HERAU>, MANpESTER. CONN.1 FRIPAY, JAIsrUARY 2». 19S4 ■ fi. A m T" rsrfrr^ .received to date. No definite quota manager, George MUIerd, Dealel W m E w F e i i t s designated aa a. ‘/’aiatreso" area of a word. Ten stltchiw srtre required W 0N8_14I8 WTHT—12M been eat for Hebron. GaUegher and Mario Gods, agents'. Air^Uperiority unemployment^ But what appeared to eloee the wound. WDRO~is88 Radio WHAY>-fl».^ |tos Slow-Becevery...... w-a • X .» i 'These egenu gained.aonuanonadmTealon to- ahaep. WUean pftrticohkrip- Vvaa^: AnoUwe*'■ wsman-aftld- W«X»ii.l28t' B o a n l rOairtck; h^iphimb- 4 llie flt i^ionVCHHtlOit^ Preeklant* dub by-ptodee- * jKftjriidJii what he said wOa this added com­ cut ailghtly on the right hand by Skywatch Staadard TIasa “wm)~l888'^ er, who Hope Valley next ing Sales of over '8300,000 last ment.oLcoMi:«t the grdapi > year.— "...... — ■ ------4 * Vnan odM' came'^to to r «4or to l i e a i to the old^fiMthodisl meqtiiig AimClialleiiged '* ‘Beoidea the Armya plah to■ ask'tor help. Police said they Int&Harifat^ Ths. foUowuig schadulssifi! houed, baa not recovered Three agents end the manager The local pine-man agency aver­ - During eloee this camp you have just tHbughl Ilfs hlfffar dhiy wanted Satarday, 'kau « • suppH ad by th s ri from the effects. accident of the John Hancock Mutual Life aged 8314,762 and hkd B ^tal pto- >. •. • • Dick Frosch, Gordon Pomeroy manags. W J I ^ P h ll Harip: Atfc* FSy* duction of 83.021,724. Those fig­ ^■■.'4, dueed the draft call In our aiea more money and had no connee- Midnight- 2 a. m. . m ints and .iri subjeci 'railer B id when aeme time ago Hbstoll from Ihsurenco Co. agency here will at­ By A n^ Chief n o men. So there. wlU be 110 more 2 a. m.--4 ,a. m...... • • Volniiteera Needed to Chang# WTHT—Oaale and Harriett ures represent the highest In the . D «tfro^ng Pt iB t t e tton with the other attacks. Starts Sunday without noucs. the running board 'of a eusvi tend the P^sldents Club Members unemployed men bccauae there will Many of the attacks have been 4 a. m.—6 a. m.' . . . 4.. Voluateem Needed taldtng severe bruises. Hartford District, second highest (OentlBued from Page One). be n o fewer men drafted.*,* ,,... .vVolunteMrs Needed 4itS- Jan. 28 — (Special) — convention In Washington, bi C.. in the country tor average per ‘jftr Skatm g Tonight a t street car stops, as the Women Manchester, telephone.users wUI 6 a. m.—9 a. ra.'.... WHAY—Polk* Hup ^MAY-Tlarch of Dimes Hd was under medical treatment 0limii9(mtn ., The Ijefense Departipeht ^ boat, stepped ^ to the cars. 8 a. m.~Hoop ...... ,.... .i^ a n d Morin WTIC—Phil Uariis-AJIca Fay# iHg of tha tonjng Board of M^rch 81 throug)i 24. .. man and thin) highest in the 1 0 and sea power are ''impoWdble of be able to dial toll-free calls to and Is Slowly improving, but has . They are ' John W. borseny, KED THE IQW getting a big round of applause, de­ Noon—3 p. m...... Vb^teers Needed — will bs held Monday at to go very carefully In taking care CEMintry tor gross production. achievement without manyN^asee clared: ' , ~ • , y V approximately 150,000 telephones ...... Voliwtoeni Needed Dtrinir the wtnter Rsonthswt hsTg Mid PO dh^ It Mcttons" Skating conditions at Center tn the Hkrtford exchange starting 3 p. m.—8 p. m...... the|sl#mentary School auditorium of the many demands Ih his line of overseas." If for no other reasra, *’I am impatient with the people 6 p. m.—8 p. ni...... Volaateers Needed . .II-..'- ■■■'' . N' Springs Pond aVe good again, the general said, tha Army wowd Sunday morning at 7 o’clock. at fi when the board will bear the' business. . Bird Feed, Suet Caksa tad^jG ^t Sunflower RetliF-K, Bleiwrd Uar- that seem to think that blood sfw- 8 p. m.—10 p. m. .. . . VfHuntee^ Needed '^ AY-March of it was reported by Park Supt. be neaped to protect these bairns. ing and jobe are ai^nanymaua, and Hospital Notes A t th at Urae, all .arUord jm e —Newa Hoygg'bt Glass appeal of Milan E. Smith of Ware* Herbert Jehnao* iiliir G. Bow- Horace Murphey today. Pub­ 10 p. m. -MUlnight ...... George Swam WTHT—Hpratla,4foroblowe ■ The general said the Army will who think the otily iray we can niunbara. will he changed to the Headquartei^. Mil­ Funeral arrangements are being week lic akatlngv will be allowed to­ two-letter and five-figure number­ Volunteers may register a t Civil Defisnsk WDRO-ThuSTtch h o M Point, who will request per* make the most of its new weapons kbfp evetybody Employed ts durltv lytrata Today ...... nlcipal Building, Manchester on, Mondays, lays and Frt- WONS— Sub Committee made for 5*year*old Herbert John­ ner night from 8^:30 to W o’clock. but he cautioned that every weap­ a war4 ygor bywj gvgvi-igjrloosely spendingi^wiiuuiK am ing plan. The new Hartford num­ •l4 S ^ mllbslon to place a 40*foot trailer son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert to Center Springs .Annex will ADMITTBD YESTERDAY; days from 1-5 p. m. fcT—March of Dlraea land owned by him on the old 0 ju m 4 . on has its Umltatlons as well as tremendousuidous percentage of our re­ bers will start with the names 'XTHT-ttniStrv Hiuts iC—News: Ho«u* of JIaaa L. Johnson, Sr., of Ancston. The L; highway not iM open, l^rphey said. its capabilities and ’’each Weapon spurcelek In tile production o f w ar Tedlr Prova, 178 8. Main St‘; Mrk ADamo. XLpine, BUtler, CHapel, —Hbrailo. Ilnrnblowar Piper - Min Road, which rune off child lUed at the Windham Com­ ' The ice on ^ n ter Springs can be defended agidnst.” material;rial; Noqe should be so aelflah Elisabeth Oavanaugh, Venion; or JAckaon. ' its report on the Injured were that Hawklnsvllle tor treatment. The WDRC—That'# Rich ftom tha Marlborough Road tn the munity Memorial Hospital yester­ ti-> 'f te neat has been resunaced.after the Bolte cited an unidentUled that they thtnA they have a vested Miss Hazel Brennan, 748 pkrtter To place calls from Manchester three pci-sona were’ taken to n hospital named them as M.. F. Vj^NS—U. S. Sub Committee wn. J . day mqniing, ...... rto de« rain and ^ w storms earlier published stalement" to the effect Intereai Jn wsir.” ■, : ...... SL{;Mrk I^rginla Brown, Jl8t 'Mc­ to the H artford' exchange', which hbspitdl. TTliy 'w ere' Hated as W 6 Brock; 35, Atlanta; Mrs. C. C. WHAV—Brlalof PoiKh Horn* Some time ago the local TSoning He suffered a fractured skull, town this week./Condition. Om would run roughly tb falsa reasoning by. the Ajazticao. and . JCra. yHanry. -Krajewakl,, 50 .. Telephone'users in H|n^p«:d..wlll W HAY-Nlte WatCn Hebron at about 8:30 p,-m.. Wed* ri6 n m ^ Itood m m the *r -WHar—WMteni ctyaesa’^ WTIG—I^OT^-to- ■Wiaehbistmf" hkaakyr* *R' 't^as' a'cedm^hie^ by With hor wingamo, charming OifiilD,- €oal of $1^000 people. Birch Bt.y a daughter to Afr. and follow the same procedure in ijial- W TtC -Juet Plain Bill Maackester Evening Hemid He­ |p thg'igst boundaiy of town. ing Manchester. They’ll dial the WDRC—New*; Mondwfor Rom ance/ heavy rain, later turning to snow. Jiift to hoar her ripfding looghtir Secka Eiplgaatloft M ontreal Jitltei^^ Mra. Robert Snow, Soroert. \ WTHT—Jo* Oirand bron Oorrespondent,' Mia* Susan ’ wwdd.^H just north of DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: complete "2-5" number heie. WDRC—Ret»rd Shop WONS—Deem* T * y lo r\ ' Electric power went off and lights Still on the subject of defenm, N O R I S K WON8—Bobby Beneon IStO — ^ failed, but soon came on again. Peftdietoft, HArriaon S-SU8. Wa'd walk nphM o milt. le Tutuplke. Polio Fund to Benefit in tn Wa'shlngton, Sen. Kefauver (D- Marjorie Monahan. 38 Fulton Rd.; Manchester telephonS users have W HAY-Nlte tValch haa aald be atrongly favors In teazor A ttacks Mrs. Carrie Peterson, 20 Waddell already received >, sup"'- WTIC—Llaten to V'aahingtbn Elected 4-H Leader aouthBTB route. ‘B ring and- B uy' Satur* Tenn) said he will ask Pentagon WH*X-^e*lern Caravan WTHT—Fight* officials today to explain -what he Rd.; Mra Betty Aronson. 8M directory containing all c t the WTlC-IVont Pase garrsU WDr C—New*: Mood* lor RoniSn P. John Perfaam has been made 11 btt yo« ftti tht .ttata,JU gbw ay .aurvey, indi- (Cnntimied from Ytii|e oaei ’ Oardneh S t; Mrs; May Neubauer; ” whlteTpage“i-alphH!3etlcBl-nji:tK..,;> , WTHT——Joa-Glraail'.-^.—-- ■ WON»:.-D*em» TayTol- lesEler of the liewly orgkiiized Tol­ p t that M per cent of the traf- day «r 691; JBalu Street regards as "a dangerous poTKfy ®if N O G A M G B L E W DI^—llecord Shop u t o —. land County Junior DlflA 4*H About yoor Horry or yoiir P t^ , f e 65 Shimmer St.; f^ u t DiFazio. 144 of the new Hartford book. If any­ WONS--Bobby BenUrm Uch croeses the towr.’a west- conceiitratihg defense contracts in WHAY-Nlte Walcb a single producer.” then threw back his head, laughed M ainSt; Alleh Herring, 17 Avon one has not received a new di­ WTIC—Three Ring New* club, with membere coming from P.A.C. hart's htdps of joy dad looghttr., N ’o r i c e border has its point of origin The Polio Benefit food sale to­ and rani • S t \ rectory one may be obtained by Ev«ry cor soM by SolimtM, Inc., corriM • WflAY—-Inlln Quarter WTHT—Frank and Johnson various parts of the country. Lo­ [daatination in Manchester, At his request, Chdlrmah Sal- ,WT1C—Lorenao Jones WDRC—New* cal members are Joyce Kinney, In tvtry boy ood girl. morrow in the vacant store, 6W tonstnlt (R-MaSs) called the Sen­ The girl said she thought the DICHARGBD YPDAY» Mar- calling the local telephone business $100.00 crtdif which may bt used In any way— you WTHT—Jo* Utruid ^ WONS-N*w* spokesman for the depait- ate Armed Services Committee for torelli baby b(V„ Stafford Springs; office. * ' ^ WDRC—Memory Lane U : l i - Arthur Perham, Varney Fellows aaid today that the orijdnat Main S t. in the Johnson bulldii%, man had cu^ hyr as ahe was riding Hi* bwyep— decides, for a period of one yew fram WH AY -N ile Watch a public'inquiry into a 200-mil- the escalator at a nearby subkay Jcieph Burden, 28 Starkweather WO.VS-Wlld Bill Hickok and Allan Rychling. It's for oN hidt wt art striving data will be re-ONamined promises to he the largest-eveir S t; Archie SlvlUa, 87 Ridge St.; dote of purchase. Compare these prices end thte 8 :to - WTIC-W orld New* Perham is tester for the Dairy BINGO DECI’S DRIVE-IN nine whether it is com- lion-dollar contract for Army station ahd then followed her Into W HAY-Newi WTHT—Frank and Johnson/ Whtn wt cHk yoH with thtst rhymtt held in Manch^er. ^ tanks with a General Motors sub­ the street., Mrs. Frances Lupacchino and T hree H ospitalized guarantee. ■/ WTIC-Pny* to Marry WDRC-DwIght Cooke / Herd Improvement Assn, in this A t 462 CENTER STREET enough toigo on the break- Women of the various church, sidiary, Fiaher Body Corp. daughter, 45 Kamlln S t WTHT-Jo* Cirani' WONS—Starlight Symphony area.v^ ••!!H To stnd a eoatribotion I t may be iieoeaaary. be Usually, however, the slaaheh WDRC—MsMy. Tilton ' v Polio toturae fraternal and patriotic organiza­ "This appears to be a dangerous has made hIS attack during a rush In R ailroad Crash 1952 Dodge CIb. Cpe.—White walls, WONB-WtId BUI Hickok WHAY-Nlf* Watch LO C A flO N to get further data before After champagne is bottled. It WTIC-T. A A. Mrs. Frederick J. Wythe, chair­ ' To oar local March of Dimtf. / tions, under their respective chair­ departure from the principle of hour, then faded away into the fully equipped ...... $1595 WDRC—Night Ow' iriit to find out exactly maintaining a very broad defense develbto an unplespiuit s^m ent 'WHAY-8ports man of the local polio drive, states WILL BE CLOSED rtbe M per cent local traffic men, have been busy for two crowd or the darkness. W TIC-«*w» WONS-Starllght Symphihy production base," Kefauver said which ts removed by collating it ' (Ceatbnied from Pag* Owi) 19.52 Stude Comm. V-8—H. OD...... $1295 WTHT—Jo* Glraad U t t t - that of about 500 coin and bfil PptlSH AMERICAN weeks, notifying their members in a;n interview, adding that In last night’s other attack, a in the neck, of the bottle'and then WDRC—N*wa WHAY-Nit* Walch envelopes Sent out by her, only iitHi I alatad to speak here Mon- 1952 DeSoto Custom 4-Dr.—Auto, shift, / WONS—N*w* WTIC—T. B. A. and ereatlng interest among the destruction of a single plant could man clamped his hand over the freezing the wine in the neck, re­ enured at 2 :30 a.m. All of the WDRC—Night Owi about 100^ have been returned to OLUB BALLROOM FOR THE MONTH « FEBRUARY the Klwanls Club and townswomen, not only in contri­ halt all production. mouth of Marceile Cusson. 24. as moving tbb 6ork and part of the coaches remained upright but ttaf- dark green ...... $179.5 WONB-T}NS-SMrllght...... Sy date. She'especially requests that FOR RENOVATIONS AND BEPAHUNa expected he will discuss the buting foods but in patronizing ahe walked home from work. He frozen and then replacing the lie on the line was blocked. WIIAY—Supper Herehad* Zt VMaa* SlTM* John Stezak, Underiecretary of 1932 Dodge Coronet 4-Dr.