07/30/2015 Phase Motion Control Co Ltd Mr. Hang Liu 248, 2nd Road, Bay New Zone Ningbo 315336,

Our Reference: File E477562, Vol. 1 Project Number 4786987030 Your Reference: N/A Project Scope: PRHZ2 : U series and Lab assessment

Dear Mr. Hang Liu:

Congratulations! UL's investigation of your product(s) has been completed under the above Reference Number and the product was determined to comply with the applicable requirements. This letter temporarily supplements the UL Follow-Up Services Procedure and serves as authorization to apply the UL Mark at authorized factories under UL's Follow-Up Service Program. To provide your manufacturer(s) with the intended authorization to use the UL Mark, you must send a copy of this notice to each manufacturing location currently authorized under File TO BE DETERMINED, Vol. TO BE DETERMINED and including any special instructions as indicated in the addendum to this letter.

Records in the Follow-Up Services Procedure covering the product are now being prepared and will be sent in the near future. Until then, this letter authorizes application of the UL Mark for 90 days from the date indicated above.

Additional requirements related to your responsibilities as the Applicant can be found in the document “Applicant responsibilities related to Early Authorizations” that can be found at the following web-site:

Any information and documentation provided to you involving UL Mark services are provided on behalf of UL LLC (UL) or any authorized licensee of UL.

We are excited you are now able to apply the UL Mark to your products and appreciate your business. Feel free to contact me or any of our Customer Service representatives if you have any questions.

Very truly yours, Reviewed by:

Sami Wang Bruce A. Mahrenholz 847-664-3009 Engineer Project Associate CPO Director [email protected] [email protected]

CC: ,


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Our Reference: File E477562, Vol. 1 Project Number 4786987030 Your Reference: N/A Project Scope: PRHZ2 : U series and Lab assessment

This addendum covers products manufactured at the following location:

MR. Hang Liu 86-574-23459617 248, 2nd Binhai Road, Ningbo 315336, PHASE MOTION CONTROL NINGBO CO LTD 1389752

Before you may begin shipping product with the UL Mark at the above manufacturing locations, an Initial Production Inspection (IPI) must be successfully performed by a UL representative at the location.

The IPI is intended to confirm that your manufacturing location is capable of producing a product in accordance with UL’s requirements. YOU MAY NOT SHIP PRODUCTS WITH THE UL MARK UNTIL THE IPI HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND UL HAS FOUND THE PRODUCTS AT THE FACTORY TO COMPLY WITH OUR REQUIREMENTS. Once the IPI has been successfully completed, you will be granted authorization to ship products bearing the UL Mark.

Instructions for the IPI will be sent to our inspection center nearest to you. The Inspection Center will contact you shortly to make arrangements for the IPI.

Inspection Center information

Inspection Center 325 9th Fl., Yaojiang Developing Center, 305 Huancheng North Road Hangzhou Zhejiang 310006, China 86-571-8578-6158, 85786148 Lou Chuangqi