—Loaded, 2 tone green $1593 / WTIC—Sirtcily Sports those returning holders make sure the sale. i - the Army w ^ handled the tank gasbed her then' ran without ieork. Washington headquarters said WTHT-Joe Glrand that they are carefully sealed In .? will mean f ——I— 'r -'r 111 I 1952 Nash Rambler Hardtop Conv...... $1295 WDRC—-lack Zalman P o p u l a r M i r k e t s Roelivila ^ . . AGAIN— THANK YOU In many cases it will be a contract, was asked to give the / WONS—Fatteraon order to hold the donations saf^r. "Bring and Buy" project. Those Defense Department’s explanation. 1951 Dodge_j4-pr.—l 7,862 original miles ...... ?f293 8:Sa—. ....— J—™ She has not aa yet opened/the umiS YfRY I^UCii FOR YOUR ■gram R ^ e d who driiver Iheif ~bwh dishes of Slezak handled award of the con­ 1951 Dodge 1-Toh Pickup ...... ,7 $795 WHAY—Supper Sertnada , A w a i i l s ^ o o k S e t individual envelopes fstum e^ and IVEtY MONDAY ~ kinih MARCH OF DIMES baked beans, macaroni and cheese, tract, on whldi Fisher Body and WTIC—Kmll* Cote ' is not able to atate tjie mount CONTINUfD PATRONAGK other casseroles and salads, cakes, 1950 Stude Champ. Cony.—Loaded, with extras/. $745 WTHT—8. Gamroell nr Y outh Suu< the Chrysler Corp., were the only WDRC—Guv Lombardo W alter C. Stophah;.^ Jr., of AT 7:45 P.M. lies, preserves, and so on, are sure bidders. • 1949 Ford DIx V-8 Cbupc ...... $773 WONS-BIII Stern iiiiiiiajiil .'SI And something that appeals to Secretary of Defense Wilson 8:44- Bloomfield. yes{|;erday was a'A’ard- the'm. prepared by some ,other 1949 Plymouth Spec. pi3^4-I)r. ,...... $795 WHAY—Supoer Serenade ed 'a 20 volume set of the Book of <. .-taday. tba .youag people, of. says he is “KPyoked’', and "impa?. - WTIC—Hire* Btai .Astra. Knowledge In a-contest conihicted- Oonfaregatlonal Cburcb c o o k A \ ^ " ’' tient” with people who think the 1949 bi^ge 2-br...... $725 WTHT—rederaltel* LUMIER7 C A a, Mrs. J/H ^bert Finlay and Mrs. only way to keep everybody em­ WDRC—lAtw-ll Thomas by Popular Market, 974 Xtgin obaarva Touth Simday. This 1949 Dodge gbj, Cpe. St. N«C7P114A ...... $929 WO.VS-DInner Data Street. He subn;itted the Winnihg ^,..obasnrad. ior- more than, .a .Gustave Stcliholtzer, chairman ployed is by spilling blood during a -"ttSS— entry telHng why-he-would Hke to.i de by Christian young people and ’ vIm ’ ch a ln h i^ ' re'spectfveTy, Waf ‘df liAddr' ati arhiohient pfd- 1949 D ^ge Cib. Cpe.St. No. bllOA ...... $945 ^ WHAY—Supper !ier*nad* own a set of the Book of Knowl- ^ iigfaout the United S t a ^ will be at the 8toreN^ 8 a. m. to­ gram. I ^ C —Roie Miller 1949 Dodge 4*br.^—R, signal lighta . $893 Vandercook edge. A similar set was awarded at coma to ha an event of’ na- morrow to receive obR^ons for - Voices Sharp Comment WDRC-^Paiiilly Skelaum each of the Popular Markets In Pc 1 significance, it re-emphas- those who And it convenient to de­ The head of the Defense De­ 1948 Chev. Aero 2-Dr.—-All extras, rqyal blue . . $745 W O N S -rultoa Lawtk Connecticut and Massachusetts. the Importance of young liver them before going toSyork. t:IS - i^fPLY < a l partment, during a speech to the 1948 Pontiac Coupe Sedan—IxMidcd . . $745 WHAY—Supper Seranad* (Oet Peterson, grocery manager opla in the' program of the The deadline for receivingA.s Women’s • Forum on National WTIC—Roee Miller of'the local store, made the award V:' liurch and tba community. It noon. Murity. last night, had some 1948 Ford 2-Dr.—St. No. D112A___ $649 WTHT—Qulnrv How* which inoluded the set of books MltcHtl M S2S liana tha growing bond of Last season, the sale closed at WDRCI-Beulali sttatp words to say about a delega­ 1947 Dodge 2-Dr.—St. No. DIOOA ...... $595 WONS—Meet the BUr and a bookshelf. owshlp ibatwoim adulu and 3 p. ni. and it Is hoped everything tion which visited him In an effort ''P ap ^ a’ and bringa~. more 'vrtll he dtsposed of « t the sam e. to pnym ^the closing, qf an Army 4*Dr^ ...... ,. . $595 , pMple Ihtb a; fun Tellowal^ time tomorrow anlT the'goaT'orTcainpfmp in thlri^state:tfii 1946 buirk 4-Dr.—(ireen ...... $495 WTHT—Lone Ranger the chufdh. 11.000 attallisd. Ha didn't niuaqthe stata or iden­ WDRC—Paula: LiStois I The aervlco-of worship Sunday It is also planned to serve cof­ tify ttie delegatii GOOD TRANSPORTATION AS IS SPECIAL) WONS—G. Heatter "1 ha led at aii tliM services by fee and doughnuts .at an ckrly Wilson related tlibt thd group 1937 Dodge 4-br...... — $69 1i« Jg Horen. Sosaxi Finglas will hour th the forenoon and continue WHAY—Supper Serenade argued the dosing do^ni of the WTIC-One Mkn’a Family d this . Bcxl|>tvii..> le«Bm> anA While the jitm and,. .or the coffee, camp Would bo pretty haraNjn the WTHT—Lose Ranker JANUARY looks Johnston haa the morning holds o u t community because it already^icns WDRC—B. R. M urro* '!U! layer. At thb A ahd 9ftS a. m. WONS—Perry Como krvicee, brief aa.rmons will he SQUMENE, Inc. WHAY-^Soppar Serenade |ven by Mancy 0 ^ , Gffie 634 CENTER STREET * MI-3-5101 w n c —Dinah Sbor* c l e a r a n c e ir, Kim 8Mt«r and Paul Simp- OPEN 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. MON. thru SAT. W THT-aty toline m; giving their •taterpretation of WDRC—Leal Perkona m le suhJeobaL *lrd»th Serving H li WONS—SlarUght Theatar S k B R O W N 1 8 : tS - ideaif.'V “Toutiv Serving His WHAY—Supper Serenade ■’ ‘ "^outh Serving His WTIC—M^ook. M Of D Jty," imd "Youth Serving B E A U P R E 1 WTHT—SamiiW Kay* World." - - A -^1 1 ■ / WDRC—IxNrt Paraone WONB-4ltoriIftitThriller p u f At^the 11 ofclock aervice.-^thOfe. tvss-' :P " ‘JiBipaUng will be' Biurbara BEST 1 WHAY-Supper Serenade 1 WTIC-Bob ilqp* 5H!?. Itt. Loretta BushneU, Joel A). WTHT-Koll. Btarway m-il I . and Charles Ryan. Girl .WDRC—ArO>ur Godfrey Dlgeat uts of troop one will usher, tm- B U Y S 1 WONS—Take a Number ,_tha direction of Adeline Dik. DILLON i;;o; WHAY—March of Dimes j’Sinday evening the CTP Clubs 1 WTIC—Bob Hope MU Joiii tor a service of Worship WTHT—MUe* Malloy SALES and SERVICE ■ WDRC—Arthur Godfrey Dlgeat Hs!:’ 4M CSommuniom Mr. Biropson will WONS—Take a Number fjjjll five tha evening thought of - ^ F O R D - - ■ Tgouth tn tha Christian Church." im« It— —------319 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER Tetevision Programs On Page Two iiuil S t o c k V o l e 19S1 PLYMOUTH OAMBRnOE lAOOR ! t Heater. Extra clean. Nitk green finish. Lew mileage. WE STH l HAVE 18 REDsai WHIT^ TAO SHOE DEPT. IjH it bjr Injunction A-l USED CARS \: CAPS imPLYMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXEioR, nu Tom nsiwi ouB MOTE KEG IIJM HOW 79c MEN'S iboOPERATIVE jtCOsntlanad Jrans Page one) Radio, heater. One owner'car. Low price. \ Radio and heateir, overdrive. >. Nothiag lilts IN BLACK OinmOWN OXFORDS HEG8.45 l l O g f l t J I :ts and Chainnan Roy A. Young OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTII. 9:00 REG. S14.50-X3.50 VALUES f ■ tte Merchants national Bank pf this prinl Ttrii! NOW $10.95 15 ill VALUES MOM S27.S0 M SI0.00—NOW i r x i f i i s . r Three Directors Agree 1951 FORD OLUB COUPE 7 $895 i=:iH ji^thpugh the. three directors .E0 822. N O iU lfJI • reed generally that ■ the com- OATES CORDOVAN and ■“ny 'must -rid' Itself of moneP- nmi-*.... BROWN-BEAUPRE 79*kFORD CUSTOM DE LUXE CdOC KEU. 82A0 "— mills, they Insist the SCOTCH GRAIN OXf ORDS ,~ny should not drain itself Tudor \ \ ■ N 0 W 3 t1 f some 20 million dollara Ely PC«. SIS.M VALUE...... NOW E10.K Tgested that without capital the NOW AT 358 EAST CENTER ST^TEL. MI-9.5234 / : npany may well be forced into 1953 FORD^fQRDOR, Exeeutiva’s $ar npiete liquidation. MANCH^TCR, CONHECTICVT. With all the extras. \ BATES REGULAR BROWN ‘veryhody agrees that aomething MEN’S ALL WOOL TWEED ito has to be done to enable FIRNBItT MEN'S FLANNEL ^ or BLA<:K OXFORDS taWican Woolen to weather one REG. $12.50-SI 2.00 VALUES...... N O W ^ 9 t f^ e worst economic stormeM has 1952 FORD FORUOR and GABARDINE TOPCOATS " Its S4-year history. And the Radio, heater, Fordomatic. uinrriffM l■MlDp■^llu ' in the past have been PAJAMAS -Witness the reduction of Low mileage. , and OVERCOATS I from a onemme JO.OOO down Whether you trmi North, South, • x c l u s i v a lay’s 3A00. The move pro­ MASTIR REG. S40.M to $S2.M VALUES REOMM N0 W$3.49 WINTER LINEDJACKETS now would cut them still 1951 FORD CLUB COUPE . MOOR G U A R A N T i Siias .36 ta 50. Gabardines. East or West a Taintor-tested used $895 Rt.2S ‘R arm o-ilfa" Ficicifig I I 0 W I 8 J 9 American Woolen m^de money— NOW $51.00 to $43.50 .U million doUare— jgsg 1951 FORD HIDOR w./.- . V . ■-»«• '. « • •> 1^1 Wofl^ Wqy II Slid ibtp the- Eadio, hfiiiec,: seat covers. * ' i 6 r ^ BEO. poet wsuf period. BiielneM and car wiltprow the best^ “ • RKG. $56.75 i»^ $60jOO VALUfS ~ HOW S1M5 • "* NOW $1735 • noomed up again with KP- $1195 War militaiy buying. Z w O V E N HOW $U.15 -n aU textiles slumped. Many NOW $46.75 to $50.00 MEN'S WASHASLE “ “ NOW $1135 Wills closed. American Wool. 1M9 PONTIA6 1946 PONTIAG 1951 FOOO 9 DE LUXE TUDOR Very cliean. HOW $1335 -* mors than « ihillion dollan Hydramatlc, radio and heater. 2-door. Radio and heater. Twe- REG. $65.00 tw $79.50 VALUES ' REO 8HU. IIQ H , $1135 And in the first 10 monthl tone. Reeonditioaed at n ieiP A iK E COnON FLANNa ijoet another 8^ millions. $995 RKO. RE« ■““ NOW $283$ $895 $457 1959 FORD OUSTOM 1DD0R uemeuMi NOW $53.00 to $67.50 SHIRTS cle R eports New paint, pan, llrM, a - j^tudent R etreats 4rdoor. Oi-erdrti-e, radle and 4-door. Radio and beater. Very a FwN-wMtfc 810*1* touwar heater. A steal at clean. 5nE==r MEN'S UNED AND UNUNED LEATHER 1959 FORD CONVERTIBLE ■ S a.Ceenletbnlftaced Oven Deers j ; [he RaUgioue of the Ctaacle at New pidht, new top. l is StopH-MnNe OVen CeeWel. |iHi AIm in "King Size" length u m m v i 1 I MleUiwu announce two retreats BOYS' SHOP ' studsnU thU year, $650 $995 s UfeWme reieelftto Cehinel, Oven iiiii 10" long—tvyin er fwH size CBttlMRIBIII DRESS and DRIVING GLOVES fbe m t ts scheduled for the $1095 at no extra cMt Part Wool, Orkm and WooL ft and of March 6 to 7, and 1951 PONTIAC 1952 CHEVROLET 1959 FORD '/z-TON PICKUP 5 Rndtomtoto 1 Speed C eeW i Rayon and Wool BOYS'WINTER JACKETS 1 be conducted by the R t Rev. Unita M e t 1*1 4-door. Hydramatlc, radio and 2-door. Black. Radio and beat* Like new. H0W9149 N0W$M5 4 to 28 r\-. W. Jolin J. Hayea.. former chan- heater. Very aloe at e Mgb-Speed imMere, wnlM.lilgh ■^j^oYtae Hartfoid Diocese and er. A beauty for p SHIRTS of St. Mary's Church. a Cenvenient AppRnnee Owriat NOW SLN NOW 54.75 NOW $1135 • $1195 a Tw# Oven filBnel l lgtsi OUARANVED 10 YIAR8 RB& 01838 retreat is scheduled $1397 m j OTM.DQiif j | , _ 5 5 . Jtta Chib of the Ual- a 2 fiariler Renator Pant, 2 gifUa "" NOW tt75 ““ NOW 1M5 N0W$5 U Oonaoeticut over the Pre-Wnr Cars Available $50 to $100—No Money Down ON DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOW M Mareh 13 to 14, and |l949 Ford Tudor $595| “ * •*” NOW S M I NOW $1.75 NOW56J5 *“ NOW $1138 to th e ’Rov. Tsr- «“ •“ NOW$7J5 O piiwWy. of Boston NOW $1,139 ‘ nrtu Mart with IP NOW $741 . ■* TAINTOR PONTIAC, INC. Jbhnfion Bros. M A R L O R ^ i i N 0W $U 5 NOW $1931 155 CENTER ST. » MANCHESHR l|ss| OUMTOMi Baigaias to Ohsais Fn a CEHOUSE&SON TQ^ M I-9^5 ^ HARTFORD 2"7878 Ek^rieBl Conlnictor* — I FURNITURE DEPARTMENT I I N NOW $ « J 5 NOIIIMJI ■ illti ghm IN a "DMBY BlEU.” WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS OfEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 ..sa a ate.Fsri '' ' 1M3 MrIr 8L—MfiBclifister i-- ■ ■- ■(■ .■ ■ ■ .' t ■ X - ; .',V . ■■ J v*t-' i .f . -j "f yf « * 1 ' ■ / 6 . '7 •;'A-' ■rir ' ■■ ■ ; y'> -J ■r-J < f (-■ J ■ . ^ • J f <•/' .■'i ' t ■ y ^ * •* ‘ J 'k /' !■ r' f ■J .-i-r ' I ■ \ ) • .7 . ■ * 1 HtiiN6^TER EVRinNG HERALD. MANCHESTER. QONN.. FRIDAY, JANUARY M. 19B4 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. W N N , FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1954 u. y ; a- ' j r - r - ' ■ .i^i>,iifcrrii'toiie CbnimlttM u dialnnan pleted a ualt on 'tlood Maaaera;'* by Mri. and Mrs. 'Oordmi Millar. Is ''on" in the scboola Bach child EUington has been given a card and en- Bblton Necklace" over Itli^ WTiG Experi­ ■mi ai towplwr ot Ui* ■ubcom (Bpfclal)— *-hence the questionnaire to parents Sunday at the First Conjgregational one cannot place a value." ! Kllihgton, Jan. 29 (SpodlailV— The following eUdea of Aim were Coventry, Jan. 29 —(Special)—a Mrs. Delmar V. Potter of Perkina bar . . . that efi tbe kiddies prise The neat meeting of the Ledtes* the largest number of members Workmen are currently complet-|to determine the demand, r ' Mrs. Donald Peterson was elected Cornef, Mrs. Leo T. T ^ r y , Mrs. Church in South 0)ventry, will UKI A UtUe later, at the sami meet- . . . the makers say it's net tbeir The local PTA has started its den­ used to help dbvelop condapts, to jolh the local club. begin at 3 p.m..Those attendldg are tal program for children of the nuxiUary of the loonl AnMrican Ing final details for the opening of fMle Nets $29. ill president of the parent-members Frederick G. Blsaell. I^kets will fault , ; . since ell their costs manners at home, mannora wiille By. vote of the. class, ths prise ill bring a box lunch. Hot cocoa uill hig, according (o the minutes, a Center school under the direction Legion Boat will be hold at Ute HlUcreet *te#Uurant o^ Bblton | . ‘ “ ey of tbemmlttee. Dr. Regi­ movies. OIL MIRNni i ■ '.f T,- Thajftev. Truman O. Ireland...... »»« derision . . . the price at chibb: t eheel Netea room. ' - expansion of this small lowm. The anee to |S10. They also revealed the Nathan' Hale Community Cen­ minriKer,' will use as his sermon 4-H Unit To Meet . GENERAL BUCTRIC DUMONT of the Bovrers bloc, “Landed Mr.' late is se high . . . they aew smA nald Cline of Heriford will be in Thq Qlrto’ BaekethaU team play- SERVICI The 4-H Town Conunittee will town each Wednaeday to sxamtne A ,new pupil, Robert Peteraon. masonry building,-for Which Rob-‘ wprk haa begunegun on a minstrel ter. , tq^o during Youth Sunday wor­ ZENITH «••••«••••••••••••*•••• Gktolee for all the time he has semetblag new . . . or else tbe ad three gamca last week. Monday ^ow they willrill piproduce early in meet Monday at 8"p. m. at the the children. they whipped Union School at formerly of AubUrn, Me., entered '^-Mancheeter Evealng Herald Bl- eft D. Valentine of thty town was - Other officers elected follriws^^ ship services at 10:45 a. m. RAYTHEON given to the town, ‘a thankless Job tiny Mt tiint’s lett^ . . may dle- Ungton cofreapondMit. Mra. G. F. March. The ahow la being "Atixlety or Piety." The youth of home of Mrs. Winthrop Merriam', eppear from view . . . we would Forty children have had their South Windsor, At-21: they beat tbe Center school Tueedey. Ha to CALL general contractor, w u designed vice president, Mrs. J. Frank Ro^; chairman. with a lot of criticism.' ’’ teeth.cleaned and charted up until Bast -School, Rockville, playing a member of grade Ave, room nine, Bcrr, telephone Boekvllie A-ASIS. Ky^miother realdeht, Robeit A ^ secretary, Mrs. Brick Andefson; the perish participating will inr 0» suggest thst when they scad/'.. aew of Sunset Lane, ^ i teacher, and -Mra. Lydia Ai- elude responsive reading by Ruby ^ ritssB The name of that same director the thinner her to stores . . nQw. About to more atill remain here: Sl-19 en Jaa. 20, and then A movie was shown this week. |.9w4548 treasurer, Mrs. Alan Hriwland; to UClIUlTClT "King Who Came to Breakfast," Some species of cobra can spit Dante Pedemonte, well-known publicity, ' Mrx R^-^9mSuto Misar e*we mtottolMd Mr#. the g r^ t. smear ot "needless 2 p. m. to gmdee one through alx. porary or, ocraaionally, permanent PedemonU haa been In tbe buai- with presentation of the minstrel. Knapp, Mr. ai^M"Mrs. rs. Stuart Monday the Windham' County . -.. would have no fear of saan- ago. ' . , ,> A verlaty program was present­ skRviei Items in woodworking, embroid­ l5SW l iOeeMlMSoeM epectol waste and extravagance" aaa Tbe-^Marrii ef Dimes program blindness by so doing. nSu for 22 years apd has operated sha; waya afta means, i M fa Rot) Mlnlater's Assn, will meet at 11 W r- iteme kerennSe etoe reeerved. plng . . . vainly at the little bar Mias HeyeF b^cond gradp com­ ed at the Orange Wednaeday night ery, sewing end Jewelry have al­ ’3 launched against everybody who . . . and eating naagbt bat wrap- r*T****^"*r'"***' the Roeemount on Route 88 for ert aapu/lirn. “ Dudley PergusonTVtjUie^rst Congregational |B^ nrarrtoe cBem «< K. A. flerv- U>4 past‘five yearri. He prevtousty ready been made for tbla feature. Mna POul BiennahV f^urch. ^ofMaor Macf^ul of the jgol over had anything \to do with P*"t- ./■'/ visual aids /department of the i r $ • ■ • .1 mEkae n*pr*a«atetlr*e: TM n>i ran Dante’s Rssteurant at Man­ rKiiot Photo. JfiSll tegiatrations will be ac- JERRY FAY’S TV MRIt school building in Manchester, .in­ aj5 . , Jiiit-a,- • ■ Vtoani • ■ chester Center, . Maacheeter.. Bvaxlog , HaraM Fred. B. Peek ■ .eXpted- soon. :To data there - Kou&dRtioiL TOWNjk COUNTRY cluding, of course, Mr. Ckwlee; The new venture has been Boltea eorreipoadeat,adeat, _ Mrs.______Joseph been. an enrollment of 15 pupils will be speaker. At 12:30 p. m. the '“ 'SALES and'SERVICE fi& lh S ^ o r FOR V We apologise, again, to Mr. developed with careful thought to ITltella, teiephoee MItahell 8-5548 ^ Six nationally known celebri^rii each for (he nursery cIsm held church's Wopum's Service Guild LAKE ST., VERNON — TEL. MI* S*6544 '9*1 A. Though^ for TodBy will constitute an honorary .,. :ribm- Wilt serve luncheon to those at Oosiee, for using him a s an ^ alt 9«tellX of custom Tuesday arid .JTiursday. and kin­ MATERNITY DRESSES and enjoyment, The ample park­ MUee ori^Kted (Ou^AriL^^lsuriiig dergarten class held Monday, t«nding-4he-«eeyng> . asgusMsiaiA example. BiiV our ^nurpose is to Group C Franiiiiig the succeSe. of Saturda;ys Polio Tbe Christian Endeavor Society B o liM l enere eaa«ertiif eO- 'Ten fjemmaadmeate of Worship ing lot in frond of the attractive Wednesday arid Friday to begin in to say that we think that tu n y fair- low building aft deep on the site, Ball at theTHaU ^trihory. Theae of the Second (Congregational faeMato u d ether reedM metter tbe fall. Mrs. Honeywell will Church will be in charge of the 2^ S#' SMcheeter ahrentag HetalS. minded Individual in Mamhester I 4 Is only Uie first Of many details. persons havS v«ry;gracioualy con­ hAve charge of registrations. 1. Thou ahalt not come to service // Commemoratinci 80 Years of Valentine Party sented to donaji^^^Kmio article which morning worship service here at 11 «4T*rttol>iK dostos taooM: rejects this smear, and beliavea, * 'O V A well-bslaaced modem exterior Stamp Sales Hit $88 m. yvMajr. Ifte. will b« aucUriied rifijo the higheat e. in. during the Youth Sunday ob- instead, that his aervice, and the r ts faced in a building atone known A total of 88S.3() was realized 'servaririe.'" 4 ►-w^Jiatoy, Nor .for the Aaun . refuse 4a as Roman Bltimp block In sKsdefl A Valentina card party will be bidder ^ Fted E. Peek. wait. Wednesday from the U. 8. De­ Invocation will be led by Ernest service of many others, has been Known Qiiality^-Famous Service^ . of rose and gray. Interior decora-^ held by Group C of Center (Jhurch The .^Junior ChambeKof Coin- fense Savings stamps aalea at the -1 B. m. Tlnir conscientiously, capably, patient­ 2. When speaks the Organ's sweet on Wednesday, Feb. 10, in Wood­ mercri dance committee nee re­ Morris: responsive reading by fion has been' done in quiet good RobeHion'^hool. Highest ciass- Adele Oehrlng; acrlpture reading, refrain taste in a color echemb including ruff Hell, This is an' annuel event ceived peckegea, contents of«whlch ‘SSfe.'f-lSSrejs- ..efc ly devoted to the best, not' the Thy noisy tongue thou ahalt riK to which those who have attended are unknown, from Oov. John room sales were in Grade four, Dwight Gordon, pastoral prayer, nMp» iBlarteir •> worsts intaresta of this town./ tones of coral, brown aiid tur- with Mrs. Helen F. Hemingway, Janet Reynolds; sermon: "So Send 3-TXANSIS19R strain. / quolss taken from the mural treat- In previous years look forward Lodge, . Vice-President Richard 2. But when, the Hymiu are ■ N ' with pleaeure. Nixon, Mrs.. Dwight D. Eisenhower, teacher, $10.55; second, Grade six, I You,” Carol Wittmann and Joan PrUtoy; Janukry M sounded out modi of the enUre north welt' of The meihbers'of Gropp'fc will Sophie Tucker, Bing Crosby and with James T. Laidlaw, teacher, Ayer;, benediction, Helen Jordan; Eisailiower*A ‘ ‘CapsulA'* Thou ahalt lift up thy voice the dining room which sbowe a provide their most Irresistible dee- Arthur Godfrey. 57.10; third. Grade two, with Mis. ushers, A. Harrey W. Olsen and Bouthem plantaUon scene. Arin Horsman, teacher, 88.85. William Ayer. W tefteiiiicd The President Biaenhower was aaked, ■ and shout. •erta which will baservsd at 1:30 The auction will taka place dur-' "Royol.r* 4. And when the Anthem thou Brown leather cushion seats ex­ p, m. Guests wur^then play ihe ing intermission in conjunction The flrst of e series of activltiss The Couples Club of the First fahs key^aentence in the adver- at his preeb conference WednA- ahalt hear tend across two complete walla of card game of their choice, with a with the Wishing Weil which will to raise funds for the South Cov­ Congregational Church will have day, what he thbught of criticiem tho dining area which will accom­ entry Volunteer Fire Co. under a pot luck dinner at 7 p.m. tomor­ tllainant inN ^ch the Bowers bloc Thy sticky throat thou ahalt not prize for evefy table. There will be be in charge of Norman Weil and HiARINBAID of hie administration which al­ clear. It O pen Stock modate l20 people. There are no a nursery, run by members of the Ctorol Wood. the auspices of the newly organ­ row followed by showing of fllma f i j o i n L l^psaied public support at ized auxiliary will be a public ★ Operiici for only I if a leged ^ that It wee aothlng more 8. The endmoat seat thou ahalt bootba. 'The cocl^U lounge ie aet group, for pre-achool children. Latest additions to the list of St 8 p.m. in the vestry. Each couple month in«t«M ef 1 SMo 30f / Tbaeday n ip tV mooting read as leave free Value Ko- I off from the dining room by a Rmrvetions for this card party Patrons knd Patronesses Include luncheon Feb. 20 from 11 a. m. to is to bring a dish for the dinner. e dty for old-type vacuum- than an extension of the New fhUoars: \ For more must share the pew half-partition decorated with mriy be made by calling Mra. Leon Jack Anson, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ p. m. in the .local firehouse.'. All new young couples in the tub* lids! Yon can produce a beautiful oil paintinf and DeaL * with Ums. many plants. / liam Brannick, Dr. and Mrs. W. L. The menu will consist of baked church are invited. Further in ^ t (the Bowors'bloc plan of ac- Bradley, 73 Phelpa Rd. Players are Lif*.Ukt found, truer and start a hobby that’s aWcepinf the nation with In response to thls,^ the Presi­ 8. The offering plate thou ahalt at 8 0 tli >s! Matmatlck draw draperies baiig requested to bring their own cards. Conlon, Mr. .and Mra. William S. beans, meat loaf, cole alaw, hot formation can be obtained from ★ dealer than ever! / tlAi) will help to 'i^ow up the one of our numbered oil paintinf seta. For dent said several things, which led not fear at the huge themiopane wjpdow- Davit, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Denni­ rplls, coffee, apple j|HC. 'There Mrs. Harmon Cochrane. In charge The ww “A” battery laau a asadl^aa waste and extravagance But give thine uUentwst with wall which bccuplea about two- son, Mr. and Mra. GeorgeOiriasnSr. will be baked beans on sale tp will be Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane, Mr, ★ full month ... no *'8*' bal- yon n f and old. Only $2.50. : s4 iwor tan dellara herdtoft] up te a proam^ .....cheer.. ______thirds of. ttae.front of the. building. Deaths Last Night . Dr. and Jdra. A- B. Dlskan, Mr. take. home. ...— ^ ...... and Mrs. Clisranca A. Bradflsld, Mr. — ury...fewerbeu«rychana«l spent in the school building pro- of a iiori ^"geneiii~creed^br tils 7. Thou Shalt the minister i^ve Flush doors equippi^ with panic and Mrs. Manniim Fendell, Mr. end The Auxiliary Ways and Mesne and Mrai Robert.Sparks. ■ VQT RwWNI I W N administration. -. heed hardware, and aU W’ood trim are Mrs; Thomas F. Ferguson, Mr. and Committee will be in charge with Coming Bvents f^pan." Nor blame him when thou are + if mahogany. .The foyer walls are By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Mrs. Paul E. Higgins, Mr. and Mra. Mrs. Edward Schuitheisa (chair­ Coventry Playera sponsored by .QiM Caadwlj* *««waty. Mitonti tie* Cwl| One of the things he did was AcMpMd by Ih* Ceuaca e« rh)dc*l Model Boats and ^ n to • Coins Hero is the smear supreme. For, disegrecd. ivered in a^eometrlc print fabric Moscow — Lt. Gen. ’of Engi­ John H, Hyde, .Dr. and Mrs. men) assisted by Mrs. Frederick the Associated Little Theaters, will M*dkiM and a*h*Mliuiia« of dibrioasly. there could not haive point out i)ome rather glaring dlf- 8._Unto 'thy neighbor thou ahalt Rea. $ 129.00 Highboy- in\ aoft; trines of coral and tur- neers Vassily P. Kuznetsow, uie (Charles E. Jacobson, Jr., Dr. ahd Flaherty, Mrs. Delmar W. Potter, present Guy DeMaupassant'a "The 'to* AnMrican Madknl AMociadae. - Stamps • Crafts/* Hobby Took -Mhn ^Wisdlisa waste anAantravaK fereiiMS iMtwew bis administra­ __ bend • qume. fabric wall covering is also oldest officer in thi Soviet aviati.pn Mtet . R, Keeney. . , , , ...... Sawyl Orddra Awi) he OM . /"And, if a stranger, make a '^Chest-on-Cheit S IM Industiy and a former member of Mr. and Mra. Rayihrind Kiecoitt, g|aee" unless the human beings tion aa^ tiu Mew Deal, as, for in­ ueedx in the. powder room with a f» *nfar ntoinoSI stance, the aixe of the budget . friend. CO^Xceramic tile walnecotlng. the cabinet of Soviet Aviation Mathias Mobile, Mr. and Mrs. f^pozudUo for t t e j K ^ t bidding K. T lW , «h«lt .U> ,#y»at. W2jr ,h# ^ENUINE M APLE Mlniatty... „ Fred Murphy, Mr., and. .Ml? ciN Ti.e Another or the thlu|fB lie did, oil kind program " had eiteer d^berately Tme building is equipped with - Sioux. City, Iowa George F. chael Qulah, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. ^ /irwaMniFA i w to have it, or had been so the other side of the ledger, was to OompMsiMiate, and ri tender Sllknltter, 74, presl^ept. and* gen Quish,_ . • ...... radiant n u t and. air conditioning,. Mr. arid Mra. Tomas J. Rogers, lly ignorant and incapable take a somewhat balanced view of ■ :r- ■ ■ AcousticaK tile baa been used on an! mariagar of the Sioux chty u i n f f s Mltchcn 10. And M>. by all Apirit'i frac«L Stockyard Co., and the Sioux Mr. and Mrs. Anthony SquiUscote, as not to see If the Bowers the New Deal itself. \ From Ytrne te time, throughout this, our 80th the ceiUngX end rheoetat atmoe- 9 Thou shslt show God within Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Turking- He didn’t think, he said, that phere-controi lighting has heSn in- Falls, 8.* D., Stockyards alnce '9*7233 b l^ claim is true, there are ob- thisxriace. Yoor, wA'|l proiont 'unuiuol voluos like this to 1925. Born in Centerville, Iowa. ton, Samuel J. Turkington, Samuel s / m v anyode had- attempted to tap that —Anonymous. I stalled. Wallsxof the building have J. Turkirigton, Jr., Norman R vipusly a good many Manchester commom^oto this dot# . . I9S4. Most of these been painted iir.coral with n broken Tted Tburaday. C O t L E C n O N " ^ h a n m u y COBNER CENTEB a si GUSWOLD Well,, Dr. end Mra Barney Wich- INC. 0 wyiria3s who ought to be fired and everything that was done by some 8ponsored_By The Manchester weave effect in^allvar |^y. The New York—Allen Carter Hinck­ BY GEORGE McMULUN Council of outstondihg Xyolues will be limited to a short man, ' ■ jdttacd into disgrace, and. a. good political opponents or by a poUil- _.proceas of_.appiyteg thoTWint U ley, 7^ opera oingM'and anuitedr ^704 PARKER STREET— NO PHOI t.Mf.-3-4/36 ■rSiMii In b* did not be- : timfjigr to e^Antitverwry purchpFe, somoko ^ew ^jm d. WDl . jo g appear on the gWer,' who as a ' baSa-bSrUoha m any pstuatn d tUena who ought made his Metropolitan Opera de lieve wax neceesarily evij ot bad In recent ye«|k the earlleri your s^oction ju^t os soon os you possibly can market until later la the spring. ^ b U T H i^ T SECTK>N — — : to be ban«d from ever serving proved date at which man Is Pridemonte"' s ta t^ that A e f but In 1908, at one time headed the town on any committee. If for the countey. known to have eMMed in America . . tho mihuto yoiivsoo these 80th Year values Nino, assisted by twq cooks, will the vocal department of the Kan MONDAY, FEB. 1 this claim is true, in fact, the only From, that prist, be went on to­ haa been moved baric'^rom 10,000 preside in the 'inodetn etkinless sas City Conservatory of Music Mri.Zoppi announced. \ / . and conducted the Chicago Light people la Manchester who can bo ward the enunciation of his own years ago to about 20^(m years steel kitchen with ita new ranges, creed. ago: \ . . broilers and sanitary disbwaridiig Opera Group and the Village Light judged to be honest, effident, in- Opera Group in New York. Pied Ripiiir n i kMm As the transcript\of the press equipment. Pedemonte will act as / taiUgent, and capable encnigh to host In the dining room s w re a Thursday. of klveirsIdA Park, Agawam, is 'b ays any connection with public conference reports his remarks. Lexington, Ky. — Alex Goold full menu, listing a wide variety now located at 259 Franklin / affairs are the five members of "Hs believed his jobXthe Job of ef foods viiU be served. HiUrirMt Campbell, 59, president of W. U Ave., Hartford, acreaa from the this administration or any other 4- will be ready t9..,«erve luncheoAat Petty Tobacco Co., end the Lex- S u t Theater. Readtaga hjr ap­ the Bowtra bloc. AH others, it idgton Bonded Storage and Ware that would come after it,\ was to 11:80 s.m. on THitsday and will Im pointment Mdjr. FhdiBe Hartford would seem, have betrayed the Reg. $125.00 Det^to (L e f t )/ open seven days.aweek thereafteiv house Co, .Born in Richmond, Va* « 9-9788. All Septic TanL Cleaning te^e the situation as It existed bast interests of their own com- Dresser Bose . . . $99.10 eg. $85.00 Pupils May SeH Milk Died Thursday, ■■ A Munlty. . , and'ivhst was good for the coun- Reg. $45.00 Dresser Seventh grade students at the V..,. ; -______SEPTIC TANKS, DRY VYELLS and ROOT-PROOF . We apologisa .to Mr, Raymohd ■try.' best . $69.50 . iplmol have .aent.out a question­ z / OasMe * for using him as an "Nosi> he brileved that people ■ -Mirr'or naire to parents on their proprised SEWER L lN E B IN i^ and REiPAIRBO" project of selling milk to th** r example, but it seems to us that if ua^ t it^ , appellationa—what, do WAIKINS ''x - . . * ' school children at snack time. all this is true he must indeed be you thpm. Meanings of words ■aoTHBM. m e They explain the project has as Usinf the most modem equipment, skilled dperatoni at least one individual specifically —seemed to get all confused, Old time charm Us objective raising money for Ostjse^Csft/sr guilty of the crimes charged. liberal, jnrogreasive, and Ml the FUNERAL their clsae trip next year. Sihee PesaF'WKedll with years experience fives yon It is no secret that, as chairman reXt o t them. NeVArtheleas, he the class Is large and trips are ex- SERVICE See ihese “hi£h-priced” features: Reg. $85.00 Dresser petuive, they felt fund-reialng opiM tanY # QUALITY WORK • RiASONARLE ^ Of the School Building committee, thought It would be safe to .ay MouldW bases on three, sides with f-Jdff-s d tP ja Base . . . . $69.B0 - ehottld begin early. The milk THNaarHNaa AU TVm e ItXN e 9RAMI he has held a strategic position in this: OnMoi iWeic ogee f ^ ; beveled and Diited cor­ project was selected in an effort AT townr poMiiii Hum P t m t e r to avoid conflict with any money-- X ■. the Mandiester sdiool building "Whoa it comes down to deelipg ners; thuRib-nail edges ; solid brass \ prograin, and that if any one is with the relatlonahiito between the handles. \ ralsing plane the eighth grade mi^ be undertaking. WM. F. STEELE & SONS human in this country/And -Ms guilty of the faults alleged by the Reg.* $29.50 Dresser f ^ f lt on the milk will be very ■JS. Ml tchell 9-4343 Bowers bloc, he cannot be/ inne- Government, the people in this ad- f amsll and a large number of bot­ N t MAIM 3T.. MAIWmtTM 683 VERNON ST. — TEL. MI-94IB31 / Mirror ... $23.10 . «H i Hoca MooTH OS rm am m ot''' eent. There is no question but that minlatraUon believe |h being what tles will have to be sold daily to ciONfla OS Mipou Twm. MANCHESTER TAKES PRIDE ■be has appeared to be spending I think we would normally call / make the project worthwhile; A: Uberiff, and wheh we deer with the bhUmltsd tune on his tadu, and V\-. uL. that he has appeared, again and economic affain of this country, "^ 7 In Its TEACHERS again, at meetings of the Bbard we believe in ^ in g conservativeV’ PHONE A. . of Directors and before the pub- That p a rf^ p b , for which di­ Mitchell 9-7196 so jaly responsible, for moulding tk* minds of our be. as one who had Intimate rect quotati^ was authorized, con- or Mitchell 3^8606 \ SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! knowledge of ti>e details of the jtained , Jme pronouncement of 142 East Center St. (U ft). children durin^fheir formafive y*ars. The fhraa R's aro im* school building, program. .Ha. can­ creed. : Manchester Reg. $105.00 Chest- ARE YOU A T OUR portanf, but suc^fsful living and right attitudas for futura not, therefore, escape aome re- Th^ first criUcal_thmg that on^C hest $ U M cifixenshtp art taught- thiipu^h axampla as w all.. This .addad S^iiiBlbiUty 'for whnt his gone bn m f]^ be 'iaid for suck a creed raspOnsibility raquiras qm|litias o f tha Ipghast order, and raal . in Manchester. W said, immediately, by the \ ^ I f whnt has gone on in Manches­ Pnaident himself, CUTTING dedication. ter Is "needleae wsste and extrava­ As the transcript of the preae " ' Reg. $31.00 Reg. $5$.00 Poster Beds, f LADIES' STYLE . / " A t t o c t w r o fP etts o t o ^ r y ; lio c p i iMtvwr t « l / gance," than it must follow that conference conUnues: ^ side Toble^5.00 Full or Twin Sixes $44.50 / home comforts wttoio Wt liiRitoiic* ifOF9.">x this has been, in some niensure, bis "Now, he quite admItM that work. Since he ie not ualnteUlgent, there could be no distinct line SHOES ' V . .— Heery'R^oeksAdorns. - ar^at laaet his not been accused drawn between the economy end in HALF? bKP. the Bowere bloc being the iadlvlduel. And he was ready •M. -r-:--:;*:Ma^ 7 TMcharsi Ilka other '{^ S i have t* eopRwith financial prob* ^dgnomat," the nssumption must to u y also that such a little cap- tdms. They need: for convanienca in peying b{ll|. ij ehackhlg ' be that. be. fostered this "waste aule of attitude or description of $ ^ . 9 9 ccoiint; for security, a savifigs aecdunt; for that inovitabU anil extravagance" upon his town an atUtude could be ,puUed to Ever see such handsome lamps argency, a low rata personal ioah. These and otheir bank* by intent and design. pieces if one wanted to. I f we follow this Uns of reason- services are/availaMa at. the First National Bank. "But, in general, that'wu wjiat w yiRTH ett YOiiNB OR OLD. «.Y9rz.hQiiac haa plenty of. Vxluea up to .Its J i , I t bscomM quits clear why fo r o n ly - his administration was. trying to Lovely hand-decorated china lamps fb use at both" room for improvmenL An expansion attic or storeroom ChiM y Brothers hsa graclpus o SiaMTA to 9. 4o,..and the .<4f/.$rence here was .the ends of y w r davenport, Qrjbetweeii two important ■ caa -Im finished o f f to jnaka. an aUractive-iEaaat jrooas, jUMw.^ serve‘:'in to'Htgh.Rmia Oovanunent’a poatUea, «he -Go^ chaira . . . for 4hese are important lamps! 26 to That old aide porch cohld he eneloecd to make a dandy iime-coneuming public e .Uubaa Heels OPEN STATmAY MORNIN6S UNTIL NOON ernment'S g^ow^, the Govern­ 80 inches tall; finely tailored taffeta shades. sti^y. Mother’s fcitchen can be made a handred percent \ ■ ‘‘ . 7 1 fty. Cheney Brothers is, one ment's activity under this new ad­ w Aesoited Stylro mere attractive and twice as efficient. and THURSDAY EVENINOS 6:30 f 0:30 assume, interested in pro- ministration was to get—to have A. e Aaoorted OoJore. ■sglng "wests end extravsgsnce" its functions -in' conformity with These impsovements will improve the comfort and. in* (CLOSED WEDNESDAYS AT NOON) la |he Manchester school building the QonsUtutKm of this counti^, 07 crease the value of your home. They can be made quickly, IMgram so tiuit it can have the but in doing so, to make certain conveniently and at moderate cost. ■ CHILDREN'S iprtyilsgs of paying higher and thdt the Indlyiduala realised that Mlbac t|xes. What nonsense! But govenunent was a friend and is Do TW Worh Yovrsolf A m I Sovo Labor CostR; haw Mas esn the theory of “waste riot their enemy m any way." SLEEPERS ia d axtravagance" hold w a ^ r Jf you’ve a knack with' tools, you can save up t o 50% o f As the -President himself ob­ 4he finished cost by doinf the work yourself. We’ll five Tham harosaa, of course, to bs served, it is not possible to-pre-. inaiber theory about the quality you compkte directions and supply the materials-rna* tend, all the time, that you can 0 Mr. Cktolee's service. A t the tipnally advertised products backed by the mannfac* 2 9 make policy toward the people in tnrera’ fUarantee and our own reputation in Manchester. t m of msking it Inevitable that one compartment and policy to­ •B. Who have ever held or eX' You'll enjoy choosing your ward economic affairs in another, this theory ahouM them Valentlnn from our "blg- for there art many times when ths No Moooy Down REQ. S1.95 geit-ever" orroy of bright Usually aMVM be iadqded in th# “waste two Inevitably mterlock. And, as Bu"y one! o 80 X 8 1 te 9 e WITH nu rf I ixtravagSBoe bloc," we quote new Hallmark Valentines.* Liberal tciins pennit yon to pay for materials over a 36 the President himself said, auch a They ronge from loce-ond- RMmth period . . . w ith no down payment. ^ ^;aC these individuals, both of capaule' presentation of a creed ia $12.50 to > bappeaad to express them doily masterpieces ' to Buy in not a final, rigorous law. But a* Stop in for.frec eptimate and advice on any home improve* LADIES’ MEN’S [g t the ptiUic bearing on the light-heorted and humor- an attitude, as a guide to the way . ous Valentines—for every $12.95 ment plan-*4arge or amalL No oblif ation.' Just aak. School npproprin- the President is thinking and feel- Pairs! Nylei Shx Nfiei Sei iJow . • age, every taste. You'll inf and to the way he is trying 'ag.tfean iadMdualn wni find here the Hallmark Free Delivery Plan Bosk Library to act, we believe the President’s : lUnager Biriinid Martin, Valentine that soys just remarks constitute Mother heart- 3 $i 50c whof you wont to soy the Imagine sUch'big, handsome eMiv denMostratlm of breadth Mw to take this op- woy you Want to soy it. i M ost lamps in this coUectk>|i lamps for so UtUe . . . the OF MANCHESTIR of concept and purpose m the' Coipe in tomorrow and are fitted with S^ite aocketa tg noogalw publicly the White H waa lowest Watldna price in many Mr. Oaelee baa rea- hove fwp making • your 80 you can uae 60, 100, 160 WATKINS yejurs. $12.60 and $12.96 BRIDGWAY MILLS selection. or 30, JO, 100 w a tt balbik Mw% various boards The abiUty to change color has values. , • 188 MIDDLE TURNPIKE . . TEL. MI-9-6404 Igtioo with the made the name chameleon prover­ BUILDING MATF.RIALS pnf|prs4|i. He not bial, but the extent 6f actual color L U M B E . R r U E L V r ' O PElf DAILY 9:00 A. ML to 9:00 P. M. riumgee la cxag^iiratod In BEWEY-illOHMUl fiqsilsr'asiirte. 797 MADf 1^.. MANdBDMIBB T i: : '* n T UVD f ^ : f ; - Y V., — r-t.- ;v J' r» -.-If ’ J 'J ^•v' I' ■ - ; ,7 ^•’■ :': r . * I /'■ r ' ‘i ' ' y . ■ i- "\, ■ ■ ,h'r • - ■V- \ ■ MANCHESTER EVENINC HERALD. AIANC CONHi. FRIDAY. JANUARY 29. 1954 •9W In ^fD N tA m B FOX FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER / DAILY CROSSWORD PU2ZLE ittt'.rtta 7<. Pcrlect for tho SiiiaU Family Two to Addregg " fc,-. N o » 8 0 H s e m)m AntvMr ^€ounciIofPTA - jC tipiiif Worm Ji ' ' . ' I It Isn't irus that a woman hag i 4» 7v ^ j a i m Bttnrh «-> (proud of his Itneago) the last word—she alWayii haa an- Thg emblem of the Veteruis of Two guest speakerx' ate sched­ ; -ijfyou can pop In tomprrow eve« oUwr.—Vlars Blanchafd In Satevb- Foreign Wans, "The Cross of Mal­ uled for the meeting of the Man­ AiCMM 4FoUt« yi nlnf I'll show you my family tree. ' AUTO GLASS IN STA L^.^ tNdmfod post. ta," .is both sacred and historical, chester Council of Parent-Teacher 1 COOMlO StBVf Smith “ Sorry, but rvs 'pro. For Jtrlrigalioii, Power Asahs. at the Washington School . ’ TEMPLATES FOR ALL CARS fKtedM mlsed to look at Robinson's cab­ Cmdr, M. Kennath'Ostrinsky of viMgar Warning . annek Monday night .i «„!?****^*® (Plrephue# BRd Door) 4lWhwc*futl b age,^ tOeitImMd Irani Pbgn one) kave bean put on the blacklist.______AndarsoQ-BhcA' Post, No.' XOiS, Dr. MHdred B. Stanton, senior IMra'a givtn more ominous ' Bwlaa, putcn, Belgian and Flnntah VFW, pointed' out Utie wsek, an FURNITURE TOPS MBOICINB CAI •M to O nldnanM Than the souni of a riot, > , ccmsultant for special education in -Tier Arab neighbors and IS baaed firma also are on the Hat. tha local poet Jolaed 10,000 others the State Dept of education, will FICTURE FRAMING WINDOW PLATV « l i w • atrln Cutioaliy Is one of the forms of la when the youngstars solely on engineering and topog- in. observing NaUonal VFW Week /llUacnploarad ladtaAa feminine braveiy.—Vlc^r Hugo. The boycott undoubtedly haa explain what a school social Case OPEN SATURDAvs—OPEN THDB80AT EVBNINIMI', 14 lUltaa ri vw •irtlaiMl Are suddenly qUlet.^ > raphleaT. considerations. The caused soma derangement ' of dlls week. worker does. MlMw Arab States officially do riot rec­ Icrael'a trade, OH must come from In answer to an inquiry about Police (%lef ''Herman Schendcf ^ ESmiATEB GLA1H.T OiyEE J lOfWnialM A man was happy because he Artist-What rent do J«m“ ognise the existence of Israel! Venesuela whUe a direct pipeline tha emblem aeen on their coat will be the second speaker. He will ■ . 4t llaatol 4 ^ ■pprilattwt It voice 40 Low dams had done three good deeds the day Some Arab publications print "Is­ frontXraq oil fields to the Haifa re­ lapala and on their autos, the VFW •tUfod* u ^S^dnnlT fniH fr charge for your rooh«? describe a program , for bl.cycle N 41 Burdened befors. He had met a poor woman landlady—Wght dollars and up. rael” In quotation marks.; fineries lies idle, Tile Sues Canal loader pointed out that the Inatgnia safety and will answer questions II riMtiiif 17 Golf dub in warm 4XBtrd on the street, who was weeping and Artist -But I'm a struggling In the end, the Arab tA a ^ a un- la barred to moet shipping for was more than 1,000 yeaia old, concerning safety regulations. lirbiMim boats It H tU ic cUmatoo 4XKUf (pralx) having been the embUm of tlw who held a elcklylooklng child In sl^lsl- ...... doiibtedly will decide the official Israel. Large quanUtlee of wheat The executive meeting of the XI A iw lb tr aataaurt XI Xtoio In 44Levd her arms. Inquiry ah«hred' that she Landlady- In that case lt‘11 h4 attitlide to be taken on the plan. must be imported from Canada KnIghU of S t John, the world's council will be held at 7:30 in the furniaop fttal XXWnmalaaa F7aheh 41 In this place was weeping becapae she'was con­ eight dollars down. , . v,- Iri a recent lijte«>t,SW, Pr. Raid and the United States. Instead .of first brotherhood of men who flttit grade classroom laa|) in —• which she did return — and ^ m U,e part .of the Jordan I n L o n ^ a “ u'ljtiy' m______4 ahger of col- acUvtUes for the fu&re year. Daisy for dinner means youll with plneapiHa sUcea for a tasty, I P Farmer—No, but b«'s so^ rald enjoy a flavorfiil meat that's been eaay-to-prepare meal. **N<^ ril find out how my husbimd it •»ttlr»» al« in Ilia 40Uvw l t— Z went his way. I'll say whoa ind.tte won't-hear ^^'llaea Fervlgn OH •« W1H 41 Moadotr IT Friend — That la one good deed. sprootlng. B u H d ^ are at work cured and anioked to wonderful, Dalay leftovara are also a hit. \ / law ^studiM!" ,' \ r" "T m^. that he stops once tn a while Di\ Aballama noted that Israel when cubed or sliced for casseroles OFEN DAILY S AAI. to 10 F.M. 4X Warm ZZJ Now for the other two. to listen. y ' ^ Is forced to power part of her de­ on the nation's land development ham-llke goodneaa. This bone­ and irrigation projecU. Ptobm . FirsI; A id Classes and akllletries. ....„ , i , Man Oh. they're-all three In -T-' veloping industry 'with oil, broi^ht FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS OF $S OR MORI BY J.R. WILLIAMS OUR BdJ^ING HOUSE / wHh Ho6 pLE 4IW hcl m that one. First. I relieved the sor­ tonrwre looking for oil in the less pork ahoulder butt’ la pertMt' Daisy gives an exotic variation iiduT OUR wXV In Montsni It's a mls ' Daley Tropicale OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY •IBefort m ondt I assured the child of eternal bad napiea.—Fred Walter, .Wal­ \ more electric power, he said, lirael been in full swing, with an expect­ When buying, look fo r the Yield: 4 servings 'vsH.-r»«y\ (pralx) kalyation; and third. I got rid -of lace, |feb. could become much more competir IXHabrtw R % timt comiterfeit ten dollar bill I'd / -- \ ed y l ^ of ^ u t eight million A rtandard first, aid class will quality, branded Daley that has 2 green peppers ,T>d»y/>wrTf bOVKlHCdt TOOALLU6 w a s K ix a m o wriH » n c c fo a c n ^ tlve in the world's markets. start on Monday night, from 7 to cooking difsctlons on the' wrap­ l l i cups-cubed cookedJDaii^ SHORT OR S I R L ^ fU tT w o tn ioucprr-HOM'i BerrBe'i>«ib , twOKK Bur 1VAT ^ 0 0 irWenpKi* nurrmy '1 STILL IS ONLY IN ITS 1 1 d ^ . Farm Areaa Double CXilld'e Study room, and wHl con­ from 2 to 4 pounds sO the small 2 tablespoons f a t ^ / No looser does be lie awake be­ s/ TMC ndim 1 rear A soy TO ALL'fcUR OBLIRIOM.STO la Itt [ 'more than a mile. Nnw we need an effort toward hydro-electric ds- tinue for eight weeks or until the family wiU have meat- left over cause of excess stodlach acid. No 111 ortoua Ir instrument that will" throw ‘ th e \ Government statistics show ths 1 cup meat stock ^ nreioaor JomA well sncusoLeB Doarir.' T B>teM 1MAT H06WILD OM- _ The best gifts are always tied vclopment," he ssld. "With the total area cultivated haa more course is concluded. The clsssee, for encore dishes. • M cup jilneapple chunks , - i dices he toss end turn with S teakj CNB**! U3VE& wAKPTDae ORCSSIN MACMINE/ 'M l with hearietrings. speaker an equal distance. ! that queasy, restless feeling. He IT Wo ■ r economic boycott, we can hinder,' than doublsd, from .41X.500 acres which are undar the eponsorehip of When preparing''a Daisy for , 2 tablespoons cornstarch ' u . nwonrr- UPWHBKHe rDADuesTA $AVHe O B T6 C T IN If not strangle the industrial de­ the Uncoln PTA, will be Instruct­ just Mkes 1 0V4 Turns as a "night­ / (Cut Freni H^nry AM*«**n» COULD MHE V0UCMUNSI2V d i In IMS to 115,000 acres. Irrigated family service, plan to water-cook 2>ttibleB|xx>na soy sauc( / WA6 6 LAD ONE OP BY DICK TURNER velopment of Israel.” area has increased from 72.000 ed by Mra, Mary Mujianey, a mem­ the meat until tender, about 45 to H cup vinegar cap” before be goes to bed. ln L U ’ Taxes are high. \ ' ^ prinMd its views on the TVa plan. . Daiay altcea are another popular and aimmer jO minutea Mix corh- Dr. Aballama, Iprrrier ecbnomicA Cross as a public servWe, may en­ way of aerving Uiia. smokey- Another probably is thad & TVA roll ..at the first class on Mohday Btarch with water to form paate. professor at the Amsv^can Uni­ makes no provision for an- old Is­ flavored m eat Leftover allces of Mix with aoy sauce, vinegar, versity in Beirut, says Israel has night, or may make advance regis­ CORNED BEEF raeli dream — using soma of the cooked Daisy can be served aa cold sugar, and remaining meat stock / / been able to maintain her.self only Jordan water to Make- the Negeve tration by phoning Red Cross cuta' for evening entertaining or END with "charity and help." M(hen the Headquarters, 3-5111. ai)d cook 'until clear. Four over .Dwnrt blooin MAd Mipply^food now pan-fried to be featured at the meat and/himipcr. 5 .mlntttcs. Serve - help etops, -he argues,*-“ tW fine I imported; ,— - famUy breakfast. ThicKef aUcee of oiriitr hot Cooked rice or Chinese towns will disintegrate and the The IsraeH-diwreiQn project on cooked Daisy caq be broiled along lb. people will emigrate.". noodlea the Jordan River south of Lake 011 Burner Blast ----. c a r e f u l l y OOB^I^ED d - Israeli economic planners'do nri^' MuMK. hiP^^jgberitly artier'Syria ~ r lake such a.;,pe.ssimlstlc view. A ^mplliMd-taRhe Security Ooiin- govemment adviser who did not ciZ IS one part! of Israel's^plan to Scorches Ceiling . ArttarDnig Sio^ e Want hi.5 name used said; supply Jordan Ttlver water to the EXTRA iDOLLAR SPECIALS IfT S S eN S l "W4 are in a difficult position NegSy. Syria eharged that work on An oH burner exploded In the NOBUUSIA | 1 0 U5 « m i| but. we are not. in any daog«r of the project; part of which Is In the old Herald building, 10 Hilliard St 8 CANS SWEET UFE MILK*.. . . $T ^ V- ■—■ IT irrfTir~ u a u collapie. We' wmild welconie the demimarised xone,----- , violated------■ the - ni 4:40 this morning, ■'blowing 4 CANSi SOLID lONITA TUNA Si-00 end t t the boycott because we armlatice. V open doors In the building and TOWN A COUNTRY i ALLEY OOP \ Bid Tw^tics BY V. T. ^lAMLIN wou|d^lH(e to.be on. friendly ternis . Aigum rtw pilepl upon argunienta______oedtehing the ceiling. . 10 ROLUOHARMIN TOILET / _ wPUTLEY -I- ■' W!th <^r neighbors, bu% trade, with over the vwatar.----- situation...... and------the George Dent, of the Police - TISSUE ^ V.. -. . V.. , H.OO the -Aj-ab oountyies would iabt be UHtoy- other. factors that go to I>*Pt., discovered the blaze and PURNELL PLACE * Impf^tailt to us." make/tip the leraeh-Arab dispute, turned in the alarm. OPEN DAILY TTCANSMMf^Sfm A^icultural production haa been vrterari; Western dlolomat Chief John *'—M en said the build­ »:15 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. SARDINES ...... $1.00 doubled, he sakL The stapda:^ of whu baa lived much of hla Ufa with ing is now known as the Rubin WEDS. ALL DAY living may be reduced fusther,'but the Arabs w.«4saaaa4^MLCU,commented: Building. Flames, aaasismn, asche »UUCU,added, UAUdid it is still higher than in Amb. "Most thinking Arabs know that nilhor damage. They also touched countries and comparable to th lt Israel IshSre to------stay^ and---- wivjr they ■ are r e ----- off. _the_ sprinkler syatem ’ thatW««l . 'of France, Italy and Britain, he now taking the only defense caUght the attention of Sgt. Dent aaid. Isradhs expect financial aid against It they know. ------— ______\ from Jews outside Israel to con­ "There is no formula for solv­ tinue for a decade. ing the problem. But the time has Boycott la Explaiaed come to stop talking and arguing You'll novor bo' sorry it you dge .^Dr. Andul Kerim Ayidt. rtiief of about it and do something which ITS the Syrian Boycott Office in has some promise of altering the Daniafcus, explained the 'boycott sitL-ation for the better. Either we TOWNvK COUNTRY ^of Isrdel this'way: . must take this approach or just r FO R wait and asa What ^ppena.v \- **My Ofginixitioii I r t i k ^ i poll, lirl Aro you too tiglitl “ laraal w** by the big ItQ M S fS V cw — ” powers—but it vvu created in the ■ V I to givo I min f dimo for i of 7 Wrong place. Since It was created GASOLINE PRICES DIP CHRIS WILKIN. Planeteer Partnenkip BY RUSS WINTERBOTHAM by the big powers, declaring war ATTENTION BOOT^ AND HER BUDDIES Wonderfal Confusion X BY EDGAR MARTIN against it would mean going to New York, Jan. 2V Uf) —Gaso­ HBniKfiAUlg - 4 IF WB VM4BOM war with the big powers. This the line prices continued to move low- ' . / r — — ------Arabs will not dorTherefo.r4, It Is v*" on the Ekmt Coast today as in­ AUTO PAINTERS naiJlMBLB IMT«- YOU‘W t SQ VX)Q»T ROO NO\NOXTA their names to Israeli products, >'«golar grade gasoline. 2-lOtha of STRMSWI*. establishing 'hranebes or factories i •- its 11-state market area i lUMLY

Mokes every woman Ask to see the a sewing expert WONDER in o matter of nunutet. . W H E a \- N EC C H I.ae •7.4 “ ------^ SAVE TWO WAYS WONDER W HEEL NECCHI S a irm t *«•*»»» W>.i>.-si«.e. L'eik-fii . ,tba machiim thpt .CAPTiJN EASY H ^ fn l BY LESLIE 'nJRNER iva-a-I : evSMOfiMSS FRECKLES' AND HIS FRIENDS G^'S«f, FoUu' RV MERRILL C. mX)fWER ^ m oh FLOOR COVERING ' i e w A b y IMT M » M bur R> MINeSB S p ic e A U .6 USS Bazoo BcfTs. ouRQutsT wim'WB aiilf e e MiMK MAMAZIM6 eXPEMMONr—TOUVe AU- WIU.SMAtTSltWnH- PMENOKMMAL VOCAL OORM. IS ABOUT ! iiilii P e w pncwDCD wnuEMtPUMS— . — IN RANee OPK4E T> OtAOe THIS PUOV 6 m • SEWS ON WTTONS • OAUIS ExrEKiMENr.punfie (Y Y&UN6 AT IT... INSoer TOinc Do It yourself! Save the iiwtalla-' iii HAND'lOUR. spec- ^ EAICmJ6S.PtBASe/ Blackstone tion expeitae. Get your materials iiiiii:::::: • MAKES MinOMldlES HM B 'DOJES'lb'IHE i i u:;:r 4 . t _ » USMOeSiTHCYWIU. It’s the worlil’s finest tnto» from ua and; proceed to have fun at • EMMOiOEKS BE ReiURHBD IA1^ ill nutic washer ^ . - "Tops” in big savini^s. ■ all withaut atta€hmant$l all-com ^rativc tests- Doa’t ^ou can have the best 2826 fd l to sec a demoostradoa of Get good materials! We stock the this all-new Blackstone. finest. The extra wear and Jastinr at a price you can afford You'U racelve many corapU- menta When your family ani beauty of quality floor coverihg will SM.SA y - l f friends this pretty pansy iiiiii VIC F m if » v e yon money in the long run. BY BUCHAEL O’MALLEY THE STORY O! trodocing Cirl Chinin BY WILSON SCRUGGS wheel doily. Crochet the center of snowy white cotton and the Mother-daughter frocka softly P i in a NECCHI k: _ pansy edge separately in varife- scalloped. • NOUWMMrVfMTHB M O M « OUT THBVw g » ^ i^ Hiis .• -‘ e* poYiuvn pwapr« BLN. M U UM rroN TVB AMWbM Ptb iRTBRiNjoynid gated coloringa then altarti ,to the Pattern No. 8055 la in siaea ll, t iiSj -sfroight-sHtch-at the low^ low $ A A f S wiangi* HKB./ ■ow.iaxM NOT Mcic N« 'noNi UmiNTMi bMLtX^.AAfiUM center. 12.13, 14. 16, IS.'Sise 13, 4H yards Manchceter’g Oldest Floor Covering'Specialty Shop ■M C2 CMR.emM»ff..Mg «M NUIBVIOMt rrg BgriM iMANDCv Pattern No. 2824 contains .cro­ of 30-inch. Ai««gguecMgArsw OPTNOIMION cheting instructions, .material re­ PatUra .Ko. 80M is In sises 3, You con own o NECCHI pnCD o f • I BMW M’S* LOCAL 4, 6, 6, 7, 8 ySRcs. Size. 4, l | i NECCHI VBMtS AlO. ■AgTUg.' quirements. aUtch illuatratlons aXWINO dlNCLC ' for os little os $1^5 per week and finishing dli^ tiohs., yards, of S^-inrtL Two pattarnii,;- B A V C ItIT II Send 25c In coins.'nwir «ama, ' For these pattern, send SOc kjlr Free Ho([im DemOTstrotion Uberol Trode-fai ABowence nddrciu and the. pattern nmnber :aach, 'in coins, yoor name, adrtma. m\ tq ANNE CAJIOT, THE MAN- Mztii dealfed,- and the pattetw ■ CHESTER EVENING HERALD, number to RUE BUBNETT, iiiiH % " ' 1 IIM AVE., AMERICAS. NEW MANCHESTER EVENING ABC YOEK XR k Yf ALO. 115# AVE; AMEEIi ■s i i m rt Oir Stm Tifiy 1 b I Mf m praeenUng the «xqpl^ Anag NEW iVORK se. H jr . ' > Cabot Needlewo^ A lteb BMM Fbshloa fbrlu. Fall'a A polioiic^o. 3* tkxie p^ipp^V nlltteiiB,- kxsht .Wlntar, la .a complaU guide^ ViCHlS^ IUdw -TVaiHl SirihfnMtiTy'r'It'T"------* gnwAde--iplannhig . a p s p c tl^ . aew^iUiC H “ T2I Utoln 6t.—Netir Bueml, MI-3-5«M> atgiM-igiy U ^ ted to pu» .Igoua.','lwardr^. Gin paueni prbitadJH- jis iijyii STtiRv Jitk T. a We a a iw. X5,aaxta.' ? >rsida'tae book. Send'35 cents today; ■ a'lreinmiiai I ii i umbii / ■% W f ' ^ 4 ^ 1 . I ' i:%- '/ -i/.' ■V r - J y/ ■ !■ —■ M" ■:/ /'f HANCHESTER EVENING HERfLD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, JANUAR^^i?, 1964 r 'I ■ -r. Bbiidreau Challehses SfeRgM to^l“Beat Us Out” MANCHE$TE^.“ByEl^lNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.4 FRIDAY. JANUARY’ 29, 1954 ...... mU ------1 ...... ' ■ , ' 4, .4.... ■ r~T^ ~ ' - - ^1 - - EARLH^YOST The CroM of Lorraine Dykes Promises ' V U H «r ' 1

roll’s eomnttwhra th« BA'i acotiMl A lOS to 101 Orioles Will Shaved to HRIAMI LRaOI'E Furoiian^s Selvy AH^America Way. n Mas* rse .. v.v.v.v...... 11*15123 100 Oppose Pace.^ttei^®“ *1’™’ IM g ^It-^achoolboy t^ achoolboy .aggrega' aggrega- trie* to 15 of 25 for the home ,4 _ . , ^ S'a gemee today following their \ / ■ ■ Nc^fi Oi# 858 5 MoreM ore nap Loss Stice d r o p ^ all 15 atartat The club . . There'a a alight posfibillty Lou Boudreau of the Boaton Rad defeat by Syraeuae In the firat Toisli .i.. '47 aii^^uad, uinnera of but one ■ IM that tb# Baltimore BuUeta, fee* Sox has peraonelly ehellenged game of their vital National Bas- sitiin ...... 77 ts 148 Drive-In Win Would p Loveljette^s For Pass Insurance; »/w 10 prevloua outinga, and turing Ray .Felix, will come/to Caecy Stengel of the. defending *‘*J^** Aseocietion serlea. - tcConISol • 111 ns ;; . , ,, ------1 Meriden R eteiyr*«X K in iU laat.aeven engage- Manbheater to play an fxh i^ lon The Nationals ‘ ■ tislftn •••■ .‘.Tiol 110 511 Create Two-Way Tie Franki^.^ce Year Record haa four gamea remaining. champion New York Yenkeee ’• t o ' ^ N a t i o n a l s trounced the nn .... im 306 Steelers Take Lattner Sunshine Sailing | Tonight; IM game with the BA'a. Bwineaa Knicka 79-66 last night as the New Krgiurai ■SI r s -N.,___ . TOhlght the Indiana play Meriden beat us out in the race for this For^lxfop Leadership; New- Y o r k , Jan. 29 UP\— Manager Art Pongratx of tM BA'a Yorkers blew a 21-13 first quarter Phfladel{lhia, Jihi. 29 *■*«• offlciala are optlmlatlc game margin to the W b au n Divi­ ltraltnn .. In a poke at the annual pro player W L M e form /at the annual Boston Base­ f4ill*y ... as 104 116 Martfbrd Oourant . . . . 0 t . .900 within the next 10 days., allDUld get off to a rouaing aUrt about moving the* Iresoe from ^ t. sion by whipping the Baltimore Ixiw 5laa 77 draft. A Briidol ...... « 0 1.0M 'tonight when all the top lodr ball Writers* dinner last night. Frankla’s Drive-In i ^600 i t hd can keep up bis iMwt Nebo'tO.the West Side Oval for Bullets 1 0 4 ^ ,. the Rocheetel- A poll of coaches and officials Meriden 4 - 8 - ' AfT taaiM . eeo. gctlon, Pelted Uie , , * 4.; While Case smiled broadly, Bou­ ToUl* “44a * 4 « 14to Nassfff Arms ...... 7 3" .700 recent paca he wlU do It before World Serieft Of- dreau witMned'- the tmproremente 5?ya'» - ^O’vned thq PhUndelphto Jm ^ HaU .. a-*«■»•*«#■ to torn r w»— A 2 7il5 lid-lifter are the KaaalA Arma^^” MHler^F-'Btwrthnriut - <. ■*—fi “i40(^ the-week'to'over;--''--'-'•r— J*?.h?8._|u.ougbt 1953 baseball film, secured by The the Red Sox have made In this Warriors 82-79 to overtime hiW , a flf •« Frllre ... •7 343 general opinion that the quality of Widdham ...... 8 8 J M and Millera while the pace-aetting 77 JSl Mayflower Re*taurant 1 9 .tOO Herald, last week, was seen by year's team. Then Stengel had hts the Fort Weyne Pistons defeated ^ in n ... Selvy is a scoring marvel. After 1953 collegiate players was below Middletown 1 8 .IfiT Oourant and Frankle’a Drive-In the Boaton O ltica 80-68. Harmln . ' a* 300 Hfrm’s Camaras . . . . . 1 9. .100 more than 2,500 during an eight- turn to ' speak, and. reminded the 2V> aeasona Of play* with the par. The ISck of specialization cut Manchester ...... 0 fi J M ahara Ahe apoUight ill-the aeimnd day period... Nothing lia* been 1,000 dihen that the Tankeea sUll ySyracoaSi. spaHmd ^ BHly Cto-- f : *1 > Oreenvltle, - C., “■chodr 'lte"1nur the llirt/'of "gtfoa pro' Brbspects, half o f the twinbill. The Newa- bor. rallied la the second period to Riding ths crest of a nliie game sexired 1,803 points. He needs just Tonight’s Sehaiato beard on plana to revive the Twi­ have a great bait club. m 441 1386 tlwy said. % men hold a one game edge over grab a SS-Sl edge at halftime. Total* winning streak; the / Hartford Lovellette’s record and be has IS Manchester at Merldlia. light Baseball Leagtie which oper­ And Stengel addgd that the New Oourant quinted seeks to strength­ Caches Buck Shaw of San Fraaklea. a two game bulge over ated for 20 seasons before dis­ Yorken have more than sufficient, Thea Wally Oaterkeira aad Eari T LRAGVB remilar season games to play. Francisco, Jim Trimble, of Phila­ Bristol at Windham. Naaaiffa to the race l6r champion- Lloyd palled the Nats Into a 69-50 en Its hold on first place In the Rec. Laat Bight a g i ^ t Preabjrtottoa, HaU at Middletown. banding during the later stages of power to overcome any and all “ of al*a <41 beague tonight when it faces sec­ delphia, Curly lambcau of Wash­ •hlp honora and a win tonight the 1952 season. Last-fall there .my managerial falhirea.” lead at the ead of three qaarters. .UO 11.1 Selvy Bcoreil. 48 points. t l « (elckUi ington. BumUnmuM of Oetralt, Joe would practically clinch the title •And isithoiigli IheJUiicko got wlth- 113 111*115 ond plice pranWe’s Drlve-mv Nag; ttaM) to 12 games this seasnn tie t Mahchesler High facaa anotltor were reports that a four team With that parting shot, Stengel I y .ii* ...... 145 133 I K aill'fl. Rec. 13t 331 aeasoa ago. Trimble and Shaw set the gen­ U1954 pehnfint.'* Dykes said. "AU f- point decision to Naaaiffa on a -.ronie. 50 to 43 at the Armory. ' players for the final round. polished lanes in March. Hippo I can promise Is that Baltimore is The teama meet again la New ' a? I jAlrMumn ...... V, «7 lOS 107 313 Selvy has played twice since he eral pace When they told how they .York on Saturday and In Syracuse l/rAiMl/rron .... 10* 103 aa 307 last gacond hoop from mid-court paused for mid-term exams. The Xeagoa leading Bristol traroto M COrrentl, who la enjoying a g ^ t going to be tougher than the Phila­ I Barrrra ...... 173 113 33 306 by Tommy Dineeri. That broke the had to dig up 1952 college rosters season, is the defending titM ol- the following night. first game after his rest he scored Imantle attempttag to pro- BfANY A BASKETBALL game delphia Athletics I mansged last first platro tie. The Newsmen can to find Out whicli players played la won or lost at the free throw der. Tom Kelly, one of the aUte’a ' Minneapolis jumped off to an Total* Sfli''^617 504 159 45 points. Tonight he goes against unbeatea etrlag ngalaat season. They uill have to be, or r il move twnJuil games in front with defense and which played offense the W M ^ ta , resting In I m HI line. Last week end the British best-known ‘inoney plnnerb" was lose my job.” 11-0 advantage over the Bullets Newberry and tomorrow against during two piatodh days. • and breesed in. Big George Mlkan their tenth straight tonight while place. A M Is at MIddlettonL Americans lost and won gamea in runnenip last season. • • •a y ’4 <31 Clemson. Those 80 points may “ If we didn’t," said Shaw, took scoring honors aith 24 points Gmlllporo ...... ' KM ^ 303 Frankie’s hoj>(e to knot first place favored to nm the TIgera. \the Eaatem Professional League FIBST SUNDAY afternoon home ELLIS Kl^rOER, Red Sox . J. Rlvnca ...... KM 100 331 come in these two games. I f they “we’d miss out on some goiod de- attraction of the BA'^this season snd Laker teammate Vern Mik- 103 3S3 agnin. Lou Deed don’t he’s \got two more games Meriden, a xquniey-bound Ctoa* at the 15-foot line. Saturday night noted reUef pitcher, wes awarded Savorirk . ....; ...... 14* Norm Burke, Gil Kidd and Rudy Yensive boys who sat out most of in the Bisstem L a a f^ is sched­ the writers' T953 outstanding play- kelsen had 17. A1 Roges had 18 for I P. Acrio i ...... 128 IM 333 coming up \next week— agali^t A quintet, ffg u i^ to get by Ifaa- avthe Armory the locals outacored Baltimore. ' B. Paianl •a 104 tas Knight are expected to carry the last season because he couldn't Lohnt from the fioor, 28 to 24, but uled Sunday agaliiM the Bristol e n honon for making 69^pitching Manhattan' College In Mad|Mn play on offense. The same goes in Chester if Ed Tom'aactti and O ui^ A t Philadelphia, the Warriors I ChrruMnI — KM 111 317 punch the \Courant\needs to beat (Jueent and contributed 12 and 10 hit on^only 12 o f 22 charity tosses Tramps. It will be Elks Day and appearances. Square Oardeh Thursday /ancl rei’erse. We won’t know what some lie Nellis, the two deprtog laaderti led all. the a x y until Odlo l^poai'ar off ttm threat of Frankies.. High points respectively. The win en­ team sponsors six hopeful o f the The dinner was dedicated to the Total* ...... 5*0 .5113 851 1719 against LaSalle^ in Phlla^lphia of these kids do best until we get of Meriden, have any . kind oty while the Bay Staters were drop- tip-in goal with one minute to play ! ’ V (lanlrB Oravr (II scoring Jsrry,, D’ApIce of Fran­ abled Morlartys to take a- coifl- night. They will start Ing in 22 of 27 for a 70 to 68 biggest crowd of the season:^ A t­ late (Sene Mack, famed Boston RIvo/a ...... I l l H I 83 319 Saturday. tied the score. In the overtime, J. kie’s left for the service. Wednes­ mandlng hold on first place. then in pre-season training.” He Dave Curry, Joe Zajae 1 win. The^tuatlon was reversed tendance haa not been good ' On Globe sports cartoonist. ____ Pasanl ...... 84 114 lit K t Donna Gardner smiles Arnie Risen scored on a hook shot ■Pnw 7. 80 117 ••*3 386 day and/tos .loss -htrikes 1 . serious — BmUi Ead«.(W/ - .. Selvy.’a show last .mgh^ helped »d Trinible agreed it' was like Lombardo. Saturday nights'niid the manage­ Red Sox outfieldera Jim Plersall B. eking a pig in a poke. Itig from rigging ' after the foUowiM day in New Britain in the. first minute snd added a O lort'ltl ...... 11* 114 M3 337 blow to ttu East Hartfdrdman. F. Pt«. Furman overpower Prdshyterian ment hopes the shift to Sunday and Ted Williams, who was unable lit>w ...... *8 01oa^.,Ff 16 13 S named queen of Miami The still Imildittg lajaaa layup for the clincher later on. — , »» Lou Descl/ Ken Plnney- and . Red Vinton, t 109-79 and bring Its segaon's mark The 12 N F L teams drafted 360 afternoon will result in more coins to appear, shared the “outstanding OaTrllo ...... — 114 \144 353 plajcra at yesterday s 14 hour Sailing Regatta.' (N E A). paek the wallop toio up a M rttt Larry Foust, with 26 points, was l.eonsrd J|toe\the main cogs In^the Poaraon, f . up to 6-6. The 6-3 oration from and p a p e r m o n e y , too. In contribution to Boston baseball” GHmaaon. f (iorbin, Ky.. had plenty pf help for draft session. Each club picked 30 City five. If Moe M■■ orito^. the star for Fort, Wayne as th'o Total* 4*9. "573 1549 Drive-In’s at\ack. Hutkua, c . needed scoriag the box when the day’s re? awards. r-..-..•• this first time in /this campaign. players. AU college gridders whoso ceipts are t a l l i e d . . . Buddy improving Pistons'pulled awaV In RyiamlFr, c of his mates. The rookie tiuphy went to out- \ ___ ^___ KlUcr'a Ul NARgfFFH! KPIRITR should he &iye...g. DarnU Ftoyil and Ken, Deardo/fl. JK.™duatcs- la . 1954. , AofterapH haa yejoined the^ New fielder 'fbm Vmpmett. traded by the- eecond half. Leading -by-three Claush*ry ...... 83 104 301. I/>rd, g ., were 'elfgIBTe foi-’ Ml'ection, even If Johii§oii:Heay,y Fnrroa, Carl cate COMPLETE at halftime. Fort Wayne oiitocored high alter tackhig the loss on newly eligible after the mid-tdrm nd out York Knicka after being on the the Red flax to Washington re­ , Dm-7 ...... 135- 137 371 break, scored 27 and 15. they have varsity eligibility re­ qaialet. “ iiBurcd list” for savaral weeks... Boston 22-15 in the third quarter Drrimon* ...... 01 i« xrt Frankies Tuesday. The/experl- TuuU ... 13 7-1* 33 While Kddto Henrto L «s - cently.. . ______.L.- A^etublnl, .... .KU.. ...**,283... ■enofid- -'Arroa- should -hdW Mttle As!* J’nr|», Colorado A./A-M itook over first maining. \Some of thpije picked FavoHle Touiglit U itfe' Zelce 'Slnacbla' o f the' Bits?' -and- the Celts hever wete'tbl9”t«r Pan ...... 91 I ll 99* F'-piiir told" BogB 810.-rot*- RADIATOR trouble turning hack, Millero band Sarxent. f ...... place ih" th e'^ylih e CbMerehc matriculated in college'm if never talk to see actloh. tol Tramps who plays here Sun? get close after UiaL played, leaving for military duty or Thtal* V...... 'in lit liiis ii (if young hoopsters./Joe /H(iberl, KriMW. r ...... Whipping Montana 67-64 while N ew ' York; :‘^Jan. 2 9 0 P )~ If- to the/final .road ganie to dey eftemoon egainet the BA’s is Huhtinston Photo. Mikol.'H, ( . . . . . for other reasons. A gymnaitic ehtertalpmant featuring work on apparatus, rhjrthmic exercises, dances .ond comedy Kochin Lak* Naa*/ (9l DIneen, Al Surowiec \ap^ Frank Wyoming was suffering Its first Heirold Jobn.son doesn’t trip over the ypar foy the locale who hma SERVICE bhe of the beat little men the Dales and Sals Holds, Whitey GaveUb snd Dana i,...... 108 107 107 323 Mo**e,'. r ...... 3 3-10 9 league toss, 62-46 against Utiih Bsisbill Pigri*ft The Cleveland Brown*, Eastern Ji’lnniy • Slade tonight at St. Writer hes ever seen on the herd- f M*!}!, be p r in t e d S a tu i^ y night, Fyh. 13 at the Bushnell at 8 ,,o^)ock under the auspices of the Spring- 8oW»ki ..V...... 113 i n 86 331 Toro lead the Arms i^ ile Pinky Quinhy, g ' , ...... 0 OO 0 three ganiro remaining on euccaa- Cannon. Bob Taylor paced' the field College Alumn| of H artfo^. PhMp* 114 123 114 354 Hohenthal, Swede Araehson and Hearn,, g , 2 0-2 4 State. ^ 1. DlvlsIOii champion*, got things Nicholas Arens, he, n’iay finaUy fifve FrMdy nights with Windham, wood. A great play-maker, the Markets attack Tvlth .10 points. started by walking off with the Triumph at Kec The program Will be s t a ^ by the world famous Exhibition Team of Springfield College. Twenty- MrLaufblln 144 121 113 37* George Demko plgfy iiu^portant ' The Aggies had to scoro 12 get his title shot (it ArehibsMoorc, Middletown and Bristol, all toagua • C L E A N I N G \ former Nlegara end Fort Weyne Sal’s won their second game of Dummy ...... \.... 91 94 *4 371 Tejal* ...... -* 4-lS M stralglit pclato In the third quar­ Stanky Off Activ&^List, / annual "bonus” pick. Harold the light heavyivelght chanip. / tests./ (N B A ) pleyer cen also hit from ... , , s«ven students hkiling from nine different states Will take part In the two hour show that is packed ! parts in Millers plans. \ Score at hall time, 18-13 North End*. the campaign with a 32 to 27 de- ....^;'^^....\*5n "ii* “iis lio ter ' to ’ catch up ' with ' Montana Sauerbrel, recently appointed pub­ Philadelphia is the likely ^iye • ItiPAIIUNG the outeida with a great degree of BTANOINGS eislon over Herms. Dave Heyart j *^^-/**'**'*', ■'J^*** amiis^eiH- ^ u v Tola** w hich has lost every league game lic relations di^ctor of the sotne balmy night next July, prov PcL ,and Bob Leyden W e d the winners! Attractions on^the program,,Include pumbers on the heavy apparatus such, sa the parallel bars. Mnriarly »r« (S3) BAHAMAS BEAUTIEg -a^.uraby.-'-?^- — • Y ib|CA1 104 — 2 1* IrlKh. c ...... New York, Jan. 29 (5>)—Eddie Bahamas W l^ er Ftohing Tourna­ Manchester Trust . . . . 4 '••Ji points for the loeers. aluminum paint. / ' Bill Vlrdon and first baseman' nation's top passer, Stanford’s ger. Fairfield Market .... 4 W KJtrut ...... 107 113 90 310 Brainnr I. * second .half for Ito second confer- Stanky today had his name oii-Uie ment runs through Mar. 28. •5T1 / Sal'* Masle ( « ) Knmpanik ...... as- 13* 333 Two Game Edge Z

.- v .V-. . ■■4'- .V-. . A- . 4 /• v>-:v .r, 'i- 'i ■ - J'. X- i / ■/' '' ' ' 'I'-r ■ ' ■ , '• V ’V ' / ’ u ■■ ;- / ■ ■■ ^ ■: i.'i, / ./■ ' MANCHESTER-EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANIjJARY 29, IS , J \ I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD^ MANCHESTER^ CONN^ FRIDAY; JANOARy 29» 19^ Hotmea for Salt 7 S Mowaa for Salt U HeouM for Bait 72 Panel S<;reen8. What*B the IVext M ove on the K eeney Street School? RooBia without Boards 56 SUMMIT PrtvaU eale. 62 aow m ui W . You must aea tMl m AitoiMibUw far Sato 4 B a a ii Sluices OfffirM IS Hcatlnii^PhiaibiBc 17 Degi—Birds—Itots 41 HSuachoM Goods 61 Six robtn Cape Cod, pre-war con- attractive colonial home aUiitted h e n r y STREKT Araar-FIvff-wmkiL- QU A»>A|OT^BieT> an^nithtef ■trticttoif.’-Whole interior recenUy on "wj a lovely park-like lot with______over t '{< ..TUDOR. -ULEARANCE3ALE Caa*~Cod, 4araga,..WOOdad Add- Todecoratrd.- Foor«doi»im — "vfttn -1 6 9 -rooe fauimeer>Wtce ja r f a Uvlag I PoK^ Uronp. hMt*r, axceUent motor. Pricod (urntture a apecialty, ebatra cansd heating. AHeraUoiuf and aaw cellent pita for children. Rorkytilil fenced lot. A nice kune completa ' jt' t' . All fun.!!.... Un.|» 9IUS1. powder room, two up with bath­ room, fireplace, pictureaqua din- forifoick wila. MorloMjr Brotham, and niakad. Anson- F- ’ Theip. w ork. Parma glaaa alaatrio- and ancas'st tremendous uvhtg:-You with everythtng f o r only 618,900. room. tiraplaco, large modaro tog room and kneheh. Master bid- SOl-US Center St. Pbobe MltchaU 94789. gas water haatera sold aad tn- x : u ve at , •. Warren E. Howlanu, Reoltot. MI. CaMnet kitchen. Laundry area to room plus twin sited snd tUe bath lo . Patroli^en : Seeking stalied. TbtM paymanta arrangod. CHAMBERS FURNITURE PLEASANT ROOM for'rfnl D e«r 53600 or A, R. WUWe, J r., M l. bdaement. Completely Inaulatod. on second floor. Attic. Screened IMl'lMO, OU>RR CkevroleU, WINDOW SHADES made to order Skalley Brothers, lOtciMU 9 ^ 4 . Live Stpek—yeiilcton 42 Sergeant Post; Eight and iaataUed. Venetian blinda At The Grun able location. 9-4389. •; Storm windows and aoreena. fide porch, boMment garage, hot !n School Plari Torda, other good tronaportaUon. wkter .heat with O.B. furnace. A b V T * Good credit enible ua to accem S8 and curtain foda. 24 hour aervice. WE BUY C0WS(^ calves and beef MltchcU 3-5167 r o o m f o r Rent, riot waterJskUch Amanita driva, attached garage. Afie^ Rookie x^bs catUe. Also bbrs Piela Bros. Houra; 10 to 5—7;S0 to 8i30 P. M.' ATlHXcnVE FOUR Room home Must he aeen to be approeiated. Dtahwaaher and dispoaal are tome .M 0 U R R doem. Dodgtaa >Iotora,.338 Main. Battntataa. fla d ly given.. Fagan MeviBir<;i^Tnlcldfi|p«- an prlvUeges. For irtngte or\tw0 to very iiop^condUlon. May be Appotottog a/l6-m*mltor cora-f which la oooipflMl alUir ■WiaStiw Shade Oo., Route 44 at Tel. M l. 8-7409. , Call 50. 98069. No agents. of the many featureA Shown by Ten patrolmen competthg for I hh> fo4:80 P. BL S to k s g * M gcnUen^ln; Phone M l. 3-7903- - \ purchaaed/Wlth or without furni­ appointment Bxcluaiva with Ova mtttee to reprasMit them to any: m**tinga, waa rathuifl M BotUm Notch. Mitchell »«t4TS. praihotlon to eergaant and eight futiira s e tto p a group o( AOieut 951 tha Jan. 36 meeting, Chevrolet Tudorr-1145 COMBINATION Gas and oil stove. T w a 5 w 5 M S . Kitchen Shd bed- ture. imnifaUate occupancy. Call, HORTON RD.—Custom built 1941. Tyler, Realtor. 50. 9-4469. MANCHESTER— . ackage Dellv Good cmKUtlon: NO- 9-90|M. NMadell^ ftouth. Realtor. 8 badrdom home, living room ap­ men seeking flv4 probationary pa­ opponents o f the move to abandon! The summary: fC U TIM E IM t'C h evrolat Club O w pe—S145 XlhBQCST MAKIN0...43ood erork- cry. Local light trucking ant y .^ Artlctos for Sdo .45 iC for two gentlemen or cou- trol mch’a Jobs on tl}* force were present n i^ for the K«en*y ! VOTlft): That aU Uda rHelNH manahlp. Reaaonahie rateo. Satl* W042 or M l. 3'-to'^. proximately 17 X lltk, ftreplaoe. i^C H lH rim ^ t. James Pariah, ._^!PIBD ADVT. 1940 Chevrolet Tudor— package delivery. Retrigeratoriv OIL ANO GAS eombtoatlott range, M l. 9-3081. two-famlly, five and five, fuB cal. being examined orally today by a Street Sraool voted last night '.o on December 33, 1963, cm tlii IM * matca gladly given. Moulaon’a iiAliUBT’s’A ^ u e Shop. to» Main 6 room full bath, ell heat, ample closet 7. THRU FRI. wadtera and stoval, moving A street Mttcbdl 8-8001 Moderately good condition. Price reasohable. SCHOOL McUon, lar, bxpaindable UUrt floor, oU three-member, screening panel in seek counsel to tispfesent ney Street School Project b#, 61M CENTER MOTOR SA U ^ WoodworiOng Shop. Pilgrim apcdalty. ML 94798. . ^ 51 Washington St. Call Ml. 91196. flCELY FURNISHED room, very .radiant .N|paca. Overalzcd garage with priced Itema in china, gtaat, tin­ cleqn, private home tor a gentle­ ranch, attached S*****-,, , Breezeway. Rear porilh. Lot 78 z steam' heat, city conveniences. Bx* the hearing room of the Municipal them .III any legal action which the aamc are hereby mjevtofl,' |Q:30 A. BL 2-666S. heat. 62,000 down. ^Call Owner ccUent condition. O.I. and F.H.A. Building. <. ware. piwter and furmtiire. JORDEN UPRIGHT frUMi-, h^ man. Call at 819 Spruce St. ‘ 190k Shurbs. Owner leaving town coiU* out of the fight over VOTED: That the GenefAl 5l6n^ 'SATURDAY 9 A. M. 461 Main Street \ AUSTIN A- CBAMI CD. Hartford 33-5867. '\ approved. Gatto Co., Hartford The aergeancy opening, as well the/jilana. ager be. and he la herehy oatAar- MANCHUSTsnt Walduig Service. local and long dtataa 790 pounda. 8 months old. ' 818M0. Walton W. Grant, Hart Portable equipment. General ford >7984. Kvantoga “ Manchester 991N , 91016, evenings as the Sve new patrolmen, was a grbiqt took action at a meet- tsed and remeatod to titoe wAaU 1646 CHEVROLET heavy didy pick* paclzins. storage. Gill For the BEST buy to Ml. 98444. > MANCHES^R—New TSiiidl, quiul Manchester 50. 841944. _ in the Keeney Street School ever acUon is nteisraiy to tonal- KOR r ooofiaut'noy wntx elding, buUer and furnace weld- ' g-sm . HartfM g -im Boarders Wanttd 59-A ity construction, no devela)iment, 5 0 . 9 7 1 ^ provided for in 'the Poller Dept, Arn^OlATED , up truck, 6590. Ceil 'ML 96029 VENETIAN. BLINDS budget for this year. Chief of Po- _Jt*r learning that Atty. Jay E. hate Oie servtcaa of the ptasent :tcheU 9-169S or MItenaU MONOGRAM .Cambtoati5>d^ oU-kaa large kitchen, three bedrooms, MODERN 4-ROOM home. Cabinet 6^ler 6 p, m. CaU MI-3-4865 M ove, to .very good condition,. M9. / ...... lice Herman O. Bchendel .Asked, for. Rubto(nr..*a.stauj}ch ..opponent at. Arnold LawnManra FINDELL MFG.; CO: Genileman. fall cellar, wooded lot, -centrally kitchen, plastered waUs. olt burn- H the aba^oncient, waa eager to Keeney Street School Projmit ~iMarMI-3-5121 MI. 3-7094. / tOpM\AND Board. located. Only $18,300. Carlton W, M ANCHE^R VALUES er, full cellar, near bus, school, the extra sergeant, who would he 11990 CREVROUET f^rdor, fuUy BARO:>U> A SONS. Rubbish i PsintiBg—PapoilBiC SI 485 East Mtddla Turaplka ML 3-7U9. ••' -r I the department's-fifth, so that continue hts opposition as a ciU-j VOTJU): That the OAMMl 54sn- \ equipped. Original Uack finiah. Also. RocondtUonlim Hutchins, MI. 99U 2, 9-4694. shopping center. Only $8,500. Carl- moval,Ll,^d90 callara cleaneu. cau PAINTIMg . . Paperii^ ceUinga 3 ROOMS f u r n i t u r e —$189 New five -I13.90Q, fourth cruiser patrol could be es­ sen but declined to represent the' "g ^ be, and he is bwateP author* / ExeepIkmUly clean. Only 1895. MltcheUlie U ^ 0 8 4 . Tapu and Cords hy Yard ton W: ..Hutchlna. 5 0 . 9-91S3-9-4694. noUD. hbd roqueotetf to caaaa th6 Sea Bob Dliyer, Center Motor whitened, floors sanded aad re- Bedroom, living room, kitchen MANCHESTER-Cape very tablished. ■ finished. CaU G. Fickett, Man- Uaed but in good ahape. Easy T^iDcnts 63 nice, 610,000; expandable Cape pine Aerea Terrdee—Four rtwms AVONDALE ROAD WeU con- The feet that only eight would * A fter - .considerable...... diacuaston, the;praesnt architect on the Ki6»6y Uwt aad pQoiid Salea. 461 S t ______COMPLETE and power lawn chasten HI . 34881- DCUTA-DE WALT power to«ds tefmi. Su U dav or nlxht Phone Apartmew^Flata— and garage. BxeeUsitt caaditibn-- be rtmkies taking the oral exsmt jgroup decided to tr'n.e no action 8tM6t School Proiaet.' AJfiilM mower sales aervica. Motors Cod. has everything, 613400;' - 8 structird home, axceUant condition. Lawrbnce, to be paid tha botoMa 949PDVMOUTH 46oor. Oray. nccaaaoriea. Salea. aarvice. me Hartford 6-Q3S8-. After 7 .pjn, ' room hoin#r • acres, of. - viand, , TlJ.tKiO.. 5(ove-right la, livtof rotan wito nation today indicatee .that aix oQtfr than the appointment of .a. ^'^''fMSUND-'^ktdMT Spmdel typate,^ tUitodknd Pickup an d DECCRitTE n o w : Ouaruiceed due TUm on htg- contract wtth tha Radm, heater, new Urea, new bat- BtraUoo. Term s arranged, 46-46 80 / three OR four w m apiftniehf. 68,700. Bolton, three.ranch houses fireplace, two bedrooma, large, candidates have already been committee until legal counsel is , r vicinity of Bolton. Phone Man-| deliveiy aarvice. workmanship; FuU Insuranca cov­ furnished or unfurnished. Central Older 5lain Street Hbme—Four Town on said project, obtatotog * dleater Ml. S6U7, or MI. S6878. tery. d e a n throughout.^ Make ua glqutpmeat Go., 88 Main B—R —T—’—a 60,500 to 611.800. Vernon six ranch kitchen, and bath first floor. Up­ eliminated by written teste given obtained. ML 8-9013. erage. Keystone Decorators. ML location. With heat, ^ h t and hedroomA lavatory down, two car Im'icated ^ from said Lawrence at the tAm* an offer. Morinrty Biothera, 301 4 ^ 9 ALLYN ijT., HARTFORD houses. 69.300 to 614,000. Many garMfo—2I3,T00„' stairs . expandable.. Screens, earlier thle jnqnth.. Originally, 4tan*-« saleoM by h U n -fe r ^ clAfane "‘xloSl^W® vlcln. 315 Center St. H fied; -0-1306-- ^ zeater. Lease around 1109 iiiidr* Uitlngs of all ktoda.-CallT1ie storms;' oil Mirnir, Urge lot. split there jfiid been 14 applicants for Mrs. Hugo iBenson, a leader to DOORS OPENED, tereat Sea tha new triple-tUde Write Box D, Herald. \ against the TOwn. / » lty\Clrcle It^ C lr Theater, InacripUon on copied, vacuum deaiii Irons. PATMTINO, Exterior and interior, o n e GE REFRIGERATOR, 655; Ellsworth Mitten Agency, Realtor, Btx Room Brick Cape Cod With rail fence, trees. Lovely home, the patrolmen's Jobs. the fight against the abandonment, VOTED; That Ocnwral Reward. Pleaae call ML 11947 MERCURY chib aluminum combinaUaa wtndowa— nice section, 613,600. Cell Wm. said rti* had been contacted by IS, etc., r^MUred. Shears, papcriiani^.. Ceilings refiniah' also doors at great anvtam. Call large double bed, box spring and X Manchester ML 8-6930 o i^ . Ml. baaementgArage and many extxtras . The ten patrolmen etarted meet Manager be, and he ti hereby au­ tlful maroon finiah. mattren, 620. CaU HarUofd 9U83. Goodchild, Sr., Realtor, MI. 6-7938 many organisations and waa con­ ivea, mowafa ate., put con- ed., WaU paper hooka on raqueot, tor tiT ' demonstraUon. BiU Tun' Business Locations \ 9-9931.______. —$15,800. tog with the acreentng panel for thorised and roqueatod to engage Looka and runa very go for coming needs. th- Eatimates given. FuUy insured. anytime. 19rn^nute Interviewa at 10 o'clock ■wall4 Pbete. vinced Ui* groupa were waiting for ■ -j 6499. Center Motor Salea,; . Main Bky. MltchcU 94096. ONE MAPLE wing chair, small .^MANCHESTER - For 8104W0, four- Their expreaalons reflecting dejection'''and concern over delay Umy expect-action by the Board sf Walter Crabtree, Jf., architect, of V waitot^M Paarl street. Call Edward R. Price. MttcMI for Rent ' 64 Central—6^\|ind 6 duplex with this morning. The probetUmary- Keeney Street area residenU to Wert Hartford. Conn., to prepare ABBoancenenis desk. 9 V is Fifth wool rug, lamps i^roort expandable Cape Cod, not gkrege arid lar|;e lo t kANCHBftTBR — Cape Cod. four Director! Tuasday will cauM In tha construction of a new Keeney Street School, opponents of the re­ take a stand _ __ ilMT PONTIAC Club aedan. FuUy 9-1008. ROYAL ANO Smitb-Oorona port­ GROUND FLOORS office space. ro^ s, expandable. 3% years old. patrolmen candidates faced the neceosary plana, and apartMtlofiA MANGHkanOt T^V. Servlet able and standard typewriter* and dishes. 5|L 3-9387. .\ tovs development. Good, aised panel In the sl^ernoon. jection ar4l shewn talking over the next move last night at a meOting to tha present Keeney Street The 19meir.ber committee was IfEW X^N E Ml. -34796. Mac'aT equipp^. Priced to aell today M Good traffic locaUon, 700 sq. ft. kitchen, all city utllltlto, over- Many Other Choice Llstlnga Off\Porter street. Partislly finish- for the conttnktlon of ah etemen- nadio and T-V. -apadallata stoca AND Paperhanging, AU makn of Padding maehtou The panel consists of Cspt Jo­ School. ■ ' . ^ empowered to aet “to secure the tary srtiool ^ land o f the TWini interior Decorating, Reupholater* I only 6995. Center Mdtor Salea, 44l work. Your neighbor MAHOGANY Bedtoom set. to plus fuU basement, lavatory, heat­ sizedvgarage. Lot 90 x 200. Many ed eOoond floor. Hot water heat, prompt constnictlOn of the Keeney 1931. House, iaivlce csll 33.50 Mid or rented. Repolra on aU condition. Consiato. of four p ^ er ed. 875 a month. CaU Warren E. amesite drive. No agents. 50. seph 5(cDonel(L of the Hartford on Keeaay Street near HacktDA-. ***• I ^ UltdMli 94680 Aw or night recommendation. 30 yean in makaa. Martow'a.x other Ksttogs available. Call this T.J. C R O C K E T T Street School as voted on June 33, bed, dreaaer with mirrors, chest Howland. Realtor. MI. 3-3600 or A. office foitvlnformellon. Alice Cam- Real Estate Broker 9-7996. Polloe Dept- Lt William A. Grub­ tack Strti^, (tha eAme sit* Save 67J8.| i 991 CHEVROLET tudor dMtixe Mancheater. Raymond Flake. TeL -V er of the C(^artlcut State Police 1953.'* NEW „ on cfheit ahd night table. Phone R . WUkie, Jr.. MI. 94380. pet, Realtor. Phone MT. 9-4943. 244 5laln Street, Xtahehester A b ou tT oW u ready undbr cotialdaraUonl. 78 weeka of Life for Aon- 5(r. and seen Bloneyloney’s I Radio and TV, teed. CaU ML 94535 for quick bon- street, corner Wadsworth. MI. utilities, full basement, large lot Lots for Sate, 73 618 C 6 t ., Mlanchester, Oonri. C(MntidentiaI aervice. ManohaStor burner. Excellent cjnAtlon. Low General Electric at tha world's Lesperance. MI. 9-7620. Charles Morhardt, 193 Barker international agreement In con 991* A. F. o f L , will be held at what Molotov had aaid to ahift Mrs. Olenden Dunlap. Mr. and Mrs., Lewis Denounces INCOME TAX prepared. CaU Dan bqt aarvice. Investment Corp., 244 Main straet price tor quick aale. May be aeen 9-0779, or MI. 99819. 300' deepv near bua and shopping p o r a .i« loo’ » *wv r „< St.. Hartford, father of Mra. Ar­ K'^grton WUcox, snd Mr. and Mrs- Must be abh first cash and carry appliance center. Price 313.900. To Inspect A*" flict with the Constitution shall lot Tinker Hall Monday at 7:80 p. m. the pArley onto the sutject of die- Moslar, Ml. 94339. M I. 3-5416. at 395 O w ner HUl S t s to re .. A 6449.09 G. E. automatic VERNON CENTER, Route 80, gas MANCHESTER denUal area, A-A zone. All utUi- nold K. Nelson, 737 Lydall St. have any effect. This is subatan- armkinent biit there waa conkid- Wiliam Minnlek. ANTIQUES Rcfiniahed. Repairips phone Babraba Woods Agency. died at hia home last nivht. Ike T-H Proposals dona on any furniture. Tleman, refrigerator for only ???? You station with modest living quar. tlea. Near school and bua line. tlally the same as the first clatue The Manchester Girl Scout speculation that they may Kortta Writes Lawrence ’ HOOVER VACUUM Cleaner sales | P L M I n o w to modernize your We have a delightful Uve room 97702. He was, born In Hartford Jan. McanwhUe. arrangemenU to and service.. LaFlamme Appliance 1 A a t o A c - T i n s • 189 south Main aUact Phone kttraah. Jritb. A: Youngatown_ .atok would not believe it if we told ters, 650 per month. Tel. Rock- Tel. 50. 98859. Ip Bricker’s amendment: EUsen- Council will meet Tuesday at 7:49' nave brought up hts own plan to Help Wastcd^-FcBiato 3S yon, so drive to Brunner's. No viUe 5-7607...... ' custom bulH brick house with at- 38.- -1866,- and had lived there- all Kower does nor obJiKt to It. p. m. At'th* h6tUe o f Mrs. Herbert spike the wsrrtog world's guns. carry out the Board of /Directors (Continned tram Pag* Om ) Co.. 19 Oik St. ML 94868. I MOTOR SALE, new guararr- MltcheU 8-9641 unit. Terrific sayings on all Uched. heated garage. This house MAl^CHESTER G R E ETT; MANCHESTER — Well located A his life. He retired from the m odels, 679.95 and up. Terms, overtiead. On the RockvUle Road The second section would pro­ McKinney, 94 Adelaide Rd. ^ After Bidault spoke, Britain's vote to dismiss Arnold Lawrsnee toe. 10% down. Ghavrol'i Ford, WANTED—Woman to help mother TalcottvUle. Across from Oarrity LARGE STORE for rent with base­ is three years old. First floor has Desutiful ranch home with ex­ zone lota with water and sewer.: Scottish Union and National In- Foreign Secretary Eden took the as architect for th* school snd hire soiwd-legislation.” But he blasted FILE YOUR income tax return in -of--kindergarten daughter—with, Banson’a, Inc.* 1089 Mato. vide that aireemenU other than ’ your'mrii'~h6hie, Ckff ML\9492t Mencmy,- DodiW — 7 . Phone Bros.-^Open every night 111 9, air ment, desirf Me' iocattotr. SuitaMr a-charmlng'livlng-TOonr wtth-fronl tended breezeway an